#yeah I admit it I’m too emotionally attached to these people
gaymars97 · 1 year
« It’s just a place why you do damn emotional? »
The place in question:
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thefreakandthehair · 2 years
eddie is very emotionally attached to his hair. he loves the look, obviously, but also loves using it as a shield. he plays with it when he needs to fidget, he pulls pieces in front of his face when he’s flustered or nervous, he sweeps it over his shoulders to hide his face from time to time. it’s a built-in barrier and ever since he’d grown it out at around 15, he’d sworn to never go back. eddie’s hair make him feel safe.
that is, until he wakes up in the hospital post-upside down to find it cut short. too short-- can’t-twirl-or-play-with-it short. once the shock and relief of oh fuck, I’m alive, thanks steve, wears off, he laments the loss.
"steve, it took me years to grow it out. I’ll be 25 by the time it’s back where it was!" he admits during a rare moment when it's just the two of them in his hospital room. the machines beep evenly and steve sighs from his position in the hard, wood-backed chair next to the bed.
"man, I get it. my nickname was the goddamn hair for awhile, so I know it's a part of you but it'll grow back, right? and--"
"yeah yeah, I know it will, that's not the problem. it’s— ugh, forget it.” eddie instinctively reaches to pull his hair over his left shoulder to hide his face and is reminded of what the problem really is. he feels exposed and seen in a way that he can’t control and it makes his skin crawl-- particularly that it's steve harrington he feels so seen by, and he frankly has too many other crises going on to unpack that at the moment.
steve, for all of the ‘dumb jock’ jokes tossed his way, is perceptive. you don't survive high school in hawkins and four end-of-the-worlds without a dash of social intelligence, after all. so when he sees eddie reach for his hair like a phantom limb, he starts putting puzzle pieces together.
"why don't you want people to see you?"
eddie freezes with his hands falling to his chest, the IV in one hand pulling a bit at his skin. "that's not... I don't ... nothing, it's nothing." he sputters, unsure how steve has gotten such a fucking read on him.
"hey, I mean, I get it. kind of, at least? after the last few fights knocked my brain around, I've gotten some gnarly scars and bruises and I uh, I don't really swim or go around shirtless anymore because of it. I know that's probably not exactly the same but... yeah. I can understand. want me to get you a wig?"
steve watches as eddie slowly turns to look at him, and more importantly, to let steve look at him and his hesitant smile with furrowed eyebrows.
"why are you telling me all this?" eddie wants to think it's more than steve being steve, more than him just looking out, that it's personal. that maybe he likes eddie. hell, there must've been a reason he and wayne were the only two in the room when he woke up. and it clearly hadn't been the first time, given how close steve and wayne seem to be now. he'd pretended to be annoyed about their banter over the chicago cubs but really? it gave eddie a glimpse of something he wanted so badly, it made him ache. but that couldn't be it.
eddie's heart monitor beeps a little faster when steve reaches out to place a hand on top of his. steve looks up at the screen and back down to their hands with a small, hopeful smile.
"you're one of us now." steve shrugs and replies simply, as if that answers any of eddie's burning questions. he doesn't want to overwhelm him, but Steve can't help some good-natured Harrington flirting. "and it'd be a real shame for you to keep hiding that blush."
there's something here, steve thinks, a reason he wants eddie to let him look, to let him see, to keep making him blush from his neck to his nose. he'll give it time though. after all, the danger is gone-- they're here, and alive, and the world is safe, and they've got nothing but time to watch eddie's curls grow back.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 5 months
Hello guestie, how are you? I hope you’re good!
I really like your write, and I want to know how do you think the papas would act if they were heartbroken?
I’m doing pretty ok, thanks for asking! I hope you’re having a good day!!
Oh boy, let’s see these demon popes sad! I framed this as a reader insert just to make it easier to read!
Papas x Reader heartbreak (reader is the one who broke things off.) (implied serious relationship)
Gender Neutral Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of drugs, depressed states, unhealthy coping habits
The Papas When They Are Heartbroken
Papa Nihil: The last time this man had his heart broken he ended his music career. Dramatic yes, but how can he continue after something so painful? (Even if it’s his fault!) He simultaneously becomes withdrawn emotionally but goes out of his way to distract himself. Nihil needs time to process his feelings. He doesn’t catch feelings for people easily, and he’s used to getting everything he wants. So being heartbroken is so foreign to him. Nihil will become very curt in person. He’ll give everyone short answers and not be as social. If he can avoid talking for a while he will because he’s too much in his own head. He’s practically a ghost… until he decides to start partying again . Or throw himself in some sort of activity. Anything to help numb the pain! He’ll go wild at parties, he will invest in hobbies, and do anything to keep himself occupied so he doesn’t have to think about you. It’s his escape from the daily ache!
Papa I: He’s not the most emotional man in the world, but losing you hurt more than he could put into words. Papa tends to be the most accepting of the family. Lucifer has his plans, and clearly you weren’t meant to be in his life that way. He will be very cordial and respectful to you but very, very cold. Unless you both work together he will never willingly put himself in the same room as you. Papa has to distance himself as he can’t stand to be reminded of the pain. He is the type of man to throw himself fully into work and his free time leisure’s… but the ghouls did notice he is a bit more zealous than normal with his sacrificial worship. Papa lets himself feel the pain and then uses it to make his worship stronger. Papa eventually reasons that maybe heartbreak is his punishment for not focusing on spreading Lucifer’s will… yeah, that’s it. From time to time he will even secretly check on you to make sure you’re living a good life.
Papa II: You can’t feel heartbreak if you refuse to acknowledge it! Papa refuses to admit he feels any sort of pain from your break up. He’s always been the man to swallow his emotions because, to him, they are useless and only hold him back. Papa convinces himself you were just a passing fancy and that it wasn’t going to last anyway… he totally didn’t have plans to be strongly attached to you. Papa in the ministry work day comes off as a touch more grumpier than usual. He’s always been polite yet direct, but anyone who annoys him feels his wrath more harshly. But then when the work is done, like his father, Papa throws himself into luxury. There’s no time to even consider being sad when he’s neck deep in vice! So Papa indulges in all of his favorite things; drugs, alcohol, parties, luxury goods, and all the partners that are SO HAPPY TO THROW THEMSELVES AT HIS FEET! He can have anyone he wants, so why would he dwell on you? … right? If he ever sees you in public Papa will not acknowledge you if you don’t approach him first. Ouch.
Papa III: Oh boy- a heartbroken Papa III is the most pathetic sight you will ever see. He does not take this level of rejection well. Yes, he will always honor your wishes and respect you enough to let you walk away… but it destroys him. Papa is the most guarded of his family when it comes to his true self. Under all of his charm and sociability is a man who is afraid to ever let himself be known and hurt. And you? You were supposed to be different. This was supposed to be the love he yearned for all of his life. You were the one who got past all of his walls and loved him for the true person he was!! And you ripped it to shreds. Papa has to take sick leave over it and locks himself away to where only his brothers and his personal ghouls can reach him. Papa spends the first half of his mourning barely doing anything but staring out the window and refusing to move. Eventually, he starts going back to his favorite pastimes. But it’s not the same. Papa vows to never let anyone in his heart ever again. He sometimes wonders if you will ever try and get him back. As nice as that thought is- he could never have you back.
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: Now, Copia’s actions after really depends on whether he was hurt before or after becoming Papa. one thing is certain, he manages to take the ending amicably at first. But when he is alone he cries so hard he becomes sick. Copia is a softer man as he is very inexperienced with serious relationships. Yes, he is able to form a coup, perform satanic rituals, and do diabolical deeds without blinking. But Copia’s heart is so tender and just wants someone to love him deep down. That being said, he will respect you enough to not try and win you back or push your boundaries. Although he will be super immature in trying to show you what you’re missing!! As a Cardinal this heartbreak is one of the many things that spur him on to being Papa. It’s your loss when he’s finally Papa and you won’t be there to enjoy it with him!! And if he’s already Papa, he does everything to show off THAT HE’S TOTALLY LIVING HIS BEST LIFE WITHOUT YOU!! Copia doesn’t need you to be happy, he’ll show you!!
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Do you have any favourite a3! headcanons? :0c
Omg tumblr user Hahn Mxddyhero in my ask box???? What did I do to receive this honor????? Anyway, I’m so glad you asked I have far too many sitting around in my notes<3
-Sakuya totally does the thing his stage actor does with him where he pulls down his sweatshirt when he’s holding still it’s so CUTE
-Tsuzuru has become the family therapist bc he’s so easy to talk to and be around, and if you talk to him while he’s super sleep deprived he’ll probably treat u like a child on instinct and then forget about the whole incident(this one is kinda already canon but whatevs :p)
-Banri is a very giggly and smiley person but tries SO hard to hide it(it is vv cute)
-Hyodo-Sakisakas being self-deprecating is actually hereditary. Their family has a huge history with anxiety and depression
-Genderfluid Kazunari. That is all.
-on the subject of lgbt headcanons, Azuma is genderqueer(idk what exactly, I get agender vibes from him) and mlm, no I do not take constructive criticism
-and Sakuya and Muku are ace. Liber told me themselves.
-is Banri allergic to cats? No? Well he is now because I think it’s funny
-Summer Troupe always has a seasonal sleepover in one of their members’ rooms and silly shenanigans ensue :)
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-Tsuzuru did this. Kazu witnessed it.
-He’ll never admit it, but Masumi sleeps with a big stuffed panda bear and he is very emotionally attached to it. The only three people who know are Tsuzuru, Sakuya, and Muku.
-When Itaru plays claw machines in arcades, most of the prizes go to Sakuya, Muku, and Yuki(though he does keep some).
-Sakuya n citron have a galaxy light. It’s sweet. They just have calm n pleasant conversations at night and the atmosphere is just very comfy. Yeah they’re siblings Liber told me that, too.
-Saku seems like the kind of person who enjoys cleaning :)
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
can you answer ALL the deep fic questions ? or if that's too much... 1-5, 7, 9 thank you!
Deep Fic Asks
Well sure, hello Anon! I'll do that. I'll negate the ones I've already answered, however. So I'll do all the ones I didn't answer yet.
2. What's a fic that took you to an emotional, dark or hard place?
This ones not so much the fanfic's fault, but I've been fairly open about admitting I had a vast fanfic library of works on my AO3 pre-my psychiatric hospitalization. Before that I had an extensive amount of James Bond and Hannibal fics I'd written that I deleted in a haze shortly before my admission to the hospital. I do regret this a bit now, but I can tell myself at least that should a situation like that ever arise again, I'll be more understanding of the signs and perhaps be able to avoid such an event. This was almost seven years ago, now. I was around 25 at the time.
3. What fic are you emotionally attached to?
I have over 900 bookmarks on AO3, give or take. I think it’s hard to really narrow them all down. As it depends on what I’m currently in the mood for. I think that on some level, I could go back and see which ones I’ve re-read the most (some well in the double digits) and think ‘yeah I think I’m really obsessed with this one’.
4. What fic of your own do you currently re-read for comfort?
None at the moment really, I admit. Sometimes I do re-read just to see how I wrote it, check for any errors to fix again, and make myself laugh.
5. What fic of your own won't you read?
Heh, well I guess see answer to question 2.
6. What's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
PLOT. I am good with dialogue, banter, establishing setting and atmosphere. Hell I think I'm even decently good at chemistry and smut. But big-extensive plots? My brain just collapses. I'm much better at character dynamics than story, if that even makes sense. Which is shame because plot is one of my favourite things to read. Hilarious.
7. How does receiving or not receiving feedback or support impact you?
It depends. Sometimes it can be discouraging to write something and have no traction whatsoever, but even one or two people reading something can keep my motivation going. It depends on how inspired I am at the time. There's always going to be that great serotonin boost when someone enjoys something you've created, and I'm certainly no exception here. I also just really like making people happy. (Which is why I enjoy gift fics and requests so much). I love doing things for people. It's as beneficial to them as it is to me, I think.
8. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? If not, would you tell anyone?
Nobody at present does. But if might tell someone if I was comfortable enough with them and they were also a huge nerd.
10. How has writing positively impacted your health or overall mood?
I love to write. I love creating things. Writing brings me a great deal of pleasure, as does people enjoying it. I think it's a big boost to my mood for sure.
11. Has a fic you've written ever caused issues or controversy?
At the moment *no*. Thankfully. Well, none that I'm personally aware of anyway.
13. Do you take pride in your writing or does it embarrass you? Why or why not?
I am not really embarrassed by my writing. Except maybe some stuff I wrote as a teenager. When I didn't know what I was doing. I take some pride in it. I'm hardly an award winning author, but I do like some of the stuff I've produced. If not most of it.
14. Do you compare yourself to other writers? In a positive or negative way?
Both, and I think it's inevitable. All creators are gong to do this. Only some more than others. I try to be positive when I can, but some level of 'gee they've done this way better than me" Is very human and only natural. I let it pas along after a bit though. I try not to dwell on it much.
15. How do you think your writing improved over time?
I think I started getting better at the things I was always good at, and using less word clutter, you could say. I used to be so bad for run on sentences, rambling. I've tried to trim and focus better. This goes much better when I have someone editing for me of course. Practice has helped a lot.
17. What's the best engagement/interaction you've received from someone who has read your work?
I love all the engagement I get, and I find it difficult to rank them. I like being quoted back to a lot, or people who say 'you did this bit really well'. I try to be as in-character as I can, and start getting annoyed with myself if a character sounds too OOC. I know that on some level, every character is largely up to interpretation, but I do my best to fit in with what I believe is accurate to them. Whenever I get feed back to that end, I appreciate it.
18. Do you only write when you're inspired, or do you try and sit down and write no matter what?
Definitely the former. I did one Big Bang and had to write regardless and found it at times nearly impossible Forcing writing is one of the hardest things to do, and it will sound stiff and stilted if you try. At least it does for me. I don't even use outlines. I am a flow only dude.
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
Hmm. It would honestly depend on the fic, but I guess something with a really engaging plot (action or mystery, perhaps? Or something spy thriller like) with intense character dynamics, intrigue. Things I enjoy reading already, aided by good dialogue and atmosphere.
20. What's the greatest gift you've gotten from your writing?
Having fun and making people happy (or any other satisfying emotion) I know it might sound silly, but having a good time and people enjoying themselves really is half the gift for me. After all, this is fanfic. I'm not getting paid, it's not going to wide audience bookshelves. This is for fellow fans, engagement with friends, and the fun of writing in a conveniently pre-established area. You could say.
Thank you for sending in!
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ahundredtimesover · 15 days
Not me finding a way to read while at my work desk I hate this for Yoongi because OC has the nerve or kind of lack of awareness to be troubling my man Yoongi with her relationship woes , after she basically admitted that Yoongi was not worth opening her heart to him . I wanted him to say that despite the missed connection with her he proceeded to open his heart to someone after (in my perfect world me ..but yeah I'm just so attached to Yoons I hate to see him not get his heart's desire but I get it for the plot )
OC mom going through her bad relationship makes me glad I was raised my a strong mother , who never exposed me to toxic men , and sometimes I find it hard to sympathize with parents who keep bad people around their kids especially not their bio parents , (yes no one is perfect)
Have we confirmed Joon has a spouse at home because he too much in the mix and our focus is on getting OC and Kook together
Lonely baby JK playing by himself is so sad to imagine
Not her wanting to telling JK all this additional stuff , but not telling him she loves him , no ma'am you get no support from me until you truly confess your feelings and end our torture .
I dont see how showing up unannounced to the office will go overwell , after you broke that mans heart but lets hope for the best .
Everything forgiven without an conversation , girl . But maybe its all in the letter she wrote will provide that result
Dang not him essentially leaving her on read , yikes , well i guess not on read , he just been so busy distracting himself he missed it completely
Look at our Hobi supporting these to emotionally constipated star crossed lovers
Is Chocopie a Korean exclusive snack , dont think ive ever had one but i use to love lil debbie strawberry shortcake snacks as a kid
Dang I hate that Mr Ri never really moved on but him being a protector for OC is his way to carry on that love , and like he said in another universe they are peacefully on a farm
As we open up the Center I still cant help but wonder is Kook's brother at
Also it took me roughly 4 hours to get this far while also working but I kept going back to the tab this was in . And I’m still not finished but reading made my Monday much more enjoyable
Hiii appreciate you reading this during work 😂 and that it amused you somehow! 😊 So, to comment on your points:
Hmm I wouldn’t say OC was troubling Yoongi. He asked her out years ago, she turned him down, and they’ve been good friends ever since. Their relationship is part of the theme - vulnerability in friendship. Yoongi always said he’s just there if she needs anyone, and he specifically asked her to reach out to him about what she’s going through. If she hadn’t, that defeats the purpose of them moving on from what they could’ve been.
I’m with you in being against those who expose their kids to toxic people. But OC’s mom tried her best to protect her daughter; she never left OC alone with her partner once he started acting up. With help, they managed to get away and she worked hard to get OC through school. That’s a strong woman in my book. And they have a very close relationship. OC knew her mother was always trying to protect her.
Joon’s relationship status isn’t rly relevant haha I get that people are nervous but he’s the new boss and mentor. That’s huge for OC professionally.
And sad boy jk all alone will always be 💔
The conversations between OC and jk will happen! Lots of them haha
Chocopie is a Korean snack.
Mr Ri’s story is meant to be sad. It’s meant to illustrate how decisions completely redirect our lives and that heartbreak is something people live with their whole lives. But he’s a loved man. It’s important to him that jk and OC find each other and he played a big role.
Where is JK’s brother? Hahaha yeah he’s somewhere 🤔 living abroad! That’s a whole other plot point!
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yuna-writes · 1 year
Caring about employees
So there’s a culture atm that consist of employees becoming more apathetic to each other’s presence. It’s nothing personal, and I understand why it exist. There’s a debate on whether we should treat employees like our friends because we see them more than our actual friends or spouse lol. There’s another side of argument that we should never get attached to employees and just treat them as acquaintances, because I guess some people experienced backstabbing at the workplace. Therefore, they become emotionally detached as a trauma response so they don’t get hurt. I understand what they are thinking.
I have worked in places with a manager and another co-worker who yelled at me in front of my face and yeah...your co-workers are definitely not your friends. But I also think being apathetic toward co-workers as being just people with no souls seems cold too. Apathy creates resentment, and it furthers disconnects people from understanding each other, because we all have expectations of how we want someone to behave a certain way. My gripe about is that I really want to work with someone who is very different from me and have different expectations, but I also felt they lack emotional maturity to listen to what I have to say. I always feel like I’m listening to their point of view. And once they listen to my perspective, they go into the cynical direction and decide not to listen or see my perspective a bit. Therefore, nothing gets resolved and no one wants to work on a solution because its takes effort, dedication and patience. So it makes me think ‘why does it matter?’ It just sets up for disappointments. 
I know there a lot of people out there worried about how other people will judge them. Truthfully, as I navigate through life and been in multiple schools with different cultures as well as taking on random jobs in five different industries while being in different working cultures....my observation is that people don’t care, and they think about themselves most of the time. It’s just no one will admit it. It would be nice if I made a social connection with a co-worker and we continue to stay as friends even after we move separate ways from our employment and decide to work somewhere else. Staying in touch with them would be great, but unfortunately very rare. These days, some co-workers do make friendships at the workplace, but once they stop being employed by the same company and work elsewhere, they stop contacting each other and don’t really socialize outside of work. The relationship was most likely transactional and conditional. There was no reason to be together besides just work.
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