katfreaks-hidyhole · 2 years
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archer3-13 · 2 years
fire emblem heroes book... 7 was it? idk, new feh channel with a new heroes trailer. I love the song and i actually love a lot about the set design and overall aesthetic of the route
[feh keeps pushing fire emblem into a much wider range of concepts and 'magical story elements', and im kinda here for it. we probably would have never gotten wolf riders in engage if feh hadn't been the weird testing ground it is]
ive gotten more flexible with what i do and dont like in character design over the years, and i like that the latest book seems to be leaning more on eastern aesthetics then a lot of previous feh books. but like... that only works if the design itself isn't an incomprehensible mess!
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disownedbytiime · 2 years
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Free Fomortiis and summoned Vero. It’s a good thing you get a free summon after 40 summons bc after 155 orbs wasted I got 0 5stars. But my girl is home, finally. We may never get her og alt, but she does look much cuter now.
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fiery-emblems · 6 months
Got a copy of rearmed Ophelia on the new banner today and decided to build a guy:
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Lately I've been having a ton of fun building random Tellius peeps for even more themed teams. The perks of only logging in to collect orbs and summon randomly for 4+ years is that I have a TON of skill fodder saved up.
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Here's the latest theme team I'm slotting him into featuring Rafiel as a stand in for Almedha until we get her someday (lol at Raphiel being basically the polar opposite creature from her).
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Look at these guys. Identical twins practically. Even their mom can't tell them apart. /s
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fehtism · 8 months
Resplendent Soren will finally be available tomorrow! How would you build the spooky boy? I don't play PVP so I don't need him to be meta powerful but I want him to reach his maximum potential.
hello ! thank you for your ask. always happy to answer questions about soren he's one of my faves
i've cooked up two builds for him since he has workable speed and res stats though you shouldn't try to maximize both at the same time.
first is a build maximizing soren's res stat...
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arcane caliburnus will be shown in both builds due to the lack of a arcane green tome more optimized for faster builds. this build shows arcane caliburnus refined for additional visible resistance. arcane caliburnus provides -1 special cd, extra special charges per hit, and a guaranteed follow up attack.
blazing wind as an aoe special takes advantage of the visible atk stat provided by still water 4 and still water 3 sacred seal. aoe specials only take into account pre combat (visible) attack stat so any in combat bonuses from a skill like atk/res finish 4 won't count towards the aoe damage.
still water 4 increases visible atk and res by 7 while decreasing def by 5. you can't run anything other than still water in the A slot for this build. still water 4 is available on quite a few units (including some in the standard pool) however if you don't have it as fodder you can use still water 3 until you get it.
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still water 3 is available on teatime tailtiu who is currently in the ephemera manuals (you will need to upgrade it to 5 star). teatime tailtiu is also in the grail pool.
special spiral 4 in the b slot combined with the special charges from arcane caliburnus allows soren to loop his aoe special and special spiral 4 has full damage reduction piercing when special triggers. special spiral 4 is available on ascended ced, citrinne, and rearmed ophelia. other options for b slot skill include mag. null follow up or atk/res tempo 4. for a cheap option that lacks damage reduction piercing but still allows for looping aoe specials you can run special spiral 3 for the -2 cd after combat effect
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special spiral 3 is available on ninja male corrin combat manual in divine codes 4
atk/res ploy can be inherited at the same time as arcane caliburnus from rearmed sonya (who is currently running on the emblem marth banner) and relies on soren winning a visible res check again opponents within 3 rows and columns centered on soren. for every foe with less than soren's res +5 (with this build any foe with less than 66 visible res) will be inflicted with -7 atk/res, ploy status, and exposure.
ploy status disables many visible buffs and the exposure status causes foes to take +10 damage per hit.
still water sacred seal is required to increase visible resistance and attack.
next for the speed build...
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with his resplendent stats and speed refined arcane caliburnus he has a very respectable speed stat that can be further stacked with skills.
flare is the special of choice due to the healing it provides. other damaging specials may deal more damage than flare since flare's damage increase is based on opponents resistance stat. flare is only on brave soren (in the standard pool) so other options for the special slot include low cooldown specials like glimmer, moonbow, or ruptured sky.
atk/spd finish 4 is a great skill for extra healing when special triggers as well as stat stacking on both player phase and enemy phase. if you lack atk/spd finish 4 you can run atk/spd ideal 4 which is available on the free 5 star m!alear and in the divine codes.
the B slot skill for this build is VERY flexible. mag null follow up (can be inherited at the same time as flare) provides the full null follow up effect as well as half damage reduction piercing. spd/res tempo 4 will be a great option when it inevitably releases as it will provide full tempo and half damage reduction piercing.
the b slot skill shown here, spd preempt 3 is essentially vantage against ranged foes however instead of it triggering based on an hp threshold it triggers based on whether or not soren outspends the foe. it's a really fun option and if you don't care too much about the meta then you don't really need damage reduction piercing.
if you still want to run spd preempt and have damage reduction piercing you can outsource it from either legendary camilla's b slot skill or legendary alear's support.
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speed preempt 3 can be acquired from the brave byleth combat manual in divine codes 3
time's pulse 4 in the c slot can be inherited at the same time as mag null follow up and flare from brave soren. it allows soren to loop specials and deal more damage by doing so. other options for c slot skill include atk/spd oath 4 and times pulse 3
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atk/spd oath 4 is available on the m!shez combat manual in divine codes 4
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times pulse 3 is available on ascended ishtar in the divine codes 4
hope this helps ! if you can't get arcane caliburnus you can use tea tailtiu's inheritable tome refined for whichever stat is needed : )
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childofaura · 1 year
What are your thoughts on ichikawa halu? They did Legendary Caeda, Resplendent Cecilia, Baby Ilyana, Summer Micaiah, Rearmed Ophelia, Halloween Rhea, Tatiana and Duo Ymir + Eir.
They’ve mostly drawn women so far but I would like to see them tackle an Owain/Odin alt or maybe even a Brady alt but I think that Lissa and/or Maribelle would’ve benefited from ichikawa’s artstyle.
I really enjoy their artwork, and I LOVE their work for Halloween Rhea.
So I'll break it down.
Firstly, I like their expressionwork. It's not crazy expressive like Argon or Nishiki Areku, but it's very expressive nonetheless (Where it applies, lol):
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And side note, I love their effects during the crit portraits.
But also their original designs are pretty awesome; Rhea looks very pretty, Summer Ymir and Eir have well designed swimsuits (without looking too goofy), and then there's Re-Armed Ophelia and, despite my minor gripes, Resplendent Cecilia:
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The designs are pretty neat, and Cecilia's is still very pretty and nice to look at.
I think it also goes without saying that their posework and their color/lighting/shading work is pretty on point. They have a very vibrant color style.
For some criticism, like you mentioned, they haven't really drawn any boys, but I have a feeling they'd easily be able to draw some boys in the child range. If we ever get Duo Kanas, I think they'd have no trouble tackling the other gender. That and I don't think their range for drawing girls is too huge, it's really just young and maybe SOME mature adults. But again, they have a type and IS keeps assigning them that type.
I think I'd put Ichikawa Halu at an 8.5/10. I'm usually pretty happy to see their artwork and that Summer Ymir and Eir they did recently was really fun.
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wherefore-whinnies · 1 year
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total cost was around 2200 orbs for 10 copies + rearmed Ophelia + caving and buying feh pass
my boy commits so many murders and has a jolly good time 😭
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miraclelevellan · 11 months
You could,if you wanted,give each of Sonya's sisters a rearmed tome. Unfortunately while I have rearmed Plumeria still able,rearmed Ophelia was used on Dorothea so she could have her Meteors. And even worse is that rearmed units aren't in the pool like ascended are,so you can't even be spooked by them
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lskaphrin · 2 years
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Rearmed Ophelia done at last! 
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bowserinthesky · 2 years
AHR gauntlet are out and thank goodness F!Edelgard is out cause she was the unit I wanted the least!
Talking about Edelgard, looks like Summer Edelgard also lost which is really funny cause this mean that never an Edelgard alt managed to survive the first round of a voting gauntlet... I actually would like to get a Summer Edel but the gauntlet curse is still funny
The unit I went with actually won (giga chad fomortiis) but I think he gonna lose next round to rearmed Ophelia, which probably is the unit that has the most chances to win the gauntlet.
So, who you voting for? Tbh I would be ok with any unit winning as long It wasn't Fedel!
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rubywolf0201 · 2 years
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So the next banner would feature the Fates 2nd Gen:
We have Caeldori and Dwyer, who would another 5 star unit and the 4 star demote unit.
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Kiragi on the other hand would the free 5 star unit and he would be the demote on future banner. (Also Takumi can be reunited with his son so yay!!)
And while we don’t have an Ascended Hero, we have a Rearmed Hero and it’s… OPHELIA!!! She’s embracing her dark persona pretty well. (Wonder if we’ll get Ascended Odin to compliment her tho)
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And last but not least we have Hans, who would be the GHB unit.
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randomnameless · 1 year
Same anon which indicated Ascended units which are strange and logical. I sent this to correct myself, I thought Ingrid was an Ascended unit, since I'm mixing up the Ascended and Rearmed units. This made me wonder, if the theme of Ascended units is peak character development, then what is the theme of Rearmed units.
It's "sell better weapons for crap gen 1 units" lol
To tell you the truth, I didn't read Grima's FB since the character bores me to death, ditto for Ophelia.
Maybe Ingrid will try to come up with an explanation, like giving this lance to future generations so they could become shining knights and protect the ones they love -
completely disregarding the lore around Relics, but IS made it clear they don't give a fuck so...
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crystalelemental · 2 years
Banner’s going to be Legendary Veronica, Ninja Camilla, Formortis, and Rearmed Ophelia. Three reds and a colorless. So congrats Form fans, I guess. Not a banner I’ll be messing with.
I don’t know whether to say congrats of F to @twofacedangels. A three-way split means high odds of five stars, but also…
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kimium · 2 years
REARMED OPHELIA! I'm so excited for her! Also the music for the Book 7 trailer slaps. Not too happy we're getting another female OC for free but I wasn't expecting anything else.
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fehtism · 8 months
When I first started playing FEH (when it first came out lol) I fell madly in love with Seliph and was determined to make him amazing. I stopped playing for many years and recently came back to it and I would like to update my Seliph to be more viable now. This is the build he currently has:
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What changes would you recommend?
hello ! thank you for your ask.
you have come to the right place ... seliph is literally my son and i love him...
anyways i'm coming at you with TWO BUILDS !!!!
(i forgot to change the assist to reposition so imagine that both of the builds have reposition instead of swap in the assist slot)
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first up is player phase nuke seliph
arcane eljudnir is an underwhelming weapon to say the least however seliph wants a guaranteed follow up attack due to being slow and for this build especially he wants -1 special cd
with a 3 cd ignis and special spiral + times pulse 4, seliph is able to loop damage reduction piercing ignis which deals a lot of damage with his high def stat
atk/def finish is a great skill for its true damage and healing when special triggers. it also grants +7 atk/def with a really easy conditional to meet (have an ally within 3 spaces) unfortunately the skill is only on diamant currently (who is in the standard pool)
another option for an A slot skill is sturdy surge which provides more defense than atk/def finish and more healing than finish but it lacks the true damage
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sturdy surge can be acquired from the hatari nailah combat manual in divine codes 4
special spiral 4 is crucial for this build to work and cannot be replaced by any other skill. it provides full damage reduction piercing when special triggers and -2 special cd after combat. special spiral 4 is available on a few units: rearmed ophelia (limited), citrinne (standard), ascended ced (standard). i would highly recommend foddering ascended ced for special spiral 4 as seliph can inherit infantry pulse 4 at the same time and he's a great user of it with his massive hp stat.
times pulse 4 provides -1 special cd at start of turn if special cd is at its max value. it /also/ provides -1 special cd after combat if special triggered. combined with special spiral's -2 special cd after combat, seliph gets -3 special cd after combat allowing him to loop ignis.
other options for c slot skill include infantry pulse 4 which you can get from ascended ced at the same time as special spiral 4 and is a great support option but limits you to running 2 cd specials like luna or bonfire due to missing out on the additional -1 special cd after combat.
seliph here is unfortunately attached at the hip to the null follow up seal unless you have null follow up support. with null follow up support (from something like inf. null follow up) seliph can run atk/def ideal 3 as his sacred seal.
ok next build
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here is a mixed phase seliph build that provides infantry pulse support and has 40% damage reduction from gambit (this is actually the build i use on my seliph most of the time)
this seliph here can actually use the divine tyrfing refine (as it grants a guaranteed follow up attack) and the lack of -1 special cd in the weapon actually increases the true damage and damage reduction you get from gambit.
the extra hp and stats from refining the arcane weapon are nice for infantry pulse. my seliph has a res refine instead of the def refine shown here.
his special is required to be aether for this build to work due to it being a high cd special. the healing is also nice
distant d/r solo provides the distant counter effect along with stats on both phases (assuming seliph isn't adjacent to an ally) it is unfortunately only on ninja zelgius who is limited (and it also hurt a bit to fodder off). other options for his a slot skill include running base distant counter (which you already have) or a dc skill like distant stance or distant reversal
gambit 4 is key to this build and unfortunately cannot be replaced by anything else. it provides 10 true damage (15 with divine tyrfing) and 40% damage reduction (50% with divine tyrfing). you'll need to watch out though because this damage reduction is completely pierceable. gambit 4 is currently only on halloween anna (limited) and brave robin (standard) so unless you have a spare brave robin you'll need to wait.
infantry pulse 4 is a wonderful support skill for seliph that takes advantage of his massive hp stat
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he has a higher hp stat than all of my other infantry units. infantry pulse 4 is a huge upgrade from infantry pulse 3 since it works every turn instead of just turn 1. at start of turn if any infantry ally has their special at max cd and their max hp is less than seliph's, grants special cd -1. this allows allies to precharge specials (especially important for vital astra and godlike reflexes builds). you can also choose to run a different skill in his slot c like atk/def oath 4 or time's pulse 4 or atk smoke 4. the cheapest option to run in his slot c is atk/def menace which can be inherited from rearmed lif at the same time as his arcane weapon.
if you're continuing to run divine tyrfing and therefore did fodder off rearmed lif you can still get atk/def menace easily
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atk/def menace can be inherited from a fallen morgan combat manual from divine codes 3
hope this helps !
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radishleaf · 11 months
REARMED OPHELIA BANNER. it's my time to shineeeee. gonna try and summon the rest to +10 her. wish me luckkk.
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