#yeah because that was an interview to promote the dlc
the-little-iral · 6 months
"The diligent octarians recognize as friends those who look and act like them [...] Incidentelly, in the previous game, Cap'n Cuttlefish was able to investigate the Octarian Army for many years because the octarians thought he was an ally" (source)
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madillhethen · 2 years
I normally don’t post RL pics on tumblr since uh that’s usually reserved for Twitter BUT I wanna hype over this. This blog is my hype zone. Y’all with me for the ride whether you want to be or not (lol I guess unfollowing or blocking is an option too if my content is unfavorable to y’all.) please do ignore the desk, poster and anything unrelated to Fate in the background—that’s my sister’s desk and her stuff.
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So I finally bought Jeanne’s figure! And it’s so gorgeous 😭. I love it. Now I have the main scale figures of my favorite characters for FSN (Archer has an extra head with his hair up and extra hands/arm plus Kanshou and Bakuya), FGO (Romani has an extra arm without the coffee mug) and Apocrypha, I finally have Jeanne! It’s not her normal servant attire but this one is so pretty 🥰.
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She’s just so pretty. The details, the dress, her stand—those heels! ❤️
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AND I finally got Fate/Zero’s complete edition. I was lacking it before. So here’s my Fate collection by Ufotable/Aniplex. This is what I’ve been trying to do—buy all the stuff I love when I can to show there’s a western interest (plus I’m real old school that I like physical copies. Also if streaming sites or lack of internet happens, I can binge stuff without it.)
I really wanted UBW’s limited edition for S1/S2 but I don’t know if those were ever released in English? Every time I look it up, it’s super pricey. It came with the Garden of Avalon but that’s not translated? Also the bundles online are all in Japanese language only so I assume it was never released to the west? (Do correct me if I’m wrong.) I mainly wanted the limited edition because it comes with interviews/promotional art book but I don’t have…yet.
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I also bought the other Fate stuff released of Type-Moon. I don’t have the First Order which I should get since Shadow Emiya…. I’ve not watched Camelot or El-Melloi yet though but the El-Melloi does have English version since that wasn’t online (least a few years back.) I actually have some Fate manga, not a lot but some. I at least have FGO mortalis stella vol I and II (the Shadow Emiya and Olga Marie content is good) plus Zero I, II and IV.
Release Emiya Gohan blu-ray…😭 please ufotable.
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And the games that I have (I also emulated Extra because my psp is kind of broken.) I’ve not played Link lol. Still going through Extella. You know it’s been a long time because when I went to E3 in 2018, they were showcasing the release for Extella Link and that’s when I bought Extella but now it’s been years and wow. Time has flown. My turtle speed is astonishing sometimes. I also have the Emiya Gohan game + the Lancer dlc (dammit add Illya and Archer. The mere atrocity Lancer was placed in before any of the actual Emiya family (Taiga, Illya or Emiya himself) were is baffling though…understandable since Cu has rose up in fame…)
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And I showed this on my blog before but here. All my official localized/translated Fate works. (Also I didn’t say this before but I love this artwork by Takeuchi. It’s gorgeous.)
This post is mainly just me hyping but yeah, I like official stuff, and have been waiting for more so always support the official releases if you can because pirating doesn’t showcase to the company of interest.
So buy Mahoyo. Please. Do it. For yourself. For your future self. For your mutuals. Your fellow fans. Do it.
Remember that wholesome post about the one kid who heard lapras was near extinction and just kept releasing Lapras Pokémon to the wild and Pokémon responded later that the lapras Pokémon are no longer in danger which seems to be direct correlation to the kid’s actions? Yeah. That’s us. Buy all the official merchandise and hopefully TM will respond with a surplus of more.
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
An Interview with Mr. Toshiyuki Toyonaga about Fire Emblem (Claude‘s Japanese VA), Pg. 10 (The Grand Finale!!)
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Being a Part of FE Like This Is Toyonaga-San’s Dream Come True! And His Thoughts for the Future
How do you feel right now about being asked to appear in official live broadcasts for the FE series?
Toyonaga    To be a part of the FE series like this is a dream come true, and I can hardly believe it’s all real. I was so thankful for being requested to come to the broadcasts and that I was able to talk about the series. I think my school age self, who was just a player of Genealogy of the Holy War at the time, would have slowly fainted if you told him where I am now!
Because this is a special series that you’ve loved for thirty long years! If you have any final words that you want to share here at the end, please go ahead.
Toyonaga    Something I want to share to congratulate the thirty year anniversary? ...Hmmm… I want to request that they make me another “Waku Koyasu,” and call me “Waku Toyonaga!”※ Laughs.
Image on the right:
We’re giving away a signboard Mr. Toshiyuki signed personally! (see page 97 for details)
Signboard reads: “Nindori November Issue” and “Claude Von Reigan”
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Mini Q&A
What is your favorite class in the series?
Toyonaga     I use Knights when doing challenge runs, but it would be more accurate to say that I like the feeling after they class change to General and all the hard work pays off a bit. When I’m playing normally, I like magic users. Mages, Sages, and so on… The magic classes are thrilling to use, don’t you think? Their magic stat is high, so they can rout the enemy during the enemy’s phase, but because of that, their HP could be slowly chipped away at. They can easily be killed, and it makes you feel so tense. I think I like the feeling of the thought, ‘Please don’t defeat any more enemies!!’ I personally really like the feeling that they contribute a lot to the fight, but also that any little thing could make their situation take a turn for the worst!
Please tell us your impressions of the illustration made for the promotional card included with this issue.
Toyonaga     Where he’s inviting someone to the dance floor? And, of course he’s winking, just like always! Laughs. It’s so unfair when he winks! From the viewpoint as a member of the cast, I’m quickly filled with complex thoughts when I see him and the other characters in a situation where no one knows yet what’s going to happen next. But I wonder if this scene was chosen because it was the most memorable for everyone who played the game, and it is from the Academy Phase where all three of the class leaders are together.
And we’re all really curious about the fact that he’s taking someone by the hand, right?
Toyonaga     Yeah… Claude will even do this to male Professor Byleth, so I think that was a bit surprising to see! As the person who performed his role, when I think that this scene, where he takes the professor’s hand, might be what made him so popular with everyone, I feel very deeply that everyone is saying “Thank you for making it!!” Laughs.
Please tell us your impressions and thoughts about recording the FE Three Houses Extra Drama CD: An Officers’ Academy Sleuthing Story.※
Toyonaga     Having the three class leaders team up together is something that isn’t possible in the main game, or the Ashen Wolves DLC, so when it was decided that a drama CD would be produced, I was personally happy and glad they were able to do something together. As drama CDs are especially known for their fanservice, I felt that I would be the one amongst the three making things fun and lighthearted. As I performed Claude’s lines, I had the thought in my mind that he would especially carry the burden of relieving the tension between the trio.
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Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Birthdate: April 28th, 1984
Height: 162 cm (5’4”)
Title: A jack-of-all-trades who can even do voicework!
Hobbies: using computers, video games, writing, spending time lost in thought
Likes: his house
Dislikes: coriander, sea urchins, oysters, spicy food, people who are too friendly
Favorite tea: darjeeling
Favorite flower: sunflowers, dandelions
Q: Which do you prefer: sweet foods or spicy foods?
A: Sweet foods (I can’t eat spicy foods.)
Q: Which do you prefer: meat, or fish?
A: Meat (I can’t stand the smell of fish.)
Q: Are you a dog person or a cat person?
A: A cat person.
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Bonus     Can we ask you about Earthbound as well?*
We know that this is a totally different series, but we’d like to ask you about Earthbound as well.
Toyonaga     Oh! Ah ha, okay.
It’s a very popular game with Nintendo Dream readers even now.
Toyonaga     Wow, really!? That’s amazing! But I had a feeling that was the case. This brings me back to my aunt again, but she played the first game. I was a bit older when Earthbound came out on the Super Famicom, but my aunt bought that game as well. As I watched her play it, I wanted to play it, too. So, since there were three save slots, I believe? She chose one for me to use, and let me play it.
That was so nice of her!
Toyonaga     I was stuck on the name entry screen for about two to three hours, choosing my favorite food, and then after that, my favorite thing! I remember thinking while entering them, ‘Why are they asking me something like this?’ and things like that. I loved collecting the melodies. Of course, I also thought that Shigesato Ito-sensei’s script was amazing as well, but I was really moved by the music. I thank the game so much for its superb music! Later on, I was also moved when the third game came out.
*T/N: In the English-speaking world, we better know Mother 1 as Earthbound Zero. The popularity of the Mother series has resurged in Japan, to the point that new merch has even been a frequent occurrence over the past several years! A two page spread about a merch line in 2021 was even included in this issue, so Mr. Toyonaga being asked about the series as a part of this interview makes perfect sense in context.
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※Waku Koyasu: Refers to Mr. Takehito Koyasu, the voice actor who voiced Navarre in the first FE radio drama, alongside some other appearances; and is known for being a huge Fire Emblem fan. His passion for the series has led him to perform roles for every game since Awakening, and earned him the title “Waku Koyasu.”
※Three Houses Drama CD: You, the listener, appear as the game’s main character, “Professor.” The story is about the three house leaders and Sothis wandering around inside Garreg Mach Monastery together to search for a very important missing key.
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thechocobros · 6 years
Wasn't it Nomura's fault Versus 13 never came out in the first place though?
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It’s almost 2019 and people still think that what happened to Versus is all Nomura’s fault? Even after all what happened last week in Square Enix? Listen, son. That is probably one of the funniest metropolitan legends going around on the internet. Let me try to be objective and explain you. 
Let’s start from the basis. What kind of person is Nomura? Is he really such an inconclusive person like most of the Tabata-stans like to think? Hard enough. He’s the creator and director of the Kingdom Hearts saga, which counts at least 10 games/movies/phone games, has a super complex yet completed plot, colloborated with freaking Disney and brought millions of dollars to the Square Enix company. He produced and did the character design for another successful title, The World Ends With You. He did the character design for a BUNCH of Final Fantasy characters, he even directed Advent Children movie, cooperated with Sakaguchi and Kitase for years… i mean, that’s what i call a curriculum. So, think with your own brain: can a person like this really be the single responsible for what happened to Versus?
Of course, Nomura isn’t jesus christ, and he has indeed a weird personality, like most of artists have. For ex, he’s an introvert, he’s very sensitive, he has his complex vision of things, he isn’t really able to endure a lot of pressure and he needs time to figure out things. Also, he doesn’t apparently like to be forced to do what other people say. This type of personality caused him a couple of troubles in the past, since Square Enix liked to have such an artist bringing money to the company, but at the same time kinda hated not being able to control him.
In fact, that’s more or less what happened according to a lot of articles and interviews collected in the last years (and if you can read italian, message me and i’ll give you even more sources): 
When Nomura started to work on ff13versus, there were a lot of things going on in Square Enix. Three major games were supposed to form the ambitious Fabula Crystallis saga and Nomura was glad to take the direction of ffxiii versus. He dreamt big about it: since it was not a numbered chapter, he really wanted to make it different, with extremist themes and innovative gameplay. Nomura invested a LOT in the Versus game, especially on the emotional level (if you saw him during the rare interviews of that time,you would know it. Nomura gets extremely vulnerable whenever it comes about his own creations). For this kind of project, he clearly needed a lot of money and staff and Square Enix initially promised it to him. 
Was Nomura a naive idealist in dreaming out loud? He certainly was.
Because Square Enix had other priorities. For example, the engines.Play Station 3 offered great opportunities but the research team to work on the new engine was formed only after the Fabula Crystallis saga’s announcement, which lead to a literal race against time from the very start. Nomura admitted immediately that the engine wasn’t ready to stand at the level of what he wanted to do(which was VERY ambitious)but Square Enix wanted anyway to present the next games even if it was very soon. When the engine, named “Crystal Tools” was kinda ready, a huge group of people started to work on FFXIII. When i say huge, i mean huge. Nomura was left alone with few people in his department and of course he did what he can with the staff he had until 2008.As a matter of fact, in 2008, Nomura had already arranged almost everything in the plot and in the concept design and in the trailer that was showed during the same year the chocobros and Stella made their first appearance, but … the game didn’t have basically anything else. Just the plot and the concept. Too many things had to be done, and nobody was ready to make them. In fact, Square Enix was focusing on FFXIV, which was back then a huge flop to be saved. For years Square Enix struggled with this problem, took staff and money away from Nomura in order to save the online game that couldn’t compete with other games of that time. I said this in simple words, but the operations connected to FFXIV had  disastrous consequences on Versus. Here we’re talking again about engines, programs, obsolete platform etc etc: all these things mean nothing for most of us fans, but they’re extremely important for games development. Square Enix’s dark time began in 2011 and ended in 2013, with millions of dollars damage. Not only Versus was a victim of the attempts of saving FFXIV, also other titles. 
In all this mess, Nomura released again a long Versus trailer, but he said once again that no matter how detailed the trailer looked, the project was far from being started. Nomura even said to “forget about Versus”, because he knew that he had no possibilities to work on it. He was alone with a couple of people, how was he supposed to work on it? No money, no staff. Yeah, what would you have done in his place? 
Nomura wasn’t happy about this messy situation. Because of it, he “broke up” with Yoshida, he basically didn’t make any appearance in 2011 and 2012, he basically had a depressive phase. In spite of this, he managed to focus on another important title like Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance (@ KH fans: DDD was written in Nomura’s dark time and this may explain a lot of things lol)
No matter how horrible this impasse was, Nomura still was deeply attached to FFXIII VERSUS. In those years, in a sort of desperation act he considered the possibility of turning the versus game into an action game, or even a musical. Anything, but to renounce to this project. 
Then, Play Station 3 reached his death time, and Play Station 4 raised. To say it in simple words, almost all the work they did on Versus had to be thrown away, because Square Enix decided to move the game on the new console. 
Back then, Hajime Tabata’s team was the only one free after the release of FF Type-0, so Yoichi Wada decided to integrate Nomura’s team with it. Tabata and Nomura were a good team at the beginning, actually. One was pragmatic, the other visionary, they were supposed to be the perfect combination. 
But …  in 2012 Square Enix lost 105 millions of euros, Square Enix’s CEO Yoichi Wada resigned and Yosuke Matsuda took over. Square Enix really needed to change things for good and start anew, so in 2013 they quickly announced Kingdom Hearts III and FFXV to try to hype fans again. 
FFXIII VERSUS - now FFXV - was presented at the E3 in 2013 with another trailer, but again the trailer was deceptive. because it was realized completely in CGI. In fact, the game would have been completely changed in the next years. In spite of this, Nomura finally seemed to have a good time thanks to it and to Kingdom Hearts III announcement. 
But after the E3, Nomura’s presence in the FFXV department started to weaken— 
And then, the new CEO Yosuke Matsuda reorganized entirely the Square Enix departments. So after 7 years, Nomura was moved away from the FFXV’s direction and replaced with Tabata before he could even take a breath. It was just the CEO’s decision. Matsuda thought that two other projects needed Nomura the most, aka KINGDOM HEARTS 3 and FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE.
If we want to be honest, though, we are forced to admit that “we take you away from ffxv because kh3 and ffviiremake need you more” was just an excuse to hide something more painful that happened inside the Square Enix’s building walls. For years, Square Enix refused to explain things in detail, Tabata himself said with a cold expression that it was a decision the “high places” took. 
All we can notice is that after 2013, Nomura clearly started to reject every FFXV’s mention. He acted all along like Versus was his baby and really was offended when Square Enix took it away from him. 
What happened after is history: Tabata completely overturned the game concept, the story needed to be rewritten and some scenes and characters were repurposed or removed. Final Fantasy XV sold well at the beginning (more than 8 milions copies i think?) but mostly because it was advertised for 10 years straight. As a matter of fact, the hype slowly dissapeared update after update, and yes, the DLCs didn’t go well as expected and actually caused a big loss to the Square Enix company, which lead to Tabata’s resignation.
So, long story short.
Whatever was the real reason beyond the change of director in FFXV, point is that Nomura wasn’t fired, he was promoted with even more responsability. So, if his contribute to Square Enix was really so terrible, wouldn’t he be forced to reseign like Yoichi Wada and Hajime Tabata? yeah, that’s something you should think about. 
Most of Final Fantasy XV fans who blame Nomura for Versus’ failure don’t even know half of the things i wrote above. They just contribute to spread this stupid rumor, without having any source. 
You can like FFXV, you can like Tabata etc, but truth is that this game has been run very wastefully for 12 years by the SQUARE ENIX COMPANY AS A WHOLE. 
Reblog to stop ignorance. 
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You have all right to be bitter. Waiting for 14 years, with some games along the way and that was the paidoff that no one wanted. I remember my experience with Lord of the Rings: Conquest. I looked for interviews, videos and defending it whenever and wherever I could on the official forums. Preordered the moment you first could and then it actually came out and it was such a disappointment. Noruma has so much to make up for with dlc. And ya should of worded what happened to the ship better.
Thank you :( Yeah the thing is the build up during the promotion was there, the hype was there, the promise... a part of my childhood. To be fair, I was a teen more than a child when I first played KH 1 and 2 because I was KH2 Riku’s age, but it still influenced me. The cheese lines many people seem to hate so much gave me hope. Seeing how Riku overcame his Darkness, seeing the Wayfinder reunion fills me with hope.
But seeing the purest light of them all lost and dead after giving his all for the people who care about him? It devastates me. I wouldn’t be upset with the Sokai hadn’t they advertised it so much. But Sora being dead? That is the lowest blow and what truly hurts. I can take a lot of bullshit in the story, heck, I would probably shut up about how unfairly Kairi was treated if at least Sora survived. But this I can’t take. And that after so many of us put our trust in Nomura to get a satisfying ending. Lots of the interviews he gave seem pointless in hindsight, he didn’t deliver.
At least the Disney worlds were incredible. The Disney staff should probably overlook the writing more. I know this is controversial seeing how many franchises Disney ends up taking over and changing, but KH belongs to them anyway. Just make sure Nomura doesn’t butcher his own characters for the sake of... non-story. For the sake of his own shiny new game with his “true king”.
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carnelianwings · 7 years
While lots of cutscenes in TOZ seems clumsily executed I wouldn't call those particular elements plot holes. Tales of Zestiria is a game that ask the players to put the pieces together by themselves and a game that was meant to break general game patterns, like they did by making people think Alisha was the heroine to have the story destroy that possibility (yes I hardly think the promotion was a mistake) /1
For the Dezel backstory, I personally fail to understand how so many people were confused by it. Yes the sequence was weirdly executed but the informations were clear. Dezel says it himself, while he was happy for his companions he didn't want their journey to end. Contradiction calls malevolence. His blessing became a curse. /2
 I agree the lack of backstory and motive for maltran is frustrating (though there is a little sidequest about her in lastonbell). But this is Sorey's story we only see things from his point of view and he could not magically find all informations and go out of his way to search Maltran's backstory. Malevolent people exists. You can't know everyone stories and reasons. /3
Frustrating for a video game where villains tend to love explaining their tragic backstory while the party agonize on the floor but actually extremely realistic. And that what what TOZ was aiming for. Breaking games stereotypes. /4
About Michael now. I admit this one took me a moment to underdstand, he gave up on his mission as a shepherd, therefore probably didn't think himself worthy to be included story in the book. /5
And finally Heldalf. Once again TOZ is the weird one of the saga, because that was its purpose. Breaking the saga rules to offer something different for the 20th tales anniversary. So yes Heldalf may feel absent and not quite the classical tales vilain but his treatment is coherent. Heldalf is a desperate lonely sad old man who did not became the main villain by choice. His actions are contradictory. /6
Either he gets in your way to taunt you in killing him finally putting him to peace and unleash the end of the word, either he tries to recruit Sorey to have a companion (thanks to Alisha's dlc to clarify the obvious and making Rose, Lailah and Edna look dumb) But he can't have a real one because of his curse. Certainly why he doesn't seem to care for Symonne. If we look at Heldalf like that I find his absentee consistent. /7
He wasn't supposed to become Sorey's arch enemy and more screentime could have change his purpose in the story. I don't mean to say Tales of Zestiria is a perfect game. A lot of things in it are frustrating. But if we try to look at it for what it was supposed to be a lot of choices make sense. Still frustrating, but coherent. /8
Answer behind cut to save a dash . . .
That’s quite the lengthy ask, anon!  And I’m assuming this is in response to this ask I answered yesterday, which is really what I’ve noticed a lot of naysayers complain about with regards to Zestiria’s story.  The only thing I really found lacking (and it’s more from a “I want to know everything there is to know about this world” stand point more than anything) is the lack of more information on Maltran, just because yeah, there’s that one story we get of her basically Surviving the Impossible, but we don’t get more to it than that.  Because turning into a hellion implies something happened to her that caused overwhelming guilt/grief/regret/doubt/etc, and it’s mostly outside viewer/player curiosity more than anything that’s fueling that need.  As I’ve always said about Zestiria - if you do all the side quests and see all the skits, the story is actually quite complete, which actually does match some of the early promotional interviews from Baba.  Zestiria was always about the “zest” for adventure, of exploring everything, and it would make sense, then to have so many of the details of the world be hidden away in the side quests.  Even some of the more plot-important points, like the Iris Gems (except for the one you see in Lohgrin, that one and a few of the others in that set are the only story-mandatory ones, if I recall correctly), or gameplay convenience things like the Lords of the Land, become side quests after the first arc.
As for the story itself - it always was, and has been, the story of Zestiria as told through Sorey’s eyes.  I’ve been saying this for ages, and that it’s why Alisha leaving the party made sense.  Her goals aligned with Sorey’s briefly, but then when they didn’t, it was time for them to go their separate ways.  Also worth noting is that only 3 characters actually have their own character themes that follow previous Tales character theme naming convention - Sorey (he actually has 2), Alisha, and Zaveid.  No one else actually has one, even though the Lefay Shrine theme does get used for Mikleo’s moment during the make up part of their break up/make up arc.
Dezel/Rose/Symonne’s backstory makes sense when you stop and think about it, and I personally feel it could have been better executed (it’s a plot point I’ve had to explain a few times to people myself), but it does make sense, especially since they were trying to inject some shades of grey into the story - that Good Things (like Seraphim blessings as we’ve seen them portrayed up until that point in the game) aren’t always as good as they appear to be, and just because someone is a hellion, it doesn’t always mean they’re horrible evil people (like Cardinal Forton).
Personally for me on Michael, it’s because he’s retired, burned out, and doesn’t want to be found by other people, and doesn’t want the pressure of being A Shepherd to the public anymore, and just wants to be Michael and try to enjoy life as best as he can.  I seem to recall the expanded world guide for Zestiria mentions he became Shepherd at twelve, and I think it was mentioned he was in his 20s when the Camlann massacre happened so he was probably Shepherd for roughly 5-10 years.  And from how Lailah specifically mentions the Shepherd’s burden to Sorey, and how emphatically she tries to impress upon him the pressure he would be under, I think it’s fair to say she probably had Michael in mind when she tried to make Sorey stop and think before he pulled out the Sacred Sword.
As for Heldalf, I didn’t mind him not showing up all that much.  It’s not like the other Tales final bosses showed up all that much either.  The difference, of course, was that the other Tales final bosses usually have their own little group of people following them, so the boss’s goals and objectives are a bit more clearly laid out as opposed to Zestiria’s, which really can be summed up as: Heldalf is a man cursed by another, and all he really wants to do is to die so he can finally rest in peace like he’s wanted after being forced to live a Fate Worse Than Death for (roughly) two decades.
Zestiria ranks in as my favorite game overall, so for me, the story made sense and I like it the way it is.  There’s a few places where I would have preferred more information, but I think that’s the meta/fanfic writer in me talking so I have more to work with.  So in my opinion, the writing could have used a little editing for clarity, but it was, by no means nearly half as bad as people make it out to be (certainly not when we have the trainwreck that is the anime at this point to compare to).  If anything, I had more problems with the battle camera (especially on multiplayer coop, that things always a total trip) than I did with the story, rofl.
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MMO Week in Review: Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr chapter heralds five months of cat memes
I wouldn’t go calling Elder Scrolls Online’s Khajiit catgirls and catboys to their faces, however we’re positive to be tempted this summer time when as introduced this week the Elsweyr chapter/enlargement launches and we get our first probability to dig into the complete depths of the province. Convey your hype!
In the meantime, gamers rioted over Blizzard’s WoW esports plans, Astellia introduced it’s coming westward, Breach hit early entry, and Fallout 76’s bug parade continued. Learn on to meet up with the easiest of this week’s MMO information and opinions immediately as each Sunday in Massively Overpowered’s Week in Evaluate!
Elder Scrolls On-line will launch Elsweyr and Necromancer in June, Wrathstone DLC in February – ZeniMax has simply revealed that Elsweyr, homeland of the Khajiit, is certainly Elder Scrolls On-line’s subsequent chapter. The devs kicked off their stream with a teaser and the cinematic (the… Tamriel Infinium: Analyzing the options (and hype!) of Elder Scrolls Online’s Season of the Dragon – I’ve combined emotions about dragons coming to Elder Scrolls On-line. Initially, we knew that we might not see them as a result of they have been hibernating or had fled Tamriel in this… EverQuesting: Can Dawn make it by way of 2019? – Those that’ve been long-time followers of Massively OP’s long-running EverQuesting column may need observed a definite lack of new yr hopes and predictions articles for the EverQuest franchise together with… WoW Issue: No, Activision just isn’t the rationale you’re sad with World of Warcraft – There is a narrative that is been making the rounds for a short while now among the many World of Warcraft group, buoyed so much by the truth that we have seen tons of proof… Interview: Astellia’s western staff on pay-to-win, themeparks, and dodging early entry and battle royale – Yesterday we coated the information that South Korean born MMORPG Astellia is heading westward in 2019, with its holy trinity courses, strong PvE and PvP, and arduous lean away from… Digital Arts cancels its untitled open-world Star Wars recreation – Keep in mind that open-world Star Wars recreation that Digital Arts’ Vancouver studio was engaged on after the corporate closed down the earlier studio that had been engaged on an open-world Star… Blizzard lays out World of Warcraft’s esports 2019 plans, will crowdfund half of prize swimming pools – Though Blizzard might have reduce on esports help for Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft’s esports scene is again and larger than ever in 2019, and the studio… Torchlight Frontiers previews gear development, redesigned alpha UI, and pets – It has been a few month since Torchlight Frontiers concluded its second alpha check, and the devs have been onerous at work making modifications based mostly on gamers’ suggestions. Undertaking Lead Tyler… The Recreation Archaeologist: Fury – Again in 1997, Australian recreation developer Auran arrived onto the scene with the real-time technique title Darkish Reign. Whereas it wasn’t precisely Command & Conquer or Warcraft, the sport bought over… The multiplayer Skyrim Collectively mod is about to hit closed beta – For those who’ve been across the Elder Scrolls modding group lengthy sufficient, you recognize that fan efforts to convey multiplayer parts to the franchise’s single-player video games are a endless factor, maybe… Fortnite is seemingly fertile floor for doing crimes, like cash laundering – Hey, you understand what’s enjoyable? Cash laundering! Wait, did we are saying “fun”? We meant “highly illegal and full of dire consequences.” It is in all probability not one thing most of us have… Nexon founder’s controlling shares in the corporate at the moment are formally up on the market – Keep in mind how Nexon’s founder and 98.64% share holder Kim Jung-ju made it clear early this month that he was wanting into promoting his controlling stakes in the corporate? It seems… Elder Scrolls On-line is just not launching a swag-stuffed bodily collector’s version of Elsweyr – One of the bulletins oddly lacking from the Elder Scrolls On-line’s Elsweyr hoopla earlier this week was one about bodily swag for the collector’s version. Seems that wasn’t an… Bethsoft is banning extra Fallout 76 exploiters and teasing its free-for-all PvP mode – Even earlier than Fallout 76 launched final yr, the sport was turning into well-known for bugs of the exploitable type. The newest to make headlines was the glitch that allowed… Breach hits early entry with a mix of motion fight and MMO dungeon crawling – Snowbound or bored this weekend and in search of one thing new to do? Breach arrived on Steam early entry yesterday, bringing with it an fascinating mix of MMO design, co-op dungeon… Bungie reiterates its dedication to Future 2 long-term because it previews short-term objectives – Since final week’s revelation that Activision and Bungie have been parting methods and sending Future residence to stay with its actual dad – oh yeah, and buyers started investigating potential securities… Massively Overthinking: What would you need out of a World of Warcraft 2? – Let’s fake for a second that the rationale Blizzard seems to be dropping the ball with World of Warcraft proper now’s that it is engaged on World of Warcraft 2… Take a look at one other 10 minutes of gameplay footage from Anthem – The whole lot has hidden depths. Anthem undoubtedly does. Actually, it is obtained a mission named Hidden Depths, and in the present day’s newest burst of gameplay footage from IGN covers 10 minutes of operating by way of Hidden… Atlas simply rolled again the North American servers five hours after an admin account was ‘compromised’ – In case you wanted your day by day reminder to not purchase early entry video games which are nonetheless neck-deep in testing and drawback youngsters, this is your dose for the day: Studio Wildcard’s… Obscure Patch Notes: Illustration in video games issues whenever you don’t see why it issues – This can be a story a few boy named Michael. Comply with together with me for a bit of bit, when you’d be so variety. Michael was born in 1983, and he did not… Gamigo is increasing ArcheAge’s workforce, decreasing lockboxes, and evaluating the Gazillion belongings – MMOBomb has an interview up with Gamigo’s prime brass in the present day that has some fascinating nuggets for MMO gamers questioning concerning the present state of the corporate and all of the MMORPGs… Artifact continues to lose gamers at an aggressive price – We’re nearly two months into the life cycle of Valve’s aggressively non-free-to-play card recreation Artifact, and the sport continues to lose gamers with a spotlight and depth often reserved for gaining… ArcheAge rolls out replace 5.1 as gamers name ‘bait-and-switch’ over normalized mounts – As promised, Gamigo pushed out replace 5.1 for ArcheAge yesterday, full with its hero system revmap, tweaks for pirates, the Abyssal Library do-over, and the separated Golden Plains Battle area.… Elder Scrolls Online’s racial talents are getting revamped in replace 21 – One of the issues that the parents at Zenimax are specializing in in The Elder Scrolls On-line’s upcoming replace 21 is balancing the passive talents of the sport’s myriad races,… Legends of Aria’s Steam early entry launch is now slated for spring – The testing by means of early entry continues for Legends of Aria, and that features determining the schedule for the sport’s patches and supreme launch. The newest information from the group is… Good Ten: The MMOs with probably the most unsure futures in 2019 – Working in this area has given me one thing of a way of how so much of the business goes to play out. Take the continued early entry saga of Atlas,… Black Desert’s battle royale mode, Shadow Area, hits early entry for present gamers at the moment – Black Desert is formally hopping on the battle royale bandwagon this week with the “early access” launch of Shadow Area right now. How does a totally launched MMORPG run an “early… Steam is rolling out higher retailer discoverability, cellular chat, and library enhancements in 2019 – Valve is unquestionably feeling a bit frazzled over Epic and Discord’s energy performs in the previous few months, however you would not comprehend it from its annual Steam recap this week.… The Survivalist: Seven survival recreation options I need to see in 2019 – A brand new yr is all about new hopes, new objectives, and — hopefully — new options and content material. I’m speaking about video games, of course! (Though I’d go for… Select My Journey: The lonesome job of star charting in Elite Harmful – Right now’s version of Select My Journey options outcomes that have been each a landslide and very shut. On the one hand, most individuals steered that I commerce in my present ship… Darkish and Mild is closing down 70% of its early entry servers – Snail Video games’ early entry MMO Darkish and Mild has suffered a couple of rising pains throughout its improvement. The corporate initially introduced it was resurrecting the 2004 MMO again in 2016;… Knowledge of Nym: Last Fantasy XIV’s patch four.5 in evaluation – Ah, that is the great things. I am not going to lie, I used to be truthfully a bit involved about this patch for Ultimate Fantasy XIV. Not simply because of my frankly absurd degree of… Fallout 76 gamers are discovering methods to glitch right into a secret developer room with unreleased gadgets – We want to preface in the present day’s story of Fallout 76 having all of the integrity of tissue paper in a hurricane by saying that you must in all probability not attempt to entry this…
• We’re not ready for Burning Campaign to have fun its 12th birthday • These courses shall be must-haves for WoW’s Battle for Dazar’alor • Enhancements to WoW’s transmog would make cosmetic-swapping simpler
Each week, get caught up on the MMO style’s newest information and Massively OP’s greatest content material in our MMO Week in Assessment! Need extra roundups of content material? Attempt Friday’s Betawatch for MMO testing highlights, Saturday’s Make My MMO for MMO crowdfunding updates, and Sunday’s The MOP Up, which mops up all of the bits of information we didn’t cowl anyplace else.
The post MMO Week in Review: Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr chapter heralds five months of cat memes appeared first on List Technology.
0 notes
aethermystfan-blog · 5 years
MMO Week in Review: Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr chapter heralds five months of cat memes
I wouldn’t go calling Elder Scrolls Online’s Khajiit catgirls and catboys to their faces, however we’re positive to be tempted this summer time when as introduced this week the Elsweyr chapter/enlargement launches and we get our first probability to dig into the complete depths of the province. Convey your hype!
In the meantime, gamers rioted over Blizzard’s WoW esports plans, Astellia introduced it’s coming westward, Breach hit early entry, and Fallout 76’s bug parade continued. Learn on to meet up with the easiest of this week’s MMO information and opinions immediately as each Sunday in Massively Overpowered’s Week in Evaluate!
Elder Scrolls On-line will launch Elsweyr and Necromancer in June, Wrathstone DLC in February – ZeniMax has simply revealed that Elsweyr, homeland of the Khajiit, is certainly Elder Scrolls On-line’s subsequent chapter. The devs kicked off their stream with a teaser and the cinematic (the… Tamriel Infinium: Analyzing the options (and hype!) of Elder Scrolls Online’s Season of the Dragon – I’ve combined emotions about dragons coming to Elder Scrolls On-line. Initially, we knew that we might not see them as a result of they have been hibernating or had fled Tamriel in this… EverQuesting: Can Dawn make it by way of 2019? – Those that’ve been long-time followers of Massively OP’s long-running EverQuesting column may need observed a definite lack of new yr hopes and predictions articles for the EverQuest franchise together with… WoW Issue: No, Activision just isn’t the rationale you’re sad with World of Warcraft – There is a narrative that is been making the rounds for a short while now among the many World of Warcraft group, buoyed so much by the truth that we have seen tons of proof… Interview: Astellia’s western staff on pay-to-win, themeparks, and dodging early entry and battle royale – Yesterday we coated the information that South Korean born MMORPG Astellia is heading westward in 2019, with its holy trinity courses, strong PvE and PvP, and arduous lean away from… Digital Arts cancels its untitled open-world Star Wars recreation – Keep in mind that open-world Star Wars recreation that Digital Arts’ Vancouver studio was engaged on after the corporate closed down the earlier studio that had been engaged on an open-world Star… Blizzard lays out World of Warcraft’s esports 2019 plans, will crowdfund half of prize swimming pools – Though Blizzard might have reduce on esports help for Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft’s esports scene is again and larger than ever in 2019, and the studio… Torchlight Frontiers previews gear development, redesigned alpha UI, and pets – It has been a few month since Torchlight Frontiers concluded its second alpha check, and the devs have been onerous at work making modifications based mostly on gamers’ suggestions. Undertaking Lead Tyler… The Recreation Archaeologist: Fury – Again in 1997, Australian recreation developer Auran arrived onto the scene with the real-time technique title Darkish Reign. Whereas it wasn’t precisely Command & Conquer or Warcraft, the sport bought over… The multiplayer Skyrim Collectively mod is about to hit closed beta – For those who’ve been across the Elder Scrolls modding group lengthy sufficient, you recognize that fan efforts to convey multiplayer parts to the franchise’s single-player video games are a endless factor, maybe… Fortnite is seemingly fertile floor for doing crimes, like cash laundering – Hey, you understand what’s enjoyable? Cash laundering! Wait, did we are saying “fun”? We meant “highly illegal and full of dire consequences.” It is in all probability not one thing most of us have… Nexon founder’s controlling shares in the corporate at the moment are formally up on the market – Keep in mind how Nexon’s founder and 98.64% share holder Kim Jung-ju made it clear early this month that he was wanting into promoting his controlling stakes in the corporate? It seems… Elder Scrolls On-line is just not launching a swag-stuffed bodily collector’s version of Elsweyr – One of the bulletins oddly lacking from the Elder Scrolls On-line’s Elsweyr hoopla earlier this week was one about bodily swag for the collector’s version. Seems that wasn’t an… Bethsoft is banning extra Fallout 76 exploiters and teasing its free-for-all PvP mode – Even earlier than Fallout 76 launched final yr, the sport was turning into well-known for bugs of the exploitable type. The newest to make headlines was the glitch that allowed… Breach hits early entry with a mix of motion fight and MMO dungeon crawling – Snowbound or bored this weekend and in search of one thing new to do? Breach arrived on Steam early entry yesterday, bringing with it an fascinating mix of MMO design, co-op dungeon… Bungie reiterates its dedication to Future 2 long-term because it previews short-term objectives – Since final week’s revelation that Activision and Bungie have been parting methods and sending Future residence to stay with its actual dad – oh yeah, and buyers started investigating potential securities… Massively Overthinking: What would you need out of a World of Warcraft 2? – Let’s fake for a second that the rationale Blizzard seems to be dropping the ball with World of Warcraft proper now’s that it is engaged on World of Warcraft 2… Take a look at one other 10 minutes of gameplay footage from Anthem – The whole lot has hidden depths. Anthem undoubtedly does. Actually, it is obtained a mission named Hidden Depths, and in the present day’s newest burst of gameplay footage from IGN covers 10 minutes of operating by way of Hidden… Atlas simply rolled again the North American servers five hours after an admin account was ‘compromised’ – In case you wanted your day by day reminder to not purchase early entry video games which are nonetheless neck-deep in testing and drawback youngsters, this is your dose for the day: Studio Wildcard’s… Obscure Patch Notes: Illustration in video games issues whenever you don’t see why it issues – This can be a story a few boy named Michael. Comply with together with me for a bit of bit, when you’d be so variety. Michael was born in 1983, and he did not… Gamigo is increasing ArcheAge’s workforce, decreasing lockboxes, and evaluating the Gazillion belongings – MMOBomb has an interview up with Gamigo’s prime brass in the present day that has some fascinating nuggets for MMO gamers questioning concerning the present state of the corporate and all of the MMORPGs… Artifact continues to lose gamers at an aggressive price – We’re nearly two months into the life cycle of Valve’s aggressively non-free-to-play card recreation Artifact, and the sport continues to lose gamers with a spotlight and depth often reserved for gaining… ArcheAge rolls out replace 5.1 as gamers name ‘bait-and-switch’ over normalized mounts – As promised, Gamigo pushed out replace 5.1 for ArcheAge yesterday, full with its hero system revmap, tweaks for pirates, the Abyssal Library do-over, and the separated Golden Plains Battle area.… Elder Scrolls Online’s racial talents are getting revamped in replace 21 – One of the issues that the parents at Zenimax are specializing in in The Elder Scrolls On-line’s upcoming replace 21 is balancing the passive talents of the sport’s myriad races,… Legends of Aria’s Steam early entry launch is now slated for spring – The testing by means of early entry continues for Legends of Aria, and that features determining the schedule for the sport’s patches and supreme launch. The newest information from the group is… Good Ten: The MMOs with probably the most unsure futures in 2019 – Working in this area has given me one thing of a way of how so much of the business goes to play out. Take the continued early entry saga of Atlas,… Black Desert’s battle royale mode, Shadow Area, hits early entry for present gamers at the moment – Black Desert is formally hopping on the battle royale bandwagon this week with the “early access” launch of Shadow Area right now. How does a totally launched MMORPG run an “early… Steam is rolling out higher retailer discoverability, cellular chat, and library enhancements in 2019 – Valve is unquestionably feeling a bit frazzled over Epic and Discord’s energy performs in the previous few months, however you would not comprehend it from its annual Steam recap this week.… The Survivalist: Seven survival recreation options I need to see in 2019 – A brand new yr is all about new hopes, new objectives, and — hopefully — new options and content material. I’m speaking about video games, of course! (Though I’d go for… Select My Journey: The lonesome job of star charting in Elite Harmful – Right now’s version of Select My Journey options outcomes that have been each a landslide and very shut. On the one hand, most individuals steered that I commerce in my present ship… Darkish and Mild is closing down 70% of its early entry servers – Snail Video games’ early entry MMO Darkish and Mild has suffered a couple of rising pains throughout its improvement. The corporate initially introduced it was resurrecting the 2004 MMO again in 2016;… Knowledge of Nym: Last Fantasy XIV’s patch four.5 in evaluation – Ah, that is the great things. I am not going to lie, I used to be truthfully a bit involved about this patch for Ultimate Fantasy XIV. Not simply because of my frankly absurd degree of… Fallout 76 gamers are discovering methods to glitch right into a secret developer room with unreleased gadgets – We want to preface in the present day’s story of Fallout 76 having all of the integrity of tissue paper in a hurricane by saying that you must in all probability not attempt to entry this…
• We’re not ready for Burning Campaign to have fun its 12th birthday • These courses shall be must-haves for WoW’s Battle for Dazar’alor • Enhancements to WoW’s transmog would make cosmetic-swapping simpler
Each week, get caught up on the MMO style’s newest information and Massively OP’s greatest content material in our MMO Week in Assessment! Need extra roundups of content material? Attempt Friday’s Betawatch for MMO testing highlights, Saturday’s Make My MMO for MMO crowdfunding updates, and Sunday’s The MOP Up, which mops up all of the bits of information we didn’t cowl anyplace else.
The post MMO Week in Review: Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr chapter heralds five months of cat memes appeared first on List Technology.
0 notes
MMO Week in Review: Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr chapter heralds five months of cat memes
I wouldn’t go calling Elder Scrolls Online’s Khajiit catgirls and catboys to their faces, however we’re positive to be tempted this summer time when as introduced this week the Elsweyr chapter/enlargement launches and we get our first probability to dig into the complete depths of the province. Convey your hype!
In the meantime, gamers rioted over Blizzard’s WoW esports plans, Astellia introduced it’s coming westward, Breach hit early entry, and Fallout 76’s bug parade continued. Learn on to meet up with the easiest of this week’s MMO information and opinions immediately as each Sunday in Massively Overpowered’s Week in Evaluate!
Elder Scrolls On-line will launch Elsweyr and Necromancer in June, Wrathstone DLC in February – ZeniMax has simply revealed that Elsweyr, homeland of the Khajiit, is certainly Elder Scrolls On-line’s subsequent chapter. The devs kicked off their stream with a teaser and the cinematic (the… Tamriel Infinium: Analyzing the options (and hype!) of Elder Scrolls Online’s Season of the Dragon – I’ve combined emotions about dragons coming to Elder Scrolls On-line. Initially, we knew that we might not see them as a result of they have been hibernating or had fled Tamriel in this… EverQuesting: Can Dawn make it by way of 2019? – Those that’ve been long-time followers of Massively OP’s long-running EverQuesting column may need observed a definite lack of new yr hopes and predictions articles for the EverQuest franchise together with… WoW Issue: No, Activision just isn’t the rationale you’re sad with World of Warcraft – There is a narrative that is been making the rounds for a short while now among the many World of Warcraft group, buoyed so much by the truth that we have seen tons of proof… Interview: Astellia’s western staff on pay-to-win, themeparks, and dodging early entry and battle royale – Yesterday we coated the information that South Korean born MMORPG Astellia is heading westward in 2019, with its holy trinity courses, strong PvE and PvP, and arduous lean away from… Digital Arts cancels its untitled open-world Star Wars recreation – Keep in mind that open-world Star Wars recreation that Digital Arts’ Vancouver studio was engaged on after the corporate closed down the earlier studio that had been engaged on an open-world Star… Blizzard lays out World of Warcraft’s esports 2019 plans, will crowdfund half of prize swimming pools – Though Blizzard might have reduce on esports help for Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft’s esports scene is again and larger than ever in 2019, and the studio… Torchlight Frontiers previews gear development, redesigned alpha UI, and pets – It has been a few month since Torchlight Frontiers concluded its second alpha check, and the devs have been onerous at work making modifications based mostly on gamers’ suggestions. Undertaking Lead Tyler… The Recreation Archaeologist: Fury – Again in 1997, Australian recreation developer Auran arrived onto the scene with the real-time technique title Darkish Reign. Whereas it wasn’t precisely Command & Conquer or Warcraft, the sport bought over… The multiplayer Skyrim Collectively mod is about to hit closed beta – For those who’ve been across the Elder Scrolls modding group lengthy sufficient, you recognize that fan efforts to convey multiplayer parts to the franchise’s single-player video games are a endless factor, maybe… Fortnite is seemingly fertile floor for doing crimes, like cash laundering – Hey, you understand what’s enjoyable? Cash laundering! Wait, did we are saying “fun”? We meant “highly illegal and full of dire consequences.” It is in all probability not one thing most of us have… Nexon founder’s controlling shares in the corporate at the moment are formally up on the market – Keep in mind how Nexon’s founder and 98.64% share holder Kim Jung-ju made it clear early this month that he was wanting into promoting his controlling stakes in the corporate? It seems… Elder Scrolls On-line is just not launching a swag-stuffed bodily collector’s version of Elsweyr – One of the bulletins oddly lacking from the Elder Scrolls On-line’s Elsweyr hoopla earlier this week was one about bodily swag for the collector’s version. Seems that wasn’t an… Bethsoft is banning extra Fallout 76 exploiters and teasing its free-for-all PvP mode – Even earlier than Fallout 76 launched final yr, the sport was turning into well-known for bugs of the exploitable type. The newest to make headlines was the glitch that allowed… Breach hits early entry with a mix of motion fight and MMO dungeon crawling – Snowbound or bored this weekend and in search of one thing new to do? Breach arrived on Steam early entry yesterday, bringing with it an fascinating mix of MMO design, co-op dungeon… Bungie reiterates its dedication to Future 2 long-term because it previews short-term objectives – Since final week’s revelation that Activision and Bungie have been parting methods and sending Future residence to stay with its actual dad – oh yeah, and buyers started investigating potential securities… Massively Overthinking: What would you need out of a World of Warcraft 2? – Let’s fake for a second that the rationale Blizzard seems to be dropping the ball with World of Warcraft proper now’s that it is engaged on World of Warcraft 2… Take a look at one other 10 minutes of gameplay footage from Anthem – The whole lot has hidden depths. Anthem undoubtedly does. Actually, it is obtained a mission named Hidden Depths, and in the present day’s newest burst of gameplay footage from IGN covers 10 minutes of operating by way of Hidden… Atlas simply rolled again the North American servers five hours after an admin account was ‘compromised’ – In case you wanted your day by day reminder to not purchase early entry video games which are nonetheless neck-deep in testing and drawback youngsters, this is your dose for the day: Studio Wildcard’s… Obscure Patch Notes: Illustration in video games issues whenever you don’t see why it issues – This can be a story a few boy named Michael. Comply with together with me for a bit of bit, when you’d be so variety. Michael was born in 1983, and he did not… Gamigo is increasing ArcheAge’s workforce, decreasing lockboxes, and evaluating the Gazillion belongings – MMOBomb has an interview up with Gamigo’s prime brass in the present day that has some fascinating nuggets for MMO gamers questioning concerning the present state of the corporate and all of the MMORPGs… Artifact continues to lose gamers at an aggressive price – We’re nearly two months into the life cycle of Valve’s aggressively non-free-to-play card recreation Artifact, and the sport continues to lose gamers with a spotlight and depth often reserved for gaining… ArcheAge rolls out replace 5.1 as gamers name ‘bait-and-switch’ over normalized mounts – As promised, Gamigo pushed out replace 5.1 for ArcheAge yesterday, full with its hero system revmap, tweaks for pirates, the Abyssal Library do-over, and the separated Golden Plains Battle area.… Elder Scrolls Online’s racial talents are getting revamped in replace 21 – One of the issues that the parents at Zenimax are specializing in in The Elder Scrolls On-line’s upcoming replace 21 is balancing the passive talents of the sport’s myriad races,… Legends of Aria’s Steam early entry launch is now slated for spring – The testing by means of early entry continues for Legends of Aria, and that features determining the schedule for the sport’s patches and supreme launch. The newest information from the group is… Good Ten: The MMOs with probably the most unsure futures in 2019 – Working in this area has given me one thing of a way of how so much of the business goes to play out. Take the continued early entry saga of Atlas,… Black Desert’s battle royale mode, Shadow Area, hits early entry for present gamers at the moment – Black Desert is formally hopping on the battle royale bandwagon this week with the “early access” launch of Shadow Area right now. How does a totally launched MMORPG run an “early… Steam is rolling out higher retailer discoverability, cellular chat, and library enhancements in 2019 – Valve is unquestionably feeling a bit frazzled over Epic and Discord’s energy performs in the previous few months, however you would not comprehend it from its annual Steam recap this week.… The Survivalist: Seven survival recreation options I need to see in 2019 – A brand new yr is all about new hopes, new objectives, and — hopefully — new options and content material. I’m speaking about video games, of course! (Though I’d go for… Select My Journey: The lonesome job of star charting in Elite Harmful – Right now’s version of Select My Journey options outcomes that have been each a landslide and very shut. On the one hand, most individuals steered that I commerce in my present ship… Darkish and Mild is closing down 70% of its early entry servers – Snail Video games’ early entry MMO Darkish and Mild has suffered a couple of rising pains throughout its improvement. The corporate initially introduced it was resurrecting the 2004 MMO again in 2016;… Knowledge of Nym: Last Fantasy XIV’s patch four.5 in evaluation – Ah, that is the great things. I am not going to lie, I used to be truthfully a bit involved about this patch for Ultimate Fantasy XIV. Not simply because of my frankly absurd degree of… Fallout 76 gamers are discovering methods to glitch right into a secret developer room with unreleased gadgets – We want to preface in the present day’s story of Fallout 76 having all of the integrity of tissue paper in a hurricane by saying that you must in all probability not attempt to entry this…
• We’re not ready for Burning Campaign to have fun its 12th birthday • These courses shall be must-haves for WoW’s Battle for Dazar’alor • Enhancements to WoW’s transmog would make cosmetic-swapping simpler
Each week, get caught up on the MMO style’s newest information and Massively OP’s greatest content material in our MMO Week in Assessment! Need extra roundups of content material? Attempt Friday’s Betawatch for MMO testing highlights, Saturday’s Make My MMO for MMO crowdfunding updates, and Sunday’s The MOP Up, which mops up all of the bits of information we didn’t cowl anyplace else.
The post MMO Week in Review: Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr chapter heralds five months of cat memes appeared first on List Technology.
0 notes
superplhis-blog · 5 years
MMO Week in Review: Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr chapter heralds five months of cat memes
I wouldn’t go calling Elder Scrolls Online’s Khajiit catgirls and catboys to their faces, however we’re positive to be tempted this summer time when as introduced this week the Elsweyr chapter/enlargement launches and we get our first probability to dig into the complete depths of the province. Convey your hype!
In the meantime, gamers rioted over Blizzard’s WoW esports plans, Astellia introduced it’s coming westward, Breach hit early entry, and Fallout 76’s bug parade continued. Learn on to meet up with the easiest of this week’s MMO information and opinions immediately as each Sunday in Massively Overpowered’s Week in Evaluate!
Elder Scrolls On-line will launch Elsweyr and Necromancer in June, Wrathstone DLC in February – ZeniMax has simply revealed that Elsweyr, homeland of the Khajiit, is certainly Elder Scrolls On-line’s subsequent chapter. The devs kicked off their stream with a teaser and the cinematic (the… Tamriel Infinium: Analyzing the options (and hype!) of Elder Scrolls Online’s Season of the Dragon – I’ve combined emotions about dragons coming to Elder Scrolls On-line. Initially, we knew that we might not see them as a result of they have been hibernating or had fled Tamriel in this… EverQuesting: Can Dawn make it by way of 2019? – Those that’ve been long-time followers of Massively OP’s long-running EverQuesting column may need observed a definite lack of new yr hopes and predictions articles for the EverQuest franchise together with… WoW Issue: No, Activision just isn’t the rationale you’re sad with World of Warcraft – There is a narrative that is been making the rounds for a short while now among the many World of Warcraft group, buoyed so much by the truth that we have seen tons of proof… Interview: Astellia’s western staff on pay-to-win, themeparks, and dodging early entry and battle royale – Yesterday we coated the information that South Korean born MMORPG Astellia is heading westward in 2019, with its holy trinity courses, strong PvE and PvP, and arduous lean away from… Digital Arts cancels its untitled open-world Star Wars recreation – Keep in mind that open-world Star Wars recreation that Digital Arts’ Vancouver studio was engaged on after the corporate closed down the earlier studio that had been engaged on an open-world Star… Blizzard lays out World of Warcraft’s esports 2019 plans, will crowdfund half of prize swimming pools – Though Blizzard might have reduce on esports help for Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft’s esports scene is again and larger than ever in 2019, and the studio… Torchlight Frontiers previews gear development, redesigned alpha UI, and pets – It has been a few month since Torchlight Frontiers concluded its second alpha check, and the devs have been onerous at work making modifications based mostly on gamers’ suggestions. Undertaking Lead Tyler… The Recreation Archaeologist: Fury – Again in 1997, Australian recreation developer Auran arrived onto the scene with the real-time technique title Darkish Reign. Whereas it wasn’t precisely Command & Conquer or Warcraft, the sport bought over… The multiplayer Skyrim Collectively mod is about to hit closed beta – For those who’ve been across the Elder Scrolls modding group lengthy sufficient, you recognize that fan efforts to convey multiplayer parts to the franchise’s single-player video games are a endless factor, maybe… Fortnite is seemingly fertile floor for doing crimes, like cash laundering – Hey, you understand what’s enjoyable? Cash laundering! Wait, did we are saying “fun”? We meant “highly illegal and full of dire consequences.” It is in all probability not one thing most of us have… Nexon founder’s controlling shares in the corporate at the moment are formally up on the market – Keep in mind how Nexon’s founder and 98.64% share holder Kim Jung-ju made it clear early this month that he was wanting into promoting his controlling stakes in the corporate? It seems… Elder Scrolls On-line is just not launching a swag-stuffed bodily collector’s version of Elsweyr – One of the bulletins oddly lacking from the Elder Scrolls On-line’s Elsweyr hoopla earlier this week was one about bodily swag for the collector’s version. Seems that wasn’t an… Bethsoft is banning extra Fallout 76 exploiters and teasing its free-for-all PvP mode – Even earlier than Fallout 76 launched final yr, the sport was turning into well-known for bugs of the exploitable type. The newest to make headlines was the glitch that allowed… Breach hits early entry with a mix of motion fight and MMO dungeon crawling – Snowbound or bored this weekend and in search of one thing new to do? Breach arrived on Steam early entry yesterday, bringing with it an fascinating mix of MMO design, co-op dungeon… Bungie reiterates its dedication to Future 2 long-term because it previews short-term objectives – Since final week’s revelation that Activision and Bungie have been parting methods and sending Future residence to stay with its actual dad – oh yeah, and buyers started investigating potential securities… Massively Overthinking: What would you need out of a World of Warcraft 2? – Let’s fake for a second that the rationale Blizzard seems to be dropping the ball with World of Warcraft proper now’s that it is engaged on World of Warcraft 2… Take a look at one other 10 minutes of gameplay footage from Anthem – The whole lot has hidden depths. Anthem undoubtedly does. Actually, it is obtained a mission named Hidden Depths, and in the present day’s newest burst of gameplay footage from IGN covers 10 minutes of operating by way of Hidden… Atlas simply rolled again the North American servers five hours after an admin account was ‘compromised’ – In case you wanted your day by day reminder to not purchase early entry video games which are nonetheless neck-deep in testing and drawback youngsters, this is your dose for the day: Studio Wildcard’s… Obscure Patch Notes: Illustration in video games issues whenever you don’t see why it issues – This can be a story a few boy named Michael. Comply with together with me for a bit of bit, when you’d be so variety. Michael was born in 1983, and he did not… Gamigo is increasing ArcheAge’s workforce, decreasing lockboxes, and evaluating the Gazillion belongings – MMOBomb has an interview up with Gamigo’s prime brass in the present day that has some fascinating nuggets for MMO gamers questioning concerning the present state of the corporate and all of the MMORPGs… Artifact continues to lose gamers at an aggressive price – We’re nearly two months into the life cycle of Valve’s aggressively non-free-to-play card recreation Artifact, and the sport continues to lose gamers with a spotlight and depth often reserved for gaining… ArcheAge rolls out replace 5.1 as gamers name ‘bait-and-switch’ over normalized mounts – As promised, Gamigo pushed out replace 5.1 for ArcheAge yesterday, full with its hero system revmap, tweaks for pirates, the Abyssal Library do-over, and the separated Golden Plains Battle area.… Elder Scrolls Online’s racial talents are getting revamped in replace 21 – One of the issues that the parents at Zenimax are specializing in in The Elder Scrolls On-line’s upcoming replace 21 is balancing the passive talents of the sport’s myriad races,… Legends of Aria’s Steam early entry launch is now slated for spring – The testing by means of early entry continues for Legends of Aria, and that features determining the schedule for the sport’s patches and supreme launch. The newest information from the group is… Good Ten: The MMOs with probably the most unsure futures in 2019 – Working in this area has given me one thing of a way of how so much of the business goes to play out. Take the continued early entry saga of Atlas,… Black Desert’s battle royale mode, Shadow Area, hits early entry for present gamers at the moment – Black Desert is formally hopping on the battle royale bandwagon this week with the “early access” launch of Shadow Area right now. How does a totally launched MMORPG run an “early… Steam is rolling out higher retailer discoverability, cellular chat, and library enhancements in 2019 – Valve is unquestionably feeling a bit frazzled over Epic and Discord’s energy performs in the previous few months, however you would not comprehend it from its annual Steam recap this week.… The Survivalist: Seven survival recreation options I need to see in 2019 – A brand new yr is all about new hopes, new objectives, and — hopefully — new options and content material. I’m speaking about video games, of course! (Though I’d go for… Select My Journey: The lonesome job of star charting in Elite Harmful – Right now’s version of Select My Journey options outcomes that have been each a landslide and very shut. On the one hand, most individuals steered that I commerce in my present ship… Darkish and Mild is closing down 70% of its early entry servers – Snail Video games’ early entry MMO Darkish and Mild has suffered a couple of rising pains throughout its improvement. The corporate initially introduced it was resurrecting the 2004 MMO again in 2016;… Knowledge of Nym: Last Fantasy XIV’s patch four.5 in evaluation – Ah, that is the great things. I am not going to lie, I used to be truthfully a bit involved about this patch for Ultimate Fantasy XIV. Not simply because of my frankly absurd degree of… Fallout 76 gamers are discovering methods to glitch right into a secret developer room with unreleased gadgets – We want to preface in the present day’s story of Fallout 76 having all of the integrity of tissue paper in a hurricane by saying that you must in all probability not attempt to entry this…
• We’re not ready for Burning Campaign to have fun its 12th birthday • These courses shall be must-haves for WoW’s Battle for Dazar’alor • Enhancements to WoW’s transmog would make cosmetic-swapping simpler
Each week, get caught up on the MMO style’s newest information and Massively OP’s greatest content material in our MMO Week in Assessment! Need extra roundups of content material? Attempt Friday’s Betawatch for MMO testing highlights, Saturday’s Make My MMO for MMO crowdfunding updates, and Sunday’s The MOP Up, which mops up all of the bits of information we didn’t cowl anyplace else.
The post MMO Week in Review: Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr chapter heralds five months of cat memes appeared first on List Technology.
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