#yes even with lefty buzzwords
lordadmiralfarsight · 7 months
So, this is something I've been sitting on for a good while. Mainly because I got too heated each time to write a post about it.
On the 7th of February 2024, France organized a memorial service for the Franco-Israeli killed in the 7/10 attack. That was a good thing but, like many people in France, I personnally felt that it was a bit late. Still, better a memorial service than nothing at all. A nice touch was inviting the famillies of hostages and putting them front and center. That was positive, in my opinion, and a good show of solidarity.
So, you might be wondering what about this has me heated. Two words : Far left. or, in three words : La France Insoumise. LFI is a far left party that has a worrying amount of weight in France, right now. They have some of the common hallmarks : revolution fetishism, radicalist talking points, repeated attempts to delegitimize the election system (like Mélenchon claiming the 2022 presidential election was "stolen" when he ranked 3rd), etc... Recently they have also refused to condemn Hamas' attack. While they didn't openly support it like some fring trotskyist parties, they refused to condemn it, and at least one of their PMs went to Tunisia to basically parrot Islamist talking points blaming Israel for everything. They have overwhelmingly expressed support for "Palestinian liberation", because saying they support Hamas wouldn't be good press, so they skirt around it. But everyone gets the message, really. So, what did they do for that memorial service ? Well first off they participated against the wishes of the famillies of the victims and hostages. That's bad, but it gets worse. Because of course. See, their main representative in Parliament, Mathilde Panot, felt the need to also put front and center Palestinian victims. Now, I do believe Palestinian victims of this war should be remembered, and honored (provided they weren't terrorists). But ... is the memorial fro the 7/10 victims really the place ? No, no it fucking isn't. And that's what has me heated : this was a memorial for Jewish victims, and they were looking to appropriate it. And it gets even worse ! Because you see, Miss Panot had the perfect exemple : two Franco-Palestinian kids from her constituency that had died in Gaza. Why is that worse ? Because of why the kids were there. They were there because their mother fled to Gaza, from ISIS, after embezzeling money meant for Syrian refugees. Let me rephrase : the mother created a charity to support the victims of the Syrian civil war and of ISIS attacks, then made off with the money to deliver it entirely to ISIS. Then had kids with her ISIS assigned jihadi husband. And when ISIS collapsed, she sought refuge with Hamas. And because of that, her kids were in harm's way when Hamas launched a pogrom. And LFI thought that THIS was the correct exemple to bring to that memorial service. Is it tragic the kids died ? Yes. But maybe, just maybe, putting their terrorism enabling mother up as an exemple of martyred mother, during a memorial for the victims of an antisemitic pogrom perpetrated by said terrorism enabler's allies is a profoundly shitty thing to do. And that, among other things, is why most of France considers LFI to be antisemitic.
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fapangel · 7 years
I can’t WAIT to cover this Trump Jr. Thing because the lefties are pissing themselves like an excited chinchilla and its just so *precious* III We both know how short, murky, and 'he-said-she-said' the anti-Trump evidence has been, so when one of the few folks Big T trusts outright says he'd love to have an enemy of the US support the campaign with secrets on Hilary... you can see why they'd be excited. What Trump Jr. did by even replying positively to that message was High Quality Stupidity.
So before anything else, let’s take a long momentto enjoy that hysterical chinchilla-pissing, starting with thecomments in my own inbox:
Drumpf has only three options here. Disown hisson and send him on an all-expenses paid trip to NSGB, step down, orget impeached.
(BBC)world-us-canada-40571914 Welp. Donald’s son just screwed himself andhis dad over big time. Meeting someone described as a Russiangovernment official to get dirt on Hillary. And, well, “part ofRussia and its government’s support for Mr Trump”. Ruse or not,the intent from the campaign’s side is clear, and motive goes a longway in an investigation and court. Seems like the best thing to dowould be to throw Goldstone, and maybe Jr., to the investigators anddeny Trump had any awareness?
Now for The Left: After their hysterical, rabidpersecution of Trump failed to turn up anything formonths on end, theiranti-Russian obsession has reached “McCarthy” levels of paranoia(oh, the irony,) soplacing Trump Jr. in the same roomas a living Russian person from Russia fortwenty entire minuteshas them stroking off sofuriously it’s a wonder they haven’t given newly literal meaning to“liar liar pants on fire” yet. TimKaine, Rep.Seth Moulton (D-Mass), thereliably retarded NewYork Timesand theusual sniping from the never-Trump neocon camp are all calling ittreason. That’s aclaim so moronic that Salon.com (yes, Salon) hasan article pointing it out beforehurriedly burying the “vast right-wing collusion conspiracynarrative” theirown site’s been pushingwith the old “all Republicans are morons” line like a wee dogfuriously kicking sand over its scat. Meanwhile, CNN is once again ina class of its own - not because of their hysteria but becausethey’re nowreporting on what their right-wing news competitors are saying:
Raheem Kassam, editor-in-chief of BreitbartLondon, reacted to the story of Donald Trump Jr.’s newly-releasedemails in a way that wouldn’t typically be expected from someone atthe far-right outfit, which is a reliable supporter of PresidentTrump.
“So like, this is straight up collusion,”he wrote in the news outlet’s internal Slack, according to atranscript of the conversation obtained by CNN. “Right?”
Yes. Somehow, CNN knows what Brietbart is sayingon their own fucking internal Slack account. I guess hacking is okaywith CNN when they’re doing it - that is, assuming they’re not justmaking shit up again. But the best lines in that “coverage of thecoverage” were these:
Fox News’ first response was relative silence.While CNN and MSNBC went into full coverage on the story, Fox Newsonly briefly visited the topic before moving on to other news, thenreturning to it later.
Eventually, as the story developed, Fox beganto cover the revelations more aggressively. But the network neverwent into non-stop breaking news coverage as CNNand MSNBC did.
Non-stop, indeed. Given that thefacts can be related in literally 23 words (shady Russian lobbyistscores meeting by promising Trump Jr. Hillary dirt, babbles aboutadoption treaties for twenty minutes before being shown the door,) weall know that it was the same as CNN’s usual “non-stop breakingnews coverage” of anything:
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But not that fucking Fox News, oh no! Theyreported the facts,and then moved on and came back later,afterthey’d found more facts,toreport those. Andthey call themselves journalists.Tsk.Therealjournalists are hunting down everyonewho was standing in the room,everyone who might have possibly known someone standing in the room,andlabeling them “mastersof the dark arts.” That is not a joke. That is the actualfucking headline. YERA WIZARD, DONNY! THE VODKA DRINKERSARE COMIN FOR YA! Finally,an immigrant the Democrats don’t like. Maybe extreme vetting would’vefound his DarkMarktattoo in time, eh? Or maybe the Azkabanstamp in his passport? Isthat a wand in yer pocket or do you have Hillary’s e-mails for me? Oh, man. But the absolute bestpart of all this is how they’re pawing at everyone’s shins andwhining and spinning little circles because nobody else wants to play- theWaPo is whining about how Trump’s still bullying them as Fake Newsand CNN’s whiningabout those damn pro-Trump media outlets doubting the meeting evenhappened. How can they keep getting away with it? Maybe becausethe mainstream media is sodistrusted nowthat morethan half of Trump’s supporters don’t even believe the meetinghappened, despite Trump Jr. verifying it andreleasinghis e-mails about it.
Allof this - all the tail-chasing, frenzied yapping and excitedurination - is absolutely hilarious,becauseit all amounts to fucking nothing.If Vladamir Putin himself had been lowered from the sky by a chorusof singing angels, moonwalkedto the top floor of Trump Tower and handed Trump all of Hillary’ssecrets engraved on sacred stone tablets, it’d still amount to jackshit.It’sthe same basic fact that’s undermined the left’s vague “collusion”narrative from the beginning - itdoesn’t matter one damn bit who dug up Hillary’s misdeeds in theelection, because theevidence proves it’s true. Hillarywas damaged by her owncampaign’s internal e-mails - youknow, the bald and unvarnished truth of a fawningmedia’s collusion, solicitations of multimillion dollar campaigndonations from the heads of foreign governments and what Democratsreally think of minority voters. 1 + 1 still equals 2 even ifHitler’s the one drawing it on the blackboard. That’s precisely whythe left has relied on constant dark rumor-mongering using a specificscary word, “collusion,” that connotes all manner of shadydealing and wicked deals on the docks at midnight - even though“collusion”literally isn’t a crime. In other words, Robert Mueller - whomeven WaPo admits is trapped in a rad bromance with Comey, andwho’s staffing his Special Probe withlawyers that donated almost exclusively to Democrats -literally has nothing to investigate. Buteven the court of public opinion can’t convict, because no matter howyou look at it, standing in the same room as two Russians for 20minutes isn’t collusion.
Thedefinition of collusion, accordingto Merriam-Webster, is “secret agreement orcooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose.”Note the agreementor co-operation bit. Assenior CNN producer John Bonifield was caughton tape openly admitting, it’s common knowledge that governmentsare alwaystrying to influence politics - and even elections - in othercountries. After all, aCongressional investigation found that Obama’s State Department gavehundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to an Israeli advocacygroup trying to oust Prime Minister Netanyahu (who refused tokiss Obama’s ass on the Iran nuclear deal,) so it’s not a bigsurprise or anything. Nor is meeting with agents of a foreigngovernment, considering that a Ukrainian-American Democratic NationalCommittee operative was caught meeting with theUkrainian embassy in Washington to try and sabotage Trump. Thepredictable justifications (Ukrainians are the Good Guys and Russiaare the Bad Guys) ignore that Ukraine is a big,ugly, corrupt mess, and that the pro-Russian rebels that Putin’spretending his regular Russian army units are actually doexist (just not nearlyin those numbers) and that the Russian intelligence services - andcrony capitalism oligarchy - doubtlessly have tentacles everywhere inthe beleaguered nation. Afterall, left-wingers were whining about Trump’scampaign manager Manafort meeting with Ukrainian businessmen, anda senior Democratic PAC adviser was attacking Scott Walker forreceivingdonations from a “pro-PutinUkrainian businessman,” so clearly they’re not above suspicion- according to theexact same people who were chumming with them, at least!
Lefties havealways known this all amounts to jack diddly shit, which is whythey’ve been using the word collusion,specifically. As I’vesaid before, the way the media get onto the same page - nay, theexact same buzzword, nighinstantly, is never an accident. “Collusion”by definition means “agreement or co-operation.”Governments influencingothers elections by slipping favored candidates tips on theiropponents dirty laundry is nothing new. Governmentsaiding one campaign in return for agreed-upon favors at a later dateis another. Democratsare alleging that Trump and co. sold out to the Russians, so nowthey’re in Putin’s pocket. Thatwas the point of the lurid fanfiction document about Russian hookerspissing on Trump, to allege that he was “vulnerableto Russian blackmail,” and that’s why Democratsand the US intelligence community deliberately spread that pack oflaughable lies around. And they knowthisisan impossibly ludicrous thing to sell, which is why they keeprepeating vague ominous nothings about “collusion” and keepreporting on everything Trump does in the context of the imaginary“ominous cloud” they’ve industriously created themselves for the express intent of throwing shade.
I delayed this post for a bit just to collect morecommentary in my inbox - and not just because it was hilarious(DRUMPF BLOWN OUT ZOMG LOL) but because I hoped it’d be revealing.And indeed it was: consider this one again: 
And, well, “part of Russia and itsgovernment’s support for Mr Trump”. Ruse or not, the intent fromthe campaign’s side is clear, and motive goes a long way in aninvestigation and court.
Every single news story I’ve seen on it havequoted almost those exact lines - the Russian’s email proclaiming hispotential offer as “part of Russia and its government’s support,”and Trump Jr’s skeptical approval, “if it’s what you say it is, Ilove it.” This is what they’re trying to spin as “intent tocollude.”
So how about wereadthe actual goddamn emails, eh?
On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstonewrote:
Good morning
Emin just called and asked me to contact youwith something very interesting.
The Crown prosecutor of Russia met withhis father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered toprovide the Trump campaign with some official documents andinformation that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings withRussia and would be very useful to your father.
This is obviously very high level and sensitiveinformation but is part of Russia and its government’s support forMr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.
What do you think is the best way to handlethis information and would you be able to speak to Emin about itdirectly?
I can also send this info to your father viaRhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.
Rob Goldstone
There it is, inas many words - an offerto expose Hillary’s shady connections with “Russia.” That’san outright offer to provide dirt - and as LizPeek points out, this offer came shortly after the book “ClintonCash” was published, which exposed a shit-ton of the ClintonFoundation’s lucrative dealings with Russian businessmen. Even theHillaryapologists at politifact couldn’t deny that Bill Clinton receiveda half millionfucking dollar speaking fee forgiving a speech - from a Russian investment bank calledRenaissance Capital which isvery, very much tight with the Kremlin:
Personal connections and a commitment to Russiahave proved critical to Renaissance. Jennings and other execs got toknow many junior officials in the early 1990s who have risen tosenior positions in the Kremlin and at the central bank. RenaissanceDeputy Chairman Robert Foresman has advised state-owned Gazprom,giving him access to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.At a Renaissance investor conference in June speakers includedFinance Minister Alexei Kudrin and Arkady Dvorkovich, aide to RussianPresident Dmitry Medvedev.
Andlet’s not forget Sergei Magnitsky, a Russan lawyer whofingered Renaissance Capital as part of a massive government-involvedtax fraud scheme, was arrested by said government, then murdered inprison to keep him silent. These guys are dirty as hell.
Nospeech, not even from God himself, is worth a half-millionfucking dollars a pop. That’sa hefty ass-kissing “donation”, any way you look at it - and beforeHillary became Secretary of State, Bill pulled down that half-miljust twice. After she became SecState, he got a half-mill forspeeches eleventimes.
Anddid I mention that Bill wasbeing paid a half-million dollars for fucking nothing around the sametime Hillary was pushing for approval for Russiato buy a controlling interest in Uranium One, one of the largesturanium mines in America?
Nowconsider that - given Russia’s crony capitalism/mafia stylegovernment (as exemplified by Renaissance Capital’s tight ties withthe Kremlin) and the constant murder of journalists or anyone elsewho could spill the details on these things (including Magnitskyhimself,) the only people who wouldhave this informationwould be “The Russian Government.” That’sexactly why the email offer mentioned it - it was mandatory to bebait the hook.
Andthis is why the media have very, very carefully omitted that lineabout Hillary’sconnections with Russia, andexactly why Trump Jr. tweeted out the emails himself - becauseit makes it screamingly obvious that his “intent” was to getproof of Hillary’s shady dealings and misdeeds. Hedidn’t promise any favor trading with the Russians, he didn’t promiseto to give them “special consideration,” and he didn’t promise tohost Putin’s fucking birthday party, either. That isn’t“collusion,” by definition.
Mindyou, the Russians were definitely up to no good. The lawyer,Natalia Veselnitskaya, spent all her time in Washington and environslobbying against anti-Russian sanctions -after receiving special clearance to enter the country fromLoretta Lynch herself. (Gee,ain’t that funny?) Oncethere, she spent most of her time trying to lobby for “making itlegal for Americans to adopt Russian orphans again,” banned by aRussian law that was retaliation for what she reallywanted to lobby against, the Magnitsky Act - economic sanctions onRussia, named after the whistleblower murdered after he ratted on thecompany that later stuffed 500 million dollars into Bill Clinton’ssticky pockets. Thiseditorial details why the Magnitsky Act really chaps Putin’s ass,but that act itself,likethe orphans/adoption thing, just a way to open up the topic ofanti-Russian economic sanctions. Considering that the ~masterof the dark arts~Americancitizen lobbyist that translated for her is ex-KGB, and thatNatalia droppedher promised Evidence On Hillary to launch right into her lobbyingspiel, it’s pretty clear what the goal was. Most likely, she wasshilling the same Kremlin bullshit she’d pushed everywhere else, withthe promised Evidence Of Hillary’s Crimes a bullshit lie to get inthe door. Or at absolute worst, she was trying to dangle a potentialpromise of ~evidence~ in return for potential or implied promises ofTrump’s future administration to lower sanctions on Russia (whichhe’s refused to do, by the way.) At best she was wasting TrumpJr’s. time, and at worst she was trying to solicit a deal - i.e.,collusion.
Andthat’s about when Trump Jr. showedher the door.
Evena fucking dog figuresout that you didn’t actually throw that ball after a few seconds oflooking for it, but the media’s still yapping like they finallycaught that invisible car they’ve been chasing. They’reso completely and utterly absorbed by their own narrative thatthey’ve come to believe it themselves. It’d be cute if they weren’tgrown adults with collegedegrees, you know? IfSatan himself had slithered out of a flaming crevasse andhanded Trump Jr. Hillary’s banking statements on a dead-babyparchment scroll, it still wouldn’t fucking matter unless they hadTrump Jr. signature on a contract selling his soul for it. Andwhat they’ve got now is a campaign operative saying “fuck yes Iwant an October surprise to dunk my opponent with!” Andthis is before you getto the Democrats colluding with Ukrainians at the same time they wereattacking Ukrainians on Trump’s side for being evil andsuspicious, before you weigh theClintons having a corrupt Kremlin-complicit bank stuffing cashin Bill’s pocket as Hillary sells out our biggest fucking uraniummine to the Russians, and before you weigh Loretta Lynch personallygiving that Evil Russian Lawyer permission to enter the country inthe first place.
Andthey honestly don’t understand why nobody believes them. Thegiggles that keep on giving. It’s amazing. 
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reddpropaganda · 8 years
Is it just me, or are both anti SJWs and SJWs annoying? A lot of them act similar, just with difference beliefs. Imo, it doesn't seem like their that different. A anti SJW said that aroace ppl are oppressive and they have it better than 'REAL' LGBT ppl. But turns around and says nobody is oppressed or oppressive. It's hypocritical imo. I want to believe them but ppl like that are annoying.
Well, paraphrasing what a certain mutual once said: 
“Half of antis think that having an opinion about anything serious makes you an extremist nutcase who just needs to sit down and realize how great the status quo is, the other half are edgy 4-chan clones who think the government doing anything to help poor people is comparable to the most violent, oppressive communist regimes to exist[…]
“Most of these types are just people who don’t give a shit about anything. They’ve got it made, so they figure anyone that can’t make it in our toxic cut-throat society just need to work harder and stop being so weird.”
I’ve seen this particular subset referred to as social injustice warriors once or twice. They’ll try to play devil’s advocate and proactively look for ways to defend or even justify these sorts of events just to spite the opposing side. Rarely do they ever look at something earnestly and say “yeah, that’s wrong” or “that didn’t need to happen.” Because it’d be agreeing with them sjws and “I ain’t no trigglypuff!” Like how they cheered when some protesters got ran over, the Uncle Dave controversy and how he used the n-word against a black man and it was “justified” or the Luxray drama where she was literally calling herself a Nazi, against race mixing and began spouting anti-semitic rhetoric, or AFPE harassing others while the anti-sjw crowd still staunchly defends that behavior. There is definitely a lot of double standards going on.
They get so caught up in being anti PC that they forget to have basic human decency over actually terrible things. They’ll claim to be against it but then, engage PC culture– just in the favor of (x) group instead of this other group the sjws support and not even realize the irony. For example: “Nazism is just a different opinion uwu” They take “don’t be offensive” as an attack to their free speech and will throw tantrums like children then cry censorship when you don’t want to platform them. Look; if your only motivation for using a stigmatized word is to prove a point about your free speech capabilities, good for you. We’re all impressed you know how to say a slur. Oh, look. I can do that, too. Oh, so can anyone else since we learned how to talk. 
Point is, you shouldn’t want to use harmful language to begin with. Especially not for some petty internet argument’s sake or “baiting le lefties” or whatever. It’s just cringey and attention seeking. Once you’re at that stage, you should probably consider other hobbies. If your entire philosophy revolves around offending others, you’re boring. You can say what you want. No one can take that right away from you. Just be aware it kind of makes you an asshole to most if you do and it’s a you problem if you can’t handle being told that. Don’t act surprised when people react negatively like you’re free of criticism while you berate sjws like the it’s your job. Also, I’m not of the opinion that oppression is all or nothing. I admit, I used to have that line of thinking as well. 
Anyone can be oppressed if the subject is acting as an oppressor. On basis of class, race, etc. Yes, anyone. Not limited to the third world. Take a black man who voted against gay marriage for instance. A white gay person is a minority in this case without much power and would be affected negatively. Or a rich woman closing a homeless shelter to replace it with a clothing store; a homeless man that depended on the resource is harmed. There’s such a thing as “microagressions” as well. Our own set of problems shouldn’t go unchecked just because they have it worse. We should try to improve on things where we can, right? America has many freedoms so we are one of the most LGBT friendly countries but, it’s far from having no issues at all. As evidenced by the President electing a guy that’s okay with conversion therapy.
The way I see it: sjws police what people need to be offended by. Anti-sjws police what people can’t be offended by. Usually by offering their “logic” or, as I call it, “list of reasons why you’re being too sensitive while I downplay an issue and explain that you’re just an overreacting snowflake because I say so.” The same as how sjws are “woke.” They’re two sides of the same coin. They just use a different set of buzzwords. Both groups have the potential to be wrong and equally as toxic and insufferable as the other. That said, I don’t hate anti-sjws or sjws. But, I do have a problem with anti-sjws™ and sjws™. I truly believe there are and do know good people who align to either. And some people or teens are a little misguided and may just be going through a phase.
I guess it’s just always important to remember not to focus so much on labels but, instead the individual actions that define one’s character so you don’t get your head caught too far up your own ass that you can’t keep your mind open to dissenting opinions, no matter which side you’re on.
Huh, what a thought.
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cielb · 5 years
and for more bs. wooo. “I think we should all just relax and laugh at how most of Peterson's critics don't get him. “ yes, he snakes out of answering questions in a straight forward way all the time, while in his own book bitching about people doing this. for instance, you can see how he responds when asked if he literally believes the bible, or what he believes “truth,” is. “Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist. End of story.” yeah, a clinical psychologist who divulges the personal account of his own fucking patient and slut shames her for allegedly getting raped multiple times.  “He also happens to be erudite in expressing his observations of the human condition to an audience. That does not a political demogogue make. “ but....there’s got to be a but. “But, it seems the average Peterson critic is so ensnared in their politically correct critical social theory narrative that they are incapable of a fair and balanced appraisal.” oh that’s, i see. so lobster boy is an erudite psychologist and his detractors are just snowflakes, okay. “They malign his character simply for his addressing the psychological damage caused by the far left’s political correct thought police and their misguided application of neo-marxist critical social theory” conservatives: SJWS need to stop using buzzwords like “patriarchy,” or “microaggressions,”  also conservatives: anything i disagree with is “neo-marxism/ cultural marxism,” and i won’t explain exactly what that is but is has to do with bossing people around and creating a new order that is unnatural, i guess? thus any criticism by feminists or lgbt rights activists means they’re marxists who want to controllll you not that they want equal rights.  “...to undermine the rights and responsibilities of the individual. Peterson is castigated by these people for identifying the cause and correction of the current widespread psychological damage these people are causing.
Since those who are at the polarized extremes of the political spectrum are mostly incapable of impartial observation,” ah, the good old, us centrists are the more reasonable ones....even though your idea of what the “center,” is are defined relative to whatever culture you happened to be sharted out of and thus assuming moderation is inherently rational is just intellectually lazy. oh, also, yay. nice job blaming minorities, the poor, disabled, and le gays/trans for their problems. great class analysis there. very clever. if we point out obvious disparities in wealth, police brutality, poorer k-12 education, homelessness caused by unaccepting parents, landlord bullshit, etc. that shows discrimination, we’re radical neo-marxists. we’re just feeding a victim mentality. if you just had a better attitude, you wouldn’t be fucking poor, silly! fuckity fuck fuckkkk.  “we should be prepared for quite a bit more Peterson name-calling and character assassination.” he himself has a martyr complex. he’s a white, heterosexual man with a fucking Ph.D., but he has to somehow be a martyr. if that is by defending traditional values with weird pseudointellectual postmodern word salad, and then getting booed by college lefties, than so be it.  like, it’s apparent he has a martyr complex and the fact he is Christain cements it you can see how christians in the u.s. act like they’re persecuted when it’s so obvious they aren’t. ugh.  “We should just laugh at it because all they are really doing is showing how disconnected from humanity they actually are.” you know who’s disconnected from humanity? or at least, female humanity? Jordan B. Peterson. Because he spent so much time talking about a female patient who he paints as having a tumultuous childhood due to being neglected by her father, that in his Freud-esque long debunked psychobabble, he goes on about how that’s the reason she gets drunk and whores around in bars and she was asking for it. Keep in mind this is how he talks in a book he fucking publishes, about a woman who comes to talk to him about how she might have been raped.  THAT is disconnection from humanity.  “In spite of their missionary zeal for social justice through name-calling and character assassination, their observations are mischaracterizations.” The Amazing Atheist and The Bible Reloaded both do great work taking apart his book line by line. TJ Kirk is far from a fucking sjw given he spent years lambasting feminists on youtube, but yeah okay.  “ They are incapable of appraising Peterson fairly. They haven’t cleaned up their own psyches before telling others what to do.” it’s funny because Peterson and other snakes like him will constantly talk about how myopically controlling leftists are, and given the rise of SJWs and political correctness, there’s criticism to be made. but their insistence on traditional gender roles and all this other homophobic bullshit undermines all that criticism because how can you talk about how evillll and controlling the feminazis are when you are nostalgic for a time when men had more power and thus more self worth and how can you bemoan everything is falling to chaos while simultaneously saying leftists are so controlling?  it’s just so hypocritical.  “They will continue to parade their war for social justice while spinning adolescent caricatures of those they fail to understand, and that includes themselves. They don't really understand themselves and that's why they are having such a hard time with Peterson.” to be fair, you have to have a high iq to understand why femininity is chaos. you know....even though it’s mostly white far right young men doing all the domestic terrorism yeah okay the real problem is women and gays have too many rights and i won’t say it aloud cause that’s bigoted but i will dogwhistle the fuck out of it and frame a narrative where that must be the conclusion and then if anyone points it out i will cry victim and my fans will talk about lefties fear mongering.  k bye. 
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givemeyourtired · 7 years
youngfreeradical replied to your post “What happens when you live in the echo-chamber”
You're saying the left has an echo chamber problem? We aren't the party of Fox News, conservative radio, and breitbart. The right is so entrenched in their echo chamber they ignore well established and broadly accepted science. But sure the left has a problem...
@youngfreeradical I never said the Right didn’t have an echo chamber problem either???? Like where are you forming your assumptions from that I magically believe Right-wing media is a-ok peachy keen perfectly correct and full non-biased, because it’s never been any stance I’ve taken.
And the Left DOES have a problem, both sides do. The Left’s problem media are just as abundant as the Right’s, Left-wing media like Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, micdotcom, the-marysue, and even CNN and the New York Times are becoming less and less credible due to very blatant reporting bias, falsifying stories, heavy exaggeration, and/or purposefully leaving out crucial information which does not give the whole picture. 
Both the Left and the Right do this, they know manipulating people’s emotions is the easiest way to sway them to whatever ideological cause you want support for. It’s just sickening that the media which was meant to be unbiased and a source for facts and pure information has become this propaganda machine. The thing is though, everyone knows the Right-wing media is a huge cesspool of tantrum-throwing, info-manipulating idiots, because they’ve never been good at covering up their shit. 
But the Left, we’ve mastered media cover-up techniques by making anyone who opposes our media out to be a close-minded idiot/bigot. This is why buzzwords like “racist”, “misogynist”, “sexist”, “Islamophobe”, “homophobe” etc are thrown around willy-nilly, it’s an easy deflection tactic. Damage your opponent’s reputation and you come out the victor looking like a moral saint by comparison. 
In fact, for many of us Lefties, it wasn’t until Gamergate happened that we had a huge wake-up call that something was severely wrong with the Left’s media. The truth is, the majority of gamers are Left-wing. We are so acculturated to games where equality is a huge pinnacle, where representation of LGBT and various races and cultures are accessible and celebrated. So when GG happened and we began calling out blatant news corruption and bias, our own media mercilessly slandered us with all those deflectionary labels I mentioned above. They churned out hit piece upon hit piece, and often never bothered to interview members of our community to get both sides of the story, which is very journalistically unethical. 
So it put a lot of us in disbelief that our own side’s media could be so conniving, a phase after which, we decided to not let media manipulate us so easily again. So yes, both sides’ medias are problematic af, just the Left’s is still trying to convince everyone they are blameless and pure and that’s a bold-faced lie.
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drcontrarian · 8 years
I found a piece of writing to share. It is pretty 'out there'. Fasten your seat belts.
I am releasing some extracts on the blog here, and the whole book (PDF) will be given for free (yes, I have the rights to do so) to those who subscribe to buildcareerskillss.com (click on the image)
Do you suffer from the desire to be successful? Do you aspire to a great career? A job in management with a six-figure salary, gold frequent flyer card and an expense account? If so, reading this book may be the worst thing you can do. It is a dangerous book if you aspire to be a successful manager. The knowledge that you may acquire is a classic double-edged sword: you gain the knowledge but you lose the option of failure.
After reading it, you will have no more excuses to fail in the corporate world. I shall reveal the secrets of the Brotherhood of Management. I am the magician who breaks ranks with his colleagues and cohorts and reveal the secret inner workings. I will show what is behind the ‘curtain’ – what really happens in those meetings behind closed doors. 
But let me warn you. This book does not contain The Answer. There is no ‘Next Big Thing’. I am not a wannabe consultant here to sell you the next buzzword dressed up as a panacea. It is not a one-chapter book that has ten chapters. It is not padded with pithy examples of why the world needs the next sexy concept.
For at least three decades our prophets and disciples have published the gospel of the Brotherhood and converted so many of you to believe in the Corporation.
You have been led to believe that it is for the common good. To be passionate. Focus. Adding value. To live your life according the mission statement – to abide by our vision. To align your goals with ours. Synergy. Team work. Everything you thought was good and pure turns out be a gigantic crock of shit.
This message may not be what you want to hear, as the truth is seldom pleasant. The two most likely responses are firstly, denial: ‘What a load of crap’. Or you can get aboard the motorboat of scepticism: ‘But, but, but, but…’ 
Once you have digested it, you may well realise that it may be what you always suspected or it may even be what you feared. You may be disappointed for living your life believing in the magic, which is now proven to be scoundrel’s trick. Whichever way, after reading this you will know the truth. 
It will be easy to dismiss all this as contrarianism simply for the sake of it. The Brotherhood is a seductive and destructive taskmaster. It seduces you with its rewards, but it can destroy your soul in the process. In some ways those people who lack the talent, ambition or willingness to compete on the capitalist treadmill are perhaps blessed in ways that the rest of us do not appreciate.
Even as I climb the corporate ladder, I struggle to reconcile my work, my place in society and my destiny with the environment I find myself in. I struggle to keep faith in the validity and centrality of the marketplace. I recoil from the massive fraud that is perpetuated upon unwitting employees under the name of management. Yet as a trained manager I participate in that activity willingly – even excelling occasionally. But enough is enough.
There was no sudden revelation, but rather a gradual dawning of the horrible truth. As I sat in more meetings, participated in more projects and went through the stages of company lifecycles, the truth emerged as an ugly monster. When God expelled Adam and Eve form the paradise, He meted out a punishment that few realise the extent of. On the other side of the paradise wall is where hell is.
The moral philosopher Denis Kenny  explains the dilemma we face clearly.
“…(T)he most formidable obstacle we face (…) is the imperial ambition of the global market…(T)he new secular religion of the invisible hand of the global market, promising universal salvation, is preached relentlessly and imposed ruthlessly…This rapidly expanding empire is…rapidly creating a monocultural wasteland in which only one value, the cash nexus, will prevail.”
I wish I had said that.
The dilemma I find myself in is that I am at once a private sceptic but a public disciple of the new religion of the open market economy. I am not a closet communist or frustrated leftie – on the contrary. If capitalism did not provide benefits to a majority on wide scale it would not have succeeded as widely as it has. I am concerned about the lack of (serious) debate that this new cosmology has elicited – the unwitting acceptance of its predicates and principles. Kenny refers to mankind as preferring “the less demanding role of a creature submissive to idols of its own making”. What a sad indictment of humanity that is. 
Managers are the whores working the Temple of Capitalism, plying their trade on innocent passers-by, seducing them with money, fame and a sense of accomplishment. All the while paying their dues to the Pimp of Productivity.
Strangers (and sometimes even enemies) who have been thrown together by the vagaries of chance in so-called teams are not natural. But that is the way it is. And at the vanguard of the open market economy are the managers; desperately trying to control the beast created by entrepreneurs. 
It gets pretty juicy later on. Be sure to put the blog in your RSS feed, or subscribe at career builder site and get the whole thing. (I have to still complete some formatting to make it available in PDF, so it should be ready later today, but subscribe anyway by clickin on the image below.)
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