#yellow is my fav color why huh why
trinervous-dioxide · 1 year
Aziraphale’s favorite color
SO you’re telling me aziraphales favorite color is yellow huh? sounds familier? HMMMMMMM
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d8tl55c · 13 days
y ' a l l . it took me multiple weeks to start working on a pony town skin <- real <- i made SIXTEEN other ones before the one i wanted
so now you're gonna look at them :D
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behold! i bring you: disheveled TCO & rehabilitated TCO
it was a long journey to get here and every freaking detail has some personal lore about it- so if you want to see some progress shots ive chronicled them below X3
ok so 💕✨\o_🎉
the original plan was to: 0. go for a cho post-Showdown and pre-Box 1. use my existing spacescug colors (so i wouldn't get overwhelmed and stop) to create interesting gradients with the black, 2. dress them in.......... WHATEVER seemed cool at the time, and 3. have fun.
SO! i did. ~
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(fun facts: the spacescug is one of the 16 skins i crafted while anxiety-ing over ava/m (sometimes ill use it to SNEAK AROUND and admire people (pls say hi lol <3 )))
features. i went with the fluffiest hair i could find, a starry mask for privacy, a comfy sweater, and my two pride and joys: firetail and transparency-skirt.
see look look it's supposed to be showing the legs on the other side of the fabric :D :D :D !!! and, if you look close, it's discreetly distracting from the big shackle i added to the left hind leg. (if you look REALLY close, you'll see i drew some grass in the "hole" of the head. this is why im so excited about this i went ALL IN ;v;;;;) (transparency-skirt ruled as a concept, but in the end it didn't make it any further through my TCOs)
okay so then i spot this character.
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i instantly fell in love with the way they did their head (never before seen by me), and was inspired to refine my own work a little,,, so i would fit in more with them when we hung out.
i tore the sleeves off of the cozy sweater, added a Rocket-Brand™-lookin collar, and retired transparency-skirt.
i enjoyed this version so much i didn't change it until fall rolled around....
in which, while re-doing my whole catalog of fav skins to match the new ground color, i changed like 7 entire pixels of the design which i am not going to waste your scroll bar with. <3
now it's getting real.
one day, i needed a break from a thing and decided to dev some more accessories. i had an idea to strap down the wings with one of the feather outline colors and a Waist item, and that quickly spiraled into changing several many, many, more things.
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speed round! extra features include:
firetail upgrade! ++shiny
+detail on right hind leg: scars? a tracking device maybe?
aforementioned wing restraint
right cozy sleeve ripped further to install the
Rocket™ wristband: that can't be good
hair accents match accessories and each other better
Back Mane changed for ++disheveled points
Ear accessory added for ++disheveled points
Ear type changed for more fluff back there
and as you can see i bit the bullet and tried to make an homage to my new friend's head style, and i found that these closed eyes (left) look like frowny cho-eyes. :3
AND THAT WAS AWESOME. i felt great. stylish, even. i sat there with an extra 10% deduction to needless social anxiety in my new threads.
and i thought, huh. i've made this little guy suffer, mentally and physically, for fifteen outfits now. what changes if they escape The Situation? and heal?
i pondered this for a while, but i didn't get the boost to act on it until i met this MVP.
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they taught everyone on that day cool and funny pony-making tricks! and they're sweet.
from them i was inspired yet again ☝
and this time, i mixed in EVERYTHING. slowly untying the ropes, healing the scars, repairing the hair. the glasses trick that TDL taught me to get the more expressive eyes. the colors and patterning i learned from making a troodon skin (another of the 16) to re-dye the hair and add a new layer of striped pattern to the clothes. yellow with the red so it nods to TDL AND represents more fire. thE SLEEVES ripped ALL THE WAY OFF!!! YEAAAH SHUCK THAT ANGST I MADE THE MARKS BASED ON HOW YOUR CURSOR INVERTS IN WORD
WHAT IF INSTEAD OF RETURNING TO GREYS THEY START DRESSING IN LITTLE EXPLOSIONS OF COLOR •-|,=-||-•|-',=•-|"/, |'['-•-|_|<,['- [,-|'"/,/_',= '////////
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that's it.
except for ofcourse the :V s :3333333
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WOW, haha, thank you for coming on this journey with me. if you know more about pony town than me i am so taking suggestions- i am still learning and having a great time doing it!
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foggymud · 1 year
WELCOME TO "Raw Ingredients" ep.1!! the game show where we take ur fav cookie. And dive deep too figure out what swims beneath the calm waters of the lotus paradise
today we have the newest adition to oven break, thats right the one the only the cutie!POND DINO!! or pondy for short!
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So where to start? Lets see....well for one pondy isn't what they seam,there not a gummy dinosour like the ones we've seen before! They are actualy inspierd by the forget-me-not [or fmn if i ever refer to it again] flower! The name was changed in traslación for what ive heard leading too pond dino to be what we know them as!
Pond dino is also one of the few cookies with the slit eye design! While not exclusive to dragons this trait is ussualy shared among them excluding lychee [wich May play into there potencialy sucubus inspierd design, next ri might be on em ectualy]
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wich further reinforces there relevance to the dragon story! And longan there self says that pondy is the only foil to there plan,more on that laiter.[side note: not all slit eye or slit like eye cookies are in the image showned]
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Another thing worth of note is pondy's shape and body design, as a New born baby dino it makes sense there small stubby and chubby,but a weird thing is that they where born with not only super long "hair" that seams too twist rather then sway as well as a flower that-
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APARANTLY IS EATHER SENTIENT OR APART OF THEM???? Wich all of this leads me too belive this is all apart of there boddy, meaning pondy has 6 limbs [huh kinda make sense why there with lotus now] one set of back and front flippers + the hair flippers.
and finnaly in terms of the design we have pondys color palet! Its quite simple being made out of the face tone, primeraly 2 to 3 shades of blue, some cream yellows for the eyes,flower,and tummy, as well as white for extra detail and purple for the eyes,2th layer of the flower and.....segmentación on the chest?? Im not gonna try to understand why a nonbinary they/its new born lizard that already looks quite femenet needed boob segmentación on there upper body so lets just move on.
As ive not seen the hold story i won't be able to talk much about the lore but looks like there isn't much to cover? They where born from an egg that showed up in a place where "ancient magic once held sway" if i had to guess the lotus palace or the lotus lake its self as it did have quite the amount of magical things besides lotus there self, such as lesser dragons wich while not new as we've seen them all over the place, the little elfs that worked for lotus alongside the hydrangean cookies, and that time longan sent there despicable me looking eye balls there so yeah theres a lot of magic.
And if you remember i did say i was gonna talk about longans "the only foil to my plan" line earlier so lets start with this final segment!, i belive what this line refers to is that there atempts at destroying cookie kind might not be that eficient if life [aka pond] can still emerge from it, they sunk an entierd palace and possibly flooded a hold island and jet a cookie was borned from this destrucción, longan seams to know what this implies as while still a baby pond thretends there hold plan just by existing somhow, maybe will see somthing simmilar to pond in the future, eather other babys from the ananas and pitaya islands [maybe lychee as well idk how bad there island is as the longan break out starts deep below the surface], some kind of figure or presence in history, or maybe a New legend? Who knows!
Side note below if you wanna read
Hi thanks too anyone who reads this far into the post! Even thru my crazy theories and endless rambles y bad grammer, i hope it was understandable to some degree. If you have anything that i may have forgot, got wrong, and even wanna add or share what you think on anything regarding this post feal free to inform me!. Anyways hope this was a ok post at best as i hope to do more like this in the future as it was tons of fun for me even if im not trully sure on how to takle this
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gohyuck · 3 years
haechan + recently, (by Liana Flores) ?
hiii i love you omg!! this is my new fav song thank you for dropping it into my inbox holy fuck. anyways here goes
“you’ve never called me perfect before.”
his cheek is smushed against your knee, and his matter-of-fact statement comes out muffled because of it. there’s no bitterness there, no underlying annoyance: he’s merely observing out loud.
“do you want me to call you perfect?” the words are smoother than you expect them to be as they leave your tongue, given just how long you and your lover have sat in silence. you’re careful as you brush his hair out of his eyes, over and over and over again. your blue blouse’s bishop sleeve caresses the edge of his jaw and the curve of his neck and shoulder as you do this, but he says nothing of it.
“no.” hyuck turns over so the nape of his neck fits over part of your thigh. his eyes meet yours as best they can.
you do nothing but hum in understanding. donghyuck reaches a pastel yellow button-down clad arm up, gripping your wrist light between a thumb and pointer finger before pulling your hand away from his hair. he presses a chaste kiss to your wrist, right at your pulse point.
“no,” he continues, a corner of his mouth quirking up. “it’s why you’re so special to me.”
you suppose there’s a weight that comes with being the very sunlight that warms a room. expectations color your boyfriend’s personal atmosphere, pressing down on him constantly to the point where you wonder if he remembers what clear air is like. perfect is an obligation for him; something he has to be.
lee donghyuck is loud, and sometimes, though it’s rare now, he takes jokes too far, and he’s achingly stubborn, and there are times you swear the mischievous glint in his eye is backed by a sliver — just a sliver — of pure sadism. you like him because he’s your beautiful, brilliant boy, full of love and life and laughter even when the world seems against him, and you love him despite his imperfections. he appreciates that you’re there to remind him of the fact that he has any at all while keeping him grounded in love rather than fear.
you keep him feeling human.
“recently, everyone says they’re seeing less of me,” he sighs, his smile slipping again, and you thread your fingers through the strands of his hair once more. “i could do better if i had energy. be like i used to be.”
“who you are now is just as wonderful as who you’ve been,” you finally say something full of substance, recognizing that he needs a real response from you this time. “and if it’s energy you need, we have time to rejuvenate over your break. together, if you’d like.”
“god, i made date night all mopey.” hyuck laughs, though you can tell he’s delighted at your implication that you’re ready to spend his much-needed upcoming vacation time with him. he’d been worried about asking. you laugh with him, shaking your head as a form of letting him know just how endeared you are by him.
“break together, huh?” your boyfriend continues, gently moving your hand away from his hair before sitting up straight on the gingham blanket that’s laid out on your living room floor. picnic simulator. he crosses his legs before reaching over and tapping gently on the side of one of your knees, silently urging you to unfold your own legs. once you’ve done so, hyuck wastes no time in swinging your calves over his lap, craving closeness in whatever ways he can get it.
“i can picture it now, us walking straight into the sea, laughing as waves come rolling to my knees.” the hope in his voice is tangible, an unspoken question in the air between you two. you nod, leaning close until your forehead is against his before replying.
“what a place we’ll be in, side by side, safe and fine.”
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taechnological · 3 years
[🥂] get to know me tag
tagged by: kris <3 @calicooky also @jiminslight once tagged me in a 30 questions tag game similar to this too but I lost it bc I'm moronic pls forgive me ;-;
tagging: gahhh idk who has done it or not buttttt @mintagust @nvmguk @rmverse @kimchitae @kkulmoon @kimtaegis @kimtaehyunq @hobeah @textsfrombangtan as usual pls feel free to ignore this if u wish to uwu
when is your birthday? may 31st next year
what is your favorite color? blackred (yes that is one colour yes)
what's your lucky number? luck? what's that?
do you have any pets? i have a younger brother :)
how tall are you? ...........i'm not
how many pairs of shoes do you own? hhhh half of my stuff is at my dorm so i can't give u a definite number rn yikes hmmm but more than 8 i'm sure
favorite song? like choose one? i can't :O it's butterfly prologue mix lately tho
favorite movie? my attention span is too short to survive a whole movie in one sitting nowadays rip but uhhhh i used to like tangled a lot as a kid??
what would be your ideal partner? someone whose name starts with a "t" and ends with an "aehyung" and rhymes with "baehyung" but idk anyone like that so :/
do you want children? why would i want that omg
have you gotten in trouble with the law? i am the law u.u bow before me u.u
what color socks are you wearing? socks? in august? bro i live in a tropical country
bath or shower? cold showers hnnng
favorite type of music? if i like smth i just like it i don't care about the "type" uwu
how many pillows do you sleep with? like... 3
which position do you sleep in? starfish lmao
what don't you like when you're sleeping? when there's even one (1) single ray of light in the room i am sleeping in. i prefer total darkness. just like my soul.
what do you have for breakfast? one tall glass of milk and one peeled almond for idk what reason i just eat it
have you ever tried archery? no but now i wanna :o
favorite fruit? mango! ayeee
favorite swear word? "lol ok" works every time :D
do you have any scars? yeah this tiny one on my knuckle which i got from a huge fake dinosaur costume's teeth while i was on a dinosaur ride in a mall 5 years ago... true story
are you a good liar? will u be(lie)ve me if i say yes?
what's your personality type? mbti wise i'm an istj-a but i also qualify as a chaotic neutral so yeah that
what's your favorite type of girl? all girl are my fav type of girl except the girl who put other girl down for absolutely no reason other than trying to look better than that girl
left or right handed? right but i taught myself to write with both hands out of boredom back in 2017 but yeah no i'm still right handed
favorite food? if it's spicy then there's like 98% chance i'll like it
are you clean or messy? my room legit always looks like if u called me in the middle of the night and told me that we are fleeing the country in 10 minutes, i won't even take more than 5 to pack up literally everything bc I'm always ready to LEAVE (it's actually bc i live in the dorms so i leave home and return a lot)
favorite foreign food? taehyu-- *GUNSHOT*
how long does it take for you to get ready? like 25 minutes in the mornings (including waking up, brushing teeth and showering) but most of it is bc i have really long hair which actually take a lot of time to comb and like 10 min if it's any other time
most used phrase? "huh?"
are you a good singer? i don't think so
do you sing to yourself? nah i'm more of a humming to myself kind of person actually
biggest fear? not having a backup plan for smth
do you like long or short hair? LONG! i'm a hardcore long hair enthusiast~ i mean my own go down past my waist
are you into gossips? no lol my frens hate me bc i'm always never interested in anyone's business hhsgsj
extrovert or introvert? i'm active on tumblr,,, take a wild guess?
favorite school subject? mathematics :)
what makes you nervous? taehyung dropping kth1 without any warning o_o
who was your first real crush? like irl? idk man i have a shitty memory (definitely not dodging the question mhm no)
how many piercings do you have? one in each ear
how fast can you run? depends on what's chasing me
what makes you angry? that hybe keeps cockblocking actor jin e_e
do you like your own name? yeah my real first name is actually very pretty haha
what are your weaknesses? *bites lip* taehyung
what are your strengths? *winks* taehyung (pls don't block me) ok ok jokes apart i think my brain power is my actual strength no lie
what is the color of your bedspread? grey and white plaids :o
color of your room? at home it has blue walls, at my dorms it has... light yellow?? i think?? damn sae smh
i can't believe u made it till here??? how bORED ARE U LMAO??
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Illinois x reader x Yancy
@ezuriel-moth-rps : Hey,,,,,,, a concept: soulmate wrist mark AU, right? But like,,, polyamorous people having a mark on each wrist. Thank u for ur time. h m. Illinois and someone? Idk who should be the other someone though. how many egos are there, RNG it
I chose Yancy since he’s my fav, and I’ve seen him being paired with Illinois several times, thought it would be interesting! And also, in this particular AU, the soulmark(s) only does something when you touch it directly, not just the person(s) you share your mark(s) with. Soulmarks can also look like pretty much anything, differs from relationship to relationship.
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Having two soulmarks isn’t that unusual, but often, it could lead to questions you rather not answer. 
So you would always cover one or both up in some sort of fashion, often with a fancy bracelet or simple makeup. 
It didn’t help that yours was two one inch thick bands, one around each wrist. One yellow on your left and one blue on the right, so they often draws looks.
Of the two, you had met Yancy first.
You had met him in prison of all places, the both of you in there for crimes you definitely did commit, not that you ever planned on staying for long. 
And you didn’t. Yancy even helps you break out of the place even though you fought him and won just a few hours prior.
As he scratches the back of his neck while he explains why he isn’t outside the fence himself, you spot a familiar color on his wrist. He must have been wearing some makeup on it, because it certainly wasn’t there before. 
Transfixed, you reach out and grab his wrist, stopping whatever he was about to say as you pull his arm through the fence.
“What’se youse do-” He stops himself as he sees the color on his wrist, visible where it’s clear that his makeup had been smudged. He tries to tug his arm back, but you don’t let go, gently touching the little blue spot you can see.
“Hey, now-” He gasps as warm tingle makes its way up his arm. Looking at you with wide eyes, he gapes.
“Youse......” You nod, licking your thumb so you can use the wetness to rub away some makeup on your own wrists. Yancy lets out a shaky breath as he sees the matching blue and yellow appear. 
“I.... I’s thought I’s would never find any of youse.....” He stares at your wrists as you take both of his hands in yours. You kiss his knuckles, and when you look up there’s tears in his eyes.
“Please come with me.” 
“I belong here, this is my home....... For now at least.....” 
“If anything, you belong with me and our other. We belong together.” You can tell Yancy is close to crying. You let go of his hands, and he pulls back.
“Maybe when parole comes up, I’ll, I’ll give it a shot.” He starts to walk backwards, yelling about visitation. You look down at your box, and when you look up again, he’s gone. 
You’re alone.
You resist the urge to punch the metal fence.
When you meet Illinois, is no less of a strange situation. You’re in a cave, a boulder comes rolling in, and after Illinois comes walking just behind it.
He somehow manages to convince you to go on a little adventure with him, walking backwards with confidence without getting hit by any traps, and flirting with you all the way.
You don’t really answer back much, but he keeps it up anyway. 
As you re-emerge from that monkey heaven, (which is what Illinois had expained it as), you still have the banana in hand. Illinois notices, but also sees the blue band around your wrist at the same time you do. 
Your makeup is completely gone (a side effect of the monkey heaven you think). Both you and Illinois freeze. Illinois carefully lifts up his left hand, and suddenly you notice the familiar yellow on his wrist. 
You let your hand with the banana drop, grabbing his wrist with your matching yellow band. 
The two of you stare down at your hands, as Illinois feel’s the warm tingle from his wrist travel up his arm. He twists his arm so he can grab your wrist as well, making the warm tingle travel up your arm too.
“Yeah...” Illinois tries to pull away, but you don’t let him, pulling him into a hug. He stiffens up, but it only takes a few seconds before he is hugging back. When you pull back, the both of you are smiling at each other.
“Who would have thought I would meet one of my partners like this huh?” His smile is faking confidence, you can tell by his eyes how nervous he is.  
“And I know where our other is.” His eyes light up.
“You do?”
“Yes, and you have to help me convince him to take parole.” Illinois doesn’t seem to care to hear that one of his partners is in prison, picking you up with a big smile on his face, and spinning you around. 
Something pokes you in your back when he picks you up, so when he puts you down, you look and he’s holding a rock in his hand. Illinois notices, and brings it up so you can look at it better.
“Got it from the monkeys, it’s a little less impressive than your banana.” He shakes it, and as he does so, the rock emits a bright light, disintegrating and transforming into a big diamond. 
The two of you eye it in shock, before moving the focus to your banana. Carefully opening it up, you find it’s made of pure gold. You both let your gaze flicker between the two items, before busting out into laughter.
“At least it looks like we will all be provided for.” You say with a grin, Illinois nodding as he wipes a laughing tear from his eyes. 
As the two of you finally manage to stop laughing, you lock eyes. Slowly, very slowly, you reach up to cup Illinois cheek, stroking your thumb gently over his skin. Illinois leans into the motion and closes his eyes, and you can’t help but lean in and kiss him. 
You let the kiss be brief, just a press of your lips against his, but you almost immediately lean in for another one, which he is quick to return. 
You stay like that for a few minutes, before the weirdness of the situation hits you, and you have to break away from the kiss to laugh a little.
“What?” Illinois asks, straightening his hat from where it had become slightly askew.
“I just realised how bizarre my life is. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You smile at Illinois, and he returns it with a beaming smile of his own.
The first time you bring Illinois to visitation, Yancy is so happy, but almost burst into tears when the both of you put your hands against the plastic glass that separates the two of you from him in the little booth used for visitation. He presses his own hands against the glass, promising with a mix of laughter and crying in his voice that he promises to try for parole when it comes up.
That first meeting had ended way to soon for anyones liking, but after that, you and Illinois come every time visitation rolls around. (Yancy doesn’t let you call, since he wants to minimise the risk of anyone finding out you are an escapee, and Illinois doesn’t want any more benefits than you.) 
Both of you also write him letters, ranging from talking about adventures you have had, what kind of food the other person likes, and what you want to do when he gets out. 
Because he is getting out, no matter what. If he doesn’t make parole, you had threatened to break him out yourself. You did this during visitation once, causing Yancy and Illinois to laugh nervously, but you could tell they appreciated the sentiment.
You end up not needing to break him out, as a little over a year later, parole comes up, and Yancy is approved. When you read it in the letter he had sent to tell you the news, you had screamed of joy, running into the other room to let Illinois know. 
Illinois had smiled the biggest smile you had ever seen, you’re convinced if it wasn’t for his ears it would have been even bigger.
So a little while later, you find yourself leaning on the hood a car outside the prison, all nervous energy and jitters. Illinois is right next to you, a warm and heavy hand on your hip a comforting weight.
The door to the building opens, and out steps Yancy. You can see he spots you, almost matching your nervous energy, but he tries to take it slow, and not full on run his way out.
As he steps out the prison gates for the first time in years, he casts one last look over his shoulder at the building. 
As he turns back around, his arms are almost immediately filled with you, giving him the biggest and best hug you can. He draws in a sharp breath and hugs you back just as hard.
When he lets go of you, Illinois is standing right next to you, and he gently takes Yancy’s wrists in his hands, making the warm and familiar tingle travel up his arms. 
Yancy moves his arms so he can do the same, smiling hard, trying to hold back happy tears. Illinois pulls him into a hug as well, even giving Yancy a little spin like he does with you. 
Yancy laughs, and when Illinois puts him down again, Illinois plants a brief kiss on his lips. Yancy is stunned, so you step closer and lead his attention to you with a hand under his chin. Leaning in, you pause briefly, before letting your lips brush softly against his in a barely there kiss. 
Yancy, seemingly snapped out of his stupor, kisses you back, only breaking the kiss so he can kiss Illinois as well. This time it’s Illinois who is surprised, but he is quick to kiss back as he regains his composure. 
You have to tell them to slow down a bit, you’re still very not in the right place just yet, so they let you drag them over to the car. You give them both a quick kiss, settling in the drivers seat. They both get in the back, leaning against each other and holding hands on the whole way home as you smile at them trough the rearview mirror.
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
out of time
✿ pairing: sienna x danny
✿ word count: 3354
✿ warnings: death, loss
✿ author’s note: well, i thought i’d just flesh out what we didn’t get to see, since i highly doubt they’ll expand on it since it’s off screen. it’s not my best work, but it was written out of spite so hopefully that makes up for the lack of quality LMAO. anyways, i tagged everybody who liked this post and added it to the end since there were quite a few! [sidenote: i wrote this post after i’d started this fic so if you see similarities, that’s why] i really hope you like it and that i did both sienna and danny justice!
She sprinted down the hallway, pager still beeping erratically on her hip, the weight of the numbers enough to make her feel like she was slugging through wet concrete.
No, no, not him, please, not him, she chanted to herself, vision blurring with tears before she had the chance to let the negative possibilities set in.
He’s gonna be okay. It’s okay. We’re okay.
Thankfully she was only one floor away, taking the steps two at a time, shoes squeaking against the waxy floor. Sweat formed on her brow as she shoved through the stair’s exit door, pushing past every intern in her way.
Normally she’d stop to apologize, but not today. She didn’t know how much time she had. It could be minutes, and she wasn’t going to waste even a second apologizing when someone’s life was on the line.
She saw the small crowd forming outside of the room and barrelled towards them without a second thought, tearing her way to the front.
When she saw Spencer’s terrorized gaze, her chest tightened involuntarily. Her body covered the entrance to the room, so she could barely see into the room, but she did catch a glimpse of something that made her blood run cold.
A purple pant leg strewn across the floor, ankle relaxed, unmoving, peeking out behind Spencer’s side.
“Sienna, stop. You can’t go any further,” Ethan murmured, gently holding her in place with his arm.
“But I have to – Danny – he’s –” she struggled against his grip, lip wobbling.
“Please,” he said, more of a statement than a question, like he was holding back, too, the strain in his voice enough to stop her in her tracks.
She watched, helpless, as Spencer and Rafael scrambled to seal the room, Bobby convulsing on the ground, Travis passed out, and Danny getting weaker and weaker by the second.
It was like turning on the news and seeing tragedy after tragedy – she always felt absolutely helpless. Her empathy always felt like a curse in those moments. She couldn’t stop herself from feeling everything, whether she wanted to or not.
She wrapped her arms around herself, digging her fingernails into her side, rocking from foot to foot. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from Danny’s frail form on the ground.
“Hey, I came here as fast as I could,” a voice huffed at her side. She turned, met with Jackie’s concerned gaze, hands on her hips as she panted, tiny sweat stains dotting her teal scrubs.
“It’s… All of them, Jackie, –” she couldn’t find the words to quite describe the soul crushing weight of the situation.
Bobby, Rafael, Spencer, and Danny… people that had been her emotional rocks through the lowest points of her life.
Bobby was her unsung hero. He’d keep guard while she cried in the supply closet so she wasn’t disturbed, in return for a dozen of her chocolate chip cookies. After the first few times, she brought him baked goods weekly regardless of whether she had a breakdown or not.
Rafael was her empath twin, as weird as it sounded. She’d branded them that as a joke, between giggles, on her late night break at the cafeteria. Despite it being stated jokingly, it was true – they found themselves confiding in each other each time they faced a difficult situation, bonding over the fact that their jobs took a lot more out of them than the normal person.
Spencer was her late night confidante, the person who she’d crawl into bed with at 3 a.m. after having another detailed nightmare where she was cursed with endless terminal patients. There weren’t that many people she’d platonically cuddle and sob until she was a snotting mess next to.
And Danny… he was the future. He was a vision of what she’d always wanted.
It took her too long to break away from Wayne’s hold. She knew he was toxic, but she didn’t want to admit it – how was she supposed to admit that she’d been wrong for that long?
With Danny, she was comfortable. He got her in a way no one else did. He had the potential to be every single role that her friends played simultaneously.
God, and she’d told him she needed time. She hadn’t properly healed from Wayne so she needed some time before she moved on and –
Now it’s too late, she thought to herself as she watched them wheel out Travis and Danny in glass cases.
And Bobby in a body bag.
“Holy shit,” Jackie breathed, eyes widening. “Fuck – Oh my god, Sienna –”
The tears were already flowing as she slammed her face into Jackie’s chest, body wracked with inconsolable sobs.
She’d never hugged Jackie like this before, as she hated physical affection unless it was… PG-13.
Jackie stiffened, but wrapped her arms around Sienna’s shoulders, patting her back, slowly melting into the embrace.
“We’ll visit him as soon as we can,” she said in her ear, holding Sienna up as she nearly crumbled.
Danny’s body was still, the only movement his heaving chest as he took shallow, labored breaths, his normally warm skin tone muted, drained of color.
“Hey, it’s me,” she called as she closed the door behind her, voice shaky, tote bag at her side. “I hope you can hear me.”
No response.
“Uh… I brought some of our favs. Secret of Ninradell and some music to play so hopefully it makes your dreams a little sweeter – ” she forced a laugh, trying to keep her brave face. “I brought some cookies that I baked last night – uh, I’m sorry they’re not fresh – I –”
Her voice cracked, and she rolled her lips together to keep her chin from trembling. She dragged a nearby chair closer to the glass box, sliding into it, never taking her eyes from his face.
God, why did it have to be you? She thought to herself, covering her mouth with her hands as she cried, her soft sobs muted by the loud machines monitoring his vitals.
She popped open the cover of the hardback, highlighter in hand. “I’m gonna read this to you, if that’s okay? I’m highlighting passages that remind me of you,” she smiled sadly, watching his eyes roll underneath their lids. He was dreaming.
“I know you hate when I mark up books. That’s the librarian speaking, huh?” She giggled, remembering the time he told her about his job in the campus library, and his deep hatred for the Dewey decimal system.
She began reading, trying her best at different accents, failing miserably, but it distracted her from reality if just momentarily.
Her year had been full of blow after crushing blow, both professionally and personally. Losing Wayne, breaking the news to terminal patients, dealing with the toll it took on her mental health, as well as dealing with an intern that was using her – she wasn’t stupid. She just would rather suck it up than have someone upset with her that was supposed to look up to her. Stupid, but she couldn’t handle the thought of disappointing another person.
Hours later, voice hoarse, pages and pages marked up, her hands stained with neon yellow ink, she was drifting off to sleep where she sat – but a groan startled her awake.
“Uhhhhhh,” he moaned, visibly in pain, writhing uncomfortably.
“Danny? Hey, I’m here,” she rushed forward to the box, pressing her hand up against the side, hoping he could feel the warmth of her hand through the glass.
“Sienna…?” He asked, eyes fluttering open and closed. He couldn’t focus on her face.
“I’m here. I’m not leaving.”
“Good,” he croaked, weakly flopping his hand to touch the glass.
He didn’t know it, but those two words were enough to strengthen her withering resolve. She fell asleep cradling the glass, arm slung over the top.
She was ripped from her sleep by intense beeping from the machines surrounding Danny, and she glanced down, peering through the glass at Danny’s quivering form, switching between violent shakes and gentle shivers.
She slammed the emergency button and quickly went to work trying to find the source of the issue, waiting for the nurses to come as back up.
“Danny. Danny, stay with me. Listen to my voice. Hold on, alright? Nurses are heading here now, and we’re going to take care of you,” she said calmly, betraying her shaking hands.
They set to work immediately, trying to keep him from slipping into unconsciousness, all four nurses working swiftly, nimble fingers and precise movements, never getting into each others’ way.
Sienna watched from outside as they worked, glass box open, desperately wishing she had a hazmat suit. Ethan and Jackie observed, giving calm commands.
She turned, eyes red rimmed from crying and lack of sleep, startling Elijah as he rolled to a stop next to her.
“Jackie asked me to send an intern up to bring you a hazmat suit… but I thought I’d bring it myself, to check on you,” he said, eyebrows furrowed, handing the folded hazmat suit from his lap to her arms.
“Don’t feel like you need to talk to me right now, alright? I’ll wait out here, if you need me.” He gave her a sympathetic smile as he patted her arm.
“Thank you,” she mumbled, hastily throwing on the hazmat suit and ripping at the zipper, growing more and more frustrated as it caught on her clothes. “Come on. Come on, come on –”
“Here, let me help,” Elijah offered. “Bend down and I’ll zip it up.”
She followed his instruction and squatted as Elijah glided the zipper upwards, patting her back softly when he was done.
And like before, she had no time to thank him. She didn’t want to miss one second with Danny.
She burst into the room, not disturbing the hive-like efficiency of the nurses.
She watched as they poked and prodded and worked tirelessly to keep him conscious. There was an undeniable tension in the air, stretched so thin it could snap at any moment.
The strained atmosphere of the room didn’t come from the doctors – it came from the nurses. Sienna knew how much Danny meant to his coworkers. He was always the first to resolve conflict and make people feel at ease.
They were tight knit; losing Danny would be a crushing blow.
“Please, Jackie, tell me what’s happening,” she said between panicky breaths, unable to contain her anxiety. “I need to know.”
“We’re trying to stabilize him… but we’re not sure what’s causing him to go into shock in the first place,” Jackie said, brows furrowed.
Three long, painful minutes later, his heart rate returned to normal, his whole body in a feverish sweat.
“That took a lot out of him,” Sienna whispered, watching a nurse press a damp, cool cloth to his forehead and neck.
“You know we have to get rid of your bag, right? It’s contaminated,” Jackie grimaced, motioning to the nurse that was zipping it into a sealed bag, about to throw it away.
“No, you can’t – I didn’t even get to finish reading Ninradell to him last night,” Sienna pleaded, rushing forward to the nurse.
“You can’t take it out of this room,” Ethan shook his head, his statement dismissive, but his tone of voice sympathetic.
“Can I at least finish reading it to him? I promise I’ll dispose of it properly. I just… I need some more time with him.”
“I don’t think –” “I’ll stay with her,” Jackie nodded, holding Ethan’s gaze. “Don’t worry, I’ll page you if anything happens.”
With one firm tilt of his chin, he left the room, presumably towards Spencer and Rafael.
“We think he can hear what’s going on around him, so it’s actually a great idea to read to him,” Jackie said, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “It might help pull him through this.”
Jackie grabbed the bag from the nurse wordlessly, handing it back to Sienna. “You can take a break,” she said to the group of nurses anxiously huddled next to Danny. “We’ll watch over him.”
One of them started sealing the box, but Sienna stopped them with a frantic “Wait.”
“Keep it open. I’ll seal it later,” Jackie ordered gently.
She slipped into the seat next to him, holding firmly onto the edge of the glass.
Jackie must’ve noticed she was debating whether or not she should touch him, so she confirmed it for her. “You can touch him. Don’t be afraid.”
“But I am,” she said, voice cracking, tears threatening to spill. It was tiresome how much she’d cried over the past twelve hours.
She was thankful he’d held on for that long, but she had no idea when it was coming. From his steadily declining health as well as appearance, it was inevitable.
“I’m so scared,” Sienna whispered, refusing to look at her, eyes trained on the rise and fall of his chest.
“You have every right to be, babe. I’m so sorry,” Jackie said, striding over to rest an arm around her shoulders.
“I… told him I needed more time to be me, you know? I needed to figure out more about me because with Wayne and with surviving last year and the stuff with Spencer and Mrs. Martinez and – and –” she cut herself off, trying to regain her composure.
“You lost sight of who you were.”
“Yeah, that’s exactly it. Everything I thought I knew was thrown out the window and it’s like I haven’t even had time to recover,” she said, her voice still wavering.
“I did the same thing last year. But you can’t beat yourself up about it. You never in a million years would’ve guessed that this could happen.”
Sienna took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to unravel the tight coil in her chest. “But he was the only thing making coming to work worth it. I like him a lot and I just… told him to wait.”
“If he had a problem with that, he would’ve moved on.”
She glanced up, met with Jackie’s soft expression, sympathetic and kind – so much different than the tough exterior she was used to. “Don’t blame yourself, Sienna. It’ll break you.”
She knew she was right, but the nagging voice at the back of her mind wouldn’t allow her to let it go. 
She cracked the book open, flipping to the last page she’d read from, about two-thirds into it. But before she could start reading, Danny stirred.
His hand twitched, his fingers flexing like he was grabbing for something. Without a second thought she grasped his hand between her glove-clad palms, the book clamoring onto the ground.
“Sienna…” he whispered, trying to open his eyes, but they fluttered shut, like a weight pulling at his lashes.
She wanted desperately to see his bright eyes again, to hear him to reassure her that it’d all work out. That she’d be okay. That he’d be okay.
“Hey, I’m here,” she said, lightly squeezing her hand.
He moaned, presumably in pain, wiggling like he couldn’t stay still.
“How bad is your pain on a scale 1-10? I’m gonna count up and you squeeze my hand to stop me, alright?”
He gave a weak tilt of his chin, a single nod the only thing he could muster.
She began counting. “One… two… three…”
She kept counting, feeling a weak squeeze when she said “Nine.”
“I’ve never felt this bad before,” he whispered, Sienna having to lean in to hear him.
“Danny, if it’s a ten, you need to tell me,” she chewed the inside of her lip, already racking her brain for the best pain medicine that wouldn’t react with the mystery poison.
“It’s not at a ten…” He stirred, wincing, managing a weak smile. “Because you’re here with me.”
He sighed, like it took a lot out of him to say two sentences.
“That was so sweet,” she said, glancing up at Jackie, knowing her haunted expression would ruin the moment if she let him see it.
Jackie looked equally as upset, her jaw set, fists clenched at her side.
“Stop it, Dr. Varma… you’ve done –” he took another deep, shuddering breath. “You’ve done so much for me already.”
“So have you. You’re a trooper,” Jackie nodded, looking up at the ceiling. Sienna couldn’t tell if she was trying to hold back tears or keep herself from thinking about it. “Thanks for holding out for us, Danny.”
“I don’t know how much longer I can, though,” he said, gripping Sienna’s hand, opening his eyes unexpectedly.
She shook her head, holding his hand to her chest. “No, don’t think like that. You can hold on for a while longer. I believe in you.”
“Sienna… You’re my favorite person,” he breathed, looking up at her with a spark of life in his eyes, a contrast from the gaunt look of his face. His dark circles gave the allusion that his eyes were sunken in, a skeleton of who he was less than 24 hours ago.
It scared the hell out of her how quickly he changed – and how content he looked with slipping away.
“You have to let them test on me,” he squeezed her hand. “It’ll help.”
“No, you’re gonna be fine –”
“It’s okay,” he reassured her, a soft smile adorning his lips, pale and cracked. “You’ll be okay.”
He craned his neck, trying to hold his head up. Sienna slipped her hand underneath the nape of his neck, supporting him. He tilted his head forward, lightly pressing his damp forehead against her hazmat suit.
She leaned forward, pressing hers against the loose protective fabric, feeling the warmth of his skin through it. 
“You can’t go, I – your family hasn’t even gotten to visit you –” She choked, the warm tears dotting the thick plastic screen, streaking down to fall farther into her suit.
“They couldn’t get here in time,” he said, matter-of-factly.
They sat there like that for a while. Her concept of time was thrown out the window as soon as she got the initial page, so it could’ve been ten seconds or ten minutes.
“Thank you for reading to me.”
She laughed, sniffling. “We spent all night talking about Ninradell, so it was only fitting I stayed up all night to read it to you.”
Another little while passed. Talking took so much out of him, that he had to take a few breaks between his speech so he wouldn’t pass out from exhaustion. “Don’t blame yourself,” he said, cutting through the silence. “You couldn’t have stopped this.”
She stared at her hands, clasped around his own, drained of color. He’d closed his eyes, so thankfully he couldn’t see her pained expression.
“I know. I can’t help but feel responsible for everything, even when it’s out of my control… I’m so sorry,” she said, voice breaking for the millionth time. She could barely form words without choking on them.
She cursed herself for not being stronger. Overwhelming emotion was enough to render her speechless, meanwhile Danny was pushing through searing pain in order to leave her with words she’d carry with her forever.
He’d mustered his last bit of energy to tell her to be kind to herself.
The machine behind him beeped. His heart rate had slowed to a crawl, and he was gone before Jackie could spring to action.
And when his hand went limp in between her palms, she let out an inhuman wail that no one, not even Spencer, had heard before.
tags: @saintniceguy ; @part-of-the-circus ; @vandalasal ; @dudebro-lahela ; @averysheart-raleighsdick ; @cptnvers ; @bringing-back-socks-with-sandals ; @la-huerta ; @ironysyndrome ; @anotordinarygoldfish ; @pumpkinbutt ; @browneyedmissy ; @soo-empty ; @anonymous2094 ; @lumpyspaceprincessismybitch ; @lady-stirling ; @papinaveensbitch ; @writinghereandthere ; @unusualvisionsblog ; @beccadavenport ; @messofakind ; @violinet ; @serafinedupont ; @raleiighcarrera ; @pixeljazzy ; @pixelsandkink ; @altairadtaz
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xyloophones · 4 years
oh, id love to hear your dvd commentary on the moonflower scene in moonstruck!! i absolutely love it every time i reread it 💙💙💙
friend !! heck yeah i can do commentary on that !! (also hi i see u leaving comments again sdlkfaj ur so sweet to me thank u for keeping my fics alive u are the beeesssstttt <3) 
under the cut because it got too long aahhhh 
Send me your favorite scene/chapter from one of my works and I’ll post a DVD commentary on it.
The garden is beautiful. They don’t have much space in the backyard, which they’ve made up for with floating garden beds, the wood painted bright colors as they hover peacefully in the air. It’s like a small bubble in the middle of a city, lush and overflowing with life. Viktor forgets that if he walks twenty feet in any direction, he’ll meet concrete. He feels a wave of calm wash over him. 
This is directly inspired by how golden gate park in san francisco just goes from rows of houses on cement to super lush redwoods and gardens within like 10 feet. All of the scenery in my fics are just love letters to the bay area/ california in general. The california academy of sciences has a living roof with a bunch of california native plants and grasses and it’s super magical
“Feel better?” Yuuri smiles knowingly. “It’s the lavender. Celestino started planting it after I was diagnosed with anxiety. It’s supposed to be calming.”
Viktor smiles bitterly. “More magic, huh?”
Yuuri shakes his head. “Lavender isn’t magical. It’s actually one of the few plants with no magical properties at all.”
I love magical realism/ urban magic aus but my fav things in them are just when something super mundane works better than the magic itself. example: why use quills when pens are so much more convenient??? I will never understand 
“But it’s also one of the most widely used plants.”
“Is that supposed to be a metaphor? For… me?” Viktor frowns. “But I’m not non-magical. There’s nothing wrong with being non-magical, it’s just… my career–– my fans have expectations.”
It’s really easy to forget that people are like… people when you look up to them so much. I tried to put myself in victors headspace of having so many people that basically idolize and worship you but knowing that if you messed up they would turn on you instantly. I think that’s probably very scary.
“Viktor, the only person who matters in this situation is you.” Yuuri nods his head towards the back of the garden. “Come here, I wanna show you something.”
Yuuri weaves his way through the floating flower boxes and pots, ducking to avoid stray vines. Viktor follows. The plants all seem to lean towards Yuuri when he passes, like they’re reaching for the sun. It’s fitting. 
The sun/moon dynamic in ships is my fav thing in the universe so i really like leaning into the “yuuri is made of sunshine” thing which is the WHOLE reason behind this scene 
“Solnyshko,” Viktor whispers. 
“What was that?” Yuuri looks over his shoulder. 
“Nothing,” Viktor says. “A nickname.”
I !! love !!! pet names !!! all of my close friends have at least one or two mushy petnames from me !! i am under the name “sunshine” on my friends phone and it is the cutest fckin thing pls call me cute nicknames !! anyway this is me projecting onto vitya lol 
Yuuri takes him to the back fence bordering their neighbor's. There are a row of sunflowers there, planted into the ground instead of in a flower box. 
“Sunflowers,” Yuuri says. “They’re my favorites.”
sunflowers are my fav flowers so once again i am ✨ projecting ✨ onto yuuri lol 
The sunflowers drip golden light onto the soil below them. Like the rest of the plants, they all seem to turn towards Yuuri. Yuuri reaches out and plucks a petal off of one.
Viktor raises an eyebrow. “I know what sunflowers are.”
“Yes, but––” Yuuri takes his hand and uses it to pull Viktor back towards the small shed in the corner of the garden–– “I’m willing to bet you’ve never seen these.”
Yuuri opens the door to the shed and ushers Viktor inside, shutting the door behind them, plunging the shed into darkness. 
“Just watch.”
Yuuri holds out the sunflower petal, glowing golden in the pitch black. The shed gradually glows lighter and lighter, until Viktor can see well enough to make out the smile on Yuuri’s face. But, the light isn’t just coming from the sunflower petal anymore. Viktor looks around and sees the shed is lined with boxes of tall, silvery plants. They look like sunflowers, but their stalks are pitch black and their flowers have no petals, only a glowing, silvery head of seeds. 
So moonflowers are an actual thing but they’re just white morning glories and anyway i wanted the whole moonflowers/sunflowers thing to run parallel to the whole victor not really “growing” in the light (fame) until he meets yuuri who teaches him to love magic for himself and not for any public expectations/fans. Like i really wanted to make it clear that victor needed to work on himself and his own health and that things (moonflowers) can have value even if they don’t live under the sun (fame)   
“Moonflowers,” Yuuri says, pleased. The sunflower petal in his hand glows brighter when he brings it closer to a nearby moonflower. “They’re sensitive, so they can’t be out in the sun. But, if you put them near sunflowers they glow. It’s the only plant that grows without sunlight. It’s also the only plant that supports sunflowers. Sunflowers can’t grow without moonflowers nearby. ”
I didnt really get into it in this fic but yuuri learned just as much from victor as victor did from him
Yuuri sends him a look. “This is another metaphor, by the way.”
“I think I get it.” Viktor leans forward and gently touches one of the moonflowers. His hand comes away with a silver streak glittering on his finger. 
“I’m going to keep helping you look for your heart, but I think you need to start loving yourself without your magic,” Yuuri smiles at him gently, looking ethereal and achingly gentle in the moonlight. “You’re still Viktor, even without your magic. You’re still Viktor.”
Again ! its not about victor meeting the love of his life, it’s about victor finding himself and learning to love himself and also falling in love along the way !!
“Vitya,” Viktor says, his voice thick with emotion. “Call me Vitya, please.”
“Okay,” Yuuri whispers. “Vitya.”
Viktor looks back at the house, before he gets into the car. The paint is bright yellow.
Fun fact: this scene was like the very first or second scene i wrote for this au (and the whole halloween week thing) and it was actually something i wanted to do as a stand alone but it didn’t end up long enough (HA i know its like…, 8k but STILL) i think i thought about making it its own series but i just got too busy :((
Also while working on this i listened exclusively to a halloween playlist (i love halloween!!!! Spooky season is my fav!!!!) so if you want maximum “xylo’s headspace while working on this” effect listen to i put a spell on you by nina simone on loop
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RULES: Answer 20 Questions +5, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @blowjob-blazkowicz, Thanks my dude!
1) name: Eric 2) nickname: n/a 3)zodiac: Pisces i think, but i really don’t care. 4)height: 6′4″ 5)languages: English, Bad English.
6)nationality: American 7)favorite season: Late spring/early summer. 8)favorite flower: Probably lavender 9)favorite scent: Good food and citrus fruit 10)favorite color: Cool earthy colors are good, fav three are yellow, blue, and dark green.
11)favorite animal: Cats 12)favorite fictional character: Toph Befong, The greatest earthbender ever! 13)coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Mocha latte, or lukewarm hot chocolate. 14)average sleep: 8 hours or so, but i usually get to bed by 12:00am so... 15)dog or cat person: cat, but dogs are nice too.
16)number of blankets: 3.  one for smooth feeling, one for thickness and then a light comforter for warmth 17)dream trip: Probably exploring some of those native american cities/ruins.  Or a cruise. 18)blog established: 2013 apparently... huh. 19)followers: 1332?  nice! 20)random fact about me: I have aspergers syndrome, but i don’t blame that directly for why i don’t have a lot of friends.  I was also a really horrible little stain in elementary school and i needed an Educational Assistant to help me learn because all i wanted to do is go to a quiet corner of the library and read instead of doing anything in class.
gender? Male. sexuality? Bisexual af. do you is gamer? Yeah, just don’t got a lot of friends to play with consistently. college major? IT and networking. how you feel about your future?  Hahahahahaha... we’re so fucked.  It’s either cheetoman for dictator, climate change, civil war due to cheetoman and the oligarchs, or we all die of a plague...  I hope for the best, but the best ain’t lookin too good atm.
I tag:  @tealovingmutt, @greasemunkyy, @unpatchedglitch, @john7398, @pop-radit, @penniger, @tezbravetail, @miredancer, @gexshik, @genesisthefox, @doppiocchi, @lucas-rio, @forestofwhales, @outoftheinkwell, @woodle-dee-doodle, @kittty-catt, @a-whimsical-jackalope, @really-tony, @weightedthinking, @nekochanarigato.
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1shimaru · 5 years
tagged by @latiaso​ !!!
Last Drink: classic milk tea w small boba
Last Phone Call: from the fax machine (i was helping make sure it worked)
Last Text: to a priest for a mass request
Last Song You Listened To: talk by khalid
Last Time You Cried: i don’t remember!! :DD
Have You Ever Dated Anyone: yes
Been Cheated On: nope!!
Kissed Someone And Regretted It: i don’t think so
Lost Someone Special: i don’t remember, so ig not!!
Been Drunk And Thrown Up: never been drunk!! i have thrown up recently, it really sucks!!
List Three Fav Colors: yellow!! blue, purple
In The Last Year Have You…
Made A New Friend: yep!!
Fallen Out Of Love: uhh no
Met Someone Who Changed You: p..probably?? i think u get changed by every little thing so yeah
Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: i haven’t seen my friends in a year due to school, so no
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: nobody talks abt me?? not in a bad way, i just think i’m a p chill person so there’s nothing to talk abt 
Kissed Someone On Your FB Friends List: i don’t have a FB ://
How many people on your FB friends list do you know irl: don’t have one!! so none
Do you have any pets: nope ;;
Do you want to change your name: i think my names are good!!
What did you do for your last birthday: drink a cup of champagne. it was my 21st and it tasted terrible. my little cousin made me drink more so i’d make a face and she could record it. several times.
What time did you wake up today: 7:30am. i had work today so i had to be up early!!
What were you doing at midnight last night: R ..READING MANGA... specifically senryu shoujo!! i’d reccommend it!!
Name something you CANNOT wait for: warmer weather.... it’s getting so cold even tho it’s summer -_- and also for my friend to come back from spain!!
Last time you saw your mother: a couple hours ago when she was trying to fax smth
What is one thing you wish you could change about life: bro, financial stability :p
What are you listening to right now: the tea by danny gonzalez
Have you ever talked to a person with the name Tom: yeah, we have a father at the parish by that name. he does a lot of the masses
What’s getting on your nerves: my sister always gets on my nerves, ngl
Most visited website: tumblr...//
Nickname: aaron ^0^)/
Relationship status: single!!
Zodiac sign: capricorn
Pronouns: she/they
Fave tv shows: rottmnt, revisited anime, aaahh idk what else rn
Hair color: dark brown w bleached hair that turned orange
Long or short: short hair!! my hair is thick and heavy and feels Greasy Gross when it’s 2 long
Height: 5’3″
Do you have a crush on someone: a little/// but i like them more as friends
What do you like about yourself: oof god you def Know what i’m feeling, idfjgfkj so open...
Tattoos: none!
Righty or Lefty: right
First surgery: i’ve never had surgery!!
First piercing: i had gold studs when i was younger. then they closed and i got em pierced again, now i have gold stars
First best friend: earliest i remember is preschool.. i had 2 friends, a girl and a boy, i used to be pen pals w the girl but i stopped a long time ago
First sport you joined: soccer in 1st grade i think?? p sure we lost every game tho lmao
First pair of trainers: huh?? like sneakers?? how am i supposed to remember that??
Right Now:
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Listening to: i answered this one!! i’m listening to danny gonzalez songs
Want kids: NO. NEVER. several reasons why. physically? imagine the toll. financially? IMAGINE THE TOLL...
Career: website design?? something fun??? ;;
Which Is Better:
Lips or eyes: idk///
Shorter or taller: tall is sUPER cool
Romantic or spontaneous: romantic?? i think it’s thoughtful, but ig spontaneous can be too!!
Sensitive or loud: sensitive?? when others r loud it hurts my ears, but i’m always loud!! so what does that mean..
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant.. u can think things thru n not get hurt, why would i wanna b in trouble >:0
Have You Ever:
Kissed a stranger: no
Drank hard liquor: NO
Lost glasses/contacts: ya
Sex on a first date: NO!!
Broke someone’s heart: i don’t think so!!
Had your own heart broken: no??
Been arrested: nope
Turned someone down: for a relationship? kind of
Cried when someone died: Yeah, this one hedgehog on yt died and i cried so hard...
Fallen for a friend: yea
Do You Believe In…
Yourself: YEP
Miracles: kinda!!
Love at first sight: kinda!!
Santa Claus: No
Kiss on the first date: aww cute, it can happen
Angels: a little!! i think a little magic is Nice
i can’t tag ppl bc it’s 3:30 am!!
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lovelylogans · 6 years
stings and stripes
pairings: moxiety (which is new for me, I think!)
warnings: it’s too gosh darn stinkin cute. food mentions, I think that’s it?
notes: do I have a ton of prompts sitting in my drafts? yes. do I have not one but two wips? yes. am I doing this anyway? YOU BET.
I’m at a reunion right now, and one of my baby cousins noticed one of the oldest cousins has her fav animal as a tattoo, and so now my older cousin is The Coolest Ever, and I also have a plot bunny. tagging @tinysidestrashcaptain, because obviously (funnily enough this isn’t the first little sides fic I’ve written, but it’s the first I’m publishing) ON WITH THE FIC!!!
Logan’s favorite place ever was the park just down the street.
That suited Patton just fine; it just meant that whenever he deemed that his son needed some fresh air and a distraction from his latest learning obsession, he’d propose a trip to the park and Logan was out the door before Patton could say “Get your shoes on.”
Patton wasn’t entirely sure why: Logan loved libraries, schools, an apiary Patton took him to once, but he’d never puzzled out why this park was so special in Logan’s mind. Logan’s usual ideal day was one with lots of jam sandwiches and lots of books—Patton still wasn’t sure where he’d inherited that from, but as long as Logan was happy, Patton was happy.
This was one such day: Logan had been deep in researching bumblebees for the thousandth time when Patton proposed a picnic, and Logan immediately agreed.
Logan and Patton walked hand-in-hand as Logan happily told Patton about the construction of apiaries and Patton tried his best to keep the picnic basket from whacking into anyone passing on the sidewalk. As soon as they laid eyes on the park, Logan was practically vibrating until Patton let go of his hand with a chuckle and a “go on, then,” and he was off like a shot, straight to the playground, mostly ignoring the other children. Patton watched him clamber up a ladder fondly, and with only a bit of worry. Logan wasn’t very personable—not quite shy, just uninterested in people unless he especially liked or disliked them. Another reason why the park’s idolization was a mystery.
Patton scouted out a bench, and found a decent one in the shade with a good view of the park, and he settled, splitting his attention between tracking Logan and reviewing course materials for the fall. When he glanced up from a list of books for the first semester, it was to Logan bee lining straight towards him, immediately grabbing his hand.
“Papa he has a bee,” Logan said breathlessly, tugging him off the bench, and immediately dragging Patton.
“I—who?” Patton said cluelessly.
That narrows it down, bud, Patton thought, before he asked, “How does he have a bee?”
Logan did not deign to explain, and Patton was about to ask him to use his words when they rounded the corner of the playground and Patton saw one of the most gorgeous men ever. Patton felt his knees go weak.
He had black hair that glinted in the sun, and a number of silver piercings that did too—in his ears, his eyebrows, his lip, his nose. The silver pointy studs on the shoulders of his leather jacket did, too, and he was smiling a little, only enough that someone really looking could see—out at the playground, at the kids running around.
Logan did not have time for Patton to gawk; another tug, and they were heading straight for that beautiful man.
“Here he is,” Logan said breathlessly. “Can I see it again?”
The really offensively handsome man smiled at Patton. “You’re his grownup?”
Patton smiled—vague enough to be inclusive, and clear that he’d asked Logan to get his grownup to make sure Logan was comfortable.
“I’m his father, yes,” Patton said, before extending a hand. “Patton Kassipoeg.”
“Virgil Sanders,” the man says with a nod, before kneeling to Logan’s height, shrugging his jacket so it slipped down his shoulders, and tilting his head.
He had a bee tattoo on the side of his neck. Amongst others, Patton noticed, seeing the swirls of color down his shirt, and stop staring Patton he could be married.
“Wow,” Logan breathed, reaching forwards.
“Ask, Lo,” Patton said, and the very pretty man—Virgil—smiled at Logan.
“It’s all right,” he said, “just be gentle.”
Logan touched at his neck, tracing the outline of the bee tattoo. It was a little doodle, yellow and black striped with dashes behind, forming a little heart. Patton could only guess there was another bee below the neckline.
“Did it hurt?” Logan asked, hushed, and the man shrugged one shoulder.
“A bit,” he said honestly. “Kind of like getting a shot at the doctor’s office. I’m kind of used to it, though.”
Patton wanted to see the tattoos. He wanted to see all of the tattoos. He immediately scolded himself for leering at a park, next to his own kid.
“Papa said his hurt too,” Logan said, and Virgil lifted one studded eyebrow at him.
“You got ink?”
Patton shrugged with a smile. “Rather not take my shirt off in the park, if that’s okay with you.”
“Of course not,” Virgil said immediately. “Did you go to a studio round here?”
“Uh, Remy? Remy Spavati?”
Virgil made a noise of recognition. “I’m a tattoo artist, too,” He says. “Rem’s good. Neat linework. I’ve got a couple by him too.”
“DADDY,” a very loud little boy said, and Patton turned to see a boy—Logan’s age, he was guessing—reaching over to tug at Virgil’s leather jacket. “Show the coloring one!”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Little brat,” he said, but his tone’s so fond it belied any of the harshness in his words. “Introduce yourself, please.”
The little boy puffed his chest out and held his hand out for Logan to shake. “Roman,” he said. Logan said his own name, and shook back with the kind of solemnity seen at business exchanges. Virgil shrugged off his leather jacket, revealing a tight purple t-shirt, and brandishing his (rather muscular) arms for Logan and Roman’s inspection.
Roman pointed proudly to one on Virgil’s forearm that Patton would wager was colored in with magic marker. “I colored that one,” he said to Logan.
“Meant for it to be just a black ink bit,” Virgil said to Patton, as Logan adjusted his glasses and looked closer. “Princey here has made it his personal coloring book.”
Roman gave his dad a toothy grin—Patton noticed a gap in his teeth.
“That’s cool,” Logan said immediately, and turned to Roman. “Wanna see something cool?”
“Yeah,” Roman enthused, and they dash off together, Patton blinking after them.
“What?” Virgil asked, shrugging his jacket back on.
“It’s just,” Patton said, and shook himself. “Logan usually takes a bit to warm to people, that’s all.”
“Roman is the most extroverted person I’ve ever met,” Virgil said dryly, rising to his feet. “I really don’t know where he gets it from.”
“Logan’s going to be outreading me in two years,” Patton reassured Virgil, sticking his hands in his jean pockets so he wouldn’t do something impulsive, like reach out and touch the bee tattoo. “No idea where he got it.”
Virgil gives Patton that same little smile, the hard-to-find one. “None at all?”
“None at all,” Patton said with a sigh. “I mean, I’m a kindergarten teacher—“
“So that’s where I know the name Kassipoeg,” Virgil said, and then shook himself. “Sorry, sorry, I interrupted.”
“No, it’s okay,” Patton said, smiling. “I didn’t think I saw a Sanders on my fall list this year?”
“You didn’t,” Virgil said dryly. “I wish you did, though, you seem—“ he pauses.
Seem what? Patton wants to ask, but he clears his throat. “If he’s in Foley’s, he’s with Logan.”
Virgil let out a huff of air. “Okay, good,” he said.
Patton tried not to smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Virgil said, and looked at him sideways. “It’ll be good to have a... friend. Amongst the parents. Sometimes they get nervous about,” Virgil said, and gestured to his whole being.
“Well, I’ll put a stop to it,” Patton said reassuringly, and cleared his throat. “Um. I’ve got a pretty good bench claim over there, if you—if you’d like to join me?”
Virgil smiled, a little wider. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, okay.”
They’ve barely sat down for a minute before Logan and Roman come crashing out of the playground, skittering to a stop just short of the bench.
“Hey there,” Patton said. “Explore much?”
“Lots,” Roman enthused, and flopped down in the grass. Virgil nudged him gently with his boot.
“If it’s okay with you, Virgil, I have some extras in the picnic basket?” Patton said, digging through it. “If you like jelly sandwiches, that is.”
Roman’s head popped up from the grass as Logan settled primly on the ground. “I love jelly sandwiches! They’re my favorites!”
Logan turned to gape at Roman. “Mine too!”
“No way,” Roman said immediately, sitting up.
“Yes way,” Patton said, amused, handing each child a jelly sandwich. “Virgil, chicken salad, turkey and cheddar...?”
“I’ll take turkey? If you don’t mind,” he said hastily. Patton handed it over.
Patton learned a lot about Roman as they ate. He learned that Roman turned five just two months ago, that he’s going into kindergarten, that he’s seen every Disney movie ever, and he is VERY EXCITED! that Logan is going to be in his class.
“You should give Mr. Sanders your number,” Logan said, in the voice that meant he was trying to be sly, and took a bite of jelly sandwich. “So we can play together.”
Patton narrowed his eyes a little at his son, who’s too smart for his own good sometimes.
“Yeah,” Roman said brightly, in a voice that also probably meant he was trying to be sly but mostly sounded like he was being mischievous, “Dad, definitely give him your number.”
“You two could talk about stuff too,” Logan said, noncommittal.
Which Roman immediately ruined by blurting out, “Like how you’re both single and ready to mingle~!”
Patton felt his cheeks burn bright red. Virgil said calmly, “I’m going to kill your Uncle Rem. You spend too much time with him.”
“No I don’t,” Roman said with a wide grin, and stuck out his hand to Logan. “C’mon, Lo!”
“You were supposed to be subtle,” Logan complained, and as Roman dragged him away, he chirped, “I don’t know the meaning of the word!”
“He really doesn’t,” Virgil said, and cleared his throat awkwardly. “Um, I’m—sorry, about him. He and Rem both have it in their heads that I’ve been single too long, and—“
Patton hesitated, before turned to face Virgil and he said softly, “You said. Earlier.”
Virgil has this look on his face, soft and guarded all at once. “Yeah?”
“That I seemed something,” Patton prompted. “Seemed like what?”
Virgil’s cheeks tinged pink, and he coughed. “Seemed,” he began, and looked out at the park. “Seemed lovely,” he said gruffly.
Patton took a breath, took a chance, and took Virgil’s hand.
Virgil’s eyes darted to his face, and Patton smiled, felt his cheek dimple.
“Well,” he said simply, and digs out his phone, offering it to Virgil. “That sounds lovely.”
a/n: Patton’s last name, Kassipoeg, is kitten in Estonian. which I thought was a) adorable and b) a great last name. in a similar vein, Remy’s last name is sleep in Croatian.
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teamthorki · 7 years
i was tagged by @themyscriyas (thank you lovely! <3) and i’m tagging @thorkie, @buckeed, @lokirevenger
name- gemma nickname- i guess panda but no one calls me that anymore gender- genderfluid star sign- taurus height- 160cm  time- 4:46 am  bday- 25th apr  fav bands- ninja sex party, rush, placebo, ghost, green day, led zeppelin, pink floyd, the who, tears for fears, pet shop boys,   fav solo artist(s)- david bowie, gackt, halsey, st. vincent  song stuck in my head- i’m listening to a chillwave radio stream atm so that last movie i watched- uhhh the shape of water? i can’t actually remember  last show i watched- ...ant and dec’s saturday night takeaway...  when did i create my blog- about 3 months ago loool  last thing i googled- homi bhabha’s “the location of culture” (for my essay) do i have another blog- i have an old main which is still up but i don’t really use anymore  do i get asks- i dooo and i love each and every one of them  why i chose my url- bc thorki is my ride or die ship  following- 96  followers- 108  avg hours of sleep- maybe 7-8 on average, but really who knows  lucky number(s)- 8 instruments- i used to play keyboard but i haven’t in years  what am i wearing- pyjamas  dream job- trophy wife freelance translator dream trip- always japan  fav food- ramen  nationality- british  fav song right now- "mystic rhythms” by rush  sexuality- uhhhh ?? idk identified as a lesbian for a long time then realised huh i’m not 100% female all the time sooo... still girls but i would probably date nb/other genderfluid ppl too hogwarts house- hufflepuff fav animals- dogs, sloths, goats, pandas dog or cat person- dogs blankets you sleep with- 1 duvet and 1 fleece blanket bc it’s cold rn why you got a blog- i got this blog in particular bc i didn’t want to subject the followers on my previous blog to all the thorki, which was their loss tbh top (3) fav characters- THOR, LOKI, dale cooper, peggy carter, steve rogers, sam wilson, ned from pushing daisies, thranduil, etc. etc.  no. of posts- 2,236 pokemon team- what was the yellow team called? i was that one  fav color- green relationship status-  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   lip- or chapstick- chapstick last song i listened to- whatever is playing on this chillwave station atm  top (3) shows- star trek (tng), pushing daisies, twin peaks  top (3) ships- thorki, elrondir, barduil  books i’m reading- i have. so many books. that i have never finished. so take your pick 
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dumbgaybitch · 7 years
i was tagged by my fave scot out there, @spacefloozy (thanks for tagging me, you know how much i love to talk about myself lol)
i’m tagging: @buckeed @slamncram @bulletfarming @shotgunfemshep @gayaegislash and as always, you don't have to do this if you don't want to!
name - pauline
nickname - literally none, they all suck
gender - female (cis)
star sign - capricorn
height - 5'9" / 176 cm (i'm not sure for the anglo-saxon size cause each website gives me sth different)
time - 22:47 (or 10:47 pm for y'all Americans)
bday - january 12
fav bands - imagine dragons, fallout boy, dropkick murphys, one republic, nico & vinz, the chainsmokers
fav solo artist(s) - mat bastard, jacob banks, vianney (tbh i don't have fave bands or artists, i just listen to the music i like)
song stuck in my head - a whole new world from aladdin (for some very strange reason)
last movie i watched - annihilation (I HATE YOU CHAYA)
last show i watched - shadowhunters (i'm obsessed)
when did i create my blog - around november 2017 if i remember well
last thing i googled - shadowhunters season 3 (i think)
do i have another blog - yup, my main is @dccpwaters
do i get asks - not that much
why i chose my url - chaya cause we all know loki's a dumb gay bitch
following - 39 (i know that's not a lot and half of them are inactive but i already spend too much time scrolling down my feed trying to keep up to date)
followers - 516 (wow i'm amazed so many of you stick up with my trash reblogs and shitty original content)
avg hours of sleep - 6-7h, but i'd need 8
lucky number(s) - 7
instruments - ukulele (self-taught)
what am i wearing - a white pj top with a cute sheep face emoji on it, checkered pink pj bottoms, a fluffy pink sweatshirt, and white-and-blue striped espadrilles (just google it)
dream job - huh... i'd have to say writer, or traveler
dream trip - the lofoten islands, or anywhere in the great north. or anywhere in the world tbh there are so many beautiful places i'd love to see
fav food - baguette (i would kill a man for fresh-out-of-the-oven french bread)
nationality - french (no shit)
fav song right now - unknown (to me) by jordan banks (HIS VOICE OMFG)
sexuality - ace :) (as for the romantic side, i don't quite know yet, probably pan though)
hogwarts house - hufflepuff aaaall da way
fav animals - cats, cows, horses, dogs... farm animals, my dude (i love all kinds of animals though, not gonna lie, whether they be the big fluffy kind or the spider-and-snake kind)
dog or cat person - i love dogs, but i'm more of a cat person
blankets you sleep with - one
why you got a blog - i didn't want to mess up my nature / quotes / aesthetic main
top (3) fav characters - nope, this is too hard (loki, cap, and thor for the mcu)
no. of posts - 5,125 (half of them are probably multiple-times-reblogged posts)
pokemon team - i’ve never played pokemon tbh i didn't even know there were teams?
fav color - light blue and sunny yellow, maybe pastel pink too
relationship status - single
lip- or chapstick - chapstick
last song i listened to - next to me by imagine dragons
top (3) shows - shadowhunters, marco polo, the big bang theory (i don't watch that many shows)
top (3) ships - hahahahaha assholes :))) (thorki, m'balla, thordall)
books i’m reading - complètement cramé by gilles legardinier, prince of thorns by mark lawrence, norse mythology by neil gaiman (yes i always have three or four books that i read simultaneously)
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lightgirlification · 7 years
Bungou Stray dogs, as you all know, is one of my favorite series and the promotional/official art is no different. They are some of the most beautiful pieces of art for an anime series I’ve ever seen. One of my favorites is the one with the flowers, which are featured here:
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I actually tried to guess the flowers they are holding, even going so far as to look up examples and their meanings. Why? Because I am a sad 23 year old who has no life. <|...D;;;;;;
And THEN I found the actual flowers on the official Twitter for BSD and, no surprise, I got only one right. In fact the only one I got right was Atsushi’s. My favorite character had the flowers I guessed correctly. Made me feel a bit better to be honest. <¦3;;;;;;
So with that being said, you probably think I felt my hard work go to waste. But, no. I actually felt like my choices still were pretty damn good. I honestly like my choices better then the actual ones; mostly due to the meanings of the flowers.
So I figured I’d go over them here. I’ll also type the actual flower types that the characters are holding as well here:
John: Western flower ornithogalum: purity, such as hope. Chuuya: Camellia: not modest and unpretentious elegance and virtues of humility Tanazaki:  Diamond Lily: enjoying the days met and looking forward to happy memories, brilliance and perseverance (A/N: I kinda agree with this one) Kunikida:  "Sennichisou" flower: enduring love or forever in love Ranpo:  Tithonia diversifolia: The lucky person, graceful gesture, you are beautiful, happy (A/N: Again, kinda agree.) Akutagawa: Daffodils: Warm heart, waiting for you Dazai: Roses, Alyssum, Rindo: (A/N: I DID get the rose part right cause they were the easiest to recognize. Yellow roses mean “I won’t forget you”. Ow. Ow my heart. TTATT The other two’s symbolism weren’t given so feel free to look them up! ^0^)
And Atsushi’s flower is the one I got right so I’ll go over them in a bit.
And now lets move on to my choices. These are flowers that I felt looked like the ones shown as well as meanings I felt fit the character best.
Let’s start with John Steinbeck!
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Actual Flower: Western flower Ornithogalum My choice: Star Of Bethlehem
Meaning:  “This delicate flower is primarily used to symbolize hope in life...The white color is used to represent innocence, purity and honesty.  This bloom may also be used to symbolize forgiveness after a problem. Problems may include a conflict between spouses or between friends.”
I felt this flower was closer to Steinbeck seeing as he does have a little sister and the meaning of said flower could represent her. The ‘forgiveness’ part might refer to him leaving and not returning for a long while. I really love the name too, Star of Bethlehem. Just...So pretty. X3
Next up, my man Chuuya Nakahara!
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Actual Flower: Camellia My choice: Poppy
Meaning:  “Represents eternal sleep, oblivion, sacrifice and imagination. The flower also symbolizes magic, consolations, fertility and eternal life. Poppies are also symbolize war and death during war time.”
Now while the poppy doesn’t really look like Chuuya’s flower thanks to the middle, the petals and the meaning match perfectly. The fact these flowers mean ‘oblivion’ accurately describes Chuuya’s ability. If he goes too long with his true power unleashed, he will end up dying, hence the ‘eternal sleep/sacrifice’ part. Fun fact! These were the flowers used in the Wizard of Oz that made Dorthy and the Lion fall asleep. My Great Grandma actually grew them in her garden and that’s how my grandpa got is nickname! X3
Next in line is our cloaking ability user Tanizaki Junichirou!
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Actual Flower: Diamond Lily My choice: Jasmine Flower
Meaning: “The jasmine flower is associated with love, beauty, and sensuality. In some cultures, Jasmine represents appreciation and good luck. When used in religious ceremonies jasmine represents purity. Jasmine’s meanings varies depending on the culture and setting.”
This flower pretty much hits the nail on the head for Tanazaki and his affections for his sister and her in general.
Quickly moving on ((Sorry Tanizaki <|D;;;; )) we have idealist Kunikida Doppo!
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Actual Flower: "Sennichisou" flower My choice: Allium
Meaning: “Symbolizes good fortune and prosperity. Allium can also mean unity, humility and patience.”
While this plant can be big balls of tiny flowers there are some small species of it, at least from what I researched. Kunikida is a no nonsense man who has many ideals and ambitions. He does his best to have the agency run at a good pace, with varied results due to some of our favs being, well, ‘full of energy’ as I put it. XDDD He also tries to keep the team focused, he knows humility from being someone who wants to save everyone but knows he can’t whilst also will listen to criticism and tries to better himself, and while he does have outbursts and a short temper he does have patience and can keep a cool head when faced with danger. He’s the kind of level headed companion/partner that the agency needs and I have a ton of respect for this man.
You don’t need to be a detective to know next up is Ranpo Edogawa!
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Actual Flower: Tithonia diversifolia My choice: ‘French’ Marigold
Meaning:  “Known as the "Herb of the Sun" and are symbolic of passion and creativity. The Welsh believed that if marigolds were not open early in the morning, then a storm was on the way...Water made from marigolds was thought to induce psychic visions of fairies if rubbed on the eyelids. In some cultures, marigold flowers have been added to pillows to encourage prophetic or psychic dreams.”
Do I really need to go into why this flower fits Ranpo? It’s pretty much spelled out for you with it meaning ‘passion and creativity’ and how water made from said marigold is said to induce psychic visions and/or dreams which can also be prophetic. Super Deduction my ass, Ranpo’s been doing marigolds! LOL Jk jk XDDD
Onto the biggest tsunderes in this series and the one we need to always pray for please Asagiri don’t leT THIS BOY KEEL OVER AND LEAVE US-*Clears throat* Sorry...Akutagawa Ryunosuke!
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Actual Flower: Daffodils My flower: ...Wait... I DID choose this flower...Huh...Well I found better explanation for it’s symbolism so leave me alone! dX<
Meaning: “Has contradictory meanings. It represents unrequited love, vanity as well as good fortune. Daffodils also symbolize regard, chivalry, long lasting friendship, happiness, and good wishes.”
Like the meaning itself, Akutagawa can be very contradictory at times. On one hand he is calm and can handle his own on a mission but on the other he has a very angry mental state and will lash out when he is looked down upon or someone else is getting Dazai-Senpai’s attention. *Cough*Atsushi*Cough* Which is where the ‘unrequited love’ comes in at least in the beginning. It is shown at the end of the guild ark that Dazai does truly care for Akutagawa, most likely even knowing he screwed up with him and his learned lesson is shown through his interactions with Atsushi. Both boys mean a lot to Dazai and I know he’s proud of both. He should just...Not give too much praise to our sickly mafia child in short intervals. Seriously, if Akutagawa fainted from just one form of praise/acknowledgment from Dazai then constant praise would most likely give the poor boy a coronary!
Now it’s time for our favorite tiger shifter and precious being, Atsushi Nakajima!
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Actual Flower and My choice: Lily of the Valley
Meaning: “Represents sweetness and the return of happiness. It can also symbolize humility. When the lily of the valley blooms, happiness is said to return... Because of the belief in the healing powers of this plant, it is often known as the ‘ladder to heaven’ or ‘Jacob's tears’. Legend tells that Mary's tears turned to the lily of the valley when she cried at the cross. This is the reason for the third alternate name, ‘Mary's tears’.
This flower is Atsushi; plain and simple. He’s generous, very kind, and extremely sweet. He’s been subjected to so much and yet he still has a heart of gold, taking his mistakes to heart and thinks about how he can better himself. And you bet your ass that when he smiles happiness returns. He just blooms and everyone else is doomed XDDDD Hey I rhymed! 8D Also there is a legend about this flower where it fell in love with a nightingale. Just the thought of two polar opposites falling in love even though they are so different, species obviously included, is so romantic to me. Gee, I wonder who this legend reminds me of. >|3c Yeah yeah it’s Dazushi shush. >¦T
And last but certainly not least, our favorite suicidal maniac Dazai Osamu!
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Now I saved Dazai for last seeing as he has more then one flower and all, of course, contain different meanings. Let us go over them!
Actual Flower(s):  Roses, Alyssum, Rindo
My choice(s):  Roses, Lily, Heliotrope
We’ll start with the obvious one, the yellow roses. 
“In general, they represent  Long associated with the sun and its life-giving warmth, yellow is the age-old spokes-color for warm feelings of friendship and optimism. In many Eastern cultures, the color represents joy, wisdom and power...the history of the yellow rose in particular has an optimistic, serendipitous character that really makes it the complete package. By the 18th century the worldwide love of roses was in full swing, but they were only cultivated in shades of pink and white. At last, the elusive yellow rose was discovered growing wild in the Middle East, and the European love affair with yellow roses was born. The early yellow rose lacked the sweet scent for which the rose is famous, however, which was not to be tolerated. So, as cultivation methods were developed and refined, the beloved sweet-and-spicy rose scent was soon introduced and the yellow rose achieved all its optimistic and aromatic glory.”
As described, yellow roses are happy flowers! They have a warm, inviting feeling that provides happiness, wisdom, and power; three things Dazai has plenty of. Especially the joy I mean have you seen him? The joy is RADIATING from this man XDDD Well, to an extent, as we know most of that joy is a front cause of what he’s gone through dear GOD boy let us love you or better yet let ATSUSHI love you! Anyway XDDD As I wrote in the beginning, yellow roses can also mean, “I won’t forget you”, obviously referencing Oda. Dammit whose cutting onions...? TT^TT
Moving on to the Lily.
While white lilies symbolize chastity and virtue – and were the symbol of the Virgin Mary’s purity and her role of Queen of the Angels – as other varieties became popular, they brought with them additional meanings and symbolism as well. Peruvian lilies, or alstroemeria, represent friendship and devotion, white stargazer lilies express sympathy and pink stargazer lilies represent wealth and prosperity. Symbolizing humility and devotion, lilies are the 30th anniversary flower - while lilies of the valley are the 2nd wedding anniversary flower.  As the flowers most often associated with funerals, lilies symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death. Pretty much all about friendship and death and ODA WHHHHHHY QAQ
Yeah this flower fits. Humility and devotion? You bet your ass Dazai has both. Sympathy and prosperity? The man has some of the best development in this story guys, don’t deny it. Wealth? Uh.......Let’s skip that one! ^0^;;;;;  The part that gets me though is the ‘restored innocence after death’. Just...Just that thought of Oda at peace being with the kids looking over Dazai with a smile just-just-GAH SO MUCH FEEL BUT SO MUCH NICE <X......3
Wait a second...Dazai, in my eyes, is holding a lily...and another breed of lily, the Lilies of the Valley, are 2nd wedding anniversary flowers...And Atsushi is holding...
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And finally the last flower of this long post, the heliotrope!
Because of its striking beauty and alluring scent, the heliotrope plant has found its way into myth and storytelling. One of the best known stories is of Clytie, a water nymph, who was deeply in love with the sun god Helios – or, in some versions, Apollo. This god, however, had his eye on the princess Leukothoe, and one day abandoned Clytie for her. Finding that she had been forsaken, she spent the rest of her days pining away. Upon her death Helios, taking pity on the forlorn nymph whom he had slighted, turned her body into the heliotrope plant. Ever faithful to her beloved, the plant dutifully followed the sun every day. Other tales tell of this plant having a prophetic effect on sleep; dreaming of the plant itself is said to represent unrequited love, while heliotrope oils are thought to bring about prognostic dreams. Other folkloric tales show this plant’s place in rituals. For instance, if you pick a heliotrope blossom in the month of August and use it for good, then good things will come back to you; if, on the other hand, you use it with bad intentions, the wickedness will be turned around on you ten-fold. In addition to having a varied history in folklore, the heliotrope plant is also considered very useful in alternative medicine and cosmetics. The essential oils are used to help fight fatigue, and are also placed in many perfumes and lotions; while tinctures are made from this plant to help cure viral infections, cleanse the blood, and clear out congested lymphatic systems. This plant was once referred to as the herb of love, which is not surprising as, in general, they are thought to symbolize devotion. In addition to being a romantic emblem, heliotropes are also thought to have a religious bearing; representing a hope for salvation – or “turning towards” God. As a gift, these lovely plants are often given in decorative pots or within small container gardens.
Well if THIS doesn’t flower speaks volumes... First off the legend of this flower just works; why? Let me explain:
The water nymph was in love with the sun god but was abandoned and left behind. Feeling sorry for the nymph, who remained in love with the same god until her death, the sun god turned her into the heliotrope, which always followed the sun everywhere it went everyday.  Think about it, when Oda died Dazai was totally heart broken, and there is no doubt in my mind that he still is. Oda’s death is, in a way, abandonment to Dazai because...well you can’t necessarily come back from the dead can you? Oda was the only person Dazai felt he could truly rely on, and whether it was platonic or not the brunette loved him. Losing someone that close to your heart isn’t just a loss of a person, it’s losing a piece of yourself and as that freaking hurts. But then Oda gives Dazai a purpose to continue his life and Dazai follows through with it, matching up with the sun god turning the nymph into a flower. It may seem a little far fetched but the similarities are definitely there. And this not only transitions into more devotion cause Dazai still has tons of that lol XDDD but also into the religious meaning:
“Hope of Salvation”
This flower encompasses everything that Dazai’s promise to Oda means. Seriously, the hope is to achieve the salvation Oda would want for the brunette. Excuse me while I curl onto a ball and start bawling thank you.
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Phew that was a long post, but damn am I proud of it! X3
Hope you all enjoyed my insight on a random piece of official art because like I said, I have no life and way too much time on my hands XDDD;;;;;;;
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brightandunique · 7 years
Haikyuu!! Fiction Recommendation Master Post
I have been meaning to make this post since a while now. Let’s share some love shall we? I recommend these fictions based on my personal judgment. If you see your work up here that’s cause I loved it to the moon and back! I welcome suggestions too! ^-^ 
♥ - ultimate fav
★ - they do the do
(★) - implied sexual activities 
ロ - unfinished 
■ - finished
✿ - multi chapters
KageHina (Kageyama x Hinata) 
132 by crapso   ★ ロ ✿
Summary:  Kageyama balanced his cheek on his fist, leaning an elbow on the counter and smiling, “Do your parents know where you are, sweetie?” “I— what?! Why would they— I’m twenty-three!” Kageyama gasped sarcastically, “Are you! Well, I’ll be! I’m still gonna need to see some ID, though.” “Amazing.” The boy laughed, “You really know how to sass someone who’s holding a gun to your face, huh?“
Anonymous asked a question by kageyama_drama  ♥  ロ  ✿ (★)
Summary: There he was.The redhead clicked the notification and waited impatiently for the page to load.“hello again, sunshine! working on any new pieces lately? i’d love to see your progress if you want to share! hope today was great for you!” Hinata grinned from ear to ear as he typed his reply, “i started a new piece just for you, blueberry! here’s what i’ve got so far! :)”
I’ve Got You Covered by kageyama_drama  ★ ■
 Summary: A smutty, drunken one-shot for ‘Anonymous asked a question’ 
Binding Problem by Majesticartax  ♥ �� ✿  (★)
Summary:  Hinata pines.
The Alpha King by madamemalfoy21  ■  (★)
Summary:  Oh. He’d never seen anyone give him that expression before. Not with so much raw sincerity. And for a moment, Kageyama had to look away, swallowing awkwardly, thinking that maybe he had just looked into the sun itself. 
Note: Part of a series. The continuation: Facing the Sun. 
First by someonestolemyshoes  ♥ ★ ■
Summary: It’s too dark to go over the mountain, he’d said. You might get hurt, he’d said. What will we do if you can’t play in the practice match on Monday, he’d said. Kageyama had said a lot of things and in the end, he’d coaxed Hinata into staying the night because yeah, everything was true, and yeah, maybe he would be better off spending the night at Kageyama’s, but then they’re changing for bed and Hinata is in nothing but boxers and a shirt and Kageyama is cupping his jaw in both hands and kissing like he might fall of the face of the earth if he doesn’t and Hinata thinks that maybe, Kageyama had some ulterior motives.
Note: Part 3 of Theirs series. First part: Blush 
Hinata Shouyou’s Fucking Face by Esselle  ■ ✿   
Summary: 'Kageyama doesn’t know why Hinata’s face rubs him the wrong way—it just does. So one day, in an attempt to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes Hinata’s Shouyou’s fucking face so fucking annoying, he begins to catalogue all the things that really tick him off.This proves to be startlingly revelatory.’–A thought-provoking study and critical analysis of Hinata Shouyou’s stupid face, by Kageyama Tobio.
In Transit by Mysecretfanmoments  ♥ ■
Summary:  Hinata finds that he likes standing close to Kageyama on buses and trains. It doesn’t mean anything–probably. Maybe.
On Stranger Tides by theroyalsavage  ♥ ■ ✿
Summary: When Hinata Shouyou is 13 years old, his village is raided by pirates. Most everything Hinata knows is destroyed in the attack, lost to the flames, but he and his sister are pulled from the wreckage by a boy with eyes the color of a storm. Their lives are saved, but irrevocably altered - their home is lost forever, and there is something strange about the pirates, something blurry and shadowed and wrong. A darkness is rising out of the depths of the ocean. The sea itself is stirring, and nothing can stop it when it wakes.
Saffron and Cayenne Pepper by dontsaycrazy  ■ ✿
Summary: Cooking is hard. Even if you have your very attractive, very grumpy neighbor there to help you. In which Hinata’s lack of cooking skills are a danger to him and others. Luckily (or not), Kageyama is willing to teach him, for the sake of avoiding any burned down apartments.
Somewhere to Belong by Esselle  ★ ■ ✿
Summary:  Once a year, all the villages that follow the way of the sun offer up one of their own to be taken to the sun god’s divine temple. Kageyama Tobio, an orphan and loner, never wanted to be chosen—and until the sun god appeared, no one ever wanted to choose him, either. All Tobio wants is to find a place he fits in. What he actually gets is another story entirely.
The Heart of the Jungle by Esselle  ♥ ★ ■ ✿
Summary: The rainforest expedition is to last a full year—365 days of living under the lush canopy of trees. Danger looms. Adventure awaits. The jungle calls. Hinata Shouyou has never wanted anything more. Or so he thinks, until he meets a curious stranger there, who shows him what it means to be truly needed. AKA Tarzan au
Note: The art is gorgeous for this fic! Part of a series. The continuation: Wild 
Vren by Icandigelvis  ♥ (★) ロ ✿
Summary:  It was the boots that caught his attention. They looked new and expensive sticking up from the tall grass, visible from the small trail Shoyo was walking on. He cautiously trudged closer, almost against his will. What Shoyo didn’t notice, however, was the creature watching him; blue eyes following the oblivious human like a prey. AKA creature!Kageyama au
Hunger by Esselle  ♥ ★ ■ ✿
Summary: This was how Shouyou, prince of the kingdom on the hill, ended up sitting on the wooden floor in front of the fire, roasting all the different kinds of meats in the crackling flames to eat. When he was done, he flopped over backwards, sprawling over the floor. Kageyama was watching him again. Shouyou rolled lazily onto his stomach and rested his head on his arm, smiling at him. “That was good,” he said. The food had been delicious. Watching Kageyama eat had been more so; the way his throat worked to swallow as he drank down the creamy, white milk, his white teeth as they sank into the succulent, tender meat, the little groans and sighs of pleasure he made as he tasted it. It had all made Shouyou so very, very hungry for more.
Note:  Part of a series. The continuation: Homecoming
The machine beneath your chest by Icandigelvis  ★ ロ ✿
Summary:  Life as a scrap hunter isn't very eventful. Shoyo travels across the massive wasteland of an electronics dump in Area 5C every day, searching for machines, gadgets and batteries to sell. Stood in his yellow overall, one boot on a broken toaster, his voltage-tracker suddenly goes frantic in his hand. It's detected something. Something big.
Heaven Sent by Esselle  ♥ ★ ✿ ■
Summary: When lowly acolyte Hinata is tasked with bringing his temple's monthly tax payment to the Centurion's Villa, he hardly expects to have an encounter with Kageyama, the lavishly wealthy landowner and decorated army general himself. But Kageyama turns out to be far more interested in Hinata than the money, believing him to be a gift sent from the gods themselves. Before Hinata realizes what's happening, he finds himself agreeing to stay at the villa, where Kageyama can spoil him to his heart's content.To Hinata's surprise, he soon finds himself growing attached to the brutally blunt yet strangely sweet Kageyama; but he is worried he won't be able to hold the attention of a man who has everything, even as Kageyama starts to become everything to him.
Note: There are NSFW art included in the story
KuroTsuki (Kuroo x Tsukishima)
1800-GET-REKT by doggoneit   ♥ ■
Summary: “I see you like it Between the Sheets.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Your drink. It’s good stuff but I’m more of a Blowjob kinda guy.”
Cat Burglar by Sarolonde  ■
Summary: Kei types up an unapologetic flyer titled: Are You Missing Your Underwear? It explains his cat’s thievery and gives his address. He prints a few out and half-heartedly puts them up on his street and at the local store on his way to university. Basically, Kei’s cat is trying to hook him up with the neighborhood hottie.
I can barely open my eyes (but I still see the sun) by kamyams  ■
Summary:  Kuroo and Tsukki lie in bed together being cute.
How Not to Get a Boyfriend, starring Tsukishima Kei by munzie (enjolrasenthusiast)   ロ ✿
Summary:  Kuroo needs to come clean, for once in his life, and Tsukishima should probably just start trying to be a better person. It’s hard, though, when things are just so easy like this.
In time, I’m sure by peralta  ♥ ■  
Summary:  Tsukishima has never held a boy’s hand before. Kuroo is desperate to learn every line in his palm. This relationship, they begin to realize, might not end in pain after all.
Nighttime Cold Medicine by MelissaWritesStuff  ■
Summary:  Getting up in the middle of the night to pee really shouldn’t have been such a huge commitment.
This Burning Passion by cloudy_skies  ♥ ★ ■
Summary:  Maybe it was destiny that Kuroo Tetsurou was meant to fall in love with Tsukishima Kei despite the fact that he was a ghoul, humanity’s natural enemy and Kei was one-hundred percent human.
IwaOi (Iwaizumi x Oikawa)
a little bit more by orphan_account  ♥ ★ ■  
Summary: "Iwaizumi-san is definitely a top.” “I’d say Oikawa. He seems to like being in charge.” Matsukawa laughed at this, surveying the club members. “It’s a shame that we’ll never be able to find out who’s right.” Unfortunately, they do find out.
An Omega’s Heat by madamemalfoy21  ★ ■
Summary:  He always got strangely sentimental, the closer he got to his heat. Which is precisely why today, he should not have shown up to the practice match. He knew better. Had always done better.
Anger Management by Leryline  ♥ ★ ■
Summary: “You’re so cruel to me,” Oikawa whined down the line, and Iwaizumi snorted at that. “All I try to do is be nice, and here you are, saying all I want to do is talk shit on Ushiwaka! Which, you know, I do, but that’s beside the point. Do you like Ushiwaka, Iwa-chan?” “Of course I don’t, what are you -,” “Because I could just get him to fuck me instead.” (Oikawa had slipped into a bad habit of teasing him like this, and he’d had enough of it. It was time for Iwaizumi to shut Oikawa up, and to shut him up good.)
Anticipated by tastewithouttalent   ★ ■
Summary:  “The skirt seems like a fantastic idea in Oikawa’s head.” Oikawa tries a new method of seduction on Iwaizumi, and it proves effective, though not as he expected it would be.
Conquering the Great King by SuggestiveScribe  ♥ ★ ■ ✿
Summary: Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, “Last time was supposed to be a one time thing,” he said, voice low, lacking some conviction.Oikawa’s lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi’s, “One time thing, Two time thing, what’s it matter as long as it’s not a Relationship thing?”
Heart(less) and Soul(full) by subverx  ★ ■
Summary:  In which Oikawa is a demon whose job is contracting humans for their souls, and his next victim is Iwaizumi. Somehow, what is supposed to be a quick case turns into a two year long affair – and then some.
Hold You Down by IncessantOblivion  ♥ ★ ロ ✿
Summary: In which Oikawa Tooru is a prince and Iwaizumi Hajime is his knight. “I want…I want…” Oikawa opened his eyes and for once Iwaizumi wished he couldn’t read them so well. ‘You. I want you,’ they said. Iwaizumi couldn’t let Oikawa say it for real, he couldn’t. It would destroy him. So he crashed his lips against Oikawa’s, silencing him, consoling him. “I know,” he whispered once they finally parted. He didn’t need to say that it didn’t matter what Oikawa wanted – what either of them wanted. They both knew already.
Lace Lingerie by BlackKite7  ★ ■
Summary: ‘A gift for you.’ Matsukawa’s voice echoed in his mind as he recalled the way his high school friend had slyly passed him a folded shopping bag under the table while they were in the middle of lunch. Matsukawa had insisted he look at it only when he got home, and feeling foolishly happy about the spur of the moment gift, he agreed. He wished, in hindsight, that he had looked instead. And that he had throttled Matsukawa for even thinking it was an appropriate gift.
Mine by kiyala  ♥ ★ ■
Summary:  Oikawa might be a jealous person, but even that is nothing compared to the intrinsic possessiveness that all dragons have.
of bees and flowers and pipes and plumbers by clockworkmoon  ♥ ★ ■
Summary:  for the "the new handyman’s hot so i’m gonna keep breaking stuff” au. Iwaizumi is the Handsome Handyman, and Oikawa is… Oikawa?
Patterns by e1even  ★ ■ ✿
Summary:  There were things they always came back to. Some of those things were each other. Or, Oikawa gets hit by an early heat, Iwaizumi carries him home. Something changes for the both of them.
Pour some sugar on me by blasphemia  ★ ■ ✿
Summary:  Despite common belief, making sure you don’t have to work a single day in your life is hard work. Luckily, Oikawa has mastered the skill. But when his new target is the awfully… practical businessman Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa’s skills are put to the test, since Iwaizumi refuses to spend money on him. Yet, the two can’t ignore their mutual attraction, but with such different expectations for the relationship, there’s bound to be trouble.
So Much Better Than An Axe Murderer by levkawa & starlitcities  ★ ■
Summary: This shower will be quick, Oikawa decides, reaching up for his luffa. He then goes to reach for his body wash. His eyes widen when he narrows in on the two objects in his hands. The luffa is white, and the body wash brand says Old Spice, something musky and masculine. Oikawa has never owned Old Spice in his entire life, and his luffa is definitely not white, looking like it came from some cheap dollar store.~AU where Oikawa accidentally stumbles into the wrong apartment.
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bookofmormonmemes · 7 years
ive been tagged
@swan-darkwingsOk so idk if this is allowed i should probably be doing this on my main blog but idc this got me excited umm @swan-darkwings tagged this blog in this thing and so now i owe her my life. and this post. so here
disclaimer: i. talk. way. too. much.
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 people you’d like to know better
Nicknames: usually just lillie but in the past i went by Lemon and then Lavender and i had some friends who called me Impossible and i had one friend who called me Bug. but i dont really use any of those anymore cus pokemon sun & moon introduced a character named lillie and inspired me to reclaim the proper spelling of my name. representation matters
Gender: moooostly cis female right now but im probably actually some form of nonbinary im not sure at the moment
Star Sign: aquarius
MBTI Type: literally no idea. Ive taken like 8 different variations of the test and they all gave me something different. the last one i took gave me i think enfj but it included percentages of how much of each trait you had over the opposite trait and i was just barely squeaking by in like all of them. maybe i dont have a personality
Height: 5’3” and all my younger siblings are either currently taller than me or going to be taller fairly soon [cries]
Time: 11:01 pm currently but imma queue this thing to post in the morning so who knows
Birthday: february 17th and i expect all of you to send presents
Fav Bands: mmm owl city & oingo boingo
Fav solo artists: taylor swift, lindsey stirling, wait owl city is technically a solo artist too isnt he huh
Song stuck in my mind: this one like...omgsh it’s in a bunch of vines and i have no idea what it’s called but it’s like a. it’s like a saxophone i think? Or some kind of brass/woodwind thingy and it’s like agh it doesn’t have words but the notes are like a long C and then it goes up to a short A E G and then A E D and those few notes are like perpetually stuck in my head and if anyone could tell me what song it is i would be forever grateful
Last movie watched: shrek 2 but only the first half cus i got distracted by something on tumblr
Last show watched: a bunch of random adventure time clips on youtube
When did I create my blog: umm this ones been around for i think a month? ish?? a little more than a month? Idk my memory is trash. but ive had my main blog for like four years
What do I post abt: extreme couponing
Last thing I googled: the definition of ‘incur’ to make sure i was using it right when i said i didn’t want to incur the wrath of georgia w. bello’s ghost
Do you have other blogs: as a matter of fact
Why did you choose your url: cus i wasnt gonna let someone else choose it for me (ง'̀-'́)ง
Following: 301...could do with some more
Followers: 338...could do with some more (actually though this blog is the one with the most followers and it absolutely blows my mind, my main blog has 156 followers and the rest have like <15)
Fav Color: all shades of purple, all shades of pink, most shades of yellow (though the yellow part is a fairly recent development that i entirely blame on steven universe, thanks rebecca sugar. and thank you patti lupone)
Average hours of sleep: hahaha you expect me to do Math during Summer
Lucky number: 17 and pretty much anything with 7, also 39
Instruments: took a year of piano in 2nd grade (which DOES count absolutely 100%) and then violin from 5th-10th grade
What i’m wearing: brown tank top and polka dotted jammie pants that im suddenly realizing are the colors of the ace pride flag, shout out to all my awesome ace followers
How many blankets do I sleep with: there are currently 5 on my bed and ideally i would sleep under all of them. however this is summer so i just suffer
Dream job: if i could get paid for memeing i would be so happy...but honestly im gonna be going to school to be an english teacher which is my realistic dream job that i can very easily picture myself being very happy doing. my unrealistic dream job would be a disney face character which Could be realistic if i lived near any disney parks, and of course itd be amazing to make it as a full-time author or actor but i dont have the patience or confidence to really pursue those super seriously lol
Dream trip: round the world honestly. currently my top dream destinations are ireland, colombia, iceland, the phillippines, and the middle of the ocean
Fav food: okay this is very specific but a tuna fish sandwich except the tuna is mixed with a spoonful of mayonnaise, a squirt of mustard, and a handful of chopped cucumber and/or celery. bonus if you add lettuce or tomatoes or dill pickles. it’s the best lunch ever and it’s technically healthy and i love it so much
aand that’s all the questions so as far as the tagging goes i want to tag all of you because i want to get to know literally all of you so much but 338 is more than 20 so im just gonna go down the top 20 in my notes
@tanosoka@j-the-latter-gay-saint@beepala@inariedwards@hair-fiber@likenolion@afterlifeincorporated​​​​​​​@tanosoka@trellyellyoxenfree @thepoetrytheoristcalledmoriarty @beepala @deetledeet @inariedwards @afterlifeincorporated @tanosoka @j-the-latter-gay-saint @merlissa @likenolion @hair-fiber
@truefactsaboutlies@clever-cyborg@burnt-kloverfield@ariannadon@enigmaris@kensalyn477@bean--teen@beauty-in-the-falcon​​​​​​​​ @truefactsaboutlies @nermrod @clever-cyborg @burnt-kloverfield @ariannadon @enigmaris @kensalyn477 @bean--teen @beauty-in-the-falcon
(i do actually honestly want to get to know you specific individuals i recognize almost all and apprecitate all of you in my notes, though absolutely feel free to not do this if u dont wanna. And if you see this and werent tagged and wanna do it UR TAGGED ANYWAY I REALLY LEGIT WANNA GET TO KNOW U)
anyways thank you for reading and we will get back to our regularly scheduled memeage momentarily
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