#caeldori looks ok
katfreaks-hidyhole · 2 years
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childofaura · 1 year
What about Cordelia? Personally, I'd have to go for her resplendent, it looks so prettyto me <3
ps. Just realized you have an animated header
Yeah, I gif’d that one scene from Mulan where she sees Shang taking his shirt off XD Fits me since most of the time I’m fawning over fictional men. A LOT of fictional men.
… Ok, is it still part of the rules if I pick Caeldori? I mean… TECHNICALLY they’re considered reincarnations (or previous incarnations I think), but it’s basically the same character, right?
If it counts, I pick Tantan’s Caeldori:
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It’s cute, has a nice use of color, makes her face rounder to make her younger to make her look like Subaki’s daughter, and I really like how they drew her eyes. She just looks super adorable in this art.
If Caeldori DOESN’T count, then I pick Mayo’s Summer Cordelia:
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Cute, confident pose, a nice outfit design, her hair is drawn with a nice flow, and her eyes are also pretty too. Mayo almost always draws cute artwork, and their Summer Cordelia was the best in my opinion.
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caelin-ismycity · 6 years
odin, lazlow, and selena are canonly owain, inigo, and severa. caeldori, asugi, and rhajat look similar and have similar personalities to cordelia, gaius, and tharja but are different in their own ways.
are different in their own ways
but fuckin,,, those other three,,, intsys you’re testing my patience
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((Ok idk about percy but to be fair
I do remember this one thread where Clara got ridiculously jealous because Kiragi was training with Caeldori all the time, and Clara is horrendously bad at archery so he advised her not to come to their sessions
and she thinks caeldori is prettier than she is so she already wasn’t having that
And they were arguing about it and she was like "what if I just started hanging out with this really handsome guy all the time and you weren't allowed to come?"
And he's just "well I would be happy you found someone to train with!"
And she just looked at him like "really"
So maybe he wouldn't get mad at Hadrian right away XD))
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kvlpa-moved-blog · 6 years
Plot + Cordelia!
plots ahoy // accepting // @thesolitaryblade
GOD okay so this one is. kind of o ddly specific and kinda requires a bit of verse jumping? maybe? it depends on how it’s done but anyways
i really. wanna use cordelia’s fates verse more than i do, honestly. WHICH I KNOW… might sound odd bc she’s an awakening 1st gen and fates is a trainwreck and fitting things places is weird and anyways ok i’m rambling i’m gonna stop and explain what/why i wanna use it more.
there’s a more thorough description under the verse tab on cordi’s about page but the basic gist of her fates verse is that during the final battle w/grima in awakening she gets shot off her pegasus and uh. dies. :)and she ends up being reincarnated in fateslandia. but NOT as caeldori as would be. the obvious go-to, you would think but NO. two different characters folks pls stop calling them basically the same ANYWAYS she’s reincarnated in nohr as a 1st gen there. 
and  what i specifically want in this verse is interactions with other awakening characters. give me the trio getting to nohr and meeting cordelia for the first time at castle krakenburg and being stupefied bc they’d seen her die but here she is, same face, same name, same class and mannerisms and attitude and speech. give me selena freaking out because she’s already had to go through this before, losing her mom and then meeting someone who was her but also wasn’t quite and then losing her too and she can’t go through it again. give me her meeting other members of the shepherds post-awakening, be it in ylisse or fateslandia, them remembering her death and having to come to terms with it all over again. cordi ending up in ylisse somehow and being disturbed by the fact that this place looks so much like the one she dreams about every night. give me her memories of her past life coming back, some or all of them; give me her realizing she died, realizing everything she felt in those dreams was real. give me her realizing she broke her promise not to leave severa alone.
just. i need it.
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unassumingvenusaur · 8 years
Flora/Nina P/C supports
[Ok so I was looking up Nina’s supports for reference like I do for all of these, and I got irritated. Literally two of her supports do not mention her ‘obsession’ in the C support. ONLY. TWO. (Caeldori and Velouria) Naturally, this includes the P/C template. So I decided to spite her supports and put her shipping as far on the backburner as possible. I hope I don’t get accused of taking her out of character but I hate when a character gets pigeonholed to one of their traits. (You know who I mean). So I hope you like this! She really is like her mom~]
C support:
Nina: You’re mine now, little bunny….
*arrow firing sound*
Yes! Frozen arrows are the best!
Hunters would be so much better like this.
Flora: Nina?
Nina: Mother!
Don’t surprise me like that!
What are you even doing out here? You’re a maid!
Flora: I was looking for you, dear.
I heard you went out hunting.
It’s strange, I had your interests completely confused. You didn’t seem like the hunter type.
Nina: I wasn’t! Not until I found out I could freeze my arrow tips.
Thanks for the powers, Mother! You’re the best!
Flora: You’re welcome….?
I’m glad I could help you. I was told in the past that you would ask other hunters if you needed anything.
Specifically the female ones.
Nina: Er…about that.
It’s…It’s not important!
I don’t have to ask anyone anymore.
Flora: It’s always good to be less dependent on others. Just don’t take on too much.
Nina: I’ll be fine. Do you want to help me carry back my hunt?
Flora: Gladly. Would you care to lead the way?
Nina: You got it!
B support:
Flora: Nina! Is everything ok?!
Nina: Yes, Mother.
For me, anyway…
That spear fighter, though…I feel so bad.
Flora: You were just thanking me for the Ice Tribe powers…
But I wish you had only gotten the useful side of it.
Nina: I’m not mad, Mother. Not at you.
I just wish I hadn’t frozen up. Literally!
Talking to them face to face has never been my strong suit.
This doesn’t happen only with guys but it’s much more common.
Flora: I suppose you get that from your aunt.
Your father is certainly not a nervous person.
I would like to think I’m fairly good at keeping a straight face myself.
Nina: I don’t want to be anything like him. There’s a difference between stoic and shameless!
Flora: I forgot how little you get along with him.
This might be an issue for another time.
What were you trying to ask that spear fighter?
Nina: I don’t even remember! I clammed up…
I think I was going to ask him to hunt because I was too busy, but I can’t do that now.
I hope the army won’t need snow shoes with me around.
Flora: I’m so sorry, Nina…
I wish this hadn’t happened to you.
*wind sound*
Nina: Whoa, Mother!
It’s not cold to me but I’m sure you could freeze a person right now!
We could learn to handle this together!
If you could help me be less nervous, I can try to help you.
Flora: I could try?
Nina: Thanks, Mother!
Flora: You’re going first.
Nina: Wait, what?
A support:
Flora: You’ve done well, Nina.
Nina: You sure?
I still froze the ground under me.
Flora: Yes, but the soldier you were talking to was unfrozen the whole time. He walked away just fine.
These methods aren’t bad for you, are they?
Exposure doesn’t work for everyone.
Nina: Nah…I think I can do it.
But thank you for asking.
I’m glad you’re helpful, Mother.
Sorry to cut into your schedule. I know you’re busy.
Flora: I’m never too busy for my daughter.
Nina: Hehe, I’m happy to hear that.
It must be hard to teach something you haven’t yet mastered.
Flora: Living a life of servitude helps.
If you’re too nervous, you could be fired and replaced before you can blink twice.
Although in some cases, I’ve seen that help retain a job…
I learned through necessity.
And now I want you to learn so you can excel.
Nina: Wow…When you say it like that, it really makes me want to try!
Maybe we can work to overcome this.
But after I’m done, we’re going to help you have a little more control too.
I’m a lot like my mother, after all!
Flora: You’re brave, a great fighter, and an even better daughter.
To be compared to you is a compliment far above me.
Nina: Mother! You’ve got to value yourself more.
As I grew up, I thought ‘Mother’s so collected and strong, I want to try to be like her!’.
It didn’t work as well as I hoped, but you were my goal. You still kind of are.
If you keep doing that, I’ll go around telling the army you’re awesome.
Or better yet, I’ll write it down and deliver it! I’m fast, I could deliver that many letters in a day.
Flora: All right, all right. I won’t be so harsh on myself.
But now that we’ve seen that exposure therapy has its merits with you, we’re going to keep trying.
Nina: Ooh, who next? A mage? A general?
Maybe the mage and general I saw talking to each other a little while ago…
Whatever it is, I can handle it! Promise!
Flora: That’s a relief. We’re going to talk to your father.
Nina: What? Ew. I don’t want to talk to him.
Flora: You promised, Nina.
Nina: Aw, great, me and my big mouth.
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gallant-gained · 5 years
a new leaf
Caeldori: Someone had this dress made for me.
Siegbert: !
Caeldori: Do you...like it? I think I look silly, really.
Siegbert: *remembers that samurai shouldn't evaluate girls* ....it's ok I guess.
Caeldori: >:( OH.
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childofaura · 2 years
Well... Banner thoughts
1. Black Knight/Zelgius is absolutely perfect. I laughed at his “accosted by children” line and also just love that he’s CHRISTMAS-themed.
2. Dorothea...
Ok look... I very very very VERY rarely use this word because it’s either misused as all hell, or people are making an exaggeration over it.
But... I genuinely think IS is being sexist with Dorothea. In a way that’s so hurtfully ironic to her character. I hate using the word “sexist” because she’s NOT REAL, I get that, but like I honestly don’t know how else to go about it. Dorothea hasn’t even been included as a base alt in this game; She’s so far had the most alts out of any character without actually being in the game. And that’s not a BAD thing. But... Look at all her alts: Summer swimsuit alt, Plegian alt with skimpy clothing, and now her Christmas alt with a SUPER low-cut top and fishnet stockings. Like wasn’t the whole point of Dorothea’s character that she was seen as a low-class nobody who only gained value for her voice and her body? And all IS keeps doing is giving her more sexy alts BEFORE EVEN GIVING HER A BASE UNIT IN THE GAME?
And ok, let me absolutely clarify: These are just lines at the end of the day. It’s just a drawing. In the long run, I don’t give a shit and it doesn’t affect me. But in the short run... Fuck, I wish they’d be a little more balanced and less blatant with who their fan-service is for. Oh, also STOP MAKING THE THREE HOUSES UNITS MANDATORY ADDITIONS TO THE CHRISTMAS BANNER.
3. Annette. Sweetie, darling, love of my life, honey, I love you. I really do. You are precious to me.
... But you are also a Three Houses character and the fact that both you AND Dorothea are on this banner means that you’re killing the banner diversity.
(I still love you though, puddin’ ;w; )
4. Cordelia and Selena.
HRGHHHHHH.... Really mixed on this one.
On the one hand, it’s... really weird that they’re going “Haha look, it’s a Harmonic Hero” when no. It’s not. Shuddup. Also hell, could they not have made Selena the main unit? This is her “first” alt in the game (but really no it isn’t, the Easter alt is), and they decided to make Cordelia ANOTHER alt primarily. Also right on the heels of her Fates alt being added? Really? So now we have Regular Cordelia, Bridal Cordelia, Summer Cordelia, Resplendent Cordelia, Caeldori, and finally this Christmas one. Yaaaay.
But on the other hand, it’s sweet that Cordelia and Severa are finally in a Duo Heroes together. So I’ll let it slide.
5. Bruno.
Augh... I haven’t seen the art yet but Bruno is slowly stepping into Dorothea’s territory, just in the male version of it. IS, please just give us Bruno as a Legendary Hero for the next banner. Please don’t make him like Dorothea where all we’re getting is man-tiddy. Like... Do as much fan-service as you want AFTER their base unit gets added, but consider adding him first. Also maybe do the cool thing you did with Conrad where his mask is off when you check his profile.
Actually, I kind of hope he has his mask off for this banner.
All in all, I honestly hate to say it but this Christmas banner is a pass for me. I might try to free Summon for Black Knight but that’s it.
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shadowlink720 · 7 years
FE: Birthright Randomised Paralogues 13 and 14
(aka ‘I can no longer procrastinate on the plot’)
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anyway let’s get the to last currently available paralogues :V
Paralogue 13 is Caeldori’s
hoo boi this’ll be interesting
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ya know we never got to see much of Subaki’s personality when he joined in Birthright so this will be really interesting
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oh, well it’s... still Caeldori?
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Saizo that isn’t Kaze-
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this feels so ooc holy heck-
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again; not Kaze :’V
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I never thought I would ever see Saizo say ‘jiffy’
anyway battle prep!
aaaaaaall righty, let’s get on with the chapter!
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you forget that we have both Azura and Felicia, Saizo I’m pretty sure they could tank most if not all of the units here
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ayy there she is I hope she’s showing as a sky knight for stability please tell me she didn’t literally stay as a sky knight because she just has to be flawless even though there can literally be no such thing otherwise such a concept wouldn’t exist-
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We don’t really need it but sure
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if someone could be perfect then it wouldn’t exist something else would exist instead, which would be exactly the same as ‘perfection’, because it’ll always be unachievable
I’m getting too deep into this, sorry moving on
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ya know I could say the same to you, Saizo
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ok that not so much-
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yeah she’s literally still a sky knight ok that’s fine She has In Extremis as a personal, which grants Crit +30 when she has less than 25% HP, holy heck She also has Swap, Renewal, Poison Strike and Magictaker huh and an extra free beast killer, I should trade that over to Takumi once he can use it Or Kaze, idk anyway she has pretty solid bases, too (Growths: HP - 25, Str - 15, Mag - 35, Skill - 40, Spd - 35, Lck - 35, Def - 55, Res - 45) (Heart Seal: Wyvern Rider and Ninja)
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this guy’s gonna get wrecked
ok but No one can touch Takumi like literally all of these magic users are doing 0 damage if they can hit him at all
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they’re already dead indeed
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I wasn’t expecting her to get a crit but hey ho I’ll take it
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wow Rinkah’s getting crits left and right :o
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well uhh another mage came along and finished her off o<o;;;; just as she got a big shield, too
oh my Farore Sakura finally got a higher tome proficiency--
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this one’s for Rinkah, you shit
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Fite me
oh hey, Caeldori levelled up
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wow that Boss was a bitch to fight
I should have had Setsuna up there to fight them because ya know SHE HAS 31 RESISTANCE AND 26 DEFENCE
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rest in pieces, ya shitlord
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I’m not going to bring up how that’s impossible again
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well, I’d assume ppl have to be good in their first battle because otherwise they’re dead and that’s hardly ‘good’
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actually fight me, Caeldori
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see? no such thing as perfect
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idk man, you could have given her an inferiority complex in the process
I will fight both of you
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saizo, you’re fiiiiiiiine, stop worrying so much
right, let’s go to paralogue 14 and see who Silas’ kid is!
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it’s Hisame ........... I can 100% see him yelling at Silas ‘IT’S NOT A PHASE, DAD’
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what does this look like, a murder scene? .... well I guess it could, actually
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shit’s going down, that’s what, Silas
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they’re just having a party, bro
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he doesn’t have mcuh company and turned to creating soulless creatures for it ... poor guy
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his favourite colour is vantablack, and he says it’s the closest colour to his soul
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did he manage to get one of the spring event Heroes, tho? that is the question
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you really need to take some time to talk to him, Silas
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well maybe your nightmares, not Hisame’s
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ya know what? Maybe we should just leave Hisame to it he’s fine
all right, battle prep let’s goooo
let’s get rid of this bog fiiirst
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ayyyy, Dragon Fang it’s great
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it’s time to unleash the madness
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it’s dead indeed, Setsuna it’s very dead
another bog nullifiiied
I was wondering why this one Faceless seemed to have so much avoid when we’re both in the forest but it has Lancebreaker that explains a lot
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it’s too bad you don’t have Bowbreaker, mATE and it was a crit, too
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ok but his animation was really cool, he threw the lance up, caught in in mid air and just 
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it was great
well Hisame has some kind of Rally I can’t tell what though
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he proc’d Dragon Fang again :’’’D
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this guy has literally 0% chance of hitting me I love Swordmasters, man
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and she got a criiiiiit
ok Takumi got another crit
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it’s great
aaaaand 3rd bog neutralised
ok we can finally talk to Hisame
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you haven’t mastered it until you can summon Amaterasu which you can’t because you need to fight the Anchorite of Light, who’s in the Kursta Archipelago and apparently hates their job sooooo :Y Or until you can cast Hresvelgr-Hresvelgr Rain, but that would require the Bishop and Wizard asterisks too-
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beautifully hilarious, you mean
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boi have you seen how much of a threat they are? the most damage they can do is like 4 HP, if they even HIT
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that is true, however good thing there’s no fatigue system like there apparently was in Thracia 776 lol
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I’m suddenly getting flashbacks of Resident Evil 7 Yeah no, Hisame I need to ask you to please Stop
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please listen to your dad, Hisame
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well obviously who do I look like; Mephilia?
aaall riiight let’s have a look at Hisameeee
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ok, he’s another Nohr Prince, neat He has Fortunate Son as a personal, which means allies within 2 spaces get Ddg +15 and he gets Ddg +5, neat he also has  Rally Defence, Air Superiority and Potent Potion I... guess Relief isn’t a skill that passes down ahahahah;;;; (Growths: HP - 35, Str - 25, Mag - 20, Skill - 60, Spd - 50, Lck - 30, Def - 40, Res - 5) (Heart Seal:  Ninja and Wyvern Rider)
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oh NOW you crit, Saizo when you were already going to kill the guy anyway >:V
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where’s the fun, then? idk lmao
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Reverse Ringabel is smol confirmed
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but what if he was just about to get one of the Spring exclusive units? :V
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Hisame ur gonna get urself killed, u know?
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the vengeful ghost of Tharja, that’s who
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whatever you say, Hisame
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Silas just wants to be cool, Saizo, let him have that
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plot twist, imagine if he was talking about himself
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someone stop him
oh yeah then the extra cutscene to make him seem creepy
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... do u need a hug, Hisame
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I can really see the resemblance
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well you shouldn’t really expect pretty much anyone to, man
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Tharja stop
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it’s funny because the avatar’s name in this run is Shadow
aaaaand that’s that!
we’ll be finally moving onto the plot next time, so I can’t run from spoilers for people anymore! :’D
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