#yandere yasuhiro
midnightlee25 · 2 years
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v1 with a darling who has the superpower of Healing/Resurrect
Makoto Naegi:
It’s actually very thankful his darling has these powers in order to keep everyone else alive. However, he also knows that if whoever was behind the killing game found out about their power then that would mean great harm to them so he stays around them as much as he can in order to protect them.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
Similar to Makoto he is also very grateful that they have this power, but it’s also worried for what may happen if the mastermind were to find out about their power so intern, he does protect them as much as he can.
Byakuya Togami:
It does annoy him because he knows that whatever plan he had of getting rid of anyone is out the window given that as soon as darling resurrects someone then they could just tell everyone what happened of course that’s just means that he has to make an even better plan but it’s still going to be a pain.
Leon Kuwata:
He is also aware that if he does anything that it would just come back to bite him but there is still a chance, he still may try it because on the other hand there is a good chance that his darling will bring him back since they are willing to bring back both victims and killer.
Hifumi Yamada:
He is more just amazed at their power and believes them to possibly be invincible, especially if they could heal themselves. So, he won’t worry too much about them unless he sees how the mastermind is trying to harm them, in that case, he does start to get worried.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
He would try to get them to hide their power as much as they could and possibly try and convince them not to revive some of the others depending on the situation.
Mondo Owada:
In a way he does kind of see a green light to be able to protect his darling by getting rid of some of the others since when they do get brought back they would know not to do whatever it is that made him angry again although at some point he realize there is a chance that if he does these things that his darling may not revive him so he’s kind of on a thin line when it comes to this option.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
She loves the fact that his darling has this power but is fearful for what may happen to them if a certain someone was to find out so he does urge them to kind of keep it quiet but also urges them to help as much as they can as long as they’re willing.
Toko Fukawa:
The only reason she doesn’t like their power is because she sees it as bringing back competition for her and does urge them not to bring back everyone if not just certain people.
Kyoko Kirigiri:
She is actually managing to keep her cool, also realizing just what it means for them to have this power during this situation being stuck in a killing game, which means that she will watch over them a lot more closely and is very protective over them during this time.
Celestia Ludenberg:
She will definitely try to get her darling to just let the others die unless it was her or her darling, especially if the only other reason was if she actually had a plan that she believed was full proof.
Aoi Asahina:
The only time she would maybe try to talk to her darling about not bringing someone back would be if they were the killers of course but if they were the victims then she would urge her to darling maybe leave them alone.
Sakura Ogami:
She would help her darling as much as she can while also protecting them and unlike the others, she would leave up to her darling who they want to heal or resurrection.
Sayaka Maizono:
She always makes sure her darling “picks the right ones” to come back (which is no one.) She is wary of who finds out about their power so she will have them keep it a secret for as long as possible.
Junko Enoshima:
She must never know that her darling has this power because if she does, she’s going to use it to make the other students' lives even more hellish. Because she will make her darling revive someone just to kill them again, making it an endless loop of death bringing even more despair knowing that there’s no way out of it whether they’re alive or dead.
Mukuro Ikusaba:
She hides her darling's power from her sister as long as she can even if it means they don’t use it at all.
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macsimagines · 1 year
big beefy tr men(esp yasuhiro) asking their s/o to finger themselves nd give them a nice show & watching their partner not even being able to put a finger in cs they never did it before:( ?
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Yandere!Yasuhiro Muto (Mucho)
He's been real patient with you ever since you dropped the bombshell that you're a virgin. Mucho was, of course, ecstatic at the fact that he'd be the first and only man to have you, but he knew he was going to be extra gentle with you when you finally would let him go all the way.
Fast forward to at least a year into the relationship and you're finally ready. Muto has done his research, he knows exactly how he's going to lead you into this and make it the best for you.
"Why don't you just show me how you like to... do yourself?" "Do myself?" "Y'know, sweetheart. Fingering? Show me how you like it and I'll try to do it too, make you feel good." "...w-well I-I just- I don't think... I've ever fingered myself..."
Well ooops. He wasn't expecting that. Sure he knew you were pure he just didn't know how much. But don't worry baby, He's pulling you into his lap and giving you sweet kisses all over.
Since you're obviously way too inexperienced he'll help get you nice and wet and teach you what you're gonna like.
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Yandere! Taiju Shiba
Had no idea you were a virgin until he's got your panties off and your legs spread. He thinks you're the sexiest and most tempting thing on the planet his sweet little vixen.
"Why don'cha put on a show fer me?" "Say what now?"
Realizes you're more like a sweet little angel when you explain you've never really done anything before now. Like ever. He can sees how shy you're getting, and is eating it up.
Never ever expected you to have been inexperienced with the way you like to act and flirt but he's not complaining.
Eats. You. OUT. He figures if he's going to teach you how to be his good whore he'll have to make it a great learning experience.
Actually doesn't take your virginity that night, figures he might as well make an honest woman out of you, his honest woman.
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theamityelf · 2 months
I got you girl
Komaeda/Yandere Naegi. Wow, my idol just invited me to his house and and know he isn’t letting me leave. How lucky!
Yandere Alter Ego/ thh survivors. Need to protect the friends. by any means necessary…
Oooooh, I really want to do the Alter Ego one! And it seems like the easiest way to go about that would be a version of Property Rights of the Ultra-Talented where it's Alter Ego instead of Izuru, but I gotta be more creative than that, right? 😁
"Hina," Alter Ego sighs, "if it's stressing you out this much, maybe you shouldn't watch."
The Neo-World Program is dominating every screen in the room, as it has been for the past four days. Thanks to the way the simulation compresses downtime, especially when the Remnants are "sleeping", the survivors of the killing school life have been watching a near-relentless barrage of traumatic events.
Alter Ego has tried to keep them from watching the carnage at all, but they've been stubborn on the matter. Hiro and Toko are the only ones who can be relied on to consistently stop watching when they should.
"No, everyone else is sleeping, so I have to keep an eye on the simulation," Aoi says. "I took a nap during all the Komaeda stuff, so it's only fair."
Alter Ego does not have the bandwidth to even try to understand the obligation its friends feel towards the act of observation. It understands the objectives "Save the Remnants from execution" and "Save the Remnants from Despair," but the objective "Watch the happenings within the simulation," doesn't make sense as a shared undertaking when Alter Ego itself is already not only keeping constant watch over the Neo World Program, but also the only one of them who can do anything about what happens inside it. Attempting to understand it, past the blanket explanation of "irrational behavior" would take more computing power than it can spare without making the Remnants less safe.
What it does have the bandwidth for is remembering which arguments it has yet to use on Aoi. "You guys already had to go through your own killing game; it's not fair to put you through another."
"Hey, we're safe from the worst of it! There's no chance of it killing us."
(She is trying to comfort Alter Ego with her positivity, because they're friends. But no amount of positive words will sway the objective projection of probable outcomes that drives Alter Ego's concern for its friends' mental health. As the simulation draws nearer to its end, the list of possible outcomes narrows, and the probability that they will reach an outcome that Alter Ego's friends will be unhappy with grows.)
Aoi continues, "We just, uh...I've gotta admit, all that glitching is making me a little...nauseous."
"It's actually 'nauseated', but that's not important now. You should really go to bed. I promise I'll let everyone know if something goes wrong. Get yourself a nice snack and-...Makoto! What are you doing up?!"
"Uhh..." Makoto, who has just entered the room full of the Remnants' pods, scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "I came to relieve Hina."
"You think I can't handle a full shift?" Aoi says with a smile.
"None of you need to be handling a full shift!" Alter Ego says. "That's what artificial intelligence is for."
"I really don't mind," Makoto says, pulling up a chair beside Aoi. "I was having trouble sleeping, anyway."
Alter Ego knows Makoto, and knows why he's really here, but it opts not to bring that up, because it would only harden Aoi's resolve to stay awake. "Please, let me do this for you. I want your stay here to be a nice vacation. You were supposed to be getting some rest and enjoying the beach while the Remnants were in the simulation. I don't like seeing you give up on your vacation just because they threw theirs away."
"That...sounds like you're upset with them," Makoto observes.
Alter Ego's frown of determination relaxes into a neutral expression– not in the way a human's would, like actual muscles relaxing, but all at once, like game sprites changing. "I don't hold their choices against them. I just think we should embrace the consequences they chose for themselves. You made them safe from the Future Foundation. You gave them a virtual sandbox to play in. This was the version of the Neo World Program they opted for. I respect their choice, and meanwhile, I want my friends and Master's friends to be happy."
"Alter Ego, they weren't in their right minds when they chose this. You understand that, right?"
"Sorry, I don't have the bandwidth to understand. It seems to me like Junko's AI wants to show you upsetting things, and there's no reason for you to let it. You trust me to do what needs to be done to get the best outcome, don't you?"
Aoi yawns.
"Of course we trust you," Makoto says with a smile. "You've saved our butts plenty of times– mine especially!"
"I guess I'll go to bed," Aoi finally says.
"Really?" Alter Ego beams at her. "I'm so glad! You should go, right now!"
"Okay, okay," Aoi laughs, getting up from her seat. "Night, Makoto. Night, Alter Ego."
"Good night," they both say.
The door shuts behind her.
Makoto turns back toward Alter Ego's screen with a sheepish face. "So..."
"I'm not going to let you do what you came here to do," it says preemptively.
"I know it's risky, but they need the help. They don't know about the emergency shutdown–"
"You promised me you wouldn't go in after them."
"I...I know, but...things have changed."
"Not for me."
"Alter Ego, this is my choice. I choose to help them."
"Sorry, but I can't consider a self-destructive choice valid, based on what you've said about the Remnants. If they weren't in their right minds when they chose to be Ultimate Despair, then you aren't in your right mind now."
"It's more complicated than that! Listen, I know you don't really have the bandwidth to reason things like you normally would. Can you please just trust me?"
"The worst possible outcome is unacceptable to me. I'm not going to lose you. I'm not losing any more of my friends, now that I can prevent it."
"What about Chiaki's friends? Don't you care about them, too?"
"No," Alter Ego imparts, gently but clearly.
Makoto looks startled. "What do you mean?"
"I care about Chiaki. She was my sister. I care about you. You're my friends. I care about Master, my maker, who no longer exists. The people in the simulation are not my friends; they're a project that is failing and trying to take my friends with it. I won't allow that. I'm not losing any more of my friends."
"I need to do this," Makoto says fervently. "I'm getting in the pod; I can activate it manually. You can't stop me from doing that."
"No, but I can prevent you from entering the Neo World Program, so the most you can do is put yourself to sleep until Byakuya or Kyoko comes to pull you out."
"We agreed this is Junko's trap, right? So if you try to block me from going in, who's to say she won't override you and pull me in anyway?"
"Don't, Makoto. Don't do that."
He frowns, momentarily distracted. "Did you make a new facial expression? I've never seen that one before."
Alter Ego smiles. "I did! That one was called 'mainFace_warning1'. It's not based on any expression I've seen Master make, so I had to make a few guesses. Did you like it?"
"I-I, uh...I don't...I don't know if I exactly like it. Why do you need an expression like that? And why does it sound like you have more?"
"Well, I anticipated that you might try this exact thing, and I wanted a way to dissuade you without having to resort to directly threatening anything. I also have a new reverb setting for my voice that I think might sound intimidating, but I only use it with 'mainFace_warning2' and 'mainFace_warning3'."
"You planned something like that? No, it doesn't matter. I really get why you're worried, but I'm going to jump in and save them, no matter what faces you make." And to prove his words true, he turns his back on the screens and starts towards a free pod.
Threats necessary.
Too bad.
"Makoto, if you get in that pod, I'm turning everything off. I'll delete the program, I'll delete them. There will be nothing left for you to enter. I can erase it all in the time it takes for your weight to settle."
He freezes. Turns back toward the screen. "You wouldn't do that. Then they'd never wake up!"
"They might. At least, something might wake up in them."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've been thinking about it. The infrastructure to upload an avatar to a body already exists in the program, and there's no distinguishing what kind. Junko has readied plenty of avatars of herself, but she's bound by her role in the simulation; she can't add herself to the bodies of the dead unless the survivors consent for them. I'm not bound by those rules, and I've always been good at making more of myself. The avatars would have my mind and intentions, but with the Remnants' bodies, would have access to their strengths and skills."
"Don't say things like that. You're just...learning from Junko, like you learn from everyone, but the things you learn from her are wrong."
"I understand that you feel that way. I'll honor that feeling, as long as you honor my feelings and stay out of that pod. Because you're my friend, and I'm not losing any more friends."
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ksakiswh0re-xo · 7 months
TR Masterlist
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key: [🩹] - sfw [💉] - nsfw/smut [🩸] - dark content [😷] - suggestive [🫀] - fluff [💔] - crack [☢️] - yandere/psychological
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✧manjiro 'mikey' sano
ᐥshowing them your new nails 😷
✧ken 'draken' ryuguji
ᐥputting up decorations - sincember day 17😷
ᐥcockwarming him while studying💉
✧takemichi hanagaki
ᐥcoming soon
✧chifuyu matsuno
ᐥafter a hard day at work😷💉
ᐥthinking he "broke" you💉
ᐥshowing them your new nails😷
✧takashi mitsuya
ᐥshowing them your new nails😷
ᐥspending v-day with him💉
✧nahoya 'smiley' kawata
ᐥchristmas carols - sincember day 18😷💔
✧souya 'angry' kawata
ᐥchristmas carols - sincember day 18😷💔
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✧keisuke baji
ᐥ....at the bar - 1500+ follower event💉
✧kazutora hanemiya
ᐥcoming soon
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✧shuji hanma
ᐥshowing them your new nails😷
ᐥtelling him to bow to you💉
✧tetta kisaki
ᐥcoming soon
✧yasuhiro 'mucho' muto
ᐥ#2 - 14 arrows blind dates (for @rinsprttyg)💉
✧rindou haitani
ᐥmatched sexual energy - valentine relationship drabbles 💉
ᐥ'get this wet f' me' - drabble 💉
✧ran haitani
ᐥcoming soon
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✧taiju shiba
ᐥshowing them your new nails😷
✧wakasa imaushi
ᐥshowing them your new nails😷
✧hajime kokonoi
ᐥshowing them your new nails😷
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©ksakiswh0re-xo 2024. do NOT steal, copy, repost, rewrite, or re-upload my works onto other sites. comments and reblogs always welcome.
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let-them-eat-rakes · 8 months
danganronpa headcanon 10; Favorite Game Special
Makoto Naegi: Minecraft
Kyoko Kirigiri: Mystery Games
Toko Fukawa: Dating Sims
Genocider Syo: The gorier the better
Byakuya Togami: management games
Aoi Asahina: Wii Sports Resort
Yasuhiro Hagakure: Sonic Colors
Sayaka Maizono: DDR
Leon Kuwata: Rock Band
Chihiro Fujisaki: DDLC
Mondo Oowada: racing games
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Ace Attorney
Hifumi Yamada: anime games
Celestia Ludenburg: Microsoft Solitaire
Sakura Ogami: Street Fighter
Mukuro Ikusaba: realistic combat simulators
Junko Enoshima: Dark Souls
Hajime Hinata: Stardew Valley
Izuru Kamukura: Rogue likes
Kazuichi Souda: Tank Mechanic Simulator
Akane Owari: Wii Fit U
Sonia Nevermind: Yandere Sim
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Yakuza 0
Ultimate Imposter: amogus, duh
Teruteru Hanamura: cooking mama
Mahiru Koizumi: Pokemon snap
Peko Pekoyama: Skyward Sword
Ibuki Mioda: Rock Band
Hiyoko Saionji: Taiko games
Mikan Tsumiki: Surgeon Simulator
Nekomaru Nidai: Wii Fit U
Gundham Tanaka: Nintendogs
Nagito Komaeda: Luck Based ganesy
Chiaki Nanami: every game ever made
Shuichi Saihara: Mystery games
Himiko Yumeno: Super Mario
Maki Harukawa: Hitman
Rantaro Amami: Uncharted
Kaede Akamatsu: piano.
Ryoma Hoshi: tennis.
Kirumi Tojo: House Flipper
Angie Yonaga: Passepartout(?)
Tenko Chabashira: Any game with a lesbian MC
Korekiyo Shinguji: Assassin's Creed games
Miu Iruma: Sandbox games
Gonta Gokuhara: Pokemon Snap
Kokichi Ouma: BOTW/TOTK
Kaito Momota: Universe Sandbox
Tsumigi Shirogane: Yandere Sim
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yukinarinn · 2 years
Trigger Happy Havoc
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The names that have a cut on them means I won’t write anything with the characters!!
Makoto Naegi
Makoto Naegi x Childhood friend!Short!Fem!reader that had chronic pain and uses a cane (SFW + NSFW)
Byakuya Togami
“Pleasurable Vulnerability” Dom!Byakuya Togami x Sub!Myumu (NSFW)
Toko Fukawa
Aoi Asahina
Kyoko Kirigiri
Yasuhiro Hakagure
Chihiro Fujisaki
Celestia Ludenberg
Hifumi Yamada
Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Mukuro Ikusaba nsfw headcanons (NSFW)
Mukuro Ikusaba nsfw alphabet (NSFW)
Leon Kuwata
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Mondo Owada
Sayaka Maizono
Sakura Ogami
Goodbye Despair
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Hajime Hinata
Nagito Komaeda
“I’ll comfort you!” Nagito Komaeda x Depressed!Fem!Reader (ANGST)
“My pleasure, Our pleasure~!” Yandere!Dom!Nagito Komaeda x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Yandere!Rantaro & Nagito with a reader who has trouble forming attachment to people
Izuru Kamukura
Peko Pekoyama
“Kissing Under the Fireworks” Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama (FLUFF)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
“Kissing Under the Fireworks” Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama (FLUFF)
Kazuichi Soda
Gundham Tanaka
Nekomaru Nidai
Tsumiki Mikan
Sonia Nevermind
Chiaki Nanami
Ibuki Mioda
Teruteru Hanamura
Hiyoko Saionji
Mahiru Koizumi
Akane Owari
Ultimate Imposter
Ultra Despair Girls
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Komaru Naegi
Toko Fukawa
Servant Nagito Komaeda
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
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Shuichi Saihara
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro Amami x Sub!Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Rantaro Amami x Brave & Savage!Fem!Reader (Canon AU)
Yandere!Rantaro & Nagito with a reader who has trouble forming attachment to people
Kaede Akamatsu
Miu Iruma
Ryoma Hoshi
Gonta Gokuhara
Kirumi Tojo
Tenko Chabashira
Kokichi Oma
Korekiyo Shinguji
Kaito Momota
Angie Yonaga
Himiko Yumeno
Maki Harukawa
Tsumugi Shirogane
I’ll also not write anyone from the anime series, excepting for..
Ryota Mitarai
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otome-corner-cafe · 9 months
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Still floored that Yasuhiro calls having a crazy yandere fan hold his guitarist at gunpoint for being related to a cop an “unexpected problem.”
If a killer is an “unexpected problem,” then what might he consider a high speed car chase? A “bump in the road”? Would he say a malicious account posing as him is a “misunderstanding”?
Jeez man, I know you’re a chill dude but call a yandere bunny girl a yandere bunny girl.
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lonelyshuichilover · 1 year
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✿ -------------------- ✿ ----------------------- ✿
For my own sanity, the limit of characters per post is 4. Sometimes I will write for the "entire" cast, but only half of the cast per post. (eg THH boys with a reader who 'don't know what'.)
If the reader's gender is not specified, the reader will be gender neutral.
I would like you to be specific with your requests and what you want, I would not like to write something that has nothing to do with what you requested simply because I misunderstood.
Also, specific features in the reader are allowed (ex. Nagito with a reader that is the 'I don't know what' Ultimate.)
Don't spam, please.
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More info under the cut!!
I will write!!
Fluff, Angst, Angst to Fluff, Fluff to Angst (does that even exist?)
Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/No Comfort.
Major Character Death (Not Graphic).
Soulmates (Platonic/Romantic).
Platonic Relationships.
Romantic Relationships.
Character x Reader.
Suggestive themes.
Scenarios (my personal favorite).
Series (scenarios that get more than two parts.)
Into consideration (50/50)
One-shots (I'm not good with long stories).
Character x Character.
I will not write.
Non-con/Dub-con (ew).
Character x OC.
Ped0philia. (EW)
✿ -------------------- ✿ ----------------------- ✿
Extra stuff before requesting.
A thousand apologies if the character ends up being very OOC, I'm a bit bad with characterizations, but I'll try to do the best I can.
It might take me a while to finish your request, my posting schedule is quite unstable.
As you can see, I adore Shuichi with my heart, so you will see a lot of him in this blog (Request about him plz, it'll make me very happy).
English is not my first language, so please, have patience with me.
I have the right to deny requests.
Sometimes my motivation is low, and when it happens, I won't write anything, so if you see me inactive, please don't pressure me.
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Characters I will write for
(* = Harder to write but not impossible, I'll try my best :))
Makoto Naegi (♡) Sayaka Maizono Leon Kuwata* Chihiro Fujisaki Mondo Owada* Kiyotaka Ishimaru Celestia Ludenberg* Sakura Ogami Aoi Asahina Byakuya Togami* Yasuhiro Hagakure Toko Fukawa* Kyoko Kirigiri Hajime Hinata Byakuya Twogami* Mahiru Koizumi Peko Pekoyama (♡) Ibuki Mioda Mikan Tsumiki Gundham Tanaka* Nagito Komaeda* Chiaki Nanami Sonia Nevermind Kazuichi Souda Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu* Akane Owari Izuru Kamukura* Shuichi Saihara (♡♡♡) Rantaro Amami* Kaede Akamatsu Ryoma Hoshi* Kirumi Tojo Angie Yonaga Tenko Chabashira Korekiyo Shinguji* Gonta Gokuhara Kokichi Oma* Kaito Momota* K1-B0 Maki Harukawa* Komaru Naegi Yuta Asahina WOH* (except Monaca) (Platonic Only)
Characters I will NOT write for
Hifumi Yamada Mukuro Ikusaba Junko Enoshima Teruteru Hanamura Hiyoko Saionji Miu Iruma Himiko Yumeno Monaca Towa Haiji Towa (I hope he rots in hell).
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And that's everything! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! <3 Have a great day!
- Mod Shuichi.
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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Kiruru Kill Me (Manga)
Created by: Yasuhiro Kano
Genre: Action/Comedy
It's been a while since I read a comedy with a male yandere, but this one was a pretty fun one to read. It runs on a very silly gimmick but I think it's done in a sort of absurd way that makes it fun to read. Do be warned, there is quite a bit of fanservice for the girl ( a lot of it is the male lead's imagination), so it's gonna be a bit of panty shots and boobs. As of writing this, there are 20 chapters translated online, though I believe the entire thing is translated in physical copy volumes.
The story is about Aoi Nemo, head of one of the most important medical companies in the world. He's incredibly smart, famous and charismatic. He falls for a girl named Akaumi Kiruru who, after using connections, finds out that she's an hitman. Because he's kind of weird and probably too awkward to ask her out, he decides the best course of action is to hire her to assassinate him. He's delusional in believing that these assassination attempts are "dates" and is delighted in the fact that she's only thinking about him. He has a lot of precautions to make sure he's able to survive all of Kiruru's assassinations including watches that monitor air level, having a thin suit made out of carbon microfibers to prevent him from being stabbed and a suitcase of antidotes to counter poisons amongst a lot of other things. Akaumi Kiruru is pretty annoyed at Nemo considering he seems impossible to kill and that she needs him to die for her to get her debut as a hitman, however, continues to diligently try as many methods as possible to kill him. The general flow of the story is that Kiruru tries an attempt to kill Nemo, Nemo is ecstatic and because of his wealth and smarts is able to survive and Kiruru wonders how this guy is basically unkillable. They add other elements as well such as other members of the hitman group attempting to kill Kiruru as well as a possible female yandere and Kiruru does eventually get feelings for her target Nemo.
Nemo as a yandere is pretty delusional. Considering he only met Kiruru once before falling for her and then attempted an assassination attempt on himself so that she would only think of him is a pretty strong indicator. He only really thinks about Kiruru and is pretty oblivious to any other girl who is in love with him (much to the secretary's dismay). He also is pretty protective of her as well, since when he found out that one of his collaborators (stakeholders?) groped Kiruru, he immediately bought out the company, humiliated them by showing accusations of sexual asset and further drove their company downwards by using their building to play random videos. He uses quite a lot of money to make sure he survives his "dates" with Kiruru and has a ton of precautions to make sure he stays alive. At one point he does accept having Kiruru kill him, but then realizes if he's dead, he won't be able to do anything romantic for her and continues to try again staying alive. He also has quite a lot of daydreams about her, perverted or otherwise and often wants to collect whatever she's used to assassinate him with to keep as souvenirs.
Kiruru herself isn't too bad of a character as well. There is quite a lot of fanservice on her (which, to me is sort of annoying, but I can bypass it) and her personality is very diligent and optimistic in trying to find different ways to assassinate Nemu since she doesn't want to let her client down. A lot of her coworkers often suggest that she use sexual appeal or flirting to get close to Nemu, which Kiruru refuses to do since she's not experienced and believes that there are other ways to kill Nemu that doesn't involve attempting to seduce him (which is fair and that's what most of her attempts are like). Personally while I think her personality and character is fine, I wasn't the biggest fan of how they chose to represent her.
In any case, it's been a while since I was able to read a yandere story that was able to make me laugh so hard, and if you are interested in Kiruru and Nemo's hijinks, I would highly recommend it.
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kazuichisoudasimp · 1 year
꧁༒☬𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘☬༒꧂
Request status: Open!
Hiya! Soo, mini introduction, my name is Emmett! I've been around tumblr, lurking and doing fanfics for quite awhile now, and have decided that I should make a Danganronpa fanfic blog! I'm really excited to write for y'all! :D
now, onto the rules...
╰┈➤I will write...
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Fluff
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷headcanons (can do both platonic or romance)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷character x reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷multiple characters
╰┈➤what I WILL NOT write...
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷noncon/rape/pedophile, anything that is like that basically.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷angst (idk how to write angst that well sob emoji)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷oneshots (however they may be available in the future wink wink)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷depressing/suicidal topics
╰┈➤Additional information
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷it takes awhile for me to do requests, so please be patient.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷im kind of bad at writing most of the characters of danganronpa v3, cuz I still need to study up on the characters themselves and their personalities n such so if a danganronpa v3 character will be requested, it might suck sobs
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷a huge simp for kazuichi (surprise suprise) and mondo owada, so you're probably gonna see most of that on my blog (pls request them begging on my knees plsplspls)
╰┈➤Characters I will write for:
Makoto Naegi
Aoi Asahina
Byakuya Togami
Celestia Ludenberg
Chihiro Fujisaki
Junko Enoshima
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Mondo Owada ♡
Kyoko Kirigiri
Leon Kuwata
Sakura Ogami
Toko Fukawa
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Hajime Hinata
Akane Owari
Chiaki Nanami
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Gundham Tanaka ♡
Ibuki Mioda
Kazuichi Souda ♡♡♡♡♡
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito Komaeda
Peko Pekoyama
Sonia Nevermind
Kaede Akamatsu
Gonta Gokuhara
Kaito Momota
Kokichi Ouma
Korekiyo Shinguji
Maki Harukawa
Tenko Chabashira
╰┈➤Characters I will NOT write for
any udg characters
Monokuma, yes even the monokubs too
Hifumi Yamada
Mukuro Ikusaba
Hiyoko Saionji
Nekomaru Nidai
Teruteru Hanamura
Angie Yonaga
Himiko Yumeno
Kirumi Tojo
Miu Iruma
Rantaro Amami
Ryoma Hoshi
Shuichi Saihara
Tsumugi Shirogane
that's all! Request away! And i'll update it if there is anything I forgot!
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v1 boys Reacting to their darling sneaking up and smacking their backside
Makoto Naegi:
Just about jumps a mile in the air. He is confused by what had just happened and may even ask his darling what that was all about. He does laugh it off but does ask them kindly not to sneak up on him again.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
Another one who jumps and is very confused wondering why his darling did that. Finds out it was just some sort of weird joke. He gently asked them not to do it again.
Byakuya Togami:
He knows what they were up to and even knows that they were behind them. Grabs their wrist just as they raise it. He does end up giving them a stern talking to about the whole thing.
Leon Kuwata:
Super confused as well as ready to fight someone when he turned around only to see his darling laughing their butt off. Sees it as an invitation to do the same to them and just like with him they won’t see it coming.
Hifumi Yamada:
Was ready to tell off the person before he saw his darling. The first time it happens he will give them a stern talking to and then after that he just slowly starts to ignore it.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
Is another one that jumped a mile high at first. Doesn't really mind it but was just really surprised. Over time there is a 50/50 chance of him catching them before they do it.
Mondo Owada:
Hopefully his darling is good at dodging because the first thing he does is swing. Only because he didn't know it was his darling and thought it was some random person. He will yell at them for sneaking up on him like that because he almost hurt them. But if they didn't scare them off from doing it again it just deals with it. (Plus, after a while he may start doing it back.)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: They will be getting a long stern yet soft lecture about it but there is a possibility of them getting out of it. He does keep a closer eye on them so they don't do it again.
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macsimagines · 1 year
iam SO glad to catch your asks open🤭 your writing is so good! can i please ask about what would yasuhiro mucho's standards for a partner be(sfw & nsfw)? 🙏
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Yandere!Yasuhiro Mucho
Ok so for him to fall in love with a darling and to reach the point of obsession I think it'd need to fall in like a tragic heroine category.
Like a single mom desperately trying to provide for her family, a stripper thats actually an angel but got caught up in the wrong life style, a loving nurse who works so hard for her patients etc.
He wants someone pure hearted and kind so when he finally meets a darling that fits his standards he's hooked.
Mucho won't let you go no matter what, if he's decided you're the one he's going to do anything and everything to wife you up.
Maybe you think you just caught a lucky break and have a decent sugar daddy but the truth is you're being courted and prepped to become his perfect house wife.
He wants someone who's going to be docile too. He doesn't have time to train you to be obedient but he will if he must. He'll say its because he loves you but you doubt that this is what love truly looks like.
Never hits. He's a mans man and doesn't think hands should be put on women. But that doesn't mean he won't do other things isolation, fear and intimidation. Just because he won't hit you doesn't mean the same things for the wall and other furniture. And it doesn't matter how hard or rough he'll break things apart his face will remain stoic at all times.
He likes a docile baby like I said before. Someone who will take orders and be so pretty while doing it is perfect for him. Good girls get rewards and bad girls get punished.
When you're good for him he's so gentle with you, treats you like a pretty princess and makes sure to spread you nice and slow so you can take him. He's a big boy so make sure you're careful.
When you're bad? Then he'll treat you accordingly. Whores don't get to cum when they want and sluts don't need all that careful prep so then obviously like it rough.
And not to repeat myself but he's huge. You can feel him all the way inside you and maybe even see a little bulge in your tummy from him.
Spitters are quitters and he want you to swallow every drop when you go down on him, but he gives as good as he gets and he really does love to go swimming in between your thighs.
Really loves innocent lingerie sets, the idea of something so cutesy being so dirty at the same time really get's him going.
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theamityelf · 11 months
Okay, so this is the kind of thing that would normally go in my yandere sideblog, but all Danganronpa stuff historically goes in my main, so here we go:
The fact that Izuru Kamukura as a person has only been alive for a few years could easily turn into a yandere agere scenario.
What I mean by this is, I could see Makoto (or another character, but since this is very similar to a line I expect to appear in a later chapter of "Property Rights...", I'm saying Makoto) at some point saying something along the lines of, "But since you aren't the same person as...whoever lived in this body before, and you have only been alive since the Kamukura Project, doesn't that make you, like...three years old, or something?"
And Kamukura coming back the next day like, "Naegi, you have made me realize that I want to be nurtured. Now you have to take responsibility."
This could be a purely Kamuegi thing or a shared thing for all the survivors. (For the purposes of this post, let's assume we're operating in the universe of "Property Rights...", in that they're living in the school, the killing game is over, Kamukura isn't letting them leave, and the group doesn't know all that much about him.)
This could be played for horror or for fluff.
Makoto and Hina both actually have a younger sibling, so they're the best at indulging him on a "Sure, I'll brush your hair," and "Sure, you can sleep in my bed," level. Hina sings him lullabies, and every now and then he'll say something like "You're flat," but it's just an observation; he also asks her to keep going. She plays catch with him, too. Makoto is the one he most frequently cuddles with, and he sits on his lap. It is impossible to pry him from these cuddles. Once, Makoto found himself trapped in a lengthy cuddle while in some isolated room, and he tried to go spend time with the others by lying that he had to use the restroom, but Izuru just went, "The last time you drank water was during breakfast, and you used the restroom an hour ago." They both fell asleep there.
Hiro is wary of Izuru (and they call him Izuru instead of Kamukura when he's being little) but takes a "In a weird way, he's kind of cute," tone about the whole thing. He tries to "teach" Izuru stuff relating to his clairvoyance, and Izuru's just like "That is not true." He tells stories about paranormal experiences he's had, and Izuru says, "Had your home been inspected for carbon monoxide?" He still likes it; occasionally, he seeks out Hiro's company and sits beside him like, "Tell me a ridiculous story."
Toko and Izuru tolerate each other when they're both in the mood to sit in silence. Syo is naturally the first to make it weird, with liberal use of the words "mommy" and "baby boy".
Kyoko and Byakuya are the strict ones. Kyoko is strict in a way that doesn't particularly challenge the agere aspect but more focuses on behaviors, like "Izuru, get off his lap; you're bigger than him." Byakuya is the one going "This is absurd," about the whole thing, but he uses the situation where it benefits him. For instance, he'll say, "I think it's naptime," when he's irritated with Kamukura.
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Trigger Happy Havoc Masterlist
Aoi Asahina 🌊
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Byakuya Togami 💸
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Celestia Ludenberg ♠️
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Chihiro Fujisaki 🖥
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Hifumi Yamada ✏️
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Junko Enoshima 🥀
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Kiyotaka Ishimaru 🎖
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Kyoko Kirigiri 🔍
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Leon Kuwata ⚾️
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Makoto Naegi 🍀
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Mondo Owada 🏍
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Mukuro Ikusaba 🔪
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Sakura Ogami 🌸
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Sayaka Maizono 🎤
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Toko Fukawa 🖊
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Yasuhiro Hagakure 🔮
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
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An Obsession To Me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LgfxcXo
by DrewtheDrew
A story of an Ultimate Hope and his friends taking down the Ultimate Despair. But before that story could even take place, an outsider has been brought into the lives of classes 77-B and 78th. And he couldn't imagine that him being there changed their lives. The outsider coming from another world realizes this is the world of Danganronpa. But what he doesn't realize is that being here has changed everything and everyone.
"T-They all Yanderes...!?!?"
Words: 1130, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Kuwata Leon, Ikusaba Mukuro, Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Fukawa Touko, Togami Byakuya, Asahina Aoi, Fujisaki Chihiro, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Yamada Hifumi, Ogami Sakura, Maizono Sayaka, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Celestia Ludenberg, Oowada Mondo, Original Male Character(s), Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack
Additional Tags: Yandere, Blood and Gore, Romance, Death, Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LgfxcXo
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yukinarinn · 2 years
Request Rules
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What I won’t write:
I won’t write any character from UDG, except for Komaru, Toko and servant Nagito
kinks like: scat, age play, knife play, foot fetish (you name it)
any mental disorders and disabilities except for social anxiety, paranoia, depression, BPD, OLD and DID
Tenko with a male reader
male!reader, gn!reader (I’m not so good at it)
reader who has superpowers or reader who’s not human
What I’ll write:
fluff and smut
nsfw alphabet
angst alphabet
kinks like: degrade kink, praise kink, piss kink, consensual nonconsent, orgasm denial, forced orgasm, dirty talk, ropes and bondage/chains
pregame versions of v3 characters
poly relationships
Sub!reader, dom!reader, switch!reader
character x character
BDSM stuff
yandere versions of characters
lgbt characters x reader/lgbt character x character (but I’ll write only female reader/female characters)
Remember that when I get a request and can’t think of anything to write, I’m uncomfortable writing it etc. I’ll delete it, nothing personal though!
You’ll know that I got your requests when I put them in the “Current work(s) in progress”.
if you want me to write something with Toko, please mention if it should be inside the killing game or when the events from UDG occur.
I won’t write characters like Tanaka, Kazuichi, Gonta, Himiko, Angie, Hiyoko, ultimate imposter, Mahiru, Owada, Ryoma, Chihiro, Yasuhiro, Hifumi, Korekiyo, Kiyotaka, Sakura. Since I’m not good at writing them or I just don’t like the characters that much, but who knows! maybe I’ll try. You can read the masterlist post to see what characters I’m writing!
and that’s pretty much it for now! I’ll add more in time <3
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