#yeehaw i love this but its so stupid lol
borathae · 3 months
DONE WITH ANOTHER EXAM u know what that means???
Chapter 34
fuck where is yoongi 😭😭😭kook come to ur senses please
OMG YOONGI wait did he just come because of kook, bruh we could have made out like a week ago 😔✊🏻
omg im so scared and nervous i wanna cry even tho its kook being scolded
“Thanks, but I can manage myself. I did so splendidly in the last two weeks” fr
He made you believe that he abandoned you. And now he is back. the entire para just summed up what we all felt Your anger feels so misplaced. Yoongi had a lot going on. After a millennia he felt again. He must have been so overwhelmed. Who knows what guilt and pain he went through those past two weeks. that is also true and idk what to feel aaaah feeling the pain of both people. DAMN U JUST PORTRAYED THAT SO WELL AND SUBTLE I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT
Where are those goddamn band aids FUCKING REAL U CAN NEVER FIND IT WHEN U NEED IT and u will find it in the same room, same drawer a week later 🥲
You made him turn his emotions on. It was your fault that he left in the first place. Be angry at yourself, that’s what you should do. its not exactly your fault, just a situation that had to happen
“Stupid bathroom!” you yell, throwing another cabinet closed. #justiceforcabinet2024
wow why is he so chill all of a sudden *trust issues be working on overtime
Is that what Jungkook could have too? 😭😭 yoongi pls dont leave again, i wanna be extra proud of kook
oh kook is sleeping for now (wtf i felt like a mama bird for a second there)
“Yes?” he exclaims, turning around almost excitedly. sir whats going on?? is it the emotions??? omg he is a pookie pls i love him bing bang boong forgiven already, who left for 2 weeks? nobody, idk such a thing
Now that he is so close again, you have forgotten everything you had wanted to tell him. oh it wasnt just me lol
“Doesn’t matter, I’m back now”, OK THATS IT FOLKS HE IS GOING TO LEAVE AGAIN 😭😭😭
oh a new plant 😭
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Is he just staring? Oh dear. He is. PLEASE OUR SHY KITTY 😭😭
Oh how excited he sounds without even noticing that he does. 😭😭 do you want all of us to just cry every damn line? cuz u had done it
Yoongi is by your side, pretending to do the same while in reality he was looking at your face the whole time. HA SIMP ALERT (pls simp more we are simping for it)
“It’s not bad”, he agrees. You scoff, “such enthusiasm” Yoongi stumbles after you down the path, grumbling quietly. he is such a tsundere kitty i cant OFC HE LOVES HAND HOLDING NEVER LET GO
They are so bloody tiring” mood but numbness is too scary soo..
“They’re flowers, I don’t see any difference”, he grumbles, I LOVE HIM AND THE WAY YOU WRITE HIM I LOVE THEIR BICKER OVER SORRY HIS GRANDPA RUN AAAAH *watches a compilation
“Forget it. I didn’t want to do it anyway”, i was cackling until i remembered this is how i act with mom, oh mom im sorry
damn 1963, my mom wasnt born yet
no yoongi we dont growl here pls *blinks 😃😄😃 🫠 “he’s having a phase, please ignore him.” A PHASE STOP 😭
he is trying his hardest to stifle a laugh. THE JOKE PLS I LOVE HER HAHA guess he is going to have a hard time doing that
HOLY SHIT IT WAS A SPY DAMN WE JUST SAW A MURDER i literally just shivered
oh this time he answers her questions properly thats a difference hm
WTF OOF DAMN I - (did ever tell u that i love your writing and this bombastic story?)
It is not every day that you watch someone get beheaded or find out that someone wanted to fuck your dead body fr im still shivering and goosebumps are still there.
i love when they do vampire zoom haha
I’ve just lived long enough to have learned the skill.” Tae: 😃 ALSO IM SORRY YOONGI I LOVE THAT YOU CAME BACK but when is tae getting out?? 👉🏻👈🏻 great TAE MY BABY IM SORRY 😭😭 I CANT DO ANYTHING
“Are you manipulating me? she may or may not do that, but can she actually do that to you? yeah she cant so stop saying this
i love when they talk, like everything just gets deeper, both her and him, the plot
OMG YOONGI wait did he just come because of kook, bruh we could have made out like a week ago 😔✊🏻
fjasdjf no he was genuinely in the midst of coming back when he suddenly heard the noises and then just came running 😭
He made you believe that he abandoned you. And now he is back. the entire para just summed up what we all felt Your anger feels so misplaced. Yoongi had a lot going on. After a millennia he felt again. He must have been so overwhelmed. Who knows what guilt and pain he went through those past two weeks. that is also true and idk what to feel aaaah feeling the pain of both people. DAMN U JUST PORTRAYED THAT SO WELL AND SUBTLE I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT
You made him turn his emotions on. It was your fault that he left in the first place. Be angry at yourself, that’s what you should do. its not exactly your fault, just a situation that had to happen
the way you can see the learned guilt in her and in everything she does :(
wow why is he so chill all of a sudden *trust issues be working on overtime
I feel like he is just really nervous and trying not to scare her away with too much movement :(((
“Yes?” he exclaims, turning around almost excitedly. sir whats going on?? is it the emotions??? omg he is a pookie pls i love him bing bang boong forgiven already, who left for 2 weeks? nobody, idk such a thing
of course it's the emotions heheh <3 he is in loveeee <3
oh a new plant 😭
Is he just staring? Oh dear. He is. PLEASE OUR SHY KITTY 😭😭
Oh how excited he sounds without even noticing that he does. 😭😭 do you want all of us to just cry every damn line? cuz u had done it
jfasdjf me fr fjadsjfa
Yoongi is by your side, pretending to do the same while in reality he was looking at your face the whole time. HA SIMP ALERT (pls simp more we are simping for it)
“It’s not bad”, he agrees. You scoff, “such enthusiasm” Yoongi stumbles after you down the path, grumbling quietly. he is such a tsundere kitty i cant OFC HE LOVES HAND HOLDING NEVER LET GO
no but I love him so much!!!!!!
They are so bloody tiring” mood but numbness is too scary soo..
100% :( gosh my boongie :(
“They’re flowers, I don’t see any difference”, he grumbles, I LOVE HIM AND THE WAY YOU WRITE HIM I LOVE THEIR BICKER OVER SORRY HIS GRANDPA RUN AAAAH *watches a compilation
same same same !!! I love him so much !!!!
damn 1963, my mom wasnt born yet
lmaoa mine was like 2 and my dad 3 kfadkf
no yoongi we dont growl here pls *blinks 😃😄😃 🫠 “he’s having a phase, please ignore him.” A PHASE STOP 😭
he is trying his hardest to stifle a laugh. THE JOKE PLS I LOVE HER HAHA guess he is going to have a hard time doing that
I genuinely love this chapter so much 😭😭
HOLY SHIT IT WAS A SPY DAMN WE JUST SAW A MURDER i literally just shivered
i love when they do vampire zoom haha
lmaooa me
“Are you manipulating me? she may or may not do that, but can she actually do that to you? yeah she cant so stop saying this
I feel like she can JFAJDFJ he is way too smitten for her JFJADSFJ
i love when they talk, like everything just gets deeper, both her and him, the plot
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jemej3m · 5 years
a really bad (good) blind date
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OKAY - there will be other parts to this i promise
Andrew was exhausted.
There were many reasons for that fact: he was halfway through his final year of the police academy, his brother had been broken up with (again) and had moved back in to live with Andrew (again) and Nicky had set him up for an evening out with a man he didn’t know (again). 
It was the last time Andrew would put up with these sordid blind date fiascos. Nicky insisted that he didn’t want Andrew to be lonely around the holiday season, and that it’d be perfect timing to have a significant other on Valentine’s Day, and had been extremely resistant to Andrew’s refusals. 
This one would be the last. He’d get a good night’s rest over the winter break, ignore Nicky’s pestering and continue on with life as normal when the half-yearly examinations finally ended. 
He hadn’t even bothered changing out of the jeans and sweater he’d been ambling around the house in all morning, merely shaving and spritzing on cologne to give a false sense that he’d put effort in. 
He wish Nicky had let them meet up in a club. It was much easier to preface a one-night-stand with little talking, dancing and a glass of whisky. He usually wouldn’t even bother taking them home, seeing as he knew the staff access code to the lounge at Eden’s Twilight.
Instead, he shuffled in through the doors of a restaurant, where the lights were just low enough that hopefully this guy wouldn’t see the shadows under his eyes, the sallowness of his skin. Maybe Andrew should just be his usual, sullen self, end the date early and go home and sleep. 
The thought of dealing with Nicky’s blatant look of disappointment when he inevitably heard of Andrew’s less than amicable behaviour was worse than the idea of talking to a cute guy (Nicky’s taste wasn’t bad). A worser fate than death would be Betsy’s eventual involvement, if Nicky thought Andrew wasn’t being social enough. His first-therapist-adoptive-mother-saviour-figure had a monopoly on Andrew’s tolerance of others, whether he liked it or not.  
He took a table, not seeing anyone with the alleged red hair, blue eyes or leather satchel - Nicky said he never went anywhere without it. That had been odd enough to pique Andrew’s curiosity, but not really in a good way. 
He took his place at the table and busied himself with a menu, even though he’d already elected what he’d eat prior to arriving. The few moments to himself allowed him to centre himself, readying for whatever bullshit his cousin had signed him up for this time. 
He supposed that no amount of time would have allowed him to anticipate what he was dealt, as the man who he was to have dinner with collapsed into the chair opposite. His hair was wild, auburn curls and a freshly buzzed undercut matching expressive brows and awfully long lashes - of which framed the clearest blues Andrew had ever seen. His freckles were like constellations across his cheeks. 
“Sorry I’m late,” he managed, swinging the leather satchel across the back of the chair. His buttons were askew but he hadn’t seemed to notice. It allowed Andrew to see the flush that ran down his neck and the hint of a puckered scar on his collarbone. 
A gunshot wound. 
Interesting, he thought. 
“Should we order?” the man asked. 
“I’m Andrew,” he said, pointedly. 
“Oh, right,” he ducked his head with a grimace. “I’m - Neil.” 
Andrew shrugged. “You can have a few minutes, if you’d like.”
Neil didn’t need time. He must have come prepared, as Andrew had. He took note of a few things as they ordered - he was health-conscious, only having a salmon dish and salad - he didn’t drink, not even the lightest champagne the place had to offer - and that he had the most elegant fingers. For some strange reason, Andrew could envision him spinning Andrew’s knives deftly. 
“So,” Neil started, awkward. “What do normal people talk about on dates?”
Andrew arched an eyebrow. 
Neil cleared his throat. “That wasn’t a testament of you being - abnormal - I’ve just never done something like this before, a friend put me up to it - I mean, I’m sure you’re interesting -” 
“It’s alright,” Andrew cut in, because Neil was truly digging himself a sufficient grave. “You should tell me three things you’ve never told anyone.” 
Neil blinked. “Why?”
Andrew shrugged. “Why not? I’ll give you one: I’m afraid of heights.”
“Cockroaches,” Neil echoed, cocking his head to the side. “You’ve never told anyone you’re afraid of heights?”
“What use does that information have?”
“Why can I have it, then?”
Andrew wanted to hear more of this petulant, argumentative tone that Neil had gradually developed. “Must everything have a reason?”
“Of course not,” Neil tapped a lithe finger on the rim of his glass. “But most things - or people - do. That’s what they tell themselves, at least.”
“Profound,” Andrew acknowledged, tipping their glasses together. 
Neil wasn’t uninteresting. There was something underneath those ocean eyes.
Neil liked maths - he’d gone out of state to study for a few years, in Virginia - and cats and took the strawberry from Andrew’s dessert because he hated sweets but would eat fruit any day. He’d also clipped the lip of a waiter who’d expressed irritation that they asked for a split bill, finding the other waiter who’d served them to give the nicer girl a fiver tip. 
It was an odd balance, Andrew observed, between real facets of ‘Neil’ escaping and a formulated restraint, clearly years in the making. Andrew couldn’t believe how late it’d gotten by the time they’d left. Even the way Neil smoked was baffling, holding the light by his chin and looking out into the dimly lit street that stretched out before them. 
“How’d you get roped into this, anyway?” Neil inquired.
Andrew shrugged. “My cousin likes to mess with my life. How does Nicky know your friend, anyway?”
“I think they might’ve had an economics class together in college, and decided they shared a passion for exuberance and high-heels,” Neil chuckled, taking a slow drag. “Allison always said Nicky Nights were the most fun she’d ever had.”
“Allison,” Andrew considered. He wasn’t really familiar with the name. 
“I should probably be heading off,” Neil said, idly checking a watch. He wore a watch. It didn’t look cheap, either. “Have to deal with - family mess.” The way he said family mess had Andrew practically in stitches with intrigue. There was simply nothing simple about Neil, nothing Andrew could put together without time and patience. He simply nodded, watching cars drive past as Neil leant off the wall. 
He’d already written his number on the receipt: fingers hooked into Neil’s sleeve, he spun the young man around, just before he could waltz off to his nice car and drive on home. 
“Here,” he said offhandedly, ignoring the way his heart skipped and leaped. 
Neil took the number slowly, tucking it into his pocket. 
“I’m going to be a bit touch-and-go for a little while,” he said. “Family’s back in town and all. But I’ll text you,” he rolled his lips into his mouth as his cheeks went red. “I will text you.”
Andrew waved him off. “I don’t care what you do.”
Neil’s lips twitched into a small smile. “Okay. I’ll see you later, Andrew.”
Andrew watched as Neil walked away, arriving at a sleek black car that ought to be keyed in a city like Baltimore. Before he set off, he leaned into the passenger seat, rummaging for something. 
Just as Andrew was thinking I didn’t even get his last name, he noticed an odd glinting of something from within Neil’s car. Something reflecting the streetlight, almost into his eyes.
In the compartment of the door was a knife-handle, a cleaver blade attached. It was so carelessly thrown into the door shelf that it seemed to (still?) have a few mild specks of something red across its spine.
Andrew let his cigarette fall to the ground, shoving his hands into his pockets as Neil glanced over his shoulder to give Andrew another one of his little smiles, something Andrew wanted to hold and cherish in spite of the probable weapon left in the passenger seat’s door. As the car skidded away, Andrew remained utterly still, the amalgamation of emotions swirling within his usually void-like chest cavity. 
how was the date???????????? Nicky texted. 
bad, Andrew responded. Because - in spite of everything, the awkwardness, the lack of punctuality, the gunshot scar, the probably bloodied knife in his car - Andrew wanted to see him again. In spite of everything, it had been a good evening. 
oh well! Nicky sent back, with a cheerful smiley face and a bunch of needless xoxo’s. Andrew’s phone buzzed twice as another text came through - this time from an unknown number.
hi this is neil’s number - figured i would text at the traffic light before i lost this receipt :D
Fuck it, Andrew thought. 
hi neil. this is andrew.
blind date!! also, neil, dont leave bloody cleavers in the passenger seat door, you dumbass 
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rightsockjin · 3 years
Cowboys and cowboy culture did not come from mexico. There were native and black cowboys in America and even regular white ones. Before you post stuff actually know and be factually educated about American history and history of ALL races not just your own especially when its not true.
Howdy! 🤠You’re totally right. At least about one thing. There were cowboys in America of color! Cool! Good job! Now let’s break this down because one thing I never do is speak out of my behind. I am very well educated so I don’t mind helping you learn as well! The “Cowboy” began by the Rio Grande. That’s the river you need to cross to come into America from Mexico in case you were wondering. I know geography is difficult. Hehe. The FIRST EVER cowboys were from SPAIN(there is even an argument that Vaquero culture was already present within the indigenous before that and that the Spanish only helped to “train” them).They colonized the people in Mexico (at this point Texas was in Mexico- weird right cuz now it’s part of the US) and so they pushed that culture onto the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF MEXICO. The NATVIE PEOPLE of Mexico. Again. These were people who were already in Mexico and at this time Texas was a part of Mexico. Keep that in mind when I say MEXICO. Have you ever heard of a Buckaroo? OH WAIT!! Just kidding that’s what the ENGLISH SPEAKING MEN CALLED 𝘝𝘈𝘘𝘜𝘌𝘙𝘖𝘚 because they didn’t know how to pronounce the SPANISH word- Vaquero which means “cow herder” in Spanish.Now. When did I say that there weren’t any people of color who were cowboys?? I don’t remember writing that? Yes I was aware that there were people of color who were cowboys because GUESS WHAT, Mexico is not a homogeneous people. We are of all colors! Furthermore, Mexican is not a race. How about you learn basic vocabulary before you post anonymously? I also mentioned in the post that part of the culture that was associated 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 being a Vaquero was native but didn’t want to speak too much on it because that part of the culture I am not as well versed in and said that if you make FUN OF WHAT THEY WEAR you are making fun of two cultures and that doesn’t sit right with me. Which is why I posted the post to start with. I’m not cool with people disrespecting my culture and parts of other peoples just because they feel like it. Finally, I will end this with what you said to me. Make sure that 𝘺𝘰𝘶 educate yourself on ALL races (including ones that are not races so I will say instead-cultures because apparently you need to learn them all now) not just whatever you THINK you know. I’ll include some links and if you have any questions feel free to ask us! We actually really love history and I just finished taking a class on Mexican art history since I enjoy my own culture and the MANY races that can be part of it so we could have a good convo about lots of other stuff you would like!:) Ah right I forgot, yes- in conclusion, Vaquero culture was brought to the Mexican indigenous people by Spain who colonized us. Then, Americans took that. Are you trying to take that from us as well?? Because they already beat you to it . If your issue is my race- or me being a POC, hi- I am POC. My WHOLE family is very brown. My grandfather, in fact, is a Vaquero. He wears the hats and the shirts and the boots and the whole get up. So is My Uncle. Both men are very BROWN with indigenous features. Do the math. Thanks for your concerns but please educate yourself. Here are some link to help with that and some pics! I hope this a was useful and feel free to message with anymore incorrect assumptions about MY culture. (Lol like that it’s a race and POC aren’t cowboys hahahahahahaha) have a nice day!
I’ll leave you with a quote from my VERY BROWN DAD. “Es mejor mantener la boca cerrada y que piensen que eres un tonto que abrí la boca y despejar todas las dudas” that’s translated to “it’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re stupid than to open your mouth and leave no doubt.” (i.e. saying stupid things without research. Google is free)
Side note: I LOVE Vaquero BTS🥰
Scholarly links
Yeehaw link 1
Yeehaw link 2
And here’s a cute little picture of OG cowboys
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Please notice their features and how they ambiguous the look.
And also here’s more of the cowboy influence
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This is the traditional folkloric dance clothing from Tamaulipas which is the Mexican state closest to the Texas.
Once again, Google is free 💜 🤠✌🏽
This post was approved by all admins.
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kaeyasaki · 3 years
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❝ skirt off, fuck in the backseat, take that shirt off, baby, put it on me, got me like “yeehaw”, ride it like a horsey, kinda like see-saw up and down on the d ❞
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warnings :; unprotected sex, dirty talk, sub!reader, slapping, fingering + degradation -> +4K words
an :; hello hi i don’t know why the fuck i’m actually writing for leorio because i don’t fw him at all, but we checked and the leorio nsfw tag is literally dry and i felt bad for leorio stans so consider this my one time gift for leorio because this will never happen again LOL — NOT PROOFREAD I’LL GAG IF I DO SO
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Leorio is a man of tolerance and he’s rather neutral in the sense of liking and disliking things. Of course, he’s open about things that bother him, but he’d rather resolve issues than allow them to stew and worsen over time.
One thing he didn’t like and couldn’t solve however was you.
Leorio couldn't stand you. You were always outdoing him in every test or exam your class took and it was even worse when the professor had insisted upon seating the two of you together in order to ‘keep up’ with one another as the pair of you were far ahead of the rest of the class.
Attending med-school was already stressful enough on its own, but Leorio was certain that being seated next to you only caused that stress to multiply by ten each class he attended. Still, he refused to let you get the better of him after all, your finals were fast approaching and that’s exactly when he’d shut you up for good.
“Leorio!~” He cringed at the sickenly sarcastic tone of your voice from behind him as he walked through the classroom doors. “What?” His tone is sharp as he has no means to entertain you in the slightest, only replying out of common courtesy.
“Why so uptight? Can’t I just say hi to the second best in class?” You hummed, teasing grin tugging at your lips as he scoffs at your comment. “Second best?” He repeats, eyebrows raised and brows twitching. “Second best.” You nodded, a provocative glint in your eyes as you were left satisfied with irritating him before class.
One thing you had learnt about Leorio during the months you’d spent sharing your classes with him, was that once agitated, he had a hard time concentrating. He was easy. Too easy in fact. Every lesson you played the boy like an instrument, pulling all the right strings for all the right reactions out of him.
You weren’t certain as to what it was about him that drew you in to provoke him at every opportunity, but you were certain that every opportunity taken would leave you satisfied. Perhaps it was his desperation that kept you hooked onto him. His constant need to beat you and gloat anytime he could. It was cute almost. But despite his somewhat annoying nature in that sense, you’d be a liar if you were to say you found him unattractive.
You weren’t stupid. Whether he was aware of it or not, Leorio was more than pleasing to look at. His broad shoulders forcing the threats of his crisp white shirt to hang on by thread. His torso was slim but certainly defined as you’d caught yourself eyeing the clearly chiseled muscles which would sometimes be left exposed through the thin white material on particularly hot days. You already loved the summer months, and Leorio’s appearance only becoming more obvious to the eye due to the lack of clothing he’d wear in the warmer weather only added a reason to your list of things to love about summer.
Class was boring to say the least. Your professor's voice drowned out completely as the sun peaked in height and forced waves of heat through the glass windows. You sighed and laid your head down on the desk, eyes catching sight of Leorio scribbling down whatever the professor was droning on about. You’d never paid much attention to the boy other than when it came to annoying him and stealing glances at his handsome form. You knew he worked hard but not to the point where you knew how hard. A small smile had formed on your face as you spent the rest of the class peacefully watching your rival take down all the relevant notes, completely uncaring to the fact you had done nothing productive in class yourself.
“Good work today.” Your voice rang through his ears as the two of you packed up. “Me?” he questioned, puzzled expression wiped across his face as you giggled. “Who else?” He shot you a confused scowl before packing up the rest of his things. While you had attempted to compliment him, he had taken it as mockery. The fact you knew finals were approaching but you still gave no effort to revision in class seemed taunting to him. Were you mocking him for having to try hard? Did the whole course just come naturally to you? Leorio didn’t even want to bother finding out. As far as he was concerned he was in med-school for his own reasons and them alone. He hadn’t the time to fool around with pretty things like you, especially not now. You’d only slow him down whether that was your intent or not. He couldn’t afford to lose sight of what he’d been striving for since the start.
“Whatever.” He huffed refusing to take anymore of your constant bothering. He slung his briefcase off the desk and began to head towards the door where the rest of the students were filtering out before you called out.
“Wait!” He halted his steps, body slowly turning to face you as you stood still behind your seat he’d just left you at. “I… I didn’t get the rest of the notes from today, could I get them off of you later?”
Leorio was a little taken aback, but yet he couldn’t see or sense any signs of mockery from you as your earnest eyes held contact with his. “Fine. You know where I’ll be.” He gave in sighing before turning back around and waving you off before exiting. Previous annoyance distinguishing just slightly. He hadn’t a clue what your intentions were, but he could distinguish between the real and the fake, and nothing about the way you looked at him and almost pleaded seemed ingenuine to him.
Leorio was certain he hated you, yet he couldn’t bring himself to deny you either. Walking back to his apartment, he thought back to times where you’d interacted. Majority of them being times you’d gone out of your way to get a rise out of him, but there was something endearing about the way you did it. Leorio felt almost special that you’d pay him and only him attention. Thinking back to it, you’d never bother anyone else, your sole attention aimed directly towards him and him alone. Leorio wasn’t sure if he was allowed to be special, but as any young man would, he did feel a sense of pride over the fact he’d somehow caught the attention of someone like yourself; someone as pretty as yourself. It didn’t matter to him that it wasn’t the typical type of attention a man of his age would prefer to enjoy, but nonetheless he enjoyed the jealous stares of others as you openly teased him and arguably borderline flirted.
Refusing to give into you completely though, Leorio swore he’d keep these thoughts to himself. Admitting how desirable he found you would be stupid on his end. You’d only make matters worse for him, tease him louder in class and gain a dreadful type of attention from others towards the two of you. He found you attractive, but not to the degree where he’d be willing to make a fool out of himself in front of anyone including yourself. It was best to keep you just at arms length and put up with this childish rivalry until you’d graduate and part ways.
A few hours had passed until you had rung up his apartment to be allowed in. Permitting your entrance, Leorio tapped his foot nervously as you made your way up the complex, notes on the coffee table nearby ready for you to borrow and leave. Opening the door upon your knocking, his face warmed at the sight of you dressed down a little more.
The pretty skirt you were wearing short enough to leave little to the imagination as to what was underneath. The cute top you were wearing clung to your figure and hugged all the right places. The only thing covering your modesty was the oversized jacket you’d left hanging off your shoulders so it technically had no other purpose than a poor attempt at covering yourself.
You smirked as you felt your classmate practically eye-fucking you before even entering his apartment. “Your notes.” you spoke suddenly catching him off guard. He sputtered a few times before straightening his stance and inviting you in, a string of incoherent mumbling leaving his lips as he remained flustered due to you catching him in the act of staring. You could only laugh lightly before sashaying in, the clean apartment scanned by your curious eyes.
“Is this them?” you questioned, fingertips dancing over the paper as Leorio joined you by the coffee table. “Indeed they are. Feel free to copy them I-”
“Is that it?” You cut in, flipping the sheets over to see if he’d written more on the other side of the paper. You could've sworn he’d written more, but supposing from the position you’d been watching him in class in, you'dn't hadn’t been able to tell just how much he was writing.
“It’s more than what you’ve done.” He retorted, nerves already stricken. “True,” You mused as you invited yourself to sit on his couch. “But I would’ve expected more from you.”
“Weren’t you just praising me for my work in class?” He huffed, tips of his ears warming up from agitation. “Yeah, I thought you’d generally worked hard though, I didn’t know you’d done so little though.” Sighing, you read over his pristine notes and decided the information was somewhat useful though. “I’ve done so little? Sorry not all of us are naturally gifted and don’t have to work for our grades!” Leorio snapped, temper teetering nearer the edge with each passing second. “Naturally gifted? I do more than enough work thank you!” You hissed back, sharp edge to your voice as you took slight offence to his claim. “Maybe you’d notice if you weren’t so busy staring at my tits in class all the time!”
Leorio was shocked. You’d noticed that? He thought for sure he was less than obvious but sometimes he’d have to admit he’d lose self control and shamelessly stare. You’d never say anything or react though, so he just assumed you hadn’t noticed. That didn’t matter though, because while he’d hold his hands up in guilt for staring at you, he’d caught you on more than a few occasions staring at his arms and then let your eyes trail down below towards his belt. He never said anything though, certain it’d cause him more of a headache than anything.
“Rich coming from you.” He scoffed as you glared right back at him. “With the way you stare at my belt, you would’ve thought the mark schemes written on there.” Heat rushed to both your face and core as his temper triggered something inside of you.
Leorio’s annoyance was nothing new to you, but this bolder and snappier side to him certainly was. It was hot to be blunt and you’d be damned to give up this chance to get rid of the building tension between the two of you.
Months and months of unspoken desires had been piling up between the two of you despite the fact neither of you had openly voiced them. You unknowing acted upon them though, your hungry staring contest in play for as long as you could remember when it came to classes together. You wanted him and the feeling was certainly mutual, but neither of your prides were weak enough to give in; not yet anyway.
The silence was unbearable, your frustrations growing worse by the second until you giggled. His eyes widened at the sudden sounds of your ringing laugher as you smirked up at him. “Fine then, just admit it, you wanna fuck me as bad as I want you to.”
Leorio’s face twisted in disgust, a mask to wear while he thought of a reply. Of course he did. He couldn't count the amount of times he’d taken care of his own frustrations at night imagining it was your throat around his length rather than his hand. He wouldn’t tell you that though. Not just yet at least.
“You’re disgusting.” Yet he doesn’t move when you press your chest up against his, arms looping around his torso battering your eyelashes up at him. His eyes are heavy with a mix of lust and neediness and sharply fixated on you, awaiting your next move. You almost laugh at his pathetic attempt to deny you, afterall you could easily ridicule Leorio to nothing more than a horny young man which was exactly what he was. He might've been a respectful student and aspiring doctor to the eyes of your classmates, but you knew from the start he’d be down bad for anyone willing to offer just the slightest ounce of attention to. He was just too easy. That’s what you had concluded anyway.
“Why haven’t you kicked me out yet then?” You questioned, index finger trailing up his chest as you cupped his cheek, taunting eyes gazing up at his panicking expression. “You could’ve easily given me your notes and hurried me away, but you didn’t, this is what you wanted isn’t it?”
“N-no.” Leorio choked out, flustered state worsening by the second. You were right, he did want this, but if he was going to do this, there was no way he was letting you take charge. Your presence was already dominating enough in the classroom, but you were in his territory now.
“So I’m wrong?” your finger trailed up to his face to cup his cheek as your taunting eyes flickered up towards him.
Tension and patience finally snapped, Leorio grabs your wrist and pulls it away from his face, his own hands reaching up to hold your neck and pull you in. “Just shut up already.”
He’s kissing you. Just like that. His lips are warm and the kiss is a little messy, but you expected this from the start. Both of you are too desperate to care at this point. You’re sure he’s bruising your lips at this point, he’s kissing you like he can’t take it much longer. All intentions of hiding desperation now forgotten, Leorio forces you to see just how badly he did in fact want this, despite his previous denial.
Your hands reach up towards the back of his neck, fingertips beginning to entangle with the short roots of his har, pulling him impossibly closer. He obliges, grunting in response and slotting his thigh between your legs as he groans again.
Your frustrations spike once more when you feel his free hand hikes up your skirt, long fingers dragging along your thigh. Tracing the outline of your practically useless panties, Leorio lets his finger wander along your wet slit, arousal already soaking the material through and through and you feel him smirk. “And the audacity to play coy with me, you wanted this that badly slut?”
You can hardly register what he’s saying to you as your only focus as of now is having his fingers somewhere a little better than on the surface of your heat. “Take them off.” He demands, voice stern but smile teasing with hints of pride. Not caring to bicker back, you whine but oblige to his wishes not wanting to wait any longer. “So you can follow orders then? Good to know.” He hums in approval, rewarding you with his middle finger dragging over your clit leaving you squirming in his grip. His thigh still firmly between your thighs, you’re denied of clenching them together. He’s staring at you intensely, eyes fixated on your twisted expressions as he teases your cunt a little more before adding his thumb.
With his middle finger tracing up and down your core and thumb drawing small but firm circles on the top of your clit, your mind goes blank. You’d fingered yourself plenty of times, but not as well as your classmate and biggest rival was doing right now. “Do you know how many times I’ve thought about you at night.” He sighs, demeanour completely unreadable as he almost looks as if he’s pitying you as he gazes down at your struggling face. You shake your head vigorously, wriggling in his hold in attempts for at least a little more friction. “Most nights.” He confesses with no shame as you let out a gasp as he adds another finger. He’s cautious, but obsessed with the way your walls clench down in his fingers, your arousal coating his fingers each time he pulls out. “M-me too.” You blurt out as his wrist snaps a little faster. He hums satisfied, his suspicions confirmed. He picks up the pace a little more; a reward for your honesty.
You sigh out shakily and whisper small chants of his name. The way your squirming against him has him painfully hard as he grows a little desperate himself. He begins to scissor his fingers in hopes of speeding up the process just a little more, because while he’d love to spend all night holding you in his grip, edging you to the point where you’re begging and crying, his own personal will wouldn’t hold that long, and he absolutely needed to be inside you sooner rather than later.
Arching your back slightly, you whine as he slows down taking in your pretty face. “Please just fuck me already.” You complain, eyes clenched shut as Leorio’s fingers continue their slow work. Grunting in response, he tugs his trousers down, his length springing free against your torso. “Shit.” You breathe out looking down at it.
Leorio’s dick isn’t the prettiest you’ve seen, but he’s definitely the most desirable in both girth and length. He was big, but you would guess that from the start when taking his frame into consideration. He had a few veins running down his dick too, and while he wasn’t the thickest you’d seen, the proportions matched well and you were even lucky enough to notice the slight curve which confirmed the fact you know he’d make you feel good.
Leaving you no more time to admire, Leorio pulled away from you to which you whined at the sudden loss of contact. Sitting down on the couch, he looked up at you and patted his thigh as you quickly stumbled over to him, desperation at its limit. Stopping you before you could sit down, Leorio had you over his lap as he lined his dick up to your entrance. “Sit.” he demanded as your mouth dropped open. He expected you to just sit? So casually too? He must’ve been mad. “I was already nice enough to prep you so why am I waiting?” He scolded, lustful eyes piercing through yours. “-ts too big.” You mumbled, head hung low in shame as Leorio tutted.
“It’s not, you’re not even trying to make it fit anyway.” He scoffed, tensions beginning to build up between the two of you again once more. Nodding your head, you shakily sunk down, eyes flying open as tears begin to form in the corners of your eyes. Crying out, Leorio takes a grain of pity on you as he allows you to recollect yourself. “Last chance before I do it myself,” He warns. “I’ve been generous today, inviting you to my home, letting you borrow my notes and then entertaining your needs, give a little back won’t you?”
Your teeth grit as you prepare yourself to attempt once more, but not before getting in one last snarky response. “Wasn’t it you who was eyefucking me as soon as you opened the door? If I didn’t know any better I’d say you wanted this more than me.” A harsh slap is stricken on your ass as you yelp. “Stop being such a brat, especially after you begged me to fuck you.” He hisses, frustration turning his tone almost angry. “You aren’t fucking me!” You cried out, tears of pent up needs becoming too overwhelming. Your fists are clenching the hem of your skirt and tears are streaming down your face as Leorio looks up at you.
His hands move quickly to his hips as you gasp upon the feeling of your body being pulled down. “You want me to fuck you? Fine, have it your way.” His grip on your hips is firm and you know there will be marks left later, but none of that mattered as of now. The only thing you cared about was having Leorio finally claim you as his in ways you’d imagined while pleasuring yourself most nights. Tears continued to drip down your face as you screamed out Leorio’s name as he plunged his entire length inside of your dripping cunt. It was painful, but slowly, your hips began to move on their own grinding up with his assistance until the two of you built a steady pace turning the pain into pleasure sending your head spinning.
Your tits are fully out and exposed by now, your flimsy top hardly stopping them from spilling out as they bounced at the same pace of your thrusts. Leorio’s eyes stayed focused on them for a while. His pupils gazing up and down at the same rhythm of your chest. He’d experienced the wonders of a female body before, the hunter exam he’d taken over a year ago giving him his first taste of what it really felt like to touch a woman, but this was different. This was a more personal experience, and the fact that he was the one making your body react like this only fuelled his movements as well as his pride.
“Shit- you feel so much better than I thought you - fuck - would!” You moan, your hands gripping his shoulders for support as you feel the coil in your stomach tighten. The praise is sent straight down to his groin as his thrusts are a lot deeper now, hitting against your cervix multiple times over as you start to see stars.
You cry out when he finally hits the right spot, your vision going white as your head tilts back, tongue dropping out your mouth. “There!” You sob. “Right there again!”
Seeing no reason to deny you when you’ve done such a good job of taking him so well, Leorio tightens his grip on your sides as drool begins to pool in your mouth. He leans in close and licks a stripe up your neck before taking a nipple into his mouth resulting in a loud moan to leave your lips. He sucks the sensitive bud as his thrusts show no relent, adamant on hitting the same spot as before.
You’re closing in towards the edge, the knot in your stomach unbearably tight as Leorio continues towards his goal of throwing you over the edge. Pulling away from your chest leaving a prominent bite mark from where he’d had his mouth attached to your nipple, he leans back in to gently lick over the mark. The gentle gesture contrasting the hard thrusts of his hips as he continued to assist in the shifting of your weight up and down his length.
A few more thrusts and you’re crying out his name, a thin line of drool streaming from the corner of your mouth as you come hard all over his cock. You’re so caught up in your own high, you miss the way he smirks at you, but with a gentle twinkle in his eyes. You coming undone is easily the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. The way your lashes cast a faint shadow over your cheeks as your head tilts back and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
While Leorio would love to keep you like this, stay inside you with your expression in place and cum dripping down him, he loses his own self control as just the sight of your fucked out face alone is enough to send him off the edge as he follows suit, loud groan as he fills his load into your dripping hole.
The warmth of his seed spreads through your entire body as your hands drop down from off his shoulders and rest of his chest, the two of you left to catch your breath. The two of you stay like that for just a few more moments. The blissful silence proving all tension, pent up frustrations and emotions had been resolved, the air now perfectly clear.
You flutter your eyes open again, your breathing returning to its regulated pace as you return back to reality. Leorio’s still inside you, his sweaty forehead resting against your shoulders, his breathing returns from ragged to regular.
“Shit.” You breathe out, realisation finally sinking into your head.
“Yeah, shit.” He repeats, tone a lot gentler from before as he lifts his head up to look at you. “And to think you only came by to pick up my notes.”
You laugh a little, his comment stirring not irritation, but genuine happiness through your chest as he offered a gentle smile your way.
“Well,” he spoke, as you gazed back into his now endearing eyes. “I suppose it’s too late for you to walk home.” “If I can even walk at all,” You mused. “You were a lot rougher than anticipated”.
He laughs. thumbs drawings gentle circles on your sides over the harsh marks he’d left on your skin from his tight grip. “What sort of business man would I be if I wasn’t just the slightest bit deceiving?” He hummed. “I thought you wanted to be a doctor.” You humoured back, your hands now finding home  around the base of his neck.
“I do, that was a joke,” He said, forehead now resting against your own. “But alongside being a doctor, what I really want,” His voice quiet, barely above a whisper as you nod for him to continue. “Is for you to give us a chance rather than fighting it any longer.”
You smiled and pulled away from him. Head nodding firmly as he gently squeezed your sides. Leorio was right, while the two of you may have had your clases from time to time, there was no denying that there was mutual attraction from the start. Something drawing you into him and that same thing refusing to let him leave.
While the two of you had wasted so much time with petty competitions and arguments, you were certain that now you’d communicated properly, things would be smooth sailing for the two of you from here. Although, you thought to yourself, miscommunication had led you to this very situation. So while you nodded your head agreeing to give the two of you a shot, maybe you’d just have to be a little difficult every so often. Just for the sake of reminiscing and no other reason of course.
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beatcroc · 2 years
monster thoughts: lamure
tigrex |name: Tiberius | prior familiarity: plenty hmmm. i know i liked this one a lot before but here it just feels bland. like yeah that sure is a t-[iger] rex. there is really nothing else to say about it. Another where the movements are key to appreciating it, and that aren't shown well in stories. Every time I've seen this thing before it had the most recklessly angry and unhinged charging and climbing animations and it was bonkers to watch it do anything but it's like...largely pretty normal in stories. sad. 7/10
cephalos/drome | name: Flange |  prior familiarity: none obfgnfdbasgfj. these things are absurd. look i know it’s supposed to be a hammerhead shark but all i can think about with them is planarians or some other kind of flatworm. they look shitty and pathetic in a very amusing and believable sort of way and also VERY stupid at low hp.big fan of how they constantly faceplant in the overworld. 9/10
genprey/drome | name: Mmm Soup | prior familiarity: only as my friend’s discord avi lol hey can this fucker stop being 75% of the eggs at every nest i look in please. my god. too many.  alright i was pretty mean to velocidrome and even though gendrome is like, The Same Thing, i do think it’s substantially more interesting. the teeth are just a lot more fun and easily noticeable than the claws. the colors are also a lot less.....happy meal toy. otherwise, still a basic small enemy fodder type of guy. 6/10
monoblos | name: Dreadnaugt | prior familiarity: none styractosaur babey!!!!! despite being one of my fave dinos i’m pretty mid on this thing. it IS cool but it sorta feels like they got this awesome head concept down first and then didn't know what to do with the rest. love the second styracto ridge on the shoulders, but it’s not doing much else besides that. 7/10
diablos | name: Sheep |  prior familiarity: somewhat why did they do that to its eyes in stories...........pls......he looks so sad...... really really cool face; having both huge horns and tusks that protrude so far forward is really striking, and putting a parallel shape on the tail is great too. not a whole lot going on with the rest of the body but it’s at least got the kind of detail/shape patterns that balance it decently with the head. also this thing is the only one with the ‘roar’ ability whose roar sound makes me go "yeah i’d freeze the fuck up if i heard that”. 7.5/10 black diablos [name: BoneBeard ]: ‘s alright. flatly neutral to it. both colorsets are about the same and neither are particularly interesting. 7/10 cuz the normal one has better contrast
lagiacrus | name: Toto | prior familiarity: plenty lagia is, i believe, the first monhun design i became familiar with. he's really good. certified flat fuck truly befitting the name ‘leviathan’. hard 2 say anything about a specific part bc it all flows so well, but the cobra sorta hood, jagged jaws, and placement of the red spines are all really strong features. 10/10
mizutsune | name: Rosary | prior familiarity: plenty another one of the first ones i learned to recognize, and definitely the one i saw most often. for good reason! very memorable spin on a very traditional sort of dragon, fun base body build, fantastic accenting shapes, spectacular colors, killer overall aesthetic 10/10
nonrideable and variants under cut yeehaw
hermitaur family | prior familiarity: somewhat hermit crabs nesting in skulls is a fantastic concept and mono/diablos are additionally fantastic picks for said skulls. it’s actually really funny how comically Evil plum daimyo looks, especially compared to the normal one who’s a fairly normal and unassuming looking hermit crab. nothing too novel going on with the body, but the claw shapes are fun and i like how they puzzle piece together with the skulls. 8.5/10
plesioth | prior familiarity: none i really wish i could give this thing a higher score because i feel like the core concept here is pretty good, and on their own the fin spines an colorful sails are great. unfortunately they’re also hells of clashy against the body, which in itself has not a single interesting thing going on. much as ‘slapping a fish body onto funny legs’ works for zamtrios, it incredibly does Not work here. 3.5/10
variants: purple ludroth [name: Amaranth] bitch it’s fucking pink!!!! what more could you possibly want!!!! 10/10 purple gypceros [name: [i did not hatch one.] ] an improvement over the original but still not good. 4/10 brown slagoth: significant improvement over the original, and its dumbass nose is way less glaringl. 6/10 green nargacuga [name: Zep]: ohhhhhh nnnnooooooo this completely ruins the cool stealth predator look and also looks bad with the red highlights. 3/10 ash kecha wacha[name: no]: first of all fuck this thing for its name. second i don’t like it as much as normal kecha, even if the alt eyespot style is really cool 6/10 ruby basarios [name: Razer]: while i do think the crystals diminish the interesting lumpy body shape normal basarios has, the gems n’ moss look undeniably fucks. 8/10 crimson qurupeco [name:Hardstyle]: equally good as normal peco but in a very different way. i do have to ask what the fuck is up with the throat sac color though. it’s blue in the icon, tan during normal moves , and red when enraged. what is the truth.
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advernia · 4 years
What do you think would happen if Alice had fallen into Cradle with her child? I’m particularly curious about Sirius and Luka OwO
in general i’d say the presence of the mother-child combination in cradle would (rather, should) raise the tension higher because two people from the land of reason = two people who can repel magic, yeehaw. i think that gives the magic tower more incentive to be aggressive point blank bc 1) two magic repellers = greater chances of world domination plans being thwarted, 2) on the other hand they will make excellent test subjects, 3) them being blood-related + different ages (and possibly genders) opens more avenues for varied forms of experimentation, and 4) more ways to enter the land of reason, hella rad.
there’s probably more but morbid thoughts aside... here’s some general scenarios!
he grew up having lotsa siblings + if you count the black army as the whole he’s raised a lot of brats lmao, so alice having a kid doesn’t faze him the slightest!
in the prologue where ray ends up catching alice, sirius ends up catching her kid instead. thinks the kid’s five years old or something. sirius is about to ask the child some basic questions, but the kid suddenly points to a running blanc so whoops. before the strange pair go rushing after blanc, kid says a thank you, mister! and that earns immediate brownie points because the! kid! called! me! mister! and sirius proceeds to make that veeeery clear to ray lol. maybe to fenrir and seth too, later.
so after all the prologue drama, alice & the kid formally introduce themselves as mother & child to the black army. there’s a few murmurs of reallys and awwws because tbh alice looked rather young to be a mother but oh well. it doesn’t change sirius’ welcoming and accommodating approach, though he keeps more tabs on the child because honestly...
a young child in the barracks... where there’s a stocked armory + shiny magic crystals... ridiculous brats - ehem, grown men prone to showing off + creating trouble... yeah. though it’s really not a hassle on sirius’ part to somewhat act like a babysitter, he gets to suffer being teased about nonsense like paternal instincts coming to life in full force lol!
though seriously speaking, he’s very careful not to ask / bring up the biggest subject of them all: alice’s husband (if there’s even one to speak of, ooh). on the kiddo’s side of course, it’s already hard enough that someone so young suddenly ends up in a strange place + gets their mother and themselves threatened by a whole goddamn army (sirius, to lancelot: i stg what are u doing???) + has to live out a whole month in a new environment all of a sudden, so he believes the least that he & the black army can do is keep the child comfortable enough so that the feeling of fear would be lessened, get a sense of comfort going on. sirius definitely can’t blame the kiddo if they start crying out for their father/home though - though he knows it’s not his fault + can’t do anything much, he’ll feel bad about the fact that he can’t do much for the child’s homesickness.
he’s not going to broach the topic on alice either - if alice wanted to talk, then he’d do his best to listen. if she didn’t then he wouldn’t dare ask, it’s a very personal topic after all. who was he to pry into her personal matters when she + her child would be leaving in a month???
so picture this: he did say he’ll help watching over the kid, but there’s not much to do bc her child is good enough. what a little angel, polite and curious and quiet. maybe a little too quiet, withdrawn??? hmmm. either way, the child didn’t seem too (pro)active. or was playful the term sirius was looking for?
like sure, there’s the loud laughs for stupid antics, answers when talked to, smiles and walks around the barracks on their own but... more often than not, the child keeps close to alice or is just around her general line of sight. separation anxiety, maybe??? that’s natural, so okay. or maybe it’s alice who’s always hovering around her child??? either way, there’s nothing odd about that, but upon longer observation...
the kid is just... really responsible / really loves their mom??? alice watering the plants??? quickly looks for another watering can / gets a bucket of water to refill the can with. general cleaning or laundry??? puts a hold on whatever they were doing, rolls up sleeves, gets ready to do some work. prep work for dinner??? peeling’s a bit wonky, but they’re doing their best while trying not to cut themselves...
this strikes off as a bit funny to sirius, because wow, they really are related. where alice is quick to offer her help on all sorts of tasks in the barracks, her child is just a step behind her, little hands willing to do some work. on some tasks, alice does tell her kid that she’ll be alright doing it on her own, but her kid insists doing it alongside her anyway. and that there, that’s a very alice thing to do, too. sirius - heck, maybe the black army would know that by now as well, lol, considering how alice flutters around the barracks looking for something to do if she’s not having some alone time + private time with her child.
though, as much as the help was appreciated... it doesn’t sit well with sirius that the mother & child are spending most of their hours working rather than enjoying themselves in cradle. he thinks it’s a shame, especially for the kid. back when sirius was younger, he would...... then he’d go to....... and then sometimes he’d.............
.... right. if the guests wouldn’t relax themselves, then sirius would take it upon himself to show them a good time. it doesn’t have to be through big events, it doesn’t have to be everyday, it doesn’t need to be through fancy or expensive gifts either...... if only just to see both of them smile more often, then it’s definitely worth the time thinking about.
more bonus points if he’d get to see alice’s kid start acting like... well, a child! while there’s nothing wrong with being responsible or wanting to help, a kid should definitely experience all sorts of things, explore what they can, and most of all, enjoy themselves.
that’s what it means to be young, and alice should do the same as well... being in cradle is their adventure, after all! they’re not completely unrelated to the war but..... if anything else, sirius wants to fulfill the black army’s promise of precting them until the full moon comes around, and when that day comes.... he hopes the two have made a ton of good memories of their stay in cradle.
......... funny that this guy’s thinking about how make the two relax when he can’t even stop and do that for himself lmaooooo 
lol he starts off the same as he’s always been in most routes: shying away + nothing much to say to the parent/child combo now suddenly under their wing.
though, he does keep watch of their eating habits on the first days of their stay: alice eats anything + everything so that’s a relief, she’s adjusting. now if only he can say the same for her child....
imagine alice’s kid still being uncomfortable & cranky a few days in cradle + black army company, refuses to eat much even though his mom’s urging him to. breaks into a tantrum one day, saying that i wanna eat mama’s cooking instead! or something similar for everyone in the dining room to hear before storming out. ooh. there’s a brief silence - most stares land on luka, who isn’t really offended.
..... well, okay, so maybe it did sting a little bit. alice apologizes to luka before going away to calm her kid down. fenrir + ray tell him not to worry about it, seth + sirius muse about the kid feeling all homesick / sensitive. cue other soldiers saying something about puberty (whut lol). or y’know, kids being kids.
luka tries thinking about the kid’s situation for a bit. away from home, living in a whole new environment, surrounded by a whole lot of other people with attitudes and faces way different from those around at home... huh. that kinda sounds like himself in a way, except that the away from home bit on luka’s part was a voluntary choice.
having realized that, luka has a better guess of what the kid might be feeling. overwhelmed, definitely. from a very hostile welcome with handcuffs + the red army carrying the threat of death, suddenly being surrounded by the kindness of the black army is a total 360. must feel unreal, suspicious, even. the sight of real weapons around, the existence of magic and all that, unknowingly having a power so strong the whole country fears it. sounds like too much too process for a child.
..... alright, but looking at alice’s kid being unfriendly + clingy to alice 24/7 + being such a crybaby also reminds luka of... uh, himself, when he was younger. not to his own mother, but to... well, jonah, ugh. it’s not an easy pill to swallow (it takes grudging acceptance), but at least luka gets to know why he always felt some pang of irritation looking at the child.
so the next time the kid starts crying over something/causes trouble for alice, luka surprises everyone in the room by taking the initiative to scold the kid for acting so selfish. tough call, by the way - the child is wow, stubborn as hell + likes to keep the waterworks going while screaming; luka’s got a pretty good idea of what he wants to say but is having trouble getting it across properly and in a less menancing manner, so in short its a mess. witnesses ray blackwell + fenrir godspeed find the whole scene sorta funny though, much support lol.
alice wants to cut in, but sirius + seth tell her to leave it to luka, who seems to be winning since her kid’s running out of energy from crying & shouting at the same time. luka seems to be calming down too, because his tone + volume + facial expression is getting less stern. this seemed like a good time to mosey out of the scene so sirius ushers the audience to go away lmao, even the worried mother (who, decides to eavesdrop instead. no one has the heart to pull her away... so they hover around the doorway with her too.)
not arguing with luka anymore, the upset kid starts to babble of nightmares about the scary men in red with their sharp swords, not wanting to sleep because maybe when they close their eyes mama might suddenly be gone and they’re all alone, the scary feeling of losing mama to strangers, and the list goes on and on. its a collection of fears + worries of a child, and luka’s patient enough to listen. in fact, he smiles wryly when there’s mentions of monsters under the bed: it’s embarrasing, but luka used to cry over that too.
... seeing the kid bawl their eyes out like this, luka really is reminded of his younger self. the clinginess, sudden outbursts, the fear of maybe one day, they’ll be left behind and will be all alone. luka might be speculating the kid’s feelings, but more than anyone else, luka would be the closest one who could relate to what the kid was going through because.......... he acted that way towards jonah, back when they were younger.
he wonders if they’ve mentioned any of this to alice, even if just the smallest of their fears. he wonders how long they’ve been bothered over those fears, if they’ve been sleeping well at night. with all those questions in his mind, luka’s not so sure what to say; how to comfort the child.
he still tries though, even if his words come out a bit clumsy, even if the kid’s still sniffling all the way through the process. it’s a quiet moment, one that lasts till the child has cried themselves to sleep. they just stay that way for awhile, the kid resting their head on luka’s arm, until luka decides to carry the child back to their room........ alice must be worried.
..... she is, actually. when she and luka talk, she keeps quiet of her eavesdropping. luka doesn’t tell her everything either, because he believed that some of the things they talked about are better said by the kid themselves rather than him relaying the message to alice.
there’s nothing much to say after that, so luka goes on his way. alice says a very sincere thank you before he goes. she... has a lot of other things to say other than just that, but.... maybe another time. maybe when she’s plucked up the courage.
anyway, after all that alice’s kid seems to have gotten off their... spoiled phase, lol. still a little clingy to alice, but is getting less prickly + talking to others now. most notable development though, is if the child isn’t around their mother......... they could be seen hanging around luka.
.......... cue comments on how heartwarming it is to see a young child tottering around luka like a little duckling. luka does not appreciate the teasing. especially when it comes from seth + fenrir because why are their grins so big??????? but he doesn’t say anything against the kid following him around lol.
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
Broken Bow parts 1 & 2 (Live Reaction):
Ah, so we’re kicking off with smarting up Archer’s prejudice against Vulcans that I know from all my Vulcantology research he grows out of. Neat.
Oh shit Klingon on earth?? Look at those glorious locks! Who are these weird squishy bendy dudes?? Oh that shiz EXPLODED. I’ve got my yeehaw phaser rifle and I kills a Klingon- fuck is THAT how the war started?! Whether or not that’s stupid remains to be seen.
Wowwwww this theme song... is... a lot. Star Trek, bruh, since when??? No. Just... no. Oh hey it’s Archer & Trip a lil’ light fantastic! Ngl Trip’s actually cute. Oh wow they really don’t know Klingons. Oh hey Phlox is here! I get where Archer is coming from about the plug pulling thing, even if Klingon culture is very “HONOR!!” and stuff. Even then, wouldn’t it be detrimental even to a warrior race for them to die when they can be healed?
Vulcans just love acting like everyone else is stupid don’t they? Wow everyone is racist at like, everybody (aliens wise) this definetly has established itself as pre-Federation. Ope! More new characters! Baby ensign dude (Travis!) and British ship’s engineer(?) oh hey it’s Hoshi Sato!! Oh look they’re acknowledging that aliens speak more than one language on their workds finally!! Behold T’Pol! She doesn’t sound like I thought she would? (Idk what that means lol but yeh)
Ohhhh man Trip, Vulcans don’t do haaands my dude, didn’t you get debriefed? But also would it have killed her to explain? Communicate damnit! Give us a speech elderly white boy! Yeehaw warp engines!! Cool speech call back or really it’s Kirk (& Picard and prob Pike soon) Doing the callback to Cochrane!
Oooh shady time travel aliens are back!! Phlox is here! I always got good/fun vibes from him, like, a lil’ creepy but in an entertaining way! Travis is adorable and I love him already, space station boyyyyy. THREE, THREE WHAT?? Travis’s generation are called Boomers?? LOL it makes sense that we’d have a baby boom after planetary colonization became possible but that’s practically a derogatory term now 😂
Time for a dinner chock full of microaggressions! Yup I was right, wowwwwwww everyone is being secret awful (T’Pol not so secret awful) but yeah I can see where all that VHS racism stuff comes from. Lol, oooooo Hoshi & T’Pol having a lil’ cat fight, Archer is such a dad lol. Poor Sato is so fucking stressed it’s okay gf! The ship is just not working and you’re learning Klingon and there’s an invisible alien aboard its FINE!! OH SHIT THAT KLINGON GOT KIDNAPPED!!!!!
Oh so the engineer’s name is Reed okay, oh this is the one with the Suliban. Wow T’Pol is kind of a bitch! She is just belittlement after belittlement, she’s like Spock but WORSE. Like, I’m definitely starting to understand Archer’s resentment toward them is coming from, not that it’s right, but it is understandable. Especially Vulcans have been having this sort of attitude toward humans (and other species) this whole time. Both races clearly have a LOT to learn.
Oh so this Suliban dude is a GMO, I actually freaking love Phlox. Good job Trip tryna bridge the gap between T’Pol and Archer but ooof still too salty. Oh wow! We’re going to Rigel for the first time okay?! Neat! Oof our Klingon boy out here getting interrogated oh shit! It wouldn’t be an earth 2000s scifi without a skanky bar and funky alien strippers. Uh oh Trip is about to make a mistake, oh thank god T’Pol stopped him *big exhale* everything is so new to us! It’s so interesting!
Ew creepy lady why u kiss him??? Oh it’s the “alien woman has to do (explicit/romantic action) to do (thing)” trope 🙄. Oh so there’s time travel shit going on??? Okay!!! What?! Okay! Man the GMO Suliban can do some seriously freaky shit! Okay I love Travis & Reed they’re cool, Reed is suave and Trav is adorable! OOp ARCHER GOT SHOT THE LEG! Close call close call!! Oh ffs T’Pol don’t take command, everything you’ve shown us so far is that you think humans are shit, hey maybe she’ll surprise me.
Ugh this is about to be- aaaaand it’s unnecessarily sexualizong T’Pol 🙄🙄🙄🤮🤮🤮. Trip can you please not call T’Pol out and be racist in the same sentence, I’d rather you just do the former please. OH YAY! T’Pol did surprise me! Good job T’Pol (and Trip... kinda... I guess). “One good turn deserves another” good line, but “doesn’t sound very Vulcan” is proof Archer really doesn’t understand Vulcans! Or at least not what they aspire to. Ohhhh Kay NOW we’re working together! Good! Good!!
I wonder who creepy time lord dude is. Sato THANK YOU why, WHY don’t starships have seat belts?!?! Makes no goddamn sense. Oh I was wrong earlier! Reed’s a pilot and Tucker’s the engineer, okay! I wonder what happened between this episode and Discovery (being the next closest in the timeline) that makes us enemies with the Klingons? Travis out here teaching Tucker how to drive I’m sure this will end well. I’m low key starting to get Bones-Spock energy from T’Pol & Archer. FURST PISTOLS WITH A STUN SETTINH HELL YEAH!
Alright alright, T’Pol is growing on me, awww Archer is soft! “U okay?” I can vibe with that! Hell yeah! I kinda wish I knew Klingon so I knew what this dude wa saying (but I’ve already got my hands full with Vulkansu). Archer why in the fuck are you wandering around?! Do you want to get caught/not found!??! Stay put dummy! Aaaand there’s the BBEG, oh, and he’s Suliban! Oh good thing that laser pistol is set to stun (oh and he dodged). Oooh scary transporter lmao.
Uh oh, was it al for nothing are these dudes gonna kill him anyway? Oh, no! Good so they just cussed Archer out lmfao. Thus the saga begins! Abandon yo grudges and pride Archer my dude, vouch for T’Pol hell yeah! Alright! I hope these two become friends hell yeah hell yeah! Time to boldly go say hi and introduce yourself to all these new aliens! Heck yeah!!
God I’m sure there were plenty of annoying ass Trekkies who were like “iT’s nOt rEaL sTaR tReK” like, how?? Because the costumes look different and they’re exploring a new time period and themes?? 🙄🙄🙄 gimme a BREAK with that shit, honestly. So far it’s been pretty interesting! Every Star Trek is Star Trek!
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talesfromlissom · 4 years
okami!hanzo... where his s/o... pet his fluffy wolves and do not pay attention to hanzo.. 😔 damn... sad day for hanzo.. wrong! hanzo eats out his s/o and demands their attention!☺️☺️ very sfw *wink wink, nudge nudge* 😳
!A/N! Lol, so basically I kinda switched everything in this ask :o. All my readers use he/him pronouns, (unless it's Tracer that’s the only time I’ll write a reader that uses she/her pronouns). And my readers are HARD TOPS SO UH YEAH YEEHAW
Basic Info:
 » You live in a small hut outside of the village, you mainly own lots of farm animals, and spend most of your time gardening
 » You’re a sorcerer, so you’re very in tune with nature and such, as well as emotions, not just your own 
 » Animals love you
(okay that’s it lol)
Overwatch Masterlist 
Ninjago Masterlist
The Arcana Masterlist (WIP)
Ask Box (Requests are CLOSED!)
!WARNING! NSFW contents ahead!
Patting the two wolves who were currently lounged in your lap was one of the most peaceful things you had done today. 
Most of it had been chaotic, first of all, the Okami you had been romantically involved with had come stumbling into your grounds all bloody, and an arrow sticking out of his side.
Second of all, he was being chased by hunters, which you easily fought off. 
And third of all, he was acting like a huge brat because you weren’t paying ‘enough attention to him’. 
You hear the door swing open, and aren’t surprised to see white fill the corner of your eyes. 
“Shouldn’t you be resting?” You ask, scratching the back of Tomo’s ears. 
Hanzo huffs. “I’m fine.”
“You had an arrow lodged through your side.” 
You sigh, counting to pet the wolves. Hanzo huffs again. 
You don’t reply this time, but chuckle as he blows against your ear.
“Go to bed Han, you’re overworking yourself.”
“I am doing no such thing.” 
You pet the wolves even more, but feel his arms wrap around your waist. 
You raise an eyebrow and look at him for a moment, but don’t say anything otherwise.
“Are you going to fall asleep on me again?” You ask, and he places his face on your shoulder, muttering something into it. 
Again you don’t reply. 
His hands venture lower, that’s when you stop petting the wolves. 
“Han, you’re injured.”
“It’s almost finished healing.” He mutters into your shoulder. 
You shake your head. “It may heal quickly, but it will take a lot of your strength,” You reply. “Healing magic uses more stamina than any kind of magic. You and I both know that.”
You grin. 
“Oh, so that’s why you're so needy?” You chuckle, as huffs. 
“I’ve missed you,” He pauses. “Dearly.”
Your hand finds its way to intertwine into his long white hair. “Have you now?”
“Yes, the minute I leave your forest...I find myself longing for you.” 
“Then why do you leave?” You ask. “If you miss me that much.”
Hanzo frowns. “You know why I must leave.”
You shake your head, pulling your hand from his hair and back to the wolves. One of them rolled onto her belly, and you pet it with pride. 
He whines. 
Hanzo nuzzles your neck.
“No. You need rest, Han. You know damn well what happens when we fuck, you literally can’t walk for two days straight.”
“That’s because you don’t know when to stop.”
“Doesn’t help that having you underneath me making all those noises is the most intoxicating thing.” 
You can feel his grin spread across his lips when his hands are on your waist again. 
You lean your head onto his shoulder, mouthing at his neck. 
“You’re trying to rile me up, aren’t you?” 
Hanzo says nothing.
“Or are you jealous that I’m paying more attention to Kenji and Tomo than you?” 
A whine. 
“Aw, you poor thing.” You preen at him. “We should fix that, shouldn’t we?” 
You practically feel the excitement that goes through him, it doesn't help that you’re soul bound to each other, forever ‘doomed’ to feel what the other feels when their emotions are at their strongest. 
You spin around, his hands rising from your waist and onto your shoulders, as you place a hand on his lower back, he’s wearing a shit-eating grin, and it vaguely reminds you of Genji, but you don’t really want to think about Genji while you’re fucking his brother. 
You chuckle. 
“Don’t you have to meet with Genji tomorrow?”
“If he finds any marks he’ll kill us both.” 
“No, he’ll kill you, and lock me in a tower for the rest of my life.” 
He tugs at your shirt, your onyx gem necklace falling onto Hanzo’s chest. 
You shake your head, as your hands drift down to his belt. 
“What are you doing?”
“You’re still injured,” You reply. “Not only that, but you have to meet your brother tomorrow, and I’d rather not suffer the wrath of a wolf god.”
“You’ve fought against more formidable foes, and come out victorious.”
“He’s your brother, Hon.” The belt falls to the sides of his body.
“That doesn’t mean you’re forbidden from fucking me properly.”
“I am if that means your brother has to find out you’ve been in bed with a witch.” You say as he kicks his boots off to god knows where inside of the small barn house. “And I’d like to keep my face the way it is, heard plenty of stories of gods who cursed witches to look like hags.”
“I would kill my brother again if that were the case.” He mutters as you put kitten licks on his inner thighs. 
“Is that so?” 
He hears a ‘moo’ behind him and looks up. 
“Your animals are watching us.” He says. 
You roll your eyes, and snap your fingers, with that the animals go about their business, turning the other direction entirely. 
“Is that better?”
“I would’ve preferred-”
“Nope, we’re doing this here, we’re in the middle of the woods, nobody can hear us.”
“Unless I was followed.”
“I highly doubt you were.” You say, taking off the linen underwear he wears. 
You grin at him. 
“Damn you really did miss me huh?” You mutter, dragging a finger up his slit. He shivers, and you bring the slick to your lips, making a damn show of it as well. 
He glares. “Get on with it.” He growls. 
You roll your eyes. “Patience, dear, patience.”
“That is the last thing,” He pauses as you pull him closer to you, and you lay down on the floor in front of him. “I want you to do.” 
“Then this won’t be very enjoyable, now will it?” You laugh, as a finger just lightly grazes his dick. 
He curses under his breath.
“You never just-”
Another graze, a tad bit harsher. 
He fidgets. 
This time, your thumb comes into this game, and you press down on his dick, hard. 
He flinches, as your thumb begins to rub it in a circular motion. 
He leans into it, and you don’t blame him either. 
Four months without seeing each other, and waking up with morning hood more than once, hell, you woke up with it more than once since you’ve met him. 
You hear his whimpers begin to get more frantic, his hands gripping the side of your face, beginning to place your hair between his fingers. His other hand pulls at the brown shirt he’s still wearing, his knuckles almost white.
Your fingers pull away, just as you think he’s getting too loud. He scoffs, as you just shake your head at him, grabbing his lower back and legs, before hoisting him up and carrying him. 
“Where are you taking me?”
“Why do you think?” 
He smiles. “You know me so well.” 
“No, I just know how to treat a man properly.” You respond, placing him on the table. 
Normally, this bench was used to place items, like books, ingredients, food, but now it lays empty, as most of the animals have already been fed, and it's barely even time for supper.
The cows and goats have already been milked, and the chickens haven’t laid any eggs yet either. 
He falls onto the table so softly, and you roll your sleeves up, leaning down and placing both of your hands on his thighs, practically wrapping your arms around them like an eel. You know fairly well he’ll move a lot during this, you’d rather not get kicked in the face. 
The first lick makes him jump, as he isn’t looking at you anymore, but as his head on the bench and rolled to the side. As much as you would love to just pull your damn dick out, and make him kick and scream your name at the top of his lungs till the whole damn kingdom could hear, it could further infect the wound, and you didn’t want to particularly piss Hanzo off right now. It was so rare that he’d try to initiate this sort of thing, so you weren’t going to do something stupid to ruin it. 
The second lick to his slit has him keening, clearly eager. 
The third time he groans, muttering to get on with it, as his hand grips your hair. 
You shake your head and dive in now, and he arches his back, finally happy he gets what he wants. 
He’s shaking, clenching around your tongue, and you move your hand so your thumb can play with his cock yet again. 
He kicks and fidgets under your touch, panting rapidly, which soon turns to breathy, yet soft moans. 
Your tongue laps at his juices and the hand in your hair becomes tighter, just a smidge below painful. 
You would chuckle right now, tease him about how desperate he looks, but you know that you shouldn’t keep this up for long, you still have to get him to bed again after this. 
If you tease him it will just rile him up some more, and he won’t stop asking for more until you’re inside of him with something other than your tongue.
His grip becomes tighter, practically pulling your hair from your head.
He’s swearing-in a mixture of Japanese, English, and most likely celestial, as your lapping and circles become faster, and more pressure is applied. 
His breath becomes more rapid, his moans higher pitches, before he lifts off of the table, and both hands to grip the top of your head, practically screaming your name into your ears. 
He twitches, despite your tongue and hands still toying with him. 
After the adrenaline dies down, and the overstimulation hurts, you let go, hands grasping his inner thighs as he twitches you see a faint line of drool drip from the corner of his partially open mouth. 
He hums softly. 
“Of course not.” He says, and you wonder how exactly he’s still able to muster such attitude in his voice. Then again, he’s practically a god, he could probably go on for days if given the reason too.
You usually last for about two hours compared to him. 
(You vaguely remember one time where he had this itch he couldn’t seem to get rid of, and he just rode you until you fell asleep that night. It was funny when you woke up in the morning, and you couldn’t feel your dick.). 
You sigh happily. 
“Aren’t you going to take care of that?” He asks, gesturing to your crotch.
You shake your head.
“Once you’ve rested, we can worry about that.”
You grab his clothing as he pulls it onto himself, you help him as well.
His belt is slung over your shoulder, and he climbs into your arms.
The door to the barn is shut with your leg, as you make your way to the small cabin. His forehead coming to rest on your shoulder, and before you even make inside the house, you hear his soft snores. 
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harps-for-days · 4 years
Sarah, I demand to know how Arabella spends Christmas! 14 and 15 for the Christmas asks :)
JESS HI!!!!! You wanted this!!
Ok so this may be a little long, as i want to explain a little about what holidays are celebrated. Its not important, i just want to. No one can stop me. So one (not super important) thing we need to establish about our favorite flamy flapper bitch: her palace is to her friend group as your (Jess) house is to ours. Valhelligreð palace is the epicenter of stupidity for them.
I also want to state that 18th century Lamaria does not have Christmas, as such a religion was just recently coming to their continent. Drussland has not yet gone about converting Lamaria from paganism (or this universe's equivalent of it)✌🏾 During the second book, Lamaria is kinda beginning to convert, but I'm thinking about book one Arabela so what is being celebrated is Aneføt. Its basically Yule and goes on for about 10 days. I realized, as I was typing this, that this was getting a bit long so I cut a lot lol. If you wanna know more about Lamarian mythology, let me know. I love infodumping! Also, Astristan’s Christmas is really just a winter festival. Their religion is based a lot on nature and the stars, so the changing season is very important to them. Lamaria’s celebrations go harder though ngl. Astristan’s festival is usually done before Aneføt starts.
Now! On to the dumbassery!!!!
14. Who they spend the holidays with
So Aneføt celebrations are usually specific to the different parts of Lamaria. Arabela doesn't have a ton of family in Valhelligreð - its really just her, Luella, and Arabesque. So usually Namur, Tor, Foraoisa, and Ophelia end up with her. They sometimes bring other people in their families too, which is totally welcomed by Arabela. Sometimes her brothers stay with her too (but rarely. Not cuz of family drama - one brother's a sailor and is rarely in Lamaria, the other comes like every two years).
15. All of their Christmas traditions (not just their favorite XD)
OH BOY ok here we go. Aneføt has a lot of parts to it, espcially since it's area specific. But here's what goes on in the Vawdrey household. Days before people get there, Luella usually goes ham and decorates. Arabela could not stop it, even if she wanted to. So when everyone gets there, they usually end up sharing about their own celebrations (Ophelia and Luella celebrate Christmas pretty much) just cuz that's fun. Arabesque (for those who do not know, this is Arabela’s son) usually performs in the Aneføt celebration concert, so they do that. Oh, and gift giving!!! The gang has a gift exchange because I am TRASH for that! Bela definitely gets her staff gifts too (I think she's also really good at gift giving lol). There is also an inaugural hunt on the first day that someone usually participates in (Ophelia is a surprisingly fantastic hunter and we love to see it). The opera house usually has a fundraising ball that just about everyone goes to (Namur tries not to, but never succeeds)...and ends up getting completely sloshed at. Arabela definitely has to make the occasional speech, which she kinda hates but yeehaw. Unfortunate thing that just about always happens - somebody forgets ice exists and ends up getting injured. Last year it was Foraoisa and it happened like two days before she needed to leave for Astristan lol. Those who can bake do so and drop off the pastries at the local orphanage because why not (those who hold the capacity to bake are literally just Ophelia, Luella, and Arabesque). Luella and Arabela definitely always make time for a romantic outing of some kind. And of course, there's a huge feast that they have. Ok and my personal favorite is totally conditional on if all three Vawdrey siblings are in the same space. With out fail, the last three times on the 7th night of Aneføt, one of them gets insanely drunk and ends up fistfighting someone on the palace stairs (last time it was Ambrose vs. The Duke of Valhelligreð). 'Tis the season, am I right lads
That's about it! I thoroughly enjoy writing these little tidbits about these people. I think they always had a lot of fun celebrating together and that makes me happy :)
(Also i know i tag her as an edwardian beefcake, but I literally just said the story takes place in the 18th century. I'm just obsessed with the early edwardian silhouette so the style I usually draw her in is that. She looks amazing in it too. Don't @ me.)
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handcat · 4 years
NOPE. Book Tag
Source: here
thank you @sunel0 <3
1. NOPE. Ending: A book ending that made you go NOPE either in denial, rage, or simply because the ending was crappy.
everything, everything, it has been years since i read that but that twist/ending was bullshit, i have never felt more rage in my life, fuck that book, fuck, i dont remember all of the details of it but in general it felt like shit, it just brushed away all of the stakes and demonized people with mental illnesses and generally felt like garbage, god i am pissed
2. NOPE. Protagonist: A main character you dislike and drives you crazy.
main guy of giovannis room i forget his name because im dumb, first of all, i love that book, i really do, im not saying i dont like it i just want to make that clear dfasafds, but i would kick main guys ass any day of the week <3
3. NOPE. Series: A series that turned out to be one huge pile of NOPE. after you’ve invested all of that time and energy on it, or a series you gave up on because it wasn’t worth it anymore.
this was awhile ago lol but the maze runner books, i loved the first one and then i got part way into the second and realized i hated where the story was going and stopped reading, that was in like middle school and i do not remember what i didnt like but i was pissed
4. NOPE. Popular pairing: A “ship” you don’t support.
idk, i cant really think of a specific one offhand, aside from like obviously gross ones but yeah idk, best i can think of is in trc when ppl ship kavinsky with people, or really like any dream pack stuff, but to each their own, i just dont vibe with all that lol
5. NOPE. Plot twist: A plot twist you didn’t see coming or didn’t like.
can i say everything, everything again? it really pissed me off, i still remember the pure rage i felt reading that 
6. NOPE. Protagonist action/decision: A character decision that made you shake your head NOPE.
every decision made by zebulon in the death and life of zebulon finch, i love those books but he is stupid as fuck <3
7. NOPE. Genre: A genre you will never read.
okay i have read high fantasy before but generally i just don't vibe with it, idk its hard to get invested for me :/
8. NOPE. Book format: Book formatting you hate and avoid buying until it comes out in a different edition.
not super applicable but i CAN’T read ebooks, my brain just does not comprehend, similar thing with audiobooks, i only listen to audiobooks of things ive already read bc i space out a lot and miss chunks lol
9. NOPE. Trope: A trope that makes you go NOPE.
stories that are like super futuristic technology stuff with like tech genius characters??? is that a trope??? does that make sense??? anyway i hate that, i dont think ive read many books like that so ill use the mcu as an example :) it just feels like theres no stakes because everything can be solved by just inventing a new machine! also most uses of time travel, i forgot that one (exceptions would be like bill and ted or paper girls but they are rare)
10. NOPE. Recommendation: A book recommendation that is constantly hyped and pushed at you that you simply refuse to read.
i haven't seen it much recently, but captive prince, just the whole premise and shit that ive heard about it makes me very uncomfortable
11. NOPE. Cliche/pet peeve: A cliche or writing pet peeve that always makes you roll your eyes.
too many pop culture references and shit like that, i feel like i dont see it a lot in stuff i read, but like an example is more recent rr stuff, like it just rarely works and takes me out of the story and i just do not like it
12. NOPE. Love interest: The love interest that’s not worthy of being one. A character you don’t think should have been a viable love interest.
i couldnt think of one soooooo colin greenmantle! he’s a weak bitch who didn’t deserve piper and im glad she killed him!
13. NOPE. Book: A book that shouldn’t have existed that made you say NOPE.
all for the game... its bad
14. NOPE. Villain: A scary villain/antagonist you would hate to cross and would make you run in the opposite direction.
dr leather from zebulon finch!!!!!! why was he like that???? hweee.... fweee..... bitch ill kill you!!!! he was my first thought, idk if hes the scariest but he was fucked up!!! meat etiquette???? people garden????
15. NOPE. Death: A character death that still haunts you.
noah czerny, i do not see it <3
16. NOPE. Author: An author you had a bad experience reading for and have decided to quit.
cassandra claire, i started the mortal instruments in middle school but tbh with just everything ive heard about her and the content of her books... no
okay! now tagging people! i said i wouldnt tag more people but im actually curious so im going to! as usual no pressure! @audikatia @darkadam @pynches @gaynanlynch @adamparrishthot @czernydefencesquad uhhhh and anyone else who wants to! yeehaw!
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wangjiplayingwangji · 4 years
Hi! Sizhui and Jingyi for the ask game
Oh hell yeah bro!! Lmao I’m stupid excited to answer this forgive me, I love asks and ask games it’s one of the only ways I get to interact with people so thank you!!!
Lan Sizhui: what is your most favorite childhood memory?
Hmmmmm, well funny enough I don’t remember most of my life before I was about 10 years old. But I do have one in particular where my brother and I were outside my parents bedrooms with sleeping bags and we were supposed to going on to say goodnight but we counted to 3 and both ran in with our sleeping stuff and threw ourselves onto the floor in our blankets and told our parents we were going to have a family sleepover in their room. It was really fun and one of the few memories I have back when I still had a family unit and when my brother and I were too young to really fight as siblings do lol
Lan Jingyi: Whats the wildest thing you’ve ever done?
This probably isn’t too wild but it was illegal so that’s interesting lmao. But I grew up and lived in yeehaw florida until I moved away for uni 2 years ago. I was friends with a group and most of them didn’t drive but one who did had a flat bed truck. So we’d be pushing like 60 mph in a 50 zone and me and my friends would just be chilling in the bed of the truck while one or two were in the front. I did this multiple times and my friend driving would actually swerve the car around when we were on smaller back roads to throw us around ^^;; I loved being in the back and when we passed other cars we’d duck down sometimes but most of the time no one cared what some dumb teens were doing. DISCLAIMER: DONT DO THIS THING. Its the wildest thing I’ve ever done because it was the most dangerous so please don’t ever do this thing unless you’re secured in somehow because I was a very dumb kid lmao
Thanks for asking though ehehe I had a great time answering!! Feel free to ask more or just about anything in general!! I’d love to make some mdzs friends ^^
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 8
You had the silliest stories for every kind of bird and its melodies. I WOULD LOVE TO TALK WITH HER
oh yeah waking up to chickens sounds is really great and nostalgic, my grandma and aunt has soo many chickens and roosters, its always buq buc qkoo (im sorry lol u get what i mean)
again she is really disoriented about her location again whats going on in the mansion
she shouldn't leave the wing??? hmm thats sus, will jimin or joon do something??? like last time???
“No, don’t be stupid”, you say, giving your own cheek a little slap. theory time, you hit yourself for stuff like these when your self-esteem is really low ALSO NO U AINT STUPID
see he is sus very sus How very nice of him, you really weren’t in the mood for such conversation. ok i take that back u are (not) stupid
You have an entire library all to yourself. YEEHAW LETS GO BABY A majority of his books seemed to carry the weight of many years with them. I wonder why, 👀 THE SMELL OF BOOKS AAA YUM
A photographer named Vante. oh ho ho HOO very mysterious indeed It is a pity really, you would have loved to know the face to those pictures who's gonna tell her
reading and learning with kissing will definitely escalate to something else haha
this house is very distracting and not at all helping with her concentration. whats going on yall, where the hell is tae
They are most definitely busy with something else, maybe riding their horses or doing whatever one does in such a big estate. haha
oh no, now she is hungry and has to go downstairs shit im so nervous and worried
blood red curtains?? 👀 also im loving this creepy mansion yay she found the kitchen THANK GOD THERE IS NO ONE THERE
did she find the garbage bin
no dishes, dusty kettle, empty cupboard, no sauces and SWITCHED OFF FRIDGE???? thats very weird, dont they eat or what 👀im running out bye, whats a taehyung????
oooh we have been scented i see
taetae uwuw who said i wanted to leave haha
Taehyung is the time traveller and Jimin is the witcher, equipped with powers of seduction. PERIOD BOO AND YES SHE ASKED ABOUT HIS ACTIONS
would you mind handing me that knife over there?” NO HE IS GOING TO IDK KILL U le gasp he sucked our blood
TAEHYUNG OMG THANKS, little human??? 👀👀 back to the room i guess WITH NO BREAKFAST * side eyes jimin
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ok so the besties fought each other physically, great WOW CHILL she got hungry unlike some of yall 👀
STOP MANIPULATING ME GOD DAMN IT AAAH ok the questions are coming yes goo go go YES HE ADMITTED IT
idk if i want her to go home or ask more questions GO HOME AND SLEEP AND DONT GIVE 2 FLYING FUCKS but that wont write the plot so stay
anyways this chapter was short, but felt lengthy from all the emotional roller coaster haha it was fun and i loved the library a lot
bye im gonna sleep, hope u have a great day/night with pillow cold on both sides
You had the silliest stories for every kind of bird and its melodies. I WOULD LOVE TO TALK WITH HER
oh yeah waking up to chickens sounds is really great and nostalgic, my grandma and aunt has soo many chickens and roosters, its always buq buc qkoo (im sorry lol u get what i mean)
I know what you mean heheh my grandma and her neighbour both have chickens (actually I'm lying, every second household where I live has chickens hfasdhfh they always run around the roads as if they're invincible)
I also love seeing the confusion rise more and more 👀
“No, don’t be stupid”, you say, giving your own cheek a little slap. theory time, you hit yourself for stuff like these when your self-esteem is really low ALSO NO U AINT STUPID
100% YES I can see her using self-punishment because of trauma tbfh
reading and learning with kissing will definitely escalate to something else haha
lmaoaooa for real JFJADJSFJ lowkey goals tbfh
this house is very distracting and not at all helping with her concentration. whats going on yall, where the hell is tae
the danger is rising tbfh
HAHAH the fear of him tbfh so valid
oooh we have been scented i see
lowkey so hot JFJADSJF
me fr
ok so the besties fought each other physically, great WOW CHILL she got hungry unlike some of yall 👀
no but they really punched each other over her I NEED angry Tae tbfh
anyways this chapter was short, but felt lengthy from all the emotional roller coaster haha it was fun and i loved the library a lot
gaah I'm happy you loved the lil journey heheh <3
bye im gonna sleep, hope u have a great day/night with pillow cold on both sides
I hope your pillow is cold too my love <3
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matoitech · 4 years
silverstream or graystripe? or crookedstar?
why not all of them :)
Sexuality Headcanon: het
Gender Headcanon: i can literally only think of her as trans now bc of that person who threw a fit about trans silverstream headcanons. like i hadnt even seen trans silverstream headcanons but seeing some cis person complain about them i was immediately like oh but havent you heard? she IS trans <3 so from that point on shes been trans in my brain. anyway yeah trans woman she/they! she couldve had an accident on thunderclan territory she needed medical attention for and wasnt carrying the kits in the first place, dying in childbirth specifically isnt integral to her character or something its just a way the erins chose to kill her off and create conflict
A ship I have with said character: idk lol im not invested in her and graystripe but i dont have smth i like better
A BROTP I have with said character: if she survived it would b cool if she had a friendship w cinderpelt cuz cinder saved her life and so after they just always stayed in touch and hung out
A NOTP I have with said character: idk fireheart i guess?
A random headcanon: au where she didnt die and while she never became clan leader and never wanted to be, she was a main figure in changing the warrior code to make Love Win across all boundaries aka it wasnt breaking the code to get w a cat from another clan. bc that rule is stupid. all the boring forbidden romances in arcs after: gone! now we can focus on REAL conflict. i think shes the kinda character who couldve actually gotten change in the clans done
General Opinion over said character: i like her! shes neat. i rly like this fic w her and think abt it whenever i think abt her character
Sexuality Headcanon: i would say het but ik some ppl r genuinely invested in firegray so i will say bi. for them
Gender Headcanon: hmm nonbinary? he/him
A ship I have with said character: idk honestly i dont rly care abt any of his relationships
A BROTP I have with said character: unsure..
A NOTP I have with said character: i cant think of stuff i genuinely dislike but like i said i dont rly care for his canon relationships (i hate millie <3 i didnt in the mangas but i dont like how she treats her kids post-briarlight accident, shes ableist abt briarlight and shitty to blossomfall) and ive never been invested in firegray
A random headcanon: he never wanted to be deputy and was kinda relieved when he came back to the clans and brambleclaw got the position instead. hes never had ambition like that he just wanted to help firestar. wait i think this might be canon now actually? i forget what he said in his SE
General Opinion over said character: i dont rly care for graystripe but i DID like his super edition, i like him more as an old dude than i did when he was young lol
Sexuality Headcanon: het but i like bi crooked too
Gender Headcanon: trans man! yeehaw! he/him
A ship I have with said character: crookedbreeze is genuinely cute
A BROTP I have with said character: oh idk lol i think its nice he was friends w those farm cats
A NOTP I have with said character: i dont rly care for crookedblue but i see the appeal. i dont hate it i just dont care about it cuz i like him and willowbreeze as they r
A random headcanon: his nest has lots of trinkets bc willowbreeze loved trinkets and silverstream inherited the love of them too so she started finding him pretty shells and rocks and feathers too and crookedstar was like *tears up* shes so much like willowbreeze..
General Opinion over said character: i like crookedstar a lot his super edition hits pretty hard and is one of the better ones imo, even tho i think it couldve worked fine without mapleshade
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groovycowboys · 4 years
hangman for all of the questions <3
1. why i like them about to get meta but hangman and i may or may not have spiritual connection through our characterization 😌 /j. but for real i see a lot of myself in him. his insecurities are kinda like mine exemplified. he’s got such a charming aura about him that makes him easy to like! i instantly gravitated towards him. also from like adam out of his role: he knows what being a cowboy means and i think thats really great. he’s able to tell that amazing story about redemption and growth and its nice. i think what sold me on him was that he used to teach journalism and thats my field. and also he might have ocd. so i guess i loved adam himself and then gravitated toward the character loll  2. why i don’t  i don’t really enjoy his alcoholism being played as a joke. i know a lot of people who have had substance dependency and it really sucks. i wish they’d keep it more serious or at least have it come to a point where he gets better  3. favorite episode (scene if movie)  the time when he forgot to tan his back and wrestled keith lee (my other fave) at pwg  4. favorite season/movie  bruh what qualifies as a movie or season for a wrestling character. i’ve liked all his eras. i’m not too much of an expert on him tho i couldn’t name like his roh 2014 matches or anything  5. favorite line  anything he says on the graphics also his press release for entering the championship tournament. cowboy shit is also good. also pp jokes. i can’t decide do not make me pick the man is funny.  6. favorite outfit  GOD his cowboy shirts are the peak of fashion. i love the black one with red roses.  7. otp  uhhhhhh adam page and happiness lol  8. brotp  i love adam’s dynamic with private party i hope they become friends soon  9. head canon  adam actually did k*ll j**y r***n hes dead.  10. unpopular opinion  i don’t really enjoy the elite dynamic.  11. a wish i just hope adam’s character heals and grows and goes through that cowboy journey  12. an oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen  reduce him to alcoholism and make him a joke because of it. forget about him or diminish him. he’s friends w evps tho so ;0  13. 5 words to best describe them  sweet, goofy, stupid, anxious, yeehaw  14. my nickname for them  adamb (a dumb) or sweetie 
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uglydog or ox!
how about both!! ox first lol 
favorite thing about them: his ears lol i love how he runs around on them and swings them around
least favorite thing about them: hmm uhhh thats rly hard lol i guess maybe that?? he lied instead of just being honest with moxy? but i get why he did so im just trying to find something to put here lmao 
favorite line: YEEHAW
brOTP: him and wedgehead were best buds in the original!! 
OTP: im not sureee cause he seems fairly older than most of the cast? i ship him with happiness
nOTP: okay this is complicated because im gonna say ox/moxy because in the original ugly dolls ox and moxy are siblings, but moxy is also a different character…movie moxy was originally the ugly doll named gorgeous and they changed her name to moxy. based on that im still just gonna say i dont like ox/moxy because its too ambiguous 
random headcanon: hes very musical and plays a lot of instruments!
unpopular opinion: sorry but i am internally conflicted over him having a southern accent…..i like it but im also like hjfgkdsd yknow
song i associate with them: friends in low places
favorite picture of them: go crazy aaaa go stupid aaaa
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okay uglydog time!!
favorite thing about them: that hes pitbull hbjfgdkg
least favorite thing about them: its hard cuz like i rly lov all these characters…..maybe i guess his tail is shaped more like a cat’s than a dog’s??? thats so nitpicky tho
favorite line: this is hard cuz ive only seen the movie once hfgjdks but probably hes like “do you come here often?” in spanish
brOTP: him and wage!!
OTP: uglydog/men
nOTP: uglydog/moxy :v
random headcanon: when he first got to uglyville everyone was like “aww puppy!!” then he was like “dale :B” and everyone was like :0
unpopular opinion: its apparently unpopular to say that hes gay but. pitbull voice gay rights
song i associate with them: gasolina 
favorite picture of them:
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tysm!! send me a character for more opinions lol
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shotfreed · 6 years
What do you hate about your muse? (If you think I am not going to jump at the opportunity to open this can of worms you are absolutely incorrect. Drag him.)
a (late as hell) munday meme // @strike-at-the-heart (accepting)
disclaimer i don’t hate hate jesse like an actual anti but like man do i hate my jesse. 
just some general things. 
Don’t get me wrong canon mccree, but also a fucking. honest to god. cowboy.
jesse i swear to god that italian accent is enough reason for execution christ
you’re fucking belt says BAMF. how much of a fucking loser
I love Matthew Mercer but Jesses fucking voice gives me a headache like when i think in my muses voice i get a migraine dont get me started on his accent
y’all think that y'all’d’ve'f'i’d’ve shit aint real youre wrong
what is it with you and “darlin’” like my jesse in particular thats how i get into his voice
on that note more specific shit on my take on this clownboy
clownboy n. half clown, half cowboy. says “yeehonk” source. 
bisexual polyamorous disaster. 
and i mean disaster 
can you like have a normal healthy relationship of like any kind
clingy motherfucker holy hell
hot and cold
will literally cling to a lover in they sleep but when they wake up cold son of a bitch like some tragic hero bc he “can’t really be with anyone” get over yourself you fucking piece of SHIt
im sorry but he’s a FUCKING COWBOY. 
switchiest switch to ever switch 
“hey there ;)” 
literally anyone “well hey ;)” 
jes: “.//////////////.” like the fucking dweeb he is.
reciprocated attraction?? lol who?
purposely attention seeking. will totally get in the way of a serious muses work and should definitely be killed on spot hes annoying asf
okay back to the bad relationships toxic relationships tw
he had at least two major partners and they both sucked ASS like BAD ok
do not wanna get into it. jesse you should have been gone gone gone lonnnnggg time before this
in BW .092239487348 seconds already gay for Reyes 
in OW for 1 minute and he’s attracted to like everyone.
give me the fucking list dudes
at least he had the decency to back off Lena when he found out she was lesbian. so there is that i guess. 
fucking christ slow as motherfucker how the hell do you get ANYWHERE
idiot romantic
like an idiot like a real fucking dumbass
"is this a romantic a ttraction?” 
the butterfly is literally anyone who might be vaguely interested in him esp if the relationship will hurt him somehow
also my jesse accidentally befriended a snake how the fuck do you ACCIDENTALLY
also its babies all know him hes secretly a disney fucking princess
theres a vulture too and honest to god vulture
he leaves a lot of dead in his wake ok
also hey cna you maybe not fuck everything up by just being there
ramen shop. train. fucking moron
that wasn’t his fault tbh but it also was shyut ip
orisa pls kill him
jesse you literally never have the right to talk shit back at literally anyone except maybe reaper bc that is also one big loser
im sorry but like listen its all well and dandy to cling to something and like have it become really important to your development thats totally valid
but jesse. you literally talk like a fucking clown
that makes no sense i just hate him a lot
fucking christ done ever speak spanish
your italian accent was one thing
i do not EVER want to hear him say literally anything ever 
in any language
idk if thats armor or cybernetics but like 
wide ass fucking mouth froggy lookin ass some people make it work and you my good fuckboy, do not
he is also a complete fuck boy prove me wrong
his cigar too fucking literally how do u pay for all of those you son of a binch
a l s o. bitch looks like he’d try to mansplain how to yeehaw mother fucker i HATE HIM
literally how has anyone ever taken you seriously
to quote, “mccrees instincts are, as ever, unimpeachable.” read as: no shit, dumbass. 
dont know when youve lost just die
also, to quote a real smart dumbass from Blue Exorcist, “he’s so stupid he’d forget to die even if he got killed.” 
and that my friends is the only reason and i mean ONLY  REASON jesse mccree is still alive today
oh and one last thing
he’s a little bitch.
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