#yes it should be regulated better but it saved my life
sev-on-kamino · 11 months
First off, I hope you're having a lovely day! Second, I hope the weekend is even better for you! and third, B, F, and K for the fanfic ask game?
The day was super long, but I’ve clocked out, and I have caffeine, so I’m ready to turn it around and have a great weekend 😎 thank you so much for sending these in 💙💙
It got lengthy so under the cut it goes 😌
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Yes! Like reader trying to sneak out of the matchmaking office? That was me trying to sneak out of a job interview 😅I also didn’t make it out in time 😂
Or in “Focus” where Crosshair kept distracting reader? That was a guy I had a crush on, flirting with me while he was supposed to be teaching me how to drive manual. I stalled the car out repeatedly, but we dated for 2 years, so 😅
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
“Your shoulders are still too tight. I’m going to drink that caf myself,” you threatened.
“I did try the breathing exercises you suggested,” he countered.
“No,” he said, shaking his head with a light smirk.
“You’re my worst patient. I do house calls for you, and this is how you repay me?”
“How else should I repay you?” He asked, as you stepped in front of him to check his vitals.
“Following my instructions would be an amazing start.”
“Not happening. Anything else?”
“Not anything within regulation,” you said, your eyes flicking to his lips before meeting his gaze again.
“How far outside of regulation are we talking?” He asked quietly.
I loooooooove this exchange between Fox and reader! I was so excited about sharing it because I finally felt like I’d nailed the snappy back and forth that shifts smoothly into flirting. I can’t flirt to save my life, so I am always worried I sound awkward. This came out exactly the way I wanted though and I felt instant pride 🥲 I had to answer the other questions before I could touch this one, because there was one other that I love but it would be a spoiler 😭😭😭
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
👀 oof I’ll keep it short. Kix has just proposed to reader, she’s said yes. Blissful. But he has to finish the investigation he started because he owes it to Fives. She supports him 100%. He leaves, ends up in stasis, and she never knows for certain what happens to him. The fic picks up after stasis, and he wants to know what happened to her. Only to find a holo journal that she kept where she made an entry for him every day until she accepted he wasn’t coming back, and she had to move on. There was NOTHING but heartbreak and pain down that road. NOTHING I SAY 😔 I was listening to “New Year’s Day” by Taylor Swift and I was in. my. feelings.
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wastehound-voof · 3 months
So I have learned that you cannot save an Ask as a draft. It will disappear into the ether. Forever.
Anon who is thinking of not drinking soda/pop anymore due to concerns of kidney stones and wants to know if I noticed any changes since I have recently quit soda. Yes.
I've stopped drinking soda cold turkey multiple times throughout my life and every time I've lost weight (currently down 8 lbs this time around). My skin and hair are healthier, my bowel movements are more regular (yeah we're getting personal), my mental health has improved, which is to say that my moods are more even and I can better regulate my emotions. Caffeine will worsen stress and anxiety, of course. Physically I feel better all around.
This is, of course, after getting over that initial two week withdrawal period. If you go cold turkey and your body is used to you drinking a lot of soda daily, then you're going to feel like garbage the first week or two. Headaches, irritability, depression, anxiety... all that fun stuff. Keep in mind, I was drinking over 2 liters, sometimes 3 liters, of soda a day. Depending on how much you currently drink you may not feel such symptoms, or not as intensely.
As for kidney stones, I've never had one. I've never felt I might have one. Drinking too much soda can contribute to kidney stones, but it is not the sole cause. I'd evaluate your entire diet if stones are your only concern. Are you drinking enough water? Are you overweight? How much salt, sugar, and acid are in your diet? Do you get enough exercise? Do you exercise too much? I say this not to dissuade you from cutting back or cutting out soda, but to also look at your overall diet and health habits.
I say quit soda for awhile (months) and see how you feel. You will only feel better. Be sure to drink plenty of water, more than you think you should, especially if you're going cold turkey. I drink seltzer water to get that soda feeling, and I do drink tea (unsweetened and very lightly sweetened) for a little caffeine but keep in mind that too much tea can contribute to kidney stones forming. If you do quit soda, keep in mind not to replace it with sugary juice and sports drinks, because it's the sugar you're worried about here so that would be counter productive.
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. I won't send it into Draft purgatory. Good luck and good health.
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yolowritter · 2 months
Miraculous Adventurer Au 3: Time to spill the tea!
So...anyone remember back here when I said "this AU is still alive and kicking"? Yeah it's kicking alright. Kicking and screaming as I drag it out of my WIP pile! Welcome back to the show everyone, it's been a while! If you guys want a recap of what this Au is about (+ the Origins episode) I highly encourage you to go read part 2 of this Au here. Yes, I did just link it twice. No, I don't care. Anyway, this is just an info/idea dump for this AU, because it was in my head yesterday and refuses to let me write anything until I rant about it!
First off, I wanna explain the magic system a little better. People don't have actual "classes" like DnD, they just happen to be good at certain things and not great at others, just like real-life proficiencies! There's plenty of types of elemental magic like Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Thunder, Light, Dark, etc. but not all of them can be casted by humans. Some magic subtypes are excusive to certain races (for example plant-related Earth magic is a druid-only thing), and others are very very rare, to the point where only a few people in the whole world can use a certain type of spells. It doesn't really need to go beyond "medieval fantasy magic", so I'm trying not to overcomplicate it. You're here for the characters and the lore, anyway.
Secondly, let's talk characters! I have almost everyone from the Miraculous Cast making an appearance in this AU, some as adventurers who encounter the Core 4 party (Ladybug, Chat Noir, Carapace and Rena Rouge), some as other roles! Here's a short list to give you an idea of what everyone does! Oh, and I should mention that everyone is in their early to mid twenties here, concerning taverns and the like. The legal drinking age in Medieval Fantasy Land is 18, so we're all good.
Marinette: Adventurer and aspiring fashion designer, travels with "Team Miraculous", including Chat Noir, Nino and Alya. Her adventurer name is Ladybug, and she really didn't mean to get wrapped up in all this hero business. Turns out wanting some extra cash can really go arwy if you tango with the local cat enthusiast. Marinette is the daughter of two bakers from a backwater village, and has always dreamed of being a famous seamstress in the Capital. Now an adult and having saved up for the trip, she ends up in a small town not far from her own home. Wanting additional funds for when she eventually arrives at the city of her dreams, Marinette decides to offer her services to any adventurer whose clothing might need adjustment or repair. Surely this won't lead to her signing up with the Guild, right? Cue the Origins episode from part 2.
Adrien: Son to Gabriel and Emilie Agreste, Prince of the Kingdom. Isolated in his childhood to be protected from political scheming, Adrien has only a few friends that he can rely on. His cousin Felix, and a rich noble girl named Chloe Bourgeois who took an interest in him when they were children. A few months ago, he recieved a marriage proposal from an eastern kingdom, and his parents introduced him to Princess Kagami, a stoic but passionate girl who he becomes fast friends with. But one day, tired and suffocated by his palace life, Adrien seeks to live out his own life away from rules and regulations. With the help of his betrothed and cousin, he and Felix switch places, allowing Adrien to don the mask of Chat Noir and freely travel as an adventurer.
Alya: A girl from a small village in the outskirts of the Kingdom, Alya has a high potential for magic powers. Unfortunately, no matter what type she tries to cast, she has great difficulty with even the simplest of spells, leading her to develop a desire to discover mysteries and the arcane as a way to try out new methods of manifesting this supposed potential. During an encounter with Ladybug and Chat Noir, Alya finds out she's proficient in Illusion Magic, for which a caster hasn't been seen in at least a century.
Nino: Childhood friend and later boyfriend to Alya, who happily supports her mystery solving and looks after his fiery and lovable girlfriend. Has a talent for music and defensive magic, and is a local bard. He knows their small village won't keep Alya occupied forever, and once she manifests her illusion magic, decides to follow in the footsteps of the adventurers who saved her and travel the land at Alya's side.
Chloe: Daughter to a backwater Baron, she's been spoiled her whole life in lieu of any parental attention. Her mother is famous in the world of high society, and so Chloe often gets invited to balls and functions where she presents herself as cold and untouchable despite her techincally low station. Once meeting the young prince Adrien, Chloe felt he was unprepared to deal with the "snakes" of the royal court, and took to being an overprotective friend through their childhoods. She still has unresolved anger issues regarding parental figues, and is extremely jealous of a village girl named Marinette, whose town her father's manor happens to be near, for having the loving parents she's always wanted.
Felix: Cousin to Prince Adrien and son of the late Duke Fathom of Lunden. Coming from a prestigious family and looking almost identical to his cousin due to the Graham De Vanily family having historically superior genetics, Felix is not much different than other nobles in terms of attitude. Cold, calculative and extremely cunning, he thrives in situations where backhanded compliments and polite threats are the norm. Having been isolated from the world by his father to be moulded into the "perfect heir", Felix lacks proper social skills, making up for this fault with sarcasm and quick wit.
Kagami: Princess to one of the Eastern Kingdoms, Kagami Tsurugi is the daughter of a queen despised by her people. Perhaps using her last bit of sense, Tomoe Tsurugi has sent her away to be married off to a western prince, who surprisingly turns out to be quite sweet and kind-hearted. However, while she could see herself and Prince Adrien becoming great friends, there exists no true spark of love between them despite his parents' enthusiastic support of their engagement. Kagami is stoic and prefers those who refuse to hesitate or mince their words...and happens to fall in love with exactly such a man. Adrien's cousin Felix, who quickly falls for her in turns during the few short weeks of wedding preparations. Explanaing the situation to Felix's mother and Kagami's fiance, the four devise a plan to ensure everyone gets their happy ending. With Adrien hurrying away to a life of adventure, Kagami is left to adjust to court life with Felix at her side, needing only to ensure Gabriel and Emilie don't realize their son is not who he seems...
Luka: Travelling bard and former boyfriend to one Marinette Dupain Cheng, what Luka lacks in magical profiency is made up for with great empathy and a golden heart. Coming from the family of a famous pirate, Luka sought to venture the world by land, and make a legitimate living unlike his mother, Anarka. Trusting the retired pirate queen with the safety of his younger sister Juleka, Luka left home to travel, and happened upon a village girl he quickly fell in love with. Despite their mutual feelings for one another, Luka still had big dreams of performing in the royal capital someday, and asked Marinette to come with him so they could be together. Unwilling to abandon all she's ever known, she refused his offer, leading to a mutual breakup. Two years later, Luka happens to visit Marinette's home town again, only to realize she's left it behind. Determined to find his one true love, Luka sets out to find out where she's gone, making new friends along the way.
Okay, that's it for the main cast! I have some details about the secondary characters such as Alix, Kim, Mylene, Ivan, miss Bustier, etc. but I'll add them at a later post. If you're interested in someone specific, feel free to shoot me an ask!
Thirdly and lastly, the storyline! I'll be honest, it doesn't necessarily have to be concrete! Since Gabriel is a standup guy and his wife is very much alive, there is no Hawkmoth! I won't spoil if Lila is or isn't here, that's for a later post, but aside from her...there isn't really a villain here. The Adventurer Au is only meant to be a light-hearted slice-of-life type of story, with the occasional beats thrown in regarding the Lore. For example, Alya and Nino becoming adventurers and quickly joining up with Ladynoir to form Team Miraculous. Chloe calling them back to her manor for a job, and joining up with the gang as Queen Bee for a short time. Ladybug bumping into Luka at some point. The Team finally arriving at the Capital, where Marinette has to wrestle between staying with her friends or going after her dreams. Obviously much more, and I do have an entire plotline about what happens when they finally arrive at the Capital regarding Adrien/Chat Noir, Felix and Kagami! That's actually going to be the subject matter next time, since I really want to share it with everyone! Until then, Stay Miraculous!
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cleverclovers · 5 months
An explanation of what I'm going through right now. The following contains discussions of traumatic brain injury (tbi), abuse, adoption via coercion, child sexual assault (CSA), child prostitution, grief, and self deletion of a family member/previous manual exit ideations of the self, as well as lesser issues that don't require a warning as such. Please read below the cut at your own risk. You are under no obligation to read, this is a glorified vent post.
A year and a half ago, my mother was in a horrible car accident, with my niece in the car. Their lives were saved only by the fact that her car was packed to the gills with camping equipment. My niece walked away with long term aches and pains. My mother suffered a severe TBI that has lasting effects, messing with her emotional regulation and perception of time.
Four months ago my older brother, the victim of long term CSA, and child prostitution, took his own life, following the revelation that my grandmother had bullied my mother into giving him up to her, for adoption... that my mother had been put in a Solomon's Choice situation, and she thought that giving him to her mother was really the best option, to her it was that, or watch her son spiral out and die at nine. My mother hadn't known that my grandmother was pimping him out to grandmother's ex husband. She didn't know grandmother was doing the same to me, later. (Grandmother claims it was the only way to get her alimony. Guess she never heard of lawyers)(For the curious, yes we reported it to the police. Neither party faced legal penalties because neither party confessed properly, but the monster died of a heart attack after being interviewed by the police, and was found two weeks later dead face down in his apartment)
"She should have known" Yeah, probably, but she didn't have many other people to lean on, I can't blame her for not knowing. Not when we were bribed not to tell... it's amazing what candy and a treasure troll can buy from a traumatized five year old when that shit's been normalized, not when I was told the alternative was never seeing my brothers again.
My brother only recently remembered, and his remembering pulled that time from the realm of 'probably just a bad, really vivid dream' into reality. For the last three years my brother and I had been mutually dealing with the realization that our grandmother cared more about her bank account than her grand children's safety. My brother had, up to that point, thought my mother had simply discarded him and started a new family. He didn't remember trying to protect me from the monster until three years ago, being an eleven year old protecting a toddler from a man easily more than six feet tall with nothing but a kitchen knife and a snarl. He didn't remember dragging me and our little brother to the other side of the park when grandmother and the monster started yelling, or fervently defending our baby brother's carseat from that man's line of sight. And an argument with grandmother brought it all back to the surface.
While I was able to deal with it, having been in therapy already, and on medication, able to discuss it with people openly, having been used to it already following my own emotional breakdown and near suicide, my older brother didn't have the same kind of familiarity and comfort with those resources. It's just not done, among the witnesses. It's like admitting weakness and a lack of faith in Jehovah.
Three years of grappling with all of that trauma that suddenly rushed in without any framework to deal with it ate at him. He was afraid he was going to do that to his own sons. He was sleeping with a knife under his bed so he could just off himself rather than harm his children, because he'd heard Abused People Abuse People. He was desperately googling ways to be a better spouse and parent, and trying so hard to find solutions in hobbies, doctors, lifestyle changes, new habits. Ultimately, it became too much for him, and my brother took his life.
Because of her TBI, my mother has been reliving this revelation more vividly than most would. For a year she'd been starting the same conversation with me, about a job she was no longer at, and I'd have to remind her of that. We had this conversation, mom. Can you write down that we've had this conversation, so you can talk to your doctor about it? Over and over, for a year, the same handful of conversations. It was horrifying, to have her go from new concepts and ideas all the time, to a skipping record player. She'd been getting better, little by little. Progress. I was relieved. And then my brother committed suicide, and it's new, every few days she calls to talk about it, almost like it's fresh. It tears the wound in my chest open, every time.
My brother, my hero, my defender, the pre adolescent who fought off The Monster with a kitchen knife, the teen who tossed coins into the pool for me to fetch so I'd learn to dive and hold my breath under water, the man who showed up at my house when my father was beating the shit out of me, who held me together when I found out my best friend died, who, in spite of his religion, accepted me as I am to the best of his ability, is dead now. And I get to feel it fresh every three or so days, because my mother feels it fresh, and has to talk to someone about it.
and while all of that is going on, I'm struggling to keep my household floating. I went from only paying half the bills and rent with a roommate, so I had some money left over for groceries and household needs and my cats, to paying everything myself, and having nothing. I went from occasionally needing to ask for help, to begging for comms and donos because I can't work. I went from having almost no seizures to having them regularly again. I could probably light up an EEG pretty easily right now.
and all the while the world outside is burning. There's a genocide in Gaza, but I can't even look at it for more than a few moments because I have to figure out how I'm going to feed my cats. I have to keep working, keep going, find ways to feed myself so I can take my meds. Rest because if I don't I'm going to seize and I won't be able to work. Gently remind my mother that we had that conversation, I'm sad too, I'm hurting too. Attend therapy because if I don't, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to hold on until the fire behind my ribs dies down, and my mother can't take more heartbreak, my cats can't live without me, my friends still need me.
I'm falling apart at the seams, suffering intense grief and the depression and lethargy that comes with it, as well as overwork, intense anxiety, and the gnawing guilt that I'm not doing enough for my family, or the world outside. It feels like I'm burning up every second I stop to take a breath or read a headline.
so. please excuse me if I don't post enough about current events, if I don't express displeasure that a friend is being cruel online, or if I ask for help like I'm drowning without it, because I am. I recognize that I'm privileged enough to have internet access, to not be presently persecuted for my ethnicity or religion or identity, to live near resources that I could hypothetically access. In that sense, I'm blessed. In every other sense? I'm trying to desperately grab a life raft somewhere because I really need the help.
so. give me the grace of not bringing more trouble to my inbox. I'll stop commenting on things that might turn people's attention to me, and strangers... will hopefully let me be.
And to anyone who comes into my ask box telling me to get a job? Pay my medical bills, then we'll talk.
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americanredragger · 11 months
Here's a fun take that ought to get some lively opinions and that I will almost certainly regret expressing at some point in the near and VERY predictable future:
Those jobs belong to, believe it or not, Judges, Juries, and Executioners.
Now, if Police have the guts to actually respond in a timely and out-of-characterly professional manner to a situation where a threat to the life of the officers involved can be confidently anticipated? Fine, bring some pew pew sticks for your own defense.
But regular beat cops and patrol officers should never be so armed, because their duty is to capture and detain criminals for trial — aka, the part with the judge and the jury and which may or may not lead to involving an executioner at a later date, depending on a large and semi-fascinating variety of factors — and that literally only works if the person being detained is, you know, still alive.
Moving the burden from being able to simply claim "well I feared for my life", a passive and emotive statement that cannot reasonably be disproven empirically, to having to demonstrate how they anticipated their life WOULD be in danger, a process grounded in documentable reasoning and evidence, would save SO MANY LIVES.
Does this put police potentially in danger if they respond to a situation that turns out to be beyond the scope of their tools at hand?
But by becoming a Police Officer, you acknowledged and accepted that risk. You've signed that waiver. Risk is part of the game if you wanna wear that badge. That involves accepting that you may die in the line of service. It is a thing that happens, and you were well warned and took the job anyway.
Now, are the Police the truncheon held by the arm of the Capitalist Class? Absolutely. Do they need to be either massively recontextualized for the good of society via significant partial defunding (and diverting those funds to other agencies that are more specialized and better qualified for their tasks, such as EMTs, Firemen, mental health professionals, and social workers), or outright abolished and something else put in their place to ensure and protect the common good? Oh fuck yes. Will taking guns from everyday cops completely eliminate killings resulting from police brutality? Hell no.
But it's a start.
It's doable.
And it reduces harm to communities all over this struggling country immediately.
You want a job with guns? Join the National Guard.
Be part of the "Well Regulated Militia" that is "necessary to the security of a free State" according to the Second Amendment.
Don't become a Cop.
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couldntbedamned · 10 months
Tumblr media
So I created an OC who spoke to Sharon (in her head) during her "regulation" of Extremis in The Phoenix Protocol and after some discussion and prompting in one of my discord servers, came up with the rest of the group.
Sharon Carter | Agent 13 - Great niece of P. Carter
Bartholomew "Barty" Dugan - Grandson of Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan
Bailey Falsworth - Granddaugther of James Montgomery Falsworth
Martin Dernier - Great nephew of Jacques Dernier
Kai Morita - Grandson of Jim Morita
Antoine Triplett - Grandson of Gabe Jones
From an upcoming chapter:
Boss, there appears to be an unregistered guest in the Penthouse.
"Oh, does there?" Tony asked with an annoyed frown. "How the hell did Romanoff break in? She's bio-metrically locked out!" He sighed and glanced at Sharon. "Ready to face the music?"
"We might as well," she said. "It's not as if I can just stay shut away here forever."
They went up to the Penthouse, Tony forming a gauntlet and Sharon pulling a knife (How the hell did she get a knife? Tony wondered.) from somewhere on her person.
When they arrived, it wasn't Natasha - or any of the others - waiting for them at all.
"So, Share-Bear, how's life treating you as someone formerly on the run for committing treason? And by the way, Stark, that was a brilliant defense you argued. I almost shed a tear."
Bartholomew "Barty" Dugan was lounging on one of Tony's sofas, one long leg crossed over the other as if he were the one who owned the Tower. He wore his usual smirk and oh, she wanted to smack it off of his face. He had a smack-able face. He himself owned up to that fact.
Sharon rolled her eyes but Tony immediately switched from looking angry at the intrusion to looking delighted.
"Listen, Mr. Break-and-Enter, I'm going to ignore for a minute that you somehow found a way to bypass all of my security for the time being, because I have something much more pressing to ask." He retracted the gauntlet and turned to Sharon. "Share-Bear? That's your nickname?"
"No," she said firmly just as Barty said "Yes! Yes, it is and she loves it."
"Barty, I hate you," she said to him with a glare.
"She doesn't," Barty assured Tony, standing up and wrapping an arm around Sharon's shoulders. "She adores me, I promise you."
"Stark, listen to me. Do not call me that. Ever." She shrugged Barty's arm off. "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be skulking around the Louvre or Tate Modern?"
"What? I can't visit one of my oldest friends after learning she'd been held captive by aliens?" Barty asked. His expression softened. "The others are worried sick and I'm currently the closest one here without a traditional 9-5ish type job. It's not like Kai can leave the students or Bailey leave the number-crunching to her colleagues."
"And just what is it you do, Mr. Barty, it it?" Tony asked.
"Oh, this and that," he said airily.
"And how exactly did you crack my security?" Tony asked. "I'm impressed."
Sharon snorted out a laugh. "Tony, meet Barty Dugan. When comes to bypassing security, he can run circles around Natasha Romanoff."
"It's a gift," Barty said modestly. "But seriously, Sharon, how are you?"
"Physically, never better," she answered. "All the rest? To be determined."
"And do you have anything to do with that?" Barty asked Stark.
"Which part?" Tony asked back with all the maturity of a toddler.
"Barty, he saved my life. Stand down, Iisus Hristos."
"Ah, now that was Share-Bear here swearing in another language, which is a great way to tell how annoyed she is," Barty explained to Tony, eyes glittering with mischief. "Latvian?" he asked Sharon.
"Romanian," she ground out.
"You should hear her go off in French; it's beautiful."
Tony wasn't sure what to make of the man. It was clear even through his teasing that he cared about Sharon deeply and given that Sharon hadn't stabbed him, she obviously felt the same. He'd have to have FRIDAY run a check on him. And see if he could figure out who "the others" were, given that he had two other names: Kai and Bailey, along with a general idea of their professions.
"I need to get back down to my labs before Dum-E decides to do some spring cleaning with acetone. Are you good up here?" he asked Sharon.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Barty won't hurt me; he knows I'll kick his ass up and down this room."
"From painful experience," Barty added with a sheepish grin.
"You had it coming," Sharon said.
"True," he admitted. "Then again, so did Martin and Kai, though I think Kai eventually grew out of it. Bailey and Tripp always seemed to know better."
"Go on, Tony," Sharon encouraged. "If I feel like I'm about to explode I'll let you know."
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justakitteh622 · 1 year
Future!Donnie x GN!OC
ROTTMNT Future timeline ANGST! It starts with a lot of fluff and very quickly devolves so I hope you’re prepared! There is a bit of fluff at the end as a palette cleanser. You’re welcome <3
I might make this into a series if it’s well received. The next piece will be the story of Donnie and my OC in the present timeline and it’s a rollercoaster.
This is kinda cherry picked from the middle of a larger story, so for context: Soxx is a lynx yokai with owl wings. They are nonverbal but not deaf and use ASL primarily to communicate.
If you’re interested in seeing more from me please let me know! I crave validation :>
“Untie Soxx?!” The comment surprised everyone in the room.
“Uhh Case?” Leo leaned toward Casey Jr. with confusion written all over his face.
“Sorry… uh. I’m Casey. You don’t know me, but I know you from my timeline.” Casey shifted uncomfortably and rubbed his arms for comfort. He was already tearing up, and he hated that this was his reaction. He should have been prepared for this.
Donnie cocked his head curiously, looking from Casey to his partner, Soxx, and back again. Soxx was looking at him for help, advice, information, anything to help, but he had none. The Hamato family had all gathered for New Year’s Eve, and although Donnie had been dating Soxx for months now, this was their first time meeting Casey Jr. Nobody would have guessed that he would’ve recognized them on sight.
“Soxx was in your timeline?” Mikey piped up excitedly, but it didn’t fit the air in the room.
“Yes.” The word stuttered out of Casey’s mouth like it didn’t belong there. Casey shivered and hugged himself tightly. Soxx was starting to get nervous, fidgeting with their wings to self-regulate.
What did they do?
Leo pulled Casey into a hug, only dampening the sound of his choked sobs. By now Donnie was also uncomfortable and took to placing an arm across Soxx’s shoulders lightly squeezing them close.
“Uhh… Casey?” Raph stood from his seat on the couch and apprehensively approached.
“Well…” Casey started, “it’s a sad story. But in a good way?” Now he had everyone’s attention as tears still fell from his cheeks.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Leo’s tone held an air of ‘I will kill anyone who dares to hurt you’.
“I think it might actually be nice to talk about it for once. And… It’s a pretty compelling story.” Casey pulled away from Leo and nodded decisively.
“Yes! Story time!” Mikey flailed energetically on his beanbag, squeezing an armful of blanket.
“Heh…” Casey sniffed, “I’m not the greatest story teller, but I learned from the best.” He glanced warmly at Soxx, putting them much more at ease. “Alright everybody sit. Story time is just better that way. And Raph?”
“Yeah?” Raph smiled kindly at Casey as everyone else found a comfortable spot in the living room to sit.
“Grab the tissues.” Casey’s tone and face were dead serious.
Once tissues, snacks, and drinks were acquired and everyone was comfortable, Casey sat in the middle of the room. Taking a deep breath he began.
“Untie Soxx was a yokai saved by Master Leonardo from a krang attack when I was only a couple years old. Their ability to fly silently seemed incredibly useful, so they began working at the main colony as a scout.”
“A scout huh?” Donnie smirked at Soxx, who was snuggling on his side.
“I keep telling you I’ve been a spy this whole time.” Soxx signed smugly in ASL.
“No interrupting the story!” Leo scolded, pushing his hand into their face.
“One day,” Casey continued silencing the rousing giggles, “Soxx was out patrolling and found a dead krang. Within minutes Master Leonardo and Professor Donatello had arrived at the scene. Master Michelangelo had stayed on base to keep things running, but was on call if they needed assistance.”
“Smart smart…” Leo commented from the sidelines.
“But when Donatello leaned forward to scan the krang’s body, it sprang up to attack!” Gasps rang around the room as Casey mimed the krang coming to life. “Fortunately, Soxx was standing close enough to grab him and take off into the air, saving him from what would have been a very horrible death. Untie Soxx always said that moment is when Dee fell head over heals.”
“Scoff! I do not ‘fall head over heals’.” In response, all three of his brothers, April, and Soxx sent deadpan stares at Donnie, who was getting very flushed very quickly.
“They said it was the look in your eyes and you never protested when they told the story.” Casey smirked at Donnie’s sudden lack of response. “Now then… the three of them killed the krang together. It was already greatly wounded but the fight was still intense. Throughout the battle, Untie Soxx and Uncle Tello were constantly saving each other’s skin. One block here, one swoop there… It was like they were meant to fight together.”
Sparkling eyes fixated on Casey from all around the room. “Of course… I wasn’t there and I’m pretty sure you both exaggerated the story quite a bit.”
“I would never!” Soxx signed defensively.
“They would never!” Donnie echoed, feigning offense.
“What I do believe about that story, is that Soxx had felt surface level adoration for Uncle Tello until that moment when, without question, they valued his life over theirs.” Raph eyes were already watering; he sniffed quietly as Casey went on.
“Uncle Tello was head over heals,” Casey sent a brief glare at Donnie. “and he couldn’t handle that. Master Michelangelo at first told him that it was just a combination of the exhilaration of battle and the isolation of the apocalypse, and maybe he was right. So Donatello buried it: hiding in his work as he often did.”
“He went to great lengths to avoid Soxx entirely even after they were promoted to Lieutenant. “We don’t work well together” he would say, but everyone knew he was lying. This drove a wedge in the war efforts as Donatello’s productivity fell, he refused to go on patrol, and he would often need extra debriefings after missing meetings.”
“Yeah that sounds like D.” Leo commented smugly. His smirk made Donnie roll his eyes.
“Eventually Sensei couldn’t deal with it any longer and forced Uncle Tello to admit his feelings to Untie Soxx or he would tell them himself.”
Soxx and Leo shared a knowing glance. He had done the same thing to Soxx in this timeline.
“So… with some protest, Donatello took Soxx to the rooftop of the colony to watch the sunset. It was both risky and beautiful; certainly not something you see everyday. Apparently,” Casey smiled warmly at Soxx. “you thought Donnie hated you, and were pleasantly surprised at the truth.”
Now Soxx was blushing too, covering their snout with their paws.
“Soxx and Donatello got caught up in the moment and…” Casey coughed and looked away embarrassed. “they had sex on the roof that day.”
“Blech! Ew! I don’t need to hear that many details about my brother.” Leo started making intentional gagging noises. “Why do you even know that?”
“Funny you should ask! They both thought no one knew but… April put a bug on donnie’s battle shell.” Casey stifled a laugh. “The aforementioned bug was hastily turned off when Uncle Tello made a quote “turtle noise” that made Sensei dry heave. They kept the audio as blackmail for years, but never actually used it.”
“Unfortunate. That is fantastic blackmail.” April grinned suspiciously.
“After that, Soxx and Donatello spent almost every waking moment within each other’s sight. That is, until Untie Soxx moved into Uncle Tello’s quarters. Then it really WAS every moment, sleep included.” Casey punctuated his point with a single finger pointing into the air. “That’s how I actually remember them: inseparable. They worked, fought, slept, ate, and even bathed together. Both seemingly afraid the other would die the second they parted. And I don’t blame them… that’s how things were.”
“Yeah, that sounds like them.” Raph shrugged. Soxx sent a death glare at him, but didn’t respond. Casey paused, lost in thought, and for a moment the room was silent.
“I was 7 years old when Untie Soxx lost their wing.” Casey’s statement was blunt, and everyone’s face dropped. Donnie adjusted in his seat, pulling Soxx closer. “They had taken a calculated risk to buy the others some time and suffered the consequences.”
“What happened?” Mikey stated solemnly; he was on the edge of his seat.
“They were grabbed by a krang zombie and thrashed around by their left wing. The wing was unsalvageable but they would have died if Uncle Tello hadn’t jeopardized the mission to rescue them and haul ass back to base.” Casey paused again, taking a deep breath. “Upon returning, Soxx refused to communicate with anyone, even Uncle Tello. Everyone kind of just understood why; it wasn’t quite the same as loosing an arm or leg. It was more like being wheelchair bound. Sensei told me they would never fly again.”
Soxx shifted their wings, somehow needing to remember that they were there.
“Once they were stable and the amputation complete, Donatello left them in the Medbay and locked himself in his lab for over a week. He didn’t open the doors, didn’t accept food or water, and he likely didn’t sleep for more than a few hours total.”
Leo would have said something like “Yup sounds like Dee”, but that point had already been made, and he was deeply invested in this story.
“I was there the day he finally left his lab with a fully functional prosthetic wing.” Again, wide eyes from around the room were fixed on Casey. “It was perfect. It was beautiful. Not a single flaw. It had every bell and whistle you could imagine. Uncle Tello really had done his best, even in the middle of an apocalypse. It was the single greatest piece of technology Donatello ever made… and ever would make.”
Casey wiped a tear off his cheek, noticing briefly that the snacks were now going uneaten.
“He presented his work to Untie Soxx, who was still bedridden, with such pride, admiration, and fulfillment, but he had that manic look in his eye that everyone knew too well. Soxx all but ignored the tech, with their eyes only on him. The first thing Soxx signed after loosing their wing was “You look so tired, baby.” with tears streaming down their face. I committed the moment to memory.”
The room was still. Not a single person dared speak or move. The air was thick with emotion that went completely unspoken. Casey cleared his throat and sniffed away his tears.
“I was just barely 8 when Soxx and Donnie dedicated their lives to each other. Captain Dracum officiated a yokai wedding of sorts which included mystic vows and a binding sigil.” Casey pointed to his wrist, showing where the sigils had been placed. “It was emotional for everyone: a wedding in the apocalypse? Even the great Master Leonardo sobbed unapologetically. It wasn’t the most extravagant wedding, but there was real food, music and dancing… even a pseudo-cake that Master Michelangelo scavenged the ingredients for.”
By this point Donnie and Soxx were completely red and everyone else was grinning ear to ear with wet eyes.
“Did they dress up?” Mikey inquired hopefully, tears welling up expectantly.
“Yeah actually! They did. It was more uh… battle gear then black tie, but Untie Soxx wore a crown made from krang bones and flowers that Uncle Tello grew in his lab. I remember distinctly that they kissed in the air, it was… inspiring to everyone that saw.”
“I would never be so…” Donnie began, but Soxx put a finger over his lips and shut him up immediately. And that was everything anyone needed to know.
“Here was the cool part though! The wedding gave Soxx their own Hamato Ninpo! A wind power complete with force shields and a speed boost while flying!” Casey’s face lit up as he demonstrated the abilities.
“But that would mean…” Donnie trailed off to himself, thinking deeply about the implications that passing on Ninpo would have. Seemingly only Soxx heard because Casey didn’t acknowledge him.
“Soxx continued to fight on the battlefield by Donatello’s side for years. Fighting as one, they aced every mission. I mean they took down live krang on their own! It was incredible. They were rumored to be untouchable… Until they weren’t.” Again Casey filled the room with a sense of dread. This time, a warranted one.
“Like the titanic before them, the unsinkable duo were faced with defeat. Everyone knew the mission was a long shot at best and suicide at worst, but they had gotten confident… no… Cocky. In the end they were victorious but at a high cost. Donatello lost more than a leg that day.” April audibly gasped, sending shivers down everyone’s spines.
“Soxx was in irreparable condition.” Casey went on, “They were conscious but in a great deal of pain and not breathing on their own. Master Leonardo, the primary medic, had them on a ventilator and morphine, (both of which were more than short in supply) but there was nothing they could do to fix all the damage that had been done. I was young, so I wasn’t exactly given the medical rundown, but trust me… it was bad.”
Everyone waited with bated breath for him to continue.
“Sensei was the first to suggest it, and Uncle Tello tried to strangle him for even considering it. Had he not been so badly injured and a brand new amputatee, he may have actually succeeded.” Casey snickered, but it was dull not humorous. “It was terrifying to watch, but I also understood.”
Casey was lost in thought for a moment, seemingly remembering the events.
“Uncle Tello spent several precious days researching different options, procedures that were experimental even before the krang invaded, but he demanded they try. No one dared come between the mighty Donatello and his beloved, but they all knew it was false hope. Even Master Michelangelo wrote down his final words in preparation. They had all accepted it… except Donatello. No one could get through to him, he had made up his mind…” Casey trailed off for emphasis, or maybe it was for himself.
“It was only when Soxx refused to comply that he finally understood. They didn’t want to be poked, prodded, and drugged throughout their final days. They were already being kept alive by machines, and they didn’t want to keep living like that. So… I was 12 when I watched our family say their goodbyes to Untie Soxx.”
“What… what did they say?” Soxx signed apprehensively. It was as if part of them wanted to know, and part of them didn’t.
“Master Michelangelo went first. He had the warmest things to say and promised to visit them in the afterlife through meditation. It was heartwarming and refreshing. I think he was staying strong for the family.” Casey gestured to Mikey, smiling and empathetic. Somehow Mikey felt invaded, like Casey saw right through him.
“Commander O’Neil cried and could only manage a ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t there.’ which Untie Soxx snuffed out with a ‘I’m glad you weren’t.’ but their embrace was touching and it held a thousand words.” April smiled to herself, knowing that likely would be her reaction.
“Sensei tried his best to joke and humor his way out of crying, but to no avail.” Leo chuckled nervously at the thought, though there were tears in his eyes. “Soxx held him as he cried and promised to “haunt his ass” if he ever blamed himself. That was… startling. I hadn’t ever seen him act so immature. It was like he didn’t know how to handle it. I’m still glad I wasn’t old enough to remember Raphael’s death. I’m sure it was worse.”
Raph froze in place, but everyone else nodded silently. Raph’s death would’ve been worse, they all knew that.
“Uncle Tello went last, and signed a long speech. He cried the whole time, kneeling on his one good leg by the bedside. Commander O’Neil knew some sign language but not enough to keep up with him. Master Leonardo and Michelangelo were both fluent, but Sensei turned away out of respect and Michelangelo was too busy wiping his face to see. So it was abundantly clear that Donatello’s speech was for Soxx and only Soxx.” Casey began to cry, tears dripping down his face, but he kept going.
“Except I know sign. I spent my formative years signing with Untie Soxx daily and I’m possibly more fluent than any of them were. Maybe even you guys. So… I watched in legitimate awe as the most deadpan, emotionless, level headed wall crumbled to pieces before me. I cried. I sobbed. How could I not? The speech was beautiful and raw and full of unbridled emotion like I have never seen.” Casey choked down a sob and looked to Donnie, who’s jaw was agape. “You held nothing back.” Soxx watched a tear slide down Donnie’s cheek; he didn’t bother to wipe it away.
“I can still remember every sign of that speech, though I’d dare not try to do it justice.” Casey wiped his face, trying to regulate his breathing.
“After holding each other for a long while, Untie Soxx also said goodbye. It felt… anticlimactic, but then again, how could they possibly follow up that brilliant display? Donatello cried into their chest for hours after their death. Grieving the only thing that kept him sane in that cursed landscape. When he finally left the medbay that day, he was never the same. Professor Donatello was cold, distant, and harsh.”
Casey’s face twisted into something sour, and his audience got the feeling that this story wasn’t over and it was not about to get any happier.
“He spent the first week quote ‘pretending he was dead’ as he called it; which was laying motionless on, what was now only, his bed. After seven days exactly of that, Master Leonardo, Master Michelangelo, and Commander O’Neil intervened. They dragged him out of bed and practically shoveled food down his throat. This wasn’t the first time I had seen them do this, but Donatello had no will to fight them… and that was way scarier.” Casey shivered then continued.
“The next month was spent sending someone to check on Donatello every day, but he was never any better. He didn’t even protest being bothered. He just… laid there and accepted it. Sometimes he would say something out of pocket like ‘Did you know people have actually died of heartbreak? They loose their will to live, but that’s not quantifiable so it’s untreatable.’ or ‘You know it’s really easy to make a nuke. I’ve done it before.’ But that wasn’t out of character, just a little surprising.” Casey shrugged, like it was no big deal, but Raph and Leo shared a worried glance.
“After the first month I wasn’t allowed to visit Uncle Tello’s room anymore. Sensei seemed to think it would be bad for my mental state. So I could only watch from the sidelines. During month two I overheard Master Michelangelo mention solemnly to Master Leonardo that he thought their brother was starting to loose his mind.”
Donnie shifted uncomfortably, like he was sitting on something. He tapped his fingers on his leg rhythmically, and Soxx could tell he was counting his breathing.
“But after three months of Prof. Donatello being out of commission, he finally left his room. He grabbed exactly one cup of black coffee and then wordlessly slipped into his lab. That month was a plateau. Donatello would wake up, get coffee, scarf down a rat or two and disappear into his lab until the next morning. One might think he was doing better, but he had stopped going into his room entirely. Which I assume was because that was their room, not just his.”
Furrowed brows were displayed across the room. This wasn’t even their Donnie, but everyone still carried a heavy burden of concern for his well being. Some of them wondered how Casey managed to carry that burden alone for so long now.
“It was five months in and Donnie hadn’t made a single thing despite spending all his time in his lab. He barely participated in the war efforts and never had any ideas of his own. It was a stark change from his usual… well… past behavior. It wasn’t until the end of the fifth month that he finally started acting somewhat alive again. He started sharing his thoughts during meetings and joining his brothers for meals. It was at that point that he told me to stop calling him Uncle Tello, so he became Professor Donatello again. That hurt, but I understood why. He was only Uncle Tello because Soxx had labeled him that when he carried me around as a kid.”
The air of the living room left no room for jokes or comments. Not a single soul wanted to interrupt or ask questions, even Leo.
“But… despite being somewhat functional again, he didn’t start designing his prosthetic leg until over 6 months after Soxx’s death. Even when it was finished, he often complained about it aching during use or being poorly engineered. He never bothered to upgrade it; he didn’t care enough about it to. Something inside of Donnie was gone, and he was never getting it back. His tech had no more inspiration; no more genius. Even the best designs were carelessly made and buggy.”
“Woah… that doesn’t sound at all like Donnie.” Mikey whispered to himself, but it was so quiet in the room that everyone heard it.
“Yeah. It really doesn’t. He was honestly more of an empty shell at that point.” Casey concurred.
“Haha shell. B-because we’re turtles right Casey?” Leo’s face was dripping with tears and he was shaking. His smile was disingenuous; he kept sniffing and looking around waiting for someone to laugh, but no one did.
“I… I can stop. I’m sorry for dumping this all on you guys…” Casey started to move from his spot, but was interrupted surprisingly by Donnie.
“No!” Donnie sat up hurriedly. His face was still wet from crying a few moments prior, but his expression was serious. “How does it end?”
“Oh! Well…” Casey sat back down and began again. “Donatello kept the prosthetic wing and hung it above the computer in his lab. I once caught a glimpse of him asking Soxx for advice, staring tearfully at the worn tech. He would never create another piece half as stunning even after its years of use.”
“Now I feel challenged.” Donnie smirked, somehow now he didn’t seem nearly as distraught by the story as the rest of his family.
“I was almost 14 when Prof, Donatello went on his last mission. He couldn’t do it anymore. He just… wasn’t himself. Everyone knew, but no one could do anything to help. Untie Soxx was gone, and Uncle Tello was too. So on that battlefield, side by side with his brothers one last time, Donatello sacrificed himself to plug a virus into the techno drome and destroy it completely.”
A series of woah’s and breathy sighs cascaded around the room. Most of them were crying but surprisingly Leo was the most emotional.
“I-I didn’t think Donnie would be the-the one to pull a hero move. Heh. Th-that’s way more Raph’s style.” Leo took a tissue and blew his snout violently. Casey chuckled but ignored him and continued.
“Master Leonardo and Master Michelangelo didn’t mourn him they way they did the others, and it took a month of prying before Sensei finally told me why.” The family exchanged confused gazes, except for Donnie who was a little bit offended.
“The last time Master Michelangelo saw Prof. Donatello; he smiled, a real sincere smile. And Michelangelo saw a blaze of life, of raw ninpo, for the first time since Soxx had died. His last words were “Please let me do this for you.” Donnie wanted desperately to be with his beloved again, and he died for his family, for the world. But even without that, the family had mourned the death of Donatello a year and a half prior. Everything that made Donnie who he was, was buried with Soxx. There was nothing left to mourn.” Casey looked around the room at the tearful eyes staring at him and suddenly felt very apologetic.
“I’m so sorry! That was a lot and it’s a holiday...” Casey sputtered out a few more nothings as Mikey (who had been very uncharacteristically quiet) rose from his seat and approached him. Casey got very anxious very fast, but Mikey put a hand on his shoulder to silence him.
“That was… the best love story I have ever heard.” Mikey’s tone and face showed a deep seated bittersweet warmth.
A dark red flush attacked Casey’s face as he stumbled out a quiet “Thank you so much”
“Although…” Mikey questioned “I did promise to visit them in the afterlife right?” Casey nodded. “Did I ever do that?”
“Yes.” Casey smiled, a real smile this time not one just to comfort his audience. “Two years after Uncle Tello’s death, you thundered into Sensei’s room at like… 2am. With a bright smile and tears staining your face, kinda like right now. You told him what you had seen while meditating. Uncle Tello and Untie Soxx were together again and they were proud. More importantly, they were at peace with the rest of the fallen Hamato.”
Well that did it for Raph because the dam that was keeping back his sobs broke loose, and what was silent tears became full blown bawling. It didn’t take long for a hug pile to collect around Raph to comfort him. This was what Splinter walked into as he left his room.
“M-my sons?!” He rushed over, afraid that something terribly must have happened. And in a way, something did. Raph spoke first.
“It was… and then… Casey said… because… Donnie!… and then Soxx!… And and… and they got married! And then…” Splinter interrupted his blabbering. It was honestly surprising that he caught any of what Raph said, nobody else understood much.
“They’re getting married! Oh! My son! I couldn’t be happier!” A chorus of “uhhh’s and no’s echoed across the room but it seemed Splinter didn’t hear it. He rushed to hug Donnie despite his protesting and very quickly grabbed Soxx by the shoulder, whispering loudly into their ear. “You couldn’t have found someone better? I mean yeesh!”
Soxx growled as the notion, signing angrily in response. Usually Donnie translated for them because splinter didn’t know any sign language, but this time he said: “I’m not translating that. That is my father. Try again.”
So Soxx tried again, this time looking smugly at Donnie. “Nope. Again… my fa-ther.” Donnie pointed at Splinter while drawing out the word.
Soxx rolled their eyes. Signing yet another response. Donnie nodded approvingly. “They appreciate your input but chose me, the superior son and wouldn’t change a thing.
“That is not what they said.” Leo snickered to no one in particular. “Glad y’all are getting married though.” Leo had a shit eating grin that made Donnie’s blood boil.
“We are not…” Donnie paused his rage mid sentence, glancing first at his dad in front of him. Splinter was starry eyed and giddy with a smile that could cure cancer. Then Donnie looked at Soxx who was curled in his arms. They blushed at the eye contact, but nodded approvingly. Donnie rethought his statement, and mentally re-arranged his plans for the future.
“Yeah… I knew you guys would be stoked.”
5 notes · View notes
stinkywormynoob · 4 months
WUM cinematic cutscene script VS Google translated 30 times
original (I wrote it down myself)
Ahh, um. Yes, come in, class. Take your seats, please. Okay, class, in a change from my scheduled lesson we are going on a field trip. We are going to closely inspect some of the new developments that the enemy has under construction. Alright, pay attention, and make sure you take some notes. Now… We are going to venture deep into enemy territory, and inspect their new technologies and weapons. The area is hostile and will be overrun with enemies… Like this one! Oh, um, no, not like that… Like this one, yes, that's better. Do not be afraid though, if we are approached by any enemies… BANG BANG BANG! We deal with them, okay? Hmm, ahh, yes! And one more matter of importance: we must not fail! No, no! Failure will shatter my reputation! Okay? And, I will make sure that does not happen! Understood? Yes? Good. Now regiment dismissed! Oops, I mean class dismissed.
Okay, make sure you buckle up, it's time for a quick exit! Quick, before those enemy agents get hold of us! Initialise Time Shift! Hold on tight, this may well be a bumpy ride! There we go, gently does it. Right, everybody out. Right then, this should be… Yikes! What the? Wow! Okay, course of action: run!
Well, something's taken out our navigational controls. Things are going to get a little bumpy. Hmm, that is not supposed to do that. Please make sure your tray tables are stored away, your seats are in the upright position and prepare for a crash landing! Hmm… No! Right, now we have a little problem. Not only is the navigational panel completely destroyed, but we are out of fuel. And to make matters worse, this thing can only run on pure liquid gold. Ahh, yes, I wonder if that fellow knows where we could get some gold?
Come back here, you thieving varmints! Wait till I get my hands on you! Wow! Argh! Aaahhh!
Excellent work, we have enough fuel to make sure we can get home. We still do not have any navigation however. Ahh, yes, if only I could find a new space time navigation balance device. Um, sorry… Unfortunately it has to be made of pure diamond. Maybe we should land and think of something to do?
Ahh, guards, quickly! Ali Baboon is making off with my jewels! I will reward anyone who returns with my gems and brings me that charlatan!
Hmm, well, what a stroke of luck. Come on then, let's get after that thief and get those gems back.
Okay, this shouldn't take long. Just need to realign the quasi-spectral time analyzer, or is that the power induced time flow regulator. Ah, no, of course. I need to re-gleam the cube based power cells…
Dear Professor Worminkle, it is with regret that we have to cease your current research funding grant. We feel that the money will be better used at out currently under construction research laboratory. Thank you for all the research you have done, but it is no longer needed. Yours sincerely, the Government.
Oops, how did that get there? Hmm, machine's fixed, let's get home. There we go, home sweet home. Okay, everybody out and please take all litter with you. Well, class, a successful field trip, I am sure you'll agree. Of course, now you know too much about my predicament. You will never have a chance to grass on me! Yes, that's right, I used you! I used you to save myself! Ahahahaha! I am sure however that you will have a happy life here. Now, if you excuse me, I need to be getting back! No! Huh? What the? Why you little! Give me them back, now! Aaahhh! Hmm? My time machine is ruined! Still, nothing I cannot fix.
Google translated
Oh, I thought so. OK, let's move on to teaching. Find a location. Well the class has started, we will let you know when the class starts. Check out what your competitors are up to. So listen and write. Now… go deep into the enemy village to see their new equipment and weapons. This enemy seems to be the enemy we need to control… Great! No, no… Yes, of course. Don't be afraid when approaching the enemy… Loud bang! Do we work together? Lord, forgive me! This is very important - you can not miss it! It is not! ! is it good Of course not! Look, now the law of the land has been destroyed! Sorry, class is cancelled.
Enjoy the work! Hurry before the enemy agents catch! Start changing the climate! Remember that driving can be difficult! We did a little work here. And everything else. Now you have to eat…! Shu loses Ryu in Woof Good: Run!
Yes, someone clicked the subscribe button. Please be patient with this issue. Oh, I don't know why. Clean the floor, sit comfortably, and you're ready to go! Yes, again! Of course, we have some problems now. There is no full fuel on the side of the boat. Heat can also open things up. Hello, does this person know where our gold is?
The biggest thief! I will wait! Ah, yes! AT!
Well, delicious food, ready. I never saw him again. Yes, this is the new Space Nav scale. Well, sorry…should have been diamond fire, unfortunately. Maybe we should go downstairs and see what's going on?
Oh, hurry! But the dog stole my jewels! There is a huge reward for anyone who finds a gem and sells it to me!
Hello, good luck. called a thief.
Well, maybe it's too late. Analysis of the half-life spectrum or flow meter to obtain the half-life rate. This is very good. I want to start with a strong battery…
Professor Warminkle, I regret to inform you that we are no longer funding research. It is expected that the funds will go to the establishment of a research institute. Thanks for watching, but that's it. According to the government
Wow, how did I get here? Well done, let's go. We are at home, our beautiful home. So let's remove that barrier. Well, good luck and success, I agree. I know you know a lot about my problem. You can't follow me! Yes, it's up to you! No need to run! Haha! But I hope he has a happy future ahead. Please, I will come back! No! It's a chicken, what about my son! Come back to me now! AT! My watch broke! I can't fix it.
0 notes
tolerateit · 9 months
Put this down as the fastest this government has agreed on anything. It only took a day, and they agreed to change the laws to get off easy despite cancer patients dying from the shit they've been pulling. It's basically a two party system but both parties are two sides of the same coin, so they gotta protect each other at the expense of the rest of the country and its citizens.
Anyway, I'm so so so sick of this and all the other updates I've shared with you so I'm just gonna say it, this is MK. In a European shithole that's been trying to join the EU for like two decades now. Funny, right? The EU has laws and regulations and shit like this will (hopefully?) not fly. I think changing this law might be the last straw, so they can make the last necessary changes to the constitution next year after elections and we can finally join. Hundreds of thousands have been migrating away in the last decade because it's such a shithole. The moment we join, this place will pretty much empty out and honestly, it's what these politicians deserve. Not to have anyone even picking up their shit. Literally. Should hopefully happen in a few more years although at this rate, everyone might leave even before then.
TO THINK I used to dream about working in politics and diplomacy and fixing this country up! And pursuing world fucking peace?! You know what I had back then? The audacity lmao
I grew up and realized I don't wanna ass kiss any one of these rotten walnuts for brains to do anything in life, and I certainly don't want to take part in their various criminal activities (which are mandatory if you do join, and joining is mandatory to get pretty much any job here. Or even open up your own business, because they'll find a way to shut you down if you don't help them out in whatever way they see fit).
Like, can you even grasp that I only have digestive issues with the dairy products here, but I'm perfectly fine whenever I consume any of them outside of the country? I certainly can't, like what's the difference? what are they putting in it here that's making me ill? God knows what's in the rest of the food at this point.
I made a meme a few years ago, we had our own situation of a model on stage saying the country's name in a funny way like that girl did with France. I saved a screenshot of it and captioned it with the name and everything because it was funny. I've now been using it as a reaction pic on a daily basis. Any time anyone tells me anything negative, I'm like, you know what, yes that sucks, but you know what else? That's just how things are here and nothing and no one can change them, and then show them the meme. At least it gets a smile in any shitty situation.
I was wondering why it's this specific event that's triggered me so much and I found out after hearing the news about the law. My husband's been having health issues all year. It took over 30 doctors and exams and god knows what else just to get an official diagnosis. A bunch of devices for exams haven't been working for months, all across the country no less, so you gotta pay out of pocket at a private clinic that has a working one. All this because most of the good doctors have already left. And you also gotta pay out of pocket at those private clinics to talk to doctors now too, because if there are any good ones left, they're working there because it's less stressful and operates better post covid. And pays a bit more, but mostly it functions better. Thank god we've been able to afford it (freelance ftw!) There were three good ones in that process: the one that recommended the last one, an unrelated one that said your issues aren't from this organ, you can be 100% sure of that, and that last one that gave the diagnosis. And we know it's correct because I haven't seen a single complaint about that doctor on any forum. I don't think all the others we went to really even have brains, someone must have finished their schools for them given what they said and recommended. And I know that much with my degree in English. But imagine being so horrible that you literally let patients die so you can make more money?! When most of them are already poor so they resort to selling everything they own just for the chance to spend more time with their loved ones?! And you're already in one of the highest paid fields here?! On top of everything, people can't even speak up or out about it because corruption and politics run so deep they immediately threaten job loss for you and your family too. I wanna set this place on [redacted] and watch the aftermath calmly as they did to a makeshift covid hospital a couple of years ago. And I mean that literally. That's a whole other story where "no one is at fault" because they can play it that way.
God I hope this is the last time I send you one of these. But I already read some superficial reports earlier today of new fucked up issues being uncovered so I guess no dice. I hope someone protects the journalists, if this keeps going on they'll have it worse because evidence shows these politicians aren't above literal murder to get their way.
sorry for clogging up your ask box with all this, and as I always appreciate you for listening <3
you don't have to apologize at all, it is of course infuriating that these things continue to happen all across the world but it is so important that people stay angry about them! And talk about them!!! Health especially is such an important domain to navigate because it puts SO MANY lives at risk I hate that this is happening
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mandos-mind-trick · 10 months
Yooo thanks for the ask anon!!! I'm gonna put this under a read more since this is gonna get long lol.
Let's learn some stuff about my favorite girl Lexa:
💐 - Their favorite plant/flower
I don't know much about Star Wars plants so I'm gonna use irl ones. Lexa is a plumeria girl. She loves the look of them and the bright, vibrant colors.
🌼 - Assign them an aesthetic
Lexa would definitely lean into the pastel goth aesthetic. A little dark and grungy, but still plenty of color and cuteness. Definitely fits her personality. She's such a sweetie but she will kick ass when she needs to.
🤦‍♀️- Something that continues to embarrass them to this day
Funny story, Lexa wouldn't think so, but during her initiate trials she tripped and fell while trying to show her lightsaber technique. She recovered and managed to finish unscathed, but that moment still haunts her. (Little does she know that's when Papa Plo decided he wanted her as his Padawan)
💢 - How do they handle being annoyed?
Lexa is usually the one being annoying so her getting annoyed...it has to be pretty bad. You have to push her pretty far and she does have a bit of a temper due to her perfectionist nature. When things don't go the way she wants them to, or they way they should, she can get a little snappy and mean. She feels bad afterwards (mostly) and will apologize, usually after a reminder from Master Plo.
🐕 - Favorite animal?
Porgs. Definitely Porgs. They're just so cute with those big, sweet eyes. She wants to snuggle one just once in her life.
🥘 - Favorite food?
Anything sweet. Cakes, pastries, candy. She loves it. She has a major sweet tooth and definitely hasn't been caught hiding in closets helping herself to extra sweets when she shouldn't be.
🌹 - Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike?
Do Jedi use perfume? I don't see why they couldn't. I imagine she'd like something with a fruity undertone. Probably not super overwhelming but something sweet and subtle. Of course, when the war starts she's sort of stuck using whatever is GAR issued and regulation so most of it is probably unscented, but at the temple she definitely keeps some nicer smelling things.
😱 - Their biggest fear
Losing the ones she cares about. Her friends, her Master, even the clones. She cares deeply, even though she knows she's not supposed to. She's naturally inclined to be a healer so she has this need to try and save as many lives as she can, almost to a fault. She'll beat herself up sometimes if she can't save someone or if someone gets hurt because of her.
🎳 - Do they have any hobbies? If yes, what are they?
She's a prankster. She loves playing innocent pranks and jokes on anyone in her vicinity. Wolffe is a common target, mostly because he's fun to annoy and he won't really do anything to get back at her (he's too soft for his little pup). She also loves learning. She loves reading and researching and learning as much about different planets and cultures as she can.
👤 - Do they enjoy being alone, or do they thrive around people better?
Lexa is definitely more of an extrovert. She loves being around others and spending time with people close to her. She does like her alone time, but she'd much prefer to be around others.
🤝 - Are they good with people? Are they able to get along with people and communicate effectively with the people around them?
Yes. Lexa loves people and she's very likable, even when she's being annoying. Plo likes to think some of it is his doing and him rubbing off on her, but she's definitely good with diplomacy and she's just such a caring soul it's hard not to like her. She's hardest on herself, especially when it comes to others so she always tries to do her best and be liked by everyone.
🍁 - Their favorite season and why?
She'd be a spring girlie for sure. The colors, everything in bloom, the rain, the warm air. She loves the idea of reawakening after winter and seeing everything begin to regrow and the life return to everything.
She's so sweet I just love Lexa so much. Thank you for asking again, this was fun!!
0 notes
ga-yuu · 2 years
Sutokuin/Akihito Main Story Chapter 14
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Chapter 13
-----Part 1------
Kuge: "You're misunderstanding! I was just doing this for your own good!"
(Tch, he's still trying to make excuses...)
Akihito-sama's eyes narrowed sharply.
Akihito: "You don't seem to understand."
Akihito: "Only I, the King of Curses, am allowed to commit atrocities."
Akihito: "Not just Kyoto....but to the whole world."
No Kotodama was used, but still the heavy and oppressive pressure is placed on my shoulders.
And the noble, with his head down, is also trembling.
(Akihito-sama....also looks serious)
Little boy: "Ah Umm.."
It was the little boy who broke the tense silence.
Akihito: "What is it?"
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Little boy: "....are you god?"
Akihito: "God?"
He asks in a trusting manner and I pat his little back that was freaking out.
The boy then looked up at me and then started to speak again, as if he had made up his mind.
Little boy: "My dad used to say that until the tax suddenly went up. He said life has gotten easier for everyone these days."
Akihito: "........"
Little boy: "The man next door, who had lost his job, was happy that his boss had given him a job to build a dyke on the river."
Little boy: "The women who were selling themselves because they didn't have money are now safer than they were before because of the new rules and regulations."
Akihito: "......Little kids must not say things like that. Selling themselves just to survive is not working."
Akihito: "It's the fault of those who allow the environment to be like that."
Akihito-sama melancholily exhales.
Little boy: "We were all talking about how the nobles couldn't suddenly become good people, so maybe it could be a God."
Kuge: "Tch...."
The noble glares at the boy hatefully, but he is turned down by a warning from Akihito-sama.
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Akihito: "I'm the opposite of God."
Little boy: "But...."
Akihito: "You may go now. I'll make sure your father gets out of jail"
Little boy: "Really!?"
The little boy's face lit up.
Little boy: "Thank you. Thank you so much! Big brother is a god after all."
Little boy: "Big sis too. Thank you for saving me earlier."
Yoshino: "Your welcome. Be careful on your way home!"
After seeing the small figure running away.
(At least for that child, Akihito-sama is god)
I suddenly remembered that when I was in Kamakura, Akihito-sama offered a helping hand to a little bird that I could not save.
(What happened to Ruri? Did he already release her?)
It has been stuck in the bottom of my mind ever since I met Akihito-sama again, but I missed the opportunity to ask him.
(No, actually I was probably scared. That was a precious memory for me)
I didn't want to think that even the kind look he had when he looked at Ruri was a lie.
Akihito: "Sorry for being late, Yoshino. Are you okay?"
------Part 2------
Akihito: "Sorry for being late, Yoshino. Are you okay?"
Yoshino: "Y-Yes....thank you for coming."
(I mean, I thought he would scold me for running away....)
(What should I say now? Now that Ibuki is not here)
But despite my impatience, Akihito-sama is looking at me with concern.
Before I could say anything on top of it, he suddenly took my arm.
Akihito: "....This red hand mark."
Yoshino: "Oh...."
There was a mark on my wrist that had been forcibly pulled by the noble earlier.
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Akihito: "...."
Without warning, Akihito-sama touched the neck of the noble casually.
------When I looked down, he didn't have the bracelet on his left wrist.
Akihito: "Stop breathing"
Kuge: "Nn...Nn...."
The noble who can no longer breathe freely struggles with his hand on his throat.
Akihito: "It's a survival order, but it works pretty well."
Akihito: "People with fragile wills like you would be better off without power. Even for those around you."
(He'll die if no one stops him!)
Yoshino: "Stop! Please stop!"
I rushed to Akihito-sama and strongly wished for it.
My palm started getting hot and I saw golden balls of light rising....
Akihito: "-----That's stunning, fox princess."
The fact that the different skills have been successfully drawn out is evidenced by the silver hair that sways at the edge of my vision.
(Thank god, this happened after the little boy left....)
Kuge: "Please....haa....haa....."
The noble, freed from Kotodama, coughed violently and backed away.
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Akihito: "I told you I love her like crazy, but maybe your ears were just decoration?"
Kuge: "....No. I just didn't recognize her!"
Akihito: "So that means you're blind as a bat. Even your big mouth doesn't help. Maybe I should shut you down completely."
Kuge: "No...I was just trying to help her get out of here....."
Akihito: "I hope it was. It's heartbreaking to cut down on something, even if it's useless."
The teary-eyed noble is huffing and puffing in fear.
(I'm glad, he didn't kill him for the time being....)
As if on a whim, Akihito-sama pointed to the floor ahead.
Akihito: "The floor is all muddy."
Kuge: "Ah yeah....the someone sprayed water just now."
Akihito: "I'm taking her home. Do you think it's pleasant to have her feet covered in mud?"
Akihito: "What are you going to do about it?"
-----Part 3-----
Akihito: "I'm taking her home. Do you think it's pleasant to have her feet covered in muddy?"
Akihito: "What are you going to do about it?"
Kuge: "Eh? Ah...."
Yoshino: "No! I don't mind."
Kuge: "No wait."
The noble impatiently takes off his haori that had his family crest and lays it on the muddy ground.
Then Akihito-sama wore the most beautiful smile.
Akihito: "You could have taken a board or something and put it down, but this is fine too."
Akihito: "Come Yoshino."
The moment he pulled me, I found myself floating.....
I realized he was carrying me in his arms.
Yoshino: "Put me down, please. I can walk on my own."
Akihito: "Sorry, but I can't do that."
Passing by the stunned noble, Akihito-sama steps on his haori without any hesitation and walks away.
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Akihito: "This is still something, I don't want Yoshino to step on anyway."
The figure was ruthless and graceful to the point of being out of this world.
Akihito-sama made me sit in the ox cart and sat down in front of me.
Akihito: "You're such a bad girl to run away like that."
Yoshino: "Sorry...I don't mean to run away."
Akihito: "Just kidding. Ibuki I know you're here. Come out."
When Akihito-sama calls out to the outside the ox cart....
Ibuki: "What? You noticed?"
The curtain was lifted from the other side and Ibuki peeked in without a hint of offence.
Yoshino: "No! Where have you been all this time?"
Ibuki: "I was watching you."
Akihito: "So you're saying that you knew I was coming, then you disappeared without any warning leaving her just like that?"
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Ibuki: "Have you ever heard a demon saving the princess?"
(That's why you left me there!?)
Yoshino: "I was scared you know!"
Ibuki: "Your scared face was really cute to look at."
Akihito: "Now, Ibuki."
The calmly scolding Akihito-sama is like a different person than he was a moment ago.
Akihito: "I understand your feeling, but you shouldn't be mean."
Ibuki: "You're the same. You act all classy, but when push comes to shove, you're an egomaniac."
Akihito: "Because I was born bad."
After making a quick bad joke, Akihito-sama points a finger at Ibuki.
It was strange that even such gestures felt noble.
Akihito: "As punishment, you take the noble to prison."
Akihito: "You will have to interrogate him and decide what to do."
Ibuki: "Annoying."
Ibuki: "You're the only person in over a thousand and two hundred years of life who would try to bully a demon king, Akihito."
------Part 4-----
Ibuki: "You're the only person in over a thousand and two hundred years of life who would try to bully a demon king, Akihito."
Akihito: "Keep up the good work so can give you more work in the future."
After a light banter, Ibuki leaves with a pout.
As the ox cart began to move gently, Akihito-sama turned to me with a wry smile.
Akihito: "I wouldn't recommend taking that demon's sweet advice."
Akihito: "To be honest, I don't find it funny when you're swooned by a sweet-talk from someone other than me."
(....As usual, I can't understand if you really mean what you say)
Akihito: "If you're going to run away again anyway, I think a glamorous city or a beautiful flower field would be more appropriate for you than this place."
Yoshino: "That's not my goal. I didn't run away to see something beautiful."
Akihito: "Then?"
Yoshino: "Don't you know? I'm talking about Akihito-sama."
There is no chance of winning if I keep on this word game.
That's why I cut to the chase frankly and waited for a response.
Akihito: "Oh. What did you wanna find out?"
Yoshino: "..........."
Yoshino: "Akihito-sama's rule is undeniably oppressive, at least to the upper echelons of the Imperial Court."
Yoshino: "But you were a savior to....people who know nothing."
Akihito: "It just happens. The masses are desperate for the illusions they want to see at any given moment."
Yoshino: "If you didn't care about your people at all..."
Yoshino: "You wouldn't have lightened the tax, given employment opportunities, and also create a happy environment for them."
Akihito: "............"
Yoshino: "If Akihito-sama wants a people-friendly government, how can he run the Imperial Court in that way?"
Yoshino: "Even the threats you made today were a bit much, weren't they?"
(Yes, that noble was a terrible person, but Akihito-sama was too unforgiving)
Akihito: "When you pull the fangs out, you might as well do it thoroughly."
Akihito: "If I let up, these people are ready to eat us alive."
Yoshino: "But....is it okay for Akihito-sama to remain feared and hated by people all the time?"
Akihito: "I don't care about things like that."
Akihito: "I want to be the very terror of the Hinamoto people."
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Akihito: "I want to be a thing that's is horrible like a demon....crueler than a human and that no one understands."
Yoshino: "Such a way of life..."
At the end of the hesitation, a few words spilled out.
It's sad...
You can't be happy (+4/+4)
Yoshino: "You will never be happy."
Akihito: "If you don't know happiness from the start, it's not something you want to become."
Yoshino: "....Why do you think like that?"
Akihito: "It's a question I don't want to answer."
Yoshino: "-----Then let's play our game."
The instinct was mastered not to back down here.
Akihito: "You're being reckless, you've lost so cruelly last time and still haven't learned your lesson?"
-----Part 5-----
Akihito: "You're being reckless, you've lost so cruelly last time and still haven't learned your lesson?"
The soft tone of his voice is still intact, but a dangerous sex appeal is evoked.
Akihito: "Oddly enough, the setting is the same as last time, in an ox cart."
Yoshino: "So are you going to use the same Kotodama, like that time?"
Akihito: "More humiliating to lose the same way huh?"
Provocations are returned with provocations, which are very unlikely to be fulfilled in a battle of words.
Akihito: "Then let's make it quick then."
Akihito: "St---"
Akihito: "Nn..."
I quickly took Akihito-sama's hand and bit his fingertips before he could finish his words.
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Yoshino: "If you think about it, I too can disrupt your concentration with my different power."
Akihito: "........"
The slitted eyes widened slightly reflecting me.
Akihito: "----I see."
Akihito: "Haha....I must try hard to not get agitated."
Akihito: "You're a dangerous woman for me."
(.......! Why are you smiling like that?)
Heat ripples and shimmers in eyes reminiscents of deep blue lakes.
(Maybe I've done something irreparable)
(But I can't and won't turn back)
Yoshino: "So, I won right?"
Akihito: "Yes. I admit, I lost."
Akihito: "As you wished, let's talk about my past for some time."
Yoshino: "-----Yes. Please."
Akihito-sama quietly kissed the mark on his finger, where I bit him earlier.
He then continues with a few words.
Akihito: "Do you remember when I told you about the curse I got from my father?"
Yoshino: "....Yes."
(At the time, I didn't think that Akihito-sama was royality)
Akihito: “When my mother was pregnant with me, my father put a curse on me.”
Akihito: “It was said to have been an out-of-this-world curse, with extensive rituals and inhuman offerings.”
------FLASHBACK ENDS------
(Now that I think about it, such a ceremony was possible because Akihito-sama's father was a powerful man---the emperor of the time)
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Akihito: "My father often derided me, calling me 'Uncle' (叔父子)."
Yoshino: "Uncle?"
(What do you mean)
Akihito: "There was an open secret whispered in the court at the time."
Akihito: "I am not the son of my father, the Emperor Toba, and my mother, but a sign of the iniquity of my great-grandfather, Emperor Shirakawa, with whom my mother had a secret affair."
Akihito: "If I am the son of Emperor Shirakawa, then I am an uncle to my father, right?"
Yoshino: "That's...."
Akihito: "Is it horrible?"
I stared in dismay at the arc of Akihito-sama's red lips.
Akihito: "One of Hinamoto's noblest blood had such ugliness from the start."
Chapter 15
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ice-emperor-zane · 2 years
Just A Small Glitch In His Code chapter 4 is up!!!!! Chapter 1 is here, and chapter 4 is also readable below
“I don’t understand, you died, Zane, he absolutely destroyed you-” she said, trying to remain calm.
“That is true” the annoyingly courteous sounding voice began
“but like your friend Zane here, I didn’t stay dead forever. And for that, I have to thank him, for he was essential in my return. The scroll of forbidden spinjitzu causes such corruption and madness that his own thoughts generated my code, among his other worst fears.”
Pixal paused before replying, trying not to think about how bad that must’ve been for Zane, trying not to think about how it felt when the Overlord corrupted her too.
“So, you’re not the original Overlord. You are a copy made up by someone who was deranged and corrupted, someone who hadn’t seen you in decades.” She hoped she sounded like she understood better than she did.
“Admittedly yes, I am not the first Overlord. I am simply the product of your friend’s nightmares, and your friend’s mind was far more susceptible to those nightmares taking over while his mind was already consumed by grief for Miss Nya Smith, though it doesn’t make too much of a difference, don’t you think?”
She didn’t respond.
“Pixal I believe we got a bit side-tracked. I was offering you a deal to spare this body i'm inhabiting, right? In exchange for you giving me access to your own mind. Mr Julien here has outworn his usefulness, you have not.”
“And you expect me to do what would be most useful to you?” She said scathingly.
“If you’d like to save him” he said with a little laugh.
“Would this cause Zane’s memories to return and remove all traces of your virus?” She said cautiously.
“Better than he’s ever been. I’ll let you think, hm?”
Pixal knew the right answer, the logical answer, would be to unplug Zane, cutting off Overlord’s access to the ninja base’s systems. The virus would die out within him, unable to spread beyond Zane. Just like old times, Zane and Overlord would die fighting eachother.
But how could that be the right answer? Why did the right answer always end up being ‘sacrifice the most important people in your life’? No. She couldn’t let Zane suffer any more.
But she couldn’t believe she was considering this. Lloyd would tell her she shouldn’t, he should be back soon. Where is he? Surely somebody noticed she and Zane were missing?
Oh wait, she locked the elevator. They had upgraded the base after Aspheera’s break-in, it is now effectively a nuclear bunker. Even if someone had noticed, nobody was coming to help, and nobody was going to stop her.
Well, on the bright side, it took years to take control of Zane’s brain, perhaps her sacrifice would give everyone years to figure out how to stop Overlord.
Time to make the illogical choice. She smiled slightly, remembering how her dad had said that in all 16 versions of Pixal there were unfixed issues with emotional regulation and impulsivity, perhaps this is what he had meant by that.
“I accept.”
She unplugged the cables connecting Zane to the systems one by one then held up the wire that would be used to transfer Overlord, a thick red wire, and hesitated for a moment.
“Why am I useful to you?” She asked.
“In all truthfulness, as Ice Emperor, Zane often talked about his ‘Empress’ and how he needed her. Vex presumed it was an eccentric name for the staff. At first I passed it off as a delusion caused by the very same corruption that made me, but when he was reunited with you I realised, you are his Empress, dear Pixal. And if the power-oriented host from which I came thinks you are essential, then there must be something about you. Perhaps it's out of pure curiosity, but I’d like to see and perhaps obtain whatever power it is you possess that made he who controls all consider you so special.”
Pixal’s hands were shaking, this couldn’t be true right? She wasn’t sure why she asked, did she expect one of ninjago’s greatest villains to be truthful?
“I’d consider it a bonus for you too, Pixal. The fact that you’re considering sacrificing yourself makes me think you also don't know what could make anyone consider you special. You may be clearly doing this for your friend, but it's not a complete loss for yourself either. We shall both be learning about you.”
She decided it was simply unfair that the Overlord was so eloquent and convincing, and promptly plugged the cable into the back of her neck.
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yutahoes · 3 years
‘Mark me in your heart’
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This was supposed to be my birthday special for Mark but a lot of things happened so this came out late. 😅 This is in connection to my Sakura series and requested by @cosmiclatte28​ 
characters : babysitter! Mark Lee, Yuta, Yuta’s wife, Cherry, Jae, the girl Mark likes
word count : 2k words
genre: fluff
summary : Cherry and Jae tried to help Mark with the girl he liked. 
warnings : Mark being bullied by two kids and their dad
a/n: I didn’t use Y/N here to avoid confusion and sorry for the endless conversations.  
Mark tapped his foot along the concrete of the front of the Nakamoto household’s door. Maybe it will be Yuta who would open the door for him since he was the one who asked him to come. Maybe Jae since he liked visitors so much or even Cherry, when the other three are focused on what they usually do. So it was a surprise when his hyung’s wife opened the door for him, “Hi Mark,” she greeted, opening the door wide for him. “Thank you for agreeing to babysit.” 
He shook his head. He had nothing to do anyway. And it’s fun spending time with the two kids. They both stopped in the living room of the house seeing the youngest in the household jumping on the couch, next to his dad. The older girl visibly sighed as Cherry can be seen on another chair, reading a book. “Mom is already angry.” She warned but Yuta kept jumping on the squeaking couch making Jae giggle. 
The guest shook his head at the visible annoyance of the woman beside him. “I swear I’m taking care of three kids.” She whispered before calling Yuta’s name and giving him a glare. 
“We really should have bought the trampoline,” he said, jumping on the couch then landing on the floor. “Hi, Mark. Thanks for agreeing to this.” 
“No problem, hyung.” he whispered while bumping their fist together. Jae did the same, bumping fists with Mark, before returning to jumping on the couch that made Cherry roll her eyes. “I hope the check-up goes well.” 
Cherry put down her book on the table. “Can’t I really not come, eomma?” She asked, pouting at her mom. “I want to see the baby.” She whispered before touching the older’s stomach bump. 
The older woman shook her head, smiling at her. “We talked about this, right? We can come and see the baby later.” Cherry nodded that made her giggle then kissed the top of her head. “Don’t give Mark samchon a hard time.” Cherry nodded before kissing her on the cheek. “Jae.” The youngest boy went down the couch and kissed his mom’s cheek. “Behave yourself.” 
“Can you buy me ice cream when you get back?” Jae asked that made his mom shake her head. He turned to Yuta who only nodded, making his wife hiss at him. “Also buy donuts for noona, she likes chocolates.” Yuta chuckled, nodding at him. “Mark samchon likes watermelons and buy apples for the baby, appa.” 
“I swear you’re more pregnant than your mom.” Yuta joked before giving him a kiss on the top of his head. “Jae, no playing with anything flammable. And Cherry…” 
“Yes dad, I know where the fire extinguisher is.” 
Mark laughed. They’re a weird family. The couple bid farewell, again thanking Mark for looking after the two kids. He even heard Yuta apologizing although he doesn’t know why. Jae kept on jumping on the couch, Cherry lying on the small chair and still reading her book. 
“Appa said you shouldn’t read against the light, noona.” Jae warned in between huffing breaths. 
“And eomma will scold you if you keep jumping on the couch.” she claimed before flipping the page of her book, “Are you a monkey?” 
Jae huffed and sat on the couch with a pout. “I swear you two are just like your parents.” The two kids made a disgusted expression, Jae explaining that they’re always hugging each other while Cherry claimed that Jae doesn’t shower so she doesn’t want to hug her brother. Mark only laugh at that. 
“Samchon, don’t you have anything else to do today? It’s Saturday.” the younger boy asked and Mark shook his head, asking Jae what he wants to do while sitting next to him. “I’m a little tired. Can we just sit down?” Totally weird. 
Cherry closed her book with a loud thud that made the two look at her. “Samchon, don’t you have a girlfriend?” Jae started bouncing on the couch, asking him repeatedly if he is seeing someone. Really, what’s wrong with these two? Mark shook his head. “Do you want me to introduce you to someone? My art teacher...” 
“My Math teacher is pretty.” Jae stopped Cherry on her words then smiled as if proud of what he did. Mark just chuckled when the older glare at her brother. “She’s also hot.” 
“Hot? Do you know what that means?” 
“Pretty? Appa calls eomma that.” Mark shrugged. “Do you like someone, samchon?” A smile crept up Mark’s lips then masked it with a cough. “You do? Noona is good with love stuff. Appa comes to her for help.” 
Cherry looked sideways with a smile on her lips that looks very much like her dad’s. They’re becoming too alike. "So who is this girl, samchon?" the girl asked, book forgotten on the table. 
Mark sighed before leaning on the couch, the two kids on both his sides listening attentively. "She works in the coffee shop opposite the office building." 
"Have you talked to her?" Jae asked. 
"Did you ask for her name?" Cherry chimed in. 
"I ordered coffee from her. And her name is written on the name tag." Cherry whispered that he's no fun and Jae just scoffed at him. "I just find her pretty. Like a crush." 
Again, Jae laughed. "All girls are pretty. That was what appa says." Wow, Mark thought, he didn't know Yuta is that romantic. "You should talk to her. Cherry noona can help you." 
He does want to strike up a conversation with her and not the usual 'I'll get a watermelon shake' or 'My name is Mark'. He wanted to know her name and what she likes for coffee. "You can help me?" 
The younger girl smirked then lightly coughed. "The first step is to get her flowers." But he doesn't know what flowers she liked. And isn't it awkward? They haven't talked before and giving her flowers will be too much. "Pink roses are good, they mean admiration." 
"How do you know these about the flowers?" Mark lightly glanced at Jae who just shrugged, whispering that it's a girl thing. "Pink roses. Got it." 
"Then ask her out for a date." Jae claimed. 
"That quickly?" 
"It can be a dinner or movie," Cherry noted. "But samchon, don't ask her for coffee. She works in a café, she's probably sick of coffee." Mark nodded, that's right. Why didn't he realize that before? 
So flowers then dinner or movies. "Then walk her home." Jae continued. Walk her home, got it. 
"Don't kiss her yet." Wait, what? "Ask her if she wants to go for another date." 
"What if she doesn't want to?" 
"Then it's game over, samchon." Jae teased, tapping his shoulder. 
Cherry smiled. "You'll do great, samchon. My technique is tried and tested by eomma and appa." Mark chuckled. "How are you going to introduce yourself to her?" 
"I'm Mark…" he said hesitatingly, "You can mark me in your heart." 
Jae giggled while Cherry just stared at him in surprise. "You do need a lot of help, samchon." The youngest exclaimed. 
The house is quiet, too quiet, that Yuta and his wife had to look at each other before entering the house. Did something happen? Yuta shouted for the kids and it was Jae who answered that they're upstairs. The pregnant woman sat on the couch and noticed the book Cherry was reading earlier as her husband put the snacks and fruits in the kitchen. 
Footsteps can be heard followed by Jae jumping next to his mom and hugging her, whispering that he missed her. Yuta's laugh echoed through the whole room when Mark came down the stairs, his white hoodie filled with different colored stains that looks like make-up. His lips are red, eyes highlighted with thick eyeliner that he looks like a panda. There's a red circle on his cheeks and a colorful hat that is probably Jae's with a colorful scarf wrapped on his neck that is owned by Cherry. 
"What did the two of you do to Mark?" the older girl asked, standing up to get some towels for the younger guy. He thanked her then wiped the color on his face, surprised that they put too much makeup on him. 
Both Chery and Jae looked so guilty seated on the couch. "He's going on a date but samchon is really clueless." Cherry answered and Yuta bit his lip to prevent from laughing. Mark was surprised, he suddenly felt called out. 
"He even said that she can mark him in her heart because his name is Mark." Jae chimed in. 
Their mom sighed. "I know you two care about Mark samchon but isn't it better for him to be himself when he wants to date a girl?" Both Cherry and Jae nodded, apologizing for what they had done. 
"And we can mark him in our hearts." Yuta teased that earned a glare from both his wife and Mark. He's really childish sometimes. 
"What happened to the check-up?" Mark asked, sitting beside Jae on the couch and still wiping his face. The cap and scarf have already been removed. "Is it a boy or a girl?" 
"A boy!" Jae exclaimed. 
"A girl," Cherry claimed calmly. "And appa you said you're going to give us money if we guessed right." 
The older girl glared at Yuta who took out his wallet and gave each kid a bill. Mark's eyes widened in surprise, "You have twins?" The pregnant girl nodded. "Congratulations noona!" 
"I hope you won't get tired of babysitting." She whispered and Mark swore he saw his life flashed in his very eyes. Another boy and girl after Jae and Cherry? This will be chaotic as hell. 
Jae handed him the two bills Yuta gave that startled the adults. "Samchon, you need this money to date." Cherry claimed that made the younger boy nodded. 
"Thank you for saving me money to give Mark." Yuta exclaimed that made the two kids revolt. 
"You pay samchon for playing with us?" 
"I won't be a soccer player when I grow up, I'll be like Mark samchon instead." 
Mark laughed. They're a handful but being with them is fun. Maybe he can still take care of them in the long run. 
Mark blew large breaths to regulate his breathing while staring at his reflection from the doors of the café. “Introduce yourself, ask her name, ask her for dinner.” he repeated to himself before blowing another heavy breath. “You can do this Mark. Cherry’s plan is foul proof.” With another heavy breath, he opened the door that created a small bell sound. 
She was already smiling, welcoming her. “I’ll get an iced latte.” he started, twirling his fingers. 
“Not the usual watermelon shake, Mark?” the girl asked that startled him. She knows his name? Knows what his order is? Of course, Mark. You always drink watermelon shake. He shook his head, not knowing what to say. She already knows his name, he doesn’t have to introduce himself. What now? “And thank you for the pink roses, Mark.” 
Wait, what? “Pink roses?” 
She gestured to the vase behind with three pink roses. “Your nephew and niece are really cute.” She smiled while writing his name on the cup. That took Mark’s attention. Nephew and niece? He looked at her in confusion and she pointed at three customers by the window of the coffee shop. Of course, it’s the three of them. 
“I’m sorry. It might have confused you.” He said rubbing the back of his neck. “But I think you’re really pretty.” The girl lightly giggled. “Do you want to have dinner with me after your shift?” He lightly glanced at her nametag and mentioned her name.  
“I’m here until six pm.” 
“I’ll wait,” Mark claimed then handed her the payment for the coffee and his loyalty card. 
“Samchon, buy me a carrot cake,” Jae shouted and Yuta hushed him up, pulling the cap down his face in an attempt to hide from Mark. He even heard Cherry whisper that the plan will get ruined because of him. Really, those three. 
“They’re really cute.” The girl whispered, smiling at them. 
Mark smiled. “You’re cuter.” 
He rolled his eyes when Yuta faked vomit and Jae laughed. “At least it’s better than ‘mark me in your heart’,” Cherry claimed that made the two boys laugh. 
The girl laughed at his defeated look. “No worries Mark, I already marked you.” She claimed before handing him the coffee and the card with the sticker. 
Mark smiled. This might be the start of something new.  
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youjustwaitsunshine · 3 years
Sebs interview with Der Spiegel, 26.6.2021, Part 2
as with Part 1, there might be some typos or small translation errors
Q: Formula 1 team bosses like Toto Wolff from Mercedes say that the Grand Prix circus has a communication problem. It hadn't worked to explain the grand efficiency of those hybrid engines to the audience.
A: The problem of Formula 1 to me isn't a question of communication. It's a question of relevance. We ask ourselves if we're allowed to shoot fireworks on New Year - because that also produces fine particles and emits CO2. In a time like this it's fully justified that Formula 1 has to fight for its place and its right to stay. So it should again become a development ground for the sake of the series production and - because we need mobility - for the sake of the environment.
Q: What does serial production owe to Formula 1?
A: Innovations like the ABS, for example,kr traction control. Driving has gotten safer for the individual person, accidents get avoided. That's what I call relevant. If you look into my race car today, it has none of that.
Q: Why?
A: Because it's about putting the driver's performance into the spotlight. And with it the sport and the entertainment. Which is correct, but it took the relevance from Formula 1.
Q: How can Formula 1 become a development ground for the car industry again?
A: A great chance could be the development of synthetic fuels.
Q: The German car industry is steering strongly towards electric engines. And you want to save the dated combustion engine?
A: On this world, there's about a billion cars that burn diesel or petrol. Those can't be replaced from one day to the next. It would also be desirable to find a way to operate those cars without damaging the environment. I know that synthetic fuels stand only at the beginning of development, that it still takes time, that it's expensive. But if nobody pushes that development, it will always stay that expensive.
Q: Do you think the switch to electric drive is a mistake?
A: I wouldn't say a mistake, no. But like with everything in life, you shouldn't just bet on one horse. We can't just look at Germany here. We have to look at this globally and look at regions where the switch away from the combustion engine can't be completed that quickly. Who's going to build a useful charging infrastructure in Africa or South America in a time that short? And what about trucks, about ships and planes? It's not foreseeable with those when they can be operated electrically. So we need alternatives. And Formula 1 is perfect for that.
Q: The FIA has frozen all engine regulations until 2025. The manufacturers invested hundreds of millions into the engines. Those should amortize first.
A: I understand the argumentation. Only, if the FIA announces to force more environmentally friendly engines from 2025 onwards, I'm asking myself why we delay such an important development. It needs the courage to not hold on to old things anymore. Not to treat the interests of individuals with consideration but act in the interest of us all.
Q: After your five years with Ferrari you didn't end your career and looked for a new job in F1. So you decided to stay part of the system.
A: Please assume that I give my opinions openly to the decision makers who make the rules. And as a driver I'm probably listened to more than as a retired driver. Again: if the rules dictated to maybe mix 50% synthetic fuels in for the transition and then drive with 100% non-fossil fuels in a few years, that would be exactly the challenge Formula 1 needs - quickly bringing technological innovation on the road.
Q: The Grand Prix circus leaves a massive ecological footprint. There used to be 16 races, mostly in Europe, today its 23 races and all the people and the material gets flown from continent to continent.
A: Absolutely. The race calendar doesn't make much sense. At the moment it's following too much the interests and wishes of singular countries and sponsors, same as the pointless waste of resources at plane shows. Those are things that can be worked out quickly and where the change would have a big impact. I hear from other sports trying to reduce their travel efforts. The ski circus wants to avoid the commute between Austria, Switzerland and the other Alpine countried in the future and plan a sensible route through the winter instead.
Q: Would Formula 1 be willing to do that?
A: It's talked about at least. The Formula 1 management have invited me to a round table discussion about environmental issues last time, where there were talks about the race calendar as well. I hope this get worked on now.
Q: The sport has a far reaching autonomy, should politics give more impulses in environmental questions?
A: Firstly, it's important that people understand that protecting the environment concerns everyone. Then I would wish for a change in Germany, to lead with a good example. That there isn't only talking but action. The Bundesverfassungsgericht (federal constitutional court) upped the pressure with the decision for climate protection. I think there needs to be a change at the top.
Q: So you want the Green Party in power?
A: I know that the Green Party often get called a 'prohibition party', but we have to move away from words like prohibition or sacrifice and from the fear, everything would develop into a bad direction. We should recognize the chances.
Q: You're going to vote green?
A: At the moment, almost every party has climate protection written on their banner and in their program. The question is, where will actually something happen. We should vote for a government where we're convinced that they stand for those values and principles most authentically. Yes, I will vote Green.
Q: Isn't it shocking to you that the Green Party in the case of their government participation will want to plead for a speed limit on german motorways?
A: The times where you could really step on the gas on the motorway are long gone anyways. It feels like half the motorway is under construction all the time and the other half has so much traffic that you can't drive fast. I actually believe we'd be better of with a 120 or 130 kph speed limit, just because the traffic would flow better.
Q/End: Mr Vettel, thank you for the conversation.
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kaijurakunsobs · 3 years
The Beauty in Empathy
master list
ya boi took all the time in the world writing this but here we go baby! also...yall get soft!Heisenberg content
⚠ Trigger: Panic Attack, PTSD
Summary: the travel to the village has left you shaken up and unsure of what to do with your life. You lack direction, an objective, something to anchor you give the sense of control, it doesn't matter what, you just need something to control.
It, almost, feels nice to come back to the factory, not carrying for the ache in your limbs or the blisters on your feet, you need to feel safe in any way shape or form, and the closest thing to a safe heaven...is the factory. Where no one can touch you, where Heisenberg's sole presence is enough to ward off unwanted visits, where you could run through the maze of corridors and find refuge in some empty room.
There was so much going on, the euphoria you got that morning over the small win against Heisenberg was gone now, replaced by uneasiness, fear of what you don't understand, of what you had gotten yourself into. But you don't let panic subdue you again, taking deep breaths, you run to the living quarters, crates creaking with the movement, fresh vegetables, and cans making so much noise, you were sure the Lord would come and yell at you, he never comes, not even when you almost throw down the door and begin to scream, he's not there.
It takes you a bit to calm down and regulate your breathing, you feel disoriented, suddenly everything is too much and you begin to get rid of the rope wound around your shoulders and hands, wincing when the crates and sacks do so much noise.
And there you stay with your head pressed against the door and eyes shut, remembering how your mother used to cook and clean when stressed, she said cleaning your living space clears the mind and keeps us sane, cooking fills the soul and your stomach with the warmth of your home.
That makes you get up slowly, moving to the kitchen to clean it and the fridge thoroughly, ignoring your aching and shaking limbs in favor of putting everything away and leaving out some ingredients to make a simple vegetable soup. Taking a cutting board and knife you start chopping and cutting vegetables, casting a glance at the clock in the wall and wondering, when will Heisenberg come back and if you should leave him something to eat.
You are done cooking, letting the soup boil, and slowly make the room smell deliciously, remembering how your mom used to cook this soup when you were distraught or sick, you are distraught indeed, but getting lost in memories of people that don't exist anymore feels...useless, painful, stupid.
All of your attention is brought back to the mess on the table and coffee table, all those blueprints and papers just laying around, feels wrong. Picking up every single one you do quick work of rolling it and placing it upright in one of the crates the Duke used to pack your groceries, carefully stashing papers and placing them with the prints, dropping the crate over the kitchen table, grabbing the broom and sweeping the small living room.
With a prideful smile, you stare at the much cleaner area, serving yourself a generous portion of soup and taking a seat at the table, it tastes just as good as your last meal last night, you feel pleasure by eating something this warm, feeling the heat go down your throat and radiate through your entire chest and bleeding down your body, it's nice a feeling. But the heat doesn't linger long and the cold of the world beyond the factory hunts you.
You lost it all so fast, everything stole away by Miranda and the creatures that attacked you, yes, you have a "home" here and a room, and Heisenberg's presence seems to guard off against anyone coming close to this place, but you have no control over anything anymore, and that's what scares you, the lack of control over something.
Routine...that's a way to control your life, something so easy yet so valuable right now, that you don't fight off the prospect of binding yourself to something as monotonous as routine. You were adventurous and brave, now you are scared and ready to find some resemblance of normality, it might be hard, seeing how Heisenberg seems to be more on the chaotic side, but, starting tomorrow you will need to work on that, you need to reclaim a bit of your life.
For now, the best you can do is rest, tame your emotions, abide by the contract you made this morning, maybe...if you play your cards well, you get more perks or small liberties.
Heisenberg drags you out the next day to finally help him with the ventilation, barely giving you time to eat anything and forcing you to chug your coffee, running after him to not be left behind.
The Lord can see you, scribbling something on one of his old note pads, stopping outside of certain rooms to scan the place and write down more notes, mumbling to yourself about what you will need to fix the room. So you are a planner, he likes that, you could also be faking it in favor of getting on his good side, let's see how well you do.
"Let me get this clear" you sigh putting on a pair of his gloves, looking at the rather shabby board connecting the railway and the hole in the wall where the ventilation duct is visible "I have to go across this, get inside and then find the problem?"
"Yeah, basically" he's looking at you, judging your reaction, half expecting you to back off and run away "Is there a problem, sweetheart?" he leans close to you, blowing smoke in your face
With a huff, you take the cigar from his hand and take a drag and puffing the smoke back on his face, jumping over the railing and swiftly balancing over the board towards the hole "You better find a way to pass me whatever I need, cuz im not doing the trave back and forth every fucking time!"
Karl grins at your boldness, smoking his Cuban cigar like it's nothing, raising a brow when you finish it "Will find a way, don't worry about it"
"You better do, Karl!" turning around you grimace looking at the duct, there's water and cobwebs "This is asinine..."
"You will do amazing, darling!" he screams with a lot of amusement when he sees you climb into the duct, enjoying the view of your ass "way better than I could do"
"Oh, bite me!" you yell back with a bit of humor, quickly crawling to the spot marked on the map he gave you the day prior, only stopping to wipe off the sweat from your forehead and assess the damage "Hey, Heisenberg! We have rats here...seems they been doing a number on the ventilators' wiring!"
"Fucking hell! again?!" there's a moment of silence and you use it to look around, definitely, there are rats here, he should think about acquiring some cats, "Think you can fix it?!" you hear him clearly as you make your way back
"If you have some electrical tape and new wires? I could do it today but the rats will come back and eat the new wiring!" he sees you come back, looking at him expectantly
He waves dismissively, turning around to dig through the toolbox, he swears he saw some spare wires here..."Oh don't worry about that, darling, you fix the wiring and I'll just let the lycans have a feast on the vermin" he says as if you knew what he's talking about.
"The WHAT now?" Heisenberg chuckles at your expression, smiling a bit when he tosses the tape and wire in your direction barely catching them.
"More fixing and less asking, you can meet the pack later after we are done with everything you need to work on!"
You hate the way he's smiling, it makes you shudder and feel weary for whatever he's planning.
And you are right in feeling apprehension, Heisenberg keeps dragging you around, helping you up when the repair it's too high, happily taunting you when he sees you stand on a piece of metal, watching your legs wobble and the slight terror when he screams for you to balance yourself because he's not going to save you if you fall, cackling when you tell him to shove it and balancing on the metal sheet.
At the end of the day, he's surprised at how unbothered you seem at being covered in grease and sweat, nonchalantly cleaning your face with your sleeve "And here I thought you were lying about being a mechanic, color me impressed"
"I told you, I'm a woman of my word, I would never lie to you Heisenberg~" something stirs inside him in the way you smile, cocking your hip to the side, he hates your guts but he gotta admit, you are a sight for sore eyes "This has been a beautiful day and everything, but! I'm in need of a shower and I wanna eat something"
"Not yet princess" you yelp when Karl grabs your shoulders and quickly pushes and guides you "You were curious about the lycans, yes? I think is only fair for you to meet them, seeing how you will be staying here for a long time, it's better if they understand that you aren't food"
"WHAT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?" you try so hard to hold onto the door frames, make him stop by refusing to walk, try to walk backwards, only making him grow annoyed and throw you over his shoulder "HEISENBERG I'LL DECK YOU AGAIN, PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!"
"I would LOVE to see you try that stunt again, girly. It's quite clear your daddy never showed you to be more respectful, I might need to teach you so manners" he has the good forsaken audacity of slapping your ass with his free hand
Heisenberg grunts and chuckles when you trash in his hold, trying so hard to run away from him "HOW DARE YOU?! IM BEATING YOUR DUMB FACE WHEN YOU PUT ME DOWN!" you make him laugh when a yelp scapes you the moment the cold air of the outside hits your skin and at least has the decency of softly putting you down, raising his hands as if ready for you to pounce "DON'T you dare to do that again, got it!?"
"We'll see if you mishave and threaten to punch me again, there must be some punishment, don't you think?" he's all smugness when he speaks, puffing up with pride when you blush and begin to frown, getting ready to tell him off only to get cut off when he whistles.
The sound is loud and fills the still air with a disturbance that feels disrespectful, making you wince when he keeps whistling rhythmically, that reminds you of how your grandfather used to have whistle based commands for the digs in his farm, which means...that the lycans are dogs, probably, and Heisenberg just lets them roam around, there's a small chance that the dogs are trained to chase or hunt vermin.
You both stay outside, waiting, getting a bit excited at the idea of seeing a dog after so long. Karl lifts a brow at the eager look on your face, wondering if you even know what's going to happen or if you are that stupid. He's ready to see your reaction, heard you scream in terror, or try to run back to the factory, although, he hopes you don't do that otherwise the lycans might give change and end up killing you.
The cocky smile on his face grows when he sees you pale in horror when the lycans come running, snarling and snapping their fangs at each other. Heisenberg was ready to hear you scream and see you escape, but he is not prepared for what you do next.
All that eagerness, the small hope you felt, all die when you see those beasts, all running to you like it happened that day, the phantom pain in your side makes you choke and freeze, these aren't the same beasts that...killed you...but the memory is still fresh, a part of you tells you to run, to hide, you scream or fight! but the rest of your body refuses to move. The closer they get, the louder the voice in your head becomes, so...you run and hide.
Last time you tried to run to your home and that got you almost mangled, this time? you let instinct guide you, pulling Heisenberg's coat up and hiding behind him, like a child would do, both arms winding around him with crushing strength.
In another situation, he would have made fun of you, laughing and asking where all that bravado of yours had gone to! But he can feel your chest rising and falling so fast, your entire body is shaking so hard it's making his necklaces clink and your teeth clack, you are muttering something but he can't tell what, more importantly...you are crying. He knows the signs of shell shock, oh he knows them too well, whatever happened to you, the lycans triggered a flight or fight response in you, a very strong one.
You can't hear anything over the ringing in your ears, so it's impossible to hear when Heisenberg whistles and makes the lycans scatter again. You do feel his hands peeling yours off him, the weight of his coat covering you and how, strangely, careful he is when picking you up, barely able to register his voice telling you to put your arms around his neck, the firm hold of his hands on your legs and what you guess, was a huff when you locked your legs behind him.
He's beyond surprised when you willingly allow him to pick you up like this, a million questions running through his head over your reaction. Guilt taking a hold of his heart knowing he made you THIS scared, to the point of sobbing on his shoulder and refusing to let him go even after making it into the living quarters but he manages to convince you to let him go, sitting you where you can see him cook and barely hear him talk...something about helping him with a reactor? you are not sure.
Karl watches you eat slowly, looking for any sight you might throw up or if the shaking in your hands gets so bad you might be unable to eat. He goes as far as to escort you to the bathroom, leaving you a new shirt and alone. There are no words to be exchanged but you know, he will come back to check on your jittery self and take you back to your room.
Once alone, you let shame eat you alive, wondering if he thinks less of you, if he will make fun of what just happened, or if tomorrow he will relegate you to some stupid minimal task thinking you are some weak damsel in distress. Dread crush you, not excited for the next day.
Waking up is torture and dressing up is suddenly the toughest task you have been saddled with, the smell of coffee fills the kitchen and, to your disgust, you see Heisenberg dump what might have been three spoonfuls of sugar on his cup. The man perks up when you get close to the table,
"Alright darling, let me start by saying..." here he goes, he's going to laugh and humiliate you "I'm NOT your fucking delivery man" Heisenberg throws a utility belt at you, the weight of the tools on it make you tip back and almost lose your footing "I went to the Duke to see if he got me some new stuff and he said your tools and boots arrived early, I only brought all this back so you won't lose time passing you anything"
"Eat something, we have time" He knows he shouldn't bring back up what happened yesterday, giving you time to process it all and think about what his next steps should be regarding the lycans and your fear of them.
The day is just like yesterday, but you pick on the subtle differences, Heisenberg seems more aware of any sounds that might startle you, steering you away from areas where he knows the lycans are chasing after rats and having a feast on some other things. You don't comment on it, smiling inwardly at his attempts to prevent you from going into another panic attack.
You are sitting in front of a broken generator, judging the damage and sighing when you come to the sad conclusion that you might need to rebuild the entire engine, Karl is close by, two rooms down from where you are. Getting up and stretching is a small pleasure, hearing your back crack loudly, groaning over the stiffness on your neck.
"I got you bad news, backup generator number eight? dead as fuck! I might need to rebuild it which means I'll be doing a list of what I need" you say while entering the room, his back is facing you and he seems to be deep in thought hunched over something.
Getting close you can see him pulling pieces towards him the metal listening to his command and coming his way, a screwdriver in one hand and a magnifying glass in the other, he seems to be struggling to assemble something.
Smiling a bit, you are careful when putting your head on his shoulder, effectively making him jump "Whatchu doing~?" Heisenberg curses under his breath, looking at you to the best of his abilities
"Reactor, damn thing keeps exploding whenever I do test runs" he feels you hum and see your hand get close to the project without touching
"Maybe it's the material or the lack of a cooling system, but that's my opinion" you straighten back "And like I said, the generator is dead, gone, either replace the whole unit or we rebuilt it"
You hear him grunt and pat his pockets looking for something, soon the smell of tobacco fills the air and he too gets up, looking at you, clearly thinking something or how to say it "Princess, about yesterday..." you go stiff, immediately looking away "I don't know what happened before you were brought here, but I do know that it's important for your safety that the lycans learn that you are a part of my..." at this he hesitates, chewing his cigar "family, so if you ever need it, they will come and help you"
He waits for you to say something or to see if you panic again when he sees no sight of terror he continues "There's a small group of lycans that are a bit more tamer, and I was thinking about introducing them to you, one by one"
"You want me to just do what, play fetch with them, scratch their bellies!?" there it is, your panic begins to raise and before it explodes, he grabs your shoulders making you look at him.
"You won't be alone, I'll be there and if the lycans try to EVEN bite you, I'll kill them on the spot! I will even teach you how to control them, that pack will be your...personal guard, but I'll be there"
You relish in the feeling of his gloves hands over you, thinking slowly about this. You need routine and maybe training the beasts to obey you might be good...having control over another being could be good and Heisenberg said he will be there the whole time, something about his voice makes you trust him. "If you leave me alone even ONCE, I'm destroying your knees with a wrench"
And there's that wolfish smile and hearty laughter, with renewed joy he pulls your hand telling you about how you will have the right to do that if he abandons you ever after this, he's staying with you throughout the whole process. Heisenberg catches you off guard when he takes off his coat and drapes it around your shoulders, pulling you outside, standing next to you.
"Let's start with whistling, ok?"
You must admit, you have a lot of fun learning how to do the right whistle command to call this particular pack, laughing a bit when Karl squishes your face whenever you fail to produce the right sound, once you get the sound right, he teaches small commands, how to make one sole lycan come to you, have them stop dead in their tracks, among others and how to make each whistle sound loud.
He does chuckle when you jump the moment the pack comes bolting from the woods towards you, the grip on your shoulders return and that anchors you, giving the stop command and smiling once the small group stops, Heisenberg all but smiles proudly when you take control and pick one lycan to get close and dismiss the others.
"Once it's close enough" Karl whispers low enough for you to hear "take off your gloves and let it smell the back and palm of your hands" he sees you nod and waits for the lycan to get near you, his hands sliding up and down your arms, he can feel you tremble a bit when you take off his gloves and let the beast smell you.
The lycan looks up to you, then at Heisenberg, opting for keeping its attention on you, you called it after all "It won't bite you, it can smell that you belong here, it knows better" Even with his reassurance you are weary of the beast, everything inside asking you to run away, yet you stay put, dogs can smell feat and react to it and that never ends well.
"What else can they do?" Karl can hear the terror in your voice but feels proud of your bravery, quickly teaching you what other tricks the thing can do.
By the end of the day, you are rather surprised when he cooks dinner again, he's actually pretty decent, his cooking lacks a bit of salt but it's good and he's doing his best to have you well fed.
"May I ask...why are you being so nice?" you ask him looking at his back "I've been a bit of a brat"
He laughs looking at you over his shoulder "I suppose...I understand what you are going through" he says, turning his attention back to the stove.
You want to ask him what happened to him, what made him so emphatic out of the blue but the tone of his voice and the stance of his body is enough indicator that this time is not the right moment to ask about it, perhaps one day, you two can share the pain that haunts you both.
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heybeybey · 3 years
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
Pairing: Rivetra | Levi x Petra
Summary: Forced to retire from the Scouts due to a major injury, Levi thinks he'll be spending the rest of his days in domestic solitude. Petra, however, has another idea.
Loosely based on The Way of the Househusband.
Or: Captain Petra x Househusband Levi canonverse AU
AO3 Link
A/N: Okay I've had this outlined for WEEKS (no ending in mind tho) but I never got around to actually drafting it. But....... I had some time this morning and the inspiration after seeing this post so yay.
Thanks to @sleeperswakewriting for introducing me to The Way of the Househusband. It's cute and funny and DEFINITELY RIVETRA in another universe.
This is going be a drabble series btw but no assurance on when I'll be updating each chapter (My Royalty AU draft is glaring at this fic rn tbh). Some chapters will be based on the Netflix show but Levi's condition is a bit different from Tatsu's so it'll probably be loosely based at best.
And yes, the title is from the song My Girl. But I like this version since I think it fits Petra the most :3
Also also, we all know deep down that Levi wants to be a househusband so here you go.
- - -
Chapter 1: The Ceremonies
There was a time when his mind wandered to how his career in the Scouts would end. Levi always thought he'd die on the battlefield, just as he witnessed among his comrades. He'd accepted that reality, sometimes even waiting for it despite his will to continue fighting on.
For some reason, retiring has never crossed his mind.
"Honorably discharged due to major leg injury, incomplete spinal cord injury, and loss of right eyesight."
He can still hear the pity and sadness from Erwin's voice from that day in the hospital when they talked over where he will go from there. The doctors mentioned that his spine will heal over time, but his leg is broken way beyond repair. It's worse enough that amputation was considered at one point. He'd be good as titan food should he retain his current position in the scouts.
At first, he wanted to scream. He wasn't the type to show some outwardly emotion (except for when he's beating down new recruits or the three males in his squad) but being a part of the Survey Corps is what gave this shit of a life some meaning after he was pulled out of the underground.
Frankly, he didn't know what's next.
"Hey, Captain." Petra's sweet voice snapped Levi out of his thoughts and he forces himself to get out of his bad mood. This was her day and he'd be damned if he ruins it for her.
Levi takes her in and the corner of his lip quirks up. He feels pride fill his chest as his eyes strays a bit on the insignia freshly pinned on her uniform.
"I think I should be the one calling you that, Ral." He replies. "Congratulations."
Wheelchair-bound for what may be the rest of his life, Levi and his squad had to sit down and talk over what's next for the Scout's elites. The obvious choice was Eld, but Levi and the rest of the team were surprised when the blonde man turned down the promotion. He says that while he had the leadership skills and the years of experience that makes him more than qualified, he knew that he didn't have the same burning dedication to the cause as much as he'd witnessed in others.
Eld said that he'd be glad to support the next team captain instead. Oluo, while skilled, had often been too focused on his kill count. Gunther has a strategic mind but didn't really have the charm to bring people together.
So they all turned their attention to Petra.
To be honest, Levi had always wanted to promote Petra as his second-in-command. However, Scout regulations demanded a certain number of years that she didn't have yet at the time he first chose his elite squad. He'd never had a problem with Eld, but his and Petra's ability to synchronise on the battlefield is the reason why he'd always turned to her when he needed a second hand.
It makes sense in his eyes and to the rest of the team, even when Erwin and the other soldiers were doubtful of his choice. They've seen how ferocious Petra is during expeditions, but still had the heart to cry alongside her dying comrades. She's kind and helpful, but knows when a hard decision is needed to be made. She'd pitched in her ideas and opinions every time she accidentally passed by the officers' meeting sessions (she always brought them tea so she sometimes hear the conversations). This was often met with a surprised look from her higher-ups but having worked with Petra for quite some time, Levi would just smirk at his fellow veterans.
She's still rough around the edges and she definitely still has more room to improve, but the potential is there. He wouldn't have chosen her as part of his team in the first place if he didn't see that fire.
He wasn't surprised that Eld, Gunther and Oluo supported her, even when Petra was terrified to accept such a responsibility. Levi was firm in his decision.
In the end, Erwin stamped on his approval.
Levi was the one who pinned the insignia on her signifying her new position during today's pinning-on ceremony.
- - -
"Hey, Captain!"
"I think you should stop calling me that, Petra."
"Sorry. Habit." The ginger blushes slightly as she steps closer inside the apartment, basket in hand. "I bought something for you."
She brings out a few fruits from the basket, laying it down on the dining table in his humble apartment. "The farmer's market was on sale today and I had the chance to pass by before they closed."
"You didn't have to buy me all these, Petra."
"I had to use my pay raise for something, Captain," she jests. He wheels himself towards her to assist her with unloading the basket and they both work in silent contentment.
"So, how's your first day?" Levi asks after washing the fruits. Petra's face lights up at his question and the whole room seems to come alive as she chatters on.
"Holy Maria, Captain. I didn't know the team can be this stupid. No wonder you had dark eyebags after training us for years!"
- - -
It's been three months since he resigned from the Scouts. The new captain never fails to come home to the apartment he's renting near the Scout HQ everyday.
Come home? Tch. How delusional can you get.
He'd welcome her back every expedition and every training day. A part of him feels a bit of guilt gnaw on him when he sees how tired Petra is whenever she comes home, thinking of the time when he was her direct commanding officer.
"Captain, can I sleep here tonight?"
Now, he sees the sorrow and fatigue in her eyes. "You're always welcome here, Petra."
He offers to give up his bed for the night but she declines, saying that she'll be fine on the couch. She's unnaturally quiet, but he knows that this is how she typically is after expeditions.
They're both on the couch right now and she snuggles closer to him. Levi motions for her to lay her head on his lap, their boundaries thinning with every single visit.
He's quiet when he sees the tears start to fall from her eyes. Soon, Petra's sobbing and she wraps her arms desperately around him. His hand starts to slowly run through her ginger locks, hoping it gives her some comfort.
"She was the last in my and Oluo's batch." She starts, voice shaking and he gives her space to talk and mourn her comrade. "I wanted to save her... but it was either her or compromise the mission. I had to give the order."
"I'm sorry." Because if someone understands her better, it's him.
- - -
It's the scout's day off today and they're all allowed to leave the vicinity to visit friends and family, or simply just to fuck around if they wanted.
Petra, not surprisingly, decides to spend another weekend with him.
"Hmm?" He's currently preparing their lunch, wheeling himself around the kitchen area.
"Did you ever think about settling down when you were still in the scouts?"
He cocks an eyebrow at her question. "And leave a widow crying on my grave? I didn't even have the time to date, Petra."
And he didn't even want to date someone else. Not when he kept having wet dreams about his own subordinate at that time.
"Well, you have a chance now, right?" Petra starts to help with laying down the dishes on the table. He looks at her, eyes taking in her body language. She's doing that thing with her hands again where she tries to occupy it with things to do whenever she's nervous. She's too tense for this to be some absent chatter.
"Just spit it out, Petra."
"What I'm trying to say is that I'm always here. In this apartment. Whether I'm back from training or meetings or expeditions," she starts. Levi wheels himself forward to grab their food from the small kitchen but he attentively listens to each of her words. Seeing that he won't be replying, Petra decides to continue.
"I like coming home to you, Levi. And I'm still devoted to you." Petra nervously says, the redness on her cheeks intensifying. Levi feels his heart thump at her last sentence. He stops what he's doing and looks straight into her amber eyes, the same moment as she reaches out to delicately hold both of his hands. "I'd like to continue doing so... if you'll have me in another way."
Bold as ever is the first thing that fondly came to his mind. He feels emotion start to climb up his throat but he never wavers in staring back at her. The next thing that came to mind wasn't exactly a thought, and the answer leaves his mouth with a certainty he didn't know he had.
"Okay," he quietly replies. Not much of a talker, as usual. Still, his sure answer was quite a surprise to the both of them.
Was it loneliness? That fear that he'd most likely die alone because of his automatic ability to push people away? Maybe it's some deep hidden desire to live a domestic life with someone—something that he allowed himself to fleetingly dream of while he was still in that underground hellhole—that he has since accepted wouldn't be in his future.
Until now.
He and Petra decided to have a shotgun wedding that same afternoon.
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