#yeaaaah lmao
where-is-vintagebeef · 4 months
you should place beef in canada. for fun.
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Beef feels right at home.
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boopshoops · 8 months
me: ahaaha pshh i'd never have kids :/
Also me: what if i adopted all of my friends and mutuals
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spamming tags tag spam story time shoopy lore
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eldrichthingy · 1 year
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I need to be sprayed. I changed Egill again and now I can't stop staring 👁️👁️
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BTW LOOK AT HIS HORNS!! look at his horns oh- he's the cutest deer boy and yes I'm going to ignore the fact that he's a necromancer spore druid with questionable non-existent morals and slayer form ✌🏾
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hood-ex · 1 year
so ive only watched a few spn episodes ever, and your tags whenever you talk about any batfam member and comparing it to them makes me curious about your full thoughts regarding them, as in: who do you think dick is more like between dean and sam?
Dick shares qualities and experiences with both brothers, but I personally think he's more like Sam than he is like Dean.
I think when Dick was younger, he more closely resembled Dean in the sense that he started fighting young as Robin, and he wanted to be Robin. Likewise, Dean was brought into the hunter fold (or the knowledge of it) earlier on in life, and he enjoyed hunting, unlike Sam.
Dick and Dean also had a more similar relationship with their fathers. Bruce had high expectations for Dick to be Robin while John had high expectations for Dean to protect and provide for Sam. Essentially, if Bruce and John told their sons to jump, Dick and Dean would be the ones asking, "How high?"
Despite that, I think Dick and Sam are more similar for the following reasons:
Dick and Sam are more independent. Dick left Robin behind as well as his place at Bruce's side so he could become his own man and hero. Sam left a life of hunting behind to go to college and to live a normal life. Sam was also left by himself a lot when John and Dean went hunting, leaving him to fend for himself many times.
Dick went to law school and apparently has a law degree. Sam went to Stanford and intended to go to law school until he got dragged back into the hunting business. Speaking of school, Dick and Sam were more academically studious than Dean.
Dick and Sam are both good at leading teams. Dick has led multiple teams, and Sam led a group of hunters to take down the British Men of Letters as well as led members from the apocalypse world.
Dick and Sam both have a repeated history of loss of autonomy. Both are possessed or taken control of quite a few times.
Dick and Sam are generally more health conscious and aren't as gluttonous as Dean.
Dick and Sam are more empathetic/compassionate. Dick is willing to extend a hand to others even when they stumble on their path. Sam's empathy deals more with morality and how he realizes that not all monsters are inherently bad and that they don't all deserve to die. Sam can also be a lot more gentle and understanding when dealing with monsters or victims (hence why Dean once remarked that Sam was always saying "pansy" stuff to people).
Sam would absolutely murder Joker if given the chance since he HATES clowns and fears them. Dick and Sam have clown killing solidarity.
Dick and Sam's guilt has pushed them to extremes on a few occasions. For example, Dick and the Blockbuster situation. Dick tried to convict himself to prison over it. According to Bruce, he had also been showing suicidal tendencies during that period. Sam is similar in that he saw his imprisonment in hell for 100+ years as atonement for his sin (aka getting tricked into freeing Lucifer from his cage which then started the apocalypse). He also was going to let himself die after doing a series of trials because he no longer valued his life after viewing himself as a screw-up/unworthy.
When they take parental roles, Dick and Sam are more patient and understanding with their kids. Dick with Damian and Sam with Jack (Jack is a nephilim who becomes Castiel, Sam, and Dean's kid). Now Dean is actually great with kids (no surprise since he's got a baby brother) but he's horrible to Jack. I actually don't even like to think of him as one of Jack's parents because he never really trusted Jack and wanted him dead multiple times. (SPN characterization was not always... the best... in those later seasons alksda.) And listen, sometimes Dick did lose his patience with Damian, but he was never horrible to him the way Dean was with Jack.
There are also ways Dick, Sam, and Dean are all similar such as how they're all clever and inventive. Dick's a detective and uses his skills to solve problems. He also builds gadgets or inventions to assist him in his cases.
Hunting monsters also involves some form of detective work, but Sam is smart in other ways such as figuring out how to do a reverse exorcism on the spot. In season 11 when Sam got infected by a rabid virus and was trying to find a cure, he lured a rabid man to him with a video and then zapped him with a taser he built with materials from a hardware store.
Sam will be referred to as the brains of the operation, but Dean is smart as well, and Sam even says so in canon. Dean's good at lore and at figuring things out on a hunt. Plus, he's an amazing mechanic and knows how to work a car, which is something that he shares in common with Dick. Sam is less so involved with the mechanics of the car, but Dean taught him more about it before he was dragged to hell.
All three of them are also intimate with sacrifice. In general, they give up so much of their own lives to help others. In specific, Dick sacrificed everything to infiltrate Spyral. Sam sacrificed himself to lock Lucifer away in hell. Dean sacrificed the rest of his life to bring Sam back to life. And those are only a few examples. They sacrifice so much more.
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hauntingblue · 5 months
"Would you like me to translate that? Or was it for me?" The show's thesis
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cheddertm · 1 year
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Anyways Foolish said no 💍❌
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artofloof · 7 days
Hey all. Sideblog
My intention with the main blog was for it to be mostly art, but I've been reblogging things a lot and going on tangents lately. So now I have a separate blog for that :)
Hopefully this'll help clean things up a bit!
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mengy007 · 12 days
Did you ever make that Romeo the Admin playlist? Cause I would really like to hear any songs you decided to put in it
Yes I did but it’s not on Spotify, let me list the songs I have on it:
-Heaven Says (extended version)
-The Devil’s Train
-The Pitiful Children
-The Guide To Success
-Community Gardens
-Mother Mother
-Ruler of Everything
-Dismemberment Song
-The Mind Electric
-What Gave It Away (vocaloid)
-Castle of glass
-Dumb Dumb x Everybody likes you
-Candle Queen
-My Ordinary Life
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kirbyoctournament · 1 year
oh yeah also
i initially intended to make an askblog for her but decided this would be a funnier intro for her (intended to do the tourney all along, though.) buuut a lot of people are doing these and I don't want to clutter up the tournament blog! so here it is :)
aife askblog (real)
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crookedcrow5 · 8 months
Touhou Warrior Cat AU goin swimmingly
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Alliances + Prologue + 2 Chapters
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stinkrascal · 2 years
wtf i hate fortnite. sasuke uchiha just killed me
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cassioppenny · 1 year
📖 for mv dawn, 🌹 and 🍧 for mv marnie and/or 🌪️ and 🚆 for loki LMAO
dawn - 📖 - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
she's totally a warrior cats eevees kid LMAO. probably also really liked the pokemon equivalent of percy jackson and goosebumps. also big fan of hit manga series animal adventures. lucas reads much more than she does though
marnie - 🌹 - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before?
JDJSHSSSJJD she's 13 so valentines was basically just "the day classmates give you candy" until swsh where now it's pretty uncomfortable to her. it reminds her of that maid photoshoot she did and it makes her skin crawl thinking about it. she gets more comfortable around it when she starts dating gloria🔥🔥 (idk their ship name but they are real. to me.)
marnie - 🍧 - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
probably her choker necklace thing? i think it would be cute if piers gave it to her. she'd be pretty upset if she lost it
loki - 🌪️ - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
original concept loki is like a completely different guy compared to modern loki. they looked like a kid, was nice, and in general just a little uwu guy trademark. as i got older i realized loki being a piece of shit is infinitely funnier, much more interesting, and more accurate to canon ngl i remember hearing that mew was originally going to shit talk mewtwo in the first movie and yeah. lokicore.
loki - 🚆 - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
whatever kills the most people🔥
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starlytenight · 2 years
*Meta makes dinner* Magic gos lol nope burns it* Meta tries again* Magic burns* Tries a few more times* Magic burns it all* Meta then tries to make the special lollipops* Magic YESSSS LET ME HELP!!* This is the only way I can picture it.
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He's not gonna be happy when he finds out that it is indeed ✨magic✨ that has been fucking with his life this whole time
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hauntingblue · 8 months
Omg the reverie already????? Vivi AND shirahoshi???
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aenslem · 1 year
2012 was a mess, i think i improved a little bit since then... sakjhdakj
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iloveutoodeath · 2 years
part of destroya, night 1 at the forum
(i accidentally stopped recording partway through and luckily i noticed almost right away and resumed recording.. i edited the two vids together and you almost can’t notice it but tumblr said the file size is too big lmao. gonna upload on youtube)
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