#yes he’s just the weird kid on the block yes he’s also an ambassador yes he also goes on mysterious trips to find the most unheard of shit
rosellerivers19 · 12 days
Kirishima with glasses?
So recently I kinda jumped back into the MHA fandom I watched the first 5 seasons as they came was apart of the 2020-2021 MHA crowd but wasn’t like super in the fandom just watched the anime and some gacha videos because I was a gacha kid.
still remember todobakudeku. Back then I wasn’t homophobic but I wasn’t definitely like my today self in which my favorite romance genre is gay idiots falling in love.
also the only gay ship I knew and liked is Ennard x Mike from FNAF yes I know it was a time.
For ships my main ones in MHA were the straight ones because they were cute and I also had no personality like I was really against crackships and stuff despite shipping Jelsa yeah old me was a bit weird.
And jokes on me because I end up being crackships ambassadors now.
Anyway recently with the news of MHA manga ending I wasn’t well that like interested because I haven’t touched MHA’s anime since season 5 and had fallen out of it getting obsessed with Naruto.
But I did have thoughts or binge watching all of the episodes to get caught up and then to make things better I read a kacchako fic. I’ve always like kaachako it was cute and ended up on Twitter fyp sometimes.
I also was going through a reading block so I wanted to actually read something and found a fanart for a fanfic and started reading some kaachako fics the author also ended up writing a Kiribaku one.
I read it out of boredom but ended up being obsessed with the ship by the end of it because god damn it they’re adorable 😭.
So now I’m obsessed with Kiribaku DESPITE the MHA ending I’ll never like you Bakudeku (like the dancers sometimes though). im reading tons of fanfics and starting to actually draw MHA art which will probably end in my WIPS but oh well.
I’m currently in season 2 of rewatching the anime because I kinda wanna make a Kiribaku fanfic in the future based on the canon ending to the manga so you’ll get news about that soon (it’s gonna be angst and fluffy)
Anyways I saw a post about pushing the Kirishima with glasses agenda so here is my contribution.
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Isn’t he just so adorable 🥰
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nicohate · 2 years
still think nicobook shouldn’t have taken place in tartarus / been abt that kind of stuff at all - nico’s a weird character that we see thru other’s perspectives + some of his own dialogue in boo and i think it should’ve stayed that way. love him being mysterious already but would’ve been funnier to have a book of his travels that would just lead to more questions bc that’s just how he is 🤹
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Schoolyard: 7
You go out into your living room. “We’re going home.”
“What?” Sif asks looking up from her phone.
“The hospital won’t allow me to work until Thor and my annulment is over so there’s no point in being here.”
“You don’t want to see any family?”
“My dad is still working, he and my mom are in Japan so I wouldn’t see them anyway. Jane was the only other person I really wanted to see and you saw how that turned out.”
“We can go whenever you want. The jet is at the airfield we just have to call in the crew.”
“Will you please? I want to go as soon as possible.”
“Call Thor.” Bryn says and you frown, “honestly he’s driving me crazy. Please just call him.”
“Fine!” You go back into your room and drop down onto the bed then video call him.
“Hi Elskede.” He says softly, he looks like he’s just woken up and when you look at your watch you realize for him it is nearly six am and that Bryn is a liar.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve waited. I forgot about the time difference.”
“No it’s okay. You look upset.” You nod then promptly burst into tears. “Oh Elskede.” He soothes and it just brings on more tears. You spill everything, how horrible Jane was and how it made you feel like such a shitty friend even though you’d done your best to reach out. How Peter had made a huge deal about you and Thor being married and practically screamed it to the paparazzi who you’re sure are going to sell it to the rest of the world. Then you tell him about work and how all you wanted to do was take care of sick kids.
“What can I do to help?” Thor asks as you finish explaining the last 24 hours to him.
“When I get home I really want a hug.” You tell him and he laughs softly.
“Elskede, that’s the least I can do. Anything you want.”
“Honestly that’s it. You’ve let me vent and cry and now all I want is one of those bone crushing hugs you used to give me.”
“Nothing else?”
“I’m sure I’ll think of something.” You tease your mood already brighter. Someone knocks on your door, “come in?”
“Sorry to interrupt.” Sif says, “the jet can be ready before midnight.” You glance at the time and nod.
“That works for me.” You tell her glancing over at your almost completely packed bag.
“You’re sure you don’t want to stay longer Elskede?”
“Positive.” He nods and you lay back on your pillow. You’re still chatting with him when a loud noise from out in the living room catches your attention.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Okay.” You lay the phone down and climb off your bed then open your bedroom door.
“Is everything okay?”
“Dr. Foster is attempting to gain access.” Bryn tells you, you notice the gun in her hand but don’t say anything.
“We don’t know.” You sigh and move toward the door but Sif stops you.
“Are you sure you want to do this again?”
“Yea.” You pull out the stop then open the door.
“What the hell. Why wouldn’t the door open.”
“Didn’t know if you told Peter where I lived or not and if he had a key.”
“He came to my work Jane. Screamed about how I was married to a prince and how you’d told him everything. Just loud enough for the paparazzi to hear.”
“And I’m sure that’s all my fault.”
“Hell yea it is! I asked you to keep that to yourself!”
“I don’t keep secrets from my boyfriend.”
“Just your best friend then huh.” You snap and she glares at you.
“I just came to get some of my shit.”
“You know what? Just keep the fucking place. Thanks to your boyfriend I don’t have a job here anymore and Asgard and Thor already feel more like home than this fucking city does anyways.” You sneer before turning on your heel and heading back to your room. You grab your bag, shove the few things you took out back into it then grab your phone.
“I’ll call you back.”
“Elskede.” Thor starts before you hang up on him.
“Lose my number until you lose the shit attitude.” You tell Jane before blowing past her Sif and Bryn hot on your heels. When you get downstairs you’re horrified by the amount of press outside your place.
“Can we take you to the embassy now?”
“Fine.” You agree and the two women flank you on either side then hurry you out the door. The paparazzi start screaming the second they realize it’s you but you keep a passive face, you don’t look at them and you follow Sif and Bryn’s directions to the car. When you pull away some of the paparazzi follow you but Bryn easily loses them.
When you pull up to the embassy it Bryn hardly slows down. The gates swing open for you and slowly shut behind you while two guards block the drive. When the car stops Sif opens the door and you climb out then follow her into the embassy.
“Your Highness, welcome! I’m Tyr, the ambassador. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He’s a burly older man with a long white beard and shoulder length white hair.
“Thank you for allowing us to spend a couple of hours here. It’s much appreciated.”
“Of course your Highness. Is there anything I can get you?”
“No thank you.” You tell him as your phone starts to ring, you’re not surprised to see that it’s Thor. “Excuse me the Crown Prince is calling.” He nods and you step away putting the phone to your ear.
“Just wanted to check in. Did you make it to the embassy okay?”
“Yea, I’m just ready to be home.”
“It’s been weird without you here Elskede.”
“Can we do a long weekend when I get back? Before Spain?”
“That should be fine, where do you want to go?”
“Surprise me.” You tell him and he hums softly.
“I have to go though Elskede. I’ll see you when you get back. Have a safe flight.”
“Okay, bye.” You hang up then join Sif, Bryn and Tyr again.
“Everything alright?” Sif asks and you nod.
“If you have things to do you don’t need to host us. We’ll just be here for a couple hours.”
“Are you sure Your Highness?” You nod, “is there anything I can get you first?” You glance over at Sif and Bryn but both shake their heads.
“We’re good. Thank you.” He nods again then leaves the three of you in the sitting room.
You read for a couple of hours then head back out to the car and to the airfield. You sleep for most of the flight then take a quick shower and change just before landing. The ride to the palace feels like it’s hours long but when you get there Thor comes bounding out of the building and yanks open your door. You scurry out of the car and into his waiting arms. Thor holds you tightly to him, his chin rests on the top of your head and you let out all the tension you didn’t know you were carrying with a long slow breath.
“I’m so glad you’re home safe Elskede.” He murmurs into your hair.
“I’m glad I’m home too.” You tell him not moving from his embrace as people move around you. “I knew that this was exactly what I needed.” He chuckles softly but doesn’t move, god you’ve never felt so content, so protected, safe and happy.
“We have a meeting with the judge tomorrow then we can go on our trip.” The judge. The annulment. That shouldn’t fill you with so much dread but it does.
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.” Thor tells you and you can hear the smile in his voice.
“Fine.” You finally release your grip on him then his hand ends up in yours, like it always does, and you head back inside.
“Mother wishes to speak with Doodle.” Loki says as they walks past you with their bodyguard Laufey behind them. “Alone.” They add and your eyes widen.
“I told her what happened with your friend. I hope that’s alright.” Thor tells you as you start for The Queen’s rooms.
“Oh, that’s fine. Do you think that’s why she would want to speak to me?”
“I don’t know. I’ll bring you there. We have a charity event at a hospital tonight, will you be alright to go?” As you make your way toward Frigga’s rooms.
“Yes, I don’t want anyone to think they broke me.”
“You have nothing to prove Elskede.”
“I know. I won’t have them think they won. Besides, you’d be so bored without me.” You tease and he chuckles softly.
“I’ll have some dresses sent for you.”
“Thank you.” You tell him as you come up to Frigga’s door. He nods, presses a kiss to the side of your head then leaves you to his mother.
Tag list:
@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thesassmisstress @eralen @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @valsworldofcreativity @gaitwae @blackwidownat2814
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
For fake title: still waters (run deep) character: Shisui and or theme: Uzushio
The fisherman doesn't look surprised when Shisui arrives, not by the suddenness of his appearance or his age or the fact that, excepting the crow on his shoulder, he is entirely alone. No, the fisherman is not surprised, but that doesn't mean he's relaxed either: a large man, nearly two heads taller than Shisui with muscle honed through hard work. But it is a civilian level strength. For all that the fisherman is accustomed to shinobi, he is no match for one.
"You're headed to Uzushio, huh?" the fisherman says, less a question than an accusation without any heat.
"Yes, I am" Shisui answers anyway with a polite sort of cheer; there is a reason why he's the one being sent to Uzushio and not one of his cousins. "Tazuna-san said you're the best at navigating the whirlpools."
The fisherman gives him a skeptical glance which is fair. What Tazuna actually said was that if Shisui was fool enough to go to Uzushio, then this particular fisherman would at least make sure Shisui's fool head didn't get dashed on the rocks of the shore.
But the fisherman shrugs, accepting enough, and tilts his head at a small wooden boat tied to the dock with nets bulging with fish. "That one's mine. Are you in a rush? Because I have to get these to the monger first."
"No, I can wait," Shisui says, because that's the polite thing to do and if this fisherman is his best way to Uzushio then its worth waiting for... except, as Kansoku reminds him with a sharp tug on his hair, he is actually kind of in a rush. Shisui is a shinobi, so of course he's smelled worse, and so he doesn't wrinkle his nose at all when he offers, "Would you like some help? Four hands are faster than two."
"Alright, kid, I'll take you up on that." The fisherman's expression lightens into a wide, friendly smile and Shisui who can't help himself, returns it with one of his own. The fisherman introduces himself, "You can call me Kaiza."
A few weeks ago, Hidden Rain broke their decades-long silence with increasingly concerning news:
Hanzo the Salamander long dead.
A heretofore unknown organization leading the village.
Active recruitment and retainment of various S-rank shinobi.
A grudge against one Shimura Danzo, former council member of Hidden Leaf.
One year--maybe even as little as a month or two previous--would have made this the most momentous occasion in international shinobi politics since the last world war.
Unfortunately, it only just barely makes top three in the past year.
"So, kid," Kaiza says as they're coasting over the waves at a clip much faster than Shisui would have thought possible for the small wooden boat, "You're from Leaf, right?"
"Yes." It's literally on his forehead and more straightforward than some of the other villages' symbols, but Shisui gives him the benefit of the doubt. Kaiza is a civilian, after all. And to be fair, some of the Uchiha elders were considering changing it to match the new regime, but Fugaku-san--sorry, Hokage-sama, Shisui's still getting use to it--felt it would be best to at least try to maintain a semblance of stability.
He doesn't know if news of Konoha's turmoil has reached this far. Or if the people of Wave even care. They certainly didn't bat an eye at Shisui's questions of their new neighbor--old neighbor? returned neighbor?--all incurious shrugs and silence or entertaining but unhelpful tall tales.
"Have you ever met another shinobi?" Shisui asks conversationally, though he already knows the answer to that question. "Am I your first shinobi passenger?"
"I've seen a few Mist ninja from a distance. A very far distance, thankfully," Kaiza responds, casual and earnest; Shisui sees no reason to doubt him. "Never had a ninja join me sailing on my boat before, though. Not one that helped me unload my haul. You're a good kid." 
Shisui has killed more men than there had been fish wriggling in those nets. He appreciates the sentiment anyway. Kaiza is an honest sort of man, Shisui is glad to have met him.
He could use more straightforwardness in his life.
The Mist Rebellion overthrew the Yondaime Mizukage after an almost tidy public assassination and thirty six hours of civil war with minimal casualties.
Terumi Mei, newly coronated Godaime Mizukage, only mentions the "grace and goodwill of allies." Neither of those words particularly apply to the surly looking Momochi Zabuza standing two steps back and one step to the right of her, but if there is another ally in the works they're not claiming the limelight.
Hidden Mist has always been a tumultuous village. Tidiness aside, nothing was surprising about it.
It's strange.
When Shisui pictured Land of Whirlpools, he had a vague idea mostly cobbled together from the grey, cloudy skies of Mist, or the eternal deluge of Rain, or even the foggy, sepia tones of Wave.
He was not expecting clear skies almost impossibly blue and lush treetops tall enough to rival the forests of Konoha. The beach is pink.
It's vibrant. It's strange. There's a giant chakra turtle monster happily splashing in the shallows, waving tendrils in their direction as a greeting.
The sharp jagged rocks and erratic whirlpools between them and the shore are real, at least, so Shisui hasn't been completely fooled, but from the wry, almost apologetic smile on Kaiza's face, Shisui's not great at hiding his hurt.
Kaiza pulls out a decorative coin--what Shisui had thought was some kind of superstitious fisherman charm that he'd touched before they set sail from Wave--and passes his thumb along the surface. After a moment or two, the swirling slows, the water calms, and the passage is traversable. A small figure appears on the pink beach. The giant chakra turtle monster reaches a gentle tendril out and is metaphorically met half way by an arm absolutely minuscule in comparison.
"Don't worry, kid," Kaiza says reassuringly. It's the kind of statement that would be accompanied with a clap on the shoulder, but whether the fisherman can sense Shisui's betrayal or, more likely, he's been around more shinobi and knows better, he keeps his distance. "Tazuna vouched for you and you didn't even get mad when the monger threw a fish at you and said it was a cultural tradition."
Kansoku had been less than pleased and Shisui's shirt still smells like fish. 
"You'll be fine. She'll like you."
There is an oasis in Land of Wind. An earthquake in Land of Hot Springs caused the controlled collapse of a temple and new arrangements of the surrounding town's infrastructure. A dilapidated and forgotten shrine in the outskirts of Land of Fire was completely relocated across the ocean. Only the first has any sort of influence on shinobi politics and even that has more to do with the Yondaime Kazekage's sudden attitude adjustment than anything else.
But the revival of a nation thought long dead with the power to back it up?
Well, even if Konoha is still struggling to cobble together a government, it's the sort of occasion to send one of their best and brightest as an ambassador even if there's no firm idea what might be on the other end of the journey.
"Hello, Uchiha Shisui of Hidden Leaf," says the girl on the shores of Land of Whirlpools. Somehow, even with the grown man twice his size and the giant chakra turtle monster, she's the scarest thing on the beach.
Which is still bafflingly, vibrantly pink.
"I heard you were asking questions about Uzushio," she says, with a smile as dangerous and beautiful as the land she's made her home. "Let's talk."
A/N: Sometimes, you’re in a writer’s block and a prompt just punches you into the right headspace. Thank you, damnsmartblueboxes. (You know I have so many Uzushio feelings, how dare you! :D)
If anyone wants to ask me questions about this, please do. Please.
Oh, but I should clarify here: this was written intending to be in a post-Split Gardens!verse. But if you’re reading this you probably have already read some of the Gardens!verse stuff so...
Also, yes, Kaiza is the fisherman who would’ve been killed by Gato and now kinda works for Shikako as a more active and less suspicious Sazanami from the Land of Stone Arc. I mean, kinda all of Wave works for Shikako? But in a much more benevolent way than that might imply. They’re fond of their weird neighbor with her giant chakra turtle monster.
(Also, also, yes, Tetsuki Kaiza does get her name from this Kaiza though in the Naruto world she actually never has the name Kaiza. She goes from orphan Tetsuki no-family-name to either Tetsuki Utsugi or Agent Shu. Depending on how fucked her situation is)
Also, also, also: Ask Box Advent Calendar 2020!
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bae-leth · 5 years
Hey, hey, if you’re doing headcanon requests then I absolutely wanna hear your headcanons for Dimitri and Felix back when they were kids. How they met, how their relationship was like growing up, that kinda thing!
crawls out of bed.
did you say…. felix and dimitri??? Oh…..oh gosh. it seems like…. my hands are moving of their own accord …. you have Awakened me, anon….
Felix did not want to be Dimitri’s friend at first.
Dimitri was so… excitable. Constantly smiling, horribly popular, and so happy. Felix felt tired whenever he so much as looked at the young prince.
Why would he need the prince as a friend, anyway? Sure, he’d be a useful connection, but Felix couldn’t see how exactly he was meant to approach him.
Flattery? False affections? Lies? No, thanks. So much effort - and for what? He’d much rather stay away.
So when the king holds a social gathering for all the nobles in the kingdom, and all the other noble kids decide to flock around the prince and completely block off the food table, it’s safe to say that Felix is annoyed.
He just wants the sandwiches, but noo, the prince has to attract a fanclub? And leave him hungry? Fantastic.
So he just stays back and sulks. All he wants is some food so he won’t starve, but’s stopping him? Oh, that’s right. The prince! Grrr.
Felix’s parents try to get him to socialise with the others, but he’s having none of it. He hasn’t had much luck with friends before (something about his moodiness? They called him moody -) and he doesn’t need them now. He prefers to be alone, you know?
So he escapes from the ballroom (without any food :( ), and ends up in the castle gardens to contemplate.
(What’s with this weird twinge in his chest when he thinks about friends, anyway? It’s annoying. He doesn’t like it.)
Just as he’s about to doze off on the garden bench, Felix is suddenly jerking upright, because he’s hearing the tell-tale sounds of wood clashing with wood.
He follows the sound, somewhat apprehensively, and who does he find? None other than the prince himself, slashing away at a training dummy with ferocious determination!
Felix is actually kind of impressed at his stamina (read: kind of. Only kind of) and ends up watching him for quite some time - that is, until Dimitri spots him and waves him over.
Felix goes ‘ABORT ABORT ABORT HE FOUND ME’ in his head, but stays put as the prince marches over to him.
Dimitri: Hello! I haven’t seen you before. :D Would you like to spar with me?
Felix, internally: LET ME SHOW YOU HOW IT’S DONE
Felix, externally: Sure. I’ll beat you anyway!
So they spar, and for some reason, Felix really wants to impress the other boy. So, once he finds an opening, he rushes forward with all his strength…
… and he hits Dimitri so hard he stumbles and falls awkwardly, with a sickening crunch and a cry of pain.
Felix is internally panicking. Like, PANICKING.
Dimitri is suppressing tears on the floor, and Felix is just standing there, frozen, going “OH GOD I KILLED THE PRINCE?? AM I GOING TO GET EXECUTED??? IS HE OKAY???”
The guards rush over when they hear Felix yelling, and they take the prince to the infirmary. Felix gets the scolding of his life from his parents, but the pounding in his ears means that he barely listens to them.
His real fear is what’ll happen to him when he sets foot in the castle again. He’s only a kid, but they’re going to banish him, aren’t they? Is he going to find the prince dying? Dead? 
He’s doomed, so utterly doomed -
This is literally the most he’s ever messed up, ever -
Before he knows it, he’s being brought before the king. The king is stern and intimidating, and as coolly as Felix tries to conduct himself, he’s still a child, so he’s quaking.
Dimitri is sat next to the king, arm in a sling. Hey, at least he’s not dead? Still, he looks so impassive…
The king asks him what happened. Not aggressively, but just in a low tone. Felix takes a deep breath, and prepares to apologise profusely and maybe try to salvage his own life
when, out of nowhere, Dimitri cuts in, and proclaims that it was all his fault.
Dimitri: Father, it was me. I tripped and fell. Felix was only trying to help me, I promise!
Felix: ??? (WHAT ARE YOU DOING????)
The king asks them again, but Dimitri persists, and finally the king relents. He gets up, tells his son to be more careful, and tells Felix to enjoy the rest of his stay.
Felix is just like ??????!?!?!?!?!?!? now. Why on earth would Dimitri cover him? He literally broke his arm!
Felix expresses this when they get out of earshot of the throne room.
F: Why’d you help me out back there? I don’t even know you!
D: What do you mean? You’re my new friend - of course I had to help you :D (don’t worry about my dad, he’s a big softie really, he just looks like that when he scrunches up his eyebrows, blah blah blah blah blah….)
In the middle of Dimitri’s rambling, Felix shortcircuits, because???? ‘Friend’??? ‘NEW friend’??? What??? WHat?? Wha-
Felix can’t wrap his head around it. Dimitri wants to be his friend?? Genuinely?? Even though he knocked him to the floor???
(Why does this make him feel so warm??)
Felix decides he should at least say thank you. So, he goes out, makes (yes, makes) an entire batch of sweets, and yeets them at Dimitri the next time they see each other. 
Dimitri only smiles widely, and eats three of them in one go, telling Felix that they’re delicious, and when is he making more? He knows someone who’d love them, and he wants to eat more too, and -
Felix smiles, too, and from then on, a beautiful friendship is born.
They become as thick as thieves, and they run off everywhere. The guards hate them.
In their childhood years, Dimitri’s usually the one who’s dragging Felix toplaces. Not much responsibility yet = more fun!
Felix has to chase after him to make sure he’s not hurt. He’s still kinda wary after the sparring incident, and since Dimitri is as reckless as a boar, he’s resigned himself to making sure his new friend(!) doesn’t go off and lose an eye, or whatever.
Lots and lots of winter activities!
One time, Dimitri convinces him that they’re totally skilled enough to make their own toboggan. (They’re not.)
They make one that’s tiny, and Dimitri says that they can both go on it together, because it’ll be much more fun!
(They crash into a boulder instead, but hey, at least no one’s crying this time?)
They enjoy ice skating, too. Ingrid and Sylvain get dragged along to these - Ingrid is terrible at balancing, but Sylvain is surprisingly great at it.
Faerghus’ Christmas markets are the best thing ever. Authentic hot chocolate, tons of colourful stalls, snow falling thickly and late into the night, faint music ever present in the distance… When they’re open, the duo spend lots of their evening free time there.
Snowball fights. So many snowball fights. They come in afterwards tracking snow throughout the entire castle, and the maids want to cry.
Over time, Felix realises that he is really, really enjoying his friendship with Dimitri. A lot. A bit too much? No - this is fine! This is fine, and he couldn’t be happier.
(ofc, he doesn’t express this out loud, but Dimitri seems like he knows, so…? maybe he doesn’t have to???)
However, as they get older,  Dimitri slowly realises that he has take on more responsibilities and get into Proper Prince Mode in order to win court favour. He’s not cute and smol anymore, and the court won’t take too kindly to him if he continues ignoring his ‘duty’ forever.
Felix understands. He’s the son of a Duke, how could he not?
It doesn’t mean he likes it, though. He hates it, actually. Anything that’d change Dimitri’s beaming grin into a worn and weary expression is something that he’ll hate with a passion.
So! As Dimitri becomes more solemn and more withdrawn, taking on more princely duties, Felix eventually goes ‘fuck it’ and decides to go ham. He’s only a noble, not a prince, so it shouldn’t be that much of a deal.
He’s doing it not only to make Dimitri smile genuinely again, but also because he knows that the prince is bound to look better next to him in comparison. Two for the price of one!
Dimitri becomes the one having to put up with Felix’s tomfoolery and chase him down every time he decides to do, well, anything.
Felix starts to challenge everyone. Ambassadors’ sons, counts, foreign dignitaries … Dimitri is just there going ‘NOOOOOOOO’ and pulling him back by the collar.
Felix is also super straightforward when he’s talking, which Dimitri needs, because he’s the type to make the other person feel marginally better even if their ideas are terrible.
Dimitri: The trade routes you’re proposing aren’t too bad. There might be some improvement needed, but on the whole, they are actually -
Felix: nah they suck lmao
Felix is constantly looking for more daring things to do. Constantly.
F: What would happen if I stole those drumsticks?
D: Felix, no
No matter how hard Felix tries, though, Dimitri gets more and more stressed anyway. His duties pile up and up, and the looming weight of the crown makes him more anxious and self conscious, even though he’s trying his best to exceed the expectations placed on him.
Felix sees this (age 15 or so) and is like. Bitch. Bitch no. Bitch not again. BITCH
So he ups his game, and starts dragging Dimitri back to their favourite haunts - the ones they didn’t have time to go to anymore. NO MORE STUDYING FOR THE PRINCE.
They spend long Faerghus winters doing Everything. Once, they made a snowman in the shape of a particularly snobby Leicester noble and nearly got their heads chopped off for it (he really was ugly, okay??)
Felix gets yelled at constantly for distracting the prince, but does he care? No. Not at all.
(The guards love them, just because they’re so entertaining.)
One time, Dimitri offhandedly tells him about another noble boy their age who was giving him trouble. He’d called him weak and pathetic, and unfit to take the throne, and something else that Dimitri doesn’t want to disclose.
Felix takes one look at Dimitri’s sad smile (that - that bastard made him believe it?) and his mind goes blank. He spins on his heel, and walks off without a word.
He comes back half an hour later sporting a bruised lip. Later, news arrives that the other boy was found bawling in the kitchen, with two black eyes.
Dimitri berates Felix for it for ages (“Why would you do that? I told you it was nothing!”), but he’s touched, too. Felix takes all the blame in the ensuing outcry, and gets aptly punished, but he doesn’t regret it. The guy was a right prick. The black eyes probably make him more attractive now.
Felix openly calls Dimitri a boar in court. His parents sport thunderstruck expressions every time, but Dimitri just beams.
But yes… Felix always makes sure that Dimitri is happy. He covers it up with a lot of insults and snark, but he’s always got his best interests at heart (even though he’s terrible at showing it.)
Before they go to the Officers Academy, Dimitri tells him that he knew what he’d been doing the entire time, and really appreciates it. 
He then goes on to say that Felix is the most precious friend he’s ever had, and he wouldn’t trade him for the world.
… with that exact wording. My god.
Naturally, Felix gets embarrassed. “Why are you so sappy?” he grumbles, cheeks pink. Then, Dimitri hugs him very hard, and Felix goes FUUUUUUUU and short circuits because sahgdsag this is the nicest hug he’s ever gotten????? It’s really nice?????
Of course, he’s not telling Dimitri any of this. Instead, he pretends to be annoyed and punches the prince in the shoulder, before they start to discuss what the future has in store for them.
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chewie-redbird · 6 years
Unwilling Accomplice (Mitch Rapp AU Smut)* completed
Author : chewie-redbird
Word Count : 8,304
Summary : Mitch is sent to take out Aleksandra, the leader of Red Claw, a international smuggling organization. When Mitch gets to the Ruby Tiger in Sofia, Bulgaria, Aleksandra’s base of operations. He unwillingly ends up as Y/N’s accomplice to get to Alexandra and her laptop. As it’s Y/N’s job to retrieve something very special that was taken from a client.
Characters : Mitch Rapp, reader, OC villain, Stan Hurley, Irene Kennedy, Olivia Pope, Quinn Perkins, Huck (mentioned), OC organization, the C.I.A. (mentioned), Orion Team (mentioned) and Pope & Associates
*A/N : OMG I’m so sorry it took a little longer then expected, I kinda got carried away with it. But I hope y’all love it and please leave a comment about what y’all liked or didn’t like! Sorry about spelling, I try to catch them but some might of slipped by! I had a dream about this scenario and I just expanded on it, been writing it for a while, one of the few stories I'm working on. I love to come up with stories and backgrounds and characters, but have a bad habit of losing enthusiasm to continue writing. I apologize in advance, I'm trying to get over this writer's block issue thingy. Also added Olivia Pope and her people because I love….LOVE the TV show Scandal and I made her apart of the reader’s background. I still haven’t finished the series yet cause I don’t want to watch Olivia Pope go! So if there’s inconsistencies….sorry but this is an AU where Olivia and Mitch are in the same universe. Also there's a shout out to the amazing TV show The O.C.! And the beautiful Rachel Bilson’s wonderful character Summer Roberts from the show! 
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As your car pulls up to the front of the club, hearing the muffled beat of the music playing inside. Your driver comes around and holds out his hand for you to take as he opens your door. You step outside with your Eloise Almond Toe Louboutin Bootie clacking onto the pavement. The pin-thin stiletto heel on the almond-toe bootie made from plush red suede and finished with that iconic red sole stands out amongst the night. As you stepped out, your famous red Paris Lace Body-Con Dress by Bardot shines under the street lights. Your bandana red and gold, glazed calfskin Small Kate Chain Crossbody Bag, featuring a gilded pull-through chain strap and interlocking logo by Saint Laurent dangles beside you. As you walk up to the bouncer, you pull out a black plastic card, with just three red claw marks on it. He runs it through a machine and it beeps and glows green, he moves aside as you strut by entering the club.
As you enter the club surveying the place,
“I’m in” you say seemingly to yourself,
“See anyone we know?” a woman’s voice comes through your earpiece,
“Just the usual for an exclusively expensive international club, mid-level goons for multiple criminal organizations, some kids of ambassadors, senators and prime ministers. Hell even some royals are partying up with some upper classers and b-list movie stars. Besides that not really anyone worth mentioning” you smile at some hot guy who walks past you as you make your way into the dancefloor,
“Ok, now what about the target? Do you see her?” another woman’s voice comes through, commanding even over the earpiece,
“She’s not on the…..what a minute…..yes. She’s in her office overlooking the dancefloor like the blueplans show” you state making your way into the middle of the dancefloor swaying to the music blending in perfectly,
“Good, we need to get her laptop Y/N, it has the information we need, you know what happens if this fails” the woman with the commanding voice states,
“Yes boss lady, I know what's at stake, I won’t fail…..” you reply but your voice dies down when you see him.
Mitch’s POV
As he enters the club, the Ruby Tiger, the base of operations for the Red Claw. An international smuggling organization run by a Russian woman named Aleksandra. She smuggles anything and everything as long as she makes a profit from it. She has been a thorn in the sides of multiple law enforcement agencies across the globe. But she’s become such a threat now that the C.I.A. has decided it’s time to end this organization.
Aleksandra hasn’t been caught or arrested as she invokes loyalty from her workers. She actually takes care of those who work for her, even going as to help fund their families; even for those who are arrested or killed in action. If she didn’t give weapons to terrorists, help cartels ship their drugs or smuggle kidnapped victims. Irene had chosen him for the job, sending himself and Stan on standby, making it his twenty-fifth mission.
As he makes his way to the bar, he feels weird like someone is watching him, but as he looks around he can’t figure out where it’s coming from. He orders a drink, turning to lean against the bar looking up at Aleksandra’s office with a cold stare. He quickly looks out to the dancefloor, feeling that same feeling like someone is watching him. With all his skills, he still can’t pinpoint where this feeling is coming from much to his annoyance. But finally giving up, he looks back up to see Aleksandra standing, watching over everyone. He ended up catching Aleksandra’s stare, holding it for a while before she turned away.
As you shake and shimmy to the beat of the music, you continuously keep stealing glances at him, Mitch Rapp. You’ve heard from the grapevine that Stan Hurley’s new protégé was said to rival the likes of even you.
“Y/N, what is it?” the boss lady tone asks,
“Oh just that Hurley’s new puppy just walked in and is at the bar as we speak” you reply nonchalantly,
“Hurley? As in your old boss?” the other woman asks,
“Yes, and by the way his new protégé is watching Aleksandra’s office must mean he isn’t here for a party” you say as you continue dancing,
“Mitch Rapp could be useful or a pain if he gets to her first” the boss lady comments,
“Well he’s not gonna be an issue cause he’s about to be caught” you say smiling to yourself,
“What do you mean? And are you smiling?” the boss lady asks,
“He just had a staring contest with Aleksandra and now some of her men are walking around to see if they need to take him away. And yes I am smiling cause I wouldn’t have gotten caught watching my target. Much like how I'm annoying him as he was looking around earlier looking for the source of his hibby jibbies.” you say smiling still,
“Should I help him out or not?” you ask as you slow down your dancing,
“Mhmm” boss lady says,
“Boss lady, we are losing time” you say moving towards the bar,
“I’m thinking” boss lady replies,
“Think faster cause he’s a lost cause in twenty seconds” you state as slow down looking at your phone quickly,
“Do it, save him!” boss lady orders as you move to get to Mitch.
Mitch’s POV
“Babe! There you are! I was wondering when you’d get here!” he hears this silky voice drag him out of his thoughts.
Looking at where the voice came from when his jaw dropped, seeing this beautiful woman with dark brown curly hair that’s shoulder length. A simple golden A shined brightly on a gold chain, hanging just above her breasts. Her smile illuminated by her bright red lips that made them look plump and so kissable. She put her hands on his chest, her perfectly manicured red nails shined as well as her ruby Classic Square Halo Ring by Lafonn.
“Wha…..” he was about to ask confused as hell,
“If you don’t play along, you’ll be marked, dumbass” this woman whispers to him as she pushes her body flat against him running her hands down his chest.
He just nodded his head as he didn’t trust his voice right at the moment. She smiled and kissed him, being in shock he seen the two men walk by saying he’s just some boyfriend. As soon as they left he went to kiss back but she pulled away, smirking. He looked at her in confusion, wondering why she helped him and who she was.
She giggled as she pulled him onto the dancefloor, swaying to the music pulling him close to her body. He danced with her, wondering why he felt so drawn to her given they just met. He danced with this mysterious woman for a few minutes before he can trust his voice,
“Who are you?” he whispered into her ear as she spun around and pulled him against her back holding his hands onto her stomach,
“Someone who just saved your ass. You know Stan is gonna chew your ear off for almost getting caught” Y/N told him smiling,
“How do you know Hurley? How do you know who I am?” he asked confused, she just smiled,
“You never did your homework did you?” the woman turns around holding him close to her still dancing,
“Someone who’s better than you are” she smirked at him then her attention was elsewhere.
“Y/N, pay attention, it’s time to introduce yourself to Aleksandra” boss lady tells you,
“Ugh fine” you say a little irritated,
“Fine what?” Mitch asks you with that adorable confused look you seen earlier,
“I got to go to work, Mr. Rapp” you tell him then give him a kiss that he returns which ignites a fire in you but you leave him on the dance floor anyways.
You strut away shaking your ass a little more than necessary, as you make your way off the dancefloor. After you knew you lost Mitch’s sight, you made your way to thug near the bottom of the stairs.
“How do you want me to go about this?” you ask the boss lady,
“You could say…..” the other woman was gonna say something but was cut off,
“Use Mitch” the boss lady coldly replies,
“What?!” you reply,
“Use him to get to Aleksandra, tell her he’s there to kill her and when she brings him to her, use him to get to the laptop” the boss lady states,
“......okay, it’ll get done” you reply with a hint of reluctance,
“Don’t fail, or else we will lose our chance to help our client reunite with their precious” boss lady tells you,
“I know, I’ll do it” you reply.
As you got to the thug, he just looked at you through his black shades,
“I have some information for the boss lady” you say simply as he listens to his earpiece, then he motions for you to head up.
You walk up the stairs, wait outside double doors that read “Office of Aleksandra” in blood red cursive letters.
The doors open and you walk in, seeing a beautiful office decorated in wine reds, midnight blacks with a dash of silver. A couple of thugs stand on either side of the way from the door to the desk. A big red chair spun around revealing the golden brown, golden hazel eyed Russian. Her red lips turned up into an smirk that sent shivers down your spine. She tapped her perfectly manicured gold nails on her desk as she leaned forward. Her black Lace Fit & Flare Cocktail Dress by Eliza J shown off her gold Aleksandra on her gold chain.
“Итак, я слышал, у вас есть информация для меня. Теперь скажи мне, почему я должен слушать тебя, а не убивать или выбрасывать? (So, I hear you have some information for me. Now tell me why I should listen to you and not kill you or throw you out?)” Aleksandra asked you as her Russian accent comes out perfectly,
“Я знаю, что кто-то здесь, чтобы убить тебя (I know someone is here to kill you)” you say nonchalantly in perfect Russian which surprises Aleksandra and makes her slightly smile,
“But if you don’t want to hear what I have to say, I can take a hint” you turn around walking out,
“Wait! You speak as if you’re from mother Russia but your skin says otherwise” Aleksandra says making you smile as you turn back to her,
“I spent some time in Новосибирск (Novosibirsk)” you tell her,
“Come, tell me what you know” she says,
“There is an operative of the C.I.A. here to kill you, and not just any operative. A member to the Orion team” you tell her as you move closer to her desk as she thinks over your words,
“Who?” Aleksandra asks as her eyebrow raised,
“Mitch Rapp, that guy who was eyeing you earlier and who I was dancing with” you continue saying nonchalantly,
“Now why are you giving up your dance partner?” Aleksandra asks eye brow still raised,
“I want something in return, like a good business woman you are, you know no good deed is done without something in return” you say to her as she watches you carefully, she laughs,
“Ha, alright, in return for bring to light this bump in the road, I’ll grant you something in return. Now, go, fetch” Aleksandra tells you and then waves her hands at her thugs who began to walk out,
“No wait!” you say a little too loudly as she watches you carefully to explain yourself,
“You have a bar full of people, someone with Mitch’s calibur will surely cause a mess if you send your thugs right now. Let me disarm him and then bring your boys to grab him” you explain rather quickly, surprising yourself with that fast reason, she nodded her head yes as you smile,
“Besides, never send a man to do a woman’s job” you say over your shoulder as you turn and strut out hearing her laugh.
Mitch’s POV
“Ugh fine” she says a little irritated making him pay attention to her again and not looking up at Aleksandra’s office,
“Fine what?” he asks you confused as he didn’t say anything,
“I got to go to work, Mr. Rapp” she tell him then gives him a kiss that he returns which ignites a fire in himself but she leave him on the dance floor.
She struts away shaking her ass making him groan, as she make her way off the dancefloor. After he lost sight of you, he headed back to the bar for a drink. His cell began to vibrate in his pants, he pulls it out to answer it,
“Hey, I’m in position if you need back up which you shouldn’t” Hurley’s voice comes throw the line,
“Thanks for the support…..” he debates on telling him about the woman he just ran into as he took a drink,
“What is it Rapp?” Hurley asks already knowing he wanted to say something,
“There’s a woman here who knows me and you. She says I haven’t done my homework obviously and she is better than me” he replies after a minute of silence,
“What?! What woman?! What does she look like?!” Hurley sounds worried for a moment,
“Uh she’s about 25, (Y/H), (Y/H/C), (Y/E/C), body to die for, voice of an angel, seems trained well and has a confident flirty attitude” he lists off everything he noted while with the mystery woman,
“Mmmm” Hurley thinks,
“Does she sound like someone you know?” he asks his mentor,
“Sorta, but I’m not sure….” Hurley was saying but is interrupted,
“Mitch!” that voice comes floating to him as he turns to she her strut over to him smiling,
“Mitch? Is that her?” Hurley asks,
“Yes” he replies as she gets to him and kisses him,
“Mitch that’s…..!!!!” Hurley starts to say but he shuts his cell phone off to kiss her, which deepens,
“Not hear” she whispers after pulling back for air, she looks around and smiles then pulls him towards the bathroom near the stairway that leads to Aleksandra’s office. He makes a note about the stairs and the thug standing by the bottom for later.
She pulls him passing the thug at the bottom of the stairway, he is pulled into the bathroom and slammed against the door. She kisses him as she locks the washroom, her hands going back to roam his body sending shivers down his spine. She starts to push his shirt up, he leans back as he lifts the shirt off his head and drops it on the ground.
She stands back a little to admire his physique, her hands roaming his chest as her mouths fallows. Kissing all over his chest, feeling his muscles tense and relax under her touch. She kisses his nipples, hearing him release a small moan and see him twitch a little. Her hands roaming down his chest, playing with his hairs on his chest slowly following the trail down to his pants.
He hadn’t been with anyone. Not since Katrina. Yeah, he knows it’s crazy. But something about this woman brought out this part of him. He never even thought he could feel for another woman like this. Yeah he knows it’s unimaginable to be like this, he just met this mystery woman. But she has captured his heart like Katrina did so long ago. He can’t explain it but he feels like his heart beat finally after Katrina died.
(Y/N)’s POV
You continue to kiss your way down as your hands unbuckle his belt, unbutton his jeans, pulling the zipper down as you kiss his defined abs. You look up throw your lashes as he moans slightly, as you throw his gun to the left. He looks down as you pull his pants and boxers down. Your gaze goes back to your destination, as you kneel in front of him, his cock springs out and hits his stomach. You remove his knife attached to his right ankle and throw it with his gun without him noticing. Your mouth waters as it twitches with need to be touched, your hand slowly moves to grab it lightly, making him groan.
His head flies back to hit the door as your tongue licks the precum off his cock, making him release a small moan. He threads his hands through your silky hair, as your mouth envelopes his cock, you start to bob your head and your hand begins to rub what couldn’t fit. You felt so good, he couldn’t stop his moans from flying out his mouth, biting his lip trying to stop them. He looks down at you as you look up at him through your lashes, he groans,
“God, baby, you feel so good” he tells you, you hum in acknowledgement which sent a shiver through him, he could feel his stomach tighten,
“Baby I’m close” he states, closing his eyes, as he feels slightly bad but you uess he hadn’t been with anyone since Katrina. Yeah, you knows it’s insane to feel so connected to him. But something about this man brought out this part of you, a part you shut off since you lost your parents. You never even thought you could feel this love for another person. Yeah you know it’s unexpected that he brightens your world. You just met this man, this complete stranger. But he has captured your heart like nobody else. You can’t explain it but you feel like your heart beats finally alive.
You hum and remove your hands and take him in your mouth fully surprising him,
“Holy shit” he says in shock at the feeling of hitting the back of your throat, he can feel his toes curling in his shoes.
Your free hand moves up his chest as you bob your head almost releasing him and then back down to bury your nose in his curly hairs at the base. You continue your movements while your free hand moves up to his nipple, something he was too occupied to realize. As soon as you played with his sensitive nipple he released a throaty moan and his cock twitched. You stopped your moving, focusing on sucking as you milked him for every last drop of his sweet nectar.
He was panting heavily, as you stood back up smiliming,
“So are you gonna help me out of this dress or what?” you say with a seductive voice over your shoulder as you turn around with your back facing him,
“Absolutely” he states, kicking off his shoes, pants and boxers, he walked up to you as he slipped the zipper down, pushing the dress off your shoulder as he kissed your newly exposed skin.
As your dress pooled around your heels, you stepped out of it, turning around to look at him. He kissed you passionately, making you moan as your bodies hugged close to each other. His hands slid down your back and squeezed your ass, yours scratching down his back leaving red marks. He lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he brought you to the sink, placing you down. He began to kiss down your neck, leaving love bites in his wake, making his way to your chest. He admired and a little bit of shocked that you hadn’t been wearing any underwear,
“It’s too uncomfortable too with that dress” you state as if you read his mind, he just nodded and continued his assault on your chest, making you moan as he kissed around your breasts. You whimpered as he was not kissing where you wanted him to be, so you threaded your fingers in his hair and pushed him against you breasts. He took the hint and enveloped your nipple in his mouth, kissing as much skin and licking your hardened nipple tugging with his teeth as he pulled back. You moaned louder as he switched breasts, using his free hands to palm and play with the other breast.
He smirked at your sounds, which was music to his ears and made his cock start to harden again. He eventually started to kiss down your stomach, along your hips, your inner thighs and licking your skin as he went. You whimpered again, not feeling him at your core, his magical tongue working to push you over the edge into bliss.
“Mitch, don’t tease” you pleaded as he smirked at your request, he did as he was told, he slowly licked your pussy up to your bundle of nerves making you squirm. He kept you still with one of his hands on your hips as the other went to open you up for his tongue, your sweet nectar dripping out. He kept diving his tongue deeper as your moans got louder, he slowly begin to slip his middle finger into you and turning it so it hit your sweet spot. You moaned loudly at that backing up to his finger, your pussy trying clench around his finger.
You can feel his smirk as he continues to eat you out, making you become a moaning mess. He adds another finger, constantly hitting your sweet spot and biting at your nub making you moan louder. He adds another finger and turns his fingers to hit spots you never felt touched before causing you to whimper.
“M-M-Mitch, I’m close” you stutter under the waves of pleasure coarse through you as he hums in acknowledgment, sending another wave through you. He looks up at you smiling, seeing your eyes close in bliss, moans never ending leave your mouth.
“Do it baby, come for me” his words while his fingers picking up pace bring you to the edge and his mouth sucking on your bundle of nerves and lightly bite you again sends you over the edge. You scream in pleasure as he continues to lap at your juices flowing down your thighs. He helps you ride out your high, not stopping his licking of you slurping up as much as he can. He doesn’t stop his assault until you whimper and try to push his head away. He stops and stands licking his fingers clean, you finally peak at him as he patiently waits for you to recover.
“You taste so sweet babe” he tells you as you pull him into a kiss, but not like before this one is sweet, slow and full of emotion. Your hands glide over his chest as his slide up your sides. You reach down to line him up, his hands on your hips,
“Do we need um….” he began to ask,
“No, I’m on the pill and I wanna feel you” you say pulling him closer by his shoulders as he pushes in you. You bite onto his shoulder to wwkeep from screaming, nails leaving red marks down his back as he fills to the hilt. He stays still to allow you to adjust, groaning as he feels how tight you are, kissing your neck. You finally nod to signal him to move, almost gonna say something when he pulls out almost completely to slam back in. Your scream at the movements only egging him on to continue, his hands on your hips leaving bruises.
He keeps rotating from fast and powerful thrusts to slow and meaningful pushes causing you to feel light headed. Darkness appears around your vision, your face contorted in pleasure. He brings your ankles up to his shoulders changing the angle and depth of him in you. You went to scream but nothing came out, voice stuck in your throat, head leaning back against the mirror. He brings his hand to rub your bundle of nerves for added pleasure, this time you release a moan.
You feel the coil tightening, your vision blurring and moans turning to screams. He kept his rhythm going, you feel his other bring your head to his in a heated kiss. He kissed down your neck, finding your pulse point and biting it, the coil tightened and snapped. You screamed in pleasure as your walls clenched around him, nails clawing at his back and head resting on the mirror. Afterwards your orgasm spurred his own on, your walls milking him off every drop he had. He helped you ride them out, stopping only when you tried to push him away feeling very sensitive. He helped you down off the sink on wobbly legs, keeping a hand on your waist to keep you up.
“Wow, that was….” you began when you looked up at him, his taller stature towering over you,
“What makes you think we are done? Unless you wanna stop?” he smirks at you while you gulp, but as he turns you around and pushes you down onto the counter you don’t stop him.
He comes up behind you, spreading your legs, lining up to you again as he rubs your back. He pushes in, you both groan in unison as slowly thrusts into you. He continues this agonizingly slow pace, making you whimper for more,
“You’re going to slow” you tease, smiling knowing he would respond,
“Your teasing me for more huh? Well baby, too bad, deal with it” he states as he continues with his slow movements.
He leaves kisses on your back, marking every inch he can with his mouth, rubbing the bruises on your hips. Your back arches off the counter as your coil tightens again, shocking you completely. He pulls your chest against his, moving his hand to your breast to palm it and kiss you again. You moan into him, his mouth leaving love bites on the other side of your neck leaving no part of you untouched.
The angle he has is now pushing you to your third release tonight, something you didn’t know you could do. Your guys heavy panting the only noise in the washroom, his lips leaving wet kisses down your neck and on your shoulders. One hand playing with one of your breasts while the other went to your bundle of nerves. The overall sensations skyrocketing you to your orgasm,
“I’m close” is all you can mutter,
“Same here babe” he grunts out going faster somehow which with one last thrust.
You scream his name, surely people outside know what is happening in here if they didn’t know already. You kiss him and he kisses back and the emotions spill out of you both. None of you question this sudden wave of emotions in you, just enjoying it while it's there. You see stars explode in your eyes and body becomes boneless as waves crash through you. They only thing keeping you up is him, but his legs are wobbling a little now after he came too after you clenched around him. You feel your mixed juices sliding down your legs, he leaves kisses on your neck. He pulls out and let's you lean against the counter as he stumbles backwards and leans on the wall.
As you finally recover enough, you smile at him and wobbly walk to your dress. You slip it on again, turning back to him, asking,
“Mind zipping it on?” you ask, voice shaky still, he just nods and does so.
You walk over to the corner, bending down to pick up his weapons and your purse he somehow missed you dropping. You place the weapons inside while he is still recovering, looking at the bite mark on his shoulder from earlier.
“Damn babe, you didn’t have to bite so hard” he says,
“I’m sorry, Mitch, but you better dress now” you say not looking at him, he finally turns to you but he sees the door open and thugs with guns walk in.
Mitch’s POV
He looks at her but she never make eye contact, leaving the washroom as he realizes he is weaponless. He is completely speechless, not understanding why she did this to him. He knows she felt what he felt and it’s confuses him to now end as to why. After redressing, they escort him to the office, as he is pushed in, he sees her talking with her, Aleksandra.
“Ah, this must be Mitch. He is much better good looking up close then from up here. Greetings Mr. Rapp, I’m…” the Russian says with a smile that sent shivers down his spine,
“I know who you are” he states codly not taken his eyes off (Y/N), who continues to ignore him.
Aleksandra sees this and smiles even more,
“Right, the whole you’re sent to kill me thing. Can we not do that? It’s bad for business if I’m dead” Aleksandra says nonchalantly,
“Why did you do this? I wanna know” he states towards her, Aleksandra looks over to her too,
“Ah, you didn’t tell him. See she wants something from me, so she traded you for a favor from me” Aleksandra smiles looking back and forth at them, as he tears up and she shutters and looks down at her feet.
“Oh this is too good” Aleksandra laughs making them both look at her,
“Two lovers on opposite sides. Pit against each other. How medieval and Shakespeare-ing” Aleksandra says while still laughing,
“What!?! I don’t love him!?!” she quickly defends herself, waving her arm at him, while the other went to rest on her hip.
“Prove it then” Aleksandra’s Russian accent came out more as she reached for a drawer and pulling put a blade and sliding it to her.
She looked at the metallic blade and then back at Aleksandra, but she reached for the blade and turned towards him. Aleksandra smiled evilly, as she walked over to me, she lean against me and whispered,
“Jump in when you know too” as she stabbed my gut making me groan, missing every important thing as she turned back to Aleksandra who accepted it,
“Well, then, unexpected, so what is it you want in return?” Aleksandra asked her missing the blade was still in me, I was confused as to what she meant,
“Well, I need the location of someone you transported recently” she asked while I caught her venom in her word and by Aleksandra’s look, so has the Russian,
“I’m sorry, all information on paid jobs are sealed and non-optional sweetheart” Aleksandra stated, as she sees the look in her eyes,
“Ah, I see, someone close to you had been, transported, and it left a bad taste in your mouth” Aleksandra says even though it sounds like a question making her hand twitch and clenched into a fist,
“Well darling, I completely forgot to ask for your name, who are you?” Aleksandra asks standing up laying her hands on her desk as (Y/N) stands her ground,
“I’m known by many names, but you can call me черная вдова! (the Black Widow!)” (Y/N)’s Russian perfect as Aleksandra’s smile faded and she her hand twitches while my smile grew as I finally remeber her now.
Aleksandra looks at me, her eyes going to the blade still in my side, she looks back at (Y/N), and realizes she fucked up.
“Kill them!” Aleksandra orders as she reaches for her laptop on her desk but (Y/N) reaches out and pulls Aleksandra’s golden hair slamming her face onto the desk.
I pull out the blade, groan and used it slash the thug’s arm on my left making him drop his pistol, (Y/N) spins around a thugs’ neck as he tried to grab her and using the momentum to push him onto the ground with her knees on his back. I tackled the thug that was on my right and use the blade to stab his throat like Hurley taught me. Picking up his pistol, I quickly dispatched the two thugs behind Aleksandra who were about to shoot (Y/N). She went after Aleksandra who tried to use a secret hallway to escape while I dealt with more thugs coming in.
(Y/N)’s POV
Aleksandra tried to run but bitch wasn’t getting away from me, I still needed her to access her laptop back in the office. We ran up this stairway, I finally tackle her before a rooftop access door. We wrestle around, punching, clawing, slapping, kicking until she lands a punch on my jaw. It dazes me as she gets up and runs towards the door she opens it. She is about to walk through the open door when a trash can comes outta nowhere and hits her. I get up holding my jaw as I feel a bruise coming, I look up defensively when a person shows. The sun is hiding the man but I relax as the person comes in and is Stan Hurley himself.
“Oh it’s you, was wondering when you were gonna show” you say looking at the unconscious Russian,
“How you been (Y/L/N)?” Hurley asks looking at her too,
“Fucking bitch got lucky and socked me good, besides that I’m great” you reply glaring at the woman.
He just laughed, picked her up and you both walked down the stairs, when you entered the office, you both almost got shot!
“Wow! Chill! It’s us!” you scream at Mitch while ducking down,
“Oh. Hurley?” Mitch asks as the man came in with the unconscious Russian on his shoulder,
“Yeah you dumbass” Hurley put the Russian on her chair, during her hands together and to the desk so she couldn’t move,
“So I see you to met. Intimately I might add” Hurley says looking between you two, making you blush a little,
“How’d…” you asked before he gave you that dad stare,
“Cause last time I seen him he didn’t have hickeys all over his neck and seeing as you are covered also. Doesn’t take a genius” Hurley tells you making you look down at your shoes,
“Yeah, she did that in order to disarm me!” Mitch complains, I just send him a glare,
“Yeah, cause your ass was made and it was the only to keep them from just shooting at you” you tell him as he glares at you,
“Then why’d you stab me?” Mitch asks you moving closer while holding his side,
“Cause that was the only way to give you the blade” you say nonchalantly lifting his shirt to see the cut,
“You couldn’t find another way?” Mitch complains again,
“If I stabbed you in the leg or arm, you’d be compromised and useless to me” you tell him, applying a cloth with alcohol, he winched when you cleaned it.
“And that’s why she’s known as черная вдова. The Black Widow. Among other similar names” Hurley states sitting down relaxing,
“Where did you get all that stuff?” Mitch asked you as he watched you finish cleaning it then put a bandage to the cut applying pressure,
“My purse” you answer him when you look up and realize how close you were to him again. Your breathes mixing as he put his hand on yours holding the bandage, you cleared your throat and moved your hand to tape it to his body.
“Wounds not deep, so you won't…..need….stitches” you tell him as he eyed your lips, the both of you very close that it just take one of you to lean a little bit more to kiss,
“You know, not to interrupt this love fest, but the Russian is awake now” the old man speaks after clearing his throat to announce himself as the two of you break away from each other.
“Wha….” Aleksandra says still a little light headed looking around,
“I need your laptop password” you tell Aleksandra as she looks at you still dazed,
“Why do you need her password? What are you doing here?” Mitch asks you,
“Cause I’m a gladiator in a suit” you look over your shoulder at him before turning back to Aleksandra,
“What?” Mitch asks still confused,
“She works for the great and mighty Olivia Pope” Hurley informs the younger man,
“The D.C. fixer?” Mitch asks looking at you,
“Pope and Associates may have started out as a problem fixing firm for D.C., but we have expanded and gone global now. It was Olivia who helped me leave Orion and the C.I.A. and because of that I started to work for her. Well that and reasons my own I left the C.I.A. for P&A.” you say,
“So, we can’t access her laptop without the correct password. It’s too protected to try a worm our way in via WiFi connection. Me or Huck would have to be physically there and even then I don’t know how long it would be to crack it” the other woman’s voice sounds in your earpiece,
“Really? Quinn, you can’t do nothing? Are you sure?” you ask looking annoyed,
“Quinn?” Mitch asks Hurley,
“Quinn Perkins, P&A’s second best hacker and first overall go to girl” Hurley states waiting for (Y/N) to continue,
“Yes, I mean, I could try to see how long the password is?” Quinn states,
“Perfect, cause this bitch is finally awake” you reply as Aleksandra looks up at you,
“Well, you got me, whoop de do! What now darling?” Aleksandra asks smiling,
“(Y/N), put me on speaker” Olivia tells you via the earpiece, as you pull it out and click on your cell,
“Aleksandra, this is Olivia Pope. Do you know who I am?” Olivia's voice comes out of your cell as you put it on the table,
“Da, everyone knows Olivia Pope” Aleksandra states,
“Well listen to me, if you do not give my associate here, the correct password into your laptop. I will let the men take you to the U.N. to be tried and charged with multiple accounts of drug smuggling, human trafficking, kidnappings, murders and weapons trafficking and most likely sentenced to a life of torture where you wished you were sentenced to death instead” Olivia threatens over the cell making goosebumps come up as you believed it. Aleksandra thought for a moment before considering it,
“The password is Ruby Tiger. Capital r and t and space between” Aleksandra offers,
“Quinn?” you ask,
“It fits, but if it’s wrong it will erase everything on the laptop including where are client’s precious is” Quinn states as (Y/N) plugs in the password as the laptop dings and it loads the desktop completely untouched.
“I’m in, Quinn?” you reply as you see the mouse moves by itself,
“I got the information. Actually, I got all of it. Every victim, weapons, drugs and cargo she ever smuggled for whatever reason and every place and ways she's uses” Quinn states as she looks over the information, as she sends it all to their server so they can sift through it,
“Great, what about her?” you ask,
“Give her too Irene” Olivia says as the said woman busts through the doors with armed men,
“Well I see you actually have things under control. Hello (Y/N)” Irene says smiling at you as she moves to hug you,
“Hello Deputy Director, when did that happen?” you ask as you pull back,
“Just recently. Hurley. Rapp.” Irene smiles and nods to the two men then looks back and forth between Mitch and you with a look,
“What? Do I have something on my face?” you ask completely forgetting the love bites all over your neck and pull out your compact and then blush when you see them again, closing it and look at her as she gives you that mom look,
“Really? Another one of my operatives?” Irene smiles and laughs a little shaking her head at you,
“Another one?” Mitch asks raising his eyebrow at you,
“There may have been an fellow operative or two in my past” you say laughing nervously,
“May have been? Hurley, what number does Mitch make?” Irene asks the older man who shares her smile,
“Uh, twenty I think” Hurley replies standing up and put his arm around Mitch smiling,
“Twe-twe-twenty?” Mitch stutters looking at you in shock,
“Hey some of those weren’t field agents! Some were desk people and hackers….” you begin to defend yourself but stop when you look at Mitch, then look down at your feet,
“People….as in not just men?” Mitch asks out loud as his mind pictures it,
“Some weren’t alone and the others were drunk nights with friends” you tell him,
“M-m-more than one person at a time….and with both men and women?” Mitch utters moving too sit down,
“See, the Black Widow name fits now doesn’t it?” Hurley states as you shoot him a glare,
“But hey! They were all just fwbs and drunken one night stands! Mitch is…..” you begin but stop yourself from continuing,
“What? Different?” Irene asks you laughing but when you look at her she stops laughing, she sees it in your eyes,
“Wow, I knew there was something I liked about you” Aleksandra says as you all look at her,
“Take her out of here!” Irene orders the men as they do that, leaving you four in the room,
“Well this has been fun, we should do it again sometime. Irene, I’ll send you a copy of the information. Hurley. Rapp. (Y/N), report back when you’re on your way home.” Olivia states,
“Olivia, didn’t know you’d be hear as with your new associate you stole. And we should have drinks to catch up sometime” Irene replies,
“Olivia” Hurley says back,
“Uh, Hi, Miss Pope” Mitch says nervously,
“Will do” you simply say,
“It’s Olivia, Rapp” Olivia tells him but the line dies.
“Why are you here Irene?” you ask realizing she didn’t say,
“Well when Hurley lost contact with Mitch, which I’m guessing was your fault” Irene looks at you, making you blush while you shake your head yes,
“Hurley called, saying how you’d shown up and he lost contact with Mitch” Irene continues as you remember his cell you pocketed earlier reach into your purse to hand it back to him as with his weapons,
“Hey! I didn’t even know I lost it” Mitch says grabbing his cell looking at you,
“That’s terrible Rapp. More training for you when we get back” Hurley tells his protege shaking his head in disappointment,
“Gee, thanks” Mitch mumbles to you,
“And when Hurley stopped talking, I assumed I had to come save the day. I was just leaving Barcelona in Spain when I turned the plane around to come here. And now what’s with you and Mitch?” Irene asks you,
“Um...honestly I don’t know” you reply then look at him,
“It’s weird, this feeling I have, it started slow when I first seen him. But it grew rapidly, especially when I kissed him, his touch send sparks flying. It awoke something in me I can’t really describe….sorta like…” you say getting lost in his eyes,
“My heart beat for the first time” you and Mitch say at the same time,
“Well, the only thing I have to say is, don’t fuck up your jobs because of each other” Irene says smiling at the two of you,
“Remember, never let it get personal. Oh and wrap it up, I don’t want any babies around” Hurley states smiling at you two,
“I agree, I’m too pretty to be a grandma yet” Irene says,
“Stan! Irene!” you say laughing as Mitch looks at you confused,
“Oh, didn’t you know Stan is my legal guardian as with Irene?” you tell him as he smiles at you wrapping his arms around you.
You both stare at each other, lost in each other’s eyes, every emotion shown. Your world brighter then it was when you first got here, then it was yesterday or a month ago. You see your future in front of you, not wanting to change a single thing. You feel he feels the same way, somehow you know it to be true, it’s in his eyes. You both lean in and kiss with all the love and passion you can muster.
“Kay, well we gotta go” Irene says sadly at you two making you tear up as well as Mitch.
Eventually, sadly you said goodbye to Irene, her having to go to New York for some meeting with the Director of the F.B.I. on some incident. Sadly you also had to say goodbye to Hurley and Mitch, both men having to had back to the Farm. Having to say bye to your only mother and father figures since your parents died made you sad. Seeing them was great, you would always love them, and they always had a place in your heart.
Now you are on your plane heading home back to P&A headquarters in D.C., as you call Olivia back leaning forward to take off your heels,
“(Y/N)” Olivia’s voices booms over the line,
“Olivia” you say smiling,
“Rapp” Olivia says nonchalantly,
“Uh...Hi…Olivia” Mitch speaks up shocked as you lean back into his side cuddling up.
Oh yeah, you couldn’t say goodbye to Mitch, and neither could he. So he tagged along with you on your jet while Hurley went alone with theirs. He accepted it, saying how he would actually get some sleep for once without the younger guy waking him up with his researching. You look at the man beside you, smiling brightly at him, as he returns your smile.
“Well, we found out where precious is being held” Olivia tells you, making you look at the cell,
“Where?” you ask as Mitch looks confused,
“Quinn found out Precious is being held in New York. Do you need me to send someone else?” Olivia says,
“Precious?” Mitch asks you,
“Precious is the nickname of Marissa Cohen, daughter of Senator Cohen of California.” you tell him handing him your profile on Marisa,
*the file*
Full Name : Marissa Roberts Cohen
Nickname(s) : Precious (by her mother)
Family : Senator Summer Roberts-Cohen (Mother), Seth Cohen (Father), Doctor Neil Roberts (Maternal Grandfather), Sandy Cohen (Paternal Grandfather), Kirsten Cohen (Paternal Grandmother), Sophie Rose Cohen (Paternal Aunty), Ryan Cohen (Paternal Uncle), Taylor Cohen (Paternal Aunt-In-Law) and Jason Cohen (Paternal Cousin)
Occupation : Human Rights Activist, Aspiring Lawyer, Aspiring Senator, Highschool Student (Harbor School; attending), Soon-To-Be-College Student (Brown University; aspiring)
Residence : Newport Beach, California
Identity : Public Identity
Citizenship : American
Marital Status : Single
Occupation : Human Rights Activist, Aspiring Lawyer and Aspiring Senator
Education : Attending Harbor School and Aspiring to Brown University
Gender : Female
Height : 5' 7"
Weight : 125 lbs (57 kg)
Eyes : Brown
Hair : Brunette with Golden highlights
Place of Birth : Newport Beach, California
*end of file*
“Marissa was taken while attending the Washington Annual Charity Gala in D.C. three weeks ago. I was put on the case when Senator Cohen came to Olivia that night, no one knew she was missing until a ransom note was given to the Senator” you say, remembering every detail about that night,
“No knew? How?” Mitch asked,
“Cause it was a Masquerade Dance, someone replaced her with a woman who needed money. So after we talked with the woman, I sent (Y/N) out to follow through which lead us to a shipping company owned by Alexandra. Which now you're caught up, you free to head to New York, she needs to attend a meeting that’s taken place and she doesn't’ have time to drop you off” Olivia tells you guys waiting for Mitch to answer,
“Uh yeah, I’ll just have to call Hurley” Mitch answers Olivia,
“Ok, you need to be at F.B.I. HQ at 1 p.m. tomorrow. Call me when you’re in the meeting” Olivia tells you two and hangs up,
“You wanna join me for a case?” you ask the guy next to you,
“Always” he replies leaning in to kiss you as you both smile into it.
Again you both feel your heart beat for the second time.
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