#yeah yeah i know that yin and yang are both boys but honestly it's funny to call them girls
happy girlfriend day to my lovely girlfriends annie and luisa and mai and yin yang
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actuallysara · 2 years
Rafael Silva and Ronen Rubinstein for Out Magazine
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Fortunately, out actors Ronen Rubinstein and Rafael Silva have the chemistry to bring these two Lone Star boys to life.
“I can’t imagine doing this with somebody that (a) you don’t like and (b) you don’t mesh well with on set,” Rubinstein says of Silva. Since they started this journey as Tarlos when Lone Star premiered in 2020, the two have grown close as both colleagues and friends. “I can’t imagine doing that with somebody that you don’t get along with and you don’t respect and you don’t love as a human being,” he adds. “I can honestly say that’s how I feel about Rafael.”
“Ro and I are just so fucking different as people…. But it’s this sort of yin and yang thing,” says Silva. “Two of the same pieces of the same puzzle are not going to go together, they’re just not. They have to be different in order to complement each other, and I think we do that very well as actors and as people.”
One of the first scenes the two shot together was a sex scene, and like with any intimacy on camera, that required a lot of trust — even if at the time, they had just recently met. But the two used their real-life newness with each other to their advantage, as it paralleled how T.K. and Carlos were also just getting to know each other, creating a realistic pairing that the stans simply can’t get enough of.
“At that point, when you have a bunch of people just watching you make out and do that, you have to rely on your partner,” Silva says. “It’s like we only got each other right now, so let’s just do whatever happens here, just go with the flow. Let’s just go.”
Though they didn’t have much representation growing up, Silva and Rubinstein are elated by how many people are touched by Tarlos. “It’s really all over the world right now, it’s unbelievable,” Rubinstein reflects. “I’d be lying to you if I said, ‘Yeah, of course I knew it would be like this,’ or ‘Yeah, I expected it.’ First of all, just for this storyline to even be birthed, it is so risky. Especially for a network like Fox. If it wasn’t for [creators] Ryan Murphy and Tim Minear, it wouldn’t be possible, and it’s still shocking me to this day.”
What was also shocking for Silva and Rubinstein (in a good way) was getting to see just how much love fans were ready to give in real life, as the two got to meet Tarlos stans over the summer at the Dream It Not at Home convention in Paris.
“We met a lot of people saying, ‘I’ve been saving money to come here, I’ve been working overtime,’ so all I could hear was, ‘I’ve been putting in effort in order to see you,’” Silva says of the experience. “When you hear that, you feel the responsibility to also take them in.”
And they’re not taking any of that love and support lightly. With season 4 of Lone Star on the horizon, and with more Tarlos promised to viewers after a breathtaking proposal scene at the end of season 3, Silva and Rubinstein are more committed than ever to nailing their parts as authentically as possible. And they can’t wait for fans to see what season 4 has in store.
“Right off from episode 1, we’re going to find out some things that are funny, but it propels on to several beautiful episodes after the first one, and it’s going to be intense,” Silva says. “It’s going to be fun to watch and fun to do. Like what Ronen said, you can’t really expect much because things change a lot. Whatever you think is going to happen, Tim always brings something better than what your imagination can perceive. I think the fun part is just waiting to find out what actually happens.”
“I’ve definitely been shocked and surprised already within the first couple episodes. There’s definitely been some storylines where I’m like, ‘What?’” Rubinstein says. “It’s hard to predict what’s going to happen on the show, especially with us, so that’s been really cool. It keeps you on your toes, and when I get a script, I’m literally flipping through the pages as fast as I can because at any moment, there could be a bombshell — and we’re definitely going to have a couple this season.”
“The biggest thing is all paths lead to the wedding,” Rubinstein adds.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hello my dear!! Since you were stuck between 2 for my TP ship, i thought I'd put in for Round 2 please haha 🤭 You already have my description! I'm so excited to see what you come up with!! 💖
Tysm for all the hard work & time you put in!! 🫶🏼
Yes thank you for your request again lovely!!! 💗
I ship you with….
Eugene Sledge!
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song recommendation: Beautiful- Bazzi
- Okay I Think we all kinda saw this coming tbh 😭like you guys just make so much sense together, it would almost be wrong NOT to ship you with him LOL
- i’m sensing a bestfriends to lovers trope for sureeee
- you guys would probably meet each other through mutually friends, like his friends are friends with yours and one day out you guys end up all meeting up and hanging out, when he met you though, his jaw would be to the actual floor, he would think you are so beautiful and angelic, like an angel almost “Hi, I’m Eugene” with the biggest doe eyes everrrr, he would be so nice and cute that whole day, like if you need anything ever he would be at your beckon call
- by the end of the day when you guys parted ways, Sid would be teasing him like “Genes gotta crush” and he wouldn’t even try and protest against it, because, well, he does in fact have a huge crush on you, and to sid, genes silence said a lot about how much he really liked you, “why didn’t you ask her out then if you really liked her?”
- After a little conspiring between the two boys, they both came up with the conclusion that he would ask you out the next time all of you guys hung out, and sid would be his official hype man (ofc)
- When the time came and it was time for him to ask you out, he completely froze, like he couldn’t say anything, the fear of you rejecting him completely held him back from saying anything to you, at the end of the night you’d ask him, “Are you mad at me? Did I do something? You haven’t talked to me all night”
- And that’s when he knew he really fucked up, that last thing he ever ever wanted was for you to think he was mad at you, “no, no never, i j-just-” and that’s when you finally shut him up with a kiss, funny thing is, sid had already told you prior about Genes crush on you and the plan to ask you out, “If he gets nervous just kiss em or something!” and so that’s exactly what you did
- actually the cutest couple ever, you guys would be so good for each other, and both of you even the other one out so well, like yin and yang, you both teach each other how to be better people and those kinda relationships are always so healthy!
- let’s also talk about how good of a bf he is to you, like he’s so secure and warm, whenever you’re having a bad day, you can always go to him, plus he can definitely understand when you have bad anxiety sometimes or really just all of the bad things that do come with ptsd, you guys would be each others rock in moments like those
- Gene is the walking definition of, “ If he wanted to, he would” because this man never fails to try and make you feel like a queen everyday you’re with him, yk how some bfs will start to get “comfy” after awhile and completely forget to bring flowers, or open doors, or any of the little things like that? yeah gene will ALWAYS do those things for you, he proves that chivalry is not dead yet 😭
- Dude we all know gene doesn’t really like fighting, like bar fights are overrated as hell to him, but say you guys are out at a bar or something, and snafu makes a comment abt you that makes you extremely uncomfortable, Gene is literally gonna beat the shit outta him, like no one talks about his bae ever, even if they might not expect it, he will get ACTIVE for his girl 👏🏼
- it might not be super visible, but gene is sooo passionate for you, like he would honestly do anything for you, he would take a bullet for you if he had too, his love for you runs DEEP and he shows that to you everyday in so many different ways
- you make this man NERVOUS, like you are so sexy and fun, you give him a full on fever sometimes, and he is constantly wondering to himself how he landed such a pretty girl like you
- and don’t even get me started on when you are dancing around him, or wearing some sort of revealing clothing, his whole heart literally stops, no words can come out of his mouth, The expression on his face is pure awe, his face would get as red as his hair, and he would suddenly get so shy, like he would be starstruck seeing you like that
- you guys would be a dog family, it would be so cute, just like you guys settling down on the country side, with a bunch of animals, maybe even a few kids, y’all’s family would be so nice and warm to be around, everyone in the whole community would like you guys
- some nights, it’s hard for him to sleep, his ptsd really comes in unsteady motions, and some of those times are at night, right before he goes to bed, and when that happens you guys usually stay up together and talk about all sorts of things, just to take both of your minds somewhere else and maybe on some nights you guys will even go out for a drive, and just enjoy the nice night breeze
- both of you are always willing to stand up for what’s right, that’s why you guys are such a good couple, if someone is being mistreated and one of you see it, one of you is gonna say something, while the other is going to be backing them up 100%
- canon: okay imagine you and gene have a kid, and that kid comes home with a black eye or something, and they tell you and gene that they’ve been getting bullied at their school, you and gene will IMMEDIATELY go up to that school looking for that kid 😭 Gene will be the one trying to talk to the faculty, like cussing them out, while you’re trying to find the little shit that punched your kid LOL
- okay, so here me out, but i think you would introduce him to true crime, and true crime series and stuff like that, and he would enjoy it so much, on each others free time both of you could watch a whole season of a true crime series if y’all’d wanted to
- canon: one night, while you guys are out at a bar, you are just dancing, having a ball, but for Gene, he hasn’t danced ONCE, all bc he is a little mortified to embarrass himself and doesn’t want you to think he’s weird, you would say something like later into the night “Why aren’t you dancing with me?” and he would be like “I don’t really know how to” and you would be teaching him all the fun dances and dance moves, and by the end of the night he’d thank you for helping him get out of his comfort zone
- on special occasions, or even on random days, he would write you a small romantic poem, it would be so nicely written and heartfelt, that’s one of the little special thing he does for you, because you are so special to him, this man loves you with his whole heart and would do anything to see your beautiful self happy
Thank you again for your request lovely!! I hope you enjoy!! 💛
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yungbludy · 4 years
the hills have eyes
plot ↬ being attracted to one overwhelming person known as yungblud is alresdy too much for you. adding mgk in the mix is even worse.
warnings ↬ there’s tension here yes yes, smut!! threesome!! fingering & handjobs, writing colson is so fun i didn’t realize how hot he was lol 😳, hint at something going on between colson & dom, dom & reader like each other, maybe a pt 2?
a/n ↬ i know y’all have been wanting this for the LONGEST, and it’s easily my most requested fic. enjoy it!
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When you left college with a degree in music production, you never would’ve expected to land in the studio of Yungblud, a young but upcoming artist with his own charm to set him apart from the rest. He was easily the most hyperactive artist you’ve worked with, someone with a truly pure heart that cared deeply for his music and his fans. It was a breath of fresh air, because out of all the artists you’ve worked with—big and small, you don’t think you’ve ever come across someone so genuine.
It was almost fate how you went from being in the studio with him every other week to nearly every day. He loved your presence; you made him see things differently, made him hear things he had never heard before. You made him feel smarter, more experienced.
A friendship blossomed. It was nice, because you didn’t have that many friends when you left college. Dominic introduced you to other people too, such as his band mate Adam, and they adored you. You were the calm before the storm of Dominic in their eyes. You balanced each other out, like some rock n’ roll version of a Yin and Yang.
Before you would hang out in groups. You, Dominic, and maybe a few other friends attending concerts or going to a restaurant together. You liked it—these people knew you and liked you, and you felt like you had a place.
You didn’t know when the... shift started. When it started becoming just you, and Dominic. When he texted you if you wanted to hang out at his place, (not a date or anything, just hanging out lol 🖤). When you still saw your friends, but you were seeing Dominic’s face more and more.
But you knew as soon as that started happening, that the feelings you had for Dominic—as a friend and as a partner, started becoming way too deep way too fast.
And honestly? It scared you. Your last relationship was in college and that didn’t go so well because you both had different outlooks on how you wanted to continue your life. You weren’t ever a relationship type of person and barely found yourself developing fucking crushes on people.
But you were crushing on Dominic. Hard.
As cliche as it sounds, being around him gave you literal butterflies. Seeing texts from him made you smile, and when his arms wrapped around you and he looked at you with all his teeth out, his eyes clenched shut—God. You were falling, and you were falling hard.
That was, until, Colson came into the mix.
You liked some of his music. You weren’t a big fan of “MGK”, and only really knew about him because of the whole beef he had with Eminem. You remembered that one song—fucking Wild Boy, being played in a few clubs and parties during college, but you didn’t have any liking towards him.
But... wow. He and Dominic together were a force to be reckoned with.
Colson was a good person. A loving father and a talented individual—not to mention he was also fucking hilarious too. Having him around in the studio guaranteed no bad days, because he could also make you feel better with a corny joke or a funny assortment of curse words.
You liked him, over time. Not to mention he was drop dead gorgeous, tall and tatted and pierced and just... fuck. It would be a lie if you said you weren’t intimidated by his presence.
But in reality, he was a sweetheart. A gentleman.
So why did you start feeling butterflies for him too?
Having a crush on two people just seemed so out of this world to you that you didn’t even understand it. It made no sense. You and Dominic had known each other longer, and you weren’t dumb—you knew he liked you back. But with Colson.. you didn’t know if those butterflies were in your stomach, or if they were somewhere were they definitely, definitely shouldn’t fucking be.
You were good at controlling yourself when it came to these two. It had been a few weeks since you’ve met Colson and two months since you met Dominic. They were working on music together—a song, that they didn’t know what to title yet, and you were right there, helping them with everything.
This also meant that they were together. All. Of. The. Time.
Having two extremely attractive men, men that you were also extremely attracted too together all the time was going to be very bad for your health. But all three of you had a main goal at the end of the day, and that was to make a song together. They wanted to make a song that pertained to them, that took both of their struggles and related them to each other. Being Dominic’s right-hand-man at this point, you were more than happy to oblige in helping.
But you just didn’t know what you were getting yourself into.
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“Maybe some shit that’s like, kinda emo, kinda not?”
“Kells, man... you need to /make/ that make sense.”
You can’t help the laugh that leaves you, smiling when both of their heads turn towards you.
“Y’all are just cute when you bicker.”
“Y/NNNNN,” Colson whines a little, his arms stretching to drape over your body. God, he has so many tattoos that you couldn’t possibly count them on your two hands and feet. “Help us. I’ve never been this stuck on a song.”
“Well, a mix of punk and rap, right?” You asked, humming as you scoot up to your monitor, going through a list of sample beats you always stored when songs were being made.
“That sounds ‘bout right,” Dominic spoke, both of his elbows being placed on his knees as he looked up at you. “Think that’s a perfect mix of us two, yeah?”
You picked out some beats—layering some, taking some away. While this process could be therapeutic to you, it could be also quite annoying, and it would’ve been if it wasn’t for the two grown men looming over your shoulder.
“What about this one,” you almost jumped as you heard Colson right near your ear, his voice powered into a whisper. He reached over you, his skin brushing against yours and you had to force yourself to look at the screen. Jesus Christ, you really needed to get laid. “How’s that?”
“‘ts good. I like it fo’ now!” Dominic joked, and a laugh rumbled in you stomach. “If we don’t like it, we could always change it tomoro or somethin’.”
“Okay, well, beats settled... now we need some lyrics.” you spoke, backing up a little—you would’ve backed up farther if Colson’s arm wasn’t on the back of your chair. “Got any?”
Silence. You rolled your eyes—you had told them days prior to come with lyrics. Nothing had to rhyme, but something to make an idea off of.
“Too busy clubbing to write lyrics-great.” you huffed, shaking your head as you stood to leave, but two hands reached out to stop you.
“Sorryyy, that’s our fault, really.” Colson spoke, locking eyes with you when you turned to look at the both of them. “Let’s make some together, yeah? All three of us motherfuckers. You know we couldn’t make up good lyrics without you anyway.”
You caved. Goddammit, he was so good at charming you and so good at fucking /flirting/. You found yourself sitting back down with a notebook out in just a few minutes of playful begging from the two of them.
“Since I watched The Hills Have Eyes for the first time yesterday with you two wankstains, I think that should be incorporated into here~” Dominic giggled, scribbling down the title of the infamous horror movie on a piece of notebook paper. “Where did all that shit happen, by the way? New York, Cali, Las Ve-“
“No, dipshit, Nevada. Did you watch the movie at all?” Colson huffed, reaching over to flick Dominic in the center of his forehead, in which the British male playfully bit down on Colson’s finger. The blonde grinned, and your eyebrows furrowed. What the hell?
“Nevada’s by Cali so we’re using California.” Dominic shrugged, scribbling more words down. “How’s... I wunna hide in the hills of California—but these hills have eyes, and I have paranoia?”
It took you a minute but you eventually nodded at it. “If we revise it a little bit then—yeah, that could work!”
“Awesome! Maybe you should get on your shit, Kells.” Dominic teased him, pink tongue pointing out at Colson, and your lips twitched.
“Fuck off.” Colson continued that grin—that little smirk, like they both knew something you didn’t. The day dragged on—more lyrics, more laughing, more inside jokes. By the time the session ended you were exhausted, your head kinda hurt, and you wanted nothing more than to head home and sleep, but Dominic stopped you before you left completely.
“Are you alright?” he asked, your hand in his as he looked at you with slight worry. His hair was pushed back, so he looked just too adorable with his forehead out and crinkled. He was worried. Worried about you, and that made your heart flutter.
“I think I’m good, just a little tired,” you offered a reassuring smile, lifting your bag up to your shoulder. “Why?”
“You seemed a little out of it,” he remarked, keeping your hand in his as he started to walk next to you. This was normal—Dominic walking you out to your car, then watching you drive to your apartment after he gave you a kiss goodbye, of course; some of them were on your forehead, some cheeks, and most recently, he’s teasingly brushed his lips against yours, only to see you blush and frantically push him away. “Just making sure you’re alright.”
“I’ll be okay, Dom,” you snicker, but you just love the fact that he can see through you. See when you’re uncomfortable or feel weird. “Thanks, though.”
“Of course darlin’,” his voice has dropped in volume and when you look at him, his eyes are boring into yours. You blink. “Drive home safe, yeah?!”
Both of his hands grab your face, squishing your cheeks—and you sputter a laugh as he kisses all over your face. Covering your forehead, your nose, your cheeks—and finally resting at your lips.
It’s like time has stopped. You smile, feeling warm—his hands haven’t left your face and you can feel his warm breath against your mouth. He leans in closer, and you feel that familiar thrum in your chest, his lips brushing against yours one, two, three times, before he only pecks you and pulls away.
You don’t even remember closing your eyes, but when they open, he’s walking back into the building, leaving you feeling lost.
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To make it up for you for yesterday, the dynamic duo wanted to spend the entire day getting a good portion of the song done. This meant you had to wake up at nine am to be at the studio, something you were definitely not looking forward to, but you couldn’t complain about it. You three had a pretty good work ethnic, so you knew once you would get there, time would probably fly by.
You came to the studio in some fuzzy Hello Kitty pajama pants and a long sleeved shirt, not bothering to dress up too much since you would possibly be here all day. You didn’t look your best, but by the way Dominic’s eyes scanned you when you walked into the studio, you doubted he really cared.
“Well hello kitty-kat,” you heard Colson’s amused tone from the small couch by the door behind you, his body approaching yours to walk past you. His hand slipped over your waist, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. “Doesn’t Y/N just look the absolute cutest.”
“Shut up, asshole.” You grumbled, your cheeks hot as you ditched your slippers and made your way to your seat. You stretched, hearing some bones crack in your back, a tired yawn leaving your lips before returning to your sitting position and opening up your notebook. “So. Where are we starting today?”
When you looked up, both of them looked a little dazed—but the expressions disappeared in just a few seconds. That was weird.
“Welllll, I think I’ve got a title,” Dominic grinned cheekily, standing up with his hands clasped. “I liked what ya said yesterday... I think I’m good. That sounds pretty—American, doesn’t it?”
“Eh...” you started, but quickly took it back when Dominic’s face fell almost comically. “No! It’s not bad, but, I don’t know... how about another word, other than good?”
“Fine?” Dominic asked, looking at you with a smirk. Confusion racked through you.
“Okay,” Colson spoke up, reading over the page of lyrics with narrowed, concentrated eyes. “I think I’m okay.”
You contemplated it. It reminded you of My Chemical Romance, but there wasn’t anything wrong with that... their fans would probably like that, too.”
“I think I’m okay. Yeah, I like that.” you smiled, moving to your monitor to title the beats you already had. I Think I’m Okay.
“Perfect.” you beamed. “Now let’s get to work.”
The day went by pretty smoothly. Dominic and Colson worked better than you thought, and in your opinion, you were the icing to their cake. Being a producer meant you were there to perfect things—add something to make them sound just a tad bit better, to make the song flow just a little smoother. Perfecting the beats was something you absolutely adored to do, especially when you felt them both staring at the side of your face as you did it.
They admired you. And that sent shivers down your spine.
“Jesus fuck, ‘m hungry.” you grumbled. The clock above your head read two pm, meaning you had been here for six hours total. It wouldn’t have seemed like that if your stomach wasn’t grumbling like crazy.
“We can tell.” Colson joked, his fingers poking at your tummy. “Kitty’s talking to us.”
You knew it didn’t mean to be an innuendo, but you took it that way, and you’re sure Dominic probably did too with the expression that crossed his face.
“I’ll order some pizza.” Dominic sung out, British accent flowing through the air as he stood to grab his phone and leave. You had been alone with Colson once before, but that was before you recognized your attraction towards the male. Now, you were very, very aware of the fact.
“Cmon kitty, you’ve been sitting in that chair for hours and I know that ass hurts,” Colson smirked knowingly, grabbing your hands to lift you out of your seat. “Lemme help you stretch~”
“I don’t need help, you damn skyscraper.” You said stubbornly, but Colson paid no mind to you, grabbing both of your arms and lifting them above your head. It did make you feel much better, and you would’ve stayed in the position if his long fingers didn’t suddenly dig in your sides and under your armpit.
“I-get off of me!” you laughed loudly, squirming in his tight hold as he squeezed you even closer to his body. You could feel his chest press against your back, but you weren’t focused on it, just how much you were laughing from his antics.
“Hell nah! I’ve barely seen you laugh today, kitty~” he purred into your ear, and your thighs clenched. “Keep on fighting, nothing will happen babe.”
“Fuck you!” you shouted, successfully finding your way out of his grasp, but that didn’t stop him at all. He grabbed you again and while he did so, you were moving backwards—eventually landing you both on the small couch in the room. You wiggled your arms through his grip, letting your fingers dig into his sides in a similar manner—and your smile hurt with how loud he started laughing afterwards. You were sure after the short five minutes the tickle attack took that you were all over the place, and so was he—panting on top of you with both arms over your body.
“You’re an asshole.” you murmured against his shoulder, since his body was draped over yours. You wished it would’ve stayed that way, because he lifted himself, and you turned into jelly with how he looked at you—and that stupid fucking grin that spread across his face.
“Got you to laugh, didn’t I?” he asked, rolling off of you. The warmth that left your body—from your stomach, ribs, and a few inches below your bra, told you that the tickle fight was much, much more than that.
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A month had passed since that day. It was more then enough time for more tension filled encounters—more of Colson’s hands on you, more of Dominic’s teasing kisses. It had gotten so bad that you needed to excuse yourself in the middle of a session to calm yourself down in the bathroom, because holy hell. Those boys were a lot—and the fact you had the audacity to think about taking both of them at once. You literally could never.
The song wasn’t that hard to make. With a few more helping hands, plus your expertise and their work as well, it was nearly done. Final vocals just needed to be recorded and some cleans up—and then, I Think I’m Okay would be released to the world.
This Friday would be a night that all three of you would go out clubbing, but you decided to visit the studio to listen to the rough draft the two had recorded previously. You were in matching all black outfits which definitely wasn’t planned. The dress you were wearing was a bit out of your comfort zone, but you decided—why not? You wouldn’t be the only girl there and you knew you looked decent, at least.
“Wow,” you murmur, a little speechless as the rough vocals of I Think I’m Okay fill the studio at full volume. The lights are off because it’s dark, so the only source of light in the room is your monitor. “Wow. We fucked this up.”
“What?!” Dominic shouted, eyes wide. You laughed.
“Not in that way! I mean, we fucked this, in a really good way.” you said, excited, bouncing a little in your seat. “Fuuuck, can’t wait to release this shit.”
Colson’s hand is hot and heavy when you feel it against your thigh, playing with the hem of your dress. “Couldn’t do it without you, kitty.”
You swallow. No, not tonight. You were going to have fun tonight. Not be in a state of sexual frustration because of these two.
“Right,” Dominic hummed, and you freeze when his arm wraps around your waist, his chin on your shoulder. “Y/N, I never really thank ya properly for all you do for me, do I?”
“Huh? Of course you do.” you tell him, but you’re a bit distracted by Colson’s wandering hand. It shifts, moving to the inside of your thigh, rubbing softly at your skin. His thumb is close, too close to your pussy, but you don’t push his hand away, because you don’t want to.
You like it. You want his hand to come closer, just a little closer—
“I don’t,” Dominic whispers, those thick lips brushing against your ear, and you almost jump out of your skin. “I should.”
“Dom...” you whisper nervously, eyes widening when his hand slides to the middle of your back and up your spine, fingers locking at the zipper. The slide of your dress being unzipped goes along perfectly o the tempo of the song, and so does Colson’s molding of your thigh, his hand eventually finding way because your closed legs, pressing right up against your underwear.
“Think the kitty wants me,” Colson sighs huskily, and your jaw drops. Holy fuck. “Am I wrong?”
“Is he?” Dominic presses when you don’t answer, his hand somehow making its way inside your dress, finding its way to your sleeves and yanking them down. Oh, fuck. “Ya want us both, don’t ya darlin’?”
“Oh my god.” is all you can whisper, earning chuckles from both of the men who play so deviously with your body. Colson finds your clit with no help at all, pressing against the little bud, right as Dominic takes both of your breasts out of your bra and palms them hungrily. Two sets of hands touching you makes your head roll back, and you can only comply as one of Colson’s hands presses against your left thigh, spreading your legs open.
“Put your legs on the desk for me, pretty,” he whispers and you do so, heels still on your feet. “Mm, yeah, that’s good—damn, look at you. So fucking hot.”
To your surprise, it seems like Colson is doing most of the talking, since Dominic’s mouth finds itself on one your perked nipples. He sucks it into his mouth, making it all pert and wet and your toes curl against the velvet surface of your shoe.
“When I had you on that couch, I wanted to ram the shit out of you, even if you were wearing those stupid ass pants,” Colson tells you, slipping your panties to the side and dragging his fingers up your slit. You’re almost embarrassed from how wet you sound. “Had to remember the British cunt has a little crush on you, though. Didn’t wanna break his heart.”
“Fuck off, ya asshole.” Dominic’s mouth leaves your breast, cheeks red at the fact that he was just exposed like that. “I was gonna tell her that my fookin self!”
“You’re telling me she didn’t know?” Colson chuckled, one of his hands grabbing your chin to roll your head towards him. “Did you?”
“Mmf—I-I knew,” you murmured helplessly, your back aching as two long, thin fingers push inside of you, spreading themselves. “Always knew.”
“But I like you too, kitty, maybe like you even more than him,” Colson smirks, his mouth pressing against yours, and you bite down on his lip when Dominic bites down against your nipple. “Now we’re both gonna make our girl cum.”
Our girl.
You could cum from those words alone.
Colson’s fingers work magic inside of you, pressing further until you feel lightheaded, then easing themselves out and repeating the process. Dominic’s fingers find your clit, rubbing it quicker then the pink vibrator you used before even getting dressed. Your hands are against both of their thighs as your body grinds down against them, both of their mouths meeting yours at different times, kissing you or letting you moan out against their mouths. I Think I’m Okay plays over and over again with no one to stop it, hiding your loud sounds.
You’re close. So, so close, but you don’t want to cum without giving them some type of pleasure—so, to the best of your ability, you start to unzip their pants, bulges very angry underneath the fabric.
“Ooh, fook yeah,” Dominic whispers, taking his jeans off quickly and wrapping your hand around his cock, going cross eyed at the feeling. “Yeah, jerk my fuckin cock.”
Colson isn’t too far behind in revealing himself. You try to stroke them both, but you’re so overwhelmed that sometimes your pace quickens on one and slows on the other. Their bodies are pressed as tightly as they can be against yours, and sometimes wet fingers find their way against your neck, or grabbing at your chests—with wide open mouths against your face.
“I-I think I’m gonna cum,” your pant out, your hips rolling in circles and your grip on their cocks growing even tighter, causing them to make their own sounds of delight. “So close-“
“Cum, kitty kitty,” Colson tells you, his lips wrapping around your earlobe. “Soak this fucking chair, pretty.”
And that’s exactly what you do.
Dominic busts right after you, feeling your clit spasm against his fingers was enough to send him over the edge. Colson isn’t too far behind, getting extra leverage because of both of your cum covered hands jerking him off until he shoots his seed out as far as it can go. It’s a heavenly sight, and for the first time you hear him whimper—a sound that’ll be engraved in your mind for days.
You three sit there, panting, covered in sweat and cum. You lick your lips, your hearing picking up the two shifting to clean you up and dress you, much to your confusion.
“What? You think you were gonna cum once tonight and that would be it?” Colson chuckled, already helping you out of your chair.
“Just wait till we get to this club,” Dominic continues, his hand tightly groping your ass. “You’re gonna have the night of your fucking life.”
And you’re certain that you will.
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greensaplinggrace · 3 years
What Is There To Celebrate About the Darkling? (Part 2)
1 2 3 4
He’s a musician. He plays the fiddle.
He’s the darkness to Alina’s light. He’s steeped in yin and yang symbolism. His banner is the eclipse.
The Starless Saint is a badass title.
Him and Alina are soulmates.
He’s eternal. He’s tragic. He has a vast and complex history that we can’t even begin to unravel, but one that would be so incredibly interesting to learn about.
He’s wicked smart. Very intelligent. A great tactician.
He sits as an equal with his men and treats his soldiers well.
He has a complex relationship with the Otkazat’sya. He doesn’t hate them as most would assume, and in fact trusts quite a few with his life and the lives of the Grisha
That entire scene in Demon in the Woods where Sylvi keeps asking to play with his shadows and he smiles while he makes shapes and lets her have fun with them.
His title is the Darkling, which is honestly just kind of pathetic and makes me think of tiny fluffy shadows. So whenever people refer to him as the Darkling I think of him as a baby shadow and that’s entirely Leigh Bardugo’s fault.
He’s a murderer and he looks sexy doing it.
Do I agree with him killing all of those ambassadors? No. Do I think it was funny? Yes. Did I hate the ambassadors with a burning passion? Also yes. Was I cheering when they died? Quite possibly.
Dumbass didn’t tell Alina about Marie or the Conductor, so every time he mentions how he’s doing this for her she literally has no idea wtf he’s talking about.
“Fine, make me your villain.”
Gave Alina the most elaborate and plush tent in the universe even though she was his prisoner.
The way he says “Mal” when they first meet like a scorned lover surprised to see his ex at a ball.
“Where is the boy? I have my Summoner. I want my tracker too.”
The way he kisses Alina in episode five like a man starved.
How surprised and enamored he is after she kisses him for the first time
“I used to come here as a child” he said, like a liar
His hair is perfect and beautiful.
He looks stunning even when he’s crawling out of the fold like a bat with rabies.
His face scars.
His entire bromance with Ivan.
“Ivan? My kefta!” Bro do you not have legs? Why is Ivan dressing you?
Literal walking disaster of an ancient being.
“I bEg YoUr PaRdOn?”
When the Little Palace is called quaint and he looks as if he’s about to commit a murder.
“After a long moment he said, ‘Aleksander.” A little laugh escaped me. He arched a brow, a smile tugging at his lips. ‘What?’ ‘It’s just so…common.’ Such an ordinary name, held by kings and peasants alike. I’d known two Aleksanders at Keramzin alone, three in the First Army. One of them had died on the Fold. His smile deepened and he cocked his head to the side. It almost hurt to see him this way. ‘Will you say it?’ he asked.”
He talks about how amazing Alina is and how much she matters constantly.
He can speak multiple languages.
Every time he uses the merzost is something to be celebrated because it legit just looks like porn.
“’Alina’s blade wrapped in my shadows and your blood.’ The Darkling’s voice was thoughtful, like he was remembering a favorite recipe.”
He’s very protective. He’s a protector.
He created the Little Palace.
Him looking absolutely feral in that entire fight scene with Mal in the fold. Also never really realized how long his legs were until I saw him get flipped on his ass.
Ben Barnes saying moya tsaritsa.
The mental bond with Alina only works when they’re both thinking about each other. Alina sees him when she’s kissing Mal.
He makes so many innuendos about his relationship with Alina for someone who barely even got past first base.
Gets reverse uno’d to shit and back by Alina when trying to seduce her. Catches feelings like an amateur. Tragically unable to think about literally anything else anymore.
Have I mentioned that he’s whipped as shit yet? Because he is.
The dramatic coat billow when he enters the stag scene like a classic fantasy villain. Only man on the planet who doesn’t need words to say “I’m the bad guy.”
He lets Mal get healed.
Wears all black even though his favorite color is every single other one on the planet.
Gives zero fucks about Mal escaping for someone who felt so threatened by the guy literally two seconds ago.
“I’m not going to kill you, Mal. I don’t need to. Time will do it for me.” Me, who knows how this is going to end: yeah it sure will buddy.
The way he wraps his legs around Alina in the name scene.
He created the fold.
He loved Luda and he loved Annika (as a friend) and he loved Alina. His feelings for them all were genuine and all encompassing, and that’s not talked about nearly enough.
He defends Annika and Sylvi from Lev.
He embodies the “that’s my wife” meme.
Height difference.
The way he speaks so softly. Idk if its my issues with men yelling, but the Darkling being soft-spoken was what made me really appreciate his character from the start.
But also, him pulling the knife out of his chest and screaming “it will take more than this!” 🥵
He’s bisexual as fuck.
He’s here, he’s queer, and he’s ready to murder an entire city.
Him going absolutely apeshit when Alina disappears. Convinced she’s been kidnapped.
He makes shadows go snip.
Alina loves him (despite the warning signs).
Oh, what’s that? It’s a tracker! *gets tackled over the edge of a skiff*
Unkillable. Will come back to life just to fuck with you. Gives zero shits about the way reality should work.
Would sell Alina’s and his own soul to the devil for a corn chip. But sike! He’s actually the devil. So now he’s got two souls and a corn chip.
He’s just plain amazing. 💖
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Some Goddamn Curtains
When I was in college, I kept getting the compliment, “Wow, your room is really nice for a guy.”  I never understood what that meant for the longest time.  Then I actually paid attention to how most guys kept their dorm room. I once waited for a guy to get ready to head down to an event. I realized that I had never actually stepped foot in his room, much less even glanced inside of it. So when he stepped out and said he was ready to go, I leaned to the side over his shoulder and oh my god it was like downtown Baghdad during the worst of the Iraq War. Damn bruh, you live like this? I liked all my college roommates but the most untidiest one was in sophomore year. He left his toothbrush lying around in the open in a sock drawer, and it would end up somewhere else each night. Maybe he liked to play scavenger hunts to keep himself on his toes? He never put the DVDs back in their respective cases. I once couldn’t wait to watch Iron Man with a friend at their dorm, only to open the case once I got there and realize that my roommate had replaced it with Season 1 of Martin. He would also do this thing where he would drink a can of Coke (that I bought), not finish it, put it back in the fridge, then later open a new can of Coke that he didn’t feel like finishing, and rinse and repeat. First year roommate wasn’t that bad. Third year roommate was nearly as tidy as I was. Then in my fourth and final year I lived alone,  so my sense of the idea that “guys were messy” didn’t really hit me because I’ve only had one bad experience and chalked it up to “It was just that one guy”. I’m 31, and by now I have noticed people saying things like, “Oh my God I was actually thinking about what curtains I liked and I’m such an adult. This is what adult thinking is like. I’m adulting now.”
I hate hearing shit like that. I grew up blithely admitting liking things that an adult would “normally like”, such as curtains. The curtains thing came up in high school when I hung out at the senior lounge. The senior lounge was this bare room that looked like it was meant for old people to sit and play bingo. It was boring and dull and I hated it. It felt more lke a prison cafeteria really, with some worn out couches. I would bring my video games to that lounge, namely GoldenEye 007, to play with friends during our free period.  The room didn’t have any curtains, so at a certain time in the afternoon, the sun would beat down directly onto the screen, making it difficult to see properly. A lot of us would squint and move closer or lean forward.  I then said, “This room needs some curtains.”
A pause, and then someone replied, “Did you just say this room needs curtains?” And I was like, “Yeah. Maybe something blue. Something dark.”
And he looked at me and scoffed, and all the other guys did the same - they gave me this funny sideways glance and scoffed. I asked what the problem was, but they mostly shook their heads in disbelief. I was frankly annoyed by their response. So I said, louder, “This room needs some goddamn curtains”, because I thought it was perfectly fucking reasonable that a person would logically do something about the fucking glare from the fucking sun. Maybe they liked blinds better. Who knows? But it took me ages to fully realize two things:  1. It’s not socially acceptable for boys to be interested in style - whether it be about living spaces or clothes. I was fiercely made fun of for the clothes I wore as a kid throughout young adult life. I hated all kinds of t-shirts. I think growing up thin and gangly made me too self-aware of my arms. But I never specifically wanted to wear anything that had a band name or a company logo or even my favorite video game or movie. I would feel like a walking advertisement, and that would piss me off. I often liked ties, long-sleeved shirts, and sweaters. I never left the house in sweatpants or pajamas. I always had to comb my hair and put on a good shirt. Sweatpants were when you worked out or worked around the house fixing things.  I grew up in Catholic school, so we had uniforms. On dress down days, my classmates would come up to me and say, “Eddie, you were supposed to dress DOWN, not up” or “I can’t believe you’re wearing that on a dress down day!”.  I didn’t have a problem with people dressing how they dressed. Sure I was never into the goth thing, but I didn’t want to judge. I just wanted to dress how I wanted to dress. And maybe I was influenced in some way by how my parents dressed me up, and maybe other times I did feel embarrassed, but I knew that at the end of the day I would wear what felt most comfortable to me. Sometimes my mom would give me a sweater that was a tad too bland, so I went to the bathroom once I got to school and took it off. I would like the polo but untucked it and unbuttoned the top buttons. Half-and-half. Right idea, but lemme wear it like this instead. College was really when I started to develop my everyday style, my “main outfit”, like a video game character. I always wore some untucked button-down shirt with a tie, jeans, and sneakers. I liked it. It was this weird blend of dressing up and dressing down. People my age thought I was overdressed but my parents and people over 50 complained that I was underdressed. It was great! It feels so special to piss off both sides! My parents still remember the time I got an award at college and I went up the stage wearing that getup. You look at the picture and see the students standing side-by-side in nice dresses and dockers, and then there’s me wearing jeans and sneakers with a shirt and tie.  There always seemed to be this false dichotomy for how men should look and be - either the dapper “metrosexual” man who was slightly effeminate or the rough-and-tumble strong man who didn’t need to use an umbrella when it rained and never cared to fix his hair because that’s some “gay shit” for silly city folk. That false dichotomy is always played out in media. There’s a million buddy cop movies about the book-smart guy who is suave and sophisticated teaming up with the street-smart guy who is all muscle and manly and goes for the more practical route. Yin and Yang. Hot and cold. Good cop and bad cop. Lucky and Wild. Tango and Cash. But growing up I thought, “Why not both?” I loved watching James Bond as much as I loved watching Indiana Jones. Why couldn’t I be both if I really wanted to? It fit me best to play both roles. I AM GOING TO MIX THESE TWO THINGS AND YOU CAN’T FUCKING STOP ME! I WILL BE BOTH BOOK-SMART AND STREET-SMART. I KNOW THE QUADRATIC EQUATION AND HOW TO CON SOMEONE. THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM.  The fucking worst though is being an adult now and hearing women wish they knew a guy who “dressed properly”, and men complimenting my clothes saying I look sharp.
Fuck all of you, honestly. 2. Young people are afraid to admit they like things that adults like. I grew up with extended family members living in cozy homes. I liked to admire their grandfather clocks, their decanters, their entertainment center, their offices and their chairs. I liked to wander around their houses during the holidays and poke my nose into their closets and admire old things. Maybe it’s something that an only-child might relate to the most. I wasn’t required or asked to be upstairs to attend a younger or older sibling. The adults just did their own thing and so I wandered off. Ikea always tickled my fancy as a kid. I would wander through the model rooms of offices and bedrooms and bathrooms, and I found whatever felt coziest to me and pretended that I was home. Better yet, I sometimes daydreamed that the entire Ikea facility was my home. How about that? Tired of sleeping on the bunk bed? Go to the next room to the big bed. I feel like cooking in that kitchen today, not this one. Some days I’ll feel more serious and work in the wooden office desk and other days I’ll feel silly and be in the kids room. I’ll take the whole building, please. This is where I live now. Swedish meatballs for dinner and creamy European chocolate bars for dessert every day. Young people fear being old and facing responsibilities. That doesn’t mean you liking these things makes you older. Taste and style is part of who you are, and there’s no shame if you have an interest in some bath mats or a nice decanter when you’re 20 or 17.
When I lived in my single dorm back in senior year of college, I realized that I was truly living alone for the first time. It brought some sanity to me that I didn’t know I needed. I was able to organize things how I saw fit, and hosted parties whenever I wanted. If I felt like something needed adjusting, I didn’t need to ask anybody’s permission. I really started exploring my sense of style and taste. As I grew up, I developed really specific tastes about where I would live: 1. Everything has to make sense. The placement of shelves, TVs, desks, dressers, paintings, pictures, all have to feel like they are easily viewed and accessible without needing to awkwardly turn to face them or reach them.  2. Symmetry is not always necessary but still good to fall back on when you don’t know what to do. 3. I never liked to sit with my back to the window(s) or the door. I always needed to see who or what was going to approach me or look at me.  4. TVs should never go on top of fireplaces.  5. Always have some kind of drawing room for guests to wait.  6. Never put your keys or sensitive documents in the foyer, drawing room, or wherever else strangers can easily find them the minute they walk into the house.  7. Open concept is pretentious.  8. It is far easier to cook if you have an island in the kitchen.  9. McMansions are the bane of style. Fake balconies, fake shutters, brick facades - everything about them is evil.  10. Get some goddamn curtains.
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lampmeeting · 4 years
since i can now do this ldsfk 1-Metalocalypse (obvi) and 2 Chickles back at you :3
oh HELL yeah *rubs hands together* okay this’ll be long so i’ll do a cut
Favorite character: PICKLESSSSS
Least Favorite character: everyone says rockso and like I GET IT he’s revolting, but my ultimate least-fave is toki’s dad. fuck that old man.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): CHICKLES, HAMMERTOOTH, uhhhh (what else is there?? i’m kidding) nathan/abigail, charles/magnus, nathan/toki
Character I find most attractive: oh fuck don’t do this to me. i have too many types!! i can’t pick! fuck. i’m just gonna say charles. even though it’s magnus. wait. no. it’s pickles. charles. toki. fuck. magnus. i can’t do it dfkgjhf
Character I would marry: realistically?? like, i would say charles but unless i’m a member of dethklok i’m gonna be getting like .02% of that man’s time. honestly i would pick toki or nathan. toki would be so sweet and attentive, all the huggings and kissings, awww. nathan i feel would be the same, but only in private. you gotta kinda work on him a lil bit haha.
Character I would be best friends with: my heart says pickles but my soul says murderface. i would FOR SURE laugh at one of his off-hand under-his-breath comments because that’s just what i do, i fucking laugh at everything, and he’d be like OH? someone thinks i’m funny?? and then my life would never know peace (in a good way)
A random thought: i wanna hear all the dethklok albums from before the show started. like that album where their abs were airbrushed, wtf did that sound like?
An unpopular opinion: season 4 was good. :O i feel like i hear the sentiment from quite a few people that season 4 on the whole was bad. i love all the seasons equally actually.
My Canon OTP: CHICKLES. may i present to the court, exhibit A *points to my icon* (shhh no, let me dream)
My Non-canon OTP: toki/magnus :’) i think this is just about as non-canon as you can get, really. but the heart wants what it wants.
Most Badass Character: DEFINITELY charles.
Most Epic Villain: sorry, mags... salacia.
Pairing I am not a fan of: i think i’m willing to at least entertain most any ship. i’ve read some interesting things for sure. i draw the line at seth/pickles though (i’m glad that doesn’t really seem to exist anymore? it was around more back in the day).
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): aside from magnus and abigail, who both needed WAY more screen time?? i would say dr rockso in a sense. he was sort of that kooky rascal you wave your finger at when he gets in trouble, and then they had to go and do the whole dory mclean thing. and i get the point of the episode, but after that i wasn’t rooting for rockso anymore and he kinda became more of this sinister kinda figure? i dunno. i think that whole angle could’ve been done away with and it would’ve been a lot better. also him trying to fucking drown toki in the christmas episode. 8( ouch, man.
Favourite Friendship: probably nathan and pickles, since they’re the lynchpin of the whole outfit.
Character I most identify with: pickles with some toki on the side. :’) ahhh.
Character I wish I could be: i wanna be that girl that nathan was dating for a while, the one the boys end up befriending and playing scrabble with. i want to be their friiiiiiiiiend
When I started shipping them: WELL....okay so i actually just went back and looked at my old deviantart account and the first drawing i did of them (yes i’m linking to 14-year-old art pls don’t judge me) was on Oct. 18, 2006, so like...the dethfam episode hadn’t even aired yet. god damn. there was someone in the sausage festival livejournal community who had drawn the two of them, and then i fucking went ravenous for it real quick and it became like the only thing i drew for months hahaha. i had been nickles up until then. :O
My thoughts: MY THOUGHTS??? this is so vague. i have many thoughts. uh, for one? they’re perfect together? the straight-laced workaholic and the lazy degenerate? yes please, gimme. they’re like yin and yang, opposites attracting. and yet i feel like, once they get past that, they realize they’re both so similar at their cores. and pickles helps charles loosen up, and charles gives pickles some structure. they both give each other someone to lean on when shit gets bad. pickles can be a surprisingly good caretaker when he wants to be. :’)
What makes me happy about them: everything?? i really don’t know how to adequately describe just how much i love them and just how much that means hahah... you ever ship something for 14 years?? i know some of y’all have. it gets in your blood. that’s like over a third of my life right there. not to be dramatic or anything hahaha but they’re important to me. that ship helped get me through some rough months back when i lived alone in a crappy apartment, and it’s hilarious to me that i’m getting back into it hardcore like i was back then considering everything that’s going on right now, just current events-wise and personal stuff-wise.
What makes me sad about them: god damn, anything about those 9 months charles spent “dead”. anything post-doomstar. anything snakes ‘n barrels where they’re together for a short time and then never see each other until charles becomes dethklok’s manager. pickles pining after him for like a decade after the band forms. or charles pining, having to watch pickles party and do drunks and sleep around. or BOTH of them pining and not realizing it, or REALIZING IT and not acting on it because what if it hurt the band somehow? maybe charles wouldn’t want to jeopardize it but pickles would be okay with it, and charles would have to be the one to say no. ahhhhhhhHHHHHH
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: oof, i agree with you here, Ash. i’ve read a couple fics where, like, the bdsm aspect wasn’t even fun. i probably know the exact fic that left a bad taste in your mouth because there’s one specific one i’m thinking of that left a bad taste in mine (actually two...). like i had to actually get up from the computer and go do dishes hahah... uck. but yeah. don’t like charles being abusive to pickles. i think pickles does like some punishment from time to time, and he definitely has some daddy issues. but i don’t want it to get fucking sinister haha y’know? pickles, at his heart, is a good-times guy. he likes good feelings. he wants to feel nice. and charles, at HIS heart, is all about service.
Things I look for in fanfic: are they in love or just hooking up?? i mean i’ll take either at the end of the day, but i’m a romantic and i need the love, i crave it.
My wishlist: give to me all the fics about snakes n’ barrels chickles. how i haven’t written one baffles me (though i did have that huge plot write-up from months back haha...i should turn that into a real fic sometime). would also love a huge fic about their marriage, complete with canon-typical buffoonery. fics about them retiring together. ;0; fics about them just having nice peaceful moments. literally just.....any fic haha...
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: my soul literally begins to shatter apart if i consider them ultimately ending up with anyone else hahaha... other relationships can come and go, but at the end of the line i need those boys to be together. <3
My happily ever after for them: after galaktikon II, dethklok has kinda run its course. the band uses their near-infinite resources to help rebuild the earth. shortly after, it’s pickles who proposes in a surprising turn of events. shaken after the battle, he doesn’t wanna waste any more time. they get married barefoot on the beach probably in like fiji or something (pickles’ idea) with friends and family present (the okay ones haha, also magnus is there with toki because this is my dream, damnit). pickles has white flowers in his dreads in lieu of a bouquet. T~T everything goes well, no one crashes the wedding. they have a lovely honeymoon there when everyone else leaves. pickles says he’s decided to retire from music, but it’s not long before he’s working feverishly on new music in the home studio at their new place. some real expansive stuff. he’s kinda doing it as a weird therapy, coming to terms with some stuff. he never gets clean but he’s not using drugs and alcohol as a band-aid for his problems quite so much anymore. charles retires from managing bands (he doesn’t have the heart for it if it’s not dethklok) and ends up doing the adjunct professor thing whenever he gets bored. but he practices guitar a lot, pickles teaching him some advanced stuff, they jam together sometimes. he takes up sailing because it’s something he’s always wanted to do but never had time for. after pickles releases his first solo album, charles takes him on a long, romantic sailing trip. everything is perfect, everything’s gonna be good forever. 8′) forever. the end.
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lhpxawol-amalgam · 5 years
Popular AWOl Ships in a Nutshell
Long post ahead.
Won x Soomi
Queen of all ships
Intellectual meets philosopher
Funniest couple you will ever meet
Agdjkfdgdaf there’s just so much chemistry
Stans have like written full-length thought-out analyses on this shit
When they dance together it’s the best cause Won can dance like no one’s business and Soomi is just trying her best but they still look awesome together
Gyuri x Jinju
Both have two siblings
Both play guitar
Both are the two tallest in their group
Both do modern dance
At this point no one knows if the only reason this ship is so popular is cause they just have so much in common
But they do kinda balance each other out
Gyuri’s the drill sergeant and Jinju’s the cheerleader
Hyerin x Jinju
Leader/maknae stuff, ya know
They’re actually pretty cute together
“Oh my god, they were roommates”
These shippers will never get over the one time Hyerin made Jinju ramen when she was super stressed and helped her to take a break from working
WonderMod stans be like “I ship Hyeju” and LOONA stans be like “but with who tho”
Hanbyeol x Areum
Hanbyeol can cook and Areum loves to eat so
Also lots of dad energy for some reason 
This one’s only as big as it is from that one fanfic “I’m Trapped in a Hareum Anime”
Sangwoo x Jaegeun
It’s a duo group
Of course it’s a ship
Generates lots of enemies-to-lovers fanfiction for some reason
Sangwoo’s the flirty one and Jaegeun’s the dapper one so you get all the cute shipping dynamics
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Woori
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Scary but weak meets buff but softie 
Honestly could become real
I mean K.O.’s bi so
The fans feel vaguely justified
Lites Out:
K.O. x Lite
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: 2Woo vs. Lites Out
K.O’s stage persona is almost aggressive enough for Lite’s actual personality
Jk she’s soft for like one person and it’s him
Need to host a variety show stat
Lite x Luxe
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Lites Out vs DeLite
Fashion king and queen
They got that yin/yang thing going
Watch them like actually get away with murder tho
Miro x Luxe 
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: DeLite vs Labyrinth
The thinking man’s ship
They’re always the ones to sit back and lovingly shake their heads while everyone else does something fun but stupid
No one really sees this ship going anywhere sexual but it’s got all the good memes so
Hanbin x Joohwan
That name tho
Absolute softies for each other
If this were a fanfic it’d be a slow burn cause they’re so goddamn oblivious
Hanbin’s a sex-demon on the outside and a cinnamon roll on the inside
Let’s just say people suspect the opposite of Joohwan
Kim Woo:
Kim Gyeong x Siwoo
More leader/maknae
Try and make this one sexy and watch yourself get kicked out of the fandom by angry stans
This is why Forget-Me-Not doesn’t have ship wars
Shinyoung x Minchul
We don’t know how anyone let this happen
They’re cousins
Like not even distant cousins
I know the internet sucks
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Shincest or Mincest
Lots of pining jokes cause gEDDIT they’re in pINEAPPLE
But yeah this one gets all the shame it deserves
Gayoung x Tokki (Jangmi)
Their MV characters have a sorta abusive dynamic so
This one gets a lot of eyebrows raised
But IRL they’re both just trying to out-care for each other
So the fics are either hardcore angst or total fluff 
I would say “oh my God, they were roommates” but they’re all roommates so like
Gayoung x Sungmi
The Unpopular Ship™
Oh look it’s another enemies-to-lovers Sungyoung fic
Half the time they’re both j chilling and the other half they’re the literal definition of sexual tension
Tokki (Jangmi) x Sungmi
Technically leader/maknae but like
It feels different
It’s just really cute man what can I say
They’ve got that tsundere/genki girl dynamic going
*insert meme man* Show ALL the affection!
Yang x Sebin
All the chemistry, all the feels, and sadly also all the annoying straight girls fetishizing Asian men
But like seriously when they dance together it’s absolutely golden
Yang’s all flowing and expressive and Sebin’s all sharp and aggressive
Kinda matches their personalities too
It’s just sad that so many stans have to be all sasaeng-y about it
AB Yang:
AB Young x Yang
Who wants to bet it’s just for the name huh
But no it’s low-key cute 
You wouldn’t think they’d have too much chemistry at first
They’re like the “don’t match on paper but perfect irl” kinda couple
More platonic vibes than the Yangbin shipping content
Horang x Kyungho
Literally just Sangeun all over again
Everyone wants to protecc our precious maknae Kyungho from bad boy Horang
But they’re actually both really good for each other and Horang just gets him ya know
You know what it is? It’s Good Omens. That’s the dynamic here.
Moya x Doyeon
Also called Doya by people who are stupid
Should really start their own pranking channel
Who’s ready for h/c fanfiction~~~
No but seriously Moya has helped Doyeon through panic attacks a lot
She’s tall so she can fit all the comfort in her
And Doyeon’s short bc
Ok it’s just cute how much taller Moya is compared to Doyeon lol
Jung-ah x Duanphen
Softies trying to be baddies
Like Yangbin in their dancing styles
So much poking fun at each other it’s not even funny but like it is tho
All the cuddles, all the selcas with cutesy filters
And then BAM new set of teasers comes out and they look sexy as FUCK
JD Fang x Yuyan
No one would’ve shipped it until the behind-the-scenes vid for Midnight Girl came out
And now they’re just weirdos together
They’re like the Sith: One master, one apprentice
Yuyan is the dark mysterious inner core JD wishes she had
And JD is the stability and reasonableness Yuyan has been searching for her whole life
JD Aika:
JD Fang x Aika
It’s 99% because they kissed in a music video
Honestly gorgeous fan art for this couple
Not as much obvious chemistry as some ships but fans are always like “omg thEIR HANDS tOuChEd”
Yifei x Yuyan
There’s something about whenever they have lines or screen time together that just works
Both trying to soften each other up but in different ways
And usually succeeding
They’re just really good close friends ya know
The kind you could see accidentally developing a crush on each other
Yifei x RJ
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Ultimate good girl/bad girl ship
But secretly they’re both just nervous wrecks
We know Yifei helped comfort RJ a lot after she came out and heard back from her parents so
Get ready for more h/c fic~~~
RJ x Hoa
The actual baddies
*stifles laugh* hoe-j
Remember the “sugakookie with a cup of tae” jokes? Yeah it’s that bad
They’re both just too sexy for the fans to handle so naturally what better ship could you get it’s just basic math
Also need to host a variety show stat
Triple D:
Duanphen x DaO x Doyeon
It’s a joke ship that some people started taking seriously
Don’t ask, no one has an explanation
SET! (Korean soloists)
Jihoon x Zo
Because Jizo is an objectively bad name (ok sure it looks fine but try saying it out loud)
Also occasionally known as Jezus
Lots of uncle energy (?)
Zo would totally be Jihoon’s real life manic pixie dream girl if she wasn’t, ya know, a strong and badass woman with her own agency who also happens to have quirky hair
May x Hayoon
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Do you pronounce it like “May” or like “Hayoon”
Tbh this ship died pretty quickly
Since we’re all pretty sure now that May’s aroace
And like they’re young, we don’t get in the way of their friendship
That iconic answer-your-tweets vid where someone asked “how do you pronounce Mayoon” and Hayoon was just like “you don’t”
But for real they have the BEST FRIENDSHIP HANDS DOWN
Jaegeun x Areum
The thing with Mesmere is that there are canonical “couples” in the MVs
Which were decided based on which members were like “yesss I’m so down for this concept” and which ones were like “this could be fun to try I guess”
Jaegeun and Areum fall into the former category
The shippers tend to be very kinky
So much smut but like most of it’s inspired by Mesmere’s original concept so it shouldn’t be surprising 
Is there real chemistry? Who knows? Does it matter? Not to the fans it doesn’t
Miro x Hanbin
The “this could be fun to try I guess” gang
Everyone stans bc omg that ship name is adorable
If Jaereum is the “sweet on the outside, sexy on the inside” pair, Robin is the “sexy on the outside, sweet on the inside” pair
This one always throws AK6 and Forget-Me-Not fans for a loop because no one expects them to be THAT SEXY
Seori x Teiko
Another tsundere/genki girl ship
Except the genki girl is surprisingly intimidating in that “she’s not scary she’s just hot” way
New fans never expect Seori to be the head-over-heels type
But she is~
Someone make this into an actual book please it would be so cute
Haruna x Mega (Megumi)
1 ball of energy + 1 ball of energy = perfection
No but literally they have so much enthusiasm
They could be a perpetual motion machine where they both just survive off the other’s energy
Opposites attract more like no I love Harumi
Hiroto x Junya
Obligatory main-vocalist ship
Surprisingly pure ship until you realize you just haven’t looked hard enough
Like seriously it’s all fluff or all smut with this one
Irl they’re fairly cute together but mostly because they’re good friends
Good friends who happen to be very sexy
Yoshi x Nico
The one fans actually care about 
Partners in crime except they would suck at any actual crime
All the memes. And when I say all the memes, I mean all. The. Memes.
Wouldn’t surprise anyone to know that Yoshi and Nico made all the memes themselves
They don’t like it when fans box them into a specific romantic relationship but they’re also like “yeah we ship Yoshico too” to be funny and cute about it
Teiko x Nico
The Cute Ones™
Sometimes it seems too perfect and you have to wonder if it’s just an idol personality thing they’re putting on because they’re supposed to
Until you remember this is AWOl we’re talking about
Probably just friends but still
More food puns
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Coco vs Ho-J
Ryouga x Yuuna
So #sophisticated
Shipping Ryouna is a wild ride cause like
First of all they’re both hot as hell, especially together
And there’s just something about most Ryouga/Yuuna biases, they tend to be very hardcore stans (let’s just say neither of them are the Jungkook of their group in terms of popularity so if you stan them you STAN them)
And they are well aware of this fact
And love to tease fans with like “pretend” kisses on stage or during variety shows 
There’s just so much Ryouna content like who cares whether or not it’s real
We all know they’re gonna fall in love eventually
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Sangwoo x Siwoo
AWOL’s version of the Dinosaur Triplets
Sangwoo came up with the name himself so you know it’s legit
All flirtatious bad boys on the outside, all surprisingly courteous once you get to know them
On their own they’re genuinely cool people, but for some reason whenever they get together they all become the kind of person to (un?)ironically use the word “swag”
So of course someone’s gotta ship it
Kim Hyerin:
Hyerin x Kim Gyeong
The pure one
Kinda overdone so
You either love this ship or you hate it
And either way it’s because they’re both such caring people that it becomes an unstoppable-force-meets-immovable-object problem
But everyone tends to agree that it’s at least kinda cute 
It’s also funny ‘cause in Korea women don’t take their husband’s names
Hyerin x Sangwoo
Because Sangrin is an objectively bad name
The sexy one
They did ONE performance on e.LIVE together and now no one can get over how hot they are
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Kim Hyerin vs Hyesang
No seriously the number of Kim Hyesang love triangle fanfictions is kinda insane at this point
The shippers love to pull the “they’ve known each other longer, of course they’re emotionally closer” card and then make absolutely no content that reflects that
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: is this referring to Naoko x Taizō or Naoko x Zo
Of course it’s Naoko x Zo they’re so much cuter together
Naoko and Taizō kinda go together as the two Japanese soloists but like
Naoko and Zo~~~
The chemistry~~~~~
NaoZo > Naozō
Because it’s gay you fools
Naoko x Teiko x Nico
Ok this is just ridiculous
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atlasifyllm · 6 years
Because yes
1. Your first OC ever?
I would say Queen Mana, my self insert alicorn pony princess, but in all honesty I'd say my Littlest Pet Shop toys from 3rd grade that I gave each a persona or my mouse character "Licky" and his sister "Lucky". Yeah Licky had quite the unfortunate name. As for my LPS toys, I'm not sure which was my FIRST among all of them, but I do know the first ones were Trevor and Erica! They were a happy married couple~
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Ooh, I gotta say I have one for each story. Though among all of them? I HAVE to go with Cobalt Zaffre from DOTS: DD. Honestly my fave out of the DOTS peeps, I love his design (thanks Raven), her persona, his character arc, god I love this dickhead
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Honesty no? I did base Rose off of a friend's OC, but that was years ago and she's more original now.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I gotta say Agent Silver and Agent Neon from MAR, mostly since I've been pretty dry with MAR ideas and have near no hope to revamping them both from their 5th grade counterparts. That and the protag of D.exe, since I'm revamping them too. Pretty much any character I've planned on revamping but haven't really gotten to yet...
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
COBALT ZAFFRE. I honestly feel like he's worth the fame, though I'm probably biased-
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
Yang and Tig! When designing one of them into DOTS, I created Yang with Tig's original palette concepts of 2016 with no intentions of bringing Tig into the story yet. Though that changed, and I brought Tig into DOTS: DD and got too attatched to their palettes to change them. I have thought of changing Yang's design, but I got too attached so Tig and Yang just so happen to share the same hair and skin tone.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
The real question is who ISN'T apart of any story? I get too attached to OCs easily so I'd either need to make a story or put them into a story! I did have a void character for a week named Benvolio, though I found him a place in "Dragon Destiny"
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I've never actually roleplayed before! I have thought of opening an askblog for Turquoise Sky from DOTS: DD, though I've lost most motivation for continuing it
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I'm too attached to my babies!
But in all honesty my brain makes so many character concepts that I could legit probably sell them at this point for the characters I REALLY don't need.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I don't have a picture of her on-hand, but the first that comes to mind is Nio from Chrisis! Mostly due to her rainbow sleeves and cards...
A close second is Iris from the DOTSverse, though it's honestly just due to her hair being a gradient AND layer mode at the same time.
I'm sure there's more though, I can never keeo track of them all!
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “cinnamon roll”?
Rose Morganite from DOTS: DD and Nimbus Fulmen from AuAg! Both are sorta naive kids who don't know what's going in too well...
My other kid OC is basically Ed Elric except with Queen Moon's look-
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
fuck it i'm calling them out @ravenwolfie97
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Tig is sorta on the border between troublemaker and full-blown villain. Though my new OC Roman Rho from Dragon Destiny seems to fit that description? Others include Kaiser and Shadow from Last Light, Aquamarine from SOTGC, the entire cast of Sky Games, Viobalt and Charoite from Chrisis, Ater from the DOTSverse (somewhat), Ala Blaster from DOTS: SF, Reed from ROP, Akumu from D.exe, Mika from ZP, and... yeah I hope that's all of them
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Cobalt Zaffre from DOTS has a pretty angsty backstory so far, though I can't spoil that right now. Iris actually has a sad story too, but I can't spoil that either. Have some runner ups!
- Bluebot (Beyond Repair) Bluebot is the only android that is utterly seen as useless by Eris, the main AI
- Storm Gray (Dragon Destiny) Storm was treated more as an experiment than child by the scientist who made him, having him be bullied by his scientist's son, Roman
- Ventus Fulmen (AuAg) while he isn't a full blown "angst son", Ventus got into prison thinking his girlfriend was shot dead by soldiers
- Viobalt (Chrisis) Viobalt is trying to strive beyond the void since his own universe was erased from existence by the creator
- Pretty much all the Darksiders in Last Light. Each Darksider succumbed to a dark, deep form of Despair, which caused them to turn into monsterous beings seeking revenge, acceptance, pain, or freedom
- The Squire (A Story Told) The Squire lost his kingdom to an evil king, and wants to try and get it back
Those are the ones from the top of my head!
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Oh honey I could talk about my OCs all year
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
I'm gonna say the scientists in Dragon Destiny, since out of the two other brands of scientists in my story (D.exe and BR), the DraDes scientists had to deal with organic matter way more in order to create the dragons. Vincent from D.exe is a close second, though he's more of a specifically neuroscientist than biologist
17. Any OC OTPs?
- Storm x Orlene in DraDes
- Cobalt x Ruri in DOTS: DD (and by extension, DOTS: SF)
- Ruby x Blaze in DOTS: DD
- Yin x Tigerlily in DOTS: DD
- Yang x Vio in DOTS: DD
- Ventus x Vepris in AuAg
- Momo x Ringo in PSG!
- Alpha x Zetto in DOTS: 5x5
- Iris x Alba in DOTS: 5x5
18. Any OC crackships?
- Cobalt x Yang in DOTS: DD. The two palabros honestly are hilarious together as a hugely dumb couple
- Reed from ROP x Zetto from DOTS: 5x5. This is a REALLY odd one, but one time I had a dream that created a new OC that looked like a fusion between the two with a dark blue color scheme. So of course I joked about them having a son, though it's extra funny when Zetto is just a humanoid snorlax made of pure light and eats flowers, and Reed is an energetic anime prince protag boy who's... well, not made of light. And of course, some crossover ships are absolutely hilarious
But my favorite:
- Turquoise x Cobalt in DOTS: DD. Gotta get that good ol fashion Oncest 👍
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
All the Chrises tbh, but especially Cobalt in particular. Cobalt (and by extension, the other Chrises) is based off of the guy who inspired me to continue making stories and OCs, and I can never thank him enough for helping me find that spark that gave me a purpose. Cobalt's everything to me, a coping character and a tribute to the man who inspired me to be this creative. I created the other Chrises because I want the creativity that the guy gave me to be a symbol of all my stories, and a tribute to the man himself. Cobalt as I've developed him has represented all the things that remind me of the guy, so he's the closest to him but also with my own twists I adore so I can't help but love him so much! Cobalt, out of all the Chrises, represents the man who's inspired me to be a creator to this extent the most, so he means so much to me. The other Chrises are a VERY close second, since they represent him in various ways too that is both a tribute to him and a symbol of me, though Cobalt represents him the most.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
HA! EASY! The Zero Percent crew 100% (pun intended)
Robin I can see sounding probably like a mix of the singer from Set It Off (Sorry I don't know his name!), Natewantstobattle, and I think Billie Joe Armstrong/Gerard Way?? There's so many good voices crie-
He likes rock music tho! He's in a band so that's a given but... yeah.
Elliot is a newer OC from the same story, but not from Robin's band! He's a lone singer cause I wanted a singer OC who sounded like Adam Lambert-
Outside ZP, I had the headcanon that Yang from DOTS: DD had an embarassing rap phase in high school. Ash Embers from the same story was also in a band, though it disbanded as soon as it was made ;n; I'm not sure if she was the vocalist though? Def rockstar, though. Cobalt I can see having a good singing voice since I've really liked Chris Niosi's singing (sing more Chris ;o;), and Ruri too since her voice claim is Rose Quartz from SU! Not sure on their genres, though... Other punk rockers include Ruby, I have been thinking her voice claim changing to Hayley Williams? Not sure, though...
Lastly, The Bard in A Story Told. She plays medieval music, though it's not particularly good since she'e pretty much a drunken bard who gets around by riding her horse backwards.
Anyway that's 20 questions, hope you 5 peeps enjoyed it, ehehe-
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dreamsndrabbles · 7 years
Closer: Chapter II
‘Hey Baby.’
‘Ugh, get off me Tom.’ I push the arm off my shoulder with a disgusted look and snarl at the blonde beside me. I have yet to recall a time where Tom wasn’t trying to get into my pants, but from my memory there isn’t one. He’s a slimy git who’s constantly getting on my nerves and looking to satisfy his carnal desires with me, Well, it’s not going to happen. As bad as my reputation is, I still have standards. I am fully aware of the fact that I’m no saint, considering the three deep bruises covering the length of my sunkissed neck, but on the whole, I like to think I’m not a whore.
Jackson would say otherwise. Wang and I are pretty dynamite to be honest. I mean, that’s what you get when you know someone for the better half of your life. Forget ‘diapers and pacifiers’ we got close in high school; yeah, you know, the important years when you make your friends for life and all that jazz? To be fair, it did play out true. When I was younger and being called out and constantly reminded of my partially parentless status, my mother always told me that friends at this age didn’t matter, that it was only when I grew older, went through puberty, that I would learn to make proper friends. For once she was right about something. Jackson came into my life at a dark stage, he’s the only one who knows the history of my tragic family background and the secrets I hide behind a façade of pearly whites. I love Jackson. He doesn’t judge, doesn’t take sides and always is there to listen to my honestly terrifying rants. He’s honestly a fucking ray of sunshine in my very stormy, turbulent life, one of the only constants. But he’s also stupid as hell sometimes.
‘It’s Bae!’ A pair of outstretched arms come towards me and I slap them away. ‘Fuck off Wang,’ I mutter as I roll my eyes. ‘Well, hello to you too,’ he muses, falling into step with me, ‘What’s got your panties in a twist today?’ He high-fives some of the frat members as he passes them, greeting them with unnecessary cheers and some long, complicated handshakes. Again, unnecessary. Ugh, boys. I will never understand. As pulling his arm isn’t working and he’s slowing me down, I turn to him and fold my arms. ‘Just so you know, my panties aren’t in a twist because I was wearing a thong. And furthermore, I wouldn’t know if they are in a twist or not, because they’re currently not covering my ass.’ That does it, and seven pairs of amused eyes stare back at me, eyes shot up. ‘Wait, what?!’ Jackson’s jaw hangs and I use a finger to push it back up and close it. I roll my eyes again, something that seems to be very common nowadays. ‘Oh for fuck’s sake Jackson, don’t be so dramatic. Now can we please go?’ I wave it off and tap my foot on the ground impatiently, watching as his face contorts from one of surprise to one of annoyance and he narrows his eyes. ‘Who is it?’ He asks suspiciously, as if he’s questioning some sort of murder case. Jackson Wang: investigator? I think the fuck not. ‘That’s actually none of your concern.’ I raise an eyebrow and purse my lips. Jackson continues to frown and out the corner of my eye I spot his frat members watching quietly, highly amused. This isn’t something new. We’re always in situations like this. Jackson isn’t exactly approving of the way I tend to flit around with my sex life, and well, relationships. Or lack thereof. In his mind, I should find myself a decent guy who will restore all ideas of fairytale romance and true love, and settle down in a nice big house with twenty children for him to ‘uncle around’. Not bloody likely. We both know that romance really isn’t my forte, and the only relations I have are sexual ones, with fairly hot men who are usually beasts in the sheets. I won’t stand to have some boy following me around all day and constantly questioning my whereabouts, my life details and aspirations. It’s not worth the time or effort to maintain. Besides, the closest I’ve ever had to a relationship is my weekly shags with a certain member of the ZTA frat, who is, by the way, pretty well endowed down there. (Thus the repetition of events.) Apart from that, I really haven’t ever been close to serious with anyone. Ever. I mean, I lost my virginity at some high school party to the prom king. Big deal. I honestly couldn’t care less about the breaking of a barrier. It doesn’t matter to me. Sex is just another part of human nature. So long as I don’t end up with a mini-me in my care, it’s all good. No matter what Wang puppy thinks.
Seeing as Jackson is acting like a kid and refusing to budge until he gets an answer, I tilt my head and let out a huff. ‘Fine. If you must know-’ Before my confession, a pair of arms slide around my middle and a warm breath falls upon my neck as the musky smell of Dolce and Gabbana’s Light Blue fills my senses. ‘Eyyy, how’s everything at ZTA Tae?’ Jaebum slaps his arm and he lets go of me and moves to engulf his ‘bro’ in a hug. ‘We’re so crashing your party this week.’ ‘Be my guest.’ A wolfish grin spreads across his face and I take the time to admire just how attractive he is when he smiles. As the AKP boys circle around to talk to Tae, I take the time to relish in how, despite my lack of relationship, it feels good to be at the centre of high society. I wouldn’t use anything less to describe theses boys. They’re the future billionaires and tycoons of the country, popular, hot, successful and effortlessly cool. And here I am, standing right in the middle of them, one of their arms around my shoulder. Life is good.
Kim Taehyung is a little hard to describe in words. He is vibrant and energetic, super fun and zesty. In the bed too, might I add. He’s what I like to call ‘my kinda person’. Tae and I go way back. Remember that prom king I mentioned earlier? Well, Tada. Since being crowned together at high school, we haven’t looked back. Somehow, whilst Wang puppy is the yin to my yang, he’s another yang that I get along with just fine. We think the same and act the same, like two peas in a pod. He’s one of the few people who can really make me smile and laugh like no other. We both don’t believe in relationships, and even though I used to think I would somehow end up with him, it’s been pure fun and recklessness for the past three years. It’s actually funny how I ended up back with him. We parted ways after a summer of releasing our crazy hormones on each other, and then somehow met again in our first year I was invited by my flavor of the week, Jeon Jungkook, to his frat house. Needless to say, Jungkook wasn’t the one I ended up banging. I love it with Tae because it’s so easy and simple. We have mutual respect for each other, a true connection and chemistry and no hard feelings whatsoever. He’s attractive and fun, and he doesn’t complain if I ditch him or set my eyes on someone else. It’s a mutually benefitting relationship that I treasure. Besides, I get to spend loads of time with the ZTA boys that have become some of my closest pals, who always promise a hilarious and crazy time. I’m familiar with the AKP boys but nowhere near as close to them as the ZTA frat. The AKP is led by Mark Tuan and the ZTA is led by Kim Namjoon. Needless to say, AKP is way more exclusive and ‘high up there’ compared to ZTA. They’re both still the best frats in the college and up in the country’s top 5. It’s just whilst ZTA is number four, AKP is number one. And I totally understand why. In AKP it’s not just about parties and fun, and boys with more money than they need to go around. It’s about being the prime. To get into ZTA you need to be fun, daring, smart and rich. To get into AKP you need to be able to throw insane parties whilst attending formal dinners with the president. Big difference. But hey, I like my AKP boys. With the leadership of Namjoon they’re nothing short of fun and amazing. He’s not very strict or exclusive, he’s an open guy who’s opposed to restriction and exclusion and very happy to have company over. The boys are like young bloods, a very excitable and fiery bunch. Far more so than the AKP boys. To most of us, they’re pretty much untouchable. Like Jordan in the Great Gatsby. Phenomenal parties, insane amounts of funds raised, dominating the famous college football team and straight-A students. Yet, totally exclusive and always suspecting and doubting. According to Jackson they’re really nice and fun guys, and they just prefer to keep their private lives private for fear of people leaking things to the press. But I still don’t see it. Sometimes, I still feel uncomfortable when I’m alone with them without Wang puppy. Trust him to diffuse the tension with his retarded jokes.
I catch Mark’s eyes as the conversation goes on, and the sounds fade away into white noise as they lock onto mine for a second. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding as the hard stare continues. It’s like he’s reading my thoughts and onyx eyes bore into mine. Then, he looks away and I blink. What was that? I shudder as I look away just as the conversation comes to an end. Then, I realize that Mark’s eyes are still staring. Not at me, but the muscular arm around my shoulder. Oh. He probably disapproves of Tae going after me. It’s famously known that Mark thinks highly of Tae and thinks he’s one of the best football players around. Somehow, I don’t think he approves of his choice of girl. After all, had he chosen someone more appropriate, he would be nearly as perfect as the boys in AKP. Untouchable by anyone apart from their own league. Personally, I just think Mark has a problem with me. He’s always known for being the king of fun and games, but with me? He just becomes the silent, brooding type. Weird, huh? I think he just thinks I’m a bad influence for Jackson, despite Wang’s protests. ‘He’s just assessing you,’ he always defends. Huh. More like judging. I don’t get what there is to assess. Or judge. I’m pretty much an open book. Well, at least that’s what it looks like. I have an opinion, I say it. I have an issue, I put it on the table. Everything is out in the open, except for the biggest things. Ironic, huh?
‘Baby, I gotta dash.’ I’m blown out of my reverie as Tae presses a kiss to the side of my forehead. ‘Staying over?’ he whispers. The boys wolf whistle as he turns and presses his lips onto mine, his tongue asking for permission. ‘Not here, Hyung!’ Jackson groans as he covers his eyes. Tae chuckles and pulls me to him. Then he pulls something red and lacy out of his pocket as he kisses me one last time. ‘Gotta come over and get it, sweetheart.’ He waves it as he retreats and slowly, I lose him in the sea of passing students. I throw my head back and laugh, turning back to face Jackson. ‘What?’ I giggle at the ‘dawning of a realization’ expression on his face.
‘You guys fucked BEFORE school?’ He gapes.
‘Wang, you’re dumb as fuck.’
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CARSON - i wasnt there at the tribal you went, and it sucks you went, but whatevs, didnt talk to you much in this game
KEEGAN - We didn't speak much at all, maybe two sentences in total. But you probably shouldn't have been the first boot but unfortunately that's just how things turned out
NED - I didn’t get the chance to talk to you much, but you didn’t seem interested in discussing tribal with me. I’m sorry you went first, but it’s hard to escape being first boot just because everyone is so relieved it’s not their name that comes up.
SAM - I’m so sorry you were the first boot  you seemed really nice but we didn’t get enough of a chance to talk
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KEEGAN - You took my Mari avatar. I guess it's cool youre also a fan of her.
NED - I don’t remember talking to you! I wish I could have gotten to know you before you got voted out
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CARSON - inactive goddess
KEEGAN - I don't know what is/was going on but I'm sad you never really got to play the game. I think you would have been a fierce competitor and maybe even the one to beat. Hope everything is alright!
NED - I’m still not sure why you weren’t responding, and I really hope you’re doing alright. If you see this, message me just so I know you’re fine!
SAM - I hope everything worked out with school and whatnot. I know you said you were super busy with the semester starting so that’s probably why
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CARSON - i was really looking forward to working with you if you made swap, but unfortunately that didnt turn out well : /
KEEGAN - I can't say a lot about you this game, since we only interacted in the one world. I think had you made the merge, we could have had an interesting dynamic that may have changed the game. Unfortunately, we never got the chance to see if something like that happened.
NED - You’re such a friendly guy! I know we would have ended up working together had you stayed in longer, and it definitely sucks to be 4th boot- I know from experience. I hope everything’s going alright!
SAM - I really liked you in the beginning of the game! I know that we were never on a tribe together but I was pretty bummed that you got voted out
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CARSON - we didnt talk too much, but youre always great in games
KEEGAN - A victim of a tribe swap! We helped each other out a little bit pre-swap and that was pretty fun. I didn't get to know you too well but I enjoyed the little bit we did work together.
NED - This was super hard. I’m still really sorry about doing this, because I feel like we get along great, but I couldn’t jeopardize my own game to keep you in. You didn’t really participate in the challenge (for whatever reason), so it seemed easy to take out the person who didn’t contribute. I wish I could have saved you, but going against the group that early in the game would have been a bad idea!
SAM - You’re so nice and I’m so sorry that you had to go out so early.
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CARSON - it was more a thing of just maintaining the majority, im sorry
KEEGAN - Pretty much the only time I talked to you was lying about tribal oops. In hindsight, voting out Alex or Josh over you might have been a better idea but then again, who knows? I don't think you really deserved to be voted out when you did, Elijah even volunteered to be voted out before you but we did what we had to gain a majority.
NED - We didn’t spend any time together in this game, but I want to say that I’m sorry about Sweden. Hopefully we can talk more in the future!
SAM - Stevie!! How could you get voted out before we got the chance to work together?? What a flop honestly. Anyways I was sooo upset that you got voted out but it was kind of funny to be getting drunk in Buffalo and see it happen.
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CARSON - you asked to be voted off so i cant rlly say much
KEEGAN - You said it yourself, you took on way too much and just didn't have your head in the game. I think you could have been a strong player but we just never got to see it. Hopefully you did better in your other games.
NED - This was a bummer. We were basically destined to work together if we both made it to merge, so it sucks that that wasn’t possible. It was great getting to know you!
SAM - I really liked getting to know you when you were around! I wish you could have made merge
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KEEGAN - Based on the initial cast assessment, you were the one person I actually wanted to work with the most. I can't say how well we would have worked together or if it would have even happened but never having the chance to even try was a big disappointment.
NED - I am so sorry, John! You’re an awesome guy, and you really contributed a lot to our tribe. Once again, I knew that if you left, I would be next- but there was virtually no way around this without putting my own game on the line. I hate that we lost, because you’re a great guy, but I was hearing a lot of different messages from Logan and Sam, and I started to doubt my alliances. I’m so glad you made jury, though, because I know you have a lot of valuable input and really- you deserve it.
SAM - Coffey Cakes! Your vote was honestly the hardest vote this whole game! I really wanted to save you and pull you out of the hole you dug yourself  but I couldn’t unfortunately, I’m so happy for you that you made jury though so like at least you made jury
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CARSON - i really hope youre doing ok  but you still said my name so!!!
KEEGAN - You were a pretty awesome person to talk to. We never really talked strategy and had maybe one or two sentences actually discussing the game in any significant way. That being said, I don't think we would have ever worked together and probably would have spent much of the game in clashing alliances.
NED - Logan! I’m not sure what exactly made you drop this game, but I respect your decision and hope you’re doing well. You’re a great person and friend, and I’m so glad we got the chance to work together after Bangladesh! You’re really a natural leader, and I hope you use those talents to their fullest in your life!
SAM - My dearest Logan, I was so sad when you quit but I understand why you did. I know you started feeling better as soon as you quit so I'm happy for you in that respect but I wish we could have had more time together. I absolutely adored getting to finally actually work with you and being on the same side. You're such a fun person to talk to you and you know that your alcoholic mother loves you <3
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CARSON - we didnt talk like… at all. so i have no comment, sucks you had to go out the way you did though
KEEGAN - We never spoke at all oops. You didn't deserve to go out the way you did, that advantage was pretty unfair tbh
NED - Hey Sara! You’re such a fun person to talk to, and our tribe was one of the greatest I’ve ever been on because of that. I hate that you were the casualty of a twist, but you played a great game and I hope we can keep in touch!
SAM - Sara you were so wrongfully taken out of this game. I know that you didn’t have much going on but you still probably would have made it far. Plus I just love any interaction I can have with you so I enjoyed having you around for a while.
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CARSON - ah! My closest ally and probably the shadiest person ive ever played with in games. You’re a piece of work Darian Goggin
KEEGAN - Oh Darian, I have so much I could say but I'll try to keep it brief. What I find most interesting about our relationship in this game was your frequent comments about how you wanted me at the end with you so you could win. You seemed to have it set in your mind that I was an easy person to win against and wouldn't put up a fight if we made FTC together. And then when we made merge with options, you often brought up how well off you were and how you had a plan to easily make finals and drag me along. I had fun working with you while it lasted but ultimately I had to jump ship to save my own skin.
NED - Oh, boy. I really do still feel bad about this, because you and I were basically Jay and Adam. We’ve had a brother-like bond since day 1, but for some reason we kept ending up on opposite sides of things. I only voted for you because I knew how big of a threat you were, and hopefully the Yang to my Yin can be together again after the game ends.
SAM - whew I think your ego may have gotten the best of you and I’m so sorry. You were in such a good position until we all started talking to each other and that’s why you had to go. You had so many good connections and were clearly really good at finding idols that you would probably still be here if you hadn’t gone at that tribal. I’m really sorry that it had go down that way but you were the biggest threat at the time and the most likely to win at that point
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CARSON - we didnt talk much but your name was always brought up, so i just went with the flow
KEEGAN - I got the feeling you never got over my sort-of-not-really lie to you about the Stevie vote. Which is fine, I had no intentions of actually working with you in the game. You put up a hell of a fight at the end though, and I have to commend you on that.
NED - I really enjoyed talking to you when the game started! You and I seemed set to work together pretty early on, but for some reason, it seems like you got taken out of the game a little bit toward the end. I’m guessing things got pretty busy, but we should still talk in the future- and play Overwatch! SAM - Boy where did you go? You fought your way back (kind of), then you were here trying to save yourself and talking to people and I thought this might be a turning point in your game and we might be able to work together but then you disappeared again and self-voted your own ass out of the game like damn. Anyways, I really wanted to work with you and I enjoyed the very little conversation we did have, I just wish you could have made some more waves during this game or something (yeah I fucking love Crusade, I was such a fan I should have said something)
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CARSON - became my closest ally, but never trusted me! Whew! You said my name at final 10 soooo! Idc!
KEEGAN - This being your first game is something to be hella proud about. You played a very strong, strategic game. Regardless of how you think you did, you should be happy for doing so well and turning into a true threat to win the game. I had a lot of fun talking and strategizing with you and had we been on the same tribe since the start, I think we could have had a really strong bond.
NED - This was really difficult. Daisy, I still can’t believe this is your first game- you were outstanding! I felt like we developed a real connection, and you caught on to subtle social cues better than I would have imagined possible. I would have loved to go with you to the end just as a show of loyalty, but it was pretty clear that you had flipped and there was nothing I could do to change that. I hope we can still talk, because you’re so nice and easy to talk to! And you should definitely start up Doctor Who again- it’s really a great show!
SAM - Daisy, I loved all of the time we got to work together. I was really hoping that we would be able to go all the way to the end together but you said it best, no snakes allowed. I respect a good move and I respect your gameplay but I just had to make a counterattack. I really did love getting to know you and all of the time we got to work together. It was so much fun and I hope you enjoyed your first ever game.
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CARSON -  robbed legend. We tried doing something, and it wouldve worked too.
KEEGAN - I feel like you didn't really apply yourself to the game until it was too late. You showed you could be really game savvy those last few days and had you applied yourself throughout the whole season, I could have seen you really being a force to be reckoned with. We didn't talk much, if any, on a personal level but I think you could have been a pretty fun person to talk to and I probably should have made more of an effort.
NED - I’m sorry you had to be taken out in such a brutal way. The idol was essentially my only ticket to safety. If Sam was voted out, I was pretty sure I’d be next. You seem like a great guy, and your UTR flipping with Daisy was really cool to watch (except for the fact that I was on the other end of it). It was great to see you grow throughout the season, and I hope we can still talk once this game ends!
SAM - I know we never really got the chance to know each other but you seem very sweet. You were really nice in the tribe chat and always very respectable. I don’t think anyone has a bad thing to say about you and in a season like this I think that really speaks volumes. Maybe we’ll get to know each more once this season ends.
0 notes