#yes i still use they/them pronouns but yes i refer to my younger self as she/her
amiharana · 1 year
5, 19, and 29 for the ask game !!
(ask game from here)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
hmm i don't think i actually have any KDJFKSDF uh but i love it when i write stuff and the word count ends in a 0 or a 5 (e.g. 1490 words). it rarely happens in the fics i write but i try so hard when i write like. discussion posts for homework to make it so that it ends in a 0 or 5.
oh another thing i'm weird about when writing is using adverbs? i read somewhere a long time ago that you shouldn't use adverbs while writing and just rephrase the sentence to say what you meant directly. i think it was talking about academic writing like an essay or research, but it stuck with me so bad that now, i naturally cringe when i write an adverb in fic. these days i'm trying to not be so weird about it because i think you can still use adverbs just sparingly LMAO idek why that sort of thinking stuck with me, because sometimes, an adverb is just the best way to write what you want to convey. just use it wisely!
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
okay so when i was little, i actually really wanted to be a fashion designer. like my parents bought me a shitty little lightbox for tracing and clothing silhouette stencils, and i kept a notebook where i pasted all of my shitty little clothing designs in (i have no idea where this notebook went). that's what baby amihan thought they were going to pursue and grow up to be, so i invested a lot of time in that as a kid (insert Does He Know? Paul Dano Meme).
but one day at my elementary school, they introduced this thing to the 4th-6th graders called "junior olympics" and it was basically just a little competition with four categories/events, those being (1) math test, (2) spelling bee, (3) oral performance, and (4) writing a story. you can see where this is going, right?
they had us all apply for at least one event and even as a kid, i hated math so i was like no ❌ to the math event, and the spelling bee and the oral performance ones made me nervous because i was very shy and introverted as a kid. that left only the writing event, so i was like yeah why not?
the writing event was basically writing as much of a story as you can within a certain allotted time, and i truthfully cannot remember what the first story i wrote was BUT what i can tell you is that i won first place each year from my 4th-6th grade years like i ate that shit up! i do remember in 5th grade, my submission for the story-writing that year was a piece in which i killed all of my teachers in fantastical ways. KJDHFKJSDJKFD like all of them got murdered on the school campus by some sort of fantasy creature, and i remember ending the story dramatically by killing the principal via got eaten by a dragon because i LOVE dragons and i was in a big dragon phase at the time (i was reading so many books with dragons in them omg). but guess who won first place? 🥳 yours truly.
and winning three times in a row really did it for me. i was like wow it is so much fun to write silly little stories and then receive validation for being a good writer 🥰 and for a while, i actually ended up wanting to pursue being a writer! in elementary school, i started getting my parents to buy me composition notebooks and regular spiral notebooks simply just to write my silly little stories in, but i never finished them or i would tear out the pages and rewrite it because (1) it wasn't good enough to me or (2) i didn't like how i wrote it. some of you have seen me post my math notes and have told me i have nice handwriting; how do you think i got such nice handwriting? 😁 from tiny 9 year old me putting in The Work carefully and painstakingly rewriting every damn word so that it came out perfect like the absolute fucking cycle path she was ☝️👹
but yeah, i still have those stacks of composition notebooks and stuff that i go through and reread every couple of years to visit my inner child; she still lives in those pages and i like to pay my respects to her. i pay homage to that kid everytime i write my silly little fanfics now 🤍
as for what came after, i started writing more and more fanfic the older i got and the more media i became interested in. if you've ever seen my ao3, i only have a few things properly uploaded but my google drive is chock full of half written fics and documents with like up to 80+ pages of informal conceptual writing. part of the reason why i don't have many finished fics is because i attended a college prep school after elementary and it just. in hindsight, i wish i never let my parents talk me into doing the entrance exam for that school 😹 i'd probably be a lot happier and more sane right now if i did. but here we are! now i'm a bio major and writing about all the creative ways a dead bird and amnesiac elf can be intimate with each other for funsies! can i get an Amen hallerlujah 🙏
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
it's probably from the undiagnosed mental illnesses and the endless uncontrollable imagination i've had since i was a child that's always outrun the cruel grasp of reality. KJDFHKSDHJFKDJS no but i just get so easily inspired by everything around me idk ☝️😳
i've talked about it before in a different ask game answer, but because i have so many different interests that are extremely unrelated to each other, i have a wide array of experiences and knowledge to pick from. the analogy i used back then was arranging all of my interests on a color wheel and picking at two opposite interests like they're complementary colors, e.g. the fact that i am a huge bts fan and am a major revalinker simultaneously. at the time of writing this, i was listening to 'daechwita' by agust d and i suddenly got this imagery of link killing his past self who's grown too arrogant to keep himself humble and it's so delicious to me. or like, i don't know how to elaborate, but just. botw link spiritually killing his predecessors so that their achievements don't drive him insane. yum.
when the inspiration well runs dry, i just take a step back from writing for a bit and let what i've already written marinate a little. i did that recently with the fic i had planned for revalink week d1 (don't get your hopes up just yet, i'm not gonna work on it until after my finals next week are over), and when i reread my outlining again i was like HMFGHMFHGMF. delicious. can't wait to work on this 😋
in terms of getting ideas, they kind of just come and go? the best way i can explain is that i'm quite literally a prophet of the revalink gods. should they desire to bequeath upon me the sacred words, then i shall gladly receive it and share the word of the gospel with you all 🤍
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queer-reader-07 · 11 months
so you know that post that’s like “stop telling people they can’t call themselves FTM, i lived as a girl for years i WAS a girl”?
well there’s a reblog on that post about being really protective of your pre transition self and it just really hit home for me.
kind of without realizing it i have a tendency to refer to pre coming out me as a girl, i use she/her pronouns when i talk about pre coming out me, all that jazz. and it never crossed my mind that that was weird? that it was somehow not normal to talk about pre coming out me as a girl or with she/her pronouns.
because I’M not a girl. my pronouns are they/them. why wouldn’t i refer to younger me the same way?
and i think it really does come down to being so fiercely protective of my younger self. she was such a strong and resilient little girl. she endured far too much bullying that went ignored by teachers. she was so hard on herself, she buried her emotions because she didn’t want to be a problem.
but she had hopes and dreams and goals and for fuck’s sake she WAS going to achieve it all.
and she was a girl. her girlhood was so intrinsic to who she was.
and i don’t see why i should discredit that? why i should have to they/them my past self so that it makes sense to other people.
that little girl is not who i am now. i’ve got healthier relationships with the people in my life, i have so many more amazing and beautiful friendships in my life, i no longer bury my feelings.
but if one thing hasn’t changed it’s that i’m still determined as all hell to achieve my dreams and goals. because i want to make that little girl that i was proud.
her biggest dream in life was to become a scientist, and now i’m here making those dreams come true. i’m here taking calculus and gen chem and signing up for ochem next year because if that’s what it takes, i’m gonna fucking do it.
yes a lot of my dreams and goals now are the same ones i had when i was younger. but knowing that i’m making that little girl, that girl who was hurting and confused why no one cared, proud makes it so much better.
i may not be a girl anymore. i may have grown into a non-binary genderfuck of a person. but the little girl that i was holds so much space in my heart. she is shrouded in love and care and tenderness because why would i hurt her? why would i hurt her more by acting like who she was was a lie?
she was a little girl. and she was amazing. and i want to honor that. i want to protect that.
i’m not really sure where this is going but my point is that it’s not only ok but BEAUTIFUL to be protective of your pre transition self. it’s so valid to talk about your pre transition self in terms of your AGAB. you don’t have to, obviously, but if you do and if that’s what feels right for you? don’t let anyone tell you it’s wrong.
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ladyseidr · 1 year
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And another headcanon dump! TW for vaguely discussed self-harm.
by the time he's, like, 20, he's got multiple ear piercings and a septum piercing
in that same vein, planned on getting tattoos before getting scooped
only interested in the above because it's genuinely his style, not to like. get back at his dad or whatever. (like at most my william would slightly resent the fact that mike does whatever the fuck he wants with his appearance VS william forcing himself to stay so in line, if that makes sense. he's not old-fashioned regarding piercing/tattoos/etc)
bi, but has an extremely strong preference for men and masc-aligned ppl
complicated relationship with gender. like, he's fairly openly queer and interacts with other queer ppl, so he does explore gender presentation to an extent in those spaces, but hurricane isn't exactly... a queer hotspot (unless they're my portrayals in which case nobody is straight ever). still, he doesn't really hear abt IDing as nonbinary until long after the scooping. at that point, his identity as a whole is, er, complex and it's not really his priority. but he does recognize that he's nb at that point. tends to still default to using he/him pronouns and masc terminology, but comfortable with and occasionally uses they/them.
this is a headcanon i'm Tentative to post because i think ppl can be nervous because of my personal experiences, but fuck it: he absolutely struggles with self-harm. it starts in high school and honestly he never fully recovers normally. the scooping kind of, uh, gets in the way of it. he was already trying to get clean prior, but y'know. this should be a given, but he covers the wounds/scars and doesn't tell people. by default, nobody in his family knows about it.
to be clear about the above: i am comfortable exploring this topic so long as you don't try to get me to write him (or any muse) actively self-harming. i'm a grown adult, i know my limits and i'm more than capable of messaging ppl if i need things toned down. i'm also many, many years clean at this point. please don't baby me if you're interested in exploring this topic (and, on that note, i will never even allude to his self-harm unless you have explicitly told me it's okay).
def works at fred.dy's off-and-on prior to william's disappearance. fucking hates it, but also struggles to keep jobs elsewhere. prefers working at locations william isn't active at, but just keeps ending up alongside him regardless. can't escape each other and all that shit lmao
actually pretty damn intelligent but absolutely doesn't believe this abt himself
hates his father but also still loves him. yes, ever after everything. nothing about their relationship is or will ever be simple. regretfully remembers the "good times." wishes he didn't. (glad he does, because what else does he have?)
speaking specifically on my elise: loves her. resents her deeply. when he's younger, fully pegs her as a shitty mother. when older, gets it but still just can't completely forgive her. absolutely feels abandoned by her and tells her at one point in the midst of an argument
headcanon tag is a reference to this song because uh? "this is who i am / nobody said you had to like it / this is who i am / a modern tragedy / bury your mistakes / clear those bones from your closet / with wisdom there’s pain" ?????
there's literally so much more i could write but let's just fkjsdsda leave it here for now
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Ack someone else asked about Paint, my go to, um... Go on infodump on Rulie or Legend I guess? I have a favourite bit of the timeline.
Unfortunately Rulie has also been picked but I can do Legend!
-self-proclaimed atheist. Yes he knows the goddesses exist. He knows Sky is even married to one. But he's so sick of being used as the goddesses' errand boy that he decided he "doesn't believe in them" anymore because fuck all of them in particular.
-Aside from Wind, he is one of the only ones in the Chain who has any experience with sailing, however being on the ocean causes him great anxiety, and understandably so given what happened in Link's Awakening.
-His hair is naturally pink! He used to dye it more of a red-blond color because nobody took him seriously when he had pink hair, but after a while he just stopped caring and let it grow out naturally.
-I know I often refer to Legend as "he" but they are actually nonbinary, and simply use all pronouns. They're also bisexual.
-Legend's uncle is alive! And Legend still lives with him and helps out in the orchard in between adventures.
-Legend has heart problems, specifically Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (which if you didn't know means your heart will beat way too fast for literally no reason. Also totally not projecting here too haha). This was a side effect of being turned into a rabbit, since rabbits naturally have a fast heartbeat. Of course it doesn't bother Legend when he's in rabbit form but this guy is too stubborn and proud to want to stay that way, so he just takes his chances.
-another side effect of being bnnuy is that Legend can't eat meat very often. She can eat it, but not while in rabbit form, and even as a Hylian she will get sick if she eats too much. She also will munch on carrots as her go-to snack, and not give a fuck what anyone says about her bunny stomach (that is, if anyone is stupid enough to make fun of someone with a powerful kick and teeth that can break fingers).
-Legend may come off as a total bitch and a walking entity of sass. But in reality they're a total softie. Of course the sass kinda leaks out no matter what, but really they're all bark and very little bite. Legend also happens to be very good with kids, and will spoil the younger Chain members every chance they get. Mask actually refers to them as his uncle/aunt/auncle.
-Legend has actually killed a fellow hero once: Minish, in the Palace of the Four Sword. And he has deep, deep regrets about it, despite not initially knowing who exactly the dark links (the corrupted Elements) were.
-A man of many, many skills. Legend plays just about every instrument imaginable. He is very good at sewing as well, and can do anything from repairing clothing to making dolls. Has quite a bit of first aid training as well and is the Chain's go-to when Hyrule is unavailable to help.
-and of course, no matter the situation, he's "got an item for that". And usually some spare useful items to lend to a friend too.
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
I feel like Barok and Courtney Sithe would interact quite a bit (ahem and I think shes fairly beautiful ahem), that being said could I request Baroks fem s/o being slightly jealous?
Headcanons (Green-eyed Beloved)
Notes: Agreed, anon: I imagine that, at the very least, they would meet regularly to discuss autopsies / circumstances surrounding the deaths of victims. And, yes, Courtney is very striking: she has such a great design and is very glamorous in that gothic sort of a way! I hope you enjoy your request.
S/O is female (she/her pronouns). Barok refers to her using petnames.
Content Warnings: jealousy; vague lack of self-confidence; comparing one's self to another
The first time she sees Dr. Sithe in Barok's office, she can't help but think how striking and glamorous the other woman is. It's hard not to feel a pang of inadequacy when they look at her and see how confident she is / how intelligently she speaks.
Barok notices his beloved at the doorway and calls her in, "Dr. Sithe, this is my betrothed," the introductions are perfectly polite as one might expect.
"I'm surprised, Barok," Sithe remarks, "I thought hell would freeze over before you entered into a relationship."
He laughs, "Is that so? I'm still surprised two men were willing to marry you, doctor, I suppose some things must simply be chalked down to 'miracles'."
"Touché," she smirks, before taking her leave.
Once Dr. Sithe has left, Barok's beloved becomes aware of a pang of something ugly in the pit of her stomach. Was she... jealous of Dr. Sithe? Surely not... "... Are you close with Dr. Sithe, Barok?" she asks, tentatively; all the more curious about their relationship.
"Hm?" Barok looks up from the autopsy report he was reading, "Close? Not at all, I'd consider her a colleague, given that our work has reason to coincide quite regularly but nothing more. Why?"
It did come as a relief to know that Barok didn't see Dr. Sithe as anyone particularly remarkable. She shakes her head, "Oh.. no, no reason.. I was merely curious, given that I don't see you joke very often."
Barok gives them a thoughtful look, he has his suspicions but he won't comment on them for now, "Mm, I see."
For a while, things are ok –– until she happens upon Sithe in Barok's office, again, talking with him about a case. Once more she feels inadequate and threatened as Sithe speaks in such a conversant manner with Barok. It was rare to see others engaging in conversation with him, yet Sithe seemed immune to his dour sarcasm and cutting wit. If anything, she appeared to enjoy the back and forth.
"You're an insufferable brat sometimes, Lord van Zieks," she remarked, "I cannot help but wonder how anyone puts up with you..."
"And yet here you are," Barok replied with a scoff, "In my office talking at me, when you could simply be revisiting the autopsy report, like I asked..."
Sithe sighed and shook her head, "Such a child..."
"I'm only five-or-so years younger than you, doctor, so that must make you a bigger child than I if you're to stand here in my office bemoaning having to do your job..."
"Tsk!" yet she was smirking while taking the autopsy report from his hand, "Fine. I'll look back over it again," then, nodding to Barok's beloved, she left.
Barok cast his gaze over his love and hummed, "You're jealous of her, aren't you?"
"W-What?!" heat instantly rose to her cheeks, "What on earth are you talking about, Barok? I'm not jealous of her in the slightest!"
"That blush suggests otherwise, as if I've called you out: well, regardless, just know that you have no reason to feel threatened by her. Dr. Sithe isn't my type and I'm deeply in love with you. No matter what you might think such a woman has in terms of charms or what you might lack in that regard, I promise you such things are confined solely to your mind. I only have eyes for you."
"Oh...." a warm feeling curled in her stomach as she looked at him, "Barok... that's..." then she hung her head, ashamed that such ugly feelings had wormed their way into her mind and given her pause to feel threatened, "Thank you... that's very sweet of you to say."
"It's simply the truth, now, come here, I fear my lap is extremely cold," with a smile she settled herself on his strong thighs and cuddled him while he penned a letter to the Attorney General about something or other...
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shihalyfie · 4 years
An Adventure/02 pseudo-honorifics chart
I’ve mentioned a few times that I maintain an Adventure/02 honorifics chart for the sake of fanfic writing (it’s generally a pretty vital thing to have on hand if you intend to use honorifics in fanwork, or even in fiction at all), and I’ve even mentioned that I’d like to release it someday, but one thing that was always holding me back about it was my constant checks for accuracy -- an acquaintance was also keeping one, and when we compared them we found some minor inconsistencies that would require us to rewatch the entire series with a notepad to get the right references.
After a fashion, I realized that I was scrutinizing this way too closely. The important part is not the specific honorifics themselves but rather the pattern in which they’re used -- especially because they would often alternate in-series, partially intentionally, and partially because they would flip-flop depending on writer. On top of that, most people who would be interested in this are likely writing post-2002 fanfic, where it could be reasonable for certain honorifics to change based on certain relationships.
As such, I’ve decided to just throw out the minutiae, forget about making an organized “chart”, and simply write a general overview of how the twelve Adventure/02 kids use honorifics for each other. Hopefully this can be an interesting resource/meta for those who are considering writing fanfic with these (or even simply due to general interest).
Before we begin, a few notes:
Overall, I am mostly omitting “obvious outlier cases” where a character called someone else something different from usual, but context made it clear why that particular instance was different. (For instance, Miyako trying to butter Daisuke up by calling him “Dai-chan” in 02 episode 8; she very much would not have done this in most circumstances.) I am also not looking too deeply into one-off outlier cases that seem to wildly fall outside the pattern, and seem to merely be the result of whoever was writing that episode/piece of media not checking the chart.
The tri. anime series and tri. stage play actually contradict each other, and given that they’re supposed to take place in around the same period, you basically have to commit to one or the other here. Between the two, the anime series has a number of incursions that go against patterns in ways that make it difficult to form a consistent analysis about it, whereas the stage play is much easier to make a consistent case between 02 and Kizuna (with comparatively much fewer outliers), so in terms of providing actual analysis, I will be prioritizing the latter’s take.
Due to similarly having too many obviously contradictory incursions, 02′s first drama CD (Armor Evolution to the Unknown) is also mostly removed from consideration, with the exception of instances when it’s a factor in an already ambiguous situation.
All twelve Adventure/02 characters are consistently respectful with elders and strangers (with some exceptions; Taichi really wasn’t very amused with Gennai when they first met). The following analysis is important mainly in regards to the kids’ relationships with each other.
I’ll be marking down the first-person pronouns for Digimon partners as well, but for the sake of brevity I’ll be sticking with the “base” forms (Child for everyone except Tailmon, who’s Adult) and not the higher ones.
General overview
A quick crash course on honorifics and how they’re used!
Firstly, there’s first-person pronouns, which, in the scope of fiction, generally are used to indicate a character’s disposition. Note that “one character consistently using one first-person pronoun for nearly every situation” is very endemic to fiction in particular; in real life, one may change their pronoun depending on whom they’re talking to or the context in which they’re speaking, but Japanese fiction is generally much more consistent about using these as consistent points for characterization, even to the point of bringing out pronouns that aren’t practically in use anymore in real life.
The ones generally of importance to the Adventure kids:
ore: Masculine and assertive. Note assertive instead of aggressive; it simply implies being very self-assured, and you can still have a stoic character who uses ore. Since it’s a very casual and somewhat brash pronoun, a character who uses this might still default to something like boku depending on the surrounding circumstances (for instance, Taichi, who normally uses ore, will still use boku when speaking to adults on the phone).
boku: Masculine and deferential/polite.
watashi: Gender-neutral and somewhat deferential/polite. When used by male characters, usually it’s to imply that they’re particularly mature or polite (since otherwise you’d probably expect boku).
atashi: Feminine and casual. The “casual” connotation means that it’s often employed by aggressive or assertive girls in a sort of feminine equivalent to ore, but it can also simply mean that they’re just very girly (see: Mimi).
When referring to each other, honorifics come into play. Honorifics are generally used based on a combination of “comparative level of station” (i.e. whether someone is in a “higher societal position” than you or not -- yes, even a single school grade can matter here!) and “sense of distance” (i.e. whether you are a close friend to the person in question or not). And, of course, there’s also the question of how polite the speaker is in general. These factors do weigh against each other, so that’s why it’d still make sense for two very close friends to use honorifics on each other, if said friends are portrayed as particularly polite in general.
No honorific: Referred to as yobisute in Japanese, this is actually something that merits a category on its own, because it’s something you should only be whipping out when you’re particularly close to the person. This is especially in the case of elders; unless you really do have a close relationship to the elder in question that they can forgive it, you’re being a bit in-your-face and rude for acting like you’re on their level.
-san: The most common honorific, because it’s the one you can generally rely on to default to if you’re not sure and want to be polite. Upward-facing and polite.
-senpai: Similar to -san in that it’s upward-facing and polite, but it has a stronger connotation of “someone who has been in a certain field longer than you have”. Depending on the characters in question and the relevant situation, it and -san can be interchangeable (this happens with the 02 kids and their Adventure seniors, who are both people the 02 kids look up to as people in general and people who are in higher school grade levels and further experience in Digimon-related issues).
-kun: Downward-facing and polite. In this case “downward-facing” simply means that the person you’re addressing is either on the same “societal level” as you or lower on the social ladder; it’s not meant to be used in a condescending sense! (Well, at least, not by default, anyway.) Its use is still considered respectful, especially moreso than dropping the honorific altogether, but it simply means that you’re also not necessarily deferring to the other person being higher than you. On very rare occasions, you could theoretically use it for a senior you consider yourself particularly close with, but this kind of usage never comes into play with the twelve kids in the Adventure universe (its most notable Digimon usage is Appmon’s Haru using it for Rei, who’s one year older than him).
-chan: Endearing and somewhat casual. Often used for younger girls. Because of it having a “cute” implication, it’s the one honorific here that may be advisable to avoid if you want to avoid that implication; it’s not rude per se to be using it, but it’s definitely possible to want to avoid the implications and go for “-san” (despite that normally being upward-facing) or “-kun” (despite that being a bit more formal) instead.
On top of that, it should be noted that there is a difference between calling someone by their surname vs. their given name, mainly in terms of sense of distance -- formality usually dictates prioritizing surname first by default, someone really close with a particular friend can go as far as given name with no honorific, with the other extreme being using surname and adding an honorific. Likewise, “surname with no honorific” can imply a bit of bluntness yet mutual level of comfort in a relationship, while “given name with honorific” can imply politeness but still with a sense of tight friendship and familiarity -- basically, it’s a grey area. Fortunately, in the case of Adventure/02, this only really matters in the case of Ken (and, in one instance, Koushirou).
And finally, note that if two characters call each other a certain way long enough, honorifics can “stick” and even start taking on an “endearing nickname” sentiment -- which is why you might see a phenomenon of people still using honorifics on each other even when their closeness to each other might suggest otherwise. This is pertinent mainly in the case of certain characters who continue calling each other a certain way even after their relationship should suggest that they’ve gotten a lot closer -- the implication being that they’ve called each other that for so long that it feels weird to change now. (Yes, that even includes between dating and/or married couples.)
Incidentally, all Digimon partners (with the exception of Tentomon and Hawkmon, who use -han and -san respectively, and Wormmon, whose single-minded dedication to “Ken-chan” means he really doesn’t talk about anyone else other than a reference to “Izumi Koushirou-san on the phone” in 02 episode 26) simply refer to the humans by given name and no honorific (including humans who aren’t their partners); presumably they’re allowed this due to not being members of Japanese society per se, and therefore not being beholden to its standards.
To wrap this up, here’s a reminder of everyone’s school grade levels in relation to each other, from highest to lowest (note that we don’t actually know anyone’s specific birthdays, so we have to go by school years):
Taichi, Yamato, Sora
Koushirou, Mimi
Takeru, Hikari, Daisuke, Ken
(empty space here)
First-person pronoun: ore (assertive)
General honorifics pattern: Given name, no honorific for the boys (”Yamato”, “Jou”, “Daisuke”, etc.). Uses given name with “-chan” with most younger girls (”Mimi-chan”, “Miyako-chan”), the implication being that he simply treats them casually without being extra blunt or extra polite.
Parents: tou-san and kaa-san (still roughly respectful, but casual enough to drop the respectful o-).
Sora: As he’s known Sora for a while even before the events of Adventure, Taichi simply calls her “Sora” with no honorific.
Mimi: Taichi was known to call Mimi “Mimi-chan” in Adventure, which was consistent with how he called Miyako in 02, but in Kizuna it seems to be just “Mimi”. There are multiple potential interpretations, one being that something may have happened to make the two more intimately close between Adventure and Kizuna, one being that something happened to make Taichi feel that Mimi shouldn’t have a “diminutively endearing” honorific, one being that the scene in question was rather serious and he felt it wasn’t the right time...and one being that the writers simply just forgot.
Jou: Notably, Taichi’s lack of using honorifics for the boys also extends to Jou, who’s a year older than him, either because he’s fine being casual enough with Jou that he doesn’t mind violating propriety, or he made the same mistake as Yamato (see below) and initially mistook him for being in the same school year due to Jou not initially coming off as very senior-esque (unlike with Mimi, Jou wasn’t explicitly designated as the leader of the others’ camp groups).
Hikari: Hikari is Taichi’s sister, so he simply calls her “Hikari” with no honorific.
Other notes: Amusingly, while everyone calls Gennai “Gennai-san” for the most part, Taichi isn’t very patient with him at first and calls him “jiji” (old man) during Adventure, but seems to have gotten over himself and calls him “Gennai-san” in Kizuna. (Well, he’s not an old man anymore by then.) Unlike Taichi, Agumon uses boku (polite), despite the two characters otherwise being very like-minded. Agumon is a little more easygoing than Taichi in general, so it can be said that Agumon represents Taichi’s nature of not being altogether aggressive when it really comes down to it.
First-person pronoun: ore (assertive)
General honorifics pattern: Given name, no honorific for the boys (”Taichi”, “Jou”, “Daisuke”, etc.). Like Taichi, he uses given name with “-chan” with most younger girls (“Hikari-chan”, “Miyako-chan”).
Parents: oyaji (think roughly in the sense of “my old man”) for his father, kaa-san (again, a bit more respectful but still rough enough to drop the o-) for his mother (whom he doesn’t live with).
Sora: Yamato omits the honorific for Sora, implying he considered her a close friend even during the time of Adventure.
Mimi: Notable mainly because of our lack of information about this; Yamato and Mimi never referred to each other over the course of Adventure or 02, and while Mimi’s way of referring to Yamato (”Yamato-san”) was easy to extrapolate even before Kizuna based on existing patterns, the reverse could go either way, depending on whether Yamato would see her as close enough to merit the drop. The Adventure mini dramas have him call her “Mimi-chan”, but this was in unison with everyone else, so it’s hard to tell whether it counts; the tri. stage play and the Kizuna novel has him drop the honorific.
Jou:  Like Taichi, he never uses any honorific with the one-year-older Jou, the canonical explanation being that he initially mistook Jou for being in the same year (well, not like Jou was acting as the epitome of a dignified senior...).
Ken: Yamato initially refers to him as “Ichijouji-kun” when discussing Ken’s circumstances with Iori in 02 episode 35, but during 02 episode 42, when Ken is now working directly with him and has integrated himself more as everyone’s friend, Yamato simply calls him “Ichijouji”, being more willing to speak to him on a more blunt/close level (but not quite knowing him as well as the other 02 kids, whom he’s on given name basis with).
Other notes: Yamato is the one Adventure senior who gets a lot of interaction with the 02 group in Kizuna, and interestingly, the four of them all call him “Yamato-senpai”, despite him not going to their school -- given that they’re dealing with a Digimon incident, the implication is that they’re treating him as an experienced senior in that respect. Despite what his shy personality would suggest, Gabumon in fact uses ore, like Yamato. Gabumon can be said to represent Yamato’s emotional core, so it is true that he can be very assertive when it really comes down to it.
First-person pronoun: Mostly used watashi in Adventure, with fairly uncommon lapses into atashi, fully moving to atashi by 02. This is consistent with her characterization difference between Adventure and 02, the latter of which portrayed her as quite a bit more assertive about what she wanted and rather less deferential (and also a lot more willing to come off as more feminine, at that). The tri. stage play sticks with atashi. Kizuna has her go back to watashi, which can possibly be taken as her deciding to be a bit more mature in her adult years -- basically, Sora is the kind of person where going either way fits her, since she’s capable of being assertive but also likes to carry herself calmly and maturely (and her teenage years are where you could most definitely believe she’d be the most aggressive about it).
General honorifics pattern: Uses “Jou-senpai” for Jou, treating him properly like a school elder. Given the rest of her way of using honorifics, most likely she’d use “-san” or “-senpai” for most elders. Uses given name plus “-kun” for younger boys (”Koushirou-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”) and “-chan” for younger girls (”Mimi-chan”, “Miyako-chan”). In other words, generally diligent about using honorifics, dropping it only with people she’s particularly close with.
Parents: Generally respectful okaa-san and otou-san.
Taichi: Having known Taichi as a peer for quite a long time prior to the events of the series, Sora simply just calls him “Taichi” with no honorific.
Yamato: Initially Sora calls him “Yamato-kun”, and it’s reasonable to extrapolate she probably would call most boys her age with the “-kun” honorific, but early in the series, Sora starts alternating between “-kun” and simply calling him “Yamato”, which allegedly was actually intentional to indicate foreshadowing of their building relationship. This alternation continues all the way into 02, even after they start dating -- Armor Evolution to the Unknown has her calling him “Yamato-kun” even when she refers to him super-endearingly (implying it really has become a nickname of sorts), while DSB has her drop the honorific, and both firmly depict them as dating. For what it’s worth, the tri. stage play and Kizuna also depict her as dropping the honorific.
Daisuke: Sora actually drops honorific for Daisuke, possibly due to knowing him from the soccer club.
Ken: “Ichijouji-kun” in 02 episode 38. This is in the context of her observing how much he’s changed, so, much like with the other seniors, she thinks well of him, she’s just not particularly close with him to merit moving to given name basis.
Other notes: Piyomon, who’s portrayed as clingy and affectionate, uses atashi from day one.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite)
General honorifics pattern: -san for everyone older (”Taichi-san”, “Jou-san”). “-kun” for younger boys (”Takeru-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”).
Parents: Generally respectful okaa-san and otou-san.
Mimi: Mimi is the same age as Koushirou, but Koushirou presumably doesn’t feel comfortable using the “affectionately endearing” “-chan” and would rather use the more respectful “-san” instead.
Hikari: Hikari is an unusual case in that she’s quite a bit younger than Koushirou, but Koushirou still calls her with “-san”. Presumably, he didn’t feel comfortable going with “-chan” like everyone else did (and presumably for the same reasons he won’t use it for Mimi either). This persists even all the way into 02, but interestingly, he calls Miyako differently (see below), so it’s hard to say what his stance would be on younger girls in general, or whether Hikari got special privileges due to the circumstances of how she met the group (as the younger sister of his respected senior Taichi, and as a fellow Chosen who met everyone during some rather personal circumstances detached from school). The tri. stage play floats up the idea that he might have accepted “Hikari-chan” by 2005, but Kizuna takes the stance that he’s still using “Hikari-san” in 2010.
Miyako: Koushirou, having met Miyako during some rather impersonal circumstances and initially only having a computer club senior-junior relationship with her, calls her “Miyako-kun”. Note again the avoidance of the “-chan”; he really doesn’t seem to want to use the “cute” honorific, and would rather treat her a little more formally.
Ken: Koushirou refers to Ken as “Ichijouji-kun” in general, Ken getting the surname basis as he joined the group on the level of him somewhat of a stranger to Koushirou compared to the other 02 kids. That said, this shows up even during their heart-to-heart in 02 episode 33, so other than the surname thing, it’s clear that Koushirou using the honorific is less detachment and him simply wanting to extend the same respect he uses for everyone else.
Other notes: Koushirou is infamous for using polite language (-masu, -desu, etc.) in every circumstance, including even with the Digimon (who are generally treated as being outside societal obligations of honorifics) and younger characters. The implication is that this came from Koushirou being deferential to everyone out of sense of distance and lack of self-esteem after his revelation of being adopted made him lose sense of his place in the world. In Adventure episodes 38 and 54, it’s made apparent that Koushirou wants to learn to speak more casually with others, but has difficulty doing so, and his parents and Tentomon assure him that he doesn’t need to force himself. Koushirou continues speaking this way even into 02 and Kizuna, but the epilogue implies that he at least doesn’t do this with his daughter (and the Character Complete File that he at least broke out of this with Tentomon). Tentomon uses Kansai dialect, which is stereotyped as being associated with easygoing and less book-smart characters (in contrast to Koushirou, and also for the absurd humor of the terrifying-looking Kabuterimon speaking this way), but he also uses the polite form, so he can be said to match Koushirou in this way by simply being polite and deferential to others in general. While most Digimon don’t use honorifics for humans, Tentomon also uses “-han” (the Kansai variant of “-san”) on any human he talks to.
First-person pronoun: atashi (casual). Mimi is normally a very polite girl, but she also likes being in-your-face cute, so her usage of the pronoun is in line with this.
General honorifics pattern: -san for any and all elders (”Taichi-san”, “Sora-san”), -kun for younger boys (”Koushirou-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”), and -chan for younger girls (”Hikari-chan”, “Miyako-chan”). Mimi is depicted as having been raised as a sort of “lady of the house” (ojou-sama) personality due to having been spoiled by her parents, so she’s basically a “spoiled sweet” sort of girl who is polite and respectful to pretty much everyone -- hence why her speech pattern is uniformly consistent across everything. Of course, since she’s also very fond of “acting cute” and proud of it, younger girls like Hikari and Miyako get the cute “-chan”. The sole exception to her pattern is “Jou-senpai” (see Jou’s section on why).
Parents: Super-affectionate “Mama” and “Papa”, in line with the over-the-top lovey-dovey-ness of the Tachikawa household. Mimi’s mom goes as far as to endearingly call her “Mimi-chan” (her father is just “Mimi”).
Ken: Referred to Ken as “Ichijouji-kun” starting in 02 episode 25. This was in a context of her wanting to get him in to help, so she clearly has no ill will with him, she just doesn’t know him all that well compared to the other 02 kids.
Other notes: Palmon, who also enjoys acting cute, uses atashi much like the like-minded Mimi.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite). There’s an incident where he famously slips into ore when trying to intercede in the argument between Taichi and Yamato during Adventure episode 8, so it can be taken that he does have it in him to be more assertive if he lets his emotions take control of him, but otherwise is deferential.
General honorifics pattern: Interestingly, Jou seems to consider himself close enough to the older boys in the Adventure group to use given name with no honorific (”Taichi”, “Yamato”, “Koushirou”), despite what his insistence on societal propriety might make you think. In other words, he can be very casual when he really wants to be. With the girls, he generally uses given name plus “-kun” (”Sora-kun”, “Mimi-kun”), the implication being that he doesn’t like using the affectionate “-chan” on them and wants to keep them at a somewhat respectful and polite distance rather than the more casual manner he treats the boys with. Likewise, boys who are a certain level of younger than Jou are on given name basis plus “-kun” (”Takeru-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”); since this includes Takeru, who was also part of the Adventure group, it seems to have more to do with closeness based on age than anything. It’s unclear what he would do with elders since he’s the oldest depicted of the twelve, but most likely he’d at least be consistent about his -san and -senpai if he’s not particularly close with them.
Parents: Jou was never depicted with his parents in the series proper, but in Armor Evolution to the Unknown he uses “tou-san” for his father and “kaa-san” for his mother (generally respectful but still somewhat casual).
Shin and Shuu: Jou is depicted as calling them “Shin-niisan” and “Shuu-niisan” respectively.
Hikari: Jou’s one major reference to Hikari in Adventure was “Hikari-chan” -- presumably, Hikari being so young that it’s okay in his book to use the endearing honorific. The tri. stage play has him use “Hikari-kun”, so you can maybe presume he now sees her as old enough to be treated with the more formal honorific. Because both cases are somewhat isolated (one showing up really only once in the series and one being from a writer who may not have caught that one time), it’s difficult to make a projection.
Other notes: Jou infamously seems to exude such a “school senior” aura that he’s occasionally called “Jou-senpai” in settings where other characters might use “-san” for others (mainly Mimi, whose initial relationship to him was being under his responsibility in their summer camp group, and the 02 kids, who jump on using “-senpai” for him much faster than they do most of their other Adventure seniors, despite not even going to the same school as him). This has led to the Japanese fanbase often latching onto calling him “Jou-senpai” affectionately. Gomamon infamously uses the first-person pronoun oira, which is basically like the assertive ore but with a more laid-back and almost country bumpkin-esque air to it. It’s much in line with his very laid-back and playful personality, the complete opposite of Jou’s.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite). This is actually a plot point; Adventure episode 12 (which is a Takeru focus episode) also uses boku in its title, and the narration for the 02 episode 50 preview suddenly uses boku, culminating in the reveal that the narrator was Takeru the whole time.
General honorifics pattern: Consistently uses given name “-san” for all elders (”Taichi-san”, “Jou-san”, “Miyako-san”, etc.). Uses given name plus “-kun” for boys who are the same age or younger (”Daisuke-kun”, “Iori-kun”). Hikari is “Hikari-chan”, so he’s comfortable enough to use the endearing honorific (although it might just be because it’s Hikari, whom he happens to personally know very well). In general, Takeru is a fairly polite person and adheres reasonably well to honorific propriety.
Parents: Super-affectionate and somewhat childish “Mama” and “Papa” in Adventure; generally respectful “okaa-san” for his mother and ever so slightly more casual “tou-san” for his father in 02.
Yamato: In Adventure, Takeru initially calls Yamato “onii-chan”, the “o-” being respectful, and “-chan” being endearing. He carries this into 02 as well. Given that it’s unlikely for him to continue doing this much longer after 02, different media ended up going in different directions with this; DSB went with “nii-san” (still very respectful, but missing the “o-” and not as “cutesy”), the tri. stage play went with aniki (one of its few holdovers from the tri. anime; somewhat more blunt and less respectful), and Kizuna uses DSB’s “nii-san”.
Ken: Takeru starts off calling him “Ichijouji-kun” when they’re just starting to get to know each other. This does happen to persist even as their relationship gets deeper and Takeru significantly warms up to him, culminating in him still seeming to call him this by Kizuna’s drama CD, but it seems to be more out of politeness/respect (or, most likely, habit, considering how long it took for Ken to get on good terms with everyone in the group) by this point. (Ironically, this is a significant improvement over when Takeru had punched out the Kaiser in 02 episode 17, in which his references had been an extremely passive-aggressive “Ichijouji-san” and a more genuinely angry “Ichijouji” -- once everything had calmed down, Takeru presumably felt that he at least deserved proper respect.)
Other notes: Patamon uses boku, much like Takeru, which is probably meant to accentuate his “childishness” (in Adventure) and general like-mindedness with Takeru and easygoing nature (in 02).
First-person pronoun: watashi in Adventure, atashi in 02, watashi in the tri. stage play and Kizuna (specifically the drama CD). This is likely for similar reasons to Sora in that Hikari was portrayed as rather deferential to others in Adventure but got quite a bit more assertive in 02, then, as she got older, went back to carrying herself a bit more maturely (and, if the tri. stage play is to be believed, went back to it at an earlier age, presumably since she’s more on the polite side than Sora), albeit still of course bright and assertive when she wants to be.
Parents: Generally respectful okaa-san and otou-san.
General honorifics pattern: Much like Takeru, she consistently uses given name with “-san” for all elders (”Sora-san”, “Koushirou-san”, “Miyako-san”). Uses given name plus “-kun” for boys of the same age or younger (”Takeru-kun”, “Daisuke-kun”). It’s unclear what she would do with younger girls, but she probably wouldn’t be averse to using “-chan”. All in all, much like Takeru, she’s fairly polite and adheres to honorific propriety.
Taichi: Hikari consistently calls Taichi “onii-chan”. Given Hikari’s personality as a lot more willing to come off as “cute”, this is in line with her.
Ken: Like Takeru, Hikari starts off calling him “Ichijouji-kun” and sticks with it even after the group accepts him; again, Ken took an unusually long time to get on good terms with everyone in the group, by which time the surname basis had likely become habit for her, Takeru, and Iori.
Other notes: Because Hikari is called “Hikari-chan” by so many characters, the Japanese fanbase tends to attach the honorific to her name a lot when discussing her. Tailmon’s first-person pronoun usage mirrors Hikari’s in that she uses watashi in Adventure, atashi in 02, and watashi in the tri. stage play and Kizuna drama CD -- beyond mirroring Hikari, it also exemplifies 02 being the point in time when Tailmon seemed to be keen on making use of her new life and freedom.
First-person pronoun: ore (assertive)
General honorifics pattern: Consistently uses “-san” (”Taichi-san”, “Koushirou-san”) and/or “-senpai” for his elders (mostly “-san”), with the exception of Miyako (see below) -- in general Daisuke is actually quite respectful of his seniors in the Adventure group. For his friends in the 02 group, he eschews honorifics entirely and generally goes to given name basis with no honorific (”Takeru”, “Iori”), with the exception of Hikari (see below), so when it comes to people he’s actually closer with on a personal level, he doesn’t really seem fond of keeping distance with honorifics (much like Taichi and Yamato).
Parents: Doesn’t directly address his parents in the series proper, but the Character Complete File supplies “tou-san” and “kaa-san” (generally respectful but casual).
Jun: Refers to her as “aneki” (blunt and in-your-face).
Taichi: Although Daisuke has used both “-san” and “-senpai” for both Yamato and Jou, Taichi is the one where the interchangeability is most clear, since Daisuke has a particular relation to him as his respected soccer club senior.
Hikari: Consistently calls her “Hikari-chan”. The implication is, of course, that he sees her as cute and endearing, although it’s also completely possible he’d use “-chan” for any other similar age or younger girl he develops a particular rapport with (he does go along with Mimi’s suggestion of “Nat-chan” in The Door to Summer).
Miyako: Omits the honorific with her and simply calls her “Miyako”, despite her being a year older. The implication is that they banter so much and are so like-minded that he feels comfortable being more abrupt with her. She personally doesn’t seem to mind, especially given that, when Daisuke momentarily gets a bit disoriented and calls her “Miyako-san” in 02 episode 30, she complains that it sounds weird (meaning that it sounds weird coming from him, given that everyone else in the group calls her this).
Ken: Initially calls him “Ichijouji” prior to 02 episode 39, having just gotten out of the fights with him as the Kaiser and not quite being on personal friendship levels with him (much less treat him at a “polite distance”), but still wanting to handle him casually in his bid to integrate him into the group and get to know him better. He first drops the idea of switching to given name basis and calling him “Ken” in 02 episode 30, and is depicted as directly switching to it on-screen and committing to it when declaring Ken to be his friend in 02 episode 39. From then on, with Ken as basically his best and most important friend, he sticks with it.
Other notes: Being the very active and playful type, V-mon uses ore, just like Daisuke.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite); that includes as the Kaiser, implying that he was trying to portray himself as “regal and dignified” during that time.
General honorifics pattern: “-san” for all elders (”Koushirou-san”, “Miyako-san”), although he also uses “Yamato-senpai” in Kizuna (implying a sort of “Digimon senior” relationship with him and potentially other seniors by that point). Given name plus “-kun” for Iori, and presumably all younger boys. Ken generally uses given name basis for everyone, including the seniors; however, because he started off using “Motomiya-kun” and “Izumi-san” for Daisuke and Koushirou respectively before eventually shifting to “Daisuke” and “Koushirou-san”, it’s implied that this wasn’t necessarily the case when he was still initially ashamed of being around everyone.
Parents: Super-affectionate “Mama” and “Papa”, and his mother calls him “Ken-chan” in return (he’s just “Ken” from his father). The history behind this is really complicated, but the point is that the family is very affectionate when it all comes down to it.
Daisuke: Initially alternated between “Motomiya-kun” and “Motomiya” (phasing out the former as the series went on), having been in an awkward position of Daisuke so prominently having opposed him before suddenly getting in his face trying to befriend him. He drops a “Daisuke” (no honorific) in his head in 02 episode 26 and once outwardly in 02 episode 39, and while he never quite commits to given name basis during 02 itself, he uses it in DSB and in most postcanonical material, including Kizuna, indicating that with their relationship having gotten so close, Ken eventually got over himself and started referring to Daisuke as such.
Hikari: Hikari is the same age as Ken, but he calls her “Hikari-san”. Since the circumstances of why Ken wouldn’t use “-chan” with her are apparent (given his relationship to the 02 group at the time, it would have been incredibly inappropriate for him to use an “endearing” honorific with her), it’s hard to tell whether he would have extended this to all other girls his age or younger, or whether his way of referring to Hikari would have changed as he got to know the 02 group better (our latest point in time is Spring 2003, where he still calls her “Hikari-san”, but past that, it’s unknown).
Takeru: Notable mainly in our lack of information about this -- other than Daisuke (see above), Takeru is the only other boy his age that we get to see, and 02 never actually has Ken use his name in the series, so there’s been dispute over whether it would be “Takeru-san” or “Takeru-kun” (with a larger camp going for the latter, since Ken’s not averse to using downward-facing honorifics, he just clearly didn’t want to use “-chan” for Hikari at the time). There have also been interpretations that Ken might have been on surname basis with Takeru for at least a while; this is also ambiguous, given that he was initially on surname basis with Daisuke but went straight to given name basis with Iori (who, at the time, hated him the most out of the 02 kids).
Other notes: Nobody in the Adventure/02 group of kids actually calls him “Ken-chan”, but Wormmon and his family calling him this stuck so much in memory that the fanbase (and, at times, even official staff) constantly defaults to endearingly calling him this. Wormmon himself uses boku, much like Ken (and also in line with his generally polite disposition).
First-person pronoun: atashi (casual). Does occasionally use watashi (polite), but this is very, very rare.
General honorifics pattern: Uniformly given name “-san” for all elders and seniors (”Sora-san”, “Mimi-san”), with the exception of Koushirou (see below), and seems to not be averse to using “-senpai” in certain cases. Generally uses given name plus “-kun” for younger boys she’s good friends with (”Takeru-kun”, “Ken-kun”), but will eschew it if she has a particular rapport with them (see below). Uses “-chan” for Hikari, and likely other younger girls as well. In general, Miyako’s neutrally polite to others “by default”, but is a bit more willing to be in-your-face with people when she deems them to be particularly close.
Parents: Uses “kaa-san” for her mother (generally respectful but casual). She’s not seen addressing her father directly within the course of 02. The Character Complete File supplies “okaa-san” and “otou-san” (overall respectful).
Siblings: Miyako isn’t seen addressing Mantarou directly during 02, and her only direct address to her sisters is in Armor Evolution to the Unknown, during which she calls them “onee-chan-tachi”, implying that she may call them “onee-chan” (respectful, endearing) individually.
Koushirou: Having looked up to him as a computer club senior (but not really having known him personally at the time) prior to the events of 02, Miyako starts off the series calling him “Izumi-senpai”. While she is depicted as briefly calling him “Koushirou-san” in 02 episode 33, most portrayals stick with “Izumi-senpai” (even Kizuna), and given that she calls the other Adventure seniors by given name honorific, the implication is that it really has stuck too much with her, given the way she looks up to him.
Mimi: After bonding with Mimi in 02 episode 6 and fantasizing about Mimi being a sister-like figure to her, Miyako starts calling her “Mimi-oneesama” (”older sister Mimi”). While she does carry this into 02 episode 14, this only crops up when Miyako is in a particularly cheerful or playful mood; when things get serious, she goes back to using “Mimi-san” as usual.
Daisuke: Unusually, she only calls him “Daisuke”, with no honorific like she does Takeru. The implication is that, with how they bounce off and bicker with each other, she considers him enough of a peer to just go straight for the name (especially since she’s averse to Daisuke calling her with an honorific in turn; see above).
Ken: Initially called him “Ken-kun” while gushing over him in 02 episode 8 (not knowing he was the Kaiser), basically fantasizing over the idea of being close to him. Once his true nature was revealed and the fight with the Kaiser ended, Miyako initially kept him at distance as “Ichijouji-kun” when contemplating her feelings on him, but immediately started going back to using “Ken-kun” after solidifying her intent to have him on the team in 02 episode 25, committing to it fully in 02 episode 30 after the incident that led to her slapping him. She is the first person on the 02 team to use given name for him; the implication is that she deliberately decided to start calling him this because of how much she wanted to reach out to him and consider him a friend, with no illusions of standoffishness, and the fact she made this kind of conscious change so early into knowing him is likely why she didn’t end up getting habituated into surname basis like Takeru and Iori seem to have.
Iori: Miyako never uses an honorific for him, simply calling him “Iori”; the implication is that this is from her background of having known him as a neighbor and friend prior to the events of 02.
Other notes: Hawkmon uses “watashi”, which is in line with his very formal and polite attitude. He also perpetually uses polite-form Japanese, and is one of the few Digimon to use honorifics, adding “-san” to everyone’s names.
First-person pronoun: boku (polite)
General honorifics pattern: Consistently “-san” for everyone older than him (”Koushirou-san”, “Daisuke-san”), occasionally “-senpai” if the circumstance is right (very rarely). Since he’s the youngest of this group, we don’t get to see much about how he would address younger people, but it’s likely “-kun” would be in play to at least some degree. In general, he’s extremely adherent to societal propriety.
Family: Generally respectful okaa-san and otou-san in reference to his parents. His grandfather is “ojii-sama”, getting an elevated honorific due to his extra tier of formal respect from Iori.
Ken: Iori calls him “Ichijouji-san”; by the time he fully warms up to Ken (which takes him the longest of any of the 02 kids), he still calls him this, all the way up to the Kizuna drama CD. Presumably, it also got habituated.
Other notes: Like Koushirou, Iori speaks to everyone formally and politely with the -masu/-desu forms, but in Iori’s case, it’s implied to be part of his strict and formal upbringing, and something he consciously has to hold himself to -- unlike Koushirou, who had to actively force himself to try and speak casually, Iori speaks casually on-and-off with the Digimon, and actually has multiple moments of slipping into casual speech whenever he loses control of his emotions or gets sufficiently angry. Because of this, it’s hard to tell if he’d continue to speak formally with younger people, although Kizuna depicts him as at least speaking that way with his peers in school. Armadimon uses the assertive ore and speaks in Nagoya dialect, giving him an image of a very rough-around-the-edges but laid-back type.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 3 years
Okay so the Bakujirou fic made me want to read more of ur writing(uwu💖💖💖💖)so can you please write a fluffy tdmm fic of them playing Animal Crossing:New Horizons together featuring trans girl Momo(which is my favorite bnha trans hc tbh)?Pls include all your headcanons i want this to be as self-indulgent for you as possible
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We are getting up to some hopefully good nonsense up in here~! Let’s see if I can’t cook up something tasty for ya! Also this was one of those prompts that really got away from me and kinda... rambled away from the main point of the request and dissolved into a bit of a character study with added notes of fun shipping goodness so please forgive the length! And obviously if this is unsatisfactory please feel free to scream at me for my sins.
Trigger Warning: Transphobia, Mentions/ References to Body Dysphoria
She wasn’t Nashi. 
Momo had to remind her of that fact every now and again, when the doubts about her appearance started to leak in. Did she present well enough? Did her hobbies speak loudly enough of the truth of her femininity or did people think she was faking? If she decided to go with a bob cut like Ochako’s, or a cute pixie like Mina's, would it make her features stand out wrong? Would she be fine wearing shorts, or would it be safer to pick a skirt or dress? It wasn't as often as it used to be that the anxiety about her appearance reared up - especially since she had been eagerly accepted by her peers when she confessed that she'd been deemed male at birth - but there were still moments where it did.
Like that evening, in specific.
While Father and Mother still worked in Pro Heroics, their roles had shifted quite drastically over the years. Momo herself had only been eight years old when Father was gravely injured in a Villain fight, taking a serious blow to protect a fleeing civilian. There had been countless surgeries and treatments to follow, leaving Father unable to move as well as he used to. He retired as an active on-duty Pro and became more involved with the agency behind the scenes. He worked more with the finances, employee relations and things of that ilk while Mother took over control as the public face. For a while, things were fine like that. It was a nice balance between them and, even though it was clear Father missed interacting with the public, he settled into his position quite well.
But as Momo's second year at UA started its second half, Father's health started deteriorating quickly. His immune system had been compromised as a result of all his past procedures and the side effects of that started to hit fast and hard. Momo herself had missed three days of classes to rush to see him when his cold escalated enough to warrant a hospital stay. While there, Mother and Father had discussed an upcoming business mixer. It would allow for them to connect with various other agencies to locate team-up partners as well as connecting to a few new support development teams. Mother had seemed rather concerned by the idea of going alone given that Father had always been the social core of their team.
And so, despite her discomfort, Momo had volunteered to go along. Mother had seemed surprised but agreed to take up her offer.
The day had been very strange leading up to the event itself. After getting out of her classes that Saturday, Mother picked her up to get put together. The full works were done for her; hair, make-up, manicure and pedicure, all coordinated to match with the long, sapphire blue evening gown Mother had picked out for her. Mother was an odd mix of overly involved and incredibly distant, taking care to ask if the length of her heels were comfortable for her or if the red of her lipstick was too dark for her liking. Once getting a response, though, she’d be heading off to tend to something for her own attire for the night without a second glance.
A part of her said she should have expected as much. It was a hard thing to define, her relationship with her mother. Ever since she came out and asserted who she really was - claimed Momo as her true name - Mother had never misgendered or dead named her. Even in the beginning, when the change in name and pronouns were still new, she’d gone out of her way to speak more carefully, to address her daughter the correct way. Momo took that as a sign that she was accepted, yes, but… Mother had always been incredibly distant. She seemed to only take an interest in Momo when it involved her Quirk training and her accomplishments therein. She often wondered if the problem was more that Mother had never wanted children in the first place and only agreed to having one to placate Father, or to carry on the family name.
It was rather disheartening to think about. 
The moment they entered the extravagant ballroom for the mixer, another Pro that Momo couldn’t place was flagging Mother down excitedly. “Yaoyorozu-San, such a delight!” he greeted happily, offering her his hand. His gaze flickered over to Momo, smile remaining in place though his eyes gleamed in confusion. “Ah, and who is this? A niece or cousin of yours or your husband’s?”
“No,” Mother said, quirking an eyebrow as if the answer should be obvious, “this is my daughter, Momo.”
Momo made sure to flash a demure smile as she bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,”
“A daughter? I heard your only child was a son,” Momo could feel herself tense as she righted her posture. Of course, she thought, it would already be starting so quickly into her evening.
“A mistake, I assure you. This is my daughter and I expect you to respect her as such,” There was an odd undercurrent to Mother’s tone that caused Momo to glance at her sideways. She looked thoroughly unamused, judging by the scowl and slight glare she had fixated on him, and her shoulders were squared as a show of confidence. She supposed that Mother got tired of hearing this same statement time and again.
He blinked slowly, nose wrinkling briefly, before nodding curtly. “Of course. My apologies,” he shifted his gaze away from her to Mother quickly, clearly uncomfortable. “Anyway, Yaoyorozu-San, I had been hoping to have a word with you! I have a case on my hands that seems well suited to your skills.”
Mother perked up a bit at that. “Hmm. For now I’ll just take a general overview. I assume you do not have any official documents regarding it on your person currently, yes?”
Momo let out a small breath at the attention being directed away from her. “I’ll be going to get a refreshment, Mother,” she announced, though she doubted that she was heard. She made a beeline for the aforementioned table. It was often at these kinds of get-togethers that there were two separate refreshment areas; one for the younger crowd and another for the adults. She grabbed the ladle in the punch bowl and started to pour some into a decorative plastic cup for herself. There were orange and lemon slivers floating on the surface of the liquid so she prepared herself for the tart bite of citrus on her tongue, a small smile on her lips.
For a second she thought of Shoto, most likely settled in the dorms with his Nintendo Switch, most likely catching bugs or fishing on his new Animal Crossing game. The system and game - according to him - were a bribe from Hawks to keep some secret from Endeavor. Shoto had held up that part of the bargain but, he confessed, had snitched to Natsuo. It had been the most entertaining family meal they’d had in a while after that, he assured, and she giggled to herself as she sipped her drink. He may not seem like it, but Shoto had a mischievous streak in him.
“No way! Is that you, Nashi?” She jumped and whipped around, noticing a group of three boys around her age approaching. She recognized one of them from her first grade school, before she’d started her transition, but it took a moment to place a name to the face.
She plastered on a smile as she turned to face them fully. “It’s Momo, actually. It’s good to see you again, though, Hiroki-Kun,”
Hiroki blinked and tilted his head, confused for a moment, before his eyes widened in epiphany. “Oh, okay, my bad! Momo it is!” he agreed with a grin before indicating the other two with him. “Well, let me introduce you! This guy to my left is Yori, and the one to my right is Manzo! Guys, this is Momo, the one I was telling you about!” His tone dipped slightly as he introduced the second boy with him, as if saying his name had left a bitter taste in his mouth, but quickly perked back up after.
Yori offered a shy smile, staying close to Hiroki, but still offering her his hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Momo-San. Hiroki-Kun says a lot of great things about you,” he said quietly.
"Does he?" she asked in slight surprise.
Hiroki grinned at her, folding his hands behind his head. "Of course! You were, like, the coolest kid on the playground! Cool Quirk, super nice, really smart… Who wouldn't admire that?"
She looked away bashfully and giggled. "You're too kind, Hiroki-Kun," she mused, turning her attention to Manzo. She held out her hand to shake his hand next. "You're Manzo-Kun, right?"
“And you’re Nashi, yeah?” he quipped, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
She flinched and shook her head, still trying to be civil. “No, I’m not. As I just told Hiroki-Kun, my name is Momo,”
“Your name now is Momo, but your real name is Nashi,” he retorted.
Her hand dropped to her side, clenching into a fist at her side as she tried to keep her cool. “Momo is my real name!”
“No,” Manzo laughed, taking a step towards her that caused her to take a step back, “Momo is the name you use to play dress up.”
Hiroki stepped forward, shoving an arm against Manzo’s chest and nudging him back that step. “Dude, don’t be a disrespectful ass!”
“She hasn’t said or done anything to offend you. And even if she did, that doesn’t give you the right to act like this,” Yori chimed in as well, a disappointed frown on his face.
Manzo glared before shoving Hiroki’s arm aside and advancing on Yori, who recoiled at his approach. “Oh, what? You think just because you have your stupid little buddy here you’re hot shit?” he barked, moving to shove him.
In a flash, Momo rushed forward and grabbed his arm. “Leave him alone!” she snapped.
Manzo whipped around to face her and wretched his arm free, a nasty grin on his face. “Oh, what, you wanna fight about it? Fine! Let’s fight like men! Since that’s what you really are, Nashi-Kun!” he goaded.
“I’m not a boy and my name isn’t Nashi!” she shouted back, grip on his arm tightening slightly as angry tears started to pool in her eyes. “My name is Yaoyorozu Momo and I’m a girl!”
There was a beat of silence following her words, making her glance up as she realized that all conversation had died around them. Her stomach churned at the realization of the spectacle they’d become. She wasn’t supposed to behave like this! She was supposed to come and be the perfectly sociable young lady her parents had raised her to be. She wasn’t supposed to be getting dragged into situations like this.
“What is the meaning of all of this?” Mother’s curt tone cut in, snapping her from her thoughts. She had to steel herself to look up only to see that furious orange eyes were not fixated on Momo herself, rather, Manzo.
“Yes, son, explain,” another voice chimed in from behind Mother. The man she’d been chatting with when Momo first wandered away approached, looking directly at Manzo with a clearly forced smile on his face.
Manzo opened up his mouth to speak when Hiroki interrupted with “Manzo was being a dick to Momo! He wouldn’t respect her identity or name!”
“I was just stating the truth!” Manzo sneered angrily, finally wrenching his arm free from her grasp.
“Son, you-!”
“Momo, we are leaving. Now,” Mother said, tone clipped and flat.
Manzo’s father looked at her in panic. “Um, uh, Yaoyorozu-San, how about we select a time to discuss that case I mentioned in a more professional setting? One where the adults can talk without the children around?”
Mother glared at him, the look so harsh he shrunk back, before moving to wrap an arm over Momo’s shoulders to lead her out. She said nothing as she allowed Mother to lead her out and to the car, the air between them tense and awkward, barely catching Hiroki trying to call an apology after her and Manzo’s father berating him.
The silence in the back of the limo once they were settled inside was staggering, making Momo wish she could stick her head out the window to scream instead of keeping her gaze fixed on her toes. It was even worse than the air between them on the walk over with the added lack of escape route. She felt like such a failure as she struggled to take in breaths to keep herself composed. She was a top student in the top class at the top Pro Heroics school, for crying out loud! She should be able to handle herself against a bigoted moron! He shouldn't be more terrifying than the ruthless villains she'd faced!
“Momo,” Mother said, her tone so shockingly soft that her head jerked up. Her gaze was fixated on her, as unreadable as ever.
Momo swallowed thickly as she forced herself to square her shoulders. She should apologize for her behavior. She’d caused a scene and surely Mother had been embarrassed by that. “I’m sorry, Mother,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for,” she said, blinking in surprise at her words. There was another pregnant pause as Momo let her gaze wander away again, fixated on a small fuzz ball in the limo carpeting by the heel of her left shoe. “Is that normal? What that little brat was saying and doing. Is that what normally happens to you at these kinds of things?”
She squeezed her eyes shut and nodded timidly, wringing her hands in her lap. “I’m sorry, for blowing up like that. I can normally keep myself more composed than that during im-!”
“Do not apologize to me, Momo; you were not in the wrong,” she insisted, her voice catching in a mix of irritation and… concern? Mother opened her mouth three times before shutting it again and sighing, her shoulders slumping. “So this has happened and you never told us.”
Feeling a lump sprout and block her throat, Momo could only nod in response.
Mother lifted her head to meet Momo’s eye, her expression filled with sadness and regret. “You don’t feel comfortable coming to me with these concerns, do you?”
“It’s not just… I… So many more important things are going on right now. I don’t want to put more on your plate,” she said softly.
“Nothing is more important than you, Momo,” she argued with a shake of her head. She looked away for a moment before taking a breath and reaching out, setting one of her hands on top of Momo’s. “I haven’t always been the best with affection when it comes to you, or, well, really anyone aside from your Father. I suppose that I had always assumed that it was fine to leave those things to him, that one of us would focus on the emotional side of things and the other the more practical. Father was the fun parent you could play games and sing songs with, while I was the parent who made sure you kept your Quirk in check and your grades up. I thought… I thought that would be a good balance, that it would give you everything you needed. I’ve come to understand how wrong that belief was.”
She placed her other hand above her heart, giving Momo’s a small squeeze as she held her gaze. “I’m going to work at being better for you, at giving you what you need from me. I need you to understand that my failings as a mother... None of that was ever your fault. I’m sorry that my actions made it seem like my love is something you have to work to earn. I love you, Momo, and I’m sorry I’ve presented that fact as being conditional and not eternal,”
She could feel more tears starting to pool in her eyes before she surged forward to embrace Mother. She was tense for a second before she embraced her back, one hand gently combing through her hair soothingly. The rest of the ride back to campus was spent like that, with her face burrowed into Mother’s arms as she cried and settled. It was strange, how nice it felt. It wasn’t like the bear hugs Father used to give her, where her small frame would be completely enveloped and held snug. No, this was something a bit more careful and delicate, something nostalgic and delicate but just as important.
Mother offered to walk her in, carefully dabbing the smeared mascara and smudged eyeshadow aside with a handkerchief, but Momo insisted she’d be fine alone. After stepping out of the vehicle and into the brisk evening air, she took a breath to help settle her nerves and maybe alleviate the twinge of a small headache she could feel brewing. It rattled inside her, still a little shaken up, but she squared her shoulders and made the trek inside. Mother didn’t leave until she was inside, she noted, and made a mental note to talk to her later more about everything that had happened that night. The incident with Manzo had been one thing, but there was the separate can of worms it had opened that she wanted to take care of, too.
She made sure to be quiet as she made her way to the elevator, the sounds of some of their peers milling about in the living room easy to hear. She was pretty sure they were gearing up for their Saturday evening game fest. Surely there’d be a barrage of broken controllers a la Bakugo if it was one of their Super Smash nights, she thought with a small huff, before turning to hit the elevator button. “Momo?” A familiar voice chimed beside her, causing her to jump.
She turned and blinked to be greeted by Todoroki Shoto, staring at her with his usual unreadable face, and let out a small squeak of shock. “Ah, Shoto,” she sighed as her shoulders sagged slightly. “Perhaps Ochako-Chan’s suggestion of putting a bell on you wouldn't be such a bad suggestion. You startled me.”
He hummed in acknowledgement, tilting his head as if sizing her up, and blinked slowly. “I got my Snooty and Cranky villagers earlier,” he said.
She gasped before pouting at him. “You said you’d wait for me to do any more island hopping, Shoto!” she huffed.
“I needed to load up so I could give Ojiro some oranges, and then I got kinda wrapped up doing stuff,” he admitted. He stole a glance at their classmates as Sato and Tooru made their way from the kitchen area with a few bowls and snacks. “Are you going to join everyone else for JackBox tonight?”
She shook her head. “No. Tonight has been a bit more… eventful than I would have liked,” she said, making sure to keep her composure. She didn’t want to worry him over it all. “I just want to go finish washing off the make up, put on some comfortable clothes and relax.”
“I’ll get snacks, then,”
“Huh? Snacks?”
“I still have two plots left for my island and a lot of Nook miles tickets. You get changed and I’ll meet you in your room in a few minutes so we can do them together,” And with that, he moved towards the kitchen.
She blinked and watched him before letting out a small laugh and shaking her head, hitting the elevator button. Shoto was an odd one to be sure, especially since he’d started working towards coming out of his shell more. A part of her was grateful but another part found his stubborn streak to be a bit exasperating. Then again, he only seemed to push when he knew something was wrong, so maybe it was more just trying to offer comfort? Despite his usual aloof demeanor, he was surprisingly astute at reading a room. As to whether or not he could understand how to react to what he was able to deduce was another matter entirely, though.
She set that aside while she got washed up and changed. Her mind shifted gears as she stared at her reflection, thinking about what Mother had said. She felt a tightness in her chest as her mind whirled again. There was some comfort in Mother acknowledging that there was room for growth, sure, but… The catalyst that remained unsaid left her sick. Even if Mother hadn’t said it, she knew this was a reaction to the looming shadow of Father’s death. She had to swallow a growing lump in her throat and shake her head, put those thoughts to bed until a more appropriate time.
She didn’t want to ruin the rest of she or Shoto’s evenings.
She opted for some old sweats and a tank top, taking a moment to comb her hair out from the complex updo it had been styled into, opting to leave it loose afterwards to help abate the small headache she had brewing. Though, if she was honest, sitting and playing games with her boyfriend seemed like a nice way to wind down. She had been having a blast watching Shoto become completely enamored with his little island and all the cute animal villagers with him.
She’d had her own file a good time longer than him and was mostly done with all the villager-hunting and replacing she’d wanted to do but found watching him work through his first experience with it endearing. He’d never even played an Animal Crossing game before so everything was completely new to him. Once she was settled, she took her unit off the dock and propped open the door. Not too long after she’d taken the time to give daily gifts to Phoebe, Ozzie, Chai and Shep, Shoto appeared in the doorway. He had four lychee ramunes, a bowl of popcorn, a bag of konpeito, a variety bag of hi-chews and a package of black licorice tucked away in his arms, his Switch case strap around his wrist. “Ah, here, let me help you,” she urged, setting her Switch down and getting up to help him. “Also, you can dock your Switch on mine. That way we can see your island visits on the big screen together.”
“Thanks. I grabbed a few different things but I can go downstairs and get more later,” he offered as she took the drinks and popcorn. He set the other snacks down on her dresser before heading over to her bed to rearrange the pillows to form the usual cocoon they made for play sessions together. She took his Switch and docked it for him, then grabbed his joycons and put them in the controller holder. Once that was all set up, Shoto settled into the large pillowy ring with his legs spread so that she could settle between them, resting her back against his chest, him using her pillows to prop him up and her relying on him.
She used her remote to flick on the television, then grabbed her console from the other end of the bed and reached for the bowl of popcorn, popping a few pieces into her mouth. “So you did some island hopping while I was gone? Find anyone you liked?” she asked as they watched his game load up.
“I encountered Diana on one of them. She talked to me like she didn’t know me, which was weird,” he said.
“Well, of course she did! That Diana is different from the Diana on my island,” she giggled. She then perked up and glanced up at him. “Oh, and I still need to come get some oranges from you. They’re the only fruit I’m missing on my island.”
“I still can’t believe that out of the fourteen people that have this game, I’m the only one who ended up with oranges as their island fruit. Or that one of you didn’t at least get it as your exotic option,” he commented as his character stepped out of his house. “Oh, and how soon before I can move my villagers' houses?” 
“You’ve already gotten your first three furnished homes, so I think you should have access to it. It’s just a matter of having the bells to spend on moving someone,” she explained as she glanced down at her own screen. Shep came rushing from the left to talk to her excitedly. “Who were you thinking about moving?”
“Roald. I want to move him to the other side of the island from me,”
“Aw, why? He’s so cute!”
“I think he’s plotting to kill me,” he said, completely serious as he stopped in front of the penguin in question's house. When he’d first made his file, Shari and Roald were his beginning villagers and he’d decided to place their tents close to his own for the sake of ease.
She snorted and looked up at him. “He’s just a penguin, Shoto,”
“Just look at his eyes, Momo… He’s a villainous mastermind,” To illustrate his point, he ran his character in a circle around the little avatar, before turning and darting to the left. “That’s why I need more villagers like Ruby and Kyle, who have my back no matter what. I need a whole squad for the day he finally snaps.”
“You don’t think Gayle and Punchy would have your back?”
“Gayle would probably be on my side. She and Roald had a fight the other day so there’s bad blood there. But I don’t want Punchy putting his life on the line. He is a precious boy who must be protected,” he said, glancing down at her with a stern gaze.
She couldn’t help but snort at the expression. Specifically in that it was being enacted regarding pixelated animals on a Nintendo game. “And did you find anyone worthy of enlisting for this most noble of causes?” she teased.
He hummed, reaching with one hand to grab a bit of popcorn himself as he came to a stop between a labelled plot at the edge of the beach. He clicked on the sign, pulling up a card that read “This spot reserved for Static’s new home.”
“Oh, you got Static? He’s a great choice for your Cranky!”
“I like that he is a very tiny squirrel with a very deep voice,” he said.
“Much like how you like that Punchy is a cat and is Lazy?”
“You get me,” he said before running upwards. He crossed a bridge to another area to show another plot with a sign that read “This spot reserved for Willow’s new home.”
Momo giggled. “Willow’s a good choice, too. I almost expected that you’d try to get another cat villager for your Snooty villager, but sheep villagers are always a good one, too,” she said excitedly. She plopped a few more pieces of popcorn into her mouth as she walked into Bruce’s house on her own game. “So you officially have every personality type on your island! Do you have any idea as to what kind of personality types you’d like to have duplicates of?”
“Hmm… Not too sure. You have two Jocks and two Normals, right?” As he asked that, he ran back to his Resources Center to get the first of his last two house kits.
“Yeah. I have Bam and Tybalt, and Bertha and Savannah,” she hummed. She watched as he placed the new house right behind his own, as if it would be watching the back of his own. She rolled her eyes and shook her head at the sheer ridiculousness of him.
He hummed thoughtfully before he made his way into the airport. “I guess I’ll just go for characters I like. Personality doesn’t really matter to me since I already have one of every type.”
“That’s a good approach, I think,” she hummed, tossing a bit more popcorn into her mouth. “How many Nook Tickets do you have?” 
“13,” he said while speeding through the dialogue to board the plane. “I farmed Nook miles after I found Static and Willow so I could go get more villagers once you got back.”
She tilted her head up and pressed a small kiss to his chin. “So sweet,” she hummed before looking down at her own game as she started looking for her daily fossils. She’d already completed the fossil exhibits in her game, but like the extra scratch she got from selling the duplicates.
For a moment things were quiet as Shoto used his ladder to climb up the three tiers of the small island to the top, where his potential new villager was waiting. To then immediately start climbing back down at the sheep sitting in front of the campfire. “Nope. Nope. N. O. P. E,” he mumbled as he did.
“Aw, you don’t want Pietro? He’s considered rare!”
“And he can stay rare and away from my island,”
The next three islands were deemed ones Shoto wasn’t interested in - Eugene, Jeremiah and Limberg - not that she could blame him with Limberg. “He’s not particularly good,” she mumbled.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve seen a single mouse villager that I like the design of,” he commented as he wandered off the desk and onto his fifth island.
“Bree and Dora are pretty cute but most of them are really lackluster,” she agreed, saving her own file and setting her Switch in her lap as he approached the campfire.
Shoto blinked in slight surprise. “A snow leopard?”
“Actually, Bianca’s classified as a tiger, despite her markings,” she said. She watched as he immediately invited her to his island. “Just so you know, she’s a Peppy type, I think.”
“She looks like Fuyumi-Nee,” he said. Ah, of course that would be enough to get him on board with adding Bianca to his roster.
She set her Switch aside and carefully maneuvered off of her bed. “I’m going to open one of the ramune. Do you want me to open one for you, too?”
She made quick work of opening the drinks and offering him his once he finished placing his last plot back on his own island. She took a quick sip from hers before opening the package of black licorice and eating a piece as she watched him. “Mind if I ask you something unrelated, Shoto?”
He glanced up at her, mismatched eyes sparking with something she couldn’t quite place, before he set his drink on the bedside table and patted the space she’d left. “Sure,” he said, his avatar boarding the plane to do his next round of island hops.
She was quick to settle back in with him, turning her body this time to snuggle into his chest. She felt him shift to wrap his arms around her, controller lax in his hand. “We’ve discussed it before but… What do you think it takes to forgive someone?”
He let out a thoughtful noise. “Well, I think forgiveness is different from person to person. Everyone has a threshold for what they feel is forgivable, so I think that needs to be considered,” He set the controller off to the side to card one hand through her hair while the other stroked up along her spine, the movements slow and soothing. “Speaking from my own situation… I chose forgiveness because I could see a genuine change and a refusal to shy away from the wrongs that had been done. I’m still keeping a distance, and I’m ready to burn that bridge in a heartbeat if I see a relapse, but… I can see authentic change. And that’s enough for me to offer my tentative, conditional forgiveness.” 
She nodded at his words, closing her eyes and burrowing into him further. She had always wanted to have a better relationship with Mother, if she was honest. So… This could be a good chance for that, right? They could work on mending things between them and find some common ground. The thought of having a better relationship with her left a warmth in her chest, one that made her smile. Could they have proper Mother-Daughter days? Maybe she could learn more about the older woman’s hobbies and interests outside of Pro Heroics work? That could be nice. “Thank you, Shoto,” she mumbled.
“Any time, Momo,” he said, tipping his head to press a peck to the top of her head. He perked up again and glanced at the screen. “Not to derail but… I think it’s another cat?”
“Oh yeah? What color?” she mumbled.
He shifted his hands to pick his controller back up, keeping his arms looped around her though. “Grey. Oh, their eyes are different colors,”
“Oh, that’s-!” Momo’s eyes snapped open and she sat up, looking wildly over her shoulder at the screen. “Shoto, that’s Raymond! You got Raymond!”
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ultraclops · 3 years
Day 3: Be True To Yourself
Aka me literally just infodumping about my Ocs because I love them ♡
Brought to you by Colorvision! Yep, I decided to get off my lazy butt and color traditionally today :)
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First off, Tiara Depurrnaire (She/Her)! A Sweetypie cat who's partially related to the Snugglemagne family and, in my timeskip AU, Adorabat's future girlfriend. Like Adorabat, she lost her leg to a monster while wandering the King's dungeons. She aspires to be just as brave as Adorabat but lacks the gall, being content to watch and learn from the sidelines. As they both get older Tiara realizes that she is a lesbian, and develops a mutual crush on Adorabat that turns into a relationship. As she ages, Tiara' aspirations to become a hero fade, and she settles for becoming a ballet teacher. She learns to be brave in her own way and unconditionally supports her monster-slaying adventuring partner, no matter how their paths diverge.
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T H E Y (Also I need to post my full adult Adorabat design sometime)
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Next up is Sherbet (They/Them), a Sweetypie rabbit who makes ice cream for a living! I don't really have a backstory for them but I believe they realized they were nonbinary in their younger years (around early middle school age) and have fully embraced their identity! They don't let anything get them down and are eager to cheer up the citizens of Pure Heart Valley, one ice cream cone at a time. They're also good acquaintances with Badgerclops and Adorabat, for obvious reasons. Their eyes function similarly to Badgerclops', as they only open when they feel strong emotions.
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Next (and honestly one of my favorites) is Moa Nola (Xe/Xem), an agender Oriental Shorthair cat who, surprisingly, isn't related to the Mao clan. Xe originally started off as a joke character based on the misspelling of Mao Mao's name in "I'm Mao Mao", but I eventually grew attached to xem and gave xem a full-fledged backstory. Xe comes from a family of fishermen, but after xyr father was killed in a monster attack, xe decided that xe wanted to become a legendary monster hunter. Xe created xyr cloak after xyr first successful monster fight. After being mistaken for the son of Shin Mao too many times, xe used it to xyr advantage and began going under Mao Mao's title for a while. However, after being stopped by Mao Mao himself, xe dropped the act and began looking for a new sense of purpose. Ironically, xe starts collecting antique ventriloquist dummies similar to Mr. Din Danalin.
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Following up on the "based on a misspelling" theme is Rhapsody (She/They), a femme-aligned nonbinary Sweetypie vampire bat inspired by Adorabat's name being mistranslated as "doorbat" in YouTube autocaptions. She is Adorabat maternal cousin, as their mother is Sonara's sister. Rhapsody was heavily impacted by Sonara's death, but rather than becoming tough like Adorabat or overprotective like Eugene, she became more reserved out of fear that they could be next. In other words, she became a doorbat (haha funny). With the arrival of Mao Mao and Badgerclops, plus the defeat of the monster that killed their aunt, Rhapsody begins to come out of her shell and indulges in their biggest passion - music. Like Adorabat she learns to use their voice as a weapon, but hers is more of a siren's song than a sonic screech. In my timeskip AU, they leave Pure Heart Valley to become a popstar, writing songs inspired by her childhood memories and their home. It's obscured by the flag but the marking on her chest is a bleeding heart, emphasizing her passionate drive.
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(Rhapsody's kid and adult forms [kinda old])
+ OCs of mine I didn't feel like making alternate drawings for:
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Buzz-Buzz (Zhe/Ze/Zhey), a demigender Sweetypie bumblebee bat who protects the bees of Pure Heart Valley! Despite zer small stature, zhe is actually an adult, just naturally small. Zhe also grows herbs on the side and volunteers at the Pure Heart Valley hospital. Primarily because zhe has a crush on the head doctor there... (I did not make zer to selfship with Cuddlestein. Nope. Not at all.)
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My Badgermao "fankid", Sai (They/He/It)! I say "fankid" in air quotes because they're from an AU where Badgerclops' spare arm became corrupt and gained a conscience. Their robot arm is actually their body - the rest of their body is a projection of light, similar to the gems from Steven Universe! They have masculine programming (as their AI was made using Badgerclops's DNA a la Cortana from Halo), but identify as agender and use they/he/it pronouns. Originally they began as a blank slate with no personality aside from the programmed personality Badgerclops gave them, but they eventually grow their own personality and moral compass as they analyze the Sheriff's Department's work. Just like Badgerclops, they have a passion for building robots and weapons, and can even modify themselves to fit the situation! Most of their creations are usually for fun, though.
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Anf the last one I have a reference for but not the least, Karma Vesper (She/They)! This one is actually my self-insert, lol. She is a biro-ace demigirl Javanese Cream-Point Cat! Her necklace was a gift from her family, and her hood was a gift from her mentor. After her village was ambushed by criminals, she became a wandering hero, and accidentally stumbled upon Pure Heart Valley while following a report of increased monster activity. At some point during her adventures alone she realized that she was biro-ace, since she felt no sexual attraction but still felt romantic attraction. Around the time she came to Pure Heart Valley she realized that she never really felt, like, 100% a GIRL girl (if that makes sense) and began identifying as a demigirl. (Yes this is my hidden self-actualization story :>) She enjoys researching gemstones and ancient artifacts, and the Ruby Pure Heart immediately caught her attention once she laid eyes on it. While she is still a wandering hero, she has a temporary residence in Pure Heart Valley, where she stays to research the Heart's powers as well as assist the townspeople. Her and the Sheriff's Department didn't start out on the best terms since Mao was worried she was trying to replace them, but they tolerate each other now.
+ the OCs I don't have references for:
I did have a reference for these guys but idk where it is rn ;-;. Anywway, my most recent OCs and also some of my favorite OCs are Bernard and Pierre, a black bear and polar bear respectively (both use He/Him)! They are both gay and in a healthy relationship & live in a cabin in the forest together. They are just. Two old gay granddads and I love them. Anyway! They both met after an accident which caused Bernard to blow out his left knee and Pierre to lose his left hand; they had been best friends since, and boyfriends later on! Bernard is a baker while Pierre is a wood carver, although they indulge in each other's interests as well. For the most part they just stay in their cabin in the forest, but they leave to buy groceries and sell their products.
And the final OC I'm gonna talk about is Storm Mao (They/Them)! They're from an AU where Mao was born in a litter of five, like his sisters. Ever since Storm were young, they felt like weren't "normal" compared to their siblings. They didn't feel like a girl or a boy. After Mao came out as a trans boy, they began questioning themselves further. Eventually they decided to ask Contacts Sister for help, as she was among the smartest of the Mao children. Contacts explained to Storm that there are people who don't identify as a boy or a girl, and Storm realized they weren't alone. Since then, they started identifying as nonbinary and began using they/them pronouns, and their family supported their decision. Aside from them and Mao, their litter siblings are also LGBTQ+ - Mamoru (He/Him) is AroAce, Bernadette (She/Her) is bi and Zhijun (He/Him) is gay. I'd talk about the AU more in a separate post, if anyone wants me too^ ^;;
If I remember any other LGBTQ+ OCs I have, I'll reblog with them ✌
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Unlikely Gender Presentation (Considering Rowling's "Opinions")
Victor Krum knew what people saw when they looked at them. Knew that their body, their form of speech, and the fact they were on a national Quidditch team made them into a definite “him” in the eyes of the cheering fans.
 People who claim to know everything about them, because they read it in some magazine or heard through word of mouth: Victor Krum is a wizard, and one of the manist men to ever play the field.
They never felt like that.
 For as long as they could remember, they never thought of themselves are “she” or “he” but rather always in a strange place in between the pronouns. Not that the Bulgarian minded being called “he”, they just preferred “they”. 
 Victor certainly didn’t hide it as every interview they have been apart of they always mention it but it seems reporters had selective hearing because every article had “he”. Not even a single sentence about the subject ever appeared but their unrealistic love life sounded so spicy they blushed while reading some of the scandalized things Victor Krum got up to.
The imagination of those writers....someone should tell the journalist to take a cold shower every now and then. 
It was hard to make friends before they were drafted into the Quidditch team, most of their classmates not understanding how they weren’t male or female. None of them tried to bully the seeker, not like other misfits who spend day after day in misery against mocking and jeers. They all simply choose to ignore Victor instead, acting as if the air had more presence  then they did. 
Victor could walk into a room of their year mates butt naked with screaming roosters and not one would even glance in their direction, which was the way things were up until a scout saw them flying through self-created drills and saw a spark of talent. Suddenly everyone at school wanted to be Victor’s best friend but they all refused to stop using he/him. 
Suddenly Victor Krum mattered. 
They were the rising star in the Quidditch world- having sharpened their skill to an insane level only due to not having anything else to do but fly alone- and the public loved them. Victor was young, new, fresh, with a talent that drove people wild.
Luckily their parents support them, but Victor knew they also didn’t understand. Not really. Often their mother would present them as “my son..er..I mean my.er child” and press her smile tightly against the embarrassment of not knowing how to continue the conversation. 
Their father would also suggest bonding moments only to immediately take the suggestions back because they were too “manly” activities as if Victor couldn’t do them simply because he wasn’t “he” enough.
Their parents loved them, they did, but only as much as they could. The relief on both their faces when they heard that Victor had joined a professional Quidditch team had hurt just a bit since they knew that both of them believed Victor wouldn’t have found work any other way. 
Not if they kept telling everyone that they weren’t male or female. Their mother had once told them it would be best to not talk about it, not to stranger or people out the family.
For years Victor thought this was how it would be. Everyone would pretend to listen, pretend to take in their gender presentation and then blatantly ignore it seconds afterward. 
And then they meet her.
Hermione Granger, the first person who didn’t wrinkle their nose at the correction, didn’t make even bat an eye at the pronoun usage had Victor’s heart beating as fast as the first national game they ever played.
They could still remember the day they met.
 She had run into them one late afternoon in the library, carrying far too many books to pay attention to where she was going. At first, Victor had been mildly annoyed believing it was another ploy to speak and become “best friends or something more” with a national Quidditch player.
But she had merely apologized in a distracted if embarrassed tone, acting as if Victor was just another person in the library. She was younger than them, but she had an assurance and killer confidence in herself that left them breathless.
Victor had watched her strut- for she moved with a grace that dared anyone to contour her enthusiasm for books and it could be nothing other than a strut- to a table and sit down to work. She barely moved afterward, seemingly to genuinely enjoy whatever she was researching. 
The next day the Seeker found themselves returning to the same spot, just a little ways between a book shelve and the end of the aisle, watching as she once again overflowed her table with books of various topics, the second day was when they dared get close. However, the librarian had foiled Victor’s plan stopping to lecture them about the importance of using the library for it’s intended purpose as she had seen he wasn’t doing anything but wasting time and staring into space. 
Apparently this was normal in students who were playing hooky or planing some kind of prank and she wouldn’t stand for it.
During the lecture, Victor had slipped in  “I got by they/them actually” in their struggling English pronunciation but the woman simply rolled her eyes then glared at them until they promise to not cause a fuss.
Hermione had looked over as the librarian stomped her way back to her desk.  “I don’t mean to eavesdrop, but did you say you go by “they/them”?”
“Yes,”  Victor steeled themselves for the usual reaction.
“Alright.” and then she turns back to her book, it was such a lack of reaction Victor almost thought he had fainted and missed whatever happened in between her real reaction and the one she was showing now.
“Alright?” They asked.
Her big doe eyes looked into their soul and that was the moment Victor Krum knew they were in trouble.  “Yes. You’re non-binary correct? It would make sense to refer to you as such.”
And people wondered why she was the one they found at the bottom of the lake, why she was the owner of their heart. It utterly baffled Victor to think some people were just so blind to not see Hermione’s greatness. 
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souvcniir · 4 years
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*   bopping  along  to  forever  by  drake  is  𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐑  ,  the  twenty  two  year  old  cis  man  thrown  back  to  their  business  days  with  none  of  his   memories  .  voted  most  likely  to  move  out  the  country  ,  alis  was  known  for  being   resilient &   facetious ,  go  figures  you'd  always  find  them  being  threatened  to  be  kicked  off  of  the  football  team  ,  but  grew  up  to  be   audacious &  untrusting  .
what’s  happening  cuties  !   listen  ,  i  cannot  join  a  group  without  giving  the  fattest  and  biggest  warning  that  despite  being  in  the  rpc  for  a  minute  now  ,   i  still  suck  at  introductions  .  embarrassing  luv  ,  i  know  asdj  .  i’m  gi(anna)  ,  i’m  nineteen  years  old  ( a  big  old  baby   )  ,  i  go  by  she  and  her  pronouns  and  i  currently  live  on  the  east  coast  which  throws  me  in  the  est  timezone  !!!  this  is  one  out  of  two  of  my  children  that  i’ll  be  bringing  you  ,   and  um  can  i  just  say  im  obsessed  with  the  fc  pairing  i  got  going  on  for  alistair  .  aron  piper  and   giuseppe  maggio  ?   this  is  what  heaven  is   asdfgh  .    down  below  you’ll  find  a  little  about  alistair  !  and  if  you  want  to  plot  you  can  either  smash  the  heart  button  ,  send  me  a  message  ,  or  message  me  on  discord  at  𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐲#1776  .
*   𝐎𝐍𝐄                          𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒  .
a   black   eye   in   response   of   words   of   provokement   ,   lonely   nights   concealed   by   random   bodies   ,   gold   rings   sitting   on   bruised   knuckles   ,   calloused   digits   shielding   a   bright   sun   from   bloodshot   eyes   ,   distant   chatter   drowned   out   by   loud   thoughts   ,    salty  drops   gleaming   on   tan   skin   ,   enchanting   pearly   whites   ,   thunderstorms   singing   pretty   hues   to   sleep     .
*   𝐓𝐖𝐎                          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒 .
full   name.   alistair  aurelius  salazar  .   nickname(s).    alis  ,  ali  .   preferred   name.   alistair  .   past  age.   twenty  two  .   present  age.   thirty  two  .   date  of  birth.   november  first  .  zodiac.  scorpio  . gender.    cis  man .   pronouns.   he  and  him  .   sexuality.  pansexual  .   younger  faceclaim.   aron  piper  .   older  faceclaim.   giuseppe  maggio   .   character  inspiration.    hardin  scott  ,   niccolo  govender  rossi  ,  lip  gallagher  ,  and   bellamy  blake  .
*   𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄                          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐒  .
(   physical  abuse  ,  slightly  detailed     )
    sorrows  and  raindrops     ,   remnants  of  a  first  breath  that  established  the  tone  of  the  upbringing  of  curly  locks  and  pearly  whites  that  never  flashed  for  too  long  .      he  was  a  prisoner  in  a  punishment  meant  for  another  .   he  was  a  prisoner  to  rage  .
   he’s  made  up  of  pleads  ,   and  sobs  that  still  haunt  his  childhood   .   neglected  of  forehead  kisses  and  bedtime  stories   ,  gifted  fists  against  previously  bruised  flesh  in  substitution  .    black  and  blue  decorating  his  body  so  frequency  that  for  a  while  he  forgot  what  he  looked  like  without  them  .   
   one  night  ,  he   held  his  broken  arm  in  his  lap  and  begged  her  to  tell  him  why  ,  why  did  she  hate  him  so  much  ?    she  never  answered  ,   didn’t  even  move  a  muscle  .   left  her  seven  year  old  child  to  pull  himself  off  of  the  floor  and  out  the  door  .  that  was  his  last  memory  of  her  .
    left  in  the  care  of  the  foster  system    and  a  year  later  was  put  into  the  custody of  a  man  who  was  suppose  to  be  his  father  .   a  politician  who  had  cared  more  about  his  image  then  his  own  blood  eight  years  earlier  .   not  an  excuse  ,  his  father  would  learn  that  with  the  help  of  guilt  eating  him  from  the  inside  out  .  did  everything  he  could  think  of  to  make  it  up  ,    not  an  easy  challenge  .  
*   𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑                         𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 .
walked  hand  in  hand  with  being  difficult  .      labeled  the  broken  bird  .  the  dirt  bag  .   found  traces  of  himself  in  chaos  and  so  he  became  it  .    a  smart  boy  drowning  in  a  hurt  he  had  not  fully  recovered  from  .    got  better  as  the  years  went  ,   and  twenty  two  was  his  golden  years  of  doing  his  very  best  to  not  self  destruction  .  
kept  himself  busy  ,  but  that  does  not  mean  he  kept  himself  out  of  trouble  .  a  smart  boy  who  had  the  ability  to  stumble  into  class  with  black  rims  covering  regrets  from  the  previous  night  .   cannabis  was  the  best  form  of  therapy  and  getting  blacked  out  on  weekdays  was  his  favorite  sin  .   
careless  and  impulsive  ,  everyone’s  favorite  partner  in  crime  .  bruised  knuckles  and  a  fat  lip  were  the  consequence  of  a  insolent  mouth  that  never  knew  when  to  stop  .   smiled  with  blood  dripping  from  his  mouth  and  returned  to  his  dorm  with  bruised  knuckles  ,  now  he  remembered  what  he  looked  like  .    
charming  words  and  wandering  hands  might’ve  fooled  you  ,  but  commitment  for  him  was  unreachable  .   he  was  stuck  in  the  mindset  that  he  was  too  fucked  up  for  someone  to  love  him  and  it  showed  in  every  relationship  he  had  ever  had  .   he  was  the  heartbreaker  ,  or  more  so  the  cold  hearted  .  used  others  to  silence  the  demons  in  his  head  and  left  before  the  sun  crept  through  curtains  .  
*   𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄                         𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓  .
ten  years  formed  a  new  label  ,  the  phoenix  .   the  businessman  .    moved  around  until  he  settled  in   san  francisco  where  he  soon  opened  up  a  bar  with  his  business  partner  .   successful  ,  finally  funded  his  own  life  with  money  that  he  earned  .  but  there  was  more  to  him  then  just  expensive  cars  and  days  being  referred  to  as  boss  . 
healed  in  more  ways  then  he  had  been  ten  years  ago  ,  thanks  to  the  help  of  actual  therapy  (  though  cannabis   was  still  a  friend  )   .   greatest  achievement  was  finding  forgiveness  in  his  heart  for  his  father  and  building  a  normal  son  -  father  relationship  .    
decided  early  he  didn’t  want  kids  and  instead  adopted  a  pitbull  named  kyson  .   his  best  friend  and  as  those  around  him  joke  ,  his  son  .   is  his  background  a  picture  of  him  and  his  dog  ,  yes  .  mind  your  business  .
now  a  known  playboy  ,  though  most  aren’t  surprised  .  says  he’s  too  busy  for  relationships  but  it’s  just  the  fact  that  some  things  never  change  and  commitment  was  still  a  scary  thing  .  
recently  ,  as  in  the  last  three  years  ,  moved  to  riccione  ,  where  he  opened  up  his  fourth  bar  .   lives  in  a  house  on  the  beach  and  only  returns  home  every  few  months  (  plus  the  holidays  )  .  has  become  a  big  beach  bum  ,  but  he  likes  the  environment  .  does  the  whole  beach  life  activities  too  ,  the  hiking  and  the  surfing  (  though  he’s  not  very  good  )   .  
no  longer  a  fighter  ,  and  instead  is  the  one  breaking  them  up  .   realized  there  was  one  thing  he  never  wanted  to  be  ,  his  mother  ,  and  so  he’d  never  resort  to  using  his  fist  unless  in  the  act  of  defense  and  even  then  he’s  had  a  good  job  of  walking  away  .  
*   𝐒𝐈𝐗                         𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐈𝐍  𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓   .
back  to  square  one  .  no  memories  of  who  he  grew  up  to  be  ,  just  the  old  feeling  of  anger  and  hurt  .   sad  to  see  his  process  thrown  out  the  window  ,  his  healing  cracked  open  .  the  biggest  question  ,  is  will  he  get  to  his  end  point  once  again  or  will  a  second  chance  be  his  downfall  ?
*   𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍                          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐒  .
has  always  taken  very  good  care  of  himself  in  the  sense  of   what  he  puts  into  his  body  ,  even  in  college  he  paid  important  attention  to  diet  and  exercise  .  
doesn’t  speak  of  his  mother  ,  or  at  least  he  didn’t  .  you  asked  a  question  and  got  silence  in  return  .  most  never  actually  knew  what  the  first  seven  years  of  his  life  was  ,  which  left  many  in  shock  when  he  finally  decided  to  open  up  about  it  .
he  doesn’t  like  nicknames  and  prefers  to  be  called  just  alistair  ,  though  some  people  do  get  a  pass  ,  even  if  that  pass  comes  with  a  hard  look  .
his  drink  of  choice  is  bourbon  but  he  hasn’t  been  a  bigger  drinker  since  his  college  days  ...  his  friends  would  joke  it’s  because  he  overdid  it  too  many  times  in  his  younger  years  . 
*  𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓                          𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  .
*   these  are  simply  just  ideas  to  give  us  something  to  start  with  ,  i  am  open  to  anything  that  is  not  mentioned  as  well  am  completely  and  totally  okay  with  switching  things  around  and  adding  things  to  these  ideas !!!  i  love  plotting  and  bouncing ideas  off  of  each  other  so  don’t  be  afraid  to  stray !
                    YOU’RE  BAD  FOR  MY  HEALTH  ,  YEAH  YOU  SHOULD  HURT  SOMEBODY  ELSE  (  PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN    )  .    he  was  bad  for  their  health    ,   a  rollercoaster  that  consisted  of  too  many  downs  .  toxic  ?  yes  .  in  love  ?  in  denial  .  but  whatever  was  between  these  two  ,  it  kept  them  at  each  others  throats  and  in  each  other  bed  .   this  was  not  the  one  who  got  away  ,  it  was  the  one  he  needed  to  stay  away  from  . 
                   WILL  HE  ALWAYS  BE  MINE  ?   ( PRESENT  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   ) .    his  first  adult  relationship  ,  and  like  alistair  himself  it  was  not  always  easy  .  long  nights  ,  busy  days  ,  sometimes  this  relationship  felt  like  it  was  set  up  to  fail  ..  and  then  they  got  their  moments  where  butterflies  flapped  their  wings  and  rose  spreaded  to  cheeks  and  it  really  seemed  like  it  would  work  ...  but   good  moments  ,  they  come  and  go  and  this  relationship  leaves  the  other  thinking  how  long  they  might  have  alistair  . 
                  I  GOT  A  BAD  IDEA  ( PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   ) .    he  looked  to  his  left  and  saw  them  ,  and  when  he   looked  in  front  of  him  he  saw  the  bars  and  regrets  forming  .   these  two  were  a  duo  that  wreaked  havoc   ,  being  around  them  meant  cop  sirens  and  bad  decisions  .  these  two  were  ,  what  do  they  say  ?  young  and  dumb  .
                  WHOLE  SQUAD  MOBBIN  EVEN  THOUGH  WE  ONLY  SIX  DEEP  ( PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   ) .    his  best  buddies  (  that  i  manage  are  still  apart  of  his  life  in  present  time  )  made  up  of  two  to  three  others  .  they  are  his  people  ,  his  picked  family  .   
                I  SWEAR  IF  I  EVER  LEFT  YOU  IN  THE  COLD  ,  IT’S  CAUSE  IT  WAS  COLDER  INSIDE   (  PRESENT  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   )  .   a  old  friend  who’s  no  longer  that  ,  a  friend  .  i  picture  this  to  be  more  complicated  then  what  it  seems  ,  but  picture  these  two  going  from  being  attached  at  the  hip  to  not  speaking  to  one  another  .
                  CAN  YOU  IMAGINE  ?   ( PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   ) .    that  one  person  who  badly  wanted  something  more  from  alistair  and  got  exactly  the  opposite  .   lovers  in  the  way  of  intimacy  but  one  sided  emotionally  .  
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spacegaywritings · 4 years
A Happy Little Family (Oneshot)
Xisuma “Dadsuma“, Keralis “Papa K“ , BdoubleO100 “Bdubs” // other characters (mentions)
Note - Xisuma uses he/they pronouns ; Keralis uses ke/kem/keir/keirs/kemself
Summary: Their server is full of supernatural beings. All the while, they are a difficult but also they are his family. They would do all for this little family to be happy and safe.
Tag: little finger injury, bdubs cries, and is a wonderful angel, everyone is non human, villagers have a braincell, Xisuma is the admin of the world but they are not in minecraft like a game, minecraft IRL Au??,ellipses, neopronouns.
My KoFi  - Support me ♥ or Commission me  ; ao3
Note: If you miss any tags, have issues with links or any other concerns, please feel free to contact me. Anon is on and my DMs are open.♥
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 Story under the cut: (Wordcount ~2,3k)
Were not a “normal“ family.
Actually, they were not even a family, not in the biological sense anyway. Still, they were attached to one another and they behaved a bit like a family.
 Xisuma liked to think of them as one.
Not explicitly, of course. He simply treated them like one would treat a family, saw them like family members and acted accordingly.
But in order to regard something or someone as family, one needed to understand the concept of it and there was no telling whether Xisuma knew what families were at all.
 “Ow, ow, I got an ow!!“
 The admin turned around.
He was running a server, making sure all bioms were running smoothly, that all beings got along properly. He would check up on the villagers, greet new players and adjust the world a bit.
When his eyes finally caught more than the fields of the plains, he stopped his mind. The movements had caught his attention and right before his feet the movement stopped.
 Someone stopped.
 A little winged creature flapped in what seemed to be distress. They held up a limb, dust falling from it.
 “What‘s the problem, my friend?“
 The admin was calm as ever, his voice soothing. It was as soft and gentle, much like a rub over the back. It seemed to do wonders since the winged creature looked up, little sparkles rolling from these sunny-brown cheeks.
  “M-My.. My finger..“
 The much smaller person pushed closer what appeared to be a hand. Indeed, there was a finger and something looking like sparkly dust seemed to fall from it. It has the colour of the horizon when the sun went down. It had all shades of colours in-between reddish and pink to a warm yellow.
 “I caught the ouch thing! It does ow!“
 Xisuma blinked at the finger and frowned a bit.
 “Huh, it appears so. I think you pricked your finger, Bdubs.“
 The small one squeaked in terror.
 He retreated his hand, hugging it to himself. The wings folded around him, kind of shielding him from the other. He did not show fear in his eyes, more like an intense kind of surprise.
 Xisuma shook his head. His armoured hands reached out for the other. His body squatted down and he knelt to be more on eye-level with the other.
 “Show me your finger, okay? I will see what I can do about it, my friend.“
 The star looked up at the admin. His eyes were big, wide like the night-sky and just as sparkly. However, they appeared warm and Xisuma did not feel as if they could get lost inside of them. They did not feel lost when looking at the star, also referred to as „“Bdouble0100“ by certain villager scientists.
The star had fallen into a village once and soon, the admin had taken to take care of the oddity.. the oddity had chubby cheeks dusted in sparkles and several shades of red and orange. Usually, Xisuma‘s latest addition to the team was rather bright in terms of mood. It was a bit of a confusing sight to them but seeing as the star did not know anything about the world, it was their job to take care of filling in the blanks, of adjusting him to the world and.. maybe to take a bit of care of him or others.
 Supernatural creatures were at home in this word. They all just needed to peacefully coexist.
 “Well, well, my friend. It seems as though you pricked your finger a bit. There is nothing wrong with that, let me see. Ah, yes.“
 He turned away for a bit, a little smile flashing over his calm face.
Bdubs had not known Xisuma for long but he always seemed to be calm. He was smaller than him and a bit younger, despite having been in existence as a star for so so long.. however, the other seemed to wear the facial expression of infinite patience and understanding. Not a single wrinkle disturbed him with worry, not even a mishap made him frown.
No, Xisuma took it and he took it all with sage nods and wise comments. OR, well, self-irony and some sensible chuckles.
 Bdubs was calm like that.
He was not the calmest person on the world, actually. Papa K liked to call him “Bubbles“ because his emotions bubbled up and got really funky like boiling water. He swung from one feeling to another, depending on whatever new thing this rich world gave to him.
No, he was calm because Xisuma was there. And Xisuma was calm. He always was. Bdubs imagined him to be like a boat that stopped. They were that funky mechanic that made boats stay where they were in the water, on land.
 Nothing moved the boat.
Nothing moved the admin.
 The star flapped his wings. Curious planets were blinking as Bdubs followed Xisuma‘s movements with his eyes. He was putting down a box that was twisting and turning, revealing even more boxes inside. They held words in a new language in front of him. While Bdubs did not understand, they were there and he recognised them.
Xisuma could read so many languages, even that one.
 His black hands slipped in to pick one box in particular.
Bdubs was sure this being knew everything, knew it all. Even when the concept of getting hurt, taking physical damage at all, was new and scary to him, he knew to trust Xisuma. They were the one who could fix it all.
 “Scar has given me lovely healing crystals. I am sure he can give you one, too. But for now, I will give you something to wrap up your finger, so your wound can heal. It will be safe.“
 The star looked up at him.
 “Will- will I be ok..?“
 His face was in a slight pout.
While he was not offended, he was just a bit.. he needed more than that, maybe? Maybe there was anxiety or maybe it was a bit of disappointment that his big scare had needed nothing more than a little bit of covering up.
 Xisuma got a bit of leaf, a little piece of cloth, so really really tiny, then some string to bind it all together. There it was, no more dust falling from the smaller Bdubs. He blinked in surprise.
 “You will be just fine, my friend.“
 The admin stashed his things away, back into the funky twirly box and then it vanished into his inventory. To Bdubs, it was nothing more but a mystery he had yet to properly understand. But then again, there was so much about this world and especially X that he could not claim to understand without obviously lying.
Then again, who really understood or knew Xisuma properly?
 The sound of wings flapping in excitement could be heard. His body betrayed him to his reaction, giving away all his feelings before he even got to throw himself against the source of that word.
 The star squeaked and the person to join recently quickly hoisted the smaller one up in keir arms.
 “There you go! You are right, Bubbles, it is I - Papa K! And there is our amazing Shishwammy! Are you two having fun together?“
 Much like Xisuma, Keralis had a smooth and kind voice. It was neutral in gender and mood and seemed to have a soothing effect on anyone. At the very least, Bdubs could never recall having seen anyone upset around either of them, even when they liked to poke fun at some people sometimes.
However, it might also be simply because people knew that the duo - alone or together - never acted or talked in maliciousness. They would say things playfully or maybe be a bit more stern but ultimately, they were just.. there.
 They were the soothing breeze stroking over the erratically moving and rather unstable surface of the sea. When the waves grew unsteady and more and more unpredictable, the ground of the sea as well as the winds above, were calm and unaffected as ever.
 Bdubs felt good and fine, sandwiched between the two forces to sit out his tides and calm his rising waves.
 Keralis was looking up at him. Ke held him up into the sun, a bit as if to lift him as high as he - a star - was supposed to be. The vice admin put him back into place where he belonged (or maybe used to belong to) as ke waited for an answer. However, ke refused to push the rather emotional star. When Bdubs snapped out of his thoughts, he realised that eyes were focused on him. Xisuma nodded, their eyes patiently encouraging the other to talk on his own. He grinned sheepishly.
 “Oh, yeah! I caught some „“ouch“ in these bushes. I think Scar warned me about them before..“
He looked at his fingers, lips already falling back into the familiar pout. Bdubs was not sure whether he was living on this world but he knew that this pout was certainly living on his face, always ready to latch onto his lips and showing itself off! Such a naughty little pout - well, he assumed it did make him a bit more lovely.
“But Xisuwa helped me with the ow! It is all gone now! See? Poof!“
 He held his finger into keir face.
Xisuma wore an amused expression on their face when Keralis could clearly not see, considering the finger was simply too close to keir eyes. It did not bother kem. The centaur nodded, stomping keir hooves ever so gently.
Even the ground was unfazed by his actions. It barely scratched its surface.
 “Ah, did he do magical things to you? That was very nice of Shishwammy!“
 Bdubs nodded.
His face glowed brightly. The warm red and orange-ish colours became more obvious to the eye. In addition to that, it seemed as though a golden flare sparked up on his face. The star‘s golden freckles, strewn over his body like fish in the sea, were gleaming in the sinking evening sun.
 “YEs, yes!! Thank you so much, Xisuw.. Xi-...“
 His lips opened and closed. He tried and tried to pronounce it right until his tongue seemed tied and confused, unable to splash around and make all the right sounds.
 “Just „“X“, my friend. I know my name is a lot for some people. Everyone comes up with new nicknames for me.“
 Papa K giggled.
Bdubs was getting better at the common language. He was not perfect at it but the centaur‘s big heart seemed to swell up with pride nonetheless. For a moment, ke feared keir muscles could be felt through keir skin but Bdouble0100 simply wiggled his body like a silkworm.
 “It is gettin‘ niiight!“
 The star pointed at the darkening horizon.
The admin nodded pointedly.
 “I suppose it is time to go home and sleep, is it not?“
 Bdubs, ever-pouting, curled up against Keralis‘ broad chest. He stifled a yawn and pressed his eyes close.
 “...‘s so dark.“
 Xisuma and Keralis locked eyes for a moment.
 “Hey, hey, my friend. We are going back to Scar and the others. We have cute pumpkin lights there and diorite mini blocks for you to play with. How about that?“
 Bdubs was still pouting but yet another yawn interrupted him. He tried to look at Xisuma as he took him, the little bundle of wings, from Keralis. Ke knelt down for Xisuma to settle on keir back. They easily got onto it and hugged the star close to their armour. It did not look too comfortable but Xisuma‘s armour was flexible and not as static or hard as people would suspect.
 “Hm.. nigh‘s.. scawy..“
 Xisuma nodded.
 “There there, my friend. We are almost there. Can you feel the nice wind?“
 Bdubs was silent for a moment. His warm skin was burning against Xisuma‘s touch. He was always so hot. It must be a given with stars, Xisuma assumed.
After a while, the younger one answered.
 “..A bit.“
 Xisuma chuckled.
Keralis‘ steady yet strained movements were rocking them back and forth. Slowly, Bdubs blabbered himself to sleep while Dadsuma watched. When they arrived, the „“sleep king“ was already fast asleep. He was the first kid to fall asleep, usually, hence the title.
They were not sure whether he needed sleep but he feared the dark too much to stay away when the world started to darken even a bit. Even thunderstorms were unsettling while rainy days usually motivated him to stay inside and build magnificent little works of art.
 Xisuma settled the bundle into a bed, red like Bdubs‘ temper.
A pair of helping hands drew the blanket over the small bean. Xisuma smiled at keir gentle fingers. Ke smiled back.
The healing crystals were forgotten for now but Xisuma was a good admin, having made a note on it for later.
 “We have a few other kids to bring to bed, now.“
 Ke turned to watch their little home.
They were living in a tree, rather rustic, mostly because the persistent robot friend of Grian (they had dubbed him “Npgri“) really enjoyed rustic optics more than anything. The light was warm and the smells pleasant.
 Still, it was lively and the kids running around, throwing toys and wielding sticks were not too worked up about the approaching night. Well, Wels - the self-proclaimed knight - cuddled up in bed next to Bdubs. Meanwhile, Jellie (it was,, Jellie the 16th, but please, nobody tell the children) was actively jumping after the blazing Tango.
Cleo tugged at Keralis‘ leg (the same as always, despite kem having so many legs to offer) because she wanted to go to sleep, too.
 Xisuma caught a loopy Mumbo and swept him up into his arms.
 “We have quite a few people here, have we not, Shishwammy?“
 The admin giggled at the large centaur. His arms seemed to be dipped in black ink. The name “Void“ was rather fitting for them, too.
 “Our hermits“, he giggled. A little sigh gave him the time to watch Ren run from fixing up a security fence to tackling another „“symmetry issue“ around the flowers.
 “They are our responsibility now. A happy little family.“
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legacyridley · 4 years
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“I CAN’T RECALL a single amazing thing i have seen first-hand that i didn't immediately reference to a movie or tv show. a fucking commercial. you know the awful singsong of the blasé: seeeen it. i've literally seen it all, and the worst thing, the thing that makes me want to blow my brains out, is: the secondhand experience is always better. the image is crisper, the view is keener, the camera angle and the soundtrack manipulate my emotions in a way reality can't anymore.”
                                                                                          — gillian flynn , gone girl
ooc —
hi there ! i’m shannon, i’m non-binary, my pronouns are she/they and i’m from the united kingdom. you can just call me the ceo of the unhinged rosamund pike cinematic universe, though. or keira knightley’s bitch, because i am, even if i decided against bringing her this time ( still might later ! ) i love morally corrupt women, i’d give my life for them, if one couldn’t tell by . . . uh. frankie. 
application —
[ rosamund pike | 40 | she/her | cis woman ] if it isn’t FRANCESCA RIDLEY ! you know, FRANKIE ! they’ve lived in monarda for TWO MONTHS. some people say that they’re CONSCIENTIOUS & CHARMING, but that they can also be PRIVILEGED & AVARICIOUS. last i heard, they were working FREELANCE as a BUSINESSWOMAN ! i’ve also heard the rumor that they’re a WITCH. if you’d ask me, they remind me of BEING BORN WITH THE METALLIC TANG OF A SILVER SPOON IN YOUR MOUTH ( JUST LIKE THE TASTE OF YOUR OLD-MONEY BLOOD ), “MANEATER” BY NELLY FURTADO PLAYING, SLIGHTLY MUFFLED, FROM INSIDE YOUR CAR, LIKE MUSIC FROM A PARTY BATHROOM, & THE NOTION OF A NEW SELF YOU’LL FIND BY THE SHORE ( BUT HOW’S THAT WORKING OUT FOR YOU, HONEY? DO YOU FEEL LOVED? ) ! i wonder what monarda’s got in store for them today!
NAME: francesca legacy ridley ( yes, really. )
AGE: forty ( b. 28 january, 1981 — knightsbridge, london, united kingdom. )
NICKNAMES: frankie , and frankie only.
GENDER: cis female.
ORIENTATIONS: bisexual / biromantic.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: divorced & single.
NATIONALITY: british-american ( dual. )
ETHNICITY: white ( english. )
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english, french, german.
OCCUPATION: social media mogul & socialite. ex-sunglasses model. 
EDUCATION: institut le rosey & magdalen college, oxford.
ASTROLOGICAL BIG THREE: aquarius sun, scorpio moon, scorpio rising.
MBTI TYPE: entj-a. ( the commander. )
HOGWARTS HOUSE: slytherin ( ravenclaw hatstall. )
ENNEAGRAM TYPE: eight with a seven wing ( the maverick. )
THEME SONG: maneater by nelly furtado.
FAVOURITE SONG: lay all your love on me by abba.
FAVOURITE ALBUM: super trouper by abba (1980)
PET PEEVES: people who don’t say ‘thank you’ when you open the door. back-seat drivers. chewing too loudly. tea that’s too milky. cambridge graduates. 
PHOBIAS: trypophobia. hemophobia ( blood ). arachnophobia. coulrophobia ( clowns. )
GUILTY PLEASURES: radio-friendly pop music. sunglasses, still. netflix-binge style sitcoms. kate winslet movies. true crime documentaries. st trinian’s (2007) dir. oliver parker.
she’s deeply charming but also . . . it’s mostly theatre. ridleys know how to put on a show. ridleys know how to make friends. so meet frankie: #1 flirt, #1 liar, and perfectionist to the nth degree.
oxford graduate from a family of oxford graduates ; if you don’t get what that means for a person, substitute oxford with harvard and you might just about be getting there, right down to the annoying person — the sort of humdrum regular who grinds on francesca’s gears — who says ‘ oh, you went to harvard? say something smart! ’ growing up in a house in london that looks like it is out of a fairytale ( would be, if the city and all its bustle and noise weren’t on the doorstep ) is about as sweet as it sounds, and who could blame one for getting a touch . . . jealous ? well, other than frankie, a product of a private school in switzerland, an oxford college, and a trust fund, who could judge someone for breathing incorrectly, and says things such as ‘ jealousy is a disease, get well soon. ’
HOW DID SHE GET TO HER CURRENT POSITION ? . . .other than her parents’ money and a wealth of connections? well, frankie quickly came to understand something; that every time the older generations catch up to a social media platform, there’s a sudden vacuum as the younger generation work out where to go. and where the audience go is where the influence is, which gains you more connections, more wealth, more influence in places people would never even think to look. do you ever think about what information leaves your hands, and where, when you agree to the terms and conditions? you probably should. 
[ NOTE : when i imagine the platform, it’s something fairly twitter-esque, but without the people who use long hashtags and can’t figure out how it works. and more . . . aesthetic, somehow. like pinterest-level aesthetics. i’ll be working it out over time, but i’ve named it spectrum. yes, it’s named after the florence & the machine song, please don’t judge me. it started off as a university project á la the social network ( brilliant bloody movie ) that went onto a massive scale & became trendy and addictive. imagine if mark zuckerberg was a cool, bisexual, female ex-sunglasses model who once married the heir to grovesnor group, made him sign a considerable prenup and then divorced him when he cheated ( there was some full diana revenge dress content ) fifteen years ago, just before her old university idea went mainstream. he regrets it now, doesn’t he ? ]
imagine the kind of assholes who would give their child ‘ legacy ’ as a middle name to remind her of the constant pressure on her shoulders ? welcome to the ridleys, london-born mother & father to francesca ( golden child, with more issues than meets the eye, actually as much of a party girl as her sister but successful ) and roman ( motorbike-obsessed disgrace. ) they’re one of the oldest witch families out there, but — up until frankie & roman — they’ve been able to keep it quiet for their own benefit. 
so what does frankie DO with her magic? she always says she specialises in the tempting, though the addictive is perhaps more apt. want to feel so excited about something you’ll never be bored again? want the best trip of your life? frankie’s your gal. and does it have anything to do with how influential spectrum became & how much of an addictive presence she can be? . . . well, that’s for her to know & no one to find out. 
AND NOW, THE FINAL QUESTION: why the fuck is london’s premier rich bitch in where she’d consider nowhere, maine ? well, she’s on sort of a self-recreation trip right now. think about tahani in the good place when she tries to step out of the spotlight without actually doing it, except she’s thinking the sea air will cleanse her of a slight... unease coming with the approaching mid-life crisis and having to dye her greys out. 
but now she’s in a smaller place than sprawling london, living in that house you look at and think ‘fuck, i’d kill for that view,’ having to associate with people properly rather than being almost a concept of a person . . . what if people tear aside the mask and discover the serpentine nature and the moral rot that lies behind it ?
credits —
template !
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swordandcounsel · 3 years
Loki Episode 4 “Bad Memory” analysis:
Okay so I’ve been doing a lot of thought about the “bad memory” Loki was trapped in during episode four of the Loki series. A lot of people focused on the words that Sif said in the final run through after she helped him up. “You are alone and always will be.” Sif never actually said it in that way because the memory never played out in that way. The change of phrasing was what Loki believes, purposefully used by Mobius to hurt Loki and make him more susceptible to interrogation. It was never about the physical pain, we know Loki can take the pain after he survived Thanos, it was the words.
But why that moment? Why Sif? Why not Thor? (Other than the fact they probably couldn’t afford Chris).
Sif’s words were coming from a place of anger. Loki had invaded her personal space, likely while she was sleeping, and cut off her hair. This is also potentially not the first time he’s done it since Sif in the comics was originally blonde until her hair cutting incident. He hurt her.
People likely to focus of the way Lady Sif and the Warriors Three treat Loki forgetting that Loki was likely just as much of an asshole as they were if not more so due to his mischievous nature and narcissistic tendencies. Also, these people were actually friends. Perhaps not close ones but they hung around with each other willingly and cared if the others got hurt. 
So. Why that moment and why Sif? 
I believe this was the moment Sif stopped trying with Loki. 
Sif for all accounts is Loki’s mirror in Asgard. While Loki is gender fluid we know he tends to present male and use he/him pronouns most of the time and Asgard has fucked up gender roles just like earth. Magic is seen as feminine. In Thor 2 all of the healers are women. All of the Einherjar are men (we’re leaving the Valkyrie out of the equation for a second because that deserves a post of its own). Loki went against the grain by becoming proficient in magic and so did Sif by becoming a warrior. These two are so alike it makes sense that they would clash because what happens when you’re faced with a mirror image of yourself, you see your imperfections reflected back at you.  
It’s also why it’s likely these two were closer than we are shown on screen. They would both know what it feels like to have to prove yourself. But Sif is celebrated as a warrior you say. Yes, she is but historically speaking it’s been easier for men to accept women doing “masculine” things than it is to accept men doing “feminine” things because that would mean being like a woman and that’s bad. Also Sif couldn’t even just become a standard soldier. Sif had to forge herself into the Goddess of War to be taken seriously. She also knows she can’t lose because if she loses then she proves everyone right. A whole nation of people decided after the Valkyrie lost one battle that women weren’t allowed to be warriors anymore (but again that’s another post).
My point being they both fought and scrambled to be taken seriously in their respective fields (to varying levels of success). They know what it feels like to be different. 
Now to why Sif said what she said. 
“I hope you know you deserve to be alone and always will be.”
Obviously she was angry and hurt and this asshole probably laughed when he saw her originally because as he said he “thought it would be funny.” Her words were meant to hurt but she was being specific. 
At this point in Loki’s timeline we’re pre-thor. Pre-him knowing the truth. He has family. He has friends even though he’s doing shit like this (because Sif still hangs around with him even though he does this.) So what is she referring to when she says alone. Now obviously this is my own opinion and the show is very much about self love but... Given that Loki had no reason to question that he was loved at that point in time the only alone she could possibly be referring to is not being part of a couple. Romantic love. 
My conclusion is Loki fucked up his chance with Sif. 
In the comics Loki has been repeatedly depicted as having had feelings for Sif when they were younger and the Edda implies they had sex at least once. Some comics even goes as far as to hint that maybe it have been mutual. 
S: “I see you, Loki. I have always seen you. Ever since we were young together and the world was young with us. I saw you.”
S: “But what if you didn’t need to be great? What if you could be loved simply for who you are? What if instead of choosing greatness you chose to love?”
L: “Oh Sif. Beautiful, strong, faithful Sif. I loved you well when we were young.”
So what if their mutual understanding had placed them on the precipice of something more and Loki ruined it. In the beginning of the scene Loki seems surprised but almost delighted to see the goddess when she walks in even though the last time they had been face to face she was actively defying him. He also notes out loud that he remembered the memory and that afterwards he went and had a bath and never thought about it again but he clearly did because he had earlier called it a bad memory. 
Had he gotten jealous of Sif spending time with Thor and reacted? He said himself he wanted attention. Did he feel like this would get Sif to focus back on him even if that meant setting fire to what was growing between them? There are so many hints that there was more than the tension between them we seen on screen. He expects her to trust his word as if she had done it countless times before. He lets her touch him even after he’d just been kicked and punched by her moments earlier. I almost hope that she shows up again so more of their dynamic could be explored but I know it’s likely not to happen. 
Obviously I won’t be implementing my thoughts into any of my interactions with Loki’s unless someone sees this and agrees. I just needed to get all my thoughts out.
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thessaliah · 5 years
Who is the “Person of Chaldea”?
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For those who didn't know, there is a mysterious helper who appears in the Lostbelts and aids Chaldea indirectly by helping the people they made contact or would make contact.  Here cut under spoilers the information we have and already old destroyed guesses and theories:
We know little about this man (assuming is a man which seems most likely right now) who appears in Lostbelts when Chaldea isn't around to give a helping hand. The direct (not speculation related) info we have is:
He is referred specifically as the "カルデアの者."
Wears white.
His clothes are dirty and tattered, covers his head and face with a hood.
He apparently fights with a curved, thin sword or something alike it (note this is an old Yaga describing this so if he was using some magic trick he wouldn't know).
He knows magecraft of the Ages of Gods that isn’t rune based.
He knows how to treat injuries, plague, and has the skill as a physician. He is called a 'sensei' in LB3.
Knows assorted skills like how to take care of fields.
He is able to manifest in the Lostbelts by mysterious means.
Pronouns: 私 and お前 to address others.
He has a 'tch' tongue clunking quirk but he claims is because of his sore throat and body.
He is shocked to find people who would put themselves in a disadvantage to offer him kindness and hospitality.
He seems detached about humanity at some level and a pragmatic point of view.
He might appear different than he used to look or have a different body.
He says his goals haven't changed and he has done the same things in the past (without such welcome). "His actions are the same."
Holmes speculates he’s a “survivor of Chaldea.”
Those are the official things we know. There is more I could add that could be related to him but that goes in identity theory.
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When Musashi appeared in LB1, plenty of fans (and even the characters) assumed Musashi who also claimed as an ally of Chaldea (but using a completely different label and not カルデアの者) was this mysterious helper: she had covered her face with a hat, she wielded a katana and all. But they didn't notice the lack of quirk and the lack of healing expertise. In LB2, the Person of Chaldea is an overpowerful mage, so ruled her out unless he was a new one. By LB4, it leaves clear that is the same person that travels in all Lostbelts, he gets dialogue and internal monologue for the first time. Leaving the theories of Musashi, Ryoma, Muramasa, Paracelsus, etc out of the running.
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Before LB4, there was a popular theory the Person of Chaldea was actually a Crypter, in particular,  Kirschtaria Wodime, because he favors white. But after LB4, we know the man travels alone and that for a Crypter to move between Lostbelts, they need the help of an Emissaries. Evil Mercenary Tamamo is good for such task. Crypters are more than antagonists but they are unlikely to be the Person of Chaldea.
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Because the person is hard to fit on the old characters we know, perhaps it's a new one. Abe no Seimei is a good possibility when there are characters related to him introduced. Murasaki, his student, his foes Tamamo and Douman. However, my only complaint here is that they yanked our chains for two years of mystery to introduce a new character? The possibility exists, but it seems like poor writing. If we are talking of dark horses, Marisbury Animusphere is certainly another possibility, although the pronouns don't fit, and he has no notable physician experience that we know, he wears white, he's from Chaldea, and the shoes (not the coat) match the man in the OP. I mean to put him here as a possibility he's connected, but my suspicion is that Marisbury is more unfortunately linked to the antagonist, the God of Another Planet. I'll leave that for another post. His possibilities to be the Person of Chaldea raises if Daybit is an antagonist and not the potential aloof ally he seems to be.
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Romani, Goetia, a combination, etc. Solomon. "But Solomon disappeared!" I can cite a lot of things, from Goetia voicing the PV, to Roman in the Lost Room, to the fact both left remnants (which Ars Nova shouldn't have allowed) and Chaldea is stated to want to build a record for Romani specifically. But I frankly don't care about this, Nasu would explain this if the time comes. The Lostbelts have revised the Modern History anyway, and whatever happens inside their Wall of Storms is not "our World" technically.
So far is the most likely possibility, and why there's a tease and red herring from one or the other. Unrelated but completely important is the scene in the Lost Room, the final shot of someone picking up one of Solomon's rings from the thrones before leaving. The question remains is which Solomon?
THE CASE FOR AND AGAINST GOETIA: "Goetia is in Romani's body" seems to be the most popular theory since the OP image show up (along with the initial "was that Marisbury?"). Goetia does use, among other pronouns, watashi and omae. The personality of the Person of Chaldea seems colder and harsher than Romani usually displayed, so fits more Goetia, as well as the fact of "is this appearance?" which makes him mull over how he's treated, which could refer to wear Romani's body and clothes as he did to Solomon. Maybe he gained medical knowledge too. However, are we sure is him or Nasu wants us to assume is him for taking to face some superficial statements? The main case against is that his current actions don't match his past ones, even if one is to assume his goal and motivation remains the same (he feels sorry for humans), that he has indeed wear Roman's likeness in the past (with Mashu) and he shouldn't be shocked about the benefit of a human appearance when his shtick was passing himself as Solomon or Roman or making his pillars take human vessels. The other case against is the tsking. Tsking and tongue clunking to my memory are not one of his quirks. IMO, Goetia is a strong if not the strongest contender. I'm not sold about Roman's body, because Roman's body disappeared (and I feel it's irritating for his sake and Roman he's still under his shadow rather than stand as his own character), the tongue quirk could be because whoever body he’s using or inhabiting has it. 
THE CASE FOR AND AGAINST ROMANI (SOLOMON): "A doctor in white" was the second most popular theory but fell off a little after the monologue of the Person of Chaldea because he lacked Romani's nicer personality and his usual pronouns (Boku/kimi). It's true it cannot be the same Romani Archaman we know, but this doesn't mean it cannot be him. We'll start for the case for: a physician with assorted talents (all that could be feasible for Romani/Solomon - and yes, includes having a legendary long thin blade listed in wikipedia - and this also can be listed on Goetia’s favor too!) that wears white, is from Chaldea, and still has the same actions, goals, and motives. The actions might have been weird, but with episode 0, we saw Romani walk the world on his own and doing odd jobs including acting as doctor in disaster zones, until he turned to Chaldea to complete his mission. How is that different from the Person of Chaldea’s present actions? The main objections are sound: the man doesn't talk or acts (in temperament) like Roman, and the quirk isn't his. However, after becoming Solomon again did use watashi and omae (he switched gradually from boku to watashi in the temple, if you carefully replay his unused voice clips and read his farewell scene) and his personality would be different if he was in possession or manifestation of a new body, as most Pseudo Servants (Ishtar wouldn't act like Rin if she wasn't in Rin's body, for example, we know this from Strange Fake - the vessel influences the spirit). The Servants who cannot manifest alone require vessels and the vessels can influence the way they talk, their temperaments and -obviously- give them a new appearance which our Person of Chaldea might have. Despite his friendliness, Romani seemed to speak and think of humanity from the distance (Accel Zero comes to mind where he reveals he's pretty  pragmatic who wouldn't go around to change things as Waver did), he also thinks people should hate him (in his Blurb of relationship with the Master), so if it's Solomon post Roman's self-loathing, him acting surprised that those people in India Lostlet are willing to accommodate him with the little they had and were so kind toward him is unfortunately not as weird as we might think. Da Vinci changed from a sassy libertine to a (dull) angelic younger sister type after her rebirth just after the Prologue if we need a precedent. 
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As for me, whoever the person of Chaldea is, I would prefer if Roman remains Roman. I absolutely dislike the change in Da Vinci (looks and personality) but I am not blind not to see the possibility with the metaphor of the "peppermint green book" in the latest event the doctor appeared (you know that whole “things -people-  you believe lost might be returned to you but with differences”). There is another case I'm considering but is more self-indulging, because doesn't mean desecrating Solomon's second corpse (even if it disappeared!), Goetia's arc, and Romani's whole self. The one of assimilation like Kingu and Enkidu which means the Person of Chaldea could be a new Solomon created of Romani and Goetia mutual elements. They used to share a body. That’s another case, but I’m not sure. My heart leans closer to Goetia in this, but my gut feels he could be red herring for Solomon 2.0.
Of course, this could be all be wrong and it’s truly Abe no Seimei or something outlandish like Future Ritsuka (I forgot to debunk this, it feels laughable when Ritsuka has a very limited character or arc, and cannot do a single healing spell to know magecraft of the Ages of Gods - plus would give Gudako an edge over the male Ritsuka -who uses ore as pronoun- and that won’t be allowed, sadly). You never know. I just wanted to share past and present theories. From a writing perspective, I just don’t think some new character would be right when they are treating this as a slowburn mystery arc and purposefully used Musashi as an in-game red herring. Maybe if Abe no Seimei -or whoever if it’s a new character- gets a better set up, certainly. Marisbury possibility is still strong if he’s not an antagonist.
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magaprima · 5 years
Part 2 Episode 4 Thoughts
Now, even though MG is only in it at the very end, obviously the tarot reader Mrs McG is Lilith with a glamour, so this is actually a Lilith heavy episode. Also, as a side note, the actress playing Mrs McG is so good in that when you watch it with the knowledge she’s Lilith, you see how much of her expressions and mannerisms are the same, and I just find that really impressive. The way she smiles, the wide eyes when she’s listening, the pressed lips before she prepares saying something...I just feel like the actor studied MG’s acting on set in order to do this performance. 
The first cards she reads are Sabrina’s, and she’s all ‘ah, you have questions about your young suitor’ and then when Sabrina admits, yes, she does, because he recently lied to her about not doing something, Lilith literally cannot keep her shit together over the smallness of that. She’s literally says:
“One lie? That’s it?”
You can literally see she’s just like ‘wtf, that’s your only problem? One lie? I’ve been dating the fucking Prince of Lies for thousands of years’. I love that, even while under a glamour, Lilith can’t hide her ‘wtf’ from people. 
“The cards tell me he’s a handsome trickster which few women can resist”
I feel this is another instance of Lilith speaking from experience, ever so subtly. Like we know Lucifer is, at his best, a handsome trickster, and Lilith wasn’t able to resist him. 
Then after Sabrina has her reading where she ends up dead thanks to the Weird Sisters, Lilith tells her the lesson is: 
“In this case, it’s not the boy you need to fear. Believe your trickster and him alone...you need not fear the dark path as long as you trust the boy who walks it with you”
Now, Lilith potentially knows that Nick is being used by the Dark Lord, and the reason she’s telling Sabrina to trust him is so she’ll trust the path the Dark Lord is setting her on. But considering Lilith, when she first hears his name, says to Sabrina he sounds like trouble, thus technically risking putting her off him, and even potentially accuses him of summon the demons, which would definitely keep Sabrina from trusting him, I’m going to say at this point Lilith doesn’t know, because the Dark Lord doesn’t exactly share all his plans with her, does he?
So what purpose does she have in telling Sabrina to trust him? Keeping her on the path, yes, but it’s also telling her that others are to be wary, that she should be on her guard and trust no one else. That even freaking includes ‘Ms Wardwell’. I just feel that Lilith, throughout all of these readings, claims to be messing with their heads, but actually seems to be giving them genuine advice via the cards. And I have headcanoned she sees her younger self Sabrina, the way she was in the Garden, and maybe subconsciously, she does want to push Sabrina in the direction that brings the freedom Lilith hasn’t yet had? Even if she doesn’t consciously realise it? I’m mainly thinking aloud here
And then she sees Theo and says ‘what a curious young man’. Instantly calls him ‘young man’ and I just love that. Lilith respects gender and pronouns. She tells him;
‘You look like a boy with a burning question. One that my tarot cards can asnwer better than any book’
And then she proceeds to give Theo a lesson that is all about not conforming, finding your own path, not looking for the quick and easy path, that cheating the journey brings bad things, and that the journey takes time, and also that what he looks like on the outside doesn’t change who he is on the inside, that Theo can make who he is, holds all the power. And that is such a freaking powerful message. And proves, to me at least, that Theo is entirely Lilith’s fave. 
She even tells him at the end that the message is ‘a warning’
“My advice? Don’t steal. And seek help early from others that can help you reach the prize you covet”
I mean she’s literally telling Theo the path to being what and who he wants to be lies in others, the support of those around him. To not keep it all to himself. 
Conversely, she seems to have no patience with Roz at all. She literally forces herself on her, sits down beside her, gets the card out, and holds no freaking punches with talking about the Cunning and guilt. I suspect this is because Roz is a pastor’s daughter, and her ancestors injured witches. She is so consistently short and abrupt with her, even when Roz is horrified by the reading, simply saying ‘You still have a choice to make’. And the reading itself makes Roz question her Father and the church, as it shows them as corrupt and bad. Now, Lilith could be bending the truth extremely, and we know the readings aren’t literal, she even says herself that the cards are just a mirror, but there has to be enough truth in it for Roz to refuse the surgery. And Roz doesn’t question in the vision when she’s saying how her Dad always gets money from the church. Now, it’s a fact that there is a hell of a lot of monetary corruption in all organised religion, and the Christian churches are certainly not exempt from that....so what does Lilith know about Roz’s father? Either way, it’s very obvious Lilith is not a fan of Roz’s family and their church connections. Obviously. 
She then tempts Zelda in by simply showing her the High Priestess card, which makes me laugh. It’s just like that’s all it took to make Zelda sit down. And her lesson for her is a really simple; don’t tell Blackwood a fucking thing. Straight and to the point. 
She’s a lot gentler with Harvey than she is with Roz, despite him being a Witch Hunter, and ends up letting him see what might happen if he left Greendale, but through the lesson reveals to him that he’s too tied to the realm of witches and demons, that no matter where he travels, it will follow him. BUT, she also gives him a purpose, she shows him what his drawings can do, that his artistic talent can be used to to fight things, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Harvey then uses his drawing talents to keep the gates of hell shut. Lilith obviously didn’t know that was what would happen, but it definitely opens the idea up for him that his art can work like sigils, his own kind of magic. It seems to be that reading for Harvey has Lilith showing him a purpose in this world that is neither mortal  or witch hunter, but something in between. 
“You will suffer for your art, but you need not leave home to do so. You will dig deep to unearth your true calling, here, in Greendale”
She’s literally telling him she has a calling here, and the digging deep refers to the gates of hell. Lilith literally sets the groundwork here for Harvey become the fighter he is rather than a hunter. And I find that so important. And it shows that when she’s left to her own devices, Lilith tends to help more than hinder, even if she thinks she’s doing the opposite. 
And then there’s Ambrose, who has a lesson much like Zelda’s; don’t fucking trust Blackwood. Anything Blackwood related, Lilith does her utmost best to sabotage. Yet, Zelda still marries him and Ambrose still gets used by him. She tried, people, she tried! She also tries to stop Ambrose finding out about Luke’s fate for some reason. 
“ I think in this case perhaps not knowing the truth is better”
It’s quite possible this is is a case of reverse-psychology; she knows refuses to tell Ambrose about Luke will make him find out about it. 
However, Lilith chooses not to do a reading for Dr C or Hilda, which, admittedly, is more about episode time availabilty than anything else, but still...why wouldn’t she? And she tells them she thinks they’re a lovely couple, and that she’ll do Hilda next time and I do think Lilith was genuinely having plans for them...but whether these plans will ever be shown in the show is highly unlikely, haha. 
And then she gets back to the house in her glamour and we, as the audience, discover who Mrs McG really is. 
“Well, I have had a glorious day. And productive let me tell you. I’m plumbed the depths of their tiny minds, plucking all sorts of juicy titbits”
Did you though, Lilith, did you? Because from what I see, it seems she gave more than she received, like she might have had a little glimpse into vulnerabilities, but the lessons her card readings gave sort of negated most of them?
“Never hurts to have a sharpened blade handy”
WHAT SHARPENED BLADE??? WHERE???? Is she just making up shit to Stolas to make it look like she was doing something more with her day than simply noseying into their lives and giving them little nuggets of quite useful advice? But delivering it in a slightly unnerving way, because that’s where she gets her fun?
“In the coming war, Stolas, no one can be trusted. Why the Dark Lord taught me that himself”
That line hurts, because it could be he taught her through the fact he’s proven he can’t be trusted, but it could also be because he’s gotten involved with her other relationships (all kinds, I don’t just mean romantic) tempting them, to ensure they betrayed her so she’d learned to trust no one beyond his selected circle? Either way it’s showing that Lilith has had a very harsh, lonely existence. It’s also foreshadowing for the fact that even Stolas can’t be trusted.
“And who knows? If the apocalypse is upon us, even his plans might go awry”
The fact she says if instead of when shows that Lucifer is definitely not sharing all his plans with her, because even something as big as that still carries a level of uncertainty. 
“And it would be every woman for herself”
The way she lifts her chin here, defensively, determined, and how she specifies woman, which means she’s excluding Lucifer from this statement, I think shows she’s already considered ruling without him, that there’s a chance he won’t give her the throne and she might have to take it. But she knows how powerful it is and that’s too risky to ever try...unless his plans go awry and ‘all hell breaks loose’, in which case there’s opportunity. 
Cut to Stolas looking silently concerned by this statement, because he’s Satan’s spy and Lilith is monologuing about doing things for herself...
And then she does a one-card reading for herself. And it is a genuine reading, she draws properly, and she doesn’t know what she’s going to get, you see how tense she is, wondering what the reading will be...but then she sees, and she’s surprised at first, but then it becomes a focus, a fixation, and it’s the first time I think that Lilith sees what she genuinely could be. The Empress. And the Empress rules with no man at her side. 
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agentemo · 4 years
it’s trans day of visibility still somewhere so...gender journey!
i didn’t really have a concept of transness, i definitely didn’t have a concept of being nonbinary growing up, but i knew Gender unfortunately and i was never very feminine, i hated femininity, i hated how happy it made my mom when i was feminine and i wished i was a tomboy.
so i wore a lot of just t-shirts, baggy shit, also partly because i was Fat(tm) and and self-conscious. i think i started being more comfortable with being feminine when i was more comfortable with being me (dramatic, i know) and liking my body even though i was fat. still mostly wear t-shirts lol but i’m much more comfortable being feminine now
and then...
Art School
i befriended/had a huge crush on someone who at the time ID’d as nonbinary and it still didn’t fucking click until i saw the word genderqueer online somewhere and had an epiphany, like
so i changed my long ass, feminine name and chose one that was just based on a character i liked and everyone had to fucking get used to it lol and when i did dnd my character used they/them so that i could get used to the idea of that as well
for the most part i’m not dysphoric. i hate my voice, i hate hearing myself recorded, and sometimes i wish i didn’t have boobs but if i had to live in a world alone i wouldn’t care about any of that. my problem is with being perceived. which is also why this is all new; i didn’t even feel this when i was younger, i guess i just wish i “passed” as nonbinary? idk. i tend to cling to masculinty or want it just to counteract the femininity because i wish i was andorgynous and i’m not. i’m like the opposite of androgynous. i’m not both, i’m truly neither.
anyway i have excellent boobs
i’ve toyed with a lot of IDs and definitionally i am trans but i’m also kinda like... whatever. i don’t care. gender is meaningless lmao and not having to see other people and for the most part not having to hear myself referred to as “she” during this social distancing has been awesome
ah, yes. pronouns.
so i’m definitely like “telling people to use they is hard :(” and it’s very validating to have it used but it also outs me and anyway it was upsetting me when people used she but why. should i. care? i had a really interesting conversation with a nonbinary man who basically said “i ID as enby but socially i’m a man” and that kinda changed my life.
so. i ID as alkdghadgjhadg and socially i’m a woman. i just shuddered in disgust. i hate it. whatever lol. as long as there are people that truly know me, including me, i’ll be fine.
see you on bisexual day of visibility or w.e and we’ll open that can of worms next lmao
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