#yes it's sadgirl hours
echos-gal · 9 months
Picture this. It's been almost a year since Tech's death. His siblings are still grieving as though it happened yesterday. They hang on to all his things, never modify the Marauder in a way he wouldn't have approved. The wall next to his bunk is still full of equations in his handwriting.
They miss his frequent chatter - it's too quiet without him. Omega frequently tears up when she's flying the ship, his voice in her head gently reminding her to check the fuel gauge and brake status as he always did while mentoring her.
One day Tech's datapad pings. It hasn't gone off in a long time. On the screen is Tech's notification to commemorate a year's passing since Wrecker ate a full meal during their first evening on Pabu.
It's almost like he's still with them.
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kaydalixza · 5 months
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I hate you more than I ever liked you
I hate you more than I ever liked you
Or maybe I’m just in that stage of grief, camouflaging my pain with a forked tongue and sharp teeth 
Because maybe that’s the easier way to cope 
To quote a great poet “everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it” 
I’ll keep a hold of you till my hands are covered in blisters 
Till my mouth tastes sour and my knees are purple 
I’ll hurt myself rather than let you go
Because I’m in denial that someone is ever truely gone
So I cut all strings but one 
In the hope that I’ll see them sometime in the future walking down the street 
And we’ll fall head over heels in love like we were supposed to before the rug was pulled from beneath our feet 
but I’m learning to cut all 100 strings 
Because you can’t move on with one foot in the door 
It’ll leave you in a puddle of your own blood until you don’t recognise yourself anymore 
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menacetomany · 2 years
deeply tired of fandom mischaracterizing frecklewish
Disclaimer before i start this post: I do not hate frecklewish. She is my favorite character in MV alongside Maple herself. She had every right to be mad at Mapleshade for lying (yes, omission is still a lie), she did not wrong Maple herself in any way, shape, or form, she could not have realistically done jack shit at the river, and she didn’t deserve to die, and she DEFINITELY didn’t deserve *hell* (although it’s kinda funny).
For the love of StarClan stop flattening her character into a one-dimensional uwu sadgirl. She’s grieving, yes, but she’s *angry* in that grief! She’s messy and flawed and xenophobic and may or may not want to kill cats she unfairly blames for her brother’s death (they would both maul me if i said this but maple and freckle are foils and nobody realizes it) and I love her for it! People are allowed to be ugly abt their trauma!
A lot of people act like Frecklewish was crying 24/7 before briefly slipping up and calling children a slur before continually crying until she got murdered, and that’s a complete disservice to her character. There are people, and warrior cats, who grieve like that. Frecklewish is not one of them. 
People act like she just had a burst of anger during Mapleshade’s exile calling the kits a name, but even pre-lie she exhibits concerning behavior:
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To be clear, Appledusk did not murder Birch. This is ThunderClan’s perception of the events because it’s easier to blame a cat from the other clans, a cat who is by their metrics inherently Worse and Deceitful and Scheming, then to think critically about why they were fighting so fiercely above a raging river over rocks they could easily share in the first place :p
(a note: the code about not killing people is treated much more leniently than the codes about having babies with the wrong people. It’s even worded softer--”An honorable warrior need not kill to win their battles.” Almost like a strong suggestion. Warriors culture idolizes violence and revenge as outlets for grief. Boy I Sure Hope That Prevalent Ingrained Societal Attitude Doesn’t Horribly Backfire Anytime Soon!)
And. The exile.
Freckle kicking Maple’s ass was funny and deserved. But.
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To be clear, Frecklewish’s misdeeds in this scene cannot be simplified to ‘calling the kits a bad name in a moment of anger’. She is the very first cat to call for the kits’ exile. Oakstar was her *father*. If she’d appealed for the kits she claimed to love, or even just said “Mapleshade gtfo”, things might’ve gone much different.
Calling for three children who’ve barely started weaning to be exiled into the wilds is disgusting, and far worse than Mapleshade’s lie. Even if Maple hadn’t panicked and tried to cross the stepping-stones, all of her other options had a non-zero chance of the kits dying.
(Something to keep in mind is that Mapleshade is a Clan cat from birth. She is not like a loner who is used to fending for herself, and needing to suddenly balance hunting for herself and her kittens and keeping them safe from predators would be very difficult. Kittens are kept in camps for a reason.]
*Mapleshade could not have waited for a patrol. She had a time limit to get out before she and her kittens were attacked and possibly killed by ThunderClan.
*The bridge is further away, and on windclan territory. It’s at the base of the falls, not the top, and has flooded before. Wet rocks or slippery wood-pick your poison.
*There was a fox near Fourtrees at the time, and it’s doubtful Mapleshade could’ve fought it off alone. (The time for scents to go stale seems to be several hours-one day, and this was roughly a day after her exile.)
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*ShadowClan and WindClan have even less reason to take her in than RiverClan, especially considering she’s an exile. She might be attacked like Riverclan would’ve had the kits not died: 
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leaving her even worse off than before, and vulnerable to predators.
*Going to Twolegplace was worse than the river. Oakstar attacking kittypets was a one-time thing iirc, but she does meet hostile kittypets later--and even setting that aside there’s dogs, foxes, CARS, and of course twolegs. tired kittens trying to cross a thunderpath would not end well.
*go to the barn: windclan + thunderpath.
*go to Other barn: river’s still there only this time she doesn’t even have a camp at the end.
There was no way this was gonna end well, honestly.
To be clear, ultimately it was still Oakstar’s decision. He bears the brunt of responsibility. If anyone other than Maple deserved to go to hell, it was *him*, not Freckle. Common warriors story team L.
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Frecklewish never shows regret for her part in the exile, only that they died. Said regret doesn’t last long before she tries to kill Mapleshade.
poor little tragic racist meow meow, doomed by her own rage. theres something deeply ironic about that.
A final note: frecklereed is almost as hilarious as maplereed when frecklewish was willing to exile the kits for being related to appledusk and reedshine is his number one apologist. they’d be dueling to the death bruh
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manysmallhands · 9 months
My Favourite Songs of 2023 part 4: 10 - 1
The final countdown! (synth melody plays)
Previous entries in the series can be found here, here and here.
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10. Tyla - Water
Water sounds like nothing so much as the romance novel version of the last night on a Caribbean holiday; the twitchy afrobeat rhythms feel slightly mischievous while the vibes are relaxed and extremely seductive. There’s plenty of fun to be had singing along to the group chorus but it’s the innocent charm of Tyla’s performance that really carries the song. Though Tik Tok is not really known for producing lasting careers, I’d like to hope she’ll go a long way.
9. GAYLE - Butterflies
It’s fair to say that the abcdefu star has done little of note since her moment in the limelight but Butterflies is a surprise banger and might well be the best song on the already stacked Barbie soundtrack. Yes, it piggybacks on its pilfered Crazytown interpolation but GAYLE’s rapid fire vocal and fierce pop energy carry the day and make a good case for her working more often with this harder edged approach.
8. beabadoobee - The Way Things Go
Bea’s sweet-toothed multigenre world has crept up on me more as the year's gone on but she’s never sounded better than she does on her most recent single. Her farewell to a dying relationship is given life by a delicately resigned vocal and set to an orchestral swirl so otherworldly that it entirely rubbishes her claim to be “not far from the ordinary”. There’s even a bit of a Harriet Wheeler impression on the outro to get the indieheads all teary, proving that beabadoobee is truly a renaissance woman.
7. Tate McRae - Greedy
Always better when she ditches the sadgirl songs, Tate’s swipe at sleazy old men instead rides atop a wonderfully rolling rhythm and sports the kind of sticky hook that will still randomly pop up in yr head in 20 years time. This is played about once every half an hour on the radio at the moment and yet it's never made an unwelcome appearance, in fact it’s the song that I’d rather hear there more than anything else.
6. Doja Cat - Fuck The Girls
While her hits cast a softer tone on what has become a totemic and obsessive personal crusade, Fuck the Girls was perhaps the most strident assault yet in Doja’s ongoing war with her annoying online stans. While the battle itself is probably not that compelling, Doja’s take on it is furious and funny enough to hold my interest and the rattling breaks and twitchy stand-up bass provide a hauntingly austere framework from which to launch her barbs. Truth be told, it just goes incredibly hard: what more can you ask for?
5. Charli XCX/Sam Smith - In The City
In The City feels like Charli moving away from the Crash era, focused anew on 90s club culture and with that hard edged bass synth powering everything along. But more than anything, it’s a glorious shot of light, full of yearning and surprising melodic beauty, and with a happy ending out on the dance floor that - surprisingly for Charli - does not involve a car. And Sam Smith is good! Not bad like you think! Shut up over there!
4. Poppy - The Attic
The Attic represents the cleanest example of Poppy’s pivot back to pop this year, for once ditching the goth adornments and going full on euphoric drum n bass. For someone who’s music often creeps and lurches along, The Attic is a surprising blast of musical weightlessness, full of skittering rhythmic energy and flashing piano chords. The lyrics as ever tell a different (and far more uncomfortable) story but by once more casting aside the idea of what a Poppy song ought to be, she’s made something new that blew me away completely.
3. Mitski - My Love Mine All Mine
The surprise hit of a major artist’s career has always been a tricky area to navigate: for every Walk On The Wild Side there’s tended to be an equal and opposite My Dingaling. However, Mitski has managed to luck out here, with international success neatly falling into the lap of one of her very best singles. My Love Mine All Mine sounds like a sepia tinted 50s ballad, simple and elegant, with each flourish of piano or guitar cutting eerily through the song’s low-key veneer. And Mitski herself has never sounded better, the sombre warmth of her vocal seeming to express all the ambiguity that radiates from the heart of the song.
2. U.S. Girls - Tux
Sounding for all the world like a classic era disco 12” that Meg has just happened to find down the back of the sofa, Tux also profits from an extended lyrical metaphor that’s so complicated and yet catchy that you’ll be singing along to every word before you’ve figured out what any of it means. Rare is the album cycle where U.S. Girls don’t release a top tier single or two and Tux manages to continue that very long winning streak. 
1. Olivia Rodrigo - Vampire
I can’t honestly say that Olivia Rodrigo’s theatrical disco banger stands way above everything else here (do not let anyone tell you that 2023 has been a bad year for music) but Vampire still hits hard all these months on. It’s a song that’s full of breathtaking moments: from the doof doof of the bass drum at the end of the first chorus to the surging harmonies in the second; the full-on sound assault that hits halfway thru to the rousing final step into “the way you sold me for parts” at the end; each one feels like a gut punch and yet they just keep on coming. Despite having listened to it many many times since the middle of this year, it hasn't even started to get old yet and is still perfectly capable of stopping me in my tracks. I’ve already said plenty about Vampire before so I won’t drag this on for too long, but in a year that perhaps for the first time has been more pop than rock for me, It feels fitting to have a record sat atop of it that embodies the best parts of each without ever feeling strained or clumsy, from an artist who spent 2023 truly finding her voice.
And that's it! If anyone read these posts and/or found them at all interesting, thank you for your time and i hope you liked some of the songs! Below is a Spotify playlist of the whole 40 (Kweli/Madlib aside, which is Soundcloud only), followed by a few of the songs that i might have picked had i only given things a bit more thought. And i rounded it off with Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift, which though not really eligible for a best of 2023 round up, was so inextricably bound up with the year that it feels like it should have its place somewhere. Sayonara!
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
I got tagged by @girlonthelasttrain & @enterprisery to shuffle my Spotify 'on repeat' playlist & list the first 10 songs that come up (thanks so much for tagging me! <3) I don't use Spotify and my "on repeat" top ten was fully dominated by two albums ('My 21st Century Blues' by RAYE & 'Time' by Electric Light Orchestra, it has been A Month😂) so I'll just shuffle my July playlist instead. (Yes, I make monthly playlists, if there's one thing I'm more annoying about than Star Trek it's music lolll anyway)
'Ritwa Riaku' by Eric Wainaina
'Day In Day Out' by Leron Thomas & Cotonete (it's a bop)
'Listen' by Tears For Fears (gonna be honest. This is an old favourite but I'm still not entirely sure what this song is supposed to be about? I just love the vibes haha guitars go brrrr)
'Fragile Ground' by Slowly Rolling Camera
'Every Piece Matters' by Plini
'Tiếp Đất' by Low G & Thắng (a little Vietnamese rap infiltrating the sadgirl playlist😂)
'Love is the Message' by... a bunch of people (if you haven't seen this video I highhhhly recommend it)
'Carry On' by Fun. (sometimes you just gotta listen to your middle school bops as an adult and go "but you were so right tho")
'Innuendo' by Queen (it's really feeling existential hours)
'Nikikutazama' by H_art the Band (look it helps me get ready in the morning okay!!)
Tagging @lorenzobane @wanderingwriter87 @cyberspacenine @bijoumikhawal & @sapphosewrites, no pressure though! :)
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 11 months
JWCC S5:E8 Thoughts
When did kenji change clothes??
God stop talking about kenji being a loyal son… that’s not inherently a good trait! Gah!
Daniel is a bitch 👍🏼
I adore Mae’s necklace… I’d get it for myself if I could. She’s so pretty ahhh. Yes I’m lesbian why do you ask
Good for you kenji. Keep having those individual thoughts. You’ll get there!
The funny thing about being a JWCC fan and not knowing anything about the main franchise or dinosaurs in general is that I see a cool Dino and go “holy shit it’s the one with the big crest on its head!!” Instead of the paralosophaurus or something
Oh shit, Mitch and Tiff’s camp! Never thought I’d see them referenced again.
Aww kenji always wanted a dog and Daniel never gave a shit… in my sadgirl hours again
Eww I can just imagine the rotting triceratops head. Blegh. This show does a good job of maintaining tension while keeping the gore offscreen.
Why is this Hap-lookalike guard still alive?? He’s gonna die at some point, isn’t he?
BUMPY NOOO my baby got mind controlled I’m so upset right now. Oh my god. 
Unironically Mae is my favorite adult character. I adore her and her care for the campers.
Whooo Mae dump those samples! Te quiero girll
AU where kenji works at mae’s uncle’s fishery in London…. Again, if I could draw it would be so joever for you all
God the Mae Kenji dynamic >>> this show is full of dynamics!!! They’re so good!!!
Can I just strangle Daniel already? Like come on.
Poor Kenji’s all alone… my boy. I want to hug him
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December 24, 2022
While fighting the urge to turn to trivial and possibly, disgusting ways of trying to numb the pain that I have been feeling the past few weeks, I have accidentally found a more sensible and less excruciating way of processing such. And no, it’s not me turning to the religion that I have been conditioned to run to for 13 years in Catholic school or me channeling my feelings into cathartic works of art but, rather, me completely, and without any resistance, feeling the pain and all the ugly sub-emotions that unfortunately, come with it. This meant that as opposed to what I used to do as a teenager and adolescent enjoying the different options of brain-altering substances that were legally available to me for the purpose of being absorbed into oblivion for a few hours, I chose to feel my emotions even if they were drastically inconvenient for my mental health. I mean, who would want to be absolutely consumed by negative emotions when we’re all just trying to be productive human beings? Absolutely, not me. But I felt like doing so was the right thing to do not only for my sanity but also for my growth because I knew the act of feeling would induce some sort of self-examination and reflection that would help me make sense of what I was going through. That last part didn’t happen, though, and the only the explanation that I formed to justify such is that probably, what I’m going through does not make any sense. Like at all. And that is okay. Not everything is supposed to make sense anyway. 
Surprisingly enough, feeling benefitted me because it has made me see clarity amidst confusion. Not total clarity though because as we all know, things fully easing their way into our consciousness take sweet time. Despite this, however, I have now encountered light –– you know, like the light at the end of the tunnel thing? yes, that redundant, omnipotent “light” that most of us like to believe in in times of trouble –– and the feeling of lightness because being able to feel all the horrible feelings one by one and again, and without resisting, has made pain and all the things it has burdened me with a little bit easier to carry. 
So while some say that it may be counter intuitive to bathe in the sadness that has quickly and so suddenly enveloped one’s life due to the fact that doing so would be a waste of one’s precious time as there are tasks that are far more fruitful and rewarding than feeling all those negative and frankly, shitty feelings, giving in to them help lessen the intensity of its burn. This is the case because again, feeling could and should be followed by reflection –– which is great –– because this is where the intention to grow stems from.
Who would want to go through the same type of pain again? Yeah, not me. Contrary to my belief in sadgirl ideologies, I have had enough.
So I’d rather choose to grow from this. Through this. Despite it all.
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a-moth-to-the-light · 2 years
when your alarms don't go off but you aren't exactly mad about it (dec 07, 2022)
It's been a little bit since I've done one of these! Life is hard, especially since I've been living in a triggered state for a little while now, but I appreciate getting to sit down and write, even if it's not too often!
Spotify Wrapped, 2
Today, we're talking about my Top Songs 2022 playlist, as created by Spotify! My comments, straight from my brain to your home heating system:
a. The lack of Bruce Springsteen here is surprising--I figured we might get "Lonesome Day" or "Land of Hope and Dreams" or "The River", all of which have been on my mind this year, in there somewhere, but the only Springsteen song on the list was "I'm Goin' Down" (though it was at #13, which is kind of awesome). It's a fantastic song that definitely matched my mood this year, so I'm glad it got represented-- but where's the rest of my Springsteen? How am I supposed to prove my fanboy status if Spotify does this to me :(
b. The artists tied for most songs on the list are Red Velvet & Bad Suns, each with five songs! Last year, only GFRIEND had five songs on the list--it's fun to have a tie this year! (And yes, one of those songs was "Mago"--even though we didn't know it was a goodbye song back then, there's something about it that just makes it the perfect way to finish off such a glorious career.) Perhaps most impressive is that all five Bad Suns songs are from only two albums total--I've actually only listened to two of their four albums, and yet I've already found so many classics!
c. There are four songs that have managed to make my Top Songs lists for three years straight now (my lists from 2018 & 2019 are very different, as my taste shifted a lot in 2020, so no songs have made it on more than three lists)--"As If It's Your Last" by Blackpink, "Bad Boy" by Red Velvet, "Blueming" by IU, and "Why So Lonely" by Wonder Girls (And "I Feel You" is back for its second year! Yay Wonder Girls!). Usually, when people gush about "Bad Boy" (as Reveluvs on YouTube are wont to do), I think okay, I don't really get it but I'm glad they're happy. I'm fully on team "Really Bad Boy", but apparently I like "Bad Boy" more than I thought I did. Also don't make fun of me for having "Why So Lonely" on here... yes I feel chronically empty inside and yes I need a passive-aggressive sadgirl anthem to help me through it and yes that hasn't changed in three years and probably never will! (lighthearted)
e. Both songs from Sumni's Heart Burn single made it into my top 20!
the day, in short
So I actually never fell asleep on Tuesday night, and I ended up giving up on trying to sleep around four a.m. and just heading to the gym when it opened at six! Then I had the glorious experience of age-regressing at the gym in the hell-hours of the morning: tottering around the track, watching the sunrise, and struggling to relearn how to put gloves on. Being a kid is tough, but it really did feel magical to enjoy the gym through a child's eyes, especially with the novelty of being there so early in the morning (we usually take our walks around the track right before dinner)!
After our first class, we got to take a nap! We always like falling asleep in the daytime so much better than falling asleep at night--the only issue is that people keep wanting us to do things during the day. sigh We ended up napping wayyyyy too long, though, oversleeping our alarm and missing a class (+ the start of our other class). This is what happens when we forget to take our sleeping pills--we don't sleep at all, and then, when we take one the next day, all the tiredness catches up to us. I'm pretty sad about missing those classes, since I was really excited for some of the stuff happening, but I'm glad I got such a nice nap--I'm struggling with emotion-management already, so trying to do so on even less sleep would probably have been even more hellish. My body knows what it needs; it really is looking out for me :)
And yes I know I'm switching between I & we here! That's a pretty common thing I do when talking about myself, so hopefully it's not too confusing! It just makes the most sense to me to use a mix of both, especially when I'm comfortable enough that I don't feel the need to mask! arm wave for emphasis
Quote of the Day
-- not me this time, though this is probably something i would say (embarrassed)!
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Everything’s just peaches and fucking cream🍑
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lovelyblackthoughts · 6 years
I'm sad I won't get to see the boy in the cowboy boots again.
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
smells like what amomk!joon would do for Sad Girl twitter.com/ooaudreyo/status/1495231424496029703 😭😭😭
no but seriously though… who in BTS?
Ahhh I saw the tweet earlier but it got deleted before I could respond this evening! I'm so sorry, anon! Maybe this Sadgirl drabble can make up for it, yes?
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College Namjoon and Sadgirl are strolling down the sidewalk with some iced coffees.
Namjoon: Thanks for letting me buy you a post-exam, celebratory coffee.
Sadgirl: (grinning) Thanks for being such a great study partner!
Namjoon beams.
Weeks later. College Namjoon and Sadgirl are in office hours, going to pick up their graded exams and review their scores.
TA: (to Sadgirl) Well, you've aced it! So nothing to review!
Sadgirl smiles proudly.
TA: (to Namjoon) And what was your name again?
Namjoon: Kim Namjoon.
Sadgirl: I'll go wait in the hallway, yeah? (chuckling) That is, if you even need to review anything. I'm sure if I got a perfect score, you did too.
Namjoon smiles and waves as she steps into the hall.
TA: (to Namjoon) I'm not seeing your test. Are you sure you turned it in?
Namjoon: (whispering, leaning in a bit) Yeah, I'm not actually in this class, (glancing out to the hall) like, I mean, I'm part of the department, just not---
TA: (sigh) No need to explain. (reaches for their computer) We get at least one of your poor souls every semester. (opens a different tab called "FS" in the spreadsheet and starts to type Namjoon's name)
Namjoon: "FS"?
TA: Fake Students. (looks at Namjoon) Just tell her you aced it and say that the legal systems questions were pretty rough.
Namjoon: I--- uh--- Wow. Thanks.
TA: Good luck.
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Read the A Map of Mrs. Kims original story and follow the #AMOMK tag for drabbles! Full fic coming soon!
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deviledgreggs · 3 years
maybe this is nothing but like. 70s AU tomgreg. no i don’t have any plot more detailed than that rn yes i’m already compiling a playlist don’t look at me. please.
instead of the club from 1x06 tom brings greg to studio 54 and greg embarrasses himself in front of debbie harry. tom is really good at the hustle. greg was a hippie before moving to new york but one of those poser hippies who only actually cared about weed and ~free love~ and he makes token complaints about ATN reporting too sympathetically towards nixon during the watergate scandal but then goes and does some of the same fucking sketchy things so :// also everyone gets to wear fun 70s men’s fashion instead of boring lame modern men’s fashion so tom’s sugar daddy shopping spree can be a little more interesting. instead of mitski tom sadgirl hours are soundtracked by joni mitchell and nick drake and he’s cried to The Only Living Boy in New York. idk im going off the rails and i have an essay due in 3 hours but this has been driving me crazy
if this makes sense to anyone please talk to me about it this has been clawing and scratching at my brain i’ve got 82 songs in the playlist already oh god oh fuck help-
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myvirtuesuncounted · 3 years
on that note, so proud of kansha and you for finally entering the caffeine addiction era I've literally become one with coffee (like that gummy bear meme) like I drink coffee and accidentally fall asleep and wake up after two hours ~your local victorian sadgirl
shfhfjfjfjgjg yes we should be glad that kansha has become one of us 🥰
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stillshewanders · 4 years
purple, coral, honey, apricot for the color ask!
purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend
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this excerpt of west wind by mary oliver bro................literally me @ my best girl 24/7...........it’s real sadgirl hours ladies and gents
coral: an animal you wish hadn’t gone extinct
*googles a list of extinct animals* umm the javan tiger. reasoning:
1. tigers are my favorite animal
2. i was born in the year of the tiger
3. capitalism killing things makes me mad :(
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
okay babe are we talking about magical effects or the supernatural or something else?? bc some things or people have inexplicable and unanswerable effects on our lives, which may may never have occurred at other times or places........and i do believe in the supernatural, although i really don’t believe there are many rules or even ideas of boundaries we can imagine for it?? so yes, maybe?? but not like fantasy novel magic?? idk bro
apricot: opinion on 3 in 1 body wash/hair wash
i literally JUST chewed out my coworker today for comparing 3-in-1 shampoo to MULTIPURPOSE SURFACE CLEANER!!?1! these men are passing beyond the horizion line of their redemptive arcs, i’m warning u right now
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Please enjoy this audio of me crying from about 10 minutes ago bc I can’t give Harry a hug. Also yes the alien filter is over my voice. SadGirl!Brandi hours our happening now
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