#yandere madeleine cookie
lovesickletters · 1 year
Snow anon here...I'm here with a request for your event but it's a little in reverse...instead of a requesting a cookie with multiple flowers, I'm gonna request a flower with multiple cookies! Hope that's ok....
I'd like to request the single flower of Narcissus....for affogato cookie, clotted cream cookie, red velvet, licorice cookie, Madeleine cookie, hollyberry cookie, and lastly, Caramel arrow.
You don't have to do all of them if you don't have to! As long as I get atleast the top 3, I'm happy! Just don't wanna overwhelm ya despite me...having such a long list lol! Sorry I got so many favs!
I understand completely, I have plenty of favourites myself! Here’s who I had ideas for;
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Narcissus - Does this yandere prefer to infiltrate their darling’s life, or do they prefer to take their darling away? 
Affogato Cookie - Affogato definitely leans moreso toward the latter option, perhaps because he’s an outcast himself ever since the events of his attempted usurping of the throne. However his techniques are far more subtle than outright kidnapping. Manipulating your trust until you don’t believe anyone except him is a piece of cake for Affogato, who’s already so well versed in the process. The only difference is he simply has to make you isolate yourself from everyone you know, and be ready to comfort you at the end when everyone you loved has turned from you and he’s all you have left.
Red Velvet Cookie - Very much so the latter. Red Velvet is inexperienced with social nuances and dynamics, and trying to introduce himself into any kind of relationship with his darling organically or inorganically without seeming antisocial at best and a threat at worst would be difficult for him. The cake tower is his home, and a far more comfortable environment for the crimson general than the day-to-day ongoings of his darling’s life in the kingdom. So if he can’t bring himself closer to you, he’ll just have to bring you closer to him.
Madeleine Cookie - Infiltration is such a sneaky word for it, when Madeleine more or less waltzed into his darling’s life and rooted himself in it without giving you a say in the matter. Who wouldn’t want to be in the presence of such a radiant paladin as himself after all~? He’s always there when you need him most (or least, depending on how you see it), all shining armour and smiles that could blind the sun should you so much as drop something. Worst of all is everyone else believes you’re the lucky one for having someone so dashing and noble looking out for you.
Caramel Arrow Cookie - Caramel Arrow is not entirely dissimilar from Affogato in that she teaches you not to trust those around you, but in a manner in which she genuinely believes it’s for your own good. Her days in the citadel where there are insiders working against you and her own king threw her into the cold after she’d done nothing but the right thing had her on guard for traitors 24/7, and she’d hate to have anything remotely similar happen to you. She’s not so extreme as to isolate you from everything and everyone you know, but if she notices someone trying to get close to you she’s immediately on guard. No one will hurt her darling while she’s around.
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a-little-birdie · 2 years
Yandere cookie head cannons because I am nothing if not self indulgent.
Yandere head cannons! Because I love yandere content and this is what I want to write so ima write it.
Tws. Kidnapping, torture, violence, all the things that come with yandere content.
Characters: Madeleine, Wildberry, Clotted Cream. Let me know if you want me to do anyone else!!
I love yandere Madeleine because he has so many possibilities.
He could be delusional, lucid, the beautiful sweet spot in between.
He can be sweet and caring, wanting to protect his darling from the world, willing to do anything to keep them safe! He’s the only one who can keep them safe, it’s his duty.
He can be dark and unpredictable, wanting to simply have his darling, willing to do anything to keep his darling from running away. He’s the only one who’s good enough to have them, it’s his right.
He can be so much all at once and I love him for it.
Regardless of what he can be, he is always very physically affectionate. It’s his main love language, aside from buying gifts and words of affirmation.
If he can trust his darling won’t run, he loves to parade them around. He’s incredibly proud of his love, allow him to show them off!!
If it’s dark yandeleine he’s not above torture to punish his darling.
If it’s soft yandeleine he’ll just put them in time out, so either locking them in their room or even a closet or something. He can’t stay away from them for very long, but he’ll hold out for as long as he must!
If his darling were to fight against him he’d get sad. Do they really hate him that much??
He’s the type to gently hold his darling and rock them side to side while giving comforting words and shushing them to try and soothe them.
The kind to apologize but doesn’t mean it, the apology always feels empty, he more says it on reflex, as if it’ll make the situation better.
Just wants to hold his darling whenever he can. He knows he’ll probably be sent on a mission again soon so he wants to spend as much time as absolutely possible with them.
Loves eating with his darling, it just makes him happy to watch them enjoy a good meal.
Sees literally nothing wrong with killing someone because they talked to his darling like, it takes a little bit for him to get there but if he feels like his love is being threatened, another tally mark is added to the kill count.
He’s not the most affectionate, his love is shown through him getting things he knows his darling likes, doing small things for them but most of all is spending time together.
He doesn’t care what they do together as long as it’s together. Hell they could just be sitting in silence and stare at each other and he’d be pretty satisfied with that.
His yandere behaviour is actually reinforced a lot by Hollyberry. She’s all like: “oh you killed someone for your love? Good job! Tell me the story as I help you hide the body!” So uhm, it runs in the family. Congratulations! If he gets his darling home, they’re fucking screwed.
Hollyberry wants grandchildren. She doesn’t give a fuck how you get kids, she wants more grandchildren. Give her grandchildren!!!!
Wildberry would not understand if his darling was scared of him, like at all. He sees nothing wrong with what he’s done or what he’s willing to do. He really is just like ???? Yeah, I killed that person why are you freaking out? I wouldn’t do that to you so stop screaming??? Please?????
Poor boy is so lost, he just wanted to have his love, he never knew his actions would have consequences.
The way he kidnaps his darling is literally through brute force. There is nothing silent about it, he will just grab his darling and drag them off. His darling gets to choose if it’s done the easy way or the hard way.
Easy way: his darling goes with him and they can do this quietly and efficiently.
Hard way: he takes his darling, kicking and screaming and he can either knock them out or tie them down on the way home.
Either way, he’s getting what he wants.
Clotted Cream
Clotted Cream is a very powerful person, he has reach over the entire city. There isn’t a single place his darling could hide.
He’s very manipulative, it’s incredibly hard to not get swept up by his words.
He’d never physically harm his darling, he hates shouting, and he’d never berate his darling for not loving him. He wants to be nothing like his father.
Instead he’d be patient, calm, kind. He wouldn’t give his darling much reason to fight him. If he absolutely must, he’d restrain his darling, but don’t worry! He hates it just as much as they do. Other times he’ll put them in time out, and he always makes sure they have everything they may need.
He makes sure that his darling knows nothing about the outside world. He wants to keep them as out of the loop as absolutely possible, it would just upset them to hear about the news. Especially regarding themselves.
Speaking of Financier. His darling wouldn’t get any help from her. If they managed escaping their room and they run into Financier they’re screwed. They ask her for help and she simply responds with. “We need to get you back to your room.” And starts herding them back where they came. They could beg, cry, fight, scream, they could do anything. It wouldn’t stop Financier from filling out her orders.
She is loyal to Clotted Cream first and she trusts him completely, just like how he trusts her. She’s actually glad he has so much faith in her, to look after his love while his hands are full balancing his fathers demands, the council, and the Republic.
His father wouldn’t care much about Clotted Creams darling, as long as it doesn’t get out to the public. In all honesty he might see it as an opportunity to further control his son.
So his darling won’t be getting any help at all in that house.
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Is it okay if you please do yan Madeline cookie x shepherd reader?
Like- a sheep farmer basically...? The cotton candy sheepies?
Argument: sheep < goat
Tw: planned sheep murder...?
Ok so Madeleine is like some fairly rich Paladin knight- who also seems to come from a noble family of some sort- so I think bro's pretty upper class.
Meanwhile MC is basically middle class- who's known for having high quality wool, but the cost of keeping them high-quality leaves them in the middle. They live on the outskirts, away from most of the city.
Madeleine was getting a gift for his aunts, and he wanted to give them some fancy clothes. Madeleine is so cocky bro needs to get the finest material known to all of cookies.
He meets MC, and finds them so adorable with how humble they are. Even if their sheepies are very cute. He flirts just a tiny bit- just a tiny, tiny bit.
He comes back the next week, thanking MC for giving the perfect material for his gift. Ah but he's just using it as an excuse to talk to MC more.
From there, he visits weekly, to both pet the sheep and talk to MC. They end up becoming good friends, but he wants more.
One day, a beast tries to attack the poor sheepies, MC freaks out and tries to get them all into a safe place...Oh looks who's here! Madeleine and his big sword!
Madeleine defeats the beast, and makes sure MC is alright. MC is forever grateful to him, calling him a hero.
When he asks them out, they can't refuse, as they felt indebted to him.
It's not like he lead the beast to their sheepies in the first place, right?
(Apologies if this was messy- I was just pulling out random thoughts that came to my head aha.)
- Celina
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queensharotto · 23 days
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 8: Summer 2024)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie, and 😈 is for Ancient Beast AU (Inspired by Cuppajj’s Beast Ancient AU)
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs while ✨ will indicate someone’s interpretation of Y/N Cookie.
Additionally, many people proved art to showcase to Brittle, which will be indicated by this: 🖌️. I will also mention who provided the art.
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June 2024 ☀️
• “Lethality” ⭐️
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and Brittle’s OCs
• “Get Along”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Back to Your Tree NOW”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and the Five Beasts
• “Mothers of the Republic”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie, Clotted Cream Cookie, Light Cream Cookie and Grand Madeleine Cookie
• “Pearly Contemplation”
Featuring: Peppermint Cookie and Oyster Cookie's Envoy
• “A Warm Welcome”
Featuring: Strawberry Stick Cookie and Mint Wafer Cookie
• “Yin and Yang”
Featuring: Peach Blossom and Affogato Cookie
• “Can’t We ALL Just Get Along”
Featuring: The Ancients and the Beasts
• “Walls of the Baker”
Featuring: The Ancients and the Beasts
• “I Don’t Remember You”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Fishing Season”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Cuddles”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Corruption”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “Stepparent”
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie and Light Cream Cookie
• “Auntie Time”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie’s Aunts
• “Embracing the Purple Warrior”
Featuring: Purple Yam Cookie
• “Peach Kisses”
Featuring: Peach Blossom Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie
• “Marriage Ensembles”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Reunited”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “The Ivory Prophet Joins the Kingdom”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “The Ancient Beast Order” 😈
Featuring: The Ancient Beasts (AU Tag)
• “Bad Endings” 😈
Featuring: The Ancient Beasts
• “The Prophet of Salvation” 😈
Featuring: Beast Pure Vanilla Cookie and Black Raisin Cookie
• “The Manufacturer of Darkness”
Featuring: Dark Enchantess Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie
July 2024 🎆
• “Fork This! I Quit!”
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
• “The Lover of Passion” 😈
Featuring: Beast Hollyberry Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie, Pitaya Dragon Cookie and Wildberry Cookie
• “Illusion of Dreams”
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Ancient Heroes Roast”
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie
• “Mermaid to Cookie”
Featuring: Crimson Coral Cookie
• “Volition’s End”
Featuring: Mystic Flour Cookie and Cloud Haetae Cookie
• “Amigurumi”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Ticklish” 😈
Featuring: Beast Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “Return to Sender”
Featuring: Strawberry Stick Cookie and Mint Wafer Cookie
• “It’s Gonna Be A LONG Ride”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Hissy Fits”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and Shadow Milk Cookie
• “Gwimbly Cookie”
Featuring: Strawberry Cookie
• “Aerokinesis”
Featuring: Gingerbrave, Snakefruit Cookie and the Five Dragons
• “Heartfelt Unison”
Note: Y/N Cookie’s Skill
• “Thank You Y/N Cookie! Your Princess ISN’T in Another Castle” ⭐️
Featuring: Crowned Cupcake Cookie
• “Cookie Flipside”
Featuring: Light Cream Cookie
• “Soda Adventure 2: Draw Your Blade”
Featuring: Cream Soda Cookie and Cherry Cola Cookie
• “Superstar! The Cookie Olympics Event!”
Featuring: Ice Candy Cookie, White Choco Cookie, Choco Bar Cookie, Skating Queen Cookie and Muscle Cookie
• “I’ll Wait For Your Return”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Stardust Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Raspberry Rose”
Featuring: Raspberry Mousse Cookie and Rose Cookie
• “La Resistance”
Featuring: Black Raisin Cookie
August 2023 🌅
• “Love You or Not” ⭐️
Featuring: Royal Icing Cookie
• “Lines”
Featuring: Royal Margarine Cookie, Pastry Cookie, Parfait Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Licorice Cookie
• “Spice and Zest”
Featuring: Crushed Pepper Cookie and Lemon Zest Cookie
• “Keeping Friends Close and Best Friends Closer”
Featuring: Cream Soda Cookie and Cherry Cola Cookie
• “Compliments”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Tale of the Mansion” 🍪
Featuring: The Juice Bar Regulars
• “A Little Help”
Featuring: Star Coral Cookie
• “Feathered Envy”
Featuring: Blue Slushy Cookie, Red Panna Cotta Cookie, Sugar Swan Cookie, Pilot Cookie, The Cookiemals and Whipped Cream Cookie
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2-dsimp · 5 months
You’re such an amazing artist and all of the characters are so adorable/hot! I want to spoil them all!!!
They’re all my favorite! I adore Quio and Peina! I would spoil Peina with playtime and gifts along with maybe a little dress up. I would definitely love to go on dates with Quio! I can just image a cute little scene of baking together or something like that! I do wonder what dessert would each Yandere like…
🌙 Anon
Thank you!! o(≧v≦)o
Welp it’s time to draw my 4th general draft list!
Here are their favorite desserts
Yandere Spin-offs
Icha the Cultleader
【Dessert】 『Arroz con leche/Rice pudding』
Covu the Photographer
【Dessert】 『Matcha Tiramisu』
Evon the Pervert
【Dessert】 『Mochi Donuts』
Adonis the Hero
【Dessert】 『 Medovic/layered honey cake』
Nokka the Husband
【Dessert】 『 Any dessert his wife (you) make for him』
Quio the Dilf
【Dessert】 『Pani popo 』
Zebad the Priest
【Dessert】 『Apple Bavarian Torte』
Yandere Monster gang
Rivius the Archdevil
【Dessert】 『Affogato/ Expresso Icecream』
Uriel the incubus
【Dessert】 『Strawberry parfait』
Lynx the Harpy
【Dessert】 『Tapioca Pancakes』
Xavier The poltergeist
【Dessert】 『Blueberry macaroons』
Temothy the Bull
【Dessert】 『Madeleines』
Fredrico the Devilbat
【Dessert】 『Your period Blood/your blood in general 』
Yandere Hitman team
Dan/Danny the Boss
【Dessert】 『Dangos』
Yujin the hacker
【Dessert】 『Ube Bibingka』
Bjorn the Strategist
【Dessert】 『Coffee Jelly』
Koji the Medic
【Dessert】 『Razzberry scones』
Ossian the Sniper
【Dessert】 『Dasik/Tea cookies』
Vincent The Enforcer
【Dessert】 『Bread pudding』
Moros the Torturer
【Dessert】 『Beignets』
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scramblescrew · 1 month
TO HELL WITH IT! inspired by Warrior Cats Fandub on YT and Squid Games(kinda), im doing a:
Yandere Cookie Run Kindom Hunger Games
-Peach Blossom Cookie
- Butter Roll Cookie
-Mercurial Knight Cookie
- Silverbell Cookie
- Matcha Cookie
- Red Velvet Cookie
- Dark Choco Cookie
- Licorice Cookie
- Espresso Cookie
-Latte Cookie
- Madeleine Cookie
- Mint Choco Cookie
-Affogato Cookie
-Caramel Arrow Cookie
- Crunchy Chip Cookie
- Wildberry Cookie
- Tea Knight Cookie
- Eclair Cookie
- Lilac Cookie
- Black Raisin Cookie
- Captain Caviar Cookie
-Raspberry Cookie
-Clotted Cream Cookie
- Milk Cookie
- Capsaicin Cookie
- Elder Faerie Cookie
-Pitaya Dragon Cookie
-Pomegranate Cookie
-Longan Dragon Cookie
-Stormbringer Cookie
-Moonlight Cookie
-Frost Queen Cookie
- Black Pearl Cookie
-Dark Enchantress Cookie
-Fire Spirit Cookie
-Millennial Tree Cookie
-Oyster Cookie
-Royal Margarine Cookie
-The Beast Cookies
-The Ancient Cookies
The prize: Y/N Cookie
P.S. if anyone can tell me how to put custom pictures into this game, DM me.
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calamari-inari · 4 months
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Playing this game (without the likes) 🫶
1. enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, lord and their knight ❤️
2. Not sure if these are tropes, but yandere lover (just not a very big fan of yandere), obsessive love (treating their partner as a possession), misogynistic attitudes or abusive power in a relationship (basically a partner defining what their partner, whether it be a woman or man, should do or behave, and the victimized partner finds it hot???)
3. Gradual mutual understanding for one another! I also learn more about the characters' personalities this way!
4. One or both partners experience withdrawal when they're being separated from each other lol. True feelings often emerge from such situations and it's adorable...
5. Multiship! So far, the only ships I really think about now are from FE3H and a few from Engage and TGAA. Here's a list of several multiships I enjoy!
FE3H (Apparently Dimitri is very shippable to me LOL)
Hubert x Ferdinand
Hubert x Edelgard
Sylvain x Felix
Sylvain x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Felix
Dimitri x Dedue
Dimitri x Claude
Byleth x any lord
Alear x Alfred
Alear x Diamant
Diamant x Ivy
Kazuma x Ryuunosuke
Barok x Kazuma
Barok x Herlock
6. I like both rarepairs and mainstream! Most of the rarepairs I like don't have any canon interaction, so I like to explore the "what could've been" situations.
7. Monogamy. Not much to explain here. It's just my preference lol
8. Using my favorite pair ferdibert, they are reversible, but I have a really strong preference for dom Hubert and sub Ferdinand. However!! I'm not a big fan of where Ferdinand is written or drawn very femininely. This applies to any MxM pair. I'm not against the concept of femininity in males, but when used in a stereotypical fashion, it rubs me the wrong way. Just a subtle depiction of their relationship dynamic is perfect to me! I'm alright with seeing SFW artwork of the reverse and reading said fics, but NSFW is where I draw the line
9. Thinking about the games I've played, I can think of at least one pair I like to see romantically, so yes 😂
10. Not at all important! After all, my favorite is romantic fluff 🥺 Depending on the intensity of my liking for a ship, the NSFW aspect becomes more bareable since I'm still personally embarrassed consuming such content lol. I am vanilla. Ferdibert is highkey the only one I consume NSFW for
11. A lot of my MxF and FxF pairs are platonic to me! This is likely due to my aegosexuality, which is the closest explanation I can identify with. Not everything needs to be romantic. I find close friendships very heartwarming too 🥺
12. My top favorites right now are ferdibert 🖤🧡, sylvix ❤️💙, and diminand 💙🧡!
13. My favorite pairs from fandoms that I'm not really engaging in now are:
Madeleine Cookie x Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Victor x Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Link x Zelda (Skyward Sword version)
Reyn x Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Chrom x M!Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
14. Domestic fluff is really cute, but the official legal bonding of two partners isn't on my "must have" list for any romantic pairing. I really love seeing creations of my favorite pairs marrying though! Gives me the tingles every time and I just feel so happy 😍
15. As someone that made OC fan kids in the past, yes that is totally fine and I love seeing other people's interpretations for the same pair (if they don't have canon children). I've even made some for ferdibert before but I never fully flushed them out lol
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last updated ; 08/07/24
listed below is the second half of everything that i have published on this account for the mobile game “cookie run: kingdom” that features characters labelled as epic. characters are organised alphabetically.
affogato cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — overworked s/o [here]
poly hcs — affogato/clotted cream + general [here]
yandere hcs — fem s/o [here]
one shot — “coffee and cream” (nsfw) (ft. clotted cream cookie)
almond cookie
smut hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [f/k/w]
black lemonade cookie
hcs — segmented fluff alphabet [b/c/l]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [b/c/l]
black raisin cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
blueberry pie cookie
one shot — “reunion” (nsfw)
burnt cheese cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
smut hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — fem s/o [here]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [a/m/y]
butter roll cookie
smut hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [k/t/u]
captain caviar cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — being drunk around his s/o [here]
hcs — shy s/o [here]
yandere hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — shy s/o [here]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [a/k/m]
one shot — “in quiet waters” (nsfw)
one shot — “captain’s orders” (nsfw)
crunchy chip cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — shorter s/o [here]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [m/s/y]
dark choco cookie
costume hcs — sovereign of darkness [here]
smut hcs — praise kink + dom male s/o [here]
eclair cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
espresso cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
smut hcs — ditzy afab s/o [here]
fig cookie
hcs — encountering fem faun reader [here]
financier cookie
smut hcs — fem s/o [here]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [a/i/y]
frilled jellyfish cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
smut hcs — general [here]
kouign-amann cookie
yandere hcs — general [here]
kumiho cookie
hcs — fem s/o [here]
latte cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
smut hcs — general [here]
licorice cookie
one shot — “a feast fit for a king” (nsfw)
madeleine cookie
smut hcs — general [here]
mala sauce cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
pastry cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
pomegranate cookie
smut hcs — fem s/o [here]
prune juice cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
yandere hcs — general [here]
raspberry cookie
hcs — cuddling [here]
hcs — fem s/o [here]
smut hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [o/v/w]
red velvet cookie
hcs — s/o who is sensitive to yelling [here]
hcs — reaction to his s/o seeing him in his b.a.d.4 outfit for the first time [here]
royal margarine cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
hcs — chubby s/o [here]
hcs — trans masc s/o [here]
hcs — fem s/o with nerve damage in her thigh [here]
sparkling cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
smut hcs — bottoming for his s/o [here]
tea knight cookie
platonic hcs — being a father figure to the reader [here]
vampire cookie
one shot — “take a bite” (nsfw)
werewolf cookie
hcs — being in a relationship [here]
wildberry cookie
yandere hcs — general [here]
smut hcs — soft + afab s/o [here]
smut hcs — female s/o [here]
smut hcs — subbing for his s/o [here]
smut hcs — yandere [here]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [a/o/v]
smut hcs — segmented alphabet [d/k/m]
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purp-yam · 2 years
Yandere Espresso and Yandere Madeleine x reader, pls, you can do whatever you want
Why of course, I've never done Expresso nor Madeleine but I'll do my best!💗
CW: Minor Stalking, Drugging, Obsession
Yandere Madeleine vs Espresso Cookie
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In [___] Kingdom, you had quite the representation. Everyone knew your scandalous side, especially you're occupation as a pole dancer.
Espresso and Madeleine would be your most frequent visitors. They would pay for a personal lap dance from you.
Even when you're not working, they seem to follow you and make awkward conversation with you but, you would always notice that they share a glare between each other.
Of course, they were competing for your attention but, you paid no mind. Until one evening before your shift, Madeleine Cookie appeared. "Ah! Y/N Cookie what a surprise seeing you before my eyes!"
"Madeleine Cookie you scared the hell out of me!"
"Oh! So sorry for the inconvenience!"
An awkward silence occurred between the both of you. "...So, after your shift would you like to hang out?"
"Urmm...I'll consider it, Madeleine." Not wanting to accept his request but also to protect his feelings (and most importantly his ego). Taking this as a win, Madeleine left the scene. You went into the building as usual, putting on your work attire.
As you looked around, you noticed Espresso Cookie. Instead of his normal look, he look devastated, he didn't show it but, you saw it in his eyes. Could he have heard Madeleine Cookie's proposal? You thought to yourself but thought nothing of it.
"*Ahem* Y/N Cookie, I hope you're not too busy tonight-"
"Hey! I asked first therefore they hangout with me!"
Espresso Cookie scoffs, "Why would Y/N Cookie want to hangout an immature babbling egotistical idiot. They'd rather go for someone who's more mature."
"More mature? Hah! Look at you!"
"At me?!"
The men argue, so much so that they dont even notice you inching away from the scene. Eventually ran on home to think about what just happened.
*Knock knock*
"Urm hello? Y/N Cookie? We hope you're not too busy."
Huh? 'We'? Are they working together now?? You slightly opened the door, to your surprise, both Madeleine and Espresso Cookie were at your doorstep.
"May we come inside?"
You let them into your dwelling, they were amazed at the sight of your interior.
"My, my, such an intriguing style-"
"Stop buttering up to them!"
You weren't even phased at their bickering, you cared too little to even question it. "What do you want?" You interrupted.
"Oh! I- we were hoping to stay a night, like a sleep over!"
"A..sleepover? I barely know you two and you want a sleepover?"
"Yes indeed, it won't hurt to let us would it?"
"Well..I dont go to work tomorrow so why not. Just don't fuck up my house."
"We'll take good care of it during our stay, trust us!" Espresso said gleefully.
Later at night, you were about to sleep until your bedroom door opened, revealing the silhouette of Espresso and Madeleine Cookie. You stayed still, in fear. You didn't know what they'd do to you.
The next morning, you were unnerved. How are getting along so fast? You thought. Just the other day they were fighting for your attention. Despite that, the day went fine and you never bothered to question them about last night.
"Oh Y/N Cookie, you're awake! We made breakfast if your interested!"
"No, I'm not hungry...right now."
"Awwh come on Y/N Cookie, try it, a bite won't hurt would it?"
"I mean..ugh! Fine ill try it, happy?!"
You hesitantly bite a piece of pancake. It tasted normal until your vision started to blur.
"We're sorry Y/N, it was the only way.." As you faded in and out of consciousness, you tried to fight it but ultimately was futile.
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
So after a month of hardworking, to write 10 yandere fics, why not you read this one for you to relax, its a Halloween themed fic.
Synopsis: you are at your home, it’s Halloween and you saw the kid cookies telling scary stories, so why not do the same but with the adults?
It’s rushed.
 It’s Halloween in the human world, you heard a knock at your door, you went to your door and opened with a bowl full of candy on your hands. “Trick or Treat”, said the kids at the steps of your door, “ohhh, such scary costumes you have kids, there a go” you gave some candy to the kids, “thank you”, the kids said. 
 When the kids went to the other house, you closed the door, when you turned you saw some kid cookies looking at you, “do you want some candy too, after all it’s Halloween”, you asked, “ooOoOOh”, said Sobert Shark Cookie, “thank you Baker.” said Onion cookie with a little smile. They got some candy and went back inside a room, you decided to follow them out of curiosity. You looked inside the room and saw all the kid cookies, sitting together, telling scary stories, you remembered that you and your family would always tell spooky stories in the Halloween, after a night full of trick or treating, so you decided to do the same, but with the adult cookies.
 You placed some cookies on a table, and you sat on a chair, the cookies that you invited was Espresso, Madeleine, Eclair and Pure Vanilla cookie. “It’s really kind of you to invite us Baker”, said Pure Vanilla cookie, “yes Baker! thank you for inviting us”, said Madeleine cookie. “Ah don’t need to thank me, but well let’s start, who wants to go first?”, you said, “oh, can I go first? Of course If you want Baker”, said Eclair cookie, “of course you can Eclair”, you said, “if you feel scared Baker, I will always be by your side, ok”, said Pure Vanilla cookie, “huh- is your “scary story” about a spot on a relic?”, said Espresso cookie in a sarcastic tone, “no no no no, it’s about light magic, mr. Espresso cookie”, replied Eclair cookie, you turned off the lights, using the flashlight to illuminate the area.
 The time passed by, and each of the cookies told their scary stories, and it was boring, most of then was stories about the old stuff, werewolves, vampires, ghosts and… Jellywalkers? Finally it was your turn, “It’s your turn now Baker!”, said Madeleine cookie, “oh! Ok”, you said, “do not worry Baker, I will write every word from your story”, said Eclair cookie, already holding a scroll and his signature  feather pen. You decided to tell the story of a movie, that you watched at night while all the cookies where sleeping some days ago, and the name of the movie was, The Babadook, of course with some little changes.
 “Ok, I will start, ahem ahem”, you cleared your throat. “The story begins at a little town, there lived a mother, her son and their dog. At night, the son would always choose a book, and the mother would always read the book that he chossed before tucking him to bed, one night the boy choose a strange book, that the mother never saw, the name of the book was, Mister Babadook. In the book tells the story of the creature named, Mister Babadook, a very tall humanoid creature that wears a big black cloak and top hat, long nails, pitch black eyes, a pale face and a creepy smile Mister Babadook, would try to enter some kid’s home, so that he could be friends with them, eating their dog, killing their parents and kidnapping the kid, she stopped reading the book, and tucked her son to bet, having nightmares of that pages. After that night, the mother would throw away the book, but she couldn’t get rid of him, the object would always be there in front of her house’s door step, she tried to burn him, but in the next day he would appear again, intact. She decided to read some pages, “the more you denied, the more powerful I become”, “LET ME INNNN!”, “and perhaps your son, won’t fell the same fate as yours”, that what was written in the book. In the passage of days, things started to happen in the house, glass would appear at their food, plates would broke out of nowhere, and the mother could see glimpses of the creature, she is starting to go insane, becoming more and more paranoid. One night, her son came screaming to her room, saying that he saw the Babadook at the kitchen, the mother went down to investigate, when she enter the kitchen, she saw the creature eating their dog with a bloody smile. The mother ran towards her room, shutting the door and locking it up, her and the son hided under the bed, in hopes of outwit the creature. She could hear scratch sounds coming behind the door, but the door simply opened, with her eyes she saw, Mister Babadook, entering the room and crawling on the walls making clicking sounds in the process, she shut her eyes and started whimper, “this is not real!”, while hugging her son, “ba-ba-dook-DOOK-DOOK!”, said the creature, then everything went to silence and then… BAAAAHHH! Mister Babadook, killed the mother, and the son was nowhere to be found, the end.”
 “So, did you guys liked? I know is kinda cheesy, but… uhm, guys is everything ok?”, you could see the cookie’s terrified faces, Madeleine cookie was hugging Espresso so tight, that was almost chocking him, Eclair cookie was hiding his face behind the papers, unable to even write a word, and Pure Vanilla cookie was hugging your hand, with a very scared face almost crying.
 (Time skip)
 You were at your bed trying to sleep, but four little scared cookie wouldn’t shut up, “B-Baker! I-I think I heard something coming from the kitchen!”, “Baker! T-there’s something on that dark corner!”, “B-Baker! What if he comes while we are at sleep!?, the coward cookies said, “for the last time guys! He isn’t real, it’s a story from a movie!”, you said, “I was being good letting you all stay in the bed with me, but now I’m trying to get some sleep!”. Perhaps next time you should tone down the scary stories you tell.
(Sorry if I spammed)
Omg this is so adorable!😭💗
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cannimochi · 3 years
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so,,, espresseleine right?
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lovesickletters · 2 years
ooh! your writing is absolutely splendid; i greatly enjoyed reading through all of the lovesick letters you've already written! could i possibly request a madeleine lovesick letter? thank you, and i hope you have a great day/night! - crow
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Seems two of you have similar tastes! Here you go! (Salutations Crow Anon! I hope you enjoy the blog💜)
💜𝑀𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓁𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝒞𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝑒 | 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓈𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇💜
(Item Description: you receive a bouquet of bright, lively roses with an elaborate envelope covered in over-the-top intricate gold-leaf patterns attached to the stems. Upon opening the envelope you are greeted by an exorbitant amount of glitter.)
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My love,
I am writing to proclaim my sincere adoration for you! Since I first laid eyes upon you it was love at first sight! I was (and still am) deeply enamoured by your charm, and would deeply appreciate the chance to get to know you in person! We would be a beautiful couple together, unstoppable in our radiance such that other cookies may be blinded by our beauty!
I am aware you seem hesitant to accept my love for you but I would like to convince you there is no doubt in my mind we were meant to be, all I ask is a chance to profess my love to you cookie to cookie, allow me to court you! I promise you I will succeed, after all I am a radiant paladin, and the light surely smiles upon me if it granted me the chance to encounter you, I will show you my passion and promise!
Knight Commander, Paladin of the Light, Illuminating Champion for the Divine, Madeleine Cookie.
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pinkiealexie · 2 years
𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 ♡ 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘦
❥ REQUESTED: Anonymous
"Hello uh...may I request a hcs thing of yandere Madeleine x a reader who has low self esteem and...possibly self hatred? Or just low self esteem, if that's ok...got idea while I was reading your latest work of dark choco x chubby reader and I really liked it...you're a great writer!"
❥ WARNINGS: Yandere themes, yandere topics, yandere mindsets, negative thoughts, self hatred, self doubt, mentions of stalking, mentions of murder
♬𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲♬
"𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚞𝚙 𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎"
0:00 ───|────── 0:00=
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Volume: ■■■■■□□□
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♡ Madeleine Cookie would be very quick to notice your low self confidence, even if you hadn't tried to make it openly obvious he will always find out what is going on one way or another. After all, this is his lover's life that we're talking about so of course he has to know what is going on in your life at all times!
♡ You shouldn't feel bad about anything about yourself! In his eyes you're a perfect angel baked from the heavenly witches above, oh how he desperately wished you could see yourself the way he saw you
♡ How could someone so perfect hate themselves?! Again, he has to know! So he follows you around to see exactly what you dislike about yourself and he'll do anything he can to make you think the opposite
♡ Once he finds out what you believe all your faults are he wastes no time in writing anonymous sticky notes and placing them all around your house, wait-how did he get in?! I- nevermind, what matters is that what he writes on those sticky notes are positive messages that encourage your self esteem!
♡ Not only does he leave unsigned sticky notes but he also leaves mysterious gift baskets at your door with lots of your favorite things! Who could ever say no to such a lavish gift like that?
♡ From your perspective, it weirded you out how this anonymous stranger knew every single on of your insecurities, but then the other half of you loved all the gifts and compliments that you were getting. Surely whoever this cookie was had no bad intentions because why else would they want you to feel positive about yourself
♡ Madeleine doesn't do anything too extreme as he wants you to love yourself as much as you love him! But, if a cookie were to bring down your self esteem in any way, shape, or form even if it supposed to be a joke. They should've thought about it before they even spoke so he offs them! Of course when no one is around
♡ But Madeleine is supposed to the brightest and most protecting knight on all of Earthbread! Well, he still is that! He is protecting you from the hatred that others have towards you, so he has done nothing wrong nor has committed any sins
♡ Anyways, you're beautiful/handsome! I hope your day is going well <3
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queensharotto · 9 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 5: Late 2023)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs.
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September 2023 🍂
• “Lord/Lady Harbinger Cookie”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “Bully Hunter”
Featuring: Lilac Cookie
• “Harbinger Cookie’s Relationship with Pomegranate Cookie”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie
• “All Aboard” 💗
Featuring: Milky Way Cookie
• “Napping in Goblin Cookie’s Bag”
Featuring: Goblin Cookie
• “Yandere Dragons” 💗
Featuring: The 5 Dragons
• “Y/N Cookie Meets Golden Cheese Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Golden Cheese Cookie’s Greatest Treasure: Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie as a Shagaru Magala”
Featuring: The 5 Dragons and the Cookies of Darkness
• “Golden Cheese Cookie and Ancient Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie and Burnt Cheese Cookie
• “Golden Cheese Cookie Body Pillow”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Golden Cheese Cookie showing off her wealth”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Satellite”
Featuring: Stardust Cookie
• “The Greedy or the Honorable”
Featuring: Pirate Cookie, Sorbet Shark Cookie, Captain Ice Cookie and Peppermint Cookie
• “Halt! The Restriction Mayhem Update!” 💗
Featuring: Kumiho Cookie, Cocoa Cookie, Ninja Cookie, Okchun Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Sea Fairy Cookie, Fire Spirit Cookie and Lotus Dragon Cookie
• “Bastet Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Burnt Cheese Cookie and 2 Marzipan Cookies
• “Smoked Cheese Cookie x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Kingdom Host Cookie, Mozzarella Cookie, Smoked Cheese Cookie and High Priest Cheesenbird
October 2023 🎃
• “Shining Glitter Cookie and Black Lemonade Cookie fighting over Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Shining Glitter Cookie and Black Lemonade Cookie
• “Can’t Take What Isn’t Yours”
Featuring: Chili Pepper Cookie and Peppercorn Cookie
• “Paying Golden Cheese Cookie to use her gold in Character Designs”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Last Cookie Standing Challenge: Punch Y/N Cookie in the face”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie and Rye Cookie
• “Dragon Person Y/N Cookie in the Golden Cheese Kingdom”
Featuring: Pitaya Dragon Cookie
• “Courtship Dance with Smoked Cheese Cookie”
Featuring: Smoked Cheese Cookie
• “Off to Wish Camp!”
Featuring: Cannoli Cookie, S’mores Cookie, and Yoga Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Cherished by Golden Cheese Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Halloween Party with Chili Pepper Cookie” 🎃
Featuring: Chili Pepper Cookie
• “Last Cookie Standing Reward: Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Members of Teams Crunchy and Cripsy
• “Spooky Cookie Tales: Prikaza” 🎃
Featuring: Black Garlic Cookie
November 2023 🌾
• “Sitting on the Golden Goddess’ Lap”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Archaeologists of the Golden Cheese Kingdom”
Featuring: Fruit Cheese Cookie and Camembert Cookie
• “Beneath Burnt Cheese Cookie’s Mask”
Featuring: Burnt Cheese Cookie
• “The Corrupted or the Fooled (Abyss Monarch vs. Black Pearl Cookie)”
Featuring: Abyss Monarch Cookie and Black Pearl Cookie
• “Robbing a Bank with Timekeeper Cookie”
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
• “Pocky Day with Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Kumiho Cookie, Peach Cookie and Croissant Cookie
• “Rockstar Cookie x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Rockstar Cookie
• “Stollen Cookie x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Stollen Cookie
December 2023 🎄
• “Icicle Yeti Cookie and Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Icicle Yeti Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie in The Holiday Express” 🎄
Featuring: Creme Brulee Cookie and Linzer Cookie
• “Linzer Cookie Writing her own Y/N Cookie x her story”
Featuring: Linzer Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie in the Christmas Academy”
Featuring: Stollen Cookie and Strawberry Cream Cookie
• “Linzer Cookie’s Story: A LOT of cut material”
Featuring: Linzer Cookie
• “A Happy Ending Just for You”
Featuring: Linzer Cookie
• “Kissing Golden Cheese Cookie’s Hand”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Sugar Swan Cookie x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Sugar Swan Cookie
• “All I Want for Cookiemas is Y/N Cookie” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “The Sweet Signals from Space”
Featuring: Astronaut Cookie and Xylitol Nova Cookie
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urfaveisayandere · 3 years
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Madeleine Cookie from Cookie Run is a yandere!
Requested by anonymous!
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