#yeast :3
vldfix · 8 months
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i might be too far gone i love ryan kinkade guys
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thatpinkweirdo · 5 months
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saltedeggwhites · 4 months
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lilacthebooklover · 7 months
the crk wiki:
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his first appearance:
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hello-its-em · 4 months
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Concerned parent cacao 😭😭
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elystelleven · 4 months
Mystic Flour practice art because I'm pregnant with her twins <3 (please come home pleasepleaseplsssss)
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fullcravings · 1 year
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Yeast-Raised Doughnuts - 3 Ways
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uwukillmenowowo · 25 days
Hi! I saw that you wrote Cookie Run Kingdom and I LOVED the story Curiosity! When you have time, maybe you can continue it? And take your time, no need to rush! ✨✨💙🩵💙🩵:3
(ง╥̃ ⏥╥̃)ง
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Curiosity Pt. 2
(Parent! Elder Fairie Cookie X Reader X Parental! Beast Cookies)
(Slight White Lily X Reader)
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Reader will be Non-binary
After the battle, you started questioning not only yourself. But your father too
I kinda didn't know what I was doing here so sorry if it's short lol
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How did the beasts know you? Did your father know? how come you didn't? Why can't you remember what happened during your childhood?
{Second POV}
You were extremely happy for White Lily when your father threw a celebration party for her. The other Faeries who didn't accept her before, accepted her now. Her party so far was going great.
But after the first three months you started feeling... off...
This wasn't like the other times. Normally you would be by either your father's side or the side of whoever the party was for.
But after the battle, you just couldn't shake that strange feeling of remembrance. You don't remember ever meeting the beasts. So how they know your name is.... quite concerning.
Did your father know about this? What about the other Faerie Cookies?
Going off on your own, you walked and walked until you were at the entrance of the kingdom. You knew that leaving a party without telling anyone is disrespectful but you just need the alone time.
Walking out of the kingdom, you made your way a bit further from the kingdom. You just couldn't shake your thoughts off the fight.
The beasts knew your name and said that your voice was familiar. How they knew you, you have no clue. You were scared, nervous, concerned.
Too many emotions at once.
You walked and walked until you made it to the 'Misty Peaks' as your Father called it. He said that it used to be the home of one of the beasts before they perished.
You used to come here a lot as a kid. The height of the peaks granted me a full view of the kingdom, but since it was normally pretty far, you would only come here once every now and again.
You made it to the top of the peaks and took a seat. Taking a breath of the high altitude air, you started to feel at peace.
Yet at the same time... A hint of familiarity... You've never felt this the last time you were here. So what's different..?
You felt a chill run down your spine as you looked around. Only to see no one there. You tried to go back down, but suddenly, you found yourself surrounded by mist. You panicked and tried to run downwards, but it only ended up with you tripping and falling the rest of the way down the mountain.
Meanwhile, from behind her seal, the former Wheat Cookie of Volition tisked in frustration. She was saving the power (Unlike Shadow Milk Cookie) that slowly seeped out for that moment. Now it was wasted.
Back to you, who groaned heavily. Your dough landed on a sharp crystal rock and now you started bleeding. You gasped in pain before you started to use your magic to heal yourself.
Yes, you knew magic. One time you fell into the river when trying to look at the pixies, you scrapped your knee on the riverbed and your father was worried sick. He made you learn healing magic so that you don't have to endue pain for so long.
Slowly, you felt your dough getting better and crispier. You sighed in relief and started to head home.
When you got back, you saw that everyone was just as lively for White Lily's party as when you left. No one had practically realized that you had left in the first place.
All excpet one.
You were hanging by the silver tree, gazing at it and the vines that blocked the seal. "[Reader] Cookie? Is everything okay?" You flinched and turned around. "W-White Lily Cookie! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be partying?" "Eheh~ I could say the same to you" White Lily giggled and you could feel your dough warming up.
"So... what's up?" You asked, rubbing the back of your neck. "Well. Everyone is warming up to me now. But it's already been a few months. I'm kind of shocked that parties last so long." White Lily stood by my side as we both gazed downwards into the clear river below. "Yeah. We do love our parties." I chuckled.
White Lily and I then just started to talk about the party and how we were getting tired of the loudness.
'Perhaps it was better to ignore that for now. The party is for White Lily.' You thought ignorantly as continued to talk with the cookie beside you.
Meanwhile, the beasts from beyond the seal glared at White Lily Cookie. Ignorance may be bliss but this was unprecedented. Especially for you.
The beasts glared harder at White Lily Cookie. They needed to get you away from her. So that you can remember your life with them. You don't belong with them! You're one of the beasts! it's no fair that those... faeries... can keep al of you to themselves.
They lost you once.
They won't lose you again...
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My train of thought went "Bye Bye" Mario style
Soo I'm kinda just not- feeling the motivation rn
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kiraisrika · 4 months
If you are born weak, which god will you turn to for salvation?
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Beast yeast ep 3 is so good
Ps: yes i did quote sunday for this
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blobbycentral · 4 months
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oroontheheels · 3 months
CRK (possible) spoilers!
I don’t remember if they replayed flashback or is it completely new scene. But MAN it punched me in the guts 😭
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
Can you please do a continuation of req 8 (the masquerade ball on) pleas I really loved it
absolutely, that's one of my favorite reqs that i've ever written. you do not understand how much i love masquerades hehehe
Requested Prompts #40 - 💓
You steadily picked yourself up from the ground, what had happened? The last thing you remember you were at the ball and then... nothing. You couldn't even remember who you were dancing with, if you were even dancing at all. You take a look around, taking in your surroundings... or rather, the lack thereof. You were surrounded by an inky black abyss that stained your vision black yet still allowed you to see, you could tell that it did that because you could see yourself almost perfectly. " Hello?" You call into the abyss, not expecting an answer even though that's what you want. " Is anyone there?" There was a pause, an almost infinitely long pause. For a moment you worried that you were stuck here, in the void, alone. You'd surely go insane if that were the case, but luckily( or perhaps, unluckily depending on how you view it) that wasn't the case. The ground trembled, and you stumbled back just in time to see a quite frankly way too large eye open up where you had been standing. It glowed a bright blue, reminding you of something you just couldn't put your finger on. And slowly but surely, it rotated to look at you. More eyes popped up, each staring at you when they opened. You receded into yourself, backing away even though it seemed that no matter how far you went they always seemed to get closer. You trip over your own feet and soon find yourself falling backwards, with fear clutching you for a mere moment before you are caught. " Now now, Little Star, we can't have you falling over now, can we?" A voice tutted with a chuckle, a rather familiar voice actually... You looked around for the source of the voice, and for who caught you, but you couldn't find anything other than the fact you were caught by a large, shadowy hand. You squeaked with surprise as you saw it's fingers curl around your form. " Y-you... Just who are you?" You called out into the darkness, your response beginning with a maniacal laugh. " Oh what a shame it is that you don't even recognize me... I'm rather hurt, Little Star." The voice cooed, and that's when it hit you. This voice belongs to that cookie at the masquerade ball... and the one that appeared in your dreams, the one you made that deal with... Oh sweet witches, just what did you get yourself into? " Show yourself!" You commanded, yet you were unable to hide the treble of fear that wormed its way into your tone. " Ehehe... Eheheha... Ehe he ha ha hah!" The voice cackled, you could feel the two largest eyes, the ones that looked like they actually belonged to a face, peering down at you. " Oho? So the princess wants me to reveal myself? I might as well indulge the wishes of her highness then~!" The voice chirped.
You stared on in a mixture of fear and awe as the Shadows receded to reveal the large figure of the cookie before you, bearing the same silhouette as the jester that appeared in your dream, only colored in. His heterochromatic blue eyes stared down at you as a grin stretched to be far too wide across his face. " Why hello there little princess! I'm so terribly sorry to have kept you waiting, but now we can finally meet face to face! Or well, face to real face." The jester chuckled, you couldn't help but feel like you've heard about this... well, this jester before. The cogs in your brain turn and turn, where have you heard about a Jester who could manipulate the Shadows to do his bidding? Ah, that's right, from your father. This was one of the five beasts, the fallen heroes. Shadow Milk Cookie. You fucked up big time just by making a deal with him in the first place, and you could tell that he could tell based just on your expression that you'd come to this realization. " Aw, there's no need to look so concerned! I do intend to keep my end of our little deal." You leaned away from him. " Considering your track record for deceiving cookies... I doubt it." You say, glancing up at him suspiciously. The gargantuan jester sighed dramatically. " You really don't remember out contract, do you?" He asked, to which you responded to with a shake of your head. " Fine, fine, I'll explain it again from the top." Shadow Milk Cookie cleared his throat, beginning to speak. " The very notion of our deal was that you would give me what you desired most in exchange for what you valued most, yes? What you wanted the most was freedom... Yet 'Freedom' is also what you value the most. So you put me into a bit of a conundrum as to how to collect what you valued while also giving you the freedom you ever so desperately desired." You gulped, you had a rather concerning feeling about this. You felt like you had acted selfishly in the past, far too selfish. " So then I had a thought!" The jester chirped, not helping the sinking feeling in your gut in the slightest. " What if I exchanged the freedom of your kingdom in exchange for yours? It was a truly marvelous idea if I do say so myself!" And there it was.
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" ... Hah?"
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" Eheh... eheheh... I... I don't think anyone's gotten to wound me like this in a long time..."
He's smiling, not the good, happy kind of smile though. It's more like a smile twisted with pain.
" Ahahahah... Oh wow! It really hurts! Guess that's what losing an arm does for ya! Hahahaha!"
It hurts.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurt-
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" ..."
" A-ah... Kenzie..?"
" Such violent actions towards us is not permitted upon this blog."
carefully, she scooped Shadow Milk into her hand. Carrying him away from the impaled anon, though it didn't seem like he was bothered by the impalement, more like the Silver Knife used to do that.
" Come on, let's get you fixed up."
It seems that Mackenzie and Shadow Milk will be gone for a while...
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jorrated · 9 months
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FINE!1!!!!!! human old man yaoi
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lilacthebooklover · 6 months
'And something shifts in Shadow Milk's gaze, a sort of vindictive delight drawing that confident smirk into a vicious grin. "Well now, Pure Vanilla Cookie," he says, the amusement and anticipation dripping from his voice palpable. Pure Vanilla can't quite hide the way he tries to recoil, but the vice-like grip upon his wrist remains terrifyingly unrelenting. "This certainly changes the script up a little, doesn't it?"
The question is too light, too cheerful, too casual for what this truly means. For right there on Shadow Milk's face, painted in damningly permanent blue hues, is the unmistakable mark of a four-point crown. Pure Vanilla's forearm burns where his own identical mark has been exposed for all the world to see, Shadow Milk peering at it with a sense of sickening awe that's impossible to miss. Because there it is, imprinted on his skin and written in the stars: undeniable proof that they've been predestined to meet since the start.
Shadow Milk Cookie is his soulmate. And Pure Vanilla has never been more afraid.'
(Vanilla Milkshake fans, when I tell you I am COOKING-)
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quibbs126 · 5 months
CRKNews about the next Beast under the cut
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Guys I am over the moon about this
Granted, I’m not entirely sure yet if this is true or not, give it a while before people can confirm, but if it is I am so happy
First off, I said Eternal Sugar didn’t make sense to go next! Mystic Flour makes way more sense than Eternal Sugar. Though Sugar being after Flour I think would also make sense, just not Sugar after Milk/Elder Faerie
Second, we know that one of the twin dragons is there. This current update is about their backstory, and then in a couple updates we’re getting to see them in person. Us North and South Dragon fans are being fed good. And also with this, even more Dark Cacao content
The devs said “alright we’ve kept the Dark Cacao Kingdom fans waiting long enough, we’re just gonna give them everything”
Sorry I’m probably overreacting, I’ll be more rational later on
Oh but also as I was typing this, they gave us a new thing, featuring Mystic Flour’s eyes
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