#yea this is kinda dark but I mean.. it makes the most sense to me
nocofamilyau · 10 months
Out of curiosity, Do you think Cody would still keep in contact with Gwen? And is Ezekiel doing better now atleast?
(me shamelessly asking a random question before asking abt my favorite character to not look suspicious /j)
like in canon (or, at least taking Christine Thompson's word for it..), Cody's attraction to Gwen fizzled out after World tour ended. sure, they kept in contact for a little while after but eventually that came to an end as they naturally moved on with their lives
this was from another ask that's now invisible in my inbox (probably due to the account that asked being deactivated - its pretty much on me for not answering what's in my inbox sooner/being put off trying to put each ask into a coherent order, deepest apologies for that), but it's mainly Cody that constantly wonders how the other TDI contestants (except the ones that he already still sees personally) are going, I guess more as like a passing thought.
(also, yet another retcon, hopefully the last one for a while - I mentioned in an earlier post that Cody was close friends with Sierra, who co-writes for his celeb gossip blog.. well the blog is still a thing, but has long since been abandoned. it was more of a side project Cody did during his 20's, with Sierra occasionally writing some stuff for it here and there. one day however, something clicked in Cody's mind - something that should have clicked long ago, and he stopped spending as much time with Sierra. hell, he probably hasn't seen her in years at this point, probably for the better..)
as for the Ezekiel question... oh man, I was sort of dreading when I would bring this up, since this idea has been stewing in my mind for a good while now, and admittedly, from one Zeke enjoyer to another, this will not a pleasant thing to reveal, but there needed to be a reason for Total Drama to be cancelled in this au, other than to needlessly justify why all newer generations of TD cast members are much younger than they are in canon
Ezekiel's dead. when he fell into that volcano in the World Tour finale, he didn't end up making it out (I mean, dude was submerged in BOILING LAVA - I get its a cartoon but its far from believable that someone could survive that). some say he was put out of his misery, others think it was a perfect example of how greed could ruin a person, but all in all, it was fucked. it was not a pretty death, and the fact that Chris and the TD production crew still had the AUDACITY to keep footage of and broadcast someone's death on international TV was enough to get the show cancelled immediately and get the shit sued out of Chris. at least now he can't terrorise anymore teens, sucks to be him...
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ribbonbite · 2 months
mulgogi [sebastian solace]
in which a certain prisoner is a kpop stan and sebastian hates(loves) it
a/n ♡ this isn't meant to be taken seriously (and is lowkey cringe) so to the people who hate fun THIS ISN'T FOR YOU!! also it's kinda short im sorry <3 also badly written but erm ^_^'' and to non kpop fans who like sebastian too, this probably won't make much sense im sorry 😭
(this is NOT an excuse to mix my hyperfixations and it is NOT cringe. it is also NOT a reflection of my headcanon of sebastian being a secret kpop stan who likes girl groups. /s)
name inspo: '"mulgogi" by fromis_9 (get it bc sebastian is a fish and mulgogi means fish HAHA!!)
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God, Sebastian fucking hated them.
Not only were they super annoying to him, flashing their beacon at his face and whatnot, they were a kpop fan. Whenever they came into the shop they always blasted music that pissed him off. 'I dunno, Sebastian! Maybe you should stan fromis_9', they would say with a stupid grin on their face.
Why were they so joyous too? They were in a facility where almost everything is out to get them. It's like their brain was only full of puppies and kittens or something, even though they're experiencing the horrors of humanity.
Sebastian started biting his finger in irritation at the thought of them. Oh how he wanted to so badly punch them in their stupid yet cute face. As he got lost into his violent (and somehow sweet) thoughts, he suddenly heard noises coming from the vent.
Oh god... not them again...
"Guuueeessss who!" [Name] announces with the most bright tone of voice Sebastian has ever heard in his life. He instantly became nauseous as they walked into the shop.
"Oh... It's you." Sebastian says through gritted teeth, clapping his palms together. "I sure am glad you're back!" The sarcasm of the grumpy fish went over the head of the prisoner.
A grin made its way onto [Name]'s face. "Anyway, you know what time it is!" They exclaim before pulling out a speaker. Where did they even manage to get it? How is it even working in whatever hellhole they're in? Who knows.
With a press of the power button, the familiar tune of a specific song that [Name] liked playing started. The happy and summery tone did NOT match the current situation they were in.
"Have you seen my Hayoung photocard? I carry this around with me all the time!" They said, pointing a piece of paper with a random lady on it at Sebastians face
The fish looked at the paper with lowered brows, not amused at whatever the prisoner was doing. "...You're very annoying." He mutters as [Name] put the photocard back inside their bag. He hated the fact that he found it kind of endearing.
"Aww, but I know you like it!" [Name] teases. "Your tail is literally swaying to the beat of this song right now!" They pointed at his lower end, which was indeed moving despite Sebastians irritated face. He took a deep breath before crossing his arms. "Yea yea... the song is good." He admitted with defeat.
[Name] grinned and started jamming along. Maybe this was a weird way of coping with the fact that there are entities who could end their life at any moment, Sebastian thought.
Whatever the reason was, he was glad that they had some sort of light in their dark situation. He still found them irritating but hey, at least he has company, right? And he found [Name] sort of cute so he didn't completely despise them.
"Sebastian, I think you should really stan fromis_9." Their voice shook Sebastian out of thought. He looked at them for a moment, a deep sigh leaving his mouth.
"Sure! Why not."
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if u can, please stream fromis_9's comeback "supersonic"! out august 12th <3
ending was a bit choppy and weird im sorry >_<
thanks for reading!! 🩷
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People tend to ask me, and not very nicely
"Sarah, why do you have an active tumblr account? Isn't there weird shit and even more weird people on there?"
I mean, yea 😅 kinda the point.
Tumblr, for me is a space where I can speak freely. I can be myself freely without judgment from the outside world, my friends, my family, or anyone who i make aware of this account. Which I've decided not to.
Its my secret safe space to geek out, obsess, laugh, cry, yell, at different things and people that occupy my brain on a rotating clock that never ends.
Its the place where I can post shit like this, and no one blinks an eye, or asks questions about if "one random person or group of people who you'll never meet" is really that important to my growth as an adult. And the answer is yes. I look up to the majority of people I obsess over. They all are at different places in thier careers and I can turn to one or the other for different insights on things.(hope that makes sense) Some of them have even been around for a hot minute. They are the people I want to be when I'm their age.
Its a place where I can find life changing fandoms who make the world seem a lot less scary than it actually is.
Its my outlet for when I run out of reasons to not end it all. And there's a hefty list of reasons. When I can't drag myself out of the dark pit I occasionally find myself in.
Its the first place I look to when I know there's something major happening and I need to yell about it in my tags.
Its the place where I find most of my fav fanfictions for all the different fandoms im in.
Its the place I can yell "ARM" in my tags and other people get what I mean (I'm looking at you, Eric Bogosian)
So thank you, tumblr.
Thanks for being my outlet <3
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crypticmillipede · 5 months
OK EXTREMELY NICHE CROSSOVER but hear me out !! Stardew Valley Characters x TMA?
(oh yea spoilers for some Magnus Archives concepts/lore? but nothing plot-related)
the 12 Stardew Valley dateable characters as TMA Avatars:
Abigail: Could see either the Vast or the Stranger. The Vast because she adores exploring, asks existential questions, gets lost in things. The Stranger because of her character arc as an odd one out, someone who just doesn’t fit in with the rest of the town, unnatural, an outsider. Also because of her potential connection to the Wizard.
Alex: Likely the Flesh, as a sort of Jared Hopworth situation. He’s always talking about his bodybuilding, it’s pretty Flesh-aligned. I could also see him as the Hunt? His obsession with going pro, reaching his goal, something that never really happens but he’s always chasing. Maybe he begins to hear the blood?
Elliott: The Lonely. Relatively new to town, all isolated on that beach, I bet it gets quite foggy. Or potentially the Eye? I could see his fervor for writing as a thirst for knowledge, in a way?
Emily: The Spiral. Strange, bizarre, cryptic, a manic pixie dream girl (and i mean this with love), she’s gotta be the Spiral. I could also see the stranger, but she has a certain level of approachability that’s more Spiral to me.
Haley: This is tough for me. Maybe the Flesh, as someone concerned with their appearance, but that feels kinda surface-level to me. This is a stretch, but what about a Dark alignment? The way she sort of refuses to intake information sometimes (ignoring you), bores easily, she could be compensating for an insecurity by presenting a certain way? In the dark, she wouldn’t have to worry about any of it. Besides, she does have that Dark Room… (i admit this one doesn’t really fit, does anyone have a better idea? spider maybe? or even corruption?)
Harvey: The whole weight of the town’s expectation’s for their only doctor, his stagnant dreams of piloting, Harvey’s got to be affiliated with the Buried. Possiblyyy the Flesh, simply due to his profession, but the Buried makes far more sense for his character to me.
Leah: Hear me out on this one—the Extinction. She’s got a couple dialogue lines focusing on environmental destruction and humanity as a harmful species, she’s newly moved out of the city and into nature, radically replacing her environment. She’s so isolated in the forest, it might sometimes feel like she’s the only one left. If not, then the Vast, most likely. Or maybe Stranger or Lonely? She’s got options.
Maru: If anyone in this group is Eye-affiliated, it’s got to be Maru. She has this thirst for knowledge, always building, always looking up into the unknown of the cosmos.
Penny: She’s got to be the Lonely to me. How many times has she sat under that tree, picking at the grass and looking out into the river? She’s so isolated, despite being around so many people. If not the Lonely, then certainly the Corruption, with its themes of finally finding endless love and community, a hive who truly understands.
Sam: This is another tricky one to me, but probably the Vast? He’s so easy-going and carefree, for the most part, it fits in quite well with the Vast mentality of ultimate insignificance and the freedom that comes with it.
Sebastian: Although the Lonely is probably the easy answer, I could also see him as the Buried, honestly? Burdened by the weight of all the expectations pressing down on him, by his stagnation in a town he wants nothing to do with, by his lack of freedom and desire for escape. He has friends, close friends! It seems to be more of his general circumstances that haunt him, rather than isolation, necessarily.
Shane: While i know the Web is primarily associated with addiction, I don’t really feel that Shane fits with the Web in any other way? I honestly see him more as affiliated with the Desolation, given his often self-destructive tendencies, and the way he lashes out at others. Shane seems to resort to alcohol as a harmful coping mechanism. Of course, I could also see him as the End, given some of his cut scenes, but the qualities of the End don’t seem to match him as well as the Desolation.
Those are my takes!! Sorry I couldn’t narrow it down more, but there’re so many potentials, it’s hard to choose a single option for each person! These are superrrr subjective and up to interpretation, so I welcome any additional speculations or suggestions !! I kinda wanna know how other people would categorize these guys tbh? anyways yeah sorry about the long post, my brain is rotten. perchance.
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fraternum-momentum · 11 months
mini update
I think im in a creative burnout rn,, i havent been really satisfied with my art and i feel like my progress has been stagnant. i have no idea on what direction i should take it. do i focus on rendering? should i adhere to a more specific style? should i make it more realistic or should i play with my proportions? do i make the lineart less visible or should i lean more into it? it's all basically a midlife identity crisis of my art or something idk if that makes any sense ajebd
im also just not sure how to overcome a burnout or like how to take a break??? i would always feel uncomfortable and guilty for not doing anything productive like i want to do something but everything i draw is not up to my standards so i trash most of my stuff or just leave it unfinished (well to be fair im very hard on myself, especially these past few days) so i just kinda have no idea what to do??
and another thing is, im not super into dol anymore :[ i mean it was eventually bound to happen, im surprised i even lasted this long lol i might make the occasional fanart here and there if i feel like it (most likely answering an old ask), but that's not the main thing i'll be drawing from now on :c i might post more ocs or more of that puppygirl stuff since ppl seem to like it and i enjoy drawing it too so yea,,
i'm also probably gonna stray further away from like super dark media. i mean dont get me wrong, i still like drawing dead dove stuff and being my degenerate self but i realized that ive been interacting with dark media on a practically daily basis now and its really fucking up my psyche and im probably consuming an unhealthy amount of it (well for me at least, i know people can handle much darker stuff but yeah). like i recognise i like fucked up shit but i dont want it to be normalised to me and accidentally skew my moral compass. (basically im in my metaphorical grass touching era) so ill probably do more sfw stuff here from now on :] which is super funny since the goal of my goretober prompt list was to desensitise myself from like super hardcore stuff but it ended up doing the exact opposite LMAODBQ rip
but thanks for reading all this ! it was pretty lengthy, so i do apologize for that. i hope you have a wonderful day 💛
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demdems · 2 months
sorry for being a little hater while watching the new natlan trailer and coughing up blood everywhere, that was a bit dramatic of me
mind the blood tho, we're still talking
a very not cohesive list of grievences i have with natlan [and genshin], I'm writing as i go so if its too long the rest is under read more
I mean truth be told i opened youtube, saw the trailer first thing, noticed the thumbnail, and kinda just immediately knew it was joever
we can start w the archon i guess [I'm assuming the red haired lady is the archon by using context clues] uh ive seen people argue that its fine/makes sense that she's white since the assumption that's been made is that she's based on himeko from hi3 but uh like, himeko murata is japanese, she's not white, if the name didn't make that obvious [this is similarly why i don't like the argument that nahida being white is fine due to her being based on theresa hi3, theresa is a clone of a white german woman im not sure why mhy based the archon of a nation based on swana cultures on her but i digress] i think its at least good that she beat the conquistador allegations, left a bad taste in my mouth when that was being speculated
The confirmation of names means people have been honing in on the cultures natlan is taking inspiration from, ive seen a lot. i made my best guess when talking with a friend but i believe theres polynesian, west african, indigenous american [mexico and central america? specifically based on the name citlali] [[feel free to correct me on anything]] honestly wasn't expecting much based on sumeru
Tbh i have like zero energy to hate on the natlan debut cast cuz i already did it w a friend but I'll do it anyways, its a lifestyle
the argument of, why look for dark skin rep in a game made by a company who's colorist [either by choice or due to pressure from the government since genshin has incredibly insane cultural impact in China], is legit since its like me looking for clothes at the soup store and getting upset
But genuinely even if mhy had a vision with genshin and wanted to show a diverse world in its game, its kinda weak to be almost so blatantly colorist outside their playable characters. I don't think that making npcs dark skinned and playable characters light skinned is a good look, especially when it's the second time that that the human enemies of the region for the most part are darker skinned than the characters used to fight them
And i don't like how parts of the community jumps on people who critique genshin for this. Like, if its a non issue to you why get upset with people yk. Plus never speaking up on stuff is bad like fine, the multi billion dollar company won't listen to you, but id like to think that other people would learn from this to some degree and understand why people get upset. And idk maybe its overstepping and silly but id like to thing that outrage reaches people who can see that yea maybe there's people who Will listen to the stories you wanna tell but idk
I just don't like that people are making it okay to just be racist and colorist like, that's just gonna eventually bounce back and then great everyones seeing how mad ur getting over someone wanting a character w a skin tone darker than #FFFFFF, i cant vocalize my thoughts right tho but you get me ig
aeugh anyways on the characters specifically, the darkest skinned character in the trailer looks almost gray thats not great, and then the girls w darker skin tones [there's so few men in genshin lately] are dressed very much not at all which is a reoccurrence, sumeru dressed its darker skinned characters in not a lot clothing which like if you've ever been to a country that's hot and sunny, people don't dress in swimwear they dress in pants and sleeved shirts because hi sun damage exists and too much exposure is unhealthy and people tend to get used to the climate
Also a lot of animal themed characters this time, do correct me if I'm wrong but i kinda see an overuse in the women of color in genshin being animal themed but if im looking too much into it then uh idk maybe genshin should release a catboy
The modern theming in the outfits isn't egregious but i think too much streetwear might bog down the overall look, like latin america cultures just by themselves have amazing fashion and god id kill to see something like a dancer based on mexico's traditional dances since those are the prettiest dresses, like modernizing is fine [i believe i saw somewhere that chongyun's outfit is based on chinese streetwear and i think it fits great in with the more traditional outfits in liyue] but stuff like the hoodies around the waist and the weird half shorts half pants of one of the characters kinda weakens the overall vision [but I'm not well versed in fashion so I'm not sure what direction wouldve been best for natlan to take to both respect the fashion of the cultures inspo is taken from and also fit in with genshins vibes overall]
Natlan the region itself is the best thing of the trailer tbh, it's very nice looking and yea there isn't a yellow orange filter over it like this were american tv or something, and the music is great i think the one part of the team who does good is the music
Personal expectations, i just hope the characters are good, like i hope good personality saves these guys and my soul while i play the natlan quest getting flashbanged everywhere i look
wegh, drip marketing Monday, and 5.0 in like 7 weeks, let's get this bread gamers
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valyrou · 2 years
Hi!! Could I request dazai with a weird person? (Ik it's not the term, maybe artistic, maybe something else, weird is the only global term which isn't that wrong). Basically they're extremely drawn by art, notice the most niche and least noticeable things and 'it makes sense in my head sorry' is their daily sentence which leads them to feel alone and not understood. Like this with dazai would be interesting I think (like the dynamic, i cant go on bc its starting to get so long but the whole 'dont feel like a proper human being too' ahhh i cant put the right words). There again- I'm sorry it makes sense for me-
Anyway have a good day and sorry <33
A/n: Hello Anon!! Of course I can do that!! I am working on multiple requests at once, kinda overworking myself with studies and work and on top of that I have finals soon and I should study a bit more.. ANYWAYS I related to this a little too much so I think I know what you mean by „weird person that can’t really describe what they think“ kinda stuff. But this isn’t about me so I HOPE YOU ENJOYYY
Warnings: to lazy to read over this rn so not proof read at all.. ALSO INSPIRED BY „no longer human“ by osamu Dazai lol?? Don’t know why but here we are :) reader doesn’t have a gender aswell, so GN reader
Dazai x Misunderstood! Reader
You couldn’t quite remember how you got to the art gallery with Dazai, but here you stood Infront of an magnificent piece of art. You could see how old it was by the cracks and discoloration, yet the way it was drawn, with such delicacy was as if it was drawn only a few minutes ago to you. The emotions and thought behind it, still visible to your eye. The way the eyes of that women were slightly casted down, the dark colored theme, the way the posture was drawn, everything seemed so right.
That was something everyone could see, yet even the way the clothes hung from her body made an important difference to the picture „Can you see her naked shoulder and the robe that almost seems to be put on lazily?“ you had begun your sentence, „it resembles her innocence and purity, no men could ever touch her..“ your voice got a little dreamier on the end. It took you some seconds to notice that’s Dazai didn’t respond. You immediately got embarrassed „it made sense in my head.. sorry“
You looked to your feet, cursing yourself out for saying such stupid things to him as if he could understand what you were thinking… if he could ever understand how you felt when the art practically screamed for you to tell its story, because you knew no one else could quite think like you. No one could. You were alone in this world that seemed to abandon you. Reject you from society as if you weren’t a human being. As if, the moment you shared a piece of your mind, you were no longer human..
You snapped out of your thoughts as you felt a soft hand on your shoulder „Yea, but also look at her hips, the way her robe curves there.“ he pointed subtly to were he meant, „she also seems tense, as if to say that she knew what the men around think of her.“ impressed you looked up to the tall brunette „You saw that?“ in response, Dazai only chuckled „Of course, you are not the only one that has a unique way to see and think.“ his hand gently squeezing your shoulder
„You are not alone. Not everyone might understand what you are trying to say, but I promise you there are always a hand full of people that do. Don’t push yourself down, see the ups of having a unique way to think, even if you can’t voice it.“ he shot you a cheerful smile and for the first time, you felt accepted. Accepted in this so shallow society you always had claimed not to be a part of.
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vxlentinescookies · 4 months
This took me a while, but here's what I think:
Golden Cheese Cookie's Consort: "Your Importance": This would signify, everytime this phrase is used, how much her partner means to Golden Cheese and how invaluable they are. Has 3 syllables, just like the word Radiance. Only one person in the kingdom can call them by name instead of the title, and that's Golden Cheese. The few exceptions include Olive Cookie and Fettuccine Cookie, since Olive Cookie has specifically called Golden Cheese by name before, and the other Ancients.
Dark Cacao Cookie's Consort: I feel like the Dark Cacaoans would use something more traditional, like "Your Majesty" or Consort. Again, like Golden Cheese's, only Dark Cacao and the other Ancients can call his partner by name.
Hollyberry Cookie's Consort: I feel like this is a bit hard, because there is no male or gender neutral equivalent of Hollyberry's title of Queen Mother 😂. Your best bet is to go traditional, like Consort or Your Majesty like Dark Cacao. Wildberry Cookie refuses to call Hollyberry's partner by name. No matter what.
White Lily Cookie's Consort: White Lily Cookie is technically not a ""true"" royal, however, since the Faeries call her Guardian, probably something traditional. See Dark Cacao and Hollyberry. The Faeries don't ever refer to White Lily Cookie's partner by name.
Pure Vanilla Cookie's Consort: Kinda lame but, traditional as it goes, for the last 3 Ancients. They can choose to call them by name, but most opt to just call them properly.
- Autumn anon
Alright I woke up and, I really like this :^000 This is really interesting even if the last 4 are more traditional, it makes sense!
Her importance fits Golden Cheese because her partner means everything to them by the point she trusts them with ruling a kingdom, they mean a lot and are expected to be respected and known how much of importance they are
For Dark Cacao, there is indeed the thing of tradition, they are very traditional so to use more traditional names (excuse my redundance) would fit
For Hollyberry, well, Monarch parent feels... odd tbh so yea the first thought its to resort to traditionalism, but I feel that there could be another option. This might be odd but Berry Consort comes to mind.
White Lily is a special case, of course she isnt exactly a royal, but that dosent mean she dosent deserve a name! Guardianhood seems to fit both so, I'll go with that.
Finally, Pure Vanilla, traditional also seems to fit him, so I'll go with that for now
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rosenallies · 2 years
Hospital prompt 5. Anetra gets into an accident on her motorcycle (for this to work she has to be a sexy motorcycle driver 🤷‍♀️) and her partners meet her at the hospital afterwards
Ok I hope u don’t get mad at me for changing this a bit but I think someone else was doing a biker anetra thing but like I kinda had an idea for an au where Anetra’s a professional drag racer(like cars vroom vroom bc she looked so hot in her racing outfit😭😭) but anywaY that’s what I’m going with here😌🫣
5. "As soon as I heard what happened, I dropped everything and rushed over here."
“Sasha! Sasha!”
Sasha heard her name being called from across the parking lot as she sped toward the entrance to the emergency room. Marcia came into view, frantic and sobbing, repeating Sasha’s name over and over again. Pulling them close, Sasha tucked them against her, rocking them back and forth.
“Breathe, baby, breathe. Come on, she’ll be okay. Did you find out what room she’s in?”
Marcia shook their head, barely able to breathe. “N-no, I-I didn’t go in, I just got here.”
Rubbing their back, Sasha soothed them gently. “Okay, baby, are you okay to go in? Anetra needs you to be strong for her, can you do that?
Nodding, Marcia rubbed at their red eyes. “Yea, I’m sorry.”
“No, no, honey, don’t be sorry. I’m worried too,” she said, kissing Marcia’s forehead, letting her lips linger for a moment. “Ready?”
Marcia held on tightly to Sasha’s hand as they went inside, worry inhibiting their senses so they let Sasha do all the talking and guide them down the hallway. They came back to their senses when Sasha stopped them outside a room, knocking softly before guiding them in.
“Oh Netra,” Sasha cooed, “as soon as we heard what happened, we dropped everything and rushed over here. Are you okay?”
Anetra scoffed. “I’m fine, everyone’s being dramatic. It could’ve been a lot worse. I crawled out the window right before my car caught fire.”
“Jesus,” Sasha muttered, running a hand down her face, “you could’ve been killed.”
“I was so worried,” Marcia reiterated, sitting on the hospital bed next to Anetra, taking her hand.
“I’m fine, Marc, I promise.”
“I know but-“
“I’m okay, I promise,” she said, winking, “it’s not even the worst crash I’ve had on the track.”
Marcia huffed. “Why couldn’t we have fallen in love with someone who had a safe job? Not someone who crashes cars for a living.”
“Hey, I don’t just crash them, I win races in them,” she said with a dazzling smile, the same smile that Marcia had fallen in love with over and over again.
Laughing, Sasha sat next to them, taking Marcia’s hand and Anetra’s. “Alright, alright, this bickering isn’t gonna help Netra heal. Do you hurt at all, baby?”
Sasha took in Anetra’s appearance and besides a few scrapes and bruises, she seemed okay.
“No, they really only made me come here to make sure I don’t have any head injuries, but I had my helmet on.”
Tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear, Sasha hummed. “Good, I’m glad.”
“But if being injured means you’ll take care of me all night, then ow, oh everything hurts,” she whined with a feigned pout.
“You’re an idiot,” Marcia muttered, rolling their eyes lightheartedly, “but we’ll take care of you, right, Sash?”
“As if I don’t take care of the both of you every day.”
Anetra laughed. “I love you guys, thanks for coming,” her voice softened, “I was a little scared actually. None of my cars have ever gone up in flames like that.”
“Darling, you don’t have to be brave for us. Right, Marc?”
Marcia nodded. “I cry over everything! Of course you don’t have to be brave for us.”
“Thanks, I’ll try not to be. Maybe you’ll come to my next race? For luck?”
“Marcia might have to cover her eyes the whole time, but of course we’d love to come, darling.”
“I most definitely will be covering my eyes, but I’ll be there.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” she replied with a wink.
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peapod20001 · 1 year
I am still DESPERATE to know about CRUSH's cult. what is it called? how do they recruit people? how did it start? what are its core beliefs? how are T's children viewed by other, non-family members?
Names!! Are not my strong suit. At all. Tbh I forgot a name was even smth I’d need to come up with 😭 and thus I have nothing at all </3 I’m so sorry for disappointing in that department,,,but I can kinda elaborate more for your other questions! <:3
So the cult as it is now has SF pretty much as the head of it all, it kinda operates the same as your average cult but then it also has some influence from the dark web (cheesy I know jus bare with me </3)
The mentality has always been around, see that 1st post with papa T talking about how evil is necessary and whatever, but the followers of this belief have never been grouped together in this way before. They were drawn in by the I guess “awakening” of SF, she has the same presence as her father and he was the one who brought evil to the world
T’s family (both siblings and children) have a glamour about them, this makes people more likely to fall under their influence. A good example of this would be Steve cus he literally convinced himself that getting murdered, by none other than one of T’s offspring, was love and he continues to hold this belief. Of course that glamour doesn’t always work, and some have more alluring qualities than others which makes them stronger in that sense. SF is a lot like her dad in this regard, she brings out the worst in people
So with her alluring aura, and an internet connection, SF was able to reach millions across the world and set off a spark in many that would make them start to feel and act in a certain way (SF is an online influencer in the most literal sense, and gaining access to the dark side of the internet gave her the means to get some crazy people to do some crazy shit).
The beliefs she feeds to her followers are to never water yourself down and act as the purest form of yourself. This can be interpreted differently among them all but the innocent ones takes this as loving without fear, and the less innocent ones take it as act out because it is your right to (Ike was definitely one of the more innocent ones on the surface haha but he was way too down for the murder and cannibalism)
And yea! People are just in the wrong play at the wrong time and are gullible enough to fall for a two faced liar </3
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counterphobes · 2 years
how did you get into typo + figured out your enneagram?
Got into it in middle school because I was mentally ill and took every personality quiz I could find😭 I would literally spend hours on quizlet. So naturally I just stumbled upon mbti at one point and then got into ennea after getting tumblr at 14. My first type was Intj because thats what the test gave me 💀
I figured out I was an Isfp because I sat down my sisters and made them read through horrid cringe mbti posts and they went "well yea the artist fits you most ofc" (cus im good at drawing) and yea it was right 😭 Sometimes u just gotta go simple and admit to yourself you're a stereotype
With baby's first ennea core I went for cp6w5 actually. I just read through the description and went "yeah this works for me 100%". My first tritype + iv was spsx 648 because I was convinced Im this mean and dark person, also any abused kid identifies with 8 at one point lol.
Then people told me I wasn't aggressive enough, that I was too caring and a doormat, so I typed as 9w8 sxsp. The 9 lasted for a couple of years, turned to 9w1. The spsx became sxsp cus ppl said I wasnt contra. Its funny how people used to tell me I was way too mellow and chill to be contraflow and now they all insist I'm overly aggressive and so so so undeniably contra😭 The only reason I went from sxsp to sxso is because ppl agreed I was very sp-blind (as u can see, I've never changed anything about my type by myself. I usually always asked ppl around me how I come across) and I'm very obviously sp-blind so it was a good call.
I only stopped typing as a 9 like..a bit more than a year ago? I went from 946 to a 2 core 295 tritype. I had always really related to 2 but never typed that way because people insisted I was too much of an edgelord and too selective of ppl to be one. Now I think its just being cp6 + FiSe + sx-dom. So I went with 2 for a bit, but honestly it didn't make much sense and the 5fix was just so I could blame all my obvious headcore behavior on it😭 goofy.
But yeah then I just went with cp6 again a couple months ago, can't believe I typed my core correctly at 14 and then it took me 6 years to type that way again. I think its accurate, the only thing im iffy on is if im a p6 or cp6 (im sxso so its kinda hard to tell for me)
I guess my way of typing myself has always been about getting feedback/relating to others but it wasn't always right. My advice would be (if you're asking for advice) to keep it simple, to not dive into your own traumas or passions or whatever too much. Thats not typology, thats personal. Just think about what makes you you in the most basic way, how do you react to others, what do others see? What actions do you take? I think one can often blind oneself a lot. You only know whats inside your head, not whats subconsciously lying in your brain and you can get very caught up in your own idea of self-image. Other people have a better chance at guessing this. They see your body language, your behavior, your essence much clearer tbh. Just..base it on tangible things in your life.
Hope this long ass answer is what you were looking for😭 (I use this emoji way too much)
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younghosfavewhore · 4 years
don’t rush
plot; you find out hendery’s a virgin, but he wants to change that. what kind of friend would you be not to take him up on the offer?
pairing; virgin!hendery x semi-experienced fem!reader
prompts; [s]13 “God, you feel amazing.” [s]31 “I want you so bad.” 
warnings; MATURE CONTENT, kinda fluffy, oral (m receiving), fingering, swearing, protected sex
wc; 2.5k
"you're a virgin?" you exclaim in shock. 
"yes, could you be any louder?" hendery replies. 
"sorry, its just... surprising to say the least." 
"how so?"
"you don’t look like a virgin."
"what does a virgin look like?" he chuckles
"i’m not even sure." you laugh. “not as good looking as you. with your looks, you’d think you would have some experience.”
“huh, is that a compliment?” he smiles.
“sure, yea. it’s not like it’s a bad thing to be a virgin i just never really took you for one.” you smile back. “i can’t believe i’m just now finding out; you never thought to tell me this before?”
“never came up.” 
you and hendery had been friends for about 4 years now. of course you had discussed sex before, but never too in-depth; only because there were other things to talk about. it just wasn’t important. but hendery, a virgin? this was probably the most shocking thing he’s ever told you.
“why are you so interested anyways?” he jokes.
“i’m not, it’s just you never thought to tell me!”
“it wasn’t important! and it still isn’t!” he smiles. “plus, if it were that easy, i wouldn’t be a virgin. it’s not like i’m choosing to not have sex.”
“so then what is it? is it something sappy like, ‘you’re waiting for the one’?” you tease him.
“yea, actually. well, something like that. i just want it to be meaningful, y’know? what if the girl only wants me for sex? or ends up telling people? i can’t just go around doing things like that, y/n. i have to be smart about this. it has to be someone i trust.”
you were struck into silence, hendery had rarely talk about his feelings to this extent.
“shit, i didn’t even think about it like that.” you reply. “that makes sense. don’t worry, a guy like you is bound to find the perfect person.”
“honestly... if it’s not too direct,” he starts. “i trust you.”
your eyes widen. “huh?”
“not like- i just mean-”
“you trust me... to have your virginity?” you question.
“yes? i mean, you’re practically the only girl i talk to. and you have experience, right? who else would be a better fit?”
“maybe a future girlfriend?” you joke, though you’re half serious. the pressure of doing something as significant as taking his virginity... was way too much to bear. “you shouldn’t feel obligated-”
“i don’t feel obligated, y/n. honestly, i’ve thought about this before, i hope that doesn’t seem weird, but i have. nothing would have to come of it. it can just be sex, but the difference is that i’m more... fond of you?”
“fond? hendery what are you saying?” you knew what he was trying to say, but you need the clarification.
“i like you? not in an ‘i want a relationship’ way. but, like i said, i just trust you, plus you mean a lot to me anyway. if you don’t want to do it, don’t feel pressured. at all. but, if you’d consider it, that wouldn’t be horrible...” his voice trails off.
“when would you want to do it?” you look at him.
“is that a yes?” he smiles.
“eh, i still have to think about it. you’re right, it wouldn’t be horrible,” you tease. “now answer the question: when?”
“today?” you reply to his question with a question. “exactly how much time have you spent thinking about this?”
“not enough to know what i’m doing, but enough to know that i want to do it.” he chuckles.
the setting became tense. you and hendery were at your house. alone. it was getting dark, meaning it was around 6. your parents weren’t in town, they normally weren’t, it wasn’t a huge deal. but the tension; you and hendery were always touchy and clingy, but now the finger that he’s tracing up your arm had a completely different aura.
“have you ever kissed someone?” you reply, it seemed like a dumb question but you needed to gauge his experience.
“yes, i’m not that much of a virgin.”
you can’t help but laugh at his newfound confidence. "are you good at it?"
"you tell me." without hesitation, he leans in towards you and kisses you.
you freeze for a second and he pulls away. the kiss was all too short, but he wasn't bad. at all.
"should i not have done that?" hendery asks as his eyes scan yours.
you don’t respond, instead, you press your lips back to his.
hendery brings his hand up to your chin, pulling you closer to him and deeper into the kiss. he’s wearing a hoodie and sweats, as usual, but now you could notice a bulge in his pants.
“are you hard?” you ask, breaking the kiss.
“shit, am i?” he smiles and looks down to his groin. “already?”
you smile back and the tension fills the room again.
“can i sit on your lap?” you ask and his eyes widen.
“but... i’m hard.”
“yea, that’s the point. i’ll grind on you, it’ll feel good.”
he nods and gestures for you to sit. you climb on top of him, straddling his lean frame. he hesitantly places his hands on your hips. you lean back in to kiss him and the sensation of his erection pressed against you causes a moan to slip out.
“sorry...” you mumble and see a smile on hendery’s face.
“don’t be.” he pulls you back into the kiss as his grip tightens on your hips.
you start to grind on him, very slightly at first, almost teasing him. he grunts into your mouth, a quiet form of encouragement and you grind a bit faster.
“does this feel alright?” you were experiencing your own bliss.
he nods, “take this slow, ok? don’t rush.” he smiles and presses kisses against your neck.
“ok,” you whisper and a cheesy grin plasters across your face. “just let me know if you want to stop.”
“i don’t think i’d ever want this to stop.” his hand latches onto your ass as he talks. “i’ve always wanted to do that.”
“i think you’ve thought about this more than you’re letting on.” you tease him.
“maybe...“ he smiles and presses his lips back against yours.
you grind a bit faster, admiring the way his hands grip your skin and his lips move with your own. his hands trail up your back, pressing you against his chest. he lies back and his bulge is a lot more prominent against you. you sit up, break the kiss, plant your hands against his chest and grind against him harder at this new angle.
he bites his lip before swearing, “fuck, y/n...” he braces his hands back on your hips, guiding them to hit where you and him both want. 
his eyes bore into yours and suddenly his innocent aura seemed long gone.
“can i take off my shirt?” you ask, wanting to assure that you weren’t moving too fast.
he nods and helps lift the seam of your shirt, sliding it over your head. hendery’s hands immediately move to your breasts, he nearly rips off your bra and the hunger in his eyes became evident.
“what happened to taking it slow?” you tease.
“fuck that,” he smiles and begins taking off his own shirt, “i just want you so bad, y/n. i don’t think i’ve ever wanted anyone this bad in my life.” he chuckles.
‘i’m glad we’re feeling the same way.” you smile and start to untie his sweatpants. “is this ok?”
“you don’t have to keep asking,” his hands begin toying with your nipples. “i trust you, remember?”
you smile before climbing off of him. he looks a bit confused until you say, “i want to suck you off.”
his eyes widen and he hesitates, you thought you may have made a wrong move. “really?”
“o-ok...” he replies.
“don’t be nervous,” your hands trail over his bulge. “i know what i’m doing.” you smile.
he nods and lets his head fall back on your bed. you slide off his sweats and see a small, damp spot on his boxers; precum. you place a peck on the spot, you weren’t even sure why. this moment was just so endearing, you couldn’t help yourself. he lets out a soft whimper. he was so sensitive. you softly rub the hard bulge, watching for his reaction. he groans and slightly jerks his hips forward.
you slide off his boxers and he was so much bigger than you expected. his cock was thick, so thick, and veiny. you trace your fingers along the blue and red streaks and he lets out more whimpers. you notice precum dripping from the thick tip of his cock and lap it up.
his hips buck up and his tip is shoved into your mouth. you hear his groans get muffled by his hands. you take as much of his cock as you can into your mouth, struggling to wrap your mouth around his girth and letting out small moans as you do so.
“y/n... s’good...” he murmurs.
you bring your hand up to his balls, they were plump and heavy; full of cum and begging to be emptied. you fondle them for a bit and his hips jerk again, shoving his cock further into your throat. you gag a bit, moaning at the stretch of your mouth. spit runs down his cock and he sits up, admiring the sight.
“so fuckin’ good.” his eyelids were heavy. his hands make their way to your cheek. slowly, he glides his cock in and out of your mouth, not quite fucking your face but just enjoying the sight of your plump lips wrapped around his cock.
he slides his cock out of your mouth and you both let out a moan at the absence.
“that was...” his voice trails off when you wrap your hand around his cock, tightly stroking it. “fuck, y/n. you’re amazing. but i need more.”
you smile, sitting up and releasing your grip.
 he sits up with you and starts to untie your shorts.
“what position do you want to do?” you ask, obviously catching him off guard.
“which do you prefer?” 
“this isn’t about me.” you remind him with a smile.
he slides your shorts off and latches onto your ass again. “you’re the experienced one here.” he smiles, placing kisses on your chest and breasts. “how about missionary? i want to see all of you while we fuck.”
his words send butterflies straight to your core. “hendery… so bold…” you joke as you lie down beneath him.
the angle allows him to see the wet spot on your underwear. he grazes a finger over it, sending a shiver down your spine. his hands make their way to your boobs, he hovers over you, kissing and licking at your neck and jawline. 
“hendery…” you moan.
he slips off your underwear, running a finger along your shiny, wet, folds. “should i finger you first,” he asks. “to stretch you out?”
you nod, bringing your hands to caress his tone abs. you moans as he slips a finger into you.
“shit, you’re… tight.” he whimpers, his fingers squirming inside you.
“faster…” you whimper, already craving more of him.
he pumps his finger faster in and out of you, the sound and sight of your soaking pussy turned him on so much.
“can i add another?”
you nod, you’ll need the stretch before he goes inside you anyways.
he slips another finger inside of you. he curves it and hits your spot perfectly. 
“fuck, hendery. you’re so good.” you whimper.
he lifts a hand to rub your clit and you arch your back in response. hendery seemed indulged in your pleasure, closely observing your reaction to his touch. you glance down at his cock, precum dripped down his shaft.
“condoms… in my dresser…” you whimper, subliminally pleading for him to finally fill you up.
he nods, slips out of you, walks to your dresser and grabs a condom. you admire his body as he walks back, ripping the package open. he slides the condom on, positioning himself in front of your spread legs. he flicks your clit before teasing your wet slit with the head of his cock.
“fuck… so warm.” he groans
he thrusts into you, his stature faltering. he lets out loud groans as he bottoms out inside you. his groans mingle with your moans and whimpers; the feeling of him stretching out your tight pussy was overwhelming.
“f-fuck, hendery.” your hands grasp at his biceps, needing something to grip onto. 
his hands grab your waist, clenching onto you for stability. “fuck...fuck. y/n, you’re so tight.” he pulls out, leaving just the tip in before slamming back in to you. for his first time, he was doing amazing. “god, you feel amazing… i don’t think i’ll last…” he grunts.
you pull his body down to yours, wrapping your arms and legs around his frame. he kisses you before starting to thrust in and out of you, slowly at first but building a steady rhythm. he groans into your mouth, the kiss was messy but his strokes weren’t.
“you’re doing s-so well.” you pant as he fucks into you.
he smiles, pressing wet kisses on your neck.
“d-don’t stop.” he was fucking you into oblivion, his pace was still slow and consistent but you needed more. “faster, please?” you whimper.
he sits back up, bringing your legs to his shoulders. he took in the sight of your face contorted in pleasure as he sped up his thrusts.
“like this?” he stammers and grunts as you tighten around him.
“yes,” you moan in response. “just like that.” your whimpers echo in the room; an epiphany of vulgar sounds mixing in the tense air.
“fuck, y/n… i’m so close…” he pants, speeding up his thrusts even more. his finger moves to your clit, rubbing it and sending you into orbit.
“i-i’m coming. please, just like that- don’t stop-” you ramble until you hit your high.
the room is now silent, your mouths agape, eyes burning into each other’s as you orgasm around his cock. simultaneously, his cock empties out into the condom. you both remain still, breathless as you come down from your high. hendery’s weight drops onto you and you wrap your arms around him, savoring the feeling of his thick cock twitching inside of you.
“fuck.” he growls quietly into your ear. “just... fuck.”
he slides off of you, his and your body too limp and fucked out to move.
“we really just did that,” you smile, turning to look at him.
“we did.” he smiles back. “and it was fucking amazing.” beads of sweat now covered his forehead and chest.
“you did really well.” you compliment him and kiss his cheek.
“thank you,” he smiles, pecking your lips. “maybe we should do this more often?”
“you wish,” you tease. “maybe it wouldn’t be horrible… but for now, we need to clean up.” you smile and gesture to the condom.
he slides it off, and tosses it in the trash.
“shower?” you say, offering him your hand.
he nods, takes your hand and you make your way to your bathroom.
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smiledog15578 · 3 years
OK BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT LIKE... who the real villain is in wkm?
I think we all know who it is it’s pretty obvious it’s the house but I honestly think we don’t talk about it often? Literally that’s the mf who’s the real bastard here. ITS THEORY TIME 😼
While actor Mark is an asshole and technically a villain he wasn’t like like that before. Hell he was a generous man helping his friends and was a loved man. When Celine left his ass he was venerable af and the entity was like “TIME TO MANIPULATE THIS MAN FOR MY OWN GAIN” and made him the asshole the way that he is now. I think actor Mark thinks that he’s in control oh shit because he might of been told that but really the house is pulling the strings and making him believe that. He’s literally just about chess piece to use for this evil game of chess (lol analogy)
I’d also like to point out that Celine might of left actor because the house told her to. At the time actor wasn’t vulnerable especially with having a good life with his wife and having an outstanding career and the house probably didn’t like that. So in order to make him weak it took the only thing that he lived at the time, Celine. Another reason she left was because of bad vibes. That house is just infested with bad juju and Celine being a seer noticed that over time but back then since it was kinda discouraged to divorce especially for a women to do it luckily William knew and took her in. William has lived in the same house actor lived so I’m guessing he’s aware of the evil it contains since when he gets turned into Wilford hell even during wkm he isn’t weirded out by the things happening to the house and other weird shit. He was trying to protect Celine. Now again I just wanna say the adultery doesn’t excuse it still a shitty thing to do and William is still a stubborn a hole just as much as actor.
HOWEVER this situation is like novel: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925). (Btw if you don’t want spoilers skip this) in the book, daisy cheats with Gatsby behind Tom’s (daisy’s husband) back because like I said either during those times it was shunned for women to divorce their husbands and during those days women weren’t really independent back then. They were VERY pressured to get married and have children etc etc. Tom was an asshole to daisy and was even cheating on her but of course men and women back then had double standards where women couldn’t or should do this and same went for men. and I’m not saying that Celine didn’t love actor cause I’m sure they did love each other so much but it kinda explains why she left him other than just because. I also don’t think Celine was necessarily abusive nor do I think actor was at the time. Things got heated and the only scapegoat was to leave him and never return to that house again.
Another thing on my tiny pea sized brain is about the houses world. I have a theory that the house has created a universe inside it while Everything out side it is the original universe (or just our reality idk). This is why George (the groundskeeper) doesn’t appear in any of the new videos is because he wasn’t in the house during all this mess (in the character world idk if the actor for George just didn’t wanna be in the series but then you have to wonder why his portrait isn’t up in the hallway dark made in AHWM). You can think of the house as if it’s a movie set or a green screen. To us and the actors we see these worlds and weird shit when in reality there’s nothing there. Nobody actually dies in this universe because like movies no one actually dies they’re just not on the set. Even the side characters don’t really die cause us as the viewers revive them be just rewatching the video. Wilford knows people won’t die because 1. He’s seen his friend get up and walk around after being dead and 2. He knows that when people “die” they just come back by the help of your Or the entity. He acknowledges that in AHWM where he states that we can PAUSE the video. Almost none of the characters except Wilford has acknowledged that which makes me think he’s a lot smarter the we think or just has more common sense. Wilford is forgetful sure but that doesn’t mean he’s stupid he was a colonel for crying out loud one of the highest ranks in the US army lol. I’d like to also point out that Wilford uses this set ordeal to his advantage most importantly. In WKM we see William do it too by appearing one place then teleporting to another place. Kinda think of the house as the 3rd dimension. Wilford “escapes” that dimension to a new plane and can come back when in reality he’s just leaving what the house is previewing to everyone in the house. Everyone else In this universe except maybe actor, Wilford, and dark know that you don’t have to play along. These people in the houses universe are programmed to believe that they can’t escape have HAVE to play a character.
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(Spoilers for wandavision) when I watched wandavision not that long ago it made me think about the MCU (not marvel cinematic universe😏✨ MARKIPLIER cinematic universe) and how it’s kinda like that. Wanda in the show creates this force field out of grief where everything inhabits it is turned into her liking of what fits the narrative. People are being held hostage to just play a part in Wandas sick tv show SHES made for her and her husband. People outside the forcefield are just normal people but once they put a person, object, etc it gets turned into what WANDA wants. I think that fits into the mcu because the house is EXACTLY like that. These mfs haven’t aged at all because time isn’t existing for their universe. Abe thinks that he’s been tracing down William for years but Mark said that “he thinks that but really wmlw is right after wkm” (that’s paraphrasing go watch the wmlw to get a better explanation LMAO) but like I said the house makes you feel like it’s been only years or days but it’s not even close to that.
With that all being said I don’t think anyone here is the real villain here or the hero. Like Mark said They’re all human which they have bad and good traits the only thing that’s the real asshole is the house. It’s like it’s a living breathing purgatory that creates chaos
A GAME- or a youtube .. YouTube theory? YEA A YOUTUBE THEORY!
now mind you I’m not the best at writing so I’m sorry that none of this made sense feel free to correct me or chime in with your theories but I just wanted to share my theories and ideas :) and if you made it those far I’m sorry I wasted ur time HSJSJDJJSJD
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scourge-sympathiser · 3 years
dont worry abt needing to add anything i just wanna share this idea b4 i forget it but also i dont rlly know any1 who likes warriors so,,,
okay i saw a little animation on utube about fallen leaves and while i was reading up on his wiki it hit me
in outcast, after jaypaw has been having dreams about fallen n his death, n after meeting him while looking 4 the missing kits in the tunnels, fallen asks him to stay but jay declines.
what if, unhappy w/ being forced to be a medcat, and wanting to live his *own* life he accepts? and a similar thing to what happened to holly happens where the cave entrance collapses (whether fallen and jay had smth to do with it or it was just convenient, idk), n everyone thinks that jay died saving these kits. but really hes living his best life in the caves. fallen teaches him how to hunt and fight well, bc the caves are dark, 's not like you can see very well even if you weren't blind.
and jay starts having the dreams where he's jay's wing, back in the ancients time, and its a little different where instead of having a crush on halfmoon he (jay's Wing) had a crush on fallen before fallen died in the caves. and thats why jay brings up the idea to leave to the mountains. and when he ends up back in the present he realizes that he once again has a crush on fallen.
and fallen remembers, or recognizes jay as jay's wing and is like "oh... Oh!" and realizes he also, once again, has a crush. and so jay choses that as his full name. Jaywing.
jay starts walking in dreams and having visions of The Battle, and at this point its been a couple of years at this point, the whole thing w/ ashfur happened and the gathering where holly tells after killing ash happens, and jay finds out through holly's dreams, bc shes projecting her own fears, anger, and insecurities hard while she sleeps. and that really makes jay upset but then he talks w/ fallen and comes to the conclusion that it doesnt matter who his real parents were, bramble and squirrel are still his parents to him.
eventually with the battle looming on the horizon, and rock urging him to go, he leaves the caves. and returns to thunderclan. n fallen can follow him due to his powers, and at first the clan think jay is a rogue or loner, but its dove who has Never seen him before who mentions that he's blind just from observing how carful he puts his paws down that everyone freezes before going "jay???"
and oh mouse dung, hes no longer a grumpy, scrawny medcat apprentice. he's still on the shorter side but he filled out, muscle no one thought he'd have ripples beneath his coat, he's as strong as a *warrior*. and has the skills as one, too. he can hunt and fight as well as the rest of them, its almost like he isn't blind when he's actually in the zone. but he still bumps into things n trips over roots or uneaven ground.
and yeah the Battle happens and he's out there, using his starsight to fight along side fallen leaves, until the battle is won and fallen reunites with his family, and is torn between staying with jay in the caves and actually going where hes supposed to. jay tells him to go, he'll be okay, and to wait for him.
but wait, if cats can be reincarnated and have powers... why can't the tribe of endless hunting and starclan let him properly live where he left off? so hes given another chance and put back into the tunnels with a physical form, and meets jay again and joins him in thunderclan.
idk thats what i have sorry abt rambling!!
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ok actually i kinda lov this? im a suckr 4 ghost romance & jay being like ok actually fuck yall........... i would perhapz move the kit thing a little further down the timeline so tht jay is a bit older tho, maybe
like the idea tht part of why fallen asked for him to stay waz a hint of fimiliarity tht just growz & one day he just like... Seez it on jayz face whn he wakez up from a dream about the ancients- or like maybe jay callz him by a nickname from timez long since passed, tht kinda thing? on one hand im like yea on the other the trope of "i like u bcuz u remind me of a dead personi loved" isnt my fav but like a little sprinkle isnt bad
interesting 2 think of wht would happen 2 hollyleaf with her escape into the cavez long since blocked off by both rockz n the truma of loosing a sibling.... like, doez she stay in the clanz? might be fun if she ended up living in the field tht crow & leaf once tried 2 leave thru, but also he awkwardly still being in thunderclan..... lov tht
n well i just Cannot care about the battle i do LOV jaywing coming out of the tunnelz just likle hai guyz whtz up :3 as if he didnt fake his own death.... also the idea of jay using his dreamwalking ability 2 just check up on his family & see how thy r like. Doing
idk about fallen coming back with a body bcuz tht seemz like more thn starclan or endless hunting could do but also it would be VERY VERY weird 4 fallen 2 come back w/ the regular method of being reborn a kit.......... pursonaly i think it would be fun for him 2 stay a ghost but no longer be attached 2 the cave system- instead just exploring & hanging out with jay who can alwayz sense his presence- other catz somtimez catch glimpsez but hez not like. very tangible most timez.... many catz think jay probably just lost it a little in the tunnelz, not tht he rly goez around like hey evry1 herez my ghost make he just talkz 2 himself, laughz at seemingly nothing, tht kinda thing
..... honest 2 god didnt mean 2 add this much im holding myself back, evn,
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pink-buster · 2 years
Can you tell me more about your hometown horror au
ABSOLUTELY!!! Though just a thing before I start, this is a vent/coping au (basically an au meant for projecting my feelings/problems onto) so things can get a bit dark as you'd expect :( I will tw/cw everything that I remember, but just a warning before I start!
Also, note: most of the events are metaphorical for things that happened to me irl/I go through irl so. this isn't really "my life story but with Deltarune chars" it's just mostly metaphors/symbolism
Also don't expect this au to make TOO much sense, I just kinda go w my emotions for it lol, I'm aware it can be pretty nonsensical at times
CW: child neglect mention, brief emotional abuse mention, snowgrave route mention, general depressing stuff
"Chapter 1" events are still being written so this is MOSTLY gonna be "chapter 2 onward" centric cus it's the most developed rn? Also since only 2 chapters are out right now in the canon game,, some things MAY change in the future depending on what happens. sooo this story might not be the same when future chapters come out
Basically the chapter 2 events start kind of the same? Susie and Kris go on another dark world adventure, they find Noelle and Berdly there, etc. However, in this au, things happen and Berdly figures out a way to overthrow Queen and take over cyber world as his own (told you it can be nonsensical at times LOL)
Desperate for attention and adoration after being neglected for so long, he attempts to take over the world and make everyone pay attention to him in the only way he knows how in the moment??? He also kinda has this thing where he can do smth similar to what Giff.any does in Gra.vit.y fa.lls (not gonna put this in another tag lol) like how she travels from different devices. Berdly can do that kinda. idk how to describe it
Meanwhile, unfortunately (because I went through similar types of ab*se during my life. hhh) the snowgrave route is in the main storyline (I may make a version of a different timeline in the future, with a different route as the storyline, mainly cus the snowgrave route is. really sad to me and what follows in this au makes me really sad?? So I might make an alt timeline for this au that's a bit happier than this one)
Noelle loses control of her ice powers in the dark world shortly after, and can't be left around other people for very long, as she might hurt them, or worse
She eventually has to be locked away in a room in Ralsei's castle, because she's way too emotionally unstable to go back to Hometown again (it wouldn't be very safe for her), and her powers (which are mostly emotion-based in this au) are too out of control to be around people in dark worlds. Some of the gang still visits her (mostly Susie), but she doesn't get much socialization due to what happened. ;;v;;
Yea it's. kinda depressing. but I mean. that's what happens when a traumatized mentally ill teenager makes a coping au ig ;;<;;
There's a lot more, but I don't want to make this post too long :']
Sorry if I seem less bubbly (???) than I usually am in my posts, I wanted to be more serious for this post due to the more serious subject matter mentioned?
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fockfjdkfncnfn · 4 years
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Quite the ride | Luke Hemmings smut
summary: it’s a normal day and you didn’t have much plans except for dropping off some overdue books at the library. on the way, you decide to stop by at a cafe and you meet Luke there for the first time. you hit it off really well and on a cute date with him to a carnival and then things escalate.
warnings: unprotected sex, sex on the first date, oral uhmmm yeaaaa
requested: YES!! this is my first request from one of my friends i’ve just made here on tumblr! <3 their @ is @lukeshemmo. they write too so go check their stuff out!
word count: 3125
A/N: hiii!! thank y’all so much for 36 notes on my first smut!!!! i was really shocked to see so many people had read it and liked and tevloghed and stuff so thank you so much and i hope you enjoy this one <3 remember, requests are open to feel free to leave some!
ps. the book/cafe names i used in this are random ones that i just found in google lolol okay enjoy!
It was a chilly winter morning and you were woken up by the sounds of your bed creaking as you were rolling over. You fluttered your eyes open and looked out the window to see the frost on the corners of your windows and the slightest bit of sunlight shining through the tree branches outside. “So cold” you whispered to yourself as you reached your arm out from under your warm blanket to grab your phone. as you took the charger out from your phone, you saw the screen light up, showing a reminder you had set for yourself the night before so that you could see it first thing in the morning. “Return books to the library,” it said. annoyed, you groaned and set your phone down beside you. You secretly wanted to stay in bed all day because of how chilly it was, but you knew that if you didn’t take the books back today you’d have to pay for it. 
With that thought in mind, you sat up and stretched your arms above your head and planted your feet on your cold hardwood floors, and made your way into the kitchen. You wanted to have a quick and simple breakfast since you weren’t feeling too hungry, so you settled on a bowl of cereal. 
you grabbed out a white bowl and poured your cereal and milk into it, thinking about what else you could do for the rest of the day after returning the books. You sat down at your kitchen island and started to eat. as you were eating, you scrolled through Instagram on your phone and an ad caught your attention. 
“Groundup cafe! grand opening happening today downtown! Come visit and enjoy some fresh, deliciously made coffee”
“That sounds interesting,” you thought to yourself as you ate another spoonful of cereal. You did some more research to see where the cafe was located and noticed that it was only a couple of minutes away from the library you were going to. “Maybe I’ll go after'' you thought to yourself as you finished the last of your cereal and put the bowl in the sink. 
You made your way into the bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed your teeth. You wrapped your hair up in a towel and one around your body then walked out to go to your closet. “Hmm what should I wear?’ You thought to yourself. Outside it was lightly snowing, so you decided that layering up would be a good idea. You decided to wear some cream white corduroy jeans, a black turtleneck and a short black puffer jacket with some high top docs. For makeup, you didn’t wanna go too heavy since it was a cold snowy day, so you just did some foundation and mascara. To finish the look off, you dipped your ring finger into a pot of tinted pink lip balm and spread it across your lips to give them some life, and used the residue left on your finger to spread on your cheeks to bring some color back into your face. You dried your hair and curled it, put on some earrings and you headed out the door with a tote bag that had the books in it. 
Since the cafe was on the way to the library, you decided to stop by there first and maybe get a drink since your hands were numb from the cold wind.
When you arrived, you put your hand out to grab the cold copper door handle and pushed it to make your way in. 
You were greeted with the smell of coffee and the sound of people talking amongst themselves, not to mention the noticeable temperature change in the atmosphere which was comforting. You went up to the counter and looked up to see what drinks they had on the menu. Your thoughts were interrupted when the barista started talking to you. 
“Hi! What can I get ya?” They said with a cheery smile on their face. 
You shifted your eyes slightly down to meet theirs and as you opened your mouth to respond, you suddenly got pushed, and then you felt hot coffee run down the arm of your jacket. “Fuck” you said with an annoyed tone. as you tried to use your other arm to wipe the coffee off of yourself,  You looked up to see who had rudely bumped into you, but your rage quickly melted away when you were met with the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. 
“I am so sorry,” he says with a sense of urgency in his voice. “I didn’t mean to, the person behind me was in a rush so I tried to move out the way and I accidentally bumped into you, let me go get some napkins for you and I'll buy you your drink,” he said as he quickly turned to get some napkins. 
as he was walking away, you couldn’t help but notice his beautiful golden curls and also how tall he was which was one of your biggest turn-ons. confused at what had just happened, you quickly turn to the barista and say “I’ll just have a peppermint mocha please” with a soft smile and you sit down at the nearest table. 
You see him walk towards you, drink and napkins in hand and a look of remorse on his face.
“I am so sorry for what happened back there,” he says as he gently places the drink in front of you and hands you the napkins. “Are you okay?” He asks 
“Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you” you say as you take the napkins from his hands and try to wipe the already dried coffee off of your sleeve. 
For a second it got a bit awkward because he was just standing there, but he gave you a little smile and glanced over to your bag which was open, putting on display the books you had in there. 
“Is that the east of Eden??” He says as his face lights up with excitement 
“Yea!!” You respond smiling and looking up at him. 
He quickly sits down at the empty chair across from you and you both start talking about the book. He asks questions like “what's your favorite chapter?”, “who’s your favorite character?”, “do you like the ending?” And before you could even catch each other's names, you both noticed that the cafe which was full when you first arrived was now empty, the only other people occupying the space being the workers cleaning up the machines and floors. 
“Woah, I didn’t even realize we had been talking for so long!” You say as you glance down at your phone to see the time. 
“Yeah me too” says with a soft laugh.
“What was your name by the way?” He says, looking at you with his bright blue eyes 
“Oh, its y/n” you say with a smile 
“Well, I'm Luke,” he says, playfully offering a hand out to you for a handshake. “Nice to meet you, beautiful”
After those words fell from his lips, you could feel butterflies swarming your stomach and blood rushing to your cheeks. 
“Nice to meet you,” you say giggling, taking his hand, and shaking it. 
His grip was strong but caring. You knew that it was crazy to feel such a strong connection to a person you had met only a couple of hours ago but when the workers informed you both that they were closing, you just didn’t want to leave. 
As you grabbed your bag and now empty coffee cup he stood up and asked,
“What are you doing tonight?’ 
It was like he read your mind and felt the connection too 
“Nothing” you quickly blurt out
“There's this carnival happening tonight just across town, would you maybe want to go?” He said hesitantly with a shaky voice 
“I'd love to!” you say, smiling up at him. 
You both walk out of the cafe and he leads you to his car. As you were approaching his it, you saw the library that you needed to go to. The whole reason why you left your house in the first place, but this was much more important, you thought to yourself. 
You hopped in his car and he drove the both of you to the carnival. It was dark now, still cold but not as windy and it wasn’t snowing anymore. You saw bright flashing neon lights, children running around with their families, and young couples going on their first dates. “what the hell am I doing,” you thought to yourself for a brief second. When he hopped out of the car, you watched as he made his way around to your side to open the door for you. As he did, you took the few seconds you had to yourself to process what was happening. You planned to go to the library today, met some random stranger who spilled coffee on you and now you’re going on a kinda date with him to this random carnival. “But how could I turn this down?” you thought to yourself “he’s my ideal type. I mean, he’s tall, handsome, has the most hair, we talked non stop for like four hours, it's hard to find a connection like that with anyo-'' your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the car door opening. 
“The carnival awaits” he says holding the door for you and offering you a hand to help you get out
“Thank you,” you say giggling, taking his hand, and stepping out of the car. 
The whole night was filled with laughter and youth as you both chaotically ran around the carnival like little kids and going on ride after ride. The connection between the two of you became stronger despite how little time you really had spent with each other. Everything was starting to quiet down and you both decided to finish the night off by going on the Ferris wheel. While waiting in the line, Luke turned to you and rest his hand on your shoulder 
“I'll be back, I'm just gonna.. go to the bathroom” he said in a suspicious tone, a grin displayed on his face. 
You didn’t think much of it and just waited in line till he got back. You had your hands behind your back, rocking back and forth from heel to toe smiling out of pure joy. You hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. 
When it was finally your turn to go on this Ferris wheel, Luke just got back in time and you both hopped in and looked at the sky as it started moving, bringing you both closer to the stars.
“I had a really great night tonight,” Luke says with a soft smile. 
“Me too” you say, returning the gratitude. 
You felt the butterflies emerge again as the ride stopped. you were now both at the top of the Ferris wheel and looking into each other's eyes. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks with a soft and gentle tone 
Without any thought, you leaned in to connect your lips to his and as they did, you felt sparks going off in your heart. your hands gently cupped his jaw as his hands gently wrapped around your waist. as you break away from the kiss, you both look at each other for a second and giggle. 
“This is crazy” you say giggling, still cupping his face 
“I know,” he says laughing. He looks down and away for a second and his eyes shoot back up at you.
 “Would you possibly wanna come to my place?” He asks, looking at you with the eyes of a puppy 
“Sure” you say softly, smiling.
The Ferris wheel eventually started moving again and you slowly felt the grass under your feet again. He helps you out and instead of letting your hand go, he keeps it there, and your fingers intertwine. 
“Wait, before we go,” he says. “I have a surprise for you” 
Confused, you look at him with furrowed eyebrows. “A surprise?’ You say. 
He unties his fingers from yours and reaches around his back and pulls out a rose. 
“For you” he says 
You look at him, mouth slightly open realizing that when he was going to the “bathroom” he was really going to go buy you a rose. You stood there saying nothing because of how sweet this gesture was. He playfully turns around to see the flashing colourful lights. 
“The lights are interesting than this flower?” He says jokingly 
you laugh. “No!! I just, this is so sweet” you say. “Thank you” you say quietly as you take the rose from him.
“Of course y/n'' he says. You liked the way your name rolled off his tongue. It just sounded right. 
When you finally leave the carnival and make it to his house, he opens the door and moves aside so that you can walk in first. His house felt warm and welcoming, despite the fact that you had never been there before. 
“This is my home!” He says smiling as he shuts the door behind him. 
“It's beautiful” you say in admiration, looking around. 
“Not as much as you” he says as he walked towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. His lips crashed onto yours and your hands wandered around his broad back. As you were making out, he picked you up so that your legs were wrapped around him and you giggled into the kiss as he carried you to his bedroom. Once he was there, he set you down gently onto his bed, using his arms to support you on the way down, and kissed your forehead once you had landed. 
“Is it okay if I take your shirt off?” He asked with a soft and loving voice 
“Of course” you say smiling, knowing what was about the unfold 
He started kissing your neck and making his way down to your breasts and you quickly unhooked your bra and tossed it to the side. He wrapped his lips around your left nipple while his hand cupped the other. You let out a small whimper at the feeling of his tongue swirling around your nipple. You felt his other hands move from your waist slowly down to your core, stopping just above your pussy as if to ask for permission. He looked down to see where his hand was and looked back up at you. you nodded, letting him know that this was something that you were okay with. 
He moved down so that his face was now in-between your legs and he unbuttoned your pants. You bucked your hips to help him pull them down along with your underwear, leaving you now completely exposed. 
“God you’re so beautiful” he whispered before diving in to eat you out
Your breath hitched as you felt his lips wrap around your clit and his tongue swirl around, making you become even wetter for him. 
“Ugh, right there” you moaned out as you tangled your fingers through his hair and moved your hips to match his movements. He moaned into you, making you feel the vibrations. 
He inserted a finger into you making you squirm in pleasure. 
“Fuck” you say as he pumps in and out of you. 
“I'm close” you say as you throw your head back onto the sheets. 
After he hears that, he stops, and before you can complain, he crashes his lips onto yours, forcing you to taste yourself. He moaned as he rubbed his bulge against your body. 
“You're such a tease,” you say with a grin as he breaks away from the kiss. 
he giggles and quickly takes off his shirt, along with his jeans and boxers exposing his length that was extremely hard. 
“Need a little help with that?” You say as you stand up and go on your tippy-toes to kiss him. You loved how tall he was compared to you. you watch as he sits down on the bed and you situate yourself between his legs and get on your knees. You lick a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip and he lets out a moan which makes you want him so bad. 
“Fuck it, just get on top of me” he says, lust-filled in his eyes as he looks at you with a hungry expression. 
You’re quick to follow his orders and stand up and get on the bed, your knees now on either side of his body. 
you lower yourself onto his length and you both moan out in pleasure. You start rocking back and forth feeling him inside of you. 
“Fuck y/n yes, don’t stop” Luke moans as he grabs your hips to help you move with him.
“Holy fuck” you moan out as you continue to move your hips faster. You start to lean forward, placing your hands on his chest and he bucks his hips up and down to pump into you. 
“Oh my god Luke” you moan shakily as he roughly thrusts into you, getting the perfect angle to hit your g spot. 
“Rub your clit for me baby” he moans and you do as you're told. 
The feeling starts to become overwhelming and you could feel your walls tightening around him. you felt your high coming and you knew that you were close. 
“I'm close Luke” you moan out breathlessly as you continue to rub your clit and feel Lukes long and thick length pump in and out of you. 
“Just hold on a little longer” he moaned out as he started to thrust into you even faster. 
He moved his hands from your hips to your back and flipped you over and pounded into you 
“Fuck Luke” you moaned with each thrust. He loved hearing his name fall from your lips.
“I can’t hold on much longer” you barely manage to say as you were trying not to cum before him 
“Cum with me beautiful”
That's all it took for you to let go. You moaned out his name, making it echo in the room. He came with you moaning out in pleasure and satisfaction. He sloppily thrust into you so that you could both ride out your highs and then flopped down next to you. 
Once you caught your breath, you turned to see his beautiful face and you reached your hand out to move a curl out of his face so that you could get a better view. 
“Out of all the rides we went on today, you were the best” you say giggling into his neck 
“It definitely was quite the ride” he says as he wrapped you in his arms.
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