#yay Dwyer is finally here
katfreaks-hidyhole · 2 years
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
MCU Rewatch: Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2
Well, um.  Okay.  More adventures of Andy Dwyer in Space -- actually, it kinda felt like Andy Dwyer wrote this with the help of a 10yo kid.  
I’m not gonna dwell on this one a whole lot, cause I don’t think I have a whole lot of nice things to say.  I think I’m not really the audience for this one, because while I don’t think, overall, that it’s a bad movie -- I mean James Gunn knows his comic and knows his world -- this world just isn’t very appealing to me.  
The plot of Starlord’s dad being a star/god wanting to take over the universe was, well, kinda dumb.  The humor is mostly low-brow and stuff I didn’t find funny.  The whole middle of the film just drags as the characters are waiting around for the other half of the characters to get there.  And there’s just too much CGI -- which felt like the equivalent of eating too much cotton candy.  
As for the characters - I really wish I liked Chris Pratt more, but I’m beginning to think I really don’t.  Starlord kinda continues being one of the weaker characters in this whole thing.  I find him mildly interesting at best, and pretty much all the other characters have more interesting things going on.  However, Drax is the one I found most annoying.  Why is he laughing at every stupid thing that is done? Why is he so awful to Mantis? What purpose does he have other than just being there cause he was in the first one?  I kind of just wanted him to go away.  
Meanwhile, Gamora, arguably the best character, doesn’t really get anything to do.  Her subplot with her sister is somewhat interesting (though Nebula is over-the-top melodramatic that feels more cringy than sympathetic), and her relationship with Starlord is beginning not to make any sense as all they do is yell at each other.  
Rocket and Groot were by far the best characters - as Rocket has the best character development of the bunch and Groot, well, is adorable and amazing as usual.  I can’t believe the stuff with them and Yondu is, arguably, the best part of the film.  (Though - can we take a second and talk about Yondu straight up murdering everyone - and the movie trying to play it off as artistic film making? It was weird...)  
I don’t really want to talk about Ego - cause he was so much the worst thing about this movie.  Everything about him was irritating.  Meanwhile, I’m a little indifferent about Mantis.  I don’t care enough to care.  
Smaller Thoughts: 
The best sequence of the film was Yondu and Rocket trying to have Groot get the fin.  So amazing.  Also - points for the opening sequence of Groot just dancing around while they all fought the weird alien thing. 
Hands down my favorite Stan Lee cameo -- THE WATCHERS AND UATO!! That’s a deep cut - but omg, I loved that so much.  
Mom told me that she didn’t think the music was as good as the first one’s, lol.  She was right though - it didn’t leave much of an impression on me.  
Why am I not surprised about the return of Howard the Duck? 
Final Thoughts: I’m really glad I watched Infinity War before I saw this - cause I would have been really nervous going into IW after seeing this.  Look, I just don’t think GOTG is my thing -- it’s just too childish and ridiculous for me.  
Infinity Stones Watch: None - but they do talk a lot about Thanos since it’s Gamora and Nebula -- also, Thanos is sadistic making those girls fight each other like that.  God, I hate him. 
After the Credits: Oh my god - a lot okay...  Yondu’s number 2 gets the arrow and, um, sure; Sylvester Stallone makes another cameo (yay?); Groot as a teenager - whoo!; Adam Warlock -- omg, Marvel are you seriously going there?; AND MORE WATCHERS AT THE END YES I AM HERE FOR THIS!
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Hey guys <3 @jeffreydeanneganstrash reached 2K followers and decided to host a Q&A so I thought I’d answer the questions <3 Congrats again on the 2K!
What is your name? Charlotte
How old are you? 21
How would you describe your cultural background? The only thing about my cultural background that I know for certain is that my dad’s side of the family are French Canadian and all live up in Quebec. My mother’s side is harder to pinpoint because they don’t have a complete family tree anywhere, probably European.
What languages do you speak? My main language is English and I know a decent amount of French. By that I mean I can read it and understand it, but trying to talk to people is much harder.
How tall are you? 5′5″
What are your best physical features? Well, I really like my hair and how curly it is. I really like my eyes too, they’re hazel.
What makes you feel beautiful or strong? 80% of the time I definitely don’t feel beautiful or strong, but I suppose the few times that I do are when I wear an outfit that makes me feel good or listening to upbeat music. Otherwise I have no idea how to answer this lol
Can you tell me a secret? I own an Oppan Gangam Style Funko Pop from when that was still a thing. I don’t know why I still keep it but he’s there lmao
Can you describe your personality by only stating the names of three fictional characters? Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, Daria Morgandorffer from Daria, and April Ludgate-Dwyer from Parks and Rec.
When did you start watching The Walking Dead? After it was announced that Jeff was going to play Negan. At the time I was up to date on the comics and I loved Jeff as the Comedian in Watchman so I figured he’d do a good job. That being said I still haven’t seen the entire show all the way through yet, just seasons 1-3 and 7-8 LOL
If you could rewrite one storyline on TWD, which would it be and why? I’m still annoyed with how slow moving the first half of season 2 was. The second half after Sophia walks out of the barn as a walker is pretty good, but I would have loved to see a bit more substance to the first half of the season, especially when a lot of characters are doing nothing around the farm or god forbid spend an entire episode trying to get a zombie out of a well to get the water when the water was probably infected anyways from the walker being down there in the first place. I wouldn’t drink that water, not sure why they wanted to lol
Was there a character whose death you celebrated on TWD? Spencer. Always Spencer.
Which character death made you sob like a small child? Merle Dixon. I mean, I won’t go into it because anyone that follows my blog knows how much I love Michael Rooker, but damn. He was an amazing character and actually began to have a bit of an arc in his development before being killed sacrificing himself to try to kill the Governor. That will always make me sad, especially when Daryl breaks down after finding Merle as a walker D:
Where would you take up residency in TWD universe: Alexandria, The Kingdom, Hilltop, The Sanctuary etc.? Honestly, the Kingdom would be pretty cool to live in. As much as I love Negan and Sanctuary, every time I see the Kingdom it just... looks like a Kingdom, you know?
What would be your weapon of choice in the zombie apocalypse? While I would probably be better off using my brain (because I’m not good at fighting at all), I’d probably use a baseball bat. I played baseball a lot as a kid so I know my way around a bat.
What would be in your zombie apocalypse bag? Probably a decent amount of food and water, a couple notebooks and pens to write things down and keep track of stuff. Maybe my lighter to help start a fire, some basic medical stuff just in case. A picture or two of my family. There’s probably tons of other stuff too but I can’t think of anything else at the moment lol
If you were a character on TWD, what would be your theme song, and why? Okay it took me FOREVER to decide on this one, but I think it would have to be “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Alice Cooper. It’s probably a cliche choice, but as I’m a person that is kind of shy and tries to please everyone, during the apocalypse I would expect myself to turn after taking too much of that, just like the lyrics imply lol
You are the moral compass of the group in TWD universe, what would be the lesson that you would preach? As much as this is probably tiring to hear at this point, I’d probably preach more about how the group should focus on working with other groups to deal with the walkers. I mean, we know how well that’s been working out right now... LOL
How would you rather die on the show: turning into a walker or being killed by another human? I’d rather be killed by another person. I can’t imagine being turned into a walker, so I’d rather just go out by a human.
Who is your favourite character played by JDM? I still have a really fond spot for The Comedian. I loved the Watchman movie and the comic, and Comedian is one of my favorite characters next to Rorschach. Jeff portrays him so fantastically, and he was the perfect choice.
Okay, let’s spice things up: daddy kink, yay or nay? That would be a resounding Hell YEAH
If you answered yes to the previous question: do you now have one because of JDM? Not because of him, but he made me realize I’d always had one since I was in high school after looking back at all the other male characters I thirsted over. Freddy Krueger, Beetlejuice, Jareth the Goblin King, etc.
What is your ultimate JDM/JDM character fantasy? Oh man... Negan and dirty talk, definitely. His voice is sooooooo hot and I’d honestly love to be alone with him as he whispers all the dirty things he’d like to do to me in my ear... and then doing them ;)
Would you really join Negan’s harem given the choice? I’m going to be brutally honest here, as much as I’d like to say I’d be an independent woman and take care of myself, knowing who I am I’d probably join his harem if he asked. Of course he’s attractive and all, but from a survival standpoint he’s the leader of Sanctuary and makes sure his wives are taken care of. I mean, knowing myself as a wife, I’d probably get stir crazy and do something productive with my time instead of lounging around doing nothing, but otherwise I’d definitely be looking out for my best interests. Negan provides a certain level of protection and security that would be hard to come by elsewhere.
What words remind you of Negan? Charismatic, dominant, powerful.
You’re locked alone in an ATM vestibule with JDM, what are you going to do? The same would apply to whether this is a situation where he’s single or not, I’d clam up and be screaming internally while I’m stuck in an enclosed space with a hot dude. He’d probably have to calm me down before I faint lmao
If you could describe sex with Negan through a song, which song would you pick? If we’re still on the subject of Alice Cooper songs... “Bed of Nails.” Seriously, just look at the chorus and say that isn’t Negan:
Our love is a bed of nails Love hurts good on a bed of nails I'll lay you down and when all else fails I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails.
If Negan had given you the choice to pick a person to die from the lineup, which character would be on Lucille’s receiving end? Everyone is going to hate me, but Daryl. From a writing standpoint, he hasn’t been interesting in a while. It’s like they give stuff to Daryl when they don’t know what other character to use.
Do you write any fanfiction, create content for any fandom blogs etc.? (If so, reblog something you’re most proud of and tag me in it!) I write fanfiction for TWD, and have written for Negan, Merle, Daryl, and Simon. Also for some of Michael Rooker’s other characters, like Yondu and Grant Grant. I’ll tag you in my favorite Negan fics I’ve written :P
Finally, what is the one thing you want your followers to know about you? Hmmmm I’m really not sure. I mean, other than the fact that writing is something I love to do so much and I’m thankful to have such lovely followers that follow my blog and enjoy the stuff I do. <3
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sweetladyamaterasus · 7 years
Last battle and what the flying fuck happened to the room itself I see dragon veins around too Azura is gonna sing for us… The final theme on this side is from her too holy fuck
Wait those veins are to create walls to block the pineapple’s attacks? Wait is he capable of stupid long range???
Oh Azura’s song translates into both nicely enough Dámn whatever is controlling Takumi is powerful enough to do all this horse fuckery and I can kinda see where that #BlameTakumi meme came from because hot damn dude
Oh shit he does a wave attack that’s why those barriers are needed And wait Takumi isn’t even holding the Fujin Yumi… he’s holding something called Skadi… And there’s two of him?? Oh it’s a Replica
Oh snap it’s not even pretending to be him at this point, it’s gone invisible just like the Invaders And since Replicas share a health bar don’t need to fight two…
Oh god… Takumi said thank you…a part of him was still there??
Thank you Xander it finally is over.. I just noticed Camilla’s horns are missing… I’m terrible at paying attention
Yeah where is Azura?? Now we’re back home after telling everybody the war is over. Aww Yay Gunter doing the coronation and Xander is now the king!
*cough* Kamui you say the same thing to Ryouma *cough* I don’t think she ran off Camilla…
Oh wait why does he not have on the actual crown? He still has on his circlet
Yes here’s to prosperity Xander! Leo she’s a kid it’s okay! Gunter is certainly gonna chew y'all out for talking.
Oh shit Hinoka’s here! And little Sakura too! And oh my it’s true the crown will go to Hinoka, well that’s similar to the crown going to Leo a lil bit
Camilla that’s actually a very nice compliment if I’m being honest Hinoka being honest herself though and trying which is good
And then yelling and tripping up Xander’s title I’m dying Aww Hinoka!
Oh so banquets are the thing in Nohr while festivals are for Hoshido awesome
Aww even Kaze is still here! That ninja is such a bae Now Kamui is outside and of course that song is in the air Azura is here yet again or not because that’s a thing like last time
Camilla is a brick house, she didn’t even look remotely surprised at somebody running full speed into her Good lord Xander is rather attractive…
(Chuckles affectionately) thanks Camilla
And I’m sure Kamui will be happy to help you Xander!
Yas it’s over! Conquest is finished and *rips shirt off* my body is extra fucking ready for Revelations!
Those are some pretty flowers in the credits Wait Soliel seduces women? Yay? Dwyer is Jakob’s son? Interesting So I was right Siegbert is Xander’s son and now the heir to the throne
Odin married Elise this game… Leo is gonna kick his retainers ass Kaze married Beruka??? Dang son Camilla married Keaton and she gave up her royal title And of course Leo married Felicia Silas went with Selena Benny ended up marrying Peri? Holy crap and she ended up learning right from wrong I’m laughing Effie married Arther…not surprising Niles married Mozu…that is surprising Xander married Charlotte And finally, Kamui married Flora…Welp
Huh never saw the credits but my heart is happy now
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