#yandere overwatch halloween skins
Base Yandere Monster Roadhog Headcanons: Pretty (15th Day Of Halloween) (Overwatch)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with a new chapter and in this chapter is Junkerstein Monster Roadhog! And his base headcanons I hope you all enjoy this chapter here my friends!]
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Junkerstien Monster Roadhog-
.He is a monster made after Frankenstein.
.He may be a monster of destruction but he has a soft spot for things he deems cute.
.Such as the Pachimaris and dainty tea cup.
.And of course the cutest of them all, you.
.He is not the most discreet guy when it comes to following you around the village.
.Like a giant massive shadow that scares everyone away from you.
.It does not matter if you want him as a bodyguard or not he has taken it upon himself to be that for you.
.He is not aware of his strength though with if he grabs you or hugs you he can really cause at least bruises on you.
.He will drag you to Junkerstein for him to fix you.
.If someone tried and take you from him?
.Monster Roadhog will legit rip them apart. Quite literally.
.After that is said and done he realizes you are still human and will die.
.Oh he cannot let this happen. So he goes to Junkerstein.
.He will do whatever it takes to be with you forever.
.Even killing you and making you like him. His bride.
.It did not matter how you feel about it.
.It also does not matter your gender you would still play the role of the blushing bride.
.He has you and now he will never let you go.
.You Are the bride of Junkerstein's monster!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done I hope you all enjoyed this one was also (pre made on september 28th) I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy!]
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Yandere! Halloween Prompts Day: 4
Word/Theme: Demon
Yandere! Demon! Hanzo
A/N: I haven't written for Overwatch in a long while and they have a ton of Halloween skins so- Excitement :)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior (?), Mentions of violence, Sadism.
Tumblr media
Dragon, demon, you didn't care what he was. What you did know was he wasn't human. Everything from the grey skin and white eyes gave off an ominous aura. You just hoped you weren't prey tonight.
His speed was incredible. You knew you would not be able to outrun him if you tried. Outsmarting him was probably impossible too.
If you were going to live tonight it was best to get out of here fast. You've heard rumors of this beast. Villagers in this town have called him 'Hanzo'.
Legends described him as grey with white eyes, pointed ears giving him a beastly appearance with Oni tattoos running along his arm and chest. The creature looking away from you matched that description. You weren't expecting to meet a creature of folk lore here....
'Home...I need to head home.' You think to yourself as you carefully maneuver yourself around the town.
"I know you're there, human." You hear a deep voice laugh. You don't bother turning around. You could feel his presence. "What brings someone like you out tonight?"
The demon walks around quickly to meet you in the eyes. White orbs stared at you with a stoic face. You swear your heart would pop.
"You've heard the rumors, right? The ones where if you stayed too late at dark, a demon would come?" The demon, who you assumed was Hanzo, chides you before gripping your chin.
The demon twirls an arrow in his other hand, leaning closer. You try to pull yourself back hesitantly. This only left you with the demon pointing the arrow at your neck.
"Since you're such a brave human let's play a little game. Show me you're interesting enough to keep alive by a game of chase. What do you say?"
With the arrow threatening to pierce your neck and the bone crushing grip on your chin, you felt you had limited options.
"Fine. I'll die either way so I may as well agree to your deal." You grunt, the demon chuckling at your slight defiance.
"A smart human, huh? Let's see about that." Hanzo shifts his position to behind you, arrow put away to put his hands on your waist for a moment.
"I'll give you a head start." He says in your ear, you cringing when you felt a long tongue lick the shell of your ear before the demon dissipated.
It was as if he disappeared into thin air-
Knowing you weren't safe, you got to work on keeping distance.
If you could make it to your house you'd be a little happier when the demon slaughtered you, you guessed.
The streets were dark and quiet. It may have been peaceful if it weren't for the demon stalking within the shadows.
Hanzo was like a reaper, waiting for you to make a wrong move that could end your life.
You truly felt you were being hunted when an arrow whizzed past you. You felt the demon missed on purpose.
Your slow hesitant pace quickened into a sprint as you tried to find your way home. The demon followed quickly in the shadows.
Another arrow threatened to hit you, you felt he was trying to scare you. Was he ever truly going to hit you with one of those arrows?
Almost as if he read your thoughts your leg shot up with pain. A scream leaves your throat as you look down for a moment. An arrow lodged itself in your leg, searing pain cutting through the muscle.
You felt like your leg was on fire.
Deciding to push on you ignore your pain and focus on your goal. The arrow most likely wasn't coming out any time soon so it didn't matter to you.
You were going to die by the demon anyways, right?
The chase went on for what felt like an hour before you collapsed, arrows in the back of your legs.
You're whimpering to yourself in pain like a dying deer, the arrows making your legs impossible to move after the adrenaline wore off. You shut your eyes in pain.
"What a chase... I will admit you did make tonight interesting." Hanzo muses before kneeling in front of you. "I purposefully only shot your legs."
You feel the demon hold your head up with his hand, causing you to open your eyes.
"...I suppose I'll let you live. For a price."
"A...price?" You cough, still very much out of breathe. "Didn't we...just-"
"You're making deals with a demon, dear." Hanzo sighs.
You whimper in his hands but nod. At least you'll live....
"I'll keep you."
"...What-" You sputter, trying to back away. Sadly your legs throbbed painfully again so you stop.
"Demons are greedy. I'll have my hunt and I'll have my prize. It's only fair and expected of a demon."
At this point you give up responding, the pain making your brain go numb.
"I'll give you time to rest. You'll need to after what I did. It's the least I can do for a fragile human such as you."
Hanzo stands up, positioning himself so he can remove his arrows.
"I'll meet you again tomorrow, my human."
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The Inner Beast (Headcanons) Werewolf Winston (25th Day Of Halloween)
[Hello My sexy readers, I am here with a new chapter and so far this is the last one (Made this on the 29th) requested for Overwatch so far. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this!]
-Headcanons With Werewolf Winston-
.He is a smart guy
.He is a good guy.
.But he has be cursed to turn into a werewold every full moon.
.This is where he is more harry and a different animal.
.He retains his genius and mind  
.But he still can go feral with his anger being on edge.
.He meets you and falls for you.
.Something about you wants to make him AWOOOOOOOOOOOOO
.He adores you
.Is super protective.
.Will track you to make sure you are okay.
.Will piss on your house to ward off any other monsters that you were his.
.Stalk you in the woods.
.Kill in rage.
."Do not fear me my dear, I am just trying to keep you safe!"
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy my friends!]
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Happy HALLOWEEN 31 Days of Halloween Challenge This challenge goes for I am going to try and do a update across various oneshot headcanons scenarios series the following be Overwatch Scp Creepypasta The various Horror one Walking Dead In these will be able to do many things also some of them will be less yandere and more wholesome. Vote for any number with 1 yandere to each number you want to see choose yanderes from the categories bellow .Scps/staff .Creepypastas .Overwatch Halloween skins/the heroes as everyday people .any horror movie characters or horror game characters and so on .characters from the walking dead Remember be specific on what type of reader slash darling you want with their gender and such and yes their can be platonic and non yandere! Vote and enjoy also will post these and more to my five series 1: Apple picking 2: raking and jumping in leaves 3: picking out pumpkins 4: carving pumpkins 5: corn maze 6: make scary scare crow 7: bobbing for apples 8: put up Halloween decorations 9: make or buy costume 10: make Halloween treats such as anything pumpkin and bloody treats 11: watch scary movies 12: play scary games 13: costume party 14: tell ghost stories 15: go to a haunted house 16: go to real haunted location 17: contact the dead (or try to) 18: Halloween pranks 19: buying candy (even if you will eat it yourself) 20: Halloween Dinner party Now the more so creepy yandere types 21: stalking 22: killing rivals 23: breaking into darling house and stealing her stuff 24: build a shrine to your darling Halloween theme 25: scaring off anyone to close to darling 26: sending love letters to darling 27: decorate darling porch or such with dead rivals 28: taking photos/video 29: buy everything you need to kidnap darling 30: kidnap darling and confess love Normal one 31: Trick or treating
at least one every day of october so in this this is what we are doing for Overwatch
The Halloween SKINS And BONUS 
So vote for what you want headcanons you want for what I put bellow :D vote for as many as you want if you vote on tumblr every individal ask in seperate asks in my ask box 
1: Pumpkin Reaper
2: Dracula Reaper
3: Witch Mercy
4:  Dr. Junkerstein Junkrat
5: Junkerstein Monster Roadhog
6: Monster Hunter Jesse
7: Undead Jesse
8: Dragon Symmetra
9: Spirit Mei
10: Haunted Armor Reinhardt
11: Spider woman Widowmaker
12: cultist Zenyatta
13: Swamp Monster Doomfist
14: Demon Hanzo
15: Demon Genji
16: Werewolf Jesse
17: Slasher Immortal Soldier 76
18: Bride of Frankenstein Sombra
19: Banshee Moira
20: Enchanted Armor Pharah
21: Mummy Ana
22: Gorgon Lucio
23: Wisp Tracer
24: Warlock Ashe
25: Vampire Ashe
26: Demon Orisa
27: Fox Spirit Dva
28: Voodoo Doll Echo
29: Jekel hide sigma
30: Flying dutchman sigma
31: Werewolf winston
32: Skeleton Zenyatta
Those are the ones we are doing if they get votes
if you want a scenario of a hero this part you will like next
A: I make one? (Vote your top halloween skin you want and I will make up a scenario for them with the reader you want.)
B: Trick or Treating with a overwatch hero dressed in their costume (this is non yandere and can be platonic in which you are the hero's daughter or son or child)
C: Kidnapped by a Overwatch monster (yandere)
That is it for the Overwatch one, please vote and if you are on tumblr please put each speicfi vote in seperate asks in my ask box
vote for ANY SCP or Staff memember you want headcanons on and there will also be scenarios in this
1: SCP 001 Scarlet King
2: SCP 014 Statue Man
3: SCP 035 Possessive Mask
4 SCP 049 Plague Doctor
5: SCP 049-J The moron Plague Doctor
6: SCP 073 Cain
7: SCP 076 Able
8: SCP 079 Old AI
9: SCP 096 Shy Guy
10: SCP 106 The Old Man
11: SCP 166 Teenage Succubus (18 years old/Clef Daughter)
12: SCP 173 The Sculpture
13: SCP 542 German Surgeon (You know the one from ww2 who done surgery on himself so much and no looks more or less like Frankenstein?)
14: SCP 682 Big indubitable lizard
15: SCP 939 With Many Voices (Aka the predators that mimic the last person they kill to find more food)
16: SCP 953 Fox Lady Kitsune
17: SCP 993 The Clown (Nope)
18: SCP 1486 Benny the f up baby
19: SCP 1504 Joe Schmo
20: SCP 1678 Unlondon
21: 2030 (Laugh guy XD) LA U GH IS F UN
If you have any SCPS you want me to add as yanderes comment bellow and now onto what doctors you will work with and agents as well
Vote for your top 5
A: Dr. Kondraki
B: Dr. Gears
C: Dr. Jack Bright
D: Dr. Simon Glass
E: Dr. Iceberg
F: Dr. Alto Clef
G: Dr. Agatha Rights
H: Sophia Light
I: Agent Strelnikov
J: The doctor who turned himself into a dog.
K:  Dr. King The one who has apple seeds appear all around him.
These are just a few you can vote on for headcanons feel free to ask for SCPS I have not added!
A: Halloween costume Party with the staff and your yandere is super possessive and possibly kills rivals (Pick the Yandere you want)
yup that is the only one I can think of for halloween for scps wiat!
B: Your yandere breaks out on Halloween night and how they met you and you think their looks are just a costume
for this series for this challenge it is going to be just the slashers and such
so vote for the headcanons you want of the slashers bellow as many as you want
1: Freddy Krueger
2: Jason Voorhees
3: Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface)
4: Michael Myers
5: Hannibal Lecter
6: Pyramid Head
7: Pinhead
8: Norman Bates
9: Candyman
10: Chucky
11: Billy Loomis (Scream)
12: Jack Torrance (The shinning)
13: IT (IT)
now scenarios
A: Being stalk and kidnapped by your yandere(s)
B: Ask m to make a scenario of the yandere you want
-The walking dead
doing what I want 
will be posted seperate 
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Demon shimadas give me life, like if darling goes on a trip to the mountains with her friends and bf, they don’t like sharing
Demons Normally Don't Share (One Shot) Demon Hanzo X Reader X Demon Genji
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am back with another update for the Halloween of Terror event and this one was requested off of Tumblr By: Anonymous said:
Demon shimadas give me life, like if darling goes on a trip to the mountains with her friends and bf, they don’t like sharing
I hope you all enjoy this one shot or scenario here!]
(Name's POV) 
I was Traveling and here I am in the Mountains of Japan, with two of my friends and my boyfriend. It is the dead of winter and we stopped to stop at a cabin. We knock on the door and a man answers. I smile at him. 
"Do you mind if we take shelter here?" I ask in Japanese. "A storm is coming and we do not have enough time to treck down the mountain."
He stared at me and I swear is eyes changed color. 
"Yes, please come in, my brother went out to get fire wood." 
I grinned and thanked him bowing and head in with my friends and boyfriend. They instantly go to sit by the fire. The man was still staring at me. I nodded to him and go sit next to my boyfriend taking his hand in mine. I suddenly feel unsafe. 
(Hanzo's POV) 
I glared at the male holding MY Mate's hand. I did not like to share and to see her holding his hand and him whispering sweet nothings in her ear. It made my demonic blood boil. If I did not have better control I would rip out his throat right here and now. I knew she was mine and I would have her by night fall. I here my brother Genji return and as he suppresses a snarl that humans were in our den, I pulled him to the side. 
"I have found my mate." I whisper to him and point to her. 
He looks and his eyes widen and he snarls. "NO she is mine!" He snaps in a whisper. "I have been watching (Stalking) her for days as she traveled through the mountains."
I glared at him my teeth growing. I did not share, not even with my brother. But something made us both stop when we see the boy kissing her and she is kissing him back. We both growl. Though we may not like to share we know that she is ours and if anyone had to have her it WOULD be US. Not some boy. 
We nodded and knew what we had to do. 
(Genji's POV) 
First thing first we had to get rid of the two girls and the boy. So I made dinner for them and put a sleeping meds in our Mate's soup. Then once she is asleep on the couch we grab the two girls and the boy and throw them outside. We could just let them freeze to death but no we need to hunt and kill them. We switch to our true forms and they screamed and ran off. The hunt was on. We both went after the girls first and slaughter them with ease. Next was the boy we stalked him for hours and soon found him huddle in a cave. 
We made his death most slow and painful. Making sure he would suffer for every second he was with Our Mate. Once done we head back to the Cabin. Our mate resting peacefully on the couch. We grin. She was now ours. And though I do not like sharing this way she will never be stolen from us ever. 
She is our mate and we will never loose her, anyone who tried to take her away will meet a bloody fate. 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed this one shot and stay sexy all my friends!] 
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Foxy Obsession (Headcanons) Shin-Ryeong D.va X Reader
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with yet another updated and this one is with one of the latest skins. Shin-Ryeong D.va. This was Requested off of wattpad by: UTAUGirlSans I hope that you enjoy this!]
-Headcanons With Shin-Ryeong D.va
.She has lived 1000 years.
.And she had never met anyone quite like you.
.You were her everything and she needed you no she demanded you.
.She is a fox spirit and very old one at that, but this grants her many powers.
.If you were to go to her and be with her you would be worshiped as a Goddess.
.But if you are to be with someone else.
.There is no stopping her wrath.
.She will have you, even if she has to destroy everything and everyone that you love.
.She won't go straight to murder though.
.As a fox spirit she is crafty and knows what to do to tempt you.
.Won't you let this fox into your hen house?
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS For once I got all the Event stuff done one time WOOP WOOP anyways I hope you all enjoyed this and hope you have a safe and spooky Halloween. Stay sexy all my ghoulish and sexy friends!]
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Trick Or Treat (Headcanons) Slasher 76 X Childish Reader X Pumpkin Reaper
[Hello My Sexy Readers, Halloween Is Almost Among us and I am here to give the spooky stuff but for this it might be more cute XD Sorry anyways this was requested off of Wattpad by Zenyatta_Lore_Needed I hope you enjoy!]
-Headcanons With Slasher 76 X Childish Reader X Pumpkin Reader
.They adore there love.
.From the moment they met her they knew she was one for them.
.She did not run or hide from them.
.No she fell right into their arms.
.This girl was you.
.You were the lovers of Pumpkin Reaper and Slasher 76
.But you were also very childish and child like.
.Such as Halloween.
.You lived in a corn field so had no where to trick or treat even though you were a grown woman.
.So while you went out to the market they got to work.
.They made you a costume (Favorite costume)
.Packed up lunches and dinners
.Got a blanket just in case you fell asleep.
.Then when you came back they took you to the nearest town and took you trick or treating.
.They love you so much they move heaven and hell for you.
.Even after you asked them over ten times for one more house.
.They would not say no.
.Anything to see you smile.
.They defiantly got a treat the next night back home with some chocolate flavor lube and sexy spreads.
.In The End they will take you trick or treating every year.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy!]
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Hi recent follower if your still doing requests would you write a scary yandere roadhog x dark skin reader Sorry to ask for a the dark skin part, I don’t get to have much of those. (*´ー`*) Also I love your writing style( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with another update and I hope you all Enjoy this it was requested off of Tumblr Anonymous said:
Hi recent follower if your still doing requests would you write a scary yandere roadhog x dark skin reader Sorry to ask for a the dark skin part, I don’t get to have much of those. (*´ー`*) Also I love your writing style( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
As Scary I do not know if you mean Scary as really Dark Yandere Or The Halloween Skin so I am going to do both to cover both bases]
(Junkerstein's Monster Roadhog's POV) (Just Like Me)
I was made by Junkerstein. But I was not complete, I did not know this until I saw her. A woman with darker skin she was a delicious chocolate. I watched her and she then saw me and she ran away from me. I growled and ran after her and she screamed for help. I did not know why she was running but it was pissing me off doesn't she knows that we are made for each other? She belongs to me and I will no loose her. I grabbed her by the hair and drag her back to the castle.
Junkerstein looks at me and I showed him that she is mine. He nods his head and cackles. He says he will make it so she can never leave me. I held her down while he carved into her skin and gave her crude stitches and cut off her right leg.
I carried her back to our room when it was done and kiss her dark body. She was so perfect and now she could never leave me, no running for my little chocolate. No one looking at her. She is perfect just like me~
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and stay sexy everyone!]
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could you do junkerstein!roadhog with a veryyyyy shy so? Of course if you aren't too busy
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with a new update and and I hope you all enjoy it is from tumblr.
Anonymous said:could you do junkerstein!roadhog with a veryyyyy shy so? Of course if you aren't too busy
So this will hopefully be very basics headcanons please enjoy my sexy readers~]
-Headcanons With Junkerstein Monster Roadhog X Very Shy Female Reader
.Roadhog was made but he was lonely so he went into the town and their is where he saw you.
.You were so shy and he could just not help but stare at you he wants you and he will do anything to have you as his and his alone and he will kill for you.
.He starts by giving you gifts, such as flowers and books he though you would like.
.He kills anyone who makes you uncomfortable as you are his and his alone and he is not going to have you uncomfortable.
.He loves how you are so shy and cute and he just want to cuddle you.
.He will have you one day once he courts you and make you love him and him alone.
.He will only kidnap you if he is forced too.
.He does not want to scare you with the way he looks.
.Just dont kissing others.
.'She is so shy, I will tell her I love her one day.'
(YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS got the chapter done I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy everyone.]
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Enchanted Obsession (Headcanons)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with another update, it was requested again by: MagicWonderStudent Headcanons With Enchanted Armor Pharah Please enjoy!]
-Headcanons With Enchanted Armor Pharah X Female Reader
.She was armor that went bringing justice to all. She did not feel at least she thought she did not.
.Then she met you a beautiful (hair color) (eye color) beauty.
.She vowed to have you as hers and hers alone.
.It started simple enough.
.With her watching over you (stalking)
.But then one night you are being mugged.
.This sent a new emotion into her, rage.
.She slaughter the two scum bags trying to mug you.
.She then cups your cheek and stroke it.
."I am always over watching you, my love~"
[Sorry that it is so short XD I had no idea how to do Pharah XD Anyways I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all my sexy friends!]
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Kidnapped To The Web (Headcanons)
[Hello my sexy readers, I am here with another update and I hope that you all enjoy this chapter. It is requested once again by MagicWonderStudent and here it with Arachne Widowmaker headcanons x reader, if you do not know a Arachne has the lower body of a spider and normally a beautiful woman on the upper half. I hope that you all enjoy this!]
-Headcanons With Arachne Widowmaker X Reader
.You hated spiders you really did, why did they need all those legs, for creeping and crawling that is the only reason.
.And in this case you were right.
.There was a woman who is half spider half woman, a arachne.
.She used her legs for creeping and crawling on you.
.She made it into your home and crawl on your ceiling starring at you with want and lust.
.She would do this so many times.
.But this time was different. She injected you with some venom, not enough to kill but enough to put you asleep for several hours.
.She then picked up your body and carried you back to her web.
.She did not lure you in her web, she kidnapped you to it.
.When you awake you are bound spread eagle to the bed in webs that you cannot tear. Before you can even think you hear from the shadows.
."Mon cher, mon amour, mon compagnon ~" (My dear, my love, my mate~)
.That is when she stepped forward and you screamed in terror.
.It did not matter your screams do not faze her, it was time to mate.
[YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another chapter done, don't have much left :D I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy my friends!]
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Spell Of Obsession (One Shot)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN, I hope you all have a spooky time. And here with are with Warlock Ashe I hope that you all enjoy this.This was requested by MagicWonderStudent Once again please enjoy sexies]
(Name's) POV)
I am a witch hunter, my job is to hunt witches, wizards, warlocks and more. I am on the trail of Ashe, a warlock who has been causing trouble for so many hunters and killing most of them I cannot just stand by and let this happen any longer. So here I am close to her lair ready to kill her and bring her back.
"BOB DO SOMETHING." I hear and am grabbed and I see a golem of sorts holding me up by an ankle.
She must used her magic to make this thing to do her bidding. I glared at it.
"Bring the intruder to me, bob." I hear again
I am soon standing in front of Ashe glaring at her.
"Another hunter, but you are rather cute for a hunter."
I blush at that.
"Oh nothing to say cutie." She says circling.
I kept my mouth shut not going to give her the satisfaction. That is when she pinched my but and I told her hands off.
(Ashe's POV)
I smirked at this. "So my cutie speaks." I tease her and look at her again.
Goddess  she is so beautiful. I love looking at her with those stunning eyes full of emotion. I want her and I will have her.
"Bob knock her out." I tell him and he nods doing just that and I made it to her headquarters.
I looked for anyone who will look for her and that is when I found him. This man... He had letters to her as I knew it was her from a simple spell. I felt rage build up in me and I drag him back. It looks like they had been dating and it fills me with rage she is mine and mine alone. I am not going to loose her to anyone.
I teleport us back and she her gagged and tied to the bed. Sitting up. Good that makes this easier. She looked at him with wide eyes and screamed behind the gag.
"You love him don't you?" I ask her.
She looked away from me, that confirmed what I knew already. I grab my gun and blast his head off sending him to purgatory where he will never be able to find peace.
"Listen up cutie, you are mine and mine alone, so much as look at another and I will kill them." I tell her.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy!]
Few more days of Halloween of Terror for overwatch go to my requests and request there what you want headcanons or scenarios, and rarely oneshots 
I hope everyone enjoyed my first even thing] 
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[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with another update another spooky one. This was Requested by MagicWonderStudent I hope that you all enjoy this chapter!]
-Yandere With Blind Reader Scenarios
(Female Pumpkin Reaper/Gabriel Reyes)
(Gabrielle's POV)
I looked at her the love of my life, she comes to my pumpkin patch often. I love seeing her and just want to watch her day and night. How could she love me though, I am not human and have a pumpkin for a head. Though she does not know this as she is blind. I saw her come over with her walking stick and smiled. I love her so much I could just stare at her all day long she is my everything and I will never loose her, even if I cannot be with her, I will be dmed sure that someone else does not try to touch her or steal her away from me, I will kill them before they even get a chance.
I let myself be known. "Hello, (Name)." I say and she rushes the best she can over to me.
"Gabby!" She cheers and hugs me and I hug her back.
"I missed you little flame." I tell her.
"I missed you more, my pumpkin Queen." She says pulling me down into a kiss.
I was shocked and stared at her as she grins.
"I may be blind, but I am not a fool, I just wish you told me sooner Gabby. I love you no matter what you are." She says and I pulled her into a possessive kiss.
"Mine!" I say possessively.
(Female Werewolf Jesse Mccree)
(Jess's POV)
I was sniffing my love with a eagerness I cannot resists. She strokes my fur. I am in my werewolf form on the full moon and I am laying on top of her so she cannot move. I was worried she would get hurt being blind. She strokes my fur more.
"I am a bit upset that you wont let me move, but know it is just because you love me and I am happy for it." She says and kisses my nose.
I lick her face in return and she laughs at that.
She is my love all my life and I will never let her go.
(Arachne Widowmaker)
(Widowmaker's POV)
I climbed on top of my love who is wiggling in my web. Oh what a predicament she has got into.
"Why am I tied up?" She asks me
"Because you are mine and mine alone and you will run." I tell her.
She nods. "You could have just asked me, we could have gone for a picnic." She says a smile on her face."
I smiled. "You are to kind and good for your own good, my butterfly."
She lushes and leaned and kisses me. I guess a little wiggling in a spider is a good thing.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter done I am sorry but I cannot to Pharah I am not ready for her yet so sorry.
Magic Wonder student please comment it is about the future oneshot I need to speak with you.
Anyways I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all my sexy friends!]
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Deep In The Forest (Headcanons)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am back with another chapter for you my sexy readers, this is Female Slasher 76 requested By:  MagicWonderStudent Enjoy!]
-Headcanons With Female Slasher 76 X Reader
.You went on a trip with your girlfriend. 
.You and her were camping and walking in the woods and when you were at the lake you both kissed and skinny dipped. 
.Someone was watching them. 
.It was Jackie Morrison, now known as Slasher 76.
.She looked at you with love and lust she wanted you, you were perfect and she will do anyting to have you. 
.Then she saw you kissing someone else she felt rage build up in her. 
.You were hers and hers alone and she will prove that to you. 
.She waited for it to become night and then while you were making love to your girlfriend she came in and used her Axe cutting off your girlfriends head. 
.You screamed and tried to run. 
.She did not let you, knocking you out and carrying you back to your new home. 
."Such a pretty bride you will be. All Mine My beautiful wife all mine~" 
[Short but sweet as she is straight to kidnap you and kill anyone who tries to take you away. I hope you all enjoyed and if you want a sequel comment bellow and stay sexy and next update will have more stories for over watch ideas so keep an eye out :D Stay sexy!] 
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can you do something for Yandere!roadhog x chubby!reader? Anything is fine!!
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with another update and yes it is another tumblr one I have to even these out.
Anonymous said:
can you do something for Yandere!roadhog x chubby!reader? Anything is fine!!
So this sexy reader gave me clearance for anything with Roadhog. Welp, since it is the best month out of the year and Halloween of Terror should be coming out any day now! I am here with The Chubby Bride Of Roadhog Headcanons with Roadhog as Junkerstein's monster, please enjoy!]
-Headcanons With Junkerstein's Monster (Halloween Roadhog) X Reader
.It all happen one night when you were tending to you garden.
.There were shouts of the villagers a bit away and loud thumps soon you turn around and see it...
.It was the monster that Junkerstien had made.
.You fell bag into the bed of flowers and were to scared to scream.
.The beast of a man stared at you with eyes dead, though they had a glimmer of something in them.
.Roadhog, that was his name and he is staring at you with something his cold dead heart has never felt before.
.He loved you, you were so cute and soft looking he just wants to hold you tight and rub your meaty body.
.So soft and his
.He grabbed you by the waist in one hand and threw you over his shoulder.
.He loved you squishy meaty body you were so soft and cute. He promised to protect his meaty (Chubby) bride.
.He wants you as his and you will be his no matter what.
.The villagers seemed to lost the sight of him as he lumbers up the hill to the castle and his home which will soon be your home as well.
.After the shock where off you kicked and screamed and cried for help.
.None of it did any good.
.He brought you in and showed you to his creator, the creator seemed to know what he wanted and nodded.
.He made a pleased noise and hugged you close and he said his first word.
.Your fate was sealed you would become the chubby bride of Roadhog. Good luck.
[WOOOOOOOOOOO YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I am so happy with this and I hope that you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all my sexy friends. If you want more halloween overwatch you know what to do and you all know the new skins will come out this year so excited. stay sexy!]
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Yandere Halloween skin overwatch Reinhardt hcs? Or Halloween au! Hawks from bnha?
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with a tumblr request of the following;
Anonymous said:Yandere Halloween skin overwatch Reinhardt hcs? Or Halloween au! Hawks from bnha?
I do not do BNHA sorry so I will go with Overwatch Reinhardt instead which for you who do not know his skin for Halloween so far has been Coldhardt and is him as if a ghostly figure in his armor.  At least that is how I see it. enjoy!]
-Headcanons With Coldhardt X Reader
.He was once a crusader who fought strong.
.He lived with honor and died with glory.
.But he never moved on, for his heart was cold. He never lived out what he always wanted a family.
.He was a ghost mostly and could possess the armor of which he had left in the castle he died in.
.The home is up for sale and a young woman with her son buys it.
.Reinhardt did not know of this until her heard her angelic voice.
."I know it is stuffy Lutz but we will make it amazing I promise. We will make it home."
.Home he has not felt at home in a long time.
He makes his way down and their he sees you a stunning woman with a two year old or so son.
.He was in love the moment he saw you and he wanted you.
.He may have died as an old man but he realized something.
.He did not move on because he was supposed to be with you and he will make sure you are his and his alone. As you belonged to him the moment you stepped foot in his home.
."Yes, this is home, our home. Meine liebe Frau."
(My lovely wife (I think) In German)
[Oh baby boy XD I LOVE ME SOME REINHARDT XD I do not know but me and older men especially like Reinhardt and soldier 76 oh baby boys XD YASSSSSSSSSSSSS Anyways I hope you all enjoyed and comment bellow if you want to see more headcanons of this as a sequel of what Reinhardt/Coldhardt will do and maybe a story line for it later. Stay sexy all of my friends!]
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