#yeah i like komugi what about it
ecargmura · 1 month
Wonderful Precure Episode 29 Review - The Real Enemies Attack
What do you mean it took 29 episodes for the story to take a huge nosedive in terms of progression? I feel like this is the true second act of the show with how the usual formula of transforming into Precures and rescuing GaruGarus have changed. Now that the enemies have shown up and Niko has awakened, I honestly can’t wait to see where the story goes from here on out.
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Niko’s birth reminds me of Pokemon Eggs hatching with the slow progression and the glowing too. Niko is cute but also hilarious. She has a gyaru personality, but can be scary when things don’t go her way like how she told Mey Mey to never tell anyone about Niko Garden or use the emergency trunk. The way the Niko Garden animals were gathered and excited for her return felt like she was an idol and they are the concert attendees. Though, there are still a lot of questions about Niko like why she kept going to Iroha and Komugi despite not wanting anyone to know about Niko Garden.
It turns out that the GaruGarus were caused by the enemy, Gaou, and that Niko was the one who put them into eggs in order to protect them, but it didn’t work as they were still GaruGarus when the Precures discovered them. This brings up a lot of questions like why did Gaou invade Niko Garden?
Gaou is the name of the mysterious wolf who’s the cause of the GaruGaru energy. He seems to be the spirit of the supposedly extinct Japanese wolf and that he and his companions, Zakuro and Torame are the only ones left. It’s interesting how Zakuro and Torame hate humans, yet they still transform into one. I guess it’s for diversion? However, I do like that Zakuro and Torame have distinct personalities and have a rivalry towards each other for Gaou’s affections. I do like that they dish out their exact reason for their actions: their hatred for humans because they caused their extinction. This actually causes Iroha to actually question herself and her actions for once and even question if they’re the enemies. Wow, for someone who’s usually super optimistic, Iroha legit got a mental breakdown of sorts.
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I actually like that Gaou and his two companions were actually hinted back at Episode 23 at the summer festival. Remember Karasuma’s story about the wolves? Yeah, they’re finally taking action. Gaou’s companions were the two wolf statues protecting the shrine. Episode 16 also talked about the legend of Animal Town and the illustrations show a wolf and a unicorn. There was definitely a lot of foreshadowing, but I dislike how it took so long for everything to play out. Though, the pacing and execution of this episode did make up for it.
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I do find it interesting how the opposing forces are a battle between extinct animals and an imaginary creature. I’m glad that now the enemies have showed up, they aren’t seen as chumps and that the Precures are going to have to throw hands this time around. I wonder how they’re going to defeat the GaonGaons now. What are your thought on everything that transpired in this episode?
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hey again. Saw the burn out yeah I kinda predicted it😭 there were so many You were gonna need a little break so I. Please take one! Lol I’m bouta be contradicting rn but For a little request how about a HXH fluff? I’ve been having a Rough day/week and need some fluff in my life. And a serious hug. As you know I love feitan. But you can do kurapika. Meruem ( not sure if you write him ) Illumi, shal or Franklin depending if you write meruem. Also the fluff could be anything from head to toe.💜
Hi, thank you for the ask! Yes there was a lot, like way more than I would've wanted of just dorm leaders x [insert different franchise character]!s/os that I wasn't really feeling it anymore. I might get to those at some point again, but as of now no. I've never written for Meruem before, and these might just be more platonic since I don't see him having romantic feelings for anyone haha. Hope your week gets better too!
Kurapika, Meruem, Illumi, Shalnark, Franklin helping you get through a tough week
You two should get a break together honestly with how busy the two of you are haha
But on a serious note, he will try to support you but it may just be through words of "you need to take a break" or getting you a cup of tea. With how fixated he is on his own tasks it's unlikely he'll do a lot but know that he wants to help you
If you two are away from each other (ie you're not on traveling with him on his path of revenge) he might give you calls from time to time. This is really rare though since he's...well...refusing to pick up his phone from anyone
If you happen to meet him before his whole "revenge is good" path, he would've given you hugs when you two were alone. Lots of supportive words, making sure you're doing well. He might just pick you up from whatever you're doing to get you to sleep since you've been working so hard
Overall he's like a mom friend but it only goes so far with how busy he is with his own work. If you do happen to see a box of your favorite snacks on your desk when he's gone, know that it's from him and there's likely a little note on it too telling you he's there for you
How did you get on his good side? Who knows, maybe you're a Chimera ant that works well with the rest of the royal guards, or he's taken interest in you similar to his situation with Komugi. Whatever it is, he doesn't really understand the concept of "stress"
He sees you with dark circles, running around the halls of the palace Meruem stole took and he can sense you're tense all over. Finally, getting tired of seeing you look almost lifeless, he stops you and tells you to go get some rest
Meruem's not the type of person to hear objections, and if you try to he might threaten to cut your limbs off so you can't move from whatever you'll be resting on :/. He's trying, he just needs to learn a bit more on how he's supposed to be supportive
Will ask a royal guard to keep an eye on you, most likely Pitou since the rest of them won't care about you if you're human (Pouf might kill you for all Meruem knows). Meruem will frequently visit you while you take breaks, making sure you're doing better than before. He won't hug you because he's scared of breaking you he doesn't see a point in it, but he will listen to whatever you have to say or get off your chest
Similar to the two above, he's not really known to be that caring. However, seeing you not in the best shape you can be might worry him, especially if you're someone he considers close.
He might pick you up and knock you out just so you can get some sleep haha. But the most common thing you'll get from him is a really blunt "You look tired, stop what you're doing and take care of yourself." If you ask him for a hug, he won't really object but he won't show that he likes what he's doing either. Might end up squeezing you too tight and causing your ribcage to almost break :/
He's also the type to listen to you if you want to talk to him. He might be busy with something else while you vent, but he's listening.
Now if you happen to be stressed because of an individual, he might ask you who it is. Expect the person to suddenly die though. Illumi thinks that if the problem gets eradicated, then you'll feel better :/
He might not show that he cares for you that much, but know that he keeps an eye out for you. Usually before you even complain he's already spotted signs of stress from you and will try to get you feeling better
Though he's a member of the troupe, he's shockingly much better at giving you fluff than the rest of the people we've already talked about
He's going to give you hugs. He might just give you them out of the blue, saying that "hugs are healthy" even if you object to him. If you ask him for hugs he'll just open his arms and tell you he's totally fine with them
Lots of supportive words. He's a bit chatty so expect him to go on and on about how you need to take a break, how you're already doing well and he doesn't think you'll fail, etc. It's all really sweet coming from a guy that's also known to be part of a notorious group of thieves
He might not be the best listener, but he tries to when you want to vent for a bit. Just know that he's better at giving you words than accepting them, but nonetheless he's there for you
Overall I feel like he's the type to surprise you with sudden boosts of energy or support. He might also just pick you up from whatever you're doing to get you to rest haha
He's sort of like a gentle giant. He won't push you to take breaks but will frequently check up on you and might bring you some snacks or drinks to get you feeling better
He's really good at listening. If you need to get something off your chest he'll sit down and listen to you. Also, you can trust him with your words, he's extremely good at keeping things private, so know that you're safe with him
If you want hugs, he might be a little hesitant at first because he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you, but he's super gentle and the hugs are really nice. He might pat you on the head sometimes too
I can imagine you falling asleep on him from time to time whenever you guys are just sitting together. He won't budge, and he tries to keep other troupe members from waking you up if they happen to walk by. He doesn't want you losing sleep because of him anyways
Overall he feels very therapeutic. Like a cozy sort of feeling you get when you're inside with a warm cup of tea in your hands while it snows outside.
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pomegranateflesh · 4 months
"Fabulously wandering around! Cure Fabulous! Let us be friends forever!"
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this is Cure Fabulous my Wonderful! Precure Oc/Curesona, pronouns: they/it. But how did they exactly become a Precure? Find out down below!
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they are originally a Kirarin Animal Red Panda, one who is an extrovert at heart just get them talking and they won't be able to stop! This Kirarin Animal is always eager to make new friends, still they are quite shy and anxious.. they are very self conscious and scared that they will make a bad impression, or receive a deceiving look that they are incredibly afraid to even try to reach out and make new friends. One day they escaped to the human realm feeling as they do not fit in the Niko Garden in their current state, in Animal Town they found themselves face to face to the Mirror Stone, already aware of its legendary status as a wish granting stone they made a wish, "I WISH.. I WISH I COULD BE STRONG AND CONFIDENT! I WANT TO BE STRONG LIKE THE PRECURE BEFORE US! TO HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH ANYONE!!"
The stone didn't react, disappointed they were about to head back to the Niko Garden they feel a terribly strong presence.. one they've never felt before.. afraid for the others they immediately head back.. only to find everything destroyed.. what was once everyone's home was now gone.. they didn't fully appreciate it before, it was just the common everyday but with it gone not having a home to return to can really break one's heart, desperately they try and gather all the eggs up, suddenly the GaruGaru's leader appears in front of them.
"Out of my way." It says in a terribly cold voice.
With a single kick the GaruGaru's leader throws the Kirarin Red Panda far far away, thinking it's over its ready to leave however they come right back and pulls at it's cape. "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE THEM! I WON'T LET YOU HURT ANYONE ANYMORE!!" as they say that with such a strong determination with their heart, their wish is finally granted! There and then they transform into Cure Fabulous!
"Precure! Fabulous Paw Punch!!!"
As it hits them it barely makes an scratch.. Fabulous is slightly afraid but they stay strong! Throwing everything they got, they channel their emotions into each attack, their anxieties of meeting new friends.. their regrets of not reaching out before.. their absolute happiness at being able to be a Cure.. all of it into a final attack. They put their arms up and yell:
(imagine something like the Cure Prism, Prism Shot but instead of a ball it's a sun and with the colors of all of the Kirarin Animals gems, it shines bright with orange and red lights)
Before the attack can hit the coward leader finally goes away, leaving Cure Fabulous all by themselves.. alone in the rubble of what used to be their home. They stay alone like this until the Iroha, Komugi and Mey Mey get back, Mey Mey is incredibly surprised and glad to find that a single Kirarin Animal survived unharmed and says they are terribly sorry for what happened and to leave them alone, Kirarin Red Panda is just happy to be with someone again and hugs Mey Mey.
Later on as more Kirarin Animals return and things get more stable they talk to Mey Mey and show them their ability to transform, absolutely floored by this Mey Mey tells them to help the Precure right away! And schedules a meeting with them, until the meeting they are incredibly anxious.. even trembling however they snap out of it, thinking of how wonderful it will be to fight alongside the Precure and save their future friends. They transform into their Cure form(they are only able to turn human after learning it with Komugi) and meets Iroha and Komugi with a handshake and a smile, the meeting goes very well! It's more of a tea party than a serious corporate meeting, the evening goes by smoothly time passes it's as if they have been friends forever already. Now part of the team, they switch between worlds to join in fights and everyday activities! This is but just the start of Cure Fabulous story!
I looooved designing them, you will probably see slight changes here and there, especially in the hairstyle, but anything else I'm more than satisfied with! I have still to come up with a proper human design for them(originally I wasn't even going to bother but as I normally only make the Cure designs but imma give it a try), and a GaruGaru version just for funsies.
imitating the Wonderful Precure artstyle was as tricky as it was fun, and I'm still not TOTALLY sold on WonPre buuuut I'm liking it well enough, it has a weird comical/light feel that reminds me of Tropical Rouge so that made me like it even more, I don't really like how practically EVERYONE now knows that they are involved with the Niko Garden stuff, like the main team is fine for them to know, I still would've preferred more suspense and a little more time until Mayu discovered everything but oh well.
hope you guys enjoyed Cure Fabulous backstory! see you on the next one
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ishouldgetatumbler · 1 year
Hxh Ships:
Killua/Gon: You are my light. I could cradle you in my loving arms until the earth grows cold. I am going to spin kick you.
Meruem/Komugi: If you weren't such a fascist this could be such a beautiful love story.
Gon/Alluka: We are having so much fun! The trauma is inexorable. I love spending time with you! Sometimes I think about the things we've lost.
Kite/Pitou: Yes I murdered you but in doing so I destroyed the greatest thing I ever held and learned the value of you in retrospect so takesies backsies.
Killua/canary: I trust you with my life. I would give up everything for you. But no I wont go to bruce springstein with you.
Kurapika/Leorio: We fuck in a beat up SUV in a target parking lot at 2 am alot. Its alright but every time our mutual friends gather it is so awkward.
Leorio/Silva Zoldyck: I fucked your dad by accident but it means I win any argument ever so actually this is okay
Leorio/Zepile: Bro... I heard pineapple makes your cum taste better... theres no way... well... there is only one way to be sure... Let me cover my dick in pineapple and then... no. I shant say...
Illumi/Hisoka: Trying to figure out which one is more demented and psychosexually agressive is half of the fun, and the other half is kinky sex.
Kurapika/Hisoka: If you weren't such a bitch I could like you. If you weren't so sexy I could hate you. I will settle for rough sex and mindgames.
Ging/Razor: "Do you ever think two manly men could smooch and touch butts?" "no but now that I have it is all I long for."
Kurapika/Chrollo: Buisiness casual for hate sex. Love hate with anti-social twinks who love books.
Shoot/Knuckle: What! Bro jobs aren't gay? Bro, get over here! I need to give you a straight up gay sloppy sucking to ENSURE its gay this time.
Bisky/Hisoka: Fighting and fucking are 10% the same thing but with careful teamwork I believe we can raise this number
Palm/Mito: Hey. I got your text. Yeah the uhaul is loaded. I'm so sad I didn't get to say it first, but I love you too.
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sneakygoldie · 9 months
Current Fandoms and Stuff I like! (will update often)
(Most favorite ones are Sailor Moon and Ojamajo Doremi, but the rest are a fight for second place! >:3)
Ed Edd N Eddy
South Park
Digital Circus
Murder Drones
BFDI/BFDIA/BFB/TPOT (most recent fandom)
Leo (2023 movie yeah 💀)
Regular show
Sailor Moon
Ojamajo Doremi
The Amazing World of Gumball
Cute High Earth Defense Club
Marvel stuff (hehe)
Dragon Ball
Demon Slayer
Spooky Month
One Piece
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tokyo Mew Mew
Princess Tutu
All of Aphmau’s series! :>
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Percy Jackson
Warrior Cats
Oliver and Company
Proud Family
Adventure Time
Lucky Star
Talking Tom and Friends
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Whatever Happened to Robot Jones
Steven Universe
101 Dalmatians the Series
1O1 Dalmatian Street
Animal Jam (Play Wild and OG)
Genshin Impact
The Amazing Digital Circus
Sims 4
Dungeons & Dragons
The Simpsons
12. oz Mouse
(still fairly new to some of these, so yeahhhh)
Now time to explain the rules in this blog and some stuff about me!
-fav animal is seals bc they so silly, also one my most fav youtubers, leamon puppy has her main as a seal, think that’s where I first started loving seals so much but idk XDDD
-I absolutely love vintage vids, just something so interesting about them to me! I love animes from the 90s-2010s most, but my most FAVORITE anime genre is magical girls!
-My first magical series was probably Glitter Force (SMILE PRECURE DUB YALL), but then Sailor Moon caught my eye and it is one my favs to this day! I finished Tokyo Mew Mew first though!
-Fav character is Pop Harukaze! She doesn’t get much of a role in Ojamajo Doremi as a Ojamajo, but something about her personality or something.. I am just living for it!
-Some other favs.. and yes I have a long list bc my autistic brain can’t choose favorites when they are so unique.. are Tsubomi/Cure Blossom, Komugi/Cure Wonderful, Ice Cube (BFDI+), Bubble (BFDI+), Ruby (BFDIA+), Gelatin (BFDIA+), Flower (BFDI+), Two (BFB), Firey (BFDI+), X (BFB), Teardrop (BFDI+), Four (BFB), Bloo (FHFIF), Mac (FHFIF), Aiko (Ojamajo Doremi), Onpu (Ojamajo Doremi), Chibi Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi, Saki/Cure Bloom, Minako/Sailor Venus, Erika/Cure Marine, Nagisa/Cure Black, Bu-Ling/Mew Pudding, Yayoi/Cure Peace, Love/Cure Peach, Hana-chan (Ojamajo Doremi), Pollun/Porun (Precure), Jewlulu (Pripara), Tweek (you know what), Oz (Canimals), Muffin (Bluey), Zane (Mystreet/Aphmau), Garroth (Mystreet/Aphmau), Kim (Mystreet/Aphmau), Ian (Mystreet/Aphmau) and Noi (MID/Aphmau)!
-Fav color is lavender and pastel yellow
-Im scatterbrained at times, but can try remembering anything you say! Im clumsy and shy! <3
-“Do you have games on your phone” YES BUT LEAVE THEM IF ITS MY PHONE OR IPAD XDDD, especially my dear Animal Jam >:3
-I don’t really prefer to talk on email or text.. just tell me something on here or a social media platform like Youtube or Deviantart! I still use Gold the Ostrich as the user!
-Fav thing to say is “HOR HOR HOR HOR HOR” all i freaking know about fnaf is the movie with unnecessary add on lore 💀
-I don’t mind cussing, it’s just not a full on “lifestyle” for me
Now some rules! <3
-Everyone is allowed on my blog, it is mostly a tickle/random blog, but it’s quite decent so far!
-If you dislike this blog, please don’t say unnecessary stuff in your blogs, posts in any other media, etc if so. Just try ignoring this blog if possible.
-I can do commissions, especially of the following fandoms, but pls don’t get too upset if I don’t know a certain fandom, sometimes I forget to add a fandom to here.
- I am a minor, 13 in fact! So no sussy requests pleaseeee!! any other tickle requests are okay, even from fandoms I dont know, or your ocs! pls dont be mad if I don’t want to do your request! I will do anything that is sfw and accept lgbtq+ characters aswell!
-Might update this later, but this is good for now! Also this might stay as my only blog due to having no other ideas for blogs at the moment
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lunawings · 5 months
Wonderful Precure 11
I wasn't sure how I felt about Satoru, as I'm usually not a big fan of the token love interest male or sidekick character in magical girl shows, but this episode he won me over. Specifically with this face.
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I still wish they would just make him a Cure, but.......
He decides to go to the mountains with Iroha and Komugi, even though he should know from the previous episode that he can't keep up with them. But still, he goes. And he even brings special treats for Komugi despite hoping it would be a date with Iroha!
Meanwhile, Mayu is a little jealous she didn't get invited... but well, at least Iroha eats lunch with you. (Satoru wasn't with them in the last episode.)
But yeah, I don't always like love subplots in girls anime, but gosh Satoru is such a sweetheart. If Iroha doesn't want him then
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Look at him thinking he's gonna protect his girls when he knows they are Precure LOL sweet summer child Satoru you can protect me
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I'm so proud of him for making it to the top of the mountain too!!
LOL the first animal fact I legit learned from this show. This is probably the most educational season of Precure too.
Okay like seriously, what to do if you see a bear in the woods is legit helpful for some Japanese children in certain areas hahah. There ARE bears.
So Yuki.... became a Precure......... without Mayu......... :(
This series understands cats a little too well. I like how they show that Mayu can love Yuki even if she's antisocial but.... :(
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ur-battdoll911 · 6 months
ratings then and now
i was (and still am) a huge fan of HxH, and so, i found my ratings for them from a year or two ago, so i'll compair it then and now, the ttheme is: HxH characetrs and how we feel about them/simp for them
Gon: im no simp, but hes cute, i love him, hes my child :)
Killua: Gay. no.
Kurapika: i used to like him, but now, no.
Leorio: LOL NO-
Hisoka: .... pedophile, but like- nice Hisoka.... my ballz (wtf was this rating
Illumi: hes cute, would probably protect me, simp a little
Alluka: MY BABY 😭❤💕
Chrollo: i would sacraficce the world to even breath the same air as him, no 🧢
Noubunga: IS THIS A JOKE- 😭✋👁👄👁
Feiton: he so tiny~
Machi: why not
Shizuku: goth gf, why not, she cute
Phinks: .....no...
Shalnark: he nice, but no
Uvogin: exCUSE me. wtf?
Franklin: 🤐📸no, he nice though
Pitou: yeah.
Komugi: I live forr Komugi, i die for Komugi, i sacrafice my whole life for Komugi
Mereuum: no :D
Ging: AYO-
Vs. NOW:
Gon: he is my actual child, but i got him off the lawn :/
Killua: gay as shit, get away from me and go back to Jujitsu Kaisen bitch
Kurapika: hell no, you fooled me and my motther to thinking you was a GIRL
Leorio: no.
Hisoka: bruh, he is a damn pedo, hell to the no
IIlumi: blud is mid, horrible brother but i would totally 1v1 him
Kalluto: yes, transgender support! kill transphobes!
Alluka: oh my god yes i would die for her shes so baby, so queen hholy shit i have made myself a painting of her yippeeeeeee
Chrollo: still hot asf but he left like our dads >:/
Noubunga: um, excuse me what the acttual FUCK
Feiton: short ass mf, tall as my mom at 5'1, im taller then him, crush him like a bug
Machi: i hate her :)
Pakunouda: i want to marry this bitch holy shit shes hot still
Shizuku: eh, reeally dumb, i need someone smarter and they dont have Amnestia
Phinks: no eyebrows, angerr issues, roach, get the fuck outa my face
Shalnark: no, hes sweet, but not someone i really care about
Uvogin: i'd rather him be my brother, y'know?
Franklin: lol, no, wtf did you think i'd pick?
Pitou: yuh, smash i like her
Pouf: he wouuld be a band kid
Komugi: *adopts*
Mereum: haha, fuck no :D
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finitevoid · 2 years
i find the way a lot of fans these days talk about sensui and itsuki to be... reductive. on the one hand I really cannot fault anyone for being uncomfortable with and disparaging the use of what is, for all intents and purposes, a use of the Queer Villain(s) trope. but on the other hand I find the subtext of sensui and itsuki’s situation very fascinating from the perspective of the time in which in was written.
first of all, togashi has been trying to get gay characters in his manga since day 1. he has SAID this. his original pitch for his first manga was going to be a sports manga about a crossdresser. I really don’t think this is up for debate. but, and I know you’re all tired of hearing about this, but it’s true: people were not allowed to portray gay characters unless they were villains, or it’s tongue-in-cheek and implied, like with kurama.
togashi has a terminal case of Humanizing His Villains disease, which is one of my absolute favorite things about his work. the villains are (often) portrayed as human beings, in all their messy glory and with everything that implies. the scariest thing about togashi’s villains is that they could be real people. he also has a bit of a Thing for the redeeming power of love, or at least the humanizing power of love. meruem and komugi is the best example, but it’s also everywhere in his work. toguro and genkai. raizen and his human lover. etc.
what makes sensui and itsuki distinct, in my opinion, from other instances of the Queer Villains trope, is that the fact that sensui and itsuki are in love is used to humanize them. it’s used to make them sympathetic. itsuki confesses his love for sensui in a tender, emotional monologue. itsuki talks about sensui with such reverence and gentleness that it forces the viewer to see sensui in a similar way. when you hear the way sensui and itsuki interact, you aren’t meant to be disgusted by them, but it’s rather meant to make you realize that these horrible, awful, broken people can love too.
yyh is a story about love, at it’s core. its a story about the healing power of love, and how opening oneself up to connection is how you overcome obstacles. it’s classic shounen bullshit, but my favorite part of how it handles this thematically is that it makes it VERY clear that the villains are not loveless. they have friends, family, lovers and allies just the same as the heroes do.
yyh is only example of something of it’s era and genre using it’s villains’ queerness as a way to humanize them instead of dehumanize them that I personally know of. and i don’t know, i don’t think that’s nothing. yeah, it’s still bad optics, but I think karasu and, quite frankly, hisoka are better examples of homophobic iterations of the Queer Villains trope in togashi’s work. but that’s neither here nor there.
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theclearblue · 6 months
This seems like a fun ask game... https://www.tumblr.com/theclearblue/745775598702592000/hello-can-i-ask-from-this-ask-game?source=share
Can I ask about Yona of the Dawn, Hunter x Hunter and Mob Psycho 100?
Favorite character: Hisoka Did y'all hear something? Sounded like someone said Hisoka but not me ahaha. Uhhhh Killua and Komugi are my answers, honorable mention to Kite as well (guess I just like the white haired characters lol. Oh and really all of the Phantom Troupe but especially Chrollo is so much fun.
Favorite arc/episode/scene: Favorite overall arc probably is York New but a lot of my favorite moments come from the Chimera ant arc, so I would tie them. Fave episode/scene I think is Meruem and Komugi dying together, I cry every singe time lmao
Character I think is underrated: Ikalgo is the guy of all time, I love that stupid ass octopus so much lmao. I don't know why but I find him so heartwarming and I want to cheer him on in every scene
Character I think is overrated: Hmm I'm really struggling to answer this actually. I feel like I'm on the same wavelength with the general consensus of the characters. Maaaaybe Kurapika just a teeny tiny bit? I'm doing a slow rewatch with a friend though and she is a fierce Kurapika hater lmao so I feel like I'm being influenced.
Fave ship/pairing: Going to be basic but Killugon, honorable mention to Hisoka/Illumi
Something I love about the series: I think the character journeys and parallels are so so so cool, and it's a great example of character development where it's more of a regression (with Gon, specifically). The parallels between Meruem and Gon where they start on opposite ends, and by the end Meruem has gained humanity and Gon has lost it? Gets me every time. Also just such a great cast of characters, picking a favorite is kind of hard when I think almost every character, even the hateable ones, are just so solidly written.
Yona of the Dawn
Favorite Character: Hmm three way tie I think between Yona, Soo Won, and Jae-Ha (wow now thinking of it, he's kinda like Sanji huh....I was set up lmao)
Favorite arc/episode/scene: Gosh I need to reread because my memory is god awful but off the top of my head, Zeno's backstory is obviously the best in the series, and I think was animated in an OVA so that's my fave episode lol. Also love when Hak and Yona FINALLY get together, and Soo Won reuniting with Hak as well.
Character I think is underrated: You know what, I'm saying Jae-Ha!! Everyone's fave dragon is either blue or yellow (which, like, I GET it) but nobody gives enough love to green dragon :( People hate him for flirting with Yona but it's so obvious to me that he's just doing that to tease Hak lmao. But he has SUCH a big heart and loves and wants to protect all of them, again I need to reread to really elaborate properly but!! He needs more love!!!
Character I think is overrated: Hmm. I don't think I have an answer for this one actually.
Favorite ship/pairing: Yona/Hak....are we surprised...I'm not....
Favorite thing about the series: I feel like I give the same answer for all of these lmao because I'm such a big character reader, but yeah the characters absolutely. They are (well, most of the time) the ones pushing the plot, not the other way around. Everyone says it but Yona's arc as a character is just so so so good, especially for a female character. I would also say I really love how the worldbuilding goes so hand in hand with the characters developing and also understanding where they come from in decisions. It's a pretty simple fantasy world but it just does everything right.
(I'm a fake fan and haven't finished MP100 Season 3 :( And my memory is the worst on this series but do know that my fave character is both Mob and Reigen)
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olivieraa · 8 months
I think... animes where I dont have ships... are just the overall better written animes...
Like ok, if I start with one of my earliest animes, Death Note. Yeah, Light/L has an appeal. I get it. But the story of the show is so damn good... that I really don't give a hardcore damn about the pairings. Light/L stands out bc the show WANTS you to think about them together (not as a pairing, but as two sides of a coin, etc etc)
Durarara, same. Shizuo/Izaya would be the Light/L of Durarara. But this anime is less so about the story what story and more so about the characters and their journeys. The appeal of Shizuo/Izaya is that its fun. They're both doing their own thing but then cross paths and when they do its like FIREWORKS, and the show knows it. It wants you to feel that way when they bump into each other.
FMAB (I mean c'mon, my pairing of choice was two characters that exchanged a sentence in the second last ep), that show is insanely well written. I couldn't think of ships the whole time.
I could say the same for Attack on Titan. Like I said throughout watching it, that I shipped Levi/Hange from day 1, and not hardcore. But I wasnt hoping and praying for them to be onscreen together, or to have pairing-esque moments. I was enjoying the show for what it was and if they HAPPENED to be onscreen together I was like :))) also I just kinda shipped everyone with Levi bc in my head Levi in relationship scenarios with all these different personalities was hilarious but then he had to go and be a dad to everyone so I then kept him exclusively for his wife Hange
Then take some underrated shows like 91 Days, ACCA, Baccano, Saiki, Ushio, etc. They're just so well written that pairings are so back of your mind, even if you have one or POSSIBLY two.
For me then, if I take HxH... its a weird one cause there's not exactly a lot to choose from pairing wise. But regardless. I went a good portion of the show not caring about any ship. Didn't want to. The writing was just so good. But then Meruem/Komugi entered and didn't become "my ship for that show", but one of my top 5 fave pairings of all time, the pairings I actually legitimately care a lot about. So HxH hit a little different with that one pair.
But its just something I've noticed about myself. If the pairing isn't a ride or die I'm obsessed with it pairing, its usually from a show that's so well written, I probably just have a pairing from it for the fun of it. EXCEPT HxH. The one exception.
Whereas you can take shows like YGO and Inuyasha, and the writing isn't jawdopping, and I have a good few pairs from each, and those pairings are prob my fave parts of those shows, that's just basically how I know I know which shows I consider better written than others, by my pairing quantity lmao Doesn't mean I dont love those shows tho, they're just not exceptional writing
Then you have shows that, if I didn't have pairings to get me through the experience, I'd probably still be watching them to this day, like an episode a year or something Zexal
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ecargmura · 3 days
Wonderful Precure Episode 34 Review - Pussy Posse
I think that with how Yuki gets comedic moments and some spotlight in episodes that don’t focus too much on her, she’s the definite favorite of the season. She even ranked 1st in Japan’s monthly anime character ranking for October 2024. This entire episode looked to be a Mayu focused episode at first with how her dad returned from his long trip, but it was a Yuki-focused episode all along. Though, I think what made this stand out more than other Yuki-focused episodes is the fact that she’s spending more time as a cat in this one. While human Yuki is nice, I do like seeing more cat Yuki doing things.
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So yeah, Mayu’s dad Takayuki finally comes home from a long trip and Mayu is very thrilled to see him. It does make Yuki a bit jealous, but not to the point that it makes her toxic like before. It’s a sign that Yuki’s growing like how Mayu is. Though, it would’ve been nice to see Takayuki and Yuki interact. It was a waste not to see their interaction. I would’ve loved to see his reaction to talking and human Yuki. A nice detail about Takayuki is that he’s very friendly and that he tells Iroha and the others that Mayu always talks about them in her video calls and describes them as “friends she loves so much”. Mayu, you’re getting me emotional.
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Yuki is an independent and solitary character, so it was nice to see her do things on her own like going to a cafe and watching a movie on her own. However, it was also nice seeing her befriending the cat posse. Komugi is friendly by nature, so she always befriends all the dogs she meets. Yuki never really had friends outside of the Precure group or animals to hang out with. I think this would be a nice way for her to open up more. I love that the cats were easily welcoming of her and that when they saw her turn into human and then into a Precure, they were very supportive of her as they trusted her to turn the boss cat back to normal. It was so cute that the stray cats respected and admired her now and even called her “Big Sister”. She’s the new boss cat in town! Congrats, Yuki!
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I liked the comedy. Yuki being comic relief is super hilarious as she acts serious, but her status as a pet cat makes her silliness inevitable. The fact that the cat toy played an important part in the plot as it’s the reason why the Cat GaoGaon was able to be subdued as it got distracted by it. Seeing Nyammy as a cat toy was the highlight. The way Lillian held her made it seem like she was wielding a sword.
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While this is a feel-good episode overall, I just can’t help but have this uneasy feeling. We’re not sure if the power to turn into human for the pets is permanent. Will it go away when the story ends? If so, Yuki cannot talk with Mayu anymore. She’ll go back to being an ordinary cat. Is this why they decided to give Yuki cat friends in the case that if she cannot turn into a human anymore, she’ll still have the cat posse to keep her company? I know I shouldn’t be so negative, but I can’t help it…
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Anyways, it seems that next week is a rare Satoru-focused episode. Is this a flag that he’s going to transform? I mean, having him with a sort-of magical boy outfit with human Daifuku sort of feels like it’ll transition into the main anime? Whether he’ll transform or not is debatable, but I’m glad that best boy is finally getting some focus for once! What are your thoughts on the episode overall?
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(I also apologize for the supposed dirty joke)
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akihikosanada · 4 years
help girl i finished chimera ant arc 
#anyways thoughts here in the tags#i think the arc was long for fr no reason the first episodes especially with the ants werent necessary and the only thing that kept me from#killing myself was best ant colt who later on stopped appearing anyways so -_-#ok annoying ants aside this arc introduced my fave characters of the series after hunter exam arc (which after was when the main characters#appeared so) like knuckle morel and knov were so cool i loved all their scenes and along colt also helped me get through the annoying parts#SJDFLSDJFKJSDLKFJDSK#also definitely part of my faves of the arc but meruem and komugi were SO GOOD their scenes were definitely my fave part of the arc if not#from the entire series#also meruem is def the coolest villain from hxh so far everyone else was either ugly annoying or ugly and annoying#cant even LIE their last scene playing together made me so 💔💔💔 if i cried no i didnt <3#also is it me or was there not that much killugon in the arc? like yeah the arc was 60 eps long but even then it felt like they didnt have#many interactions together????#also im still mad about the lack of scenes kite and gon had that would have caused the pitou/gon scene about kite much more emotional it#felt kind of shallow to me in the end which is a shame considering that was probably THEE most important scene of the arc#also help i cant believe they killed pokkle and ponzu and gon never found out about it nor we had any moment where they talked about#professional hunters who were killed by the ants 😭😭 idk but after their last scene at the end of hunter exam arc its so sad that gon will#never know what happened to him#anyways the entire royal guard was annoying along with most of the ants if i wasnt clear before SFLDJFLSDJFKDJKDJ im sorry but i need#someone to explain to me why people seem to like them so much is there something that i missed????#all in all it def wasnt a bad arc i would place it either third or fourth with greed island competing against it but i dont think that#it should have been THAT long it could have been 40 eps long with no problem#ill probably begin with election arc tomorrow first i want to finish reading yorknew arc tonight <3#my post
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 years
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Hello shaiapouf tag, here's a collection of low quality images I've had saved that I think I would like to share
[Image description for the first one is under the cut, it's a long one]
Image I.D.: A collection of comments from gogoanime regarding Pouf. From top to bottom, left to right, in order, they read:
"I don't know about the others but for me, the worst one in the arc is definitely Pouf. For all loyalty and pride stuffed in him, he fights unfair and dirty. The others at least fight straight on but he uses underhanded tricks..."
"Anyone else extremely annoyed with the butterfly dude? I'm sick of his whining and dumb abilities."
"Ugh, go ruin someone else's day Pouf, you are the worst villain ever cause you're no use for either the good guys or the villains. So annoying..."
"Pouf is annoying and weak :/"
"Omg the butterfly is worse than the damn narrator (Him and his annoying ass monologues...). Someone kill him already!!"
"For those people who like Pouf, I'm gonna say that I'm sorry in advance. But I fricking hate him. ;) he's for real getting a little annoying, I mean no- you know what? He was annoying right from the very start. No one asked but still, again I'm sorry lmao".
"Powderpuff Pouf is gonna try and stop the surgery on Komugi watch I just know this sparkly fucking perv is gonna do it"
"Bruh Pouf done gone and lost his damn mind".
"Get a grip Shaia no one cares!!"
"Pouf just needs to go off screen. He gets way too much screentime for such a bad character. He even gets his own music which makes no sense."
"Haha I love seeing the butterfly dude panic :)"
"I'm sorry but I have to get this off my chest. *Deep breath* Omfg Pouf! The king don't fucking want your fake ass Elmer's glitter glue looking butterfly winged self. So damn thirsty, take a damn seat. Fucking try hard wanna be bishounen ass, Kurapika got more prettiness in his asshole than you got anywhere in your face!"
"That butterfly bitch is obsessive.
Yeah he should go fuck himself."
"Chaotic lawful gay evil Pouf."
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scarletmirrors · 2 years
[A3! Translation] Specialty of Pâtissiers [Chapter 9]
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prev / all / next translation under the cut
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Kumon: We somehow made it with the outfits!
Izumi: Yeah, thank you again for making these in such a short time, Yuki-kun.
Yuki: It wasn’t impossible, but since everyone was helping it sped up the process a lot.
Juza: Not sure if I was really helpful, but…
Yuki: Well you carried a lot of stuff and did other supporting roles.
Host: Thank you for waiting!
Itaru: Ah, the event’s about to start.
Host: Thank you all for attending the Veludo Way Sweets contest!
Host: From showing us a multitude of wonderful sweets and creative ways to get our attention, it is almost time for the contest to close.
Host: Thank you to all the people who voted on SNS, as well.
Host: This event is being streamed live today, for those watching, please enjoy yourselves.
Host: Now without further delay, let us begin the announcement of the results!
Kumon: Woah, it really is fast! I’m getting nervous, Onii-chan!
Juza: Yeah…
Host: First, the special SNS prize, the SNS award goes to…
Host: Team Journey!
Kumon: Woah!!? We won!
Itaru: Kitakore.
Tenma: It really was that etude.
Izumi: Amazing! Good work, everyone!
Host: The appeal as actors was very popular
Host: Many comments mention that the story was interesting, and you were able to incorporate sweets into it too.
Host: Also, as announced yesterday, the members of Team Journey are actors from the Mankai Company!
Host: They have also been kind of enough to come and act here at our event even though it was on short notice.
Host: Please look forward to that!
Juza: So the grand prix winner was Aoki-san after all.
Itaru: It was the decisive lead after all.
Tenma: Seems like competition was tough, but I understand this result.
Guy: Thanks to everyone, we were able to obtain the SNS Special Award, and be noticed by many people.
Guy: Thank you all.
Yuki: Well, it was fun for us all too.
Kumon: Yeah! I’m glad we could all be of help, and it was a ton of fun!
Tenma: Yeah, now we just have to do what only we can do.
Itaru: That’s right.
Izumi: Well then, good luck everyone!
Komugi (Yuki): Alright, all done.
Amada (Juza): I’m finished here too.
Mitsuno (Guy): …Yes, both are well done.
Mitsuno (Guy): I will be putting both of your works at the storefront.
Kuriya (Kumon): Ooh, amazing! At last
Kuriya (Kumon): You guys’ sweets look so good, I’m getting excited!
Komugi (Yuki): The part-timer’s making too much noise, but is this really alright, master?
Mitsuno (Guy): Of course, this is something worthy of display…are you perhaps not confident?
Komugi (Yuki): Of course not, please put it up!
Amada (Juza): Mine too
Komugi (Yuki): I’m not gonna lose to you.
Kanta (Juza): I’m not intending on fighting you about this.
Komugi (Yuki): Hmph, that carefreeness is something I’ve never liked about you.
Kuriya (Kumon) : Aw, c’mon, you guys…
Kuriya (Kumon) : You have the same master and similar backgrounds, you should at least try to get along better…
Mitsuno (Guy) : They’ve always been like that, with a little more progress, I’m sure one day…
*The stage names’ kanji all contain things related to sweets, Komugi(ko) = flour, Amada = sweet field, Mitsuno = honey field, Kuriya = chestnut valley
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
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I tend to see a lot of people say that Togashi will leave things uncertain and ambiguous in between Killua and Gon, and while it’s a possibility, I honestly don’t think it’s the most likely thing to happen, and if it did, ambiguous wouldn’t be the correct term to call it.
People often say that Togashi likes to play with ambiguity when it comes to queer matters. Yes, Togashi likes to play with gender. We get to see that through Kite, Pitou and Kalluto in HxH (although its arguable because Kite is definitely not cis). But when Togashi decides that a character is queer, or that there is a relationship going on between two characters, he doesn’t leave it ambiguous.
Togashi has created queer characters in 3 of his main works : Yu Yu Hakusho, Level E and Hunter x Hunter. And everytime he created those characters, he made damn sure that everyone knew that these characters were queer. No room for any sort of ambiguity.
The first examples I have are from Yu Yu Hakusho, with a character named Miyuki, and the other is from Level E, with a character named Kyoko Mikihisa.
For these two characters, Togashi made it so that they emphasized themselves that they were trans. It’s painted extremely clearly, that they were born in the wrong body. There’s literally no room for any sort of ambiguity here.
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Togashi could’ve easily kept things ambiguous. There are plenty of ways he could’ve done it, keeping the character’s gender confusing. But he didn’t. He made it EXTRA clear that these characters were trans. This is mostly why I genuinely don’t believe you can describe Togashi’s queer rep as “ambiguous”. Because when the characters tell you themselves that they are, it’s canon. It’s not ambiguous.
Now, sometimes, Togashi likes to play it more subtle. He doesn’t make his characters say “I’m gay” or “I’m trans”, but he finds another way to say it.
In YYH, Togashi wrote a gay character : Itsuki. And he’s canonically gay, because when talking about another man, Sensui, he mentions that he sees him as a lover.
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It’s subtle. It’s not ambiguous.
Same thing for Alluka, Alluka never comes on screen and says “I’m a trans girl !”. The reason we know that Alluka is canonically a trans girl is because the Zoldycks insist on misgendering her, while Killua emphasizes that she’s a girl.
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And once again, it’s subtle. Not ambiguous. Even though I’ve seen a lot of redditors say that “Alluka’s gender is ambiguous”, Togashi is literally doing his utmost to highlight subtly that yes, Alluka is a trans girl.
But subtlety is not canon’s enemy. Not everything has to be painted clearly for it to be canon. Sometimes, you just have to piece every little clue together yourself. Just because the word “trans” is never canonically stated in HxH concerning Alluka, it doesn’t make her any less of a trans girl. Because as the audience, we UNDERSTOOD from the subtext and from the clash in gendering that she is trans.
So, yes, Togashi likes to be subtle. But subtlety doesn’t make things any less canon.
I’m drifting a bit to non-queer matters, but I also want to talk about two relationships in Togashi’s work that were canonically romantic, but subtle.
The first is Meruem and Komugi. It’s canon that the nature of their relationship was romantic. They never did couple-y things, or even kissed. But it doesn’t make the nature of their relationship ambiguous. Because it was once again, subtle, but drowning in subtext that Togashi deliberately put there.
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Togashi paralleled Killua saying that him dying with Gon would be a shinjuu (lover’s suicide), only for it to not happen in the end - but Togashi wanted to throw that word in. So we could have it at the back of our heads. Because when Meruem and Komugi died, it was a shinjuu. It was two lovers dying by the same method with the belief that they’d be united in the afterlife. Meruem only cared about spending his last moments playing with Komugi. They both said that they were only born to experience this moment, of being in pure bliss as they die together. When Komugi replies to Meruem and says that she’ll join him in death, she uses an old phrasing used to accept marriages proposals. They died holding hands.
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It was subtle, but canon. Because of all these clues and all the subtext Togashi planted, it is undeniable that their relationship was romantic. And they never kissed, never said “i love you”, but we still know : and that’s the beauty of subtlety.
Because yes, romance can be subtle AND canon.
Another example of a canon romantic relationship that was never officialized by a kiss : Keiko and Yusuke in Yu Yu Hakusho. Correct me if I’m wrong, but while they kissed in the anime, they never kiss in the manga.
But a relationship doesn’t need to be canonized by a kiss. I’ve never seen/read YYH, but while I was doing research, I read that their relationship grew naturally over the course of the manga. That they grew together, were affectionate with each other, but never told each other the nature of their feelings. Until one specific moment towards the end of the manga where this happens:
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All of this came naturally. No big confession, just a confirmation of what they both felt. And no kiss either ! No hand holding, no true “romantic” actions, either before or after that chapter. Just feelings. I’m quoting one of the post I used as reference, but “On one hand it's beautiful to finally hear it, but on the other, it's not even surprising. You find yourself caught off guard by how easily you're willing to accept that these two have felt this way throughout the entire series.”
And while it’s subtle, because you’d expect at least a kiss or something, it’s canon and undeniable that their relationship is romantic. It’s clear that the two of them are in love, even if they never kissed. Because it was clear from the beginning that this was where their relationship was going : all the building up to that one moment where they both basically tell each other “oh yeah, btw, i love you”. A simple confirmation of what they both knew, and of what we as readers knew too.
I guess my point is that Togashi can insist on the nature of his characters and relationships. He insisted that Miyuki, Mikihisa and Alluka were trans. But sometimes he also likes to be subtle, and not put everything plainly. But the subtlety doesn’t discredit its the canon legitimacy.
Now, onto what it means for Killua and Gon. 
I emphasized that Togashi liked to highlight when his characters are queer. There are absolutely NO DOUBTS that Miyuki and Alluka are trans girls, Mikihisa a trans man and that Itsuki was gay. It’s in canon. But they were all brought up differently, and it was either confirmed by them saying it themselves or by the context and subtext surrounding their queer identity.
But Togashi never left it ambiguous. We always had canon confirmation that they were queer. What I’m saying is, there’s a very, very high probability that Killua is gay and in love with Gon. We’ve seen it in the incredible amount of subtext deliberately placed by Togashi. And like I said, Togashi never left the nature of his queer characters ambiguous. So it’s highly likely that Togashi will confirm in canon at some point that Killua is gay. 
Now, while it’s likely Togashi will canonize Killua being queer plainly by either him saying it or subtext (just like Alluka), it doesn’t mean that his relationship with Gon will be canonized plainly too.
I mentioned earlier that Komugi/Meruem and Keiko/Yusuke’s relationships were subtle, while undeniably romantic. So maybe this will be the case for Killua and Gon’s relationship too. It looks like Togashi’s style for writing romance is show, not tell, thus making it a possibility that it’ll be the same for Killua and Gon.
But I can assert with 100% certainty that Togashi will NOT leave their relationship ambiguous. Maybe it’ll be subtle, but NOT ambiguous. Just like Meruem/Komugi and Yusuke/Keiko.
Killua and Gon’s relationship is the backbone of HxH, and it’s very clear that Togashi’s intent from the beginning of the story was to canonize it as a love story. When Togashi wrote Killua, he incorporated elements of Tanabata, a legend about two lovers, in his story, and made Tanabata his birthday. Togashi queer coded Killua from the beginning, and I honestly doubt that he would never canonize it, when it was his intent to queer code him from the beginning. He made the both of them have an extremely deep relationship, being each other’s most important person. Combine this with all the subtext, and yeah, it’s pretty clear that HxH is a love story.
So yes, Togashi wouldn’t leave ambiguous something he planned from the beginning of the story. Especially since HxH is his first chance at writing a manga and being able to do everything he wants with it. Especially when Togashi’s gay manga got turned down 30 years ago.
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I mentioned Togashi never leaving stuff ambiguous, but rather either putting it plainly or more subtly. And honestly, I’m thinking it’s going to be a mix of both for Killua and Gon. A mix of subtlety and undeniable proof of the romantic nature of their relationship. Exactly like Yusuke and Keiko’s relationship. 
I feel like Killua and Gon’s relationship perfectly mirrors Yusuke and Keiko’s, and I can totally picture it following the same patterns. By having their relationship grow even deeper as they reunite, with no explicit romantic gestures, just deep, deep feelings. Until ultimately, they both confirm it one way or another. 
I could literally picture Gon turning to Killua, telling him out of the blue something they’ll do when they get married, Killua being confused but Gon saying something like “Well, I wanna get married to you Killua. Don’t you want to?” and Killua almost choking but saying that yeah, he’d like that. Plain and simple. No romantic gesture. No kiss, no hand holding, no feelings confession under the stars. Just a mutual assessment of what they both already knew.
But honestly, I’m saying all this to try and be objective, but I’m not in Togashi’s head. Togashi could also very much go absolutely crazy and make Killua and Gon share a kiss, hold hands, affirm their love out loud, Because it’s his first chance at being free to do what he wants with his manga. And because he’s been wanting to draw a gay manga for a while, he might want to emphasize that HxH is queer.
Especially when it seems like Togashi likes to incorporate shoujo elements in his work.
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And as @/sincerelysamedt mentioned in her wonderful post, queer relationships are often dismissed as platonic in media, and that it’s important to overplay it to canonize it efficiently. And Togashi is probably aware of this. Hence Killua’s stuttering, blushing, the constant gay poetic lines Gon tells Killua about how he’s so glad he met him, Killua’s inner monologues comparing Gon to light itself, multiple characters highlighting their mutual love, a date under the stars where they mutually affirm their want to stay together and travel the world while they both blush.........Togashi didn’t have to go THIS hard, but he did.
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These panels highlight the difference between the subtle relationships I talked about above. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Togashi represented Yusuke or Keiko having internal monologues about how they wanted to stay with the other forever or poetically comparing each other to light. It proves that while Togashi likes to play it subtle, he's also not afraid to put extremely cliché shoujo tropes and heartfelt moments in his narrative too. Maybe he’s aware that internalized homophobia might pose a problem to the narrative he’s trying to convey, and thus he might be enclined to overplay it. 
When you keep in mind that Togashi most likely wrote Killua and Gon with the intent of making their relationship a love story, you can see that he’s never really written with the intent of being ambiguous or even subtle, providing us with multiple intense scenes of mutual devotion. And that’s one thing that’s leading me to believe he wouldn’t shy away from delivering highly emotional scenes that would canonize their mutual love. Because their relationship has never truly been portrayed as subtle, or ambiguous, it’s just.... developing.
So yeah, it could go either way ! Either Togashi will decide to paint it subtly like every relationship he’s painted in the past, or he’ll either decide to go all out and maybe show us an extremely heartfelt confession under the stars, maybe even an on-screen kiss (the latter option being highly likely considering all the very emotional scenes between them we’ve already had) - (EDIT : i wrote a post on why i believe there’ll be an explicit confession if you want to read it !)
But one thing is certain : it will never stay ambiguous, because Togashi has never painted any of his queer characters or the relationships between his characters as ambiguous, Subtle, yes. Ambiguous, no. 
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kantaria3 · 3 years
My problem with Persephone trying to show remorse for the sake of uwu
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I guess my biggest problem with Persephone showing remorse for her acts of wrath is that its literally for the sake of being an “uwu cinnamon roll”. We see that after Minthe is turned into a plant she apologizes and tries to turn her back, only to admit her slight arousal and then the story divulges into her being flirty with Hades. 
We also see that none of the Gods actually care that she basically killed a whole civilization of farmers. The only reason Zeus cares about the act of wrath(not about the mortals) is because she didn’t get his permission, he wants to be in control.
Her trying to bring them back and give them some coins, is just there to make her more uwu. Nobody actually feels bad for the Farmers, people justify her killing them because they killed some Nymphs and insulted her. Persephone is the one people feel bad for because her “dark side” came out and slaughtered a bunch of farmers. We feel bad for her because she is seen to feel bad.
Now there are plenty of characters who have a dark side come out, but it has repercussions for them and its not seen as a good thing, yeah it can be badass but its not “good”. For example Gon from Hunter x Hunter can be described as a cinnamon roll and when he used his “dark side” it was certainly badass, but it wasn’t good. It had repercussions, he was lost in a moral complexity and  gave away his nen to defeat his opponent. 
And even though he defeated Pitou, you didn’t exactly feel good about it, when you took into account Pitou’s devotion to the king and how they were simply born a certain way and then started to become more “human” through their interactions with the king. Just like how Meruem is shown as this big bad in the beginning only to have us sobbing our eyes out as he gains his “humanity”. Pitou and Meruem did plenty of bad things and it’s certainly not ok, but you also understand that they are ANTS they are born with a purpose already knowing what they are going to do. And only through interactions with others do they break away from their “programming”.
Like you feel bad for them but their actions against humans are not good, they don’t try to make excuses, they know they kill humans(brutally) and their ok with it. With Pitou and Meruem and lots of other Ants becoming a more “Gray” kinda character as they grow.
Gon giving into his dark side was cool, but very sad and we saw him as a withered husk later on. There were repercussions to it, he was delving into a dark moral complexity. Like how he was seen as the bad guy when Pitou was protecting Komugi.
There are NO repercussions for Persephone, her dark side is there for her to be this “bad bitch” “girl boss” character. I can’t understand her morals. We see her being all apologetic only to forget about it all after she sees Hades is in the vicinity. 
Persephone is hyped up as this super uwu cinnamon roll throughout the whole story and when her dark side comes out and she kills a bunch of people its seen as this good thing? Where Persephone is the one we should feel bad for, with the lower class characters being fodder. Her killing a civilization and turning Minthe into a plant, lol who cares she’s just showing them who’s boss, and there’s no justice or repercussions for them because their just some lower class people.
These are GODS they do what they want, none of the Gods actually care for the civilization destroyed, they only about the other Gods involved(Demeter, Persephone, etc).  With the destruction of the civilization just being a “another day another act of wrath” kind of thing. The gods have always been shown as gray in mythology as they could do lots of evil things, but they could also do good things. Because they’re gods, they did what they wanted, they were above humans.
There no real in depth moral dilemma for Persephone when she commits all these acts of wrath. She says she feels bad but then she admits she felt slightly aroused and when she catches a whiff of Hades its all thrown into the wind. Like I feel like her trying to be all apologetic and remorseful is just to to push this uwu nature, not because she actually feels bad. 
With Gon he goes crazy with the moral pressure of what he is doing and what he is willing to do to accomplish it. With Persephone we see her say sorry and seem remorseful only to have her crawling over Hades in the next scene and being flirty.
I don’t know man, I just feel like her trying to be all apologetic is forced, where its just shown to try to keep up the uwu “i can’t do anything wrong” cinnamon roll persona.  Where she is shown as the ONLY God who cares that they committed an act of wrath, no one else bats an eye, just to make her look better and more uwu. Where her being sorry is to just add to this “Oh because I say I feel sorry it just adds to me being more of a cinnamon roll” kind of thing.
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