#yes the fried chicken couple
bladeofthestars · 5 months
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bluejay757 · 1 year
reading Marceline's Scrapbook honestly and truly ripped my heart from my body.
It's starts off as Simon's journal and then he later passes it on to Marceline when he has to leave her.
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This is his first entry, right after he found Marcy he talks about how when he found her she was afraid of everything around her, including him. That the first night after he found her she didn't sleep, but instead cried all night.
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Simon talks about how much he loves Marceline, and how she's keeping him alive. Because if he didn't have her, he'd have no reason to live. He basically outright says he wishes he was dead so if he didn't have Marceline to look after he probably would have killed himself.
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And it starts to get more and more sad when he starts referring to Marcy as Gunther.
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This was Simon's last entry before giving the journal to Marceline and the last thing he said in it was, "God help me" which I find really dark for, one, a cartoon, and two, adventure time specifically since Glob replaces God in most peoples vocabulary in Ooo so this really highlights his humanity imo.
But whats really sad is seeing how significantly his hand writing changes over time, it starts out very neat and ends up looking like chicken scratch.
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This was Marceline's first entry in the journal, she wrote in it for a while before Simon left her. I highlighted where she called Uncle Simon. Because...
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She later refers to him as a father, yes I know it's in quotation marks but she's talking about Simon and Hunson in the same way and Hunson is her actual dad. Everything about their relationship makes me want to tear my heart out.
Edit: I saw a couple people were confused, when she says "day 4 without Dad" she is referring to Hunson, this is shortly after he stole her fries and she forced him to leave, but he did things far worse than that. He killed her friends after he promised he would help save them, and him eating her fries after she hasn't eaten hot food in literal years was just the straw that broke the camels back. She was maybe 11 years old at that point.
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"Maybe more."
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asdfghjklmals · 10 months
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. mentions of sex and suggestiveness at the end. WORD COUNT: 2.9k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, dadtobe!gojo, pregnant!oc, established couple.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend’s pregnancy cravings keep her up at night and she ends up waking up satoru because of it. AUTHOR'S NOTE: this all started because i was craving fried chicken. i love writing for pregnant oc gojo girlfriend. she is just so funny. 🤭 consider this my late happy birthday fic for satoru. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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toss. turn. toss. turn.
you felt satoru’s arm twitch as you kept tossing and turning in his embrace. the half-asleep sorcerer opened his eyes as they adjusted to the dark to look at you.
“you okay?” he asked as he murmured into the crevice of your neck.
he brought your body closer to his chest, stroking your cheek gently. you sighed, embarrassed to tell him what was running through your mind. your emotions have been all over the place during your pregnancy, so you were feeling vulnerable. pregnancy hormones were no joke.
you pouted your lips at him, “if i tell you, will you promise not to laugh at me?”
“why would i laugh at you?” satoru scoffed in disbelief. he reassured your feelings like he always did, “i know it’s been getting harder for you to sleep since baby gojo is growing so big and strong in your belly… so, tell me what’s wrong sweetheart.”
you pursed your lips and hesitated before leaning towards satoru’s ear to whisper to him. this was normal… right?
“satoru, baby gojo is violently craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”
and you had to have it now.
satoru laid back down on his back and dropped his head on his pillow, he turned his head to stare back at you. he then glanced at his phone on the glass nightstand beside him, checking the time. all he knew was that it was an ungodly hour of the night.
3:42 am.
“right now?” he asked, “like… baby gojo doesn’t want it for breakfast instead?”
you frowned at your baby daddy and gave him your best puppy dog eyes that you knew he couldn’t say no to.
“yes, right now. for like… a midnight snack.” you replied with a twinge of guilt, “—but it’s okay, babe. i can make it myself. i know you have work in the morning.”
you turned away from satoru so you could roll over on your side of the bed to attempt to sit up. you could feel baby gojo kicking your side, happy that you were moving around at this time of night. your baby had always been extremely active while you were supposed to be sleeping.
“no, babe—” satoru interrupted you as he grabbed your arm, “i’ll get you—i mean—baby gojo a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. you stay here.”
you smiled sweetly at him and caressed his cheek, giving him an appreciative kiss.
satoru gojo would do anything for you, even if that meant he had to get out of bed at 3:42am to make his pregnant girlfriend a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when he had to wake up for work at six in the morning.
satoru took a deep breath and swung his long legs out of the warm and comfortable duvet. he rubbed his face with the palm of his hands before hopping out of the bed and into the kitchen.
even though you really wanted that peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you did feel bad that you woke satoru up on a work night. ever since shoko told him that all your cravings needed to be satisfied since that’s what his baby wanted to eat, he was always at your beck and call.
this wasn’t the first time the white haired sorcerer had to fulfill a ridiculous craving of yours. you’ve asked for extra crispy fried chicken in the middle of the night, finished large tubs of lactose-free ice cream, and would make the world’s spiciest noodles even though your heartburn was amplified tenfold during this pregnancy. you told satoru that you were going to eat whatever you wanted if you were gonna be having his baby.
you got up slowly from the bed, feeling your baby shift in your belly. small kicks attacked your left side as you laughed at your active baby. you opened the door of your bedroom to peek into the kitchen.
satoru was standing in front of the fancy digital toaster that megumi had bought him (with your credit card) for father’s day this year. satoru loved high tech gadgets, and knowing him, he always had to have the best in everything… even toasters.
you watched as your sleepy and shirtless boyfriend popped two pieces of whole grain bread into the toaster, grabbing the smooth peanut butter from the pantry and the sweet strawberry jelly from the fridge. your household had two types of peanut butter on hand at all times, one smooth and one chunky. satoru and megumi liked the chunky while you and tsumiki preferred the smooth.
you wrapped yourself in your robe and stepped out into the kitchen. you walked over to satoru, who’s cheek was resting in the palm of his hand, his elbow supporting him on the kitchen counter. he was waiting for your bread to finish toasting.
you snaked your arms around his bare chest, your belly preventing you from hugging him as tightly as you actually wanted to. you rested your cheek on his back.
“what are you doing out here, sweetheart?” satoru asked softly as he peeked behind his shoulder, “i was going to bring the sandwich to you.”
“i don’t want crumbs in our bed.” you replied innocently, “—and i just wanted to watch you.”
satoru turned to you and grinned, “a little creepy, but i like that.”
you glared at him playfully as he snuck a kiss on your cheek. you clung to his side as you watched him spread the peanut butter and jelly onto the perfectly toasted bread. he cut the sandwich into triangles, just how you liked it.
you sat across the kitchen island in the barstool, admiring your boyfriend’s shirtless figure. you laughed knowing that satoru would definitely be considered a ‘dilf’ once your baby was born.
he slid the plate to you and watched as your eyes lit up. he could practically see the stars dancing in your eyes. you were drooling over the sandwich that you were craving so violently just a moment ago.
you took a bite as the peanut butter, jelly, and toasted bread married flavors into your mouth. you swore you haven’t had such a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich before this moment.
“is it that good?” satoru chuckled. he was honestly curious. you could be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich spokesperson with the way you were eating that sandwich.
you licked your lips and your strawberry jellied fingers, replying with a mouth full of sandwich, “yes, thank you. baby gojo is so happy, babe. they’re doing somersaults in my stomach right now.”
satoru laughed at your ridiculous reply before swiping crumbs off your bottom lip with his thumb. he turned around to grab an empty glass cup from the kitchen cabinet and filled it with water. he slid the glass over to you.
“thank you.” you said with a smile before downing the glass of water.
satoru had always been an attentive boyfriend, but ever since he found out you were pregnant, he did all he could to be there for you in any way, shape, or form. he was present and involved, you couldn’t ask for a better partner. you couldn’t wait to see him be a father to your baby.
satoru patiently watched as you finished your last bite of your sandwich. you pushed yourself off of the barstool and took your plate to the sink, washing away the crumbs from your hands and plate.
he leaned against the kitchen counter, satisfied with himself, arms folded, “anything else before we head back to bed, sweetheart?”
with no hesitation, you blurted out, “baby gojo wants a hot chocolate.”
satoru blinked twice. at this moment, his baby was craving the most random things. he couldn’t even believe it. this was worse than when he went to buy you fried chicken in the middle of the night. you made sure you put the emphasis on ‘extra crispy’ and if it wasn't extra crispy, he couldn't come home.
“really, babe?” he asked, “you really want a hot chocolate? when was the last time you drank hot chocolate?”
you gave him the puppy dog eyes again, “it’s not me. it’s the baby—can you use the lactose-free milk?”
he stood in front of you and bent down to eye-level with your belly and pointed at your belly button.
“you—baby gojo—are asking for a lot in the middle of the night.” he said to your belly, “it’s a good thing i’m insanely in love with your mommy.”
you felt two kicks from baby gojo. you smiled at the sight of satoru talking to your stomach. he loved to speak to baby gojo as if they were already born. you were certain that your baby recognized yours and satoru’s voices because baby gojo would kick, twist, turn and throw punches when they heard satoru’s voice after he would come home from work or when he would stop by your office to escape his students. your baby loved his voice just as much as you did.
you sat back down in the barstool and watched satoru grab a mug from your mug collection. he recently added a pregnancy mug that he was very proud of.
“this is probably the most accurate mug you’ve bought yet.” you giggled. in a bright sparkly pink font, this one read ‘beware, due to the influence of pregnancy hormones, i could burst into tears or kill you in the next two minutes’.
“sometimes, i worry about you,” satoru teased as he poured your lactose-free milk into the mug and stirred a hot chocolate packet into it. “one minute you’re climbing me like a tree and the next you don’t want me to touch you. is that also because of your pregnancy hormones?”
you laughed shamelessly, “yes, sorry, the libido is off the charts some days.”
the white-haired sorcerer thanked god every day for your increased sex drive during your pregnancy. nowadays you were the one who initiated intimacy… and satoru gojo was not going to complain about that.
satoru put the mug of hot chocolate into the microwave to warm it up for you. he turned to face you as you both waited for the microwave to beep.
once the hot chocolate was done being warmed up, he guided you to the living room with the mug in his hand. satoru sat down on the plush white couch and patted the seat next to him, motioning for you to sit with him.
you obliged and made yourself comfortable. he grabbed your legs to put on top of his and handed you your hot chocolate. he draped a blanket on top of your laps. he placed his hand on your thigh and admired the pregnancy glow on your face in the warm and dim living room lights.
a sweet cup of hot chocolate, a handsome man cuddling you, a comfortable couch and warm blanket? what more could you ask for? you enjoyed any quality time with satoru as you got older and busier. quality time was something you’d keep near and dear to your heart, especially knowing that you weren’t going to be alone with him anymore in a short couple of months. baby gojo was going to be joining the circus soon.
“you know what i just realized?” satoru said out of nowhere as you blew on your hot chocolate.
you looked over at him, cocking your head to the side, “what?”
“we didn’t read week 22.” satoru stated. he was always on top of reading the ‘what to expect’ app with you. you watched as he stood up from the couch to quickly grab your phone from the bedroom nightstand for you.
once he returned to the living room, he made himself comfortable next to you again and swiped open your phone to find the app that you used to track baby gojo’s development.
“baby gojo is as big as a papaya.” satoru read, “baby gojo hit a huge milestone and is weighing at a whopping 1 lbs and is measuring 11 inches in length.”
“that’s our big and strong baby.” you cooed, caressing your belly with your free-hand, taking another sip of your hot chocolate.
“baby gojo’s grip, vision, and hearing are all getting stronger now! you might notice a protruding navel—” satoru lifted the blanket to check your belly button. you laughed to find a non-protruding one at the moment.
“—and possibly even bigger feet.” he finished reading. he peeked over to look at your feet.
“they’re just a little swollen.” you frowned.
“at a glance, even though baby gojo’s eyes are sealed shut, they can perceive light and dark now. shine a flashlight on your tummy and see if your little one moves—oh, babe, we have to try that out.”
you watched as satoru got up from the couch again to dig in the kitchen junk drawer for a flashlight.
“you need to clean out that drawer.” you nagged.
satoru brushed off your comment as he returned to your side, “yeah, yeah. i’ll do it later.”
he turned on the flashlight and pointed it directly on your belly. you immediately felt baby gojo move away from the light, surprising you and making you laugh out loud.
“did you feel anything?” satoru asked curiously. unfortunately, he still hasn't been able to feel baby gojo kick yet, you had hoped that he would be able to soon. only you were able to feel movement at the moment.
you nodded with a toothy smily, “yes. seems like our little one doesn’t like the flashlight.”
satoru grinned back at you. he sat back down and continued to read enthusiastically, “baby gojo is starting to hear and process sounds from inside your body so watch what you say… and baby's nervous system is sharpening the five senses, which means little fingers are learning to grab those tiny ears, nose and umbilical cord.”
you watched satoru’s slender fingers scroll slowly through the app. you gasped. your eyes started to well up with tears. you seemed to cry more easily now with the pregnancy hormones.
“satoru… it says my feet might not go back to normal after pregnancy.”
satoru knew exactly what question you'd ask. 'satoru would you still love me if my feet don't go back to normal after i give birth?'
“babe, it’s okay.” satoru wiped your crocodile tears as he comforted you, "and don't worry, i'll still love you."
“—what if i can't fit my shoes anymore?” you continued to frown, taking a sad sip of your hot chocolate.
satoru stroked your head before placing a kiss on your temple. leave it to you for the theatrics, you were his precious drama queen.
“sweetheart, if your feet don’t go back to normal, i’ll buy you every single pair of shoes you own in a new size.”
and satoru gojo could definitely afford to do just that.
you continued to pout as satoru continued to read the app.
“it says you might start experiencing braxton hicks. they’re like practice contractions.” he hummed, “and the app advises to take more magnesium and to work out… and that’s all for this week.”
you nodded, “i’ll call my doctor and ask about the magnesium. that should help with my leg cramps—and about the working out…”
“—we’ve been working out.” satoru commented slyly.
you glanced at him and sipped at your hot chocolate. even though satoru was keeping you company on the couch, he was probably exhausted. you thought that maybe he could call out of work tomorrow… guilty thoughts of keeping him awake filled your head.
“okay, baby gojo—” satoru leaned over to ask your belly, “is that all you’re craving for? last call in the kitchen. daddy wants to go back to sleep now.”
“yes,” you hummed, “—but mommy is craving for something now too.”
satoru squinted at you and booped your nose playfully, “mommy and baby gojo are the same at the moment. if you’re craving it, i’m sure the baby is too.”
“no, this one has nothing to do with the baby, satoru.” you told him confidently, hoping he’d understand.
he cocked his head to the side, wondering what else you could possibly be craving for at this time of night.
“what is it?”
you looked up at satoru with needy eyes before mumbling, “i want you.”
satoru stared at you for a couple seconds before he registered at what you were hinting at.
“oh. ohhhhhhh—i see where you’re going with this—” he grinned before replying to your sly innuendo of a request, “—well, how can i say no to that?”
you laughed out loud as satoru sat up quickly from the couch, taking you by the hand to lead you back to the master bedroom. you sat down on the edge of your bed, satoru towering over you to lean towards your ear.
he whispered, “you have some interesting pregnancy cravings, babe.”
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katstarry · 2 months
no one noticed | call me
eddie munson x reader
part iii
masterlist ☆
part i part ii
summary: eddie finally asks you on a date!
warnings: fluff, reader tends to overthink a little, a bit of self-doubt, but overall this is happy!!! she/her for reader, not much of robin in this one :(
a/n: this is probably the last part and it’s kinda long!! i sort of winged this whole small series :D but i enjoyed writing it sm it’s the first time i’ve written multiple parts for a story, thank you for all the love!!! 💝 i think this is my favorite part.
feedback + reblogs are appreciated! ☆
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a few weeks had gone by and your friendship with eddie had only gotten stronger. the project for history had gone great, and it’s only a matter of time until the grades are passed out.
though eddie and you have spent lots of time together after school at various locations, such as your house or his, diners, local shops, or visiting robin at family video—there’s one thing that neither of you have gotten the courage to ask for.
each others number.
many days spent seeing each other, the thought of continuing to keep conversations going after you both go your separate ways, has been something you’ve wanted to do since the start.
it’s a simple thing really, but for some reason you don’t find the perfect time to ask for his number, or bring it up. feeling as though that would be too awkward. he hasn’t brought it up either, which only fuels your reluctance.
which brings you to now.
it’s a friday and you’re both spending the evening at a local diner, waiting for your food to arrive, well, specifically eddie's.
"are you sure that you don't want anything else?" he looks at you as he drinks from his cup, he had ordered a burger along with some fries. while you had only gotten a vanilla milkshake with fries.
"yup, i ate some lunch at school earlier. remember?"
he nods his head, "right. just don't steal my food when it gets here." narrowing his eyes at you.
"pfft, what? i would never do that." you say, grabbing one of your fries and taking a bite.
eddie rolls his eyes and smiles, "uh huh, just like you didn't steal my chicken nugget during lunch, or yesterday at the movies and i got some m&m's , or the other time when you said you didn't want anything but then asked for my chi-"
"alriiight! okay! i have no idea what you're talking about. that wasn't me." hiding your smile by taking a sip from your milkshake, he leans onto the table crossing his arms in front of him. "sure it wasn't, she looked a lot like you though. weird."
he steals one of your fries.
"hey! now who's the thief?" smacking his hand away, but you were too late, he had already grabbed it and ate it, smiling innocently back at you.
he shrugs, "don't know what you're talking about."
"i hate you." you say shaking your head and laughing.
he laughs, "oh please, you love me, sweetheart."
you blush. because first of all yes, you do, and second of all because of the nickname he's gotten used to calling you.
"you wish." you roll your eyes, acting as if his words didn't cause your heart to race and cheeks to burn. you hope he doesn't notice. but of course, he does, though he doesn't bring it up.
"i'm wounded, you don't love me." he puts his face in his hands as if he's crying. that's when the waitress comes over with his food.
"okay, here's your burger and your fries, sir," she smiles and puts the food down in front of him, causing eddie to look up and rub his hands together at the sight of food, "enjoy your meal! you both make a lovely couple." she smiles as she looks at you both.
you both freeze and look at each other, you see eddie smile. oh no.
"thank you so much, she doesn't love me." he deadpans with a fake sad smile as he looks at her.
an awkward look appears on her face. "oh! i'm, uh, sorry about that." she looks over at you.
"that's- no! i never said that, he's just kidding. ha ha." you look at eddie who's trying not to laugh at the look on your face. you kick him under the table.
he yelps and the waitress leaves after awkwardly laughing.
"uh, ouch?!" he rubs his leg under the table.
"oh c'mon it wasn't that hard!" you laugh. your face feels warm once again, "what'd you have to say that for? the poor lady, she was just doing her job." you shake your head with a fake disappointed sigh.
"just having some fun, sweety pie."
"ugh, don't ever say that again."
"we gotta keep up the act now! right, sweetums?" he bats his eyelashes at you and takes a bite of his burger.
"stop!" you laugh.
"why, sweetcheeks? apple of my eye? buttercheeks?"
"buttercheeks?" you ask, still laughing.
"i don't know where that came from, kinda started pulling some outta my ass." he laughs, taking another bite.
"it's okay, honey, you're trying your best." deciding to play along, patting his free hand that lays atop the table.
though, unbeknownst to you, his brain kind of short circuited for a moment once he heard you. you called him honey and you don't even realize the effect you have on him. usually, he's the one calling you pet names, loving the way you react to them, it's sweet. though he only thinks it's because you're a naturally shy person, but he's questioned in his mind if there was another reason as to why.
and he hopes he's the reason why you get all flustered when he says them.
taking another bite to keep himself occupied, nearly finished with the burger, he smiles at you once he finishes.
"i really am, you cutie patootie." he wipes his hands on a napkin before, leaning over and booping you on the nose.
"seriously? cute patootie? out of all the options?" you finish your milkshake, putting the rest of your fries to the middle of the table in between eddie and you so you can share.
"it suits you! but all right then, uh.." he looks up in thought, eating one of your fries, "...snookums."
"i really do hate you." you take the final fry.
"hey, we're supposed to be keeping up an act here, boo boo bear." he points an accusatory finger at you, you stare at each other for a moment before you both end up bursting out laughing.
"we should head home, love bug." you say, getting out your wallet.
"uh uh uh! no. i'll pay." he stops you.
"eddie you paid last time. i'll pay."
he sighs, knowing he won't be able to stop you. he hasn't been able to stop you all the other times before.
you smile, knowing that you won.
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now you're both in his van and he's driving you home.
it's become a routine for you both, he started picking you up for school and driving you home. if he kept this up you'll end up not remembering how to drive.
he turns up the radio, one of his metallica cassettes is playing. looking over at him, you smile at the sight. he's looking straight ahead, hands drumming on the steering wheel to the music, head moving to the beat. you believe he does it subconsciously, as if he doesn't realize he's doing it unless someone points it out.
you look away once he glances at you.
"staring it rude, sweetheart." he says sternly, though you can hear his smile.
"wasn't staring."
"sure you weren't."
"just was admiring the view."
"you flatter me, y/n." he twirls one of the strands of his hair playfully with his free hand, while the other is on the wheel with his elbow resting on the window that's down.
you shove him gently, "don't let it get to your head. it's big enough as it is."
he laughs, "who knew you'd be so mean, what happened to the shy girl from a few months ago?"
"i wasn't that shy."
he looks over at you with his eyebrows raised.
"okay maybe i was."
he laughs, "couldn't even keep eye contact with me."
"i was just nervous!"
"i make you nervous, sweetheart?"
"sure." he smiles.
the rest of the drive was comfortable, music playing in the background, you like that about being with eddie. it doesn't feel awkward having periods of silence, he makes you feel safe, welcome, you can just be you.
he lowers the volume of the radio once he stops in front of your house, putting the van on park.
"well, home sweet home." he says, turning to look at you.
"home sweet home." you repeat, unbuckling your seatbelt. "thanks for the ride, eds."
"of course. you know i don't mind." he smiles.
you smile at him and get out, waving back at him once your in your house as he waits for you to get in safely, and shut the door.
once you're safely inside, eddie glances down at where you were sat, and finds napkin with scribbles on it.
he grabs it and looks at it properly, about to throw it to the back to throw away later (he always forgets), but stops once he reads what's on it.
it's a telephone number, it's your number. and beside it is written 'call me!' with a smiley face and a messy heart.
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you had called robin as soon as you got home, gushing once again about your time with eddie, while she talked to you about her encounters with vickie.
and now here you were a few hours later, anxiously laying on your bed and flipping through magazines, waiting for eddie's call. will he even call?
did he even see the napkin? oh no, what if he threw it away? or what if he doesn't care?
that's when a ring begins to sound.
you jump up from the bed, fixing your hair, but then realizing he won't even be able to see you.
you pick up the phone, "hello?"
"well hellooo, y/n. i can't believe this is our first time calling each other."
you immediatley begin to smile, "i know right! we're so stupid."
"i didn't know how to bring it up."
"neither did i."
you both laugh.
"we really are so stupid." he says.
you picture him by the phone, is he standing? or is he sitting? is he smiling as much as you are?
"so... what'd you do today?" he asks, and you know now that he's definitely smiling, and you can picture it so easily. maybe he's even toying with the phone cord, maybe not.
"hm... well i went to school obviously," "obviously." he interrupts, sounding as if he's holding back laughter.
"okay. and then just hung out with this guy after school."
"aah.. a guy you say? should i be worried?"
IS HE FLIRTING? you swear your heart skips a beat. breathe!
you laugh, "oh no, no. nothing to worry about."
"you sure?"
"totally, he wouldn't even hurt a fly."
"sounds like a pussy." he laughs.
"heeey! you weren't supposed to agree." he pouts, though you can't see him.
"you're the one who said it!"
"well, i don't know the guy, so i can say it."
"eddie you literally are the guy."
"i am?"
your laughs quiet down and you hear quiet breaths over the receiver, something about it makes it feel so intimate, it makes you blush. it's like he's so close, but he's so far away. only a couple of minute's drive away, but still, too far for your liking.
"still awake over there?" you whisper.
you hear a loud exaggerated snore in return, causing you to pull the phone away for a moment.
"well you must be in very deep slumber, i guess i'll hang up.."
"no! i'm awake. sorry, must've fallen asleep a bit there. oops. my bad, i'm up. don't hang up."
"nearly ruptured my eardrum." you laugh.
"myyy bad." he snickers.
"i am getting a bit tired though," a yawn escapes you in the middle of your sentence.
you hear him sigh, "guess we gotta sleep then."
"guess so."
a moment of quiet.
"you doing anything tomorrow?" he asks.
"um, no i don't think so. you?"
"cool." you smile, knowing he'll ask to hang out.
"can i ask you something?" he sounds nervous.
"of course."
"we should hang out tomorrow."
"...okay, i'm down. was that the question?" you laugh softly, opting to lay down on your bed again.
"sorry- no that's not the question," you hear him move around, "uh, i was thinking."
"oh no." "shut up," he laughs, "i was uh, wondering, if you- do you want to go on a date with me?"
WHAT. oh. oh this is real.
"uh it's okay if not, can just forget i ever said that-" "i'd love to."
he swears he stops breathing for a moment, "yeah?" he smiles once he hears your answer.
"yeah." you giggle.
"cool.. nice. i'll pick you up, uh is like 3pm cool?" "yeah, that's cool."
"awesome. well... i'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart." he whispers.
"see you tomorrow eds. goodnight."
"don't let the bed bugs bite." he says, did he really just say that? he rubs his face, but he feels calmer once he hears it made you laugh.
"alright, bye eddie."
he can't wait for tomorrow.
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excitedly going to sleep, the next day comes quick.
calling robin and immediately telling her you have a date with eddie.
you wake up, have some breakfast and tell your mom, take a shower, and spend time looking for an outfit.
he didn’t tell you what the plans were, so you decide on something a bit casual but also a bit dressy. you put on a nice babydoll shirt and some jeans along with your docs.
sitting at your desk, where you have a small mirror and your make-up products, you get started on getting ready. you take your time getting your hair to look nice and not going too over the top with the make-up just some simple concealer, mascara, and lip gloss.
by the time you finish it’s about 2:30pm. okay, 30 minutes left. cool. now it’s really sinking in that you’re about to go on a date.
you get up and put on some jewelry, some earrings and a necklace, and just a few bracelets.
okay, now you’re ready.
wait! some perfume too. can’t forget that.
looking at the mirror you fix a few things—and you hear a knock at the door.
your mom went out to do some groceries—so you rush to the door and take a breath, not wanting to seem too eager. but you are.
you open the door and see eddie, he looks good. really good, which you’ve always thought but you can see he put effort in for this. his hair seems softer somehow? he’s wearing a black button down that fits loosely and some jeans, he’s still wearing his rings, you take notice that one his arms is hidden behind his back.
“you look great.” you both say at the same time.
“uh thanks.” you feel your face heat. “you look nice.”
“thank you, swetheart.” he pulls his arm from behind his back and he gives you flowers. you almost sigh dreamily, almost. you take it, unable to stop the smile that comes to your face.
“you remembered my favorite flowers?” you say as you look down at them.
“i remember everything you tell me, beautiful.”
his pet names aren’t new, but knowing this is a date makes hearing them a lot more difficult to not love the way it sounds.
“thank you, eds. i’ll just go put them in some water and i’ll be right out.” he nods and waits for you.
you’re out really quickly, excited.
he opens the door for you as he always does, but this time he even buckled the seatbelt for you, before going to the drivers seat. gentleman.
“so, where are you taking us today eddie?” you look over at him seeing him smile and starting the van.
“guess you’ll have to wait to find out.”
he hums along to the music that’s playing, opting to turn on the radio and put on one of his favorite stations. you hum along to the songs you do know, the ones you’ve listened together with him and some you’re just now hearing.
the trees on the side of the road pass you by, shades of green and brown since it’s almost fall, but still warm enough to be outside.
“i think i know where we’re headed.” you say, your gaze still outside the window.
“sh! sh! i still want it to be a surprise. even if you know where we’re going.” he chuckles.
you smile lazily over at him, your head resting on the headrest. “alright.”
the drive to the location is peaceful, as it always is. it’s filled with silly banter, teasing, and causal conversation.
once he parks the van, he rushes out and opens your door before you even get the chance to reach for the handle.
you hop out, “thank you.” you pat his chest.
“of course, your majesty.” he puts out his hand and your grab it.
he leads you to the back of the van and he opens it with his free hand, grabbing a blanket and a basket.
“a picnic?”
“a picnic.” he blushes and looks away, feeling a bit flustered by the way you look at him in adoration.
he leads you a bit further into the trees until you reach a good place; with a beautiful view of lovers lake.
letting go of your hand with a soft squeeze, he opens up the blanket and places it on the ground, putting the basket on it and sitting down. he look up at you and reaches for your hand.
“you gonna join me? or are you just gonna stand there and look pretty? i wouldn’t mind either one.”
you sit down across from him. “oh shut up.” you mumble.
he nudges your foot with his own, “don’t get shy on me now, sweetheart. let’s dig in.”
“alright, let’s see what you brought.”
opening up the basket he pulls out sandwiches, drinks, a container with cupcakes, and some fruit.
he looks up at you once he finished laying everything out. “i know it’s not much.. but i hope you enjoy it. i know you’ve mentioned before how badly you wanted to go on a picnic before.” he looks back down and counties setting everything.
you grab his hand and squeeze it. “it’s perfect, eddie. thank you. anything we would’ve done today i would enjoy regardless, you make things fun ed’s.”
letting go of his hand, he sits up and smiles.
“likewise, cutie patootie.”
“ooookay. well then, this has been fun—” you move to stand.
“no! alright, alright. i’ll behave.” he laughs, putting his hands on your shoulders.
“thanks, buttercheeks.” this causes you both laugh.
he hands you a sandwich, you take it and eat. the time is spent eating the snacks he had brought, goofing around, and shy glances when the other thought they weren’t looking.
the food was eaten and now you were snacking on some grapes, now sitting side by side, looking out at the lake, the sunset making the trees surrounding it to have more color and the water to glimmer.
“it’s so beautiful.” you say, looking at the scenery.
“yeah. it is.” he says softly, but he’s looking at you. he’s leaning on his elbows, his legs stretched out and crossed.
looking over at him, you lock eyes. only this time neither of you look away. you move to mirror his position, now at eye level.
“hey.” he says in a low voice.
“hey.” you say.
you eat another grape.
“can i have one?” he glances down at the fruit in the container.
“if you can catch it.” you smirk, sitting up as he remains how he is. he furrows his eyebrows in confusion, but understands once he sees you raises your arm, about to throw the grape.
he opens his mouth in attempt to catch it, but it hits his eye, causing you to burst out laughing.
“laughing at my pain, i see how it is.” he picks up the grape that fell onto the blanket and throws it back at you, which hits your shoulder.
“you missed.”
“you hit my eye!”
“it was close!”
“that was not close.”
you throw another one, catching him off guard. it hits his nose.
“now that was close.” you say, eating one yourself.
he shakes his head and sits up, reaching for the container. you pull it away playfully.
“oh? is that what we’re doing now?” he says.
you shrug.
he moves to grab it again, you pull it away.
neither of you move, until you stand and run with the container. he gets up and tries to reach you, but unfortunately you trip on a tree root and fall onto the grass, eddie falls as well by trying to reach for you.
he falls atop you, the container of fruit now forgotten.
“y’know if you wanted to be on top of me, i think that could’ve been after a couple more dates, eddie.” you joke.
eddie leans over you, not wanting to put his full weight on you. “ha ha.” he rolls his eyes.
“so what i’m hearing is.. you’ll go on more dates with me?” he brushes a loose strand of hair that fell in front of your face.
“mmm… maybe.” you smile.
he glances down at your lips, looking back to find you doing the same. “can i kiss you, sweetheart?” he whispers.
you nod, and that’s all he needs before leaning down to connect your lips. he feels your soft lips and he can’t help but sigh against the kiss. this is real. he’s kissing you. moving your hands to wrap around his neck, you feel his lips love against yours, tasting the cupcakes from earlier and a hint of mint. smiling against his lips, he pulls back for breath.
smiling down at you, he looks at you, a gleeful look on your face.
he moves to move off you, but you pull him back down for one last kiss.
he laughs against your kiss, helping you up.
“can’t get enough of me already?”
you shove his shoulder gently, “what, don’t want me to kiss you then?”
“now, now let’s not get crazy. i didn’t say that.” he pulls you closer, both of you now standing. he leans down and pecks your lips, pulling away and humming contently.
“nice?” you say.
“more than nice. amazing. awesome. beautiful. spectacular. though i think i know what would make it even better.”
“yeah? and what’s that?” you play with the ends of his hair.
“if you would be my girlfriend.” he says, blushing.
you hide your smile by hiding your face in his neck.
“i’d love to be your girlfriend, eddie.” you kiss his cheek.
he embraces you. “thank you.”
“for what?” you laugh, feeling him shrug.
“being you.” he kissed the top of your head, “…i’m your boyfriend now.” he smiles, pulling away and holding your hand.
and that next monday, in history class, where it all first started, he looks at his grade, an A written at the top.
he looks over at you, leaning over to give his girlfriend a dramatic sloppy kiss on the cheek.
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rottenaero · 1 year
Saw someone say El gets found by Wayne instead of Mike and the gang to which I say hell yeah.
Waynes working late at the plant when hears these noises coming from the woods, then a girl with a shaved head rushes out to grab his coworkers sand which they’d forgotten about hours ago.
She dirty, wearing a hospital gown, and he approaches her. Asks if she has a place, and she’s so fidgety that he’s shocked she hasn’t run away. She must see something to trust in him because when he asks if she wants some real hot food, she says yes.
He grabs an extra coat from his trunk so she can cover up and brings her through a drive through, lets her eat her food in the back while drives back to the trailer. It reminds him of Eddie, when his father had first gone to jail. His hair was buzzed and he was cagey, but was quick to pick through his burger and fries.
He brings her home, learns her name is Eleven, and Eddie meets her. He’s excited to meet her an quickly gives her the nickname El which just sticks. She warms up to the pretty quickly.
About a week after she first gets there, Steve Harrington shows up, trying to get weed for Tommy because the fuckers to lazy to get it himself.
She pokes her head out of Eddie’s room and sees him. She immediately comes out. “Shit,” Eddie mutters, “El, just stay in there another minute.” But she doesn’t, she goes straight up to Steve and just stares.
“Pretty…Pretty hair.” Steve beams, and crouches down to her level. “Thank you. Wanna touch it?” He asks. She nods enthusiastically, starry eyed as she reaches out and runs her hands through it.
“Didn’t know you had a little sister, Munson.” He raises a brow between the two. Eddie doesn’t reply, just stares at the sight.
“I- Uh, yeah.”
“You don’t,” Steve starts, pauses. El’s still playing with his hair when he continues. “You don’t smoke anything around her, right?”
Eddie is quick to shake his head, “Jesus! No Harrington, I only do it when I’m out of the house.”
El pauses. “..Harrington? You are Steve then.”
Steve nods, and Eddie’s are blown wide mouthing nononono, “Yeah, why?”
“He talks about you sometimes.” She shrugs, and pulls away, before looking up at the long-haired guy who looked embarrassed.
“Eggos.” She states. He nods, “Alright, Harrington, the goods, they might take a minute.”
“Dude, are you serious? It’s like 3pm.”
“So? The girl wants Eggos, why not?”
“Because it’s not healthy?” He sighs, gets up, and walks into the kitchen like he owns it. He opens the fridge door, and the freezer. “Do you have panko crumbs and cooking oil?”
He approaches, and leans against the bar, a bit hunched so he doesn’t knock down a hanging mug with his head. “It’s a no on the panko, but we’ve got some veggie-oil.”
Steve grabs eggs and chicken from his fridge and setting them on the counter, and begins opening random cabinets. He gets to the one with the food and grabs half-eaten lays chips, flour, and oil. “Got any seasoning?”
“Dude, what are you even doing?” He asks, El comes up beside him and jumps onto the counter. Steve opens another cabinet and grabs a couple seasonings. “Cooking real food.”
“Well aren’t you a little house-wife.” He snorts as Steve takes a pan off a nearby hook and puts it on the stovetop. His eyes widen, “Oh wait, you’re serious?”
“Uh,” Steve fills it with a little bit of oil, “Duh?” He gets a couple bowls out, cracks some eggs into one, another he puts flour and some other shit into.
He pushes the bag of lays to El, “Can you crunch all of these into tiny pieces?” Before going back to whatever he was doing.
In the end, the chicken tastes good. El loves it, and when Steve leaves she mourns him.
“I like him. He’s nice.”
Steve starts coming over everyday, usually during lunch but sometimes dinner, and makes them foods.
She meets the party who are looking for Will when Steve suggests she meet some friends from Hawkins, and introduces her to Nancy’s little brother.
Eventually, they all get sucked into the upside down when Eddie learns she has powers, and Steve fights the demo-gorgon.
Then El disappears and they’re all super upset, and when they found out that’s she was alive they’re pissed.
She still loves Hopper, but she also loves Wayne so they do weekend swaps and shit.
Steve starts greeting Eddie at school, hanging out with him sometimes. Eddie notices how he doesn’t let anyone touch his hair, but the way that anytime El asks he’ll gladly let her.
Idk, I think it’s sweet. Wayne gets another kid he adores, Eddie as her lame-but-cool-to-her older brother, and Steve as the babysitter, not just for her but Eddie too, because he’s also not allowed Eggos at 3pm are you fucking kidding me??
El is at Hoppers the week the whole star court thing happens and him and Wayne goes to pick her up and she’s sobbing, and Steve’s got his face beaten in.
When Joyce suggests she being El with her to California, Eddie doesn’t want her too, but Wayne thinks it’s best so they hug goodbye.
Steve still drops by everyday.
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marlenesluv · 11 months
Star of the show. (CL)
summary: when charles leclerc hard launches his actress girlfriend, star of teen wolf as scott mccalls sister, fans go crazy.
note: obviously in the show, scott doesn’t have a sister, but pretend for me, kk? lol
fc: christina nadin (love her)
warnings: language, and sexual comments
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: y/n.user, carlossainz55, and 1,923,035 others
charles_leclerc: the star of the show, and my heart (and the ferrari paddock)
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ferrarifwiends: did charles just hard launch his gf and expect us not to freak tf out????
y/n.user: awww you used cute pictures of me😮‍💨🫶
↳ charles_leclerc: every picture of you is cute, chérie
↳ user7: oh shit. he’s def getting head for that one
↳ user3: UNCALLED FOR (agreed)
leclerc.edittpg: HOLY SHIT
teenwolffansss: mother is dating a vroom man?
landonorris: she helped me meet dylan obrien guys!!
↳ oscarpiastri: yeah and you never shut up about it
↳ landonorris: you’re just jealous
user5: and she’s close with the paddock?
↳ charycarlos: we have been fooled by the monégasque again
y/nfanedits8: she’s taken? i now have no chance 💔
user1: the fries and the espresso martini look so good
↳ 1655charlossss: i’m sayingggg
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liked by: charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, and 1,240,925 others
y/n.user: my shining star
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tylerposey58: not to be a protective set big brother..
↳ y/n.user: ur the best sibling i could have ever asked for :’)
↳ tylerposey58: love you and miss you. pls visit me and phem
↳ y/n.user: i’ll bring char
↳ charles_leclerc: :)
stilesstilinski4life: kinda wanted her and dylan to date..
↳ y/n.fppp: just be happy for her? her and dylan are bsfs, she’s dating charles ffs
user3: the way her and tyler are literally the best sibling duo (sibling soulmates. meant to be actual sibling i swear)
charles_leclerc: je t’aime
↳ y/n.user: je t’aime aussi
f1wags: such a beautiful couple, holy shit
charismybae16: omg we are gonna get bf charles pics AHHHHH
↳ wifey.y/n: nah, forget him, we get gf y/n pics OMG
user3: you guys are too cuteeeee
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liked by: charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 1,420,004 others
y/n.user: fútbol and food (the best f’s)
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charles_leclerc: next to fucking
↳ y/n.user: charles OMG
↳ charles_leclerc: im not wrong, cherié
f1wags: y/n is turning charles into a bold commenter😭
dylanobrien: baseball is better
↳ y/n.user: mets games🧡💙
↳ dylanobrien: you need to come back so we can go?? bring charles so you can culture him
↳ charles_leclerc: texting the gc now, this sounds so fun
user4: UGH THEY HAVE A GC?!?!?!
hollandroden: you are so beautiful!? miss out girls nights :(
↳ crystalmreed: let’s hangout soon!
↳ y/n.user: holland <3 and yes we should!!
betateenwolfedits: these pictures are pure gold
user4: where’s kika?
↳ francisca.cgomes: i’m at a fashion show, lol. had to leave y/n alone with the guys :(
↳ y/n.user: SAVE ME KIKA
↳ francisca.cgomes: OMW!!
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liked by: y/n.user, pierregasly, and 1,872,024 others
charles_leclerc: we eat good🍷🍝
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y/n.user: CHICKEN🍗
↳ charles_leclerc: 😋😋😋
teenwolf: getting flashbacks from when y/n would order chicken nuggets 24/7 during filming
↳ y/n.user: miss u guys🤭
↳ teenwolf: we miss you more!🩵
y/nycharfp: they still look hot while shoving their faces, unfair
user7: favorite couple on the grid
dylansprayberry: nice to see you found someone who enjoys cooking as much as you do, y/n
↳ y/n.user: charles can NOT cook
f1wags: same pose, different food and person
bilesbilinski28: slayyyyy
danielricciardo: i want chicken
↳ y/n.user: let’s go get canes rn
↳ danielricciardo; omw rn actually
user2: i bet they actually do go and get canes….
daniels instagram story
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seen by: y/n.user, charles_leclerc, and 2,024,294 others
your instagram story
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seen by: charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 1,386,299 others
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liked by: lilymhe, charles_leclerc, and 1,428,993 others
y/n.user: how these triple headers got us
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charles_leclerc: you look like an angel when you’re sleeping/waking up and i look like a gremlin :/
↳ y/n.user: char, no you do not
f1wags: shes barbie and he’s j ken fr
y/nsfp1: she looks sooo prettyyyy
francisca.cgomes: pretty girl
↳ y/n.user: ily kika
user4: prince of monaco sleeping?! make sure he stays safe!
crystalmreed: that’s my sleeping mask!
↳ y/n.user: whaaaaaa
teenwolfeditsss: they both are still hot while sleeping and after waking up?? i’m done for
kellypiquet: those selfies are so cute!!
↳ y/n.user: ty kelly!! 🫶
user9: i need a teen wolf reunion :(
↳ char.y/n.fp: i j need charles to meet them fr
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liked by: charles_leclerc, tylerposey58, and 2,187,024 others
y/n:user: i always see people doing these aesthetic slide number things, so here’s mine 😋
1) charles tries a pepper that tyler posey got him
2) tyler holds the pepper while charles freaks out over the hotness
3) charles guzzles water while saying “too hot!! too hot!!”
4) charles and i found dylans look-alike!!
5) i think pierre and charles took this while me, kika, and tyler were walking around the mall infront of them. dylan was with them? i’m not sure tbh
6) took this picture a few days ago when we took charles, pierre, and kika to universal
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charles_leclerc: that pepper was too hot
↳ dylanobrien: one might say “too hot!! too hot!!”
↳ tylerposey58: “tyler why is it so spicy?!”
↳ charles_leclerc: cherié you’re friends are bullying me.
↳ y/n.user: it’s okay, char. ilysm you’re so brave for trying that pepper!❤️
↳ charles_leclerc: 🙂❤️
↳ tylerposey58: 🙄🙄
f1wags: she’s not even in these?? CRIMINAL!
landonorris: and she didn’t even invite me? :(
↳ y/n.user: you said you didn’t wanna go??
↳ landonorris: I LIED
f1page34: lmaooo, the pic of char and pierre
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liked by: y/n.user, pierregasly, and 2,197,024 others
charles_leclerc: my own “aesthetic slide number things” but it’s all my gf (mostly)
1) woke y/n up at 7am to get breakfast and all she ordered was orange juice and chips & guac
2) y/n trying to fix dylan’s jeep (that didn’t happen)
3) espresso martini night!!!
4) no explanation needed
5) y/n crying because the mets lost
6) me in my new raincoat! :)
view comments…
user3: y/n is SUCH a mood😭
y/n.user: CHAR😦
↳ charles_leclerc: 😘
f1wags: how many letters in y/n’s name?
↳ user3: ATEEEE
↳ author (me lolz): j pretend ur name is 8 letters for the smau😛
carlossainz55: it really is y/n’s world and we are all just living in it
↳ maxverstappen1: this is true
f1fanpage4: crying over the mets losing is such a y/n thing to do
dylanobrien: the mets losing is such a sad thing, i don’t blame her
vroompage16: the juice and chips is so me
your instagram story:
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seen by: charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, and 1,328,991 others
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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kissofthemis · 10 months
hello!! i saw request of reader saving nxx boys from people flirting/harassing them so i was thinking could you write about the opposite? id love to see nxx boys being protective^_^ love your writing!!
Thank you for the kind words, anon! Sorry for the wait!
❤️ Artem ❤️
"Yes, I have plans tonight. Yeah, tomorrow night as well. I'm a rather busy person, honestly...."
Despite your best efforts to deflect the stranger's attempts at flirting, clearly "no" was a hard concept for this pushy person to grasp. Artem could not blame you for not wanting to be direct; you were kind and courteous, never wanting to offend others or hurt their feelings if you could avoid it.
But this arrogant persistence was a force to be reckoned with.
"My phone number? To schedule something later? Ah..."
Artem Wing could hardly call himself a champion of justice if he allowed someone so conceited and disrespectful to be victorious here.
"Are you ready to head home?"
You seemed a bit startled as Artem appeared beside you, but the relief in your eyes was evident. "Y-yes. I just finished up for the day."
Artem nodded briskly. "Excellent. I took out chicken this morning, and I was wondering if you'd rather have it grilled or breaded & stir-fried. We can discuss in the car."
He gave a quick glance to the stranger who'd been pestering you, who had become strangely silent once Artem had shown up. The look in the attorney's eyes was collected and calm, but sharp with an iciness that could freeze one to the bone.
"Have a good evening."
More indirect than his usual style, but intense enough to get the point across.
💛 Luke 💛
"I'm in a hurry, I'm sorry."
"Can't even give me your number? Just your number, for when you aren't busy?"
"I... I'm running late...."
The discomfort in your voice was evident as Luke turned the corner to pick you up after work. Evidently he should have chosen a better spot to meet up, because this corner was swarming with pushy, insensitive animals.
"Swarming" may not have been the correct term, but just one scumbag harassing you was one too many in Luke's eyes.
"You're so cold." What a pitiful whine. "Would it kill you to smile and be friendly?"
"You want a smile, huh?"
Luke pulled up to your side at that moment, and he firmly placed his hand on your shoulder as he stared the harasser down. "You're not much to smile at, hotshot, but I'll do my best."
"Who the hell are you, kid? Get lost."
Agitation. A natural response when a greedy predator comes face to face with a rival.
But Luke had no qualms about knocking a small fry down a peg or two.
The corners of his mouth turned upward into a smirk, and he stretched his lips into a wide, toothy grin. At least, his face read "grin," but the light in his smile did not reach his eyes, which only swarmed with smoking fury and threatening shadow, like a stormcloud about to burst.
Perhaps it was the unsettling, cocky grin that made this fool step back. Perhaps it was the bloodlust in Raven's gaze. In any event, a loud curse was the only word of farewell before the nuisance turned and headed off. Luke felt as though he were watching a small dog stomp off with its tail between its legs.
"L-Luke..." you began cautiously. The brunet turned to you curiously, his eyes now sparkling and his mouth set in a lopsided, well-meaning smile. At the sudden change in demeanor, you couldn't help but let out a loq chuckle. "You're going to give someone a heart attack one of these days, you big guard dog."
💜 Marius 💜
Backed against a wall.
This wasn't the first time someone had inquired into your relationship with the Marius von Hagen, president of Pax, but...
"Good morning! Meeting Mr. von Hagen? How does he take his coffee? Would you answer a couple of que--"
You slammed the door in the paparazzi's face. Never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined that getting caught on one outing with Marius would result in nosy reporters coming to your home!
With a sigh you slid down against the front door, landing in an unceremonious heap on the floor. How were you supposed to leave today? Or any day? You had errands to run, tasks to do, bills to pay, and you really, really wanted to check out the craft fair at Central Plaza this weekend!
A soft buzzing in your pocket distracted you temporarily from your growing worries.
"See you in 10."
What? Marius was on his way here? Wouldn't that cause even more problems?
You didn't get a chance to assemble your thoughts before a low rumble began to vibrate in your ears and make your entire body shake.
"Go on! Get out of here! You're a public nuisance, and I've got a fantastic attorney! Isn't a guy allowed to have friends?!"
You peered out of your window, and there was Pax's main man, wind whipping his dark bangs in his handsome face. He gripped a megaphone in his hands, looking relaxed and smug, but his knuckles were white with his stress. Vincent must have given him a heads up.
Marius' voice blasting out of the megaphone simultaneously filled you with hope and warmth, but also horror and despair. How would you ever beat the dating allegations now?
More importantly, where was he planning to park a helicopter?!
💚 Vyn 💚
"Thank you."
You dipped your head politely to acknowledge your gratitude to the stranger who had offered to lead you to the student center. Stellis University's campus looked much different in the evening light, when fewer students were milling about. You should have been able to find it on your own, and yet...
For better or for worse, a young man had noticed you, and when he approached you explained your situation. He had agreed to lead you over, perhaps a bit too gleefully. But you were grateful for the help, and so you acquiesced, but you kept your finger hovering over a "dial" button on your phone just in case.
After your quick goodbye, you spun on your heel to enter the student center.
However, your escort didn't seem too thrilled to see you leaving so speedily.
"That's it?" he huffed. "A half-assed thank you? No phone number, no hug, not even a last name? Are you serious?" His voice kept rising with each word, his tone growing steadily angrier. "I did you a favor by even talking to an ugly brat like you. Have you ever tried smiling with that gloomy face of yours, you miserable fuck?"
Ah. One of those.
You weren't going to dignify that with a response, but then you heard footsteps behind you.
No. Don't come closer. You didn't want any trouble, least of all from an entitled, arrogant--
"Aha. I was afraid I'd have to send campus security out looking for you."
A familiar voice hummed by your ear, and your face lit up with relief. "Dr. Richter!"
A slender but firm hand rested on your shoulder, and you looked up to see bright golden eyes meet yours. Those eyes were like a beacon in the darkening night, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of them.
"The swing dancing starts any minute now. You have impeccable timing, as always." He let out a breathy chuckle.
"That should be my line, Dr. Richter," you retorted lightly.
Of course, the punk behind you hadn't left or stopped shouting. In fact, his rage only seemed to have grown since Vyn appeared, but Vyn paid him absolutely no mind. He must deal with rowdy students regularly, but this was something else entirely.
"Before we go inside," Vyn began, reaching into his coat pocket. "Let's clean you up."
"Hmm?" You didn't think you had any dirt on you, but you didn't protest as Vyn pulled out a silk handkerchief and gently began dabbing at your cheeks, nose, and hands.
"After all," he continued, and he lifted his gaze from your skin. But his eyes didn't go to yours this time; he appeared to be staring past you, at someone else.
You were grateful you couldn't see the exact look in his eyes as he murmured in a voice colder than the night breeze and sharper than a doctor's scalpel, "Spending too much time around ill-mannered, foul-tempered, idiotic boors is proven to be terrible for your health." His voice dropped an octave, and you couldn't help but shiver as he finished,
"And... if they are as foolish as they are filthy, terrible for their health as well."
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jmdbjk · 8 months
They take up a lot of space in my head sometimes...
I didn't want to dwell on this in the documentary posts but I know you guys will indulge me as I ramble a little bit.
I want to elaborate on some thoughts I had while watching the second half of Episode 7 when Jungkook went over to Jimin's.
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I watched it several times. I made sure to watch it once with a very critical and skeptical eye to keep myself from straying too far...nothing serious but possibly delulu...
This part of the documentary inside Jimin's apartment was filmed on March 13, 2022 following the last PTD Seoul concert.
This was BEFORE PTD Las Vegas where Jimin has told us he talked to the members about his troubles and that's when he embarked on writing the songs that would end up on his album FACE which was released A YEAR after this interview.
It seems Jimin answers his phone in the car after the concert. Tells whoever to get ready and come over and asks what kind of chicken to order. The documentary camera person is already in the car with Jimin... who is he speaking to on the phone? When we eventually see Jungkook coming over later on in this episode, it's natural to assume he was speaking to Jungkook on the phone, who was probably in another car on his way home to his own apartment after the concert, or perhaps already home since his apartment is much closer to Jamsil Olympic Stadium where PTD Seoul was held.
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Inside Jimin's residence, he talks about what he does there, basically not a whole lot: eats, sleeps, drinks, has friends over, plays on the computer, and from what we've seen since, he's not much of a decorator.
He wonders if he's revealed too much. I think this was a legitimate question for him, since idols typically do not divulge this sort of thing to the fans. It's plausible to me that Jimin has to unlearn all these preconceived ideas he's had about being an idol in order to forge ahead.
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Delivery fried chicken arrives and he runs to get it and runs back to the dining table. Literally runs. The door chimes as it closes. I do love watching him eat. He surely loves his food. A man after my heart.
He talks about how it naturally came about that they needed to have their own spaces. They were maturing young men, they needed their own places even though they'd lived together for so many years. He said their place in Gangnam was so small they put up temporary walls. I believe he was speaking about the house that is now a cafe, Hyuga? He says it was scary living on his own, it was so quiet.
When Jungkook arrives, the door chime sound we hear was different from what it sounded like when Jimin went to the door to get the delivery chicken.
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From this footage, we can't know if Jungkook punched in the code and let himself in. Maybe he did, but this footage does not show that. Unless someone is familiar with how that particular door chime sounds when it is unlocked, when it is locked, when it opens and when it closes, we can't know what that chime meant.
We see Jungkook after he's already inside the apartment. He was followed by a camera person. I am certain the camera-person does not have Jimin's apartment's door code. Make of that what you will...perhaps Jungkook came alone and they re-enacted him entering once he got there because it'd be weird if he was just there all of a sudden... we can't know.
Incidentally (fun fact) this is the same jacket Jungkook wore in the video of receiving the President's Award during his university graduation earlier that month (Mar. 2, 2022)... yes, Jeon Jungkook is a university graduate too. He wore a jacket with "QUIT YOUR JOB" across the back of it, to accept a graduation award.... 💀
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Anyway back to my delulu...
Jimin and Jungkook are chatting at the table while eating and drinking and get on the topic of their sleeping habits when Jungkook says normally he would take a bath, drink a couple beers and go to sleep and even adds now he goes to sleep earlier. Such a grown up.
Jimin says he falls asleep at 1 a.m. so he must be getting old but it doesn't matter if he falls asleep at 1 a.m. or 6-7 a.m., he sleeps until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Jungkook says he decided not to live like that anymore... this the man who in early 2023 was staying up all night to do live broadcasts with us from his living room and waking up his neighbors belting out Unholy, etc... such a grown up.
And then Jungkook says 'oops, I sounded like Yoongi just then, never mind, live how what you want' and whoever that is off-camera wheezing... HAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyway. That whole exchange was... what is it with them? They ride the edge of smart-assy sarcasm and inside jokery with each other constantly. And this time at the expense of Yoongi! HAHAHAHA.
Jimin and Tae sometimes act similarly with each other but it is more role play and nothing like the long-running inside joke Jimin and Jungkook do all the time.
The vibe between them was identical to the one when they were sitting at the dining table that first night of In The Soop 2.
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As episode 7 goes on, they show Jimin and Jungkook again, Jungkook is chopping mushrooms and Jimin says "You are doing so well on your own" and "Be careful" and the translation says Jungkook said "okay" but it sounds more to me like a "ayyy stop nagging" sound he made.
Jimin runs behind Jungkook again. Why does Jimin run so much? He's like a nervous, excited little mouse.
They're terrible Youtubers:
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The ship wars and solo wars and stupid-things-you-could-ask-during-a-live wars over whether or not Jimin ever ate Jungkook's ramen... FINALLY, after posting all those recipes last year and Jimin saying he wants Jungkook to cook that for him, we see JUNGKOOK HAS COOKED RAMEN FOR JIMIN! Cooked it for him way before any of these wars began too... what a waste of energy.
No, Jimin didn't go over to Jungkook's to eat it, Jungkook came to Jimin and cooked it for him.
Ok, but this is the part that made me need to pause and rewind and write this long-ass post:
Jimin tells us that a friend of his helped him realize he needed to explore the possibility he was depressed.
He recounts the story as they were at Jimin's apartment drinking and they had a small argument. The next morning Jimin wakes up, has totally forgotten the argument and goes over to the friend's to help begin moving. They apologized to each other and the friend came over again that night and the friend said "I think you are severely depressed. You act like you aren't, but you've been acting strange. If you're having a hard time, tell me." Jimin said he didn't think he was having a hard time and the friend told Jimin to take some time to think about it. Jimin says a lot changed after that.
This moment when Jimin is retelling this story, "yet you act like you aren't, but you've been acting strange. If you're having a hard time, tell me." Jimin reaches over and actually touches Jungkook. Look at the way they are looking at each other?
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The way Jungkook sat there, looking straight at Jimin while Jimin recounted that conversation/day/moment, chewing on his bottom lip as is his habit, Jungkook nodding during certain points that Jimin was retelling... very very brief moments where body language reveals a lot.
Maybe the "friend" Jimin was supposed to help move, the one who told Jimin he seemed severely depressed... was Jungkook?
You can call me delulu if you want. I see what I see and I hear what I hear.
They have not shown this type of closeness amongst the other members in this entire documentary. And here is Jungkook sitting in Jimin's home, while Jimin tells us this very intimate detail about himself.
If Jungkook was the one... it's plausible, the one who came over to drink, just like they were doing this evening... the one who was moving and Jimin was going to help him. The one who he can look in the eyes and recount this story and his friend can look him straight back in the eye and nod in agreement.
Why retell this story with Jungkook sitting next to him? There were other moments when we know Jungkook is there, he could have been off camera while Jimin told the staff about this intimate moment with his friend. No. He said it while they sat next to each other looking at each other.
It's possible. If not, it seems possible that Jungkook has already heard this story.
Jimin shares more than we've ever heard from him: that he falls into a labyrinth the moment he starts to ponder about what happiness is. He says of course their work and many other things require attention to detail but it's ok if there is vagueness (or imperfection) too. If you get too caught up in the meaning of things (in the importance of things), you feel like you have to risk it all to accomplish them and its ok to let some of it go, enjoy the simplicity of things and not get emotional over everything ... this sounds like Jimin has matured and has tried to push away perfectionism.
He believes he is in a very healthy place mentally right now (at the time of that interview, March 13, 2022) but can't say the same about his body, but he wants to stay healthy as he grows older together with the fans. And Jungkook is still there, but off camera.
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This interview was almost two years ago. And now their first solo career endeavors have been accomplished and these two are doing their military obligation together. They've come a long way. We will see them again next year. It won't be as long as it feels.
Anyway, going back to my delulu cave now. Carry on.
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astralis-ortus · 5 months
weighted blankets and projector
✱ a bang chan headcanon
— as long as you're happy, then chan is happy too.
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w.count → 0.6k genre → fluff. very soft fluff. warning → none! a.n → originally wanted this to be a single post with streetlights and warm nights, but the fluff would be out of control (and i got too delirious to actually continue writing lol) sooo here's the second part! ⋆ see masterlist
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although chan loves adventures, he also doesn’t mind spending your date nights inside.
foods and games would be the most important factor chan takes into consideration. your pool of dinner choices might be a little more limited when you’re bound to a certain location, but that’s what his little games are for.
you’re feeling like having some fried chicken? of course he’ll get them for you, but make sure you win the rounds of truth or dare or you might not be able to get even a single bite of those golden goodness (who are you kidding—he’ll definitely cave once you put on your puppy eyes, just like how seungmin taught you). hot pot night? no worries, his uno cards will help you two determine whether your dinner of the night follows his mild tastebuds or your daring ones. chan will get your every dinner requests, and put a fun twist on them just to see your smile.
when all the food is gone, chan would then pull out the weighted blanket he bought and kept especially for your date nights, all under the pretense of ‘i heard it’s good for you’ (when in actuality, he just needed wanted a tiny extra help in keeping you glued to his side).
what you’ll be doing from then on is a free arena—there are days where you’d just talk for hours on end, laughing at whatever silly things each other would say. on other days, you’d spin a wheel and let fate choose which of your all time favorite movies will you be rewatching that night (which, oddly enough, mostly fell to either the deadpool series or a few ghibli movies). there are also days where both of you decided to just melt next to each other while doing your own thing—chan with his laptop, while you, on the other hand, finishes the book you’ve been dying to read all throughout the week.
just as you’re about to feel drowsy after all fully digesting your dinner, chan would then draw a warm bath for you to relax in, bath bombs and all. he’d always tell you to take your time when you’re having your bath; he needed the extra time to pick out your set of matching pajamas set (yes, he wears one too), as well as setting up the candles and the new galaxy light projector he just bought a couple days ago. you once told him it looked pretty, and being the good boyfriend and devoted astrophile he is, of course he remembered it.
if your bath was chan’s way of taking care of you, then you doing his skin and hair care routine is your way of taking care of chan. you always treasure every opportunities you have to be so up close with him, taking note of his features while he’s surrendered under your gentle touch. you’d note every single speck of his freckles, every stray curls on his forehead, every faint smile lines he had etched over the years on the surface of his skin, which only grew in definition after he met you.
and you fall in love again.
maybe a little bit harder,
maybe a lot deeper.
now all warm and cuddled up under the layer of comfy duvet, you finally snuggled close to chan, allowing his body heat to entirely encapsulate you. the echo of his heartbeat is loud and clear, turning you all blush and giggly while sleep gently knocks on your eyelids. chan would say a couple things—noting how nice your new shampoo smelled, or how soft the layer of pajama is over your skin, but when he noticed your absence of reply, his smile would soften as he watches your sleeping face. chan would place a kiss on your forehead and held you tighter, wishing that even in his dream, the only person he would see is you.
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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rerefundslocals · 2 years
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Summary: jungkook just wants to cook for you and love on you as a newly married couple.
>>pairing: husband!jungkook x wife!reader (she/her)
>>trope: established relationship
>>genre: fluff, fluff and fluff
>>word count: 917
>>warnings/tags: jungkook is just cheesy, mentions of jungkooks past with cooking(that one run bts ep), some tears of LOVE and Joy, short brief kisses, they're just vv cute :( lmk if I missed anything!
a/n - welll, uhm, I liked the live but damn bro at 4am? 😭 anyway, please enjoy this short piece of work, I'll be gone for a while. Please send feedback through reblogs or asks, it helps authors stay very motivated <333 {work is not proofread}
{Listen to 'Adore you' by Harry Styles as this is inspired by the song.}
"You don't have to say,you love me
You don't have say nothing
You don't have to say ,you're mine
Honey, I'll walk through fire for you
Just let me Adore You."
"You're gonna cook for me?"
"Of course. who else is gonna cook for my wifey?" Jungkook leans down at your figure sitting on the couch, placing a peck on your lips.
You both had just got back from your honeymoon and this is the first night in your shared home, and after a whole day of grocery shopping, Jungkook had decided to stand up and make a meal for you both.
You simply chuckle at his antics, deep down feeling a wave of worry as the last time Jungkook had cooked for you both, the food had stuck onto the plate.
"McDonald's can cook for us too, Kook and it'll be ready in no more than 30minutes." You suggest, hoping he would catch on.
But he doesn't.
"No, that's very unhealthy, we had nothing but unhealthy food during our honeymoon, so let's have something different. Hmm, Wifey?" He asks, head tilting to the side as he awaits your answer.
Looking at him draped in his White Nike shirt, that you suppose he got from Japan and his Grey Joggers ; you pout at him, hoping to persuade him.
Sighing you let out, "argh, fine. Promise you won't poison me?" As your response.
Fists meeting the air in victory and a funny walk that has him tilting to the side all the way to the kitchen, he let's out a strained response, "Don't worry, Princess! You're in good hands."
"Okay, My Prince Charming!" You shout back.
During the time that you scroll through the smart TV and your phone, it's clear to hear the tunes your Husband sings in the kitchen and it has you smiling from ear to ear.
What a beautiful voice he has. And he can sing to you all day and night, cause he adores you that much.
You're pulled out of your thoughts when Jungkook hardly places the pot on the countertop, making you flinch at the sudden hit.
"Come, Princess!" He ushers.
You walk to the kitchen, dressed in something similar as him. Grey sweats and a oversized Prada shirt that belongs to Jungkook, while your hair is styled the way you like.
"Hmm, what's this, baby?" You question, peering at the meal in the pot.
He smiles at you, feeling proud and it had you feeling shy because of how he stares into your eyes when he explains.
"So, Princess. This is my famous Seaweed rice, with fried rice mix along with chicken breasts mixed in with sesame oil, soy sauce and gochujang. And that all for my Wifey." He finishes, lips meeting yours for a loving peck and when he pulls away, you almost want to dive right in for more.
Deciding to tease him, you walk closer to him, hands going around his neck, playing with the hair by his neck. In response his hands wrap around your waist as they rest above your ass.
"Am I the only one you've cooked this for? Just asking since it's so 'famous'."
"Yes, Baby. I used to eat this in college before I met your pretty ass." He responds coyly, Smirking at you, gaze never leaving your figure.
"Mhm okay, l-let's eat." You stutter.
You quickly let go of him, feeling hot all of a sudden as you grab a spoon to eat.
"Wait- let me show you how to eat it." Jungkook stops you, gently taking the spoon out of your hand.
He scoops some rice first and goes over to the pot, scooping his mix into it as well, and when he's done with that, he brings it up your lips, ushering you to open your mouth.
"Open, Princess."
You can't help but ask, "you sure this ain't poisoned, Mr Jeon?"
"Yes, Mrs Jeon. Now eat, you look very hungry, my angel." He chuckles.
You open your mouth to where the spoon can enter and he shoves the food into your mouth.
You chew it up, savoring the flavors, while Jungkook watches with doe desperate eyes waiting for your- preferably praises and compliments to his food.
Lowering the hand covering your mouth as you swallow, you dramatically wipe your hands, head nodding like a food critic.
"Its so good! Give me more." You burst into giggles as you watched Jungkooks eyes relax when you give him a compliment as loud as that.
He questions, "it's good, baby?"
You nod at him as you scoop the mix onto your rice, "soo good! Cook this for us everytime okay?"
Jungkook nods at you, making a cute noise with his mouth as he joins you, eating from the pot.
He feels very happy at this moment with his newlywed wife, in the kitchen eating from their newly purchased pots, in their newly purchased home that they worked very hard for.
"I adore you so much." He whispers in your ear, making you shiver from the baritone in his voice.
You shyly cower as you swallow the last bits of your food, "really?" You look up at the taller figure, staring deep into your eyes.
"Really. I love you so much, Mrs Jeon. Thank you for allowing me to be your husband."
"Aww, Kook. You're gonna make me cry- !I love you more." Tears build up at the corner of your eyes and you hide them by kissing Jungkook senseless.
It's not filled with tongue or the desire for sex, just filled with love and feelings.
Cause in this moment he just wants to adore you and you want to adore him too.
All rights reserved @rerefundslocals. Do not copy my work, I'll find you.
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starryeyedjanai · 1 year
when the tide turns
@flufftober prompt: enemies at first sight @eddiemonth prompt: cavalier 2.7k | rated: teen tags: "enemies" at first sight, misunderstandings, idiots to idiots in love, first kiss, demiromantic eddie
read on ao3
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Eddie wouldn't go so far as to say the first time he bumped into Steve Harrington, it was enemies at first sight, but it was a close thing.
He was just trying to get to his professor's office hours, when they collided right outside of Professor Click's office. It sent the pen Eddie had in his hand flying across the hallway in the opposite direction.
And he hadn't even apologized, this guy. He just kept it moving, like Eddie was the one who was in the way.
Eddie went to get his pen and turned back to find this guy inside Click's office, asking questions about the homework. The only reason Eddie's a little bitter about it is because he was kind of there first, right? He would have made it there before him if he hadn't brushed past him like he was the only person with places to be.
And then he'd had to wait his turn, taking his headphones off and listening to this guy ask the exact same questions he had about the assignment, Professor Click's voice too low and the sound of the air conditioning too high for him to catch what she was saying.
So he was annoyed. That this guy had just basically cut him in line and didn't even apologize for it.
And what's that one phenomenon where it's like once you notice something, you keep noticing it?
Whatever it's called, it's happening to Eddie right now. He runs into this guy one time, and now he's seeing him everywhere.
Once Eddie notices Steve, once he literally bumps into him trying to get to his calculus professor's office hours, it's like he can't stop seeing him everywhere.
And yes, now he has a name.
Eddie didn't know this guy existed two weeks ago and now he knows his name.
After the office hours debacle, then it was the cafeteria, seeing this guy in line, grabbing the last of the chicken tenders, a couple people in front of Eddie. So he had to wait, again, because of him, while they fried up some more. And yeah, maybe it's just a coincidence that the second time he sees this guy is when he's inconveniencing him again, but it feels like it's more than a coincidence.
The third time he sees him, before he ever knows his name was in the library, when this guy was sitting in his seat. Legitimately, literally, actually sitting in his fucking seat.
He got up to go to the bathroom and came back to find his stuff moved and this asshole sitting in his seat - arguably one of the only comfy chairs on this floor of the library. And, okay, maybe he was hogging it for a while, but who the hell just moves someone's stuff like that?
So it wasn't enemies at first sight, technically, but by the third time obviously Eddie is thinking of this guy as his nemesis, his first college nemesis. His first nemesis, period. Because he took his seat, he took his spot during office hours, and he took the last goddamn chicken tender.
And now he has verifiable proof that it's not just a coincidence. That this guy has it out for him personally for some reason.
Because he turned in his Intro to Fiction assignment for peer review and some guy named Steve absolutely ripped into his assignment, saying his interpretation of the religious aspects of Old Man and the Sea lacked nuance.
He looks up Steve on the registrar's website - there's no one named Steve in his Fiction class, so he must be in the other section of this class that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
He finds a million Steve's that go to their school, but narrows it down some based on their year. Clicking into every single account to look at the grainy little picture from everyone's student IDs is time consuming, but there's a dire need in him to know who the hell this guy thinks he is.
He luckily doesn't have to scroll too far because he finds Steve and wouldn't you fucking know it? Steve Harrington is the same motherfucker who's slighted him multiple times in the few short weeks since they've been back at school.
He does some digging on Facebook and comes up short because this guy has so little personality in his online presence, it's shocking how this could be the same guy who left him a scathing peer review. Other than finding evidence of some weird little frenemy thing he has going on with some guy and the guy's girlfriend, there's nothing.
So Eddie just silently seethes every time he sees Steve and wonders what the hell is going on inside that pretty little head of his.
Truth be told, there were much worse people at Indy State than Steve, but something about him just gets under Eddie's skin. His cavalier attitude, maybe, the way he can just rip into someone's perfectly good paper, how nonchalant he seems to be about everything - it all makes Eddie want to shake him until he gets a reaction out of him.
He's maybe a little bit obsessed, but he's never claimed to be normal about anything in his life ever.
It's nearing midterms when he finds Steve sitting in the only comfortable chair on the third floor of the library and he groans, turning away to go to a different floor.
"Oh, wait, Eddie?" he hears as he's walking away.
And there's no way.
There's no way this guy knows his name. There's no way this guy is calling his name like he knows him, like they know each other.
He turns back around and Steve is walking up to him.
He squints his eyes at him. "Yeah?"
"I thought that was you. Hey, I know you're in Click's calculus class and I'm really struggling with wrapping my head around some of this stuff. Do you want to study together for the midterm?" Steve asks and Eddie's entire world tilts on its axis.
Why would Steve want to be study buddies with him?
Eddie's literally flabbergasted, but he finds his voice and says, "But I thought you hated me."
Steve looks confused. He says, "I don't, I don't hate you. I don't even know you? But I definitely don't hate you."
And Eddie sputters because no way was this all in his head. He says, "But what about the first time we ran into each other? You breezed past me to get to Professor Click first. You didn't even say sorry when you knocked into me."
And Steve still has that cute, confused look on his face. He replies, "If I bumped into you, I definitely would have said sorry. Maybe you had your headphones in? I know you wear them around campus a lot."
Steve noticed him around campus?
"O-okay, sure, maybe I had my headphones in and didn't hear you. But you stole my chair that one time," Eddie says, nodding over at said chair.
Steve looks back at the chair and actually looks a little repentant about that one, so Eddie knows he's right. He had to have done it on purpose.
But Steve says, "I am sorry about that one. That chair is the only remotely comfortable one up here though. And I only took it because you were gone for so long. I got up here and no one was sitting there so I waited for like ten minutes before moving your stuff. I thought you were one of those people who leave their stuff on the good chairs while they're in class, which is such a bitch move. But then you came back and I was gonna apologize, but you just took your stuff and left so quickly."
He does look like he feels bad about it.
And he's not wrong, is the thing. Eddie went to the bathroom and then saw Jeff from his chemistry lab there and he remembered a question he had, so they talked for a while before he headed back to his seat.
When he got back and saw Steve had taken his seat and moved his stuff to one of the other available chairs, he basically saw red and gathered up his shit and left. He was fuming about that for days. And Steve didn't even do it maliciously, apparently.
"What about my English assignment? You ripped my analysis of Old Man and the Sea apart."
Steve snorts and says, "Lacks nuance about the religious themes?" and when Eddie nods, he says, "I wrote that on everyone's assignment. Professor Brenner doesn't look at what we write. He tallies up how many times you comment on other people's stuff and that's how he determines your online participation grade."
Eddie knew he wasn't reading those fucking comments, that old bastard.
But it appears that this feud between him and Steve has been all in Eddie's head.
And that kind of makes him upset. Because he's been running around under the impression that he had a nemesis for the first time and this dude has probably never thought about him a day in his life before today. Upsetting.
"Oh, man, I seriously thought you hated me this entire time," he says with a sheepish look on his face.
"Nah, man. I, uh, I actually keep seeing you everywhere on campus and noticed you're really good at math. And I could really use a study buddy, if you're interested?" Steve asks, sounding hopeful.
What the hell. Why not?
He says, "If you can help quiz me on some of my chemistry shit, I will totally make numbers make sense to you."
And so it begins.
Now, the problem is that he's hanging around Steve so much that it has the opposite effect of what he thought was going on before.
Hanging out with him, with how well they get along together, playing video games together, just doing normal stuff - it all has him kind of craving more.
He feels like Steve is all he thinks about now. And okay, maybe he thought about him a lot before, when he thought they were nemeses, but it's different now that he knows him.
Everything he learns about him, he likes. Every new part of him he sees, he likes. He's never been like this about anyone before.
Steve shows him a picture of him and his friend's dog and Eddie is shooting heart eyes at it the entire time, cooing about how cute his dog is.
Steve tells him he likes playing silly video games with his friends like Surgeon Simulator and Eddie buys a monthly subscription to Xbox Gamepass for his laptop so he can play that stupid game with him.
Steve needs help editing an English paper and Eddie is kind of bad at English, especially citations, but he looks up APA citations and helps him figure it out.
Steve likes playing frisbee with his Ultimate friends and Eddie is signing up for the intramural frisbee competition with him because his team needed another person even though he fucking hates organized sports, especially stupid ass ones like frisbee.
He's kind of got a bit of a Steve problem and it's hard to shake. He's everywhere and even when he's not around, Eddie is thinking about him, about his stupid, perfect hair, about his eyes, about his smile. All things he didn't let himself think about when he thought Steve hated him.
But now, once the floodgates opened, he can't get Steve out of his head.
He likes him way too much, likes hanging out with him way too much.
The semester closes out with Eddie in way deeper than he ever thought he could be. He's never really fallen for someone like this and he doesn't know what to do about it.
Because he knows Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates now, and he knows Steve isn't seeing anyone, but he doesn't know if Steve even likes guys, if he even likes him. He knows they hang out a lot, but that doesn't mean Steve thinks of him as a friend or anything. He's so not equipped to deal with this.
He spends all break moping and pining, so much so that Wayne asks about it, asks who's got him in such a tangle. And Eddie blushes hard when he tells Wayne about his crush.
Wayne looks at him and says, "If this is that boy you stayed up on the phone with playing your little video games with until 5 in the morning the other day, I don't think you have anything to worry about, son."
Eddie scoffs. "He just, he likes playing these stupid co-op games that the kids he used to babysit for got him into. We didn't mean to stay up that late."
"All I'm saying is I wouldn't stay up all night talking to someone I didn't like," Wayne says and it feels like everything comes into focus suddenly.
Steve and Eddie have been hanging out for months, getting to know each other, studying together - sometimes just talking, completely forgetting about their homework or whatever quiz they're studying for, staying until the staff is literally kicking them out of the library.
Steve's best friend is a lesbian.
Steve has texted him every single day since the semester ended.
If nothing else, Steve is probably one of the best friends he's ever had.
He gets back to campus in mid-January and knows he's going to tell Steve, somehow, that he's into him. It might not be right away, but he's going to do it.
He sees Steve the afternoon he gets back and can't help the way his face lights up when he sees him. He's missed him, even though he spent all break talking to him, texting him, staying up way too late with him voice chatting while they played whatever game Steve was obsessed with that week.
Steve's standing in front of his dorm building like he's been waiting for Eddie outside ever since he texted him saying he was coming over.
As soon as Eddie gets close enough, Steve pulls him into a hug and Eddie sinks into it like he's finally home, like in Steve's arms is where he belongs.
They stand there in the cold of the winter, in each other's arms, and Eddie knows what it means to want - with the way his heart clenches and he feels every hair on his arm standing at being so close to Steve.
They pull away and Eddie is suddenly ready to say it, ready to tell Steve how he feels, ready for whatever consequences there may be to that.
But he doesn't have to.
Because as soon as they pull away, Steve stays close and presses his mouth to Eddie's, just a soft, dry press.
Eddie's breath catches in his throat and his hand comes up to cup Steve's neck as their lips slide together a second time, as Eddie opens his mouth to deepen the kiss. Steve's arms wind back around him and Eddie wants to stay here forever.
The world around them is chilly, but Eddie feels so warm right now, wrapped up in Steve's arms, with Steve's mouth against his, with Steve's tongue against his.
Steve pulls back from the kiss and smiles at him - this shy, little smile that Eddie's never seen on him before.
"I was hoping you'd kiss me back," Steve says, like there was ever any doubt. Thinking about Steve wanting this, thinking about this, has Eddie's mind spinning. How long has Steve liked him?
He says, "I mean, I think I had a crush on you even when I thought we were nemeses."
That gets Steve to laugh. "You're such a dork. Nemeses."
"Hey, you just kissed this dork," he says, noticing how close they're still standing, noticing how easy it would be to just lean back in and kiss him again.
"I did," Steve says, the expression on his face soft and fond. "Let me take you to lunch? Not in the caf. Somewhere else?"
"You tryna wine and dine me, Harrington?"
"And if I am?" Steve asks.
Eddie grins at him. "I just might let you," he says, leaning in again.
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ryanmarshallryan · 6 months
I've been having a lot more people reach out about the vore stories I write, so thought I'd throw it out there if anyone wants to donate to help me have more time to write stories, or likes my style and wants to commission something let me know over dm!
I usually write thinking from a prey perspective, but was feeling hungry after eating salads for a month and switched to pred for this story.
I love my weight. I think my belly looks great on me. When I see those old statues of historical figures with dad bods I see myself and love it. But after gaining 25 pounds in a few months from stress, I decided to try out a diet for a bit, just to be cautious of my health. Man, it was hard. And this morning my hunger took control.
I was preparing a salad, heated up some chicken to mix in, sprinkled in some shredded cheese, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, tomato and such. All I could think about was how wonderful it would feel to have a full belly again. Not just feeling satisfied, but pigging out and shoving as much down my maw as possible. Feeling the gainer bug while also trying to diet was not going to work for me. I tore through my cabinet to find an old box of cookies. I opened the box, came to my senses and closed it, then decided I didn’t care and ate the remainder in one sitting. To try to slow myself down and tire out my palette, I tried to eat a bunch of lettuce, but then added a bunch of croutons and snacks without thinking. I still felt hungry, but just left the kitchen to stop myself.
Later, I hung out with my work-out buddy, Max, and vented about my hunger, “I’m still eating a lot! Just replacing chips with a lot of low fat snacks. So if the quantity of food I’m eating is the same, why am I always feeling sooooo hungry? Ugh.”
“Bro, sounds like you need a cheat day. But, hey, if you’re stressed about having too much high fat food, I can help you eat big while still holding back on the chips.”
“Well it can be helpful to sit with the feeling for a while. So if you start feeling hungry, write down exactly what you are craving and what that feels like. By the time you are done writing it out, if you’re still hungry for it… go for it. If the feeling passes, then move on,” Max continued.
“I’m sure we could try it, but I don’t see how much of a difference it’ll make.” I replied. I knew Max worked as some sort of private personal trainer or something on the side, so I felt inclined to believe him, but my stomach was doubtful.
After our workout, we visited a smoothie place and got large chocolate banana protein smoothies (after writing out what I was craving and waiting a moment before deciding to go through with it). I sucked mine down so fast I got a mild brain freeze.
“So how are you feeling? Hungry for another one?” Max asked, playfully placing a hand on my gut and giving it a quick rub.
“Ugh, I would totally go for a burger and fries right now… no, onion rings… actually both,” I replied, as Max handed me a notepad and pen. I wrote down the menu in my mind and thought about how it can be nice to feel so full without another care in the world.
“It’s been a few minutes… still hungry?” Max said with a sly smile.
“What do you think?” I asked him, lifting my gym shirt up to reveal my hairy belly, which gave a perfectly timed gurgle.
Max drove to my favorite burger joint and ordered a few meals and insisted on paying “This is my idea, don’t worry about it… for science!”
After downing two large burgers, a full bag of onion rings and a couple sides of fries, plus an apple that came with Max’s meal that he was too full to finish, I sat with my gut extended out in front of me.
Max leaned over to me, pulled my shirt up over my belly and patted it with his closed fist as if knocking at a door, “So how are you doing, hungry guy?” He put his ear to my side and listened intently to the stomach gurgles, occasionally making sounds of “Mmm,” “Yes, I see,” “Interesting.” I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the absurdity of Max speaking to my belly.
“What’s so funny about listening to your gut? Intuitive eating is no joke,” Max said with a joking smile, “What is your stomach telling you?”
I thought for a moment, grabbed the notepad and wrote down ‘Though I should be full and done eating… Ice cream would hit the spot right now… Surely that would fill me up, and fill the void the low fat snacks have opened.’ I handed Max the written note.
Max looked from my belly to my eyes with a poker face, “I know just the place.”
In a few minutes we rolled up to Max’s apartment. Inside he pulled out some pints of cookies and cream ice cream and some mint chocolate chip. He handed me a spoon and opened the containers and sat across from me.
“Do you want me to get a bowl?” I asked.
“Nah. Try to intuitively eat. Just eat until your body feels done.”
“So… eat until there’s a nationwide ice cream shortage?”
Max threw his head back laughing, “If we get to that point, maybe we’ll pivot to a new tactic, but for now, feel free to eat as much as you want.” He looked endearingly into my eyes, and I felt my gut rumble, whether by digestion or hunger, or both, I couldn’t discern.
As I scooped down ice cream, we chatted about hunger, about scarcity mindset when it comes to food, and he told me some interesting facts about digestion and how to make room in one's stomach faster than normal by laying on the left side.
“Is this the stuff people need to know for your personal training work and such?” I asked.
“Personal training stuff?” Max gave a look of puzzlement then laughed, “I think I said that sarcastically a while back. A few guys pay me to help them gain weight and eat big. So sort of a personal trainer, but kind of the opposite effect that most would expect.”
“Ohhh, this tactic makes a bit more sense now,” I replied, continuing to eat the ice cream.
“Well, I thought if I encouraged you to experience the ability to eat as much as you want without restriction, you’ll realize that you don’t have to eat everything. It sounds like you are always hungry, because you are always denying that you want food.”
“Hmm, I suppose that’s true,” I went to scoop up more ice cream then realized I’d eaten all of it.
“How are you feeling?” Max asked, rubbing the top of my belly.
I felt a grumble deep in my stomach.”I can definitely feel my belly full of food, but I also could definitely do the whole thing all over again.”
Max considered me for a moment, then started listing off some random digestion facts again. He put his head on my stomach again, lifted my shirt off my body, listened again, took his hands and gently opened my mouth wide and peered down my throat, until I started laughing and he couldn't hold my mouth open.
“What are you doing? You think my stomach is gonna speak back to you in English?” I joked.
“No… but I wonder if I could better understand your hunger if I could better see inside your gut. Hmmm, maybe even just peering down your esophagus…”
“Don’t you need a fancy scope for that or something?”
“Not if you’re willing to relax your throat for a moment…” Max said. I shrugged, and he straddled my lap and shoved his head into my mouth. I could feel his energetic breathing against my tongue and wondered how on earth he could see anything down my throat with his head blocking light from the outside.
I heard a muffled “I’d like to see a bit further…” and felt him push his whole body forward into me. His shoulders shoved their way into my maw and stretched my jaw wide like an opera singer. I choked a little bit feeling his scratchy hair make contact with my uvula and the bottom of my tongue. I reflexively closed my lips over his skin and swallowed as the hair and breath tickled my maw. I realized that my peristalsis must have taken a bit of control, because I was surprised to see that I was looking down at his lower back with his arms pinned to his sides. I felt his nipples and pectoral muscles sliding against my tongue and felt his head squeezed tightly through my lower esophagus. What was going on? Though the sensation was filling me with dopamine and adrenaline, I realized that somehow my body was getting ready to eat a whole human, so I mentally prepared myself to try and regurgitate him. But instead I felt him force himself deeper into my throat, as his feet pushed off against the floor, and his upper torso wriggled and squirmed to slide deeper into me. I felt a sloshing in my gut, and heard a muffled intake of air and the continuation of more digestion facts being spewed out of Max’s ever curious mind obsessed with digestion.
Since Max seemed so intent on getting inside my stomach, and I knew I would need to breathe soon, I decided to help him out. I lifted his legs up over my head and felt gravity pulling him down my throat. I pulled his gym shorts and such off him and felt the interesting texture of his little belly over his abs, mixed with gym sweat and belly hair, felt past his hard on and groin, and his thick thighs as they all passed over my tongue and against my soft palate. My stomach finally began to feel full, as it sloshed with its soupy contents of dinner encasing Max’s squirming upper body. I knew Max’s hands had been freed from the tight grip of my esophagus as my inner stomach felt a peculiar tickling sensation with Max rubbing it from the inside. I felt him poke around and heard his muffled casual observations about my stomach.
I felt Max’s muscles seize up as he put his legs together tightly and let them slide easily down my throat. I felt his cold feet tickle my tongue, uvula and esophagus until they finally plopped into my stomach and I felt my throat open enough for me to exhale and breathe in more oxygen finally.
I took a few moments to gather my thoughts and catch my breath, feeling Max move around and curl up into a ball inside my tight stomach. I looked down to see the bulge his head made toward the top of my belly, with other odd bumps sticking out that I assumed were his knees and feet pressing up against my stomach walls. I felt his clammy hands push up against my stomach as he surveyed his new situation.
“Max, I forgot to write this craving down first.” I said, jokingly.
“Don’t worry I already did!” I heard him shout back, hearing it almost come up through my own throat. I stared in confusion at the opened notepad next to me and flipped to the last written note that read ‘Ice cream and everything else isn’t satisfying enough. Maybe eating me will do the trick. - Max’
My belly gurgled in surprise, “You planned for me to eat you?”
“I did shove myself down your throat, didn’t I?”
“But why would you -”
“Hey you didn’t try and stop me, bud,” he replied. I felt a pat against my belly, and shivered a little bit.
“Yeah, but I thought you just wanted to glance inside, but you wriggled in deeper!”
“Are you mad that I did?” Max asked. I felt him shifting his weight inside my gut and resting into me.
I considered the events of the night. I had really craved a day to just eat all I wanted, and Max gave all that to me and more. Even though I definitely didn’t expect him to force his way onto the menu, my belly felt much more satiated than it had been. “... I’m not mad at you… just want to make sure you know what you’re getting into… but I do have a confession.”
“What is it?” Max asked, shifting around and pressing his head up against the place where my hand was resting on my belly.
“I could go for some orange sherbert right now… I think your diet tactic failed.” My stomach added a large grumble and groan in agreement.
“Failed for you, maybe. But I’m cozy!” Max tried to stretch out a bit and I watched my stomach bulges shift in a funny manner, and felt my belly tighten and knead Max in response. “Plus, I think I figured out why you’ve been so hungry lately.”
“And what have you discovered?”
“That you should have eaten me ages ago! Once I’m digested into belly fat you’ll have more energy stored in your cells for longer, so you won’t be as hungry all the time! It’s simple science,” Max replied matter of factly.
“I’m not sure that science is sound, but as long as you’re happy, I’m fat and happy.”
“If you don’t think the science is sound, maybe you ought to repeat the experiment. Have a cheat day every once in a while,” Max replied, as he curled into a tight ball again and let my stomach relax and get to work over him. “I know I’ve been seeing that cute guy at the gym drooling over your gut, you know, the one who always wears that green hat? I’m sure he’d love to be a part of your next cheat day once you’ve had enough of your salads and diet again.”
I enjoyed the peace of feeling Max getting comfortable deep in my gut. I took deep breaths and felt my diaphragm move Max around slightly as my chest expanded and contracted. “Maybe I’ll ask him. But I’ll leave it up to him whether he wants to take it as far as you did tonight.” I rubbed my belly and stared, mesmerized at the lumpy spots on my belly indicating Max’s body relaxing against my stomach walls. I felt his heartbeat in polyrhythm against mine, with his breathing patterns tickling my stomach walls. I tasted the lasting flavors of his skin on my tongue, mixed with ice cream and other sustenance I had downed throughout the evening. Good thing we worked out first, to balance out this sharp intake in calories. So I suppose even if I had a cheat day from my diet, eating a whole human balances out to be healthy, right?
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tinykittendelusion · 2 months
Seventeen as different tropes
a/n : I've gotten into a book slump again so i thought might as well try something that's going to make me want to read more :)
triggers: mentions of sex or sexual content or indicates sexual behaviour
Workplace romance especially billionaire ceo romance where he falls in love with this girl from a small town almost like a typical hallmark movie. he gives very CEO vibes especially like business proposal kang tae moo he loves showering you with love and lots and lots of gifts.
Opposites attract. I think it would be so cool if jeonghan falls for someone his exact opposite who looks like a troublemaker but is actually very innocent. It would be hilarious when at first she gets blamed for a prank he pulled making him apologise with lots and lots of kisses. Also she'd be the only person with whom he won't cheat while playing games?!
good boy x bad girl. This is the reverse of the bad boy trope and that suits him so much Joshua is a very good gentlemanly guy until he isn't and then he's this crazy person and he'd naturally be drawn to people who take risks.
childhood friends to lovers. Honestly after watching exclusive fairytale I feel this is exactly his vibe he's a shy guy so he takes time getting comfortable and since you've known him since childhood he's the most comfortable with you. The comfort of knowing someone through all their stages of life and falling for them.
Enemies to lovers. Hoshi is a sweetheart that everyone knows but he's amazing at teasing people aka seungkwan in gose episodes so him having an enemies to lovers relationship makes so much sense to me. Also hoshi getting angry/pissed would be HOT.
Aloof couple. Everyone except the both of you know that you both are dating. Together you both are dumb and dumber. After Hoshi accidentally ends up spilling the fact that wonwoo has a crush on you You guys would finally start dating. Both of you would be so shocked to know that the other person actually liked them too.
Fated soulmates. Now listen to me woozi is a homebody just like me and sometimes I wish the love of my life would just come to my house and announce his existence. This is exactly what happens when you go to deliver fried chicken completely drenched in the rain and he offers you to stay and dry off before leaving.
brothers bestfriend. He's your brother's friend so he should be off limits to you but he's so kind so nice and so caring you can't help but fall in love. He doesn't notice you until one day you drunk confess and then suddenly you're all that he can think about.
a/n: very much like the male lead in hidden love (c-drama)
reverse grumpy x sunshine. Oh he falls for the slightly broody introverted nerd. They literally collided into each other when Wonwoo dragged him to this one book convention. He was jealous of how close Wonwoo and you were. Which led to him confessing and you both dating. He absolutely adores the fact that your cute silly side is reserved only for him.
hopeless romantic x skeptic Minghao was that person who did not believe in love at first sight cause how do you fall in love without knowing anyone that is until you walked into his life and caused him to fall literally for you. You loved this fact as you were a big romantic person. You'd often watch rom coms together and have discussions on the characters for hours.
Academic rivals. YES YES YES
the banter would be off the charts. He'd be full on sassy boo who loves winning and y/n would be the same. They'd fight argue and insult each other but would be forced into spending time together and boom he's pinned you to the wall.
Second chance. Yes the angst the pain the hurt the NOSTALGIA. everything vernon runs into you in seoul one day and it's decided that he wants you back bonus points if you have a child that he babysits and that child comes to adore him.
a/n: i think I have to cry vernon with kids would be so funny and cute and I WILL CRY
a/n: i absolutely adore these I lowkey might make all of these into longer fics.
best friends turned enemies turned lovers. the chemistry would be fire you'd both participate in a dance competition as kids but at the last moment you ditched him to dance with your crush years later you both hate each other and it gets worse when you are one of the background dancers in seventeen's world tour.
i made a longer version for dino- here
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magicalrocketships · 23 days
It is my beloved @andwegogreen's birthday, and as such, here is a little birthday gift ♥️♥️
It is an unconnected story from this verse (Max/girl!Daniel), set after the 2025 FIA gala.
1.3k of Max eating Daniel out ->
When Daniel wakes up and checks her phone, she finds that–rather than the red carpet pictures of her and Max going into the FIA gala last night–the internet is full of another set of pictures instead. They're from later in the night, when they were trying to leave to come back to the hotel. She hadn't known they were being taken. Max hadn't either. He would have said. He would have shielded her from the camera if he'd known. He always does.
The pictures show her sitting on the carpeted stairs away from the ballroom, with Max a couple of steps below. He has her feet in his lap, and he's carefully focused on undoing the buckle on the thin, delicate ankle straps of her high heels. Then he's taking off her shoes, opening the little bag they'd left in the cloakroom at the start of the evening, helping her on with her checkerboard socks, and after that, her leopard print Vans trainers. He laces them up carefully. Slips her extremely expensive, boringly uncomfortable high heels into the bag her trainers came out of, and hooks the bag over his wrist. 
The last picture is of him kissing the inside of her wrist as he helps her to her feet. 
The comments section is a fire pit. Daniel thinks the pictures are lovely. 
She saves each of the pictures and closes the comments without reading any of them. It's better that way. 
She locks her phone, rolls over, and snuffles her face into the side of Max's chest. He's still almost entirely asleep, but his hand goes around her shoulders, holding her close. Neither of them had showered last night when they'd got back to the hotel, so he smells sleep-warm and a little stale. She does too, probably. Her dress– pink, with little capped sleeves, a flared waist, and absolutely no back, designed entirely to show off her tattooed back piece of cascading white flowers– is discarded on the floor next to the chair she'd attempted to throw it over when they got in last night. It's on top of Max's suit jacket, his trousers, crumpled up tie and discarded shirt. They'd eaten fried chicken and chips in their underwear on the hotel sofa before bed, Daniel's bush curling around the edges of her high waisted knickers, Max eating one-handed as he petted her cunt through her underwear. He'd promised to eat her out before they went to sleep, but Daniel remembers leaning her head on his shoulder as he finished eating, and nothing after that. 
Max had obviously carried her to bed. She's still in her knickers. She licks at his ribcage, little kisses until she can close her mouth over his nipple and kiss him there. He groans a little, starting to wake up. 
She kisses up his throat, under his jaw, over the patchy stubble until she can lick her way into his mouth. He's awake enough to kiss back. 
"Hello," Max says, as she kisses his cheek and shuffles down until she can rest her face against his shoulder. 
"Hello," Daniel says. "Did I fall asleep before you got to eat me out last night?"
Max isn't as quick to wake up as Daniel is. He rubs his eyes. Yawns. "Yes, Daniel," he says finally. "You were snoring very loudly. I couldn’t wake you up at all."
Daniel grins. She's a snorer when she's not curled up on her front. Max seems to find it relatively cute, which is a hundred percent an improvement on her last boyfriend, who'd called her an embarrassment. She doesn't think about him anymore. "So you put me to bed."
"I did," Max agrees. His hand slips down to cup her pussy. "Without getting to eat you out."
"Tragic," Daniel says solemnly. She rolls her hips up to grind against his hand. "If only there was something you could do to fix that."
"There is nothing," Max says, frowning. "It is very sad, Daniel. No more pussy licking."
God, she loves him. She kisses him on both cheeks. Lets him roll her over onto her back. She pulls her knickers up so that they're sitting higher on her hips and more curls escape around the edges of her underwear. She hasn't waxed in ages. She'd be happy if she never had to have a bare pussy again, and Max seems extremely supportive of her decision, given how hard he always gets and how often he likes to bury his face in her cunt. 
He strokes the tip of his finger up the centre line of her underwear. He kisses her big nipples, first one, then the other. She parts her legs and he presses the tip of his finger a little deeper in. 
"You're very wet, Daniel," he tells her, still touching. She always is. She gets hopelessly wet for him. Always has. "You've leaked all through your knickers."
God. She stifles a moan. He touches her again, over her knickers, stroking her until she can't wait any longer. She wants his mouth on her. Wants his face wet with her. Wants to come with his tongue pressed to her clit. 
He helps her off with the knickers, and then settles himself between her legs. She pulls her knees up, spreads her legs a little wider. He parts her with his thumbs, stroking her wet curls out of the way. 
"Your cunt is very beautiful," he tells her, like he hasn't spent literally hours of his life staring at it before today. He touches her with the pad of his thumb. "It is beautiful here, and it is beautiful here–" her clit, and she trembles, and makes a noise, "–and where you are so wet here, Daniel, and how I can just touch you inside here. So very lovely." He leans in and kisses the inside of her thighs, first one, then the other, and then proceeds to kiss her everywhere he's just touched. By the time he gets his mouth on her clit, she's making noises that would probably have had the people in the next room calling hotel reception, except this is a suite and in a suite this big, nobody can hear your boyfriend taking you to fucking pieces. 
He stops licking her to tilt his chin up and meet her gaze. He's wet from nose to chin. He's wet with her, god. God. 
"Very lovely, my Daniel." He beams. "Nobody's cunt is as good as yours."
God. She's barely going to last any time at all. It's okay, though, because Max likes eating her out so much he's imposed a two orgasms for her to every one for him ratio. They don't always stick to it but it's enough to make her feel like she's queen of the fucking world. 
He tucks the tips of two fingers inside of her, and crooks them a little so that she cries out. With his other hand he pets her bush. She wriggles under his touch, almost frantic. He kisses her tummy, her curls, her cunt. He takes her to pieces with gentle, fierce familiarity. 
When she comes, she does so noisily, desperately, happily. She trembles through the comedown and he touches her the whole time, mouth pressed to the inside of her thigh. 
Afterwards, he lays down beside her and lets his erection press against her thigh. She tucks herself around him, shivering until his arms wrap around her and hold her tight. 
"Do you want to fuck?" she asks. Max being hard doesn't always mean he wants to. Sometimes he likes to wait. Sometimes he likes to not fuck at all. Sometimes he likes to jerk off or have her touch him until he comes. She's happy either way. So long as he is. 
"Not yet. Later," he says. He kisses the inside of her wrist. "I love you."
She loves him back. When she tells him, his smile makes his eyes crinkle.
Later on, after they've dozed a bit, she wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, and lets him carry her into the bathroom, into the shower, into the rest of their day.
She kisses him, and he smiles against her mouth. 
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slexenskee · 6 months
Don't Forget About Us (MDNSY Oneshot)
Makoto spares him an unimpressed look. “You looked like you were going to cry in front of a KFC of all fucking things a couple hours ago— and now you’re the drunkest I’ve seen you in months and seem determined to somehow sing your way out of a crisis.”
For an ask about the new bff learning about the past bff
Read here [link] or below:
“Not here,” Satoru says, which draws her up short.
They’ve just finished up a show at a nearby club, and despite the late hour are utterly ravenous. Kenji and Yui begged off for the night, leaving Makoto alone with her lead singer. Makoto has led them to the nearest appropriately greasy and unhealthy restaurant within eyeshot— a KFC. Not her go-to pick as far as fast food or even fried chicken is concerned, but beggars can’t be choosers. 
Except they can, apparently, because Satoru seems pretty staunch in his disapproval. 
Makoto stares at him incredulously. “Don’t tell me you’re on a diet,” she laughs, joking.
Her laughter fades as Satoru’s expression remains unchanged. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen that look on him before. Distant and constellated. Even with his glasses off he’s a bit impossible to read. 
“Seriously?” Her look turns skeptical. 
He’s the size of a waif and eats more sugar than should be statistically possible. And a bit of processed fast food is hardly the worst thing he’s done to himself in the time she’s known him. The cigarette dangling from his lips is a sure sign of that. And since when does he have a problem with fast food after a live show? He lives for this shit. 
“I just don’t like fried chicken,” he returns, which is a blatant lie if she ever knew one. He likes fried chicken just fine; he especially likes it at one in the morning, when he’s starving after a setlist. 
She rolls her eyes. “Oh my god, get something else on the menu then.” She’s starving right now, and the tantalizing scent of fried food is only making it worse.
“Anywhere but here,” he says, and this time, she can hear the threadbare shot of panic in the bottom of his voice. 
Does he… Is he being serious right now? Evidently yes. Taking another look at him, he really does look unwell. 
“Okay,” Makoto says, slowly, taking a step back from the well-lit doorway. “We’ll go somewhere else, then.” 
“Preferably with alcohol involved,” Satoru adds, flippantly, and turns on his heel, as if the sight of a single fast food restaurant sign could do more damage to him than the excessive alcohol he’s about to consume. 
Makoto lets it go, for the time being. This weird but shockingly talented bandmate of hers has the strangest hangups sometimes. She’s just learned to accept them, for the most part. And not ask too many questions— he gets real squirrelly with those. And every time she thinks she’s getting closer to the truth of him, he twists the paradigm around with yet another absurd and/or vaguely horrifying revelation.  
Makoto shoves them into the nearest izakaya she can find— ironically a yakitori joint with ample fried chicken on the menu— and immediately orders them a round of beers that Satoru tacks on with a bottle of sochu. Ah. So it’s going to be one of those nights. They order a responsible amount of food with their drinks for the first few rounds, but eventually it just turns into the two of them getting wildly drunk and staggering out of the place draped over each other in search of the nearest karaoke bar. 
Makoto would have thought the guy would have had enough of singing, what with performing a whole setlist just a few hours ago, but drunk!Ru-kun really only has two modes, slutty stripper Ru-kun or karaoke star Ru-kun, and since he’s still hung up over Hawks these days, it looks like they’re shutting down the karaoke bars tonight. 
Not that Makoto minds, necessarily. It’s been ages since they’ve had a night out like this, and she’s got a whole weekend to be miserable and recover from what’s shaping up to be a raging hangover before she has to drag herself to work again. And for whatever reason, she’s sensing Satoru might be in desperate need of a night out himself. 
The place they stumble into is equal parts nightclub and karaoke bar: a large, darkly lit open interior sprawls before them packed to the gills with dancers; disco lights zip across the crowds and the bottle services girls fighting their way to their tables with sparkling champagne thrust into the air like shooting stars; and at the far end an inebriated girl with cat ears is belting out a fairly decent rendition of Mariah Carey’s Shake it Off as she struts across the bar. In short, this is probably exactly the sort of place they were both looking for. 
Makoto swindles them a free table with a bit of flirting with the hostess, and finds herself holding court among a generous crowd of random inebriated strangers thrilled to get drinks off her tab, while Satoru wanders off to find the mic. She loses track of him for a bit, but is unsurprised when he resurfaces wearing someone else’s blonde wig, up on the bar himself singing Baby One More Time as he fumbles his way through the dance routine with the cat-eared girl in tow. Still in his stage outfit from earlier in the night, he honestly looks like someone paid him to be up there, which is probably why the entire bar is clamoring towards him like he’s a celebrity or something. 
He shows up at her table eventually, sprawling himself over her and the booth with his borrowed blonde wig in tangles across his face. She throws it off him as he makes grabby hands for a bottle of champagne on the table. She should probably cut him off at this point, but she’s wasted herself and doesn’t have enough fucks to care anymore, so she just pours them both another glass and clinks their glasses together. 
She has no idea what time it is when she starts to feel hungry again and orders food. They could have been in this place for hours or days, and she wouldn’t be able to tell; it doesn’t seem to be in danger of closing on them any time soon. The crowds come and go, but the place stays packed and the loud music has yet to bother her, so she doesn’t feel inclined to leave. What would be the point? There’s no food at her apartment, and ever since she broke it off with her last fling, no one waiting for her either. From the way Satoru constantly gets his turn at the mic, she doubts he’s in any rush to leave either. 
So maybe they’re both just eager to run away from things. But for his sake, she should probably get him to talk about it. The last time he was having some kind of internal crisis he was trying to drown out with alcohol, he’d ended up sleeping with a Top Three Hero and catching feelings for him.
“Okay, so what the hell brought this on,” she finally corners him, after he’s done with an obnoxiously impressive cover of Despacito for a guy who speaks absolutely no Spanish, and is once again sprawled in the booth with her.  
“What? Nothing.” She supposes she should at least be happy to see him putting orange juice in his champagne, even if he’s yet to touch any of the food. 
Makoto spares him an unimpressed look. “You looked like you were going to cry in front of a KFC of all fucking things a couple hours ago— and now you’re the drunkest I’ve seen you in months and seem determined to somehow sing your way out of a crisis.”
“It’s not my fault everyone keeps shoving the mic at me and picking great songs,” he retorts, stubbornly. 
This probably means she should drop it and just let him run away from his own problems, but beyond just trying to save himself from the worst of his own vices, at this point she’s also just curious. 
“Fine, drink your way out of a crisis,” she amends, then shoves a plate of dosas at him. “And at least eat something if you’re going to do that. I’m not dragging you home if you’re too drunk to walk.”
Satoru pouts ferociously, but nonetheless reaches for a crepe and tears off a bite. “I’m not having a crisis,” this idiot insists, like the emotionally stunted idiot he is. 
“Really? Let’s go to a KFC then, if you’re not having a crisis about it. We’ll bring the whole band.”
“I’m not having a crisis about fucking fried chicken, okay,” Satoru says, expression turning a bit pinched. “I just— it was bad timing, is all. If I hadn’t just gotten done with playing our last setlist I would have been fine to eat there.”
This draws Makoto up a bit short. Her brow creases. “What does the setlist have to do with it?”
Satoru stares at her for a moment, indecipherable. Then he grabs his champagne and downs the whole thing. He sets the empty glass on the table as he says, “I almost had to kill my best friend in front of a KFC, once.”
It’s so unexpected she nearly drops her own drink. “What?” 
No, seriously. What the fuck? 
“He’d gone off the rails and killed a bunch of people,” Satoru continues, only bewildering her further. “I was supposed to put him down, but at the time I just couldn’t do it. I tracked him down, stood outside the store ready to kill him, and I just… I couldn’t do it.” 
Makoto leans back in her seat, reeling. 
She’d call it some bizarre made up bullshit, but sadly, every facet of Satoru’s life sounds like bizarre made up bullshit, so it’s probably the truth. 
She scrambles for a response. “I— when was this?” 
“A while ago,” he answers, clipped. He reaches for the entire bottle of champagne, and this time doesn’t even bother with the glass. She doesn’t stop him. 
She has no idea what she expected from this mysterious and eccentric bandmate of hers, but admitting to attempted murder was really not in her cards for the guy. Then again, what did she expect? She watches him down the entire bottle as she tries, and fails, to get her thoughts together. There’s just so much to infer from this and she doesn’t even know where to start. Just what kind of guy was his best friend, that he’d gone on a killing spree? And why would it ever be Satoru’s responsibility to execute him for his crimes? And what does that have to do with their setlist? 
She at least gets one of the answers she’s searching for.
Satoru wipes at his mouth, looking out into the strobe lights as he says, “He wasn’t a bad person. He just… wanted more than life could ever grant him.” 
Makoto blinks, realization dawning hard and fast. 
(I wanted more than life could ever grant me)
Satoru never talks about how he writes his music. He swears, in fact, that it doesn’t really mean anything to him at all— that he just makes them up off the top of his head. Makoto had never once believed that, and now she has the proof. She’s heard him sing Today is the Greatest hundreds of times at this point, but she’d always thought it was about himself. The more she learns about him, the more she realizes some of those lines align a little too closely to his own experiences to be anything but personal. But she supposes two things can be true at once; that song can be about him, but still remind him of a friend he’d lost. 
She almost doesn’t want to ask, but… “What happened to him?”
Even the stifling, crowded warmth of the nightclub plunges into ice as he says, without looking at her, “I can only hope he found more peace in death than he did in life.” 
Makoto startles at the implication. 
But at the time, I just couldn’t do it. 
So he managed it, in the end? 
Before she can even fathom up a response, the cat-eared girl is leaping over the booth to wrap her arms around Satoru, begging him to get up and help her duet yet another Mariah Carey song. 
“Make it Don’t Forget About Us and I’ll do it,” he says. 
Without hesitation she agrees, and he grabs his ridiculous wig and jumps over the seat to join her. He’s probably eager to once again run away from his feelings and, this time, she can’t blame him whatsoever. Or on second thought, as they really get into it in the chorus, she has to wonder if this isn’t actually him running from his feelings so much as confronting them head on? "When it’s real, it’s forever" indeed. 
She learns a hell of a lot about her ridiculous bandmate over the course of the following months, but she never quite gets a straight answer over his former best friend, and possibly first love, and she never directly asks, either. If he wants to tell her, she’ll listen, but otherwise she’ll let him approach it in his own time. 
But she does make sure he knows she’s around if he ever wants to talk about it. 
They’re at that same R&B karaoke joint, this time enjoying their time in a far more sedate and far less exorbitant manner with drinks at the bar. Satoru has long since lost that blonde wig, but the bartenders have clearly never forgotten ‘Karaoke Queen Ruru’ because they shower them with a generous amount of free shots and make pointed questions about the karaoke queue every time. Satoru waves them off with a laugh though, insisting he’s just here for a quiet night out. 
“You’ve gotten boring ever since you got wifed up,” Makoto denounces as he hedges off yet another turn at the mic.
Satoru’s expression turns a bit pinched— and panicked. “I’m not married,” he hisses, furtively. “And don’t say that so loud! I don’t need the rumors to get any worse.” 
“Not married yet,” Makoto revises, rolling her eyes. “For reasons that still allude me. What are you waiting for, exactly? You can’t ask for a more public or dramatic proposal than the one you already got.”
“It’s not that,” he insists, rolling his glass in his hands. 
Makoto blinks at him. “Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet.”
“I’m not,” Satoru remarks, although he does look a bit shifty-eyed. Makoto squints at him. A bit of dread sinks in her stomach.
“Satoru,” she starts, cautiously. “If you really don’t want this…”
“It’s definitely not that either,” he assures her quickly. His mouth pinches into a tight line. “I know it took me, like, an inconceivably long amount of time to get to the point where I can admit it outside of our various discographies, but I do want Hawks. I don’t have any doubts about it.” 
He stops, the silence holding for a heavy, offbeat moment as he seems to want to say more, but can’t manage to force the words out. Makoto isn’t sure what else to do but wait patiently for him to finish, and when he doesn’t, flag the bartender down for shochu shots. Nothing like a bit of liquid courage to brace yourself for some trauma dumping. 
Satoru huffs out a laugh as she rolls one down the bar towards him, clinking their glasses together. “Thanks,” he says, as they cheers.
“What are friends for?” She counters, tossing the shot back. 
Satoru follows her, then sets the glass back down on the bar as he wipes the salt off his lips. “I don’t have any doubts,” he repeats, after a moment. “I guess I just… need a bit more time to let go.”
Let go? Her brow furrows in confusion. Let go of what? 
Then she remembers the last time they were at this bar. The last time Satoru had run away from his past straight into the arms of excessive alcohol and a cat-eared girl singing R&B classics. Remembers his request for his last song, where he’d stood on top of a filthy bar and belted out, “I’m just speaking from experience, nothing can compare to your first true love” to a packed dance floor all singing along with their hands in the air. 
She sets her own glass down. “Were you and your friend… were you two like that?” She asks, hesitantly. 
Were you lovers, before you killed him? 
She’s a little relieved when he shakes his head. Romantic or not, she’s sure that doesn’t lessen the pain, just makes it a different kind of regret. 
“No. Well— not exactly.” He looks conflicted. “We never… it was never like that. It might have been, but, well…” 
Then he had some kind of psychotic break and turned into a mass murderer, and Satoru had to be the one to put an end to him permanently. Right. What a fucking mess. No wonder this guy has spent most of his life doing his level best to avoid his own past. The more she learns about it, the more depressing it gets. 
She nudges him sympathetically with her knee. “It’s okay to mourn the loss of what could have been,” she says, gently. “It’s not wrong to need time to move on— no matter how much time that is.”
Satoru nods, looking lost in his own thoughts. 
Makoto bites her lip. “... Does Hawks know?” 
He blinks, surfacing from his own head to look at her. “Yeah,” he answers, without hesitation. Then he lets out a sharp, bitter chuckle. “He knows everything, but he sticks around anyway. I don’t really know what I did to deserve him.” 
“And what are the rest of us then, chopped liver?” She kicks him in the shin. “I’m not going anywhere either, you jerk.” 
Satoru’s eyes are very wide as he stares at her. Then he ducks his head, a bit bashful. “Yeah,” he agrees, looking a little wistful. “I got really lucky with all of you, didn’t I?” 
“Damn right you did!” She kicks him again for good measure. “I’m sticking around, no matter how many stupid identity reveals you try to throw at me. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” 
He barks out a laugh, grinning widely. “Good! Mark your words, I’m holding you to that!” 
(And when he confesses his plans for an anime of all fucking things, and reveals an entire past life’s worth of trauma at them, she screams a lot but she does, indeed, stick around to turn it into the best damn anime ever produced.)
idk I was listening to a lot of Mariah Carey's 2000's hits and remembered I'd made another Satoru cross-dressing alter-ego specifically to sing R&B karaoke hits so here we are 🤷‍♀️
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amakumos · 1 year
CUPID’S CONFLICT — eight ; i see what’s happening
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as the man behind cupid's corner, jungwon is responsible for getting majority of the couples at decelis together (namely, riki and his girlfriend.) but there's one person that always gets in the way of half of the couples that jungwon sets up together — you. you are the polar opposite of yang jungwon, affectionately called "evil cupid" by your friends, as you have the unfortunate ability to break any couple up within a couple of weeks just by taking a picture with them. it's not intentional, you tell jungwon. what's also not intentional, is when jungwon finds himself crushing on you.
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“Have fun on your date,” Rei says to you, watching as you shove your books into a tote bag. “I’m going to work on a project.”
“Project, date, same thing. Take lots of cute pictures of Maeumi for me. ” Wonyoung says, and you roll your eyes. “We're actually going to be working. It's not a date.”
“Don’t get distracted, by his… face?” Wonyoung replies, and you give her a weird look. “What? You guys would be cute together.”
Yes, he’s good looking, and basically your exact type, but you don’t really know Jungwon well. Plus, you’re pretty sure he isn’t really fond of you.
You take the train to Jungwon's, and it's not too far away from Decelis. You don't know why he doesn't choose to stay at home instead of the dorms since he doesn't live too far. When you stand in front of the lift, waiting for those elevator doors to open, you suddenly find yourself feeling a little nervous.
You press the button to the 9th floor, watching as the doors close. It's just a project. You're not nervous. The doors open, and you step out of the lift. Jungwon says he lives in apartment 9B, and as you approach the door, you hear the sound of a dog barking.
You assume that's Maeumi.
Jungwon opens the door, wearing a plain white t-shirt and sweatpants. "Hey," he says, opening the door wider to let you in. You take your shoes off, leaving them near the entrance. "Maeumi gets really excited when he meets new people." Jungwon adds as he watches Maeumi jumping up on your leg to greet you.
"Ah," you say, smiling. "That's very cute."
"Come in," he says, and you walk into his apartment, Maeumi trailing behind you. It's very clean, and Jungwon's placed his laptops and books on his dining table. "You can just put your bag on that chair," he says, sitting down at the table.
You slide into the seat next to him, taking your own laptop out. "So... where are your parents?"
"They're working. They're a bit busy this week, so I've kinda got a lot of time for myself."
"Oh, I see." you say. It's a little awkward, with it just being you and Jungwon. In his apartment.
"So... should we start working on this?" he asks, and you nod. He opens his laptop, creating a new slideshow and sharing it with you. "We've just got to create a presentation about this poem... and analyse it. Then share it with the class. Super simple,"
"I think we can finish it in 20 minutes. I mean, we did do a lot of preparation in class - we kinda just have to type everything out now."
You find that you work well with Jungwon. He's easy to share your ideas with, and even when you find that you can't exactly find the right words to use to get your points across, he understands what you mean. The nervousness you felt before fades away, and you start to think that you were just overthinking everything, especially when it came to you thinking that Jungwon hated you.
The project's finished in less than 20 minutes, much to your surprise. "Do you wanna grab lunch?" Jungwon asks you, and you shrug. "Sure. Are we going to go outside?"
Jungwon walks towards the window, pushing the curtain aside. "Ah, it's raining. I'll just order takeout. Are you okay with fried chicken?"
You nod. "I'm not a picky eater. Order whatever you like."
You get up from your chair, making your way over to Maeumi. You sit down on the floor, away from the carpet (because you've seen Jungwon's tweets about Maeumi shitting on the carpet), and the dog comes up to you, and you give him a head pat.
You play with Maeumi for a bit, picking him up and settling him in your lap while Jungwon orders the food. "He likes you," Jungwon says, placing his phone on the table.
"Does he?" you ask, ruffling Maeumi's fur.
"Yeah, he does. Give me a second, I'm just going to get Maeumi some treats." he says, before disappearing into the kitchen. He returns with a container of dog treats, and he sits down beside you.
Jungwon takes one of the treats out, feeding it to Maeumi. "He's so cute." you say, and Jungwon smiles.
Jungwon's opinion of you has changed very quickly over the past few days. He supposes that it was a shitty thing to do, to hate you over the fact that you had broken up a lot of couples at the school unintentionally. He guesses that he takes his role as Cupid a little too seriously.
You're very nice. So nice to the point that Jungwon feels terrible for being mean to you on his private Twitter account.
Suddenly, Jungwon hears the door unlock. He furrows his eyebrows - his parents aren't supposed to be at home until 9pm. It's only 3pm, and he doesn't think he's expecting anyone to swing by.
The voice of Kim Sunoo rings out, and the boy stops in his tracks when he sees that you're in Jungwon's house. "Jungwon, Riki wanted to know if you're free- oh! I see what's happening."
"Hi, (Name)." Sunoo says, a smirk on his lips. "Hi, Sunoo. Nice to see you," you reply, still giving Maeumi head pats.
"What are you doing here?" Jungwon asks. "Riki sent me to see if you were free, since I know the password to unlock your door. But, I'll just tell him that you're not available." Sunoo says, wiggling his eyebrows at Jungwon.
Sunoo's going to tell everyone in their friend group. And now everyone will think that you two are a thing.
"Have fun on your date," Sunoo whispers to Jungwon, who elbows him. "It's not a date." Jungwon whispers back.
"Sure it isn't. Bye (Name)! See you tomorrow!" Sunoo says, waving at you. You bid farewell to him too, and before he leaves, Sunoo whispers one thing to Jungwon.
"Don't fall in love."
"I won't," Jungwon replies.
Jungwon doesn't know it yet, but he is very, very wrong.
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eight -i see what's happening! previous ☆ next ♡ masterlist
author's note. first written chap of the series !! my entire body hurts cuz of badminton #lovemysport
CUPID'S CONFLICT! a jungwon smau. genre: smau, crack, fluff pairing: non-idol! jungwon x non-idol! reader warnings: swearing, ignore timestamps taglist is CLOSED!
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