#yes i exist in other fandoms I promise LMFAO
leprechaunsthings · 5 months
Okay, I hit a marble hornet hyperfixation a few months ago. Which circled back to a creepy pasta hyperfixation.
So here are some of the highlight sketches and art for y'all.
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Nurse Ann is unironically so underrated. It's actually sad :(
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
I promise you that of all the things that are 'hurting' fandom and the publishing industry, the fanfic-to-published-novel pipeline barely even ranks lmfao
It's funny, because like yeah, sure, you can mock published authors all you like because you've preemptively decided that their work must be trash because it MAYBE started out as fanfic (the actual number of genuine 'this book began as fanfic and the serial numbers were filed off for publishing' isn't actually that great, and it's still notable enough when it happens that it's pretty big news), but this kind of thing never comes off as anything more than badly disguised jealousy. It reeks of 'how come THEY get book deals and my Real Literature can't get off the ground' and the answer is a combination of luck and all the other factors that go into publishing and make especially tradpub a fucking crapshoot at the best of times, even for big or well-established names.
And let's further not pretend like converting some All Human RomCom AU into something publishable is any lazier than someone writing their dozenth by-the-numbers romance because that's what sells and they can crank them out at a steady clip (basically the only way to truly make a living as a romance author). A lazy and/or badly written mess of a story is gonna be that way regardless of whether or not it started life as a fanfic--and while I'd agree that the best (canon compliant) fanfics are usually so good precisely because of the ways they interact with and build off of canon, which would make filing the serial numbers off and coming out with an original work that can accomplish the same things difficult-to-impossible, those are usually not the fics getting pulled for publishing! It's the AUs that are already so divorced from canon that little more is required than changing the names (though, yes, where these authors typically run into trouble is that they do not do enough to make up for the sudden absence of the canon's existence to fill in the gaps in terms of introducing and making the readers care about the characters in question--however, this is not a problem exclusive to fic-turned-published-novels, given that it is a common complaint about original romance as well).
Anyway, you can mock people for making it in the publishing industry with work of which you disapprove all you like, but it doesn't make you seem any less like a bitter person upset at their own lack of success and taking it out on other crabs in the bucket instead of blaming the people who keep taking the ladders away.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Genuinely funny watching Jensen and Robbie still roll even supporters. Like, you guys are going to therapy whether you accept it yet or not. It's out of stubborn dad love on their part, promise.
I cannot emphasize enough. Jensen/Dean is not "changing" 15x20. They are not going to undermine existing canon in the long term. The "changes" you are seeing right now are actually corrections, and I'm not about to break down the entire story for everyone, but the thing is, yall missing the WHOLE POINT.
That circle of life. That's Dean's life. Our Dean. The one we call the real Dean. He can putz with time and make other worlds and break timelines into the S12-14 AU or WHATEVER. Or he can realize that was a mistake and fix it.
Why? Because Dean has to accept who he is, who he will be, he has to choose the life he lived in his final moment.
This fandom has to accept that sometimes life sucks and things happen and you can't change things. But it's about finding meaning in your life in spite of your challenges, or your losses.
It's not about the fact that Dean died, or even how he died. It's about how he lived. The choices he made. And, at the end of the road, deciding yes, it was all worth it. Because he had his family. His friends. And yes, the love of his life.
That's it. That's the whole fucking plot.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
questions for you here they be, answers I ask please give to me!
8. have you had water today?
12. favorite tv commercial?
15. what’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you?
22. do you have a collection of cool rocks?
23. five words that describe you?
39. is there wise words you live by?
45. favorite tea?
50. is there a fic you're dying for a continuation of but know probably won't get one?
Enjoyeth Bricticus! <3
mmmm props to you adding the questions <33 (i'm guilty of not doing that but it's a relieving gesture eueu)
8 : have you had water today?
yes! like 2-4 bottles ,,,,,
12 : favorite tv commercial?
mmm i can't really remember any off of the top of my head but one of my favorites, i don't know if it technically counts cause it isn't really real, but the ad that plays at the beginning of m3gan that's advertising those toys. "i had a dog he was my best friend but he grew old and died and now i'm alone again" like WHAT it was so absolutely random LMFAO,,, and when i first saw it i didn't realize it was part of the movie and thought it was a genuine ad sdfhfdb,,,
and if that doesn't count than any liberty mutual ads. i like singing the jingle at the end ,,,
15 : what's the weirdest thing that's happened to you
oh boy. um. i can't pinpoint the weirdest because there's been some weird ass stuff but i remember one time when i was living in vegas, there were these people in paw patrol costumes (like full unlicensed character ones like the ones in times square but more legit) and one started barking at me. vegas is a troubling place
22 : do you have a collection of cool rocks?
I DO !!!! me and my mom love rock hounding and we have a special box for them ! i have absolutely no idea where it is but it exists !! i also try to get a rock from every cool place i go. rocks for the WINN
23 : five words that describe you
this is my primary school selves biggest nightmare. ahhh becky i can't specifically say anything but irl i have adopted the personality of technoblade, quackity, gnf, and tommy so that might have some pointers eueueu
39 : is there wise words you live by?
not exactly. i usually tell myself "don't look for what you don't want to find" in situations i don't really like but other than that i don't have any cool lifechanging mantras 😔
45 : favorite tea?
i am not a tea drinker nor a coffee drinker, i do not see the appeal. but if i had to say i'd go with the basic chai vjsfd
50 : is there a fic you're dying for a continuation of but know probably won't get one?
ah, yes. definitely. i don't want to point fingers and make people feel bad on the very low chance that they see it, but there's two i'm thinking of, one that's t!sapnap and one that's t!dream but they left it on a CLIFFHANGER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i get switching fandoms and stuff but ahHDVGFVFGSHFHAFSDV
ask game !!
if i come off as rude in this i promise i don't mean to,,,, for some reason i feel like my responses were pissy, i assure that was not my intention 😭🙏
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starsandstormyseas · 9 months
20 Questions for Writers
i was tagged by @illegalcerebral thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3?
25 2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,761,631 3. What fandoms do you write for? Mainly marvel. I'm into different fandoms but because I only write one thing at a time its just Marvel lol. 4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Rebel Columbia (Marvel) Bitter Protocol (Marvel) You Promised (Big Hero 6) Die Another Day (Assassin's Creed) Liberty Horizon (Marvel)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Almost always yes, I like being able to respond to feedback, to explain a thought process or answer a question. I also like to thank them for leaving a comment. 6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Wolf Spider is the only one with a "downer" ending so probably that one. 7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Rebel Columbia or Bitter Protocol. They both have positive endings so either one could apply. 8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Sometimes but nothing that ever felt significant. The one that was memorable to me was someone who judged the character by their own personal morality which was really weird. 9. Do you write smut? There's a little bit in Wolf Spider, but just smut itself no. 10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes, though it's kinda subtle and its neither plot relevant nor do I want it to distract from the story at large. (The world of Elementary exists in the Rebel Columbia series). 11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I've found. I hope not. 12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, Rebel Columbia has been translated into German on an obscure German fandom forum. 13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes, years ago. It was kind of an experiment with someone I didn't actually mesh well with so it wasn't a great experience lol. 14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Eh, I don't really enjoy fandom for the ships. I have a few with my own characters but they're all OCs. I guess BuckyNat? Miles and Gwen are cute too. Its easier to say which ships I DON'T like. 15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Supernatural one. I also have a Wild West AU I'd love to write but its just snippets and detached scenes right now. 16. What’s your writing strengths?
Lack of normalcy. I also feel like I handle critique well (I have to engage with it a lot in my actual work life so getting a random or even unwanted critique doesn't bother me lmfao) and if someone has an idea of what to change or edit in my fic I consider it seriously and more than once have edited and altered entire fics based on recommendations that I felt added to the story.
Also cliffhangers. 17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Brevity. I also have to resist undercutting heavy moments with unintentional humor, like the one chapter with a big reveal that was overshadowed by me using the word "yeet" in a later scene lol.
And cliffhangers too lol. 18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it a little, and because I'm using google translate my only goal is that anyone else reading is also probably using google translate to read it, if they're not a native or fluent speaker, so I keep the dialogue basic and easy to translate. I've had multilingual commentors who give me advice on pronouns and grammar which is helpful because I just don't know sometimes lmao.
Other times when the use of language isn't as important as the dialogue/information itself, I just keep it in English and use italics to indicate the new language being used. 19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter and Star Wars. 20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Rebel Columbia. It's not the first one I finished but its still one I really like, which is most important lol.
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kadywicker · 5 years
endgame Thots spoilers ahead...................................
so honestly i think the quote that best sums this up is thor’s quote about stopping trying to be what’s expected and just being who he is. i’m aware that characters are written and ultimately the writer controls what happens BUT i think that perfectly sums up the difference between character arcs & in character actions.
everyone is complaining about thor and steves arcs and it’s like..... arc wise yes thor shouldve been king & steve shouldve acclimated to the future. but arcs are ALSO written and most of the time characters are forced into situations and it’s a completed character arc bc it rhymes/it’s poetic/it completes a cycle. BUT that is not the same thing as a character doing something in character. steve WANTED to go back and live with peggy. thor WANTED to explore the universe away from duty. maybe they didnt complete specific arcs that everyone expected but... they’re being who they are. in contrast to that you have tony who WANTED to stay with his family but chose to sacrifice himself & this completed his character arc beautifully. but those two kinds of ends for characters are not at odds with each other and one is not automatically bad writing bc the other one exists.
that being SAID here’s some more general thoughts
thors appearance was p bad im gonna be honest that was like. the one uncomfortable thing to watch
i literally sat there bawling and hiccuping when tony died like..... im an iron man stan now and im so fucking sad what the FUCK
the whole theater lost their collective minds when carol showed up & then at the end when t’challa showed up which just shows you where everyone is
but the MOST applause was when steve used the hammer. my hands hurt from clapping. everyone was screaming.
whats the deal w peter??? like he went back to school & in homecoming all his old classmates are there like did his entire class get snapped fhasdfsdf
a bitch was crying about scott and cassie what the fuck
the scene where all the mcu ladies go to beat up thanos healed my gay heart and idc if its pandering i want it
HOWEVER the promised gay rep was THE stupidest thing ive ever seen in my life like i get that disney sucks but dont promise smth amazing and build it up and then have it be some random fucking man at a group therapy session
loki................... he just straight up left hfasdofsfd is he okay out there
also im a bit confused on the time travel thing? they said it wouldnt affect their present if they went to the past & established that its different timelines. but then.... how did steve end up old in the future? i mean this isnt a major gripe though ANY show dealing w time travel literally always has time travel plot holes so if i see u guys saying this means its bad writing im gonna lose my mind. time travel is impossible for a reason (unless its to the future but even then its bc of time dilation) and its gonna end up w plot holes when ur trying to write a show w it
am i the only one that got the “blue meanie” reference? tony said it about nebula and my obscure knowledge from being a misguided 12 year old obsessed w the beatles. came in handy. blue meanies were the villains in the beatles movie yellow submarine. theyre these motherfuckers.
I LOVE YOU 3000...............
i never cared abt clint or natasha but wow that shit hurted 
literally the entire funeral scene was the worst thing that ever happened to me i sat there sobbing so hard my throat started hurting
i am iron man...................... u sure fucking are man :(
bucky looked pretty for his 3 seconds of screentime 
im as much of a st*cky fan as anyone else but did you guys truly think disney was gonna do that like....... if u think the movie sucks and is bad writing bc ur ship isnt canon u r gonna have a real bad time watching just about anything. i get being upset abt queerbaiting bc there was a bit of that wrt cast interviews and writer interviews but in the actual movies like...... it wasnt gonna happen idk what u guys expected :/ 
also fanfiction still exists u cant let canon stop u from having ur own imagination like u can literally write WHATEVER u want. half the fandom still writes 2012 avengers fics where they all live in the same tower. its fine. its okay. the actual movies arent the be all end all u can choose ur own adventure
tony & peter hugging was so much for me and im so fucking sad right now yall. and peter telling him goodbye. ouch! he looked up to tony even if that was misguided at times 
also i didnt care abt tony and pepper either and here i am. caring. endgame truly just made me Care. 
gamora is BACK & her being her past self and missing is just fodder for quill/gamora fanfiction i cannot WAIT to see the next guardians movie and watch them fall in love again. 
i love nebula so goddamn much what the fuck. daughter. 
i personally dont care for steve/peggy and in my own personal headcanons and preferences im gonna do away w that whole...... thing bc i dont personally like it but it still isnt really bad writing imo & guys hes been in love w peggy from the start that cant be shocking now
SAMBUCKY RISE...........
on your LEFT everyone also lost their minds on that one i think thats when they started losing it and then when tchalla showed up the screams went even louder and i think everyone was just screaming for 2 minutes
i know i already said it but I LOVE YOU 3000. FUUUUCK ME
pepper as iron man was sooo fucking good she better take up the mantle like ooooh fuck. oh my god. that was amazing and i love her sm
okay okay i think that sums it up im done now but anyway endgame is good & most of the ppl complaining are just the type of ppl that like to Hate Absolutely Everything bc its edgy and cool to be like that. go see it. form ur own opinion. dont feel obligated to follow the masses (at least on tumblr. everyone else seems to love it lmfao but theyre not pressured by this website to act like everything is Bad and Terrible) & be bitter about it. like what you like and take out what you dont like it is That Simple. its a good movie
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