#ybean 8
cherry-jaxalope · 6 years
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Happy Pride Month! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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cherry-jaxalope · 6 years
New announcement possibily this week
Hello everyone out there! I’m back and about to announce some big changes starting with this next small comic coming hopefully this week.
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cherry-jaxalope · 6 years
Hey everyone! After a stressful college semester, I’m back to posting more art and be more active overall. I have lots of new ideas and projects I’m working on so stay tuned!
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️ (a few days late Ik lol) This is my first attempt at a comic and I’m happy on how it turned out. I’m hoping to make more comics like this so keep an eye out.
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
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Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁 I hope you all have a happy holiday season!  Here’s one of my first attempts at digital art using photoshop. 
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
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Happy New Year!! 🎊🎆 Here’s to a great 2018!
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
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How I’m currently handling college 😧 final season has arrived.......
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
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Hello! I’m Ybean 8 and this is my blog! I’ll mainly be posting some of my art and talk about animated shows and movies. If you like what you see then feel free to follow me.
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
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❤️+💙= 💜
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
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Throwback to the very first thing I drew for Inktober this year.
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
Don’t Forget- Star vs the Forces of Evil returns November 6th!
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
Looks like winter came early this year...
Cause Steven Universe is returning November 10th!! 
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
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Happy Halloween 🎃 quick little sketch of me as a vampire.
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cherry-jaxalope · 7 years
Cartoon Theories- Svtfoe  Eclipsa and Heinous/Meteora
Star vs the forces of evil Season 3 has finally reached it’s midseason finale. So far, this season is probably the best season yet. From Star and her battle to unify mewmans and monsters to Marco leaving earth to live with star to all the breakups and makeups, Season 3 has delivered twist after twist after another shocking twist. Perhaps the most shocking twist of all would have to come in the half hour midseason finale “Monster Bash” where star throws a party for all the youth of mewing, mewmans and monsters alike. It’s during this party where Heinous shows up to capture Marco, however things soon spiral out of control and in a shocking turn of events, It’s revealed that Heinous is actually the daughter of Eclipse Queen of Darkness and her still unnamed monster husband. (can I just say OH MY GOODNESS) Which makes heinous not only a mewnmen princess but a butterfly. Not only that, She’s a butterfly/monster hybrid, as by the end of the episode, she’s sporting pointy ears and a monster arm. Now this brings up a lot of questions, How did this happen? How was she separated from eclipsa? Did anyone on mewni have any prior knowledge of this? And perhaps most important question of all, what does this mean for Star, Eclipsa and Mewni? Well this is what this theory is for. First off, I believe (unless Eclipsa’s trial episode proves otherwise) that Meteora was Eclipsa’s big crime. Meteora is the reason she was crystallized 
 Let’s imagine we’re back in Mewni when eclipsa reigned as a young queen. Now she already fell in love with a monster, which is considered unspeakable enough. But she runs away with that monster. Now the next queen (or anyone for that matter, but for now I’m sticking with the queen who likely ascended to the throne after Eclipsa fled mewni) ascends to the throne and tracks eclipsa down only to discover that not only has she run away with the monster, but had a child with him. (whether or not Eclipsa fled mewni because of meteora or if she decided to have meteora after she left still up for debate but for the rest of the theory, lets say that meteora came into play after eclipsa left.)
Now we have this child by all stretch of the imagination should not exist. A child who’s not only a mewnmen/monster hybrid, but a princess, a butterfly. Meteora is royalty. What would the rest of mewni think if this child was in existence? Would they turn on the royals? Would the monster see this as there chance to rise up? Could meteora one day be eligible as an heir to the throne? What if everyone wanted the child dead? (maybe a tad too dark for svtfoe but we’re just speculating here) Eclipsa knew this and so did the queen. What what could possible ensure the safety of Meteora and Mewni alike? 
What if Eclipsa struck a deal with this new queen? She would willing be crystallized for all of eternity and no one would know that she had meteora so long as meteora be able to live. That would explain how she doesn’t appear to be mad at being crystallized for all these years and she didn’t flinch at the thought of being crystallized again in “stranger danger”. She might not have wanted to but she knew she had to for meteora. When moon came to her asking about a dark spell, Eclipsa saw this as the only way to ensure her freedom (also you could judge by Eclipsa’s reaction to being crystallized, she could have assumed that meteora was dead by then. So her contract was up regardless)  So you might be thinking “what about the magical high commission?” well I don’t think they knew about Meteora. What if the queen at the time did what moon did back at the end of season 2, trying to solve the problem herself without the commission’s help? After she found out about meteora, it was too dangerous to let even the commission know, so she opted to share that eclipsa ran aware with a monster to keep the secret safe and being the segregated world mewni still is, they went with it as a good enough excuse to be crystallized. That explains why they don’t seem to have any real reason to crystalize her now other than “she ran off with a monster”. (However, Heinous was wanted by the magical high commission in the Star and Marcos Guide to mastering every dimension book, so the jury is still out on the high commission). I have no explanation on how mina knew but now she’s certainly the great warrior star was preaching about in her debut episode (how ironic it was used against Star though) 
There’s still the question of eclipsa’s dark magic. I feel that they emphasized it to add more cover to the whole eclipsa is evil image as to further justify her crystallization should any suspicions arise. I’m not sayong eclipsa’s magic isn’t dangerous or dark, as evidence by moon and the dark spell. However it is easier to justify the crystallization of the “dark magic queen who ran off with a monster” then the “queen who ran off of with a monster”. When Eclipsa asks “oh so that’s what they’re calling my chapter now?” in ‘Moon the Undaunted’, and she says this less as a question and more as a statement, like she expected that to happen. She knew after she gave herself up, her legacy would be warped and twisted to cover up for meteora. Another point I want to mention is “does moon know?” and honestly I’m not sure. We know that moon is capable of keeping information from star and subsequently the magical high commission. And it would make sense why she would want eclipsa recrystallized immediately to protect the secret of meteora. But theres one key point i’ll mention in a minute that puts a wrench into this part of the theory.
I want to return to meteora for a bit, so eclipsa made the deal and is recrystallized. Now what do they do to the child? Well that’s where St. Os comes in. Now they send Meteora to live at St. Olga’s (you can also theorize that meteora is the reason they made St. Olga’s but lets go with the first point for this theory) and the founder of the school was tasked of hiding the princess and doing whatever it takes to keep her a secret. Well what if the same techniques Heinous used on the other princesses were used on her? Meteora was essentially brainwashed into forgetting who she was to the point where she internalized all properties of a proper dull lady. It’s up into the air the extent of this conditioning, as she is aware of her mewnman check marks and tries to hide them at all cost. Maybe she was condition like how elsa was in frozen “conceal don’t feel”. So she becomes heinous and one day takes over the school and shares what was taught to her to the other “wayward” princesses (talk about painful irony). It became her control. Her life. The thing that kept her from becoming Meteora. Now switching back to Moon, the one thing that confuses me as to whether or not moon knew about meteora is her attitude towards star attending St. Olga’s school for wayward princesses. In the beginning of the show, Moon and River we’re in agreement about sending star to earth instead of St. O’s, even explaining to star that they weren’t sending her there before Moon added “yet.” Now if moon knew the heinous was eclipsa’s daughter, I don’t think she would ever risk sending star to a school ran by her no matter how brainwashed she is. Maybe she was giving star a halfhearted threat? Did daron have heinous/meteora in mind when the pilot was in production? Who knows. But for now, it seems that the jury is out on moon knowing about meteora.
So were back to monster bash and now the truth is out about Meteora. What now? Lots of questions that need answers! I would be very surprised if eclipsa’s trial isn’t in the next episode after the hiatus cause it looks like she’s the only one who can give Star, Moon, the magical high commission and the rest of the main cast some answers. Also I feel that with Meteora’s return and if this theory is correct, this is where we’ll see Eclipsa take on the role as the season antagonist. So far, she’s been patient and bidding her time, but with her daughter back there’s no telling what will happen. Im not sure how she’ll react to learning about what they did to Meteora. I mean Eclipsa seems to be all about being a free spirit as it’s been heavely implied that she’s exactly like star in the respect. When she finds out her own daughter has been brainwashed for years on end into hiding who she is, it won’t end well. Meteora might also want revenge on Mewni too. I mean she just remembered who she was and it took her losing the school, the very place that was keeping her as heinous, to realize it. Meteora is gonna be what causes eclipsa to her dangerous mode. She’s going to want to stand by her daughter and protect her. I also have another reason why Eclipsa and Meteora will be the antagonists and that is the monster mewnan conflict. At the end of monster bash, star’s plan for mewmans and monsters living together has taken a huge step back. One thing about movements like this is that there’s always someone who tries to achieve the same goal but in drastic way. That’s where Eclipsa and Meteora come into play. The conflict between mewmans and monsters is why Meteora became heinous and why eclipsa was branded as evil and crystallized. When star’s efforts fall flat, they take up the cause in the wrong way. Maybe they try to take out the magical high commission. Maybe they try to steal the throne from Moon and Star. There’s no telling what these two can do together and if everyone was scared of what eclipsa could do, they should be terrified at the thought of what meteora can do. And how does Star fit into this? I feel like she’s gonna be put into a difficult situation for sure, but she’s going to end up doing what she does best, make her own solution. She’s not going to give up on the monsters but shes not going to let anything happen to her family and her kingdom.
So heres my theory that ill be holding onto for dear life until the hiatus ends!
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cherry-jaxalope · 6 years
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New username alert!! Ybean-8-universe will now become cherry-ink-dreamer!
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cherry-jaxalope · 6 years
New Comic Coming This Week!
Hey all you lovely people! Expect a new comic to be posted this week. It’s part of my new push to make comics every week this summer (similar to my valentine’s day comic a few months back). 
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