#yes i just want to rub fat belly but when everyone is like “oh gross” its like???
fatenchantress · 5 months
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lilfellasblog · 5 years
‘Cause If We’re Talking Bodies (You’ve Got a Perfect One) P.1 - Patton’s 2019 Birthday Fic!
Summary: Patton loves his boyfriends so much!! He just wish he had more to offer.
OML I accidentally missed Patton’s Name Reveal Day by two months!!! Patton, I’m so sorry, I love you and you deserve better! Here’s a little fic for you!! This first chapter turned into plot by accident, and the second half is just smut. Slightly kinky, sweet smut. That’s it. Enjoy the plot while it lasts! :3
A/N: If you liked this, please reblog. It is the only way to help this fic reach a wider audience. Tumblr ate most of my fics that I know I posted here, which makes me very sad for a lot of reasons, one of the biggest being that the love and comments and tags that folks showed this fic is gone into the ether.
TW: Body insecurity, kissing, mentions of sex, negative self-talk, crying, and LAMP sex almost happens in this chapter. Let me know if I missed any!
Word Count: 2424
Part 2 here!
AO3 here!
Fic Masterlist here!
Patton stared at his reflection in the mirror. He was the Side that encompasses Thomas’ eating habits, and they could honestly use some work. Last night, he’d devoured half a pizza and several Krispy Kreme donuts for dinner, and looked at the raw cookie dough in the fridge as a late-night snack.
It’s all your fault he feels bad about his eating and his body. Just look at you!
Patton’s eyes burned as he took in his appearance. Stretch marks decorated the sides of his stomach and thighs, and his stomach was definitely rounded. His arms were chubby, and his thighs chafed if he didn’t make sure his pants were securely belted up. He’d even slept wrong, and now his shoulder hurts!
He’d had to comfort Thomas while editing the latest Awkward Adventures video about going into a sensory deprivation tank. When the time came to edit Thomas’ reaction to the experience, they’d both broken down into tears. Patton stuffed his feelings down quickly so he could rise up and comfort Thomas. Thomas ended up deciding to not show his body at all.
Patton hugged his middle as he allowed himself his pre-breakfast cry. Soon, too soon, his alarm went off. Time to get breakfast ready!
Patton cleaned up his face in his bathroom and threw on his day clothes. They were so tight, he hated how tight they were, they left red marks on his body where the hems and elastic dug in. He used to wear his clothes looser, but then he’d gotten into a relationship with the other three core Sides over a year ago. They deserved someone with a better body. Despite his lingering sadness, he smiled at the memory. It had been Logan to confess one morning that he was in love with them and that repressing those feelings was causing him significant enough distress to impair his functioning. Patton and Roman had quickly confessed after that, followed by a soft, shy admission from Virgil.
His phone brought him back out of his thoughts. Oh rats, I’m late!! Stupid, airhead Patton! Can’t do anything right!! Patton sniffled back tears as he bolted from his room and downstairs. Thankfully, no one was up yet. He quickly started a pot of coffee and grabbed pancake mix.
Blueberries or chocolate chip? Blueberries or chocolate chip? Come ON Patton, make up your mind!
Patton grabbed the chocolate chips and folded them in with the pancake batter. He quickly grabbed some breakfast sausages and eggs, started heating up the breakfast sausages, and started scrambling the eggs. Once he had the eggs going at a low enough temperature with butter and milk, he started scooping pancakes onto a flat griddle. Careful to watch the pancakes, he whipped the eggs so they were aerated and fluffy, then just as they were almost done, he seasoned them with paprika, a pinch of salt, some pepper, and a bit of garlic. He switched between the eggs and pancakes, and soon he had a large pile of both ready.
Patton quickly set the table as he heard the other three Sides come down the stairs. Come on, this is the LEAST you can do for forcing them to be in a relationship with you, you disgusting-
“Hey Pat, smells great,” Virgil mumbled as he walked in.
“Well thanks kiddo! I do my best!” Patton chirped. Virgil grunted in acknowledgment and sleepily filled his mug with coffee. Patton tried to not let his heart break. He’s just tired, I know Virgil loves my cooking!
Maybe he would if you weren’t trying to get him as fat as you.
I”m not!
Oh? Is that why you put butter in the eggs? And chocolate chips in the pancakes? This entire meal is unhealthy, and you couldn’t even manage to swap out candy for fruit? No wonder they barely tolerate you.
Patton bit the inside of his cheek so he wouldn’t show any negative emotion. Logan and Roman entered the kitchen moments later.
“-tations,” Logan finished dryly.
Patton forced a giggle. “Greetings and salutations to you too!”
Logan sent him a rare smile, one that made Patton question all over again why they were with him. Logan was the embodiment of the sexy professor and had a firm runner’s body, Virgil was edgy with an undercurrent of sweet that made his lithe body move in the filthiest of ways, and Roman… dear god, Roman was built like a hero prince. A single glance from any of them could make him swoon, and what did Patton have to offer? And unattractive, misshapen, chubby body. The least he could do was cook for them, and don’t get him wrong, he loved cooking! But he could never seem to do it right. It was never healthy enough, elegant enough, complex enough. Patton spent hours every day crying, trying to brace himself as best he could for the inevitable break up, where he’d be the singleton and the other three would finally be in a happy relationship. He didn’t want his heartbreak to affect Thomas too much.
“Ah, pancakes! In a chocolate chip mood, my perfect Patton?”
The unexpected comment caused Patton to burst into tears. He sees what you’re doing, he sees how gross you are, how you’re-
A hand started gently rubbing his back. “Shhhhh, Patton dear, tell us what’s wrong,” Logan soothed.
Patton sniffled in a weak attempt to stop his crying. I can’t tell them! “I j-just love you all s-so m-m-much a-and I have a l-lot of f-f-feelings!”
There! I didn’t lie!
Lie of omission.
Patton cried harder at failing his job as Morality. Some Side you are. Thomas would be better off without you. They’d all be better off without you. Roman came over and threaded his fingers into Patton’s hair, scratching at his scalp.
“Oh darling, goodness gracious,” Logan chuckled, “I love you too.”
Sounds of agreement came from around the kitchen, but the lies only made Patton more upset. Look at how much they have to lie just to not set you off!
“I-I’m sorry guys,” Patton whimpered, “I’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m sorry I get so,” Patton’s bottom lip quivered as he sniffled, “emotional,” he finished in a broken voice.
“My sweet angel, that is one of the reasons we love you!” Roman declared.
Patton looked up in disbelief. “R-really?”
“Yeah, of course,” Virgil said as he came over and put a hand on Patton’s shoulder. Patton winced at Virgil having to feel his fat.
The hand on his back stopped moving. “Sweetheart, do you think we dislike your displays of emotions?”
“Y-yes? I know they can be a lot…” And I don’t even have a good body to offer you.
To his surprise, Virgil dove in and practically tackle-hugged Patton. Patton flinched when he felt Virgil’s arms go around his belly.
“Patton, we love you. Goddammit, I fucking hate myself,” Virgil shook his head, “Sorry. I just, what did I do to make you think that?”
Patton awkwardly draped an arm over Virgil’s back. “Nothing! You didn’t do anything kiddo!”
“Was it Logan or I?” Roman asked as he moved his hand from Patton’s hair to underneath his chin.
“No! You guys are fine, you didn’t do anything wrong!”
Logan kissed the top of Patton’s head. “Know that we love you, including your emotions. Let us eat. Food can help improve mood, particularly after a full night’s sleep.”
“You’re so smart Lo!”
“Thank you.”
Roman and Logan returned to their seats while Virgil pulled up and gave Patton a kiss. “I love you too Pat.”
“Love ya kiddo,” Patton said quietly as he stared into Virgil’s eyes. Virgil smiled, gave Patton one last kiss, and sat back down. Breakfast passed normally, the Sides chatting about Thomas’ upcoming week, and Patton trying to control his thoughts enough so he could pay attention. Once breakfast wrapped up, everybody helped clean and put dishes away.
Patton expected everyone to go back to their rooms after that, but Roman came up next to Patton, put his hand on Patton’s lower back, and kissed the top of his head. He started moving his hand in little up and down motions, so his pinky finger was just above Patton’s belt.
“I would like to show you how much I love you. Would you be amenable to that sunshine?” Roman rumbled.
Patton shivered at Roman’s tone and the idea of having to be naked around him. They’d had sex plenty of times, but only when Patton had a better self-image day. Come on Patton, you stressed them all out right at the beginning of the day! Get them in a better mood!
“That sounds great!” Patton lied.
Roman chuckled darkly. “Wonderful. From Logan and Virgil’s faces, it would seem they would like to join us. Is that something you’d like as well?“
Oh jeepers, they’re all going to see me! “It’ll be a party!”
Roman chuckled again and pulled Patton against him, kissing him deeply. “Shall we go to my room? I believe my bed is the only one large enough to accommodate all of us.”
Roman kissed Patton again. Patton reciprocated as best he could, and then he was being gently led up the stairs.
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this…
The door opened to Roman’s room, and Logan dragged him in, meeting him in a filthy kiss.
I can’t do this.
Patton whimpered and pulled back, hiding his face in Logan’s chest. Logan froze, then wrapped his arms gently around Patton’s back.
“Dearest? What’s wrong?”
Patton opened his mouth to speak, but no words came to him. He just pressed into Logan’s chest further.
“Do you want to stop?”
Patton hated himself for it, but he nodded his head with another whimper. He started sniffling and his breath began to hitch. Logan pressed a chaste kiss to the top of Patton’s head and rubbed the back of Patton’s neck.
“Shhhhh, it’s okay darling.”
Roman came over to put a hand on his back. Patton smelled cinnamon and roses. “It’s alright love. It’s okay, I promise.”
He sensed Virgil approach but stop, unsure. Patton took a deep, shaky breath. “I want to, I do, I love you guys, and god you’re all so attractive, it’s just…”
Roman shifted next to him. “My sweet, you don’t have to say yes just because I asked. Have you…” he trailed off.
Patton couldn’t let his prince think that! “No! I promise, I’m sorry. You’re all so hot, and I’m…” Patton’s voice broke. “Not.”
Virgil spoke up from behind him. “If you talk bad about yourself I’m going to physically fight you!”
Patton giggled through his tears.
“Darling, I can assure you we find you quite attractive,” Logan purred.
Patton looked up at Logan. “Really? You do?”
Logan’s eyes darkened as his gaze bored into Patton’s eyes. “Very much so,” he nearly growled.
Patton blushed hotly at the tone while Roman chuckled and leaned over to whisper in Patton’s ear. “I can assure you, I share the same sentiments as Logan.”
“Holy shit Pat, me too. You really don’t know you’re hot as fuck?”
Patton turned around to level a disapproving stare at Virgil, who just smirked that damnable smirk of his. Patton was worried his glasses were about to melt off his face from the heat.
“Let’s go downstairs. I believe a conversation may be long overdue.”
Patton bit the inside of his cheek again, terrified as to what Logan was talking about. He followed them downstairs and couldn’t stop himself from leaning against Logan on the couch. Logan wrapped an arm around Patton and kissed his temple. Patton giggled lightly. It was the small gestures Logan did that reminded Patton what a big softie he really was.
Once everyone was settled, Logan began speaking. “Patton, love, are you insecure about your body?”
Patton tensed and looked down. “Maybe a little…”
He heard Roman about to jump into a dramatic monologue, but Logan gently raised his hand to stop him. Roman settled back with a small huff.
“How long have you been feeling this way love?”
Patton pressed into Logan’s side. “Well, I guess I’ve always known I wasn’t as… attractive as you guys, but I started feeling bad about it when we started dating. I’ve got the worst body out of all of you, and now you have to be with me when you all are so dreamy? It’s not fair to you guys!”
Noises of protest came from the other side of the couch before Logan raised his hand again. “My dear, do you think we’d sleep with you if we didn’t want to?”
Patton brought his legs up. “I don’t know… you could always pretend…”
“I find your body very appealing.”
“As do I.”
“Pat, you’re fucking hot.”
“Virgil. Language.”
“Still English.”
Patton decided to let it slide at the amused puff of air he felt from Logan.
“Darling, I know that our reassurances are hardly enough to change your mind, but I they give you some peace. I believe that Roman can conjure Dr. Picani in the Imagination. Would you like to go see him to talk further about your body image? You do not have to if it would make you uncomfortable.”
Patton sighed. “That might not be a terrible idea. I’m sorry for bringing you guys down.”
Virgil interjected. “Pat. I Will. Physically fight you.”
Patton giggled at the running joke.
“Why don’t we have Thomas watch some Parks and Rec? I think a mental health break may be in order.”
Patton smiled up at Logan. “That sounds like fun!”
Logan smiled back down. “Wonderful. I’ll go grab some snacks. Roman, if you would?”
Patton was confused until Roman pulled Patton into his lap. They both laughed as they fell slightly to the side.
“I love you, my sweet angel.”
Patton felt something in his chest unclench and thaw. “I love you to.” He bit his lip and looked down. “You really find me attractive? You’re so…”
Roman smirked. “Dashing? Noble? Handsome? Breath-taking?”
Virgil grinned. “Pretentious?”
Roman let out a series of high-pitched scoffs as Patton giggled. I gotta admit, being held by a dashing prince is pretty nice!
Logan came back with the snacks. Virgil scooted over and put Patton’s legs over his own. Logan sat on the other side of Roman and pressed against Patton’s back.
Later, they’d show Patton just how much they appreciated his body.
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amnachil · 5 years
To the Perfection Chapter 2 Part 4
The next part for you guys :) More drama and... more drama that’s all.
Cody Thursday March 28
Wanting to please Thomas was a good idea. But hell if Cody knew how to do it. Now that he was convinced Ilhan and his crush were a thing he had decided to try his luck too. But the ginger literally hated him. He had tried everything... He had been coming to the gym with Joël in hope to have a training session the three of them together. He had tried his best during soccer's practice. But the truth was : Thomas didn't need him. He has a whole life without me. I wonder when I became an old memory for him... There was no point to ask any advice to Joël. He's nice and all but... Not very bright. So the teenager tried to spy on Ilhan. After all, his friend had succeeded to conquer Thomas's heart one way or another. But there was absolutely nothing special about him. Sure he was devoted, sweet and caring but Cody was all that too. And I know Thomas since kindergarten... And that was why this evening, Cody had came up with his ultimate plan. There was one person on earth who knew Thomas maybe better than Thomas himself. And luckily, this person would be back in two days for the weekend. The young teenager knocked at the Muller's door, a bit stressed. His ginger friend wasn't supposed to come back before hours. Because he's at Ilhan's place... Raphaël's boyfriend opened.
"Hi." greeted Cody. "You may not recognise me. I'm one of Thomas's friend ?"
The other nodded.
"Sorry but he's not here right now." he smiled.
"Well, that's not a problem since I didn't came to talk to him... Hum I was just... Well I don't know how to say it."
Dan looked at him curiously. He was a very chubby lad. Buff too. A great mix of fat and muscle to be fair, and Cody wouldn't put in a fight with him.
"I just wanted to talk to Raphaël this weekend about something..." he revealed. "I was just wondering if you could tell him that ? He doesn't answer his phone."
"Yeah, he's not in the country." replied the other. "And don't worry, I'll tell him. He should have some free time on saturday late afternoon."
"Nice. Thank you. Bye."
Cody left right away. This is my only chance. I need Raphaël to reveal me some intel about his sibling...
He was almost home when he recieved a text. Weird. Nobody ever texts me. But the content was even more surprising. Joël had sent him a link to the group chat of the class. Should I be offended I havn't been invited before ? He suddenly saw the photos. Thomas and Ilhan talking under the trees. Kissing. Going home. Jessica had posted a lot of them with a big caption :
< They're a couple ! So cool for our captain !!!! >
It hurt. Cody's heart clenched and he felt a wave of sadness take hold of him. This is nothing new. I already knew that. But it became more real now. He read Joël's text.
< Jo : OhMigOd ThoMy Is gAy !! ILhAn toO ! WhAt do You tHinK ?!! >
I feel like shit. I want to puke. All these years he had restrained his feelings because he thought Thomas was interested in girls. And now that they were growing apart, the love of his life happened to be into men. Another message popped in.
< Jo : I thInk thisis CoOl ! BuT Man ThomY coUd havE tOld uS ! >
Note for later : teach Joël how to type on a cellphone... Well of course their friend hadn't tell them. Because they weren't friends anymore. Barely acquaintances. We don't know him anymore. He finally replied.
< Cody : I hope they will be fine with this huge revelation. This is not a silly topic and Jessica did something bad. You should not talk to them about it before they agree to talk openly. >
< Jo : ToO Late !! xoxo TexTed Tomy. He SaiD iT wAs finE. He'S oky ! >
Cody shut off his phone. So it was fine ? I don't want to think about it anymore. Fine... They were a couple and it was fine if everyone knew about it. What are my chances in these conditions ? He decided to cry only when he was locked in his bedroom.
Dan Saturday March 30
Everything looked different when you were next to the person you loved. Dan couldn't say how happy he was to have Raphaël back. It's only for two days, but it feels so damn good. The morning went perfectly. Same for lunch time : it looked like the two brothers had made peace now. Thomas was smiling perfectly and acting nicely. So the college student couldn't picture what could go wrong. At least until Cody showed up. The teenager sat in the living room with Raphaël. He was obviously stressed, even shaking a bit. Well, Dan wasn't the most observant people on earth but he had noted how Thomas was staring at his "friend". The way he had tensed up when this one had came inside. There is something bad going on between them.
"You wanted to talk with me." smiled Raphaël. "I'm all ears."
"Yeah well... Sorry if I'm bothering you. I'll make it short."
"The faster, the better." approved Thomas. "My brother gets only two day for himself."
His comment brought a cold look from Raphaël and Cody became even more discomforted.
"It's just... I was worried about Thomas. I fear how our classmates will react to his forced coming out. I mean when the photo of him and Ilhan together went out, people were crazy. I don't want anyone to hurt him."
A blank followed. Dan blinked, stunned. Wait. I need time to process. Thomas's forced coming out ? Thomas and Ilhan ? The reaction of people ? A feeling of deja-vu made him uneasy. His own experience had been kinda similar. Next to him, Thomas sighed. He was apparently annoyed. Raphaël on the other hand didn't move an inch. He was like frozen.
"Uh... Did I said something bad ?" asked Cody.
"No." whispered the eldest brother. "I understand what you're saying. Being gay can be perceived as a sin and people can be very intolerant about it. Thomas must be very happy to have a friend like you who support him through this. Especially if his coming out wasn't... planned."
He glanced at his sibling who looked away.
"I'm also very happy for you Thomas." he continued. "It's nice to know you find someone you... can show affection to."
Dan frowned. It was very difficult to know what Raphaël was thinking. He's so impassive, so apathetic. I think he's trying very hard to show an emotion but he's failing.
"Maybe... Maybe you should discuss about it with Thomas himself." suggested Raphaël. "Oh and Dan can help, he had a similar experience. I will just... Go away."
When the college student arrived in the bedroom an hour later, his boyfriend was laying in the bed, covered by the blanket. Thomas, despite being a bit mad, had tried to be nice and he had explained things to Cody and Dan. So they're a couple for one month now. Well honestly I'm not that surprised.
"Can you close the door ?" asked Raphaël. "The light is bothering me."
His cold tone alerted Dan who obeyed diligently. He laid next to his man and passed an harm around his shoulders.
"Are you alright ?" he whispered.
Only silent. No he's not. But the brown lad didn't know why exactly. Yes it was quite a big thing but there were no reason to be in one hell of a state right ? Thomas was gay and he dated a classmate. It was all good news !
"Are you worried about your brother ?" he asked. "I know very well it can be scary but he's fine. He has friend who care about him. A wonderful and supportive brother. There is nothing common between my coming out and his. I can even ask Darren to watch him at school and..."
Raphaël suddenly raise his head. His face was particulary cold.
"You talked with Darren ?" he mumbled with a scaring voice.
"Well yeah ? He's my bestfriend remember ? Oh yeah I told you he was distant lately but we're better now. He was just having some doubts about himself."
His boyfriend dug his head in his soft chest.
"This is a shitty day." he whispered. "I just want to sleep."
"Okay. Come here baby."
Thomas Sunday March 31
"So... urp. We're... urp... boyfriend now ?"
"It has been a month. If people ask, tell them this."
Ilhan rolled his eyes. He swallowed the spoonful of jelly Thomas was giving him. A belly rub made him moan.
"I got that." he said. "But are we boyfriend boyfriend or what ?"
The ginger gave him a dirty look. How stupid can he be ?
"We're pretending to be a couple." he explained. "If people ask, we're dating. Isn't it clear enough ?"
With his two hands he pushed the other onto the mattress. He had a better view of his swollen stomach now. It looks nicely stuffed.
"Wait. Does that mean you love me now ?" asked again Ilhan.
"Heck do I look like I love you man ? You're gross."
While speaking, Thomas unbuttoned Ilhan's pants and stroked his dick. I'm sure he can fit at least one more pie.
"And why are we pretending again ?"
"That's defenitely not your business."
There were several reasons for it. First of all, even if he hated to admit it, Thomas needed to fuck someone to avoid any tragic accident with Dan. And Ilhan was better than a nobody. Secondly, now that everyone knew about their thing, it was easier to pretend to be a couple. And finally Raphaël wouldn't suspect that his brother has a huge (really huge) crush on his boyfriend if he was dating someone else. Thomas cut the pie.
"This is simple." he stated. "You continue to be exactly what you're : a perfect little piggy who is craving to be fucked. And at school be the same. Don't try to be sweet or to show affection, it would be sickening."
"O... Okay."
"Now let's finish this pie. I want the nurse to be horrified tomorrow when she realises you weight 86 kg (190 pounds) of pure blubber."
When he headed home on late afternoon, Thomas was thinking. He had made the best of this bad situation. I should have known people would eventually find out. Cody had truly screwed up this time. This useless stupid leech would pay for this one way or an other. But at least, now Raphaël knew and more importantly, Dan too. All I need now is to be better than my brother. He was coming closer to his home when he felt a cold. His surroundings were freezing. Or maybe it was only in his head.
"I told you to not talk to him ever again." a very, very (very) cold tone resonated. "Do I need to repeat myself ?"
Thomas decided it was better to hide. He ran behind the nearest tree and looked around. Raphaël was talking with Darren. I knew there was something fishy.
"Look, you're mad, I get it." assured the science teacher. "And you despise me, fair enough. But Dan is my bestfriend and I won't let him down. We're having fun together, I'm not a threat anymore !"
Anymore ?! What does that mean ? This is so interesting ! The temperature seemed to decrease. Everything looked about to die of exposure. Thomas had already lived such a phenomenon once. A very long time ago, when their father had almost hit their mother. Raphaël, 8 at the time, had ordered him to stop. He had been emitting the same aura back then and now. Needless to say, their father had never even raised his voice again.
"There is no way I let you hang out with my boyfriend." said the ginger.
His tone was deadly cold. Thomas almost see frost spead around him. It was frankly terrifying and he shivered. He would face the same dreadful voice if Raphaël discovered his plan to steal Dan's love from him.
"I assure you I'm not the same person than in middle school !" whined Darren with fear. "I beg you. I just want to be his friend. I won't tell him about us, never."
About what now ?! Thomas was clearly afraid of his brother but he smiled anyway. His science teacher and Raphaël had been a couple ! That was the best thing he could have asked for ! Man, I already picture Dan getting jealous... Raph getting mad... And when my dear love realise how scary he is... This is it. It was his perfect plan. He only needed proof.
To be continued
Cody is depressed because he has a crush on the most perfect person in the world... Although a lot of people would think otherwise. Ilhan being the first in line ;)
Anyway, our young ginger found a weakness to his dangerous (magical ?) brother. How will he exploit it ? Raphaël doesn’t seems good, but it’s only the beginning of his problems.
For those who wonder, Liam (MC of the College Society) believes Raphaël is a mutant. And maybe he’s right, because this is some terrifying aura that he has here.
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babyleclerc · 7 years
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Style: One-Shot
Prompt? From anon: “December challenge! reader is an animator at Disney and she made a short animated-film about tom, as a Christmas gift for him and he got teared up she panicked because she thought she had offended him in some way and tom be like nO it's the bEST gIFT I've ever rECEIVED. bcs trust me making animation involves tons of struggles 😂😂 idk but i think it'd be cute???? i hope it's okay??? omg thanks????”
Warnings: None. FLUFF x100!!!
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: Christmas morning spent with Tom isn’t so bad, after all.
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!! So this prompt sort of got away from me and I just wrote what came naturally. :3 In my head, Tom would be the best daddy to little girls, so... that’s what happened here. :) This is the last fic of my challenge (phew!) and I hope you all truly enjoyed it. If you want to see more stories or more from the challenge, check out my Masterlist. Have a very Merry Christmas and if you don’t celebrate, then have a great day! xoxo
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'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
At least, you had been hoping that no creatures were stirring. Sadly, that was indeed not the case.
“It’s Christmas!” You could hear tiny squeals and laughter ringing through the house and you groaned, burying your head deep into your pillow.
“Maybe if we act dead, they won’t come in.” You muffle into the pillow, unable to open your eyes.
You heard sleepy laughter from the other side of the bed, and a warm arm snake around your waist, pulling you into his stomach.
“Fat chance.” He mumbled, nuzzling his head just behind your neck, his stubble causing you to giggle softly.
“What time is it, even?” You ask, afraid to look at the clock on your nightstand.
“Too early.” Tom muffled, not willing to lift his head and see the red numbers mock him.
“I swear if it’s not past 6 I’ll tell them Santa didn’t come. It’s coal for everyone.”
Tom laughed again and you could feel the ripple of movement against your body as he spooned you. You couldn’t help the small smile as you relaxed into him; what a wonderful way to wake up.
“Daddy! Mommy!” The girls squealed, finally reaching the bedroom. “Wake up!”
Tom groaned as both girls catapulted themselves onto the bed, one attacking each parent. Sophia landed squarely on Tom’s legs, causing him to squirm under the pressure and shift away from you as she bounced up and down emphatically. Though she was petite, she was a strong girl. The 6-year-old ball of energy was always giving Tom a run for his money in wrestling matches.
AnnaBelle, more affectionately known as Bella in the Hiddleston house, was much gentler with you than Sophia with Tom. When she jumped onto your side of the bed, she cross-cross Apple sauced next to your tummy and stared down at you patiently, her tiny hands resting in her lap.
“Daddy! Presents!” Sophia yelled, shaking Tom’s arm in an effort to get him out of bed.
“But we’re cozy.” Tom said sleepily in response, lying flat on his back so Sophia could sit just above his waist.
“But Daddy you promised we’d get to open our presents first thing if we were good!” She argued, crossing her arms in a huff.
“But were you both good?” You finally piped up, shifting so that you, too, were on your back, shoulder to shoulder with Tom.
“Yes!!!” Bella now spoke up, the four year old squeaking at your side. She stood so that she could join Sophia, awkwardly stepping over you and causing you to flinch just slightly.
Tom’s arm immediately stretched out to protect your stomach, keeping Bella’s adorable tiny feet off you, assisting her towards the center of the bed.
“Gentle, darling. Be careful of Mommy’s tummy.” He reminded, and Bella nodded as she plopped down just in between you and Tom, one arm resting on your pregnant tummy slowly.
“Gentle.” She repeated, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as your youngest blue-eyed beauty eyed your stomach in wonder. “Sorry, Mommy.”
“It’s okay, sweetie. You didn’t hurt me.” You tousled her brunette hair gently, tucking a strand behind her ear. Bella was gorgeous; there was no doubt about that. The second she had been born the Doctors had warned Tom about her, how she’d be a “heart breaker one day.” The comment had made Tom nauseous at the time, and you had teased him about it all through the night at the hospital afterward. Her brunette hair (a mix she got from you and Tom) was a stark contrast from her bright blue eyes, which always seemed to twinkle in any light. It made it impossible not to stare at them, especially outside in the sunlight.
“Daddy please!” Sophia’s pleas we’re elevating (both in volume and in quantity). You could tell if you didn’t oblige her soon, a tantrum would be eminent.
“Okay, okay. Run downstairs and sort the gifts, we’ll be down in a minute.” You say, finally heeding her cries.
The two left the room loudly, screaming all the way down the stairs. A faint “wait for me!” could be heard from Bella as Sophia barreled down towards the tree. You sighed pleasantly, as Tom turned towards you, resting a hand on your belly.
“They’re like a monsoon of crazy. I need a heavy-duty rain jacket just to survive when they’re in a room together.” He mumbled, his thumb rubbing across your stomach gently.
“Well you better get used to the monsoon. You’ve got a third on the way.” You joked, turning your head towards him to kiss his nose.
Tom grinned, reciprocating with a soft kiss on your lips. “I can’t wait to see what fun this baby February brings.” He said happily, kissing you again gently.
Your private moment was interrupted by Sophia screaming at the top of her lungs, her little voice echoing into every corner of the house.
“Mommy! Daddy! Come on!!”
You sighed, shaking your head. “What are we gonna do with her?”
“Boarding school?” Tom suggested with a grin, and you laughed heartily as you begrudgingly pulled yourself out of bed.
Tom had made tea for both of you as the demolition of gifts was well underway, cozying up next to you by the fire. You leaned against him in the loveseat, holding your mug close to your chest for warmth as Tom’s hand played lazily with your hair, watching the girls in amusement. Their squeals and ‘thank you’s’ came every few minutes as they tore through each present, comparing and trading gifts along the way.
You sighed happily, content with how wonderful your small family was. Tom, too, grinned as he pulled you close to him, kissing the side of your head.
“Who knew that all those years ago I asked you out in that British pub that this is where we we’d be a few years later.” He murmured, watching Sophia and Bella with adoration.
“What, two monstrous girls and a knocked-up wife isn’t what you always dreamed of?” You teased, grinning as you tilted your head up to look at him.
Tom chuckled, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Love, you and my littles are beyond my wildest dreams. Including baby February.”
You blushed at his pet name for your unborn child; Tom had started calling it that the second the doctor told you the due date at your O/B appointment. You were so nervous it was going to be another girl and not a boy (Tom and you both would have been fine either way, but there was a part of you that wanted to remain hopeful that you might give him a little boy) that you had begged the Doctor not to tell either of you the sex of the baby. And so the nickname ‘baby February’ was born, and it had just stuck.  
“Well I hope I can give you one last thing beyond your wildest dreams...check your email.” You say, biting your bottom lip nervously.
Tom scrunched his eyebrows at you, reaching over the coffee table for his phone. “Y/N, what did you do...” he asked, unlocking his iPhone and pulling up his Mail app.
“Nothing! Just a little something small to wish you a Merry Christmas.” You say, though your heart pounded in your ears with nerves.
Tom shoots you a skeptical glance but opens up your email, rotating the phone so that your video fills the full screen. He hits the play button and a short-animated film about Tom is brought to life. He gapes at it, eyes never leaving the screen as Bella hears noises from the phone and runs over to look also. She squeezes in between you and Tom, nestling her way into your lap. Sophia, not wanting to miss out on any action also joins, leaning against Tom’s leg to watch the screen.
After a few minutes, the short ends and Tom just stares at you, his eyes watering slightly.
“Oh no,” you say quickly, “I’m so sorry. Did you hate it? Did I offend you? I just did it quickly and I thought you’d like it but if you hate it I can absolutely get you something else I just -“
“Hate it?!” Tom interrupts, still choked up, “Darling, I could never in my wildest dreams hate this. This is incredible. I always knew you were talented but this...” Tom pauses to laugh, shaking his head. “This is really amazing. It’s the best gift I’ve ever received. Thank you.”
You let out a sigh of relief, smiling as Tom leans over to kiss you. It’s slow and deliberate, the kind that made your head light and your knees weak. You sighed happily against his mouth, thankful to be sitting down.
“Ewwww.” Bella said, squirming our of your lap and running towards the opened gifts.
“Gross!” Sophia agreed, also joining Bella on the floor and leaving Tom’s side. Their comments caused you to laugh, breaking your kiss with Tom.
“We’ll finish this later.” Tom grinned, winking at you.
“I’m counting on it.” You respond happily, standing from the couch. “Now, who wants breakfast?”
Tag List: @markusstraya, @punkin-pie-mofo, @hazohazahazbro, @irishprincess9, @jedionironthrone, @aclutteredheadspace, @proud-of-being-me, @disneymarina, @dolangram, @nightcrawler0213, @thejemersoninferno, @xlemon-limex, @sadsmilesforstyles, @sleepylunarwolf, @tomssweetbouquet, @thehotstrangeryoullneverseeagain. @unfortunatelyymuggle, @knockbeforeyouspeak, @jordysgirl87, @fluasch, @tumultuous-love.
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So I wanted to know how the rfa+v+saeran+ vanderwood would react to a young mc like 15-18 being pregnant like a teen mom *Plantonic relationship Sorry if you don't like this *Let's say they got pregnant by a boyfriend
Naw fam I love this, I love anything with babies or teen moms so Ight I’ll take a crack at it, lets see what we can do if it’s okay some of them are going to have the boyfriend not in the picture. Also it’s like 2 o’clock in the morning so any spelling mistakes are still propable my fault, I still have shitty spelling at any time
You weren’t that far along 
only a tiny baby bump
So not being that far along you didn’t feel the need to tell them much
and then in the chat room you totally forgot you didn’t tell them
so you just
“Ughh the morning sickness is really getting to me again”
“Morning sickness? so you only get sick in the morning?”
“No that’s just a saying people use when the pregnant are sick”
Oh yeah oops
“I totally forget that I didn’t say anything, Yeah i’m pregnant”
Yoosung has so many questions and then remembers
“Wait aren’t you in high school?”
“So you’re a teen mom?!”
He was so surprised
He’s never known anyone that’s been a mom so young
He had asked many questions and you answered all of them
but then he asked one that caught you off guard
“So are you and your boyfriend hoping for a boy or girl?”
“Well I’m not sure about him, he hasn’t talked to me for awhile…”
He is furious
The dad doesn’t want to be there?!
“It’s okay MC I’ll be there for you!”
That just tugs at your heart
When you two met irl
ya’ll were stuck like glue
He stayed with you to help you
“MC would you like some more food?” Yes
He did
E V E R Y T H I N G   F O R   Y O U
“Don’t worry Uncle Yoosung is here”
You were trying to tell them that you couldn’t do the whole RFA thing because your due date was coming up soon
but they were so excited to do the party so you didn’t say anything
Seven obviously knew about it so you told him to say nothing
“Alright but I’m going to watch you like a hawk!”
So as the days went on you were pretty good and having fun
But it was when it came to the time that Zen broke his leg
You wanted to help so badly
but no one knew you were VERY pregnant
So while in the chatroom as the car was on it’s way to pick you up you just dropped it into the chatroom
“Can’t to see you”
“Me too! I’ll see you soon”
“Yup btw I’m 9 months pregnant bye!”
MC left the chatroom
Zen was freaking out
What if something happens on your way here?
And what would he do if your water broke while your were here?
your pregnant?!
*Ding dong*
He opens the door for you and sees your very big belly
“MC get in here! what if the baby gets cold?!”
it was more like he was taking care of you then you taking care of him
He grew attached to you two
“Is this what it feels like to be a grandpa?”
“You’re not my dad Zen”
Also Zen refused to let you go back to the apartment
“You’re not going back while you’re going to pop any day now! I want nothing to happen to my grand child”
“Zen you’re not my…whatever yeah your grand kid”
Everyone agreed that you should stay with Zen for the remainder of the time
you were doing so good even getting many guests
until you were at the party
While stuffing your face at the food table your water broke
once he heard you screaming in pain he was running to you
“Don’t worry MC! Grandpa Zen will get you there safely!
He obviously didn’t go into the delivery room
But he was right beside you when your baby Boy/Girl was in your arms
“Zen would you like to hold your grandchild?”
He was in TEARS
Grandpa ain’t going anywhere
You actually didn’t know you were pregnant
You were only a few weeks
and you didn’t have a clue
Jaehee was the one that suggested it when you told her about you being sick and wanting really weird food, being really moody
“Jaehee I don’t know what’s going on”
“Aren’t you pregnant?”
“Are you serious?”
You get a pregnancy test and low and behold
Lil MC in progress
You were so scared
“Jaehee I can’t have a baby! I’m only in high school!”
She was a bit started about your age
“MC I may have known you for very few days but I know you’re a very strong woman, you can do this!”
Awww shedding a few tears
She helped you through the whole process
She ordered Seven around so you got all the things you needed
You could have left to get the things you needed 
but nope
Momhee ain’t havin it
“You’re staying in the apartment we don’t want anything to happen to you”
“Seven get her medicine for her morning sickness”
“Yes ma’am
“Seven watch to make sure she’s eating those veggies”
“But those are gross”
“Seven you’re getting her the fucking vegetables”
“Spare me yes your highness”
Seven was forced to go back and forth to take care of you in place of Jaehee
He was too scared to find out what she would do if he didn’t do what said
and when you two met?
She was even more protective
Made sure you did your homework
more healthy food
but she did it because she cared about you like her own daughter
“Jaehee you’re the best mom ever”
“But I’m not-”
“shhh Just let it happen”
You were about 5 months along
So you had a belly
but it only made you look chubby
Which effected you greatly
“Jumin am I fat?”
“I’ve never met you in person so I don’t know”
“Oh my god you think I’m fat!”
“what? no I didn’t-”
“Well you’re fat!”
“No I’m within healthy range for my age and height”
“Oh rub it in why don’t cha! well you’re not 5 months pregnant!”
“Mc you’re pregnant?”
“Yeah! so I’m not fat!”
“MC I never said you were fat”
He had you brought to his penthouse sooner so you could get the best care
“I refuse to let you be alone without proper care”
So while being there the whole time you had whatever you wanted
you might or might not have worked the maids to death
You were queen
“I want ice cream”
“Yes ma’am”
“Get me someone to rub my feet, they hurt”
“of course”
“Bow and kiss my feet!”
“Sorry I was kidding Maybe”
When it came to the party he kept you by his side
And even after the party he took care of you
“Jumin you would make a great godfather”
He was so touched
He was there for everything
But you refused to let him in the delivery room
When he first saw your child he practically claimed him/her
“Make arrangements that this child will take over the business once he/she is 18″
“Make it 20″
Saeyoung (Seven)
you were 707 months along
I might have done that on purpose
He didn’t really think everything through
“It’s okay for her to do this as long as I watch her every 1.33 seconds”
Vanderwood was PISSED
“Stop watching this pregnant teen and do your work!”
“Uncle Seven can’t not take care of Them! what is WRONG with YOU!”
work was basically thrown out the window
Speaking of windows
*enter unknown through the window*
He also didn’t think things through by making a pregnant teen as a victim
Eh whatevs
*now enter agent 707*
“MC is the baby okay?!”
“What about me you asshole!!?”
“oh yeah are you okay? hopefully the baby didn’t get hurt”
You damn near slapped the boy
but it was sweet he cared
Again he stayed at the apartment for you and did basically everything for you
He also read up everything about babies
“omg MC did you know babies swallow and breath at the same time!?”
“Saeyoung you better not try that”
Too late
But besides all the silly stuff
He truly cared about you and the baby
He called himself Uncle seven every chance he could
“Agent 707 get back here to work!”
“Excuse you, it’s UNCLE agent 707″
“I swear to god I will taser you”
He took care of you even when you two went to save Saeran
“Saeran you have to come back you’re an uncle now”
“I’m an uncle? cool lets go”
By the time the baby was born
Both Saeran and Saeyoung were there for you
But Saeyoung tried to name the baby while you were asleep
“Saeyoung is this a good idea? I don’t think MC would like this”
“Shh Saeran this is the Job of an uncle”
“I name thee…Little defender of justice”
Que you waking up just as he’s about to sign the birth certificate
“Shh MC just let it happen”
Jihyun (V)
It was THE day of joining the RFA that your water broke
“Ah Seven?”
“Hmm what can god seven do for you”
“Do you think you can take a look at the CCTV?”
No one could no the location
but seven didn’t want to be alone
so he brought V
They both show up as your clutching your stomach in pain
“MC don’t swear in front of the baby!”
“Um Seven I don’t think that’s helping MC”
V was holding your hand the whole way to the hospital
Seven had to get back to work
so V stayed with you
“You don’t have to help RFA we’ll understand”
“No I want to help! I just need a little bit of help…”
Done and done
V had given up all his time to be with you
you stayed with him
He was actually really good with babies
did you need sleep because you were up with the baby all night?
“Here I’m take care of the baby, You go get sleep”
Ran out of baby diapers?
“Stay here I’ll take care of it”
Dude He probably forgot about Rika
He was spending to much time helping you
and he really liked it
it might have been just to thing he needed to help him heal
“Jihyun would you like to be the godfather?”
He was so happy
He went and got the surgery so he was at his peak to help
“I would be honored”
You had met after the whole mint eye thing
so Saeran was still very damaged
he was away from it all
but he felt like he was missing something
Then you walked into the picture
well you walked into him
you were a troubled teenager that had a pretty crappy home life
He was about to yell at you for running into him
but his eyes widen when he saw you holding your stomach in pain
“Help me?”
He took you to the hospital
and he thought it was his fault about what happened so he stayed to make sure you were okay
The doctor said the baby was okay 
that this pain was normal and should go away
you knew nothing about babies and being pregnant
You broke down when Saeran asked of you were okay
“I don’t know anything about being a mom! I’m all alone!”
you didn’t have any family
and the dad bailed
He didn’t know what but his heart went out to you
“I can help”
He can’t believe he said that
“You will?”
“Well…I can try”
and sense then you two became friends
He would help you and you would help him
he looked up everything about babies
and he went strictly by the books
“MC it says here you shouldn’t be eating this much”
“Seriously saeran?”
Saeran wanted to help you by his self
so he didn’t ask seven for anything
and he didn’t need seven
although he was scared himself
he did pretty well taking care of you
When the baby was born he was so scared that you wouldn’t need him anymore
“saeran where are you going? The baby is going to need his/her Uncle
He had never felt this way
or felt this needed
He was very happy to call himself an uncle
*saeyoung walks in*
“Get out don’t come near him/her you’ll corrupt him/her with your idiocy
*saeyoung walks out with tears
Sorry I forgot you Vanderwood
You were a family member from his past
so he had no idea that you were 8 months pregnant
The due date was just around the corner 
and you were trapped in a cult leader’s apartment
no big deal
Vanderwood didn’t like you because
1.You were distracting Seven from work
2.He had no idea it was you yet
So he would come to the bunker to collect Seven’s work
only to find that it’s not done
“Seven why the hell is your work not done?!”
“Hmm? babysitting”
Vanderwood is ready to roast his ass
“You can’t even take care of yourself and you’re babysitting?”
“I’m hurt Vanderwood…I’m hurt”
*takes out taser*
“Whoa whoa lets not get hasty here, I’ll get the work done if you help me watch over her”
“You want me to watch over some girl?”
Seven scoffs
“Oh my gawd Mary it’s not JUST a girl”
“It’s a teen girl”
That like set off read flags in Vanderwood’s head
“A teen girl?”
“Ya and pregnant
“You need to be put in jail”
Seven busts out laughing
“Oh you naughty Mary you, I only father to all cats of the world, She just stumbled upon us.
Totally done with seven’s shit and just wants him to get his work done
He watches you
he looks into the CCTV
to see you with yo big ol’ baby bump
and then he sees your face
“what the hell is my Niece doing in there?!”
Seven drops his pop to the floor
“so help me god if you don’t get my niece out of that room I will taser you till you fry”
“One niece coming right up!”
He picked you up and took you to his bunker
“Seven why are you bringing me to your place?”
“So I live”
You both arrive and once you see Vanderwood
Total tear fest
you and him haven’t seen each other in years
“MC why were you trapped in the apartment?”
“Seven put a bomb in it”
He’s probably already on his way to mexico
You stay at the bunker with him
He took care of you
even after you gave birth you too stuck together
He wasn’t going anywhere ever again
Master list of my headcanons
Ray’s headcanon
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