#yeah a large part of mikes character is being her boyfriend what about it
mike-haters-dni · 1 year
Me when I’m a 13-year-old boy who watched the girl he fell deeply in love with die in front of him and then spent a year calling her everyday desperately trying to summon her back because he couldn’t go on without her when she miraculously shows up alive again and they finally get to be together: I’m sorry girl 😔 I love care for you 😔 but I had these friends first 😔 we can’t leave this get together even though we both want to 😔 I’ve objectively weighed my priorities and my friends have to be a little bit more important to me 😔 even though btw I’ve left you to go hang out with them before 😔 I hope you can understand 😔
Shit this is actually what y’all wanted him to act like isn’t it lmao
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I'm curious as to what you mean by saying Mileven is a geek fantasy, as I haven't heard that before that I can recall. Is there a specific trope you think Mileven is emulating?
It's like Weird Science.
Mike was pegged in season 1 for not only being a nerdy loser, but also being ugly (frog face). Then along comes this strange girl with superpowers who ends up having eyes for Mike and only Mike. He dresses her up to look like his image of a girl. She takes care of his bullies for him. She essentially solves all of his problems. She's an amazing girl, capable of unreal things. We see him brag about her abilities and the fact that she saved the world (twice!). It's very important to him that she be this grand mythical figure who no other girl could possibly match. She makes him feel amazing because, while, in his mind, she could have anyone she wanted, she chose him.
Ultimately, Mike derives value in his life from the fact that El sees value in him. It's a crisis for him when he thinks she doesn't need him anymore because he doesn't think anyone else could ever love him. It's a very pathetic relationship, but it's the sort of fantasy many loser nerds, especially in the 80s when Weird Science came out, had. That's why it worked so well as a concept.
Now, Weird Science had a twist to it. The girl the losers created wasn't actually there to be their fantasy girl. She actually manipulated their lives to the point that they developed the confidence to go out and get real girls, at which point she left them as they no longer needed her. They created her so they wouldn't be losers anymore, and that's just what she did, only not in the way they planned.
Here, though, the Duffers appear to be missing the entire point of the movie by having El need Mike, despite her entire story supposedly being about finding herself, as much as, if not more than, Mike needs her. They're essentially subverting a trope that was, in itself, a subversion. El isn't going to have a "my work here is done" moment in regards to Mike. This magic girl who came into Mike's life and made everything better isn't there to nudge him into being a better person. She's there to be his ideal girlfriend, just as he's there to, essentially, be a trophy boyfriend.
The sad thing is that they've added this extra element to the story. We have Will, someone who has known Mike for most of their lives, who is absolutely gone for Mike. Mike loves El due, in large part, to the fact that he doesn't feel anyone else could ever want him. He's totally unaware of the fact that someone else does, and the real tragedy is that we're meant to believe Mike could never return Will's affections anyway. It's a ridiculously cruel twist that, honestly, didn't need to be added, especially since it's mostly just been used to further prop up the geek fantasy relationship. If they were genuinely invoking what Weird Science did, El would be a vehicle for Mike to recognize and act on Will's very real feelings for him. However, they aren't about to do that to the most popular character on the show.
I don't know if the Duffers have some surprise on the way, but I feel like it's far too late, anyway. They had their chance to address this to set up some good development in the final season, but they didn't. Yeah, there's subtext that hints that Mike has unaddressed feelings for Will, but the time for subtext is over. They missed their chance to do anything meaningful with this, should it really be the plan. It really does look like the geek fantasy is what they've been going for, even if the biggest movie to invoke it completely subverted it.
Maybe I'm wrong. Hell, I'd love to be wrong about this. But you asked me an honest question, and I wanted to give you an honest answer.
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Dinner With Your Family
We’re gonna try something new here. I will do multiple characters of Chris Evans and see what they’ll all do in a certain situation.
Warnings: Language, Alcohol Use, Drug Use, Vomiting Mentions, Nose bleed
Summary: How would they react to meeting your family for the first time? Would it be a good experience or a bad one.
Characters: Chris Evans, Steve Rogers, Colin Shea, Ransom Drysdale, Ari Levinson, Jake Jensen, Mike Weiss, Andy Barber, Paul Diskant, Frank Adler, and Johnny Storm.
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Chris Evans
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Chris is always an outgoing guy. Asking him to meet your parents for the first time, he’s always going to have a good impression no matter what. Your way over there Chris is nervous but excited to meet your parents. Your parents heard so much about him and never thought you’d go for someone like him. He doesn’t dress too much, if your family is just outgoing as he is, he’ll wear a casual flannel shirt, sweater or a Henley. He could kill with looks in just anything he wears. He greets your parents with a handshake and when he gets comfortable he’ll give them a hug. Already your parents are liking him.
He’s the type to talk for hours. He’s got your parents laughing, if you have a dog, he’s going to secretly slip your dog some food under the table and while talking, he’ll give your pooch some scratches on the head. If you have little siblings, he’s willing to give them details on his films and they all are amazed by it. If you have an older sibling, well they get their thoughts and opinions on him. So hopefully Chris gets a good impression from them.
Your parents want to know how he is around you. He gives them everything he loved doing with you, what you two do outside of filming. Walking Dodger, watch movies and go out every now and then. You can tell your parents approve this man and trust him. If you’re close with your family, Chris would invite them on the red carpet if you were his date to the premieres. The dinner goes well, he comments on the food like he was eating at a five-star restaurant. Your mom is flattered by that. 
And when you two leave, he gives them hugs and shakes your dad’s hand. And your parents beg for another dinner with him.
Steve Rogers
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You all know how Steve is around people who can easily judge you quick enough if you’re not polite. Meeting your parents is something he is going to expect soon. It’s probably amazing if your parents met your boyfriend back in 1940s, you’ve heard stories about your boyfriend from your parents. It’s a little strange to date someone who is almost around your parents age but still looks young from being frozen for 70 years. He’s going to be nice around them.
He doesn’t feel nervous or that he doesn’t show it in his face a lot. When you get to the house, Steve greets them with a grin and a handshake. What he’s wearing could be a buttoned up shirt and nice pants. Now once in front of your parents, you can tell he’s instantly nervous and shy. 
For a soldier who’s met millions of fans and people, this might have been a fear for him. You reassure him with a hand slipping into his and you sit at the table. Your dad is the one who asks about his time in the project and who he was before Captain America. Steve gives out the good parts, but he leaves out the bullying knowing some might know from the memorial at the museum. Your mom is instant to liking Steve, though she gets scared of you riding the motorcycle with him. It’s not him that she doesn’t trust, but Steve reassures her he’s got you.
If you’re an Avenger, there wouldn’t be much of a problem. But being a city girl who lives in an apartment, your parents would worry what could happen to you. Steve always keeps you secret and that’s a promise made from Nick Fury. Your information were well-hidden and no one was able to find your address or name. Steve made sure of that. 
The dinner went well and Steve is relieved on how your parents really trusted him and never said anything he didn’t want to talk about. He gives them a last goodbye handshake and leaves to take you back to your apartment. 
Colin Shea
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Colin Shea is very shameless. Let’s say your parents first impression and encounter didn’t go so well. The first time they met him was just at the wrong time and place. Before you started dating Colin, you and him were mostly hooking up at the time. It was a one time thing and he always walks in your apartment like he owned it. 
Without your parents knowing, you two go out and get sandwiches and walk by the harbor. The first encounter your parents had with him was when you invited them over to show off your apartment. They always wondered where you lived and they found your apartment very neat and spatial. So when you began to leave to go out with your parents for lunch, you open the door to a naked neighbor with a towel over his “hooha” what your mother said.
“Afternoon, neighbor,” Colin greets. Your parents stand behind you, gawking at your neighbor in, you couldn’t guess what they were thinking at that moment. He picks up his newspaper and waves nonchalantly at your parents. “Hi.” You excuse your parents to the car and you silently scold him. “Those were my parents.”
“Looks like we both came out at the wrong time.”
“Yeah. I guess we did. Next time, have a pair of underwear on.” So when dating him officially, you told your parents about him. Sure your dad didn’t approve someone who basically showed off his junk in front of them but your mom could help but talk about during your talk with them about Colin. So when Colin came over, he greeted them and apologized with a large grin on his face. The dinner went well, Colin didn’t say much about you two hooking up, he said you were neighbors for a while and he one day asked you out.
Him making eye contact with a sandwich and then making out with it was something a 5 year old would do, but being in front of your parents he kept that child-self out of the picture. He joked when he wanted to and you all enjoyed the dinner altogether. Colin then takes you both back to your apartment. “That’s was great.”
“Really?” You asked.
Colin nods, “I think we should do it again sometime.” You stop at your door and grinned up at him. “This time can you keep your clothes on?” Colin smirks and steps closer to you, caging you to your door. He reaches over and opens your door with a swift swing, before his hands grab your waist and his lips crash onto yours, pushing you through your own apartment.
Ransom Drysdale
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When you told your parents you were dating a well-known Author’s grandson and they didn’t accept that their family is basically wealthier than them. They didn’t hear much about Ransom but they knew how the family could get with all that money piling up. Your parents asked you once to invite Ransom over for dinner and when you asked Ransom-
You only told your parents you both were busy. Sure, your parents knew Ransom wouldn’t see them. He already knew how much of an asshole he was, everyone can judge him with a snap of their fingers. You tried so many times to convince Ransom to just do this dinner and that it was never like him and his family. Only two damn people who are sweeter than his family and he never agreed. He always added, “I’m busy,” or “I rather spend time with you.” Bullshit. 
He buys you clothes, jewelry, and gives you money if that’s what shuts you up to leave him alone. You’re nothing but some unlucky token to him, but he showed you love in different ways just not the one you’d expect from him. Sure his hand slipping around your waist, or the way when he nonchalantly slips his coat over your shoulders and guides you to the car, that was some sign of love from him.
When you finally asked him one last time, he agreed. And it wasn’t some calm ‘yes’ it was something more harsh and annoyed. And it wasn’t a yes.
So, when Ransom drove to your family’s house, he kept his hand on your thigh. His glasses covering his eyes and his brown coat hugging him barely as he drove up to your home. Ransom doesn’t give your parents a handshake or anything. They’re either occupied around your waist or in your hand. Your dad watches him closely throughout the whole dinner. 
Your mother is one asking questions on what he does and how he met you. A jobless asshole who’s family is like some Kardashian show that he finds entertaining to watch or start. Ransom tries to keep his answers short as possible. For a guy who talks a lot of shit, he doesn’t seem to talk much in front of your parents.
The food happens to be good for him and when you two leave, he’s already in the car waiting for you to say goodbye to your parents and apologize for whatever behavior they didn’t like or expect. So when you got in the car, you didn’t say anything to Ransom on your way back home.
Later on, you two pull up in his driveway and Ransom turns off the car, sighing softly. “Dinner was nice.” When you turn to look at him and reply, he jumps out of the car and clenches his keys in his palm. With a soft grin, you step out and follow him inside. With that good sign of success from Ransom. You gifted him a good night.
Ari Levinson
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Ari can accept to do anything if it’s something to make you happy. Believe it or not, you two worked on a mission project in Ethiopia and you two happened to be together at the end of it. Being a fake couple from the start, it went well but not until you both caught feelings for each other.  (You even caught him looking at you during your tans on the beach)
So asking Ari to see your parents, he accepted it with no question. 
Ari did his best to dress nice with the blue button up and pants. His long hair making waves to the back and curl at the ends of his strands. Not going to lie, you liked his hair like that. 
When your parents meet him, he’s the first to greet them. Saying his name and everything. Your mother once called him handsome and sometimes ‘One hunk of a man’ you always playfully smack her arm to cut it out while your father lightly scolds at her. Ari tells the stories about your time in Ethiopia, staying at a hotel by the beach side, doing yoga and sea diving. He left out the dangerous parts when you both got stuck in a small cell with million other people. And you had to treat his eye when his friend Sam and him got into a fight. Or when he tried to defend you with a butter knife from Colonel Ahmed.
Your parents are liking him, interested in his travels and them knowing about his daughter, they didn’t go deep into who his wife was and why they split up. You met his daughter a couple times and she was quiet but you managed to get her to talk to you which was a good relief. His ex-wife got along with you as well, you just never got to hang with them for long.
Maybe once you babysat his daughter and you had a blast. Your mom then asked for grandkids and you all either laughed or shouted out her name to stop. Ari couldn’t help but grin. “What? I’ve been waiting for 10 years.”
“You’re going to have to wait for another 10 then.” 
Jake Jensen
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You and Jensen were something else. He was the most childish in the relationship but you just didn’t seem to get bored of him. For a guy who owns a hummer, not many of them can be as attractive as Jensen. Some can be assholes and Jensen didn’t take the cut sometimes. When he first found out when you talked about dinner with your parents, he already started to ask questions.
“What did you tell them?” “The good stuff?”
Your parents didn’t know about his job being on a Elite team of commandos, by your agreement, you told them of Jensen working at BestBuy. To your parents, your job was way “better” than Jensen’s job. When meeting your parents, Jensen didn’t bother to wear something nice. Either a t-shirt of his favorite soccer team (Petunias) or a sleeve-less shirt. Your parents were fond of the tattoos but your dad liked the one with the bull and you were lucky they didn’t say anything else about how bad tattoos were.
Jensen almost exposed himself during the talks. You knew about his missions and he almost gave those way when your mom asked if he traveled a lot. Jensen tried to be funny most of the time and sometimes has serious talk to your father about jobs or technician things. Your mom eventually asked if he could help with their computer and you felt embarrassed by that but Jensen took no hesitation into helping. 
So after dinner, Jensen helped your parents with whatever they had a problem with and said goodbye to them, leaving the house with you. Jensen sighs happily, “I think they like me.”
Mike Weiss
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Mike might have been a struggle to get out of the house to meet people. Especially your parents. There are two outcomes for this man and I’ll give them both. You’ve met Mike during his times through drug use. You’ve met him many times in the bathroom, throwing up to get him away from drugs in order to be with you. You knew it’d take time but there are moments where he desperately needed it to not stop.
When you asked him to have dinner with your parents, he couldn’t say no. You didn’t want to tell your parents that your boyfriend was a drug user. If you did, your parents would instantly think he’d be more harsher on you. Mike would never be harsh. Never in your life had he ever laid a hand on you. You both tried to be patient with one another and you two managed to stay together.
So when he came to the house along with you, he sniffled harshly and you rubbed his back to reassure him. 
He greeted your mother first and then shook hands with your dad. Your dad comments on his grip and Mike grins, nodding once. During the dinner, Mike told about where he was from and that he was a injury lawyer. You as his assistant was something your parents didn’t question about. As his girlfriend or not, you’re always there for him to make sure he reaches certain places. But when you’re not there, he doesn’t attend those things and you have to deal with them yourself.
Halfway through the dinner, he excuses himself to the bathroom. “Mike is very nice. How is it for you guys?” Your mother asks, you swallowed hard on your food and nodded. “He’s good. We’ve been thinking on getting a nice place to stay so...” Your mom nods. Minutes later, Mike comes in and audibly sniffs hard but your parents don’t pay much mind to it.
You were lucky to watch him every second because a couple more minutes into talking, you notice his nose bleed and you instantly reached up to his face with a napkin and he cleans his nose off. 
Now a different story if Mike had be doing rehab a while ago, it would go like this. You’ve noticed how good he’s been doing to stay away from the pills and drugs he’s been doing for years. Mike always made sure he stayed away from alcohol which tends to happen to some drug addicts to do. So when he meets your parents, he’s polite as possible. A shake to the hand and a gentle grin. The dinner goes well and he does whatever he can to answer questions.
His leg bounces up and down, so you would always place your hand over his knee to reassure him. Trying his hardest to stand up straight, he feels your warmth and calms himself down. Your parents don’t notice. And Mike doesn’t excuse himself to the bathroom, he’s talking to your mother about the things you and him would do if you guys got married. Which was going to come soon.
And after that dinner, Mike turns to you. “They’re nice.”
“They really like you, Mike.” 
He grins.
Andy Barber
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When you two first met, you weren’t even adults at the time. High school sweethearts was some kind of dream for you, to meet someone who stood by your side since you were and have him take your hand in marriage. There is no doubt he got along with your parents. At the age of 18 is when he met them for the first time. Your prom night was something and he stood awkwardly in the living room with your dad.
But for Andy, we aren’t going to discuss his first dinner with them. Just after your marriage, you always visited your parents during the holidays. Even if it meant to fly/drive over. From their first dinner, it ended well. Andy had gotten more comfortable with your parents and always told them stories of being a lawyer. Your mom always called him her son-in-law from the first she saw him. He never disappoint them with a smile.
So visiting them on the holidays, he never refuses to go. He loves your parents and you two even named your first child after your mom/dad. So bringing along your family to your parents house, you were happy to have them over. 
Thanksgiving was your favorite get-together with your parents. Especially if your mom and dad are great cooks. 
You both talk about your jobs in Newton, even talking about your daughter/son trying out a sport or club in their school. Your parents found the time to play board games. Your kid always loved playing Othello. Andy and your dad were having beer while you had water and your mother had wine. Everyone were laughing and having a good time. Till Andy looks over to you and grins. 
You smile back and turn to your parents, “Mom, dad.”
“I’m pregnant.”
And after dinner was finished, Andy was polite to help your parents with the dishes. And you guys had a grand time.
Paul Diskant
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Paul wasn’t exactly free most of the time. Sure, he’d come home after a long day in the department working on cases. A dangerous job to be walking around with a gun clasped onto your hip and a badge you show off to dangerous people. You found him once in a hospital, getting shot in the hip and nowadays, lying in bed, you always feel that rough scar on his hip. 
Him meeting your parents was easy. But when you told them the first time that he was a detective, they feared what might occur to him or you. They worried if you had kids and he happened to end up in a hospital dead and leave you alone. 
You trusted Paul enough to be careful in the city of Los Angeles. As a nurse, you treated him once and silently scolded him about the decision he made. 
So for his promise, he made sure everything he did was not involving rough places and people. Took murder cases of homicides that were just easy to solve. He worked alongside Tom and he felt like an older brother to Paul. Tom made sure, your boy was safe.
The day you made him meet your parents, he greets them with a handshake and once you all sit at the table, your dad goes in for the questions and asks about what he was working on at the department. Your mom somewhat gasped at every story that could’ve been really bad for Paul and that one time you had to treat him at the hospital. But once you cut in to talk about your lives at home and listen to what your parents did over the years, they got to know Paul more and so did he. 
The dinner went swell and when you two left, Paul never wasted time to pull you into the house.
Frank Adler
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Being a simple guy who works on boats from day to night, he was hesitant to meet your parents. From the first time you two met, it was when you moved into the small homes and Mary was the one who brought you two to meet. From the moment he heard your voice, his head shot up in surprise and expected to see an angel. Instead he saw a Goddess. Your smile was so welcoming, he stuttered every word to saw hi. 
Over the months as your neighbor, he always watched you from the kitchen window to see you talk to Roberta. Dating him for what felt like a eternity, you asked him to meet your parents and have dinner. He was already nervous even though the dinner was not till another week. 
At the time, he asked Roberta if she could watch Mary for the night till he comes back. Roberta reassures him not to worry and just relax. He took her advice and got ready. You fixed his hair since he wasn’t so sure how he wanted to look for them. You grinned softly and pecked his lips softly. You grip his shirt in your fist and looked up at him. “Were you working on the boat?”
“No.” You could smell the oil off his shirt so you forced him to change and made your way to your parents house. They greeted him with a gentle smile. They expected someone more of on the rich side. Only to hear that he raises his niece and has custody of her, telling them about how gifted she is. They were already liking him just on how he was with the little girl he mentioned.   
They never asked about where he worked and so you were comfortable throughout the whole dinner. Your dad was invested with boats as well, so Frank and him spoke about them for the rest of the dinner and thought about going on a boat ride in the yacht your father owned.
And Frank walked out of the house with a small smile on his face.
Johnny Storm
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Last but not least. Johnny is the child-type to be at a dinner. Moments where he’s not serious and could go on and on about his lifestyle. It’s one thing for a super-soldier to go to your parents house. But someone who can light in flames was something you couldn’t quite imagine to be visiting your parents.
Before, Johnny was just an ordinary playboy. Goes out to party and drinks. Just like Ransom but less of an asshole, he gets a little too cocky. His style of clothing was always the 2000 look. A plain t-shirt with a suit jacket and pants. Your mom was the one who was worried. When you told them he was one of the Fantastic Four, they assumed it was Reed first.
“Isn’t he married?”
“It’s not Reed, dad.”
“The thing?”
“That’s my best friend, mom. But no.” Then in an instant, they knew it was the underwear model, boy with twinkle toes and lights up like the sun. Johnny was prepared to meet them. But not prepared in a professional way. His handshakes were less adult, the vigorous handshake from a 5-year-old. You were sure he lightly singed your father’s hand. 
His flirting way got the best of him. His smirks and winks always captured by your parents, you basically hid your face behind a napkin. Even with a boyfriend who rides a motorcycle and is basically a dare-devil, he could do anything for a bet. Your mother never liked men like that. Your father was kind of the opposite. But Johnny seemed to give them the wrong idea. 
Johnny’s way of sending flowers to you, finds the time to spend his day with you. Even reassures them that you’re protected. The dinner continued to go well and Johnny became a gentleman at the end and helped clean up. You never saw this side of him but it warmed your heart in a way.
His wink caught your attention when you watched him follow after your mom to the kitchen and you blushed shyly. 
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Sebastian Stan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: small age gap (8 years, your 30 he's 38), Swearing
Summary: The reader brings her Boyfriend Sebastian to visit her family for Thanksgiving
Town name and your family's names are made up btw.
Part 2
A/n: Hi y'all Happy Thanksgiving!
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You were practically bouncing off the walls in excitement when you woke up this morning. It was the day before Thanksgiving and you were bringing your Boyfriend, Sebastian Stan to visit your family with you, you had moved out of your small town where your family lives when you were 18 because you wanted to follow your dream of being a actress which you succeeded in after starting in a movie with Chris Evans two years ago. At a party Chris had invited you to he introduced you and Sebastian. Currently you were dragging Sebastian through the gate excited to see your family.. "Babe my brothers are waiting come on!" You said. He shook his head jogging to keep up with you.
"Dragoste they aren't gonna leave us here slow down!"
"You don't know that hurry up!" You said. This would be the first time in almost a year you saw your older brothers and to say your excited would be an understatement. You hadn't seen them since the Christmas. You are also excited to meet your youngest niece who was born a few months prior to thanksgiving. You made it out of the gate and looked around spotting the four men, three of them were sitting down a baby stroller sitting next to them, the fourth man stood beside them. "There they are!" You exclaimed letting go of your boyfriends hand and began running to the men. "Matty!" You tackled the man that was standing.
"Jeez!!" He exclaimed falling, the others looked at you shaking their head at you. "Hi baby sis."
"Hi!" You stood up giving hugs to the other three men as Sebastian made it over. "Sebastian these are my brothers, Matt, Jon, Mike, and Justin. Boys this is my boyfriend, Sebastian." You introduced. Your brothers stood up straight giving Sebastian a intimidating look. He would be lying if he said he wasn't worried to meet your older brothers. He was under the impression that they were stereotypical over protective brothers. He knows you are their only sister and the youngest of the five of you. Matthew being the oldest at thirty-seven, Jonathan is thirty-six, Mike is thirty-five, and Justin is thirty four, and you are thirty.
"Hello." Sebastian said shifting on his feet nervously before your brothers broke into smiles.
"Hey Man. Welcome to the family!" Matt said pulling him in a hug. You shook your head laughing as your brothers hugged him and welcomed him to the family. He is the first guy you've brought home since you moved when you were 18.
"Is this my baby niece?" You bent down in front of the stroller where a two-month-old baby sat.
"Yes she is." Justin said.
"Hi there Nora. I'm your auntie y/n." You said in a baby voice. Sebastian looked at you fondly as you made faces and cooed at the baby.
"Okay let's go get your luggage Mom and dad are waiting for us." Matthew said. You stuck your tongue at at him before standing. You grabbed your before hand before the 6 of you before walking to luggage claim. You guys made it to luggage claim grabbing your bags before heading out to Jonathan's mini-van which you teased him for.
"So how do you two meet?" Matt asked as he leaned back in the seat. You didn't tell your family much about yours and Sebastian's relationship.
"At a party Chris invited me to." You said.
"That's all not some exciting and adorable story? Wait Chris?" Justin asked.
"Chris Evans. My co-star? I told you bout him! The guy with the adorable dog!" You said looking down at your phone.
"Oh! That guy!"
"Chris was adamant in us meeting." Sebastian chuckled with you.
"Sebastian. Your an actor like her right?" Matt asked.
"Yeah." Sebastian nodded.
"You're in those marvel movies? My twins talk about them all the time." Jonathan said.
"And so does my oldest." Mike said.
"Yeah I play the Winter Soldier." Sebastian said smiling.
"Cool man I think thats my daughters favorite." Jonathan replied.
"You don't know Samantha's favorite character from movies she talks about 24-7?" Justin asked.
"I'm pretty sure it's him." Jon shrugged as he turned the car down the street leading into your hometown.
"Grayson said something about her favorite being Captain America though." Mike said.
"Ooooh! Jax's favorite is The winter soldier!" Jon said in realization as the car made it into town.
"In a whole year this place didn't even change a bit." You muttered looking out the window as the car passed by shops and houses.
"It never does." Matt said.
"Hey, are my other nieces and nephews waiting at mom and dad's house for us?" You asked your brothers. They each have kids, Matt has two Luna and Benji they are thirteen and eight, Jonathan has four Samantha, and Jaxon who are twins and fourteen, Violet and Hazel who are ten, and nine, Mike has four boys, Grayson, Jasper, Levi, and Griffin who are fourteen, twelve, ten, and four, Justin has three Leo, Oliver, and Nora, they are seven, five and Nora is just a baby. You were the only one without kids but that was because you wanted to wait till you were married to have children.
"No Griffin is but the rest went to get something from Jon's house before we left so they probably aren't back yet." Mike told you as the car pulled into the driveway of a two story house that was far from the street with a large yard that was surrounded by woods after.
"We're here!" You said excitedly as you unbuckled your car. In addition to not seeing your brothers for a year you also didn't see their wives who you were close with since they became your big sisters the second they met you. You had seen your parents when they came to a premiere for one of your movies. Jon parked the car and you climbed out going with Sebastian to the trunk to get your luggage. "See Seb told ya my brothers would love you." You said, he was nervous about coming for two reasons one was leaving his mom alone for the holiday but the three of you decided to celebrate it early, and the other one was just because of the fact the first time he'd be meeting your brothers and most of your family would be on a big holiday.
"You were right dragoste but you still have more family." He said leaning down to kiss you.
"No PDA!" Matt said before Sebastian's lips met your. You pulled away glaring at your brother before you shut the trunk of the van and began to wheel the suitcases up to the house with Sebastian right next to you looking around at the house.
"Mom! We're back!" Mike shouted as the 6 of you entered the house with the addition of Nora who was asleep in her car seat. A four-year-old boy came running at full speed toward you crashing into your legs hugging them tight.
"Griffin!" You said picking the little boy up and giving him a tight hug.
"Hi Auntie!" The boy said before looking up at the man standing beside you. "Who are you?"
"I'm Sebastian, your Aunts boyfriend." Sebastian said smiling at the boy.
"Uncle?" Griffin asked beaming with excitement.
"Sure buddy." Griffin made grabby hands toward Sebastian who gladly took him. You couldn't help but smile at how Sebastian was with your nephew.
"Hun!" Your mom came out of the kitchen pulling you into a hug immediately.
"Hi momma." You said. The two of you pulled away so you could hug your dad while your mom gave Sebastian a hug. "Hi dad."
You walked into the living room Sebastian no longer holding Griffin but Griffin was holding his hand. "Y/n!" You sister in laws said smiling at you, Justin's wife, Elizabeth was the first on to give you a hug, then Colleen, Jon`s wife gave you one followed by Autumn, Matt`s Wife.
"Mommy! This is Uncle Sebastian!" Griffin said to Kristina his mom.
"So your the man Y/n talked about. Nice to meet you I'm Kristina." She said smiling at your boyfriend.
"You too. I'm Sebastian." Your other three sisters-in-law introduced themselves before you showed Sebastian to the room you two would be staying in. "This is where you grew up?" He asked looking at the decorations you had left in the small bedroom when you moved out. "Is this you?" He picked up a photo of you freshman year of high school with braces, you were in a cheer-leading uniform on the back of Justin who was in a football jersey.
"Yeah." You said blushing.
"You were adorable." He said before smirking. "Think you'd still fit in the cheerleader outfit?" He asked suggestively.
"Sebastian!" You exclaimed pushing him playfully making the two of you laugh.
"Seriously you'd be hot in it." He said leaning down to kiss you.
"Whatever you say babe." You laughed hugging him before you heard the sound of 11 kids voices. "You get to meet my favorite people are you ready? This will break or make you." You joked.
"I think I'd rather stay up here with you alone... Wait I thought I was your favorite person!." He said pouting causing you to laugh and push him playfully again.
"Sorry but they win your higher on the list then my brothers though!." You said before three little boys ran into the room. "My boys!" You said leaning down opening your arms for the three to run into them.
"Hi Auntie y/n!" The youngest of the three boys, Oliver said.
"Auntie n/n I missed you!" The oldest of the three, Benji said.
"Auntie y/n who's he?" Leo, Olivers brother asked pulling away from the hug to look up at Sebastian.
"I'm Sebastian." Sebastian said leaning down to their height.
"He's uncle Seb!" Griffin said as he walking in his older brother, Grayson following.
"Your actually dating Sebastian Stan! I thought dad was lying!" Grayson exclaimed staring at the man, Sebastian chuckled at the excitement of your nephew.
"Hi what's your name?" Sebastian asked not directing it to one of the boys in particular though he had a guess to which was which. You told him about all of them.
"I'm Benji. Can we actually call you uncle Seb?"
"Sure." Sebastian said.
"I'm Leo! Uncle Seb how does Grayson know who you are?"
"I'm the winter solider." Sebastian said in a hushed secretive tone.
"Cool! I'm Oliver!" Sebastian stood up looking at the teenager waiting to hear his name though he know it was Grayson because of what Leo had said. You stood up holding Oliver.
"I'm Grayson.. Do I have to call you uncle?" Grayson asked. He was a fan sure him and two of his cousins loved marvel but he found calling a guy he just met uncle a little strange now it may not seem weird to his four year old brother or younger cousins but that's mainly because they are young.
"No." Sebastian said.
"Come on now Seb has to meet the others now." You said.
"Jax is going to freak." Grayson said leaving the bedroom you, Sebastian, and the younger boys following behind. "Me, him, and Samantha are massive fans." He said. You couldn't help but smile already seeing your boyfriend bond with your nephews.
"Really? Were all three of you team cap?" Sebastian asked.
"Sebastian stan!" A girls voice exclaimed from the bottom of the stares where two teens who looked alike stood staring at your boyfriend.
"Hi!" Sebastian said waving at them as you guys made your ways down the stairs.
"I'm here too!" You pouted. Jaxon was the first to break from the trance and give you a hug, then Samantha did the same as your younger nephews ran off to play.
"Your actually dating Sebastian stan?" Samantha asked you.
"No he's just a cardboard cutout." You joked.
"A really realistic one." Your boyfriend said.
"Hi! I'm Jaxon! This is my twin Samantha."
"Grayson said you guys are fans. Were you two on team cap?" Sebastian asked.
"I was on team ironman." Grayson said.
"I was team cap!" Samantha said.
"Team Ironman." Sebastian feigned hurt as he gasped.
"But I'm dating you aunt and I'm on team cap." He said.
"We're still team ironman." Grayson said.
"You my favorite." Sebastian whispered to Samantha jokingly.
"Ha!" She said to Grayson and Jaxon sticking her tongue out at them.
"She's only on team Cap because she has a crush on Chris Evans." Jaxon said. You couldn't help but laugh. You knew about this crush because your niece was so excited to know you were starring in a film with Chris.
"Jax!" Samantha exclaimed smacking him. The two of them began argue as siblings do. You and Grayson just shrugged when Sebastian looked at you guys.
"Was that my fault?" Sebastian whispered to you.
"No they fight over nonsense all the time." You assured. "Come one you still have to meet the rest of my nieces and nephews." You said leaving the teenagers to figure out their problems on their own.
"Uncle Seb! Come play with us!" Griffin ran over to you two pulling Sebastian outside where you noticed most of your family was now. Griffin pulled Sebastian to where your nieces and nephews except the oldest three were playing soccer. You sat down next to Justin who was feeding nora.
"The kids seem to love him. I've never seen Oliver this outgoing around an adult that isn't one of us." He said watching as Oliver kicked the soccer ball to Sebastian.
"Yeah." You agreed watching as Luna blocked the ball from the diy goals that were set up in the front yard. They were just arches made out of some extra wood from a project your parents did a while ago those arches have been their since you were six. There were two that we're across from each other.
"You finally found a good guy sis." Matt said as he sat down next to you. "And he's good with kids."
You watched as the three teenagers who formerly inside came out to join their cousins/siblings. "He's got the teens playing with the little kids! I can't even get Grayson to watch Griffin for a few minutes." Mike said joining the three of you.
"Why aren't you out there? Your the pro at playing soccer with them." Jonathan said walking over. You shrugged watching as Hazel kicked the ball to Sebastian it accidentally hitting him in the crotch. He let out a groan that your couldn't hear as he fell to the ground.
"Sorry!" Hazel exclaimed as you ran down to them.
"You okay babe?" You asked Sebastian.
"Yeah just need a break." He said staying in his position on the grass groaning.
"You killed him." Samantha said jokingly to her sister.
"I didn't mean too!"
"Girls he'll be fine he's just being a big baby." You joked. Sebastian glared at you finally sitting up before you tackled you smirking at you.
"Dogpile on Aunt y/n!" Samantha exclaimed before jumping onto Sebastian's back making you and your boyfriend groan. The rest of your nieces and nephews joined besides Nora for obvious reasons. Unbeknownst to you and Sebastian, Colleen took a photo.
"Okay can I be free now?" You asked.
"No!" Griffin said.
"You have to give us cookies before dinner!" Oliver said.
"Okay fine but you can't tell my brothers or your moms." You agreed. The kids got off and ran into the house ready for their cookies. Your brothers were all gonna go home with their families before dinner so this was the only chance for your nieces and nephews to get their cookies.
"So doll you said that would make or break me how did I do?" Sebastian asked holding himself above you with his hands on either side of your head.
"You did great even my brothers admitted it." You said smiling. "Now come one there are thirteen kids waiting for cookies it's going to become a riot if they don't get any." You said as Sebastian got off helping you up.
The rest of the day went great your brothers and sisters-in-law loved him, the kids adored him. It is now Thanksgiving, your brothers and their families are already here the kids, you, and Sebastian watching the parade on Tv. You leaned against Sebastian 's shoulder as your nieces and nephews excitedly pointed at the floats. Nora was sat your lap sucking on a binky as she watched her brothers and cousins go crazy over the floats.
"Doll when are we gonna have one of these?" Sebastian asked looking down at the baby.
"Not for awhile Stan." You said bouncing the baby. You actually loved being the cool aunt that didn't have any kids of her own especially when sometimes during the summer you get to bring your older nieces and nephews back to New York with you for the summer which they always love. It's really only when you don't have any filming going on.
"But come on I think Nora wants a new cousin." He smirked at you.
"I think she should beg her other aunts and uncles for one then." You said.
"Please I want a cousin close to my age!" He lifted the baby up the his face her facing you as he did a baby voice.
"Not happening." You laughed taking you niece back. "Keep dreamin babe. But you gotta put a ring on my finger before you put a baby in me." You looked but at your nieces and nephews who were laughing and playing around.
"Will you marry me." He whisper pulling a ring pop out of a candy bowl your parents had in the living room for the kids. You couldn't help but laugh.
"Sorry but I like my jewelry not to be edible." You joked trying to take the ring.
"No! You don't get the ring you said no!" He pouted.
"Hey love birds! Stop flirting while you have my daughter on your laps!" Justin said walking over and taking the baby from you. "I'm sorry baby that must have been scary."
"Okay okay Justin." You laughed. "We won't flirt anymore.
"Speak for yourself. I can't resist it." Sebastian said pulling you closer to him making you laugh.
"Whatever Y/n Mom wants you in the kitchen."
You stood giving you boyfriend a smile before walking into the kitchen. "Yes mom?" You asked.
"Can you and Sebastian go down to the basement to kid the kids table and chairs?" She asked not looking up at you from the turkey.
"Okay." You turned around going to the living. "Seb come help me get the kids table and chairs." You said peaking into the living. You saw your sister in laws and brothers now there talking to your boyfriend.
"Coming doll." Sebastian stood up walking over to you before following you to the basement door.
"Into the dungeon." You said opening it to reveal some rickety looking stairs.
"Gonna lock me down here? My fans will notice I'm gone though." Sebastian laughed following you.
"Maybe I will." You laughed going over to a fold up table. "Here's the table let's get it up stairs." You said lifting a end of it. He grabbed the other end and the two of you brought it up the stairs. You set it in the dining room before going back to the basement to grab the chairs. After you finished grabbing everything, Levi and Jasper stole Sebastian to go play outside with while you set the table up. You sighed finishing setting up the table before going out the back door to see all of your nieces and nephews crowding around your boyfriend, him holding two of them, Jasper was on his back while he held Griffin on his hip. You couldn't help but smile before taking a photo of them for Instagram you captioned it happy thanks giving then posted it tagging Sebastian, your brothers, and your sister in laws in it. Your oldest three niece and nephews have Instagrams but you never tag them in your posts deciding to keep them away from the unwarranted fame that comes from being a actress' niece and nephews. Your boyfriend looked at you smiling as Jasper jumped off his back and Leo tried to take his cousin's spot.
"When will we have one of those! You need a mini you running around the apartment." Sebastian whisper to you as you guys went back into the dining room where your family had been waiting.
"Okay love birds cut it out!" Jon said rolling his eyes as you sat down. You stuck your tongue out at him. (Add saying grace if your family does. Mine doesn't so I don't know how to do that)
The dinner was filled with laughter as everyone began talking about what had happened in the year you hadn't seen each other. You and Sebastian went into better detail on how you met. You met him two years ago a month after filming the movie you were in with Chris E. Your sister in laws asked about the movies he had been two of them knowing a lot about the Marvel movies he had been in because of their kids. Your mom shared as many embarrassing stories as she could. "When she was 4 she was the bossiest kid, she'd make the boys make be in mini movies with her, we still have some of those I'll find them." She said.
"Mom! No!" You whined laughing.
"I'm sure you were just as good of an actress back then as you are now." Sebastian said smiling at you. You shook your head.
"No the videos are so embarrassing." You mumbled.
"Yeah for all of us! You used to make us put your tiny ass pink dresses on." Matt said. They could never say no to you. So wearing a pink dress 7 sizes too small was something they did for you. You didn't fit into those dresses again until you was 13 because they stretched them out.
"You didn't have to say yes!" You laughed.
"None of us could say no to you! You would pull the puppy dog eyes then we'd be in dresses!" Justin said. Sebastian laughed knowing exactly what Justin meant. He could resist your puppy dog eyes either.
"Or our Halloween candy! You took all my snickers!" Mike said pouting.
"Your still mad at me for that! I did the dishes for a month to make it up to you!" You said laughing.
"Get over it babe." Kristina said. She knew all about this whole thing as she was friends with your brother most of your guys childhoods.
"You're supposed to be on my side!" Mike whined.
"She likes me more!" You teased sticking your tongue out at him. Sebastian watched fondly as you and your family joked and brought up old stories. He smiled every time you got embarrassed over a story your brothers and their wives decided to bring up. You looked over at him a smile so big that looked it hurt.
"Sebastian do you have any new roles? I already know y/n has a project coming up." Autumn asked you before taking a sip of her wine.
"Filming for Falcon and the winter soldier started a few months ago actually." Sebastian said beginning to talk about his role to which there was plenty input shouted from the kid's table from Grayson and the twins.
After dinner everyone watched a movie once it was over your brothers and their families went home then you and Sebastian retreated to your bedroom. "You told me you only use your puppy dog eyes on me." Sebastian said pouting at you.
"No I just implied that I never made it a fact." You smirked at him hugging him. "You know maybe we should have a baby. The world need another Stan." You thought aloud. Though you probably only thought that due to the fact you got baby fever everytime you were around your brothers kids.
"Really?" Sebastian looked down at you beaming with delight.
"Sure why not?" You said closing your eyes as you rested you head on his chest.
"Maybe we should start trying." He smirked as your eyes popped open and glared at him.
"No! My family is still here." You said. "We'll start trying for a baby when we get home." You muttered.
"But why not a headstart." He pushed a little harder jokingly, he, in reality, didn't mind waiting but he liked how you looked when you got annoyed he found it cute.
"Because my parents are down stairs!"
"They won't hear." He teased smiling at you as you scrunched you eyebrows up glaring at him. "Chill baby I'm joking." You sighed laying you head on his chest once again.
"You better be." You mumbled yawning.
"Come on baby let's get you ready for bed." He kissed your forehead smiling at you. He was immensely happy with you agreeing to start a family.
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You woke up the next morning remembering your talk with Sebastian and you couldn't help but smile. Especially when you began thinking about what your family's reactions were gonna be. You knew your brothers would be excited for another niece or nephew, you parents would be a little iffy as you want to start before marriage, the kids would love having another cousin, and your sisters in law have been saving their kids clothing for you since each of their youngests except Elizabeth's grew out of them. You rolled over to look at Sebastian but found that he wasn't there. You furrowed your brows before climbing out of bed to make your way downstairs to find him, but first you got dressed. As you were making your way to the stairs you could hear talking from downstairs. You made it to the kitchen where Colleen was smiling ear to ear at you with Sebastian sitting next to her with a guilty look on his face, your parents weren't in the room but you could hear them talking in the living room.
"Your trying for a baby!!! Your gonna be a mom!" Colleen squealed jumping up and down giving you a hug.
"How did you find that out?"
"I let it slip on accident." Sebastian gave you an apologetic smile.
"Colleen you can't tell anyone!" You said.
"Fine but when you find the gender out! I have some adorable clothes from each of my kids you can have!"
"Thank you." You chuckled before going to sit down by Sebastian. "Good job."
"I didn't mean to."
"It's fine babe." You said giving him a kiss.
"You guys are so in love you two better make me a bridesmaid at the wedding." Colleen said before leaving to kitchen.
By the time the week ended your family grew attached to Sebastian. Your oldest three niece and nephews were definitely the most attached enjoying to ask him questions about the marvel movies and their favorite actors from the franchise Sebastian was a little butt hurt he wasn't any of theirs favorites. Your younger nieces and nephews loved him, the girls all managed to get him dressed up as a princess with a tutu and all. You obviously posted a photo of him and your nieces all dressed up. Your older brothers were definitely grateful that he was the guy you brought home knowing you have had plenty of failed relationships in the twelve years since you left town. Your sister-in-laws were more then happy to welcome into the family even before you brought him and their opinions on him didn't change.
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mitchsmarners · 4 years
why do you hate stranger things 3 so much?
Okay so it’s been a year but I’ll admit, I still don’t think I’ve ever been REALLY able to express what it is about the third season of Stranger Things that just made it so-bad but I’m gonna try. Like short answer? For a show that got it’s whole thing from the importance of family and friends, season 3 shoved all of that aside for poorly written romantic relationships. Long answer?
There’s many things but I think that the biggest thing is that even with a pretty decent “main plot” Stranger Things 3 started off almost immediately from the get out with no chance of actually being good, because right away none of these characters were still in character with who we fell in love with, you know?
Joyce Byers, who at a serious base of her character, was an amazing and extremely dedicated mother spending seven out of eight episodes seperated and unconcerned about her children even when she’s suspicious that something was going on. Her kids don’t reach out to her either, even when the literal world seems to be ending around them which is very weird for both Will and Jonathan who are super super aware of how vital and active Joyce has always been in this fight and they don’t even wonder out loud for second why she isn’t there.
And Mike- oh, Mike, sweeties, my dude, I am so sorry- has, sure, always been kind of a little prick. Very stubborn and kind of struggles to see things from other people’s point of view but there was so much more to Mike Wheeler than having a crush on El. Something just does not sit right with me that I’m supposed to believe that Mike threw down on sight for the entire first season for El’s right to be considered a friend to Lucas and Dustin and then apparently, basically, actively took part in the season three concept that she.... didn’t have any friends, and wasn’t friends with anybody except him, and that she never actually became friends with Dustin or Lucas after Mike fought them so goddamn hard about it. It doesn’t make sense! AND NOT TO MENTION, that Mike sent two seasons- two- with an obvious view that saving Will or protecting Will was the most important thing to him and it still took what like? Four episodes for Mike to realize that something was wrong with Will and even then he continuously undercut it and I don’t know who that was but it wasn’t my Mike Wheeler.
LUCAS WOULDN’T BE LIKE THAT. Aside from the whole weird thing where they set up Lucas and Max has been an actually great relationship and then they brought back that season with a showcase that Lucas and Max basically break up once a week and fight continuously to the point where they both think that’s the most normal thing in the world.I just think that- and I know I’m not the only one- is that I am glad that we got a call back to the season one throwaway line that Mike and Lucas are best friends because outside of Dustin saying that, we never really saw it. Lucas seemed to really have little to no patience for Mike at any given point, and I get that, I totally get that. Like, season one they had the same goal- save Will- but they both wanted to go about it in a completely different way (i.e Lucas didn’t really want to waste time on the girl with the superpowers they found in the woods, because he thought their time would be better spent actually looking for Will) and then in season two, Mike runs around being a total dick to the girl Lucas likes and fucks off in end of episode four without word about it and has progressively tried to keep Lucas and Dustin from what’s going on with Will for the most point (because he doesn't trust Max and he was right in believing that Dustin or Lucas would tell this total stranger about Will’s trauma.) and I totally digressed here, but because I was glad to see Lucas and Mike being friends in season three, the concept was highlight they just- went about it so so wrong. Because Lucas has never been shy about telling his friends- and especially Mike- that they’re being fucking idiots. I cannot imagine Lucas actually encouraging Mike to pursue this crack scheme of chasing after El post-break up. Especially not the way it went down, which Mike immediately accepts that El has dump him and it’s over and then Lucas convinces him that it’s not. It very much does hold roots in the poor writing of the Lu/Max relationship this season, but Lu/Max was written the way it was so that they could have Lucas in Mike’s corner and Max in El’s corner to validate and uplift the horrible Mi/leven relationship arc this season in which Lucas for sure would not be in that spot whatsoever if it wasn’t for the poor writing of Mi/leven since the second they left the Snowball. Lu/Max is very much a support piece in Mi/leven rather than its own relationship, and yet Max continues to get her own storyline this season (as... yeah... as that storyline was) but Lucas became a casualty to Mi/leven this year, and only slightly differently to the way Will has been a casualty to Mi/leven... and Mike has been a casualty to Mi/leven. If your main relationship continues to assassinate and rip dry the characters both inside and around it, then it’s really time to take a step away from that relationship and determine if its working or if you just suck at writing for no foreseeable reason.
And like, I guess it’s fair to talk about Max here since it’ll be any easy transition in the sense that- Max Mayfield a casualty to Mi/leven. Like that meme with the people holding hands and it says “my character survived the Mi/leven relationship of 1985” and its Max Mayfield and Dustin Henderson. NOT TO SAY that Max’s character isn’t all over the board, it is a lot harder to decide what Max would or wouldn’t do regarding Mike and El. Because.... we never saw anything with the Max/El relationship outside of Max wanted to know her, and El absolutely wanting nothing to do with that because Mike smiled at her one time and El saw it. Mike and Max is actually a different story, and the more complicated relationship I guess? El/Max was good, even if I didn’t agree with all of the advice that Max gives El (particularly the we make our own rules concept, I fucking hated that and I’ll get there. Oh, I’ll get there.) BECAUSE Mike and Max are just... the Sharpay and Gabriella of Stranger Things. They feud all season for whatever reason, they make up and find common ground at the end, and then it starts back up and they hate each other with no explanation to the understanding that they found. And it wasn’t funny, there wasn’t anything about their rivalry that was funny or amusing or even really served a purpose outside of the fact that they needed to showcase the whole Lu/Max and Mi/leven crap so Mike and Max could be friends because the couples needed to be against each other so Max already needed to hate Mike prior to El coming to her for advice, and therefore the rekindling of their potential friendship at the end of season two was re’cont for that purpose. And it really wasn’t necessary because Max would have had enough going on without being in the middle of the weird Mi/leven break up, and losing her boyfriend. I think a huge like, obvious issue with Max is that season two Max left a lot to be desired. Understandably, season two was a lot bigger than the Duffers had time for so they ended introducing characters (Billy and Max) that we didn’t get to develop in their introductory season enough that where they ended up in season 3 was logical or sensical at all because Billy did nothing except be an evil piece of shit two years until the end where he decides to stop himself from killing this little 13 year old white girl and dies and suddenly he’s a hero who sacrificed himself for the greater good when he really didn’t. And seeing Max horrified and traumatized to him does make sense to an extent, she has known him and lived with him for a large chunk of her life and seeing that happen to anybody would be traumatizing. And people don’t get to determine how someone would react to their abuser dying, because you are not that person and you are experiencing what they are experiencing. HOWEVER, Max did not receive enough explanation from a writer or viewers’ POV for her defending Billy or believing Billy could be good to make sense when she spent almost all of season two avoiding her relationship with Lucas because she knew that Billy was racist and violent and horrible. Max grieving and being traumatized over Billy’s death and quite literally seeing his body, but her actions up to that point didn’t make much sense because not enough writing went into Max as a character since the beginning because she is a victim of the classic Too Many Characters, Not Enough Screen Time to Share.
Ha. The relationship between El and Will really needs to be it’s own point before I even get into them as characters. It’s so... It doesn’t make any sense to me why Will and El are like that. And I guess it does or it can trace back to Mi/leven. The idea that Mike purposely kept El from having any friends and Will would have been a victim of that, and the fact that Will very obviously likes Mike and that showcases in him... not like El??? because they’re dating. But I’m not sure how I’m supposed to believe that Will and El don’t have a connection? El saved Will’s life t w i c e and I’m supposed to believe that he hates her because she’s dating Mike and therefore that doesn’t matter to him and he calls her by a number instead of a name and he overly just seems extremely indifferent towards her at best. But I actually do believe, the lack of an Will & El dynamic is (besides being a totally missed opportunity) was like... blank brained of the writers, I think they genuinely just didn’t think about it because they were really caught up in the relationship drama this season they just didn’t bother to develop El and Will. Which is dumb, because of the whole “we’re supposed to believe that Hopper & Joyce are a good ship” but also supposed to believe that Will and El have never spent any time together AND THEY KNEW THAT THEY WOULD BE L I V I N G TOGETHER at the end of the season and they still nothing to give them any relationship growth at all, and if anything took away what little potential hits of a dynamic they had from the first two seasons. For the sake of what does not sort of look like a queerbait of Mike/Will OR best case scenario (still bad!) a love triangle between the three characters.
For a show that had two seasons dedicated to the importance of Will Byers, it was kind of weird to see him so shoved aside this time around. And this isn’t to take away from El’s importance. It’s not an argument over her being the main character- although I think it’s important to note that they original plan for this show was for her to die in season one, and while I’m glad she’s alive and they changed that, we can’t deny how that decision itself would completely alter the path every single character (especially characters like Mike and Will in particular) would have made. BUT FACTS ARE, this entire show started because of Will. That is something that cannot be argued. The Vanishing of Will Byers was the kick off of this entire thing, and every single main character aside from possibly Steve Harrington, are in this fight because of Will Byers. Not because of El. And yes, El is most definitely the ~stranger thing~ and the titular character of the show, it’s fucking ludicris to try and imply that Will is not pretty much as just as important as El. And so for season three to undercut everything about that and use Will as detection device (that only gave you about 15 seconds warning) and have his actual emotional storyline dropped in the 4th episode and only come up again in the sense of refusing to even hear apologies from Lucas or Mike, is the epitome of bullshit.
I’m just going to start off here by saying, I like El, I do. BUT- I’m very aware that El is a victim of her surroundings. She doesn’t have much of her own personality, she has from the beginning allowed herself to simply accept what other people tell her and do that. Say that, repeat it. The Best Time for El as a character was with Kali and her deepest moment of like, personal reflection is when she said no to going with Kali because she needed to go back to Hawkins and save her friends. That really set up a lot of really good growth for El, the idea she was becoming her own person and that she could move forward as herself, who she is, who she wants to be. And I understand the trauma behind her and why she has such an unstable sense of self but it was still disappointing to watch her revert back to following by example in her personal life while continuously forced to be seen as leader in any situation. She follows Mike’s example in the beginning, with Hopper and being super obnoxious but she’s also very quick to jump back over to Hopper’s side when addressing Mike later and burshing off what he’s trying to tell her (i.e your father threatened my life and I didn’t know how to proceed from that point and I’m sorry I lied to you) and she also word for word quotes Max a lot. Including situations which the boy she’s supposedly in love with expresses his discomfort in her. When El reveals that she’s gone into the the void and watched the boys doing whatever, Mike quickly jumps to point out that those were “against the rules” aka personal boundaries that have obviously been set between Mike and El for a reason and she shoots back that she makes her own rules, like Max said about a pretty different situation nonetheless, and invalidates what Mike is trying to say in that moment again. It also doesn’t really sit right with me that she plays dumb with Mike in that grocery store will he is clearly having trouble declaring love for her (which says a lot about how Mike feels) and then bringing it back up three months later, and using it as a justification for kissing him and declaring love towards him after he has said he didnt even remember the conversation she’s referencing from three months earlier and she does not say “I love you” she says “I love you, too.” Which is so very different, because it is her literally acknowledging that she sat there and played dumb (not didn’t understand, which is totally different, but did understand and wanted and enjoyed him struggling to say something) and they threw it back at him as a validation of their relationship- yet it was something he was unable to say to her. I think a big issue with El, is that she has somehow become somebody above being criticized for her actions. What was wrong with Mi/leven this season is not 100% an issue with Mike Wheeler, El very much had a hand in that destruction and with how the season ended, I don’t doubt that she was will  have an even larger hand in the problems going forward because El is smart, and she understands shit, but she pretends that she doesn’t when it’s works for her. Being around Hopper and to even greater extent, the things she lived through in the lab, El is very aware of how to manipulate people and it’s a behaviour she is going to have to unlearn. She might not even be completely aware of just how wrong it is but nobody is going to tell her what she’s doing because I don’t even think it’s realized that she’s doing it and fandom itself chooses to ignore that she’s done it.
And I don’t know how a show that could create the iconic character growth of Steve Harrington is also writing all these other character development blunders, full stop.
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insideoutstory · 4 years
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Inside Out → Chapter Twenty-Five
summary: Christmas 1983. All things change, some people too. But they all remember. word count: 3.5k warnings: Immaturity and fluff at its finest A/N: This is the final chapter of the first installment! Thank you everyone for reading and please, reblog or send me a message if you enjoyed!
[ masterlist ]   [ FF.net ]
December 24, 1983 
“Something is coming. Something angry. Hungry for your blood. It is almost here.” 
Mike paused dramatically, making the boys around the table fidget in anticipation. 
 “What is it?” asked Will. 
“It’s the thessalhydra,” said Dustin. “I’m telling you…” 
“It’s not the thessalhydra,” Lucas dismissed. 
“I’m telling you, it’s the thessalhydra!” 
“THE THESSALHYRDA!” Mike slammed a figurine down onto the board, effectively ending the argument and sending a wave of groans around the table. “It roars in anger! Will, your action!” 
“What should I do?” Will asked in a panic. “I don’t…” 
“Fireball him!” Lucas insisted. 
Everyone turned to Dustin for his opinion. He stroked his chin, then grinned in agreement. “Fireball the son of a bitch.” 
Will grabbed the dice, shaking them fervently and then throwing them down onto the board. There was a split second of fear as they all counted. Then the basement erupted into screams once more. 
“Direct hit!” 
“Will the Wise’s fireball hits the thessalhydra! It makes a painful—eeeryaaaaagh! And then, it crumbles to the ground! Its clawed hand reaches for you one last time and, and, and, and…” 
Mike reeled around the room, staggering across the basement and falling to his knees. He trembled, one hand stretched toward his friends. And then his head collapsed to the table. 
The way the boys screamed, it sounded like they were celebrating the damn moon landing. They jumped out of their chairs, arms thrust in the air, and began to circle the table with rhythmic chanting. Mike grinned, returning to his DM chair and referring to his notes.
“Lucas cuts off its seven heads, and Dustin places them into his bag of holding. You carry the heads out of the dungeon, victorious, and you present them to King Tristan. He thanks you for your bravery and service.” 
The cheers stopped abruptly.
“Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah,” Dustin said, shaking his head. “That’s not it, is it?” 
“No, there’s a medal ceremony…” 
“Oh, a medal ceremony? What are you talking about?” 
“Yeah, man,” Lucas butted in. “The campaign was way too short.” 
“Yeah!” agreed Will. 
“It was ten hours!” Mike cried. 
“But it doesn’t make any sense!” Dustin argued. 
 “It makes sense!” 
“Uh, no! What about the lost knight?” 
“And those weird flowers in the cave!” added Will. 
“And the proud princess!” added Lucas. “No way you wrote Christine in for a couple measly lines. Right, Chrissy?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lucas. I just came for the snacks.” 
Christine was sitting on the couch, a book open in her lap. She’d been reading in the basement for most of the day, taking breaks to watch the boys and offer the occasional character voice. Even Nancy had come down to pitch in—a true Christmas miracle. The two of them had played cards on the floor until Steve showed up to join the Wheelers’ for a traditional viewing of It’s a Wonderful Life. It just proved how seriously he was taking his new title as “boyfriend.” 
They’d invited Christine to join them, but she wasn’t that masochistic. Nancy had returned upstairs, and Christine had instead stepped into her role as the proud princess. 
“I didn’t write Princess Pallantia for Christine,” Mike said in irritation. “She was side character to persuade Sir Lucas into going on the quest. It needed to be justified in the plot.” 
“Wow,” Dustin snorted. “Lucas doing something just cause it’s Christine.” 
“Just like real life,” Will giggled. 
“Shut the hell up!” 
A riot probably would have broken out had it not been for a sound at the top of the stairs. The door to the basement swung open, and a few seconds later, Jonathan peeked his head into the room. 
“Geez, what’s that smell?” he asked. “Have you guys been playing games all day or just farting? Seriously, Christine, how do you even breathe down here?” 
“Reluctantly,” she replied without looking up from the page. 
“It’s probably Christine’s fault anyway,” scoffed Dustin, sweeping up his bag. “It never smells this bad, and she’s the only new one around here.” 
“No way!” Christine said in protest. She jabbed a finger at Jonathan. “You know the rules. He who smelt it dealt it.” 
“He who rhymed it supplied it,” Dustin shot back. “Or should I say she?” 
The boys burst into giggles and applause, and Christine rolled her eyes. She grabbed her crutches from the end of the couch, and hoisted her bag up onto her shoulder. 
“Fine. If you wanna be like that, guess I won’t tell you what Mike and I planned for Princess Pallantia.” 
“CHRISTINE!” Mike screeched angrily, while the others nearly lost their minds. “I told you that was top secret information!” 
“I knew it!” Dustin was screaming. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!” 
“We’re definitely gonna have to save her,” Lucas practically sang. “And when we do, I’m gonna roll for charismaaa!” 
“I’m not gonna let you romance Pallantia,” Mike groaned. 
“Yeah, that’s boring,” said Will. “I bet it’s something exciting! Like she’s really an assassin!” 
“With what weapon?” Dustin laughed. “Acidic farts?” 
“I’ll show you a damn weapon.” 
Christine raised her crutch, and with practiced precision, knocked his hat off his head. The boys jeered and laughed, and Dustin tried to wrestle the crutch out of her hands. Christine hopped on her good leg and whacked him in the knees with the second crutch. 
“Alright, enough!” Jonathan called over the clamor. He handed Dustin back his hat, and forced Christine’s weapon back to the ground. “You have been spending way too much time with them.” 
“Yeah, well it’s them or you, so…” 
Jonathan snorted, the jab rolling off his back. It was becoming the norm for them, trading half-hearted insults instead of having genuine conversations. They were still a far cry from being friends. Christine had yet to fully forgive Jonathan for the mysterious pictures. Even if she did, there was still the problem that she found him pretentious. At least the feeling was mutual. She didn’t need Nancy’s insight to know Jonathan thought she was petty and shallow with bad taste in guys. It was clear he didn’t like her very much. But as Nancy had pointed out, that put Christine in the vast majority. 
Still, they’d been through enough in the last month to make being enemies impossible. Jonathan had saved her best friend’s life. Christine had risked her own to save his brother. They both spent too much time looking after middle schoolers, and had dangerous secrets they could never share with the rest of the world. So for now they were testing out the awkward line of acquaintances. They’d just have to take it from there. 
“Ready to go?” Jonathan asked his brother, nodding toward the stairs. 
“Yeah,” said Will. “Just a sec. We have to do the thing.” 
“What thing?” Christine asked. 
The boys ignored her, hurrying into a huddle so they could whisper to each other in private. Christine rolled her eyes, and went to share a commiserating look with Jonathan. But Jonathan wasn’t there. He was already jogging up the stairs. 
“Hey!” she called after him, affronted. “Are you still driving us home?” 
“Yeah! Just let me know when you’re done!” 
Christine was about to yell that she was very much done, and didn’t need to wait on the boys. But Dustin had grabbed her by the arm, tugging her adamantly toward the table. 
“Come on! Move it! Sit down, Christine!” 
Her crutches were seized from her as she was forced down into a chair. Each one of the boys ignored her mounting protests. Mike and Will resumed their seats at the table, while Lucas ran to rummage in his backpack. Dustin took the liberty of clapping his hands over her eyes. 
“Dustin, knock it off.” She tried to beat his arms away, but he just clamped his elbows over her ears and held on tight. “I’m serious, Dust! What’s going on?” 
“Hold on! Jesus Christ, just be patient! DM, some atmosphere?” 
Across the table, Mike started a drumroll. Will joined in, and a few seconds later there was a large thud in the middle of the table. 
“Ta da!” Lucas sang. 
Dustin removed his hands. Sitting in the middle of the table was a box, about the size of a loaf of bread. It was poorly wrapped, not with actual wrapping paper, but with drawing paper all taped together. It only took one look to guess that Will had taken the liberty of drawing the pictures, and someone had stuck a blue bow on top. 
“What is this?” 
“It’s a present,” Lucas laughed at her. “You’re supposed to open it.” 
“You got me a present?” 
Christine was still hesitant to reach for it, but Dustin had begun his own drumroll on her back. 
“Open it, open it, open it, open it…” 
“Alright! I’m going, I’m going…” 
She grabbed the package, trying to be as gentle as she could with the paper. Her jaw dropped the moment the first piece fell away. She could already see the Radio Shack label, the Realistic brand name, the picture on the side of the box… 
The boys giggled as she started moving faster, pushing away the rest of the drawings so she could get to opening the box. 
It was a radio. A Realistic TRC-214 supercomm, just like the boys had. Three channel, squelch control, range-boost side panels. She was itching to get to the schematics, but she was still stuck staring at it. 
“Oh my God, this—this is crazy,” she giggled, turning the walkie over in her hands. “This is gorgeous! Where did you get this?” 
“We all chipped in,” said Mike. “If you’re gonna be part of the party, we need a way to communicate. You know, for emergencies.” 
Christine beamed, and then froze. The reality setting in, she shook her head frantically. 
“Wait, wait, wait…you four bought this for me?” 
“Duh,” said Dustin, smacking her on the shoulder. “That’s why we had you open it. How dumb are you?” 
“No. No way, guys.” 
“Why not?” asked Will. 
“Because this—this is way too expensive! I can’t take something like this from you guys! How much did this even…?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Lucas assured her, and she glared at him. 
“Of course I’m going to worry about it! You’re all in middle school! Where did you even get this kind of cash?” 
“Alright, so we may have had some financial assistance from your friends,” Dustin admitted. “But don’t go thanking Jonathan or Nancy or Steve Douchington for this. It was our idea.” 
Christine bit her lip. She stared down at the radio, a battle of wills raging inside her chest. She wasn’t entirely comfortable accepting such a pricey gift from the party. The problem was, she wanted it. She really, really wanted it. It was a pretty grand gesture after all, and she didn’t want to seem rude by refusing. And if Nancy and Steve had chipped in…  
Her fingers delicately circled the antenna. 
“Are you sure?” she asked one last time. 
Will smiled brightly. “Definitely.” 
“Besides, none of us could use it anyway,” said Dustin. “It’s for rogue use only.” 
“Yeah,” Mike confirmed. “It’s your D&D class.” 
“No, I—I know what it is but…me? A rogue? Really?” 
“Totally,” gushed Lucas. “It makes so much sense!” 
“Like how you lied to Mr. Clarke on the phone,” Dustin supplied. 
“Or how you found the other door to the Upside Down,” said Will. 
“And you hid Eleven at your house without anyone finding her,” added Mike. “The bad men didn’t find her, or your neighbors, or the cops.” 
“Your deception stats are off the charts,” Dustin said proudly. 
“But you stay on that channel!” Mike warned. “We preset it for you. You can’t listen into our conversations or anything. This is a gesture of trust.” 
“No, I get it,” Christine agreed, giving him a small salute. “Yes, sir, DM, sir.” 
“So you’ll keep it?” Will asked, excitedly. 
“Yeah,” she said, allowing herself to grin again. “I mean it’s insane, but…yeah. Thank you, guys. Seriously.” 
“We love you Christiiine!” Dustin sang in the most obnoxious voice imaginable. The he proceeded to jump on her from behind, smothering her in a hug. 
“Okay, knock it off.” 
But Dustin’s hug was clearly meant to be as annoying as it felt. Lucas collided with her on her left, then Will from her right, all of them doing their best to strangle the life out of her while they laughed. 
Mike was above showing such affection, even to be a pest. He rolled his eyes, and looked from the radio in her hands to the corner. Christine followed his eyes to the blanket fort, still set up in memoriam. If she had to guess, it had been a huge part of the reason they’d bought the walkie. If anyone was going to reach her besides Mike, it was Christine. 
She fought off the rest of the boys and grabbed her crutches. She wouldn’t suffocate Mike with a hug, but she did ruffle his hair appreciatively. He slapped her hand away, but was hiding a smile. 
“Alright,” she sighed, turning back to her bag. “Say your goodbyes. Someone still needs to help me up these stairs.” 
Will carried her bag while Dustin carried her crutches, and Christine did her best to crawl her way up the staircase. They helped her wobble to her feet at the landing, and then they headed out together. They stopped in the kitchen to say goodbye to Mrs. Wheeler, busy making dessert for a family banquet the next night, then paused by the living room to wave goodbye to Nancy and Steve. They were cuddling on the couch in front of the TV. They probably would have gotten up if she’d asked, but Christine didn’t want to bother them. Pointing to the sleeping Mr. Wheeler as an excuse, she just waved and kept walking. 
Jonathan was waiting for them by the front door. He was also carrying a small box, wrapped much more carefully than Christine’s had been. Christine hid a smile and averted her gaze. 
They headed out to the car, Christine moving a little more slowly than the rest as she tried not to slip on the ice. She and Dustin slid into the back seat. He snapped at her as her crutches threatened to smack him in the face, mostly inadvertently this time, and Jonathan had to diffuse the argument again. But Will had other concerns. 
“Can I open it?” he asked, pointing to the gift Jonathan had left on the center console. 
“When we get home,” said Jonathan starting up the car. 
“Please?” Will begged. 
Jonathan exhaled, and caught Christine’s eye in the rearview mirror. She shrugged. “Hey, I’ve got mine already.” 
“Yeah,” Dustin agreed. “I wanna see what it is!” 
“Alright,” Jonathan sighed, nodding to the box. “Sure. Go ahead.” 
Will grabbed for the gift, ripping off the paper much less delicately than Christine had. Inside was a small box, Pentax logo on the side, and picture of his new camera on the front. 
The boys cooed over it, jabbering about all the cool pictures Jonathan would be able to take. Christine watched Jonathan carefully in his mirror for a reaction. He was shocked, mostly. But there was a definite smile on his face as he glanced between the box and the house. 
He caught her eye in the mirror again, a questioning look in his eye. She raised her hands to feign innocence. She’d donated a few dollars to the cause, but had been sworn to secrecy. Personally, she wasn’t sure how she felt about gifting Jonathan a new camera. But Nancy would be glad to hear he liked the gift. Steve would probably be ecstatic. It’d been his idea, after all. 
Jonathan dropped them off on Dover Avenue, he and Christine sharing a stunted goodbye while the boys happily wished each other a Merry Christmas. Dustin took Christine’s bag for her, and walked beside her up to her house. He waited until the Byers’ beat up car had pulled away from the curb to say anything. 
“Are you gonna start dating Jonathan?” 
 Christine nearly choked. “What?” 
“I was just wondering,” he said with a casual shrug. “Since Nancy’s dating Steve again, and you guys spend so much time with us.” 
“Gross. I’d date you before I dated Jonathan.” 
“Ew! That’s disgusting!” 
“My point exactly.” 
“Then why are things so weird with you guys?” Dustin asked. “It’s like you’re both pining and constipated.” 
Christine sighed, fumbling with her house keys. She was not going to have this conversation with Dustin. She hated how insightful he was sometimes. Yes, she and Jonathan were dejected and pining. But not for each other. 
“The only constipated one around here is you,” Christine shot, swinging her front door open. “Ask me about it again, and I’m not bringing you your Christmas gift.” 
The threat wiped Dustin’s brain clear of any previous conversation. 
“Is it Mario Bros?” he demanded. “Did you get me Mario Bros for the Atari?” 
“I don’t know. Maybe I didn’t get you anything.” 
She grinned and slammed the door in his face. She could still hear him cursing, and he banged a fist against the side of the house. 
“Real mature, Christine! Merry Freaking Christmas!” 
“Merry Freaking Christmas!” she called back. Laughing, she withdrew into the house. 
To many, it would have looked like the Walcotts hadn’t finished decorating. Moving around for so many years, they hadn’t had the luxury of amassing a collection of ornaments and trinkets like some others. They had a basic tree with some obligatory baubles. Most of them were hanging lopsided, or were grouped unevenly, a side effect of her father being in charge of decorations while she was in her cast. They’d purchased one wreath for the door, hung the minimum amount of lights, and called it a day. Christine didn’t mind in the slightest. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to look at Christmas lights the same way again. 
 She crept carefully past the living room. Like Mr. Wheeler, her father had fallen asleep in front of the television. She’d wake him up in a couple minutes so he could go to bed. They had to be over at the Hendersons’ at nine o’clock tomorrow for Christmas breakfast, courtesy of Claudia, which meant getting up early to open their own presents first. But there was one thing Christine wanted to do before her dad woke up. 
She snuck into the kitchen and popped two waffles into the toaster. While they cooked, she pulled out the box she had stashed in one of the cabinets under the counter. She’d already packed it, but she just wanted to double check. One pack of Pop-Tarts, one can of whipped cream, an apple and banana she was sure would go untouched, one pair of mittens and a card written out in her own loopy handwriting. Most of the note was dedicated to a simplistic explanation of what Christmas even was. Who knew if the scientists at the Lab had explained anything about Christmas or birthdays or any other holiday? She didn’t think she’d done a very good job describing it, but she supposed it was the thought that counted. 
The waffles cooked through, she added them to the package and taped the box shut. She headed down the hallway and out into the backyard, where a light coating of snow was already beginning to dust the grass. 
Christine carefully stepped down the steps and limped her way over to the tree line. She had to go several feet into the trees, making sure the package was out of sight. She laid it amongst the fallen branches, and placed a flat rock on top to keep it in place. Pulling a Sharpie out of her back pocket, she drew two straight lines on the rock. 
A cold wind blew through the yard, and she quickly retreated inside. She knew the chances of Eleven finding the package were low. She was a smart girl, and if she was out there, she’d know not to return to any of the party. Most likely, the package would be torn apart by a raccoon, or become an early Christmas present for Mews if she was feeling adventurous enough to wander into the next yard. But putting something, anything, out there for her to call her home made Christine feel a little more at peace. It was the thought that counted. 
She stared out the back door, and after several minutes of staring, finally flipped the switch for the porch light. It flickered. And then went out.
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dgalerab · 4 years
I need more Mike content - he's just left to deal with everything while supporting everyone else and it's ridiculous. Also why doesn't he have more screen time? Like I genuinely don't remember much of what he was doing in S3 other than el and hopper stuff and attacking Billy? I need people to talk to him and let him cry omg
okay get ready for an unsolicited rant about how i just genuinely enjoy stranger things
there was the whole break up plotline which, frankly, could either be a really good stepping stone to a good plotline or could just be kind of a sign that mike’s own trauma is going to be overlooked, depending on where they go from here. i genuinely am too exhausted to speculate, but i am hopeful - karen’s finally connecting with nancy and the fact that she was kind of used as a red herring in the billy plotline and then left out of it basically bc she decided not to turn her back on her family and that the last shot we see of mike in s3 is him hugging her gives me a fair amount of hope she’ll finally be clued in and that would be a good lead in to handling the frankly terrifying amount of shit mike’s been through
i think a lot of this season was focused on sort of pushing el to define herself in her own terms - she’s been given a leg up by hopper and mike in removing herself from being a labrat, but she hasn’t really branched out into finding who she actually is. again, her now living with joyce feels like a pretty natural next step from her issues with motherhood in s2. and i also wonder if her struggling with her powers will continue that - like, who is she, really? she’s defined herself by her powers (and tbh mike is the one who points it out - they all see el as a tool. they also care about her as a friend but her powers are a LARGE part of how they see her)
and in the meantime i think the boys’ plotline this season is just, like... they’re teenagers. they’re thoroughly teenagers. will is missing his childhood and a little behind, but he’s a teenager too. they’re fumbling and they’re stuck in that part of teenagehood where everything (esp relationships) feel like life or death and then it clashes with the fact that they also have to deal with actual life or death scenarios and i really like the juxtaposition there, esp with mike and max. el is trying to be her own person and max and mike are sort of fumbling over how to support her in that with Maximum Teenage Drama, but then when it’s real and they have to protect el, they come together and cooperate, no questions asked and... god idk the words to say about how i feel about that but GOD. st4 PLEASE give me the good max/mike content
but yeah i hope st4 swings back around to giving mike a proper role. he tends to really be a support character or, like, in this season to sort of fade under the overarching theme?? i guess??? and there’s so much more you could do with him. he’s sort of the link between most of the characters and he’s, like, the boyfriend of the superpowered character. let the boy be a not-damsel in distress. he should be rescued
anyway for now i didn’t particularly dislike anything in st3. sometimes i think they let the nostalgia goggles take over the writing a little bit too much but if anything i just felt that made it cheesy, not bad, and i like cheesy. and they’ve queued up some really fun possibilities and i’m excited to see what they’re gonna do with it! 
but god yeah if we don’t get at least SOME quality mike content next season... THEN i will riot. i will appear in the st writers’ windows with pictures of mike like “LOVE MY BOY YOU COWARDS”
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builder051 · 6 years
Risk and reward, part 2
This is part 2 of what I expect to be a 3-part arc featuring Ash, with cameos from the rest of the Mike&Co cast.  
Find character info here.
Find the previous installment here.
This chapter contains violence, implied homophobia, and 911 calls.
Ash is on the point of answering when someone calls out to him.  A dark figure approaches, walking down the sidewalk in the opposite direction.  
“Huh?”  Ash stares at the as they pass each other.
“I said, is that an iPhone?” the guy repeats loudly.
“Yeah?”  Ash wonders why it matters.  He’s already zoomed halfway down the block.    He shakes his head and looks forward again.
“Well then you better give it to me.  And your wallet.”  The second man emerges from the shadows before Ash has the chance to slow down.  He stumbles off his board a second before they collide, but it doesn’t stop the large fist from colliding with the side of his face.  Ash staggers, dizzy.  His phone hits the pavement.  Then his head does too.
“Ash?”  Mike holds the phone an inch away from her ear as the line crackles loudly.  “What the fuck?”
The call’s still connected.  Her screen glows, showing a years-old profile pic of Ash sticking his tongue out.  “What did you do, you idiot?  Did you drop your phone?”
There’s no answer.  There is movement, though.  Heavy footsteps and what sounds like wind noise.  Then a voice that’s decidedly not Ash.  “Pat him down.  Check his pockets.”
It takes Mike a second to process.  “What the hell?” she mutters.  This can’t be real.  This only happens in movies.
“Gimme your wallet and you won’t get hurt.  Well, not too bad.”
“Get away from me.  What did I ever do to you?”  That sounds like Ash.  But its thick and muffled.  He’s already hurting.
“We’ll call it wrong place, wrong time.”  There’s a gruff laugh.
Then a third voice speaks, this one much closer to Ash’s phone.  “What the--?”  Static plays over the line, and the sounds shift quieter, then louder again.  “Fuck.  He was talking to somebody.”
So two attackers?  Mike swallows her shock and tries to memorize the details.  This guy has Ash’s phone.  The other one has Ash.  
“Ash?” Mike yells, cramming her phone against her mouth.  “Fucking run!  Get out of there!”
“Shit.  Hang up before they call the cops!”  A muffled thump.  A cry of pain.
“Who were you talking to, huh?”  There’s a tap of thick fingers against the screen.
“Ash!”  Mike tries again  “Run, Ash!”
“Ash, run!” the goon parrots.  He laughs cruelly.  “Is that your girlfriend?”
“Hey, you fucking stop,” Mike spits.  Anger surges, and she’s glad for it.  It’s easier to deal with than fear.  “Fucking let him go!”  She hears impact again, and Ash moans.
“Ha.  Mike.”  More laughter.  “I fucking knew it.  Your pansy-ass boyfriend isn’t coming to save your pansy ass.”
“You shut the fuck up,” Mike rises up on her knees, knocking her laptop off the bed.  “Get out of there, Ash!”  She can see the events unfolding in her mind’s eye, each one shoving another arrow into her heart.  Her stupid nickname, Ash’s tendencies to fill his contacts with emojis instead of useful information, the goddamn stick figure drawing she’d sent him instead of a profile picture…  It’s easy to misinterpret, even for someone with an intelligence level higher than that of the average street robber.
“Nah, you’re not going anywhere.”
“Here, get his wallet.”
“Hey, fuck you!” Mike screeches.  “You fucking--”  
The line crackles again, then goes dead.
“Ash?  Come on.  Ash?”  She knows there won’t be a reply, but she can’t seem to stop asking.  “Fuck.  Ash?”
Mike’s door bursts open.  Jason fumbles the light switch, then stands in the doorway, squinting.  “What the hell are you doing?” he asks sleepily.  “What the fuck?”
“Goddammit!”  Mike lowers her phone, watching the screen fade to black.  “Fuck.  Ugh.  What the hell am I supposed to do?”
“What are you doing?  Why are you screaming?” Jason blubbers, rubbing his eyes.
“I--fucking Ash,” Mike says, looking at her brother and acutely aware of how much she’s shaking.  “He’s getting mugged or something.  What the fuck am I supposed to do?”
“Wait, what?”  Jason shakes his head.  “Ash?”
“Yeah, he called me, and they robbed him, and, fuck, I don’t know--”
“He called you for help?”  
Jason’s fixated on the wrong part, and Mike has no patience for him.  “No, before that,” she says.  “But he’s not here.  He’s at home.  I don’t-- like, what do I…?”  Her throat goes tight.  The urge to help is alien to her.  But it’s born of protective instincts, some overgrown aspect of her inability to turn away from a fight.  
“God, Mike, I don’t know…”  Jason comes to sit on the end of Mike’s bed just as Colby appears, looking much more awake.
“What?  You ok?”  Under any other circumstances, Mike would care about the differences in Colby’s and Jason’s approaches.  But today there’s no time to spare on an answer.  
“Ash is getting beat up, and he called me from fucking Ann Arbor, and he’s probably dying in the street two hours away from here,” Mike blurts, eager to push out the words as quickly as she can.  The pressure of building tears makes her head throb.  It’s a feeling she’s unfortunately used to, but that doesn’t make it any more pleasant.  
“Ok, um…”  Colby blinks a few times.  He barely knows Ash, probably barely comprehends what Mike just said.  He drops a comforting hand on Jason’s shoulder and fixes his eyes on Mike’s.  “I think you should call the cops.”
“But it’s a different city!”  Here comes the anger again.  At least if Mike’s loud, she’s not sobbing.  “They won’t do anything!”
“Maybe they can connect you or something.”  Colby bites his lip.  “I mean, it’s worth a shot.”
“They won’t fucking do anything,” Mike says.  But she wakes the screen on her phone anyway.
“Do you want me to call?  ‘Cause I will.”  Colby holds out his hand.  It’s how he operates, pressing Mike’s buttons and driving her up the wall in exactly the right way.  Mike wonders if he even realizes he’s doing it.
“I can do it,” she mutters defensively, dialing 911 and putting the phone on speaker.
“911, please state your emergency,” a young, female-sounding voice answers.
“I, um, ok.”  Mike takes a breath.  “My friend’s getting mugged.  They beat him up and took his phone, and he’s hurt, I think.”
“What’s the location?”
“He’s in Ann Arbor,” Mike says.  She realizes she’s unsure where in Ann Arbor, making her even more unhelpful.  She can rattle off Hannah’s address, give a general description of the neighborhood, but she doesn’t know where Ash’s apartment is, whether it’s north or south or closer to the university.
“Ok.  This is East Lansing PD,” the operator says, sounding confused.
“Yeah, I live here,” Mike replies.  “He’s in Ann Arbor.  We were on the phone, and then the call got fucked up, and he’s getting robbed.  They were beating him up!”
“Something happened during the phone call?” the operator clarifies.
“Yes!” Mike shouts, exasperated.  “I heard it.  There were two of them, taking his shit and hitting him!”
“Ok, sweetie, try to stay calm.  Is he conscious, do you think?”
“Don’t fucking call me sweetie!  I don’t know.  I’m not fucking there.”  Tears begin to drip from the corners of Mike’s eyes.  “It’s all my fucking fault.”
“Take a breath,” the operator soothes.  Mike doesn’t on principle.  
Colby clambers onto the bed between Jason and Mike.  He gently grabs Mike’s wrist and pulls the phone toward himself.  
“This is her roommate,” Colby chimes in.  “She’s really worried about her friend.”
“Ok, yes, I understand,” the operator says.  “It’s just, it’s a different PD.  I can’t dispatch from here.”
“Can you transfer the call?”  Colby’s younger than Mike.  She wonders how on earth he’s so mature.
“No, but I can give you the number.  You can request a welfare check and let them know you suspect an assault.”
“Ok, ok, yeah, good,” Colby says.  He leans over and digs a sharpie out of the mess on Mike’s bedside table.  He scribbles the number on his palm as the operator reads it off, then thanks her profusely.  
“That was a fucking waste of time,” Mike mumbles.  The operator wasn’t inept, but Mike choses to color her that way anyway.  It helps write over the piece of truth she’d spilled.  Mike doesn’t want to think about it, but it is all her fault.
“No it wasn’t.”  Colby takes Mike’s phone and starts dialing.  He nudges Jason in the back with his knee.  “Why don’t you go back to bed.  I’ll be right there.”  Then he looks at Mike, his gaze earnest again.  “We’re gonna take care of this.  It’s gonna be ok.”
Every part of Mike screams for her to contradict him.  He’s being too optimistic.  And she’s been lied to too many times to give the words any weight.  But deep in her heart, she wants them to be true.  So she stays silent as the phone line begins to ring.
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beepbeeprichiellc · 6 years
Oh my god that fic about Eddie being a bookworm and the bet he made is amazing would you be willing to do part three??
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Part 1 Part 2
The van reeked of moldy break. Lights few by just outside ofthe window, the city becoming a blur at their ungodly speed. There was faintmusic that came thought the speakers but the lyrics were drowned out by thebooming voices that yelled over one another. Cigarette smoke drifted to theceiling of the shitty vehicle, lingering there before being pulled out of theopen windows. Eddie found himself squished between Richie and a tall boy, whohad introduced himself as Mike. There were seven now, the number growing whenBeverly had stopped at another bar downtown to pick up her remaining friendswho she deemed, “too cool for that wimpy shit”.
He could feel Richie’s mood shifted along with the newpeople, leaving his stiffness back at The Cocksucker. His loud, obnoxious voicebellowed from his mouth, arguing about something that Eddie didn’t care forwith the boy with the curly hair. The relaxed attitude made Eddie a little moreat ease, feeding off the feelings of his friend. Never in a million years didhe think he would end up in the back of a strangers van, heading to an unknowndestination. This was like the poster of bad ideas, but here he was, leaning onRichie for support.
“All I’m saying is that Waldo has to be a cult leader.”Richie sang, pulling another cigarette from the breast pocket of his jacket.“Honestly, how do you not see it?”
“How do you?” Stan hissed, his body leaning on the boybeside him, Bill, Eddie thought, his name was Bill. “He is a wholesomecharacter, kids love him!”
Richie took a long drag from his death stick, a playfulsmirk dancing on his lips. “He had hundreds of people dress up like him, hidehim in plain sight and you have to find him? He’s like Charles Manson and youare the detective looking for him. Fucking cult man, I’m telling you.
“Were you dropped on your head?” Stan asked, “Or are youthis stupid?”
“Oh yeah, mock the valedictorian of his class. Please, tellme how dumb I am Stan the man.”
Stan narrowed his eyes, turning towards Eddie. “Was hereally the valedictorian or is he blowing smoke?”
Eddie glanced up to Richie’s bright face, his eyes dancinglike lights as he waited for him to answer. “Richie blows a lot of smoke butyes, he was the top of our class.” His friend beamed, laughing in a deep voice.
“Unfuckingbelievable.” Stan growled, shaking his head.“There’s something wrong in your brain Tozier, you need help.”
“What I need is to do is take a piss.” He retorted, crushinghis cig in the ashtray. “Hey sweetheart, how much further?”
“Don’t call me sweetheart.” Beverly snapped from thedriver’s seat. “That’s only reserved for people I’m sleeping with.”
“I was actually talking to the handsome boy beside you, Benis it?”
“Ben is mine. You have a perfectly adorable boy beside you,flirt with him!”
Eddie could feel the tips of his ears turn red, his gazecatching Beverly’s in the rear view mirror and he gaped as she winked at him.Dropping his gaze his stomach churned painfully, Richie’s playful giggle’sringing in his ears.
“It’s coming up man.” Mike replied chuckling. “Like threemore blocks.”
“Mikey, you are a life saver.” Richie sang, groaning andstretching himself out on the back of the seat. “I just hope you guys don’t goall Texas Chainsaw on our asses. I know I’d make a sexy lamp but I canguarantee I’d taste like shit.”
It took five more minutes before they pulled up to the largehouse. Eddie took note that it need a little TLC but other than that, it wasn’tthat bad of a place. The group spilled out of the car, stumbling over oneanother as Richie forced himself in front of everyone, running behind one ofbushes and reliving himself. Eddie rolled his eyes, ignoring the smile on hisface.
“S-so how long have you t-two known each other?”
Eddie looked over to Bill, who he hadn’t noticed standingbeside him until then. They strolled towards the front door as he answered.“Since we were like 10. I know he is crass but I swear he means well.”
Bill nodded his head, waiting behind Beverly while shepulled out her keys. There was some commotion in the yard as Richie attemptedto jump on Mike’s back, hollering in excitement before being tossed onto thegrass. “And you’ve been together for some time then?”
“Wh-no.” Eddie coked, shaking his head. “No, we aren’t-no.Just no.”
“Eddie is fighting himself.” Beverly explained, brushing offthe short boy’s dirty look. “He loves that dumb boy but doesn’t want to admitit.”
“I don’t love Richie!” Eddie defended, walking through theopen threshold. “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever-“
“Then why are you going doing all of this?” She cut, rollingher eyes and turning on the lights. “I’ve never seen someone go this far out oftheir way to impress someone and not have feelings for them.”
“We have a bet.”
“Right.” She jeered, making air quotes. “Bet.”
“You don’t even know us.” Eddie replied, maybe a little tooharsh. “How can you just assume-“
“It’s the way you look at him.” Beverly replied, strollingcasually towards the kitchen, the short boy close on his heels. “It’s like heis holding the stars and you’re desperate to see them.” Her head dipped intothe fridge, a clinking notice followed as she pulled out a case of beer. Eddieonly watched her, amazed at her blunt honesty. Beverly shrugged, handing him adrink. “There’s nothing wrong with it sweetie. I think you’re lucky to fall foryour best friend, those are always the best love stories.”
He wanted to answer but was cut short by Richie’s loudvoice, echoing in the empty halls. “No fear, the party animal is here!” Stan’srude reply didn’t damper his good mood, appearing in the kitchen and smiling atEddie. “What are we talking about in here? Anything interesting?”
Beverly smirked, taking a swig of her beer. “Wouldn’t youlike to know?”
“Okay, truth.”
“Who was your first lay?”
“Oh come on-“
“You picked it!” Richie’s harsh voice cut, pointing adangerous finger towards Ben. The others laughed in amusement, drunkenlyswaying as a blunt was passed between them. “So tell me, who took yourvirginity huh? Was it juicy? A teacher maybe? Oh, no! A babysitter!”
Ben looked to his lap, his face flustering in embarrassment.“Fine.” He grumbled, making a crude face to his legs. “It was Beverly.”
Richie hollered, holding up his hands in delight. “Oh god,that is so kinky! Did she bring another girl? Pleases tell me she brought-“
“Shut your face trashmouth.” Stan hissed from the couch,holding the smoking blunt between his fingers. “God, you are so gross!”
“You love it.” Richie smirked, making a kissy face to thecurly haired boy who merely huffed.
“Alright Mike.” Ben said, rolling his eyes. “Truth or dare?”
Eddie wasn’t sure why they were playing this juvenile game,or why Mike would agree to lick the carpet when he had chosen dare. He feltlike he was in high school, trying to impress the cool kids. Never in his lifehad Eddie been considered cool, by anyone including himself and as the gameprogressed he felt an uneasy feeling settle at the base of his spine.
“Alright Eddie.”
“Huh?” He muttered, snapping out of his trance. “What?”
Beverly smirked, moving to sit on her boyfriend’s lap. “Ipicked you. Truth or dare.”
There was a devious sparkle in her eyes, one that spokevolume to the short boy. It was a tossup, either she he picked truth and sheasked some kind of horrific question or dare which would end in humiliation.Richie snickered from beside him, his voice slightly slurred from intoxication.“I’ve played this game with him before, he never picks anything other thantrut-“
Richie choked on his own words, looking over at his friendin surprise. Beverly raised an eyebrow, her smile curling over her teeth likethe devil she was. “Okay. I dare you to let one of us give you a hickey.”
“A hickey?” Eddie repeated, a shiver running through him.
“Yeah a hickey.” Mike chimed in, ignoring Richie’s daringgaze. “You know the ones you get when someone sucks on your neck.”
“Have you ever gotten a hickey before?” Beverly asked,leaning forward in curiosity. “Ever let anyone that close to give one?”
“I’m not a virgin.” He found himself saying in defense, histone sharp. “I’ve had sex before.” Once. He’s had sex once with a girl hecouldn’t even remember. From the corner of his eye be could see Richie flinch,nearly cringing at his confession.
“Sex can be just sex, love. Have you ever had anyone makeyou feel wanted? Let their hands roam down you as they bit at your skin. Tellme Eddie, have you ever done the sinful dance with someone who set you onfire.”
“Shut up Beverly.” Richie barked, “He picked dare, stopgrilling him.”
The others looked at him, taken aback by his harsh tone.Eddie looked over to his harden face, his eyes fixated on the girl across fromwhere they sat. She cocked her head, taking a long drink from her bottle beforemuttering, “Alright, calm down there boy. If Eddie doesn’t want to answer thenhe doesn’t have to. The dare stands.”
A ring from the doorbell paused the game, Bill jumped fromthe couch and announced. “Pizza’s here.” The others grumbled happily, themunchies now pledging most of them.
“Best 24hr pizza joint.” Ben bragged, trying to lighten themood.
“Only 24hr pizza joint.” Stan corrected.
“Same difference.”
Eddie glanced over to Richie, noticing his stiff posture.Gently he ran his fingers down his arm, bringing his eyes to meet him. “Are youokay?” He asked, whispering so the others couldn’t hear.
“You don’t have to do the dare.” Richie replied, his gazedistant. “This is just a stupid game, she went too far.”
“Okay Eddie,” Beverly called, pizza in hand. “What’s itgoing to be?”
There was a fluttering feeling in his stomach reminding himthat Richie was in fact right, he didn’t have to do this, not really. But inalso didn’t have to go into the gay bar, didn’t have to dance with Beverly oragree to come back to her home. This entire night didn’t have to happen, but itdid and maybe it was the bet, or maybe it was that he did wanted to impressRichie, none of that mattered. What mattered was the excitable tingle on thetip of his toes, the impulsive want bringing him to a sudden conclusion.
“Sure. Let’s do it.”
“Hot damn.” Stan shouted, smiling at the small boy. “It’s aparty now.”
Beverly nodded in approval. “Who do you want?”
“Uh, I really don’t know.” He answered, looking to all thestrangers staring at him. “I guess it doesn’t matter right? So just anyone whois willing.”
“I’ll give you one.” Mike spoke up, surprising Eddie. “I’mlike the only single person here, and you are pretty cute.”
“Yeah. Okay.” He replied softly, watching the boy crawlacross the floor to him. Mike gently reached out to him, smiling as his handstraced Eddie’s inner arm. There was a slight pinch in Eddie’s stomach, thefeeling making his stomach flip. It wasn’t that Mike wasn’t a good looking guyhimself, it was just this didn’t feel right. He thought of pulling away, ofpacking down but as the boy moved his hand to cup Eddie’s cheek tenderly heknew that he needed to go through with it.
Eddie’s head snapped over to Richie, glancing his grip onMike’s wrist. “W-What?” The short boy whispered, his brow furrowing. “What areyou doing Rich?”
“I’ll do it.” He answered, his eyes suddenly dark.
“Well look who grew a pair.” Beverly’s voice jeered, earninga smile from Mike as he back down. Eddie wanted to scream, to tell them thatthe dare was off but once Richie leaned in, becoming uncomfortably close, his heartbegan to sputter in excitement.
“Richie I don’t know if-“
“It’s okay.” Richie whispered softly in his ear, practicallycrawling into Eddie’s lap. “I won’t hurt you Eds.” His breath was hot againsthis skin, making his nerves tingle in delight. There was a split second ofanticipation, a second of clarity before Richie’s lips met the crevice of hisneck, planting a soft kiss to the skin first and then biting down hard.
Eddie whimpered at the sudden pain, his body wiggling underthe heated touch. Richie reacted, moving his hand to the back of his neck,holding him in place. The other hand went to Eddie’s, interlacing their fingersas if for encouragement. The pain was only temporary, giving in to the pleasureof it all. Richie began to suck, pulling the blood so that it was forced to thesurface, creating a bruise.
In that moment, Eddie was sure he died. He must have becausehere he was, in some girl’s house recreating a fantasy that he had locked awaylong ago. There was a moan that caught in his throat, the pleasure making himfeel lightheaded. “Richie.” He hummed so softly that the only person who couldhave heard was on him. It lasted for what felt like forever, the feeling ofRichie’s hands on him, his lips around his scorching skin making him drunk.
There was a cheer as Richie pulled away from him, letting goof his grip. For a split moment, it was like he was falling, crashing back intoearth in a heap. Eddie blinked, focusing back on Richie’s flustered face, asmall smile tugging at the comers of his lips.  There was so much that needed to be said, the emotionbetween them was thick in the air as an unmet need began to grow.
“G-god damn look at the size of that th-hing!” Bill’s voicerang out, breaking the tension. “It’s the size of golf ball.”
Richie chuckled, moving back to his original spot. “Ain’t itbeautiful?” He joked.
Eddie cleared his throat, understanding his best friend’snonverbal command. “Okay Stan.” He sang, taking in a deep breath to calmhimself down.
“Truth or dare?”
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spideyyverse · 6 years
Grease! AU
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4
Chapter: 4/7
Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Stan Uris, Mike Hanlon, Bill Denbrough, Audra Phillips
Pairings: Reddie, Stenbrough, Benverly, Madura (Audra x Mike)
Warnings: Homophobia, swearing, underage drinking and smoking
Word Count: 1,986
Author Notes: Chapters will be based on a song from the movie, I’m not sure I’ll do each song but if there’s a specific song you would like me to include, let me know in my ask box!
Also, the losers are very ooc. I understand they’re nothing like the way I’m portraying them in my story. Please do not get angry for the way I’m writing them, it’s solely apart of this au and this is not how I actually view them.
MAJOR NOTE: I’m so so sorry it’s taken me weeks to update, I recently just returned to school and things have been hectic. I’ll try my best to write more frequently but updates may be slow. I haven’t been too active on my account recently, I’m sorry, I’ll try to be better. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Tags: @universal-gay 
This song was featured during the school dance scene. The original singer is Frank Sinatra but the band covered it.
Blue moon You saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own
Eddie--Nor Richie-- didn’t intend for anything to happen that summer leading up to now. It wasn’t like Eddie wanted to visit Derry in the first place, but the constant “Eddie Bear you need to visit!” and “Your aunties miss you!” from his aunts irritated him to the point where he booked the flights to Derry himself. After a long and extremely worded lecture (and a lot of yelling) from Sonia Kaspbrak, both of them set off on a summer that would change everything.
Now don’t get Eddie wrong, he loved his aunts to death (and would much rather live with them than that momster), but he couldn’t take an entire summer of endless cheek pinches and sloppy kisses on the cheek. He knew he had to make the most of his time so he may as well explore the town--Not that there’s was much to explore anyway.  
It wasn’t until he found himself walking through a forest that lead him to a quarry. He found himself not staring at the summer day in front of him, not the way water sparkled nor the way the soft summer breeze blew every now and then. No, he found himself staring the boy in front of him. He didn’t understand why, he only knew what the back of the boy looked liked. For all Eddie could know, this boy could be a serial killer. Maybe he was surprised that someone was here, someone was in this dead beat town. 
After an awkward greeting--well mainly awkward for Eddie, Richie didn’t seem to ever stop talking once he uttered a noise--Eddie found himself falling easily for a boy he’d only known for what? An hour? Or could it have been six? Richie truly didn’t know when to stop talking, but Eddie loved it.
It was a shock to Eddie that Richie had a loud personality. He’s never one to judge so quickly but Eddie found the boy sitting by himself, listening to Africa by Toto, while smoking. He seemed like a loner. 
“Says Eds, tell me something,” Richie spoke slightly lowering the radio.
“Yeah?” Eddie looked up, “Also, stop calling me Eds,” He quickly added.
“Cute! Cute! Cute!” Richie leaned over and pinched his cheeks, “Ever been in love?”
Eddie practically choked on air but it did get him thinking, has he ever been in love? Sure he’s had a couple of boys here and there, some relationships lasting longer than others, but he’s never actually been in love. Maybe some feelings towards his previous boyfriends had been stronger than others but nothing to ever consider being in love. Love was almost foreign to him.
“No,” Eddie broke the silence but continued, “My turn to ask you a question!”
“Hit me with it spageds,” Richie chuckled, taking a puff from his cigarette.
“Spageds? That’s the best you can do?”
“It’s a work in progress.”
Eddie took a deep breath but bit back a smile anyways, “As someone who’s only been visiting for two days, do you ever think about leaving this town? I mean, there’s nothing here.” Eddie looked around the quarry.
“No.” Richie simply replied.
“I’ve never thought about it. Not until now anyways,” Eddie patiently waited for Richie to continue, “I’ve never thought about it because I didn’t need to. I’ve never had anything to run towards but now, today in this very moment, I know where I need to run to,” 
Blue moon You knew just what I was there for You heard me saying a prayer for Someone I really could care for
It was finally the day of the dance. Most high schools would get into the spirit, hanging posters and the constant PA reminders that ticket sales go up every week. However, Derry high had been nominated by a TV station to host a dance competition during the event. Eddie didn’t pay much attention to the eagerness from everyone at school, it was something about the two winners getting a pretty big money prize. But in all honesty, Eddie could care less. He was more worried about being outed to the entire school--and on national television to make matters worse.
 Eddie was not--and will never--be ashamed for being gay. Richie neither will ever be ashamed to be bisexual but living in a conservative town where almost everyone will absolutely shit on you for being anything less than straight can be alarming--to say the least.
As much as both boys wanted to hold onto each other and dance together just like every other straight couple, it just wasn’t possible. 
Both boys walked into the gym, their entire ensemble of the Pink Ladies and T-Birds following right behind them. 
“Says Eds, how about I get us some punch?” Richie awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.
“As long as you don’t spike it Tozier,” 
Richie smirked, “Can’t make any promises my love!” He walked away with a wink, giving Eddie the familiar feeling of butterflies in his tummy.
“Everything all right Bev?” Ben asked. Bev sticked out like a sore thumb, a hair wrap was around her head. Whatever she was trying to hide, wasn’t subtle at all. 
“Peachy Benjamin,”
“Bev?” Eddie slowly asked.
“Eddie I’m fine! Everything is alright!” Bev tried to reassure the boys but failed. Bev ended up stomping away to the bathroom with a poor Ben following behind in her in hopes to cheer her up.
Eddie went ahead and found a table large enough to hold the nine leaving the remaining four at the entrance of the dance. 
Unfortunately, it wasn’t sunshine and rainbows for the rest of the group. 
While Audra and Mike were a happy couple, that still didn’t stop them from being racially discriminated against. It took Mike ages to convince his parents to let him go to public school once homeschooling for middle school ended. He didn’t realize exactly why his parents didn’t want him going to public school once he experienced how cruel kids can be. Being in the T-Birds gave him a place, but he still felt he could be much more than this.
Audra was Mexican (A/N: There’s not enough latinx representation nowadays so I’m making Audra Mexican-American. Also ya girl is Mexican so this is me trying to live through my stories.), both of her parents were immigrants, but Audra herself was born in America but being the daughter of the only two Mexicans living in an almost-all white conservative town was more than difficult. 
Being something other than white or straight instantly made you a bad person. No one could look past your skin color or your sexuality, they define you because of that. They don’t define you because of who you are. 
While Audra and Mike got nasty and dirty looks from practically the entire gym, they pushed it to aside and let themselves be together. 
This wasn’t the case for Stan and Bill.
While most of the school suspected Stan liked boys, they couldn’t think the same for Bill. It was one thing to suspect but to completely out someone is another thing. 
Stan was the rabbi’s son, he had to live up to expectations. If his father even heard a word about Stan being gay, it was over. 
Bill was close with his parents, but he still hasn’t come out to them--thinking of the idea scares him. His little brother Georgie on the other hand, he knew. When Georgie was nine, he found a fourteen year old Bill crying in the middle of the night. After a long talk and explanation of what being pansexual meant, Georgie was quick to accept him. Now being twelve, Georgie still loved his older brother with everything inside of him.
Despite the rabbi’s son, Stan himself was never religious. Sure, he attended every ceremony at the temple and even read from the torah at his bar mitzfah, but he was required to do that. Stan wasn’t religious, but if there was just one thing he could pray for, he would pray for Bill. He would pray to find happiness with Bill. 
From the corner of his eye, he could see Henry and his gang smirking at them. Bill seemed to notice this because he quickly made his way over to the table. 
If a prayer truly worked, Stan was praying for a miracle. 
And then there suddenly appeared before me The only one my arms will hold I heard somebody whisper please adore me And when I looked to the moon it turned to gold
The TV crew had been setting up for the big competition, people lining up at the restrooms to fix themselves up while others began to make their way towards the dance floor. 
“Hey Eds! We should join!” Richie suggested.
“Sure if you want the entire country to find out we like dick,” Eddie remarked then continued, “And stop calling me Eds!”
“Aw yeah! Spaghetti man with the dick jokes!”
“Beep beep Tozier.”
“Hey! Hey!” Richie put his hands up in defense, “You’re technically not wrong but that’s not the point. We don’t need to get up in each others ass to win the competition--I’ve already got your mom for that--the teachers will be on us if we even try. It’s disco isn’t it? We don’t need to do anything couply we just need to do something entertaining.”
“I hate the fact that you actually have a brain in that head of yours.” Eddie sighed while Richie smiled. 
“What should-” 
“Richie!” A voice squeaked from behind.
Richie whipped around and saw his ex girlfriend heading towards him, her arm locked around the one and only Henry Bowers.
“Greta, hi.” Richie clenched his teeth together and took a deep breath.
“Who’s this?” Eddie whispered from behind Richie. 
“Hi hun, I’m Greta,” She stuck her hand out in front of Eddie the continued, “I’m sure Richie has told you how great I am in bed?” She sneered.
“He would have told me if you really were,” Eddie muttered under his breath. Both Greta and Richie heard this, Greta bit back the urge to launch herself at Eddie while Richie tried to subtly hide his laugh with a cough. 
“See you in the competition Richie-kins!” She blew a kiss towards his direction and dragged Henry away.
“Let’s not talk about it.”
“Ladies and gentlemen! Gather around! Our annual high school dance off is about to begin!”
Everyone gathered with their respective pair and waited until the principle stopped talking about the rules. 
The principle finally walked off stage and the music began. Some couples were immediately eliminated while others tried to out-dance other couples. Some couples went for a simple attempt at the disco while others went for hand-jives. 
The cameras were going around the dance floor, people tried to make their selves seen but were removed from the floor. Eddie could feel himself getting more and more nervous as the camera got closer. Richie didn’t seem to care, he was in his element. As the camera reached the two boys, Eddie instantly made a B-line for anywhere but the camera. 
Richie’s face dropped, he tried to follow Eddie but was stopped when someone pushed him back. This ‘someone’ happened to be Greta herself.
“Where you doing handsome?” Greta whispered.
The pair were one of the only few standing left and it didn’t help that the host was encouraging them to dance while pointing the camera at them. Richie had no other choice but to finish the competition with a new partner. He seemed to forget about Eddie in that moment, but Eddie most certainly didn’t forget. He saw the whole ordeal go down. 
Eddie ran out of the high school gym and ran all the way straight home. 
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Lycanthrope [2] // Steve Harrington
Summary: Quiet about the knowledge of the dimension your boyfriend kept secret from you for a variety of reasons. One being that you were a werewolf hiding out from a determined hunter in your home town. When a fight ensues with Steve it forces a chain of events that may break your relationship permanently.
Characters: Steve Harrington x werewolf!Reader, Mike Wheeler, Chief Jim Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Byers family, Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler and Billy Hargrove.
Words: 2016
Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things or the characters involved. I only own the Reader and her plot. I also do not own any gifs or images that may appear in this either. The desktop theme provides the owner of the gifs.
Warnings: Swearing, verbal fighting, violence, death and angst.
Author: Caitsy
A/N: A request from an anon that is split into two parts. Left you on a cliffhanger than I may or may not resolve.
Part One
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“Take Denfield, then you’ll see a large oak tree.” Hopper began swiftly taking Will’s prone body to the car, “You’re gonna swing a right. That road is gonna dead-end. And it’s about a five minute walk from there.”
“Okay. Denfield to oak tree. Swing a right. That’s it. But it’s channel ten, right?” Jonathan asked while you watched it from the couch where Dustin was asking questions. Soon the group split into what they had planned out.
“Can you change at any moment?”

“Yes.” You blandly stated staring at your boyfriend.
“Do you only change into a full wolf?”
You sighed closing your eyes to look down before looking up at the curly haired boy with glowing yellow eyes and your face deformed with fur. He jumped along with the others in the room seeing your change while Nancy and Steve left to scavenge for materials.
“I inherited the ability to fully shift into a wolf.” You explained watching the exchange between Jane and Mike. Steve had returned still cold to you for understandable reasons.
“That is so cool.” Dustin exclaimed shaking his head. You shook your head in modest agreement while Steve peeked at you from the corner of his eye.
“Sometimes.” You sighed, “Other times it’s a pain to struggle every month and being bound by pack rules to follow your Alpha.”
Steve shook his head again as he followed the urging of Dustin to collect the dead demodog in a sheet before attempting to put it in the fridge.  You played with your fingers as Lucas went into more detail about the situation with Max while cleaning up the glass.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled when Steve turned away from the fridge and his honorary little brother. You refused to pay attention to other things when your anchor was angry at you, “You have every reason to hate me and want to break up.”
“Are you serious? I’m very in love with you! We’ve made plans for our future together! While I am pissed you didn’t tell me about your entire life that doesn’t mean I want to break up!” Steve exclaimed gripping your hands in his, “I love you goddamn it!”
“Real touching guys but we have bigger problems.” Max spoke quietly. You only zoned into Lucas and Mike’s conversation when Dustin called out to correct them. he had some kind of attachment to the name he had given the monsters that connected with the Mind Flayer.
“The chief will take care of her.” Lucas firmly spoke while Max shook her head in shock. It was still sinking in that there was more to the world than she had grown up knowing.
“Like she needs protection.”
“Listen dude. A coach calls a play in a game, bottom line you execute it. All right?” Steve said drying his hands on the towel while everyone stared in disbelief.
“Okay, first of all this isn’t some stupid sports game. And second we’re not even in the game. We’re on the bench.”
“Rig…so my point is…” Steve trailed off grasping for nothing, “Right. Yeah, we’re on the bench so uh…there’s nothing we can do.”
“That’s not entirely true.” Dustin began glancing at Steve, “I mean, these demodogs. They have a hive mind, when they ran away from the bus they were called away.”
“Bus?” You slowly questioned looking at your sheepish boyfriend.
“So if we get their attention.” Lucas spoke up while Max finished his sentence.
“Maybe we can draw them from the lab.”
“Clear a path to the gate.” Mike finished thinking solely for the sake of Jane and Will.
“Yeah and then we all die!” Steve raised his voice incredulous at the thoughts of the kids he was ordered to protect.
“That’s one point of view.” Dustin said.
“A very stupid one.” You muttered, “It’s not a point of view.”
“Exactly.” Steve said snapping his fingers in your direction, “No that’s not a point of view man. That’s a fact.”
“I got it!” Mike exclaimed shoving his way passed Dustin and Steve to a wall covered in drawings that you hadn’t noticed until now, “This is where the chief dug his hole. This is our way into the tunnel. So…here right here. This is the hub.”
You all followed the young Wheeler through the room to each different way as he rushed to explain his theory. You didn’t fully pay attention when Steve’s hand gently maneuvered into your hand and eased your racing heart and mind.
“Oh. Yeah? That’s a no.” Steve quickly shot the idea down.
“Mike in order to burn it we would have to be down there near the flames. It’s too dangerous, I heal fast but you guys don’t.”
“The mind flayer would call away his army.” Dustin spoke up.
“They’d all come to stop us.” Lucas inserted.
“We circle back to the exit.” Mike chimed in.
“Guys.” Steve failed to gain their attention again.
“By the time they realize we’re gone.”
“El would be at the gate.” Max joined in again providing with the conversation.
“No.” You shook your head while Steve got louder.
“Hey! Hey! HEY! This is not happening.” Steve shot down the idea with more force than before, “No, no, no, no. No buts! I promise I’d keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what I plan on. We’re staying here. On the bench and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand?”
“This isn’t a stupid sports game!”
“We said! Does everybody understand that!” You screamed feeling your canines creep out from your gums and into visibility.
“I need a yes.” Steve slowly down but before anyone could speak again the unmistakable sound of a revving engine caught your attention.
“It’s my brother. He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us.” Max gasped leaning against the couch to watch the car speeding up the driveway. You grunted wondering if things could get any worse than they already were at this point.
The familiar egotistical jackass that stepped out sent a slight shiver down your spine, he had a disgusting mullet and a penchant for shirts only buttoned up twice. A girl by his side and cigarette permanently between his lips was all you saw. You stayed with the kids inside close to the windows while Steve stepped out to deal with him.
All was well until you saw Billy shove Steve onto the ground and kick him in the ribs. The growl fell from your lips as you watched your anchor in pain. You didn’t know how many hands kept you from jumping through the window and killing the fugly fucker.
The door slammed open and Billy stood in the entry wall for a minute before that sadistic smirk planted itself on his face.
“Well well well.” Billy coldly spoke slamming the door behind me, “Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise. I thought I told you to stay away from him Max.”
Everyone tensed up as he stepped way to close to a flinching Max and terrified Lucas.
“Billy, go away.” Max spoke keeping her eyes trained on her stepbrother. You didn’t step in knowing she needed to stand up for herself.
“You disobeyed me and you know what happens when you disobey me.”
“I break things.” Billy said before fluidly gripping the front of Lucas’ shirt and slamming him against the cabinet against the wall. All the while the kids and you screamed at him.
“Get off me!” Lucas weakly exclaimed struggling in the tight grip.
“Since Maxine won’t listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her.” Billy evenly spoke before he got more aggressive, “STAY AWAY FROM HER. You hear me?”
A moment of quiet before Lucas screamed, “I said get off me!”
Billy grunted leaning over when Lucas planted his knee hard up between Billy’s legs and you knew shit was about to hit the fan.
“You are SO dead Sinclair!” Billy yelled with eyes more wild than before, “You’re dead.”
Billy wasn’t able to make a move before he was violently pulled to face a newly appeared Steve  with one purpose in mind.
“No. You are.” Steve stated as he wound his arm back and landed a solid strong punch. It became a mess of kids yelling and Billy’s ugly laughter.
“Looks like you got some fire in you after all huh.” Billy excitedly spoke, “I’m been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s been telling me so much about.”
“Get out.” Steve slowly but firmly spoke giving Billy a glance over. Billy just watched him before swinging his fist at Steve who ducked in time before moving back up planting his fist in Billy’s face and sending him crashing into the table.
Billy stood there before he was knocked into another counter by another punch and into the sink with another one. Things were looking up until Billy’s hand found an object on the counter. Specifically a plate and slamming it on Steve’s head. Billy gained the upper hand with a solid punch and stalked into the living room with Steve.
“No one tells me what to do.” Billy growled had butting the other male teen with enough force to send him to the ground. A deep growl reverberated through the chest before your canines grew and your eyes bled yellow in the iris.
When Billy started throwing punches at your boyfriend your humanity completely disappeared, you charged the boy after the third punch to throw him into the wall. Billy tried to kick you but you gripped his leg and twisted until he fell on his face. He managed to kick your knee out and shove your elbow until a loud painful crack settled in the air.

“You really shouldn’t have done that.” You thickly spoke looking at the bone before raising your eyes to meet his.
“What the fuck is wrong with your face.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you asking the wrong questions?” You retorted, “Don’t worry by the time I’m done I’ll have beat your fucking name out of your mind for the rest of your life.”
“You and what army?” Billy spat.
“My fangs, my claws and my anger.” You laughed as he went on to sprout words that was too terrible to repeat. Pulling his up you grasped his neck squeezing as he choked, you heard the kids screaming at you.
You didn’t know the kids had a clear view of the ice blue colour leaking and taking over the yellow of your eyes. You only stopped when Max had plunged the syringe in Billy’s neck and the others dragged you away. The blue beginning to leave your eyes.
“It’s okay.” Dustin soothed as Lucas grabbed the bandaids and handed them to Dustin to place on Steve’s face.
“I’m so fucked.” You grunted leaning against the wall. A barely conscious Billy shared words with Max before he passed out with the markings of nails in the woods near his balls.
Life began to look up when the gate was closed and your relationship was reconciled with a better bond. Now your parents were more open with your supernatural life and Steve brought you along to drop off Dustin at the dance.
“Hey we’re here.” Steve whispered gently while Dustin slammed the door jarring you from your sleep.
“Hey.” You tiredly said leaning into his body while soft music played on the radio.
“I’ve been meaning to ask.” Steve hesitated looking down at you.
“Dustin said when you were choking Billy your eyes started to turn blue. What does that mean?” Steve questioned.
“For werewolves there are three colours of eyes. Red for Alpha, yellow for beta and omega while blue is more…disappointing and tragic.”
“What do you mean.”
“My eyes started to change colour because I was killing an innocent.” You admitted looking up at him. Steve was quiet as he pushed himself closer to you.
“Marry me.” Steve lovingly asked knowing there was no better time.
“What?” You breathed not sure how to answer.

“Marry me.”
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