#yeah drive around while listening to the theme from halloween just loud as hell it just sounds weird written out but it&039;s awesome
tainted-wine · 4 years
Evil Demonic Music
Priest!Reader X Demon!Present Mic
Hizashi has a large and filling feast on every Halloween night. He’s been doing it since before you were born. Yet here you are crashing his party while smelling like fresh meat in a den of wolves. It’s entirely your fault for throwing off his groove.
Disclaimer: Reader is more reminiscent of an action priest in a gothic action movie or anime. There’s little to no accuracy here. Lightning will most likely strike me the next time I venture outside.
Words: 7.9k
Warnings: Noncon/Dubcon, Christian Themes, Possession/Mind Control, Orgy, Public Sex, Sorta Corruption, Downer Ending
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Yuuei Club Presents “Dance With The Devil” Halloween Event LIVE Music by Present Mic Costumes Encouraged // Doors Open at 8 p.m.
It looked innocent enough; a graphical poster on the door of a building surrounded by smaller businesses in the outlet. It masked itself well in the daytime with its plain exterior, devoid of any attractive decorations save for the club’s name that glowed in hypnotizing neon when night falls. All of its temptations were contained inside, dormant until it was filled with careless souls seeking unholy pleasures.
You didn’t hate them for it. The temptation to sin is strong. It’s how evil thrives, and the average person lacks the strength to resist. It’s your duty to protect all people, even the faithless, from evil’s many devices. 
Like this nightclub.
Party locations like these were an uncommon feeding ground, although now that you think about it, the muddled and vulnerable minds residing within should make for easy meals. The loud and nonsensical “music” and absolute lack of restraint that the people displayed was baffling, but your task is to guard souls, not convert and guide them back to Heaven’s path. One demon in particular, however, favored ‘party animals’ more than any other creature from the vile depths.
“Easy there! You glare at this place any harder and it might combust!”
To the average human, the monster that appears beside you is nothing more than a tall blonde man with an inviting smile, but he can’t hide himself from the blessed and perceptive. Beneath the guise of spice and incense, he reeks of smoke and brimstone.
Hizashi, as he called himself, will never fool you.
“Stay back,” spit nearly flies from how harshly you say the words. You know that he can’t harm you, not while you wear your cross around your neck and calmly hold thoughts of your Lord in your mind. Still, you warn the dangerous fiend to keep his distance.
He obeys and innocently raises his hands. “Hey hey, you know I’m not out to hurt you, and you’re not gonna pull anything with that crafty little weapon there, right?”
No, you weren’t going to take a stab at him with the blade hidden in your holy necklace. You tried it before, an attempt to drive it into his back when he wasn’t looking. His hand caught your wrist at a speed you couldn’t comprehend – you were certain that you didn’t blink, yet you didn’t even see him move at all. His friendly smile didn’t waver, not a hint of anger visible on his face.
“Careful, baby priest! Don’t mean to sound cocky, but I’m way out of your league.” The warning wasn’t in his words, but in the heat of Hell itself that briefly washed over you, a sensation so powerful and real that you feared you were being dragged down that very instant. But the unseen flames died off the second he released your hand, eyes flashing a bloody red before returning to their usual emerald hues.
That was the first and only time you tried to banish him.
“I don’t trust you, but I’m not stupid,” was your answer, making sure not to let your hatred and disgust cloud your mind. He might take hold of that.
It was a satisfactory response, going by his bright beam of a smile. So friendly and inviting.
Months had passed when you finally accepted that he was a demon who genuinely enjoyed living alongside humans. He never spoke ill of your fellow men and commended them for their many ways of enjoying their short lives. Most demons you’ve dealt with favor negative emotions. Fear, sorrow, anger… those cold and bitter feelings attracted hellbeasts like flies to honey. 
But this one? He fed on mortals that were as cheerful and carefree as him. All of this still wasn’t enough to convince you that he is truly gentle, however.
Hizashi stayed where he was, staring at his own promotional poster. The urge to leave was almost overwhelming, but you couldn’t let him know how much he unnerved you with just his presence alone. Instead, you shuffle awkwardly and try not to utter prayers of protection. Whether or not that will anger him is something you don’t want to find out.
He rocks back and forth on his heels. “Are you pumped for the best night of the year? Man, Halloween never gets old for me, especially in this day and age. Everyone dancing while dressed like a bunch of monsters...it’s almost like I’m at home! Humans sure know how to party like tomorrow is The Cleansing.”
“Yes, and it’s shameful,” you humor him. “I have no interest in debauchery.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “It’s called having a good time, babe. Put the tome down and loosen up every once in a while.”
Put down the tome?
Loosen up?
How dare he make you even entertain the thought of abandoning your teachings. You just know he’s trying to rile you up, to make you lose control. You won’t let him have his way. “I have my good times in moderation, on days when I praise God with my brothers and sisters with a glass of wine. There is discipline in everything, even celebration. Heathens simply get drunk and lose themselves in the madness.”
The demon chuckled as he ran his fingers through long golden locks. Just the beautiful sheen of his hair could probably attract the greedy. “Yep. Times sure do change, don’t they?”
“They don’t just change, they’re desecrated. What was once a day to ward off evil spirits now does the exact opposite. They’re too busy with their consumerism, candy, haunted houses…”
“Oh yeah, those haunted attractions are wild. So many of my buddies gorge themselves there. Free fear for the taking, ya dig?”
“And you don’t?” You test him. He was a conversationalist; a few probing questions won’t bother him, surely.
He withdraws his phone, scrolling through the screen for something. “Come on, you know me by now, don’t you? That sour stuff isn’t for me.”
“Forgive me for still struggling to trust you.” Sarcasm felt too risky, actually. You won’t use it again.
“Heh, no offense taken! You priests know just how cruel we can be sometimes. Mortals learned from the best, after all.”
Your lips twitch. His curve into a more wicked grin.
Every single passerby can’t seem to resist giving you odd looks. You can feel the eyes behind you as people make their way around the shops. Your garb wasn’t that strange; they’re acting like they’ve never seen a person in a robe and wearing several divine artifacts before. They would too if they knew what Hizashi was, who has yet to garner a single look of suspicion.
Ridiculous, his casual getup is actually fooling them. Perhaps the silly villainous mustache wasn’t big enough to give him away.
“Ah, here it is!” You nearly jumped from his voice and how quickly he leaned in, a video playing on his phone. “Just tap on the screen to play it an-”
“I know how to use a phone,” You hiss, taking the device from his hand and shooting him a glance every few seconds in case he tried something. 
The video was chaos, an unsteady view of flashing lights and thumping heavy beats. Whoever held it was smack dab in the middle of an energetic crowd that sang and danced like barbaric animals. It was an orgy of overindulgence. Too much drinking with their comically shaped cups and bottles, too much lust in their crude excuse of a dance, and synthetic drums that dragged on for so damn long, even the beat sounded drunk. It’s not the first time you heard the horrid noise; it unfortunately appears to be popular among the masses. 
God help these poor souls.
“Last year’s party.” Hizashi’s words cut through your thoughts. “Pretty hype, huh? Nothing gets my listeners goin’ like a hard trap beat!”
Oh? So he’s fully admitting it now? “So you’re calling it what it is, are you? Trapping them with your satanic melodies?”
The confusion on his face was very convincing, but you knew better. “What? No, that’s what the music is called.” 
You couldn’t help but snort. “Please, demon. What do you think sounds more believable: A genre of music with such a simplistic and misleading name, or evil tunes that your kind uses to ensnare unassuming mortals that don’t know any better?”
“I thought so.” To think that he’d slip up so easily. He wasn’t as clever as he thought. “Tell me what happened to the people in this video. Are they alive? Or did you drain them until they were nothing more than lifeless husks?”
There was a snicker behind you. Both you and Hizashi turned around to see a young man holding his phone up with an amused smile, giving a little wave after being noticed. “Sorry,” he didn’t sound sorry at all. “I really like your costume, miss. Your acting is awesome, too.” With that, he put away his phone and whatever images he now has of you and continued on his merry way.
Impertinent juveniles.
“Anyway, they’re all fine,” Hizashi said, eyes returning to the door while tapping his feet to a beat you can’t hear. “I know how to feed without causing any serious harm. Even if I do go a little overboard, they’ll just brush it off as having too much to drink.”
“It doesn’t matter how good you are at controlling yourself. You��re an evil entity invading human minds.” It takes every bit of strength to not flinch when he looks at you. Again, there’s no anger – there’s never anger with him – and it makes you all the more uneasy. Maybe a being as ancient and influential as him doesn’t find a novice exorcisor like you worth getting angry or even annoyed over. “Your stench will remain on those people forever, attracting more of your kind to them unless someone like me finds and cleanses them.”
He shrugs and rubs at the back of his neck. “Come on, your boy is doing his best here. What do you want me to do? Starve?” He considers what he just said for a moment before laughing. “Nevermind, don’t answer that. Look, I ain’t leaving the stage, little priest. I’m addicted. The noise, the energy, the way everyone just loses themselves in all of it.”
The way his tongue peeks out to swipe over his upper lip has every hair on your skin sticking up.
“Man, I wish they knew just how sweet their own essence is when they’re caught up in the lights and music. Sweeter than any candy the kids will be bringing home tonight.”
He compares consuming pieces of a soul to children’s treats. “You’re really not helping your case,” you remark.
Another shrug. “C’mon, you say that like I actually have a chance at winning with you! I won’t hurt anyone in there. You have my word.”
You scoffed. “A demon’s word is-”
“Worthless, I know. See what I mean?” He withdrew a ring of keys out of his pocket. “Welp, I think we’ve stood here and stared at the door long enough. I gotta prep for the big night. Thanks for the company!” A few more seconds pass when he finds the right key and opens the entrance to the club. 
You didn’t follow him inside. That would be careless.
Now it’s only you observing the building that will soon hold a giant living feast for the hungry monster. After another passing compliment about your “cool and authentic costume”, you figured you’ve stood around long enough. It was time to head home.
And find a way to keep everyone safe.
He was right; you have no way of getting rid of him yourself. That doesn’t mean you’ll stand by while knowing what danger these people will be walking into when night arrives. You’re not afraid to put your life on the line if it means protecting His children from the many evils on earth. When the first step of your plan takes root in your head, you change routes and make your way to the nearest costume shop.
Hizashi won’t be having his fill tonight.
8:30 p.m.
You weren’t expecting to encounter two demons tonight.
Well, perhaps that term isn’t appropriate. There is no sort of aura attached to the dark-haired man that you can trace back to the pits of Hell, but he is undoubtedly a creature of evil. One that was birthed from the shadows, living for eternity by lurking in darkness and drinking the blood of any unfortunate mortal that catches his eye.
“I knew it. I knew someone so close to Hizashi couldn’t be human.”
The vampire at the lively club’s entrance didn’t seem fazed by your accusation. He wasn’t even hiding himself. The sly bloodsucker knows that his crimson irises and enlarged fangs will be mistaken for prosthetics. Very convincing prosthetics.
“Nice to see you too,” he deadpans. 
You’re getting a little tired of these beasts brushing you off. “So what’s your feeding plan here? Waiting to find an innocent maiden who wishes to see the sinful wonders inside, then take her to the back and drain her dry?”
“Like you?” The smirk doesn’t reveal any teeth, but his predatory eyes are enough to make you step back and grip the cross that still hangs around your neck. Your reaction makes him chuckle darkly before he returns to his regular disinterested self. “I already ate.” That monster. “I’m here because Hizashi thought I’d make for good security.”
“So you intend to drink from anyone that steps out of line?”
“Lies. Look here, vampire…”
“My name is Shouta.”
“...You and your friend won’t be preying on these naive humans for much longer. He told me about his trap music, but I won’t let his songs bewitch anyone tonight.”
He stared at you, one eyebrow quirked high up. “Alright...can you give me your hand already? There’s a line growing behind you.”
You look over your shoulder, and there is indeed a line of disgruntled people dressed as various monsters and characters. You have to admit that their costumes look to be of higher quality than the angel outfit you hastily bought in the store’s clearance section. The fuzzy headband for your halo was itchy and your flimsy wings were on the verge of falling off with every sudden movement.
With a glare that messaged him not to try anything, you cautiously extended your arm. He took your hand in his – deathly cold – and wrapped a thin paper tag around your wrist. “Have fun.” 
You always hate it when you can’t read their smiles.
The suffocating darkness around him was lifted when you made your way to the same doors you were looking at with so much contempt this morning. Glancing back, you saw others happily complimenting his ‘spooky’ appearance, to which he responded with either a quick thanks or a grunt. None of them seemed to notice his chilling aura or ice-cold touch.
Why must they be so blind to the evils that walk beside them everyday?
When you stepped in, the music nearly blasted you back outside. So loud, but not like the angelic choirs during gospel. You didn’t feel lifted, you just felt bombarded by pure noise. A repetitive tempo made the entire building pulse like a heartbeat. This didn’t sound like the music Hizashi supposedly used to put the crowd under a spell. It just repeated the same forsaken beat over and over again. Perhaps the repetition is meant to ease the victim’s mind and lure them in a false sense of security, then those long rolling beats will come in next, ensnaring them when their guard is down. Clever, but not clever enough.
You passed the lounge and bar area, paying no mind to the lecherous behavior around you. Boisterous laughs, alcohol being carelessly chugged…
“Hey there, angel.” A man dressed as a superhero nearly tripped over his own cape in his attempt to approach you. “You as innocent as you look? I can introduce you to the boUUUURP.” The sudden belch burned your poor eyes with the stinging smell of rum.
Lord have mercy on both you and these savages.
“No thank you,” you said through gritted teeth and brushed past him. The lights and colors are disorienting. Strobe lights, spotlights whizzing across the walls and floor, and vibrant ever-changing shapes on every surface. The intoxicated folk probably welcomed the flashing chaos. When you drink at the church, your sips stay modest and controlled, ensuring to never reach the stage of drunkenness. If you were feeling ‘buzzed’, as they would say, this musical and optical discourse would likely feel pleasant, like entering a world devoid of rules and consequences.
Also known as a world of sin.
A huge mass of bouncing bodies covered the dancefloor, and there on an elevated platform, acting as an advanced musical throne, was the evil orchestrator of the chaos.
And those long curved obsidian horns were most definitely real.
Even as he tampered with the many buttons and dials before him, Hizashi moved as wildly as his prey, too caught up in his own infernal electronic hymns to even notice your presence. Surely your chaste energy sticks out among these wrongdoers like a dove in a pit of serpents.
You need to activate your blessing before he eats. Good thing the vampire didn’t bother to inspect your costume for any natural evil repellents that you happened to be carrying.
Your self-made pockets were filled with sage and rosemary, common herbs used to drive away demons and spirits. You sprinkle them onto the floor as you continue to make your way to the center, where your power will work most efficiently.  Hopefully their scent will not be overpowered by the sweaty bodies and breaths laced with alcohol of all kinds.
Pushing through the dancing crowd was an arduous task. The music had since switched to something faster and more aggressive. The hectic sounds in this one was making you miss the boring but calmer tunes from before. You never considered what the sound of a robot vomiting would sound like, but it would probably sound similar to the cacophony of ‘whirs’ and ‘wubs’ that were assaulting your ears.
The mass was pushing and tossing you every which way. The variety of masks and makeup beneath the constant moving lights was rather frightening. Of course, you’ve dealt with plenty of real monsters, but it disturbed you to see your fellow man acting in such a frenzied matter in such a perplexing setting. You can see why Hizashi adored this environment. You couldn’t tell the difference between man and beast.
Straightening your halo, you decide that this spot will fare well enough.
Now it was time to apply holy water around your feet. Just a few drops of the blessed fluid will be enough to protect everyone here.
You close your eyes, ignore the many bodies bumping against you, and pray.
O Lord, protect me from temptation.
The water trickles out before you.
O Lord, forgive those who have been led astray.
The nearby exclamation makes your eyebrow twitch.
For we know that your power is greater than any evil.
The song is deafening, but you keep going.
Grant, O Lord, the protection fro-
Someone violently collides into you, knocking the bottle right out of your hands and rolling away to disappear behind the wall of stomping shoes.
Shit! Forgive my language, Father!
You elbow the fools blocking your way, ignoring the occasional “hey” or “watch it” during your desperate search for the most important tool against evil influences.
You didn’t even finish your prayer. You need to at least do that first, before it’s too late. Clapping your hands together, you shut your eyes again and moved your lips rapidly.
The rhythm and bass changed drastically, and with it came a powerful wave of raw exhilaration.
It’s like a force was injecting every positive chemical directly into your bloodstream. The abundance of newfound energy needed to be released, just like the tension that was released from that beat drop.
Your hips are swaying in a way you’ve never moved them before, and you can’t make them stop.
Stop! Stop, please! This is his doing!
“How are my listeners doin’ tonight?!”
The demon’s voice booms through the speakers, seeping into your ears and filling you with so much excitement that you can’t help but cheer with everyone else. Your senses feel simultaneously enhanced and dulled. The humans around you were out of focus, but the diabolical DJ up ahead was so clear, it’s like you were right in front of him. The hunger in his currently red eyes struck fear in you even as you danced.
“Woo, I’m lovin’ this energy! Thanks for coming by this Halloween, ya little monsters! Now...bring this house down!”
Your heart accelerates from the rush and you begin to jump in sync with the possessed crowd. Even the people standing by or sitting at the bars couldn’t resist, joining the growing horde on the dancefloor to jump in unison. 
It was unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Not a care in the world. No customs, no praise. It didn’t give you that warm feeling of ascension. Instead you just felt...liberated.
Struggling in the demon’s grip, you cleared your thoughts just enough to try to calm yourself and regain control.
Utter a prayer. Hurry. Focus. You need His protection.
‘Baby priest? Is that you?’
That is not the mighty entity you wanted to hear. The voice echoes in your head, impossible to escape. When your eyes open, you see that above the vast sea of faces, Hizashi is staring right at you. 
‘I thought the dancefloor smelled a little weird! I was so busy feelin’ the beat that I almost missed you!’  You watched him laugh as he continued to violate your mind. Damn him. Wasn’t possessing you cruel enough? ‘Please, no prayers when I’m about to dig in. That’s gonna leave a bad taste in my mouth. Just keep groovin’ like everyone else!”
Your limbs obeyed without your consent and followed the rhythm. This didn’t even sound like the music you heard in the video. Were you just foolish in thinking that he only used one specific sound to trap his victims?
With another change in the bassline, a heavier weight invaded, reaching right into the depths of your heart and tugging at your very soul. You know that fear will only make you more defenseless, but there was no fighting the terror that overtook you.
Not when a demon was feeding from you.
Your brain clashed with itself. You had to keep fighting, even as he stole a fragment of what your gracious Heavenly Father had gifted you and every human, but the cheerful voices implanted in your mind begged you to stop worrying and just give in already.
There was no stopping your movements or the unending rush that surged as strongly as the music. Only now, as he completely ignored your holy safety measures and tainted your soul as easily as the oblivious heathens surrounding you, did you fully understand just how great the differences in power between him and you were.
‘Whoa...holy shit.’
The breathless moan in your head made you shudder. 
‘I haven’t tasted a human as pure as you in ages.’ 
“Please! You’ve already fed from me!” You scream out loud as the mob revels in the thrilling sensation of having a part of them sucked away. Your voice is drowned out by the music and shouts, yet you know that the horrid fiend can hear you loud and clear. “Just get out of my head!”
The dancing stops.
The music stops.
Everything stops.
It’s relieving to finally let your body rest from the forced celebration. The lights still flash and move in the dead silence. Every single person in all of their costumed glory turns and pins you with a sharp glare. Their eyes were unfocused and glazed over, consciousness elsewhere. Hizashi was in full control of all of them.
The demon himself looked down at you, no longer wearing his usual friendly and carefree smile. He was now showing the more twisted happiness you were used to seeing on his kind.
Crazed and eager to devour.
He spoke into the microphone on his headset, voice low and eerily calm. “Angel, you can’t just give me a sample of a five-star meal and expect me to not want more.”
The dread threatens to make you faint.
“Hey, none of that!” He laughs and switches back to his cheery tone. “I told you the negative emotions aren’t for me. I mean, a lady as sweet as you is gonna taste delicious either way. Why don’t you come on up here?”
You didn’t want to. You wanted to flee from this entire situation that you foolishly believed you were ready for. You thought you could sneak into this age-old creature’s gathering and force him to go hungry for the night.
Cockiness treads horribly close to pride, and pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
You clearly didn’t have a say in the matter, what with your feet moving forward on their own. Every individual in front of you stepped aside to create a clear path from you to Hizashi’s platform. Their eyes never left, heads slowly turning as they watched you slowly climb the steps with legs that trembled from your resistance.
As he stood tall clad in leather behind the large mixer table, you noticed along with his sturdy horns, he also sported a black pointed tail that lazily swayed behind him. And his stench...the foul smell that would often make you crinkle your nose was replaced with a pleasing fragrance, like a sweet and fruity beverage. It was undoubtedly the work of his spell; everything about him has suddenly become tempting.
At this point you were wishing for the music to return so that you couldn’t hear your thunderous heartbeat as you stopped right in front of him. His hellish eyes observed you from head to toe, holding his chin between his fingers before shaking his head and smirking.
“Ya really couldn’t find a better costume?” He snickered as he got closer and fiddled with your cheaply-made gown. You avoided looking directly into his eyes, afraid of falling into the blood-red depths and never finding your way back out.  “Or do you priests work on a budget?” He pauses when he notices the contents in your pockets. “Oh?” A hand is shoved inside and pulls out a handful of herbs.
“Aww gross! Sneakin’ herbs into the joint?” He winces from the smell before tossing them aside, leaving them to scatter into the unmoving group below.
How? His reaction should have been much stronger…
“Not that this stuff really works when I’m vibin’ in my element, but I’m hurt! I thought we had some trust!” He pinches your cheek, knowing that you’re unable to pull away. “And I thought you knew that I was way out of your league. You’re gonna need the big guns if you plan on keeping me away from my food.” The breath blowing into your face is abnormally hot.
There’s a layer of something otherworldly hidden in his tone whenever he emphasizes his words, like a filter poorly attempting to cover up a monster’s true guttural voice. 
But once again, he switches back to normal, which does nothing to calm you. “But I’m not gonna get mad at some rookie that doesn’t know better, especially one as tasty as you!” Twirling around, he pushes a few buttons on the table that you didn’t even know where to begin to figure out. 
“Sorry about the interruption, listeners!” He says to the crowd, cruelly acting like they have any ability to respond. They continue to stare blankly. “I hope you don’t mind if I switch things up a bit. Your boy is gonna be a little preoccupied during the next few tracks.”
The deafening silence is lifted with the start of a new song, and the people suddenly spring back to life, completely unaware of the mindless state they were in. Their only goal was to keep partying.
Your body was moving again as well, this time bobbing gently to the double and triple beats and low frequencies that vibrate through the floor and up your spine.
This...this was the type of melody you feared, and yet it didn’t affect you any more than the other songs. All of them were traps.
The only way you can think of fighting back is by filling your head with songs of praise. Keep your Lord in your thoughts. He will protect you.
“Tsk...angel, that stuff doesn’t work when I, ya know, already ate a piece of you.” His face tightened from hearing just a few seconds of the holy song in your head. “I told you, ya gotta loosen up a bit. You’re already dancing better than I thought you would!”
He paid no attention to his other prey, instead admiring your simple but energetic movements.
Then he began to move as well, shoulders doing a slow shimmy and following each of your steps with his own, moving closer and closer until he was able to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you in.
He’s warm. Not burning or emitting an aura of terrifying darkness. The music suddenly feels softer, easing your fears. Like an intimate embrace. 
“There, it’s not so bad, is it?” He says lowly, lips almost touching your face. “Quit thinking about your big daddy for once.”
You want to protest against the disrespectful nickname for your God, but he predicts your reaction and tightens his hold on your spirit.
“You taste so damn incredible right now, don’t mess it up,” he groans and savors you. With every part of you that is consumed, it becomes harder to resist. It would be so easy to just hold onto him and keep swaying like this, rocking back and forth as his hips press against yours, grinding into you.
The unfamiliar sensation startles you, but Hizashi shuts down your panic with a growl. “Fuck, I can’t believe I’ve forgotten.” he murmurs into your shoulder, breathing deeply to take in your scent. “I’ve been so hooked on the party life that I forgot just how heavenly innocents like you taste. To think that I’d have an actual priest dancing with me, tasting that revelry from such a pure source...pardon my blasphemy, but goddamn.”
You’re swimming through the fiery haze clouding your mind, clawing against it in a desperate search for an opening. But with every beat, the haze thickens and you sink further in.
You couldn’t find the light. No salvation.
More sinful feelings assault you from the friction of his groin against yours, a growing bulge rubbing on your most sacred area. It sends a foreign tingle down there.
“Ooooh, don’t think I can’t feel that, baby” he rasps, holding you so closely in a dance fitting for two lovers. “I can sense everything now that you’ve let me in.”
That angers you enough to find your voice again, just barely. “I didn’t let you in...” You tense from another hard grind. “Foul...beast.”
“Are you sure? You’re giving in pretty easily. It’s nothin’ to feel bad about, I promise. Humans aren’t built to resist life’s basic needs, so I don’t know why the big man in the clouds gets so wound up about it all the time.” 
How dare he.
“Damned snake!” You force your hands to beat against him and push him off. “You will not corrupt me with the Devil’s words!”
He’s actually shocked for a moment, even to your own surprise, but he laughs it off. “Geez, my bad! I guess you are pretty persistent. Must be…” He grabs the cross around your neck, ignoring your horrified gasp. “...this.”
With a sharp yank and a pinch at the back of your neck, your one remaining object of holy protection is removed.
And with its loss, his influence completely overpowers you. The clearness of your senses switches on and off.
The music is muffled. It’s too loud.
The roaming lights are blurry. Too bright.
Are you still moving? Or is your body too heavy?
“It stings a bit, but that little thing can’t do much when the wearer’s already under my control.” An unfocused image of the demon tossing your precious necklace over his shoulder, the necklace you’ve held close to you since the day you first stepped into the cathedral and accepted your role as a righteous defender of man.
Your essence is now being stolen so quickly that it makes you shiver. He shouldn’t be taking this much.
“Mmm, I can’t get enough of this,” Teeth that are too sharp brush against your neck, threatening to pierce your skin. “I’m an old guy, ya know. I’ve done a lot of experimenting over the centuries, to see what I’m into.”
There’s a rip, and your gown is being pulled down along with your wings. It only relieves you from the growing heat of your surroundings.
“Y’see, our daddy isn’t a helicopter parent. He brings us into the world and just...lets us decide what to do. So no, my words ain’t the Devil’s words. They’re just mine, honey. I live for myself.”
Tilting your head, he presses his lips against your throat, making your breath hitch. No, your body is sacred. Don’t let him do this to you.
You don’t even know when the music had changed, but you’ve noticed the club was filled with a synthetic ambiance, the colors switching to magenta and cyan. 
The party demon is so captivated by you that he doesn’t even acknowledge the change in tune. “I used to stalk the depressed. Wasn’t worth it, they were too bland.” He peppers kisses down to your collarbone. “I tormented scared paranoid folk. Fun, but it loses its flavor fast.”
Your bra is removed to expose your breasts to him and the entire populace within the building. Your heart races, but the synths don’t stop seeping into your ears, the bliss wrestling with your fear. 
“Shh, don’t freak out. I’ll make sure everyone forgets everything that happened tonight.” He attempts to reassure you while massaging your newly revealed mounds. “So time went on as I treated my palate to different tastes. Wasn’t long before I realized my favorite vibes were the good ones. Festivals, games, a few buddies hangin’ out,” he lowered himself and flicked your nipple with his tongue. “Or a couple fucking, I ate all of it up. And after a while I decided that I just liked people in general.”
The pleasure felt when your breast is engulfed by the heat of his mouth is shameful. Hizashi moaned at your taste, though you weren’t sure if it was the taste of your flesh or your lust that was exciting him.
“I liked it when humans were having good times, so I figured out how to join in on the fun and damn, how do you guys keep finding new ways to rock out? The prudes keep droning on about how my favorite type of people have lost their way, but I think they’re the ones who found paradise, and they’re not even dead yet!” After nursing on both of your breasts, he rises and grabs your face to turn it toward the crowd. “I mean, just look at how these guys – oh.”
‘Oh’ indeed.
The people were no longer dancing. They were grabbing at each other, at men and women they probably didn’t even know, tearing apart clothes in a vicious urge to fornicate right there on the dancefloor. Some of them were already completely nude. You avert your eyes to stare at your feet instead.
Hizashi cleared his throat. “Whoops. Look what ya made me do, angel. My lust got the best of me!” He held you close while watching the horrid act before him. You’re trying to move your heavy arms to cover your bare body. “No wonder I’m feeling so horny. Think I should make them stop?”
It takes effort to nod your head.
His lip sticks out in an exaggerated pout before going, “Nah. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen an orgy. I bet this is a first for you.”
Something tickles your hips, your eyes wandering over to see the arrow-like point of his tail curling around your white panties, tugging them down.
Part of you already knows that Hizashi is allowing you to struggle for his own amusement. With all of your protection gone, he can easily stop you from swatting at the flexible limb as it brings your final article of clothing down to your ankles.
Wearing nothing but the small strap around your wrist, you want so badly to curl up and hide yourself. You were completely bare on a stage with a demon quietly taking in your form. The contrasting feelings of anxiety and calm threaten to tear your psyche in half.
“Given how anal you guys are about chastity, I think it’s safe to say no one’s ever touched you before?” The way you tense tells him enough. “Alright alright, relax. I’m gonna make this easy for you.”
‘How? By letting me leave?’ You want to say, but your vocal chords aren’t cooperating.
He grinned from ear to ear. “Well, no. I told ya I know everything goin’ on in that head.” He grabs you by the shoulders and places you right in front of his mixer.
There were many suggestive sounds amongst the pile of writhing bodies before you. It was the most depraved sight that you’ve ever witnessed. These people may have been sinners for their immoral pursuits, but they were still victims of a wicked creature’s influence. You wish you could apologize to all of them for failing to protect them.
Slender fingers massaged your shoulders. “Ain’t it beautiful?” He whispers hotly into your ear. “I’m not that crazy about lust, but I can’t resist when it’s coming from someone like you.”
His aura has you shackled on the spot, unable to move or even tear your eyes away from all of the sex. His voice meshes with the increasingly sensual tunes, both him and the music putting you in a deep trance that leaves every nerve in your body extra sensitive.
You’re gently pushed to lean forward until your hands are supporting yourself on the table. The leather of his clothes pressed against your back is irritating, but easily overshadowed by the hands trailing down your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“One of my favorite hobbies was hunting down faithful maidens like you. All demons love doing it, really. You can’t top raw innocence, it’s always a delicacy. It’s the closest most of us will ever get to fucking an actual angel. I managed to fuck an angel, and lemme tell ya, it’s a once in an eternity experience.”
He reaches your mound. There is still fear and an urge to pray, though it’s drowned out by the electronic harmony and all of the hot sex.
“Now she’s a fallen one that hangs out with me. Pretty little devil’s obsessed with sex now. If you’re lucky, maybe she’ll give you a visit in your sleep at midnight.”
His fingers reach your untouched folds, making you gasp. You’ve never felt so much lubrication down there before. Was that normal?
“I was really good at the whole corruption thing, so good that I caught the attention of the big holy boys. They were toughies, gotta hand it to 'em. I decided to lay low after that little showdown. That was all a preeetty long time ago.”
The demon’s voice is background noise as you watch deplorable acts that you didn’t even know existed. One woman was taking a cock into her mouth while another man pounded into her from behind. A new male approached and grabbed her free hand, wrapping her fingers around him and encouraging her to stroke him.
Three men pleasuring themselves with the same woman. They were probably complete strangers.
The repulsive sight makes you wetter.
They sure were having fun.
Hizashi hums at your arousal, sinking a digit into your folds. 
“Ah,” you choke on your own voice. His other hand plays with your breast again while you’re being penetrated for the first time. Some sort of flame was growing within you, burning and pleasing at the same time.
“I thought I’ve found my place. Going place to place and bringing in crowds who just want to forget their troubles for a day and groove.”
The finger pushes through your tightly clenched walls, or at least they try to.
“Fuck, relax a bit, babe,” he groans.
You do exactly that, giving him enough leeway to push in and out at a steady pace. You don’t think about the violation, only the strange friction that has no right to feel as good as it does. 
“And then you come along,” An unexpected sharp thrust causes his finger to brush against a spot that fills your vision with even more blinding lights. “It’s not like I was after you or anything. You’re a solid negative ten on the threat scale, but ya just wouldn’t leave me alone!” He relentlessly hits the spot again, and again, until you’re crying out and your legs are shaking. “Then you waltz in here and try to ruin my favorite night of the year?
He’s able to hide his anger as he speaks, but fails to keep it from entering his possessed victims. The orgy becomes more violent, all of the people looking no more civil than savages in torn rags as they try to dominate and fuck each other senseless.
It affects you as well, going by how annoyed you’re getting by his rambling. Can’t he just focus on pleasing you?
His finger leaves you too soon, your cunt already missing the brand new sensations. “Sorry, babe,” he says when he releases you and begins to undo his pants. “Normally I’d spend more time warming up, but I gotta join in on the raunchiness now before I go nuts. Just...do me a favor.”
You whined, wiggling your hips and rubbing your ass against his freed cock. He only chuckles at your impatience.
“Slow your roll, I’ll get started as soon as you push that button riiiight there.”
You push one of the many glowing buttons, and stock phrases are shouted out of the speakers.
“No, the one next to it.”
You press it, and another song begins.
Hizashi hums in approval. “I usually do a smooth transition between songs, but…”
A hard impact knocks you forward with the overwhelming feeling of being completely filled all at once. The stretch and pressure has your mouth hanging open in a silent scream.
“....Yeah, I just wanted to do that. And-” He yanks the halo off your head and drops it at your feet. “-I always loved the symbolism in that.”
He wastes no time building up. You’re being pounded as hard and consistently as the energetic beat. It should hurt, but the euphoric state of your mind dulls any pain and discomfort. 
With the demon inside both your head and your womanhood, there was no saving yourself. Your prayers wouldn’t even be heard through this thick depraved fog.
“Oh fuck yeah,” He growls loudly with his wild thrusts, hands gripping your hips tightly enough to bruise. “I’ve been missing out. So hooked on the party life that I don’t even remember how it feels to eat up a modest little soul like this.”
Was he still devouring you? You can’t even tell, not while you’re trapped in this melodic dreamworld as his cock rams you.
“Ya mind if we do this again sometime?” He angled himself to ensure he was hitting that sweet spot with each rhythmic pump. Despite his aggression, his hips moved with musical purpose. “Not like you’re much of a priest anymore. You’re fuckin’ a demon, sweetheart. I think the pearly gates have closed for you.”
That sounds sad and all, but God does he feel good. The entire moment was feeling like a hallucination. Your world was saturated with fuzzy images and muffled bass as your virgin pussy was ravaged. The tightened heat in your core was growing hotter by the second.
Hizashi just wouldn’t stop talking even as he became short of breath. “Ah, don’t worry, my doors are always open to misfits!” His rhythm falters a bit when you give him an especially tight squeeze. “Ya like that? I can always wipe your memory of tonight along with everyone else’s, and you can head back home. I just don’t think your next visit to the house of God is gonna end well.”
How does he expect you to care with the way he’s plowing into you?
His arms wrap around you in an embrace. “No pressure, angel. You can decide later. For now, just enjoy the show.”
And finally, he shut up and focused on fucking your divine lights out.
With his pelvis flush against your ass, Hizashi humps with newfound vigor, his thrusts rapid yet precise enough to keep stimulating your most sensitive areas.
The blinding stars in your eyes make it impossible to even make out what’s happening in front of you. A shame, because you want to know if you’re being dicked down as good and hard as the whores on the dancefloor.
The demon may not be talking anymore, but he was still being very vocal about his pleasure with feral moans and growls right into your ear. 
An extra hard slam forces you to nearly topple onto the controls, hands scrambling to keep you upright and hitting several buttons in the process. 
A series of sounds and distortion effects are added to the song.
It unexpectedly riles him up. “Shit, that wasn’t a bad mix, angel. I might have a junior DJ in the making,” he praises.
The tempo changes - different speed and new layers - and Hizashi follows suit by switching his quick bucks into deep thrusts.
The fire inside was close to doing...something. You weren’t sure what it was or what exactly will happen if this lasts any longer, but part of you knows that it’s about to feel very good.
With the head of his dick striking you nice and deep, you quickly learn that you were right.
The explosion of spasms was too pleasurable to even comprehend, each contraction tearing filthy screams from your throat. Hizashi bursts soon afterwards and fills you up with a cry even more lewd than yours.
Just like that, your mind is freed and the weight of his aura is lifted...and you feel gravely tired.
A coldness sweeps over you and saps every ounce of your strength. You find yourself dropping to your knees and falling over as a distant voice expresses genuine worry.
“Oh.......I overfed.” Though it doesn’t sound as panicked as it should.
You don’t want to close your eyes. You fear that something terrible might happen if you do, but your eyelids are quickly becoming too heavy to fight.
“Really sorry, little priest! I didn’t mean to! Look at the bright side - my friends are gonna love ya down there! Home isn’t half as bad as those books make it out to be!”
Each word sounds fainter than the last, but you still catch each one.
Your eyes shut. 
And the remains of your soul become stained with ash and black before heading downwards into the demonic realm.
Welcome home.
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jazminebrightxx · 4 years
Author: @jazminebrightxx
Pairing: Isaac lahey x fem! Reader
Warnings: curse words but mostly just fluff
Request: Oo could i please get an isaac lahey x reader fluffy one shot? Maybe it would be the readers first kiss or something and its with isaac and rly cute and all. Anything fluffy would be fine really! Thank you sm
Authors note: I wanted to get into the spirit with your requests I hope this is okay!! This is me clearing my drafts. I hope I did your request justice and sorry it’s late :(
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Halloween was Y/N’s favorite time of year, the atmosphere in the streets filled her with seretonin and nostalgia. Growing up in beacon hills had its perks, the wether was never usually bad so trick or treating was always a go as a kid.
Y/N had a small but strong group of friends, the six friends had been through a lot together, the supernatural had made itself known in beacon hills, kanimas, werewolves, banshees the whole lot...all real.
Y/N found it hard to believe at times and sometimes she wished she never had gotten involved with it. But if it wasn’t for the supernatural, she wouldn’t have met quite a few of her friends.
Holidays were a chance for the pack to relax, they loved to celebrate at any change they get, Christmas, thanksgiving and now Halloween. Which is why Y/N stood in Lydia martins bedroom in a cop costume.
“I feel ridiculous” she pulled at the leather pants Lydia had let her borrow, the strawberry blonde smiled, giving the other girl in the room a knowing look “you look hot”
“Besides, the flyer said it’s mandatory to dress up” Alison added, fixing her lipstick in the mirror, she had opted for the grease look, sandy to be precise, Scott matching with her and going as Danny “I know but...it’s so tight”
“Y/N, it fits you like a glove.” Lydia started again, slapping Y/N’s hand when she pulled at the fabric again “stop, you look amazing, Isaac won’t know what hit him”
“Lydia...” Y/N started sitting down on Lydia’s bed “don’t ‘Lydia’ me, we all have eyes Y/N, we can see the chemistry” Y/N smiled lightly, she’d been seeing Isaac in private for about two weeks now, well...they were a thing...yeah it’s complicated. Let’s just say, Y/N liked Isaac...a lot.
“Enough chit chat, are we ready?” Lydia fixed the hairband on her head. Her costume was a matching Fred and daphne look with Stiles. The three girls grabbed their stuff and headed to the car.
The drive to the haunted house was quick enough, a couple minutes and they were pulling into the parking lot of the ‘haunted mansion’ “holy crap...that’s a big house” Y/N stared at the spooky themed mansion infront of them, surrounded with teens and decorations.
“Anyone nervous yet..?” Lydia smirked, Y/N gulped at the clowns outside, shaking off a dark feeling, she’d been through worse “nope”
“Good, let’s meet the guys”
They were late...as usual. The three boys in question. Scott, Stiles and Isaac always had a tendency to be late, now was no different “they said they were on the way 30 minutes ago where the hell are they!?” Lydia huffed as she watched teens leave the house, some laughing or some with terrified looks on their faces.
Y/N stared at the clowns and big spiders, shivers sending down her spine, the more she thought about it the more she didn’t want to go into the house. Taking her out of her thoughts, a cold hand places itself on her shoulder, she jumps back in surprise, a gasp leaving her lips. Isaac stood behind her, an orange jumpsuit hanging from his body as he smirked
“Did I scare you” his voice is filled with amusement. Y/N fixed herself, shaking her head “no...your hands are cold” Isaac looks at his hands, only now feeling the pinch of cold. “Huh, never noticed, sorry”
Scott and Stiles made their way up, laughing at eachother “okay! Who’s ready to get scared” Scott’s over enthusiastic demeanor didn’t go unnoticed, Alison just laughed, linking her arm with him “come on Danny, let’s go before you burst someone’s eardrum”
Stiles walked off with Lydia, giving issac a knowing wink and a quick smile sent at Y/N, which she returned. Isaac cleared his throat. “Uh...shall we?” Y/N smiled, nodding her head and following after him. The two made their way to the line.
Isaac noticed the nervous look on her face, rubbing her back, gaining her attention “nervous?” Y/N sighed, knowing she had to be honest since he’d know if she was lying “honestly, yeah. I’ve a pretty bad fear of clowns” He noticed her heartbeat had quickened a bit. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here the entire time, I’ll protect you” he smirked at his last sentence, making the girl feel slightly better, she smiled greatfully “thanks, Isaac”
The line went pretty quickly, plenty of teens running out of the house as fast as they could, Y/N was still nervous but knowing her friends...and Isaac were there made her feel better. Now, it was their turn, the six teens made their way into a dark hall, a small neon light at the end guiding them.
The first half of the house was easy enough, a few jump scares and screams coming from the actors in the hallways. Adrenaline pumped inside her veins, the further she went into the house, the closer she inched to Isaac. Then the pack was split up, Isaac and Y/N entered a room, a very scary and dark room. The hairs stood on the back of Y/N’s neck.
Just when her nerves had started to die down a loud scream rang in her ears and a hand reached out from behind the curtain, she looked over her shoulder to see a creepy girl with her hand on Y/N’s shoulder, she jumps back into Isaac “nice, creepy lady...nice lady”
Isaac grabbed hold of her hand, pulling her out of the room, both laughing hysterically. “Nice lady, nice lady” Isaac mocked her sharp tone, sending them both into another round of laughs before another scream was heard, a creepy looking man with scars running at them. The two ran down the hall, hand in hand. Stopping when they cut a corner. Isaac rested his hand on his heart, panting lightly. “I think my heart stopped”
The two continued down the hallways, a few more jumps and scares later and they were at the last room. “Okay, pretty harmless...” a loud chainsaw rings in the pairs ears, a scary man with a mask holding the tool over his head and laughing maniacally. This time, Y/N was the one to grab Isaac’s hand, dragging him at the speed of light out of the room and into the open.
The fresh air hit her skin and felt like she hadn’t felt it in years, she smiled breathlessly as she watched her friends all chatting. She gave Isaac a look, both making their way to the pack. “I think I had about seven minor heart attacks in there” Stiles was breatheless as he spoke in his usual spastic manner.
The pack chatted for a little longer before deciding to head back to Scott’s house for food. All making their way to their respective cars, before Y/N could get into the car, Isaac makes himself known. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
Alison and Lydia gave Y/N a knowing look “we’ll wait here” they smiled at the girl who nodded, heading off with Isaac. He took her behind a tree, she smiled again “you gonna kill me, Lahey?”
“The opposite, actually...” he rubbed the back of his neck with a smile. “Listen, Y/N. I really like you, and I have for a while now so...” Y/N looked at Isaac surprised, never really thinking she’d hear those words drop from his mouth, she smiled, confidence suddenly filling her. She lifted her face towards his, quickly connecting their lips. The kiss was soft, a sigh escaped from Isaac as he lifted his hand to hold her cheek.
Once they pulled apart, Isaac rested his head on hers a soft smile on his face “you didn’t let me finish” Y/N smiled and chuckled “when have I ever?” Isaac laughed, wrapping an arm around her and hugging her. “So does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?”
“Hmm, I’ll have to think about that one” Isaac rolled his eyes, shaking his head “of course, dummy”
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sparkie96 · 4 years
It’s ridiculously late where I’m at and I need to sleep, but I feel like if I sleep and not ask this I’ll forget. 😱 But I have an idea a short story if you’d be willing to write it where Leon is giving brat energy to one of the guys (Chris, Dante or Vergil your choice I’m gain for any of them) and it end with smut or almost smut. The brat energy could even be at the wrong time right place etc. This has just been on my mind for a while.
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It’s kind of short but it’s Halloweeny and has Leon in a Catwoman costume! I have this headcanon that will forever be one of my go-to’s where Leon is just a dummy when it comes to comics and other nerdy things, so when it comes to Halloween, Chris mentions wanting to do a superhero costume team-up with someone. Chris mentions Captain America or something like that.
Leon, who has a massive crush on Chris and was invited to the party, is like “Catwoman is a thing...and she’s got a nice costume and she’s with one of those hero guys so...I’ll surprise him with that! Maybe that’ll grab his attention!”He’s not very bright in that department, but he’s got the spirit...a shame the costume is riding up his ass and Chris teases him about it. 
Rated T-M for Language and Implied Sexy Times and Mild Nudity. _______________________________________________________ Why Leon decided this would have been a good idea, he didn’t know, but he hoped Redfield liked this...because he probably was never doing this again nor would this costume ever see the light of day after tonight. He had sent Chris ahead to the party, the older man offering to meet Leon at his apartment and drive there together, but Leon had declined the offer. He wanted to surprise the man, but he was having a bit of an issue squeezing into the skintight catsuit. Did he buy the wrong size or was it just the tight leather outfit messing with him? Should he forego the underwear and wear nothing underneath? ‘Cause his boxers felt like they were in the way...but was that really appropriate for the BSAA Halloween Party? Would anyone really care? 
Leon slipped his legs out of the tight material of the pant legs in frustration, throwing the costume back down on the bed before removing his boxers. He did glance at himself in the mirror, noticing that his belly was looking a bit soft due to the drinking and constantly buying take-out. Maybe his New Year’s Resolution would be to cut all that out? 
He scoffed at that and shook his head, “That’s assuming the DSO leaves me alone and the assholes knock it off with the bioterrorism…” 
He really did want to get better...but each year it was getting harder and harder and he was just...so tired. He was getting older and the world didn’t seem like it was getting better any time soon. And he really couldn’t deal with another bright-faced therapist patronizing him about looking at the brighter side of things. Or going to a doctor or psychologist that would prescribe him some bullshit medication from pharmaceutical companies that probably did dealings with the same people who created the viruses. 
But that was most likely his paranoia talking...and maybe he should just swallow his pride and seek help. Not everyone was untrustworthy…
“Jesus Christ, Kennedy…” Leon scolded himself, snatching the costume off of the bed, “Just shut up and put the fucking costume on so we can get drunk at a Halloween Party.” 
Although that was what he told himself, that wasn’t the reason he was going. Chris was there, and Leon may or may not have liked the man as more than just a friend. He had heard from Claire and Sherry that Chris wanted to do a “Superhero Themed” Costume, dressing as Captain America or something. So, Leon got it in his own head that if he dressed up as a superhero himself, maybe a love-interest to the character Chris was dressed as, Chris would notice him and maybe admire him. 
The only problem was; Leon knew jack shit about superheroes.
He didn’t read comic books or any of that, outside of the Batman or Superman Movie that came out once every five years...and had fallen asleep during that one movie with the pilot guy and the warrior princess...maybe Batman was in it? They were fighting some monster. Captain America wasn’t in it...or was he? Wasn’t it all the same? He had Googled it, but none of it made very much sense, so Leon honestly didn’t have a clue. He just went to the Halloween store, saw a costume that looked appealing and like a superhero, it had to have been because the Batman symbol was on it, and bought it. 
Leon gave a breath of relief as the costume fit now that he wasn’t wearing his boxers, the catsuit sliding on with ease. He managed to zip it up to under his collar bone, deciding against zipping it up all the way. He looked over his appearance in the mirror. 
He just hoped he didn’t look too ridiculous.  ______________________________________________________________
The party was pretty loud and Chris was having an okay time. He wasn’t too crazy about the party itself, but he supposed it was better than being out on an assignment and worrying about BOWs. It was a helluva lot better than working on paperwork or watching monitors all night, that was for damned sure. Though, he hated constantly shaking hands with people from the DSO and TerraSave.
He especially hated the selfies and shit, people acting as though he was some damn celebrity. He also hated the girls and even some guys as they shamelessly flirted with him and swooned over him “How Handsome” or “How Fitting” he was in his costume. It made him uncomfortable and had him looking out for Jill or Claire. Hell, even Parker or Sherry would have been better company. 
He wasn’t one for costumes and Halloween, but Claire had told him to stop being a brat and just pick something simple. Or something that he loved. Zombie costumes were banned, so he couldn’t just splatter paint on his uniform and call it a day, so he picked the Captain America costume instead. Captain America was one of his favorite superheroes growing up and the outfit was sort of like wearing his own uniform. 
That and the big ass shield that came with it came in handy when it came to grabby people.
He sighed as he listened to one of the agents from the DSO drone on and on about Wesker and other things Chris really didn’t feel like talking about, looking around at the party goers. To his surprise, or maybe not surprise, he hadn’t seen the Golden Boy of the DSO yet. It wasn’t officially Halloween, so Leon wouldn’t have been at the Presidential Trick or Treat thing they did in DC every year. And he knew Leon was coming because the agent texted him to decline the offer to ride together, saying that he would meet him here instead.
The tapping on his shoulder made him nearly hit the person with his shield in fright, but the person blocked the hit before it could land. He saw black gloves tipped with silver claws on the edges of the shield, leading up to black sleeves and a black cowl tipped with cat ears, goggles covering the person’s eyes. 
“Whoa, Big Guy!” The person chuckled, pulling up the goggles so they could sit on his head, “Easy there. Almost took my head off.” 
Chris’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the sound of the person’s voice, “Leon?!”
Leon S. Kennedy stood before him in a skintight black catsuit with a whip wrapped around his shoulder, a utility belt with a silver cat head as a buckle, black knee high boots, and even had the cowl with the cat ears AND a cat choker..and was he wearing eyeliner? The suit was unzipped slightly, his collarbones exposed. The gloves had silver claws on the fingertips, which were now drumming on the plastic shield.
Leon chuckled, “The one and only. I heard you needed a partner for your superhero costume, so...here I am.” 
Chris gave the agent a once over before giving a little chuckle, “So...you’re Catwoman?”
Leon frowned at that, “Yeah...do I look weird? Too much?” He looked down at himself, looking over his costume.
“No, no, it’s not that!” Chris insisted, “You look great! It’s just, uh, Catwoman isn’t Marvel.”
Leon raised a brow, “...huh? What the hell is Marvel?”
Chris chuckled, “It’s a comic book company that makes characters like Cap, Iron Man, Spider-Man, all of those. But Catwoman is actually Batman’s girl over at DC Comics.”
Leon wrinkled his nose and furrowed his brows, “What’s the difference?” 
Chris offered him an arm, which Leon accepted, “Well...there’s a lot of differences…” 
Chris continued on, the agent he had previously been stuck talking to not even noticing that Chris had left. Leon listened to the best of his ability, not really understanding what the hell Chris was talking about, but it was Chris, so he listened regardless. He did pick at the wedgie he was getting from the ridiculously tight outfit every time it rode up his ass.
“So, Batman isn’t an Avenger?” Leon asked as they picked up punch at the punch bowl, Chris grabbing a plate of snacks while Leon held their drinks, “That’s stupid.”
“How?” Chris asked, “He’s a member of the Justice League so he doesn’t need to be an Avenger.” 
“Now, what the fuck is the Justice League?” Leon asked, making Chris laugh, “What the hell is with all these teams? Why?” 
“Ask the guys and gals who made them, I don’t know.” Chris laughed, trading Leon a plate of food for his drink. 
“So, I wore this tight ass outfit that gives me a wedgie every five minutes for nothing?” Leon asked in mock annoyance, “Fucking nerds.” 
Chris shrugged, “If it’s any consolation, you pull it off really well.” 
“Thanks.” Leon said before sipping his punch, smacking his lips together and then making a face, looking down at the green liquid, “This is spiked.” 
Chris tasted his own drink, swishing it around in his mouth, “...I can barely taste that. How did you?” 
Leon merely raised a brow with a smile, sipping it some more as he and Chris went over to the recreational area where party furniture was set up. Leon received several compliments along the way, Leon thanking or nodding his head toward them in acknowledgement. What he didn’t appreciate was the drunk who slapped him on the ass on the way by, Leon spin-kicking him in the chest. 
The man was sent flying backward, the people there moving out of the way, looking between Leon and the guy in shock. Several party-goers murmured amongst themselves or were stunned silent. Leon blushed in partial embarrassment, but kept his angered glare, muttering curses under his breath as he apologized but then went back to Chris, who looked just as shocked as everyone else. 
“What?” Leon asked, “He slapped me on the ass!” 
Chris shook his head and thus shook himself out of his trance, “Uh...well, he did deserve it...but that…” 
“What?” Leon asked, brow raised. 
“That was kind of hot.” Chris admitted. 
Now it was Leon who was stunned silent, the blush of pink deepening to a shade of red, “...really?” 
Chris nodded, giving a bashful smile, “I’m not gonna lie...I’m both frightened...and aroused. I want to kiss you...but I don’t want you to…!” 
Chris was cut-off by Leon tossing his snacks and drink before moving forward into Chris’s space, wrapping his arms around the man’s neck and kissing him. Chris’s eyes widened in surprise, giving a momentary muffled protest, but then relaxed. He dropped his own snacks and drinks in favor of wrapping his arms around Leon’s waist, pulling him into a tight embrace as he reciprocated the kiss. 
They stayed like that for a moment before parting for air, Leon wearing a grin, “What about now?” 
Chris blinked as he breathed a deep breath, blushing himself, “...definitely aroused. Wanna...get out of here?” 
“I thought Catwoman was Batman’s girl?” 
“Fuck Batman. He can have Catwoman.” Chris chuckled, holding Leon’s hand and leading him out, “I got Catman.” 
Leon laughed as he followed Chris out, “Gonna give me a treat, Big Guy?” 
“Definitely ain’t giving you a trick.” 
“Can you do any tricks in the bedroom?” 
“It’s Trick OR Treat,” Chris chuckled as they went to his truck out in the parking lot, “Not Trick AND Treat.” 
“...Can I both?” Leon asked in a teasing tone. 
“Keep it up and you’re gonna get a spanking.” 
“That’s an extra treat.”  ______________________________________________________________
The next morning, Leon woke up with a sore ass and wearing only bits and pieces of his costume, still wearing the cat cowl and claw tipped gloves. He felt a heavy body on top of his own, Chris resting on his chest still wearing his costume minus his boots and gloves. Big, muscular arms were wrapped around Leon’s waist, hugging him tightly even in sleep. The man’s shield was on the floor next to his whip, next to the tattered remains of Leon’s costume. 
Leon looked around and groaned as the sunlight bled through the sheer curtains, but he actually didn’t feel annoyed. He was actually satisfied and felt...happy...and apparently in Chris’s apartment. Movement on top of him and the sound of Chris yawning indicated that the man was stirring from sleep, drawing Leon’s attention downward. 
“Morning, Cap.” Leon greeted softly as tired brown orbs looked up at him. 
Chris wore a sleepy smile, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, “Morning, Cat. Last night was…” 
“...last night was fun.” Leon chuckled in agreement, “Best tricks and treats I’ve ever gotten.” 
Chris nodded and chuckled in agreement as well as he carefully climbed off of Leon. He looked down at the floor, apologizing for ripping Leon’s costume. Leon shrugged as he sat up, stretching his aching limbs with a yawn of his own. He smiled, saying that the costume was probably gonna rip at some point during the party if they had stayed. Better Chris’s bedroom than in front of everyone at the BSAA. 
“But you can make up for it by making me breakfast.” Leon teased with a wink. 
Chris smiled and nodded once more, stripping out of his costume and into some lounge clothes, “Only if you’ll stay.” 
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jaybeartodd · 7 years
Colleagues Pt 16/17 -- Jason Todd x fem. reader
Tags: @sarcasmismyfirstlove @tsctd @multi-fandom-dumpster @wordsmusicandchocolate @cattwomannn @itstoastytodd @nicunt @browneyedangel @amnahs9695 @mad-hatter-has-nothing-on-me @prancingdestiel
Permanent Tags: @vividmjs  @alohabucky
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Warnings: cursing, violence
A/N: Yes it’s true, this is the second to last part. So it is super late and I spent about four hours working on this SOB and I am not 100% sure I even like it but it’s whatever and I am posting it. I want to get started on a new series so if you would like to be tagged let me know or if you have any suggestions hit me up. Thank you so much to the people who have been constantly supporting me. I can’t even fully express my gratitude. And of course thank you to honestly everyone who takes the time to read any of my stuff. I love you guys and I really hope you enjoy!!! 
“48, 49, 50!” you finish Jason’s ridiculous amount of time. You then wander around the endless hallways in search of your absurd boyfriend insistent on playing hide-and-seek. Not that you protested that much.
“Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?” you start singing softly to yourself as you enter yet another bedroom. You get several feet in when the light suddenly turns on.
“Are you seriously singing the Cops theme song?” you twirl around to find a very smug man with the side of his mouth turned up amusedly. 
“Does that make me the bad boy?” he theorizes while suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.
“Ah-ha! Gotcha!” you yell excitedly.
“Not if you can’t catch me!” he challenges and darts down the hallway laughing maniacally. 
“No fair! I found you!” you protest and swing your head around the corner watching his retreating figure. In the end, you know it is only futile so you follow his loud footsteps.
You both wind down hallways until he traps himself in a corner. You don’t even hesitate in pouncing on him and he stumbles a few steps as you grab onto his back. This is much easier without a sling in the way. You and Jason had finally decided your shoulder was healed enough to burn the bastard.
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law,” you giggle into his ear. He growls and curls his fingers over your thighs securing you onto his back.
“This is an assault on an officer of the law!” You yell still laughing as he carries you towards the bedroom. He dumps you on the bed and crawls so that he is hovering over you.
“And what is my punishment, Officer?” he inquires lowly as a seductive grin taunts you merely inches from your own lips. You interlock your mouths and twist your fingers in his shaggy hair. He breaks contact panting with a playful glint in his eyes. 
“Just so we are clear, I most definitely won hide-and-seek.”
“Oh shut up and kiss me.”
“Jason, it has been almost two weeks,” you say from your upside down position on the couch. You feel the cushions sink next to you as Jason takes his spot. A piece of popcorn hits your face and you sit up to shoot him a glare.
“Stop doubting yourself. The article is amazing and they would be idiotic not to take it. They probably have a mess of emails to work through,” he says and kisses you softly on the lips. 
“I know I am just nervous,” you say biting your lip anxiously. He puts his thumb to your lip and gently removes it from between your teeth.
“I know Doll but there is only so much we can do.” You smile warmly at him and he drops his hand to grab the remote, “Now shut up and watch this movie with me.”
You roll your eyes but can’t help the grin that spreads across your face. You curl up against him and steal a handful of popcorn. You silently send a prayer thankful for having Jason with you through this whole ordeal. He has been keeping you busy with random activities so you aren’t completely driven mad with anxiety over the article and your family. 
An incessant knocking on the door wakes you from your deep slumber. You open groggy eyes to see that you are still laying on the couch with Jason’s arm wrapped around you. You two must have fallen asleep while watching the movie. The knock sounds again so you lift his arm off of you to which he only responds with a grumble. 
You rub your eyes as you walk towards the door.
“No housekeeping needed. Sorry-” You pause as you swing the door open to reveal Nick.
“Nick? What the hell?”
“Y/N! I need to talk to you!” he says looking around frantically. Suddenly you are gently moved and staring at Jason’s muscled back.
“What the hell are you doing here? Where’s Roy?” Jason asks using his authoritative voice.
“I snuck out while he was sleeping. I-I need to talk to my sister…alone,” you hear his shake voice reply. You peer over Jason’s arm that is firmly gripping the door.
“Of course you can.” “Hell no.” You and Jason say at the same time.
You glare at him and he returns with an identical one. 
“Jason, he’s my brother.” you try.
“Hm, yeah you see no one just sneaks out on Roy. What did you do? Drug him? Bribe him?”
“Jason!” you duck under his arm and turn so you are facing him.
“No, he, uh was honestly sleeping,” Nick falters. 
“Come in, Nick,” you command and grab his hand. You push at Jay’s chest and he takes a cautious step back not ever retreating his watchful eyes from Nick. Nick takes a seat next to you on the couch. Jason sits on the couch facing you, his muscles braced for a fight.
“Could I maybe have a glass of water?” Nick mumbles hesitantly. You squeeze his hand and nod your head while looking expectantly at Jay. His eyes, however, remain narrowed in Nick’s direction.
“Jay, could you get us some water please?”
He grunts and stands up obligingly.
“What did you need to tell me?” you wait for Jason to be in the kitchen and ask. You jump as Jason slams the cabinets loudly and pours the water keeping his eyes trained on the two of you. The fucking dramatics of this man.
You sigh as he returns with the glasses and resumes his seat in front of you.
“Thanks Jason,” you mumble sarcastically.
“How do you know you weren’t followed?” Jason questions intensely.
“Uh, I mean I don’t know for sure, but I checked behind me?” Nick replies nervously. Jason laughs ironically in response.
“For crying out loud why don’t you go put on your Halloween costume and check?” you snap incredulously. Jason purses his lips and you raise your eyebrows in defiance.
“Fine, but I won’t be long,” he stands up and briskly walks towards the bedroom in a huff. You run a hand over your face sighing.
“I will be right back, Nickie.”
You follow Jason into the room and close the door behind you. He is angrily undressing his sweatpants and replacing them with his Red Hood gear.
“Jason,” you quip sternly but he continues to put his gear on.
“Jason!” he looks up at you and freezes with his helmet in his hand.
“Something isn’t right, Y/N,” he declares and points his helmet, “He is up to something.”
“He is scared and confused, Jay. And I would know exactly why if you weren’t like an overprotective hound. You, sir, are the one acting crazy,” you point out and tenderly grab his arms.
He looks at the door shaking his head and you rub your hands up and down his arms, smoothing the tension.
“No, this is not part of the plan,” he grumbles and your hands freeze.
“Plan?” He snaps his head down at you suddenly looking abashed. 
“Oh, um, I mean the plan of keeping you guys separated to thwart the bad guys,” he sputters with a nervous grin.
“Jason Todd, are you seriously hiding something from me?” you swear and drop your hands to place them on your hips.
He opens his mouth to protest but is silenced by a door closing. You turn on your heel and walk out of the bedroom.
“Nick?” you search for him in the living room but he is no longer sitting on the couch. Panic starts to rise within you as you shout his name.
“Y/N,” Jason says softly. You spin around to see him holding a note out towards you. You yank it from his grasp and immediately recognize your brother’s messy scrawl. 
“Y/N, I have to do this for you and Trey. You’ve done so much and I hope Trey will always have you in his life. Tell Jason I just couldn’t risk it again. I am so sorry for everything I have done. This hopefully makes up for some of it. I love you and please tell Trey that I love him, Nickie.”
You are frozen gaping at the note.
“That stupid son of a bitch,” Jason mutters angrily.
“We have to go find him,” you exclaim without any apprehensions and walk out the front door.
“Y/N, wait! Jeezes this woman will be the death of me,” Jason grumbles following you out into the hallway. 
“I am not arguing with-” you close your mouth as a loud boom sounds off and the building shakes. You and Jason grab onto the walls to steady yourselves.
“What in holy hell?” Jason shoves his helmet on and begins sprinting down the stairs. You follow closely; well at least you try to match his outrageously long strides. You eventually make it to the streets to find them in absolute chaos.
There are people screaming as they run away from a smoking heap of rubble. Rain beats down heavy as another explosion rocks the streets and you stumble.
“Come on!” Jason yells reaches for your hand, “We have to get out of here!”
“Someone care to explain?” he inquires into his com while leading you through the insanity. He pulls you behind a building and listens intently to his earpiece. 
“I will be right there.”
“J-Red Hood, where are we going?”
“Wayne Enterprises is being attacked again.”
You swallow back fear as he tugs you forward towards an alleyway. Nightwing and Red Robin are pacing back and forth indicating you have made it to your destination. Your own exhausted panting is not matched as Jason brushes off the run as if it was nothing.
“Hey, what’s the plan?” 
“Batman is helping Gordon and the rescue teams evacuate people trapped in the buildings. We are about to join him but we wanted to give you the flash drive.” Dick says eyeing you nervously.
“Forget about it. The kid went and turned himself in. We were busted,” Jason growls.
“What the hell are you talking about?” you grab Jason’s arm and turn him so he looking at you.
“You brother was going to turn over this flash drive to Mask with fake information and it would infiltrate his data so we could get his location and take him out before he could retaliate against you over the article. But then,”
You stop Jason with a slap across the face. His nostrils flare as he looks at you.
“Now isn’t the time Y/N,” he says angrily.
“Damn straight,” you retort and turn on your heel. Jason grabs your hand and spins you back around so you are facing him. He takes in your shaking wet form and a sense of regret rises from his stomach but he swallows it back. He removes his helmet so he can look you in the eye.
“Listen, he wanted to do this. To make up for all the shit he’s done. And I am not one to stop a man from earning his redemption.” He says dangerously low.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you would never agree to it!”
“Because it’s stupid!”
Your phone rings breaking the thick tension suspended between you and Jason. You reach down ready to silence it when you read the unknown number.
“Where is he?” you demand through clenched teeth. Jason puts his ear against the phone and you give him a side glare.
“Nickie is doing fine for right now. He does miss his big sister awfully so,” the mocking voice answers from the other line. You tighten your grip on the phone.
“What do you want?” 
“I want you and your boyfriend to pay for that half assed plan to betray us. Didn’t know you were so manipulative.”
“Where do I meet you?”
“But not patient obviously…meet me at the warehouse where we had our first date.” He hangs up the phone and you shove it into your pocket. With an angry huff you take a step away from the boys.
“Where are you going?” Jason squeezes your arm as you turn away but you yank it from his grasp.
“Leave me alone, Jason,” you snarl. He rolls his eyes at your stubbornness.
“No, listen to me Y/N,”
‘No I am done listening.”
“Fine,” he resolves. He grabs your wrist and spins you back against him. 
“What the hell? Let go of me!” you yell into his chest but he ignores you. You feel something metal clamp around your wrist.
“Jason, if you do not let go of me!” you scream but he ignores your threats and drags you underneath an overhang. He cuffs the other end of the handcuffs to a bar. 
“Tim, watch her,” he commands still ignoring your protests.
You grab ahold of his arm and sink your nails into it. He whips his head around. You flinch as the water drips down over his eyes stormy with emotion.
“I’m saving you from yourself Y/N!” He yells frustrated. You grimace at his tone and remorse immediately fills him. His eyes turn sorrowful and he leans close enough to your face so your hot breaths mix.
“I know if I don’t go trade my ass in for your worthless brother then you will. And I…I can’t handle that again.” he gives a grin intended to be snarky but instead just looks defeated, “Call me selfish I guess.”
You stare open mouthed at him and he presses his lips onto yours in a feverish kiss. He pulls back and you feel tears prick at your eyes.
“Jason, you don’t have to do this,” you pull at the cuffs knowing well it is useless.
“I do, Doll, I do,” he walks out of your grasp and turns on his heel towards his motorcycle. Dick jogs after him trying to knock sense into him but Jason just puts on his helmet and kicks off on his bike. Dick swears and pulls out his grapple gun to follow him.
You turn your head and catch Tim’s eye but he turns to the gadget in his hand obviously flustered. 
“Tim,” he looks up with a blush still on his face, “Let me out of these.”
You tug against the cuffs and he scratches his head, “Look, Jason said not to.”
“And Jason is an idiot who is about to get himself killed if you don’t let me out.”
“Red Robin, come in,” Tim looks at his com in relief and answer back.
“We need your help cracking whoever hacked into the Wayne server.”
He sighs and looks towards your smug face.
“Looks like you have better things to be doing than babysitting me.”
He looks at his com then back at you. “Fine!” he groans and uncuffs you. 
“Just don’t do anything rash. Dick will stop Jay and we will get your brother back without you risking your own neck.” You nod, seemingly complicit, but he just narrows his eyes suspiciously. 
His gaze suddenly jerks to behind you.
“What-” you turn and see that a black SUV parked itself on the street next to the two of you.
“Move!” He yells as men pile out of it packed heavy with weapons. You follow him as he runs behind a pillar and bullets spray the air.
“Bats, we need backup!” he cries into his earpiece. He pulls out his grapple gun and his eyes search desperately for an escape route that would not involve the two of you being peppered with bullets.
You glance at Tim with wide eyes as the bullets stop and footsteps approach the two of you. You hear another car pull up and you lose track of the amount of feet you hear stomping towards you.
“Weapons down Red Robin!” a voice commands. The grip on his staff grows tighter and you place a hand over top of his.
“There’s too many of them Tim,” you whisper. He turns a worried face towards you and you give him a nervous smile.
“It’s me you’re after. It’s Y/N. Leave Red Robin out of this!” you yell and step out of cover with your hands raised.
Your hands shake in fright but you manage to stand confidently in front of weapon clad henchmen. You blink the rain from your eyes and clear your throat.
“No, I suppose he doesn’t,” a mocking voice that seems to be the narrator in all of your nightmares steps up between you and the gunmen.
“Scarecrow,” you whisper attempting at hostility.
“Hello, Y/N. Long time no see,” he smiles menacingly and you cringe.
Two of the soldiers step forward and roughly grab your arms. Red Robin steps out with his staff poised. 
“Drop it or you both will be Swiss cheese,” Scarecrow warns and Tim looks hesitantly between all the guns pointed in your direction. He drops the staff to the ground and several men respond and push him down to his knees with a gun pointed at his head.
“No!” you yelp and struggle against your captors. 
“He may not be directly related to this but why pass up the opportunity to hurt the Batman,” Scarecrow’s voice cackles and he pulls a syringe from the array he has in his trench coat.
Tim watches him angrily as he approaches. You manage to plant your foot on one goon’s foot and escape his grasp only to have five more hold you back.
“Bye bye birdie,” Scarecrow says and plunges the needle in Tim’s neck. You scream as Tim’s eyes roll back in his head. The men holding him let go and he slumps to the ground. He begins trembling and you watch helplessly as the serum that almost killed you takes over his body.
“Now, we should probably get you in the car. You have a date,” Scarecrow points at you and your captors drag you kicking and screaming into the van. A heavy cloth is placed over your face and your struggles grow weak as the world fades around you.
“Jason, this is idiotic! Turn around and let’s talk about a plan!” Dick’s voice demands through Jason’s helmet. He switches it off and revs his bike to go faster. He knows exactly what will happen if he turns around and has a heart to heart with Dick that would make the Brady Bunch smile. You will somehow manipulate Tim, if you haven’t already, into letting you go and you will find yourself in Mask’s hands again to save your harebrained brother. And Jason would die twice over before letting that happen again.
He skids the bike to a stop in front of the warehouse where he accidentally revealed his moonlighting to you. Usually picturing the pissed off expression on your face would amuse him to no end but right now it is bloodied with the thoughts of you being in danger.
He kicks down the door and looks around the empty warehouse with his hands on his hips. “Honey, I’m home.” He takes notice that the rubble that had nearly buried him remains.
“Hood, good to see you. I am surprised though. My money was on Y/N beating you here.” a henchman steps out from the shadows with a sickening grin.
“Yeah well she is a little tied up right now. You know kicking ass in school, exposing shitheads to the world, it keeps a girl busy,” Jason retorts covering up his anger at him referencing you.
“Enough pillow talk, where is Nick?” Jason says growing tired of this whole ordeal. The man clucks his tongue and begins pacing comfortably in front of Jason who is clenching his fists to hold himself back from pummeling him.
“The deal was the bitch and her boyfriend. It was not an either/or.”
With lightning speed Jason has his hands wrapped around the man’s neck and pressed against a wall.
“I asked nicely which already makes it a good day for me. I wouldn’t push it, asshole.”
“Hood, drop it,” Mask’s metallic voice commands from behind. Jason presses against his neck one more time before dropping him wheezing to the ground.
“Ah, Mask, long time no see. How are the kids?” Jason asks turning to face his former ‘boss’. Mask chuckles and Jason grimaces at the grotesque noise.
“They say everyone has a soulmate, Red. And I think you may have found yours.” he continues chuckling and Jason clenches his fists, “She said the same thing.”
Someone comes out with your unconscious body slung over his shoulder. Jason’s face hardens and his hands immediately grab at his guns. 
“Put the weapons away Hood. She is all yours,” Mask says and points at your captor nodding. He tosses your body at Jason’s feet and he immediately kneels down and presses two desperate fingers on your neck. Relief floods him as he feels a pulse beating steadily. 
“Don’t worry. She will be fine. A bit of chloroform to help her remain unconscious.”
“What do you want with us?” Jason asks more urgently now knowing you are in the same predicament as him.
“Well I need you two to suffer for the dent you have put in every one of my plans. And I am thinning out the Bats’ resources while I destroy every scrap of Wayne Enterprises in this town. And to keep you behaving, I need your little girlfriend here as a persuasion tool.” 
“What do you mean thinning out?”
“I mean someone is probably already rushing to save poor Red Robin who is our test subject for the most recent fear toxin. I am sure someone is searching for you and unfortunately the Batman can’t be everywhere at once.” Jason snarls while pulling out a knife from his boot.
“Bring the boy out,” Mask commands with a flick of his finger. 
Two henchmen carry out a struggling Nick strapped to a chair. He is red-faced as his screams are muffled by duct tape.
“Now here is my offer. You can use that knife on him,” he points towards a terrified Nick, “And you and your sweetheart can walk out of here in one piece and live happily ever after.” 
“Why don’t I just plunge it into your gut?” Jason suggests. 
“Because then those guns trained on you and Y/N there won’t miss a shot.” Jason looks wildly at the two men holding guns aimed at the two of you.
“Why should I believe you would let us live?” 
“Because if you kill this man you are returning back to the Red Hood we all know and love. Except for Batman, actually. I believe there is a strict ‘no kill’ rule. Oh and not to mention she would lose a brother.” He glances down menacingly at your limp form and Jason steps up so that he is between you and Mask. His jaw tightens as his eyes wander to Nick.
“Yes, Hood. Remember this man has put the lovely Ms. Y/N in danger multiple times. He even ordered for her to be injected with the fear toxin. You wouldn’t even have to tell her. And her life will be so much safer without him in it.” Tears stream down Nick’s face as the words and the probable outcome of this sinks in.
Jason clenches the knife tighter in his hand as he looks at your sleeping face. Hair he has brushed back many times rests lightly over your peaceful face. His gaze wanders down to your shoulder that is just recently out of a sling and memories of your suffering flash before him. He flinches at the thought of him soothing away your nightmares, racing to get your depleting body to an antidote and restraining your terrified body as you thrashed against your worst fears. And then you pushing all of your own concerns away for him. It was always him that put you in harm’s way. Nick.
Jason walks furiously to Nick and puts his knife to his neck. He is panting heavily with flaring nostrils as Nick looks at him with a deflated expression. Jason searches for the pleading in his eyes but he only finds resolve. 
“Do it Red!” Mask yells. You start to stir from your state of unconsciousness at the sound of Black Mask. Blinking your eyes you turn an aching head towards the sound. Your eyes widen and you feel the protest on the tip of your tongue as you watch the Red Hood sink a knife into your little brother’s gut. 
“No!” you scream standing up shakily. Jason’s head jerks towards you. You sprint to your brother’s side pressing a hand over his wound. He looks at you with foggy eyes as his head falls to his chest.
“No! Nick, talk to me! Stay with me!” you cry with your brother’s blood falling over your hand. 
“Now let us go, that was the deal,” Red Hood’s robotic voice commands. You flinch at the coldness. How could you have ever found comfort in his words. Your hands press tighter to Nick’s abdomen as tears flood heavily down your cheeks.
“Indeed we did,” Mask acknowledges and nods his head.
“Y/N, let’s go,” Jason demands coolly grabbing your forearms from behind.
“No! Let go of me you fucking bastard!” you wail struggling against him as he pulls you away from your bleeding brother. He ignores your cries as he pulls you towards the exit.
“Take care Red Hood,” Mask boasts saluting him off.
“Yeah, we will see about that,” he whispers. You twist in his arms trying to escape his grasp. You manage to get a few scratches across his arms.
“Y/N, would you stop and look!” he hisses into your ear. You turn your glassy eyes towards where he is indicating and see Nightwing slowly making his way down towards Nick behind Mask and his goons’ backs who are focusing on the two of you.
He grabs ahold of Nick and slips something on the chair. He slings Nick over his shoulder and grapples up to a perch. 
Jason suddenly pulls you outside of the building and shields your body with his own as an explosion rips through the air. Your ears ring and your vision is obscured by Jason’s armored chest. Jason suddenly shoots up and you cough as the dust fills your lungs. 
“We have to go!” You hear Jason shout over the ringing. You shake your head and look at him fuming.
“You stabbed my brother!” you yell and shove his chest.
“I had to, to get us out of there, Y/N! He will be fine! I didn’t puncture anything vital!” Your breathing slows at this as the anger dissipates ever so slightly.
“Fine but-” you are cut off as leftover goons appear around you. Jason cocks his pistol and looks at you.
“Remember those moves I taught you Doll?” he questions. You swallow and nod your head confidently.
“Good,” the men rush forward and Jason begins taking them out one bullet at a time but not quick enough to detain all of them from reaching you.
One man approaches you carelessly, obviously not expecting much of a fight from you. So you show him otherwise. You dodge his outstretched hands and kick out his back leg. His nose breaks beneath your fist as you deliver a punch. Your knuckles ache but the adrenaline numbs it for the moment. And other men are happy to provide a distraction.
You dodge and deliver hits where Jason taught you in dizzying motions. Bulky arms wrap around your chest and you try wiggling your way out. He squeezes and you let out an involuntary cry of pain.
Jason’s focus whips towards you momentarily distracting him. You manage to jab an elbow into the man’s side and Jason smirks as he evades another hit.
Suddenly a shot reverberates through the air and Jason cries out in pain as he grabs his wounded leg. 
“Ja-Red Hood!” you shout and run towards him but another asshole steps up. You fight him off the best you can feeling your energy wavering and your attention now on Jason.
“Not again Hood!” a glitching voice hisses venomously. 
“You just can’t friggin’ die can you?” Jason exclaims dumbfounded as Mask approaches him with a gun in his hand.
Rex appears and you warn Jason just in time as he sprints at him in all his heavily muscled glory and tackles him to the ground. A hit lands itself across your jaw and you stumble back. The adrenaline is starting to wear off and you feel the aches on your body but you manage to land a swift kick to this man’s nether regions and he collapses in pain.
Rex managed to get Jason down on the ground and he is repeatedly pummeling him with his fist. His helmet has broken and Rex tosses it to the side. You flinch at the bloodied bruises littering Jay’s face but he uses Rex’s momentary distraction to grab his fist and gain the upper hand. Mask limps towards them with a crazed demeanor. You narrow your eyes and run towards him. You swing your hand hard on the back of his head but immediately regret it when pain shoots up your now broken bones.
He turns his head and looks at you maniacally. You wince at the parts missing from his face that must have been blown off in the explosion. He wraps his metallic hands around your throat and you choke as the air is ripped from your lungs.
“Did you think you could stop me? You and your idiotic brother?” he growls and you push at his hands.
“No,” you wheeze out, “Just. A. Distraction.”
His eyes widen at this and you fall to the ground as his hold is forcibly removed.
“Survive this bitch,” Jason has Mask’s head in the crook of his elbow and a gun pressed to his temple. As much as you yearn for him to be ridded of forever a nagging voice causes you to shout at Jason.
“Red Hood!” you yell and he turns his battered face towards you inquisitively. “The rule. Batman.”
He lets out a frustrated sigh and looks back down at Mask.
“You don’t deserve mercy,” he fumes but knocks him upside the head rendering him unconscious. Jason then looks at you through one hooded eye with a pained expression and spits out a wad of blood.
“Are you still mad at me?” he laughs and then hisses in pain.
“Of course,” you mumble but run up to him and wrap your arms around his body.
“Oof,” he lets out an exclamation of pain and wraps one arm around you while the other one hangs dislocated. Rex really did a number on him. He pulls your head close and presses his face into your hair relishing in your safety.
“We need to get you to a doctor,” you observe and pull away from him.
“Good thing we know a pretty good one at the manor,” he winces and you put his arm around you so he can take at least some of the pressure off of his shot leg. You help him to the side of the building and you both slump down against it waiting for backup.
You glance at Jason and see him breathing heavily through the pain. He turns towards you and his bruised lips lift into a grin.
“We did it, Dopey.”
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pasdeloup · 4 years
"Well, time to get back to reality."
“Well, time to get back to reality.”
Wow, Tiger King, what the fuck huh? I finally got around to watching it because one of my coworkers was vehemently talked about it when I saw him a few days ago. Fuck it, I thought, I’ll give it a shot. By now you’ve probably seen it, or heard enough about it, that you’ve gotten your fill. At one point someone says something like, “Well, time to get back to reality.” What reality? That whole…
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