#yea I’m including the whole gang in these tags so what
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no but srsly tho what are they gonna do with the cookies of darkness in the golden cheese episode??? they contributed to every other ancient’s kingdom but what about this one?? are they coming in as a surprise??? or have they been forgotten entirely???
And what about Golden Cheese’s soul jam? unless I’m missing something mentioned in odyssey, how are the cookies of darkness gonna obtain her soul jam or whatever? did they just give up on their evil plan? are they trying it from a different angle by being more suspicious and subtle about it? bc I don’t see them on the title screen so what’s the deal?
I wanna hear your theories pls tumblr…..
I’m glad golden cheese is finally getting her update after 84 years and characters like adventurer and black raisin will get the spotlight but still
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aboyandhisstarship · 4 years
Tinder AU David on Deployment
Tinder AU: David on deployment, Gwen makes a choice.
TW: suicide vest, Dear John, Torture, guns, blood, just general violence
 A/N Well my post about cutting some content from this chapter only got likes so i assume you all want to see it...as such head the trigger warnings...and be aware my Davids tend to be less happy go lucky, espiecally when he is working so bear that in mind...and dont yell at me 
 Gwen and David were in a very fancy Restaurant; across from the couple was Gwen’s parents they were asking him “so David…you have to travel a lot for your job?”
David nodded “I Go where I’m sent…”
Gwen’s mom asked “so you can be called away at short notice?”
David sighed “That depends…”
Gwen’s dad accused “so you are not here When Gwen needs you!?”
Gwen demanded “Dad!”
David smiled “it’s ok Gwen…it is a fair question…your right I will not always be here…but when I am Gwen is the most important Person.”
Gwen’s mom was about to respond when David’s phone started to beep, He answered it as Gwen’s parents glared saying “Go for Greenwood…”
David nodded “yes Sir…be there soon.”
Gwen said quietly “you have to go?”
David nodded sadly “Yea there is a…situation…”
David turned to Gwen’s parent’s “It was nice to meet you…”
Gwen’s dad sneered  “I’m sure it was.”
David kissed Gwen’s cheek before leaving, as soon as he was gone The Santos parent’s sighed and said “Gwen we want to talk to you about this relationship…”
 Chicago Illinois:
The plane landed as the team stepped onto the runway where a Detective was waiting saying “You the folks from the Army?”
David’s CO Smiled as she pointed everyone in turn starting with herself “Hammerhead, Whipperwell, Nomad, Cool Breeze.”
The Detective sighed “right no names…look we have no idea if this is legit or some gang banger trying to talk themselves up.”
Hammerhead said casually as the team loaded there bags “they sent us Detective…someone thinks it is legit.”
Fort Bragg, North Carolina:
Gwen slammed her door yelling to the couple on the other side “I am not giving up my future for him!”
Gwen’s mom said “Gwen you need to focus on you…you should finish this experiment and date a nice young man…your father and I have some ideas…”
Gwen groaned “are you really trying to get me to dump David so you can set me up with someone your more comfortable being seen with!?”
Gwen’s dad sighed “there are 3 doctors in this family! Do you really want to drag us down by including a Solider?” he spoke the last word as if it had personally kicked his dog.
Gwen groaned “Go away!”
Her parent’s walked away saying “this conversation is not over young Lady!”
Gwen plucked onto the couch laying her head in Lilly’s lap who was pretending to not hear the whole thing Gwen grumbled “Kill me.”
Lilly chuckled “I’m not exactly qualified…but I can always ask one of David’s coworkers.” She teased
Gwen grumbled “don’t say things like that…They already hate him…”
Lilly sighed “right, sorry.”
Gwen sighed “what am I going to do…I wish I could talk to David he always has the right thing to say.”
Lilly stroked her hair saying “Just relax…maybe watch some TV?”
Chicago Illinois:
David sighed as they drove through the snow saying “nice place…”
The detective chuckled “yea we just got over a blizzard.”
Hammerhead sighed dramatically saying “Great…our briefing was a bit Vague on the situation on the ground here…just some group of hoods are telling anyone who will listen they got their hands on a chemical weapon.”
The detective nodded “the Attica 99, they are mostly in Drug running and have been fighting another gang for years.”
Jasper asked “tell us about them…there leader.”
The detective sighed “Carlos Mendoza, classic piece of work thinks he is the next Al Copone.”
David shook his head “that’s always a good sign…”
The detective nodded “he was the one that started bragging about how they get something big from overseas  at first we figured it was some new drug shipment, then we started picking up chatter that they got there hands on  a chemical weapon that they want to use to send a Message.”
Hammerhead nodded “where do they hang out, we need to take the temperature.”
The Detective sighed “they own a night club on the east side…”
David asked “you got anyone in custody we can talk to?”
The Detective nodded “a couple…”
Hammerhead smiled “good thinking Nomad, you would stand out in the club anyway.”
Jasper said “I will tag along.”
Hammerhead smiled “right then me and Wipperwell will check out the club.”
The car pulled up to their Safe house.
 Police station:
David and Jasper arrived wearing suits at the station walking up to reception David smiled saying “hello, I have an appointment.”
The desk officer asked “can I have your name?”
David smiled “Nomad and Cool Breeze.”
The desk officer chuckled saying “is this a prank.”
Jasper looked at her saying “humor us.”
The officer typed before looking up “uhh the bullpen is that way.”
David smiled at her “thank you Ma’am.”
Jasper shot the officer a wink as they entered the bull pen, David saying “so who exactly do we talk to?”
A detective walked up to them saying “so your…the guys…” she looked around before saying “from the Army?”
Jasper smiled “that’s us.”
David shook his head “Nomad and Cool Breeze Ma’am.”
The detective said “Sasha Daniels.” holding out her hand which was quickly shook.
Jasper said “so if there someone we can talk to?”
Sasha nodded leading them towards the cell “yep I need to be in there to make sure you don’t…”
David blinked “what start waterboarding him?…we don’t do that…”
Jasper added “usually.” With a playful smile
Tabii muttered “sure.”
David opened the door and inside was a rather burley looking man  who simply said “I’m not telling you anything fuzz.”
David sat down across from him with jasper leaning on the table as David smiled “Fuzz now I have not been called that before.”
Jasper nodded “nether have I.”
David shrugged “it helps that we are not cops.”
The guy asked “what?”
David reached onto his jacket pocket pulling out a large folder saying “today is your lucky day friend.”
Jasper smiled “you see we are salesman, we sell vacations.”
The man said louder “what the…”
David nodded “that’s right we sell vacations to unpleasant folks such as yourself and today we are having a fire sale, an all-expense paid trip to Cuba.”
Jasper nodded saying “yep a nice free trip to beautiful Guantanamo Bay Cuba.”
David smiled “and you are likely wondering what you did to earn such a wonderful trip to what do the kids call it?”
Jasper adds helpfully “Gitmo I think?”
David snapped his fingers “that’s right…” placing a badge on the table
The guy said “This a trick?” looking at the badge then at Tabii
Tabii shook her head saying “there for real.”
The guy blinked saying “department of defense…”
David smiled “you’re playing with the big kids now.”
The guy sighed “look maybe I dealt some drugs…”
Jasper clicked his tongue “Nomad do we care about drugs?”
David said “drugs are bad, but that’s not why we are here.”
Jasper nods “no it is not…you see the reason you’re not already on a plane to your new vacation home is because you can maybe tell us something useful.”
The guy bulked up “I aint no snitch.”
David sighed “you and your friends caught our attention when you started telling anyone who would listen that you have a chemical weapon and plan to use it…not the greatest idea.”
Jasper nodded “you see now you and your buddies are on a watch list… And Nomad what do we do to people on watch lists?”
David leaned back saying “well Cool Breeze…we don’t do a lot of watching,” The subtext being conveyed easily.
The guy eyes went wide as Jasper said “that’s right, you see all of your other crimes are thoroughly none of our business but chemical weapons…” Jasper Whistled
David shook his head “it is not a good look for you…and your buddies…but if you talk to us about the weapons maybe the locals deal with you and not us.”
The guy sighed “how do I know you’re legit and won’t send me to Gitmo or worse?”
Jasper smiled “that’s easy we release to the capable hands of Sasha here who sends you to normal prison.”
The guy sighed “alright here is what I know.”
David finished briefing saying “that’s what our new friend told us…”
Hammerhead nodded “that lines up with what we saw in the club, lots of guards well-armed but badly trained, we can take em easy but there are Civs around.”
Jasper shrugged “they should make a B line for the exits as soon as the flashes go off.”
David sighed “what about the weapons we will be wearing Hazmats but if they go off it would be bad for the neighborhood.”
Hammerhead smiled “Skylight…Nomad you take the boss as we breach the bottom floor and move for the weapons.”
Wipper well asked “Level of force?”
Hammer head nodded “we have been given the nod, no kid gloves, lethal force that said the DOD does not want any Civ bodies”
David chuckled “so check our shots.”
 Next night:
David adjusted his hazmat Suit a gasmask resting on his forehead as he stood on the roof top next to the club an Mp5 hanging over his chest, Sasha sighed “wow I always thought you guys only dress like that in the movies.”
David chuckled with a shrug “nothing wrong with living up to some stereotype’s, listen this will be loud and they are going to be rather panicked People running out of that building.”
Sasha nodded “we can handle that.”
David’s radio cracked to life as Hammerhead said “Nomad we are on approach.”
David fired Sasha a smile before pulling down his gas mask saying “On my way.” David picked up a breach charge jumping to the next building as Tabii Climbed down from the building.
The Bass of the music pounded in David’s ears as he said “Green,” Placing the breach charge on the skylight after securing his rappel lines.
Hammerhead said “On my count…3, 2, 1 Execute Execute Execute.”
David blew the charge throwing a flashbang into the room as he rappelled into the VIP area of the club, he landed staring down the boss he saw a goon coming from his left and shoot him dead before pointing his gun back at the boss saying “Hands in the Air now!”
David heard gunshots screaming and more flashbangs going off and a woman to his left came into view he scanned ready to shoot her but saw she was only holding a phone he switched back to the boss saying “get those hands up!” his voice muffled by the gas mask.
The boss pulled out a small device and David didn’t Hesitate shooting the boss dead, he detached himself from his rope reloading his Magazine before walked up to the dead man flipping him over before he looking at the picture of Mendoza before saying “Hammerhead, Dry hole…I repeat Mendoza is not on site.”
He saw the woman clearly filming him saying with a sigh “Ma’am you need to vacate,” Before saying on his radio “Hammer head I’m moving your way.”
David moved down the stairs shooting some gang members that tried to get the drop on him before approaching basement calling “coming in!”
Hammerhead turned around Gasmask on her forehead “come on in.”
David entered seeing the “chemical weapon” David pulled up his Gas mask “this a joke ma’am?”
In front of them was pallet of Axe body spray, Jasper sighed “unless they planned to Axe bomb that enemy crew then maybe they moved it.”
Whipper well held up a tester saying “it was here, who knows how long ago.”
Jasper made an over here whistle, David shook his head “how about that.”
Inside were a lot of weapons, ranging from Glocks to AK’s
Hammerhead sighed “The locals can handle these weapons; we need to fall back and figure out our next move.” The team pulled on the gas masks before leaving the building.
 North Carolina:
Gwen was sitting in her dorm before her phone started to light up with crazy amount of messages all having variations on the question “is that David?”
Gwen chuckled “this should be dumb.” She clicked the link and was sent to YouTube video titled “No police raid I ever saw.” With 8 million views, Gwen sighed “I swear if I get rick rolled.”
Gwen clicked Play and was treated to a typical club video of some kind with people dancing to some music about thirty seconds passed before there was an explosion glass rained from the ceiling as people started screaming the camera person saw a cylinder hit the ground before there was a flash  the Person holding the camera was clearly blinded as a man in all black wearing a gasmask dropped from the ceiling, the Camera watched him scan firing his weapon and the camera followed someone who fell against the wall dead blood flying everywhere before the man in the gasmask turned on a man in the middle room calling “Hands in the air Now!”
The camera stepped forward and the man in the gasmask pointed there weapon at them briefly before turning back to the man in the center of the room “Get those hands up!” his voice muffled by the gas mask.
The man looked to be holding something and without a second of pause the guy in the gasmask shot hit dead the weapon was so loud Gwen almost gasped as it was finished with the light Klink of the shell casings hit the floor. The Gasmask wearing man unclipped himself from his ropes reloading  his weapon flipping over the body and looking at a picture shaking his head he said something that Gwen could not hear over the chaos before turning around  looking directly at the person filming saying voice muffled by the gas mask  “you need to vacate ma’am.”
Gwen watched the Green eyes behind the gas mask and the way the guy wearing the mask said ma’am Gwen mouth opened “Holy fuck…”
The video kept filming all through the evacuation before ending. Gwen sent back her mouth wide open as she paused “I knew what he does…but seeing it…”
Gwen stood up walking over to the trashcan before vomiting.
Chicago Illinois:
David sat on a chair still in full gear his eyes closed as he napped, they were waiting for their local contacts to tell them if they heard anything when they heard coming to the door there was a knock and David pulled out his Glock as he nodded to Jasper who opened the door, Sasha walked in seeing the armed David who lowered his gun saying “Should I come back later?” food in her hand.
Hammerhead smiled saying “come on in Detective.”
Sasha entered and saw the inside of the safe house covered in photos and other documents about the team’s target.  Sasha smiled carefully “nice place…”
Whipper well laughed “better than our normal safe houses.”
Sasha chuckled “somehow I believe it…”
David asked “what do you have for us?”
Sasha smiled putting down the subs saying “your raid has had the desired effect, Attica 99 have gone to ground, and we have rounded up the majority of their leadership from the club.”
Jasper asked “and the Weapon?”
Sasha sighed “most of the guys we grabbed said the same thing, it should have been in the basement of the club, and they are just as shocked as we are that it wasn’t there.”
David asked “we believe them?”
Sasha paused “some BS’ing us I buy…but all of them…especially after what they saw I don’t buy it you put the fear of god into them…”
Hammerhead sighed “did we learn anything.”
Sasha nodded “Mustard gas…what they stole us 800 metric liters of mustard gas.”
South Carolina:
Gwen tossed and turned as she watched the assault over and over again, the brutality the coldness of it was getting to her…and just for a second she started to wonder…maybe my folks are right about him.
David sat in a car with Sasha looking at an apartment around the corner from him, David was in passenger with Sasha behind the wheel, and David had his eyes closed as Sasha cleared her throat “soo Nomad…”
David opened his eyes “Target sighted?”
Sasha asked “Target?”
David frowned before slapping his head “sorry old habits…”
Sasha frowned “I think it is telling…”
David sighed “do I want to…”
Sasha interrupted saying “Judging from your assault you’re not big on taking people alive.”
David countered “I am trained to fight wars Detective not fight crime.” Peering through binoculars
Sasha nodded “right…so is there a Miss Nomad?”
David dodged saying “do you see a ring?”
Sasha countered “I don’t know your name; I don’t think it is a stretch for you not wearing your ring.”
David lied unconvincingly “I am an only child, with no family, no friends and no romantic attachments.”
Sasha laughed “they really make you say that?”
David chuckled “no names, we really going to talk about my personal life?”
Sasha said with triumph “You do have a personal life.”
David sighed “the life I have is the Mission, it comes first…always does…”
South Carolina:
Gwen was starting to question her relationship, as she looked at her phone all of her texts to David un answered as he deployed…somewhere, Gwen opened to email again looking at it…unsure what to do, it was a big chance but then again she would have to leave David…she began to look it over again.”
 Chicago, safe house:
David briefed “we have been sitting on the girlfriend’s house for almost two weeks, but we finally got a sighting of him…”
Showing a photo of Mendoza taking out the trash, Hammer head said “the Pentagon give us the go, we want him alive to have a long chat…we move in tonight.”
 South Carolina:
Gwen had mauled it over before she hit the call button “Miss Santo’s have you considered our offer?”
Gwen nodded “yes I have decided to accept it.”
The voice sounded happy “glad to hear it Professor, you will need to move here…will that be an issue?”
Gwen paused before saying “Not at all.”  Gwen ended the call and sat back.
Gwen quickly put her stuff in a truck heading for Seattle, before she clutched the key heading for David’s apartment.
David’s apartment Fort Bragg:
Gwen let herself in seeing that the home had not been occupied in some time, she took the case she brought carefully putting away all of her stuff, she placed a note on the kitchen table before saying out loud “sorry David.”  Leaving her key on the table she locked the door and walked away not looking back.
David lowered his night vision goggles over his gasmask as they crept towards the apartment, the team carefully opened the lobby quickly clearing the darked building as they advanced up the stairs, coming to apartment 27, the one owned by Mendoza’s Girlfriend, they stacked up on the door as Hammer head counted down with her fingers “3,2,1.”
At one Whipperwell used a breaching hammer bashing open the door, the team flew in shouting “on the floor!”
A baby cried as David and Jasper wrestled the surprised Mendoza to the ground David demanded “where is it!”
Mendoza responded “you’re too late.”
Hammerhead sighed “Whipper well let’s check on the girl friend.”
David and Jasper lifted there masks with David asking “what are you smiling about?”
David was answered with the yell of one word “avalanche!”
University of Seattle:
Gwen shook hands with the English department head saying “happy you were able to join us on such short notice Professor.”
Gwen smiled “happy to be here.”
The department head “lets show you to your office.”
Sasha saw David and jasper drag Mendoza out of the smoking apartment, Sasha Asked “nomad…what happened?”
David pulled out a sat phone as Jasper growled “this son of a bitch rigged up his girlfriend with an S vest…clacked it off.”
Sasha blinked “are you saying…”
Jasper nodded “turned his Girlfriend into a suicide bomber, took out herself, her baby, Hammer head and Whipper well.”
Jasper adding“and apparently he already planted the gas.”
Sasha swore “that sick fuck!”
David nodded “yes sir…I understand what the president is authorizing…no sir…no qualms about it…yes sir the Mission comes first,”  
Sasha paused “Nomad…”
David stated “pentagon have told us the gloves are off He has been declared an enemy combatant…”
Sasha asked “what are you saying?”
David said simply “Take a walk…”
Mendoza smile faded “wait, I’m not going into police custody?”
Jasper opened the van back doors as David repeated “take a walk.”
Sasha asked “what are you going to do to him?”
David clenched his fists “nothing we have not done before.”
Mendoza said “wait you can’t, I killed some of them…there is no telling what they do to me.”
Sasha paused before nodding saying “right…”
David threw him into the van saying coldly “enjoy your walk.”
Warehouse: TW torture
David dragged Mendoza to a chair in the middle of the warehouse, where surrounding them where a variety of tools, David said coldly “Tell us where the gas is.”   Jasper picked up a wretch.
Mendoza said “I want a lawyer!”
David sighed “wrong answer” Nodding at jasper, who swung the wrench at Mendoza’s left pointer finger breaking it the blow causing to man scream in pain.
David said again “where is the gas Mendoza? You have 9 more fingers.”
Mendoza breathed out “I am not telling you anything!”
David nodded again and jasper broke his middle finger as Mendoza screamed “Fuck Fuck stop stop!”
David glared “this ends as soon as you tell me what I want to know.”
Mendoza sighed “fine…your mom is a whore!”
David sighed “do the entire hand.”
Jasper swung wretch breaking the entirety of his left hand, David said “you want to survive this you piece of garbage? Then tell us!”
Mendoza groaned “I won’t tell you anything!”
David grabbed a car battery and jumper cables sparking the object, as jasper throw a bucket of water on him “tell us and this ends.”
Mendoza groaned as David touched his body with the cables delivering a severe shock the man swore “fuck ok…wiggly alright the baseball game…those punks from fifth street have their meetings there, we are going to take them out in the game.”
Jasper groaned “along with thousands of others!”
Mendoza groaned “that’s war…”
Jasper looked like he was going to hit him again  but David stopped him “Cool Breeze…The Mission isn’t over…we need to call Sasha.”
Mendoza groaned “you can’t stop it.”
David ignored him as he called Sasha saying “wiggly stadium, and send an ambulance to the following address…”
David signed the paperwork to get his team released from the morgue as Sasha said “so I visited Mendoza in the hospital…well as much as I could considering the Feds waiting to ship him off.”
David put down the clip board “oh what did you learn?”
Sasha paused “he must have fallen down one hell of a flight of stairs” she half joked
David responded coldly “whatever the mission allows.”
Sasha nodded “the pentagon…they told you to do that?”
David answered “they wanted the gloves off…that’s what it looks like have a nice life detective.”
David left the station and never looked back
Fort Bragg:
David sighed as Miller debriefed saying “Master Sargent…you did good work.”
David shook his head “we took casualties sir…the mission was off from day one.”
Miller nodded “indeed, but you are Sargent Fronds managed ok, you have been given the command, of the team.”
David paused before saying “thank you sir…”
Miller Smiled “you have to new members joining you soon, the first is your tech expert, Warrant officer Tabii Gordon, Her call sign is Redcap,” Sliding over a file before adding “and fresh out of selection, Corporal Gaylord Nurfington his call sign is Dirt Diver”
David crocked an eyebrow “Gaylord?”
Miller smiled “his friends call him Nurf.”
David took the files “thank you sir.”
Miller reinterred “You did good work son…go home and get some rest.”
David nodding grabbing his files and going home.
 David’s apartment:
David opened the door, sighing as he entered trying to put on a smile not let the mission get to him he put his key in the dish saying aloud “Gwen you home?...it’s me David…”
David then said aloud “well I guess you would figure that…considering this is my apartment.”
David felt his hair stand up on the back of his neck, his Instinct’s saying there was something wrong, he reached for his gun moving for the bedroom, taking a deep breath he threw the door open quickly clearing the empty room, David moved quickly clearing the bathroom. Before lowering his weapon his heart pounding before he saw it, the note and the key on the table.
David put his weapon away picking up the note feeling his stomach turn as he recognized Gwen’s handwriting.
David opened the note reading:
 David…I’m sorry that I can’t do this in person, but with you being sent away right in the middle of that dinner, forced me to come to a conclusion that maybe I am not cut for this life…being with you, watching the news every night wondering if I will see your face as a casualty in some country, or get a knock on my door or a call saying that you died and they can’t tell me where or how just that you are a hero.  And they are right you are a hero David…but your also in a messy business…I saw a video from your recent deployment…I saw you kill two people with no mercy not hesitation. That is the type of person you are, I guess I always knew after our first when you shot that man, but I didn’t want to read that writing on the wall…I know who you are David I know you would never hurt anyone who was not trying to hurt you, but frankly it all comes down to one question, and I decided not to give you a chance to answer it, the question is what do you love more your job or me…and I already know the answer…the mission always comes first  for you David…so I took a job somewhere else…you will never see me again…goodbye David…stay safe
 David dropped the note holding his head in his hands before reaching over to this phone to call Gwen before met with a simple “the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected.”  
David look down feeling the tears welling on his face before his phone buzzed, he reeled himself in saying with a simple “go for Greenwood…Yes sir, not an issue at all.”
David placed the note on the table grabbing his go bag and left the apartment.
So Gwen dumped David after his team died and he is now in charge...will they stay apart...Not sure...maybe, maybe some thing will happen at her old school, what i do know is that there will be some Jaspvid Brotp and David driving into his work until his team pulls him out...but no need to worry about that, the next chapter will probably be tamer, but i debated showing Jasper and David torturing that guy for a long time, they was build up with the waterboarding joke, but considered just not showing it cutting to the scene after, but decided to make the audience have conflicted feelings about David, possibly  even Side with Gwen who just dumped him...but i don’t want David to be a crazy guy so i wrote in The Pentagon Ordering it clearly, but enough talk...tell me what you thought of this chapter, and of that scene, weather it was done well, or felt gratuitous...this chapter has been done for like a week before i decided to publish, anyway stay safe   
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charmed-asylum · 5 years
Midnight Desire🔪
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Midnight Desire, part two
Summery:  A group of seniors simple night of drinking and partying at their local grocery store. Turns for the worst when they realize they are lock in with something far more dangerous then they ever imagine
Declaimer: Midnight Desire has a few curse words and hints at some abuse. This is my very first story I am posting onto tumblr so please be kind give it a glance. I promise you a good ride from beginning to end. So buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Tagged: @weapinggwillowss​ @strangerfictions​
Part 1 
He was beyond pissed his night went from boring to amazing to freaking un realistic. Lex was walking beside him smoking and talking shit about his slutty girlfriend. Shock that Farrah of all people would be sleeping around on him. As if he did know about it from the moment they  first hook up . It was in fact the way they started to go out behind the back of another poor blind sap. 
 " So that Jolie Jo  girl you think she single.Man I wasn’t gonna say anything before. Now shit up in the air with Farrah  I think she has a thing for me Garr" Lex stops and smiles at the tense Garrett" I’m joking. God. Okay I’m half kidding” he stops and look around  “I was at Cora house once when it was still summer. Saw her in a bathing suite. Had a bit little back action. I mean she has a small penny size waste then a metro sized ass. Damn but she got preteen boobs. Had me fuck for days" Lex says lighting a joint grabbing at himself. 
Garrett looks at him with frustration. " Yea the fuck way. She a baby. Anyway I thought you was heart broken with Farrah"he says opening the door to the manager's office. It was pitch black and had a weird smell. He was mad and pissed at everyone including himself. He regretted not talking or asking what was on the tip of his tongue the whole night . However, that was before Lex saw her in her bathing suite . He never cared and as crazy as it sounds he was hers and she was his  no matter what. He had dibs on her from the first time he saw her . Rolling down the road with down head out the back window eyes close with that gentle smile . Those few seconds he knew right there. She was the most beautiful thing and he would do anything to make her his. Lex clears his throat as comes from behind to his side. " What about your keys. Bro" he says with a joint in his hand. 
The inside the office was small, there was those corny business attitude posters everywhere a small desk to the back with an old PC with a bookshelf behind it. Garrett tried to remain cool and went over to desk to find the keys." I’m going to check here. The owner Steven went on this trip with his family a week ago to huh Maine I think he won’t be back till next Friday. Can you look over there for a map of the store. Or something we can use" he says shuffling around the desk. It only  took a few minutes to find them right next to a folder of a young cashier, Sidney, topless. Which Lex thought it was funny and took it.
 " The map did you find the map" Garrett says putting the keys in his pocket. Looking down he saw a small handgun. Without reason or thought he grab it and puts under his red shirt. Lex high smiles and waves it around. " Yo bro so this is it right the map" he says bit giggly. Garrett walk close to him. Nope it was a Chinese takeout menu. Lex starts laughing. " Bro I got it was back here in some boxes. You so uptight. Maybe I get Farrah to give you the Thursday special. Huh" he says smiling. Always the dam clown one day it's gonna kick him in the dam ass. " The phones are out. I have no service. Fuck. Of all days. I think I got a plan how we can get out of here" Garrett says grabbing the old map. 
It took no time to know something was wrong. Not even half there. He knew he heard a scream. Fare down by aisle 13. Lex made him believe he was hearing things but he didn't listen. He had a reason. Walking no running back . Cora and Fred against the news rack sucking each other face. Lex start looking for Farrah calling for her . Garrett full with rage starts calling out Jolie name his face matching the color of his shirt. 
" What the pig shit wrong with you. I said stay together. Where Farrah and Jolie" Garrett says looking at Fred. His eyes only seeing red full with fire and steam. Fred looks behind Garrett past towards the aisle he left Farrah . Then back at Garrett. " How the hell am I supposed to know maybe Cora sister, Jo gay and they doing it. Farrah is easy and she does have that boyish haircut and shit" he said laughing at his own joke. Cora looked at him and started to giggle right with him. 
Garrett piss snaps. Not fully to the point he was throwing hits taking names but far passed that. Pushing  past Fred he walks pass to Lex. Lex was at the entrance of 13. Spaced out Garrett walk up a bit closer to him and there it was a shoe. Not just a shoe it was Jolie shoe. He could tell by the cute rainbow shoelaces the red was gone like that and a flood of panic fell over .Clutching down onto the bottom of his jaw his finger lingering  his golden blonde anchor beard   . The fuck running across his mind. Cora rushes behind him. "Where did they go. Garrett. Shit I can’t go back home without that dildo " she scream out. He did have to look at her face to know she was afraid because he was afraid too. Holding onto Jolie bag and shoe Garrett looks up and sees a trail of things  maybe a struggle. " I don't know but there the answer" he said following the trail with the gang behind him.
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sundaynightnovels · 6 years
i was tagged by the lovely @aslanwrites, who has just undergone a name change which confused me a LOT because i was like... who is this person.. with that familiar icon... what happened to quiescentwriting????????? but my slow mind caught up and yea!! thanks for remembering me even with your new identity hahahha and thanks for tagging me in this!! <3 
Rules: Answer 11 Questions, Ask Eleven Questions, Tag Eleven People! 
Why did you start writing? I honestly don’t remember. i’ve just been writing since young... and it might have to do with reading books, i really don’t know. but when i was younger my sis and i used to play with our stuffed toys and we created this entire world surrounding the 6 of them (used to be 4 but we added 2 to the gang), including an entire class of 22 people with names, distinct personalities and relationships, and also multiple AUs such as a superpower one and a living-together one, which was really fun. so yea i guess i’ve been creating stories since young!
What writing advice do you adhere to? i actually don’t adhere to writing advice HAHA i’m a rebel . okay kidding aside, i really don’t refer to them or read them at all, like i’m not really bothered with advice. i just want to do what i wanna do, yknow?? i guess the only advice that i know and follow is to not read back on what you’ve already written. i think i’ve quoted that a lot of times before HAHAHA but yea, that’s really the only one.
What writing advice do you disagree with? refer to above hahaha i can’t really disagree with anything when i really don’t know anything!! ( i mean, of course i can if i want to be an ass but yknow, i’m not. well, not all the time)
Do you think “Said” is dead? nah. i use ‘said’ all the time. sometimes you just need it yknow? it’s like an old best friend that you’re so used to, you don’t even notice its presence in your life but you need it like you need air. you can pry my best friend away from my cold dead hands!!
Favorite drink when writing? i mainly drink water. i don’t really drink anything else. ooo ~~healthy ~~~ nah i’m really not i just like water.
What’s your favorite app to write on? Or do you prefer notebooks? i write mainly on MS word, which i know ain’t the best but i’m used to it and my OLD LIMBS WILL NOT TAKE ANY OTHER ok jk i am up for other options but it’s working fine for me now, so i don’t feel the need to change. i write sometimes on notebooks when i’m really stuck, or i just feel like writing something by hand, but that’s rarely, usually when i’m overseas without my laptop or bored to death at work.
Who or what is your biggest inspiration? other creators i guess, and not just authors but also filmmakers or musicians or whatever. right now i just want to be like taika waititi, yknow. i just wanna do what i want to do and what i have fun doing and maybe eventually others can jump onboard and enjoy my work with me!
What do you wish writers would do more of? PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN MAIN CHARACTERS!!! i mean, i love romance as much as the next person, but it always seem like the main characters always end up in a romantic relationship with each other when sometimes they are a lot better as friends. another of my wip (the only other wip i have with first drafts written... since years ago) has three main characters who remain in platonic relationships with one another throughout, and while retrospectively i could see how some might ship certain characters together, i really liked that i kept them as purely friends and it worked so much better and idk, i just feel like a lot of times when you see main characters it’s like an immediate, oh they are gonna get together, and yknow, that doesn’t always have to be the case.
What do you wish writers would do less of? uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i don’t really know right now. hmmmmm. 
What turns you away from a story? well. unnecessary plot twists. like, sometimes it’s okay for a story to be predictable and for readers to expect what is happening, because that just means the story makes sense and whatever’s happening is coherent with what happened in the past, yknow???? and sometimes i feel like people stress too much about being unexpected and subverting expectations and wanting to surprise readers that... they throw too many plot twists into a story until it doesn’t make sense, until the flow is disrupted and it ruins the story as a whole. being predictable is not a bad thing!!!!!! and vice versa, shock value isn’t inherently good for your story!
Thoughts on the whole “Mary Sue” topic? ah. well, i don’t like them, but that’s mainly because mary sue’s are so flat as characters that i don’t think any story will happen around them, yknow what i mean? like if they’re so perfect and can do no wrong, there’s not much conflict to be had and the story won’t be as strong. also, i just don’t think they’re particularly realistic or relatable characters, they’re mostly self-indulgent... which is not a bad thing (my whole damn wip is self-indulgent tbh), it’s just... they’re not particularly entertaining to read about either.
OKAY i am tagging: @cawolters @kidsarentallwrite @focusdumbass @inexorableblob @insearchof-solace @kaigods @nyxnevin @inkpot-dreamer @elusiveink @usuallydecentwriter @purplepenblog  && anyone else who wants to do this! my 11 questions are:
What is your favourite type of character to write (in terms of trait, personality, trope, or just basically what you find yourself writing the most)? 
What kind of a writer do you aspire to be?
What kind of book do you really want to write, and why have you not written it yet?
What is the one thing you like best about your own writing?
What is the one thing you want to improve most about your writing?
Do you write things other than conventional novels (e.g. poetry, screenplays, non-fiction)? If no, do you wish to venture out into other forms of writing?
Do you let the people around you read your writing? At which stage do you let them read it (outline, first draft, polished piece)? Why or why not?
What aspects do you like best about writing in general?
Do you tend to stick to what you know when writing, or do you like to write about things outside of your real life?
What do you think about plot twists?
What do you want to see more of in the publishing industry in general? Why? 
(had to include that second last one HAHAHA) alright!! hope y’all enjoy answering these questions!!
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elliot-orion · 4 years
Writeblr Re-Intro
I’ve seen quite a few people do this in the past couple weeks so i figure i probably should too considering how stinking long its been. so. hi there! I’m Elliot, and I use they/them pronouns! I’m a college kid majoring in creative writing and anthropology and regret doing both. I have a 9 year old emotional support cat, Van Gogh, who enjoys snoring, getting fur in my mouth, and chewing on my headphones. In addition to writing, I crochet amigurumis, play flight rising, bake like mad, obsess over dragons and stuffed animals, and spend way too much time thinking about superheroes. 
I mostly write LGBT+ Young Adult/New Adult fiction, and recently published my first novel, “Sparks Fly.” You can see a tumblr summary of it here. “Sparks Fly” and the majority of my stories take place in the expansive Dark Heart Universe full of not so heroic Super Heroes and Super Villains with questionable but not necessarily bad morals. But I like to dabble all over and have WIPs including a horror duology, a scifi roadtrip story, and about 800 other WIPs that are going nowhere because I’m a pantser and that’s how i roll. Expect to see me name drop some characters or a story, tag it in one ask game, and then never mention it again rather frequently. I apologize in advance. The main stories you will actually see me mentioning a bunch are below the cut. 
I technically have a website, and I technically have a twitter, but the former is a mess because I can’t program or remember to regularly blog and the latter i never use because social media scares me. Think there’s like 10 tweets on it and all of them are niche shitposts about my stories so... yea. I do have a Pinterest though, where you can find boards for most of my stories as well as a few of the name dropped once stories. so that’s fun. This intro is a mess.... Anyways, below the cut are some quick summaries of my main WIPs. If you want to learn more about the world that half of these are a part of (the DHU), look through this tag because my only summary series of it is way out of date. 
A DHU novel. Woodsmoke is a Hero who 100% should not be going to the worst Villain in town, Stardust, for help, but fuck it he doesnt have any other option. In return for helping Woodsmoke save a whole bunch of school kids, Stardust demands Woodsmoke owes him a favor - he has to help Stardust and his gang get rid of the Director of the city’s Supers Association branch. The only probably is, the Director control everything, and Woodsmoke is utterly terrified of him. But, he owes a favor, and he’s even more afraid of what Stardust could do to civilians than he is of what the Director could do to him. When it all goes wrong, maybe its time for him to give up being a Hero and stop being Woodsmoke. Maybe it’s time to just be Vincent again, and finally heal from the damage the SA has done. This is on its fourth draft and still needs about 2 or so more (guessing here), but will hopefully be the next DHU book released (dont quote me on that im winging this)
Nightmare at the Lily Pad Inn 
A DHU novel. Ben, who’s technically a Villain but really just can’t control their powers for shit and their powers are like, really scary so its bad, is on the run from their sociopathic asshole brother. They wind up at the Lily Pad Inn, a safe haven for Villains no matter what they’ve done, run by the cinnamon roll sweetheart Matty and their husband, Blue. While there, Ben meets Oliver, another not-technically-bad Super who can’t control his powers, and meets up with Morty, their best friend. Shit happens i guess idk i’ve not written a real summary for this one yet leave me alone. It’s on the first draft and its not even finished and i have no idea what the ending is because im a pantser go away.
Novella Collection
A DHU collection i guess. I’m not quite sure what else to call this because it’s made of three or so different novellas that I intend to fit together into a collection of novellas. The three novellas includes: the Empath, about Charlie who may just be the worlds most powerful empath and his partners who are very not happy with their area’s Director wanting Charlie to do something that could 100% kill him; Hell in High Heels, a historical DHU story about the Terra (Kitty), the Earth Elemental of the time, and Fer-De-Lance (Hattie), the Poison Elemental, and how they get married sorta unwillingly (thanks SA), break a shit ton of stereotypes, and help win World War 2.; and finally Wildfire, about the current day Fire Elemental and the Villain he really shouldn’t be so attracted to but 100% is and them chilling and being gay and idk this one needs a lot of work. All of these novellas have only had 1 draft and are still needing a lot of work. 
And now for some not dhu stories... 
The Other Beings / The Doll Maker
This is that horror duology I mentioned earlier. The Other Beings follow Nathan. He got sucked into the terrifying world of the Other Beings (well, 5 worlds actually),  when he was 7 years old because of a brother he’s never quite forgiven for making him and his pseudo-sister Hazel hunt minor Beings for his whole childhood and fucking Nate up massively. He managed to leave the horror of the Other Beings for all of seven years before he was sucked back in by the Doll Maker, an Other Being with a penchant for turning pretty children and people into ball-jointed dolls. Turns out a horde of Other Beings is coming after him because of his dad which is a Bad and now he’s having to run as a human macguffin and trust me - he’s not happy about it. Only the Other Beings draft 1 has been written because it’s a dark story and with covid i have not have the mental energy to work on it more, but it’s super fun and i adore it. The Doll Maker, the second book, is solely about Doll Maker and his shit. 
Paper Stars 
Paper Stars is the scifi I mentioned, and just might be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written, even though its only had one draft because it’s hella depressing (literally, the mc River is seriously suicidal) and with all the shit in my life rn i haven’t had the strength to work on it more. but i adore the story. Basically, River’s life has gone to hell since his Grandpa died and the only thing making him hold on is really his alien best friend, Keio. When his depression gets even worse, he finally asks Keio to take him away from Earth and to space to escape his problems. This works, kinda, i mean he falls in love and shit (yes River falls in love with a seal furry alien, please go through the tag its great), but eventually he knows he has to face his problems and get help because this is a realistic story about depression and love doesnt cure all and you cant run from mental illness. It’s great. 
That’s kinda all the main stories i mention a lot, all the others are little things i start and stop or that i write a self indulgent first draft but never intend to take it any further. all of these i fully intend to publish one day tho. So... yea. Welcome to my blog, its chaos but we have a good time. 
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