#yes im going nuts with the tws i dont want people to see potentially triggering stuff if theyve got tags blocked
wisteria-whump · 2 years
effects of hunger: for your whumpy consideration
ik from experience hunger has some very not fun effects so im here to share 😁 idk what's wrong with me cause i don't normally go very long between meals/snacks but i still sometimes have bad effects that show up more when i haven't eaten in like 5ish hours. idk im not a doctor.
possible tw: ed (no specific mentions of ed behaviors or anything but descriptions of hunger could be triggering to some ppl so take care of yourselves and stay safe)
hunger pains. literally the worst. what makes it even worse it that the pain makes you not wanna eat even though you have to if you wanna make it stop
nausea. idk about y'all but if i get too hungry i get so nauseous it's awful.
lightheadedness/dizziness. this is just a normal day to day thing for me but when i haven't eaten in a while it makes it a lot worse. especially in a hot shower i get so lightheaded i have to sit down and rush through the rest of the shower.
fatigue. if i need to eat but haven't yet then i can't go more than like 1.5 hrs on my feet/sitting up until i have to go lay down and eat something to feel better.
this kind of goes hand in hand with the lightheadedness but it gets its own bullet point cause i hate it so much: brief temporary blindness? like when i stand up too fast and get real lightheaded and heavy-feeling ill get those dark spots all over my vision but they obscure all of my vision so im like blind for a few second and just standing there like 🧍 unable to see
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