#yellowstone dutton ranch
i-heart-yellowstone · 16 days
1 - Lot Happens in Ten Years
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Part 2
Raised Fair Share Of Hell
I’m not sure all of the chapters will be this long but here’s the first part. If you have any questions my ask is open for them
Tag list - send an ask to be added @bvbwestfall @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close
“This is Kayce, leave a message and I’ll try to get back with ya.” I dialed his phone number but it went straight to voicemail so I put my phone in the cup holder. I put my attention back on the road in front of me with the rain hitting the windshield as the sun was setting on the land.
Tapping on the call button I dialed him again, getting a voicemail where I sighed deciding to leave him a voicemail and he’d call me back later. “Hey Kace, I’ve tried callin’ you a couple times but you haven’t called me back. I just really need to talk to you about something - I uh - went to the baby doctor today. I won’t get into the details on a voicemail - but I just need you to call me.”
Kayce and I had been in each other's life since we were five years old. It wasn’t too hard when we finally started dating at our eighth grade prom. Although the sheriff when we were in high school ain’t too fond of us when we would throw parties at my families ranch and we would get in trouble when Kayce’s dad came over to pick up his kid. Only to find that we had snuck alcohol out of the basement. That only turned into a few more charges giving us the nickname of “Montana’s Bonnie and Clyde”.
My phone started vibrating and I saw Kayce’s name pop up on the screen so I immediately hit answer. “Kayce?”
“Hey Lissa Rae, I’m sorry I missed your calls. I’ve just been dealing with Monica.” He responded through the phone. “The one that I hooked up with at Kelsea’s party a few months ago.”
I gripped the steering wheel in my hands. “Oh believe I remember.”
“Look, I know what you’re thinking. But there’s nothing going on between us - or at least there wasn’t supposed to be.”
Knitting my brows together in confusion. “Kayce, where are you at right now?”
“Monica’s house.”
I slammed my foot down on the brakes and nearly threw my phone through the windshield. “Kayce John Dutton! I have something really big to tell you and I don’t want to have to be around the girl who nearly destroyed our relationship when she came to brag to me about sleeping with you a few days later.”
“Alissa, please believe me when I say I would never destroy what we have to be with her. There’s just something I have to take care of with her.”
Brushing some hair out of my face I leaned back against the seat headrest. “Kayce, just come out and say what you need to talk with her about.”
“I think it’s just easier if she tells you herself.” He responded.
Sliding a hand down my face I quickly tried to think of what could be going on between them. But I kept drawing a blank so I had to just go see it for myself in person. “I’m coming to your location.” I turned the truck back onto the road nearly speeding to her house address that he had texted me.
Slamming the truck door closed when I got out I stomped up the porch stairs, banging on the front door where it was opened by the very girl I wanted to punch. “Alissa - Kayce said you were coming by.”
“Where the hell is Kayce?” I snapped at her pushing my way past her and she gently shut the door.
“In the kitchen. Can I get you something to drink?”
I ignored her question entering the kitchen seeing my best friend sitting at her kitchen table avoiding my gaze when I came in. “I’m here. So what is happening that I needed to see in person?”
“I didn’t think it would happen.” He ran a hand over his mouth not answering the question.
Monica stepped into the room we were in, reaching inside her pocket taking out a tiny white stick. “I’m going to try and keep it if he agrees to help me.” I took it from her hands finally realizing it was a pregnancy test.
“You gotta be kidding me. Kayce, you aren’t thinking about it are you?”
He ran his fingers through his messy brown curls. “I just didn’t know how to tell you. I don’t want us to break up but I know this isn’t the life you wanted. Especially when your dad doesn’t really like me at the moment.”
“My daddy ain’t probably let you ever step foot on our front porch now either.” I clutched the pregnancy test in my hands.
Kayce lifted his head up, soft brown doe eyes meeting my gaze. “Alissa, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to talk about it with her in the room.” I spun around in my boots running out the front door out onto the front porch and to my surprise the front door creaked open and closed shut before I felt his arm touch my shoulder.
“Alissa, hey talk to me. What’s happening, what has you so upset?”
I stared out at the empty scenery in front of us. “Are you going to choose her now that she’s keeping the baby?”
“No! I mean yes she’s pregnant but she was more drunk than I was that night. And besides it’s her choice on what she does with her body and the baby. But I don’t get it. What does that have to do with us?”
Spinning around to face him I began sobbing heavy tears, reaching into my jacket taking out a picture the doctor gave me. I had been getting sick for almost two months before my mother took me to the doctor and we found out why. But I hadn’t told my father yet - or the father yet until now. “I went to a doctor today when my momma thought I had gotten really sick from a cold and we found something out.”
“What is this, Lissa?” He takes the printed out picture from my hand scanning it over.
I wrapped my arms around my body leaning against the fence still letting some tears fall down my face. “The night we first slept together apparently put a baby in me easier than we thought it would be.”
“You’re pregnant.” Kayce finally put the pieces together.
I nodded my head slowly yes, scared for his reaction. “We’re pregnant, Kace.”
He didn’t say a word for a very long time making the nerves in the pit of my stomach grow bigger with every passing second. I didn’t want to pressure him to be a part of the kids' life but I knew it would be hard if I kept it. Regardless of the reassurance my mother gave me at the hospital. “We’re gonna have a baby.”
“Yes and I understand if Monica’s pregnancy was enough of a scare. Then I can figure out what I’m going to do on my own.” I gulped feeling the nervousness getting the better of me. I did my best to run around the young Dutton and head down the stairs to leave. “I should go. I’ll see ya later Kayce.”
He spun around grabbing my wrist quickly twirling me around so I was facing him. “Woah there. You don’t have to go through this alone.”
“Oh yeah right. Because I bet you are just overjoyed to be a teen dad.” I sent him a snarky remark. His father and mine could likely agree that us as teen parents wouldn’t work out in the long run.
Kayce gently held onto my shoulders looking down at me since I was just barely shorter compared to the height he was. “I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not scared of this but I am happy to be with you. And I’ll be happy when we have this baby together.”
“Awe Kayce…” I sniffed through tears burying my face into his shirt and he wrapped his arms around my body holding me close. I wrapped my fingers around the fabric of his jacket crying happy tears into his chest.
Footsteps came out onto the porch where we separated from each other slightly seeing Monica scowling at us. “So you’re picking the ranching Lambert girl over me now.”
“I’m dating her, Monica.” He responded to her.
I glared at her. “He can choose whatever he wants to do. Just like we can choose to keep the babies we’re having.”
“She has a family that can help her. I live on the Resveration so we don’t have everything you do.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
Kayce draped an arm over my shoulder and I laid my head against his chest before he began planning a way out of this situation before it got more intense. “Monica, look I’m choosing Alissa. But I am willing to help you out if you’ll let me. What do you think about that?”
“I suppose so.” She swayed from side to side.
I stared at her silently for a few minutes. “Maybe one day we’ll look back on this moment and laugh. And who knows we might just be able to work this out as a team.” She didn’t say anything yet I felt Kayce’s comforting hand intertwining down with mine telling me no matter what she did we would make it through this.
10 years later
Sliding my muddy brown work boots I rose to my feet looking at myself in the mirror while I finished twisting the end of my braid together. My eyes scanned over the rack with hats and jackets inside of our bedroom near the door. A familiar dark tan hat hung above my brown jacket. I heard a patter of footsteps run down the hallway and stop outside the door. “Little Rae, what are you doing up this early?”
“Couldn’t sleep when daddy promised he’d take me on a ride.” Her innocent voice replied back.
I snatched my hat from the hook and opened the door seeing my soon to be ten year old daughter standing in the doorway. “Well I think we will have to go find your daddy cause he’s already started work for the day.” His side of the bed covers was tossed over and I didn’t see his familiar black Cowboy hat in the bedroom.
My nine year old daughter stuck her tongue out. “But he said he would and he never breaks a pinky promise.”
“Don’t worry, Faith. I’m sure he just was expecting you to still be sleeping. Your little butt doesn’t normally wake at six in the morning.” I bent down picking her up in my arms and made our way down the wooden stairs of the Dutton house.
She laid her down in the crook of my neck. “Pinky promises are important, mommy.”
“Believe me I know.” I answered in agreement looking down at her in my arms. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy braid that resembles a younger me. Yet her eyes always show me a younger version of her father. We had finally made it out of the house and onto the porch seeing John was saddling up his horse for the morning ride where I walked over to him. “Morning John, have you seen Kayce?”
He shakes his head no opening his arms for his granddaughter. “No I haven’t. Come here Faithy Rae and give grandpa a hug.” She ran forward once I sat her feet on the dirt ground embracing him.
“Oh I think I see him but why’s he in his truck?” I heard the sound of a truck pulling in down our long driveway of the ranch recognizing Kayce’s truck that parked directly in front of the house.
The driver and passager doors were open and closed before I saw some black hair blowing in the wind and a set of small feet behind whoever it was till I saw who it was. “Hey baby.” Kayce walked up to me with Monica and her son Tate followed.
“Don’t hey baby me, Dutton.” I snapped at him crossing my arms over my chest. “What are they doing here?”
Kayce dropped the half smile he had on his face, rubbing the back of his neck and shifted his gaze over to his father. “He asked to know his other grandkid.” I glanced over my shoulder with John and our daughter looking at our interaction.
I certainly still wasn’t used to this situation that was created ten years ago.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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witnbeauty · 2 years
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We all need a Beth Dutton state of mind now and then. Or, maybe, every day…
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littlevampie222 · 1 year
Some early thoughts on Yellowstone. Spoiler free, of course.
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Two things...
The Yellowstone Dutton ranch house is GORGEOUS! And I'm in awe every time I see it. Maybe a bit distracted from the dialogue, honestly lol
And, John Dutton has EXCELLENT taste in trucks! The best in the show! This Ram girl is also in awe of it every time it's on screen and you already know I noticed that symbol IMMEDIATELY! 😍 😍 😍o
Side note: His daughter is a total *c word* lol
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beyondtheadobe · 2 months
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eraserdude6226 · 2 years
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This one is for the Yellowstone fans out there. The new season starts on November 13th. On her Twitter, Kelly Reilly, who plays Beth, showed the first 6 episode scripts and their titles (except for Ep. 3 - hmmmmmm) and they are:
Episode 1: One Hundred Years is Nothing
Episode 2: The Sting of Wisdom
Episode 3: Unknown
Episode 4: Horses in Heaven
Episode 5: Watch 'Em Ride Away
Episode 6: Cigarettes, Whiskey, a Meadow, and You
She also reported that this season, she "quietly destroys" another character!!!! Wow, what twists and turns await us this year - I can hardly wait!!!!!
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bellarkeselection · 6 months
It’s About Time
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Request from Wattpad mackleann Kayce or Lee ( you pick ) where the reader is a family friend who comes to help with the cattle branding. The pair confese their feelings and get teased by the bunkhouse gang
Driving my truck underneath the Yellowstone Dutton ranch sign I pulled the vehicle to a stop just beside the main house porch. I opened the door seeing that the area of the ranch was already set up for the branding the next morning. Getting out of the truck I shut the door seeing somebody riding up in the distance. “Well I didn’t expect to see you here this weekend.”
Whipping my head around a huge grin masked my face seeing Kayce coming up to me on his horse. “I don’t know why you’re so surprised.”
“Maybe because I thought you’d be busy. But I am awfully excited to see you.” He began dismounting his black horse comic over to me with wide open arms.
Rushing towards him I laughed, throwing my arms and legs around his waist. “You better be excited to see me, Dutton.”
“Hey I said that I was you crazy rascal.” He chuckled at me while I was hanging off his arms. Kayce was struggling to keep me from falling on the ground.
I had been a close friend of the family for years. I had been there for the family when Evelyn died and when Kayce had gone off to serve the Navy. I had somewhat of a relationship with each of the Dutton members, but Kayce and I were closer. He finally sits me down on my feet getting my boots dirty. “You better be nice to me. You know I can kick your ass.”
“Oh yeah. Which one of us has training?” He teased me, tipping his hat slightly to me.
Putting my hands on my hips. “It doesn't matter. I know how to throw a punch pretty good.”
Kayce stared down at me since he was slightly taller than me. Honestly most people would say we were always attached to the other hip. And it wasn’t a lie. I’d basically lived my entire life on this ranch.
Kayce went over to his horse leading him to the barn by the reins. “Does my dad know you’re coming here this weekend to help with the branding?”
“I’d expect so. Why did you have plans to skip?” I asked him to follow him to the barn.
He shook his head. “Nah. But your company will sure make it better.”
Together we left the barn and went straight for the main house. He held open the door for me, hanging his black hat on the wall while doing so. Walking through the living room there was a fire going and I could see someone sitting on the couch. “What made you stay out late? Daddy told Gater to wait.”
“Well it wasn’t because he wasn’t hungry. He just had someone keeping him occupied.” Leaning over the back of the couch hair in my face I whispered in his sister’s ear.
She sat her glass down, turning around to me. “Did you finally take her out there in the barn?”
“Beth!” I scolded her, feeling my face beginning to turn red.
Her younger brother cleared his throat. “We aren’t dating and you know that.”
“Rip and I may have beat around the bush when we were kids. But he knows he’s mine. Everybody on this ranch knows who is with who. You two ain’t any different.” She crossed her arms on the back of the couch.
Tapping my foot on the wooden floor I tried to remain calm about this. I didn’t need it to be painfully obvious that I had feelings for him. I didn’t want to ruin the relationship we have if he doesn’t feel the same way. But Beth had a different mind than everyone else. She knew what words could sink someone into the ground. “I’ll think you’re wrong. Now did you say Gator had dinner?”
“Walking away just means we will have this conversation later, Y/n.” She called as I walked into the dining room.
Pausing in my tracks I holler back to her. “No it doesn’t, Bethany!”
Kayce eyed his sister but had nothing to say to her. He dropped his hands down at his sides. The young Dutton knew he felt something for the girl who walked around his family home like she was always meant to be there. Maybe because he’d seen her around his whole life. She had always been a Dutton in his eyes.
“Kayce, I’m going to have dinner in the bunkhouse. See if I can beat those boys at poker if you want to come with me.” I called from the kitchen, grabbing my jacket and a to-go bag of food that Gator made for me.
He turned his head in my direction. “Yeah sure I’ll come.”
“Don’t have too much fun you two.” Beth chuckled at the two of us watching us leave going to the bunkhouse.
By the time we had got to the bunkhouse we could hear them yelling and half the alcohol was almost gone from the fridge. Sliding in on the empty seat next to Ryan he smiled in my direction throwing his desk of card’s down. “Look who decided to join the party. The future mr and Mrs. Kayce Dutton.”
“Oh not you guys too.” I rolled my eyes not expecting them to be on it with Beth.
Colby fixes the deck, dealing me and Kayce each a hand to play in their new game. “We can’t help it if you make it so obvious.”
“What’s obvious?” Jimmy asked from his bunk.
Teeter, who was fixing herself some dinner from Gator spoke up, removing the spoon from inside her mouth. “They clearly want each other just like I know my baby wants me.”
“I am not your baby.” Colby replied to her.
She smiled, turning back to her food. “Stop lying to yourself baby.”
“I didn’t think you had a thing for her, Kayce. I just thought you two were really close friends.” Jimmy entered the conversation.
I moved my gaze to the center of the wooden table not saying a word. Shifting the deck of cards in my hands I really wanted them to stop with the teasing. But Jimmy clearly couldn’t read the room correctly, bless his heart. “We are really close and that’s all.”
“But they are burning to be more.” Ryan made a kissing sound into my ear.
Kayce hit his fist on the table. “Will you stop talking about that!”
“Ohh he’s getting all embarrassed.” Jake, another ranch hand, joined in pointing his index finger at him.
Kayce hit the table again. “I swear the next person who teases us will see me fly over this table.”
Jake, Colby and Ryan about lost their shit at that statement all cheering like he had just admitted he had feelings for me when he really hadn’t. Raising my hands up I sighed finally saying something. “Can we just get back to the game?”
“She’s still avoiding the moment.” Jimmy spoke up.
Kayce raised himself up to his feet stomping over to Jimmy. He grabs him by his shirt getting in his face angrily. “That does it! What did I say a few seconds ago, Jimmy.”
“Woah, when did poker become violent?” Lloyd came out of the bathroom shortly after Walker did. Both confused at what was going on here.
Forcing myself up from my chair I stomped over to the fridge throwing it open. “Cause I apparently can’t get a beer around here with all these gossiping girls dressed as cowboys.” I mocked them for drinking almost half the bottle of beer I had taken from their stash.
“Well then let’s start this card game.” Walker sat down in my chair and thankfully there was no more conversation like that when Kayce let go of Jimmy. He left the bunkhouse leaving me with the boys and Teeter for the rest of the night which made me think maybe they had gotten underneath his skin over something.
The next morning was crazy for everyone even though we had everything set up. Coming out of one of the tents we had set up I halted in my tracks seeing the blonde that had hit a rock after an animal protest talking with him. Summer I remember her name to be. “I don’t think this place is right for you.”
“Oh don’t worry. Once I get out of here I will leave. Besides I can sense somebody doesn’t care much for me being in your company.” She turned her head slightly seeing that I was glaring at the pair.
Kayce turned his attention to her, quickly walking away from her side. “See you around, Summer…what’s got you so angry?”
“I’m not angry over anything.” I crossed my arms over my chest.
He tilted his head. “Really cause you won’t make eye contact when you’re angry. You also hug your arms to your chest when you’re angry. So what made you upset?”
“I think I should be asking you that more than you asking me after what happened last night. You bailed on me Kayce, why?” I questioned the young rancher trying to figure out why all day but nothing came to mind.
He blinked a few times with silent passing between us. “I didn’t like what they were saying about us.”
“It was just teasing right or do you have feelings for me?” I blurted it out letting my curiosity get the better of me when it came to what he thought.
Kayce stepped closer to me reaching up with his hands to cradle my face. “I didn’t like the teasing because I wanted to be the one to tell you myself. But now I say fuck it.”
“Kayce-“ He cut me off short, pressing his lips down onto mine and after that point everything suddenly stopped. Throwing my arms around his neck I brought him closer, deepening the kiss.
He moved one hand into my hair tugging on it a few times. I moaned into the kiss, finding this is better than I could have imagined. Like we were always supposed to be like this together. “I told you, boys.”
“Wait a second.” I broke the kiss recognizing Beth’s voice.
Kayce kept one hand on my wrist when I remained close to his chest seeing that Ryan and Colby were standing off to the side with her. “What the hell did you have them do?”
“We bet her ten bucks that the teasing last night wouldn’t work.” Ryan reached inside his jacket handing her some money.
She took it from his hand proudly walking past us to go find Rip. “They lost obviously. It’s about time you two finally saddled your horses together.” Kayce and I shared the same shocked look but shortly laughed with huge smiles on our faces at the well thought out plan she had achieved.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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supergirl000983 · 2 months
Save a horse, Ride a cowboy
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Ryan x Reader
Warning: Smut, Language, Unsafe PnV, wrap it before you tap it kids, Shower sex, Oral (F&M receiving)
It had been a long day, and by the time Y/N got home all she wanted to do was curl up in her bed with her husband and go to sleep. Sadly though they already had plans with it being Lloyd’s birthday. They were gonna hang out at the bunkhouse for a few and then they would head to the main house.
“Hey Darlin” Ryan said as he saw his wife walk up to the corral fence. “Hi baby.” She said leaning up to meet him halfway for a kiss as he leaned down from his horse. “Hi Baby” Teeter said puckering up her lips in a joking way with her best friend. “You know one of these days I gonna actually kiss you, and then what?” Y/N said wrapping an arm around the pink haired woman as they watched their men work. “Well then I’ll convince you to leave Ryan and we will ride off into the sunset.” Teeter said laughing before she walked off to go help Lloyd with whatever Rip needed them to do. “So baby sister…Are you to tired to go to the bar tonight?” Beth asked coming to stand beside her and lean against the fence. “Honestly I want to go to sleep, but last time that happened you dragged me outta bed by my hair and messed up my extensions.” Y/N said side-eyeing her sister. “Yeah that dad made me pay for. Which you should thank me because the first set looked like shit.” Beth said bumping her sister’s shoulder before walking off over to Rip. After a little bit longer the cowboys were all released to go get ready for the birthday party. Ryan’s and Y/N made their way to their room at the main house so Ryan could shower and Y/N could get changed out of her Vet scrubs. “You should join me in the shower.” Ryan said wrapping his arms around her waist. “I fully planned to. Watching you work your horse got me all hot.” She said turning in his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Well you know what they say baby. Save a horse, Ride a Cowboy.” Ryan said as he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. He sat her on the counter as his lips over took hers both fighting for dominance that she knew she would let him have. His hands made their way underneath her shirt and pulled it from her body. His lips immediately going to her neck as one hand went to the loose knot on her pants and the other one made quick work of her bra. After pulling her bra off his lips found her left nipple as his hand found the other one. He began working on undoing his own belt. Pulling away from her letting her nipple pop out of his mouth as he pulled his shirt off and helped her down so she could get her pants and panties off. After getting her pants off she tried to walk straight in the shower, but was stopped by Ryan sitting her back up on the counter but this time he laid he down along the counter. “Baby what are you doing?” She asked looking up at Ryan. “Well I worked through my lunch and I’m really hungry.” He said bringing his right hand to run along her slit and his left hand moved back to continue pinching, pulling, and flicking her nipples. Turning her into a giggling moaning mess. After a moment of just running his finger up and down. He bent down letting his hot tongue work at her clit while shoving his ring finger in one time then adding his middle finger bringing them up to curl as he sucked and licked at her clit like it was his last meal. “OH GOD!” Y/N screamed and she contracted around his fingers arching her back hard. “Not God baby just Ryan.” He said and chuckled against her clit cause her to spasm. “Shit Ry I think I’m gonna-“ “Cum for me baby let me hear those angelic moans of yours. Paint my tongue baby.” He said sending her over the edge. He pinched her one of her nipples pulling it as he thrusted his fingers in and out a lot quicker. After a minute he finally pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. “I love you so much. You taste so sweet.” Ryan said he leaned down catching her lips in a kiss. After a minute he pulled his pants and boxers down before picking her up and moving to the shower after sitting her down on her feet and holding her with one hand and her fiddled with the shower to put on some warm water.
After regaining some strength Y/N waited until he was preoccupied with getting the shower to the right temp before dropping to her knees in front of him. Ryan looked down in awe of his wife who was looking up at him through her lashes in the most seductive way. He watched as she took all 7 inches of him in both her hands and kissed the head. She then started with small kitten licks that turned to bigger licks and before he knew it she had him in her mouth as he threw his head back. Working his fingers through her hair as she played with his balls and continued deep throating him. “God Damn Baby. You are so good at that.” Ryan said as he tugged on her hair knowing he was about to cum he pulled her up and bent her over before sliding into her warm tight slick hole. Fucking into her a a fast pace before stopping again turning her to face him with her back against to wall as he pulled her leg up to get better access. Finally both reaching their highs as Ryan capturing her mouth with his as he brought his hand down to rub her clit in figure eight with his fingers. As she came down from her high her head fell into Ryan’s shoulder. “I think that was some of our best sex yet.” She said as she caught her breath before moving to actually shower. “Agreed.” He said as he popped her ass before he grabbed his body wash. After showering they got dressed at headed to the party in the bunkhouse.
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pretending-ican-write · 3 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.2
A/n: I have the first 3 parts of this written and I haven't decided when I want them to get together/how long of a slow burn it's gonna be. These are all many years pre-season and I'm torn between them getting together then, shortly before the show or during the show. If you have any thoughts let me know!
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
WC: 996
Previous part - Next part
Later that evening, y/n watched from her seat at the end of the bunkhouse table as the hands squabbled over whether Jake had managed to cheat his hand.  Her arms crossed, she couldn’t help the smile on her face as she watched the scene in front of her unfold.  
As they began the next round one of the hands caught her attention, “you playing Dutton?  Figures you the one with the most money to lose.”
“Call me Dutton again and I’ll take more than just your fuckin’ money,” she threatened, “but if you want to lose your wages to a woman then its your funeral.”
Lloyd called to her, “Beer y/n?”
“She’s fuckin’ 20!” Ryan argued.
He rolled his eyes, “20 and been rodeoing 2 years.  That counts for more than whatever some fool decided was legal.”
“Appreciate the defense but I don’t drink Lloyd.  Seen it ruin just as many people on that damn circuit as drugs, if not more.  Picked my vice and it ain’t that,” y/n explained, “now deal me in.”
As they began the round, Rip came through the door sending silence through the room.  Y/n looked up from her cards to the foreman and the grim look on his face.
“Was hoping to give you some more advance warning than this but word got to your father you’re here,” Rip warned, “reckon you got about 10 minutes.”
She sighed, “you gonna ruin my evening Rip least you can do is play my cards for me.  I’ll take this outside gentlemen.  Apologies for any disturbance to your game I may cause.”
With a tip of her hat, y/n left the table and headed out of the bunkhouse.  She could see her father coming down the track and settled on the steps of the trailer.  Whilst she waited, she pulled a cigarette from her jacket and lit it, exhaling the smoke into the crisp air.
“Having one of you smoke’s bad enough,” John commented.
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Yeah well you gotta have one vice on the circuit and this one kills me the least.  Plus you can still ride straight whilst addicted to it.”
He leant against the barn, observing his daughter who was in front of him for the first time in two years.  She let him sit in the silence as she finished her cigarette, watching as the smoke disappeared into the night air.
“Coulda told your father you were coming home,” he said eventually, breaking the thick silence.
She let out a bitter laugh, “I’m a wrangler.  Rip deals with them.  I’m not here for you, I’m here for me and I ain’t about to be no pawn in your fuckin’ game dad.  I’m a wrangler.  I’ll do what they do and I’ll do anything for this ranch but know it ain’t for you.  It’s for me, it’s for Kayce and it’s for my nephew.”
“At least come back to the house,” John relented.
Y/n shook her head, “It’ll be a long time before we’re there Dad.  Trailer is more than comfortable.”
Her dad nodded and turned on his heels, “just know that the door is always open for you.”
She watched him leave and leant against the trailer, watching the clouds roll over the sky.  The noise from the bunk house radiated out towards her.  The words reached her ears and she laughed at the empty threats that came with poker.  Out of instinct, she reached for another cigarette and placed it in her mouth.  With her lighter in hand she stared out at the vast expanse in front of her, hidden by the darkness the clouds brought.  It was just as vast as when she left, and had just as many conditions.
The door to the bunkhouse opened, spilling the swearing out into the night.  Ryan stepped out into the cold and trained his eyes on her.  The look in her eyes as she took in everything she’d returned to and he pushed the feeling it brought to him deep in to the pit of his stomach.
“Mind if I join you?”
She broke her gaze from the mountains, “lose all your money?”
“Something like that,” he laughed and sat next to her on the steps.  
A comfortable quiet settled over the pair with the noise from the bunkhouse curving around the bubble they were in.  The clouds continued to move over the sky, obscuring the stars from view.  Y/n weren’t much in the mood for starting conversations so she allowed the quiet to stay, letting her eyes close after a few minutes.  Ryan let her, keeping one eye on her and the other on the sky. 
“It’s good to see you back y/n,” he commented after a while.
She opened her eyes to look at him, “it’s good to be back Ryan.”
“You’re all grown up.”
Y/n let out a frustrated groan, “fuck I was grown when I left.  Y’all just never saw it.”
Ryan laughed and pushed the feeling he could feel creeping up back down where he wanted it to stay.
“New hand got an eye for you,” he said, as non-chalantly as he could manage.
She felt something inside her at that, “the one that can’t rope?  He’s cute.”
“Don’t start that shit,” Ryan growled.
Y/n threw her cigarette onto the ground, “you don’t get a say in what I do Ryan.”
“If he touches you I’ll take him to the train station myself,” he threatened.
She stood up, “I don’t need you defending me.  Rest of this damn ranch treats me like a fuckin’ kid so don’t you start.  Be a man or keep your god damn opinions about what I do with my life to yourself.”
 With that, y/n stalked back into the bunkhouse and slammed the door behind her.  Ryan watched her go before resting his head against the cold metal of the trailer.  It was gonna be fucking hard to keep that feeling where it was meant to be.
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deckardsdwelling · 1 year
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[1923 - 1x7 - “The Rule of Five Hundred” — Paramount+]
— DeckardsDwelling
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ericaand · 4 months
i am so sorry for the comment i left, i was jus too excited!! no seriously though, i apologize. but since your taking requests for Kayce Dutton…
I would love it if you could write a bsfs to lovers??
Like maybe reader grew up on the ranch with the Duttons bc she had some connection to one of the ranch hands or jus was bsfs with one of the Dutton siblings so she became Kayces bsf. Maybe he and Monica split up or they were never together (you decide) and maybe some SERIOUS AMAZING TENSION WITH THE BEST LOVE CONFESSION😍
again, thank you! and i’ll keep requesting as long as this writers block is here bc i need me and love me some Kayce!!
Seriously had a ton of fun writing this. Enjoy, and send MORE! Please.
Pairing: Kayce Dutton x Fem!Reader
Words: Almost 2k.
Warnings: slight mentions of blood. underage alcohol use. That's about it.
"You know, I hate how much I care about you." Kayce's eyes burn into yours, scanning from right to left continually.
He balls his hand into a fist and speaks through clenched teeth, "Because I know..."
He pauses, loosens his stance, and hangs his head sighing, "I shouldn't."
Earlier that day:
Driving down the familiar driveway, you began to reminisce on all the time you spent on the ranch as a child. With each spin of your tires, the car filled with dust; the smell taking you back to a time when things were easy, and playing with boys was just that: playing.
You hadn't returned to the ranch since your best friends, Kayce and Monika, married. It was too much. Too much pain. Too much hurt. Too much love.
In fact, you weren't even sure you could consider them your best friends anymore. Now, they were each other's best friend. And you? You were just the third wheel now. Sure, you talk to Monika on occasion, mostly through texting. But even that hadn't happened in months. There hasn't been any contact with Kayce at all. Except for the occasional grocery store visit. But even then, it's not like it used to be. Your hellos now feel hollow. But at least the goodbyes don't hurt as much anymore.
You weren't really sure what to expect when you got to the ranch. You knew John and Beth, and Rip would probably be happy to see you; you never really saw them at all anymore. The ranch hands were always fun to spend time with. But now, it feels different. Now, the childhood magic has drifted away, not just from the ranch but from you.
You continue to drive, spotting the tall white silo. Instantly, you're envisioning three little kids chasing after each other, round and round the silo. The side of your mouth curves into a smirk.
You put it in park and take a deep breath, leaning your head back and closing your eyes. When you've conjured up enough courage, you step out and make your way toward the corral. Your steps are slow, hands in your back pockets, head down; until you hear someone yell.
"Y/N! That you?"
You look up to see Rip, slowly trotting over to you with a smile. You tilt your head and smile with a shrug.
"Well, I'll be damned! If it ain't little Y/N." He swings his leg around the horse and graciously hops down. He wraps his arms around you, as you wrap yours around his waist.
He grips your shoulders and pushes you away from himself. "Let me get a good look at ya." He clicks his tongue a few times as he shakes his head.
"You look just like your momma. Beautiful. Whatcha doin' here, kid?"
"Well, looks like you and your boys are obviously starving." You say sarcastically, waving your hand toward the horse corral. "You're lookin at the new Dutton Ranch chef. John called me a while back and asked if I could come help out while Gator was away. I couldn't turn it down. I mean, who says no to John?"
"I sure as hell don't." Rip lets out a quick breath. "See ya later, kid. Can't wait for dinner. I always miss your mommas cooking."
You make your way to the house slowly, letting the wind flow through your hair. You stop dead in your tracks when you spot the small circle of Adirondack chairs in the front yard.
You recall it being the last weekend of summer, all those years ago. A soda bottle filled with whiskey from John's stash was being passed around between the three of you. The fire gently lights the faces of your friends. All that was heard was the crackling, the laughter, and the crickets.
"Dance with me?" The boy with dusty blonde hair reached his hand out to you. You took his hand as he delicately helped you out of your chair.
You draped your arms over his shoulders, as you began to sway slowly. Although the musk of whiskey was strong, you could smell faint bits of his cologne; pine began to fill your nostrils.
"I've gotta pee!" Monika shouted, stumbling toward the house.
You rested your head on his chest as you both continued to sway in sync, his hands resting on your hips.
"This is so perfect, Kayce. I don't want it to end. The stars. The fire. You." You mumbled.
Kayce stopped moving and lifted your chin with his finger. "What?"
"You heard me." You smiled.
Kayce slowly began to dip his head down, until you both heard Monika assert herself by asking when it was her turn for a dance. Kind and caring Kayce pulled you back into a hug and kissed the top of your head, barely whispering, "Me neither."
"You gonna stand there all day? Or are you gonna come cook some supper?" Someone hollared from the porch.
You blinked to reality, seeing John leaning on one of the stone pillars. You smiled as you began to walk towards him, him now walking toward you.
"How are ya, darlin? We sure have missed seeing you around here." John says, pulling you in for a hug. "I'm sorry about your Mom. She was my favorite chef, you know. Well, you might change that."
"Thanks, Mr. Dutton. I missed it here, brings back a lot of memories though." You spoke into his chest.
"Its John, especially to you. You know that. Where's your stuff?"
"It's, uh, in the truck. Should I -" He cuts you off.
"Eh, well have Rip grab it later. Let me just show you where you'll be staying real quick."
John escorts you up a log staircase and to one of the bedrooms. After informing you where everything was, he motioned for you to follow him to the kitchen. Nothing had really changed in the Dutton home. Maybe some updated furniture, but that's about it. You almost felt like it was a time capsule.
The kitchen was small but extremely functional. You walked through, gently grazing your fingers across the beautiful stove. You turned to meet John's gaze.
"Things have changed a bit, but this will work for you, right?" He asked.
"Absolutely." You said with a smile.
"I'll leave you to it." He said, turning and walking away.
You pulled ingredients from the fridge and various cupboards, chopping and prepping. You began to feel the frustration build in you from not knowing your way around the kitchen. You grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge, popped the top, and chugged as much as you could down in one gulp.
You tilted your head back to finish the bottle and turned to put it in the sink, only to be met with another body next to you. There stood Kayce with his back and hands leaning on the counter, smiling cheekily at you.
"Just like I remember." He said.
"Hi, Kayce." You replied, placing the bottle in the sink and going back to the stove.
"You know, I thought I was seein' a ghost." He laughed. "What're you doing here?"
Not taking your eyes from the stove, you replied. "You're looking at the new chef. I'm filling in for Gator while he's gone."
He nodded with pursed lips. "Well, I'm gonna go get washed up."
You turned and nodded with a smile, as he began to walk away. Why was Kayce here? Last you heard he was living on the reservation with Monika.
You filled large serving dishes with the meal for the night and began to place them in the middle of the table, in front of John, Kayce, and Beth.
"Enjoy, guys." You forced a quick nod, wiped your hands on your apron, and moved to leave the room.
"Y/N, stay. Eat. Please. You're not just a chef here. You're family." John spoke.
"Oh...okay. Uh, thank you." You said meekly, pulling your apron over your head and laying it over the back of a chair. Kayce slid the chair next to him out and gestured for you to sit. You obliged.
As you sat and ate, everyone caught up with each other's lives and reminisced about the good times that were had years ago. You noticed that your wine glass never seemed to be empty, but you didn't mind. There were a lot of emotions going on, so a little numbness was welcomed.
You couldn't help but notice that Kayce continually touched your shoulder with his, and you seemed to be the focus of his attention tonight. During dinner, you found out why Kayce was here, and not with his wife and son. He expressed that Monika wanted nothing to do with the ranch and didn't feel it was a good place for Tate. She told him she needed space.
As dinner finished, you piled the family's plates on top of yours and began to balance them into the kitchen, only to realize upon standing that you were much more inebriated than you thought. Before you could even stop it, one plate fell right after the other; shattering on the ground.
The tears began to flow, out of embarrassment and fear combined. You quickly dropped to your knees and attempted to pick up the tiny pieces scattered all around. Unknowingly, while picking up the shards of plates, you were also cutting small slices into your hands. You felt hands on your shoulders.
"Y/N? What happened? Stop, stop. It's okay." Kayce shouted.
You stood and brought your shakey hands over the sink, small drops of blood dripped into the basin.
"I thought I could do this. I thought I could come back here. I figured it'd been enough time. I didn't know it would hurt so much. Between everything that happened with you. And now with Mom..." You cried.
Kayce stepped behind you, his chest pressed to your back. He turned on the faucet, took your hands in his, and gently rinsed each finger and cut slowly. You leaned your head back against his collarbone, wincing at the water stinging your nerves.
After he finishes rinsing your hands, he turns you around and blots your hands tenderly with clean paper towels.
"You know, I hate how much I care about you." Kayce's eyes burn into yours, scanning from right to left continually.
He balls his hand into a fist and speaks through clenched teeth, "because I know..." he pauses.
He loosens his stance and hangs his head sighing, "I shouldn't."
You rest your forehead on his.
"Why?" You ask.
You both pull away to face each other, the eye contact almost unbearable.
"Because I fucked up...I fucked up a long time ago. And if I didn't, well, maybe things would've been different." He shook his head and stared out the window behind you. "I wouldn't trade Tate for the world. But I don't know why I didn't just speak up. I didn't want to be with Monika. But we were having a baby, what was I supposed to do?"
"Hey, you did the right thing." You cupped his face in both your hands, forcing him to look at you again. "You were having a baby! What else were you supposed to do?"
"I was supposed to be with you. I wanted to be with you. I love you, Y/N. There's no one else I ever saw myself making a life with." He lamented.
You moved your arms to drape over his shoulders, memories of that night flooding back to you again. In the same fashion, Kayce hooked a finger under your chin to align his lips with yours. Warmth flowed to your cheeks. His lips met yours, soft and tender. It felt like home.
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i-heart-yellowstone · 16 days
3 - Remembering Lee
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Part 4
Raised Fair Share Of Hell
Tag list - @bvbwestfall @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close
That next morning was silent between Kayce and I while we rode our way back up to the main house seeing the rest of his family standing there waiting for us. I dismounted my horse watching Kayce riding Lee’s horse carrying his dead body. “Go straight to Jamie while it’s still fresh.” John rode up on a horse taking the reins of the other horse. 
“Go. I’ll help your father.” I pushed him forward when he glanced at me before he finally walked up towards the house. Turning my attention back to my father in law he picked up his son's body onto his horse. “John, do you need some help?” 
He shakes his head, tipping his brown hat to me riding off. “That’s not necessary. Go be with your daughter, Alissa.” I did the best I could with my injured ankle to climb back on my horse riding up to the house and getting off basically falling on the dirt ground. 
“Who do I need to fight that clearly injured you.” Beth’s voice met my ears while I hopped up the stairs on one leg putting most of my weight on the wooden railing until I reached her. 
She offered her arm to me so she could help me get inside the house and we sat down on the living room coach. “Kayce already took care of the asshole. The dead guy is also the one who killed your brother - ah that’s better.” 
“What can I get you? A dirty martini.” She offers standing in front of me. 
I laid my head back on the coach eyeing my injured ankle that I had propped up on one of the coach pillows. “I’ll take some alcohol later tonight. But can you get Kayce and some medical stuff for my ankle?” 
“Sure.” She walked away going down the hallway. 
Running my hands down my face I sighed heavily still picturing Lee’s body collapsing in front of me. I knew I should have stayed by his side and maybe just maybe this wouldn’t have happened. “Mommy!” Lifting my head up slightly I recognized my daughters voice before she jumped in my lap with excitement. 
“Oooh hey Little Rae.” I felt the wind nearly get knocked out of me, smiling up at her. 
She bounced on my legs wanting to play. “Can we go play in the barn now that you’re back?” 
“Aww I’m sorry baby. But mommy needs to rest since some bad guy hurt my ankle.” 
Faith slides down, poking my left ankle and I winced feeling her poke me but it didn’t hurt too much especially when she was smiling at me. “Can I kiss it better?” 
“Aww that’s cute but I’m okay.” I chuckled at her seeing Beth come back in the room with a first aid kit and Kayce followed behind her. “Hey can you watch her for a second please Beth?” 
She nodded, pushing Faith towards the door and took her outside. “Come on, niece.” 
“I should have gone with you. Dropping Tate and Monica took longer than I thought it would. I’m sorry, darling.” Kayce began apologizing, taking out some gauze and began rolling up my pant leg. I had already taken off my boots. 
I held myself up on my elbows seeing the wound had a bruise and I was thankful that I was able to somewhat walk at the moment. “You don’t have to apologize, Kace. If anything, what happened to your brother was my fault.” I sucked in a shaky breath feeling some tears welling up in my eyes.  
“Don’t say that, Lissa Rae. It wasn’t your fault.” Kayce shot his head up, dropping the gauze and holding my face in his hands. 
I sniffed through tears pushing his hands away. “Kayce, don’t say that. It happened because I wasn’t by his side. I let him get shot and - I couldn’t even avenge his death in that moment. You avenged his death and saved my life.” 
“You did everything you could. You didn’t know that was going to happen. Now against my father’s better judgment I think we might have to take you to the hospital cause I think the bullet is still inside of your body.” He suggested getting up from his knees, leaning down to pick me up bridal style. 
I wrapped my arms around his neck laying my head on his chest wincing as we walked down the steps and got me settled in his truck. “I’ll call my sister and ask her to watch Faith. Considering your father is gonna need to work with Jamie and Beth to prepare the funeral.” Reaching into my jacket pocket I take my phone out typing in her phone number. 
“It’s kind of funny to think back then that Lee might have had a crush on your sister.” Kayce chuckled, turning the truck on and driving underneath the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch sign. 
I snorted out a laugh at my husband’s remark. “Lana Dutton doesn't sound too bad.” 
“Alissa Dutton sounds way better.” Kayce smirked in my direction. 
I playfully shoved his shoulder hearing the ringing stop on the phone and my sister's voice came to my ears. “Hey sis, what’s up?” 
“Are you busy with the ranch for a few hours? I’ve got to go to the hospital and the rest of the Dutton family is busy right now. So Kayce and I were hoping you could babysit.” 
My sister was in her late 30’s whistled through the phone and I could hear some cattle making noises in the background before she responded to my question. “We’re just finishing up doing the branding for our cattle. But I can watch her if you’re okay she sees what we’re doin’.”
“She lives on a ranch, Alana. I think she’ll be fine.” Kayce called, entering the conversation between us. 
My sister asked a question where I paused before answering. “So why are you going to the hospital?” 
“Um - it was a dispute over cattle.” Glancing over to Kayce he sent me a weak look figuring it was best to tell her the other part in person when we got home. “There’s more but I’ll tell you that later when we pick up Faith.” 
Alana replied by hanging up the phone call. “Sounds good. See y’all later.” I put my phone away leaning back in the passenger seat thinking back on our sophomore year. 
Park County High School - 10 years ago
“Are you sure your parents won’t be home for the weekend? We already have to worry about my dad finding out.” Kayce asked walking with me out into the parking lot knowing our rides were almost here to pick us up from school. 
I shrugged my backpack onto my left shoulder placing a hand on my boyfriend’s shoulder. “Kace, calm down. My sister already said she’s got us covered. She’s done this before and they never found out.” 
“I know I just don’t want your father to hate me if I was involved in breaking something on your ranch. Our families share a fence line after all.” He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck nervously before we heard two horn honks and a dark red pickup truck driving toward the curb we stood on. 
The truck window rolled down revealing my sister and his older brother Lee looking at us. “Quite being a worry wart, little brother. Now you two get your asses in the backseat.” 
“Ladies first.” Kayce opened the door for me and I climbed in first with him shutting the door when he got inside the truck. 
Alana shifted around in the front passenger seat. “Mommy and daddy are heading to Texas in an hour and they already gave me the keys to the house. So we can go to the liquor store and not worry of getting caught.” 
“What about your ranch hands?” Lee asked her. 
She snatched his black Cowboy hat from his head hitting him harshly in the arm with it. “Lee Dutton, how dare you doubt my planning skills! I made a deal with them and said they could take part in whatever alcohol was left. So long as they didn’t blab.” 
“I guess that can work,  Alana.” He responded, eyeing her nervously since she was glaring at him. 
She sniped. “What did I say about calling me that?” 
“I meant Lana. Now can I have my hat back?” Lee asked, correcting his words. She handed it over to him and he grabbed her hand locking eyes with one another not saying anything more than that. 
Kayce and I just sat in the backseat just sitting in silence watching the pair. It was obvious that there was something going on between them, but they’d never admit it. “Um, so what should we get at the liquor store?” I cleared my throat not being able to handle the awkwardness. 
“Yeah - let’s go.” Lee drew his head away from hers, tuning the truck engine on and began driving out of the parking lot. 
Alana tucked hair behind her ear. “Sorry y’all - I was thinkin’ we could get techquila, some beer, wine and other things.” She shrugged her shoulders silently, glancing back at Lee. 
“I’ll bet you five dollars that they’ll kiss later tonight.” Kayce leaned over whispering in my ear. 
Even he could see it was an overwhelming sense that there was something going on between them. “I’ll take that bet, Dutton.” Clasping my hand in his we shook on it hoping we were right years later. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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dietcokeangel2004 · 11 months
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Kayce Dutton aesthetic
I'm gonna steal me a silver stallion, With not a mark upon his silky hide. Teach me he can trust me like a brother,
One day we'll saddle up and ride. And we're gonna ride, We're gonna ride Ride like the one eyed jack of diamonds with the devil close behind
We're gonna ride
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[1923 - 1x6 - “One Ocean Closer to Destiny”]
[We moved: @deckardsdwelling !]
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beyondtheadobe · 1 month
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"Where's your wife?" "My wife is standing right over there staring at ya." "I'll handle this." "No, don't do that now!"
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bellarkeselection · 10 months
Giving Second Chances
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Gifs above don't belong to me they belong to their rightful owner
Wattpad request from Silverose365 Reader is a trouble teen the state is having trouble with so after multiple failed foster families the state calls John. The reader accidentally messed up on a job and gets called out until Rip makes a different choice than her previous foster family's.
John and Rip followed Sheriff Haskell out into one of the barns on the ranch. The three stops in the entrance seeing someone peaking their head over one of the hay bails. John slowly walked forward trying to not scare the girl off that looked to be a young teenager reminding him of meeting young Rip. “Hey there, kid. I ain’t gonna hurt you. Do you wanna come talk with us?”
“Where’s the girl from?” Rip crossed his arms looking at Sheriff Haskell.
He responded to John’s right hand. “She’s been bounced from foster home to another. She’s got a bad streak of breaking the law. I got a call saying the foster system was sending her to him until she bolted. Thankfully she ended up where they we’re taking her. Bringing her to John.”
Lifting my gaze up to the older cowboy guy wearing a tan cowboy hat I watched him bend down to her level. “Are you going to send me back to foster care….I don’t do good in that place. They all say I’m too old and reckless.” I had been moved around where I just started running away every time they sent me back in the system.
“I ain’t sending ya back. My name is John Dutton, what’s your name darlin’?” The rancher asked me offering his hand and I allowed him to pull me to stand up with him seeing another guy by the sheriff that was dressed in black with dark hair and hard eyes staring at me.
I nervously responded back to him. “Y/n. My name is Y/n, sir…what are doing now?”
“You come work for me.” John said looking at the man calling his name so I could put it with his face before he left us in the barn together. “Rip, you’re gonna teach her the way I did you.”
It had been a few months since that day and this is the longest that I have ever been in compared to my other foster homes. Placing a dark brown hat on my head I slide my brown boots on heading to the Yellowstone barn. Throwing a saddle on Lioyd’s horse I started tying it on until I heard one of the bunkhouse cowboys coming over to me. I believe Walker was his name. “It looks like a a cowgirl doesn’t know how a saddle goes on a horse.”
“What…what did I do?” I panicked beginning to twist the sterups and the back sinch backwards before I ran my hands through my hair.
Walker came over on his horse. “You put the saddle on backwards kid.”
“Crap, crap.” I mumbled under my breath quickly fixing it until John came over to me seeing that I avoided his gaze mumbling to myself unknown that he could hear me. “How could I put the entire saddle on backwards. That was stupid. I should have known that.”
It wasn’t the first the older rancher had seen her be hard on herself after she made some mistakes or didn’t be s quick as what the cowboys had told her to do something. And she would end up beating herself up over failing. John just hoped the girl saw that she was a good hand like he did. Because she was almost the same way when he found Rip years ago.
Walking through the barn I nodded to my boss Rip Wheeler who was walking with his horse when he noticed me. He climbed up on his horse addressing in my direction. “Y/n, got saddle Mr. Dutton’s horse. You’ll be riding it today with us to learn how to ride.”
Running inside the barn I took the reins of the boss’s horse tying the rope on the side of the wooden fence. Tossing the saddle over the horse I quickly tied it together. Putting me foot in the stirrups up Rip called my name. “Woah you think you’re forgetting something kiddo.” Shifting my gaze down to the ground I hadn’t noticed my hat fell off during the process.
“Ah shit…sorry sir.” Snatching it up I placed it on my head quick climbing back on the horse knowing he didn’t like wasting daylight and I always followed his instructions as fast as he said them.
Rip had me following behind him where I griped the reins in my hands bouncing with the horse watching the others herding the cattle in front of us. Normally he was leading the pack but not today. “Go herd up the ones on the side that get loose. You got that?” He kicked his horse to go when I nodded in understanding.
Running down the valley I followed after one cafe that got loose leading it back to the group. Staying close to the group another one got loose where I grabbed my rope throwing it over it head trying to lead it back but it just picked up sped. I screamed when it managed to pull me off my horse and I fell into the dirt. “No, no,…ah fuck!”
“Woah girl, are you alright?” Lioyd came over on his horse holding the reins of mine since it ran off towards him so he brought my horse back over to me.
Holding my right wrist I winced when I tried to bend it a little. “I think I just tweaked my wrist a bit….I thought I roped it the right way.”
“You roped it around the neck when it should have been around the waist so he wouldn’t run on ya. Climb back on your horse and help us finish this out.” Rip responded sternly beside his older friend.
Scurring to my feet I put one foot in the stirrup using my left hand to support most of my weight than my right. I should have done better, sir.” I apologize when Rip glared at me watching me ride off with Lioyd figuring that she meant well.
Once nightfall had come and everyone had their horses up for the night I didn’t come down to the bunkhouse for dinner since I was staying in the spare room of Rip and Beth’s house. Brushing my hair away from my face I had banded my wrist as best as I could and put everything I had in the duffel bag foster care had given to me. I just needed to wait until everyone went to bed to run rather then wait till morning already knowing what would happen. I had messed up way more than someone my age should. “I’m too old to get adopted….I will be better off just waiting until I’m eighteen. Only two more years left being someone else’s problem..”
“When I said don’t think you deserve this. I meant it literally but I didn’t you’d run from it.” Whipping my head around I gasped through tears seeing Rip was leaning in the doorway of my bedroom.
Croaking through tears I scooted up against the pillow and headband avoiding his gaze. “How did you know I’d be here?”
“Cause you didn’t come down for dinner and you ain’t missed a meal since the day you came here. You want to tell me what’s going on with you?” He presses on with his tone being both stern but went softer when he could hear me lightly crying in front of him.
Hugging my knees to my chest I buried my face into them sobbing even more when I struggle to get the words out already sensing what he was going to say next. “I’m a screw up here, Mr. Wheeler. I can’t do half the jobs you give me right…I don’t have great confidence even when I put in as much effort as I can. You see me exactly like everyone else does…a reckless teenager who won’t make it any longer in getting adopted. Cause I don’t follow directions good….so you’re done with me. You’re going to send me back tomorrow.”
“Where the hell did you get an idea like that, sweetheart?” He blurted out raising his voice in shock.
Peaking over my knees with my hair in my eyes I whispered back to him. “That’s what every family I have been with does. Why would you be any different to me?”
“Because you are the hardest working foster kid I have seen. You’ve got good manners and put in almost more effort than any of those bunkhouse boys do. And you ain’t any reckless than most teenagers are.” He came over and sat beside me on the bed removing his black hat when he went to take something out of his jacket. He unfolded a paper and handed it to me. “You are a darn good kid, Y/n. I am hoping to help you improve your confidence in time being here.”
Scanning my eyes over the paper in my small hands I couldn’t hardly believe it. “You want to adopt me..but I….thank you Rip.” Flinging my arms around his neck he was taken back not used to seeing me giving any kind of emotion like this.
“You’re welcome, darling. But promise you will still work as hard as you would if you weren’t gonna be my kid.” He hugged me briefly until he made me look in his eyes when he barely broke the embrace.
Nodding through happy tears I grinned up at the cowboy and lead hand of John Dutton. “Don’t worry I will..uh dad.”
Footsteps came down the hallway where we both glanced over over shoulders noticing that it was his wife. “You better call me mom and come eat this hamburger helper otherwise you’ll face the bear.”
“Yes ma’am.” I jumped off his lap rushing down the hallway making it to the kitchen table almost shoving food into my mouth overjoyed to actually have a place to call home.
Beth smiled at her husband when he stood by her in the hallway watching you. “She’s our kid now, baby.”
“She’s our second change at one and I gotta say she’s a pretty good one.” He responded looping his hand with hers giving her a gentle and the pair joined you at the dinner table.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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