#yellow bittern
sugiichi · 1 month
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Ixobrychus sinensis [ヨシゴイ,Yellow bittern]
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snototter · 2 months
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A yellow bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis) fishing in Perumukkal Lake, India
by praveen pandian
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birdblues · 5 months
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Yellow Bittern
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bestbeeking · 2 months
draw a least bittern
it’s not very good. i tried
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here’s also a (yellow, i think) bittern i drew earlier today
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coffeenuts · 1 month
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matthew-hunt · 1 year
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Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Wildwood, NJ, USA
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
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Yellow Bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis), male calling and displaying, family Ardeidae, order Pelicaniformes, India
photograph by PinakighoshPhotography  
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chaosheadspace · 27 days
38) …because they’re running out of time.
Or 48) …out of habit.
If these haven't been asked yet? 🖤🖤🖤
This might not be what you've expected, but the combinations of prompts instantly plopped a library boys scene into my mind, so here you go.
Hob sits at the breakfast table in boxers and a t-shirt over a steaming cup of tea, reading the newspaper on the tablet. It's early Sunday morning, and with Orpheus at Calliope’s and Murphy still asleep, Hob shamelessly soaks up the peace and quiet of half past six. Murphy will get up in half an hour, he and his birding friends have planned a trip to the Walthamstow Wetlands, so Hob will have most of the day to himself. It's not that he's not getting enough alone time, rather that Hob loves the kind of quiet that early mornings bring; when the world seems less real and at the same time more true than it does other times.
The sun paints the shadows of the herbs they keep on the windowsill over the floor, a linocut of warm yellow and grey leaves and stalks and blades. Although the stalks in question are a bit droopy, Hob supposes. He lazily tasks himself to water them. Later. He's not really reading the paper, either, he's just existing, without hurry, and the idea of there being a paper to read is comforting, just like the warmth of the mug in his hands. Hob just doesn't want the actual reading of actual news disturbing him right now.
Into the middle of his peace echoes a faint, muffled thump and some indeterminate cursing, and Hob smiles. The doors of the bedroom and bathroom and bedroom again shut and open in rapid succession, underlined with the shuffle of clothes and the thumping of sleep-clumsy feet.
Then Murphy practically flies through the kitchen door, rummaging around the cupboards, finding his water bottle, filling it at the sink.
Hob leans back in his chair, watching him with a smile. “Good morning,” he greets Murphy, who still hasn't acknowledged him.
“No time,” Murphy says, “I am late, terribly late, Jessamy texted me that she has heard a bittern as she was observing the grey herons, I cannot miss—”
“Herons?” Hob asks. “Aren't those the ones who go ‘zoop’? You know, with the neck?” He knows that Murphy knows what he means. Hob shows him every bird video he finds while perusing the depths of the Internet, sometimes to his delight, sometimes to his exasperation.
Murphy shuts off the water. “No,” he says, “grey herons do not go zoop.” Definitely exasperation this time. “The bird you saw in the video was a green heron, which is very rare around here.” Murphy caps his bottle and swans back out of the kitchen. “I will see you tonight,” he shouts, reaching for his backpack on the coat rack.
“Have fun!” Hob shouts back.
Bang goes the front door, then a shuffle of hasty steps down the three stairs in front of it and then—
The sound of keys in the lock, the front door opening again, and then Murphy comes back into the kitchen, determinedly walking ‘round the table towards Hob.
“I forgot,” Murphy says, using two of his fingers to gently tip Hob's chin up and then kissing him, soft and earnest. Before Hob can properly kiss him back he's already withdrawn, placing another kiss on Hob's forehead.
“Bitterns also go zoop.” Murphy flashes Hob a grin. “In fact, bitterns are also herons.” And with another quick peck to Hob's nose, he's gone again.
Hob smiles and takes a sip of his tea, pulling the tablet closer again to look up videos of bitterns.
Video of Green heron going zoop
Video of a bittern (with call!)
Send me a kissy prompt or read the other ones here
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whatsthebird · 2 months
What's the Bird?
Location: Naples. Florida
Date: -
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We ask that discussion under questions be limited to how you came to your conclusion, not what your conclusion was.
Happy Birding!
Keep the game alive! Submit a bird HERE
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magnetothemagnificent · 5 months
Today's birds:
American robin
Blue jay
European starling
Red-bellied woodpecker
House sparrow
House finch
Yellow warbler
Common yellowthroat
Wood duck
Canada goose
Least bittern (a first for me! And boy, they sure are "least"! This guy was tiny!)
Grey catbird
Song sparrow
Red-winged blackbird
Northern cardinal
Downy woodpecker
Scarlet tanager
Mourning dove
Barn swallow
Bonus non-birds:
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sugiichi · 29 days
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Ixobrychus sinensis [ヨシゴイ,Yellow bittern]
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List of Birds organized by Order + locations:
Bearded vulture
Cooper's hawk
Red-shouldered hawk
Steller's sea eagle
Bar-headed goose
Barnacle goose
Black swan
Common merganser
Red-breasted goose
Snow goose
Trumpeter swan
Common swift
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Eurasian hoopoe
Red-legged seriema
Southern cassowary
Black vulture
Turkey vulture
Atlantic puffin
Black-headed gull
Black skimmer
Black-tailed godwit
Northern lapwing
Ruddy turnstone
White stork
Common wood pigeon
Eurasian collared dove
Luzon bleeding-heart
Nicobar pigeon
Victoria crowned pigeon
Blue-capped kingfisher
Common kingfisher
Asian koel
Yellow-billed cuckoo
American kestrel
Common kestrel
Palawan peacock-pheasant
Western capercaillie
Common loon
American coot
Australasian swamphen/pūkeko
Blue crane
Common moorhen
Sandhill crane
Whooping crane
American bushtit
American robin
Australian raven
Baltimore oriole
Barn swallow
Black-billed magpie
Black-capped chickadee
Black-throated sparrow
Blue-headed vireo
Blue jay
Brown thrasher
California towhee
Canada warbler
Canyon wren
Cedar waxwing
Common blackbird
Common chlorospingus
Common raven
Eastern wood pewee
Eurasian blue tit
Eurasian bullfinch
Eurasian golden oriole
Eurasian jay
European robin
Great-tailed grackle
Great tit
Hooded crow
House sparrow
Indigo bunting
Kirtland's warbler
LeConte's sparrow
Long-tailed tit
Painted bunting
Pine siskin
Pin-tailed whydah
Pinyon jay
Pygmy nuthatch
Red winged blackbird
Saltmarsh sparrow
Satin bowerbird
Spotted towhee
Steller's jay
Tufted titmouse
Warbling vireo
Western tanager
White-breasted nuthatch
White-throated dipper
White-throated magpie-jay
Yellow-rumped warbler
Great blue heron
Great egret
Great white pelican
Least bittern
Roseate spoonbill
Shoebill stork
Snowy egret
Chilean flamingo
Clark's nutcracker
Lewis's woodpecker
Northern flicker
Pileated woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-headed woodpecker
Tawny frogmouth
Pied-billed grebe
Wilson's storm-petrel
Australian king parrot
Citron-crested cockatoo
Gang-gang cockatoo
Pacific parrotlet
Rose-ringed parakeet
Sulphur-crested cockatoo
Barn owl
Barred owl
Blue-footed booby
Double-crested cormorant
Elegant trogon
Central America
North America
South America
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askyoungiron · 6 months
A curious question to everyone, do you have a favorite flavour, perhaps something like cinnamon as an example?
And yknow speaking of cinnamon related things did you know the Cinnamon bitterns have a yellow iris and has bar-shaped pupils? Continuing on- (Happy April fools FUNFACTS DAY!!)
( -🧀non)
ARROW: Cake is not a flavour Tornado.
ARROW: 😑 Well my favourite flavour is honeydew melon.
HAMILTON: If Bittern was in LMS Crimson we could call him the Cinnamon Bittern.
STIRLING SINGLE/AMELIA: I believe the kids say, 'cinnamon roll' not 'cinnamon bittern'.
HAMILTON: No no, he is very much a cinnamon bittern.
BITTERN: I'm not a fucking BIRD!
HAMILTON: Language you rude bird!
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bestbeeking · 3 months
name your top 10 favorite birds
little bittern
zigzag bittern
cinnamon bittern
yellow bittern
australian bittern
great bittern
least bittern
black bittern
dwarf bittern
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victorluvsalice · 3 months
AU Thursday: That Three-Player Childhood Friends Valicer AMA AU I Mentioned Briefly Before
So -- as per the title, I've talked a bit about this idea before, in the tags of the "Childhood Friends" prompt story I did for OT3 Week earlier this year, and as part of explaining why I chose to reblog the "Take Me Home To My Heart" Corpse Bride fan video for Song Saturday recently. But now it is time to give this AU a Proper Explanatory Post! *thumbs up* So here we go --
-->The basic conceit is that this is a Valicer twist on my old "Somebody I Used To Know" idea (where Victor and Alice were childhood friends before Alice got committed, and when Victor learned about what happened to Alice and started visiting her in Rutledge, he got sucked into the events of American McGee's Alice, going through that game with her. And then Victor managed to accidentally trigger the events of Alice: Madness Returns in the middle of Corpse Bride by inviting her to his arranged wedding to Victoria, accidentally marrying Emily, bringing the corpse bride back to meet Alice in the hopes they could somehow find her family down there -- the shock threw Alice back into Wonderland early, and this time she dragged Victoria and Emily in along with Victor, causing them to all have some interesting revelations about themselves and Barkis Bittern along the way, along with figuring out Bumby's damage). In this world, things are kicked off by that party in the "Childhood Friends" prompt, with Alice, Victor, and Smiler all making firm friends hiding out under one of the banquet tables, sharing stories and snacks and building card castles. Nell Van Dort and Dr. Kelman aren't initially happy that their children spent the duration of the party under a table -- but end up changing their tune when they learn Alice is the daughter of the distinguished Dean Liddell and his wife. So the trio are allowed to stay friends, with the Liddells tolerating the Van Dorts' and Kelman's presence in their lives for the sake of their younger daughter.
-->The trio have a lovely time together, becoming thick as thieves, with Alice introducing Victor and Smiler to Wonderland and them coming up with their own ideas for domains (Victor, who loves playing explorer and trying to hunt down new butterflies, naturally comes up with the Butterfly Jungle, while Smiler, who wants to live in a place where everyone is actually happy and not being tormented by their dad for not being "socially compliant," comes up with Smile Street). Alice and Smiler eventually agree that they both want to marry Victor when they grow up, and Alice designs a house for them all to live in when they're older (it looks like a mirror-flipped version of the Liddell house, with space for Victor to have a butterfly garden and Smiler a chemistry lab). She also makes bracelets for them all to wear out of spare yarn and some red, yellow, and blue beads she salvaged off an old worn-out pillow, because she couldn't find any toy rings and she thinks the bracelets are more fun anyway.
-->And then the Van Dorts host the Kelmans and the Liddells for a visit, and Alice, Victor, and Smiler all have a play wedding with their favorite toys where Alice hands out the bracelets and they all vow to love each other forever and always be friends and such. They then happily go down to tea, and when Nell questions the bracelets, Victor cheerfully informs her that they all got married --
Cue Nell Van Dort and Dr. Kelman both loudly objecting to this (Nell because, while being friends with the Liddells is good for their family socially, Victor can't marry the daughter of a mere Dean, never mind that they're all eight and it's all pretend, while Dr. Kelman is more focused on the whole "you cannot marry more than one person at once and boys can't marry boys, Marmaduke, I don't care what you say you are" side), and all three sets of parents getting into a huge fight, which ends with the visit being cut short and the Liddells and Kelmans heading home. Dr. Kelman gives Smiler the business on the way back and tosses their bracelet out the window of the carriage; Nell Van Dort tells Victor he is not going to embarrass her like that ever again and to get that bracelet out of her sight (prompting him to hide it in his dresser drawer instead of throwing it away in a small rebellious act of technical compliance); and the Liddells comfort Alice as best they can (while also gently explaining that you can only marry one person at once, which Alice thinks is stupid), with Arthur finally going, "Well, at least we won't miss Bonfire Night back home."
-->Yeah, cue the Liddell Fire, and poor Alice being chucked into Rutledge without Victor or Smiler knowing. And, of course, losing her bracelet in the process, because she wasn't wearing it in bed. :(
-->Fast forward to roughly ten years later -- Victor, feeling very anxious about the fact that his parents are shopping around for a wife for him, finds the bracelet in his dresser again and feels inspired to try and reconnect with his childhood friends. He decides to start by writing Alice and asks Mayhew if he could help him secretly deliver a letter --
Cue Mayhew spilling the beans on where Alice has been the last ten years, and Victor, horrified and furious this was kept from him, decides he's going to see her, come hell or high water. He thus sets out from Burtonsville to Rutledge before his parents can stop him, and arrives at the same time a doctor and his child do, with the doctor explaining he's here to help treat a patient. Victor ends up sitting in the waiting area with the kid while the doctor talks to the nurses...
-->And, when the kid gives him a tentative smile, abruptly recognizes them as an older Smiler. The two delightedly reconnect (with Victor being startled by how deep Smiler's voice has gotten, while Smiler is similarly startled by how tall Victor's gotten), and Victor asks if Smiler and Dr. Kelman are here to see Alice too.
Revealing Smiler ALSO had no idea what had happened to Alice and causing them to become similarly furious that no one told them. They inform Kelman that they're seeing Alice along with him -- Kelman is annoyed, but the nurse at the front desk says that if Smiler is a childhood friend, it might help, so he reluctantly allows it. Victor and Smiler thus go in to visit Alice together, and while they're initially shocked by her conditions, they do their best to reach out to her. At first, it doesn't look like it's working...
But at the end of the visit, when they go to leave, Alice does turn to look at them. Dr. Wilson, who has been observing all this, is pleased to see any reaction out of her and encourages the two to keep coming back to see if they can get her any further out of her catatonic state.
-->Cue Victor and Smiler staying near Rutledge and visiting Alice on the regular, hoping to break through to her (the Van Dorts arrive at one point to try and drag Victor back home, but Victor, with Smiler's help, successfully convinces them that he's making them look good by being so kind to this poor mad orphan that has lost her family and gets them to let him stay for a little longer). The pair recount old stories, read books to her, and generally do what they can to hopefully get a reaction -- and in the process, start reconnecting themselves, talking about their lives and where they've ended up (Victor telling Smiler about how his parents are looking for a socially-advantageous match and how he'd really rather be allowed to go to art school or something, while Smiler talks about Dr. Kelman trying to turn them into his successor and how they wish they could strike out on their own as a traveling alchemist or something). For a while, nothing much seems to be happening with Alice --
-->And then the incident with the orderlies spooning porridge all over Alice's beloved bunny happens. Victor and Smiler arrive for their visit in the middle of the whole mess, and while trying to stop the orderlies from retaliating against Alice's attack, see Alice go at her wrists with the spoon. Horrified, Victor screams at her to stop while Smiler tries to get the spoon from her --
Cue Alice looking up and apparently really seeing them for the first time, and collapsing crying in their arms. Dr. Wilson comes and tends to everyone's injuries, then -- once Alice is quiet again -- asks if Victor and Smiler wouldn't mind feeding her from now on, as he thinks they would get better results. Victor and Smiler are agreeable, and indeed Alice almost eagerly eats her gruel when they're the ones holding the spoon. They slowly become more and more involved with her actual care, with Smiler double-checking Wilson's various concoctions so he doesn't accidentally kill Alice while Victor helps keep the superintendent from making a fuss using his family's cash --
-->And then, one stormy day, they're both just hanging out with Alice when Nurse D returns Mr. Bunny after a cleaning. And shortly after she leaves, they all see the rabbit doll turn to Alice and beg her to "save us."
-->Cue all three of them dropping into Wonderland without warning (Victor and Smiler ending up unconscious in the real world, with the frightened staff unable to wake them). Alice is naturally rather startled to have her childhood best friends with her in Wonderland, while Victor and Smiler are naturally rather startled to be in Wonderland. They have a confused reunion before Cheshire urges them to chase Rabbit, and the trio find that Wonderland is in a very bad way thanks to the Queen of Hearts, and it's up to them to set things right...
-->And so the gang travel through Wonderland, going through all the events of American McGee's Alice in a three-player format! With the most notable changes and additions so far being --
a) Alice, rather than wearing her standard blood-spattered blue dress, is in the Ash Dress from the original take on Alice: Asylum (because while I was never a big fan of the various A:A concepts, I loved that dress); Victor is in a dark blue suit that doesn't look that different to his real-life clothes; and Smiler is in a plain pale yellow suit -- though they do also get their glowing yellow eyes and purple-tipped hair to go with it (Victor and Alice are like "???" while Smiler is like " :D ")
b) While I'm not 100% on everybody's weapons for this game, particularly Smiler's, I know we definitely get the trio of the Vorpal Blade, Fork, and Spoon, and Smiler's attacks are still more about stunning people than about actually hurting them
c) While traveling through the various domains, the trio come across a dead and dried jungle that none of them recognize...until Victor finds a weakly-glowing butterfly under the remains of the foliage and realizes to his shock that this is the Butterfly Jungle -- it basically died along with his dreams of being an explorer when he grew up :(
d) Similarly, they also encounter a cobble street with a bunch of unfinished houses and a dried-up fountain at the end -- Smiler clocks it after seeing the spiral clouds in the sky as their old Smile Street, guessing that it never got properly completed after they lost their friends :(
e) While going through the Land of Fire and Brimstone, the trio eventually clock that the Liddell house on the top of the volcano doesn't look quite right -- in fact, it seems to be a mirror image of the real house. Cue one of them (currently I generally have Victor as the one to make the connection) finally realizing that it's not the Liddell house -- it's their house, the one Alice made for them when they were small. Cue them redoubling their efforts to reach it, and finally going inside and getting to enjoy a space that is all theirs --
For about five seconds, before the Jabberwock arrives to burn it all down. >( And then hit them all with their guilt about being the only survivor of the fire (Alice), and not even trying to find out what had happened to Alice earlier (Victor and Smiler). Because the Jabberwock is an asshole.
f) Which makes it even more satisfying when, during the second boss fight against him, the trio all grab the Jabberwock's Eye Staff and just ultra-blast him with its awesome laser >D
g) At some point, the bracelets come up again (probably after Jabberwock Part I), with Alice and Smiler mourning the loss of theirs -- and then Victor revealing he still has his, offering them comfort that at least ONE of the damn things survived
h) Undecided currently if Alice insists on facing the Queen of Hearts alone, or if Victor and Smiler come with -- I mean, the Queen is a very personal enemy for Alice, but at the same time, it feels weird to have Victor and Smiler sit out such an important fight... Hmmm. Maybe split the difference -- have Alice insist on doing the first part of the fight alone after Cheshire gets beheaded to try and spare her friends, only for Victor and Smiler to come help her back on her feet after the Queen's speech and join her for the second phase? Yeah, I rather like that, let's go with that. :)
-->Once the Queen is defeated, everyone wakes up, and Victor, Alice, and Smiler all share a big real-world embrace while the doctors and nurses (along with the Van Dorts and Kelman) try to figure out WTF just happened. XD Alice is eventually pronounced well enough to leave, and the trio finally go their separate ways (the Van Dorts insisting that Victor has to come home now; Dr. Kelman wanting to get back to his own Sanctuary with Smiler; and of course Dr. Bumby arriving to take Alice to Houndsditch), though they vow to stay in contact this time, no matter WHAT life throws at them.
-->...and this is where I run into a bit of a roadblock, because I'm not actually sure what to do with the A:MR/CB portion of the AU. I mean, it's gotta be done, Bumby cannot be allowed to get away with his bullshit, and not only do we have to expose Barkis's murders, we also have to expose Kelman's horrific brain surgeries on innocent people (I in fact already have an idea where Alice's Rutledge hallucination from the second game ends up overlapping with Smiler having a bad time in a hallucinatory Sanctuary, revealing Kelman as a monster in the process)...but I'm not entirely sure a post-AMA Victor would actually go along with being forced into an arranged marriage. Dude would have had to have gained some confidence after fighting all those monsters, right? Though I have had the thought that maybe he would make a deal with his parents to marry whoever they picked without a fight in order to keep seeing Alice (a deal he starts regretting after he starts realizing he's in love with Alice and Smiler post all the nonsense), which would put him in a position to do the Corpse Bride stuff...and would allow me to get Victoria and Emily in on the fun like in the original "Somebody I Used To Know" idea. Go big or go home, right? :p I'll figure it out eventually, I'm sure.
Whew -- that was longer than anticipated! But I hope you enjoyed it. And can maybe offer up some ideas for the A:MR/CB parts of the AU. :p
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Warrior Cats Prefixes List- B
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Badger-: "[noun] a heavily built omnivorous nocturnal mammal of the weasel family, typically having a gray and black coat"
Barberry-: "[noun] a thorny shrub that bears yellow flowers and red or blue-black berries"
Bark-: "[noun] an outer layer of a woody plant such as a tree or stick; [noun] the sharp explosive cry of certain animals, especially a dog, fox, or seal"
Barley-: "[noun] a hardy cereal that has coarse bristles extending from the ears"
Basalt-: "[noun] a dark, fine-grained volcanic rock that sometimes displays a columnar structure"
Basil-: "[noun] an aromatic annual herb of the mint family; [noun] the leaves of the basil plant"
Bass-: "[noun] any of numerous edible marine or freshwater bony fishes"
Bat-: "[noun] any of a widely distributed order of nocturnal flying mammals that have wings formed from four elongated digits of the forelimb covered by a cutaneous membrane and rely on echolocation"
Bay-: "[noun] a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward; [noun] an indentation or recess in a range of hills or mountains; [noun] an evergreen shrub of the laurel family with deep green leaves and purple berries"
Bayberry-: "[noun] a North American shrub with aromatic leathery leaves and waxy berries"
Beach-: "[noun] a strip of land covered with sand, pebbles, or small stones at the edge of a body of water"
Bear-: "[noun] a large, heavy mammal that walks on the soles of its feet, having thick fur and a very short tail"
Beaver-: "[noun] a large semiaquatic broad-tailed rodent that is native to North America and northern Eurasia"
Bee-: "[noun] a honeybee; [noun] an insect of a large group to which the honeybee belongs, including many solitary as well as social kinds"
Beech-: "[noun] a large tree with smooth gray bark, glossy leaves, and hard, pale, fine-grained timber"
Beetle-: "[noun] an insect of an order distinguished by forewings typically modified into hard wing cases that cover and protect the hind wings and abdomen"
Begonia-: "[noun] a herbaceous plant of warm climates, the flowers of which have brightly colored sepals but no petals"
Belladonna-: "[noun] another name for the deadly nightshade plant"
Bellflower-: "[noun] a plant with bell-shaped flowers that are usually blue, purple, pink, or white"
Bergamot-: "[noun] a round to pear-shaped citrus fruit of a Mediterranean tree that has a yellow to green rind which yields a bitter, fragrant essential oil and that is typically considered to be a hybrid of a sour orange and a lemon; [noun] the tree that bears the bergamot fruit"
Berry-: "[noun] a small roundish juicy fruit without a stone"
Big-: "[adj] of considerable size, extent, or intensity"
Bilberry-: "[noun] a small dark blue edible berry; [noun] a hardy dwarf shrub closely related to the blueberry, with red drooping flowers and dark blue edible berries"
Birch-: "[noun] a slender, fast-growing tree that has thin bark (often peeling) and bears catkins"
Bird-: "[noun] a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, and a beak and (typically) by being able to fly"
Bison-: "[noun] a humpbacked shaggy-haired wild ox native to North America and Europe"
Bitter-: "[adj] having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet"
Bittern-: "[noun] any of various small or medium-sized, short-necked, usually secretive herons"
Black-: "[noun] black color or pigment; [adj] of the very darkest color owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white"
Blackberry-: "[noun] an edible soft fruit consisting of a cluster of soft purple-black drupelets; [noun] the prickly climbing shrub of the rose family that bears blackberries"
Blackbird-: "[noun] a European thrush with mainly black plumage; [noun] an American bird with a strong pointed bill. The male has black plumage that is iridescent or has patches of red or yellow"
Blaze-: "[noun] a very large or fiercely burning fire; [verb] burn fiercely or brightly"
Blazing-: "[verb] burn fiercely or brightly"
Blight-: "[noun] a plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts (smut as defined as a fungal disease of grains); [verb] infect (plants) with blight"
Blizzard-: "[noun] a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility"
Bloom-: "[noun] a flower, especially one cultivated for its beauty; [noun] a delicate powdery surface deposit on certain fresh fruits, leaves, or stems; [verb] to produce flowers, to be in flower"
Blossom-: "[noun] a flower or a mass of flowers, especially on a tree or bush; [verb] (of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers"
Blotch-: "[noun] an irregular patch or patches on a surface, typically the fur"
Blotched-: "[adj] covered with blotches"
Blue-: "[noun] blue color or pigment; [adj] of a color intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day"
Bluebell-: "[noun] a European woodland plant of the lily family that produces clusters of blue bell-shaped flowers in spring; [noun] any of a number of other plants with blue bell-shaped flowers"
Blueberry-: "[noun] the small sweet blue-black edible berry of the blueberry plant; [noun] a hardy dwarf shrub of the heath family, with small, whitish drooping flowers and dark blue edible berries"
Bluebird-: "[noun] an American songbird of the thrush subfamily, the male of which has a blue head, back, and wings"
Boa-: "[noun] a constrictor snake which bears live young and may reach great size, native to America, Africa, Asia, and some Pacific islands"
Boar-: "[noun] a tusked Eurasian wild pig from which domestic pigs are descended; [noun] a male domestic pig"
Bog-: "[noun] wet muddy ground too soft to support a heavy body"
Bold-: "[adj] (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous"
Bolete-: "[noun] a mushroom or toadstool with pores rather than gills on the underside of the cap"
Bolt-: "[verb] (of an animal) run away suddenly out of control; [noun] thunderbolt"
Bone-: "[noun] any of the pieces of hard whitish tissue making up the skeleton in vertebrates; [noun] the calcified material of which bones consist"
Borage-: "[noun] a herbaceous plant with bright blue flowers and hairy leaves"
Boulder-: "[noun] a large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion"
Bounce-: "[noun] an act of jumping or an instance of being moved up and down; [verb] (of a person) jump repeatedly up and down, typically on something springy"
Bough-: "[noun] a main branch of a tree"
Bracken-: "[noun] a tall fern with coarse lobed fronds, which occurs worldwide and can cover large areas"
Bramble-: "[noun] a prickly scrambling vine or shrub, especially a blackberry or other wild shrub of the rose family"
Brambling-: "[noun] a small brightly-colored passerine bird in the finch family"
Branch-: "[noun] a part of a tree which grows out from the trunk or from a bough"
Brave-: "[adj] ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage"
Bream-: "[noun] a greenish-bronze deep-bodied freshwater fish native to Europe"
Breeze-: "[noun] a gentle wind"
Briar-: "[noun] any of a number of prickly scrambling shrubs, especially the sweetbriar and other wild roses"
Bright-: "[adj] giving out or reflecting a lot of light, shining; [adj] (of a person) intelligent and quick-witted"
Brindle-: "[noun] a brownish or tawny color of animal fur, with streaks of other color; [adj] (especially of domestic animals) brownish or tawny with streaks of other color"
Bristle-: "[noun] a short stiff hair, typically one of those on an animal's skin, a man's face, or a plant; [verb] (of hair or fur) stand upright away from the skin, especially in anger or fear"
Brittlegill-: "[noun] another name for the Russula genus of mushrooms"
Broken-: "[adj] having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order; [adj] (of a person) having given up all hope, despairing"
Bronze-: "[noun] a yellowish-brown alloy of copper with up to one-third tin; [noun] a yellowish-brown color"
Brook-: "[noun] a small stream"
Brown-: "[noun] brown color or pigment; [adj] of a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue, as of dark wood or rich soil"
Brush-: "[noun] a plant community characterized by vegetation dominated by shrubs, often also including grasses, herbs, and geophytes"
Bryony-: "[noun] a climbing plant that has greenish-white flowers and red berries"
Bubble-: "[noun] a thin sphere of liquid enclosing air or another gas"
Bud-: "[noun] a compact growth on a plant that develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot"
Buffalo-: "[noun] a heavily built wild ox with backswept horns, found mainly in the Old World tropics"
Bug-: "[noun] an insect of a large order distinguished by having mouthparts that are modified for piercing and sucking; [noun] a small insect"
Bull-: "[noun] a fully grown male animal of a domesticated breed of ox"
Bumble-: "[verb] move or act in an awkward or confused manner; [verb] speak in a confused or indistinct way"
Bumblebee-: "[noun] a large hairy bee with a loud hum, living in small colonies in holes underground"
Bunny-: "[noun] a rabbit, especially a young one"
Bunting-: "[noun] any of several types of small singing bird with a short, wide, pointed beak and brightly colored feathers on the male bird, found in North and South America"
Burdock-: "[noun] a large herbaceous Old World plant of the daisy family"
Burn-: "[verb] (of a fire) produce flames and heat while consuming a material such as coal or wood; [verb] destroy, damage, or injure by heat or fire"
Burnet-: "[noun] a herbaceous plant of the rose family, with globular pinkish flower heads and leaves composed of many small leaflets"
Burnt-: "[adj] of or showing colors having a deeper or grayer hue than is usually associated with them"
Burr-: "[noun] a seed or dry fruit or infructescence that has hooks or teeth"
Burrow-: "[noun] a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal, especially a rabbit, as a dwelling; [verb] (of an animal) make a hole or tunnel, typically for use as a dwelling"
Buttercup-: "[noun] a poisonous herbaceous plant with bright yellow cup-shaped flowers, which is common in grasslands and as a garden weed"
Butterfly-: "[noun] a nectar-feeding insect with two pairs of large, typically brightly colored wings that are covered with microscopic scales"
Buzz-: "[noun] a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound, made by or similar to that made by an insect"
Buzzard-: "[noun] a large hawklike bird of prey with broad wings and a rounded tail, typically seen soaring in wide circles"
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