#yes i love the admiral so much arghh
majorbowomper · 6 months
Georgie existing in the Protocol also has major MAJOR implications.
The Admiral exists!!!!!!!1!!1!!
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
So this is a really weird one but bare with me on this. Let's imagine your at home and doing the usual beauty regime, and part of that would be waxing your legs at home. What do you you think your favourite characters reactions would be to seeing you do that without feeling hardly any pain at all....but then waxing a part of THEIR leg so they can see what you go through as a woman? Many thanks x
Don't worry anon it's absolutely not weird. I really like that kind of requests thank you for sending it 🖤
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When it's weekend and time for your beauty routine which includes waxing your legs. Waxing is not a problem for you you did it so many times that you're barely feeling something. You're busy with waxing when you suddenly spot Terry in the door. "Hey honey can I help you?" "Sweetheart how can you do that with a straight face? That must hurt." "Not really I got used to it it's fine." You say but Terry doesn't seem to be convinced. "You wanna try it? Just for fun?" Terry thinks for a second and nods. You pat the spot next to you and he sits down. You put his leg on your, lap and put the warm wax on it before you cover it with the stripe then you look at him. "Ready?" "I'm ready." then you rip off the stripe with a fast movement. "Jesus Christ! Sweetheart that's... How can you say you get used to it, that really hurts. You don't have to do that anymore, you know I love you the way you are sweetheart." this brings a smile to your face. "I know honey but I wanna do that and it really doesn't hurt much anymore."
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When he catches you waxing your legs he'd just stand there leaning against the doorframe admiring you. He loves every part of your body and especially when you're busy with your beauty routine." Hey baby. " " Oh hey honey hoe are you doing? " "I'm doing good baby, but honestly seeing you waxing your legs looks painful." "Oh it isn't that bad actually." he raises an eyebrow "Really? Let me try it." "Excuse me?" "You heard me I wanna try it. I wanna know how it feels." he said. "Alright, but honey it really hurts when you do it for the first time. Don't say I didn't warn you." so you applied some wax and put the stripe over it and ripped it off. "Arghh shit... ouch how can you do that regularly? I mean you know I appreciate that you want to look pretty for me but that doesn't mean you have to hurt yourself." "Firstly I do that for myself but of course I want to look pretty for you. Don't worry honey it's not that bad anymore."
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Max always acts like he's the toughest man of them all. So when he sees you waxing your legs he'd totally wanna try it. "Max that hurts do you remember the eyebrow incident? This might be worse." "That's long forgotten babes also I'm very sensitive around my eyes, come on babes I wanna try it." You sigh "Alright but Max this really hurts." "It can't be that bad babes you do it without flinching. I can take it." "Okay, okay you want it, you got it. Put your leg on my lap." he did as I said and I started to put the wax on it. "This is actually pretty good." Max said. "That's just the start Max." You say and put the stripe over it. "Okay Max, are you ready?" "I was born readyyyy woah, woah stop wait a second." he said when you try to rip the stripe off. "Max I have to rip it off, like a bandaid, you'll see it will be over before you know it." "No babes seriously why are you doing this to yourself, this is torture!" "No it's not. You get used to it over the time, now stay still and let me rip that off." "No I'll do it myself, I won't let you rip my skin off." "Oh come on Max it isn't that bad." "Yes it is, if you excuse me I'm going to suffer somewhere else "
Part two 🖤
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
jj’s girl - jj maybank
Requested by @loveableniall : Hey I have a imagine request for JJ. The reader meaning y/n is best friends with the group. However she is delivering stuff to figure 8 and runs into some kooks. The kooks beat her up. But thank goodness the group (aka her best buds) come to her rescue,and in the end JJ ends up confessing his feelings for her. (Hope all that made sense haha. Can’t wait to read!) ☺️
Requested by @emmileeb1 : i was wondering if you could do something where the reader is a girl and gets beat up pretty bad by any of the kooks like topper or rafe or smth and jj is there to find her?
A/N: Soo, I decided to combine those two requests, since they’re similar. Thank you both so so much for requesting, I hope you’ll like it! <3
disclaimer: i don’t own the characters, english is not my first language so im sorry if i have mistakes and please let me know!! I’m all open to any feedback or conversation!
warnings: angst there’ll be fluff, mentions of hurting, beating up, swearing and crappy writing asdhash
i was listening rudy’s “Jams for JJ” playlist while writing this so go check it out :) you can listen it from here
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gif credits to netflix i guess lol
It was 8.30 in the morning and you woke up because of a text. You groaned but as you noticed it was from JJ, you smiled. But when you realize you’re smiling you immediately stopped. No pogue on pogue macking Y/N he doesn’t even like you You thought to yourself. 
JJ: wake up sleepy princess we’re coming to get you in 30
Y/N: okay dumbass thanks for the reminder
You quickly took a shower, packed some food into your bag, just like Kie does, since you guys were the ones who were getting food supplies to the gang. You looked at the time, it was 9.1, still no notification from anyone. You knew you were the last person to get into the boat, but you still got worried. 
As you patiently waited outside, petting your dog, you heard a similar voice shouting your name.
“Y/N, the best Pogue on the Earth, mademoiselle” JJ bowed his head and offered his hand. HMS Pogue and the gang were getting closer to you.
“Hi JJ!” You accept his offer, took him by the hand, hugged him and get into the boat. As soon as you greeted everyone, you sat down by JJ. He smiled at your actions.
“So, what took you guys so long?” You asked everyone while John B calmly, driving the boat.
“Pope’s dad asked us to deliver some stuff and we couldn’t say no. We have plenty of time and if we split the stuff, we thought it would end fast.” JJ explained to you.
“Yeah it’s not gonna take long, besides it’ll be some kind of exercise” Kie smiled at you, then stealing glances at Pope. Ah these lovers. 
“That’s cool, I’d love to help” you said genuinely. JJ smiled at how genuine you were, sitting closer to you. You and JJ started to talk about normal stuff. He asked you how was your job at the Surf Shop, you asked him how he was feeling. You knew about his dad and you were so worried about JJ. Despite all of your worries, JJ reassured you that he’s completely fine and if something happens he’ll directly come to you. You just grinned and mumbled an “whatever you say JJ” 
When you were enjoying JJ’s company by your side, you saw Pope and Kie cuddling and enjoying each other presence. JJ whispered,
“Isn’t it obvious they like each other?” He giggled.
“Yeah and it melts my heart” You giggled back looking at him. You both wished you guys could be like that. After all the peaceful moments, John B made an announcement.
“You four lovebirds, stop making me feel like a fifth wheel, I’ll have Sarah soon so you can cry, but anyways so here’s Figure 8, it’s our stop for today. Let’s go.” John B gave everyone supplies and a place to go. Before you leave, JJ came beside you.
“You sure you wanna go alone? We can go together?” He asked worried because he hated Kooks, especially Rafe and Topper. They hate each other and if they do something to you JJ would almost kill them.
“Yeah don’t worry, and besides I’m going to Mrs. Brown, her place is the closest from here.” You cupped and kissed his cheek, smiled. Then you left before he could say something. JJ just stayed there, trying to process what’s going on.
“Just date already, duh” John B said behind JJ. 
“What are you talking about?” JJ said quickly turning his back to John B.
“Isn’t it obvious that you guys like each other? Like seriously if i was someone outside, I would literally think you guys were a couple.” John B said minding his own business and encouraging his best friend. 
“You should confess her, there’s no way she would say ‘Oh JJ I don’t feel the same’ ” John B said with the impression of your voice.
JJ just stared at him for a second, got the things he need to deliver and left before they could talk. 
“Listen to my advice JJ!” John B shouted behind his back.
“Whatever you say Johnny Boy” JJ muttered himself. On the way, he thought if you liked him back. JJ she kissed you But that doesn’t mean she likes me arghh JJ thought to himself. 
Thankfully, any Kooks were there in JJ’s sight. He peacefully delivered the stuff Mr. Heyward gave and a bonus, he got 40 dollar tip. He thought about buying you a flower with this money because he wanted you to be happy.
You on the other hand while walking to Mrs. Brown’s house, you were peacefully walking and admiring the nature. You were thinking about JJ mostly. He’s so cute, Y/N STOP, he doesn’t like you back, what if your friendship would ruin because you kissed him? You panicked but your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a few guys and girls screaming your name.
“Wait isn’t that Y/N, JJ’s girl?” Rafe smirked.
“It looks like it” Topper with his devilish grin.
They slowly walked closer to you.
“Topper, Rafe stop, please just let me go.” You pleaded horror filling in your eyes.
“Don’t worry princess, we don’t live in a fairytale, so your prince JJ is not gonna save you.” Rafe mocked JJ, with the word “princess”. 
And without a minute, they started to punch you from everywhere, some girls also joined. They continued to punch you, hurt you, but you didn’t understand why they would do such thing when you literally did nothing to them.
On the HMS Pogue, everyone was there, waiting for you. The gang was getting worried because Mrs. Brown’s house was the closest of them all. JJ was getting worried the most. 
“I need to go find her.” JJ said worried, while couldn’t help but thinking the worst case scenario. 
“I’ll come with you.” Kie said ensure of herself. You were like a sister to her.
“Of course we’re coming too.” John B said, speaking for both Pope and himself.
JJ smiled at their friends - family not leaving his back. 
When they were walking they heard people shouting “HIT HER HIT HER!” constantly. They wondered whats going on so they went there. 
When the gang saw a familiar person getting beating up, they ran faster. And then they realized you were the person who was getting beaten up.
JJ realized this first and literally the second he realized he punched Rafe fastest as possible. He started to punch her. Slowly then the gang joined you. Kie got the girls, John B got Topper, Pope went to Kelce and JJ went to Rafe. You were already fainted but they kept fighting. When Rafe got beaten up really bad, and JJ was choking him, the gang stopped him because he was almost killed him.
After Rafe got hurt really bad, the kooks left the place. They shouted “FUCK YOU ASSHOLES DON’T MESS WITH THE POGUES AGAIN!” and ran to you.
You were laying down the ground not moving at all. JJ picked you up bridal style and ran to HMS Pogue to take care of you with medical supplies. 
You were so hurt, your face covered with blood. However, JJ was the same. He was so furious. He could have protected you in the first place. In the boat, you were still not opening your eyes, laying in the arms of JJ. The gang was pretty sad about you. JJ was almost crying and the gang could do nothing but hug him.
After a few minutes of emotional moments, you started to open your eyes and see four people bruised, puffy eyed hugging on you.
“Guys?” you mumbled. JJ looked at you in shock, hugged you so fast and started sobbing. 
“Y/N, you scared the shit out of me. You’re alive. You’re really alive.” He said like thousand times. You just smiled at how worried he was. He looked extremely cute. 
Kie noticed a special moment between you two. She nudged John B and Pope so they could understand.
“We’ll deliver this package to Mrs. Brown” Pope said. But you and JJ were too busy admiring each other to care. There was a short period of awkward silence but JJ decided to break the silence and let his feelings go. He remembered what John B told him before.
“Y/N?” He asked while you were still leaning on his lap bridal style.
“Yeah?” You looked up to him.
“I have something to tell you, and I hope you won’t get mad at me.” JJ said gulping.
You stood up to show him that you’re listening carefully.
“Argh okay, so umm” He couldn’t speak “I like you Y/N, so much and you were getting beaten up by Rafe, just made me almost kill him. I don’t know what you’re doing to me but you do.” You just stared at him, at a loss for words. JJ noticed your shock, and started to panic.
“I know you didn’t feel the s-” He was interrupted by your blooded lips, kissing his passionately.
The kiss was long, it was full of admiration and it was a way to show JJ you liked him back. 
When you pulled away, you couldn’t help but laugh. “Does this explain a lot Mr. Protector?” you asked. JJ smiled at your goofiness and kissed you again. This kiss wasn’t long as the last one but it was good as it was because they’re JJ’s lips come on!!
“So are you my boyfriend now?” You asked looking at him smiling.
“Yeah, you’re my girl. No one can hurt you, I’m here now” JJ said holding you close.
“YES FINALLY!” Pope shouted from the harbour.
“GO GO GO!” Kie shouted.
“You were talking about me giving the d, JJ right? Now it’s your turn bro” 
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vesuvian-american · 4 years
Yo, so I think I’ve got the right acc- I saw the Song Writing Prompts on AO3 and it lead me here. I just wanted to give a song, so Partner’s in Crime by Set It Off- Julian x MC. Maybe in a setting that, instead of Julian staying to be hanged, He and MC ran away and became fugitives. Woot woot. Thanks.
Yes you came to the right account, even know it’s taken me like literal years to answer this. So sorry, i was depressed. Anywho, this was a super cute idea thanks for the request! <333
You can find the rest of my Song Prompts on AO3!!
Words: 973
A chaste kiss decided your fate. You looked in to Julian’s tired grey eyes. He was afraid of dying for the first time in a long time, and you couldn’t lose him so soon. You couldn’t risk it, the cons heavily outweigh the pros. Losing Julian forever, or the chance of a normal stable life together forever.
No, the risks were too great, if he were hanged for a crime he didn’t commit and didn’t come back... You don’t want to imagine what you would do. You gave Julian’s slender gloved hand a final squeeze before bolting for from the dungeons under the coliseum.
“Hey! Stop!” Shouted a guard, before he was roughly shoved into a cell and locked inside. The guard waiting at the top of the stairs heard the commotion and came running towards you and Julian, hand on her sword. You called upon your magic, lifting the guard off her feet and tossing her to the side out of the way.
You and Julian dashed across the sand of the Coliseum towards the gate, you heard the confused murmurs of the crowd and the Courtiers floundering to give chase.
“How dare you!” Vlastomil shrieked, hiking up his gown to stomp clumsily down the steps of the stage. Valdemar didn’t move an inch, they only stared at you both running away and tilting their head off to the side.
Valerius choked on his wine and smashed the glass in anger, “stop them”! Vulgora was hot on your tails and you used your magic to slam the gate down in their face just after you and Julian crossed the threshold.
Asra watched your two figured disappear in the distance, shocked, disappointed, and sad. He always thought of Julian as a bad influence for you, and now he was making you a criminal. Whether he was guilty for the Count’s death or not, running away from the gallows was a crime in and of itself, and you became an accomplice in that.
Portia left Nadia’s side, tears streaming down her freckled cheeks. Her hand reaching out as if she could grab Julian out of thin air. “Ilya...”
The Countess sunk into her chair, massaging her temples to ease her growing headache. Asra placed a hand on her shoulder in support. There was nothing to do now except hope they make it out of Vesuvia alive and safe as a crowd of guards and Vulgora hunted them down.
On your way to the docks, you and Julian whipped passed Muriel, who happened to be in the market as he suspected it would be nearly vacant with most of the townspeople at the coliseum to see Julian hang.
His eyes widened in shock as he stepped out of the way, his eyes tracked your movements in disbelief. You snatched Julian into an alley off to the right and disappeared from sight. Moments later a slew of guards led by Vulgora stormed through the market place.
Vulgora stomped up the Muriel impatiently, grabbing him roughly by his metal collar and yanking him down to their height.
“Which way did they go, you worm!” They snapped. Muriel scowled and pointed to the opposite alley to the left. He didn’t agree with you and Julian running but he wasn’t going to lead them right to you.
“Let’s go men!” Vulgora shoved Muriel out of the way and they raced down the left alleyway. Muriel was quick to leave the market place and head home, not at all mentally prepared to shop with palace guards littering the streets.
You and Julian made it to the docks without much incident, finding a ship that was waiting for you both to dock. Mazelinka aboard looking disappointed but supportive if it would keep Julian alive.
“Below decks you two, quickly!” With that, the ship swayed and pulled off from port just as Vulgora and the palace guards made it to the beach. Vulgora kicked up the sand at their feet and growled.
“Arghh!” they watched in anger as the ship that must have Julian Devorak aboard was sailing off in the distance. They panted angrily and stalked off back towards the Coliseum to inform Valdemar that the doctor and the apprentice got away.
When you both caught your breath you and Julian looked lovingly into each other’s eyes. He chuckled pulling you into a hug.
“I’m sorry I got you into my mess, darling.” He was truly upset about that, from the beginning he wanted to keep you from getting entangled in his baggage but you loved and accepted him despite that. Now look at you, a fugitive when only days ago you were a trusted confidant of the palace. You were leaving your friends and family behind; Julian was used to this life but you? He didn’t want that for you.
“No, I wasn’t going to let you die.” You replied, squeezing him tight and taking in his scent, your face buried in his chest.
“We can never go back...” He warned.
“I know.” You were sure of your decision; you’d never regret running away with the love of your life.
“We’re criminals now...” He added, making sure that you were okay with the reality of the situation.
“Yes. Partners in crime.” You smiled up at him, swiping auburn curls from off of his forehead and removing his eyepatch.
Julian chortled and gave your head a pat, he peppered kisses all over your face. He admired you, he was so lucky to have you, if he was going to be on the run forever, he was glad he’d be on the run with you.
Months passed, and oceans away back in Vesuvia, Asra sighed as he snatched a WANTED poster off the wall of his shop that displayed you and Julian’s faces.
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez reacting to their s/o getting a pixie cut and feeling insecure
❦ Genre: Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 10k6.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
❦ Masterlist.
❦ A/N: if you don’t know what is a pixie cut (like me) here it is.
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Hongjoong was waiting impatiently your return. Today, you finally went to the hairdresser to get a haircut. He knew that you were reticent at first, but you really wanted to give it a try. Hongjoong knew that you would regret it. He stood up instantly when he heard your key unlocking the door. He rushed to the hallway. His heart missed a beat when he saw your face being so exposed and the same for your neck. You entered the hallway and asked shyly, playing with your short hair. “It’s weird? Or ugly?”
He shook his head, making you understand that you were beautiful. “You look prettier than what I would think.” “Really?” You asked shyly. He nodded and pulled you by the hand into the living-room. “And because I know that you might regret your choice or at least need to get used to.” He started. “I got this for you.” He handed you a Tiffany&Co little box. You blinked few times, being speechless by this sudden situation. “Hongjoong-ah... you don’t need to propose me just for a haircut.” “Huh? Wait what? I’m not proposing!” He freaked out. “Just open it.” He ordered, stepping away from you shyly. You opened slowly the little box. When you saw the 2 beautiful longs earrings, you stood up and stared at your boyfriend. “Hongjoong! It’s beautiful!” You said, holding one between your fingers. “I thought that it would fit well with your new look.” he scratched his head. You ran to your boyfriend to hug him. “Thank you! That’s exactly what I needed.” You thanked him. He patted your back softly, “I’m happy that you like it.” He was so good to you. He probably bought it the day you took the hairdresser appointment m. What would you do without him?
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Seonghwa was waking up of his nap when he heard you slamming the door. Usually, you would run to the living-room and greet him with a hug, telling that you missed him even if you were gone for 10 minutes only. But today, you ran to your bedroom, ignoring your boyfriend. He was worrying for you. So, he quietly walked in the hallway and stopped right in front of your room. You were not facing him, but your new look surprised him. The way your neck was exposed affected him differently. You hadn’t spotted your boyfriend’s eyes on you yet. You were just admiring your new haircut. “Ah… maybe it’s too short... what If Seonghwa doesn’t like it.” “Why I wouldn’t like it?” He said, finally entering. You faced your mirror, inspecting your hair. Your boyfriend wrapped his arms around your waist, “you look amazing.” You giggled shyly, “don’t you think it’s too short?“ He rested his chin on your shoulder, enjoying your perfume in the same time. “I think you are too pretty to go out now. Everyone would look at you.” You rolled your eyes, “stop saying that because I’m your girlfriend.” He kissed your neck softly, enjoying the smoothness of your skin. “I say that because you are pretty.” He paused before kissing your nape, “and mine.” You smirked, looking at Seonghwa’s reflection on the mirror. “I think that you are enjoying it a little bit too much.” “Probably,” he replied. “You have this effect on me and your new hair cut is not helping.” Finally, you were thinking wrong about this pixie cut. He probably liked it more than you.
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You were watching a movie with your boyfriend, Yunho. You were sitting on the floor between Yunho’s legs, grabbing popcorn time to time. Finally, both of you found time to see each other. This month was probably the fullest that Yunho got in his whole career. At first, he was supposed to be your mental support when you needed to get your haircut. But because of his schedule, he didn’t manage to be there. So, tonight was the first time, he saw you with your pixie cut. You were waiting a bit more of compliment. But you simply thanked him and settled the movie, snacks and the atmosphere. While you were focused on the scene, you were ignoring that Yunho was not watching the movie. He was right there behind you, but he couldn’t stop staring at your hair. When he saw the result earlier, he hadn’t found the good words to express how gorgeous you were. “Hello earth? We are calling Jeong Yunho!” You said, waving your hand in front of you. Yunho blinked few times, he was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t notice you calling him. “Huh? Yes?” “You don’t like my hair huh?” You bit your lip, finally asking. “What? No! I mean- Yes, I do! I like it- arghh-“ he sighed, frustrated. “I like it. I really do. It’s just that I don’t know how to compliment you well. You smiled shyly, “it’s okay, you don’t have to. I have my answer!” When you were doing to sit back on your seat, he grabbed your hand. “No, I really want you to know that you are the prettiest girl I ever saw. And even more with this haircut. You are absolutely gorgeous. Amazing. Handsome. Pretty. Sexy-“ “Okay okay!” You giggled, stopping him. “Thank you.” You sat on his laps, hugging his tall figure. “Only you can make me feel like I’m the prettiest girl on the earth. Thank you.”
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Even if Yeosang insisted to see your hair since the end of your hairdresser appointment, you were not removing the ridiculous beanie you were wearing. “Y/N... it’s okay! I’m sure you look pretty! You are whatever you do anyway.” He tried to comfort you. “Really? Then why everyone is looking at me?” You asked, fixing your hat again. “Probably because you are wearing a beanie even if it’s 25°C today.” He chuckled. “I won’t remove it!” You replied, sitting on the grass. “Okay. At least I can see your exposed neck,” he mentioned tickling your nape. “Don’t!” You slapped his hand. Yeosang lay down next to you. The park became emptier, but you still refused to show your haircut. “You know that I’ll see your hair tonight, you won’t sleep with it.” He warned you. “I’ll sleep with it. Till my hair grow again!” Your boyfriend sighed and finally asked you. “Why you decided to cut your hair? If it’s to wear this ugly beanie?” “Because I thought it would look nice. But I’m not sure anymore.” You replied. “And this stupid beanie is yours.” He raised a brow, almost disgusted, “really? Why did I buy this?” You raised your shoulder as an answer. Yeosang held you hand, enjoying how it fits perfectly in his. “Baby, you look amazing whatever you are wearing.” He kissed your hand. “So, please. Remove this beanie.” You bit your lip, hesitating a bit but finally executed. You avoided his stare on you. Yeosang stood up, grabbing you by the hand. “What are you doing? If you don’t like it just-“ “Let’s go home. If anyone see how pretty you are, they will think that you are a top model and that I’m not good enough for you!” He explained, trying to hide you with his jacket.
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Your boyfriend San noticed how you were a bit reticent and sad about your hair cut. He liked it so much but seems like that you didn’t or that you needed to be used to. Most of the time, you were hiding your hair with the cap of his hoodie, that you loooved to wear. He even spotted you looking for hair extension on Internet. So, while you thought that you were joining your boyfriend and his dad for a fancy dinner, San planned a complete other program. [“Y/N, the address is this one. I found another restaurant.”] “Oh, it’s near my apartment,” you whispered, seeing the red pin on the map. [“See you there.”] you replied. While you got ready, you tried to remember a restaurant near your apartment. But you could only think about a library, a photo shoot studio or a little shop. You gave up and exited your apartment and walked to the address that San gave you. Once you got there, you called San, thinking that he gave you the wrong address. “Y/N! Come in!” Interpelled your boyfriend, in front of you. “What are you doing here? And where’s your dad?” You asked. “I lied,” he giggled. “There’s only both is us tonight and Jongho as a photographer.” He said leading you inside. “Photographer? Wait San, I-“ He faced you, “I know that you are not used to your haircut. But trust me, when I say that you are pretty! So, do this little photoshoot.” He kissed your cheek, before joining Jongho. You understood what he wanted to do. He wanted to boost your confidence and help you to love this hairstyle as much as he liked it. “Are you ready Y/N?” Asked Jongho. You nodded and shouted,” more than ready! You will see San-ie! I’ll rock this hairstyle!” “That’s my girl!” Shouted back your boyfriend, proud of you.
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You were trying to calm down your boyfriend. He was so excited about your new haircut. “Did I say that you were so pretty?” He giggled, tickling your exposed ears. “Mingi... calm down,” you said to him gently. “Why?” He asked, tilting his head at 2 centimeters of you. “I can’t tell that my girlfriend is the PRETTIEST girl in the world?” He yelled, making people stare at you. “Argh! Stop! Everyone is looking at us!” “Not at us! At you!” He tickled your chin. “No... this is not really pretty or at least not on me.” You muttered. Mingi looked at you, outraged that you could think that you were ugly or not attractive with this haircut. “You look amazing!” He wrapped your arm around your shoulders. “It’s me, who’s not looking good enough next to you.” You giggled, “you say that because you are my boyfriend.” “Oh, then okay...” he simply replied. When you thought that he was calming down and that you could go back to the dorm, Mingi rushed to a couple in front of you. “Excuse me! My girlfriend is pretty huh?” He asked as if he was asking the weather.” You pinched his arm, “Mingi!” “Excuse me mister!” He said to an old man. “My girlfriend is pretty, right?” The old man laughed at his question and answered, “yes. She’s in an angel! You are lucky.” Mingi turned around, “see! Everyone finds you pretty!” “Okay okay I got it!” you laughed, “stop now.” You wrapped your arm around his. This boy was unbelievable, but you felt more comfortable and less insecure now thanks to him.
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When you said to Wooyoung that you wanted to cut you hair, he was a bit reticent. He was not really a fan of short hair but that was your choice and you were free to do whatever you want. Finally, the day of your hairdresser appointment, you sent a message to your boyfriend. [“Say bye to my long hair!”] [“Are you sure?”] [“100% Wooyoungie...”] you sighed. You were just in front of the hairdresser shop. It’s not the right moment to doubt. [“Then I want to be the first person to see your short hair.”] [“Come and get me in 1 hour then.”] After sending your message, you got in. But, when you saw all the scissors there, you just wanted to run away but finally you took all the braveness that you had and joined the employee. After the appointment, you felt different but anxious about your boyfriend’s reaction. “Y/N-“ You turned around. Your cheeks were burning instantly when you saw Wooyoung staring at you intensely. “H-Hi,” you waved shyly at him. You thought that he wasn’t liking the result, but he was just staring at your beauty with his new look. “Well I know that you won’t like it but it’s not that bad huh?” You tried to convince him. But out of nowhere, he hugged you, rubbing your head. “Don’t ever grow your hair again. You look amazing and I’m sorry for not supporting you enough.” He apologized. “It’s okay,” you whispered. “And if you like it then it’s perfect. He hugged you tighter, “you are so gorgeous that I don’t want to let you go. Who would thought that your neck was so pretty?” He laughed Hearing his laugh, completely reassured you. Now you will just need to get used to.
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When you called Jongho to tell him that you really cut your hair, he freaked out. Few days ago, when you told him that you wanted to do a pixie cut, he was scared that you would look more mature. He didn’t want to look like a baby next to you. But of course, he didn’t say anything. You needed to do whatever you wanted. So, when you were about to meet him at the coffee shop next the KQ building, he was a bit stressed. He was preparing mentally to your new style. “Hello Jongho...” you greeted him, sitting on the chair in front of your boyfriend. He couldn’t detach his eyes off you. This pixie cut gave you a kind of mature look. But also, a cuter one. He ignored if it was because of the shy expression and the pinkish make up you had or the haircut only. “Ah... it’s different huh...” you rubbed your neck. “Yes. Totally different.” He smiled. “I like it but maybe I needed to do it less-,” you doubted. “You are perfect!” He reassured you. “To be honest I thought you would look mature. Even a bit too much but,” he paused, sitting next to you. “You look so cute!” He giggled, pinching your cheeks. “Huh wait. Ouch- Jongho it hurts.” You slapped his hands. “Sorry but I can’t help it…Your baby face!” He claimed with a soft voice. “I look grown, mature and sexier!” You contradicted him, pouting a bit. He looked at you intensely, “yes sure... my little girl.” You rolled your eyes, “stop babying me Choi Jongho.” “I can’t help it!” He replied, pinching your cheeks again. Finally, it’s a good thing that you got this pixie cut. 
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cedricshearts · 4 years
unknown love
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Pairings: Cedric x reader
Warnings: none
Notice: some words may be spelled incorrectly. 
Requested: no, but you can always request!
Summary: you meet a unknown boy in the library and things get complicated afterwards.
This story is written from inspiration to put yourself in the story!
Reading has always been your thing. Since you were little, you were always reading books. So now, in hogwarts, library was totally your favourite place to be in. You spent almost all of your time reading and studying, while others were having fun. You didn’t care about popularity. It meant really nothing to you. You still had a couple friends, even though you didn’t spent that much time with them. Just like yesterday, you were in the library reading about different spells. Reading and also writing was your type of fun. The books in front of you were old and dusty. There was only a couple more pages left. You finally finished your book and stood up. You had about five books that you were going to take to your table. You were trying to balance everything and almost falling every minute. Suddenly all of your books were on the ground and you fell.
‘‘ARGHH, STUPID BOOKS’‘ you yelled.
of course you thought that no one was there. Only crazy people would yell at the library! as you were picking up your books, you noticed a hand helping. It was kind of scary AND embarrassing, because just a minute ago you were yelling at the top of your lungs.
‘‘thank you, but i can handle these.’’ you said, trying not to sound rude.
you looked up and saw a boy. You’ve seen him a couple of times. You knew that he was that ‘’popular’’ type of guy. whatsoever you didn’t even know his name.
‘‘Oh, i’m sorry. I just thought that you needed some help.’‘ The boy said and stood up.
He handed the books over. He waved and turned around. As he was walking away, you yelled;
‘‘Hey! Didn’t mean to be rude or anything, just not good with people!’‘ 
He turned around and walked back. Your mind was thinking about the next words that were about to come out of your mouth.
‘‘I just- the thing is... uh.. thank u!’‘ you muttered.
‘‘you’re welcome. by the way, what’s your name? i don’t think i’ve seen you before’‘ he said.
‘‘oh, it’s y/n. I usually stay inside all day and i’m not very social. what’s your name?’‘ you felt more comfortable talking to him. He didn’t feel like a stranger anymore. 
‘‘Nice to meet you, i’m cedric.’‘ He said with a smile. Even thought you have never been with anyone or didn’t have the slightest clue about love, you knew that a handsome face like that must have a lot of admirers. 
‘‘Nice to meet you too, i must go now. I have to study more or i’ll never be able to learn deletrius.’‘ you tried to smile, but it looked more like a awkward movement. 
‘‘I actually know how to do that, i can teach you.’‘ He said and sat down at the closest table. you sat next to him nervously. You didn’t really know what to expect from the evening. It’s not like you know how is it like to spend a evening with a boy. He showed you the right movements and how it’s done. The time went so quickly away and you kind of hoped to stay a little longer with him.
”Thank you for the evening, y/n, hope i see you later!” Cedric said with a bright smile.
”thank you for teaching me how to do the spell, i owe you a lot!” You yelled before he left.
woah, what a great day was that? a lot of people must be pissed at me for spending time with him. No one should know about it. your friends weren’t really interested on how you spent your free time. You walked to your bed and you sat down. you changed your clothing and fell asleep. The next day started differently. When you woke up, everyone else was somewhere else. For the first time, you were alone when you woke up. You stood up and changed your clothes to your daily suit. It was still very cold outside, so you took your scarf. Now you were in your common room and there was only one person sitting in the couch. It was one of your friends, y/f/n.
‘‘Hi y/f/n, where exactly is everyone?’‘ you asked.
‘‘I think it’s about the yule ball, everyone wants cedric to ask them.’‘ you got an answer. 
that was a totally unexpected answer, but what did you care anyways? you’ve never cared about things like that so why should you care now? you didn’t know what was going on, but something felt different. 
‘‘oh okay, thanks.’‘ you replied.
as you were walking out of the common room, your friend stopped you and said:
‘‘you know that pretty boy cedric is still missing a partner for the dance. You two would make a great couple.’‘ 
wow. that was so weird to hear. me and him? no way. He was the perfect guy in hogwarts and you were just a nerd. That wouldn’t make any sense, right? you didn’t reply and walked away. every girl was whispering to each other about something. You didn’t of course know, what was going on. few of the girls were talking loudly and you could hear what they were saying. 
‘‘i can’t believe that he said he was waiting for somebody, i bet i would be so much better and prettier.’‘ one of them said. 
That was probably the most stupidest things you’ve ever heard. who would say such a thing to someone they didn’t even know. you didn’t know who he was waiting for, but you didn’t care, much..
you were almost outside and then noticed cedric and his friends under the tree. they were laughing and giggling, as usual. you tucked your head down, so they couldn’t see you. 
‘‘i’ll be right back guys.’‘ a familiar voice said outside. 
you looked up to see what’s going on and then saw cedric. he was walking quickly towards you. oh no... you thought. now EVERYONE was looking at you. 
‘‘hi y/n, how are you?’‘ cedric asked. you could feel that he was nervous for some reason.
‘‘i’m great, what about you?’‘  you asked him nicely. 
‘‘i’m great too, thanks. uhm.. i was just wondering..’‘ he started muttering. 
what was going on? you asked yourself. it was extremely awkward and everyone was staring at the two of you once again. 
‘‘would you like to go to the yule ball with me?’‘ he asked and froze. 
awkward silence filled the whole place. no one was saying anything and you were shocked. was cedric diggory asking you to the yule ball? oh no... all of the girls must be so mad at me. 
‘‘i..ah..well..i-’‘ you muttered. your cheeks were bright red and he was looking into your eyes and waiting for a reply nervously. 
‘‘it’s okay if you don’t want to.’‘ cedric said and had a nervous look on his face. 
‘‘NO NO NO NO.. i meant.. i’d love to go.’‘ you said to make it less awkward. now everyone was looking at you like you were some kind of a bug that needed to be killed. 
‘‘oh great! i’ll see you later!’‘ he said and rushed back to his friends.
now everyone was staring at YOU and whispering something. you ran to your next class and hoped that everyone would have stopped staring. it made you very uncomfortable. the day went quickly and you didn’t see cedric since. your mind was full of different thoughts and mostly you were just thinking how could have this happened? the next morning was rough. everyone looked at you differently except your friends. they supported you and thought that cedric made the right choice. the next week was also very difficult, because no one wanted to be your pair at anything. Your friends chose each other. The only person who talked to you was cedric. He felt so sorry for you and promised that everything will get better. in your free time, you were always with him. you were having fun outside. you two were reading about different spells and plants. the night of the yule ball was frustrating, because it could go horribly wrong or then it could be an amazing night. you wore your purple long dress and your friends helped you with your hair and makeup. you kind of hoped that cedric would like your appearance. you walked in the hall with your friends. He was waiting for you in the corner of the hall. He was looking extremely handsome. when he saw you, he greeted you with a bright smile. 
‘‘you look very beautiful y/n’‘ he said and blushed.
you giggled: ‘’thank you, you look very handsome yourself.’’ 
he offered you his arm and he took you deeper to the hall. you knew that it the champions needed to go first. 
‘‘are you ready?’‘ he asked you and smiled.
‘‘yes, i think i’am’‘ you said to him and walked in to the dance floor
the dance felt like it lasted forever, but it felt like magic. Cedric looking in to your eyes while dancing around the floor. People gasping and whispering. The only thing you could focus on, was him. after the dance you went to get some drinks while cedric talked to his friends. As you were picking up the cups, a boy named draco malfoy stepped beside you. 
‘‘hello y/n, you look very pretty this evening’‘ he said with a smirk.
‘‘uh thank you, i guess?’‘ you replied to him. you didn’t know why he was acting like that. All of the other days he had yelled mean things to you. 
‘‘i think we should go outside, the moon is looking pretty too.’‘ he said and grabbed your arm. 
you didn’t answer him anything and he was just staring at you with smirk. After few seconds, you could feel someone behind you and watched draco stepping back. you looked your back and saw cedric standing there with a furious look on his eyes.
‘‘draco, i think you should leave.’‘ he said with a cold tone, but still sounding very polite. draco gave him that cold look back and walked away. looked like he couldn’t fight today.
‘‘are you ok? did he do or say anything offensive?’‘ cedric asked, kind of nervously. 
‘‘yes, i’m perfectly fine, but i think we should go somewhere else maybe.’‘ you said. you were tired of the dancing and wanted to relax for the rest of the evening. 
‘‘of course, i’ll show you the perfect place.’‘ he said and took you by your hand. he was such a gentleman  and you were totally in love with him. the past month has been the greatest so far. the next thing you noticed was a dark sky with a full moon. that was so beautiful. he grabbed both of your hands and looked down. then he said:
‘‘you know, you make me really nervous, but extremely happy.’‘ 
you smiled at him and your eyes were sparkling. 
‘‘you are the greatest thing in my life’‘ you said back to him. 
he placed his hands in your cheeks and your lips were pressing against his. 
what should i write next about? 
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
103 with 707 please! Thank you for considering this btw! Love your writing so much!!! 💜
skdjfhk thank you so much!! hope this is okay its a bit long oof enjoy!!~
No. 103 - “Sharing is caring. Now give me your fries”
      Saeyoung was Never good at picking where you guys should eat. He changed his mind from second to second, proposing all mouth watering and yet sickening ideas. After one particular night of you almost throwing up because of all the food you guys had given up and ordered, you decided that you’d be in charge of picking food places.
      Of course this was until you found out that you weren’t good at handling the responsibility of choosing just one place either. 
      Which is why the two of you were aimlessly driving around at two in the morning blasting Kidz Bop versions of every song imaginable shouting the reformed lyrics, letting the wind rip the words from your mouths, losing them in the fleeting night air. Saeyoung reached over the console placing his hand oh your thigh, and looking at him you felt a sense of freedom, a wild laugh escaping between whoops and shouts to go along with the song playing.
      Bright streetlights flew past the car, the moon following closely behind, hidden between branches of large oaks, filled with a sense of calm, like you and Saeyoung were alone in this world. You quieted your screeching singing, taking a second to admire the redhead sitting next to you. He was focused on the road, and yet his head was bobbing and swaying in every possible direction, red curls trying their best to keep up as he sang the most passionate rendition of High Hopes, even surpassing the Kidz Bop kids in corniness.
      He brought his attention to you, ending his own antics as his face turned bright red, a grin larger than ever before. Turning down the music so that the tortured souls of the KBk would not be heard, he gave your thigh a playful poke as his eyes returned on the road. “What y/n,” he chucked, “Do you not like my classical music?”
     You shook your head, hiding behind your hands as your groan turned into a giggle, in turn brightening up Saeyoungs face, “Dork,” was the only thing you could make out before he leaned over, pressing a tiny kiss on your knuckles, a simple act of random affection, but sending your heart into overdrive, beating in your chest faster than Saeyoung was driving. 
      “Has it ever occurred to you,” you started suddenly, all of a sudden realizing where you were, “that we’re completely lost right now?”
      “Lost? Psh as long as God 707 is here we are Never lost!!!”
      “Okay then you know where we are?”
      “A… dark highway on the hunt for a meal?” he looked around, genuinely confused for a second before recovering. As if an answer to his prayers, the blinding golden arches of heaven appeared out of nowhere, an angels chorus accompanying the distant sound of sizzling…burgers? “Hey y/n look a McDonalds!!! I told you we’d find food!”
      “More like the food found us,” you mutter under your breath, shooting Seven a mischievous grin. 
      Exiting on the ramp, Saeyoung tutted your complaints, “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n… I’m so disappointed in you,” he sighed dramatically, “you Know as long as God Seven is here you’ll be taken care of!”
      All you did was frown, hopping out of the car as he slowed to a stop in the parking lot waiting for him in front with a cheesy smile, hand outstretched to meet his as he stumbled out of the drivers seat, locking the car. Taking your hand, the two of you walked together inside, where ominous blacklights replaced the regular ones, giving the MickeyD’s a retro glow to it, quite otherworldly.
     You waited at the table, sloshing around the straw in your drink as you waited for Seven to pick up the order. It was quiet, only one other sleep deprived college kid in the corner huddled with his computer and might have been a cello case. As the redhead arrived, you drew yourself to attention. Seven  stopping before setting the tray down, a frown directed pointedly at you as he stared you down. “Captain Y/N!” he demanded, humor gracing his tone. 
      “Yes God Seven!” you shot back.
      “What did you order!”
      “One burger!”
      “One coffee!”
      “One ice cream!”
      “Chicken Nuggets!” 
      “Ch- wait no you didn’t order fries did you?”
     You reached out for the receipt as he set the tray down and took the seat opposite of you, scanning the list of foods listed. Nope, no fries. “Arghh I can’t believe I forgot to order fries,” you muttered, disgruntled at the fate this world had set upon you.
      Saeyoung looked up from the burger he was already about to dive into, and even though a catastrophe had occurred you couldn’t help but notice how pretty he was, backlights accentuating his red hair, making his glasses almost glow, the glint in his eyes shining brighter than ever, the look of confusion as his eyebrows quirked up. “Do you want me to order you some?” he asked.
      “No its okay I’ll just have some of yours.”
      “HA!” he exclaimed, making even the shady student in the back flinch, “as IF!” He took a fry as if to make a statement and after slathering it with a formidable amount of Barbecue Sauce before devouring it, looking at your pained expression with a laugh of his own.
      “Cmon dont you love me,” you pouted, cupping your face with both hands as you tried your best to do puppy eyes.
      Between another mouthful of fries he said, “I do but that doesnt mean I’m sharing my fries sorry buddy.”
“Did you just friendzone me in the middle of this very important discussion?”
“Idk y/n get your own fries and we’ll find out.”
“Saeyounnggg Sharing is Caring. Now give me your fries.” you whined.
      He looked at you straight in your eyes, barely able to suppress the grin that was quickly forming as he bit into a fry. 
     “Bold of you to assume I care,” He shrugged, unable to stay serious as he burst out laughing at his own joke.
       You rolled your eyes, getting up to go order yourself some fries, when he grabs you by the wrist, bringing your attention back to him as he holds another fry tantalizingly close to you. You give him a death glare, as he places the fry in-between his lips leaving a part of it sticking out. “You wanf if? Come gef if?” he says between the fry. 
      Instead you remove the fry from his mouth, leaning down to kiss him, pressing your lips gently against his. Pushing his chin up, you deepen the kiss, and a single sigh escapes him. Every kiss is like his first, a million galaxies exploding at once, a symphony of stars and colors across the painted night sky.
      He’s dizzy when you part, leaving him wanting for more as you pull away, the taste of fries on his lips reminding you why you were here in the first place. You ate the lone fry before getting back to your seat.
      “I thought you wanted fries????”
      “I literally just wanted one.”
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trixcuomo · 4 years
I’m crashing in so u betta get this party started
((Another campy, Warcraft-infused iteration worthy of the genre...))
Next on Trixany and the Kaja-Cola Flava Girls...
Trixy's my name, after me Kaja-Cola was never the same! Trixany's my name!
T R I X A N Y !
One sunny afternoon at the Kaja-Cola Dream House, high up in the Stonetalon Mountains...
[Guild] [Meghan]: Mu’usha above! Trixany, what happened to you??
[Guild] [Trixany]: *stumbles in, with baby blue ripped Kaja-Cola costume and white knee-high boots with a broken heel* Arghh.... I had a run-in with Phuur in Dalaran. I tried to handle it once and for all in a civil fashion, and with honor. The way a true warrior would--
[Guild] [Dahlia]: *gravelly Forsaken voice* You mean with D20 rolls? You should have just stabbed her in the shin.
[Guild] [Shuga]: Dahli! Will you cut that out--do you want this girl band guild to get shitposted and banned? Geez, if one more leader of the Frostwolf Clan unfriends me at this point...
[Guild] [Trixany]: ... I rolled a 19. But then that witch Phuur just... stabbed me with her pink crystal dagger, right in the... shin! *groans, collapses on the bright yellow and pink Kaja-Cola Dream House couch*
[Guild] [Dahlia]: See! That’s how you’re supposed to handle things in Dalaran. Steet! Jaina banned people, Madam Goya breaks thumbs... actually, that place can get pretty ghetto come to think of it.
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Caption: Dalaran, where pretty magical fireworks happen and lead singers of girl bands getting stabbed in their shins also happens.
[Guild] [Shuga]: Grrr... Enough is enough. Something has to be done here. I’m a Burning Blade Orc by birth, and I’ll be socially dead if one more Orc shitposts about me on Reddit...
[Guild][Trixany]: Wait, Shug--I thought you said you were Frostwolf Clan by birth?
[Guild][Dhalia]: No, she’s a Mag’har Orc now. Shug kept losing followers.
[Guild][Shuga]: That was the week before last. Anyway, those Ally’s Angels have gone too far. We may be a girl band put together mainly for softdrink promotional purposes and not our actual musical talent, but we’re still Horde! *loud wolfwhistle* Mojo Jojo! Arcana Mama! Start up the Kaja-Car. *glints, sinister Orcish snarl* We’ve got some real hard core PvP on our hands.
[Guild] [Coco]: Meanwhile, the intelligent Goblin goil of the guild is gonna stay clean out of it and call our lawyers in about an hour, in anticipation of a fantastic blow-out that can only result in harmin’ business long-term. But have fun, ladies! *crosses ankles on the sofa next to her dying step sister Trixany. Turns magazine page*
[Guild] [Trixany]: *still groggy, as the pretty Nightborne Arcana tries to revive Trixany with Kaja-Cola brand smelling salts in a bright orange vial* Wait, who’s the DM for this again? And do I need a summon?
[Guild] [Shuga]: NO MORE D20! This is real killing, okay?!
Later, at the Ally’s Angels concert in Cathedral Square, Stormwind...
[Phuur]: Aaah, yes, King Anduin. *curtseys* We have seats vight up vront here for you and your date.
[Anduin]: Thank you very much. But no, this is just Wrathion. He’s here on diplomatic matters, of course.
[Phuur]: I’m sure he is. *she makes scare quotes with her blue claws* “Diplomatic.”
[Anduin]: Honestly, I’ve always loved Gnomeade since I was a kid, and we’re both huge fans of Ally’s Angels. Wrathion’s spoken of nothing else since I punched him right in the face with my excellent right hook that one time.
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Caption: Young Prince Anduin, with a Gnomeade commercial stuck in his head, “I feel like Gnomeade tonight, like Gnomeade tonight!”
[Wrathion]: *sighs, crosses arms in his embroidered jacket* Must we... keep mentioning that, Anduin dear?
[Phuur]: Enjoy ze show, boys. *winks at them both and gently sashays on her Draenei hooves back to the stage set up in front of the Cathedral stairs* Ladies? Is everyzing set to go?
[Gelica]: *The Human priestess looks up as she finishes tuning her golden electric guitar* The Gnomeade Gnomes have handled everything beautifully as usual. They even brushed Roary all over even though she’s not... really that kind of Worgen.
[Phuur]: *winces* Uh-oh. Roary? You okay with zat? I know you prefer to perform in your Human form at a big event like zhis?
[Roary]: *still making a purring noise and wagging her bushy gray tail* Aaall... over. So nice.
[Phuur]: Oh? Oookay, zhen. *she is handed a blue and gold Gnomish microphone as the Gnomeade Gnomes pick up their equipment and smoothly depart. Phuur then takes her spot center-stage. The sapphire blue curtains haven’t raised yet, but all three Alliance performers smile when they hear the Cathedral Square crowd begin to cheer and chant*
Ally! Ally! Ally! Ally!
[Phuur]: Time to finally show zhe vorld of Azeroth we are ze best peformers, and ze greatest softdrink beverage company! *mutters* Take zhat, Trixany!
[Roary]: Wolf-howls, and laughs mischeviously. *the curtains raise, Gelica sends the first golden guitar riff sailing. Phuur and Roary spin side by side, then drop to their knees in a dramatic synchronized dance move. Then, holding onto each other with real emotion, Phuur curls over her microphone and begins to sing in harmony.*
I looove... what I looove, Roary...
And I love, what you love, Phuur...
What do yoooooou love, Gelica?
We all love... we looooove the Alliance...
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Caption: Gnomeade’s premier girl band, Ally’s Angels. Gelica (Human), Phuur (Draenei), Roary (Worgen)
But then, a heavy shadow passes over Cathedral Square and all are compelled to look up, even the highly trained Gnomeade Ally’s Angels performers.
A giant green zeppelin with the bright orange Kaja-Cola logo on the side is sailing dead-aimed at stage.
[Phuur]: *looks up, wide-eyed* They wouldn’t dare... All because I--
[Gelica]: *lowers her guitar, annoyed* Phuur, did you go Eredar on us again? Something clearly provoked this. Roary, did you know about this?
[Roary]: Why, I must say... *then stops looking so concerned* That’s an unusually apt deduction for a Human, Gelica. *eyeroll*
Blood Elf “Fiesta Lime” Trixany is at the helm in her bright blue and green Kaja-captain’s hat, looking very ill and leaning on crutches. The fearsome Orc known as “Shuga Slam” is wearing an Admiral’s hat and red, studded shoulderguards. She’s bracing Trixany up from the other side. Shuga then raises her Goblin megaphone device.
[Shuga][Yells]: Lok’tar! All this pure, white, colorless stone... This place is SO bland, isn’t it, Flava-Girls?
[All Flava-Girls]: Wooooooo! Yeah!
[Jojo]: Light up dat sucka!! For da Horde!
[Shuga][Yells]: Yeeeeaaaah!! I say... LET’S FLAVA-BLAST IT!!! !!! 1!
The gaseous, fiery explosion could be heard from all the way to Booty Bay.
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the-auctors · 4 years
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Trigger Warnings:  Mentions of death, blood, suicide, dark/depressing thoughts, toxic and disturbing environment, depression, unhealthy coping mechanisms, etc.
     Haruka sighed and immediately walked towards the bathroom, moving his arms awkwardly to avoid letting the copper-scented substance fall and stain the cream-colored carpet. His mother never liked how difficult it was to wash the wool and nylon fibers, but there was nothing that the Lady of the House could do. She couldn’t insert the blame on the blessing given to them by the higher beings. She, herself, has a soulmate tattoo inked in elegant calligraphy, which says ‘Hey, excuse me? Do you know where the nearby convenience store is?’
     Those were the unromantic words her husband first told her, which was almost the complete opposite of what she stated. ‘You have pretty eyes and a cute beauty mark…’ It wasn’t a lie... Although, she’s still pouty at the gesture she received.
     Haruka’s unidentified soulmate must have been going through several hardships; the mother can’t help but feel worried. Not only for the boy but also for his significant other.
     The brunette finished bandaging his wounds and stepped outside the bathroom and then his room. Peeking his head around the corner, where his approaching mother ushered him to the dining table to take a bite of their lunch, knowing that the teen will take his daily afternoon stroll in the park where...
     People often would openly show distaste at the sight of his covered arms and neck scar.
     Bystanders will either watch him in pity or gaze at him with strange looks in their eyes. Haruka wasn’t surprised. He grew up in a toxic and unhealthy society where the civilians are expected to have glorious and impressive jobs with exceptional educational backgrounds. His father told him how his uncle was once hospitalized due to overworking. Japanese citizens know that there is a problem with the system, but there is no one with enough courage to voice it. Unfortunately, leading it to bottle it all up to themselves and causing depression to conquer many people’s minds.
     No wonder Japan is one of the countries with high ratings of suicide.
     The young Kataoka sighed at the thought, not forgetting to pack the pens and papers while eating the rice ball offered to him by his mother. The brunette gazed at the bright-colored items and blank drawing pad with a dazed look. ‘She’s not ready yet…’ He reminded himself by the nth time this past two months. The lady hadn’t had the slightest idea of what her son is up to these days. All she knew was that he suddenly took an interest in arts and drawing.
     This was surprising since he gave up on it because of his lack of talent in that particular field. She could clearly remember the hand-drawn portrait he made of himself; his relatives almost died of laughter when his sneaky cousin used that item to embarrass him for the whole night. Haruka is still traumatized due to the incident.
     After practically smothering his lunch, almost giving his mother a heart attack, he pranced out of the house energetically. It was almost as if the blood loss from earlier did not affect him. It wasn’t long enough for him to be greeted with a breath-taking view of the gorgeous park flowers and the newly-trimmed green fields. Despite being in that place several times, the scenery never failed to amaze him.
     As well as she.
     Her bored eyes stared at the fish fountain as her figure sat down on the wooden bench. The peach-colored turtleneck expertly hid her scars and bandages; on the other hand, Kataoka wore a simple black shirt. Once noticing his appearance, Yuriko Umemoto grimaced at the white medical tape and gauze’s lack of concealment.
     Looking down at her sleeves, a wave of guilt washed down her entire being. Adding a mixture of salt and vinegar on the wound, she, again, lifted a knife to her wrists this morning. 
    It was hard…
    Their first meeting was not exactly the prettiest.
    Yuriko stumbled upon him in the supermarket while he was being lectured by the crappy lady from her neighborhood. Screeching like an annoying siren and reprimanding him about the injuries. It wouldn’t have been her business until she saw the exact scar on his pale neck… Obviously, caused by a rope, judging on how it coiled around his skin... The female didn’t know what had gotten into her when she pulled Haruka out of the building. Even today, she theorizes that it must have been the soulmate connection that drove her to protect him.
    One thing escalated to another. The pair told each other’s names and chatted briefly, the melancholic girl purposely left out the phone number details, in hopes of not being in his vicinity.
    After all, what would his parents, friends, and relatives think of her?
    She was an embarrassment—a humiliation to human existence.
    What kind of a fool would find escape in death and self-harming?
    She also caused him pain, despite trying his best to hide it from her. The way he flinches at small subtle movements as the blood began to seep from his white bandages.
    Yuriko was burdened and constantly being hovered by her parents’ non-stop pestering of entering a well-known university. Her awkward and detached personality didn’t help, for she was having a terrible time making friends in the first place, leaving her alone. But when Haruka Kataoka entered her life, it brought change. Before leaving, the male gave her a hug and told her he could always find her in the local park.
    Yuriko could swear that her legs moved on their own the next day. She sat down on the bench with eager eyes as she looked for her other half.
    He never forced her to open her thoughts and problems, only waiting patiently for her to be more comfortable with him. To which she shockingly did after weeks together as friends.
    Haruka also did not mention much about their soulmate bond. 
    “Hey, you’re spacing out again, dummy.” The teen suddenly stated, sitting down on the excess space of the park bench. The white plastic crinkling made the girl quirk a brow at the object; he pulled out a bunch of pens and markers, along with a pristine white pad.
    Playfully rolling her eyes at his statement, she rested her back against the wood and hummed, unconsciously fidgeting with the fabric of her white jeans. “What are we going to draw today, Haru?” She inquired, receiving a boyish grin in return. “I dunno, something that gets your eye, perhaps. But before that--” He reached over and gently took Yuriko’s hands, making her forearms face upwards even if it was hidden underneath the cloth.
    Seeing what he was inspecting, her eyes somberly watched the ground below. She heard him sigh and caress her limbs, “Yuriko…” He called for her attention. 
    The said-female slowly averted her gaze from the dirt to her soulmate/friend, who was watching her forlornly. He raised her arms and gave a small peck on each appendage. Was it platonic? Or was it romantic? She doesn’t know, but the amount of love and care delivered to her was enough to make her feel that she wasn’t alone, nor she will ever be.
    Somehow, earlier that morning, dark thoughts invaded her mind and attacked her like a plague. She didn’t know whether to be grateful to have Haruka, but she would have been happier if those disgusting marks wouldn’t taint his being. ‘If only the soulmate system didn’t exist.’ Unknowingly, she clenched her fists and dug her against her palms, leaving crescent-shaped dents when the male tenderly pried her fists open.
    He gave a warm smile, “So, instead of drawing in a paper, I actually thought of doing something different.” Haruka started.
    Grabbing the blush-colored marker and placing it on her palms, Kataoka smiled fondly at the smaller girl and took an annoyingly-bright yellow pen. Uncapping the item and he planted the tip to the patch of unbandaged-skin between his wrist and knuckles. His dominant hand moved around, successfully inking the smooth surface with a star design.
    A proud grin entered his features as he showed off the ‘art’ on his hand. Yuriko snorted at his enthusiasm, “That’s a pretty-ugly star.” His face fell as he took offense to her comment. Quickly pinching her by the side of her knee, resulting in a stomp in the foot later on. Haruka sighed and gazed at the sky, “I’ve been looking for a professional to help you, so this random idea could somehow help… I’m not an expert on these kinds of things, so if I’m doing it wrong… Punch me in the gut as you please.”
    Realization crashed down to her. 
    She looked at her covered-forearms and to the pen. A small smile crawled on her lips, finally knowing what Haruka’s intentions were. 
    “It’s just… Ughhh… So hard to explain... “
    She ignored him as she drew.
    “I’m hoping that it can help you… Although if a therapist might suggest a better way, but for the meantime…”
    And drew.
    “If the urge or temptation… Oh god, those are weird wordings…”
    And drew.
    “Arghh! In short! I wish that instead of coping with pain, I have the suggestion of painting yourself with beautiful colors!... Hey, Yu! You’re not listening--!” He stopped in his words, his eyes widened at the pretty cherry blossom flower on her skin, an equally-elegant smile gracing her lips.
    “Hey, Haru?” She mumbled. The Kataoka gulped and straightened his back, leaning closer to his companion. “Yes, Yu?” Was his reply.
    Raising her hand towards the sky, admiring her adorable masterpiece, Yuriko hummed. How was it that with such a simple action, he managed to pierce her tough exterior? It was almost ridiculous how soft she had gotten for him. Within the 2 months of knowing each other, the ice and iron shackles in her heart were melted and torn down. Was it because of the soulmate bond? Or his genuine love and care?
    She also doesn’t know.
    “Once… My forearms are healed… I should try drawing a whole cherry blossom branch, what do you think?” She wondered almost inaudibly. 
    He gleamed, “I think that’s pretty cool! Here, you can try it with my hand!” Haruka offered his other hand, enthusiastically. She cradled his larger hand and drew a mini-cherry blossom tree. Her eyes began to fill with warmth as she suddenly realized the meaning of the said-flower. “Hey, Haru? You know what Cherry Blossoms symbolizes, right?” Her other-half nodded and gave a loving smile.
    She continued, “What a great coincidence, don’t you think? Knowing our situation.” A breathy chuckle escaped from his throat. Haruka raised a free-hand and fixed a stray hair on the female’s head.
    “Indeed, it is.” He softly agreed.
Cherry Blossoms, also referred to as Sakura, is known in Japan as the flower of spring, beauty, and the time of renewal.
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