#give head scritches and tell them how good they look and they do a good job
fatenchantress · 5 months
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redwinterroses · 1 year
It's not like it's hard to get Tango taking about Decked Out, but buy him a couple of potions in the museum speakeasy and he gets downright confessional.
Grian leans across the stat poker table, his wings rustling eagerly. "Truth or dare, Tango," he says. "Is Decked Out... alive?"
“Aren’t I supposed to pick truth or dare before you ask the question?” Tango tosses back another potion and gives the group a half-smirk.
“We all know you’re going to pick truth because you’re too particled to get up.” Etho’s face is obscured, but they can hear the laugh in his voice and see his fox ears twitch with amusement. “So spill.”
Tango shrugs. "Well," he says, "It's not exactly not NOT alive, if you know what I mean."
Grian glances at Doc on his right and Etho on his left. They shrug at him.
"Yeah, no," he says, looking back at Tango. "I don't think we know what that means."
"Is it like that Grumbot robot that Mumbo and Grian built?" Doc asks, scratching thoughtfully at his chin, his blunt black claws scritching loudly against the stubble of his beard. Grian tries to catch a peek at his stat tokens and gives a sheepish grin when Doc notices and quickly angles them away.
"Hey, now," Doc starts to say, but Tango interrupts.
"Nah, no -- I mean, Grumbot was pretty... Simple. No offense."
"None taken." Grian pulls a token from his stack. "Number of villagers traded with," he offers. "And I'll up the ante to three diamond blocks, gentlemen."
Tango lays down his own token, and taps a finger on it in an aimless rhythm. “The dungeon is… aware,” he says. “Not alive, I guess, but it knows things. It recognizes people.”
“I’ve noticed,” Etho says dryly. “That place hates me.”
They all laugh, but Tango shakes his head. “Does it hate you?” he asks and waggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Or does it want to impress you?”
“Oh, I’m impressed enough.” Etho drops his stat token on the table with a soft click. “So it can stop glitching and trying to kill me now.”
“Aww, you’re just playing hard to get.”
Doc lays his tokens down on the table and stands. “I will sit out this round, I think,” he says. “I have done almost nothing with villagers this season. Will anyone have more to drink?”
“I’m not playing hard to get!” Etho protested, ears lying flat. “If anything, I’m playing easy to get – I just walk right in there!”
“You heard it first here, folks,” Tango says. “Etho’s easy.”
He ducks, but not in time to dodge the rolled-up napkin Etho chucks at his face. It lands in his hair and goes up in a miniature whump of flame.
Grian snickers, waving away smoke.
“So if the dungeon’s not alive, but it’s not quite not alive,” he says. “How does one maybe go about… making friends with it?”
“That,” Doc says, thunking a fresh bottle of Cub’s custom-mixed potion onto the table. “Is cheating, you pesky bird. No flirting with the possibly-not-not-alive dungeon.”
“You’re telling me you’re above flirting for a few extra keys and crowns, Doc?” Tango asks with teasing skepticism.
Doc sniffs, flipping the cork from his bottle with his thumb. “I don’t need flirting,” he says dismissively. “I have skills. Game strategies, man.”
“He’s already planning how to get the dungeon’s attention.” Etho flips his token over, exposing the total. “Aren’t’cha, Doc.”
Doc tips back his drink and shrugged. “Eh… that is for me to know, and you to worry about.” He winks.
“Tango, what’s your total there?” Grian fiddles with his token.
“Well, I know it’s higher than old three-digit Minecraft master over here.” Tango holds up his token and pinches it between his fingers. “Under three hundred, Etho? What’ve you been doing all season?”
“Not hiding out in a hole for thirteen months,” Etho grumbles good-naturedly, pushing his diamonds into the center of the table.
“Yeah, well, that’s what I have been doing and look at that stat.” Tango displays the count. “Seven k, baby – read ‘em and weep.”
Grian makes an exaggerated sad face that immediately morphs into a triumphant grin. “Rookie numbers, fellas,” he crows. “Try over twelve thousand.”
Tango groans and rolls his diamonds toward Grian with a grimace. “Yeah,” he says. “Definitely not telling you how to flimflam my dungeon, you shyster.”
“Tango, I’m hurt.” Grian, entirely unbothered and very un-hurt looking, scoops the pile of diamonds into his pouch. “My stats are all ethically earned.”
“And that’s how your dungeon runs will be too.” Tango stashes his tokens and stands. “Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure. Mostly.”
“Back to your cave, Tango?” Etho doesn’t stand, but his bushy white tail wags a little in barely-contained excitement. “So, Decked Out will be open again… soon?”
“You bet your foxy good looks,” Tango says. “Or… maybe don’t. Not with those stats.”
This time he does duck the thrown napkin.
He exits through the museum, the laughter of his friends fading behind him as he steps out into the cool afternoon air. For a moment, he stretches, shaking out his elytra and clearing his head a bit of the potion particles.
Is Decked Out alive?
Tango grins, sharp teeth glinting. Of course the dungeon’s alive, who’s he kidding? And she’s hungry, too, he can feel it even from here. His friends should just be grateful he’s only ever built friendly monsters that want to devour them.
“On my way,” he mutters to himself. Or the dungeon. “And Etho’ll be coming over soon too.”
He feels the dungeon’s excitement.
“Oh…you’ve gotta be kidding me.” Tango launches himself in the air and spirals over the shopping district, angling toward Decked Out and laughing so loudly the sound bounces off the buildings below.
His dungeon totally has a crush on Etho.
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novasintheroom · 2 months
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favorite flower - Prince!Vash x Reader
He finds out first that you don’t like roses. The walk in the rose garden comes to a halt when you voice this.
“They’re beautiful,” you say. He still sees the small wrinkle of your nose when you speak of them. “They are just…very common.”
“Common? How so?” Vash asks.
You clasp your hands behind your back. Your foot reaches out to toe at the earth. “They…are a favorite among potential suitors in all kingdoms. Every noble girl receives them.” You look up desperately, willing him to understand something, “It’s as if the suitors do not ask their lady if she even wants them.”
Vash laughs, a little startled. “Don’t all ladies want flowers?”
You sigh, and Vash feels like he missed a mark somehow. “Yes, we do.”
 “Well…wasn’t your bouquet filled with roses at the wedding?”
You tense and look up, face carefully blank. “I didn’t have much choice in anything that day.” After a beat, you continue your walk through the garden.
Vash trails a bit behind, face stinging. He should have known better than to bring up the wedding; it is still a delicate subject. But still, his mind grabs hold on what you said: no choice on that day.
Looking around the immediate garden, he wonders.
“If you were married – “
“Stop. I’m not entertaining your delusions today.”
“Just wait!” Vash puts both palms out, willing Nai to stop his work and listen for a moment. His brother looks up from his desk, deadpanned and ill-humored. It never bothers Vash. “If you were married, what kind of flowers would you get your wife?”
Nai pushes a sigh out and goes back to the writing before him. “You’ve already messed up badly enough to warrant flowers?” He scoffs. “What did you do?”
“No! It’s nothing like that.” Vash sighs, pacing around the room. “She told me that she doesn’t like roses. Which, what girl doesn’t like roses?”
“Your wife, apparently.”
Vash groans and pulls a hand down his face. “I want to make her feel comfortable here! We’ve only got a rose garden. What do I give her that isn’t roses?” Nai doesn’t answer. His pen scritches across the paper before him, marking and taking notes. Vash turns to his twin. “So? What would you get your wife?”
Nai takes a breath in and out of his nose. “Lillies. Daisies. I don’t know.”
“No, she doesn’t really like those either…”
A single white brow raises. Nai glances up. “Have you asked her what she would like?”
Vash freezes and clears his throat. “No…”
Nai only shakes his head. “You’ve said yourself how direct she can be with her answers. Why haven’t you asked her?”
Vash slumps into one of the chairs in front of Nai’s desk. “Because…I want to show her I pay attention, without her having to tell me everything.”
Nai finally puts his pen down and regards his brother. What a silly concept. Only Vash would complicate something as simple as an arranged marriage. He dregs up an old memory. “Do you recall what Mother told us about marriage?”
Vash picks at the chair’s leather arm. “She said a lot of things.”
Nai tilts his head. “What I’m referring to is when she said marriage takes commitment and understanding between both parties to succeed. If you don’t ask her what she likes, you are taking away her chance to be understood.”
It makes sense. Of course it does. Mother was always wise in her counsel, even when they were young. But…Vash sighs. He wants to be a good husband. And good husbands notice things about their wives!
Suddenly, an idea hits him. “Maybe,” he says, “I can take her to a flower shop in town, and see what she gravitates towards?”
Nai sighs. Hit and a miss. “Get out.”
Despite Nai’s tendency to believe his brother stupid, Vash is not dull. Very, very stubborn, but not dull.
He starts with having servants plant new flowers in the garden. Lilies, poppies, orchids. He takes you on a walk to point them out. You look at them, smile, but nothing more. So, he continues. Tulips, dahlias, carnations, irises. You stop at your favorite colors, point at them and smile again, but nothing that screams, this, this is my favorite flower.
Vash gets down and dirty after that. He helps the servants plant the new flowers, fingers growing dark with dirt and cheeks red from the sun. Bushes of roses are removed to make room for new blooms. It becomes his new hobby, his time off when not in dreaded meetings and other princely duties. He researches flowers, finding exotics from other lands and having them shipped in on his own dime. When they are planted, he looks around at the work and hopes. Then, he fetches you and you take a walk.
After the twelfth time of doing this, you finally ask, “What are you doing, exactly?”
Vash almost trips. “What do you mean?”
You give him a look that makes his heart skip. “We’ve been taking an awful lot of walks lately. And I’ve noticed your work in the garden. It’s very beautiful. But I can tell you’re waiting for something.” You nod your head at his expression. “Speak.”
But he doesn’t want to. He wants to find out for himself! Without realizing, he pouts and shakes his head.
You hook your arm through his and pull him along, a small smile on your face. “Husband,” you say softly, “has this got to do with my not liking roses?”
Vash swallows. His heart pitter patters at being called ‘husband’ so quietly. “What makes you think that?”
Your lips lift more, and with your free hand you gesture around. “There are remarkably less roses in this garden than there were a few weeks ago. More flower varieties as well. You’ve been spending more and more time out here, planting your plants. I’ve been wondering where you have been.”
A sudden guilt overtakes him. “I did not mean to neglect you for this project.”
“Ah, so it is a project.” You pat his arm with your hand. “And you didn’t neglect me; wipe that look off your face.”
You both walk to a part of the garden that sits against the wall of the castle. Red geraniums grow around a stone bench and bird bath, along with small forget-me-nots that twine with the red. You sit at the bench, and Vash sighs. It’s time to come clean. “I did not mean to keep it a secret, but I wanted to find out what your favorite flower was.”
Your brows raise. “So that is it. All of this work, just to find out what I like? You flatter me.” You hesitate before taking his hand, “But wouldn’t it have been easier if you had merely asked me?”
Vash flushes. “Of course. But I…I wanted to show that I pay attention to what you like and don’t like.” It sounds silly saying it out loud now. He feels it further when you laugh.
“That is very sweet of you. More sweet than I deserve. But I think we should put an end to the mystery and allow the servants to get back to their regular duties, hm?” You lean forward and touch some of the flowers growing under the bench. “I enjoy all flowers, truly – even roses on occasion. But the ones I like most are the small ones – the ones that pollinators can easily get to. Forget-me-nots, baby’s-breath, that sort of thing.” You straighten and look ponderously ahead. “I suppose that would have made a poor bouquet for a royal wedding.”
“No!” He’s emphatic, holding your hand tighter to get you to look at him. “It would have been beautiful! Just having small flowers, it would have been a new start to a tradition!”
You smile. “I hear that’s what village girls do for their weddings – pick whatever small flowers are in bloom for the spring and that is their bouquet. It likely would have just made nobles call me a village girl if I had it my way.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” he says, playing with your fingers. “Nothing wrong with any of it.”
“I know,” you say, and grasp his fingers in your own. “Thank you, for trying so hard. I think the garden looks much livelier now than ever.”
It does. There are more butterflies, hummingbirds, and other small creatures around now than there were before. Fat bumblebees buzz low to the ground, picking at the little flowers found there. Vash watches a smaller honeybee land on one of the geraniums nearby, and smiles.
Maybe he could have asked you what your favorite flower was and been done with it. But, as you shyly lay your head on his shoulder, he thinks he likes this arrangement better.
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Tech Tuesdays: Syverson
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Summary: With Syverson finally out of the army, the two of you are looking at creating a stable life for yourselves.
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, Mild/Implied smut. Please let me know if I missed any!
A/N: Established relationship. Reader is plus sized female. No other descriptors used.
A/N2: Many thanks to @wunder-blunder for the idea!
Part 1
Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
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Syverson loves the two days a week he gets to work from home. You joke that they're your least productive days but neither of you really cares. The two of you are just so happy to spend the day together. They're definitely Lily's favorite days, too. Your desks are right next to each other so she gets to lay between the two of you and get pets and scritches whenever one of you needs to think.
You also enjoy having Sy with you on your walks with Lily. People always make you nervous and too many strangers feel entitled to pet Lily without asking. Sy gives them pause or becomes a physical barrier between you and them which helps you out. Neither Lily nor Sy may have therapy certifications but they both do wonders for your well being.
You also enjoy when Sy can take Lily without you because you have to focus but she needs to be walked. Sy doesn't even have to ask, he can always tell when you're in the zone. Seeing you in your element always makes him smile. He loves when you get on a roll and shut down parts of your brain that overthink. You always look so confident, so determined and he loves it.
He silently indicates to Lily it's time to walk and quietly heads out so as not to disturb you.
Translating old English to modern isn't easy. There's often a lot of starting and stopping. But sometimes you get on a roll. You get the flow the of the story or you know the names from the region and it really helps. You lose track of time and end up finishing the first rough translation of the entire page!
When you get to that natural stopping point your brain finally registers the signals from your body that you need to stretch. You start by stretching your arms to the side, slightly pushing your chest forward. Then you raise your arms, making your back arch and you moan from the pleasure before dropping your arms. You look at your water bottle and decide to go to the kitchen for a refill.
Turning in your chair you see Syverson staring at you with a look you recognize very well. You bat your eyelashes in a way that you know gets him going. Using your cutesiest tone you ask, "everything okay, sweetheart?"
"Clock out," Sy growls.
"Yes, Captain," you grin before doing as he tells you. You know he loves when you call him Captain in bed.
As you're clocking out he stands very close behind you and starts fondling your breasts. "You gonna be a good girl for your Captain?"
"Yes, Captain, Sir. I'll be your good girl."
"Then lets get those clothes off you and you show me how good of a girl you can be."
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Part 1
Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
Tagging: @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @ellethespaceunicorn; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory;
@kingliam2019; @late-to-the-party-81; @lokislady82; @ozwriterchick; @ronearoundblindly
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zoeythegoodgirl · 5 months
Thank You, Miss
This is my first commission for @savvyfemm, and my first story piece from an afab point of view (being an amab trans person myself, it's a lot easier for me to write from that perspective).
When you get home, you find your puppygirl waiting for you by the door. While you’ve come to expect this, since she’s always there to greet you when you arrive, it still elicits a small giggle from you every time. You find her sitting patiently for you, with only a gentle nudge against your leg to indicate any desire for attention. You had to train her to stop whining when you came inside, but she took to it quite quickly. You pet her softly, giving her a light scritch behind the ear.
“You know I always love that you’re here for me, sweetheart,” you tell her as you give her a light kiss on her forehead. She only gives a small “woof” in response. “You must be feeling extra playful, today! Normally you don’t bark when I come in,” you coo. She gives only another woof in response, and lays on her back, exposing her tummy to you expectantly. “Babe,” you giggle, “let me at least get out of my work clothes!” She pouts but follows you patiently into the laundry room.
You toss your work clothes into the basket, to which she barks excitedly. You can feel her pawing at your back. “Babe! Hold on! I know you want to play,” you shout back to her, clearly laughing at her eagerness. You hear her whine and turn back to see her pouting again. “I just have to get changed, and then we can play a little! I promise!” You toss your bra into the laundry and change into a low-cut nightshirt before heading into the living room. Your puppygirl follows you and flops into your lap almost as soon as you sit on the couch. Like earlier, she’s on her back, clearly in expectation of tummy rubs.
While you’re rubbing her tummy, you marvel at how she used to hate tummy rubs. You loved how soft she was and seeing that it made you happy was enough for her to let you pet it. She even came to enjoy them, too, and to ask for them herself. She’s very deep into puppy mode, though your plans for tonight will require some re-training. While you’re rubbing her tummy, you let your hand drift slightly lower, causing it to brush against the tip of her hard cock through the panties she’s wearing. When you look over, you see they match the ones you’re wearing. You giggle and tease, “Babe, were you watching me as I got dressed this morning?”
She buries her face into your tummy in embarrassment. “Babe were you watching me,” you repeat slightly more sternly. She barks softly and nods her head as an affirmative. “Words, pup,” you command to her. “I don’t understand what your barking means, you know.” You can tell she wants to bark again, but she chokes out a “yes” in response. “’Yes,’ what? I don’t know who you’re talking to if you don’t address them, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Miss,” she replies, meekly.
“That’s a good girl,” you coo, kissing her behind the ear where her jaw bones meet. You feel her shiver beneath your touch. Of all your puppy’s weak spots, this one was your favorite. It was so easy to access, and it always worked. You give her another scritch behind her ear before making a playful demand. “Babe,” you coo sweetly, “I need you to grab something for me. Do you think you can grab your collar?”
“Yes, Miss,” she replies excitedly before scampering off. You hear the sound of the bell jingling as she hurries back, the collar hanging out of her mouth like how a real puppy would have fetched it. You hold out your hand and she drops the collar into it before raising her head to expose her neck. “Good girl!! I didn’t even have to ask! But, then again, you do love your collar, don’t you? Because you know it means you belong to me,” you tease as you fasten the collar around her neck. Her eyes glaze over as you put it on her. “Now, now, babe, there’s still one more thing I need you to get for me. Can you do that for me, or are we gonna be a naughty pup tonight?”
“No, Miss! I’ll be good,” she responds. The haste and desire in her voice are both readily apparent, which causes you to giggle more. She scampers off again, the bell on her collar jingling the entire time. She returns, carrying the leash in the exact same manner as the collar before. You hook it into her leash and give it a light tug. A soft moan escapes her lips, to be met with a giggle from you.
“Do you wanna go for a walk?” Your question is met with only a couple of barks from her. “Puppy,” you demand, “use your words. Mommy needs to know what you want.
“Yes, Miss! I want to go for a walk!”
“It’ll be a short one. But it’ll be someplace we’ll have a lot of fun. I promise!” As you begin to pull on the leash, she beings to follow you. She was always a good pup. Easily trained, and very obedient. And tonight, she was going to get a special reward. Though it was also a treat for you. You deserved it, after all. Your short walk leads you to the bedroom, where the puppy at your side starts bouncing in excitement. “Calm down, sweetie,” you command. “You’ll get to play! You just need to be good. Can you be a good puppy for me, or are we gonna sleep in the kennel tonight?”
“I’ll be good, Miss! I promise!” And you knew that. She was always a good pup. The kennel had yet to be used, after all. “Now, pup, panties off. Show me how eager you are for me.”
“Yes, Miss,” she replies as she complies with your demand. She lets the panties fall to her ankles before stepping out of them. Shamelessly on display in front of you is her cock, already hard and throbbing in anticipation. You reach out and wrap the fingers of one hand around it to give it a little stroke. You can feel her heartbeat through her cock, and the sounds of her moaning as you stroke her fill the room. Before long, you feel a growing dampness in your own panties.
“Can you get these off me as well, sweetheart?” She reaches out to obey your request, but you brush her hands aside. “Silly puppy! You can’t do that with your paws! Do it how real puppies would!” You can see her face turn bright red, but obediently she grips your panties in her teeth and begins to gently pull them down. The exposure to the cooler air feels good, and you let out a soft moan. You yelp when you feel something unexpected between your legs. You look down and see your puppy’s face between your thighs, her tongue eagerly lapping at you. She had always been reticent to do this before, so the feeling surprised you.
You close your eyes and let yourself get lost in the feeling for a bit. It’d been a long time since you’d been pleasured like this and wanted to revel in it for a little while. But after a time, you decide you want to give your pup the pleasure she’s been aching for since you got home that evening. You give the leash a tug and feel her obediently follow your prompt. You pull her in for a kiss, tasting yourself on her lips and tongue. “Does Puppy want to play?”
“Yes, Miss! I want to play, Miss,” she replies with an eagerness that makes you giggle some more. You lay down on your back, signalling for your puppy to mount you. She reaches for the drawer where the condoms are kept, but you tug on her leash to bring her attention back to you. “Did Miss say to get one of those?”
“B-but Miss! We always use them!” You tug on her leash again, harder this time, which causes her to fall on top of you. “But haven’t you always wondered what it felt like? Haven’t you always wanted to be closer to your Miss? I know you have, puppy,” you tease into her ear. You feel her moan into your neck; a vain attempt to hide just how badly she was wanting this treat. “Thank you, Miss,” she says breathily.
You feel a stretch between your legs, both pain and pleasure at once. Her girth was just slightly too much for you to be fully comfortable, but not too much for you to be able to handle. A desperate moan escapes her lips, and you wrap the end of the leash around your wrist for easier control.
“Fuck, Miss! Thank you, Miss!” The rolling of her hips is gentle, but steady. You can tell she wants to pound into you, but you haven’t given her permission to do so, yet. You give a gentle tug on her leash, and all composure slips. She falls onto you and wraps her arms around you, pulling your bodies together tightly. Her hips thrust rapidly, crashing into yours without thought. You’re going to have some bruises down there tomorrow.
Her breath is hot against your neck. Her moans and whimpers sound like a choir in your ears. “Thank you, Miss! Thank you, Miss! Thank you,” she moans, as if unable to form any other words. You give the leash another tug, and she whines but sits up, taking care not to slip out from inside you. “Please, Miss,” she begs.
“I’ll let you, but only if you can go slower this time. I want you to savor this. You’ve been such a good girl, so I decided to give you what you’ve been desperate for. Don’t ruin it by going too quickly.” She nods eagerly; the desperation hasn’t left her eyes this entire time. You give another tug on her leash, and she returns to the same position as before. This time, though, her hips rock slowly, gently, and steadily. You feel her teeth in your neck, and your back arches involuntarily. A moan escapes your lips, and your free hand grasps tightly at her hair. The rocking in her hips doesn’t let up, and you feel her start to shiver after a short time.
“Does my little baby want to cum?” She whimpers in your ear in response. Clearly, she does, but you tug on her leash anyway. She whines even louder than before, almost crying from need. “Please, Miss,” she shouts. “I asked you a question. I didn’t hear an answer. Only good girls get to cum, so use your words when you respond, okay sweetheart?”
“Yes, Miss! Of course, Miss! I’ll be good, Miss!”
“I know you will, dearie.” You sit up to give her a kiss on the cheek before laying back down. “Now, sweet pet, answer the question: do you want to cum?”
“Yes, Miss! Please can I cum, Miss?! Please?!” A tear falls down her cheek as she begs. She’s been holding back, waiting for your permission, for so long. “Okay, sweet pet,” you respond, “go ahead and cum for your Miss. But remember: slowly. I want it to be so good for you.”
Her hips begin to rock again, slowly and steadily. Before too long, though, the speed picks up. She’s close and losing her composure. You’ll train her better later. This time, you just want to feel her desperation and lust for you. “Cum, sweetie. Go ahead and let yourself get lost in your Miss. Cum for me,” you coo. A broken moan escapes her lips, and you feel yourself being flooded with heat. Her cum is warm inside you, more and more filling you with each throb of her cock. You feel yourself clench, tightening around her cock like a vice. This only seems to draw more cum from her. It feels so good to be full like this. You pull roughly at her leash, and she falls against you, her lips meeting yours in a collision of desires. The taste of her moans fills your mouth, and you can feel the wetness of tears on her cheeks. She’s never cum quite so hard before. The rush of power makes you feel hot and lightheaded, but you keep upright to finish your kiss.
After what feels like hours, she finally pulls away from your lips. You’re both panting, though it’s her that speaks first. “Fuck, thank you, Miss,” she gasps, barely able to get the words out from how heavily she’s breathing. “I don’t think I’m gonna be able to walk for a little bit. My legs feel like jelly.”
This makes you giggle, and you pull her in for another kiss, this time light and short. “That’s okay, babe. We’ll get you all cleaned up in the morning. Right now, come snuggle with your Miss.” Without needing to tug on the leash at all, she lays down gently on top of you. You can tell she tried not to fall out of you, but the position of your bodies makes it so that’s not possible, and you can feel her cum leaking out from you onto the sheets. You pet her softly as her lips find their way to your breasts, sucking gently on them for comfort. She looks so peaceful there, her leash hanging limply. You unfasten it and toss it aside but leave the collar on. She loves the reminder of who she belongs to, and you wouldn’t want to take that from her now. As she begins to drift off to sleep, you hear her repeating a single phrase over and over:
“Thank you, Miss.”
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Strawhats with Rob Lucci’s younger sibling? But they aren’t aware of CP9 due to ✨reasons✨ and just think their big brother wanted to work at Water 7
Anon, I have some extremely unfortunate news for you. My dyslexia pulled a fast one on me and completely omitted the word 'strawhats' from this request, and I didn't realize it until I had already finished writing it and came back to post it. I am so sorry, feel free to send this request in again if you want to give me another shot to properly answer it. I'm gonna be reading requests 50 times over just to make sure I don't do this again. I am mortified. Hope you like this regardless, so sorry again.
Yandere Rob Lucci x Sibling Reader
2.7k words
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This was going to be a good thing for you, a healthy change of pace. An opportunity to move on from your past and no longer let it weigh you down. It was for the best, even if everything felt more than a little hollow right now.
After you finished putting away the rest of your belongings, you meander to the open window to take in your brand new surroundings. Water 7 was easily the most beautiful city you’d seen in your entire life. 
A light breeze carried the scent of the ocean into your small apartment. The walkway as well as the canal beneath you was busy, full of people going about their daily lives. Everyone here seemed so gleeful and carefree, as if they didn’t have a single problem hanging over them. You wonder if you’ll be able to fall into a similar state of mind.
Probably not, but you can dream.
Your train of thought is interrupted by your cat, Roberto, leaping up onto the windowsill next to you. You lightly scritched behind his ears as he looked down at the bustling city with his typical scowling expression. He was the grumpiest cat you’d ever met, but that just made his toleration of you all the more endearing in your humble opinion.
Shutting the window, you make your way to the door, “I’m gonna head out and take a look around the neighborhood, don’t cause any trouble while I’m gone.”
Roberto barely spared you a glance before jumping down to the floor to curl up in a sunny spot to sleep. A small smile tugged at your lips. Yeah, you weren’t worried about him doing anything bad in your absence. For all his standoffishness, he was a very mild mannered cat. As long as his food and water bowl were filled (which they were), he was fine.
You’d barely made it out the door before a couple of kids went sprinting around you, narrowly avoiding a collision. One of them shouted a quick “sorry” over their shoulder but kept on running to wherever their destination was, giggling about who knows what.
They looked similar. Siblings probably. Just like that, your mood took a nosedive, much to your aggravation. How childish to be bothered by merely seeing two potential siblings. You needed to get over it already.
It’s not like you were ever going to see Lucci again. He was gone and you needed to accept that.
The relationship you had with your older brother was odd to say the least. Mostly in the sense that you didn’t really have one to go off of. The last time you’d seen him, you were three years old, so you two could only be so close.
At the time, you felt like you were thick as thieves with him. Wherever he went, you followed, and vice versa. He’d do everything with you. From tying your shoes before you figured it out, to letting you wear his top hat, to fighting anyone else at the orphanage that had the audacity to try and pick on you. Even back then, you could distinctly remember how stoic he was, but you never doubted that he cared about you. And also his pigeon, Hattori. 
The only time you could recall where he was upset with you was when you’d spent the whole day pestering him to tell you about your parents. The orphanage was all you’d ever known, but surely he remembered something about them. After hours of changing the subject or blatantly ignoring you, he snapped, “It doesn’t matter! They aren’t here anymore, only I am. Just be happy with that and stop asking.”
You didn’t bring it up again. Not that you exactly had much of a chance to.
The following day was a strange one. Some men in suits showed up and took Lucci “on a walk”, not letting you come with. They never came back. When you asked the nun running the place where your brother was, she acted like she had no idea who or what you were talking about. It was as if he’d never existed.
Without your brother around to protect you, it became abundantly clear what a shithole that place was. You’d come to the sad realization that he’d been giving most of his food to you so you wouldn’t have to go hungry. There was also the issue of having to watch more and more kids disappear every couple of years and having no idea what happened to them or if you were going to be next. The general consensus between you and the remaining children was that they were being sold into slavery, but you never were able to confirm that.
As soon as you were old and strong enough to go off on your own, you did. For years you would bounce around the island doing odd jobs to stay alive all while trying to get a clue as to your brother’s whereabouts. Nothing ever came up, so when you scraped together enough money, you left for another island.
You repeated this cycle for years. Working, investigating, and then moving when the trail was cold. As disheartening as it was, you couldn’t bring yourself to give up. He wouldn’t give up if the roles had been reversed, so you wouldn’t either.
At least that’s what you told yourself at first. When you were first thinking this, you never imagined that he would still be missing over a decade later. You had never considered that you would genuinely never find so much as a hint to his whereabouts. Or his livelihood. 
At this point, it was easier to assume he was dead.
“I could go for a drink,” you mumble to yourself as you take a look around and notice a bar. You’ve been so caught up in your own thoughts that at this point you don’t even know where exactly you are. How responsible.
You push open the door to the establishment and do a quick once over. It’s busy, but not crowded. You should be able to quietly enjoy a drink or two without much trouble.
The sound of wings flapping catches your attention, and the next thing you know, something lands on your shoulder and starts cooing. Slightly startled, you snap your attention to where it landed and see a white pigeon happily nestling itself into your neck.
Holding out your hand, you gently guide it onto your finger to get a better look at the bird. It’s wearing an adorable red necktie and looks positively thrilled to see you for whatever reason. Despite your previous bad mood, you can’t help but smile. You’ve always had a soft spot for birds. What a cutie.
Someone at a nearby table laughs loudly, “Look at that Lucci, even your bird is better at making friends than you are!”
Your blood runs cold.
“Lucci?” No. No it can’t be. 
Slowly, you crane your neck around to look at where the voice had come from. That’s when you see it. The top hat. The dark, curly hair underneath it. Your breath catches in your throat as the man turns around. His facial expression is one of pure annoyance, until his eyes meet yours. Then he looks like he’s seen a ghost.
It’s him. He’s aged, obviously, but you would recognize those features anywhere. That’s your brother. That’s Lucci.
As if on autopilot, you mindlessly approached him, “Lucci, is that really you?” Your voice is so quiet that you’re not sure he could even hear you. He didn’t respond, so you continued, “I looked everywhere for you. Is this where you’ve been?”
Logically, you know you should be ecstatic to see him again, but as he continues to silently gawk at you something else creeps into your heart. 
“You gonna say something, or are you just gonna keep staring?” One of your hands snaps out to shove at his shoulder. Still nothing. “I’m your fucking sibling, your own flesh and blood, and this is how you treat me after all these years?! I thought you were dead!” His fists clench and unclench, and his breathing is becoming uneven, but he still won’t talk to you.
In a fit of fury, you snatch a pint of beer off the table and throw the contents of it in his face, “Fuck you, I never should have wasted my time looking for you!”
Hattori flies off you from the commotion and is circling the table. The patrons of the bar are mostly silent save for some gasps and hushed whispers, but you don’t hang around any longer. You can’t. You don’t want to let that bastard have the satisfaction of seeing the tears that are seconds away from spilling over. 
How dare he? How dare he do this to you? You’ve spent all this time remembering him fondly, searching for any sign of him, and when you finally find him completely by accident, this happens. He gives you the silent treatment and acts like he doesn’t know you. You thought he was dead or a slave when in reality he was leading a normal life and getting a drink with his buddies. 
Maybe he’d been glad to get rid of you.
You choke out a sob as you run, not sure where your feet are taking you but hoping to see anything that can point you to your apartment. All you want to do is to curl up in your bed with your cat and cry. Fuck it, maybe you’ll pack up your things and leave Water 7 tonight. You can’t stomach the thought of seeing him again now.
You can register the sound of someone running after you. Probably the guy whose drink you threw if you had to guess. Way to go, (y/n), making a scene and ruining your reputation within hours of moving to a new city. You don’t want to face the consequences of your actions though, and pick up the pace to try and get away from them.
This doesn’t work and they close the gap far quicker than you expected. Strong arms wrap around your torso, and they pick you up and carry you into some quiet alley. You try to kick and scream, but your kicks do absolutely nothing and a hand covers your mouth. 
As soon as you’re out of sight of the general population, you’re put down and pushed into a wall. You can finally see who your assailant is, only to lock eyes with Lucci. Scoffing, you slap away his hand, “What? Now you want to talk?” 
“Yes, I do,” his response surprises you. You hadn’t actually expected him to speak to you after how he was acting at the bar.
“Oh really? How come you didn’t want to talk before? Too embarrassed to speak with me in public?”
“I can’t speak with you publicly, but not for that reason.”
He didn’t elaborate further, but you decided to move on. There were a lot more things to get to. You cut to the chase, “Where have you been?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
Forget this, he’s fucking with you at this point. You try to walk away from this pointless conversation, but he’s holding onto your wrist and won’t let go.
“I’m leaving, I don’t want to talk to you,” you’re trying to wrench your arm out of his grasp but he’s much stronger than you thought. He wouldn’t budge.
“We’re not done talking,” his eye twitched in irritation at your behavior.
“We never started talking! You aren’t saying anything meaningful, I would get more out of talking to a brick wall!” You screamed at him, trying not to start crying again. 
While you’re trying to get away, you feel something land on your head. This makes you stop and calm down ever so slightly. The cooing immediately gives away that it’s Hattori. You hold up your hand for him to hop on. How is it that you’re connecting with the pigeon more than your brother? You sighed, “At least someone is happy to see me.”
From your peripheral vision, you can see Lucci stiffen and avert his piercing gaze. He grumbles a bit, “I am… Happy. To see you.”
You scoffed, “Wow, that sounded so convincing.”
Lucci released your wrist, and if it weren’t for Hattori thoroughly enjoying the attention you were giving him, you would have taken the opportunity to leave. You eyed him warily as he inched closer to you, looking incredibly unsure of what he was doing. Then his arms reached forward and enclosed around you in what was hands down the most stiff and awkward hug of your life.
He let go and took a couple of steps back, refusing to make eye contact with you, “There, do you feel better now?”
Your memories took you back to the time you’d scraped your knee while playing tag with Lucci when you were children. In typical little kid fashion, you were inconsolable from the minor injury. He carried you back to the orphanage and bandaged your knee himself, but didn’t know what to do when he saw that you were still upset. In a last ditch effort to get you to calm down, he’d brought you into this uncomfortable side hug while looking everywhere except for at you. The whole display was so silly looking that you couldn’t help but giggle at him.
Despite everything that just transpired between you two, your heart felt warm. He hasn’t changed a bit after all. You chuckle, “No, that hug was terrible. Not to mention that now I smell like beer.”
“And whose fault is that?” His eyes narrowed at you accusingly.
“Yours for making me mad enough to throw it at you,” you laughed again at the dramatic eye roll he did in response. 
“You’re the only person in the world who I would let get away with that, I hope you appreciate that,” he muttered.
“Yeah, sure, whatever,” you shrugged off the comment, not putting much stock into it. The previously tense atmosphere had relaxed, but there was still some awkwardness to it. It was unavoidable really, after this much time apart you two didn’t know each other. What were you supposed to talk about? The questions you asked before went unanswered so now you didn’t know what to do.
“What are you doing in Water 7?” Lucci had mercifully been the one to break the silence.
“I just moved here. Wanted a fresh start, you know? What about you? Can you at least tell me that?” 
“I’m a foreman at the Galley-La Company, have been for a few years,” he states plainly. 
You’re honestly surprised to have received a real answer. You decide to push your luck and ask another question, “How come you never came back?”
Lucci took his time mulling over how to respond, “I wasn’t able to. If I could have, I would, but it wasn’t an option. I can’t tell you why, but I need you to believe me. The second I’m in a position to do so, I will tell you, but for now I simply can’t.”
“What the hell are you tied up in?” Something bad is going on here, but you’ll be damned if you have any idea what.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Well, looks like he’s done answering your questions again. At least you made some progress. The awkward silence came back, and you found yourself wanting to go home. You needed time to take all of this in and decompress.
Setting Hattori onto Lucci’s shoulder, you tell him as much, “It’s been… Interesting seeing you again, but I’m tired and want to go home.” You don’t wait for him to respond before hurrying away.
“I’ll walk you back,” Lucci closes the distance quickly and the look on his face leaves no room for argument. You suppose that’s fine. Him knowing where you live will make meeting up again later easier.
You have no idea how your relationship with him is going to evolve after this. Considering how much time has passed, it’s impossible for things to go back to how they were. Maybe you’ll be able to forge a new and improved sibling bond with him, but only time will tell.
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pompomqt · 3 months
Journey to the West Chapter 46
When the King just wants these crazy powerful monks out of his city but Sun Wukong still has one more Daoist to kill:
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In this chapter of Journey to the West with @journeythroughjourneytothewest we continue our Monk Vs Daoist showdown. So lets get into it shall we?
We continue our story with the King very impressed by Wukong summoning the Dragon Kings, in fact he's all set to give them back their stamped travel papers, but the three immortals jump in and beg the king to let them challenge the monks again. This time to a meditation problem- which even the king points out shouldn't be to difficult for a monk. The Daoists explain that in this particular challenge they will have to ascend to the top of a raised altar with only the help of a cloud. The King thinks this sounds cool, so he asks the monks if they will accept the challenge.
Surprisingly Monkey doesn't immediately jump on board this new challenge to prove his superiority which even Pigsy takes notice of. Surprise, surprise, turns out it's because Monkey's ADHD ass can't sit still long enough to meditate. Tripitaka on the other hand can, in fact during his monk training he meditated for years, pity he can't fly though. Luckily Monkey has that part covered, so while Tripitaka volunteers for the challenge, Monkey makes a duplicate as a stand in, while he transforms his real body into a cloud to carry Tripitaka to the top of the altar. With that done he transforms into a mole cricket to watch the competition unfold with Pigsy.
The competition goes on for a while before Deer Immortal decides to give Tiger Immortal a helping hand by sabotaging Tripitaka. He borrows a trick from Monkey's book and transforms a piece of his hair into a bed bug and flicks it onto Tripitaka. Tripitaka starts squirming because of the itch, and Monkey realizes something must be wrong, because if Tripitaka said he could do this, then he definitely could. So Monkey flies up to take a look and notices the bed bug. He flicks it off and gives Tripitaka a few scritches for good measure. And since a bald monk head wouldn't get bed bugs naturally he assumes that the Daoist's must be cheating and decides to reply in kind. Monkey flies into the air before transforming into a giant centipede and drops down to land on and bite Tiger immortals face, which of course causes the Daoist to fall from his perch.
With yet another contest decided, the King once again tries to send the monks on their way, but is once again stopped by the Daoist's suggesting yet another competition. This time it's a guessing game, the queen will place a treasure inside of a chest and they will both try and guess what's inside. Tripitaka asks Monkey how they are supposed to do this, and Monkey just says to wait while he takes a look. So Monkey transforms into a mole cricket and sneaks inside the chest and finds a palace robe. Rather then just exiting the chest to tell Tripitaka however, Monkey spits a bit of blood onto them in order to transform them into a torn and worn out cassock. And then he pee's on it for good measure. Satisfied, Monkey exits the chest and tells Tripitaka to guess it is a warn out cassock.
Tripitaka is little wary to give such an answer but nevertheless after the Daoist's give their answer of it being a set of palace robes, Tripitaka replies as Monkey told him to. The King is so insulted by them insinuating that they have no treasure, and tries to have them arrested before even opening the chest. Thankfully Tripitaka is able to persuade the king to at least check first before having them arrested, so the king does so and is extremely surprised to find that they were right.
The King decides to try again, but this time he decides to personally place something in the box. So he goes to his garden and chooses a huge peach, before presenting the chest to the competitors to try again. So Monkey pulls the same trick again and sneaks inside the chest and is extremely pleased to find the peach. Monkey who has never needed an excuse to devour an important peach, takes the excuse anyways and eats the whole thing leaving only the pit behind. One tasty snack later and Monkey returns to Tripitaka and tells him to guess a peach pit.
Tripitaka is once again wary about giving such an answer, but he trusts Monkey not to steer him wrong. So after the Daoist's give their answer of a peach, Tripitaka gives his guess of a peach pit. The King of course once again tries to declare the Daoist's the winner, since he placed the peach inside the box himself, but Tripitaka persuades him yet again to at least fact check first. So the king opens the box and is yet again surprised to find that the monks are right. The King is thoroughly freaked out at this point and begs the Daoist's to just drop the matter since clearly the monks have some kind of divine power on their side.
The Daoist's however want to give it one last try. They suggest to the king that the monks can only remove non living items, so this time they place a Daoist youth inside the chest and order the Monks to guess again. This time when Monkey sneaks inside the chest he transforms himself into one of the Daoist elders and persuades the youth to try and trick those no-good monks, by transforming into a monk in order to throw them off. So the Daoist agree's and lets Monkey shave his head and transform his clothes. Monkey also gives him a few other monk like accessories and tells him to only leave the box if someone calls for a monk. Also in order to really sell it he should chant the name of Bhudda.
Daoist youth thoroughly persuaded, Monkey leaves the chest and tells Tripitaka to guess it's a monk. And for the first time Tripitaka is perfectly fine with this answer, since it's actually a treasure in his book. And sure enough the Daoist's try and call out the Daoist youth only for him not to respond, but once Tripitaka guess's it's a monk, the youth comes right out, in full monk swag and chanting the name of Buddha.
The King thinks that settles that, and these monks definitely have some serious divine power, and really just wants to let them go now. The Daoist's however have one last competition they want to try. Turns out the 'Immortal' in their names isn't just for show, since they do possess a few tricks along that line. See, these Daoist immortals have learned how to survive having their heads cut off, their hearts removed, and being boiled in oil, and they are eager to see if these Monks can do the same.
Unsurprisingly Monkey is much more on board with this challenge then the meditation one, and is roaring to go show off how indestructible he is. So Monkey brags to the King that he's learned the art of head cutting, and has been waiting for an opportunity to try it out, so he would love to go first. So the king has the execution site prepared, while Tripitaka warns monkey to please be careful. Monkey brushes Tripitaka off and goes right to the chopping block, and has the executioner chop his head off and kick it away. However no blood comes out of his neck and a voice coming from his stomach calls for his head to return.
This freaks out the Deer Immortal, so he summons two minor gods and bribes them to help him by holding Monkey's head down. Which, yikes, they are probably gonna wanna scram after this before Monkey finds out, he's threatened to beat gods to death for a lot less after all. Anyways, unable to summon back his head, Monkey simply summons a new one. While Monkey lavishes in the attention from his fellow disciples and master, the king tries to give them their travel papers yet again so they'll get out of his hair. However Monkey insists that the Daoist's take their turn on the chopping block first. As is only fair.
So now it's Tiger Strength Immortal's turn on the chopping block, and sure enough once his head is cut off, Tiger Immortal tries calling it back. And just like what the Immortals tried to do to him, Sun Wukong takes certain measures to stop that from happening. So Monkey transforms one of his hairs into a dog, and has the dog drop the head into a nearby moat. And apparently Tiger Immortal is weaksauce and can't even grow a new head like any self respecting real immortal, so soon enough blood spurts from his neck, and he dies. Transforming into a headless yellow tiger. Plot twist...?
Anyways some officials go to the King and tell him what happened. And while the King side eyes his to remaining immortals they rush to assure him that the monks must be using some illusion magic or something to make him look like a Tiger. Anyways they must avenge their fallen brother! The contest continues! This time it's the disembowelment thing. Which Monkey is also thrilled to try out, since he's been having a stomachache lately, so this is excellent timing.
So Monkey goes up on the executioner block and slices his chest and stomach wide open. And just to show off, he makes a show of taking out his organs one by one and examining them before putting them back and healing himself back up. More frightened then ever the King tries yet again to get these monks out of his kingdom, but Monkey isn't leaving until an Immortal tries this gut removal thing to.
So now it's Deer Strength Immortal's turn. He goes to the executioner block and slices himself open and removes his guts just like Monkey did. However before he can put them back, Monkey transforms one of his hairs into a hawk to steal the guts and Prometheus this dude. Sure enough these immortals can't seem to grow shit back so Deer Strength Immortal dies and... turns into a white deer. I'm sensing a pattern here. Anyways, apparently Goat Strength doesn't know when to quit when they're behind because he demands Monkey try the oil bath thing.
Monkey is on board with this plan, an oil bath sounds rather refreshing at the moment, he even asks if they want him to strip for it or not. Goat Immortal is worried that Monkey's clothes might be oil resistant or something, so they are going to have this contest in the nude. So Monkey happily strips down and jumps right into the prepared boiling oil. While Monkey is happily frolicking around in the oil, he see's Pigsy whispering to Sandy. Pigsy is actually just commenting on Monkey's abilities, but Monkey assumes he must be mocking him.
So Monkey decides to prank him back, by transforming into a tack and sinking to the bottom to disappear. So an officer declares Wukong dead and tells the King, who is delighted that the scary monk is finally dead. He tells them to remove Monkey's bones so he can see it, however even with a strainer there are no bones to catch. So they just assume he melted completely, and the King orders the arrest of rest of them.
Before they can arrest them however, Tripitaka asks for a moment to mourn his lost disciple. The King is moved by Tripitaka's loyalty, and grants his request. So Tripitaka gives Wukong a very sweet eulogy, and Pigsy of course ruins the moment by yelling that Wukong is a deep fried BanHorse Plague. This works to offend Monkey into revealing that he's not actually dead, as he transforms back just to yell at him.
So the officers report that Monkey is actually alive, but the guy who first made the report is worried that he'll be punished for giving a false report, so he just says that Monkey is actually a ghost. So Monkey decides the best way of proving that he's not actually a ghost is to, get dried off and dressed, and then kill that guy. After all could a ghost do all that? Anyways the king is thoroughly cowed at this point and wants to just let this go, but Monkey insists that it's Goat Immortal's turn in the oil bath.
So Goat Strength Immortal begins taking his oil bath, and nothing interesting happens, so Monkey investigates and finds the oil cold to the touch. Figuring that a dragon king must be giving the Daoist a hand, Monkey calls up one of the Dragon Kings and demands he explain himself. The Dragon King explains that the Goat Immortal managed to cultivate a cold dragon for himself, but nevertheless the Dragon King has the cold dragon arrested. And without the cold dragon, the oil begins to properly boil, killing Goat Strength Immortal in the process. And with that the chapter ends with the King being bummed that all his immortal Daoist's are dead.
Current Sun Wukong Stats: Names/Titles: Monkey, The Stone Monkey, The Handsome Monkey King, Sun Wukong (Monkey awakened to the void), Bimawen (Banhorseplague), The Great Sage Equal To Heaven and Pilgrim Sun. Immortality: 5 + 94,000 years Weapon: The Compliant Golden Hooped Rod Abilities: 72 Transformations, Cloud-Somersault, Ability to transform his individual hairs, super strength, Ability to Summon Wind, Water restriction charm, and the ability to change into a huge war form, ability to duplicate his staff, ability to immobilize others, the ability to put others to sleep, and the Fiery eyes and Diamond Pupils, intimidating horses, churning large bodies of water, sleeplessness, seizing the wind, enhanced smell, discerning good and evil within a thousand miles, Spirit Summoning, lock picking, object transformation, distance reduction, vanishing in a flash of light and super healing. Demon Kill Count: 9+ Unknown Number of Minions Human Kill Count: 1009 God's Defeated: 22 + Unknown number Defeats: 5 Crime List: Robbery, Murder, Mass Murder, Arson, Theft, Coercion, Threatening a Government Official, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Forgery, Employee Theft, False Imprisonment, Impersonating a Government Official, Treason, attempted murder, failure to control or report a dangerous fire, desecrating a corpse, breaking and entering, trespassing, violating Tree Law, looting corpses, trading counterfeit goods, criminal threat, animal abuse, Assisting or Instigating Escape, Damage to Religious Property and contaminating a substance for human consumption. Cry Count: 7 + 3 fake cries Mountains Trapped Under: 4
Current Tang Sanzang stats: Names/Titles: River Float, Xuanzang, Tang Sanzang, Tripitaka and the Tang Monk Abilities: Curing Blindness, making branches point a certain direction (allegedly), reciting sutras, pretty privilege, memorization, Heart Sutra and Meditation. Cry Count: 21 Tight Fillet Spell Uses: 31 Paralyzed by fear: 5 Bandit Problems: 2 Kidnapped by demons: 6 Falling Off Horses: 8
Current Bai Long Ma Stats: Names/Titles: Bai Long Ma (White Dragon Horse), Prince of the Western Ocean, and third prince jade dragon of the dragon king Aorun Abilities: Transforming into a human, a water snake, and a horse, eating a horse in one bite, flight, Magic of Water Restriction, Singing, and Sword Dancing. Cry Count: 1 Crime List: Arson, and Grave Disobedience. Contributions to the plot: 2
Current Zhu Wuneng Stats: Names/Titles: The Marshal of the Heavenly Reeds, Zhu Wuneng (Pig who is aware of ability), Zhu Ganglie, Pigsy, Idiot and Eight Rules. Weapon: Rake Abilities: 36 Transformations, parting water, fighting underwater, cloud soaring, size enhancement and CPR Demon Kill Count/Kill steals: 2 Kidnapped by Demons: 3 Human Kill Count: 1 Failed Flirtation/romances Attempts: 3 Cry Count: 1 Crime List: Sexual Harassment, Murder, Kidnapping, arson, defamation, Damage to Religious Property and contaminating a substance for human consumption
Current Sha Wujing Stats: Names/Titles: The Curtain-Raising General, Sha Wujing (Sand Aware of Purity), Sandy and Sha Monk Weapon: Monster Taming Staff Abilities: Fighting underwater and Cloud soaring. Demon Kill Count: Unknown number of minions. Kidnapped by Demons: 2 Human Kill Count: 1 Crime List: Breaking a Crystal Cup, murder, desecration of a human corpse, Damage to Religious Property and contaminating a substance for human consumption
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thinking about whether or not FL sheds his fluff
imagine its summer and after a long day of dealing with whatever crap goes down in their workplace while having to deal with the ridiculously high temperatures, reader just wants to cuddle with their beastly lover (who just so happens to be covered in 90% metal and would definitely feel cool to the touch) but as soon as they step into their house, they realise something. There is purple fluff on almost every surface of the house and not a few seconds later did the culprit come sprinting towards the reader, bringing them into a hug, delighted to see them after a long day. Reader reaches to pet FL’s fluff only to watch it fall out with the single light touch. At first they immediately retract their hand afraid that FL has contracted some sort of illness that causes hair (fluff?) loss. FL looks at reader questioningly, wondering why they aren’t giving him his usual pets. Reader tells FL to put them down and as soon as their feet touch the ground, they are booking it out of the house and back into the city to look for Zhongli. After finding the man, they explain the situation and Zhongli laughs, telling them that FL is simply shedding his fur to cope with the hotter weather recently. With this the reader lets out as sigh of relief and heads back hime just to find FL pouting, thinking that reader had abandoned him. Reader then apologises to him and exxplains what happened and the situation is then cleared up.
(Imagine reader collecting the fur and using it for some art project)
-Sleepy anon
sleepy anon, i LOVE the way your mind works
Foul Legacy immediately starts purring and nudging himself against you, getting soft purple fuzz all over your clothes- can you scritch him, please? it's scratchy! he shakes his head slightly and even more tufts of it fall out and drift onto the floor, and you just let out a single long sigh, opening the closet to fetch your broom. the next one to two hours are spent gathering every single bit of fluff that you can find, sweeping it off the floor and tables and random corners of your house- how it got on top of the bookcase of all things, you'll never know- and finally sitting Legacy down and giving his fur and hair a thorough brushing for good measure, clouds of lilac fur clinging to the comb and a very happy purring Abyss creature tilting his head this way and that so you get all the right areas. it takes until nightfall, and you're exhausted afterwards, but finally your house is clean and Legacy has shed all that excess fur, the ruff around his shoulders looking smaller but more manageable and Legacy looking very comfy and pleased with himself
so now you're left with a large bag of shed Abyss monster fur- what do you do with it?
well, the obvious answer is to make it into yarn and knit. not that you really need anything knitted right now, given the temperature and all, but it'll be nice once winter comes around again. you have enough Foul Legacy fluff to knit a few scarves, so the first one you make goes to none other than Legacy himself, who quickly wraps it around his neck with a delighted trill, cooing at the familiar texture and scent. he insists that you make a matching one for yourself- that way everyone knows that you're his and he's yours! the last one goes to Zhongli, who smiles warmly as he picks it up and asks what the material is. without missing a beat you just point at Legacy's fur, and have to bite your tongue to keep from wheezing when Zhongli snorts a laugh into his teacup
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lemon-shortbread · 2 months
Do you also breed transmasc pups that need to be held and kissed?
Plot twist transmasc pups are first to be bred! 💪Solidarity of course! Holding a cute puppy close is the best, breeding him and telling him what an amazing dad he’s going to make. He’s getting all the kisses I can give him. Good pups get rewards, of course! Puppy boys get kisses and their t-dick sucked just because he deserves to feel good already before he gets bred. Bending him over like a good boy and holding his body close, putting him in front of a mirror maybe too- I need him to know just how handsome he looks right now, how sexy he is when he needs to be bred like this- are you in heat or something, puppy?
Listening to his sweet whines while I give his head scritches and thrust into him, overstimulating him with praise and worshipping his body. I want nothing more than to remind him of how brave he is, how manly it is that he’s letting me knock him up. He’s such a good boy for me, my gorgeous, breedable, baby daddy. I’ve gotta play with my puppy boy a little, so maybe i’d turn him over on his back, I wanna see his handsome face, the way his expression softens and hardens again while I slowly plow into him, letting him feel every inch of me as he gets stuffed full of cum. Pups love belly rubs, right? He sure seems too, however, the way he squirms when I place my hand over his belly, tracing a finger down his happy trail before settling my hands on his lower belly, dragging them to grab his hips as I fill him over and over again. Once he’s definitely nice and bred, once again, i’ve gotta reward my puppy with lotttts of kisses (his face, his chest, his belly, his slit, good god just anywhere I can) praise, and cuddles afterwards.
Pups are just too cute, we’re definitely gonna be back at it again soon enough 🥰🥰
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yeehawkins · 1 year
Ricki Tikki MacTavish
Back home for once, Soap brings Ghost over to his flat. A small visitor awaits them
Coming home is an exceptionally rare luxury. And an even more rare occurrence is Simon Riley actually having any time away from the field. Johnny wanted to seize his chance to get to know the other more. Plus, he knows Ghost has nowhere to go, so it was only right to invite him over to his place. Really, it was more of a plead than an invitation, as old habits rarely die with that man. 
As they approach the apartment door, Soap pulls out a monstrosity of keys.
"How many fucking flats do you own?" Ghost states in astonishment.
"Just the one,'' Soap responds.
“Going to be here for ages trying to get into it.” Ghost states, rolling his eyes.
“Have a little faith.” Soap grins, almost magically flipping to the correct key with one cacophony of jingling, shaking it some more in triumph.
A little more jangling of keys, and Soap unlocks the apartment door, gesturing for Ghost to go ahead.
Ghost couldn't help but gawk upon entering. A few stains on the carpet notwithstanding, the place was downright pristine.
After tossing his bags by the door, Soap takes a look at his welcome guest.
"What? Never seen a clean flat before?" Soap teased.
"Well I certainly didn't expect one from you" Ghost retorted.
"Think I got the name by being filthy?"
"Oh I know where you got the name, slippery bastard" Ghost lets out a guffaw then picks up the shorter Scot, scooping him up in a hug. This knocks the air out of Soap a bit, and gets him blushing.
"Easy with the goods!" he laughs.
"That was easy"
Their banter is cut short, as there was someone else in the apartment. Ghost puts down his friend, and turns around. A small, fluffy tabby cat has made its presence known. The cat is quite loud, and continues to meow until Soap leans over to acknowledge her. He immediately melts at the sight of his beloved cat, scooping her up in his arms.
"Ricki! Oooh I've missed the hell out of you! My wee lady hold down the fort alright? Not give Ms. Darcy any trouble, did ya?"
Ghost watches as Soap devolves into a babbling Scottish mess at this cat. He lets out a chuckle, almost endeared at the display. "Didn't tell me you had a missus."
"Ah Ms. Darcy's just my landlord. Takes care of Ricki when I’m gone," says Soap.
"I mean the cat, MacTavish."
Snapping a bit out of his loving stupor, Soap tucks Ricki under his arm like a football. "This here's Ricki. My gran couldn't resist her face, but her allergies certainly could. So I took her in," He pauses to scritch the top of the cat's head with his other hand.
Ghost gives a genuine smile. His eyes go between Soap and Ricki, and raises his eyebrows at the man, clearly asking a question.
“Go ahead. Unlike me, she doesn’t bite.” Soap smirks, now holding Ricki like a baby. 
Ghost almost seems apprehensive to pet the cat, not wanting to spook her. However as he moves his hand towards her, she pushes her face up to his hand, purring loudly. 
“Aww, looks like you’re allowed to stay,” says Soap.
“Didn’t know there’d be a test,” Ghost replies contently, with much of his focus now on the purring cat. “Good to know you’ve got someone looking out for you off the job”
"Aye, really we look out for each other.” Soap beams, using one of his hands to now rub the cat’s belly. “Ricki canny hear a thing. Deaf as all, but fuckin’ loud as all too. Wouldn’t have her any other way”
Ricki takes a gentle swat at Soap's hand, shooting him a look. Ghost retracts his to avoid being included in getting hit.
“Guess the welcome party’s over” Ghost jokes. 
Soap sets Ricki back down on the floor. She goes right back to meowing once on the floor, circling Soaps legs.
“I believe somebody’s hungry,” Soap states. 
Once he has a briefly clear path, he begins walking toward the kitchen, Ricki weaving in and out between each stride. He opens up a cabinet, and looks back over at Ghost.
“Well come have a sit, Simon. You’re allowed inside more than 5 feet, you know.” Soap hollered. 
Truthfully Simon was in a bit of a trance, never much of the social type and perfectly content just watching Johnny and his cat do their thing. Hearing his name definitely snapped him out of it though. He walks over to the large couch in the living room and sits, still watching the other man and the cat in the kitchen. 
Johnny takes out a small bag of cat food, but looks down and notices her bowl is still full. 
“Oh you cheeky shite!” he laughs, looking at the cat staring at him, bending over to scritch her head. She simply yells back. 
“Fine, fine, a treat for my girl,” Johnny happily sighs, putting away the cat food and grabbing a smaller bag. He pours out a few treats into his hand, which prompts her to spring up onto the counter, somehow getting even louder. 
Johnny waggles a finger in front of her like a dad. “Ah ah ah! You know the deal.” He then points downward. 
Simon’s eyes widened. Upon this gesture, Ricki sits down, still looking up at Johnny and yelling of course. Johnny laughs and hands her a treat, placing the rest down on the counter for her, which she happily eats. He then walks over to the couch to join his guest, who is not at all hiding his surprise at what he just saw.
“You trained a cat.” Simon states in shock.
“Yep.” Johnny responds matter-of-factly, leaning back on the couch and kicking his feet up on the coffee table.
“And I’m the one outta my mind for drinking bourbon?” Simon laughs.
“Yeeep.” Johnny replies in the exact same tone. The two then catch each other's eyes, and exchange laughs. They both settle even deeper into the couch and let out content sighs, Johnny leaning his head back and shutting his eyes with a smile on his face.
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fourmula1 · 1 year
summer of cum day 12: cock warming
(previous days)
max/daniel. 630 words.
Sometimes. Sometimes Max gets like this. Needs. Wants. This.
Daniel’s never fully understood exactly what drives Max to do it but he thinks he’s worked out it’s something about – about the freedom and safety to do it at all, not really about the act itself.
He slumps down a bit on the sofa where he’d been scrolling on his phone, looking at nothing in particular and mostly just wasting time, while Max settles on the floor between Daniel’s knees. He looks up at Daniel with pretty blue eyes, anxious and petulant all the same, a feat only doable by Max Verstappen, he’s sure.
Daniel lets Max hook his fingers into the waistband of his sweat shorts, lifts his hips a bit for Max to tug them down and off, exposing all of him to the apartment’s afternoon sunshine. Daniel doesn’t mind. Instead he pretends to pay attention to his phone and not really notice (how could he not notice) the way Max presses his face in against the crook of Daniel’s thigh, nuzzles in and breathes slowly before turning his face to let Daniel’s soft dick fall against his nose, his cheek, resting there gently.
Daniel definitely knows he won’t be staying soft for long, with Max like this. He slips his fingers through Max’s hair, not tugging, just gently resting his hand against Max’s head while Max presses soft little kisses down Daniel’s dick until he gets to the tip and opens his mouth. Daniel shudders a little when Max takes his half-hard dick into his mouth, sets his phone aside and watches Max.
His eyes are closed and he rests his head against Daniel’s thigh, mouth full of Daniel’s dick. It’d be a peaceful scene if not for the obscenity of it all. Still, he smiles and strokes through Max’s hair again, bites his lip because though Max’s intentions aren’t to suck him off necessarily, it’s impossible not to feel good when a warm, wet mouth is around his dick.
“You look pretty, baby,” Daniel tells him, soft and quiet and so true. The corner of Max’s mouth ticks up as much as he can with a mouthful of dick and it makes Daniel smile, too, because this is really all about Max and what he needs from Daniel. Daniels’ happy to give it.
He groans a little when Max slides a hand up his thigh to curl softly around Daniel’s balls, cradling them gently the same way his mouth is on Daniel’s dick. Max just likes to feel. To hold. To touch. Smell. Taste. Experience. Have.
To have Daniel in this way. To trust each other. To feel warm and safe and free and happy to have this.
Daniel fights the urge to rock his hips because this isn’t about that, but it’s hard when he can feel Max’s mouth getting wetter and wetter with the build up of saliva, some of it escaping Max’s mouth and dribbling down onto Daniel’s thigh. It’s hard not to move, but he doesn’t, just keeps scritching his fingers through Max’s hair and watching his lashes flutter.
When Max has had enough he opens his eyes and pulls back, Daniel’s dick slick and sloppy with spit now as Max pulls off and slides his hand up to curl around him instead.
“Thanks,” Max says, shy, unable to meet Daniel’s eyes no matter how many times they’ve done this. Daniel just strokes down Max’s cheek and nods his approval as Max takes Daniel’s hard dick back into his mouth with the intent of sucking him off this time.
Daniel comes in Max’s pretty, pink mouth and watches Max swallow it all before he moves back to get Daniel’s shorts back up, tucking him away and pushing himself up off the floor.
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It’s been a few hours since you hunkered down with Bo in your new, super fucking comfy, bed. He doesn’t have energy to do much but you both worked together to get his head in your lap so you could pet him. You’ve learned a fair bit about Bo from the few hours you’ve spent together, he’s part dog and doesn’t find anything weird about that. He loves ear scritches, chin scritches and apparently tummy rubs but he’s afraid he’ll get sick if you do that right now. He loves you already and has told you that he would both kill and die for you multiple times now, which like, you could do without but hey, cult, what did you expect?
Nick left a while ago and ever since you’ve heard muffled talking from a room or two over. It started out fine, but over time more voices came in and now it sounds like they’re all bickering “Are you ok?” You look down at Bo who’s now giving you the most worried puppy eyes you’ve ever seen, god he’s cute. You tell him you’re fine, just a little curious about what’s going on in the other room “Mmm, curious people’s heart rates don’t go up like that” Oh, what? You guess he is a dog, still you’re a little sorry he can hear your heartbeat, with how many anxiety attacks you’ve had today alone you can only imagine how annoying it’ll be for him to stay with you
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it worse” Shit, ok, deep breathe in…and out. You tell him he did nothing wrong, you’re just naturally anxious “Oh, ok…maybe I could help with that? Some people in town have service dogs or cats, maybe I could be your anxiety dog” He doesn’t have much energy to put into his voice but you can tell from his tail he likes the idea. The thought warms your heart, he cares about you so much already and just wants to be helpful in any way possible. You make sure to tell him how good of a boy he is for wanting to help which gets his tail wagging even harder
You’re not left with much time to gush over your new puppy as you hear the bickering turn to shouting in the other room “...It’s ok you know, I’ve survived this long without you. Just…promise you’ll be back?” You promise and start to get up “Wait…before you go you have to pay the toll” You’re a little worried about what the toll could be before he points to his forehead, oh, cutie. You lean down and give his forehead a few quick kisses which seem to do the trick. You tell him one more time you’ll be right back before rushing towards the noise
It isn’t hard to track them all down, half a dozen guys or so yelling at each other is pretty hard to miss. It’s difficult to hear what any individual is saying but from what you can gather they’re talking about your harem? Seriously? Your dog is on deaths fucking door and they’re worried about that? You want to be mad but you can feel yourself start to shake. They’re all yelling so loud, you don’t want to yell back but it would be the only way to grab their attention, it’s so loud, it’s so much, too much, far too much, you need to get out, why can’t you move, why can’t you breathe, please just “Stop!”
The noise stops, you can breathe again. What just…that voice was yours wasn’t it? It came out of your mouth but it sounded…off? You look up expecting all of them to be looking at you but they’re still looking at each other. You look a little more closely but, no, no that can’t be right. They all look…frozen? Like someone hit pause on these real actual people. The world feels like it’s tilting before you realize that’s you, you’re falling, everything is falling and it’s all…going…black
You feel warm, the kind of warm you only feel from your favorite blanket on a cold winter morning, but you don’t feel anything on your skin. You open your eyes to find you’re in…space??? It doesn’t look like real space, more like that galaxy aesthetic that was popular a few years back. Wait, 2016 was seven years ago…man you feel old “Fitting, you are much older than you think” …Who the fuck was that? It sounded like you, but that voice was too loud, too clear to be your own “Oh, but is, in a sense”
You look around to see where the voice might be coming from but it’s just more space, it’d be really pretty if you weren’t on the verge of another freak out “Well that won’t do. Here, allow me” As you breathe in more of that warmth floods your mind and body, you’re surprised you don’t feel more tired. As you start to get your bearings the stars around you start to move, golden and silver flecks of light converge on a single point and morph into a giant…Labrador? Yeah, no, that’s a big ass dog made of starlight
What the fuck is your life today?
“Hello, it is nice to finally meet you face to face” …Right, and they are? “You, well, technically I’m your father, or mother. Gender means little when you are a god” …You must have really hit your head “Do not be silly, you are here because I could finally reach you after using your powers for the first time. Which, might I say, went very well for what you were trying to accomplish. Freezing time is no simple feat, though I’m afraid you do not have enough energy to do so for very long. Hence the passing out”
Freezing time…you actually froze time? “For a short while, yes” Is it still frozen? “No, but time is different here than out there. Wouldn’t want your harem getting even more up in arms” They’re not!-...You don’t know what you’re going to do about them. But more importantly, who are they? And where the fuck are you? “I have gone by many names but those in the town call me your grace” But, they’ve been calling you your grace “You are me taken new form, it is to be expected. As for where we are, we are within dream itself. It is my realm so long as I am barred from the mortal plane”
…You’re sorry, you can freeze time??? “Of course you can, your powers are limited only by your followers and your imagination. If you believe you can do something you can, simple as” You wouldn’t call any of this simple, but sure, whatever. What was that bit about them being your dad? “Your father never consummated with your mother, she went through a ritual that allowed me to put a piece of myself in her, thus allowing your birth” …Did she know about that? “Mm, not entirely, no” …Cool, so cool and awesome. You tell them they can fuck off for not letting you feel angry about this
“Excuse me? I don’t think that’s any way to talk to your parent” They’re not your parent, a parent raises and loves and nurtures you, you only have a mom as far as you’re concerned “Ah yes, the woman who stole you away from learning your powers at a young age and away from your main power source, I’m sure that did well for you” They will not talk about your mom like that “Oh I think I shall. Tell me, did this mother of yours ever brace you for this? Or she leave you naïve so you could freak the fuck out once you learned the truth?”
Your mom raised you alone in a world she was convinced was after her, she did her fuckin best “And her best was this?” They gesture towards you and even through their blanket of calm you can feel your blood start to boil “I think we’re done here, I’ll leave you be tonight but after that we’re going to be seeing each other every time you fall asleep. Goodbye, little one”
Your eyes snap open to see two brown ones staring back “You’re awake! Oh thank…well, you I guess” Ian’s necklace bumps your chin before he gets up from the…couch? They must have moved you here. You sit up slowly but your head feels fine, you’re a little tired but alright over all, the fuck was that weird dream about “Are you alright your grace? That was a pretty nasty fall” Barry’s voice almost sounds like he’s teasing you but his face is still that creepy slight smile
You tell them you’re fine, just tired from today. You give your thanks to whoever moved you to the couch, he doesn’t pipe up but you see Jack’s smile grow wider “So, about your harem-” You cut Jean off, the only person in your harem right now is Bo, moving on “Wha-the mutt? Your grace you can’t be serious-” Moving. On. You sigh before getting up and walking back to your bedroom, all of them stay stock still, clearly trying not to anger you any further as you return to your room
You can’t help but smile when you see Bo’s tail start to wag as he sees you “You’re back, are you ok? Why were you gone so long? None of them hurt you, did they?” You sit down and tell him yes, it’s complicated, and no before moving back so his head in your lap. You can feel that tomorrow will probably be even crazier than today, but tonight you are relaxing with your new dog and that’s all that matters. It’s not long before Bo’s nuzzling does you in for the night, all the events of today finally catching up with you as you let yourself slip into a deep sleep
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Mizo Middle Yandere Headcanons
Well, fuck me, I guess... Do you guys know how difficult it is to figure something like this out, if the characters are barely mentioned? Like, I´m really need a list of appearance for these...
Okay! Akkun was okay, we get to know him well enough in the beginning, like the first few chapters make him important to us. He is part of the motivation for Takemichi and really the one, that gives him his conviction. But his story kinda plays as „I´m doing it for my dead wife“, ya know. I don´t know myself how he got that trope instead Hina...
The rest only get defined beyond their introduction over a long while. Like yeah we know Takuya is kind of a wimp and Yamagishi is the smart one and Makoto is the pervert. Like, all of you can see, how these guys are clear tropes and even caricatures for these tropes, right? There is so much going on in the manga, that these guys easily get ignored.
But I tried..., I hope..., well... - It´s gonna be fine!
Atsuhi Sendo – Akkun
He definitely throws down when it comes to you. He was absolutely ready to stab and consequently kill Kiyomasa for messing with his friends
In conclusion he has a temper and is not willing to calm down, when he sees someone he loves getting hurt
Otherwise a pretty gentle guy → very sensitive
He kind of has a sense for when you´re unwell, can figure out your mood in general very well
Also pretty touchy, especially your hair and face → will scritch your head as if you´re a cat for as long as you let him
Definitely has a sense of asthetic and what looks good on you → will style you up sometimes
Hope you don´t mind blood, cause he will get really stabby when someone hurts you
He doesn´t enjoy it, at least he tells you that. The grin on his face, when he makes them beg for forgiveness with you says something different
But hey! He never once even raised his voice at you, so you´re pretty safe from him
On the other hand, he outright tells you that he will kill himself if you ever consider leaving him
Takemichi Hanagaki
(Technically you could find him on the big post → Here is the link: https://are-you-still-writing-that.tumblr.com/post/686716686356938752/yandere-tokyo-revengers-headcanons
(but you get something extra)
There is more acting from him involved than you would think
Kinda tends to exaggerate his whimpy attitude → the stubbornness doesn´t come from nothing
While he doesn´t look like it, he apparently knows how to fight, don´t worry I was surprised too when I realised that one
I also think that he is a lot more manipulative than one would think → with his attitude no one would suspect it, and considering his age (and somehow continued survival throughout it) he can´t be that much of an idiot
Gets obsessed with stuff awfully and kinda hilariously quickly
Kazushi Yamagishi
The brain of the group, who is aware of every gang and can recognize the top members easily
He collects information about you very easily → wants to know everything about you
It´s really childplay for him to get every last tidbit of trivia of you
Also capable of actually using the information that he gets → like he knows what makes you tick and everything and will use it to his advantage
His style definitely involves blackmail, because he can draw quick conclusions even with very little of actual information → he tends to be spot on as well
While he is a bit of an idiot, he is very knowledgeable about everything that he obsesses over
Will not only blackmail you but the people who get too close to you as well → is in the business of ruining someones life, when he needs to
Not at all physical with anybody, while he does hang of the shoulder of his friends occassionally, it´s something special with him, he doesn´t actually seek company out that much
Because of that, he doesn´t really tries to get any physical affection from you as well → Praise and Words of Affirmation are his favourite though and also hoe he expresses himself as well
Takuya Yamamoto
He is the gentlest of the bunch, the softest → not necessarily the least dangerous though, actually I think he is the one most likely to murder you
Very aware of his own appearance and demeanor and how he can use it to aovid suspicion
Will manipulate the hell out of you with that as well → Do you really believe that he did all that? C´mon you must be joking!
But really, he is a great liar! No one suspects it...
He has an avid interest in medicine and seems to help out in an apothecary sometimes, which is good to know → Also definitely makes him the type to poison you and care for you in the aftermath
You´re gonna be sick for like most of the time knowing him, and he´s always hanging around your bedside taking care of you
Probably some kind of power trip for him, to have you consistently at his mercy
Well, you got lucky. The other guy he poisoned is just dead. You he is still taking care of
Will never get loud, he is very soft in that regard, though he sometimes lets out biting insults, in general he is a bit demeaning. Almost verbally abusive, but with a saccharine tone
Definitely someone who loves to cuddle with you, just pulling you in and laying down with you
Makoto Suzuki
(Let´s make this short, mkay, not really comfortable with him)
So he definitely steals your stuff, like all the time, pens, clothes, food you already chewed on and actually wanted to finish, but he just takes it from your plate → nothing is safe around him
Also 100% gotten off to the stuff he managed to get from you → In general you´re often the leading star of fantasies
Handsy as fuck, litteraly as soon as you´re around him, it seems he loses all capabilities to keep his hands to himself → constantly touching
Worries often about you → will nurse you back to health if needed
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
if each max sin and sam virtu decited to date eachother, who would each date?
( like would lust max choose chasity sam or? )
anyway back to the fun question ^^; this gonna get long so I'll put it under a cut!
Yeah I think you're absolutely right, Chastity and Lust are hysterical together. Like it's too much fun to chase him down and flirt relentlessly and watch him squeak in terror, Lust wouldn't be able to resist lmao. Also as I've touched on in past posts, Chastity is really just barely holding back his own desires and would definitely be into it despite his intense embarrassment. Like they make out in a closet for hours and then he stumbles out with cartoon smooch marks all over his head all woozy and lovestruck lmaoooooo. Now how about the rest of them...
OOH y'know who's really funny together, Greed and Charity. Because Greed wants everything, and Charity wants to give it to him. They are actively making each other worse and it's great <3
but I don't think they'd all match up one to one, like for example, Diligence and Sloth are funny together but would absolutely drive each other insane (or probably just to tears in Sloth's case :'/). Instead, I think Sloth would be drawn to Patience, because Patience won't make him get up pretty much ever lmao. They just sit still all day and Sloth gets a good nap and cuddle in hehe ^^
Now how about the more, er, temperamental ones...Wrath is tough because he just likes to shoot at everybody, so he's not exactly in the market for a partnership, much less relationship. But y'know, he'd be kinda perfect with Diligence because he needs people to shoot and Diligence needs people to arrest, so Diligence just goes around siccing him on every criminal in sight xD Then when Wrath gets bored and starts shooting at Diligence he just scoffs like "Stop that Max I have paperwork to file. Go shoot at some pigeons why don't you" fdsjksdljgs;dhf
Gluttony is absolutely not getting a date, he's getting a snack. And probably it's Temperance. Like Temperance would love to have a proper relationship with at least one of his multicolored husbands, but he happens to get a little too close and Gluttony's just like "ah perfect you look edible >:)" and that's all she wrote lmaooooo
Another tricky one is Humility since he's kind of just a conglomeration of self-loathing, poor baby. Honestly it would be WILDLY toxic, but I could kinda see him ending up with Pride if Pride decided he liked keeping him around for like menial tasks and offering worship and shit. Probably there's more to be said about that depending on whose version of Pride we're talking about, but I'll leave that for @pikaflute or @lizardtheartist to expand on if they happen to feel like it ;>c
And lastly, I'd love to see Kindness and Envy pair off because every version I've seen of that poor boy could use some love and reassurance, and that's all Kindness wants to do day in day out ^^ like Kindness would still be bouncing around helping other people too, but if Envy's clinging to his shoulders the whole time then he'd be able to check in with him frequently and make him still feel appreciated and cared for. What's better for feeling valued than being carried around by somebody who spends every waking moment asking if you need anything and telling you he loves you and idly scritching your cheeks while he does other stuff? ^^<3 Sure, Kindness still needs to calm the fuck down and take care of himself too, but Envy does also need to be blasted with love like that lmao so it would at least be nice in the short term.
Oh and I almost forgot their poor chopped-up counterparts, Bliss Max and Sin Sam! :0 they're interesting because they kind of go in two opposite directions--Bliss Max gets along with everybody and would probably be perfectly chill hanging out with any of the virtues, but Sin Sam is kind of perpetually ticked off and doesn't wanna be around anyone lmao. Probably Bliss Max could get along especially well with Kindness (but Kindness does try very hard to make that a given), but I could also see him being good buddies with Chastity. Since he's not really flirty, Chastity would feel safer with him, and maybe they'd have a nice little chat about hobbies or some such lol. As for Sin Sam, he might be able to have some fun with Wrath for a while, but that's assuming Wrath doesn't just try to shoot him on sight instead (which honestly seems like the more likely outcome). He'd also be able to have some fun with Lust, but he'd get sick of Lust being all lovey dovey and ditch him pretty quickly (what a heartbreaker shhgjfjdskhgsjfs xD). Bastard man. He kinda deserves to get stuck with the irritatingly bubbly Bliss Max lmaoooooo
And that's all I got!! Btw if anybody else makin vice content wants to reblog with ideas I'd love to hear em! Thanks again for a fun ask, bud :D
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pearl484-blog · 29 days
The Cesaire Family Kitten
Otis is sure the new family kitten isn't all it seems, and he's going to prove it.
Prompt: Family
Chat Noir was exploring the city with a new form, a small kitten that he'd experimented with Plagg to get. It was a small, little black cat covered in soft black fur and a small bell that rested at the base of his neck. 
Chat was hopeful that it'd be good as a stealthy form, considering that he had all his strength contained in a tiny kitten you could hold in your hand, but navigating Paris had proved to be a tad bit more difficult when you were so small. It was difficult to see, and his senses were stronger and harder to focus. 
So, Chat was practicing, playing at the park where no one would question a tiny kitten playing around, climbing trees, eavesdropping on conversations, and getting catnapped by some twins?!
Yes, to Chat's eternal embarrassment, two twins, Alya's twin sisters, if Chat was right, had picked Chat up while he was distracted by trying to eavesdrop on Alya's conversation about her newest Ladyblog article, had grabbed him and one of them, the one dressed in blue had curled him close to her chest. 
Chat Noir didn't struggle. He didn't want to hurt her accidentally. People, especially little girls, were fragile, but also....it was nice, being held like this. It felt warm, and soft against her clothes. 
So, the twins managed to carry him back to Alya and ask her if they could keep him, pretty please? Chat Noir gave Alya pleading eyes, praying that she would recognize him and tell the girls to let him go, maybe apologize and say that they didn't mean it. Give him some head scratches for the road. 
Instead, Alya said that they could take him home, but they'd have to put up lost pet posters so that his owners could find him. Chat Noir wanted to curse at her, yowl at her. Talking was hard, but not impossible in this form. He could argue with her. Surely, she'd listen. 
Then the little girl held him tighter and pet him, and it took Chat Noir had in him not to melt at the affection. Maybe he could handle a little bit of extra attention. Just for the night. Then he'd leave. 
That night turned into a day, which turned into two, then three, and by then, Chat Noir felt like a part of the family. When they went to school, he'd leave and go to do his Adrien duties, and he'd shadow akuma fights. When it was time for their bed, he'd switch between sleeping with Ella or Etta until they were fast asleep and then he'd come home. He got used to belly rubs and head scritches, and Plagg would happily mock him at school about how well he was adjusting to the cat lifestyle. That was until Otis came home. 
Otis had been on a business trip, learning new techniques for handling his beloved panthers when he came back to find the new family family pet, and instantly he knew it was no mere kitten. 
For starters, its face was too 'cute' for lack of a better word. Its jaw was too round. It's eyes too expressive. It looked more like a person's idea of a cat than an actual feline. Then there was its fur. Its fur covered it's entire body, including it's belly and it's anus was completely missing, and it's tail was not the characteristic kitten triangle, but fully developed when its body clearly wasn't. Then there was its bell. Otis could clearly see it, but there was not collar or necklace to connect it to its body. 
Instantly, Otis was suspicious. Why was there a pet here that was masquerading as a cat in his house? Was it a sentimonster? Had it been sent to spy on them? Was this yet another spectacle brought on by Alya's reporting?
Otis had stared at the false kitten for a few minutes when he was violently attacked by a fake kitten to the face. It pounced onto him and then nipped his nose as it gave a mew that was too deep for a creature of it's size. 
Otis scrambled to get the possible sentimonster off his face as Nora cooed and said that 'Shadow' liked him. Otis was very sure that 'Shadow' very much did not like him. Cats very much loved to pounce on their prey thank you very much. 
Meanwhile, Chat was having the time of his life. He'd been playing chase with Anansi when a new victim playmate had entered the room. The zookeeper, the one who'd turned into  animan. Surely, he understood the need to play that Chat Noir had. As he pounced and nipped, the zookeeper made such fun noises and moved in such fun ways. 
Over the next few days, Chat Noir felt Otis's attention on him at all times. It was fun. Then, when Chat Noir's gift to the twins, a science project for their age group that would teach them about acoustics, arrived, Chat tore up the return address so they couldn't return it and would play with it. 
Otis couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed Chat Noir by the scruff, leaving him paralyzed as his feet came off the ground. Chat mewed helplessly as Otis took him into his bedroom against the twin's protests and shut the door. He tossed Chat roughly onto the bed. 
“Okay,” Otis started, his tone making it clear that the time for fun and games had clearly come to an end. “Who are you? What are you? Tell me. Are you working for Shadow Moth?”
Chat Noir hissed. “No!” Otis startled, but Chat continued, too offended to stop. “I'm Chat Noir, and your kids catnapped me!”
Otis scoffed. “You're no Chat Noir. Chat Noir is a hero. And you're...you're an imposter.”
Chat Noir rolled his eyes, before focusing to get his words out. “We can have different forms. This,” Chat Noir spun around, “is one of mine.”
“So, what, you just let one of my kids kidnap you?” 
Chat Noir laughed, a harsh, not quite feline noise. “It was fun. You have a nice family. A good family. Why wouldn't I want to stay? It's nice, being here with you.”
Otis raised his eyebrows. “So you want to stay?”
Chat Noir nodded. Then he realized he should speak. “Of course.”
Otis sighed. “Very well. You can stay. But only because the girls would miss you if you left.” AS Chat Noir mewed happily, Otis very pointedly did not say that he would miss Chat Noir too. 
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Regarding misogyny; just listen to us call out other men. (Maybe eat some misogynists who refuse to reform...I mean...🤐)
Oh! I would love to hear what someone thinks of the movie that hasn't seen it dozens of times! I grew up with them and didn't understand how problematic the second one was until I was an adult. Though, it was always my least favorite. I still watch them all at least once a year.
I gave the cannibal deer a cannibal alligator! It must be kismet! 😆 I had no idea. Glad the dear departed gator was enjoyed. You *shared* with Stanley?! You lovveee him. Careful Alastor, people will think you're a secret softie. 😝
I was wondering about holidays in hell. How does Charlie celebrate Christmas?? I'm not religious even a tiny smidgen. But I still adore Christmas. I treat it as more of a celebration of the end of the year. I love giving presents. I love the food and the lights. Ohhh I fucking love the lights. My living room becames a Christmas Wonderland. I have 2 Christmas villages, a large 6 foot tree and a small 3 foot tree, among other stuff.
There are plenty of Christmas monsters and ghost stories too. I'm particularly fond of the Yule Cat and the Mari Lwyd. And last year...I got to meet Krampus. He gave me head scritches. 😮 Ah fuck it. Here's my stupid face (pre pink hair) with Krampus. https://ibb.co/RQg5rbz
I've gone Halloween shopping already last week. Stores are getting their spooky inventory. It's like catnip to me. I was internally squealing at alllll the stuff. 🎃
Thank you for the compliment on my wreath! 🤗  I don't do crafts, really, so I'm glad it doesn't suck. Hah.
Are you familiar with this? I feel like you would be. I can imagine you singing it actually.
After while, crocodile! 🐊
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For a picture film, it was surprisingly tolerable. If anything enjoyable. The soundtrack was rather tasteful. I would say that the Raiders of the Lost Ark is my second favorite and it does set up for the series. I would say that the most enjoyable for me was the Last Crusade. While I am all one for darker movies, the 3rd was rather light and comedic which was very refreshing. The Natizs (within this series) never cease to be ridiculous antagonists chasing after Christian religious artifacts. And the Last Crusade chase scene was rather fun.
Somehow Harrison Ford's and Sean Connery's dynamics were endlessly entertaining as a father-son duo.
I could on and on but I shall end this here.
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Well, Charlie used to celebrate it with some strange Krampus nonsense before she met us. Apparently, many of the hellborns (understandably so) had no idea what Christmas was. Despite Charlie's loving nature, the first Christmas she shared with us at the Hotel was rather horrifying and something I would rather not get into.
Thankfully, even though a few of us are Christian we were able to assist in the next Christmas. Two of us are even lapsed Catholics, hah! So with our combined forces, yes, we were able to put together an non-disturbing (secular?) Christmas celebration. Nowadays, we all get together and decorate the Hotel. It looks rather wonderful when its all down. A winter wonderland if that's what you call it. And with Charlie's magic, it makes it more wonderful.
We have wonderful colorful lights strung throughout the lobby and the halls. Christmas trees. Little Christmas Towns that apparently Angel Dust and Husk are obsessed with putting together. Wreaths, of course. Everything Christmas-y of the like. And well, we have St. Nicolaus and a secret Santa which usually ends with an argument. I'm not one for holidays but it is rather fun (but don't tell the others).
Oh my goodness! Well that's certainly a picture! Krampus looks like a somewhat dapper fellow. Are you nervous or simply happy? Hah, you don't have to answer that.
Unfortunately I am acquainted with that song. Charlie wouldn't stop playing it as the elevator music during the spooky season. It was a fun song at first but after the first few times I tired of it. Next time, I'm certainly going to consult Charlie about the Halloween music, hah!
See you later, my dear, alligator!
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