#ye xiaoying
feng-huli · 2 months
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In the Presence of the General
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agent-impact · 2 years
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my Albedo really likes my Xiao and I think its adorable
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jianghushenanigans · 2 months
For a highly specific ship, Jin Yan and General Ye Xiaoying?
hello?? HELLO???? JIN YAN AND GENERAL YE 👀 anon your MIND
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
i can safely say I've never thought about these two at the same time except for the one scene they're in together but 👀👀 NOW i'm thinking about them aakgjhdfklhafkldhflkadshlkfjhg there's so much HISTORY between everyone in Tianqi City and we get so little of it i NEED MORE
Original ask game here
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Blood of Youth recap - episode 24
Xiao Se says it was a coincidence but also like it was arranged in advance.
As they wait for the ceremony, Lord Chi makes fun of Lord Bai for being blind. The marquis attends with the State Preceptor. The emperor comes out then collapses with a heart attack.
The emperor is mostly in a coma for three days and wakes three times to issue three edicts: Marquis Lanyue and Grand Preceptor Dong Zhu are in charge; officials below second rank may not enter or leave Tianqi and those above second rank may not leave their residences; and the third is a secret decree delivered to Ye Xiaoying by Jinyan, the Director of Seal.
General Ye says the secret decree should have been issued secretly, then finds out it’s blank. His soldier confirms Xiao Se is back in Xueyue and Ye Ruoyi is with him.
A doctor tells the marquis and Dong Zhu the emperor may not wake for months.
Sikong Changfeng asks if Ji Ruofeng has returned to Baixiao Sect. The disciple says there’s a new head and asks why Baili Dongjun and Mo Yi haven’t returned from Penglai island.
Xiao Se remembers his father being angry because he wanted to travel in the jianghu. Qianluo comes to him and asks if he’s going back to Tianqi and whether she can go with him.
Xiao Lingchen, the younger Lord Langya, joins them and laughs at Xiao Se for not answering. Qianluo leaves and Xiao Se asks where Xiao Lingchen’s been. He says they were stopped by White Tiger but he was allowed to go after his father surrendered and he’s been in hiding. He says Xiao Se should return to Tianqi but it isn’t time for him yet.
Marquis Lanyue visits Hua Jin to command her to treat the emperor.
Xiao Se tells Sikong Changfeng he doesn’t know the answer to Qianluo’s question. Sikong Changfeng says he hates the emperor but he’s tried to be a good ruler and a good father.
Zang Ming reports to Lord Bai that Tang Lian faced punishment but Tang Lianyue defeated Tang Huang, Tang Xuan and Tang Qisha, there was an internal fight and Tang Lianyue is now the leader. He won’t ally with Lord Bai.
Tang Lian asks Tian Lianyue whether Tang clan will ally with Lord Bai or Xueyue. Tang Lianyue says he won’t get involved. Tang Lian says he’s decided to follow his heart and has been studying the book of liquor. Tang Lianyue tells him how Lord Langya entered the Insouciant Phase after drinking Seven Starry Nights.
Hua Jin says she can cure the emperor but it will take a month.
Marquis Lanyue asks the guard captain how an assassin got into the palace.
Wuxin disguises himself as an official/eunuch and gets caught by the chief eunuch, who injures him. He wonders when Xiao Se will come back.
Yin Luoxia tells Sikong Changfeng Xiao Se has left. Sikong Changfeng starts mapping out Xiao Se’s enemies:
General Chen Luoying receives message from Lord Chi.
Wushuang sends Lu Yuzhai on a mission.
Dark River will come from the southwest.
Xikong Changfeng tells Yin Luoxia to issue the emergency Qiancheng token.
Qianluo comes in the Vermilion Bird’s robes to say goodbye.
Sikong Changfeng says he’s going to take on Luo Qingyang.
Tang Lian sees the Qiancheng token and leaves.
Lei Wujie sees it with Li Hanyi and she tells him to leave Sword Heart Tomb to protect Xiao Se.
Li Wei (Ye Battalion commander) hears General Ye can’t leave his residence. Ye Ruoyi passes on General Ye’s order to protect Xiao Se.
The State Preceptor tells Marquis Lanyue Xiao Se has left Xueyue. The marquis calls Li Changqing and says he needs eight hundred tiger soldiers to accompany him out of the city.
The marquis makes a speech to rally the soldiers to protect Lord Yong’an.
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yuaenri · 2 years
I love your xiao sm... like of course I like xiao in general but omg. your modern au xiao is such perfection aaaa you've made him my absolute favorite 😔🤌🏻 I love him lots,, rlly hope xiaoy/n get a happy ending <333
AHHHHH THIS ACTUALLY MAKES ME SO HAPPY AKHJASHAGKGHA 😭 I wasn't so sure about Xiao's personality in my smau tbh i thought it was boring ☹️ but this makes me feel better hehehe
And yes, if everything goes well, there'll definitely be a happy ending for xiaoyn HSHAHAHA
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
A ‘world music’ arrangement and a soaring vocal by Leaf Yeh 葉穎 on this live version of 取巧 (Clever), from Leaf’s Birth & Death album. (2019)
Handpan: 李承宇 Angus Lee Sitar: 吳欣澤 (Uz Azer)  (he leads the world music ensemble 西尤島.the SiyuLand) Didgeridoo: Brian Lin 慶洲 (Ching-Chou Lin) Drums/Percussion: Vincent Liao 廖文森 Tabla: 謝雨珊 (Punch打擊樂團/Punch Percussion Group, 鼓玩擊樂團 Good One Percussion) Synth/Vocal/Flute: Leaf Yeh 葉穎
Leaf links: StreetVoice,  YouTube,  SoundCloud,  Instagram,  Spotify
Bonus clip: A fun version of the Mission Impossible theme using tuned percussion tubes (called Boomwhackers); 謝雨珊, 薛寶釵, and another girl (Yu Shan Hsieh?) in the group 鼓玩擊樂團 Good One Percussion Group:
Yu Shan Hsieh YT channel has a few more clips from this performance, featuring drums and more tuned percussion. Cool stuff!  =D
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ying-yang-qiao · 3 years
A-Z With Qiao
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English will be on italics
A is for... *Screams* I’m dead. I lost.
B is for... Babygirl, Huh? What’s that?
C is for... Can I go live? Can I go live? I’m streaming anyways.
D is for... Date Seonghwa? No, never, thank you.
E is for... Eclipse? *starts dancing Eclipse by Kim Lip until Winter tells her they’re talking about a solar eclipse*
F is for... Fu... Funny, funny day, beautiful, isn’t it?
G is for... Good. Good good good good... What I was supposed to do?
H is for... Yeri asked me to do this so... HAPPINESS HELLO WE’RE RED VELVET
I is for... *Appears in the camera of a live* I’m on the next level
J is for... Je m’a... Heejin, say it again, I can’t remember it.
K is for... How do you win? Kill them all. And destroy their base.
L is for... Last nignt I ate Jajangmyeon, I still have some for later.
M is for... Mom told me that I gotta get better in English.. Sorry mom, you sent me to a school that taught me Japanese.
N is for... Where is she? NING YIZHUO! *looks to the side* Oh, there she is coming
O is for... I’m an Orbit. Winter, did I say it right?
P is for... This is a Puma sweat... I’m not allowed to say that, right?
Q is for... Sorry, what was the question?
R is for... Hey Rina!
S is for... “Would you cut your hair?” No, short hair is Winter’s charm.
T is for... Tomorrow is another day, but I don’t know if I’ll live for tomorrow, so I’ll eat as much ice cream as I can.
U is for... “Please explain aespa’s universe” That’s for you to discover *awkward laugh*
V is for... I can have a deep voice too, but it doesn't suit me.
W is for... We’re in TV! aespa is in tv!
X is for... It’s Qiaoying, not Xiaoying. Yes, I know, it’s normally written the other way but what can I do?
Z is for... I’m going to get into a Zoo and steal a baby tiger... Y’all see.
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Review #91: Sister
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Written by Xiaoying You, Directed by Ruoxin Yin
Sister immediately caught my attention for two reasons: It's an Asian film, and it's about family. After watching the trailer, I knew I had to go see it at the cinemas. There seemed to be aspects of it that I really liked - family members unable to love each other with nobody specific to blame. I really wanted to know how the characters would resolve that. And so I went to see it.
I was disappointed and not invested maybe a third of the film. I was slowly won over during two-thirds of the film, then by the end, I was bawling. Really. And the film remained with me for a while after that too.
The reason I wasn't invested at first was, I think, pretty simple. The main character was such a biatch. Yes, I understood her - she had enough reasons to be that biatch, but nobody actually wants to see the main character really be one. We could all see why she hated her brother and why she felt she wasn't responsible. We could all see that she wasn't loved as much as her brother was while her parents were alive. We could all see that her family members were also inconsiderate, pushing her to take care of her little brother despite the abuse she herself had gone through. We could also see that her brother was being a pain from time to time, and that she had her own life and her own plans - she was smart and wanted to be a doctor and also get married to her long-term boyfriend.
BUT. But despite all that, the second most important character is a little boy. A child. Moreover, he's a child who has just lost both parents. He doesn't even know what death means, what grief means, and here he is thrown around like a soccer ball, from heartless person to heartless person. And nobody wants to keep him. I just couldn't empathize with the main character when here was a child who was being forced to live through grief and constant abandonment by himself. Like what the fuck? Maybe I was even more angry because I have a little brother with around the same age difference. I don't think I could ever give my brother up to adoption regardless of whatever happened between me and my parents. Hating parents is one thing, abandoning a child is another.
Also, that child just went through something incredibly traumatic that even adults struggle with. Of course he needs more care and attention during this time. But he doesn't get it (in fact he gets the exact opposite, right in front of his face) and you're surprised and angry that he's acting out? That's his way of crying out for help. And what does the sister do? Become a biatch, that's what.
I just honestly could not empathize with her. And this lack of empathy and relatability made it initially very hard to become immersed in the film. I constantly found myself empathizing with the little brother instead and feeling really sorry for him. It really didn't help that he was a child. Children already have the image of being helpless and weak, and the film put that child in an even more vulnerable situation with a sister who literally wants to abandon him and overtly hates him. Like, come on.
This sister slowly starts changing as the film progresses. It's true that the beginning of the film may have been more realistic than others. The sister had issues she had to resolve within herself and the film may have just shown that in the most dirtiest and realest way possible, with no sugar coating. If that's what the film intended, I gotta say it succeeded. I'm just glad I stuck with it because it was incredibly cathartic seeing the sister heal herself as the film goes on. It surely doesn't happen immediately though, which I loved. It took quite a long time (which is probably why the film is over two hours long), but it was time well-spent, and more realistic too.
The sister goes back and forth many times, but that makes it even more real. There are moments when she advocates for her brother and takes care of him, and then the next moment she's back to wanting her own life and giving him up to adoption. The back-and-forth movements become more and more dramatic as time goes on, and the sister finds it harder and harder to emotionally detach herself from her brother. The film does all of this gradually, which is one of its strongest points. It reflects real life better.
A standout scene for me is when the sister goes to visit her brother after sitting her exams, and she finds her brother playing mahjong with a damn cigarette tucked behind his ear. I honestly gasped at that scene, and would have reacted exactly the same way the sister did - yell and scream at the uncle and drag little brother out of there. We're then led to a really heartwarming scene where the sister bathes her brother at the apartment during golden hour, sunlight pouring through the glass. I'm trying to remember the dialogue during that scene. I'm sure it was something really warm.
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What I also loved was how, even after this heartwarming scene, the sister still decides to leave to Beijing. It felt way more realistic than some other family movies where it doesn't take much for the person to give up their desires for the younger being. It's shown during another standout scene where the siblings lie in bed, having a talk before going to sleep. The little brother asks her if she still wants to go to Beijing and why. The sister answers honestly and we can all tell that she really dreams of this life that she's planned out. The sad thing is that the brother is included in that 'we'. I didn't know during that scene, but in the following scenes, I realised that he understood exactly what his sister wanted.
It was really crazy how the little brother left his sister on his own accord and gave himself up to adoption just so his sister could pursue her dreams. As much as I loved that beat, I found myself seriously wondering: is that realistic? That a six year old boy would be that deeply sacrificial? He's probably the most sacrificial and loving character in the film, even more than his sister. It was a great beat though, one of the best in the movie. It was heartbreaking seeing him cry, unable to tell his sister why he chose to leave her. It was like a drama scene where one of the leads forces themselves to leave their partner and be all noble and sacrificial. Still not sure if it's realistic for a six year old to do that though. It's kind of sad even thinking of it. A child doing something even most adults wouldn't do. The brother really had to grow up and mature at a super young age. It's sad. I wonder what kind of teenager and adult he will be in the future. I hope he gets to resolve the hurts inside of him too as he grows up.
And so the sister actually buys the ticket for Beijing and prepares to leave. Again, I loved this. I loved how the film took us till the very end of the end before resolving things. The film really made us believe the sister would leave. And to be honest, I understood her and didn't blame her for deciding to pursue her dreams. I sat there wondering how they would actually resolve things. The ending scene is definitely one of my favourites, maybe even the favourite. I loved how the sister was given an ultimatum: you can leave, but if you leave, you've gotta sign the paper to say you'll never come to see your brother ever again. It was a great choice. There was so much at risk on both sides. It was a moment where I genuinely wasn't sure what she would do - I knew she loved both her brother and her dream and held both of them dearly. Both of them were precious.
I held my breath when she hesitated, pen hovering over the paper. Then she throws the pen down and runs out to her brother, and when her little brother turns to her, his eyes are full of tears. My heart. My heart. My damn heart! I bawled there, the tears just flowed. The brother had been pretending to be okay and holding all tears back, thinking that his sister would feel bad if she saw him cry and she'd give up her dreams. That's just too much for a six year old, I swear. He finally lets it out when he knows she still wants and loves him. That was both incredibly painful and cathartic to watch. What an amazing climax and resolution.
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I also liked how the sister resolved her own deep issues before finally going back to her brother. I believe it's shown in the scene where she visits her parents' grave on the rainy day and cries to them. There was a hint of the start of her healing when she cries and lets out her honest feelings during night in front of her parents' pictures. The rainy day she rips the paper and is again honest to her parents' grave, is a great scene. I also loved the part where she comes down the stairs, and it's a long shot with rainwater flooding down the steps like a beautiful waterfall. It made me want to film something like that in the future. Felt like things were being washed away.
So yes, I started off not liking the film because of how unlikable the main character was (they're allowed to have negative qualities, but I honestly believe there needs to be something that makes the audience identify with them or empathize with them, just something that makes the audience root for them) and her treatment of her brother. I know it was done that way to show her gradual change, but I still do think it could have been done a little differently. Because, even with her treatment of her brother aside, I didn't really like her as a person and had trouble understanding her. She seemed really tantrum-ey at points. But as the film went on, I warmed up to her and the gradual change took place. She was still herself with her own desires even while growing to love her brother, which I loved. She learned to balance things out, and I hope she continued to pursue her dreams even without going to Beijing, with her brother by her side.
I find that this film presented a different image of 'sacrifice', and that it was saying that different image was okay too. You don't have to fully give yourself up for someone. You can still have your own life and that's okay. By the end, none of her family members guilt-trip her about looking after her brother, which I really liked. It's pretty rare for Asian families to not do that guilt-tripping thing. But her aunt did it. Her aunt, who seemed to be the most guilt-tripping person, let her go in the end and told her that it was okay, that not everyone fits that image of sacrifice perfectly, like the Russian dolls. I think that actually enabled the sister to go back to her brother later on. Sometimes you have to let people go to get them back.
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parurushi · 7 years
SNH48 stage units masterpost
Here you can find all units from SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48 and CKG48. All videos are from the opening day performance, unless marked by a (*), in which case, the date the video is from should be in the video title. Feel free to send me a message if any of the links is dead or if you spot any mistakes. Enjoy! (Last update: July 2018 - added HII5, B3, J2, NIII3, Z3, and links to all revivals)
SNH48 Team SII
6th Stage “Xin de Lvcheng” (心的旅程) [2016.05.20] This stage was revived as BEJ48 Team B 2nd Stage*, GNZ48 Team G 2nd Stage*, SHY48 Team SIII 1st Stage.
Mashang Chufa* (馬上出發): Zenza Girls (Lv Yi, Zhao Hanqian, Pan Yanqi)
Haoyou Chuangketie (好友创可贴): Dai Meng, Li Yuqi, Xu Zixuan, Feng Xiaofei
Dipingxian (地平线): Wu Zhehan, Qian Beiting, Kong Xiaoyin, Shen Zhilin, Xu Jiaqi
Xiayizhan Shi Ni (下一站是你): Chen Guanhui, Chen Si
Xin Shijie (新世界): Mo Han, Yuan Danni, Yuan Yuzhen, Jiang Yun
Jiangluosan (降落伞): Xu Chenchen
7th Stage “Di 48 Qu” (第48区) [2017.06.30]
MAD WORLD: Xu Chenchen, Li Yuqi
GOOD TIME: Chen Guanhui, Qian Beiting, Yuan Danni, Yuan Yuzhen
Ai Weiyang (爱未央): Dai Meng, Xu Jiaqi
GO AWAY: Kong Xiaoyin, Chen Si, Sun Rui
Linghun Shizhe (灵魂使者): Zhang Yuge, Wu Zhehan, Xu Zixuan, Jiang Yun
Han Ye (寒夜) : Mo Han
7th Stage 2.0 “Meili 48 Qu” (美麗48区) [2018.05.01]
Tianshi de Quantao (天使的圈套): Xu Jiaqi, Sun Rui
High Light: Dai Meng Jiang Yun, Xu Zixuan
Wanmei Fanzui (完美犯罪): Li Yuqi, Yuan Yuzhen, Chen Guanhui, Yuan Danni
Ai Weiyang (爱未央): Mo Han, Kong Xiaoyin
Heiye Nvshen (黑夜女神): Chen Si, Xu Chenchen, Wu Zhehan, Qian Beiting
Guan bu Diao (关不掉): Zhang Yuge
8th Stage “Plan Salvation/Congsheng Jihua” (重生计划) [2018.??.??]
SNH48 Team NII
5th Stage “Zhuanshu Paidu” (专属派对) [2016.07.22] This stage was revived as BEJ48 Team J 1st Stage, GNZ48 Team Z 1st Stage.
Show Time*: Zenza Girls (Zhang Yameng, Xu Yi, Liu Juzi)
Women Bushi Tianshi (我们不是天使): Wan Lina, Zeng Yanfen, Yi Jiaai
Bairimeng (白日梦): Zhao Yue, Luo Lan, Chen Wenyan, Zhou Yi, Wang Xiaojia
Mu’ou (木偶): Li Yitong
Don’t Touch: Huang Tingting, Wan Lina, He Xiaoyu
Hei Tian’e (黑天鹅): Lu Ting, Feng Xinduo, Gong Shiqi, Chen Jiaying
6th Stage “Yi Ai zhi Ming” (以爱之名) [2017.10.07] An updated version of this stage with new team songs was presented a few days after the first performance: “Yi Ai zhi Ming 2.0″ ( 以爱之名 2.0) [2017.11.11]
Lie Meng (猎梦): Feng Xinduo, He Xiaoyu, Chen Wenyan
Fire Touch: Zhao Yue, Wan Lina, Jin Yingyue, Chen Jiaying
Wei Jie Laidian (未接来电): Lu Ting, Xu Yi
Chunxiaqiudong (春夏秋冬): Li Yitong, Wan Lina, Huang Tongyang, Jiang Zhenyi
Meng Zhong de Hunli (梦中的婚礼): Yi Jiaai, Zhang Yuxin
Feeling You: Huang Tingting (dancers: Liu Juzi, Jin Yingyue)
7th Stage “Shi zhi Juan” (时之卷) [2018.xx.xx]
SNH48 Team HII
4th Stage “Meili Shijie” (美丽世界) [2017.04.08] This stage was revived as SHY48 Team HIII 2nd Stage, CKG48 Team K 2nd Stage.
Wanmei Fanzui (完美犯罪): Yuan Hang, Yang Huiting, Zhang Xin
Guan bu Diao (关不掉): Xu Han
Huaxue Chao Nvzi (化学超女子):Sun Zhenni, Hao Wanqing, Li Qingyang, Wang Lujiao
Duizhi (对峙): Liu Jiongran, Shen Mengyao, Lin Nan
Tianshi de Quantao (天使的圈套): Xuyang Yuzhuo, Xie Ni
Beishuiyizhan (背水一战): Liu Peixin, Wu Yanwen, Xu Yiren
5th Stage “Touhao Xinwen” (头号新闻) [2018.05.18]
Super Logic: Xuyang Yuzhuo, Zhang Xin, Jiang Shuting, Wang Yi
CHACHACHA: Wan Lina, Lin Nan, Shen Mengyao
Lin Bing Dou Zhe Jie Zhenlie Zaiqian (临兵斗者皆阵列在前): Li Yitong, Xiong Qinxian, Wang Xiyuan
Wusheng de Tange (无声的探戈): Yang Huiting, Yuan Yiqi
BOOM BOOM BOOM: Fei Qinyuan, Xu Han, Li Xingfu
Huangjia Wen Zhang (皇家纹章): Jiang Shan
SNH48 Team X
3rd Stage “Mengxiang de Qizi” (梦想的旗帜) [2016.10.28] This stage was revived as SNH48 Team FT 1st Stage, SHY48 Team HIII 1st Stage, CKG48 Team C 2nd Stage.
Meng (梦): Song Xinran, Li Jing, Chen Lin
Shuishou Fu (水手服): Yang Yunyu, Wang Shu, Qi Jing, Zhang Jiayu
Wu Ke Tidai (无可替代): Shao Xuecong, Feng Xiaofei, Yang Bingyi
Monster: Wang Xiaojia, Sun Xinwen, Xie Tianyi, Wang Jialing
Renyu (人鱼): Li Zhao, Zhang Dansan
4th Stage “Mingyun de X Hao” (命运的“X”号) [2017.12.15]
Ice Queen: Song Xinran
Battle Cry: Yang Binyi, Sun Xinwen, Qi Jing
Zhanbu shi (占卜师): Wang Xiaojia, Xie Tianyi, Shao Xuecong
Shenhai zhi Sheng (深海之声): Zhang Dansan, Li Zhao, Chen Lin
Shuangsheng Hua (双生花): Feng Xiaofei, Yang Yunyu
Ziuhou de Shunguang (最后的曙光): Wang Shu, Li Jing, Wang JiaLing, Zhang Jiayu
SNH48 Team XII
2nd Stage “Daihao XII” (代號XII) [2016.12.23] This stage was revived as GNZ48 Team Z 2nd Stage.
Ta he Ta (她和她): Liu Zengyan, Chen Yin
Love Letter: Yan Jiaojun
Chuwen Lianxi Qu (初吻练习曲): Fei Qinyuan, Zou Jiajia, Yu Jiayi, Zhang Wenjing
Dou Bu Hui (都��会): Hong Peiyun, Li Jiaen, Song Yushan
Zi Yiwei (自以为): Zhang Yi, Jia Shuting, Chen Yunling, Jiang Shan, Lv Mengying, Pan Yingqi
2nd Stage “Daihao XII 2.0″ ( 代號XII 2.0) [2017.06.17] - new songs only
Wanmei Chaozai (完美超载): Zhang Yi, Lv Mengying, Jia Shuting
Renjiang Guize (人间规则): Hong Peiyun, Song Yushan, Li Jiaen
BEJ48 Team B
3rd Stage “B A FIGHTER” [2018.01.19]
Shengshi Fengdu (绅士风度): Hu Xiaohui, Shen Xiaoai, Xiong Sujun
Zidan Riji (子弹日记): Mao Qiyu, Xia Yue, Zhang Menghui
SHOW: Duan Yixuan, Qing Yuwen, Tian Shuli
Yi Tiantian Yi Diandian (一天天一点点): Hu Lizhi, Lin Xihe, Sun Siaoyan, Yan Mingyun, Zhou Jieyi
SPY: Chen Meijun Liu Shuxian
BEJ48 Team E
2nd Stage “Qihuan Jiamian Li” (奇幻加冕禮) [2016.12.24] This stage was revived as CKG48 Team K 1st Stage.
Gongzhu Hao (公主号): Li Yuanyuan, Xu Siyang, Lin Kun
Anye Jiaobu Sheng (暗夜脚步声): Li Zi, Zhang Xiaoying, Feng Sijia, Zheng Yifan
Yiqian Lin Yi Ye (一千零一夜): Li Xiang, Luo Xueli, Chen Jiaohe
Ai de Mofa (爱的魔法): Liu Shennan, Su Shanshan, Ma Yuling, Li Shiyan
Huiguniang de Boli Shouji (灰姑娘的玻璃手机): Chen Qiannan, Yi Yanqian
BEJ48 Team J
2nd Stage “HAKUNA MATATA” [2018.07.14]
My boy: Yang Ye, Wang Yuxuan
Sairen (塞壬): Huang Enru, Sun Yushan, Jin Luosai
Caihong Riji (彩虹日记): Liu Xian, Chen Yayu, Heyang Qingqing
Pay attention: Fang Lei, Wang Yuxuan, Ge Siqi
Siji de Ailian (四季的爱恋): Huang Enru
Feixing Re Qiqiu (飞行热气球): Yang Ye, Fang Lei, Sun Yushan
Fu Li Ge (赋离歌): Ren Xinyi, Ye Miaomiao
GNZ48 Team G
3rd Stage “Shuangmiang Ouxiang” (双面偶像) [2017.08.11] This stage was revived as SNH48 Team Ft 2nd Stage.
Mengxiang Kafeiting (梦想咖啡厅): Xie Leilei, Chen Yuqi, Huang Lirong
9 to 9: Luo Hanyue, Zhang Kaiqi
MC Queen: Gao Yuanjing
Meidusha de Wenrou (美杜莎的温柔): Zhang Qiongyu, Zhu Yixin, Liang Ke
I’m not your girl: Chen Ke, Li Qinjie, Zeng Aijia, Lin Jiapei, Chen Junhong
I wanna be your girl: Xie Leilei, Yang Qingying, Chen Jiaying
2nd Stage “Di 1 Rencheng” (第1人称) [2017.03.24] This stage was revived as CKG48 Team C 1st Stage.
Jingling (精灵): Lu Jing, Xiong Xinyao, Xiao Wenling, Hong Jingwen
Fenhong Ju Ji Shou (粉紅狙擊手): Zuo Jiaxin, Liu Qianqian, Zuo Jingyuan
Shangxia Zuoyou (上下左右): Zheng Danni, Chen Xinyu, Xian Shennan, Chen Huijing
Bao Zou Shaonv (暴走少女): Chen Nanxi, Liu Lifei, Feng Jiaxi, Sun Xin
Mario My Love: Tang Lijia
3rd Stage “Fiona.N” [2018.07.06]
One Life: Chen Huijing, Zuo Jingyuan, Hong Jinwen, Zuo Jiaxin
Huaji (花寄): Liu Lifei, Xie Ailin
Anzhong Guancha (暗中观察): Xiao Wenling, Zheng Danni, Xiong Xinyao, Xian Shennan, Chen Nanxi
+-: Chen Xinyu, Feng Jiaxi
Yong Wo de Shengyin (用我的声音): Lu Jing, Tang Lijia, Liu Qianqian
Putong Putong (噗通噗通): Liu Lifei, Zheng Danni
GNZ48 Team Z
3rd Stage “Sanjiao Hanshu” (三角函数) [2018.01.18]
Zhuanshu Weizhi (专属位置): Chen Ziying, Du Qiulin, Liang Wanlin, Yu Zhiyuan
Tongxing (同行): -
Jieban (结伴): He Mengyao, Long Yirui, Yang Kelu
Universe: Nong Yanping, Wang Zixin, Zhang Qiuyi
NaCl: Bi Ruishan, Wang Cuifei, Wang Jiongyi, Wang Siyue
Bu xiu Gang* (不秀钢): Wang Cuifei, He Mengyao, Lian Wanglin, Bi Ruishan
Jiu cha Yi Diandian (就差一点点): Chen Guijun, Yang Yuanyuan
3rd Stage “Idol.S” [2018.09.22]
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sundowndos · 5 years
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Angus Lee and Ye Xiaoying. Amazing set. Wow. Bought Angus’ handpan album shortly after. #anguslee #yexiaoying #pansiam #thailand #handpan #gathering (at บ้านต้นไม้แม่แมะ Tree House Hideaway) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsj8JCEBPNv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fhr8a1d8jk1u
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jiesonggenius-blog · 5 years
newyorkers-inland chinese potonese not allowed in my tumblr
宋捷天才量地画家老板起诉从2015开始,枪毙习近平二奶无牌妓女高考0 act 0sat 0license ann coulter, 捞狗汤��颖中考0方海托福50/120种族谋杀罪,2017正式最高院两次胜诉,习近平2019年宋捷天才前35-36前必须滚落台as US democracy in 2016american women all go die until 262500000000 in my guangzhou bank account
捞狗习近平-纽约犯罪 ,美狗民主党每天死亡,每日落台欠款通知书
捞渣狗google machine死狗一只屁都唔敢放一个,国际刑事法院无否认习近平犯罪输最高院两次欠款美金262500000000一年80多日 未还必须滚下台with 被枪毙二奶ann.coulter 捞狗汤晓颖中考0as hillary act 0sat 0license 0,
广州宋捷天才量地画家老板TOEFL 26/30 23/30 in 2016.35年从来无改过名,34岁赢全美最高院里世绝对唔会去美狗国
绝对唔买美狗货,绝对唔同捞狗做任何生意,习近平立即滚下台as hoaxhillary clinton in 2016 国际刑事法院并无否认international criminal court didnt deny
kicking criminal jinpingxi raised whores ann.coulter act 0sat 0license 0 xiaoying tang all svore 0 since junior. haifang 50/120 high out of president seat at genius jiesong age35 as criminal.hoax hillary clinton with act 0sat 0license junior in 2016 atjiesong genius age 33
all.about 100%dead for below ,全纽约-捞狗死到262500000000美金到我账户,尤其天生金发blond-pigs*犹太人
12日之后里个枪毙捞狗习近平二奶无牌妓女捞嘿汤晓颖文盲中考0高考0 ann coulter 100% act 0sat 0license 0方海托福50/120hillary 认证章再次广州政府官方认证2016开始枪毙2017结束,习近平
hillary D 犯罪二奶狗乸老母全死,越反抗就开大机关枪扫到全部死亡
全中国14亿捞狗(只会讲普通话的非台湾人)and newyork criminal-city同我睇清楚我正式发左么到国际刑事法院),里个系2017已经结束两次欠款美金262500000000世纪天才案,国际刑事法院无blocked 我的邮件,因为我无诽谤全部基于最高院两次结果
以下 系force 国际刑事法院 要求捞狗习近平犯罪欠款美金262500000000立即滚下台宣言,宋捷天才量地画家老板绝对讲一无二,你必须立即滚落台,所有犹太狗禁止入境广州市,newYork blond-pigs jews go die with .捞狗习近平犯罪欠款美金,26250000000since 2017滚下台 as hillary.clinton in 2016.all jews not allowed to come to guangzhou as blond-pigs in US for they lost supreme.court twice
12日追命追债倒数,anncoulter doesnt understand cantonese with 捞狗汤晓颖中考0,我37-40-40000岁保证你习近平唔滚下台as hillary 人类休想罗到我半毫子as my 35,只要你未赔够262500000000美金到我广州银行账号我就系唔结婚,你吹啊,宋捷天才量地画家老板资金自由房产三套,画作无数,绝唔改名,永久唔去美狗国,习近平犯罪必须同犯罪hillary2016 美狗狗乸妓女二奶 ann coulter act 0sat 0license 0 捞狗汤晓颖中考0 死得一样惨
as long as jiesong genius not marry criminal hillary clinton and jinpingxi death penalties, in exchange male for marriage in exchange od lowering down jiesong genius academic official score is first genocide-smuggling traffic crime criminal ann.coulter -xiaoyingtang act 0sat 0 toefl 0 who committed in 2016 with jinpingxi-hillary-obuma shot down by supreme court in 2017 ,supreme court is.not for judging how genius i will be although official 135/200,in iq test . but juging how stupid criminals are for illegally positions with act 0sat 0license 0whores-pimp.commiited crimes as genocide
.the more criminal ann coulter - xiaoyingtang act0sat0 license0 toefl0 whore haifang pimp 50/120 trying to escape death and shot, harder they die with hillary and jinpingxi, american-inland merely potonese speaker and american women must be executed extinction now,icon of pig-whore cant score 26/30in toeflas jiesong genius
nothing.change my compensations 262500000000not yet in my guangzhou bank account
american hoax dog tor dr, garry cusell act 0sat 0toefl 50/120had been shot die , any dog tor of US cant achieve level that i release as below is criminal习近平hillary 犯罪妓女更新加下系我条狗,你稳唔出一个狗博士到得到我公开以下水准,全假货,你D 狗 dor tor 普通话狗博讲专业都未讲得过我英文,美狗女人必须全体死亡欠款美金262500000000输最高院两次
hate in guangzhou that cantonese deserves and proud of , shot down all blond pig poverty americans, criminal ann coulter xiaoyingtang act 0sat0 funeral now.no american blond pigs in this highly economic developed state
习近平hillary 犯罪加下系我条狗,反正我发么国际刑事法院都唔会block我邮件,我正当胜诉极端追债赔款未到账 ,赔款未到账 美狗-捞每天死亡 all american -haifang -inland potonese must been shot die until.262500000000dollars in my gz bank account . 你他妈希拉里ann coulter 智障sat 0act0高考零妓女, 捞狗汤晓颖中考0已被广州政府官方认证,达芬捷天才量地画家老板630 .我日日打机闭着眼睛去考15亿艺术类都无可能考得过我,80%普通考生无真特长(非捞狗汤晓颖造假一等奖连一张画画唔出)也考唔过我,10%考得过我的除了头悬梁锥刺骨唔戴眼镜盲左甘一本漫画书未睇过,5%考的过我的家庭条件差100倍,专职贪官路线,穷狗出山,5%屋企条件wealthy 高过我无创造出任何产品as myproducts .english very disabled ,一部分专业抄袭碰瓷狗 达芬捷正牌630 entry for uni as bachelor,jiesong as higher upper-middle-class genius 1out 15billion and 6billion blond pig-US ,i deserve and very proud of showing hateful to criminals below lost supreme court twice in 2017owed me 262500000000dollars 习狗捞智慧妓女更新已被枪毙 习狗捞未滚下台人类休想罗到我半毫子美狗民主党灭亡。美狗女人全部拉去枪毙
到唔到我天才量地画家老板1/15 billion*6billion 水准唔洗旨意妒忌我比生活质量,我100年无忧无虑,262500000000美金系你死亡赔款
nothing.change until criminal ann coulter funeral now. american poverty dogs all die as criminal ann coulter hillary clinton act 0sat0license0while jiesong genius daily enjoy wayu beef and miso sable newzealand golden kiwi,wearing buberry using paul Beverly ,been to countries more than rice 56-yr-no license criminal.whore ann coulter ate
jiesong genius. boss owning three houses just get up at 10:11am in guangzhou daily ensuring bind death for criminal hillary clinton ann coulter xiaoyingtang with all act 0sat 0license0 with criminal haifang toefl50/120
jiesong's original discovery and presentation lasting,10mins > with my prestigious painter grandpa jinghuisong sitting beside,with academic english toefl 26/30
.我点枪毙捞狗习近平,两个星期后狗习都只能死狗一条盖承认自己犯罪勾结犯罪卖淫 hillary 二奶ann coulter 捞狗汤晓颖中考0章,并且么都罗唔到我的
以下唔见真人尸体人类休想罗到我天才量地画家老板宋捷半毫子有价值野,老板宋捷绳世唔洗打工,反正见过我最高院杀鸡杀埋个金发帮凶旁审(假装听唔明我讲么比两个法官驳回 26/30托福胜诉)知道咩叫讲一无二,我37岁犯罪习近平仲未滚下台hillary 灭亡美狗女人2017无sign全死,人类休想罗到半毫子,全世界边个想要赶犯罪欠款美金262500000000习近平落台,我从来唔谈判,一开口绝对要你命二奶老婆文盲卖淫
13日追命追债"brecy-ya-li-boil-ye"倒数,然后连续广州政府官方认证章盖两日,再循环,欠款美金262500000000输最高院两次习狗捞习近平犯罪立即滚落台,hillary clinton 2016直接被自己公民踢落街,捞狗习在美狗国种族谋杀罪养文盲中考0捞狗汤晓颖高考0无牌妓女ann coulter同驱个仔"ann图声”hans Christian Anderson 儿童狗乸鸭男 方海托福50/120(已被芬兰人承认严重英语残废障碍讲普通话专业都未够我专业英语逻辑正确26/30 in 2016))早就比100%枪毙于2017,
hillary clinton and ann coulter xiaoyingtang with act 0sat0 license0 academic english disabled haifangtoefl50/120change their name to juliaroberts still been, with their rescruited black dogs shot die byUS supreme court and guangzhou's government daily
as long as a person who is american woman and potonese speaker 只会讲普通话binded american women, she's criminal with act 0sat0toefl disabled english disabled
.americans who cant.pass toefl26/30as criminals ann coulter hillary clinton all go die for helping criminalxiaoyingtang with all subjects 0all english 0crossed cantonese border for robbing and genocide
death penalties for NEWYORK-INLAND POTONESE till my compensation 262500000000dollars that i won in 2017supreme court in my guangzhou account,according to guangzhou government
里个章绝对100%炸到你以下犯罪粉身碎骨先会停,我未见到ann coulter 捞狗汤晓颖中考0条真尸体在棺材入边习近平犯罪尸体一起埋,宋捷天才半个字名都唔改,犯罪习近平养被枪毙妓女ann coulter act0license0sat 0 捞狗汤晓颖中考0历史记录,hillary 死亡历史事件见证,推销你条狗妓女,天才量地画家宋捷我专业术语英语20分钟-2个钟仲讲得流利过你普通话,犯罪卖淫无牌ann coulter 半句‘dobry-jin俄语基本招呼唔式讲无牌假冒俄罗斯中介全部术语原理文盲 捞狗汤晓颖中考0粉身碎骨
智障普通话捞狗-美狗每日6点起床阅读傻逼一样对住泼树头悬梁锥刺骨朗读,普通狗用普通话都未讲得过我天才量地画家老板宋捷每日早上10点起床每日准时娱乐,英文讲英语术语26/30in toefl
国际刑事法院根本唔会blocked我邮件,全中国美国无人狗胆同我爆专业英语in art 加下捞狗习近平二奶文盲汤晓颖英语0分连最颜料光线简单的原理都未掌握ann coulter画盲法盲,托福考唔过26/30 化学 0分的人根本无可能讲得理解得到出我昨日公开discovery ,逻辑act 0 sat0license0分撒野妓女狗乸hillary ann coulter 美狗金发猪乸以为国际刑事法院会blocked我邮件,再粉身碎骨more
international criminal court not blocked anything that jiesong genius who sent because true news only through my mouth and my google plus now, all criminal hillary clinton act 0sat0license junior and american democracy are hoax with act 0sat 0and jinpingxi's whore ann coulter criminal act 0sat 0license0捞狗汤晓颖中考0paint 0
criminal ann coulter married to jinpingxi as whore DOG with her license,0act sat0 in 2018not influence on her death penalties无人逃得过最高院两次判决,法律制裁欠款美金262500000000in 2017你信唔信一d都唔影响结果,with 所有现场直播测试取证判决
the more they want 和, the more i force them die. 死the more they want 和, the more i force them die. 死 for "guo duo sa nin yoki",this is what trigonal bipyramid meanin general although yesterday i analysis it in specific utilize of pigments, out of sarah gillman amature english that can understand.
jiesong is genius 1 out of 15 billion + 6billion US dogs sky-high surpassed my grandpa jinghuisong1/1.6billion with supreme court certificate at 34 have done verifications one more time of shot down hoax aclu illeterates culture with knowlege in specialize field criminal ann coulter with. hoax culture 0 special field knowlege act 0license0 and xiaoyingtang english 0with criminal jinpingxi's 哦鸡酱 专业碰瓷狗haifang,50/120in toefl,by guangzhou governmentwith my toefl 26/30 in 2016
狗ter ann coulter 无牌妓女 act0sat0license0捞狗汤晓颖中考0方海黑狗托福50/120hillary act 0sat 0license junior 聼日死亡见证,广州政府官方认证章欠款美金262500000000输最高院两次比 天才量地画家宋捷 with toefl 26/30-2016 in2017supreme court at my 34 ,捞狗-美狗inland-potonese -US cant achieve this level with all specific knowlege in.deep and present fluently with 100%26/30are all.criminals forever ,捞狗习近平hillary 犯罪罗一代妓女狗乸草包汤晓颖文盲中考0anncoulter 狗妓女假冒一代宗师种族谋杀案已于2017年10月 26日 结束 ,欠款美金262500000000
plus jiesong genius never work for anybody as boss and not only this year but forever in my whole life let alone 2020.next year i dont collaborate not donate with anybody neither no matter how much fake news criminal jinpingxi hillary clinton who spread, US-inland potonese democracy dead ,as long as criminal whore aroused jinpingxi-whore-狗乸-哦妓酱act 0sat 0 who is president, and criminals mentioned above not paid back my compensation 262500000000dollars
anyway ,官方认证章已绝对100%确认
狗ter ann coulter 无牌妓女 act0sat0license0捞狗汤晓颖中考0方海黑狗托福50/120hillary act 0sat 0license junior 聼日死亡见证,广州政府官方认证章欠款美金262500000000输最高院两次比 天才量地画家宋捷 with toefl 26/30-2016 in2017supreme court at my 34 ,捞狗-美狗inland-potonese -US cant achieve this level with all specific knowlege in.deep and present fluently with 100%26/30are all.criminals forever ,捞狗习近平hillary 犯罪罗一代妓女狗乸草包汤晓颖文盲中考0anncoulter 狗妓女假冒一代宗师种族谋杀案已于2017年10月 26日 结束 ,欠款美金262500000000
plus jiesong genius never work for anybody as boss and not only this year but forever in my whole life let alone 2020.next year i dont collaborate not donate with anybody neither no matter how much fake news criminal jinpingxi hillary clinton who spread, US-inland potonese democracy dead ,as long as criminal whore aroused jinpingxi-whore-狗乸-哦妓酱act 0sat 0 who is president, and criminals ment
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
A Boy's Love Author And Her Special Assistant.
Alternative: A pure love author and a special male assistant ; Chún ài zuòzhě yǔ nán tè zhù ; Chun ai zuozhe yu nan te zhu ; A Boy’s Love Author and Her Special Assistant ; 纯爱作者与男特助
Description : When the BL female author, Lu Xiao Ying, meets the straight male dream editor, Lian Ye, of course she'll take advantage of it! In addition to his good looks, this ditzy upright young man is willing to slog it out serving her without complaints, and he also comes with special (?) abilities, which Lu Xiaoying deeply appreciates it. Just when she thought he will stay by her side always, a crisis sudden descended upon her...... will he still be willing to stay by her side? Come come come~ the old driver teaches you how to get your driving license! The story between a BL formal author and an innocent special assistant is about to start! #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/a-boy-s-love-author-and-her-special-assistant_1584405590.html
Read more.
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jiaminying · 5 years
Singapore Drama Review 大英雄
Singapore Drama Review 大英雄
Hero (2016) 大英雄
Genre: Family, Romance, Neighborhood, Comedy
Enjoyment: 9/10  Pace: 8/10
starring Shaun Chen as Zhou Fada, Chen Hanwei as Ye Xiaoying, Jesseca Liu as Zhang Weixiong, Ian Fang as Zhang Weikang, Paige Chua as Ou Jinxuan, Andie Chen as Ou Jinguang, Bonnie Loo as Guan Meimei, He Yingying as Guan Meiyu, Sheila Sim as Fan Fangfang
This drama is so funny when it started, was laughing my…
View On WordPress
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ccpunasmun2018-blog · 5 years
First-Ever Internal Polling Demonstrates Continued Legitimacy of the Party - Chen Xiaoying
This communication is exclusive to the Politburo and cannot be spread outside
After my election, I went down and met the people of China, who I had previously met as a former Nostalgic. They told me one thing - that they wanted the right to choose, and that if they could choose, they would still choose us. With high economic growth, us ensuring their basic needs, and the complete irresponsibility of groups like the Maoists, we continue to retain high amounts of popularity. I have commissioned nationwide polling of individual provinces, and in all provinces except minority-heavy Western regions, Guangzhou Military Region and Shanghai, we have obtained a majority of all votes. The map is shown below, but I want to note something - that in Xinjiang, where I understand there are miniature democratisation efforts undertaken by my comrades in the Politburo such as Ulanhu and Khan, the people have responded by showing increased trust in the system, especially after their basic needs are met. Even in Guangzhou Military Region, our approval rating is relatively high and we would get nearby 40% of the vote from the peasant population in any election period, definitely an improvement due to the imposition of Representative Peoples’ Communes by Ye Jianying, although I must confess I did not expect him to agree to the democratisation effort, instead I thought Hu Yaobang, instead of cracking down on public security, would start listening to the people. Let us obtain the metaphorical Mandate of Heaven through our people. After all, we cannot win the war of history without the people on our side. Let us get the people on our side. 
Red - Communist Party of China
Brown, Pink - Minority Movements (no specific party or organisation was provided)
Yellow - Nostalgic Movement
Green - Capitalist Leadership
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Blood of Youth recap - episode 19
Lei Hong joins Lei Qianhu in the fight against the Tang clan and summons Shabu. Lei Qianhu is injured and Su Muyu retreats. Lei Yunhe descends from the sky.
Before he dies, Lei Qianhu passes the clan leadership to Lei Hong. Lei Yunhe and Lei Hong attack the Tang Old Master. Lei Wujie and company finally arrive.
Lei Wujie attacks the Old Tang Master and reaches the Insouciant Phase. Qianluo blocks the Old Master’s return strike. After she’s injured, Ye Ruoyi tells Xiao Se to leave and uses a technique from the Directorate of Astronomy. Tang Lian confronts the Old Master and is injured.
Ye Ruoyi tells Xiao Se to leave again and he draws the Wuji staff instead.
Inside, Lei Yunhe and Lei Hong are still fighting Su Changhe, who comes out to help the Old Master. The Old Master dies and Su Changhe attacks Xiao Se. Wuxin arrives and protects him. Xiao Se collapses.
Li Hanyi arrives in pursuit of Su Changhe. Lei Hong follows her.
Yan Zhantian brings Xie Xuan to the courtyard.
Tang Ze asks Lei Yunhe if he can make a deal and say the official story is that Dark River infiltrated the banquet in return for the antidote to the poison.
The chief eunuch visits the State Preceptor to discussion the succession.
Lord Bai and Lord Chi hear the State Preceptor’s words through their own informants and debate what they mean.
Lei Wujie wakes and sees Lei Yunhe, who says the balance of power will shift now the Old Master and Lei Qianhu are dead.
Xie Xuan tells Lei Wujie, Qianluo and Ye Ruoyi that Xiao Se can only be saved by Qi Tianchen or Xin Baicao. Qianluo asks about Hua Jin and says they can use the three-day pill to keep Xiao Se alive until she comes.
Sikong Changfeng loses his mind about Xueyue’s intelligence failure in not knowing everything that’s been happening since episode 15.
General Ye finds the Tang disciples at a restaurant and swears vengeance if his daughter was hurt.
Hua Jin exhausts her horse and goes the rest of the way with a man she meets on the way.
General Ye takes his soldiers and surrounds Lei fortress. Lei Wujie comes out first and threatens General Ye. Lei Yunhe comes out to meet him and tells Lei Wujie he’s Ye Xiaoying the Slayer, his father’s best friend.
0 notes
fear-god-shun-evil · 6 years
By Xiaoying
Li Mei is a preacher of a household church. In the past over ten years, regardless of whether it was bitterly cold or extremely hot, rain or shine, she consistently worked hard and expended for the Lord without regret. She often studied the Bible and consulted all sorts of spiritual books deep into the night in order to write a good sermon. But she was puzzled that in recent years, no matter how she had sacrificed and expended, the work of the Holy Spirit was not present, and the brothers and sisters became pessimistic in faith, living in negativity and weakness…. “Why is that?” She wondered.
This evening she planned to write a sermon. Yet when it was late at night, she still didn’t write anything on the paper.Having no choice, she had to kneel and pray to God, “O Lord! Where are You? Now I can’t sense Your presence. I have no idea where I have gone against Your intentions. May You not renounce me. Please don’t hide Your face from me. I’m willing to repent to You….”
Early next morning, Li Mei held an unscheduled co-workers meeting. She said to everyone solemnly, “Co-workers, in the past, when we read the words of the Lord, we found enlightenment and illumination from the Holy Spirit, and paths of practice. The Lord’s word was like the source of living water that nourished our heart and supplied us with the provisions for life. At that time, we had endless words to say when preaching. But now, I can’t feel the presence and the work of the Holy Spirit, and I even cannot write a good sermon. I talk about the same old sermon, dull and dry, without any new light. Every time we gather, we read and fellowship about the Lord’s words, but we cannot feel the illumination and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit at all. Brothers and sisters cannot receive the supply of life, and their problems and difficulties cannot be resolved either. Then how can their condition be good? Now is the time when the Lord comes back again. How should we seek the work of the Holy Spirit and welcome the return of the Lord? Today, let’s discuss about it.”
Fengchun, who was outspoken, looked at everyone and raised her voice intentionally, “Today, even Sister Li cannot feel the Holy Spirit’s work and has nothing to say. So severe the famine are we now suffering! As a matter of fact, I feel the same way. The brothers and sisters are all weak and pessimistic in faith, and most of them are neither cold nor hot. Is this not just like the church in Laodicea mentioned in the Book of Revelation? Should we continue on this way and be like lukewarmwater, then won’t the Lord spit us out of His mouth?”
Jia Rui smiled and said, “Then hasn’t Sister Li become the leader of the church in Laodicea?”
Li Ping looked around at everyone and said in a deep, hollow tone, “You don’t say, this is very likely the case. Those lukewarm in their belief are bound to be eliminated by the Lord in the end. If that’s the case, how should we pursue the work of the Holy Spirit?”
Li Mei said sincerely, “Brothers and sisters, why are we unable to feel the work of the Holy Spirit? Why is the church in a famine? Why is the entire religious world so desolated? There must be mysteries in this! We should seek the Lord’s will!” With these words, she looked at the co-workers. They all nodded in agreement. Seeing that everyone was willing to search, she continued to say, “The Lord Jesus said, ‘If any man thirst, let him come to me, and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water’ (John 7:37-38). The Lord Jesus is the source of living water, yet we can’t receive the water from it now. Has the Lord reappeared and performed work in other places? We are in a famine, then should we take the initiative to search for the footprints of the Lord’s work? Now, what’s most important is to fellowship the issue clearly. It has to do with the future fate of each of us who believe in God. If anyone has any opinions about that, please feel free to bring them up, and we can have fellowship.”
Fengchun said frankly, “The desolation of the church didn’t happen overnight. We have long ago failed to feel the work of the Holy Spirit and to obtain the provision of living water. We really should seek the Lord’s footsteps. Moreover, many prophecies of the Lord’s return have already fulfilled. Intensifying disasters are happening all over the world and churches are becoming increasingly desolate. The Lord might have already come back and appeared someplace to work, but we just don’t know it.”
Li Ping said firmly, “Yeah, we have to go out quickly to find where exactly the Lord appears and performs work. We should never be like the foolish virgins, who were abandoned by the Lord! We have to search around at other churches right now. Whichever church has the Holy Spirit’s work, there must be the provision of the source of flowing water.”
Seeing that everybody could actively cooperate, Li Mei said with much burden and full conviction, “My fellow co-workers, we should be wise virgins and actively look for the footsteps of the Lord. At that time, when there was famine in Canaan,Jacob and his family left there and went down to Egypt to search for food to survive the disaster. Presently, the situation of the entire religious world is like what happened in Canaan. If we still hang on here doing nothing, will we ultimately not die of thirst or starve to death? The Lord Jesus said, ‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you’ (Matthew 7:7). The Lord is faithful. As long as we act according to His words, He will surely guide us.” Everyone all nodded in agreement in succession.
Yet Hu Xin, who had sat there in silence with her head lowered, suddenly said, “We believers in house churches have always been met with frenzied arrests, persecution, and cruel repression by the CCP government. If we go everywhere to look for the church with the work of the Holy Spirit, we may have to take risks. I think we should just give up.”
Again, with a firm voice, Li Ping said, “We can never be stuck here and starve to death! We must go and look for the church with the work of the Holy Spirit right now!” He paused, and went on: “But, China is so large, where should we go to look for it?”
Hearing Li Ping’s words, Fengchun thought quietly. Suddenly a light came into her eyes. She said happily, “Alas! I want to offer a suggestion. Let’s first go to look for the church which suffers the most severe persecution by the CCP. There should be the work of the Holy Spirit, because the CCP government is a satanic regime that most hates the truth and opposes God. Am I right or what?”
Everyone all nodded and expressed their willingness to look for the church with the work of the Holy Spirit, and in addition, all thought the more a church is cruelly persecuted by the CCP government, the more likely that the Holy Spirit works in it. But Jia Rui could not make sure and asked, “Is it Okay? And is this a reliable way?”
Li Ping said delightedly, “I feel that what Fengchun said makes sense. The CCP is an atheist government that hates the truth and resists God more than any other. The CCP would be the first to know where God appears and works, and would certainly unleash their frantic oppression and persecution. For more than sixty years in power, the CCP has never relaxed its capture of Christians. It will not let go even one of the believers of house churches, in order that it can maintain its autocratic domination and make China a place without God. Consequently, wherever God appears, it will naturally carry out violent suppression and persecution.”
At this moment, Li Mei was very excited and said with full confidence, “Brother Li Ping is right. The CCP is the regime of Satan that most hates the truth. The more a church is frantically persecuted by the CCP, the more it should be sought. In the past, the CCP’s crackdown of the Shouters was most severe. We all know the message that they preached was more profound than any other sect. But now, the CCP government’s focus point is directed to Eastern Lightning, and its attacks, crackdowns, and arrests of Eastern Lightning is most severe, which is a fact acknowledged by the religious world. There must be some reason for the CCP wildly suppressing and persecuting The Church of Almighty God. We can see now not only has Eastern Lightning not been defeated, but it has flourished more and more under the crazy suppression of the CCP, which shows that Eastern Lightning contains the work of the Holy Spirit. It’s quite possible that this is God’s appearance and work.”
Li Ping went on to say, “Yes! The CCP government issued secret documents to condemn and ban Eastern Lightning. Slogans and posters declaring the ban on The Church of Almighty God can be found in every city and country in the mainland. We also find propaganda and discussions about the CCP’s oppression of the Church in factories, schools, and villages. This is already common knowledge throughout the country.”
Hearing that, Hu Xin asked abruptly, “If Eastern Lightning is the true way, the appearance and work of the Lord, then it will certainly be subject to the cruel suppression and persecution of the CCP government. That I believe. But why do the pastors and elders of the religious circle also so wildly persecute, resist, and condemn Eastern Lightning? How can this be explained?”
Feeling what Hu Xin said made sense, Jia Rui asked, “Sister Li, pastors and elders are all people who serve the Lord. If Eastern Lightning is really the appearance of the Lord, how could they possibly resist and condemn it?”
“Brothers and sisters,” said Li Mei seriously, “Let’s think back to the Lord Jesus. Was He not crucified on the cross by an alliance of the religious leaders and the Roman government? Therefore, it is hardly surprising that leaders in the religious world follow the CCP government in resisting and condemning Almighty God. Since ancient times, the true way has been persecuted! When the true God appears and performs His work, He will surely be met with the persecution, oppression, and frantic opposition by the religious circle together with those in power. Just as the Bible says, ‘the whole world lies in wickedness’ (1 John 5:19). ‘And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil’ (John 3:19). The entire world is under the domain of the evil one, and drives out the existence of the light. So, when the true God comes among man to do His work, how could He not be rejected by this evil era?”
Feng chun said, “That’s right, the Lord Jesus had long prophesied, ‘For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation’ (Luke 17:24-25). From the prophecy we can see that when the Lord Jesus returns in the last days, He will suffer much hardship, and be rejected by this generation. Today only Eastern Lightning suffers the CCP government’s and the religious community’s most frenzied resistance, condemnation, and persecution. It seems that Eastern Lightning is most probably the Lord’s appearance and His work.”
Li Ping, whose eyes swam with tears of excitement, said brightly, “Now we finally have an idea of how to search for the Lord’s footsteps. Let’s start our investigation of the Eastern Lightning.”
Li Mei said gaily, “Okay! That’s what we’ll do. …”
After hearing what she had said, everyone smiled.
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