#yandere mayoi ayase
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A/N: slaps you back with a fanfic and a cute drawing ùwú.
Ensemble Stars Sentient AU
As a mere character of a game, a single odd character among dozen of sparkling charming idols to choice from. You always seems to come back to him even how much others tried to swipe you away, to be their beloved Producer.
He thought he was forgotten by you when your immersing another idol with your time but you always turn to him in each corner and happily shower him with more love than you did to others.
"i--... I love you~ s-sorry I can't do anything about the system...imuseless--" he was a meek character who cannot go against the role of the world. Him becoming a sentient being among others is a miracle.
He wish he could help you while you play! But all he could do is able to finally talk to you in his own will, without the script that was binding others.
"It's okii~ there always next time~" you say not knowing his sentient self and thought it's a new April fools update. You tap his head across the screen, he felt something patting him in the head.
His tears quickly disappear as he felt wide grin of happiness as you shower with affection and love.
Time seems to pass by and gaining more freedom in the world than he did before, he felt more happy that you continue to stay dispute all odds and bad gacha times.
Through sometimes you disappear a few days for real life stuff, he would continue to wait but one day you were gone for so long, he cried as he hold his poor heart crying in loneliness that he might be abandoned by the sole person who stayed so long with him.
"MAYOI~" a familiar voice called out to him, he almost thought it's made out of his own thoughts as it sound like your speaking like your in his world.
"hey ~... Oh! Oh! Maybe you don't know me! Sowwy!" He look up tearfully and eyes widen as he saw you in front of his own eyes, not across the screen but in his own world!
"w-wa-- why are you crying? " You ask him in worry. "Here you goo~ mc will wipe your tears away~" you take out your handkerchief to softly wipe his tears away. Yet more tears comes out as he realize how real you are as you made contact with him.
"Uwahhh... MC will continue to wipe~" you pout as you saw him cry but smile as you try to lighten how mode.
"M-MC...?? Are you... ( Censored )...?" He finally found his words.
"Ooh~ wataru is right then~ ùwú that's right. I'm (censored)--or MC." you says as you hugs him, something you always wanted to do the moment you arrive in the world. With a help of a certain oddball.
"Your so warm ~ I love you~ mayoi~~" you confess as you happiness at its finest. His heart beat that seems to explode and his mind that seems to black out as he look down at you, who happily look at him with full adoration in your eyes. Gaze he only seen across the screen.
"M-MC... I b-been waiting for you.. *hic...*sob." He whimpers as he held his poor heart that finally found it's beloved. "Sowwy. Wataru said it takes long to come here." You were swipe away by the oddball one night to bring you to the world of ensemble stars. Through why he did such thing, he said he felt very amaze by your love for certain idol and would be a matchmaker for the two of you! HOW AMAZING!!' he says.
"i--... I love you so much..." He says as he slowly hugs you back, his tears keep falling down our of happiness. "Me too~"you happily rest in his hold.
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"Ah~ my MC finally here with me~" his hold around you tighten as he chuckle with madness. his poor heart full of love sick is long been darken with such love you drown him into, the long wait you made him wait drown him more to insanity.
"Ehh??" You look at him confusion through there still a soft smile and no fear in sight as his smile become of a twisted one.
"I love you so much! Youdontknowhowmuchiwanttolockyouaway~" he pat your head as he is taken over by his own twisted desire. He felt disgusted of himself but his too far to redeem himself.
"Ooh~" you look at him awe. "That's fine!" You chuckle as you accept his insanity. "That's why I'm here!" You added.
"I love you too even how much degenerate and twisted your ways of thoughts is! Free to lock me away ùwú." You added. You know all about the consequences of sentient beings as Wataru warn you before as you take his hand and accepted your fate. Where you can never return to your old home.
"r-really?" He was shock but happiness can't help but grow the twisted desire as you accept him from all those bad thought he want to do to you.
"Fufu... " He chuckle as he look at you, his poor innocent and fragile dearest. If he know any better, you just blind with love to see his flows!
Through he will not accept you taking your words back one day! He and you would stay forever~ even how much the world would one day keep you two apart~
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If they try to do so. He will find a way to delete them from this world. ' he thought as he hide you away from people who could sweep you away to the light from his darkness and abyss of twisted love.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Plans Carefully Laid
Summary: Enstars Yandere self aware au! X gn! Reader. Mayoi and Ibara are each working to find you. Meanwhile, Eichi is finally starting to heal your scars.
CW: yandere stuff, unhealthy mindsets, kidnapping, brief allusions to drugging, spying.
Inspired by the self aware au by @yandere-daze
A/N: So um.... it's been a long time since the last part, and we have had a lot of new people since then. Whoops 😂 I think there will be one or two more parts to this....but with my track record, it could be a while.
Part One: Anzu Part Two: Paradise Lost Part Four: Changing Tides
Ensemble Square had been dead since you’d vanished. With no guidance, no one found any purpose in going to work anymore. To Mayoi, however, an empty ES was a dream come true. True he had lost all purpose in his life when you’d vanished, and had been horribly depressed, but at least he had somewhere to hide and deal with his despair without people around.
And it was because of this that he saw Anzu leaving with you.
He knew where she lived, so he waited a bit, then went to her apartment. There, he heard her telling you lies. Lies that they all hated you. Lies that they wanted to hurt you. Lies that Anzu was the only one who loved you.
He decided to keep watch for a while, and update his unit mates to the situation. Naturally, all three of them were wildly upset about the way things were going, but they realized they were in no position to get you away from Anzu. So they waited.
Mayoi was regretting that now. He watched as Eichi strolled into the apartment, attempted to talk with you, then when that failed, had his men put you to sleep and take you to his home.
He watched Eichi calmly wait for Anzu, explain the situation, then leave. He watched Anzu break down, and then become unresponsive.
He reported back with shaky hands. He received a startling response.
Hiiro is looking for reinforcements.
Ibara was furious with himself. He’d been monitoring the ES cameras for a while now, and had noticed that Anzu had found you.
He had planned to wait a bit, and swoop in with the rest of Eden to be your saviors, thus earning your undying trust and loyalty.
He had waited too long. You were now in the Emperor’s clutches. Extracting you would be nearly impossible. But he wasn’t the scummiest man in the world for nothing.
“Your Excellency,” he said, greeting Nagisa who was halfheartedly cleaning his rock collection. “I have found the producer.”
You were finally eating. Eichi had been worried that first couple of weeks. You had refused to eat anything, fearing he’d poisoned it. You’d refused to sleep. You’d just sat in that corner begging him not to hurt you. 
You must have realized that if he was going to kill you he would have done it, because you were eating now. You still wouldn’t make eye contact with him, or sleep in the bed he’d provided, but it was a start.
The only one he’d told that you were here was Wataru, but he wasn’t ready for you two to meet yet. He wanted it to be a special and happy first meeting, and you weren’t in the mental state for that yet.
You must have been crying again, because your face was all red and puffy. As you started slowly eating, he pressed a hand softly against your cheek. You stiffened, but continued eating. You didn't scream or pull away from him. You let him touch you. He was ecstatic.
He knelt down next to you, softly caressing your cheek.
"Y/N," he whispered lovingly.
"What did Anzu tell you?" He asked.
"She," you choked, and had to start again. "She said you all hated me because I controlled your lives. She said that if some of you got the chance, you would hurt me, or kill me, or both."
Eichi wanted to cry hearing what you thought of him and the others. They loved you, they worshiped you, and you believed that they would hurt you.  He would have to have words with Anzu (again) after this.
That she would go to such lengths to keep you to herself…
He was beginning to understand why. 
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iamgrape · 2 years
Incubus!! Mayoi Ayase in a Soulmate AU pt2
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TW: Borderline Yan Reader (mayoiisfinewithit) ??? I mean he is one too???Only small part of this chapter is smut, sowwy hornie folks??? Bondage play?? Drama???? Too much plot being slap???Not proofread. How do we tag ????
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Demon realm
Since mayoi have graduated from being the only ancient virgin incubus--his friends cant help but congratulate him the moment of his arrival at the shared home he have with his fellow underachievers demons... After some weeks being out doing naughty stuff with you~
"Uwaahhh~ mayo-senpai have a glowing face of those of people in love!" Aira tease the demon of lust senior of his who have a wide silly grin and bashful face as if still immersing his head on the moment he shared with you. .
"I... W-was I-... T-that t-transparent...?!" He held his warm cheeks as that wide grin never seems to live his face. His so happy! He can't contain such happiness!
"I FELT BLINDED. IS THIS WHAT AN INCUBUS LOOK LIKE WHEN FEED WELL...? THEY GLOW AND BECOME MORE BEAUTIFUL? HOW ENVIOUS!!!" aira commented as he cover his eyes from the radiation of the attractive level of mayoi seems to increase ten fold.
"Did that mean you resolved your issue with the help of soul #142269?" Hiiro ask his friend. "#142269....???" Mayoi and aira look at hiiro in confusion on who he meant by that code. Hiiro realize he use a soul code instead of a name.
"Sorry. My bad. They are called (name) (surname) now right?" He corrected his label on you. "That's good that mayoi-senpai issues have been fix. It's time for me to help (name) with their issue too as thanks for helping you." He laugh as his happy that his dear friend have finally been feed well.
"W-whats the issue with with (n-name)...?" The moment the incubus hear such statement from his leader who is a soul reaper.
He wonder if you have unsolved issue that he doesn't know about! But he clearly know what gone to you life in all your lives! He even know the simple problem like you hate and dislike!
Ah. I'm a failure. It seems that I don't know everything on my (name) life.... ' he cried at his own misconduct and incompetent of being your guardian (stalker) demon.
"Oh. It's not that bad of issue like you have, senpai!" Hiiro tried to reassure his friend who he think is worried for you since you two are now a bit of acquaintance since you two did went to do the deed until the fourth base.
"I just have to find certain person for them!" He says as mayoi felt more dejected that he realize your looking for someone, who he doesn't even know about!
"They called the person they are looking for as their very important person." He added causing more painful arrows to be shoot to a certain incubus heart.
"M-mayo-senpai are you o-ok..!?" Aira notice the incubus losing radiant from earlier as hiiro continue to explained as he take out a soul reaper list of souls name. Not noticing the change of mood of the incubby.
"You see I'm always been the one who take their souls and guide them to their next reincarnation! They don't ask for more time as they always been hurry to be reborn after the fourth life. " He look at the list of names, looking for something through the list but failed to do so again in the nth time.
"Base on the happiness level of their years being alive in each life. Their happiness only on its prime on younger years till the age before they hit their adulthood... The rest is just simple living in the edge of breaking point and depression... " He felt bad for his human soul friend who have to endure such repeated cycle.
"Big brother said, depression can be a cause of early death to human. Physical death could be forgotten through reincarnation but emotional pain can cause a seed of madness to root to someone souls... Through dispute all those. The most purest soul I seen to reincarnated over and over again is (name) soul. How amazing is that... Maybe cause their guardian angel is someone unique... " He smiled widely as he share his finding as his finally does soul reaper like job after long study being one. "Eh ... What's wrong mayoi-senpai?" He look at the incubby who's crying in the floor and aira comforting him.
"HIIRO YOU DUMN ASS. HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL, MAYO-SENPAI PROBABLY BECOME EMOTIONAL CAUSE OF THIS?" aira wanna ring his leader neck for being dense and non using common sense again.
"Why through? (Name) is fine through those time. They still smile when they great me each time I guide them. They even smile when they said they say such threatening word toward that person they are looking for. I never seen someone that pure soul yet have that twisted plans toward such specific person." He laugh as he try to lighten the mode.
"What. W-What's the p-Plan? W-who-- is this person anyway.... IdontknowifsomeonelikemehavetherighttoknowBUT...." Mayoi finally find his voice again after feeling more guilty than he should be.
"Eh. Why are you so interested in the topic, mayoi-senpai?" Hiiro is curious why his senior is so engrossed in the topic, as far he knows he shouldn't be that worried about you.
"Hiiro just spill the tea already!!" Aira who's also curious about the whole ordeal wanted to make the soul reaper to continue.
"...ah." hiiro look around for something and look apologetic to aira. " Sorry I don't know where the tea you want me to spill." He stretch his head as he smile sheepishly.
"Let go of me mayo-senpai. I wanna hit this dumb airhead." Aira is quickly stopped by mayoi as become annoyed hiiro being an airhead in the wrong time.
"A-aira-san. P-Please. C-calm down...." -mayoi. His worried that aira is the one who would get hurt instead if he try to punch someone like hiiro who's hard as a brick.
"... Is it a classified information, hiiro-kun?" Tatsumi who's watching in the sideline turn to ask hiiro instead, as he notice the soul reaper seems too reluctant to continue more of the topic.
"Ah... I don't think so?" Hiiro try to think of it's classified category or not. "then can you please continue then?" Tatsumi smile as mayoi and aira look at him with eyes sparkle because his a life saver to people suffering the cliff hanger.
"Ahaha... Ok. Since you all curious lil devils." Hiiro happily do what was ask. "(name) is looking for their 'soul mate'...?" He finally says that cause a certain incubus to look at him in shock. He felt his heart just skip a beat.
Fufu. So there was no third person he doesn't know about. Mayoi can't help but sigh in relief as he fear almost suffocate him at the thought your looking for someone else.
"Oooh, so (name) important person is their soul mate? How lovely!" Aira can't help but commented how romantic it is.
"But don't you say, they have 'twisted plans' for their soul mate?" Tatsumi wonder why is that the case. Aira pause as he remembers now what hiiro said earlier and once again realize his left in a hanging.
"TELL ME MORE!!" He beg.
"On it! Ahaha." Hiiro give a thumbs up as he continue. " The help I'm going assist them is find their soul mate and hit them with this fragment real hard till they get concussion. And then tie them up to be send to (name)." He was grinning cause such plan is such a devious and he can't help but devil approve it.
"...won't that be against some rules?" Aira who can't help but amaze at the help hiiro would go for you.
"Did they request that?" Mayoi who have very concerning grin and love sick gaze ask as his mind went and imagine being mailed to you.
"Crap! Open the windows!! The incubus is letting out lewd hormones!!" Aira who is notice the noticable pink drug gas that the incubus friend of their is letting out is quick to cover his nose and went to step away, waaayyyy away from from the incubus and the other two follow along.
"Oh Devil! I-im s-so S-sorry!!" Mayoi who realize what he unconsciously did cried out an apology as hiiro who is less effected by the scent open the windows and let the scent be blown outside with the help of a fan.
after a while the room finally free from the scent, he curiously look at the black cats who suddenly enter their mating season because of the lust demon drugged hormones scent.
"Oh the cats outside are mating! Won't that mean there will be cute kitten in few months or weeks?" He gleefully commented as aira dragged him out from watching a live cat porn and close the window much to dismay of hiiro who's interested how cat mating goes. Not because he was hornie. His just genuinely curious how it goes.
"S-sorry..." The incubby apologize the nth time as Tatsumi serve him some tea to calm him down.
"It's ok!" Hiiro don't think there something wrong as mayoi is an Incubus to begin with. Such mistakes would been understandable. Through he never know his that strong of an incubby to create such strong drug that almost bother someone who's supposed to be immune in such sexual pleasure needs.
"Ah. Btw it's not (name) request. They said they'll take action on their own. They don't want to bother me but just let me decided how I'll give their soul mate their last memories after death in each life time-- fragments. This very pretty rocks over here." He then show them a jar of sparkling fragments. "They do hinted how they want to throw it to their soul mate head to the point of amnesia or concussion maybe they get forgetful to forget of trying to run away from them." His quite excited to throw rocks on someone. He never know what's the effect of being hit by one. So he is willing to do so once he find the so called soul mate.
"...." -mayoi. Who is the soul mate you been looking for. (The target)
"Woaw (name) seems such a devious but I can see their point they are coming from!" -aira.
"Yup~ I don't understand how human emotions work but guessing the endless cycle being 'rejected' in each lifetime by the same 'bastard' of a 'soul mate' they gotten enough and want to take matter in their own hand. Like that one time they said if their 6th lifetime. They will chain and put a collar on them--" hiiro then continue to say the things you said before.
Each time mayoi listen solemnly taking note each of it for later purpose ~ He already felt excited at the thought of those punishment!'
"Uwah... Mayo-senpai why are you getting turn on by such sadistic punishment..." Aira already back away in the far corner the moment mayoi start to let out hormones again. "Your an M?' he added.
"Ah... I c-can't help it... " Mayoi cover his face that have a wide grin and his sure his eyes being love sick again.
"Agh.... *Hic... SORRY!!" He cried when his senses return to normal when tatsumi start spraying him 'anti-hornie' spray ( one drop of holy water in a spray: a way to keep your Hornie lust demon friend in bay. 100% SAFE!)
"...mayoi are back to your senses yet?". Tatsumi look at his friend worriedly at he put away his spray.
"y-yes." Mayoi weep his tears away as others fix the mess he made again.
"Ah. Mayoi-senpai. Do you 'like' (name)?" Hiiro somehow manage to find connection to his senior action. He did notice how very curious demon he is when the topic of you is being tackle. Remembering some pass event like mayoi being down and mourning each time you passes away till your reborn again.
Each time mayoi would be gone for a while, everyone thought his doing an incubby job but his always come back sometimes when he forget to turn back to his original self, as an innocent looking young human child holding story books.
With a happy grin like he get feed but in reality he did not do a lust demon job but playing with you.
Hiiro did once conclude that he could be the so called soul mate but do even demons have one? As far he knows the only cause he heard someone that isn't human having one is being his parent and airas parent. Yet that's already a rare case.
The fact his an Incubus also don't help. Lust demon usually only feed on Lust not Love. If they were to be soul mate with someone it's one hell of a problematic thing because they will go crazy.
Mayoi don't go crazy yet. Only you did but Only in a sense.
"...*hic... a-actually..." Mayoi realize his now the one who gotten the spotlight and need to confess his own side to tell to the curious lil devils friends of his.
"Imthesoulmate...pleasehitmeimprepairedtosuffer--" he confess as he ready himself to be hit by Hiiro.
"..." The three become silent before Aira start to clap his hands in glee. "Oh how lovely! An incubus with soul mate!" being a happy fruit of a two rare soul mate of non human pair aira is so open in such revolution.
"Oh. Congrats senpai!" Hiiro who find his voice smiled happily congratulating his friend.
"... Incubus and human pair... Ah. " Tatsumi wonder who's your guardian angel who let such odd choice. Knowing that human soul mate have been approved by both fate, angel and that person above.... That being said he who once a guardian angel also was force to do such event.
"How beautiful fates work. Congrats on having a soul mate, mayoi-san." The fallen guardian angel finally join his friends on the happy party.
"T-thank you..." Being surrounded by friend who happy for you in a demon realm is such a happy chances. His glad he have friends like his unit.
"W-wait-- hiiro STOP YOULL KILL MAYO-SENPAI IF YOU THROW THOSE!" aira notice hiiro happily opening the jar of fragments and was about to throw a curve ball directed to the incubus as promise.
"Eh. But mayoi-senpai is fine with it!" With eyes sparkling like little innocent child who don't know if he did throw one of those to someone with his very off the chart straight they going to meet their creator.
"It's ok aira! Someone irresponsible like the insignificant me is fine with it!" The very insane Masochist incubus who find such punishment you indirectly hinted is so hot. " I-- I have a rope too! Tie me up and m-mail me to (name) afterwards!" Taking out a red rope he have for incubus stuff but never use able to use but seeing this is a chance to use it in such amazing case.
The lovesick grin and eyes of the incubus seems like a lost case beyond help.
"OH GREAT DEVIL, YOU BOTH ARE DEVIOUSLY INSANE. TATSU-SENPAI HELP!!!" aira cried as his thorn of wanting to spray some anti hornie spray to the incubus and stopping the very excited hiiro who wanna commit crime in board daylight.
"Ahaha... How lovely day it is..." Tatsumi can't help but chuckle at how lovely the whole place is but seeing the pleading look of the young demon, he did offer some help to console and stop hiiro from doing such act and just let him give mayoi the fragments without going physical.
Mayoi held the jar carefully and left his friends before he could be another season of being out of self control again.
In his secret room, he held the fragments that let him hear your last words before youll be reborn in your lives.
[ Does this thing really work? If so... I wanna ask if there's something wrong with me for you to run away from the moment of meeting... If so I'll try to change it in this new life! ]
[ .... I guess I did something wrong again. ]
[ ... Your not human? If that the case it's fine with me. Just don't disappear each time when I reach that certain age and just be with me...]
[ Clearly your doing this on purpose. Bloody hell. when I get to remember your annoying routine before the said age. I WILL MAKES SURE YOU SURE THAT YOUR NOT ESCAPING AGAIN ]
[ Ah. A person who went too a lot of cycle of rebirth just to make sure a stupid demon soul mate would appear again to only leave afterwards. This is getting tiring... I hope that soul reaper crack your head open to get some senses in that silly head of yours to see I'm fine even if your a demon! ]
[ .... Ya one selfish devil. Not only ya'r like ya some spineless slug for runnin a'way from me but never let me find love that isn't ya.. ya are lucky I will not throw ya off the ship, ya bloody chowder head]
[ Mk. I have enough of you lil antics. If you appear and leave again. Fine, be my guest. Just remember if you appear again in different occasions I'll make sure you'll know a human being is a worse demon than real demons are. :) ]
The incubus felt tears falling in his eyes when he realize his actions out of fear and cowardness to face you because his not a human like you when your will verse of how bad creature, a demon like him for a soul mate is horrible choice of fate ( even through his so happy having you as a soul mate )-- cause you great suffering.
"...*hic.." holding the precious fragments he walk to the black mirror walk through it, soon he disappear from demon world to the human world.
Human world.
Your in your work place, listening to an amazing ASMR while working for the society. "Hm.. hm... " Humming a tone with a smile that leads all your coworker who's use to your neutral or gloomy atmosphere to be leave in daze.
Coworker#1:"uwah.... (Surname) sure is unusual happy today ... They look kinda attractive when happy... (◕ᴗ◕✿)"
Coworker#2:"they are probably listening to a porn again." (◔‿◔)
Coworker#1 wack the head of the disgusting word of her fellow colleagues. "Don't slander (surname), they aren't disgusting like the likes of you." She nags the man.
Coworker#2: "what the hell?! (Surname) always read porn when it's lunch break! They read it with a straight face too!" He always seen you read it and not even bothering by the content like it's some Shakespeare novel instead of porn.
You look up from your work as you realize your name is being called and chatted many times by gossiping colleagues.
"im reading those books for reference." You corrected the assuming thoughts of your coworker who thought that you have bad addiction to reading unappreciated things out in public.
"... " The two colleagues of yours eyes widen in fear when they realize they were heard. "S-SORRY!!" they both apologize in unison. You lower the volume of your ASMR and look at your coworker.
"It's fine. Gossip is normal thing in work place." You really don't care what they do or gossip since it's their own free will.
As far you remember you live your life researching about incubus and succubus --because your so called imaginary friend is one-- using an open source which is porn or hentai.
Since you don't know where to find a proper book for those kind of subject. Through you still did what normal human in a society does. Go to school, go to work and be plastic to people around you and research more about lust demon in the sideline.
"man... if your hobby is reading such lewd books what would you do if your soul mate dislike such concerning addiction you have?" Your male coworker thought that since your fine with gossip, he thought it be fine to finally be open with his concern about such hobby of yours.
"...." You look at your coworker dead in the eye at the mention of the word 'soulmate'. He seems to notice that it's a bad topic and was about to apologize when you give them a close eyes smile that almost blinded them.
"that won't be a problem. Worse could happened is me locking them up in my basement and making sure they won't run away again even if I mean I have to cut of his wings :)" you says like it's not a concerning words of deranged person.
"Ahaha. You two should really go back to work of yours. Boss is giving us warning look." Your quick to change the topic before they could comment what's wrong with your mind.
"Oh shit! Let's go!!" They both forget the words you spoke our of surprise of the boss yelling at them again and run off back to their own space.
You went to your space again and turn up the volume of what you been listening on all those time.
" ahmm ha..."
"ah... T-touching the root of my w-wings... Ahh...haa...*hic (Name)~"
"n-noo.... Ah... Y-yes.... I-im just sensitive in that part.... "
"m-my h-horns...? Ah... I g-guess I have too many erogenous zone.... Fufu.."
"... Yes my wings do work and aren't for display... "Hic. Do they seems like they were for show? Isweariwasnotprepairedtoflywhenilandedontopofyoudontturnmywingstofriedwings....!!"
While listening to the ASMR that is recorded by you. to record the incubus of yours words and voice when the two of you are apartment at your day offs you use in one go after piling it up for long time. Just so you could spend more time with Mayoi without interruption.
You made sure not to speak loud enough to be recorded since you would rather listen to his voice telling you about himself.
You close your eyes and yawn. Looking at the clock at the wall. You went back to focus on your work.
Time goes by in a flash and the moment you arrive at your apartment your barely awake.
"!!!" Your eyes widen when someone envelope you with a warm hug the moment you close the door behind you.
"*Hic..m sorry. I'm sorry..." You heard the person holding you so dearly cry. Hearing the familiar voice of the incubus you let your guard down and hug him back with a smile. Your tiredness seems to disappear at your soul mate presence.
"sorry for what?" You wonder why his crying again and pat his back as the two of you slowly seat in the floor as gravity seems to pull you down but you have no problem at it as you rub his back to calm him down.
"s-sorry for being s-stupid... *sob...t-thinking you could live without a ...*hic l-lustful d-demon like me... in your l-life because... someone like me is fated to be your e-eternal pair... Someone that is not like of your kind... You could gotten someone normal ... A human like you... Instead of me..." He says as his hold on you tighten. Even so he said you could be more fortunate if you have a human soul mate and not a lust demon.
He dislike it, he loath the very idea of someone holding you that isn't him. To do those fun time together with someone else instead of him, makes him want to drag you to the demon realm with him instead.
Yet he can't be that selfish. What if you dislike him for being selfish? His long gone deep in the whole of adjusting his own moral just for you~ he don't even know if he should behave like a demon or a human.
"What if you get judge by your fellow humans and get burned alive? What if you don't accept me cause your religious in one lifetime... ?What if I'm too problematic with my needs...? Many what if stop me from trying to approach you ..." He let out his deep secret and you hear him out with open mind at his point of view.
"Sorry I only stayed by your side till your in your teen... My lustful nature would want me to jump on you and ruined you each time I start to sense hormones from you... " He don't want to leave you when his always been by your side each time you the you open your eyes to your new life... to play and spend time with you to be your very precious friend. That he would happily teach and guide about basic things you need in human society in each era your born into.
".. what if? What if it's all fine? Won't that mean we been long together?" You mumble. Through you chuckle how such events of endless circle of him disliking his own nature.
"Those are what if. It's fine now since your here with me~" you hummed as you lean your head against him. Enjoying the warmth and close contact.
"I ... " He wanted to say something but he wonder again if someone like his kind can even say such words with full honesty. You lean away to look at his bashful face that have tears running down from his beautiful teary eyes. You reach out to weep his tears away and kiss his forehead.
"I wonder if it's because we're soulmates... But even if your so stupid ln those lifetime. You still there beside me even it's a short while in each lives... I love each moment... I love you..." You will never continue the endless charades of searching and being reborn again just to make him appear again by your side.
His a selfish demon who shower you with affection that demons won't do as it's a sign of weakness. Yet in your memories, his pretending to be a human while teaching you things school or your guardian won't teach you since they are all busy being a slave to society and currency.
Teach you and tells you stories about long ago. A friend who would weep your tears away or play with you when others think your weird.
His eyes widen at your honest confession. He can feel your love and honesty and it's drowning him with love he felt drunk.
"I... l-love you too.." finally able to find his own courage to say his own reply. Even how odd it's for incubus to desire and to love someone. His already an outcast from his own kind, being honest now doesn't change his status either.
Laying his forehead against you and looking at each other eyes. Enjoying such moment of peace.
"... So mayoi gotten my last words fragments?" You break the silent as you realize why he suddenly went up apologizing to you like crazy. It's a guess but seeing him shaken up and blushing as if he remembers something that cause him to felt hornie again.
"... I don't remember saying anything lewd???" You wonder what's up with this incubus who start to fidget and whine while holding you close.
"Agh... (N-name)..." He whimper as he control his lewd self but he felt so warm and running with lust in mind again! You being close making his self control disperse.
"C-can w-we...." He flatter his eyes are you.
"smh, I have work tomorrow." You apologize as you realize that you can't get late or be absent for tomorrow since there's a monthly report.
"i-is that so..." He suddenly become a sulking puppy when he realize you won't and can't spend time with him!
"... Ah. I can help you but I won't engage to much because I need to wake up early or else I'll get fired." Seeing his pitiful face. You give up on your pass. His eyes sparkle as he heard it before he stood up with you in his arms And run to your bed room with happy smile.
Oh shit. I been had.' you thought as you fallen in his trap. 'its fine. It's fine... I just have to let him have some fun without being engaged in it!' is your thoughts before you were thrown in the bed and kiss by the impatient needy incubus, tasting sweet honey that seems to drown you with lust instead of keeping a firm mind, you two did not go out of the bed till early in the morning.
( ring )
"ah.. ha... P-please.... " The mess of an incubus under you is already in a begging mess will being tied in a red bondage he brought with him. His limbs tied together as his on his knee with his back on you. a bit of move would cause friction of the tight rope moving around his sensitive nipples, crotch and his semi tied wings. His in edge each second and his loving it!
"Hmm???" You were playfully trace his collar bone down to the root of his wings, he squirm and start to wine when you stop touching his erogenous zone in his wings to look around at the source of the ring.
"(Name)...?" He calls you as he look over his shoulder, at you who's attention is else where. He cant help but pout when your not giving him attention.
"Did you hear something?" You ask since your pretty sure that ring sound so dreadfully familiar.
"No." He denied before he use some dirty trick to remove your attention to whatever that is distracting your attention from him-- by increasing the effect of his mark on you.
"... You." You quickly notice such move and narrowed your eyes at mayoi who seems like a irresistible drug.
"S-sorry I accidentally d-did that... Sorry, am I p-pushing my l-limit?" he give you a look that was thought to all sex demon to use when their prey is trying to escape-- using beauty trap.
1. Release full charm point
2. Try to act pitiful.
"Ah..." He whined as he try to get off without your help. But his still tied up with a rope leaving it a hopeless case, causing him to shed crocodile tears. "*Hic... Ah.." he bite his lower lips at his tragic situation.
3. Look seductive while doing so.
"(n-name).... " He whimper looking at you with hopelessness but dejected when he realize your occupied to help him."n-nevermind..." He look down sulking. His wings lay flat with him.
"... Bruh.." You who get a gasp on whats his trying to do since you seen such case in many books.
You watch him give you a side look before looking away whimpering like a pitiful man, thinking you Wont get fooled again.
"it's ok, you can leave-- ahh...." He thought he failed on his move until you flip him over to seat on top of his trobbing boner that is leaking precum.
"Hmmn~" you hummed as you held his neglected dick to position it at your ready entrance, teasingly. Upon contact he squirm and trying to move his hips but it only cause him to moan cause he created friction again.
"Agh... *Hic .." he cried because your playing with him again.
"(name.... Haahmm...!!" He don't even have to plead you before you seat and pushing him deep inside in one trust.
"Ah~ so w-warm...!!" He moaned as he felt his head just went to cloud nine.
"Ha.... Ah..." You cover your lips as your too embarrassed to openly moan like this hornie bitch under you is doing. Your sure his wailing could be heard across the thick walls of your room.
"S-so noisy.... Ah..." You start to move as you finally adjusted with his bulging size deep in you. You could felt your soul ascending each moment you try to move but your body unconsciously clenching your walls on the him, making your legs weak and trusting back at his base.
Causing both of you two moan each time, you already fallen at his trap and ignored the five following ring.
"you hornie bitch is going to get me fired." You groan as you rush to get your morning routine done just after you heard your alarm rang loudly for the last time while still on top of him, moaning. "
S-sorry...! " he apologize. As he serve you some cooked breakfast. He thought that's at least he can do to help you.
"your apology won't get me out of my current dilemma if I were to lost my job. I still need to feed myself ok?" You rolled your eyes as he try to look pitiful in front of you again. You seat in front of him to eat breakfast And internally thought how good of a cook he is.
"I... I can take you to your work faster." He felt even more guilty, so he offer to take you to your place without going through public service.
He look at you who's about to leave the house in hurry.
"..." You look at him doubtfully before you take your chances. He held your hand and went to one of your wall mirrors and walk through it.
Eyes widen you follow along and soon you find yourself at the break room.
"Wow... That's fast. I'm even five minutes early!" You smile and sigh in relief.
"I..I'm glad I can help then... " He felt happy your not longer mad.
"I'll be going then --" he was about to leave when you held his hand.
"Can you change your outfit to something casual? Human casual ok?" You look at him and thought it's a good time introduce him to your coworker and work place. Not because their approval matter. It's a normal tradition in your work place anyway.
You also just want to do those stuff you read, Introducing their precious person to anyone they know so theyll know your taken and found your soul mate. Your proud and boosting that soul mate is not someone to hide and keep hidden like some other people.
"e-eh... O-ok..." He saw the happy smile in your face as you wait for him to change cloths with the help of magic before you drag him to your work area. With happy grin like an innocent child introducing their new friend to their parents.
He usually don't want to interact with bunch of people because being a incubus made him very sensitive to all emotions of people around him, cause him problem if they all in one place. But he is willing to do so if your happy.
Your coworker look at mayoi who they never seen before but the fact his incubus beauty would let anyone in any gender fall into lust.
"who's that looker with you?" One of your coworker look at mayoi with flattering gaze of flirting. Mayoi fidget as he felt the emotion of lust coming from the your coworker and hide behind you.
As an incubby it would be a praise if someone think of him as attractive to lust for but his not your normal incubus. He dislike it.
"if you flatter your eyes at him again. I will make sure you'll be blind the next moment." You giggle as you glance at your coworker.
"(N-name)...!" Mayoi can't help but blush at your Possessiveness over him. His heart flatter at your fear of losing him.
Ah, He wanna kiss you so bad right now~
"t-that... Why did you even bring someone that is not an employee with you?" The person who wanted to flirt with Mayoi can't even resort back as she felt like the threat is not a joke.
"oh. I wanna introduce my soul mate, of course. Isn't that a tradition in this office? " You act dumb before you hug mayoi with a child like smile. "This is mayoi Ayase." You Introduce him to all. "his my most important person~ " shamelessly kiss his cheeks causing him to look at you in surprised at your pda. His look is the same shock your coworker is giving you. Because they all thought your that robotic person who won't show much emotion much less do PDA. Yet seeing that side of you that let them realize your still human who would be open to your soul mate. They all congratulate you even through some envy how lucky you are for you good looking soul mate and jokingly say they might seduce him one day.
"oh? You wanna seduce him? Do you know it's not a crime to take precautions against thief... Nor society of ours question if we our possessive on what's ours even if we eradicate the threat before it become a problem~" you giggle as you clap your hands together that is still linked with mayoi. You felt him shudder in delight at your possessiveness.
"Not that I blame you~ mayoi is sinful beauty ~" your quick to change your mood as you slap the back of the coworker who jested just now.
"Awm.." the poor coworker groan at your harmless slap on his back. "Sorry I was just kidding!" He added quick. He is bloody sure you are one of those psycho people who's possessive beyond normal on their soul mate and your soul mate seems fine and more happy that you are. His worried for him because you seems problematic for human standard for a mate.
He don't realize mayoi is not human. And having a soul mate for a demon like him that is also possessive over him is a blessing and wonderful thing for a demon~
"you better be." You says before mayoi have to leave since it's already too early in the morning for him and he need to go back to demon realm again.
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lovesiickness-moved · 2 years
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Day 14 - Mayoi Ayase and Tatsumi Kazehaya
“Ah~ They’re so perfect… so cute…” - Mayoi
“Stay here… don’t run from me.” - Tatsumi
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bbund · 1 year
If anyone has wondered what I've been up to, I've been harassing the yandere Enstar bots.
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If anyone chats with these bots just know I'm the one that has been fighting them
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obsession-obsession · 2 months
Thinking about aggressive soft yanderes. (Intended to be platonic but can definitely be read as romantic.) They won't threaten you or punish you (unless being used as a teddy bear counts but they'd do that anyways), and they don't take much pleasure in hurting you. But they will use force on you. It's as if they think of you as a ragdoll, but also a treasure that they must cherish whenever given the chance.
Imagine the first time you saw their true self. You had seen something you weren't supposed to, and now they were just smiling gently at you. You tried backing away, but they just stepped closer and closer. Your mind was filled with all sorts of horrible scenarios. Would they kill you? Torture you? Something worse? When they grabbed you by the shoulders, you almost screamed. But angering them seemed dangerous, so you kept as quiet as you could. They held you still like that for a while, observing you with a smile that felt out of place. When they suddenly moved, you closed your eyes, waiting for some kind of pain. But instead, you were being held tightly against their chest.
"Shhh... That's it..." They took a deep, shuddering breath that turned into a light laugh. "It's okay, sweetie... Hehe... This feels so nice..."
They placed a kiss on the top of your head. You could hear their racing heart as they kept you pinned to them. You stayed alert, waiting for their next move. They just chuckled and shook their head, though, before basically shoving you to the ground. They held a hand behind your head so you wouldn't bump it, then knelt over you with a smile.
"I told you, silly. Everything's okay. You have nothing to be afraid of. I don't want you to be nervous. Although it's really fucking cute...!" They let out an unhinged laugh as they entwined your fingers with theirs. "God, I could just admire you for hours... Sorry for being a little rough, cutie. Seeing you so confused was just a bit too much for me. I want to savor your adorable expression more~"
Overtime, you learned they have serious cuteness aggression. Except, it was mainly for you, and they found everything you did cute. You could be yawning or even just staring off into space, and they'd suddenly grab your face and squish your cheeks. You started getting accustomed to being squeezed by them at random. As long as you just let them get their hug in, they'd let you go back to whatever you were doing eventually.
I think this would change a bit depending on their personality. On one hand, they wouldn't shut up while hugging you, taking about how cute you are, how precious you are, how much they love you. On the other hand, they could do everything I mentioned before, just with zero explanation. You've probably been frightened a few times when they suddenly stop what they're doing to yank you into their arms or topple you over. Don't let their silence fool you, they love doing it even if they don't say anything.
Characters I was thinking of for this: Childe, Traveler, Kaeya, Floyd Leech, Kafka, the Trailblazer, Sparkle, Rook Hunt, Kalim al Asim, Kaedehara Kazuha, HSR Seele, Changli, Jingyuan, March 7th, Amber, Hu Tao
Silent characters: Shenhe, Blade, Leona Kingscholar, Rover, Abyss Twin, Dainsleif, Xiao
Other characters I kept thinking of for some reason?: Topaz, Aventurine, Malleus Draconia, Mayoi Ayase or Arashi Narukami (I haven't played enstars in forever)
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mariondeux · 1 year
Hi could I request yandere mayoi x male reader please
Mayoi is obsessed with the male reader to the point that he’s jealous that the reader is dating someone else and the reader likes to hanging out with mayoi because he’s cute and he confesses his love to the reader and manipulates them to be his lover.
Could you add manipulation, corruption, sadism, rough sex, biting and mayoi being a creepy stalker please ^^
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— SYNOPSIS ; Mayoi was overjoyed to hear you wanted him to come over, until he found out your partner was with you as well. Once your partner leaves, he jumps up and confesses to you. But, once you turn him down, he’s ready to do anything to get you to become his.
CW ; NSFW, Non-con, threats of suicide, death threats, manipulation, gory description of death, manipulation, corruption (kinda, this is more like mindbreak), hints of sadism, rough sex, biting, Mayoi being creepy in Mayoi fashion, technical NTR?
PAIRING ; Yandere!Mayoi Ayase x Male!Reader
A/N ; Oh this one is HEAVY. This is the most heaviest request I’ve ever written (imo) 😭 Please take the warnings seriously.
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Mayoi chewed the inside of his mouth, hands slightly trembling as he fiddled with his fingers. When you had invited him over to hang out, you neglected to tell him your significant other would be there as well. The urge to run away and hide somewhere pulsed in his brain, keeping his head down to avoid the sight of you two acting so lovey dovey.
His head was in a constant battle with himself. One side wanted to go back home, hide under his blankets or watch you two in your vents without his presence being known. His leg began bouncing up and down, hunching over on the couch. The other side wanted to get up and wring your significant other’s neck, tear the flesh out of his neck to prevent him from breathing any longer. To watch blood gush out of his neck as they struggled to breathe, the light fading from their eyes as their heart slowed to a stop.
He can’t be having these thoughts with you two in the same room. He can’t.
His brain drowned in this seemingly never ending internal battle with himself, not noticing that your significant other had left your home already. You approached Mayoi, noticing how off put he looked. Your brows furrowed, slowly approaching him as you softly called out his name.
Once he registered you trying to get his attention, he stopped. He jumped a little, turning to face you with wide teal eyes that reminded you of tropic skies and distant sands. He stuttered out your name questionably.
“Mayoi? Are you okay? You were shaking really badly…” You slowly reached out to him, giving him time to move away if he wanted to. But he didn’t. He allowed you to place your hand on his shoulder. You sat down next to him on the couch.
“(name)… I-I love you! P-Please, break up with your partner… t-they don’t deserve you! Y-You deserve someone better, l-like me!” Mayoi’s voice wavered, and he blurted what he’d been holding in without thinking. He placed both of his hands on your shoulders, firmly grasping onto them.
Your eyes widened at the sudden confession. You knew Mayoi seemed pretty out of it when he came to your house, but you weren’t expecting him to say something like this. You invited him over because you thought the way he acted was adorable, and you just wanted to hang out with your significant other and your dear friend. Of all things, why did Mayoi suggest something like this? Your partner didn’t treat you badly. In fact, you were basically still in your honeymoon phase.
“Mayoi… I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. I love my partner, and… I only see you as a friend, a little brother, even.” You nervously chuckled, reaching over to rub your other arm.
You could see those clear skies shatter in front of you.
“B-But…” His bottom lip trembled. A switch flipped in his brain, and suddenly, he ran on autopilot.
“I-If you don’t become my boyfriend, I’m gonna kill myself! I-I will!” Mayoi stood up, limbs visibly shaking as he grabbed anything nearby that he could use against himself. He picked up a cable, unplugging it as he wrapped it around his neck. “I-I’ll do it!”
You immediately got up from the couch, a sudden rush of adrenaline going through you as you ran over to him to pry the cable away from him. “Mayoi, stop! We can talk this out!”
“No! I-I’ll even go home and do it myself! A-And I’ll even kill your partner! I’ll throw a bag over their h-head and beat their skull open with a hammer!” Mayoi yelled out like a madman, eyes swirling in a manic haze as he let go of the cable, now tightly grabbing onto your shoulders. 
Your breath was stuck in your throat as you stared at Mayoi with terror. You’d never seen Mayoi act out like this, going as far as to blurt out the gruesomest thing you’d ever heard. Worst part of all of it was that you didn't think he was joking. You let out a haggard breath, gently sliding your hands up Mayoi’s arms.
“I-I’ll be your boyfriend… Just please, Mayoi, calm down.”
You don’t know what you did to reach this point in your life. What did you do to garner Mayoi’s attention? What did you do to flip a trigger in him? Did you misread him? Was he not who he was? 
You grabbed onto the arm of the couch, legs trembling and threatening to give out under you as Mayoi held your body closer to him. His arms wrapped around your waist, keeping your back firm against his chest as his braided dark purple hair tickled your exposed back. You could hear him breathing so heavily behind you as he rutted his hips into yours, acting as if he was in heat himself. 
Mayoi’s sharp teeth dug into the flesh on your back, biting into you as if he was trying to tear a chunk of your flesh off. You let out a sound of agony through your hazy brain, throwing your head back as you’re thrown from a world of pleasure to a world of pain.
Your screams sent waves of pleasure down his body and to his cock, desperately rutting into you more quickly than before. His moans grew more and more choked, as if he was on the verge of tears. He repeated your name like a broken record, as if it was the only word he knew. Your body went slack in his hold, allowed him to bite into you in various places as he fucked you as he pleased.
After all, you belonged to him.
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TAGLIST ; @exhokai @shuvies @venniin @4kumaa @ambassadoro @noahrandom @1694 @ajaints @berrycolaa @twst-rui @kytesakuma @secretivemessenger @yumixxn @maxx0inwonderland @resluv @kangdae
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pienhime · 11 months
Ten Under-Recognized Jirai Kei Characters!
Ive been meaning to make a post on some jirai kei characters that i think are underappreciated by the overseas landmine community! Mostly i think its bc they don't wear girly kei, cybercore, or other fashions associated with us on SNS, and bc their media came out before 2020. So ive compiled a list and an explanation for why i think they're jirai! I have another list for pien kei characters who arent jirai in my opinion too. If u have any characters u think the western jirai comm sleeps on, comment/reblog and tell me who & why!
1. Celestia Ludenberg
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Celestia (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) has screamed landmine to me for like, ever! She's wrapped up in her appearance and at first glance makes the effort to come off as regal and formal. But she frequently lets that disguise slip and shows her sadistic side at the slightest inconvenience, threatening violence and screaming in peoples faces. She's got both a superiority complex AND inferiority complex, and has an unhealthy obsession with gambling, her super high school level talent.
2. Nijimin Anazawa
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Nijimin (Mahou Shoujo Site) is super popular in the japanese jirai comm, and its easy to see why. She's easily lovestruck and a borderline yandere (dependent type), murderous and hellbent on revenge, and her magical power literally revolves around manipulating others. She's a beloved idol and a symbol of cuteness, but she's a murderous magical girl? How much more jirai can you get!
3. Mayoi Ayase
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Mayoi (Ensemble Stars) is a very interesting character! From his obsession with the occult to his self depreciating behavior to his obsessive and stalkerish tendencies, he's an overall offputting yet charming guy. As an idol, he has fans who have a totally different image of him than the creep (affectionate) he can be at times behind the scenes. Also, not to stereotype, but his favorite sanrio character is kuromi, whos super popular within jirai.
4. Yuri
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Yuri (Dokidoki Literature Club) being a landmine seems a little self-explanatory to me. She's a yandere character who's probably the most unassuming of the cast at first. She's shy, smart, kind... and a self-harming yandere with a knife fetish who will literally kill herself if you get involved romantically or reject her.
5. Yoosung
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Wow, when's the last time I thought about Mystic Messanger? No idea, but Yoosung feels pretty jirai kei to me in retrospect. In the beginning of the game, hes the adorkable self-conscious junior with an unhealthy online addiction. But, by the end, he's a self-harming yandere who refuses to let the player character go, and is willing to do whatever it takes to secure a happily ever after.
6. Kusokawa-chan
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While I have an immeasurable hatred for her creator, Kusokawa-chan (Menhera-chan spin-off 4komas) is a comfort character of mine... for some reason. With a name that means "kawaii trash", her personality is probably predictable. She's human trash, a sadistic asshole with no respect for others who will insult and berate you at the drop of a hat, and turn on a dime on her fans. She tries to cover it up by putting on an exaggerated innocent act and kawaii-fying herself and her life, but she just cant stop herself from exploding on others with no remorse.
7. Azusa Mukami
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Admittedly, everything I know about Diabolik Lovers is through its fandom as I've yet to cave and buy the games. But from what little I know, Azusa seems pretty jirai. He seems innocent, fragile even- but has the typical amount of yandere tendencies for the series. He has a self harm addiction, and if you peruse his route you're in for a toxic time.
8. Satou Matsuzaka
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This might be cheating because she's so popular on yandere tumblr, but Satou Matsuzaka (Happy Sugar Life) is ultra jirai kei. It's no wonder she's such a popular choice of pfp on japanese jiraitwt! She's obsessed with living out a fantasy saccarine-sweet life with the object of her desire, and given her full-blown yandere nature and her lolicon status, its no doubt shes a toxic partner. She's beloved at her school and workplace for her seemingly sweet nature and cute looks, but her kindness is only for the purposes of manipulation.
9. Kosame Amagai
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Again, I'm no expert on Diabolik Lovers! But based on what my friends on yandereblr tell me, this guy is definately a jirai danshi. He's a lover of all things cute, who uses his cute shota-like appearance and polite manner of speech to lure others in. In reality, hes an abusive partner in his route, and takes his anger out on others verbally. He's willing to cry, scream, and threaten over the smallest of transgressions. Of course, he's also a yandere as per series standard.
10. Momonga
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Okay so this is only half-serious, but there's a reason Momonga (Chiikawa) is so beloved by jirai girls and often depicted fitting the visual jirai stereotype in fanart. She's ultra cute! But she uses her appearance and acting vulnerable and innocent to try to get away with shithead behavior. She's loud, erratic, and self-obsessed, and often cries when she doesn't get her way. She's obviously the worlds cutest little manipulator, and she knows it.
I hope you enjoyed this list! There's a list for non-landmine pien kei characters coming soon, so feel free to send me asks with recommendations! And feel free to add on to this list in reblogs and comments!
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aroacesigma · 1 year
vanis tedtalk abt enstars: go
okay so you have 3 agencies producing 15 units! i'll list leaders first.
STARMAKER PRODUCTION has fine (Eichi Tenshouin, Wataru Hibiki, Yuzuru Fushimi, Tori Himemiya) Trickstar (Hokuto Hidaka, Subaru Akehoshi, Makoto Yuuki, Mao Isara) RYUSEITAI (Chiaki Morisawa, Kanata Shinkai, Shinobu Sengoku, Tetora Nagumo) ALKALOID (Hiiro Amagi, Aira Shiratori, Mayoi Ayase, Tatsumi Kazehaya)
Fine are like the pseudo-villains, esp eichi, but it's mostly just a farce. eichi acts in a lot of ways that directly hurt people (and caused an entire arc called the war) but usually does what he does with good intentions behind them. i have mixed feelings on the guy tho so. sdkjgh . also stream hajimari no fantasia. Trickstar is like the unofficial "main" group of enstars and tbh i dislike their music but they're a cute little unit. best friends. love mao btw. mao is also ritsu's childhood friend and also they're kinda gayasses together. RYUSEITAI is based off of like, superhero shows :) their whole gimmick is being superheros and their music is very upbeat and fun :) silly little guys. ALKALOID is a new unit in !! and they are silly. mayoi and tsumi are gayasses. hiiro and aira are gayasses. the entire unit is in gay love. #win. for realsies tho they are touted as "underachievers" and are the main unit in the !! main story alongside crazy:b :)
COSMIC PRODUCTION: Eden (Nagisa Ran, Ibara Saegusa, Jun Sazanami, Hiyori Tomoe) made of the combination of the units Adam (Nagi + Ibara) and Eve (Hiyori + Jun) Valkyrie (Shu Itsuki, Mika Kagehira) 2wink (Hinata Aoi, Yuuta Aoi) Crazy:B (Rinne Amagi, Niki Shiina, HiMERU, Kohaku Oukawa)
cospro with the bangers :) Eden was created as the kinda anti-trickstar and played the villains? but they're mostly chill. their music is very horny but it slaps. do not look at the choreo for dance in the apocalypse DO NOT- /lh valkyrie has. A Past. Ex-Valkyrie had Nazuna Nito in it. shu was a dick and broke up ex-valk tho so now valk is just shu and meeks. mika's a freak and shu is also a freak. peace and love (i love valkyrie) 2wink is made up of two twin brothers ! they also have A Past. go ask lis of lisxdumbr fame is you want a tedtalk on them shes The 2winkP in these parts Crazy:B are the other sort of "main" units of !! bc they are also new :) silly little guys. i don't even know how they formed tbh but Rinne and Niki have known each other since they were 18/15 respectively and used to be in another unit when they were that young that later dissolved??? idk. they're gayasses tho. himeru is there. kohaku is gay for aira. they were online besties. kohiiai the world btw. RHYTHM LINK: UNDEAD (Rei Sakuma, Kaoru Hakaze, Adonis Otogari, Koga Oogami) AKATSUKI (Keito Hasumi, Kuro Kiyru, Souma Kanzaki) Ra*bits (Tomoya Mashiro, Nazuna Nito, Hajime Shino, Mitsuru Tenma) UNDEAD has rei. rei is a vampire. ritsu is also a vampire. also rei is a pathetic grandpa (hes like 20 but acts like he's like 70) bc of the war. but otherwise is a gayass with kaoru. idk much abt undead tbh. koga is a wolf. adonis is the most normalest guy and is kinda gay with souma. AKATSUKI has keito who loves glasses. kuro is shu's childhood bestie. souma has a sword and is also very normal except that one time he said that he'd kill someone? idk. i don't know a lot abt akatsuki either. ask spixi abt them actually. Ra*bits are the cutesy little dudes. nazuna is their niichan. they make banger songs (listen to pocket ni uchuu ooh you wanna listen to pocket ni uchuu so bad) that are also very cutesy. i enjoy them idk. tomoya normalest guy. hajime is kind of a yandere abt him. fucked up little dude. mitsuru goes dash dash :D and is cute. nazuna is in college. NEW DIMENSION: Knights (Tsukasa Suou, Leo Tsukinaga, Ritsu Sakuma, Izumi Sena, Arashi Narukami) MaM (Madara Mikejima) Switch (Natsume Sakasaki, Tsumugi Aoba, Sora Harukawa) Double Face (Madara Mikejima, Kohaku Oukawa)
uhu newdi my beloved ! Knights founded as a direct consequence of the war! founded by leo and izumi (izumi suggested the name. btw.) and very integral to the story. i am not going into that here this is long enough as is. anyway. leo's a silly little composer who goes "uchuu~" and is obsessed with aliens. besties with madara. gayass with izumi and ritsu. izuritsuleo the world btw. izumi is a prissy little bastard who i love for some reason. prettyboy. a dick to most people but cares underneath. also hardcore yandere for makoto. even stalks him and shit. not cool izumi. ritsu is a vampire who's sleepy all the time and relies a lot on mao. bpd guy imo. my beloved also. arashi i told u abt already but i love her dearly. big sister knight <3 and kasa loves sweets and is a silly little dude !! MaM is madara's unit ! he calls himself "mama" and takes on a motherly role for a lot of people :) also claims to be anzu (the protag's) childhood friend. they were not childhood friends but anzu just goes with it i guess. besties with leo. saved his ass during the war also. Switch are my beloveds. my meow meows. natsume is a magician and a flirt and calls anzu "kitten" and i hate him but also would kiss his very punchable face. gayass with tsumugi btw. he's actually very caring underneath his rough exterior. tsumugi is the resident cringefail malewife. guy who goes "uwah!" i love him. knew natsume as a kid and made a promise that if their red string of fate ever broke that he'd grow his hair out to tie it back together with his hair. which he does btw. he grows his hair out bc of that promise. believes a lot in luck and stuff. sora is a cute little guy ! very energetic ! he has synesthesia but it manifests as him seeing people's "colors" kind of like auras, and every enstars character has a color from sora :) people's colors also reflect their mood !! Double Face died. yeah they're dead. ANYWAY. mama and kohaku kill people. that's it. did i forget to mention that kohaku was raised to be an assassin and kills people? yeah. that 15 year old has killed. anyway df died and mama is going on hiatus and kohaku is just kinda there.
ok this got very long. have fun
ok this sounds SO COOL WHAT THE FUCK . also love how long the knights paragraph is in contrast to everyone else lmfao . i downloaded and i will get on it after i eat my breakfast !!!!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
For the Imposter self aware universe, how would Mayou and Arashi treat the player? I really can't imagine them being mean and honestly wonder what they would do.
Hi there! Hope you enjoy this <3
I think it has been like a month since I last posted anything, sorry about that!
gn reader
tw yandere, stalking, obsession, mention of cruel behaviour towards the reader, mention of violence
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How would Mayoi treat the reader in the imposter! Yandere self-aware AU?
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I think Mayoi would probably be one of the easiest characters to deal with in this AU where the characters think you appearing in the game drove the player (also you, lol) away from them
This is not because he necessarily is super nice to you or anything like that but rather that he would mostly just leave you alone
Mayoi is shy and very nervous around people so he most likely wouldn´t ever really try to approach you, even if he is upset with you for driving away his darling
They were the one source of light in his life, the person that kept him going and now they´re gone because of you!
After the player is "gone", Mayoi will just turn into even more of a recluse, refusing to leave his room now that there is no point to anymore
So he would just silently wallow in despair within his room, silently cursing you for causing all of this but never once directly approaching you. Might still sometimes watch you from the vents though, kind of glaring daggers at you but then shrieking and immediately scrambling away if you notice him
He gets strangely engrossed in keeping a “watchful eye” on you and making sure you´re not causing any trouble, how strange...
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How would Arashi treat the reader in the imposter! Yandere self-aware AU?
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Now I think Arashi actually has the potential to be a good deal more hostile than you might have thought. To her, all is fair in the name of love and she would go to great lengths to achieve her perfect love life
Which is why she is very frustrated and angry when she realizes that her beloved player, the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, is suddenly gone and at the exact same time, you appeared in their world instead
Arashi is pretty ruthless when it came to her love rivals and now she would kind of just see you as an extension of that. You may not have been fighting for the heart of her darling but she sees you as the cause of her player disappearing.
If she rationally thought about it a bit more, Arashi might have taken pity on you. You look so sad and miserable, sitting all alone at your table while eating lunch, having everyone either purposefully go as far away from you as possible or openly insulting you while passing you.
Truly, your dejected look makes her heart tinge in an inexplainable way but she pushes all of that to the back of her mind as soon as it happens.
She cannot allow herself to show sympathy for the one that chased away her love. Deep down she realizes that it´s not really fair to you but she needs someone to push the blame onto, to have a person she can hate all she wants to try and make herself feel better about her situation
While Arashi wouldn´t beat you up (probably) she would definitely throw some snappy or mean comments your way whenever you tried approaching her. She´s not beating around the bush and will very bluntly tell you that she does not like you and that you should probably stay away from her if you don´t want her to get even madder
Arashi truly can be scary when you´re not on her good side
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My Darling Dolls AU: the doll who become a puppeteer
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"--and then I wake up." You told what happened in the past when your time traveling, in your point of view. Things you hidden from him, you now openly says to him again.
"Ah... You so cute while telling me your stories..." Mayoi look at you adoringly as you lay your head at his lap, in the secret room you two tell secret that one keep from the other for a while.
"I wanna listen to mayoi stories too~" since your the only one who keep rambling about your memories, you wanna hear mayois.
"is it my turn now~?"he still want to listen to you, telling him stories and your problem like you use to do. Looking at him with innocent joyful smile as you recall each moment.
"Hmm. It's Mayoi turn to tell." You cheekily says as you hug him, he pause from combing your hair with his fingers. Enjoying your silky hair strands with his bare hands as he massage your scrap making you smile pleasingly to him.
Being close and bounding with you is what makes him smile and sane. He miss this moment so much...! He don't want it to end...
"well... Ah... My stories is embarrassing! We almost get fired in the spot because the president of the agency says where underachievers and problematic being DD... Because hiiro, tatsumi and aira could suddenly turn to doll out of nowhere and scandal about such event is a big NONO." He thought about that time where he listen in from the ceiling as that place, ES is a home he once lived at because his previous owner someone related to the first owners of the property where ES stood.
"...who's that ◉‿◉" you casually want to know the name with no total bad motive or what so ever.
"...M-MC shouldn't do something like going there to beat up the president ok? I'm not worthy to make you go to jail..." Even so he says that he felt his heart beat Skipping in happiness and his stomach that seems to have butterfly, flattering with joy.
"(´ . .̫ . `) MK, I won't do it." You pout as your plan is been discovered. "and then what?" You want him to continue his stories again.
"Ah... We get help by Switch unit to have our debut... Which you already know." He thought about that night that he felt sick out of nowhere but he still carried on to the live without making others notice what's wrong with him.
Because his comrades want to be sparkling idols, he also want too. But because you wish to see him on stage.
"I was going to attend that ok (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) but I get sick." Because I made DD bodies for Yuuta and Hinata ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜' you thought as you told your reason for not attending.
".... I don't like when your making DD, not because your aren't adorable trying to finish one with pride. Because y-you'll die young... "
"... I'll try." You mumble. "No. I want you to promise me. Don't fix or make DD in the time period of the past.
"...(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) But what if the DD is someone important like you. I have to fix you up because of what others did to you." You remember the first scene you saw in the past. You hated it, loath those stupid ass rich bullies.
" ... That won't happen a-again... So promise me ok?" He gaze at you awaiting for your words.
"Idk... But I guess I'll do that.." you promise. Since you don't see any dolls to fix yet...
'Yup your/im so going to break the promise' the two of you thought in the same time one from hopelessness And the other is dejection.
"your thinking I'm going to break the promise right?" You chuckle as you read his expression.
"...yes, your too obsessed with dolls stop.... It's just a hopeless wish of mine." He sigh.
"I'll try to not break it." You swear. He look conflicted down at you. He seems to think of something.
"Ah... I just thought of something ~ " bashful yet with thoughts you would rather not lurk deep into, mayoi lean closer to you.
"My MC love Doll so much, you won't mind waking up as one if you break your promise..." He give you a sly smile as he imagine what you look like as a doll. His expression quickly change the second later to a panic one seeing your dumbfounded expression:" BUT ITS NOT DANGEROUS OK!!" He quickly reasoned. He hugs you dearly in his hold.
"I will never put you in danger." He promise.
"How are you going to do that through..." You wonder how Mayoi going to make a living human to a doll. As far as you remember, Kanata said only unfortunate souls are made to DD.
"...fufu... If MC wanna know... We can always turn your sleeping friend too one~ that way you won't have to bother going to the past!" He once again become degenerate, with love sick expression in his face.
"What. No!" You quickly reject his idea. "Kana is human, I won't mind being your doll. Kana will stay as human. " You frown at the thought of forcing your friend to something he don't wish too. His too dumb what if he untangle his strings and become depress mess?
"oh my... MC frowning and mad looks so cute too~ " he chuckle at your expression. "Hmmp." You pout trying to act like you don't like his comment. "It's only a suggestion, I won't do that... Unless certain someone does something that would hurt me so bad... Ah... Am I allowed to be this evil to you?" He cover his face as he felt shame on his own thoughts.
"...you can. Mayoi looks very seggsy." You cover your own face because of your own shameless words.
Mayoi look at you in surprised before bashfulness taken over his face.
"i--..." The two of you enter a awkward silent before you heard your phone alarm. "Oh.. it's time..." You mumble as you seat up. "...is it?" Mayoi knows your going to do now. Yet he still want the little moment between you two last. "It's ok, since mayoi would help out. I don't need to go get a punch right?" You chuckle as you stood up and offer your hand to mayoi. "Mayoi wanna meet kana again?" You says as he accepted your hand. "...s-sure..." He is not thrilled but he saw your happy grin and dismiss his disgusting jealousy.
"Let's go then~" you two the went to the house of HiMERU near the hospital, as HiMERU decided to take kana home after saying your suggestions to him. You promise him, you'll wake kana this time around, so you.
through you did leave a note, you'll be gone for a while for the folks in the house. You meet up with HiMERU who's look displeased looking at the phantom but never voice his words but welcome the two of you.
You greeted the sleeping beauty that won't response to your greeting before mayoi look at the situation deep In thoughts. "Here's the sofa bed." HiMERU says as he adjust the sofa to a bed. You lay on the bed after looking at kana one last time. "MK, I'm ready." You grin. "How does this work exactly, HiMERU is confused like always." HiMERU ask as he don't grasp the plan. How would the phantom assist you. "You don't have to worry... "Mayoi smiled as he seat beside. "Now, mc should relax yourself and slowly breath in and out..." Mayoi instructed you as you close your eyes and did what he told you
After a minute of so of doing it, you felt your mind empty.
"now imagine the time where you last been in the past..." You heard mayoi voice that seems to distance away from you, even so you know his right beside you.
"hm.." you mumble as you did what your told, slowly your mind works on its own. You felt threads circling around you, leaving tingling feeling as it sweep you off to the unknown world...
To the time of past, where you last left of, it's when you and kana are playing hide and seek yet your awaken from your coma to continue to explore the period of childhood to search for kana of your present.
The moment you enter the past, you don't realize that the time you spend in the past is the same time would passes by in your real present. Not the usual one that would let you spend months in the past only week would passes by in present.
Time passes with a blink, you been asleep for a long while, longer than you did last time. The crowd of DD in the house all worries about you yet they can't ask where you are as if they are shut by unknown force, and the same force made them unwillingly continue to live their daily routines each day.
Somehow hiiro use his leader command on Aira and Tatsumi to just forget about MC until their idol situation is fix as MC don't want them to worry and they all given a note they'll be out for a commission.
Tatsumi worries about frequent disappearance of Mayoi as well, he often with HiMERU going out somewhere but before he could follow, it's either the twins or Double face unit would block his actions of pursuit.
Aira notice something is odd with hiiro as he said those, but never question as he can never seems to do so. If one look closely, shadow like threads wrap around the oblivious DD who are is somewhat controlled by unknown puppeteer.
Everyone would have realize they are all under someone's control, but only who could seen such threads with naked eyes could see what's wrong with the situation.
So all become a hopeless puppets and dolls that cannot ask more questions if they were abandoned or not to their dear human friend, MC.
HIMERU look at the scene before him, the phantom is surrounded by shadow like threads, that is ready to sucks out one life if approach without warning.
The sight before him is a normal scene, since you never awaken for moth a months now. the patience and sanity of the phantom drop each days you continue to sleep passes by.
He watch others who are all hopelessly and oblivious to the fact it's the fault of the phantom, to made them unable to say their own worries out loud and search for you, his both thankful that he don't need to leak out about the truth of kana and his identity.
Yet like them his still a hostage of the phantom who could explode any moment now and his dear brother would be in danger as they are always in the same room.
The phantom look at your defenseless figure who's sleeping peacefully, with a soft smile on his face as he held your right hand. The smile disappear as tears falls from his eyes. The threads start to lash out as he cry in displeasure and hopelessness. But not loud enough to awaken you.
"...*hic... M-MC... Is s-sleeping for... A w-while now...*sob." he whimpers as he wanted to wake you up so much but he fear you'll be mad.
He did all he could to make sure everyone won't ask questions about what happened to you.
Even it means forcing them to do so. He use abilities that made him a fearful topic for other DD after all, and it's not for no reason.
Being the second original DD of the first doll maker doesn't make him less than Kanata after all.
Kanata who help dollmaker give form to unfortunate souls when he handle the haunted fallen Dolls like a death reaper that grant wishes and connection to the world after dolls fallen to haunted state and before they all hopeless disappear and forgotten by the world.
his threads will help hopeless Darlings dolls Continue to connect to the world to stay yet lingers in the world without form nor be seen by others other than him, maybe one day there own cure would come... Like you are to the twin who are once of those hopeless haunted dolls.
But he could always use those those in other purpose. To be a puppeteer. But he only able to do that when he become true human. He never tried it but he thought of it, people once said darling dolls are base on Pinocchio, Pinocchio is a puppet...
'It won't be bad if he control other Darling dolls as one right??' he thought in the time where others worries about you and cannot focus on their work, their unit which is hopelessly in the bottom of the food chain cannot handle set back, if they fail to gain stand hold.
You'll be sad because you wish to see everyone shined on the big stage. Without a choice mayoi did something he never tried before, never proven it could work either...
somehow he manage to do so, yet one doll is not able to be gasp under his control... The said doll is HiMERU. But he don't need to control him as HiMERU would not let such thing bother him with his idol work.
"...n-no..." Suddenly mayoi stood up and look at you in worry.
"Iknowthiswouldhappenbutstill!" He cried out as he tried to do something when he discovered you broke your promise as you fix a doll in the past.
"...you." holding you dearly in his arm, unconscious like a sleeping beauty. He gaze at the other doll in the room, the reason why your in that state.
"it's fine if I'm evil to other people... MC would not know...you won't tell them right??? Unless...." He darkly chuckle to himself as he thought of what to do, and hinting a threat to the hopeless doll.
"It's time for you to fix your own mess..." HiMERU alarmly went to a defense stand but his own shadow is long tied with a thread without him knowing. Feeling drained and sleepy, he glared at the phantom.
"Agh....W-what...." He groan as he slowly loses consciousness.
" Your very lucky... I cannot harm any dolls because MC loves dolls so much... If not... Ahaha..." The last thing HiMERU hear is the phantom chuckle before he lost consciousness. "You'll be in a worse state before my dear mc fix you."
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TAG LIST : @allimili @valeriele3 @emikoisdead
A/N: we could all say, mayoi get upgrade in his title lol. Here's a seggsy mayoi for ya all Ùwú. Yes yandere mayoi is a thing now ùwú but he won't harm others (dolls) but never said he would not control them (〃゚3゚〃) to do his biddings like he did to hiiro and other dolls you made. But it's for a good cost. (灬º‿º灬)♡
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rozestears · 2 years
Hihi ! is the request still open? Can I request Yandere mayoi smut ?? (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Or suggestive content + yandere •́ ‿ ,•̀
I just want yandere mayoi (・ัω・ั)
But free to ignore if ya dislike.
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—SUMMARY; My my, how strange is he indeed. Mayoi and his peculiar nature! But wait- it get's worse when he's around you, or even simply is thinking about you! He only wants you no one else...
—CONTENT WARNINGS; Mentions of blood and wounds
Ayase Mayoi x Gn!Reader . 1356 Words
Mayoi would always be seen with you, holding your hand or just being ever so close towards you, his little darling! He loves you very deeply, and I mean very. To the point where he would do some... extra precautions just to make sure you'll always be his, and only his. He's really good at hiding them too, even good at hiding himself.
What do you mean?
Well, let's just say Mayoi likes following people around, right? Well he goes through extra miles just for you, it's not stalking, he says... It's just his way of making sure you'll be safe from harms-way. Like today, you were off to work and waved off your goodbye to him while he stayed at home "waiting" for you.
As soon as you left, he ran quickly to the back door, and ran outside to the front yard to your car, going underneath it. You didn't notice him; you were in the garage looking for the car keys. Mayoi had planned that. He needed to distract you so he could come along with you!
He just needed to be everywhere with you. He clinged to the under side of your car as you went in and proceeded to drive to work. After a while, you arrived your building and carefully parked your car, still not noticing him. You left for work.
Mayoi got up and he stood there leaning on your car with burns on his hands and arm, and a few scratches on his cheek. Why was he even there in the first place? He could've gone on the trunk, right? Well, he thought it wouldn't be applicable, since it would get him a lot of work just to get out of it right away, and he wouldn't be able to monitor your actions so much...
He went ahead and walked over to your work place, his arm starting to bleed a little bit. He just brushed it off and covered it with his sleeves, but it also started to bleed through. Well then, he didn't mind. But now he was walking to your room and spotted you over there working so hard for you and him both, he admired you so much!
You looked so pretty... even though you were just sitting there typing on your computer. You restored down a page and it revealed your wallpaper, it being you and Mayoi on the first date you guys ever had. Mayoi sighed softly and let out a toothy grin. He took out his phone and took a picture of you quickly.
An hour or so had passed and you got up for your break. Those hours.. They felt like minutes to Mayoi! He enjoyed watching you so much. As you were getting up, someone was talking to you and handing you a meal to eat. Mayoi didn't think much of it, that is until they started complimenting you in ways that don't seem to be platonic.
Mayoi panicked as you started to blush at them aswell. He felt frustrated at what he's witnessing, and promised to make you only ever love him... Once you get home that is.
Work today has been okay for you, and you were on the way home. Mayoi was where he first tagged along with you. You safely arrived back home once again. Mayoi quickly got back up and went through the same route, behind your home to get back in. He waited at the door for you. Opening it you were greeted with the usual warm hug he would give you.
You were just about to do it back to him, but he then dragged you to your room. Mayoi threw you ontop of your bed and pinned you down, while also placing his knee inbetween your thighs. He started weeping to you saying how you didn't love him anymore!
"What makes you say that!?" You shot at him back.
"Because! Y-you.. You receive such compliments and praise from other people that are obviously meant in a romantic way!" He said back to you.
You shook your head saying you didn't realize that it was like that, and reassured him that you would only ever love him. He cried louder and began to dig his nails into your wrists, and dropped to your chest weeping. You yelled in pain and told him to stop. He loosened his grip on you but didn't let go.
His hands around you softened and you removed your hand from his, and didn't push him away... But rather stroked his hair and rubbed his back, causing him to make it arch it a bit. And it even turned him on. He apologized quickly for his assumptions, and said how he should've trusted you more.
It was okay. Just don't let it happen again, you said to him looking a bit serious this time. He nodded and smiled at you. He was getting up to leave you alone, due to how embarrassed he was but on the way up he accidentally hit your crotch, which made you moan. He looked at you and you opened up your hands, inviting him to still stay.
He gently placed himself back ontop of you, and you kissed his cheek. He wanted to ask if you'd like to make love with him, but he thinks you got the hint... But still, he wanted to make sure of it. "Oh my darling, is it alright if I fucked you tonight...?" He said hiding his face in between your neck and shoulder.
You nodded and that made him perk up. He started unbuttoning his shirt, and you did the same plus removing your pants and underwear along with it. Mayoi sat on the edge of your bed and asked if it was okay with you to help suck him off... Just this once! You agreed and knelt to the ground, infront of him.
Stroking his cock lightly, it made him even more turned on because you were holding him down there using your cute warm arms... He threw his head back and let out a groan, it even made his cock harder. You laughed and when it started to leak more you placed it in your mouth and gently sucked on him.
Mayoi held a handful of your hair in his hands and guided you more, going up and down your mouth. You used your tongue too, putting his cock out and licking the tip with a smirk plastered on your face while doing so. Without a warning, Mayoi came inside of your mouth. The warm liquids gushing to your mouth.
"H-hey.. Spit that out please..." He said reaching out both his hands infront of you. You looked at him and swallowed it all up. His eyes widened and you held his hands instead, pulling on it to help you get up and you laid on the bed, with your ass out. You told Mayoi if he would like to take you from behind.
He nodded and climbed back up behind you, and positioned his sopping wet cock inside your hole. As he was inserting himself onto you, you bit your lower lip and nearly rolled your eyes back. He signalled he was fully inside of you, and you told him to just thrust inside you at this point.
He nodded and started off slow, but with Mayoi getting even more excited by the thoughts of you, he would go faster, practically bucking his hips as he hit your ass with his front. You started panting quickly at Mayoi's actions and started to weep aswell from the pain you were experiencing.
Mayoi reached out for your waist to press yourself more to him. You kept moaning rather loudly underneath him. He was getting closer and closer to coming again inside of you... He went slower and sloppier in his thrust until he came inside of your ass, it being red from how many times he slapped himself onto you.
You flipped yourself over and Mayoi laid beside you. He gave you a small kiss before you both drifted off to sleep besides eachother.
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thelocal-idot · 2 years
12 Days of Death (Christmas)
Enstars Event (FINISHED)
Hello darlings! I wanted to do something special as i work on some things thats why im doing!
Using my friends, a generator, and all of your ideas, we will have 12 days of Death.
These aren’t necessarily x Reader but if you want them to be, please ask in my Requests box!
Feel free to request characters that aren’t listed yet! And if you have any ways you specifically want them, reader (if you so want it) to die, or you want them to be yandere just ask <3
These will start being posted 12 days before Christmas
So far i have
Day 1 : Souma Kanzaki - Death: Seppuku
Day 2 : Shu Itsuki - Death: Hung & Decapitation
Day 3 : Aira Shiratori - Death: Immolation & Mania
Day 4 : Wataru Hibiki - Death: Crushed
Day 5 : Tsukasa Suou (x Reader) - Death: Liebestod
Day 6 : HiMERU (x Reader) - Death: Disease & Felodese
Day 7 : Rei Sakuma (x Reader) - Death: Double Suicide
Day 8 : Niki Shiina - Death: Autosarcophagy
Day 9 : Mika Kagehira - Death: Overdose & Drowning
Day 10 : Eichi Tenshounin - Death: Hanahaki
Day 11 : Yuuta Aoi & Hinata Aoi - Death: Beheading
Day 12 : Mayoi Ayase (x Reader) - Death : Self-Sacrifice
The Credits
The special playlist im crafting for this event
12 songs for their respective fics, they will be listed in order once theres enough.
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iamgrape · 2 years
Chaos butterfly Mayoi Ayase HC
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Once posted in my main Acc.
Imagine mayoi ayase his coward hidding in the corner outfit + almost not noticable big butterfly wings that is same color as his cloths with blue, purple shades behind him. ( It look like a part of his cloths instead ) + two long antenna with it's end forming a heart.
How did mayoi become a chaos butterfly? Well if you become sentient about everything around you and enter an endless cycle of scenario where your not the mc or the mc. ( game, fanfic, etc. Unlimited multiverse created by everyone imagination and stories) And unable to do anything and the only source of someone with somewhat sentient and not control by the world is "You"-- who he wish to protect from being chained by the law of the world and become a puppet like his "friends".
Since his a "game" character. Not only his sentient. A virus can/or have corrupted him slowly. We can call the virus as 'chaos'. His protection over "you" become twisted. He now wish to protect all of "you" from different multiverse mindset at the beginning.
Butterfly means soul. He gain a soul among others soul less characters, the moment he become sentient. The chaos virus help his cocoon phrase and transform to a beautiful chaos butterfly who can overlap bound of the four dimensions and the law of the world.
But the moment he flip his wings. Butterfly effect have triggered. He unbeknownst cause catastrophe as the world cannot handle a being that is unbound by law of the world. His original universe shutter to pixels and become an empty void.
Yet He forgotten he did such thing. As they said if you hate such memories we can force our mind to forget it. So he thought his "friends" have been shutters across the multi verse along side "you".
And so his journey traveling multiverse happened. But don't you know some butterfly drinks blood, and poisonous? Each universe that don't have one soul in it ( self aware character) it become a part of him. And each "you" he sees can never handle him and all "wilt" away.
But there are cases where other AU have sentient character. Like his friends. First one he meet is Hiiro but hiiro never understand what's mayoi wanted. He knows mayoi isn't the same mayoi he knows. Hiiro is a spear, a weapon that will defend his friends. He is a warrior who will protect. So he of course would not let another mayoi takes something that isn't belong to his AU. Stigma of vermilion spade appear on him. He no longer bound to his world.
Mayoi who felt hopeless and cried, once again flip his wings out of emotional state. HE DOESN'T MEAN TOO, PLEASE FORGIVE HIM. HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHY HIS FRIEND DONT WANT TO GO WITH HIM, BACK HOME! he cried as he realize what he did. Yet it was for a not, The world he is in enter the phrase catastrophe before the end. He tried to apologize but hiiro mark him as an enemy that he will destroy. He taken the role of a person who would chase mayoi and destroy him before he will do the same thing to other universe. So the chase began.
Mayoi flee and found himself to multiverse with another mayoi being sentient yet the mayoi in that world is from a "yandere" theme AU and cannot bare the "you" to be someone else. So he and CB mayoi become one as there's a law in a world you cannot meet your doppelganger. His obsession over "you" become more chaotic than his "protective" he once have over you. He "loves" you so much he would chase all of you so theres could only be one and you will be his. (Basically yandere mayoi is a bad mix to CB mayoi) he did meet another sentient character which is Aira.
Aira cannot do anything but warned everyone in multiverse. His from a chat/twitter/message AU. He can send mail across universe to warned others as he suddenly realize he become a part of an AI instead of like hiiro who can physically travel through hiiro and him travel along side together but his physical body is destroyed by mayoi when he realize in aira universe the pairing isn't mayoixyou.( LOL-A HAHAHAHA) so he only an AI in a smart phone who try to assist Hiiro who only thought of destroying CB mayoi but don't know shit about multiverse.
The last sentient character is Tatsumi but his from a fantasy+ magic au. His a dragon. (Rawr) he tried to proceed mayoi to stop and let's have a talk chat but mayoi ask him: "who's in a relationship with "you/producer" "...???" Tatsumi don't understand, in his universe there isn't any phone. Aira cannot warn him even if there's one, he cannot use one. Gadget would be destroyed by his presence. So tatsumi answer honestly that it's "(character)" and so mayoi once again control by the Yandere side and made the world enter the phrase of catastrophe. Unlike hiiro Tatsumi still want to make sense to mayoi even so his home is destroyed. But he wish to protect his other friends in experiencing the same thing. So he travel the world on solo as aira and hiiro arrive in the place late. But as the role of a Shield and protector. Heretic Diamond stigma appear on him as he no longer bound to the distraction of his world.
The last universe is where there's no sentient character but Isekai "you". You really like mayoi in that universe and actually an item. But one day you were walking back to the dorm, you saw "mayoi" who is surrounded with butterfly. You in a oblivious state, who doesn't know what happens to other AU, go on a date with CB mayoi who finally after long time acted like his usual state of mind (before chaos butterfly phrase) as he cannot help but think he can be happy as you and him go around and date. 'ahh~ he felt so happy!' he thought as he cherish each moment you held his arm and call his name. But he soon realize your emotion is supposed to be for the mayoi in this world. He cried but you lovingly comfort him. He felt so drown in love. He want to keep you for himself. But that would be so unfair for his other self. He have a sane mind when his with you. So he tried to fight the sanity and chaos in his whole being to keep you safe as well your world. He felt it's time for him to repent for what he did to other universe as he self destruct in a garden. The mayoi in that universe already know about CB mayoi from the message of AI aira that been viral lately. He already gotten the things what needed to be warned about. Yet instead of thinking it as a threat. He thought deeply about it as he try to understand his other self motive as he held your hand while running away from lost fragments of destroyed universe as his friend run away. Your existence can deny the existence of outsiders of this world, to deny the existence of fragments with a swift of your hand. ( Like how we can delete the app with a swipe) behind his frantic friends back. He made you delete the existence of the fragments while smiling sweetly at you. Not knowing the beautiful scene of pixel and fragments turning to dust is a deletion you follow his instructions. And the last goal is garden where CB mayoi is on self destruct state but hiiro arrive and stop it as he want to destroy mayoi himself. When you saw the stigma of chaos butterfly, you felt you can never delete it even how oblivious to you to the ability of yours. Your universe mayoi can't help but smile at your decision. His beloved cannot bare to destroy even his other vision. (Note: there's no other mayoi on the fragments world, they all become apart of CB mayoi)
like being hypnotized by the beauty of chaos. You felt drown to the location where CB mayoi is. Yet before you can enter the maze garden. Sentient tatsumi arrive and hides you and your friends: "please be quite and do not stare to the butterfly or else I cannot help you more." He says as he shut your mouth. Soon CB mayoi who just deal with hiiro and aira ( he don't kill hiiro and aira because two of them are perfect to be put in his destroyed AU, unbound by the law and the world) walk out of the maze and the moment he appear your eyes cannot leave him. He was crying, he felt so sad he cannot even redeem himself for his crime. Seeing him hopeless and a tragic state you remove yourself from being bound by Sentient Tatsumi and reach out for him. As mayoi of your universe held tatsumi down for you to reach out for CB mayoi. "Mayoi--" you called as you hug him. He pause in shock as he realize it's you. Who among others don't "wilt" away from his mere presence. "Please don't cry! Who made you cry ?" You question in worry. You always priority his well being than others, your most precious person. The reason your in this world. "Wh... Why are you not running away from me... I'm dangerous..." He felt more tears fall from his eyes as you continue to hug him. He turn lock gaze to the mayoi in this universe who upper hand others ( sentient tatsumi cannot fight back and harm his friends ) and he approach his other self and you. He smiled as he give a last kiss to your forehead before he become a part of CB mayoi. His happiness and positivity in this world have balance the chaos inside mayoi. Your universe mayoi knows what he needed to do to stop such catastrophe and he won't mind being the way to end it. In the end you and "him" would still be together. And the love and care you give him in this universe is enough for him.
"I love you so much." Mayoi says as he remembers all the memories you and "him" have. "Would you like to come with me?" He ask you who is fool in love happily nodded and the two of you disappear from that very universe. That luckily did not end up like the rest of the universe. Soon the world cover with butterfly yet instead of carrying chaos it return the worlds as it "should" be yet souls of "you" and "him" are long gone and become a mare puppet of the worlds. A world that there's no such as paring but like the original game story.
The two of you arrive in a place distorted by time and space. A beautiful garden with only the two of you. For eternity.
*shower CB mayoi with kisses. (つ≧▽≦)つ and I will now write NSFW for this. Uwuwuwuw. BABYY I LOVE YAAAAAS
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bbund · 2 years
Hey hey Heyheyhey y'all happyele definitely has to be yanbaiting us with that card line because it wouldn't fit with Mayoi's character to refuse to let anyone do anything this deep into the story.
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Like they don't even think people would seriously kidnap someone and feels such thoughts are bad sooo I have the unfortunate idea that Christmas isn't a good time for Mayoi and they're hiding away and we're gonna need tissues soon. Hopefully it won't include another panic attack because her falling asleep on that bench really hurt.
No sadness for Mayoi (atm anyways), Shinobu isn't even near Mayoi the whole story
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magicrabbiticons · 2 years
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