#yelling sobbing gnashing my teeth etc etc
blujayonthewing · 2 years
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[lays on the fucking floor]
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astridellejo · 3 months
A list of a few neurodivergent behaviours I've been known to do.
A Simple Wardrobe Me: All of my clothes are black and I have multiples of everything because trying to coordinate an outfit with colors and textures and patterns is just exhausting and not something I want to deal with when I get up in the morning. Or ever.
Infodumping Me: Can I talk to you about the different varieties of image file formats and data compression, the companies that made them and why, and their particular uses over the history of the internet? No? Oh. Okay.
Darmok Moment Neurotypical (discussing a character in a recent show): His attraction to her got complicated once he discovered she was a villain. Me (referencing a show you've never heard of): Ash. Her symbol tattooed over Stone's heart. Neurotypical: What the fuck?
Sensory Input Good Except When Bad Me: Sound is awesome! I fucking love sounds! [hears ASMR] Me: MAKE IT FUCKING STOP!!!!!
Can't Directly Answer A Question Neurotypical: Did you do the thing? Me: Okay, so … Neurotypical: Stop. Just stop.
Reassure Me Me (feeling insecure): I'm not being a bother am I? I know sometimes I can be a lot. Friend: You're fine. Me (not feeling very reassured by that noncommittal "You're fine."): Are you sure? Because I've been known to drive a lot of people away with my constant… [etc]
Speaking Is Overrated Me: Sign language is awesome because I can communicate and stim at the same time! Stim-com! Neurotypical: Please use your words! Me: Fuck you! Learn sign language.
Music Lover Me: I've listened to this album 62 times in the last five days, and I'm about to listen to it a 63rd time.
/s Neurotypical: [uses sarcasm] Me: [takes it at face value]
Expressing Emotions Friend: Someone very dear to me recently passed away. What I'm supposed to say: I'm so sorry. What I'd rather do: [WAIL AND SOB AND GNASH TEETH AND POUND FISTS TO THE GROUND AND SKY AND YELL INCOHERENTLY BECAUSE SOMETHING VERY TRAGIC HAS HAPPENED TO A FRIEND AND THIS IS WHAT FEELS EMOTIONALLY APPROPRIATE EVEN IF IT'S NOT SOCIALLY APPROPRIATE] What I actually do: [go completely stone-faced and not say anything]
Time Management Me: I can't get started on this project because I need to be somewhere around five minutes or twelve hours from now and I don't want to be late.
Working On Projects Me: I don't wanna draw the work art. I wanna draw the play art. Neurotypical: But it's all drawing, right? Me: [wiggle defiantly]
Realizing This List Is Getting Long Me: I should probably stop. Me: Oh wait, I thought of something else to add!
Relating To People Neurotypical: And then she just walked away like nothing had happened. Me: Oh yeah. It's like that time when I... Neurotypical: This isn't about you. Me: But I'm trying to relate to you by describing a similar experience I had. Neurotypical: Well stop.
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stuffingprize · 7 years
here’s the fic! It’s been ages but I still find it hilarious so I hope you enjoy it too. Also, the print didn’t have the author name so ;;;; so sorry author-san!! thank you for writing this story ;;; anyways, NOT MINE, just archiving this for personal AgonHiru enjoyment~~
Title: Death to All Rating: M, Humor/Romance Summary: Sort of Agohiru. Just another day in their life. Y’know another day where Unsui claims he’s going to go insane.
The apartment showed all the signs of being occupied by three lazy teenage boys.
Dishes mounted precariously in the sink. Clothes thrown over all the furniture. Mixed smells of sweat, burned food, and too much cologne. And a dent in the wall where Agon finally got fed up and put Hiruma’s head through it.
They had what could so loosely be described as a routine. Hiruma screamed about cthulus, Agon acted like a vain little girl, and Unsui pretended to be the sane one. Indefinitely, until death do us part, but preferably before.
Today, however, there was something new added to the décor. Instead of the usual, oppressively frightening ‘cult’ movie playing on the teevee (Donne Darko, Clockwork Orange, Rocky Horror Picture show, etc.), Agon was slumped on the couch watching MTV with the sound turned off.
Actually, he wasn’t watching the teevee at all. His head was resting on the back of the couch, an icepack pressed against the left side of his face. His trademark sunglasses were temporarily stashed in his thick brown dreadlocks.
“I tried watching it with the sound on, but I hate all the music,” He said when his one free eye landed on his brother, gesturing vaguely to the teevee. A blonde black woman wriggled her voluptuous bottom at the screen.
“Nothing like Bob Marley, huh?”
“Hey! Bob Marley was more than just another get-rich-quick superstar, okay? He had vision. Not like any of these-” More vague gesturing- “-Wannabe five-second ‘pop’ stars. Whatever. Nobody respects reggae anymore,”
“Huh,” Unsui said, less then interested about his brother’s fetish for slow-beat Jamaican music. He tried to peel the icepack away from his face and saw enough of the angry red bruise to get a quick summary of what happened. “So how hard did he deck you?”
Agon made a face and flicked a handful of dreadlocks over his shoulder. He and Hiruma had a weird relationship to which there was no description. They screamed, they yelled, they tried to tear each other’s faces off. It was pretty amazing to watch- weapons flew overhead, blood splattered onto the walls and every weapon at their disposal exploded in a fiery display of testosterone-fueled frustration. Most of the time, Unsui let them go at it and then quietly cleaned up the disaster when they’d fainted from bloodloss, but when the fights got particularly gory (the time when Hiruma succeeded in ripping of Agon’s nose being the most memorable and recent), he figured it was best if he intervened. Still, when the screaming stopped, whoever was in the best condition staggered to his feet and patched the other one back up.
“Not too hard. It wasn’t so much to break anything as to distract me- he’s gone, if you didn’t notice,” Agon said. He picked up the remote and turned the sound back on. A high-pitched, out-off-tune whine oozed from the screen, followed by repetitive hiphop beat. He shuddered. In a quick flurry of buttons and remotes, the teevee turned off and the CD player turned on. Immediately, one of Hiruma’s Gorgoroth CDs came on. Agon groaned and sunk deeper into the couch.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Unsui said instinctively, although he had no idea whether his statement was true or not.
“I know that,” Agon snarled, gnashing his teeth and pressing the icepack against his face. “Motherfucker freaked out and trying to get out of the apartment anyway he could. He even tried jumping out the fuckin’ window,”
“Huh,” Unsui said, trying to remain unattached to the human drama. What he remembered from past dramas was that Agon liked to exaggerate. It was easier to just stay in the dark and accept that what was directly in front of him was all that he would ever know about what had happened.
“I tried calling him, but he isn’t answering his phone.”
“What was he upset about?” Unsui asked, fully aware that Hiruma didn’t always need a reason to blow his top. Agon snorted.
“‘Upset’? God, you have no idea. He was ready to explode. Fucker was waving every gun he had around. When that didn’t work, he tried clawing out my neck. Look at this- look at it!”
Agon peeled his shirt back to show deep, angry red gashes on his neck. It did indeed look like Hiruma had tried to peel out his vocal cords.
“But why?”
“When I get my hands on him, he is so dead. But what to do with him? I could always try cutting off his thumbs...”
“You pull that stunt again, I’ll do the same thing I did last time you tried it. Why was he so pissed off?”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with him, it’s like no matter what, he just-”
Agon jumped in his seat.
“He found out about Reiko,” He whimpered pitifully.
“Reiko who?” Unsui snapped, in no mood for his brother’s innocent act.
“Reiko Yamamura. She’s this girl I’ve been seeing for a couple of weeks and-”
“Oh my gawd,” Unsui groaned. He threw his bag as hard as possible on the floor. “That’s it- I don’t care anymore. You two can kill each, for all I care. Just don’t get any blood in my room,”
“What? What?” Agon barked, jumping to his feet. Gorgoroth CD and icepack suddenly forgotten. “Don’t tell me you’re seeing his side of the argument!”
“I, personally, think it’s rude to cheat on someone, particularly with a member of the opposite sex,”
“Oh come on. It’s nothing serious, we just go see a movie once in a while and- Holy shit, this is the same conversation I had with Hiruma.”
“It isn’t making too different an impact on me, either,” Unsui snarled.
“It isn’t a big deal!”
“You keep saying that- that big bruise on the left side of your face is saying otherwise,”
“Gimme a break- it’s just so people don’t start rumors behind my back. I don’t want to deal with stupid questions and stupider people. Reiko’s more like protective camouflage than anything,”
“The fuck are you talking about, ‘protective camouflage’? You hold his hand in public!”
“So if you don’t want people to start rumors, maybe you should dump the bitch and cut back on the gay PDA,”
“But I like holding his hand,” Agon whined. Unsui rolled his eyes.
“Make up your fucking mind! Do you want people to think you’re gay or not?”
“No,” Agon said, a little too quickly.
“And yet you are,”
“No I’m not. I like girls,”
“And guys,”
“And guys, yes,”
“That makes you gay,”
“That makes me bi,” Agon said defensively.
“Y’know, I hope Hiruma kills you,” Unsui snarled. “You’re slime. You don’t deserve to live,”
“Fuck you! You’d say that about your own brother?”
“If he turns out the way you did, then yes!”
“We have the same DNA!” Agon proclaimed dramatically. Classic tactic.
“But not the same ego,” Unsui shot back.
“Unsuiiii-ii-iii,” Agon whined, the huge bruise on the left side of his face disfiguring his ‘pleading’ look.
“What?” He snarled.
And then, like a sign from God signaling Unui’s temporary dislodgment from the argument, the phone rang.
“I’ll get it,” Agon mumbled, staggering over to the phone. “Hello...?”
Unsui took the break in the conversation to toss his bag onto his bed and inhale a handful of aspirin from the industrial-size bottle Musashi had so kindly stolen from the pharmacy across the street when he saw the state of the apartment. Most of it was already gone.
When he walked back in the the living room, Agon was arguing with whoever was on the other end of the line.
“What? ...but baby- No, I’m- But I thought- Look- Look- Let me finish my goddamn sentence!”
The high-pitched howling coming from the other end of the tiny speaker didn’t let him finish his sentence. It didn’t even let him start one. Unsui watched Agon’s face twist into a whole spectrum of emotions as the screaming went from fury to desperation to dejected sobbing, without him having to say a word.
And then the phone abruptly cut off and Agon was left staring at the receiver like it had the plague.
Agon lifted the receiver over his head, his knuckles turning white from the tension. Unsui quietly shuffled out of tantrum range.
“DAMMIT!” He howled, throwing the phone full-force at a wall. It shattered like glass, raining phone organs onto what Unsui immediately recognized as the ominous Pile of Unpaid Bills.
Unsui counted to a high number, took a few deep breathes, went back into the bathroom, swallowed some more aspirin, and tried to summon up enough rage to match Hiruma in a screaming match.
When he walked back into the living room, Agon was throwing himself against the wall and screaming obscenities. He kicked the Pile of Unpaid Bills and stamped his feet like a little kid who’d just dropped his lollipop.
His sunglasses fell out of his hair and to their doom under his pounding feet. Cheap plastic sliced into his foot and he howled, throwing himself theatrically back against the couch. Unsui waited for the bawling to die down.
“SHUT UP!” He roared.
Agon’s mouth clamped shut instantly. Unsui massaged his forehead. When he looked back up, Agon was picking plastic out of his foot.
“That’s gross- knock that off. I’ll get some antiseptic,” Unsui grumbled. He slammed the industrial-sized aspirin bottle on the nearest flat surface and stormed back in to the bathroom. The antiseptic was waiting for him, perched in the medicine cabinet expectantly. He swore the little can looked smug.
“You shut up, too,” He growled at it, snatching it up and storming back into the living room. Agon was picking at his foot with a pair of tweezers.
“Didn’t I tell you to knock that off?” Unsui snarled, snatching up the tweezers out of his hand. “You’re gonna get it all infected and shit,” He sprayed some antiseptic on the cut, then handed Agon the tweezers.
“There- knock yourself out,”
“What, that’s it?” Agon whined.
“Yes that’s it! I’m not digging around in your nasty foot just to peel the plastic from your sunglasses out of it,”
“Damn, I coulda done that myself,” Agon grumbled, bending back over his foot.
“But you didn’t,” Unsui snapped. He slammed the antiseptic onto the table and snatched the aspirin up in the same movement.
“So what happened?”
“Now Reiko found out about Hiruma! Jeezus. I can’t believe this,”
“How do you think? Next time I see him, I’m gonna kill him. Oh, and you won’t believe this- she was going on and on about how much she liked me and how many of her friends she was going to tell and shit like that. Like I fucking care!”
“Wasn’t the whole reason you were going out with her in the first place because you cared about people starting rumours?”
“Traitor! Judas! You’re next, y’know that? After them, I’m coming after you! You’re all gonna die!” Agon roared, waving the tweezers like a baton. “Right after I’m done picking plastic shit out of my foot,”
“Shut up,” Unsui advised. He slumped on the couch next to his brother and waited for him to finish picking plastic out of his foot.
He let his head fall back and stared quietly at the ceiling, doing his best to ignore Agon’s muttering. He didn’t need this. Not every day, at least. Maybe every once in a while he could pack up a change of clothes, some money and his toothbrush and go crash at a friend’s house. No need to sit here every night and wait for the roof to finally give up and cave in.
And the whole thing was Agon’s fault. Completely and totally. Unsui would never have offered that Hiruma sleep on the couch, no matter how cold the weather outside was getting. In fact, he probably would have let the fucker freeze. But Agon was insistent about the fact that Hiruma be given a place to sleep.
The original arrangement was that after school, Hiruma would unrolled the sofabed and then protected his personal space with homicidal ferocity. Then Agon convinced Unsui to sleep on the couch and Hiruma’s highly-protected personal space started to shrink rapidly.
Agon poked him in the ribs.
“You hear that?” Agon hissed.
Unsui sat up a little straighter.
“Hear what?” He asked. That was a stupid question. He knew exactly what he was supposed to be listening for, because he could hear the footsteps storming up the stairs just as well as Agon could.
“It’s him. I know it’s him,” Agon snarled, setting down the tweezers with every intention of walking over to the door and smacking whatever was walking past clean through a wall, regardless of foot injury or the possibility that it wasn’t Hiruma.
“Sit down!” Unsui barked. “You were in too much pain to so much as pick up the tweezers five minutes ago, remember? Stay that way!”
Agon snatched the tweezers back up and gave Unsui a look of pure loathing. Unsui ignored him, turning his attention back to the sounds of footsteps in the hall way. Please keep walking, he prayed silently.
The feet stopped at their door. Unsui squeezed his eyes shut and gave God one last chance to prove to a life-long atheist that he really did exist. Maybe it was one of their parents.
Agon rose slowly to his feet, hissing softly.
“Sit. Down.” Unsui said dangerously. Agon glared at him, then sunk back into this seat. Someone was rattling with the doorknob. Mr. and Mrs. Kongou had keys to the apartment, but Agon had never bothered getting Hiruma a key. Either Agon dragged Hiruma back into the house, or he picked the lock open. And somebody was picking the lock open.
Unsui dove for his room. The door slammed open.
“Bastard!” Agon roared, tossing the tweezers full-force at the entrance. Unsui hit the floor and rolled into the doorframe of his room.
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