#yes the latter was the guy who told me it was very white woman of me to relate to the themes of fetishization in Get Out
bimbutchpride · 2 years
Having a bad breakup with my ex after having my sense of security around him eroded over the course of a few months because he didn't understand the systematic nature of how trans women have violence projected onto us was bad but bareable. However then having a friendship I was developing with another masc lesbian crumble to dust because I was honest and open about the transmisogyny and outright abuse I've faced from transmascs in my decade of being out has really fucked with me. Like having salt rubbed deep into a scar that was cut back open.
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lxkeee · 7 months
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim Angel! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Angst (for now)
Warnings: Daddy issues.
Notes: Glad you guys loved the first part despite it being so short.
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The sunlight passed by the small gaps of the curtains, shining down on the face of a sleeping boy. Light blond hair messy but perfectly framing his beautiful face, red circles on his pale cheeks, a pop of color. He groans as he buries his face underneath the large fluffy white blanket, eventually groaning as he opens his eyes, [e/c] eyes adjusting to the brightness of his room. Sitting up on his queen sized bed that is surrounded by pillows. As much as he wants to sleep in, he has duties as an angel and as the son of [y/n] Caeles.
Getting out of bed, slipping his feet into the fluffy white slippers. He moved across his large room, stopping by a large mirror.
He frowns when sees his reflection, the only thing he can see is his deadbeat father who left his mother for another woman.
He hated it, he could see his supposed father staring back at him through the mirror. The fallen angel, Lucifer staring right back at him. A cruel reminder that he is his father's son.
He's thankful he has her eyes, at least he was able to have a piece of her on him. He hated his father, his mother never hid his father from him and told him everything what he wanted to know. He'd do anything for his mother. He loves her so much.
He knows that his mother often gets sad when he sees him, he knows because she could see the man that hurt her on his face. He doesn't blame her. He hated his face too, despite it being heaven's most beautiful facial features. He wished he had his mother's face instead.
Getting a large robe that was placed on the cushioned chair, draping it over his body. Time to get ready, he has a lot of work to do.
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[Y/n] looks up from her newspaper, seeing her son finally entering the dining room, dressed in his military like uniform but in colors of white and gold. She sat on one of the chairs of the dining table, a breakfast already made by yours truly—pancakes and bacon and of course, two cups of steaming black coffee.
[Y/n]'s eyes lit up when she saw her son, “Good morning Xavier, did you sleep well?” she asked with a small smile, watching as the boy sat next to her. Xavier gave his mother a close eyed smile.
“Good morning to you too, mother. You look very beautiful this morning.” he says softly, closing his eyes as he felt his mother's hand ruffle his hair, playfully groaning. “Hey! I just brushed my hair.” Xavier says with a small pout and [y/n] chuckles and places a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead.
“I couldn't help it, my boy is just the sweetest.” [y/n] says and Xavier blushes softly and just chuckles.
“It is because I have the most amazing mother in the whole world, that's why.” he says.
[Y/n] smiled at him, “Oh, you... Aren't you just the sweetest?” she giggled and he just chuckled.
The two made a sign of the cross, praying to say thank you for the blessings they have received. Finishing the prayer, the two finally ate breakfast.
“So you're going to be training with your uncle today?” [y/n] asked, looking at the young man beside her. Xavier nodded, he would be training with Uncle Michael today.
“Yes, mother. I am hoping he can help me improve on how to fight.” He says with a small smile and [y/n] squished the young man's cheek, the latter pouting.
“I know you'll do great, you make me so proud.” [y/n] says softly and Xavier had to try so hard not to cry. He loves it when he makes her happy, his mom deserves the whole world after all.
“Thanks, mom.” he says softly and her eyes soften and they continue to eat breakfast.
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After breakfast, Xavier helped his mother clean up the table and offered to wash the dishes. [Y/n] wanted to insist on doing it as she feared it would dirty his suit but the boy insisted. He just rolled up the sleeves and wore an apron.
When he was done doing his morning routine, he walked to the living room to see his mom already dressed for work. His eyes saddened, he won't be seeing her for a couple of days again.
Walking towards his mother, the older woman hugged her son. “Don't miss me too much, dearie.” [y/n] says with a giggle. Her hand rubbing circles on the boy's back.
“I'll try not to. I'm just worried.” Xavier says softly, he doesn't like it when she leaves to go to the mortal realm. He worries for her physically and mentally. Humans, human way of living is very... Mentally unhealthy and he fears it will affect his mother too.
[Y/n] smiled softly, patting the boys light blond hair. “Do not worry about me, Azrael would be there to protect me if needed.” she says with a smile.
With the mention of the angel of death, Xavier sees the older man like a father figure. The man has always been present in his life.
Xavier smiled and nodded, “Alright.”
[Y/n] smiles, “Good luck with training, don't overwork okay? Summon me if you must.” she says sternly as the two finally let go of the hug, her hand was placed on her waist.
Xavier nodded, “I promise and I will make you proud.”
[Y/n] grins, “That's my boy,” she says and snapped her fingers and a portal appeared, “Goodluck kiddo, I'll see you in a few days.” she says softly and places a kiss on his forehead before going inside the portal. The portal closes.
Taking one last look of himself on the mirror, the face of his biological father staring back at him. Xavier rolls his eyes and scoffed. Unrolling his sleeves, adjusting his collar. Unfurling his large and majestic white wings. It's time to train, he promised to become one of heaven's protector and he promised he'll rise the ranks and join his mother.
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Training with his uncle went by smoothly, he did lost but at least he learned something. Xavier was flying around heaven, wanting to return home but his eyes landed on a familiar seraphim. Emily, his heart started to beat faster. He always liked the girl, the girl is pretty and kind, okay?
His eyes landed on the person wearing such bright red suit. An eyesore, really. A pop of color in heaven.
Xavier tilted his head and decided to approach the girls.
Emily jumped slightly in surprise, seeing the beautiful and handsome and nonchalant looking young general that is her friend landed beside her gracefully.
Yes, Xavier puts up a front in public. He doesn't want others to know he's a total Mama's boy.
Xavier nodded and gave Emily a gentle smile, “Greetings, Emily. Off to showing off a new soul around?” he asked, voice gentle and calm.
Emily grinned and blushed slightly, nodding. “Not exactly a new resident, just a visitor.” Emily explained and Xavier turned to look at this supposed visitor and he could feel himself freeze slightly.
Who wouldn't freeze when seeing the same face as you but in the opposite gender.
“Xavier, this is Charlotte Morningstar...” Emily says hesitantly, now remembering who's the biological father of the boy.
Xavier's eyes narrowed but was quickly replaced as he gave the new girl a closed eyed smile, a forced one. “Really? So that makes you my half sister then?” Xavier says with a grin and Charlie's whole being froze.
Emily looked at the two nervously, she knows Xavier isn't violent but she does know how the boy hates his biological father to the core.
“... Half sister...?” Charlie asked, her voice in disbelief.
“Indeed! We share the same father. It is a pleasure to meet you, Charlotte.” Xavier says with a grin but his eyes dull, no longer have the usual shine on them. Charlie was nervous, she doesn't know how to act around the boy. She knows he isn't lying because the boy literally looks like her father.
“How rude of me,” Xavier says with a small gasp, “Let me properly introduce myself, I am Xavier Caeles. Son of [y/n] Caeles. It is a pleasure to meet you, dear sister.” he says with a smirk, looking down on the girl (literally because he's taller than her, a trait he is thankful that he inherited from his mother. Good Lord, he would be miserable if he had his father's height), offering his hand for a handshake which the girl hesitantly and nervously returned.
“It is nice to meet you too... Xavier..” she says and Xavier grins, Emily just looked at the two nervously. Thanking that a fight nor an argument haven't started yet.
“It was a pleasure meeting you but I must go, I still have far more important matters to attend to. Emily, I'll catch up to you later.” Xavier says with a small smile, turning his back from the two girls.
Before he flies away, he stopped. Not bothering to look at his half sister, “Tell our dear father I said hi, okay? Farewell.” he says, not a single emotion in his voice. He quickly spreads his wings and flew off.
“Stars... I didn't expect to see my half sister today..” Xavier murmurs to himself as he flies back home.
Meanwhile, Charlie stood in disbelief next to Emily. Turning around to look at the Seraphim, “Was he really my...?” Charlie asked hesitantly and Emily nodded with a small sad smile, “Yes but it's not my story to tell.” Emily explained softly and Charlie nodded.
“Let us just continue showing you around, yeah?” Emily says softly and the princess of hell nodded.
Emily knows that Xavier's interest has been piqued. She knows he'll be there during the meeting now that he knows his half sister is going to be there.
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End Notes: I forgot to mention, reader's work clothes are the same as Arlecchino from Genshin Impact wears.
@valerie-36 @blackbleedingrose @adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata @kouyoumarryme @sxgacxbe @kooidoom @cadelinhadochoso
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
the hippogriffs and the flobberworms
Day 23, Post #2 by @accio-broom
Title: the hippogriffs and the flobberworms Author/Artist: accio-broom Pairing: Arthur & Ron Weasley (platonic) Prompt: slice of life Rating: T Trigger Warning(s) (if any): Mentions of sex lives and STDs, very cringe-worthy.
Arthur whistles as he roams the ground floor of the Burrow, searching for his youngest son. Ron’s best friend Hermione is due to arrive any day, ready to spend the latter part of the summer holiday with the Weasleys, but there are some things Arthur needs to speak to Ronald about before Miss Granger joins them.
He’s probably left this conversation a little late—Ron turned fourteen a few months ago—but this is the first time the youngest has shown any interest in the opposite sex. With the rather exciting activities coming up for their fourth school year, including a ball, it’s only inevitable that different feelings will start to stir.
Chuckling, Arthur reminisces about the conversations with his other sons. Bill, always cool as a frost salamander, kept his focus on his old Dad without any outward discomfort, even though Arthur made a complete mess as he told Bill about the facts of life. All of Arthur’s words came out in a massive jumble—he couldn’t even use the correct terms for various body parts and used all the wrong euphemisms. Arthur had been trying so hard to be a cool dad that he got himself far too worked up to make any sense. 
His second son, Charlie, was dismissive and didn’t seem interested in the mechanics of making love, which was disappointing given the amount of time Arthur had spent rehearsing, determined to get it right that time. Percy approached the conversation with logic and appropriate questions, discussing it as he would an important Ministry policy before thanking his dad then leaving the room without a backwards glance. In stark contrast, the twins cracked inappropriate jokes and turned the tables on Arthur, making him feel awkward as innuendo after innuendo spewed from their mouths.
Ron will be Arthur’s last chance to do “the talk”. Molly is responsible for dealing with Ginny, and they’ve probably already started. He doesn’t baulk at the female aspect of puberty, having lived with a woman for almost twenty-five years, he’s well versed in the potions and muggle contraptions they need to use, but he thought it only fair that Molly gets a go of this, too. It’s one of the essential parts of being a parent, after all. 
Although Arthur is well-seasoned in explaining the facts of life without going overboard with the detail or using cringe-worthy phrases now (although the twins did teach him a few new idioms), he has decided to step away from the ‘cool’ dad persona and go full-on over the top this time. 
He could make this easy for Ron, but why would Arthur want to spoil his own fun?
A flash of red hair leaving the broom shed catches his attention out of the kitchen window, and Arthur’s grin widens. It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, but there is a light breeze, keeping the air fresh and cool. It’s the sort of day that would lead to him fishing in the lake at the bottom of the garden, but he has a task at hand that he needs to deal with first. 
Maybe there’ll be time for him to get his rod out later.
Pouring two glasses of lemonade from the jug Molly has left on the side, Arthur uses a cooling charm on them then steps out from the backdoor and onto the patio. 
“Ron,” he calls, smiling as his son turns his head around faster than a niffler chasing gold, looking like Arthur has caught Ron doing something that he shouldn’t. Probably skiving from the long list of chores Molly gave him this morning. “Come up and have a chat with your old Dad.”
Arthur eases himself into the bench under the wisteria with a groan. Although he isn’t all that old, having seven children and living through a war takes its toll on a guy’s body. Now, every joint clicks and complains every time he moves. Forget getting somewhere in a hurry; slow and steady is now the way to go.
Ron settles in the seat next to him. 
“What’s up, Dad?” he asks, smiling at Arthur. He takes the offered drink, gulping almost half of it in one go before letting out a loud, satisfied sigh.
“Hermione is coming to stay with us before we go to the World Cup, I hear? But not Harry?”
Ears turning pink, Ron turns his head to look out at the garden. “Y-yeah. We’re going to collect Harry in a few days, remember?”
“Oh, yes. I’m very excited to be visiting the Muggles. Will they tell me about eckeltricity? Should I take my battery collection?”
Ron laughs. “I don’t think the Dursleys will be too impressed with batteries, Dad. They use them every day.”
“Shame.” Arthur sighs, then turns his eyes to gaze the same way as Ron’s. “So, Hermione is a girl.”
“Er, yes, I guess so.”
“A girl you’re attracted to?” Arthur glances at Ron, whose face has turned as white as a ghost.
Ron reacts with a knee-jerk response, but the look on his face indicates that he’s not telling the whole truth. “No!”
“Are you sure? You and her have gotten close lately. Mum and I like her.” Arthur waits a moment for Ron to take back his first response, then tuts when he stays quiet. “Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone you do like soon. Anyway, as you already know, she’ll be staying in Ginny’s room with your sister, and I’m sure you’re clear on the rules of the house. Your Mum does not want any sneaking around or late-night visits.”
Arthur doesn’t hold the same views as his wife. Sure, he doesn’t want the kids to be sleeping in each other’s beds, but he remembers the conversations he and his friends had during the early hours of the morning when he was their age. If the children wanted to get up to something, Arthur would rather it happen under their roof where they’re safe than have them take unnecessary risks. He and Molly were young once, too, although it feels like a lifetime ago now.
“I know, Dad.”
“Good. And so you know, if you ever find yourself feeling conflicted or wanting some advice on how to ask a lady out, you can always come to me. Because being a teenage lad is a very confusing time, and the magic will heighten this, as well as the fact that you live in proximity to some charming young women. You might not feel it right now, but you’re on the precipice of being a man. Your voice has started breaking. Sure, it’s a little later than the others, but I’m sure that’s nothing to worry about. Everyone develops at their own pace, after all. Pretty soon, you’ll have hairs sprouting all over the place, even in places you wouldn’t expect it. I can’t remember when all of this started happening for me, but it was around your age. And don’t get me started on the wet dreams…”
“Merlin,” Ron sighs, now squirming in his seat, trying to make himself as small as possible. When Arthur checks again, his youngest is looking into the depths of his glass as if considering whether he could drown himself in there.
“Sex is healthy, son, especially if it’s with someone that you admire and love, whether that be a girl or a boy, Your mum and I don’t mind as long as you’re happy. And if you find the right person, then it can be amazing.”
A low groan emits from Ron’s mouth as he pushes himself further down the bench, attempting to put some distance between him and Arthur. 
“Please stop talking,” he pleads with bright red cheeks.
“Having a good sex life is nothing to be ashamed of, let me tell you. The seven of you weren’t delivered by the hippogriffs, after all. Not that we only have sex to procreate. Having you kids out of the house has done wonders for our love life. 
“While we’re on the subject, if you can’t get a partner, then there’s nothing wrong with taking matters into your own hand. Masturbation is very beneficial, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s important to explore your own body and learn the kind of things you like so that you can recreate those moments with a partner. I can tell you some useful charms if you need them—ones for when you’re with someone, and others for when you’re alone. Of course, there are some spells that are vital for you to learn. Safety is sexy, and you don’t want any little accidents happening.”
Ron runs his hand over his face as if trying to erase his dismay. “Dad. Please stop. I know all of this already. Not that I wa-I mean, do that sort of stuff.” 
He crosses his legs with a gulp, and Arthur feels a rush of joy. He’s succeeded in making his youngest son feel as awkward as possible. You have to take delight in the smallest of moments, especially the older you get. 
“Who told you?”
“I have five brothers and live in a dorm with four other boys. Also, Flitwick taught us the contraceptive charm last year.” Ron is still focused on his glass, looking like he wants to be a million miles away.
“Oh, right. ”
An irrational surge of disappointment crashes over Arthur. He should have realised that kids are far more advanced and talk much more than they did in his day. He should have bit the bludger earlier and nabbed him last summer.
“Well,” Arthur continues anyway, determined to see this through, “contraceptive charms aren’t the only things you need to learn. You need to ensure you protect yourself from Sexually Transmitted Diseases, or STDs, as well. Some of these can make you a little itchy, but others can be dangerous. You should go and see Madam Pomfrey if you think you might have one. Of course, you could always get some muggle con-domes. Fantastic little invention they are. Rather than trying to remember a load of different spells while you’re in the heat of passion, you can whack on a rubber and get to it.”
He doesn’t allow Ron’s small squeak to put him off his speech, now he’s in full flow again. “Talking about getting to it. Consent is important. When you decide to take that step, or even before when you snog someone, you need to make sure they want to do it too. Every step of the way. If they say no, you stop right away, even if they said yes only a minute previously. You must understand that. Never force yourself on someone, especially if they are drunk or otherwise intoxicated. If they can’t say yes, it’s a no-go. Got it?”
“I-I d-do,” Ron stutters, his voice strained under the embarrassment of the situation. “C-Can I go now?”
“Yes, yes, of course. But don’t forget that I’m here if you need anything, son. Even if you think it might get you into trouble. And look after Hermione, even if your feelings for her are only platonic. I admire the way you, her and Harry have formed a little group. The three of you are good for each other.”
Arthur reclines on the bench and closes his eyes, letting out a sigh as the sun warms his face. There’s no point getting one’s wand in a knot over spilt potion. He still managed to get Ron squirming like a flobberworm, so it was mostly a successful mission.
The bench shifts as Ron rises to his feet. He finishes his drink with a gulp and sets the glass down on the floor before shuffling away.
“Dad?” a small voice asks.
When Arthur opens his eyes, he spots Ron towering over him. When did he get so lanky? Ron is going to be the tallest of the family, for sure. There’s a smile on his face, though he still can’t meet his Dad’s gaze.
“Yeah, Son?” Arthur asks, shielding his eyes from the sun.
“Thanks for trying.”
Ron shrugs, then wanders back down the garden, his gangly frame hunched over. Arthur marvels at Ron’s response. You think you fully understand your children, and then they do something that knocks you off your broom. But Ron is a decent lad, and Arthur knows he will go far, like the rest of them.
With a happy sigh, he leans back and closes his eyes again. He’s done an okay job at this parenting thing. As long as none of them gets arrested or tries to break into Gringotts, he can die a happy man.
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 3,786 Tags: SFW, Pre-relationship, Self-confidence issues, Canon-typical violence Summary: On Sophie’s first day at the BAU, she gets nervous. On Sophie’s second day at the BAU, they get a case. Collection: Sophie Cortes timeline, 0-6 Months at the BAU (See Masterlist for reading order) Link to A03 or read below! On Sophie’s first day at the BAU, she’s a little bit nervous—change your outfit three times, run your Keurig with no cup underneath, hair up? hair down? hair up? nervous—so she takes a deep, steadying breath before pushing open the glass double doors that lead to the bullpen.
She took cues about attire from other people she saw the day of her interview, so today she is wearing a simple black and white dress with pumps and gold jewelry, and she feels she fits in, but she gets more than a few curious looks when she enters.
Her instructions are to report to Agent Hotchner’s office first thing, but she is stopped on her way there by a tall, handsome, impeccably dressed man with a frankly gorgeous smile. He’s Black, with a shaved head and a great voice, and suddenly she doesn’t mind the interference.
“Hi, I’m Derek Morgan. You’re Sophia Cortes, right? Hotch mentioned you were starting today.” She smiles warmly.
“Yes, pleasure to meet you. You can call me Sophie,” she says, reaching out a hand for a shake. “Agent Hotchner told me you’re from Chicago, and so am I. Please say you aren’t a White Sox fan.” His smile becomes even brighter, if possible. She might be halfway in love with him already.
“God, no. If you want to watch good baseball, it’s the Cubs all the way.” She laughs lightly, happy to have a little rapport with a new colleague so soon.
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“I’m glad there’s a little more color in the office now,” he jokes, and she understands where he’s coming from completely. It’s bad enough to be the only woman in the room, sometimes, but when she’s also the only person of color, she feels… inadequate, somehow. Like she has to work twice as hard to be seen, even though she literally stands out among her peers.
A blonde woman with a fair complexion and pretty, almost doll-like facial features steps up behind him, and he looks over, introduces her.
“Sophie Cortes, this is Jennifer Jareau, our Communications Director.”
“Everyone calls me JJ,” she says with a smile and a handshake.
“Nice to meet you. If you’re the Communications Director, you’ve got the toughest job in the unit, then.” JJ looks surprised, then nods her head.
“Absolutely, but don’t tell them that. They’d never believe you,” she says with a playful shove of Derek’s shoulder. “Don’t let being a profiler go to your head like this guy.”
“Who, me? I’m as down to earth as the next devastatingly handsome guy.”
“Yeah, right,” a voice says from her right, and Sophie turns to see a woman approaching them with pale skin and dark hair, bangs, a kind smile. “We love you and all, but you’re a little cocky.”
“Is it being cocky when I’m that good, though?” he asks with a wink, and Sophie already feels more at ease just hearing them talk with each other. She can get acclimated to anything when the environment is right. “This is my partner, Emily Prentiss. Prentiss, this is Sophie Cortes. The new newbie.” She sets down her bag, heads over to shake hands.
“Nice to meet you, Sophie. Love the dress.” Sophie thanks her for the compliment. “I appreciate you taking the newbie title from me; fair warning, you’ll probably be here for five years before they stop calling you that.”
“Ah, I’ve been called worse, I’ll take it.” She glances around their workspace, looks up to Derek. “Is my partner here? Dr. Reid, right?”
“Oh, he texted, said his train is running late,” JJ explains. “He’s really excited to meet you, though, so don’t mind if he’s a little… overwhelming, when he does get here.”
“You’ll fall in love with the kid, everyone does,” Derek explains, and it makes her heart feel warm. This is definitely a team she wants to be a part of. “But he can be intense.”
“I appreciate the heads up.” Before she can say any more, Agent Hotchner descends the stairs, heads toward them.
“Good morning. I can see the team has taken the liberty of introducing themselves.”
“Hello again, Agent Hotchner.” Sophie shakes his hand, and he smiles softly.
“Hotch, please. You can put your things in that desk and I’ll give you a tour, if you’d like.”
“Sure, sounds great.” The team shares a brief look, but she doesn’t know them well enough to comment, just stows her belongings and follows the unit chief. “The team was very welcoming. They seem really tight knit,” she comments as they leave the bullpen, and he looks at her, nods.
“When you spend as much time together as we do, traveling as we do, it’s inevitable. Was it not that way in Intelligence?”
“You couldn’t get those people to sit down to dinner together, let alone tease one another. They’d probably bite each other’s heads off.” They worked well together, but in private the environment could be pretty toxic. She knows Unit Chief Roberts wouldn’t have put up with it if the team didn’t get such good results.
“I can see how this environment might seem a little strange, then,” he says, opening the door for her. They take the elevator.
“Strange, but good. It reminds me of when I was a cop, and I’ve missed that kind of camaraderie.”
“Well I’m glad you felt welcomed. We really are happy to have you.” They approach a closed door which he raps on lightly; the woman who answers has a bright smile and an even brighter outfit, lime green and navy blue, with matching accessories, including green glasses. She makes Sophie feel very… plain.
“Oh, hi!” the woman says, and her grin gets bigger. “Wow, you’re beautiful.” Sophie laughs, a little taken aback, and Hotch sighs lightly like he’s used to the odd behavior. It’s all very endearing.
“This is Penelope Garcia, our technical analyst. Garcia, this is Sophia Cortes, our new profiler.” She reaches out a hand.
“It’s nice to meet you. You can call me Sophie, or Cortes, whichever you prefer. And you’re beautiful, too. I love your style.”
“Thank you; I can tell we’re going to be fast friends. You’ll have me on speed dial,” she says, walking to her desk and jotting something down on a pink Post-It. “If you need something researched, narrowed down, blown up, compared, etc, I’m your girl.” She hands her the note—her direct line—and smiles. “I’m sure you have much more to see, but don’t be a stranger!”
Something tells Sophie she won’t be.
He shows her all around the office—copiers, the breakroom, supply closets, restrooms—and they end up in the briefing room, the last two to walk in.
“You remember Gideon,” Hotch says, and the man nods a greeting. Still as personable as ever, she thinks. “And this is your partner, Dr. Spencer Reid.” She’s not surprised by his age—she read some articles about him once she had his name, knows they call him ‘boy genius’ quite literally—but she is a little thrown by his nervous smile, his dark eyes, his untidy flop of brown hair. Derek wasn’t kidding when he called him kid; he looks like he belongs at an after school chess club meeting, or something.
He’s adorable. Like a puppy. She immediately wants to keep him. She smiles wide.
“Sophia Cortes, but you can call me Sophie, if you like.” He stands, and they shake hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve heard all about you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too. I hear you’re from Chicago. Did you know Chicago is home to 2,716,450 residents living in over 100 neighborhoods?” She smiles wider.
“Yeah, with 600 parks, 500 playgrounds, 29 beaches, and 26 miles of open lakefront. It’s beautiful. Have you been?”
“We worked a case there, once. I didn’t get to see any parks or beaches.” He makes a frowning kind of face and she laughs softly, takes the seat Hotch offers her.
“Well you’re young, there’s time.”
“Now that we’re all caught up on introductions, we can get started,” Hotch states, and Sophie’s first morning meeting begins.
It’s a little boring, as far as first days go, but she doesn’t mind. She has access to her computer, gets it set up the way she wants, finds out from the team where all the best places are nearby for coffee or drinks or lunch. She meets with the section chief for introductions, goes over some policies with Hotch—who, she was right, is definitely funnier and more thoughtful than he must let on. He probably feels like he has to act a certain way, because he’s the boss, but she likes pulling the human out of him, makes it a personal mission going forward to make him smile.
He’s too handsome not to smile. On Sophie’s second day at the BAU, they get a case.
“I usually like to let new profilers get acclimated to the team before going into the field,” Hotch tells her as they board the plane, “but it didn’t make sense to keep you in Quantico. Are you sure you’re up for it?”
“Of course. That’s why I’m here, I want to help.” She stows her bag overhead. “I’ll observe, give my input when I have it, follow everyone’s lead.”
“Sounds good. You know you can come to any of us if you have questions.”
“I know. Thank you.”
They do a deeper debrief on the plane—three women have been murdered, all in their mid 30’s, athletic and blonde, last seen dropping their children off at school—and Sophie is tasked with going to the most recent crime scene with Hotch and Prentiss.
“What can you tell about him so far?” Hotch asks her while the detective on the case speaks with Prentiss about some details of the scene. She glances around the room, takes it all in.
“Well, there’s blood everywhere. Serious overkill each time. He either knew the victims, or has a deep-seated hatred for a woman they remind him of; my money is on is the latter.” She looks through the kitchen, at the bloody footprints that lead to the back door. “Tracked blood all through the house, left the back door open. He’s disorganized. He may have seen them at the school and planned to follow them home, but he didn’t do any pre-surveillance on them. Something about these women triggers him and he acts within the hour.”
“Would you call it a crime of passion, then?” She looks over, curious, then realizes he’s testing her.
“No. A crime of passion indicates some level of culpability by the victim. Provocation. These women are just in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong face.” He nods, satisfied with her answer.
“So how do we think he’s finding the victims?”
“He could have a child under his care who goes to that school, or he could live near the school, work there. He could work the night shift somewhere else and pass the school on his way home. I think it’s too early to narrow that down.”
“Any idea what weapon he used?”
“We would have to really examine the cast off to be certain, but my guess would be… a hammer, or some other small, blunt tool. This wasn’t done by a baseball bat or a shovel or something larger. We can also get an estimated height and weight of the unsub if we chart the area void of blood here,” she adds, pointing to a bare spot on the wall with blood droplets above and around it. “I’m guessing we’ll send the photos to Garcia for analysis.”
“That’s right. I agree with your assessment,” he begins, but she senses hesitation.
“But?” He looks over at her, thoughtful.
“We’re missing something.”
“We are, or I am?” she asks for clarification, and he smiles just slightly.
“We are.” She takes that as a good sign, walks another loop around the room for something they would have overlooked, and she brightens when she thinks she’s discovered it.
“Her purse is still here, cash, credit cards. Her jewelry was still on her body when she was found. But does it look to you like something’s missing from the entryway table?” She points to it, and it’s very ordinary: a calendar, a bowl for change, hooks for keys, a couple of photographs—with a notable blank space in the middle. “Maybe a photo?”
“We should ask the husband if he knows what was there. Good work,” he tells her, and he heads off in the direction of the husband; she follows close behind.
Back at the precinct, the team fills each other in on what they’ve learned.
“So our unsub killed each of these women with a ball-peen hammer, striking 8-10 times. Blood spatter analysis puts him at about 5’11”, 6’0” tall, around 275 pounds. The photo taken from the third victim’s house was of the victim and her 7-year-old son Josh; similar photos were taken from the other two homes—photos of mother and son.” Prentiss tacks copies of the three missing photos to the board.
“Sounds like maybe the woman they remind him of is his mother,” Reid states.
“That’s what we’re going with. We’re still not sure how he finds his victims, though,” Prentiss mentions, and Sophie takes a breath, hesitates.
“Do you have something?” Morgan asks and she shrugs, unsure.
“Maybe? One of the theories we threw out there was that he works overnight and drives past the school on his way home from work, when the kids are being dropped off. If he killed them with a ball-peen hammer, maybe we should look for machine shops in the area with overnight shifts? Those are typically used in metalworking, not construction.” She feels like all eyes are on her, and it makes her nervous. “That could be completely irrelevant, it’s just a thought.”
“It’s a good thought; I’ll have Garcia pull us a list, we can split up and pass around the description, see if our guy is a metal worker. Good call, newbie.” Morgan leaves to take the call, and JJ leans over with a smile.
“Don’t second guess yourself. You’re doing great so far. Theories are important, even if they’re wrong.” Sophie returns the expression, nods.
“Thanks. I’ve just gotta get used to the collaborative environment; haven’t been in one of those in a while.”
“You’d never know it. You’re fitting right in.” She takes it as a compliment, is happy to be of some use to the investigation and not just getting in the way.
The rest of the day is pretty quiet; they test out a few other possible theories, deliver the profile to the late shift, plan to hit the school early in the morning to look for potential suspects and to pass around the description to see if anyone meets it who works there, or lives nearby.
She goes to the school with Reid and JJ, speaks to teachers, janitorial staff, but none of them know a man like the one they’re looking for. She meets up with the others, who were speaking to parents, after about an hour of questioning, but they also come up blank.
“We’ve still got your machine shop theory,” Reid says as they drive back to the precinct. “The others should be done with those soon, so there’s still a chance we can find this guy today.” JJ’s phone rings, and she answers on the car bluetooth.
“JJ, there’s been another attack,” Prentiss says. “1419 5th Street—you guys are closer. Can you head over?”
“We’re on the way,” JJ answers, turning right, and Reid looks thoughtful.
“An attack? She’s not dead?”
“No. Not yet, at least. She’s being rushed to the hospital; her husband was home, caught the attacker in the middle of it all.”
“Did he get a good look at the unsub?” JJ asks.
“He’s with a sketch artist now. Hotch wants you to circulate the sketch ASAP; we think we may have a hit at one of the metal shops, if you can send it to me, too.”
“You got it.” She ends the call, looks at Sophie through the rearview mirror. “Drinks are on you tonight, newbie,” she says playfully, and Sophie can’t help but laugh. She had been so intimidated by the thought of joining the BAU, and she’s glad to see she’s useful, can actually help make a difference. It’s a feeling she won’t forget for a while.
Later that night, when they plan to try to catch the unsub before he leaves for work, she deflates, a little.
Hotch, Morgan, Prentiss, and Reid are going to breach the unsub’s house while JJ covers the front door and Sophie covers the back. She had assumed she would get to be part of the team going in, with her tactical background, and immediately thinks the worst, that they’re happy to have her brain, but that her body is a hindrance. Too short, too weak… it’s how she’s been treated her whole life, and she hates to think that she’s being dismissed here so soon for the same reasons. She tries not to let it show, but she dwells on it, a little, lets it get her down even though she knows she shouldn’t.
She snaps out of it when there’s movement on the back porch, a hulking, shadowy figure in the darkness.
“I’ve got him coming out of the back,” she whispers into her comms, and she draws her gun and points it at the unsub. “Stop, FBI!” The guy turns to face her—he fits the sketch to a tee, a real mountain of a man as the blood spatter analysis suggested—takes one good look, and goes running in the other direction.
Alright, so, he’s clearly not impressed. She can work with that.
“He’s running, I’m in pursuit.” She holsters her weapon and her boots pound the grass as she books it his way. The good thing about being so much smaller than him is that she’s much faster, catches up to him fairly easily, and again, she shouts for him to stop, which, of course, he doesn’t.
Her first thought is that she’s got to get this guy on the ground no matter what—this isn’t a shoplifter or something, he’s wanted for murdering three women and attempting to murder a fourth, so a little force is okay if necessary, and judging by his build, it’s going to be necessary.
Her second thought is, if I can’t catch him, I don’t deserve to be here. And that’s the one that makes the decision for her.
She leaps onto his back, grabs fistfuls of his shirt, and shakes him forward, backward, forward again, trying to throw off his balance. When he starts to wobble, she slides down his back, hooking a leg around one of his and driving her knee into the bend of his; he goes down, face first, and she reaches behind her for her cuffs, slaps them on his wrists before he has a chance to turn or stand. “Jason Farber, you’re under arrest for three counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.”
“Attempted murder?” he asks, turning his face so he can speak more easily. He seems pretty calm for a runner, maybe just resigned to his fate, and she leans over so she can see him better. He’s breathing fine, uninjured, and just looks pissed. “You mean that overbearing bitch isn’t dead?”
“Yep, sorry to be the one to tell you, Jason, but she’s alive and kicking.” She continues to read him his rights, and is just pulling him to his feet when Morgan and Hotch skid to a stop behind her; if they look surprised… who is she kidding? They look surprised as fuck.
“Damn, Cortes. This guy’s like three of you,” Morgan marvels as she walks him back toward the cars so he can be tossed into the back of a black and white. “Did you make him an offer he couldn’t refuse?” She scoffs at that, and even the unsub snorts in amusement.
“She tackled me. Wasn’t counting on that.”
“I don’t think anybody was,” she admits, getting him into a cop car and shutting the door. She joins the rest of the team, gets a high-five from JJ.
“Hey, score one for the ladies. We never get to do any tackling.”
“She did better than I would have,” Reid admits without shame, and she laughs.
“It’s all in the legs. I lift chains at the gym.” He gives her a look like he’s got no idea what she’s talking about, which almost makes her laugh again. “You do pull-ups, but with chains around your legs.” She demonstrates, squatting and gesturing to her legs like she’s wrapping something around them.
“Okay, you’re the real deal, newbie,” Morgan says when she stands up fully. “Remind me not to run from you unless I want a face full of dirt.” The group breaks apart after that, but Hotch lingers, gives her a meaningful look when she makes eye contact.
“I bet that felt good.” She leans against the side of the SUV, feels a deep conversation coming on.
“It did. I’m stronger than I look, and sometimes it’s fun to be underestimated, but other times it gets really annoying.”
“I can imagine,” he says, nodding, and he mimics her posture. “I just want to make sure you know you don’t have anything to prove. I hired you for a reason.”
“I know. But I don’t like being a one-trick pony, and I’m definitely not waiting around for one of you guys when an unsub is on the move.”
“And I wouldn't expect you to. As for the ‘one-trick pony’ thing, that’s not how I see you at all. You’re extremely well-rounded, and that’s why I wanted you.” His eyes are kind, but penetrating, and she dips her head, nods.
“And that’s why I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“After what you’ve shown me the last two days, I don’t think that’s possible, but I want you to know you can come to me when something’s bothering you. That’s why I’m here.”
“I know. I won’t forget it,” she assures, and he stands fully, cocks an eyebrow in her direction.
“I heard drinks are on you tonight,” he says with a straight face, and she laughs lightly.
“I guess we better get going before they run up the tab, then.”
They walk in companionable silence back to the SUV.
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selfilluminatingkyu · 3 years
Dancing with the Devil(s): Chapter IV
F!Reader x Adult Trio; this takes place during the same timeline as Season 3 of HxH but the events with Kuropika and the crew are just shifted a little. Things will align back up within the next couple of chapters.
Warnings: Subtle Mentions of Torture and Abuse.
Word Count: 3.1K (She a lil short) 
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As the name rattles off of Hisoka’s lips, you furrow your eyebrows. Is he someone you know? Is he someone you should know? A thousand thoughts run through you head in the span of a second and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that there is a reason behind why Hisoka would ask you whether or not you knew someone. 
You also weren’t completely insufferable in your lack of underworld knowledge. You knew who the Zoldycks were. Had heard many of the wealthy families mention the name before. Wealthy families got to where they were not because they didn’t deal in shady things…they just happened to have enough money to pay someone else to do it for them…and keep it from ever tracing back to them. 
You remember being at a gala not to terribly long ago. The patriarch on the family hosting the event had left midway through to speak to an older man with grey/white hair. You’d gone to the bathroom when he’d walked out of the office with the other man—who’d looked extremely pale and weathered as compared to when they’d left. You’d smiled and apologized, telling them you’d gotten turned around on your way back to the party, and the man with the grey/white hair, Zeno Zoldyck you’d come to learn, had simply smiled at you before nodding to the host. The other man had disappeared out of view and the two of you were left alone.  
“My, my you have grown into a beautiful young woman since the last time I saw you y/n.” He’d said and you could only blink, registering quickly the sheer power rolling off this man. There was no malice behind it, nor intimidation effect, it was simply him. 
“I’m sorry sir, and forgive me for being rude, but do we know each other? I don’t recall ever having met you before.” You said, smiling softly but anxiously, wracking your brain for anything to give you a clue as to not incur your mother’s wrath for forgetting a powerful man’s name and presence. 
He chuckled, walking closer to you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “No need to worry dear, we’ve never met before per se, but I do know who you are. I’m well aware of your parents’…pursuits. Your name has come up in conversation before and the last time I saw you or a photo of you, you were quite small. Maybe no older than 10 or 11. I was merely making an observation.” 
You smiled again and nodded you head, understanding and yet feeling embarrassed and ashamed that you probably looked no better than a filly up for auction, because truthfully…you weren’t. 
“Oh! Well it’s nice to meet you—” 
“Zeno, Zeno Zoldyck. And it’s nice to finally meet you as well y/n y/l/n. And I’m sure this won’t be the last time we see each other.” 
Thinking back on that situation now, back on the first time you ever met Zeno, you wondered how exactly it was your name had ever befallen the ears of the Zoldyck patriarch. Regardless, to be asked about a Zoldyck was odd, even coming from Hisoka. 
“I know of the Zoldycks, I’ve met Zeno a couple of times. But I’m not well versed in the members of the family. Is there any particular reason why you ask Hisoka?” You ask, thinking it over more as you answered, wondering where the missing link was in your knowledge. But when you looked up, in that moment, when the words had only just left you mouth, the look in Hisoka’s eyes made you think that not knowing may have been a small grace than a hinderance. And in that moment, you were somewhat grateful the water was already growing cold, because the shock of chill that ran through the air wasn’t nearly as potent. 
The small seep of bloodlust in the air made you take in a breath and try to sink into the furthest side of the tub away from him. The hairs on your body stood up and gooseflesh peppered across your skin. You bit back the whimper that wanted to escape and instead looked at the imposing man before you with wide eyes. The shift in demeanor, you realized, was not direct at you but something else entirely. 
“Did you ever see the man you were initially going to be engaged to?” Hisoka asked and this made you pause because you had told Chrollo of your past but not the rest of the Troupe and you were certain that it was not information passed along to them as they’d been dismissed when the discussion had happened. 
Was this slip up intentional, to make you put the pieces together or had Hisoka’s apparently bloodlust caused his tongue to run away from him? If you were a wagering girl, and you really weren’t, you would’ve bet on the former instead of the latter. Hisoka was calculating and manipulative. You knew his interest in you had made you into a new toy to play with and this seemed like a twist in his play with you. Keeping this in mind, you responded accordingly. 
“Yes, once, late one night when I snuck into my father’s office. I wanted to see what he looked like. This elusive person who was supposedly going to be my husband. He was attractive, but I never was told his name because, for whatever reason, my parents ended up forgoing the engagement. I was never told why exactly, and it never dawned on me to ask honestly.” You chose your words carefully, watching him the entire time to gage the way he reacted. 
That wasn’t entirely a lie, it wasn’t also entirely the truth. You knew why you parents had never gone through with the engagement; the family, while incredibly powerful and wealthy, was part of the seedy underground and that didn’t bode well with their agenda. A family like the Zoldycks fit perfectly within that description you realized. Although, it was an inclining you’d had after the second time you’d met the Zoldyck patriarch and his son, Silva, the current head of the family and business. They’d been nice, familiar even, and they’d been assessing you. At the time, you hadn’t exactly been sure as to why, but you’d wondered if they’d been the family who’d been very adamant about marrying you to their eldest son. 
However, they thought had derailed when Zeno had made an offhanded comment about wondering if you’d be into younger men and you’d been utterly confused. Were they not them? Were you mistaken and they too were now interested after meeting you? You’d never truly gotten your answer though because the next time you saw them, it had been a strained meeting as you’d been their target. Why Zeno had come and told your parents that information instead of just doing his job, and risking his reputation in the process, had puzzled you even more. 
“HISOKA! Enough!” The roar from Phinks had startled you as had the slamming of your bedroom door. Curling in on yourself, you’d just managed to cover yourself before Phinks and Shalnark had busted through.  “Keep your bloodlust in check, it’s giving me a headache. And what are you even doing in here you pervy bastard? Leave the poor girl alone. You’re needed downstairs anyway, something’s come up.” 
Both blonde men gave you a quick once over, probably making sure that you weren’t harmed by the magician but nodding their heads towards the door. Shalnark gave you a smile and a wave before trailing behind Phinks. “Come on Hisoka, don’t want to keep the boss waiting.” 
Hisoka turned, beginning to move towards the door again before stopping. “Don’t think too hard on it little dove. We wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.” 
And with that he’d walked out, slamming the bedroom door behind him, leaving you utterly confused and feeling chilled to the bone. 
Was this Illumi Zoldyck guy your previous potential fiancé? 
Was there another member of the Zoldyck’s who had almost taken that roll instead? 
Or was Hisoka just trying to find out some sort of other information that you just weren’t able to see yet? 
You didn’t know the answer to those questions right now…but you were certain you were going to get them, whether you wanted to know or not. 
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That night, you’d gone to bed shortly after you’d forced yourself to climb out of the bathtub. The water had grown cold, and your skin was pruning uncomfortably. The peace in which you had hope to find, even a sliver of, had never come to you, so you hoped maybe sleep would just be a void. 
And while you hadn’t been completely wrong, you also hadn’t been completely right. 
At first, you’d fallen asleep easily, not even the noises of what was taking place downstairs had deterred you from finding solace in the black abyss. However, that had apparently been short lived as a few hours later, you’d slipped into a nightmare.  
You were surrounded by people you didn’t know, and they were talking about you, looking down on you. It was then you realized that you were strapped to a table and that you had wires running from your body to machines. They didn’t appear to be normal medical equipment though, but you couldn’t say for certain that they were made out of nen either. Regardless, seeing the wiring connecting to your body and then to unknown machines left your blood running cold and your mind running a mile a minute as to how to get yourself out of this situation. 
“She’s extraordinary. Just extraordinary! With powers like hers…you could rule the world…could rule worlds. There is an unlimited number of things you could do and accomplish with this kind of power. Who knows where it stops!” The excited voice from beside you startled you. 
The small man in a lab coat and mask was standing closest too you, scribbling things on a clipboard as he looked at you in awe. You tried to ask what was going on, how you had gotten here, what he was talking about, but nothing came out. Not even a whimper and whisper of breath. You frantically looked around, trying to find a face, a friend, anyone you recognized and kept coming up empty. The faces were blurred, and your eyes began to strain. The sound of voices chattering and a machine clicking barely registered to you…
…but the pain certainly did.
Excruciating was putting it mildly and you quickly understood why you were bound, outside of not allowing you to flee your captors. The pain seared through even molecule in your body and those that it hadn’t even created yet. Your back arched off the table and your mouth dropped open in a silent scream. Your throat felt raw, like you’d done it before…possibly even several times before. The only thing that actually seemed to escape you were the tears from the corner of your eyes as the pain stopped and deftly you registered that the machines had stopped but the voices had picked up. 
What they were saying, you couldn’t tell. But as the noise kicked up tenfold, the pain did as well, and this time when you screamed…a noise came with it. 
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“Y/n wake up! It’s just a dream! You’re fine. Wake up!” You bolted up right, screaming yourself hoarse as the pain creeped its way from fantasy into reality. It jarred you to the bone and without thinking you struck out at the closest thing, sending it hurling away from you in an effort to end whatever was causing you pain. 
What you hadn’t realized was that that “thing” in which you had sent flying had been Chrollo. Didn’t realize it was him till he was nearly striking the wall on the other side of the room, caught off guard by your sudden attack and the power behind it. It was also then that you realized there was an aura radiating around you and there was immense power coming from it. 
You looked to Chrollo wondering if he had always been this strong and had somehow been masking it. But looking at him, seeing the wild, almost gleeful look in his eyes, made you realize that the power was not coming from him…but yourself. 
“I need you to breathe for me y/n and focus on controlling the aura that’s around you. If you don’t get a control over it, it’ll continue to seep out of you, and you’ll pass out from the loss.” He spoke softly, walking up to you slowly like you would a terrified animal, afraid that in its fear, will lash out at you and go for your jugular. 
However, his tactics were a bit sabotaged when Franklin and Feitan came flying into the room, nen activated and ready to take on anyone who posed a threat. The hostile energy pouring out of them had your fear peaking again, the faces from your dream flashing before your eyes and the power in which you’d thrown at Chrollo was surging again, zeroing in on the new threats and detonating without so much as a blink from you. 
Both of their boys went flying as well, Chrollo, seemingly reading your nanosecond of a shift in body language, braced in anticipation, activating his own aura, and deflecting easily. As he seemed to watch two of his strongest members go soaring across the room as if it was no big deal, the look in his eyes seemed to increase tenfold and suddenly he was behind you, wrapping himself around you and smothering you face into his chest. 
“Shhh, you’re okay. They aren’t going to hurt you. No one here is going to hurt you little one. I promise.” He stroked your hair and while you realize the sentiment that he was going for, the affection left you feeling even more displaced. 
You could feel your body seemingly gearing up for another act and, despite still being unsure as to where these people lie on the spectrum between friend and foe, you did not want to hurt them anymore than you already had. With that in mind, you tried to even your breathing out; tried to think of a dam stopping the free flow of water, and all thing similar to keep yourself from exploding with aura again. And that, coupled with Chrollo’s continued words of assurance, seemed to do the trick, and stop up the free flow of energy. 
As the bubble around you seemed to smooth and flow but not run, you realized you’d started to sob at some point, the tears streaming down your face and a near continual stream of whimpers and apologies pouring from your mouth. Apologies to Chrollo for the initial attack, apologies to Franklin and Feitan who’d only come to make sure everything was okay. You didn’t know what was going on or how things had escalated so quickly but you were sorry and you hadn’t meant to hurt them. 
You weren’t entirely certain the message hadn’t gotten out clearly, if the pissed off look on Feitan’s face was anything to go by, but you weren’t entirely certain that hadn’t been there prior as the man seemed to wear a scowl frequently. 
“What…happened…?” Feitain asked and you could feel Chrollo shift, looking at them while maintaining the comforting stroking on your hair. 
“I’m not sure. I came up here to check on her when I felt a spike in aura and heard her crying out. I couldn’t sense another presence outside of her own, but we’ve met nen users capable of cloaking themselves before. However, when I came in, she was thrashing about, when I woke up her…the same thing that happened to you happened to me.” 
“Clearly not as hard though. You seem fine. I feel like I’m going to be sore for days after that power she just threw at us.” Franklin muttered rubbing at his arm and stomach. 
“Such…a…. baby…” Feitan muttered, earning a side-eyed glare from Franklin. 
“I wouldn’t say it was any less powerful, it was more like she registered who was in the room with her right as she threw the power out. I’m almost certain she did the same with you, and my presence so close by also muted her attack, afraid she’d hurt me in an effort to harm you two.” 
Franklin and Feitan looked from Chrollo to you and then back to Chrollo before looking at each other in disbelief. “You’re saying that wasn’t her full power?” Franklin asked, the shock and awe clearly evident in his voice. 
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. I can’t even begin to feel the depths of her power, let alone where it ends.” 
The words seemed to hang in the air, all three men seemingly having a silent conversation that you were not perve to, nor did you think you ever would be. You had known from the start, regardless of what degree of comradery you obtained with these people you would always be an outsider, never allowed to fully know the scope of everything. You’d never be told all of the details, never know the full extent of all of their abilities, never know the ins and outs of it all. And you did not mind that, not at the moment at least, because for what you did not know, you had come to understand that these were dangerous people, people that were probably on several hit lists and wanted by many…and you did not know if you ever wanted to truly be associated with them. 
While sitting in the tub, you’d come to the conclusion that you would use them to obtain the skills necessary to save your younger siblings…and that would be the extent of it. You were not a killer, did not fancy yourself someone who killed for sport or out of the desire to prove you were stronger or better than others. No, you did not believe your wants in life to align at all with those of the people in this group nor did you think they ever would. So you’d do what was necessary to be able to get your siblings back, to be able to protect them and keep them safe till they were capable of doing as such on their own. But once you’d achieved that goal…you were as good as gone. 
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bybdolan · 4 years
ANYTHING THEY WANT TO HEAR [based on cowboy like me by Taylor Swift and this edit] Word Count: 4225 ; Rating: T+ ; TW: slight mention of corruption of minors ; AO3 PLAYLIST
“I'm trying to save my money when it comes to small things like that, you know.” She pushes her sunglasses up. “This thing has an expiration date for me.” “What do you mean?” “I'm getting older, Jack. My beauty and my youth are my currency, and they won't be mine forever.” He looks at her for a very long time. “I don't think you'll ever not be beautiful,” he says after a while, and Isis knows he actually means it. His voice is almost plain when he's being honest, it's so different from his usual act.
read below the cut.
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“May I have this dance?”
His voice is dark and low in all the right ways and for a moment Isis is almost lured into his sweet web, but then she remembers how he talked to the old lady with the sapphire ring earlier and she knows that he wants something from her she isn't willing to give him. So instead of answering, she lazily stretches her back like a cat in the sun and takes another sip of her champagne.
“Dancing is a dangerous game,” she replies after a while, and it's almost a bored sigh.
He laughs and exposes a perfect row of white teeth. “Cynical, aren't we?”
“Takes one to know one.”
Her eyes scan the crowd and she catches the eye of a man who is looking at her over the shoulder of the woman Isis assumes is his wife. Isis looks away. This is only her second day here. She has to give the men time to take her in first, let them see her exit the pool in her wet swimsuit and cross her long legs while waiting at the bar; so when they finally get to undress her, it feels like a relief, like unwrapping a gift you have been waiting for. It makes them feel special, to think that they of all people charmed her. Isis knows that men like that.
“You know that he's a married man?”
Isis smiles. “Hasn't stopped me before. It's their choice, not mine.”
She turns back to the man beside her. He's very handsome, all dark skin and dark hair and dark eyes. There's something rugged about him, as if he was a statue somebody had left unfinished, and Isis has the sudden urge to put her hand on his cheek and feel the roughness of his beard against her palm.
He reaches out his hand and Isis takes it. His long slender fingers wrap tightly around hers.
“Jack. Nice to meet you.”
“Did your parents give you that name?”, he asks, and she laughs and shakes her head.
“No. I did.”
“What's your real name, then?” He lowers his voice and Isis has to smile because she knows what he is trying to do. There's a glimmer of disappointment in his eyes when she doesn't lean in to hear him better.
“It was a church name. A good church name for a good church girl.” She enjoys the sight of Jack's white-teethed grin for a quick second before she turns away.
“I'm sure that's what you are,” Jack says, his voice still low and dark, and it sends shivers down her spine. He's good. If she talks to him for too long, he might get her where he wants her, but Isis isn't willing to give him that satisfaction. So she puts her now empty champagne flute on a tray a waiter carries past, rolls her shoulders in a way she knows makes her shoulder blades look good, and gives him an apologetic smile that he will know is fake.
“Well, Jack, it was nice meeting you, but good girls like me shouldn't talk to young men for too long. It gives them ideas.”
Her high heels are softly clicking on the tennis court floor as she is walking away and she can tell that Jack is looking at the silky skin of her back, exposed by her sequined gown, and for once she actually feels good about it.
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The gentle wind that blows across the town square tugs at Isis' napkin and her blouse, but she doesn't mind it because the breeze is making the heavy heat slightly more bearable. Jack is sitting across from her, Aviator sunglasses up in his dark curls, head thrown back as he enjoys the cool air.
“Had I known how awful this heat would be, I would have gone to England,” he groans, and Isis smiles.
“I personally prefer sunshine over constant rain, but that might just be me.”
“Of course you do.” He grins. “It allows you to wear the skimpy bathing suits you love so much.”
Isis rolls her eyes at him over the rim of her sunglasses, but she doesn't actually mean it. “If you don't like me doing that, you have done a very bad job at showing it.”
Jack chuckles and looks up into the blue sky again.
They have been spending some time together these past weeks. It's beneficial to both of them to be seen together occasionally, in situations that suggest they are romantically involved. When Isis goes out with an older man later in the day, his ego is soothed by the impression that somehow, Isis chose him over Jack, and it's the same with the ladies that Jack dines with. Isis is aware of the way they look at her. Most with jealousy, some with desire. Isis feels sorry for the latter.
Of course they sleep together sometimes, secretly, and Jack always sneaks out of Isis' room when they are done, leaving her alone in the big, cold bed. She enjoys the arrangement, it is nice to do something just for her own pleasure, without submitting to others' wishes or expecting monetary gain from it. As much as they publicly exploit their sympathy for one another, their friendship – though Isis wouldn't necessarily call it that – is genuine.
“Do you think that store over there is selling an English newspaper?” Jack asks and Isis follows his eyes to the small shop across the square. She shakes her head.
“I doubt it. But why don't you just wait until we get new ones at the hotel?”
Jack shrugs.
Every week or so, there is a fresh stack of newspapers on the receptionist's desk, and Jack is always the first to buy one. He spends the entire morning standing around somewhere, hair dishevelled, completely engulfed in whatever news he's reading, and Isis knows he actually cares about the articles because there is a spark in his eyes that isn't there when he is reading Albert Camus by the pool.
“Why does it interest you so much?” She cocks her head to the side and drinks her Espresso.
“Because I care about what's going on in the world,” he replies, “I actually wanted to be a journalist when I was younger.”
It surprises Isis. For some reason, she automatically assumed Jack was like her, with no aspirations besides getting the most out of what they were doing.
“Is that why you started doing this?” She makes a vague gesture with her hand. “To get money for college?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “I wouldn't sit here with you if that was the case.”
“Then what was the reason?” She doesn't know why it suddenly interests her so much.
“I didn't want to go to war.” There's a moment of silence. “All my friends got their drafting letters and none of their weird tricks to get out of it worked, so I figured the only way to not get shipped to Vietnam if my number was pulled was bribing the officers. And since I didn't have the money myself, I had to find somebody to pay for me.” He picks up his coffee cup, but instead of drinking he just stares at the dark liquid. “I borrowed a suit and snuck into the fanciest bar in town and somehow managed to get this widow – her name was Rebekah – wrapped around my finger. When my letter came, she gave the officer a thousand bucks to let me off the hook. I couldn't fuck her while being dead in the jungle, after all.”
The silence between them suddenly feels as heavy as the heat. Jack finally drinks his coffee, then his eyes go to Isis.
“What about you?” he asks. She looks away, gaze fixed on the child playing with a stray cat by the fountain in the middle of the square.
“I just wanted pretty dresses,” she says plainly. “My parents were very religious in an almost puritan way, my sisters and I weren't allowed to do anything that was deemed a distraction from our faith. I hated it. I wanted to be like the other girls in school. So whenever I could, I would take the bus into town and look at the dresses in the shop windows or flip through every fashion magazine I saw. And one day this guy came up to me in the streets and told me he'd buy me the dress I was looking at if I did a little favor for him.” Isis looks back at Jack, eyes all cold and icy through her tinted glasses. She puts her chin up, even after all those years. “I wore that dress like an armor. I felt like fucking Joan Of Arc. It was a fuck you to my parents and my church and my teachers and everybody else who thought they could control what I wanted in life.”
The wind blows her hair into her face. It sticks to her cheeks and her lipstick and Isis combs it back into place with her fingers angrily. It's an unusually rough motion for her.
“And then I just went with it, I guess. Always on the lookout for men who were willing to pay for my attention. It's so easy, you just look pretty and tell them anything they want to hear and that's it.”
Jack nods slowly, fingers toying with the white paper napkin tucked under his cup. “That's one of the reasons I didn't go to college with the money I made. I was scared of not being any good.”
Isis looks at him and her features soften. “That's a stupid reason for not trying.”
Jack gives her a crooked grin. “I guess.”
He looks at his hands and then at his wristwatch and makes a face. “Fuck, I've got to get going.”
“Do you have an appointment?”
Her choice of words makes him laugh. “Yes. The blonde lady who always carries those expensive leather handbags, I'm sure you know her.”
Isis nods. “She looked at me this morning when I sat with you during breakfast and I'm surprised I didn't drop dead right then and there.”
Jack laughs again and runs his fingers through his hair. “She's the jealous type. I'm sure she'll be willing to do me a lot of favors if it only means I won't look at you for a few days.”
“You won't manage that.”
They both grin.
“If you are planning on ignoring me,” she says, “You should at least pay for my coffee.”
He shrugs. “I guess it would be the nice thing to do. But let it be known that I always pay for your food.”
“I'm trying to save my money when it comes to small things like that, you know.” She pushes her sunglasses up. “This thing has an expiration date for me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I'm getting older, Jack. My beauty and my youth are my currency, and they won't be mine forever.”
He looks at her for a very long time. “I don't think you'll ever not be beautiful,” he says after a while, and Isis knows he actually means it. His voice is almost plain when he's being honest, it's so different from his usual act.
“A lot of people don't think like that.” She looks back at the child near the fountain. The stray cat is gone. She feels a tightness in her throat. “So it would be nice if you could pay for my coffee.” Her voice is a little shaky and she hates it.
Jack silently pulls his wallet from his pocket and puts a bill on the table.
“Thank you,” she says, without looking at him.
He stands up and nods his head as a good-bye.
Isis feels terribly embarrassed and uncomfortably close to him for reasons she can't quite explain, and when she watches him walk to the brown Chrysler he parked in one of the neatly marked spots on the other side of the town square, she has the urge to say something that will make him forget about how unusual this conversation was for them.
“You're really just in this for the fancy cars, aren't you?”
It's a stupid thing to say, now that she knows how untrue it is, but she hopes it's shallow enough to erase what they just shared and make them go back to the sly back-and-forth they've gotten so used to, always vague enough to be fun.
There is relief in his laugh that warmly bounces off the buildings and echoes over the piazza. He throws up his hands in an almost triumphant gesture.
“Damn right I am!"
And that's how Isis knows everything is fine between them. The smile eases its way onto her face without her noticing at first, but when she feels the warmth in her cheeks and in her gut, she bites her lip to make it stop.
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Five weeks after his arrival in Italy, Jack gets sick. Isis blames it on a bad oyster, which makes him laugh because she says it in a way that allows no discussion and reminds him of his mother. There are flowers in his hotel room with Get Well Soon!-cards written in fancy ink, but it's Isis who goes to the pharmacy to buy him medicine using her broken Italian, it's Isis who comes to air out his room when he's too tired to leave the bed, and it's Isis who wipes the sweat off his forehead and reassuringly runs her fingers through his greasy hair.
She knows she has better things to do than sitting by his bed and conversing about the topics they only educated themselves about to appeal to the rich folk. The man she has slept with for the past two weeks has flown back to England (not without declaring his love for her in the form of a letter and a diamond necklace), and there are new visitors at the hotel who look at Isis the way she wants them to look at her, and she should be by the pool with her head thrown back and legs curved, or at the bar, touching their shoulders while laughing at the stories they tell. Instead, she is sitting on the cushioned chair in Jack's room with her legs comfortably stretched out, arguing about whether or not Andy Warhol is any good. Sometimes it scares her how much she enjoys his company. She'd rather spend the days with him than alone in her room, she doesn't remember the last time she felt like that about another person.
Her visits get rarer and shorter once Jack gets better and Isis finds a man that takes her to fancy restaurants and buys her flowy dresses in the shops in town, but she makes sure to see Jack at least every other day. One time, as she is about to leave, he tells her to wait and rummages through his bedside table until he pulls out the sapphire ring she had seen on the hand of the lady at the tennis court dance, all those weeks ago.
“For you,” he says, “As a thank you for your time and care.”
When Isis hesitates he cocks his head to the side. "I won't miss it. Blue is more of your color anyway."
Isis lets him slide the ring on her pointer finger and looks at how the blue stone catches the light.
“I'm surprised you actually scored that lady,” she says softly, “I would have bet she wasn't interested in you.”
It's not what she actually wanted to say and they both know it, but they let it slide, and Isis manages to hide how fast her heart is beating until she is alone in the hallway and presses her palm to her chest.
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“Do you want me to light that cigarette for you, sweetheart?”
Isis nods and leans over so James can reach the tip of her cigarette with his lighter. She knows that her pose allows him a good look down her dress, and she can tell that he enjoys it.
“Thank you,” she says after her first exhale. The smoke drifts away over the town. The restaurant they are at has a nice view, but maybe she just thinks that because when she looks at the city, she doesn't have to look at James.
It's not that he is ugly – he still has a lot of thick brown hair and some of the bluest eyes Isis has ever seen – but she can't look at him without thinking about his wife, Elizabeth, who had left the hotel last week because she missed their children back home.
Usually, Isis doesn't care about the casualties of her actions, but guilt has slipped into her mind over the course of the past few days. When she told Jack about it, he just shrugged and said he doesn't care, he knows how these people would treat him if he wasn't staying at their hotel but working in his father's garage, and while Isis understands him, her skin is still the same color as theirs and so it’s not her anger to share. Besides, she doesn't feel bad for the men she lies to about her feelings, she feels bad for their wives.
She has never thought much about what it must feel like for them, to be betrayed by the ones they've sworn to dedicate their lives to, be hurt and discarded by the ones they love. Love had been a commodity to Isis, as long as she can remember, and it worries her that the term has started to feel more and more like the vague idea of ‘sacrifice’ she has read about in countless romance novels. It had always seemed so foreign to her, but she kind of understands it now.
“Is there something wrong?” asks James and Isis smiles sweetly and shakes her head. Her mind is trying to replicate how it had felt when Jack kissed her temple last week, when she asked him to stay after they had slept together. Of course he left anyway, but the tenderness of his goodbye kiss made Isis so happy that it frightened her.
“I'm just admiring the view.” She takes another drag of her cigarette and tilts her head in a way that shows off her long, pale neck.
James looks at her and grins. “So am I.”
It takes everything in Isis not to roll her eyes. Instead, she throws her head back with a laugh that bubbles like champagne, covers her mouth with her one hand and puts the other one on James'.
“Oh, stop it, Jac– James!”
The C is a full stop in her throat and she can tell by the look on James' face that he heard it. She intertwines her fingers with his and strokes his thumb to make him forget.
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“I’m going back to San Francisco.”
“In two days.”
Jack shrugs. “I’m bored of this place. These people. And the heat.”
Isis nods. She knows she would feel the same if it wasn’t for him, but it still feels like he punched her in the gut. She’s not reason enough to stay.
“I just felt like you should know,” he says when Isis doesn’t respond, and she nods again.
“Thank you for telling me.”
There is an uncomfortable silence. Isis doesn’t know what else to tell him, except for the truth: “I’m going to miss you, you know.”
“I’m going to miss you, too.” She can tell that this isn’t all that he wants to say, but he stays silent after finishing his sentence and she wants to grab him by the collar of his stupid yellow shirt and call him a fucking coward. But she doesn’t. Instead, she grabs her book from the table next to her and tells Jack that she has to get ready for dinner.
When he knocks on her door hours later and asks her why she wasn’t at the dining hall, she tells him a lie.
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“Come to L.A. with me.” The words fall from her lips carelessly. She had a plan on how to ask him, but then the sunlight made his skin glow even more than usual and suddenly, her words were stronger than her self-control.
“What?” Jack turns around, the look in his eyes somewhere between bewildered surprise and a deep sadness Isis wasn't expecting.
“I'm serious,” she says, voice shaking, “Come to L.A. with me. Or I come to San Francisco with you. I don't care.” She presses her hands into the wall behind her back. “We can live together and sell the other apartment so you can pay for college and finally become a journalist, and I'm sure that I'd find something to do, too, and –”
“Isis,” he interrupts her, and his voice is so gentle that it breaks her heart, “I... Why?”
She shrugs and looks at the shiny tiles on the floor. “I like being around you. And I want you to like me, even though there's nothing in it for me. I've never felt that way about anybody before I met you. And I don't want it to go away.” Her back is pressed against the wall so tightly by now that she feels like the wallpaper is going to swallow her. She doesn't dare to look at Jack.
There is a long moment of silence. Jack looks at his suitcase and sighs. His left thumb is pressed into the palm of his right hand, as if to distract him from pain somewhere else in his body.
“Do you think we can do this?”
It's not a no. Isis feels like she could cry.
“Maybe. I don't know.” Her voice is barely above a whisper.
“But what if we fail?” He turns to her and his eyes are filled with worry. “We both haven't done anything besides this in our lives. Do you really think we can just stop?”
“That's a stupid reason for not trying.” She puts her chin up. “The fear of failure. I've told you that before.”
He exhales and his shoulders drop.
“My god, Jack, look at us. Have we ever failed before?”
“This is different.”
“But it's still us.” Her hands are numb by now from being trapped between her back and the wall, but she doesn't care. She feels the same way she felt as a young girl, standing in front of the storefront windows, so determined to get what she wanted.
Jack looks very lost in the middle of his room. It's the first time Isis notices how big it is. “I'm just scared of hurting you,” he says softly.
“The fact that you care is enough for me.”
There's a short moment where neither of them move, as if they were frozen in time. Jack looks past Isis through the window, out into the sky, then back at her. She holds his gaze. She wants this. She wants him. So much that it’s clawing at her from the inside. He should know that.
Finally, slowly, he closes the space between them, wraps his arms around her waist and puts his head on her shoulder. He pulls her away from the wall and Isis feels the blood rush back into her hands. She buries her fingers in his hair. Jack softly rocks her from side to side as if she was a child.
“You know, I've always wanted to go to L.A.,” he murmurs into her neck and his words are echoing in her bones, “The palm trees look very pretty.”
“They are,” she whispers, “They are.”
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“I’ve forgotten how uncomfortable these seats are.”
Jack chuckles beside her. “You've been in Italy for too long.”
Isis sighs. “Yes.”
She feels her body vibrate as the plane starts to drive. It will take them to Rome, from there, they will go to Los Angeles. Her stomach starts to twitch, like it always does during takeoff, but there is more to her anxiety today. The rattling of the tires on the concrete and the roaring of the engines drown out her thoughts. She closes her eyes.
“Are you okay?” Jack's voice is as soft as ever and yet she understands him just fine.
“I'm nervous,” she replies.
“Is it because of the plane?”
Isis opens her eyes and smiles at him. It's an unsure smile, flickering somewhere between excitement and fear. She can tell from the look in his eyes that he understands what she is trying to tell him.
He reaches for her hand and starts drawing small circles on her skin with his thumb. The plane lifts off and suddenly everything feels very still and quiet, despite the engines’ constant roar.
Jack's thumb rests on the sapphire ring on her pointer finger.
“I can't believe you're actually wearing it,” he murmurs, “Considering how it came into my possession.”
Isis puts her head on his shoulder. “It was the first gift you ever gave me. It's mine now. It doesn't matter how you got it.”
Jack laces their fingers together and kisses her forehead. Then he turns his head back to the window and they both watch as the plane breaks through the clouds, into the bright sky.
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131 notes · View notes
yandere-society · 4 years
Sugar Rush
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Synopsis: You thought the breakup had gone well, but your ex-girlfriend Yoonji didn’t seem to get the message. When you go out with friends to party on Halloween night, you encounter Yoonji in an unexpected way – and you discover just how far she’ll go to get you back.  
Pairing: Min Yoonji x Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Yandere themes, blood/mentions of blood, stalking, restraints, safeword violation, torture, suicide mention, gore
Headline: Woman In Sumo Wrestler Suit Assaulted Ex-Girlfriend In Gay Pub After She Waved At Man Dressed As A Snickers Bar
Admin: @psycho-slytherin​
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Ooh – gah!”
“Y/n?” Mia pokes her head into the kitchen. Her pupils are pure black, and she looks to be crying blood. “What happened?”
“Ugh, I think my mom sent me these roses and I pricked myself on a thorn,” you reply, sucking on your bleeding finger irritably. You lay down the card that came with the bouquet, which reads See you soon! “You look great.”
“Thanks! I’m a student.” Mia steps forward to reveal a school uniform shirt, sweatpants, and flip-flops. 
“Cause I’m stu-dying, get it?”
You snort. “Very nice.”
“What are you? You haven’t changed!”
You sigh. “I don’t think I’m going to dress up.” You can’t shake Halloween’s association with her.
“What? But 66 Below has their ‘free drink for a costume’ thing going on. C’mon, why not?”
You shrug, looking at your bleeding finger. Roses always seem to have it out for you. “It was our anniversary.”
“Wait, is this about Yoonji? Y/n, you broke up with her! If you regret it so much, get back together. The girl was head over heels with you, I’m sure she’d be down.”
You shake your head. “I’m not getting back together with her. Definitely not.” You and Yoonji were together for three years, long enough that you had started wondering if it would turn into forever. As time went on, however, you began to notice unnerving little quirks in her behavior. She was scaring you, and you ended things soon after. “Besides, she was always so neurotic that I would cheat on her with a guy.”
Mia rolls her eyes. “Biphobia at its finest. Well, fuck Yoonji. It’s been months – now get dressed. It’s Halloween, and we’re going out! Besides, Aisha is meeting us there.”
You laugh. “I don’t have a costume.”
“I have an extra that I brought with me – it’s an unnecessarily sexy angel, it didn’t fit my sister. Try it!”
Angel. That was Yoonji’s name for you. You sigh, dragging yourself away from the traitorous roses and following Mia down the hall.
Soon enough, Mia is putting the final touches on your makeup. “Ooh, you’re glowing!”
“I don’t know why you sound surprised when it’s your fault,” you retort before catching a look at yourself in the mirror.
You’re wearing a white silky babydoll dress – the kind that you’d only wear in the bedroom. She’d love it. You’re sporting white fishnets and feathered wings, with a golden headband resembling a halo to complete the look. Mia has done your makeup expertly, with lots of rose and gold, so that you look perfectly angelic. You add your favorite rainbow earrings for some added pride. Still, the outfit…
“Isn’t this a little… risque?” Yoonji would never let you wear something like this out.
“I don’t want anyone else laying eyes on my angel,” she would croon in your ear. “You’re all mine. I’ll never let anyone else touch you.”
“It’s Halloween, Y/n, as long as the goods are covered you’re set.”
You peer out of the window. The sun has set, and groups of kids are out in spades for trick-or-treating. You used to love Halloween – it had always been your favorite holiday, long before you and Yoonji made it official four years ago.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
She stared at you for a long time. “Do you promise never to cheat? You’ll be loyal to me alone?”
You laughed. “Of course! I like you, I want to date you!
“In that case…” She leaned forward and kissed you. Her vampire costume meant you got fake blood all over your lips. “Happy Halloween, angel.”
“Okay. Let’s go.”
Mia nods. Her black contact lenses are… well, they’re not unintimidating. You’re glad to be able to spend this Halloween with her, and not worry about your ex-girlfriend.
66 Below has long been your and Mia’s favorite LGBTQ bar. With its live music, pride flags, and vintage decor, you feel as though you’re stepping into an extra-queer period piece.Yoonji never liked it; she thought it was too crowded. Tonight, almost everyone is dressed up in costume, enjoying 66 Below’s 'first drink free’ policy.
“Mia! Y/n! Over here!” Mia’s girlfriend Aisha gets your attention, waving at you from a booth. You’ve never encountered a more loving couple, and you know Mia’s planning on proposing to her soon. Aisha is dressed as… “Wait, what is she wearing?” You ask as you and Mia join her. Aisha looks like she printed a graded school paper onto white clothing, complete with red marks and typos. Over her heart is a big red F. In response to your quizzical glance, Aisha points to the F.
“Geddit? I’m a failing grade! I specifically wanted to be a final exam, but…”
You laugh. Mia and Aisha must have coordinated that. You scan the bar and note you’re not the only angel. There’s also some devils, ghosts, animals, anime characters, Iron Man, a Snickers bar, two Harry Potters, and – of course – inappropriately sexy children’s cartoon characters. You love Halloween.
“Y/n, c’mon, let’s grab drinks,” Mia says, but her eyes seem unwilling to leave Aisha’s. Their love reminds you of yours… or, what you thought was love. Towards the end of your relationship, you began to realize Yoonji’s idea of love was very different from yours.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll get yours. What do you want?”
“You sure?” When you nod, Mia reels off her order. You approach the bar, smiling at your favorite bartender. “Hey, Jaewon!” 
“Do mine eyes deceive me, or is that Y/n beneath the halo?”
Jaewon pretends to be blinded. He’s dressed as what you can only assume is slutty Mario.
“Shush, you. I’ll have an IPA and a margarita, please.”
“Sure thing.”
As you’re waiting for your drinks, the person in the Snickers costume slides into the seat next to you. “Nice costume, angel.”
You stare at him, a brow raised. If you weren’t at a gay bar, you’d think he was flirting. “Thanks, Snickers.”
“Who are you here with?”
You nod at the booth, where Mia and Aisha are now kissing intensely.
“Y’all poly or are you third wheeling?”
You laugh. “The latter. I’m not the relationship type.” Not anymore. Not after you realized how you were so easily manipulated into thinking Yoonji’s behavior was love. But the way she would kiss you, and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, tangling her hand in your hair…
“Yeah, I get you. Couples’ costumes are scary by default to me,” the Snickers jokes. “Perfect for Halloween. I’m Namjoon, by the way.”
“Y/n. Are you here with anyone?”
Namjoon glances around. “I was here with my buddy, but I think he left to fuck one of the Harry Potters. Which is funny, now that I think about it, since he was dressed as Dumbledore.”
You snort. “Oh my god. Well, if you want a group to join, I’ll be third-wheeling over there.” Jaewon reappears with your drinks and a wink.
“I might just take you up on that, angel. Happy Halloween!”
“Hey!” Mia says, finally coming up for air. Miraculously, her bloody tears have stayed put. “Who was that guy you were talking to? He seemed cute!”
“He’s probably gay,” you remind your friend. “He was sweet, though, I invited him to come over if he wanted to – his friend left him. Is that okay?”
Mia and Aisha glance at each other. “Actually, we were wondering…”
You look at the two suspiciously. “Yes?”
“There’s this event happening at 4Sooth,” Aisha says, referencing another bar downtown, “Where the best couples’ costume gets a cash prize. We were thinking… well, zombie student, failing grade…”
Oh. Why did you come here in the first place, then?
“Yeah, you guys totally have a chance!” You offer with as much enthusiasm as you can muster. “Should we go there?”
“The thing is…” Aisha looks at Mia, who shows you the event announcement on her phone.
“Well, the other prize is a night in the ‘Halloween Suite’ at the hotel next door, y’know?” Mia says quickly, a note of pleading in her voice.
Ohhhh. “Right, okay. So… I’ll just stay here, then.”
“Are you sure?” Mia asks anxiously. You can see her on the fence between guilt and excitement.
“Yeah, it’s fine!” You insist. “I’m good at making friends. Have fun!” Just because you have to be alone on Halloween, doesn’t mean Mia and Aisha can’t have a good time.
“You’re the best, Y/n, I owe you!” Mia gives you a quick kiss on each cheek before she and Aisha head out. As soon as they’re out of sight, your smile slips from your face and you sigh, nursing your beer. It’s Halloween, what would have been your and Yoonji’s fourth anniversary, and you’re alone at a bar. Pathetic. You turn to costume-watching, admiring the Big Bird, Dorthy from The Wizard of Oz, a sumo wrestler, and several queer or genderbent characters from all sorts of media.
Namjoon, the Snickers, is looking at you from his seat at the bar. He raises a quizzical brow at the now-empty booth, and you roll your eyes and shake your head in response.
He purses his lips, tipping his glass in acknowledgement.
Wonderful. A bar of candy pities me. You wave, motioning for Namjoon to come join you. You were both alone – why not?
Almost as soon as you lower your hand, several things happen at once: a blur of tan crosses your vision; you hear a loud BANG, and feel a sudden, incomprehensible, searing pain shoot through the back of your head; something warm trickles down your face; there are lips against your ear, whispering words you can’t understand; far-off shouts and screams; and the world goes dark.
“Told you that you’d cheat… you’re just a whore for them… but now you’re all mine again.”
“Mmnn…” you groan, blinking hard. Your head hurts – everything hurts. You feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. You’re lying on something soft. Did you go to bed? You move to rub your temple, but your wrist is tugged back by… rope. Rope? Your eyes widen and you begin to struggle furiously against the restraints, yanking until you feel your hands are going to detach themselves. “What the fuck?” Your wrists are tied to bedposts. Shit. Were you drugged? Was it Jaewon the bartender? “HELP! Somebody! Help me!” Your shoes are gone, and – oh, no – your white dress is stained and splattered with blood. Yours? When you try to pull yourself up, your vision floats before you. You can feel warm blood trickling down your head, tickling your scalp. You fall back onto the pillow, trying to force your vision to focus. “Help me…”
Suddenly, you hear heavy footsteps, and a voice that makes you freeze.
“Looks like I nabbed myself a pretty little angel. Talk about fallen from grace, right?”
Your cries for help freeze in your throat. “Yoonji?”
And in walks your ex-girlfriend, the blow-up sumo wrestling suit deflating around her. That flash of tan… so she was there, at 66 Below. Her pristine black bob hasn’t changed in the last few months, and her makeup is perfectly done. As the suit empties, she steps out of it, wearing her favorite outfit of black tights and skirt with a cream blouse.
“Let me go,” you croak. Your heart feels like it’s being squeezed in her fist. Your fighting spirit seems to have evaporated in the face of the woman you once loved. It doesn’t make sense… or does it make too much sense? You knew she was possessive – it’s why you ended things. But this? “Yoonji… please. Please.”
Yoonji pretends not to hear you, instead walking around the bed to inspect your restraints. Of course, now that you’ve collected yourself, you recognize her bedroom. In fact, it’s not your first time being tied to these same bedposts.
“Red. Yoonji, please, red,” you try desperately, hoping the safeword might make her relent. For a moment, her cool expression falters. It’s quickly replaced with raw fury.
“You want to try calling red?” She snarls, looking right at you. “You cheated on me. You broke up with me!”
“I never cheated!” You cry, kicking out at her in vain. “You always thought I was cheating on you – I didn’t do anything!”
“I saw you,” she replies, raising a hand and bringing it down hard on your cheek. Your head jerks to the side and you can taste blood. Your face is on fire, it must be, how can it hurt so badly? “It’s our anniversary. I saw you wave at that candy bar.” Another slap leaves your jaw aching. “Fucking whore, do you flirt with every man you see? Girls like you can never be faithful.”
“We’re not together anymore!” You yell, pulling hard on the ropes. They’re much stronger and more coarse than any Yoonji has used with you before, and you bite back a yelp of pain at the rope burn. Your head hurts so much, and your chest is heaving with anxiety. Is she going to kill you? “You’re insane. Let me go – they’ll find out I’m gone. They’ll call the police.” After you and Yoonji broke up, you moved in with Mia. Surely she’ll be concerned when you don’t show up.
Yoonji laughs softly. It’s the way she would laugh when she had a secret. “Well… you did text your housemate to tell her you were going home with the Snickers bar. She’s not expecting you – and that contest is going to keep her at the hotel all night anyways.”
Your heart drops into your stomach. How does she know? “What text? Where’s my phone?”
Yoonji lazily fishes your phone from her pocket. “You really haven’t changed your password?”
“Give that back! Let me go!” You twist your hips and kick hard in her direction, scoring a tiny victory when your phone goes flying from Yoonji’s hand. In the split second that she’s leaned over to retrieve it, you try to see if you can feel any slack at all in the ropes binding your wrists. Yes! There’s something. Maybe your situation isn’t hopeless after all.
Your spirits fall by the wayside when you see Yoonji rise with a terrifying smile on her face. “What a frisky angel, you like to kick, don’t you? Maybe I should tie those lovely legs too.”
“No- don’t touch me! Yoonji, c’mon…” your voice breaks when you see her pull a length of rope from her closet. “W-what are you going to do with me?”
“What am I going to do with you? Exactly what I’ve always wanted to. I’m going to make sure no one else will ever touch you again. You’re mine, angel, you always have been.” Yoonji reaches for your legs and you kick wildly, desperate to escape. Your heart feels like a racehorse in your chest, and sheer adrenaline numbs the throbbing pain in your head.
“Stop… struggling!” Yoonji hisses furiously as she makes a grab for your foot. “Ungrateful bitch. Why are you always trying to get away from me? All I did was love you!”
Now. You slam your heel into her chin, and her head snaps upward with the force of your kick.
For a second you feel like she’s about to crumple to the ground, but instead she lowers her gaze to stare into your soul once more.
“That wasn’t very nice.” Yoonji massages her jaw, and when she speaks, blood drips from between her lips. She begins to pace around the bed, avoiding your kicks. “Bad angel… maybe you’re just a devil in disguise, huh? I always knew you were a dirty fucking liar. And you didn’t even say thank you for the roses.”
The roses? Your eyes widen. See you soon. They were from her? “Fuck you,” You say in response, surreptitiously tugging and relaxing the slack on your right hand’s rope. “I never cheated. You were just scared that I could love men and women. Well, guess what? I loved you! For years, until I realized you never loved me back.”
“What?” You see horror cloud Yoonji’s face. “You fucking bitch. ALL I did was love you!”
You shake your head, determined to keep her talking. She’s out of range of your kicks for now. If you could just get your hands free…
You feel suddenly woozy. Are there two… no, three Yoonjis? Shit. Now is not the time for a concussion.
“You never loved me. You were obsessed and insane. Don’t you hear yourself?” You say, your volume increasing. You know the walls are well-insulated, but she’s still in an apartment complex. Maybe the neighbors will hear? Another tug on the rope. You twist your wrist, and for a second you can feel it loosening. “You only wanted me so that no one else could have me!”
“You’re lying.” Maybe it’s a reflection of your bloody dress, or the blood dripping from her mouth, but for a second her eyes seem to shine red.
You shake your head. You’ve almost got a hand free. “You’re the one who’s lying, Yoonji. You’re lying to yourself.” Dizzy again. “You – ngh – you can just let me go. I won’t tell anyone.” Almost got a hand free. How long has it been?
Suddenly Yoonji is looming over you. “Ah, but you forgot.” She spits at you, and a mouthful of scarlet blood hits the white pillowcase. Some of it splatters on your cheek. You keep tugging at the tie around your left hand. It’s much tighter than your right. She’s rummaging in her bedside drawer, and that look in her eyes… you’re scared. “I might’ve let an angel go, but you decided you’re not an angel. You’re a devil. And where do devils belong?”
“That’s right.” Yoonji shows you what she’s retrieved: a lighter. She walks around the bed to the bottom right corner of the duvet. “Devils like you should stay in hell.”
“Yoonji. Yoonji, what are you –” She lowers the lighter to the duvet, and you see the cloth begin to smoke before a small flame forms on the bed, flickering but gaining in strength. “YOONJI!”
“I told you, Y/n.” Her voice is lower than you’ve ever heard it as she wipes more blood from her chin. “I’ll never let anyone touch you again.”
“C’mon, please, this is too much,” you say, your voice bleeding into hysteria as you thrash around, trying to kick the burning blanket away from your body. The fire begins to grow, and in your frenzied movement you accidentally burn your foot. You jerk away, yanking at the ropes on your wrists. You’re wearing fishnet stockings – if those catch fire, it’ll travel all the way up your body in a flash. “Let me go! Let me go, you psycho!”
Yoonji makes a pouty face. “Poor baby. Let you go… or what?”
“Please!” You shriek as the fire grows, the smoke now visibly rising from the bed. “Yoonji, I’m sorry, please, please…”
“I missed hearing you beg, my love. What a delicious Halloween treat. And if you need to blame anyone…” Yoonji pauses and smiles. The blood has gotten between her teeth, giving her a terrifying undead look. “Blame that Snickers bar.”
With that, she leaves the room and closes the door behind her. Fuck. You tug furiously at your right hand, where the rope has significantly loosened. You can feel the heat from the flames, dangerously close to you. “C’mon, c’mon…” You’re not going to die here, what a terrible headline. Who would write your obituary? You fight through another wave of dizziness. “Fucking hell!” With effort that leaves your muscles trembling, you wriggle your right hand out of its ties, and it quickly flies to your other hand. Maybe you’ll survive.
Unless she locked the door. Yoonji is four floors up. From that height…
You quickly work through the knots on your left wrist, which Yoonji tied so tightly you can’t feel several of your fingers anymore. Faster. Your nails are broken from tearing at the rope, and at one point the nail on your middle finger catches and gets stuck fast in the rope. The fire has spread to the carpet, and thick, black smoke is billowing up. You take a deep breath and brace yourself for the pain – it’s nothing compared to burning alive – and yank your hand back.
“Gah!” It’s a furious pain, for so small a point. The fingernail is ripped off your finger and hangs there as your nail bed bleeds freely. You force yourself to keep moving, to undo the knot or rip the rope off completely but the pain makes it hard to breathe…  or is it the smoke quickly filling the air? With movements made jerky by panic, you at last find a loose end and pull it through the knot. The rope around your wrist loosens and you’re able to slip your hand out. You’re not going to think about the fact that you can’t feel three of your fingers or move them properly. You’re free. You look around wildly, rushing for the door. You rattle the handle, but it’s locked. You can try to kick through it? But what if Yoonji is on the other side of the door, and shoves you back into the flames? The window next to the bed is locked too. But… You bend down and, straining, lift her entire bedside nightstand up. As soon as you stand your legs wobble and threaten to collapse, and you feel blood continue to drip down your neck and back. You stumble, almost to the window, but–
“Ugh-” You lose your grip and the nightstand crashes to the floor, almost on your foot. At that moment, you’re tempted to break down completely. What if you just… gave up? If you go through the window, you’ll probably die in the fall. Through the door, if you can even kick it down, and Yoonji will surely be waiting for you. You could just stay here, where at least death is a merciful certainty.
No – what are you thinking? You have to live. If you die, Yoonji will be free, and you won’t be able to tell your story. If you die now… she wins.
You adjust your stance and, arms trembling, lift the nightstand once more. The air is getting harder to breathe, you don’t know how much longer you have. You heave the nightstand at the window and it crashes straight through the glass, smashing down onto the street four stories below. Wait – the street. It must only be a little past midnight, because you can see some teens and adults still walking the street in costume. Passersby!
“HELP!” You shriek, waving your hand. You’re cut and bleeding in several places from flying glass, and you surely look fit for Halloween.
Wait. Hang on. One of the adults laughs and points up at you. “Great costume!” he yells.
“No, no, no…” the smoke is getting thicker, the fire closer. “Please- please help!” What you need to be a strong yell comes out a broken sob. “There’s a fire! Please help me!”
Two groups seem to realize it’s not just a Halloween prank, and you see some people whip out their phones to call the police. Several more rush forward, but clearly have no plan other than to stand beneath the window.
The police will take too long. You blink through the smoke, which is now visible through the window. You will not burn alive. And you won’t let Yoonji walk free, not after this. You brush the broken glass away from the windowsill and carefully step onto the ledge, a bleeding angel in the night. Your wings and white dress glow in such contrast to the walls that it looks like you’re flying.
You hear gasps and screams, and a “Don’t jump!”
Idiot. As though you have a choice. No, you only have one choice left, and you’re making it count. “My name is Y/n L/n,” You yell, forcing down a smoky cough, “And the person who killed me is Min Yoonji!”
No time to think. You step forward off the ledge, closing your eyes. Forty feet isn’t that far to fall, maybe you’ll make it.
Fucking Snickers bar.
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vikingqueer · 3 years
music recommendations because i have some thoughts™
i don't wanna be that person who's like "my music taste is so weird lol" but i find that very often most of my friends don't really care for the music i like so i thought i'd just make a long ass post about it on tumblr instead. Fair warning, I'm very passionate about MIKA and The Mechanisms and so this very quickly got VERY long because it is part of my ongoing campaign to convince people to listen to mika and the mechs.
1) MIKA in general, but especially My Name Is Michael Holbrook (2019) and No Place In Heaven (2015) (especially the Deluxe version!!)
MIKA is a kind of British singer (half Lebanese, grew up in France blabla), and you probably know him for Grace Kelly and Relax, Take It Easy from his first album Life In Cartoon Motion from 2007. He writes a lot of FUN music, interspersed with the occasional slightly sadder song, especially when looking at an album like No Place In Heaven, which contains a lot of songs with gay themes, resulting in some songs that are just a little bit ouch. He's originally classically trained and has a frankly RIDICULOUS range and idk he just writes very good pop music. Also I have so much respect for that time he talked about how a lot of pop is very fake, with like expensive cars and stilettos and mini skirts in the snow and said "Because I walk down the street, and I don't see any of that. I see fat women and gay men. I don't know... That's real". He's written 5 albums; My Name Is Michael Holbrook (2019), No Place In Heaven (2015), The Origin Of Love (2012), The Boy Who Knew Too Much (2009), and Life In Cartoon Motion (2007).
For starters, I recommend listening to Last Party, Origin Of Love, Grace Kelly, Blame It On The Girls, Blue, Happy Ending, Pick Up Off The Floor, Last Party, Underwater, Tomorrow and Tiny Love (yes this is a long list but i REALLY love MIKA). If you want a slightly broader palette that's not just my favourites, I recommend the Mika starter pack on spotify.
2) The Mechanisms. I warn you. I am making this a thing. I have been obsessed with the mechs since last march.
Boy, where to start? The Mechanisms were a British 9 member space pirate story-telling cabaret that "died" in January 2020. They rewrite songs to fit retellings of various stories. I don't even know what genre I'd describe them as, but probably folk but steam-punk?? Their 4 "main" albums are concept albums, and I honestly just recommend listening to the from beginning to end in chronological order. A good way to get into the mechs is also to listen to UDAD and then watching the live show on youtube or alternately try giving Death To The Mechanisms a listen, to get good quality live show audio of TBI and various other stuff. Also, it was streamed on YouTube and someone combined the footage with the album audio and it rocks. Really, I think the mechs' best selling points are honestly just their concept albums:
Once Upon a Time (In Space) Their first album from 2012. I'd say this is the most "easily digestible" for the general public, since it's a retelling of various fairytales. So, what if Old King Cole was in fact not merry, but rather a cold-blooded dictator, intent on colonising as much of the galaxy as possible. What if Snow White was a general, looking to avenge what King Cole did to her sister, Rose. What if Cinderella was to be wedded to Rose the day that King Cole attacked in order to kidnap Rose? But y'know, In Space and also like every other mechs album it's a beautiful tragedy. Fave songs are Old King Cole, Pump Shanty, and No Happy Ending.
Ulysses Dies at Dawn You guessed it, it's a story about Odysseus, or Ulysses because I guess Ulysses is easier to rhyme or fit in the meter or something, idk. Ulysses is a war hero of unknown gender who is said to keep something that could take down the corrupt Olympians, meanest families in the City, in a vault to which only they know the passcode. Oedipus, Heracles, Orpheus, and Ariadne have been hired by Hades, who happens to be The Mechs' quartermaster Ashes O'Reilly, to get into Ulysses' vault. I didn't care much for udad at first, but honestly it's got some real bangers and the story is really good. UDAD weirdly stands out as the only of the concept albums to not feature any gay relationships, per se. Fave songs are Riddle of the Sphinx, Favoured Son, and Underworld Blues.
High Noon over Camelot This is my favourite mehcs album. So basically, this is Arthurian legend, but it's a space western and Jonny D'Ville does a bad southern accent. This is the story of the cowboy lovers Arther, Lancelot, and Guinevere searching for the Galfridian Restricted Acces Interface Login, or GRAIL, in order to stop their world from falling into the sun. Meanwhile, Mordred and Gawaine are ruling Camelot, and Mordred has convinced Gawaine to try to establish peace with the Saxons by whom Mordred was raised, but Gawaine hates viciously. If you love getting your heart broken and songs by a fucking off the rails batshit preacher I HIGHLY recommend hnoc. Fave songs are Gunfight at the Dolorous Guard, Blood and Whiskey, and Once and Future King. Honorary mention for Hellfire because it awakens something animalistic in me.
The Bifrost Incident TBI is the frankly only good adaptation of norse mythology I've ever known of, and I say that as Dane who was literally forced to learn things about norse mythology in school because it's my heritage or whatever. I've been listening to TBI a lot lately because it's VERY good. It's definitely the most refined of the mechs' albums (because it's the newest) but also I just love a little bit of cosmic horror. 80 years ago, Odin, the All-Mother, ruler of Asgaard, launched a train through the wormhole Bifrost that would reduce the travel between Asgaard and Midgaard from 3 months to 3 days, but things didn't go quite as planned. Lyfrassir Edda of the New Midgaard Transport Police is trying to solve the case of why suddenly the train has arrived 80 years late; to figure out whether it was accident or maybe it was sabotaged by Loki, who was allegedly sentence to death her murder of Baldur, by the Midgaardian resistance led by Loki's wife Sigyn, or maybe by Thor, who was to take over after Odin, and who holds quite the grudge because he used to be a friend of Loki's. You might've heard the song Thor from this album, it's apparently quite popular. Fave songs are Loki, Ragnarok III: Strange Meeting, and Ragnarok V: End of The Line. Yet again an honorary mention: Red Signal because while Lovecraft was a bitch, his invocations are fucking RAW.
Basically, the Mechanisms do all of their performances in character as captain first mate Jonny D'Ville, quartermaster Ashes O'Reilly, pilot DrumBot Brian, master-at-arms Gunpowder Tim, science officer Raphaella la Cognizi, doctor Baron Marius Von Raum (neither a baron, nor a doctor), archivist Ivy Alexandria, engineer Nastya Rasputina, and The Toy Soldier, who is, as usual, present. You can find very obscure lore about the crew of the Aurora here, tidbits on Tales To Be Told and TTBT Vol. 2, such as One Eyed Jacks, The Ignominious Demise of Dr. Pilchard, Gunpowder Tim vs. The Moon Kaiser, Lucky Sevens, and Lost in the Cosmos.
If you feel like listening to a full 40-50 minute album to find out if you like a band is a bit much, I recommend listening to one of the mini stories Alice, Swan Song, or Frankenstein, which are about 12, 5 and 9:30 minutes respectively.
3) The Amazing Devil You know that guy who played Jaskier in the Witcher? I got into The Amazing Devil from spotify recommending them because I listened to the mechs, and apparently Joey Batey from The Amazing Devil is the same Joey Batey who was in the Witcher. Both him and Madeleine Hyland are VERY talented singers and songwriters and their second album The Horror and the Wild makes me go out into the forest and SCREAM. I listened to it on repeat for like a month straight. I guess they'd also be considered folk, but like. New Folk. Also yes, this is another British artist, I don't know why I'm like this. I've never really gotten that into their first album, Love Run, but King slaps. As I understand there's this whole lore about the Blue Furious Boy and Scarlet Scarlet, Joey and Madeleine respectively, but unlike the Mechanisms it's actually possible to find out things about the actual real people and harder to find the obscure lore? I'm open for people to please help me. Fave songs are The Horror and the Wild, Farewell Wanderlust, and That Unwanted Animal, which is literally a third of their second album, but again. I haven't really listened to Love Run that much, and I just LOVE the harmonies on THATW. (also im gay and dramatic leave me alone)
4) dodie I have so much love for this woman. Like many others, I first knew dodie as doddleoddle on youtube. I think I first stumbled across her in probably 2015, because I distinctly already knew her before she released her first EP Sick of Losing Soulmates in 2016. I think I watched probably every video she's ever made in the span of a few weeks. I just loved her quiet sound and was absolutely HOOKED. Also she's actually the reason I got into MIKA originally, so thanks for that. Dodie just realeased her first album Build A Problem (in addition to her three EP's; the one mentioned above, You, and Human) and it slaps. Yes dodie is also British Fave songs are probably Monster, Rainbow, and In The Middle.
5) Cladia Boleyn Unfortunately, Claudia Boleyn only has three singles and that's it. She's been making content on youtube for quite a while, and that's how I first discovered her. I don't know what genre her music is, but I like it. The songs are Celesta, George, and Mother Maiden Crone, of which the latter is my favourite. I'm not saying Claudia Boleyn invented women in 2017 when she released Mother Maiden Crone, but she did. Also you guessed it, Claudia Boleyn is British.
6) Hozier I'm not about to tell you about Hozier. You know who he is. Listen to Nina Cried Power, Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene, and Shrike. Also Hozier isn't stricly British in that he is definitely from A British Isle, but Ireland is not part of the UK. Give me a break.
7) Oh Land Oh Land IS DANISH. I like her early music best, because I'm not that into the electronic sound. I guess Oh Land is just you regular old pop, but with the occasional weird vibe? Oddly enough, I like her first album Fauna best. Unfortunately I haven't really listened to her newest album Family Tree much, but it seems good? Fave songs are Frostbite, Love You Better and Family Tree. I cried on the bus, first time I listened to the Danish version of Love You Better, Elsker Dig Mer because my mother tongue always just hits harder. Also Frostbite is Oh Land doing a duet with herself which is pretty cool.
8) Oysterband This is a live recommendation. I mean they're a decent folk band and all, but they're a fucking experience live. If you like folk and you ever get the opportunity to see Oysterband live, do it. Unfortunately, yes. They are British. Either way, they are incredible on a scene and I think they deserve a mention for that.
9) Ben Platt Honestly don't know much about this guy, but he's not British and he was in Dear Evan Hansen. He released an album in 2019, Sing To Me Instead, and I just think it's a good album, there isn't really not much more to it. Fave songs are Grow As We Go, Bad Habit, and In Case You Don't Live Forever.
and thats all for now. this has been a ramble. shout out to you if you actually read all of this, especially the mechs part.
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Shattered Reality- Chapter1
A/N: This is a request for a Gojo Satoru Jujustu Kaisen Modern Mafia AU. It will be a few chapters long and hopefully turns out well
WARNINGS: alcohol consumption, hangover, swearing, sex, getting handsy
Word Count: 3.5k
The beat thumping throughout the club could be heard outside. Standing in line was torture, never knowing if you’d get in or not. The hottest nightclub was only a few blocks from your apartment. The Temptation, it was called.You weren’t really sure as to why they called it that, but everyone that had been said it was a fitting name. You were lucky the club had opened in the summer, standing in line in the cold would have been hell. There was a cool edge to the night that made a shiver run down your back. Looking down at your phone, you tried to message your friend,Kioko, for the 20th time in just as many minutes.  You were impatient to say the least. You shifted your weight from one foot to another.
“Hey! Y/N!” A woman called from a car, as she stepped out revealing her low cut yellow dress, you suddenly felt under dressed and self conscious, looking at your best friend. She was beautiful, you couldn’t deny that. She stood at 5’ 7” (170cm), had curly brown hair, and golden eyes, that when they hit the sun just right, they looked like molten gold.
“You look so amazing in that green dress, love.” Kioko chirped. Her brilliant smile glowed brighter in the night. “Well, let’s head inside.” She grabbed your hand and yanked you out of line.
“Kioko, I was line for over an hour. We can’t just go walking in there.” You protested. She rolled her eyes at you and giggled.
“Oh, you’re so cute. I told you to be here at exactly 8 pm.” Her energetic personality was infectious but you were still worried.
The bouncer was a big man, he towered over everyone, and wore a severe grimace on his face. This didn’t affect Kioko at all. He made you cower inward involuntarily.
“Hi Remi! Me plus 1.” She told the man. He nodded and let the two of you pass.
“Woah, he just let you in like that?” You asked in awe.
“Well, yeah. My family owns the club. I can get in whenever I want. I will have them add your name on the permanent list.” She said nonchalantly.
‘The Temptation belonged to her family?!?’ You thought to yourself. Kioko was your best friend, but she never hinted at the fact that she was rich. She was easily the most down to earth person you had ever met. 
She gave you another one of her easy smiles and pulled you along. The music of the club was deafening and full of bass, but the actual inside was more immaculate than you could have ever imagined. There were waiters and waitresses  bustling around to the different tables. There were three levels to the club. 
The first floor was mostly the dance floor and two bars, with a few tables. The second floor had booths and more recessed seating for those who wanted to just enjoy the darkness. The top floor had a few private rooms for VIP guests. 
You couldn’t believe how the rumors of the club did it no justice. Just ahead of you stood Kioko talking to a tall dark haired man you had seen a handful of times. He was Kioko’s brother, Geto. 
“Geto, I don’t know if you remember, but this is Y/N.” Kioko introduced you officially to her brother. He glanced over your body once before settling on your face He smiled, reaching a hand out toward you.
“Yes, I remember that face. It’s nice to officially meet you, and see you again. You’re looking as lovely as ever.” He gently took your hand and pressed his lips to the back of it. You blushed at this intimate gesture.
“Geto, leave her alone. She’s easily embarrassed.” Kioko defended you.
“Well, I think it’s cute. Enjoy yourself, my dear. If there is anything you need or desire, feel free to let someone know and we’ll try to grant your request.” He said before walking away. You were left dumbfounded and a bit confused.
“Sorry about him, he flirts with everyone. He thinks he’s so suave.” Kioko said invading your thoughts. You watched him walk away to the other side of the club and talk to another person. You absently followed Kioko trying to figure out exactly if Geto was being serious or just flirting to flirt. You decided that it was probably the latter and didn’t dare think twice about it. 
“Hey, Sukuna!” Kioko’s voice squeaked. This was something new to you. Kioko was always cheery, but she never really expressed any interest in anyone. Judging how high her voice went you could tell she was interested in the bartender. 
“Hey, Kioko. What can I get for you and your friend this evening?” He shot a devilish smile and your friend.  This caused her to smile, and her knees to buckle slightly.
“Well...You are the bartender, what do you recommend?” She asked him as she twirled a strand of her hair. You tried not to act awkward with the situation unfolding before you. You knew that Kioko was a flirt, but seeing her turn into mush around a guy made you feel dirty. You turned your attention to the dance floor, deciding that looking anywhere else would be best. You heard a giggle erupt from Kioko, and it was sickening to you. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and released it trying to make the best of the situation.
“I think Kioko likes him.” A sexy voice interrupted your thoughts. You opened your eyes and turned your attention to where the voice came from. There was a man lounging against the bar with white hair, and he was wearing sunglasses. ‘In the dark club, you’re wearing sunglasses?’ You asked yourself. You noticed that he had the longest legs you’d ever seen. You were probably a good foot (31 cm) shorter if you had to guess. 
“I am going to make fun of them. Just watch.” The white haired man said.
“Hey! You two, I’d say there was a VIP room available but Sukuna has a job he has to do. Maybe you could keep it in your pants until after your shift?” He teased the couple. A hearty laugh erupted from Sukuna. Kioko flushed with embarrassment, something that you’ve never seen before.
“Gojo, why are you teasing me? Don’t you have some woman to harass?” Kioko retorted.
“I don’t harass them. I am a gentleman, they come on to me. I cannot help that.” He laughed. 
“Sure. Whatever you say, Gojo. What do you want?” Kioko asked in annoyance. He brightly smiled at Kioko, and patted her head.
“Why are you wearing sunglasses in a dark club?” You interrupted. Gojo turned his brilliant smile to you. He pulled his sunglasses down slightly, revealing the most marvelous cerulean eyes you’d ever seen. Your breath caught in your throat. He stood to his full height.
“Well, you see, little one, it’s because I want too.” He patted your head too. He turned his attention back to Kioko. “To answer your question, Kio, my bartender isn’t serving the drinks to our guests. He is too busy flirting with you, princess.” He teased Kioko. You could see Kioko’s anger growing.
“Don’t call me that. I hate it! Sorry, that I think your bartender is hot, and am trying very hard to get into his pants.” She hissed back at Gojo. This only amused him more. 
“Well, you know, I could let you two go off together for a few minutes, but then I’d have to tend the bar. Plus, your friend here, she’d be left alone to all these sharks. Particularly, your brother. He seems rather interested in her. I can’t blame him entirely, though.” Gojo told them his eyes looking over your body.
“Gojo. Name your price.” Kioko shot at him. He paused a moment to think. 
“You know, I love annoying or making Geto mad.” He amused aloud.
“Fine, whatever. I’ll go along with whatever your plan is...Please, just give us ten minutes.” She begged him.
“Not just you, I want your friend. I am sorry what’s your name?” He asked looking at you.
“Y/N.” You replied, with a bit of hesitation in your voice. 
“Y/N needs to help too.” Gojo demanded. Kioko’s eyes met yours. She was pleading silently to you to agree with this plan. You couldn’t tell her no, not after all the charity, and kindness she showed you.
“Alright, I’m in.” You told them. Kioko squealed with giddiness, grabbed Sukuna’s wrist and pulled him in the direction of the stairs. Gojo walked behind the bar and started preparing a drink. After a few minutes, he placed the concoction before you.
“Here. It’s not overwhelming with the taste of alcohol. It’s more sweet than bitter.” He told you. You reluctantly took the glass in your hand and sipped. You were surprised at how sweet the drink was. It was quite pleasing. You were a bit impressed. 
“Gojo, where is Sukuna? He should be the one tending the bar.” Geto’s voice was flat.
“He’s in the bathroom.  He was telling me had eaten some hot wings with ranch dressing for lunch, and you know how his stomach can be.” Gojo stated. Geto looked around and noticed you sitting at the bar by yourself.
“Where is Kioko?” He asked you. You didn’t want to lie, you had to try to play it as cool as Gojo had. This was the plan you did agree to after all, or so you thought.
“Oh, some rando came up to her asking her to dance. He was whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She can’t resist a man who says all the right things.” You tell Geto. The look on his face went from neutral to utter disgust within a few seconds, it was laughable, but you kept your face still.
“That’s too much. He better not lay a finger on her or I will break his whole fucking arm.” Geto threatened. His eyes searched the dance floor for Kioko, but he lost interest after a second. His attention focused on you.
“Well, if Gojo’s done trying to take advantage of you, would you like to dance?” Geto asked. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Kioko returning, her hair a bit disbelieved but her makeup was immaculate. You felt a weight lift off your shoulders.
“Hey, princess, how was your dance with Prince Charming?” Gojo questioned her giving a look. She picked up the hint, and gave an eye roll.
“Boring, wanna go tear up the dance floor, Y/N?” She offered you. You shook your head in agreement and pulled her a little too quickly to the dance floor. You felt two sets of eyes lingering on you. You brought the two of you deeper into the mass of dancers. You didn’t exactly feel like dancing at this moment.
“Ki, can I ask you something?” You hoped she’d be straightforward with you.
“Sure, what’s up?” She replied.
“Did you say anything about me to your brother? He asked me to dance. I mean he threatened to break a fake dude’s arm. He’s kind of scary. Does he know about you and Sukuna?” Your questions rained down on her.
“Woah. Okay yeah, Geto can be a little intense. He’s super protective for no reason, maybe its our dad, I don’t really know. I did tell him I was bringing my cute friend to the club tonight. He doesn’t know about Sukuna and I. I mean Gojo does, obviously.” She answered honestly.
“Oh, okay. How do you know Gojo? How does your brother? I mean I didn’t even know that you even were rich before tonight. You’re one of the coolest, down to earth people I’ve ever met.” You wanted to know everything you could.
“Well, Gojo and Geto are bffs. I mean they grew up together. My dad didn’t want us to be complete assholes and stuck up snobs so he sent us to public school. Gojo is like another brother to me.” She told you. 
“Sorry, I have so many questions.” You were ashamed. You really just wanted to know the truth. You felt like you were being intrusive.
“Don’t apologize, N/N. Really. You’re my best friend, I don’t want there to be secrets between us. I do want you to know that I don’t want Geto to know about Sukuna and I at all, if you could not tell him, that would be great.” She was definitely going to hold you to that promise. Honestly, you wanted to press for more information from here.
“Let’s go somewhere else quieter where we can talk.” She took you by the wrist and brought you to a VIP room. The thundering music from outside could still be heard, but it was so muted that you could have an actual conversation in the room. Then it dawned on you, that this was probably where Kioko took Sukuna to have sex and you were slightly disgusted being in the room. Your face must’ve given away your thoughts.
“Oh, no these aren’t the rooms for sex. Those are across the hall. They have light switches and other options for making the mood just right.” Kioko stated. A waitress came in and delivered drinks to you and promptly left. You took a swig of the drink. It was the same drink Gojo had served you. You smiled slightly at the thought.
“Okay, Y/N. I have to know, please be honest, but I’ve never seen Gojo give any girl any sort of attention.” Kioko gushed, settling down into the plush couch. You really didn’t think twice about your interaction with Gojo. He was a family friend of  Kioko’s and was friendly.
“Um, okay. I don’t know. He was just friendly.” You said to her unsure of what she wanted to know.
“Okay. I grew up with Gojo. One, he’s never just gone up to a woman and started talking to her for no reason. Two, he’s never even thought twice about showing anyone those baby blues. Three, he doesn’t ever, and I mean EVER, want more than one person in on his pranks with Geto. Four, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Fifth, he never gave two fucks in learning anyone’s name.” Kioko counted the reasons on her fingers. You didn’t know what was considered normal for him, since you had just met him. You blushed slightly thinking it was ridiculous that he was even paying you that much attention.
“Ki, I think you’re reading too much into it. I mean I don’t know the guy, and I know you grew up with him, but I think he was just being friendly.” You chewed on your lip feeling nervous for no reason. You distracted yourself by taking another drink of your beverage. “Besides, what’s up with Geto? What did you exactly tell him about me?” Kioko took a drink.
“Okay, please don’t be mad.” She took a deep breath in. Whenever she started with this you knew whatever was going to follow would’ve been either a ridiculous lie, or something similar. “I told him that my cute friend was going to come to the club tonight. That you had wanted to come since it opened, but I didn’t want to be here cause he owns it. I didn’t want him to be super annoying or overprotective or any of that stupid shit that he does. So he asked me more questions about you, you know, what you like, what kind of alcohol you enjoyed, how long we’ve known each other, what you looked like. I mean. Stupid things ya know.” She took another drink. “So I told him we met in our freshman year in high school. We had a few classes together. We became fast friends. I told him you enjoyed drawing, and practicing martial arts, and occasionally reading in your free time. You didn’t drink often, but when you did it was usually something a bit sweeter and fruity. Then I showed him a bunch of photos of us together throughout the years. He didn’t give any hint of anything. He asked your name, and I told him. I literally didn’t think twice about it since he’s always like that.”
“Ki, I don’t care. He’s your brother. He’s looking out for you I am sure. If I were your sister I’d do the same.” You reassured her. Honestly, you couldn’t blame her. There was nothing to blame her for, even if the meeting left a sick feeling in the back of your mind. You pushed the uneasiness away. Kioko changed the subject to something lighter. For the next few hours, you drank and planned your summer vacation together. Imagined what it would be like the last year of college, and giggled over boys. The two of you were intoxicated.
“Y/N...Did I ever tell you?” Kioko’s words slurred together. You were trying to walk out of the VIP room, but it was unsuccessful. You both fell in a pile on the floor in a fit of laughter.
“You did!” You giggled and shouted at the same time. Not really sure what the conversation was about, but the happy light feeling you felt from the alcohol and good night with your friend probably didn’t help you understand any better. There was a knock at the door which caused the two of you to laugh hysterically.
“Come in!” Kioko tried whispering but ended up screaming it anyway. Geto appeared at the door looking very serious and upset. He crossed his arms over his chest.
“I thought you left hours ago. You are totally inebriated. How irritating and irresponsible of you, Kio.” He chastised her. You tried standing up as straight as you could, and walked, more like stumbled, toward Geto. You got right in his face, he could smell the mix of alcohol and sweetness on your breath.
“Look here, asshole. We are best friends. You can take that stick you have shoved up your ass and pull it out. You don’t get to yell at her. I don’t get to yell at her. No one gets to yell at her.” You were poking Geto’s chest as hard as you could. Kioko stood as still as she could, and stared right at you. You felt so brave with all this alcohol in your system. “She is her own person. She can make her own decisions, you don’t own her. She doesn’t need your judgments, you annoying judge man.” You saw Geto smile, and it sickened you to look at it. You felt the bile rise in your throat the longer he stayed there. Kioko’s shrill laugh broke the silence, and Geto turned to leave shaking his head.
“You told him!” Kioko said, still laughing as she threw one finger in air. “Fuck you bitches!” She yelled out the door behind him. She calmed herself down a bit before looking at you asking, “Who was that?” You shrugged at her and started laughing all over again forgetting about the feeling Geto left you with. 
After 15 minutes, which to you and Kioko felt like two hours, Gojo and Sukuna arrived. The two of you were in hysterics over the question of elephants having teeth. They handed you two bottles of water.
“Alright ladies, have no fear your prince is here.” Sukuna had told you both. “We need to drink this up pointing to the water.” Sukuna had managed to pick up and wrap Kioko’s arms around his waist. She smiled brightly at him.
“Are you taking me home? I’ll gladly go home with you.” She told Sukuna.
Gojo held out a hand for you to grab onto to pull yourself up. You didn’t know how drunk you truly were until you realized that you weren’t holding Gojo’s hand at all, but grabbed his crotch instead. Under normal circumstances, you’d’ve been embarrassed. You held onto him a lot longer than you should’ve.
“Damn, why is your hand so soft?” You asked out loud. You really couldn’t control the volume of your voice at all. Sukuna turned to look at the commotion you were causing and just laughed.
“Here, how about you take my hand instead of squeezing my dick? Unless, you’re planning on something a little more intimate.” Gojo teased you with a wink.  
“Damn, Gojo. Finally getting some action!” Sukuna teased. Both men were laughing, when Kioko decided to join in and in turn you as well. The laughing fit kept up after you two were placed inside a random car to go home. You didn’t really notice the twists or turns that the car had followed along the way, nor the person who was driving the car. You just sat back and let the car take you away. The rest of the evening you weren’t able to recall.
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Speaking her language
For the charming @empress-writes​ 💙💛🧡💖
Hope you’ll like the story!
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The South of France is a safer place for the Basterds, as they took a break after their last mission.
They were currently hidden in a remote cottage near the small village of Gassin. Its inhabitants were kind and helpful, which was a blessing for Aldo Raine and his men.
"No news from the superiors, Lieutenant?"
"Na yet, Donny. But ya can be sure that we're gonna heard about them, one way or another!"
"So, let's enjoy our free time!" happily exclaimed Hirschberg as he ate a piece of cake.
"Can you sometimes stop eating, you glutton?" admonished Andy.
"But Mrs. Dupin's pies are so delicious!"
As the others were gently chatting, Wicki was gazing at (Y/N) (L/N), the only woman in the group. He could not help but smile while looking at her as she read a book. 
If you ask him, he would probably answer that everything she did was perfection. To sum up, he fell heels over head in love with the woman.
Of course, the other Basterds were aware of it and never missed an opportunity to tease him about his crush. Even Hugo loved taunting him!
Wilhelm's daydreaming was interrupted by Utivitch, who shyly asked:
"Hey, (Y/N)?"
"Yes, Smithson?" answered the woman with a gentle smile.
"What are you reading?"
"Oh, I was reading Les lettres de mon moulin by Alphonse Daudet. It is a French collection of short stories about Provence!"
"Okay... Wait, you understand French?"
She laughed.
"Uti, can you remind us what is my job here?"
"She is the translator, you dummy!" growled Hugo.
"Don't be so harsh, Stiglitz!" scolded Hicox.
"Indeed, I am the translator of the group."
"Of course!"
"By the way, how many languages do you speak?" inquired Omar.
A sly grin appeared on her face.
"What if we played a little game?"
"YES! A GAME!" happily screamed Andy, Michael, and Simon.
"Ouch! My ears!" grumbled Wicki.
"Okay, let's play! What are the rules, doll?" asked Donny.
"It's simple: I'll talk in a language to each of you in turn, and you have to guess how many languages I can speak!"
"Sounds good to me! Start whenever ya want, pretty!"
Suddenly, all the Basterds were quiet and waited for (Y/N).
While she was mentally choosing the first player, the other Basterds noticed the enamored gaze of Wicki towards the blonde woman. Time to play some trick on the suitor...
"I'm going to start with... Mr. Hicox!"
"I'm always ready, my dear!"
"Eres muy guapo. ¡Un verdadero caballero!" (You're very handsome. A real gentleman!)"
"Mmmmh... I would say that you speak Spanish!"
"And what did you say?"
"I told you that you were handsome, and you look like a real gentleman!"
The Basterds laughed and whistled.
"Well, milady, you're absolutely astonishing! Hearing you speaking Spanish is like listening to a nightingale!" answered the British spy with a seductive wink.
The young woman chuckled before asking:
"You sweet-talker! Alright! Who's next?"
"Why won't you ask Omar?" snickered Michael.
"Go to hell!" grunted the latter.
"Don't worry, Omar: it's only for fun. Are you ready?"
A charming smile came across Omar's face:
"Please, go ahead!"
"Okay... Nǐ hěn yǒnggǎn, wǒ hěn gāoxìng chéngwéi nǐ de péngyǒu!" (You're brave, and I'm happy to be your friend!)
Omar was puzzled.
"It does not sound like a European language..."
"You're right, it's not from Europe..."
"Mh, that's tricky... I don't know!"
"Give it a try!" she gently encouraged him.
The soldier scratched the back of his head:
"Er... Is it Japanese?"
"Sorry, but no. It was Chinese!"
"CHINESE? REALLY?" yelled Omar under the laughs of his comrades.
"Yes, indeed. I learned it when I was younger, thanks to my nanny who came from Shangai! And if you want a translation, it means that you're brave and I am happy to be your friend!"
"Alright... Well, thank you! It was beautiful! Especially when it comes from you!"
"You charmer!"
Wicki raised an eyebrow: he started to guess what his friends were doing, and he was not pleased...
"Fine, let's go back to the game, would you? The next one will be... Donny!"
"At your orders, baby doll!" 
"Then, I start... Sei forte e affascinante! E amo il tuo sorriso!" (You're strong and charming! And I love your smile!)
"Ah, so easy! Italian!"
"Bravo! You're right!"
"And what did you mean?"
"I said Donny is strong and charming... and I love his smile!"
Donny put his large hands on his chest, faking to be enthralled.
"And she speaks Italian! Gosh, this woman is perfect!"
He blew her a kiss.
"Please, receive this proof of love from a Bostonian guy!"
Laughing at his antics, (Y/N) mimicked catching the kiss and holding it against her heart.
"Thank you, Donny!"
As for Wilhelm, he gets annoyed. He did not know if they were trying to woo her for real or if they were just pissing him off. In both cases, he hated them at the moment.
"Okay. For the next turn, I'll ask for... Lieutenant Raine!"
"Here I am, pretty woman!"
"Fine, let's go... 'ant qayid rayie qawiun washajae wajadhab jadana!" (You are an astounding leader. Sturdy, brave, and so attractive!)
"Uh, that's a tricky one! Sounds like the Cree language..."
"Unfortunately, Lieutenant, I don't speak Native American languages."
"Okay... So, is it Danish?"
"Hm... Perhaps Portuguese?"
"Wrong answer. It was Arabic!"
"WOAH!" exclaimed all the Basterds, impressed.
"God, you awe me! And what did you mean?"
"I was saying that you are an astounding leader and that you are sturdy, brave, and attractive!"
Aldo smirked and gave her his best seductive face.
"Girl, give me back my heart, would ya? You stole it since the first day!"
(Y/N) heartily laughed.
"Please, Lieutenant: you're a charmer!"
"Only for you, sweetheart!"
"Verräter!" (Betrayer!) gritted Wicki.
"Fine, let's go! I choose... Andy!"
"At your service, milady!"
"Okay, I start... Du är söt när du ler." (You're cute when you smile)
"Uh... Does this language exist?"
"Of course!"
"Okay, Kagan: use your brains... Ah, I know: Danish!"
"Good answer!"
"Well done, Kagan!" laughed Archie.
"Thanks, sir... But I'm sure that if (Y/N) goes to Sweden, they would hate her!"
"Look at her smile: it's like the sun, the snow would melt in a blink!"
"Oh My God, Kagan! That was the corniest thing I've ever heard!" roared Michael as he clutched his sides.
"Well, I find it cute. Thank you, Andy!"
"You're welcome... By the way, what did you mean?"
"Oh, I said that you're cute when you smile!"
Kagan fiercely blushed.
"Thank you, Miss..."
"Pleasure is mine... Hey, Michael, do you want to try?"
"I never say no to a challenge, especially from a beautiful lady!"
"Let's see... Vy geniy i prekrasnyy chelovek." (You are a genius and a lovely man). 
"Woah, Woah, Woah! What the hell is that language?"
"I assure you, this is a real language!"
"Uh... German?"
"NO!" answered Wicki and Stiglitz, offended.
"Calm down, guys! Okay, so if it's not German... It's Russian!"
"Bravo!" (Y/N) clapped happily.
"Wait a minute... If I did not miss the track, we know that you speak 6 languages! And I don't know why, but I think you know more!" said Utivitch.
"That's right! Okay, now, who wants to try?"
"I volunteer!" exclaimed Smithson.
"With pleasure! Let's see which language I use with you..." she wondered.
She got an idea and started to speak in a foreign language:
"Anata wa watashi ga imamade deatta naka de mottomo omoshirokute shinsetsuna hitodesu!" (You're the funniest and kindest man I ever met!)
"Ah, I got it! If it's not Chinese... It's Japanese!"
"Well done, chap!" laughed Simon as he applauded.
"Thanks, pal. And may I know the meaning of your sentence?"
"Of course! I said that you are the funniest and kindest man I ever met!"
"And they dare to say perfection does not exist! Obviously, they did not meet our lovely (Y/N)!" shouted Utivitch.
"Please, don't exaggerate!" blushed the young woman.
Wicki clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles went white. He swore to God that they would pay for their antics.
"Okay, the next player would be... Simon!"
"Yes, ma'am! Always yours!"
"You trickster! Fine, try to guess this one... אני מאוד מעריך את החברה שלך." (I really appreciate your company)
"No... You speak Hebrew? The language of our people?"
"But it sounds beautiful when it comes from you! Okay, you know what? After the war, I'll marry you!"
"Oh, Simon! Don't be so crazy!" she laughed.
"I'm already crazy in love with you!"
"And you say I am corny, Michael..." sneered Andy.
"Forget what I said!"
After she stopped laughing, (Y/N) declared:
"So, I think we had three players last. Well, let's the game begin with Hirschberg."
"Hooray! Here I am!"
"Alright! So, try to find this one... Jesteś uroczym żarłokiem." (You're an adorable glutton)
"Well, that's unusual! Er... I don't remember hearing this language before!"
"Give me suggestions!"
"It is a Slavic language?"
"Not at all."
Gerold sighed.
"Damn it, girl! It's a freakin' riddle!"
"Watch your language in front of a lady!" scolded Hicox.
"Don't worry, Archie: I've heard worse before!" said (Y/N) with a smug grin.
"Mh, I don't know... Is it Turkish?"
"Not at all, but I am currently studying this language!"
"Er... Nope, I don't know!"
"It's Polish!"
"My my, she is impressive!" chuckled Aldo as he took a bite of his bread.
"And what did you say?"
"I said that you are an adorable glutton!"
Hearing that, the other Basterds roared with laughter.
"AH AH AH AH! Well done, (Y/N)!" shrieked Utivitch.
"Hey, that's not fair!" yelped Hirschberg.
Upset that she would offend her friend, the woman apologized.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Gerold. I did not mean to..."
"It's alright, (Y/N). Likewise, I'll always forgive you!"
"Oh, why?"
"Because you are beautiful!" answered the soldier with a huge smile.
Relieved, she happily laughed while Wicki contained himself to punch someone's face.
"Okay, now, let's go on with Hugo!"
"I'm listening..."
"I'm sure you'll recognize this language... Du erinnerst mich an einen Wolf: einsam, mysteriös und faszinierend." (You remind me of a wolf: solitary, mysterious, and fascinating.)
"German, without hesitation!" smirked Stiglitz.
"And what did she say?" asked Donny.
Hugo stood up and walked towards her.
"She compared me to wolf. She said that I am solitary, mysterious, and fascinating..."
"(Y/N) got the point!" smiled Michael.
Stiglitz arrived near the woman and kneeled with deference.
"You won... I surrender to your beautiful voice! I could not resist you speaking my mother tongue with such delicacy!"
"Nice touch, Stiglitz!" exclaimed Archie.
"Oh, Hugo! You must be exaggerating: I'm pretty sure my accent was a disaster!"
"The only thing pretty is you, (Y/N)" grinned Hugo as he gently kissed the woman's hand... while he looked out of the corner of his eyes at Wilhelm with a roguish glance.
"Trottel!" (You jerk)!" gritted the latter through his teeth.
At the same moment, (Y/N) was amused by her friends' antics: they always treated her like a queen and were very respectful towards her. But this time, she felt that there was something else, like if they were playing a prank on someone...
"You guys are all amazing! But let's finish this game with the last player: Wilhelm!"
Hearing his name, Wicki snapped out of his anger and said:
"Yes, I'm ready!"
"Okay so, let's see if you will be able to find this one... Mon cher Wilhelm, tu es un homme courageux, loyal, et séduisant." (My dear Wilhelm, you are a courageous, loyal, and attractive man.)
The Austrian Jewish man smirked:
"Without any doubt, I would say... French!"
"Precisely! You had a good ear!"
"And what did you say to Wilhelm? I'm curious..." asked Hirschberg with a playful tone.
(Y/N) slightly flushed before answering:
"I told him that he was a brave, loyal, and attractive man!"
"How cute!" laughed Aldo.
As for Wilhelm, he was struck: definitely, he was in love! With a smug smile, he said:
"Merci beaucoup pour le compliment, jolie mademoiselle!" (Thank you very much for the compliment, lovely miss!)
(Y/N) was impressed by his hidden talent.
"Oh, what a surprise! I did not know you speak French!"
"I know a few... but I'm sure I would not reach your level!"
"Don't underestimate yourself!"
"Heck, she could give some “private” lessons, if you want!" smirked Andy while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Keep your dirty thoughts for you!" snarled Wicki.
"Okay guys, calm down! Now that everyone answered (Y/N), did anyone count how many languages she can speak?" asked Archie.
"I did sir! And she speaks in 11 languages!" replied Utivitch.
"11 LANGUAGES?" shouted the others.
"Indeed, you counted well, Smithson. But I also speak Portuguese, Dutch, and Slavic languages. And I'm currently learning Turkish, Hindi, Danish, Korean, and Finnish!"
"Girl, are ya planning to learn all the goddamn languages around the world?" asked Aldo, flabbergasted.
"Maybe... Seriously, I've always been interested in languages since I was a little girl and I never stopped my passion! Luckily for me, I was gifted with a good memory..."
"We noticed it." shrugged Hugo.
"Man, we're lucky to have her with us!" stated Hirschberg.
"Well spotted, private!" 
They enjoyed the afternoon, when (Y/N) had to go to the village for some groceries.
Once she left, Wicki turned his angered glare towards his comrades.
"May I know WHAT THE FUCK were you all doing earlier? Wooing her as if you did not know what I felt?"
"Don't be mad, Wicki: we just wanted to make a joke!" said Utivitch who tried to calm his friend.
"I did not find it very funny!" growled the Austrian.
"Don't be so ill-humored! We'll never steal her from you. Of course, we all love her, but she is like a sister or a best friend to many of us!" retorted Kagan.
"Damn right, Kagan. But Wil, ya better tell (Y/N) what ya feel for her! Stop tripping and man up!" ordered Aldo.
"And how I'm supposed to do that?"
"Use your brains, Wicki, and take a guess: why don't you use something she likes to declare your love?" muttered Hugo as he smoked his cigarette.
"Something she likes..." mumbled Wilhelm as he lost himself in his thoughts.
Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind, and he slightly grinned: maybe he can try something interesting. 
He got up and searched in his bag a book his mother gave him before his departure. Wilhelm felt that the answer to his issue was between the pages of this poetry collection... 
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Later in the evening... 
The cool summer night was calm and appeasing for the Basterds as they were finishing the meals brought by their French accomplices. 
At the same time, (Y/N) went for a small walk through the forest. She enjoyed the peaceful surrounding of the woods and sat on a tree stump to gaze at the shining stars who enlightened the dark blue sky.
The young woman slightly shivered as she felt the gentle breeze caress her bare arms.
"Can I join you?" asked a familiar masculine voice.
Startled, she turned and was relieved to see Wilhelm.
"Oh, it's you! You scare me!"
"I'm sorry!"
"It's fine... You can sit with me!"
Thanking her, the soldier sat close to the young woman. 
He felt a knot in his stomach as he was nervous: God, this girl would be the death of him!
He straightened up himself and declared:
"It's a nice night!"
"Indeed: I've always appreciated summer nights. I don't why, but it always soothes me... And it reminds me of this beautiful painting entitled Starry Night."
"Made by Van Gogh in 1888, if I'm right?"
"Exactly. It was a representation of a starry sky in Provence... where we are!"
"Interesting, I did not know this part of the story..." smiled Wicki.
He leaned closer and said:
"You know, this landscape reminds me of a poem..."
"Would you like to listen?"
"I would enjoy it!" (Y/N) smiled.
Wilhelm cleared his throat and declaimed:
Es liegt der heiße Sommer (There lies the heat of summer)
Auf deinen Wängelein; (On your cheek’s lovely art:)
Es liegt der Winter, der kalte, (There lies the cold of winter)
In deinem Herzchen klein. (Within your little heart.)
Das wird sich bei dir ändern, (That will change, beloved,)
Du Vielgeliebte mein! (The end not as the start!)
Der Winter wird auf den Wangen, (Winter on your cheek then,)
Der Sommer im Herzen sein. (Summer in your heart.)
When he finished reciting the poem, he saw a beautiful smile across (Y/N)'s face.
"Wilhelm, it was amazing!"
"Danke. Maybe you know the author..."
"I think it's Heinrich Heine!"
"Exactly! It’s the poem titled There lies the heat of summer."
"He wrote such beautiful masterpieces about love."
She shrugged with a sly smile.
"I'm a helpless romantic!"
"Don't apologize: it's one of your qualities!"
He added with a slight blush on his face.
"Besides, this poem has a special meaning for me..."
"Honestly? Why?"
"Yes. Well, when I was younger, I told my mother that I would say this poem to the girl I want to spend my life with..."
"Oh, that's so charming..."
(Y/N) interrupted herself when she realized what happened.
"Wait a minute... Did you mean that..."
Wicki nodded.
"You've guessed right: I love you, (Y/N). Since the first day in our team, I knew you were meant to me. But I was a coward for a long time and I did not know how to tell you the truth... until tonight!"
There was a silence until the young woman let out a relieved sigh:
"Thank God, what a relief!"
"What do you mean?"
She fidgeted with her fingers, slightly embarrassed.
"You know, Wilhelm... You were not the only one who was shy about their feelings!"
"You mean... that it's reciprocated?"
She agreed with a slight nod and a timid smile.
Assuaged by this revelation, Wicki leaned closer to her face, letting a few inches between their lips.
"Ich liebe dich, (Y/N)..."
"I love you too, Wilhelm..."
And they gently kissed, their lips sealed in a tender moment... 
Meantime, the other Basterds were spying on them, delighted smiles on their faces.
"Finally! He said it!" smirked Aldo.
"Look how cute they are!" grinned Utivitch.
"Indeed, they are. But remember guys: if you want to stay alive, don't cha flirt with her!" stated Donny.
"We took note, Don'. Should we celebrate this new couple?" asked Hirschberg.
"We'll do it when they'll come back to the camp. For now, let's them enjoy this moment alone!" tenderly smiled Andy.
"Gentlemen, we shall come back before they notice our presence. Moreover, we have a celebration to prepare!" simpered Hicox.
"The British's damn right! Let's go, boys!" discreetly cheered Michael.
"I'm so excited! It's like another Valentine's Day!" laughed Simon.
As they went back, Hugo looked back at the lovers with a small grin on his face.
"Well played, Wicki. You managed to speak her language, after all..."
Well, he was right: Wilhelm and (Y/N) found the perfect language between each other: the language of love...
Thank you for the reading!
I hope you’ll like it and I’m looking for your requests!
Take care and see you soon! 😘🥰😍🤩😷
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
RWBY Recaps: Volume 8 “Fault”
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Hello, everyone! We’re not even bothering with an introduction today, let’s just get straight to the only thing that matters.
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I’m joking… but only a little. In all seriousness we will get to Ren, but you all want to hear a funny story first? I somehow got it into my head that there was no RWBY episode this week—the holiday and all—so I poured all my meta time and energy into a ridiculous Ironwood analysis as a placeholder, only to wake up this morning and find the strongest (and most complicated!) episode this year waiting for a recap. Like some sort of grimm nosing into my inbox. 
Okay, so it’s not a funny story, but if RT would just do a better job with their website my life would be a whole lot easier.
So here we are, taking a look at the episode “Fault.” Quick question, is every episode this volume going to have a one-word title? It’s not a criticism, I’ve got nothing against a punchy name, I’m just curious since RWBY has never done that before. If anything, they’ve gone more for symbolically significant phrases like “A Brawl in the Family,” “Players and Pieces,” and “The Lady in the Shoe.” I wonder what sparked the change.
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Anyway, we open on Robyn laughing about some story she’s told, something about Joanna losing a fair fight for the first time, presumably to her. This is what we’ve learned about Robyn since this volume started: she refuses to acknowledge that she had a hand in Clover’s death; she was asked by Blake and Yang to keep the Amity secret but, according to May, couldn’t keep her mouth shut about it; and she tries to cheer Qrow up by bragging about her own skill.
Alrighty then.
Obviously, this little story fails to land. “Tough crowd tonight.” Robyn looks to Jacques as well as Qrow when she says this and since she clearly doesn’t care about cheering him up, she must want to get a rise out of him. Create something, as she says at the end of the scene, that’s exciting. Robyn just really loves to start fights. Against Ironwood, Clover, bickering matches with Jacques—stories told about winning them! If she’s not fighting someone she’s not interested.
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Qrow does eventually give the smallest smile though and Robyn cheers. “Did I win?” They both quickly grow serious again though and Robyn says she’s “sorry for what happened. It wasn’t your fault.” Her apology would mean more if she was apologizing for her actions, not providing a generic ‘Sorry for your loss’ like she had no hand in this.
Qrow then insists it was his fault… but, of course, not for the reasons why he’s actually responsible (also, didn’t we do this two weeks ago?). For starters, Qrow blames his semblance for everything that went down, despite the fact that his semblance is not responsible for him breaking Clover’s aura, or Tyrian stabbing him. The most we’ve seen his semblance do is cause minor mischief, which in and of itself is absurd considering we’re meant to believe that it has kept him from his family most of his life, and informs choices like whether he’ll travel with the group in Volume 4. Still, it’s not unexpected that he would blame his semblance and think that having friends is a “childish dream”—depression is one hell of a liar—but rather, it’s frustrating that no one is helping Qrow see the truth of the situation, both the good and the bad. He certainly doesn’t need Robyn providing generic platitudes that absolve them both of their choices.
You know what the worst part is? The two kind, level-headed adults with enough distance to help Qrow acknowledge his mistakes while also correcting him about his misconceptions… are Ozpin and Clover. The former is still ignored by the cast, the latter barely got to be a character before he was killed.  
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Qrow goes on to say that he “made a deal with the darkness and [Clover] paid the price.” I’m sorry, what does that mean?? Outside of referencing his team-up with Tyrian, that’s the most dramatic, nonsensical thing he could have said. Qrow doesn’t admit to the team-up though, rather he starts blaming Clover for his own death.
Precisely like a good chunk of the fandom has done 🙃
He says that Clover just “wouldn’t let up” (translation: he wouldn’t agree to let me go when I was under arrest) and that they could have “worked together against Tyrian if Clover had just—”
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There’s a lot to cover this episode, so I’m not going to dive into another explanation of all the justified reasons why Clover didn’t trust Qrow in that moment and why Qrow was the one who “wouldn’t let up.” If you’re interested in that rundown, head here.
Side note: can RWBY please stop with the weird mouth closeups? I’m begging the animators. Especially when so much else in this episode is gorgeous.
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Robyn’s response is to make it all about her. I say, as a hypocrite, because my instinctual response in comforting someone is to also bring up a way that I might, sort of, know what they’re going through. It’s something to work on and, as always, I’d be more receptive to Robyn’s attempts if she weren’t failing so spectacularly in every other aspect of her characterization. Case in point: she says that having a truth semblance tends to make people push her away, but we’ve never once seen that. We’re introduced to Robyn as she’s adored by Fiona. The people celebrate her. Yang and Blake trust her immediately, for no reason, and comment on how useful her semblance is—they’re not concerned with it. Ironwood likewise works with her and allows her to use her semblance on him in public, at least for a time. May spoke fondly of Robyn last episode. She just finished a story about Joanna… where is this pushing away you speak of, Robyn? I really wish RWBY would consider things ahead of time and actually show them to us, rather than just having characters announce that they’re (supposedly) there.
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Nice symbolism though with Robyn touching the electric bars and pulling her hand back. You reach out, you get hurt, curl in on yourself, blah, blah, blah. Too bad it’s not a moment attached to an actual struggle of hers.
Qrow buys it though, saying he’s never thought about it that way before. 
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You know, I get why a lot of people in the fandom hate Clover. I can’t even claim I’m much interested in him as an individual. I’m sick of straight, white, able-bodied men getting the spotlight, which is one of the things that drew me to RWBY in the first place… so theoretically Robyn should be the better choice for Qrow’s BFF, right? Especially in a world where FairGame only existed in RT’s social media queerbaiting. Give us the badass gender-bent Robin Hood instead of the boring military man!
On paper it sounds great… which is why it’s astounding that RT bungled that so badly.  
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Qrow never finishes his thought about Clover because the Ace Ops come in to return Watts to his cell. Interesting. The writing has definitely made Ironwood stupid, but perhaps not as stupid as he could have been? If he got Watts to hack Penny (we don’t yet know what’s going on with her during all this) and then promptly shut him away again, that’s just about the best way you can follow up on your worst decision.
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Harriet spots Clover’s pin and tells Qrow “You don’t get to keep that,” but then doesn’t take it from him. See, that right there is a better motivation for potentially opening the cell. Qrow says he didn’t kill Clover, Harriet shoots back that his blood was on Qrow’s blade (again, focusing on the wrong way that he’s guilty), Robyn challenges her to get the truth via her semblance… and Harriet considers it? Why? She’s not the one struggling with her loyalty here, that’s Marrow, yet he’s the one who has to pull Harriet back with “What are you doing?” when she looks at the keypad. Have Marrow almost be swayed by Robyn’s taunting, or have Harriet almost open the door because she’s furious and desperate to get Clover’s pin back. Either one of those would make more sense than this.
Also, no one checked Qrow during his arrest/before he was thrown into his cell?
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Also, note that Marrow uses a nickname here—“Hare”—so I’m continually unpersuaded by the ‘They’re not friends’ claim. Yes, Harriet hits his shoulder on her way out… and Ren will later scream at Jaune about cheating. Harriet being in a bad mood because their leader was just murdered isn’t evidence that they’re not close, no more than Ren responding to Everything Traumatic Ever is evidence that he doesn’t care for his friends.
Also (x3), Robyn calls Harriet “mohawk”?? Can’t this woman come up with a single good insult?
As the Ace Ops leave Robyn lays back down on her bunk, exactly as she was before, and says, “Well, that was almost exciting.” Kind of like this scene! Luckily, the episode is about to get a whole lot better.
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The music immediately picks up as we segue to Ren, Jaune, and Yang chasing after Oscar. On the whole I really enjoyed this scene, largely because it shows the group doing their best—in a way that feels persuasive. I’ll admit that others have a point about them just standing around while the Hound changes form—yet still failing because, you know, our villain is actually powerful! However, there are, as always, some nitpicks.
One of the first bits of dialogue we get is Ren noticing that the bikes can’t stand being in the cold for very long. It bugs me that bikes suffer more from the cold than the civilians do. To say nothing of the fact that it once again doesn’t amount to anything. Their bikes carry them through the whole battle and Jaune looses his because of a grimm. Then Yang manages to fix the totaled bike with a single part, despite the continued cold. Why bother introducing this as a problem when it’s meaningless each and every time?
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The three do demonstrate some great teamwork though. When Yang yells that she wishes one of them could fly, Jaune uses his shield to launch Ren at the Hound… so that he can get dragged through the air, hitting rocks. This poor guy. I like that though because no, these teens shouldn’t be perfect, strategic masterminds and yes, they’re in the kind of situation where they just have to try something and see if it works. Jaune can’t think ahead to what Ren will do once he grabs the Hound, they just have to get him to that point and go from there. Which they do. Ren snags a boulder to slow them down further (that’s smart) and Yang goes higher to fire at the Hound’s face (don’t hit Oscar he doesn’t have aura!!). They’re at a crazy disadvantage here and still trying their best to get our boy back.
The overall tone is… fine? Again, love supportive Yang—that high five with Jaune was wholesome—but it continually feels weird to get that when Oscar is in the literal jaws of death here. On the whole though the scene keeps to the action and seriousness of the situation, which I appreciate. We’ll talk more about tone during the outpost scene.
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It's looking like they might be making some sort of headway when the Hound lets out a roar that, as Yang puts it, calls for backup. 1. Yay giving this grimm even more power to mess with the cast, 2. Holy shit there are so many grimm around. See, scenes like this is why I’m side-eyeing the anti-army rhetoric in the show (a stance I’d otherwise agree with 100%). Because do you see how many there are? That’s not Salem’s army, that’s just the normal grimm hanging out around Atlas. The cast is screwed if anyone were to, say, order them to attack the kingdom…
Kudos to RT for bringing back the centipede grimm though. I honestly thought they’d just be a one-off action sequence in Volume 7.
While everything is falling apart Ren catches a glimpse of Oscar, complete with rosy cheeks to make him look super young, and the sight fills him with 
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He starts climbing towards the Hound and we cut away. 
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Meanwhile, Jaune’s bike is hit with some of the centinel’s acid (again, not the cold causing problems) and he takes a tumble, managing to keep his feet before Yang snags him. Moments like that really do show how far he’s come and I’m glad we got to see such a moment in an episode where his cheating was brought up. Jaune then uses his shield to fly over one of the dragon-y grim, but... wait. The shield is flexible?
Literally what is the point of that? As a shield, I mean (it clearly works fine as  a ramp). If you can just tip it over like that then so can the grimm or another fighter. Forget how tiny the shield is, all a monster would have to do is boop it and it would fall over. In fact, it probably should have with the grimm scratching at it before. Seems rather useless, unless you’ve got writers crafting convenient situations. Also, does Jaune have multiples of this thing? He picked it up before, but there’s no way he found that one again. Idk, I’m really not feeling this addition to Jaune’s arsenal. Better to give him a range option so he’s more versatile.
Still, they fly over the grimm and the two let out a sigh in synch. Whatever else we might have to say about this volume, RT is definitely giving us different interactions and team-ups. Well done there. Why, Jaune and Yang have managed to survive all that together!
Oh wait, never mind. They’ve gone off a cliff.
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Honestly, I’m shocked they actually went over. I thought Yang would stop in time, or we’d have a classic moment of them tumbling off the bike and ending an inch from the edge, maybe going off slow with time for one to hang on. But nope, they plummet and it was done with such confidence by the camera that for a split second (the illogic of killing them both off aside) I thought that was it. They’re done for. Lucky for them, Ren catches them at the last second, managing to snag Jaune’s sword and them and immediately use his semblance so the grimm doesn’t eat them. That’s skill, baby!!
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But you can see why he’s pissed, beyond just the fact that his semblance is holding this group together. It’s not Jaune and Yang’s fault that there was suddenly a cliff, but last we saw Ren he was heading towards Oscar. He had a plan. Granted, not one that was likely to lead anywhere given the Hound’s power (and the plot needing Oscar to reach Salem), but that’s not the point. He was pulling himself towards their kidnapped friend and then at the last second had to cut himself loose to save two others. This moment wasn’t anyone’s fault, but it would take someone with no emotions at all not to be frustrated by it. 
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So we leave the trio literally hanging out and return to Ruby’s group who is threatening kids! 
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Seriously though WTF, Weiss? Look, I haven’t always been kind to Whitley. In fact, I think there’s a Volume 7 recap where I really laid into him for his attitude and for supporting Jacques. But then—with the help of some friends and other anon perspectives—I thought about it for a hot second and considered how little power this child has. I was wrong to blame him for so much given the various circumstances here. It took, like… five minutes of thinking, and that’s for a fictional character, not a real life brother. Weiss clearly hasn’t given her brother five seconds of thought. He’s in the same abusive household that she was. He wasn’t blessed with combat abilities and a semblance to easily escape. He didn’t have Weiss there to guide him like Winter guided her. He had to watch BOTH his sisters abandon him to Jacques… so when exactly was he supposed to learn to be better? Why would he be inclined to? Weiss was an entitled racist when she got to school and needed new friends to show her a new path. She admitted as much last volume! Yet the fact that Whitley is completely alone in this house while their mom locks herself in her room to drink doesn’t register at all? This woman, an adult out to save the world as we’re frequently told, never once considered what it took to get her here and realize that Whitley has had none of the resources she did? 
I want to emphasize that Weiss threatens him with her weapon. It’s not just that she’s dismissive of him and his plight, she’s also happy to use violence if Whitley doesn’t do exactly as he’s told. Violence… against her brother… who is a child… without any training. Again: WTF, Weiss? You know how I was praising RWBY last episode for not having the group beat up the Atlas personnel? Yeah, we get this instead.
Then she tells him to go to his room??
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Speculation is that Whitley is about 2-3 years younger than Weiss. Or, to put it another way, roughly the same age as Weiss’ leader, Ruby. She’ll follow Ruby unquestioningly into world-changing decisions, but sends her brother to his room like a toddler? Which is it, RWBY? Are 17 year-olds leaders you should listen to, or babies who must leave the room while the grownups talk? He certainly can’t be any younger than Oscar, so again, she’ll fight beside him, but treat Whitley like this? Whitley isn’t exactly going to offer help in a respectful, eager manner, but that “Fine. What do you expect me to do?” was incredibly open given his situation. He was willing to help and that was the perfect opportunity to have him, you know, do something. Something small and innocuous that wouldn’t threaten the team if he betrayed them, but kept him around so he could talk to someone. But nope. Weiss just sends him to his room after criticizing him for not understanding that they’re “busy trying to save Atlas.” Weiss, what does Whitley know about all that? He’s locked up in this manor after your father was arrested and the one news clip we’ve seen said that no one knows why Ironwood recalled his forces, or what’s up with those grimm overhead. She’s acting like he should have any idea what’s happening right now.
Also, all of this is coming on the heels of Willow begging Weiss not to forget her brother, so that’s just great. RWBY has the rest of their time in the manor to fix this, because if Weiss comes out of that scene having only been handed the means of arresting Jacques… that’s just bad all around.
Finally, should we talk about how strange this choice is? Last episode we saw the group flying away and I assumed it was them leaving Atlas to go back to Mantle. It certainly looked that way, but now they’ve decided to stay until Nora is awake. Why? Isn’t it more dangerous here? I mean, they didn’t know the staff was gone and there are still arrest warrants out. Was Weiss just going to threaten anyone who dared report her? Where are these shields Ironwood spoke of? Have they gotten through them somehow, or are they currently trapped in Atlas?
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This is “Oscar is in the slums, leaves the slums, learns they’re going to the crater, but the slums are actually the crater, so we’re heading back now” all over again. 
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The one good thing about this scene is that Blake and Ruby talk! …for about two seconds lol. Eh, better than nothing. Blake says that if Ruby is worried about Yang she could try calling her. Ruby has, and Yang isn’t picking up.
Does Ruby think she’s in danger or ignoring her? Unclear. We, however, know that Yang is now lost in the middle of nowhere with no reception and no transportation back to Mantle. The three of them start trudging towards an outpost Ren spotted, needing to find shelter “before this weather drops our aura levels completely.” So what about everyone without aura?? I wish that I could check off the bingo space again because this is ridiculous.
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Ren, once again, isn’t in the mood to talk, but unlike Jaune, Yang can’t leave something alone. So she coaxes him to tell him what’s wrong and you know what? She does a real good job at first. She’s encouraging, but her voice is level and she doesn’t come across as accusing. Well done, Yang.
Things quickly fall apart though as Ren says EVERYTHING I’VE EVER WANTED TO SAY TO THIS GROUP. Holy shit, everyone, let’s count ‘em up:
Nothing is going smoothly so let’s stop pretending it’s all fine
Oscar has been horrifically kidnapped that’s #bad
This is not a normal part of being a huntsmen
We don’t know the first thing about being huntsmen!
Every time we’ve had to make real decisions we got them all wrong, yay us
We’re trapping a city here for Salem to destroy whenever she feels like it, yay us x2
Our leader is barely more than a kid and one of us cheated our way here
People are going to die because of us
“I’m just saying what nobody else wants to”
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Yang’s response? Incredibly weak imo. Just as weak as the fandom’s has been since this conflict started in Volume 7. Her argument against letting Atlas go is that Salem won’t just let it fly away with her whale… but no one knows that. She’s certainly just letting it sit right now! Assuming that something won’t work because you expect the worst is not a compelling reason not to try.
Her argument against their ineptitude? They saved Haven, took down a leviathan, and got the lamp to Atlas. Let’s break that down a little more.
Did they fight well at Haven? Yes… overlooking that Weiss would have died if not for a timely semblance reveal. But the real point here is that they “saved” the school by getting the Relic. Problem is, they never won the relic, it was handed to them. Literally. They retrieved it not because they were capable of overpowering Salem’s forces and a Maiden, but because Raven decided she’d rather her daughter be a target than her. That doesn’t tell us anything about the group’s skill, only about Raven’s flaws.
They took down a leviathan… after drawing it to Argus in the first place. That’s kind of an important detail when Ren is trying to make the point that their decisions suck. Also, how did they take it down? Using Ruby’s silver eyes, which only worked because Jinn randomly decided to let her stop time. Oh, and also using the rest of Cordovin’s mech that they hadn’t yet destroyed. Again, nothing about that fight demonstrates their skill, only others’ abilities, resources, and the strange favoritism they benefit from.
Getting the lamp to Atlas. Well, you drove Ozpin away who was your ticket across the border. Then Maria told Ruby how to save you all from the Apathy (and Ruby herself was the only one able to resist long enough to demand you get the Relic back in the first place). You started that leviathan fight and ended it surrounded by Cordovin’s fleet. So how did you get to Atlas? Because she let you cross. How did you reach Ironwood? Because he dropped your arrest. Yang stopped Adam, yes, but that was its own, separate fight. Regarding the “getting to Atlas” point they botched that up completely. 
Basically, this resume of victories is unpersuasive, to say the least. Yang highlights the end goal rather than acknowledging Ren’s point: have we, as individuals, actually made things better lately?
They absolutely have not. 
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Note how, in contrast, Ren includes himself in this criticism. He doesn’t just lay responsibility at Ruby and Jaune’s feet, he’s second on the list for being underprepared. For messing up. He’s just an “orphan from nowhere” and this tells us that, unlike Qrow, Ren is actually concerned with this problem and his own place in it. He’s not just blowing off steam and running from his responsibility. Rather, he’s making important points here yet, as he says, no one else wants to listen.
And that’s why the scene ultimately sucks. “But, Clyde! It’s a speech straight out of your metas!” Yes it was and it was beautiful to witness, but the problem is that Ren’s supposed to be wrong. Jaune glares at him before leaving. Yang clenches her fists and asks if he just wants to push everyone away. He’s left hanging his head. Then later they talk about how “broody” he is and provide advice about how to stop doing that. The takeaway here is not, ‘Holy shit, Ren is right and we should rethink our choices,’ but rather that Ren is wrong and needs to come over to their ‘correct’ perspective.
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I love that this was laid out. I love that the group is actually fighting for once (way better than Ruby and Yang’s ‘fight’). I also love that we finally see what’s bothering Ren… but we all know this isn’t leading anywhere. The scene ends with Jaune dismissing everything by stating that if Ren doesn’t want to be a huntsmen, fine, but he has a job to do. Ren is supposed to feel guilty here for… telling the truth? Jaune is supposed to look like the hero for soldiering on with his responsibility while moody Ren drags behind. The scene is great, but the purpose of the scene sucks.
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Actually, I’d like to talk about a portion of the outpost scene real quick. Skipping ahead, because we really see here how little RT believes the words that they’ve put in Ren’s mouth. Jaune admits that he’s right about cheating into Beacon… but nothing else. Indeed, that “mistake” is swept away because he’s earned his right to be here now. You shouldn’t care about that anymore! Ignoring the point Ren was making about how much they’re in over their heads. Yang apologizes to Jaune on Ren’s behalf, making it clear that she cares more about his potentially hurt feelings than any of the points Ren made. Remind you of anything? Like oh, say, that time Yang cared more about Jaune’s feelings than whether he’d hurt Oscar after slamming him against a wall? All of this despite the fact that Yang JUST accused Ruby of the horrible situation they’re in. Now Ren acknowledges that they’re in a horrible situation and Yang… doesn’t care?? Again, RT is good at giving us the pieces we want, the surface level stuff, but is rarely able to combine it into something fulfilling. If anyone actually takes Ren’s stance seriously, changing their ways rather than talking him out of it, I’ll be shocked.
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Especially since the real nail in the coffin of this scene is Jaune telling him that “The more you hide from what you’re feeling, the more alone you’re going to feel.”
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Jaune………..buddy……….pal…………were you asleep during that scene? Ren DID tell you what he was feeling. For the first time he did come clean about everything he was experiencing and you both rejected him for it! He’s not pulling away because he’s hiding from what he’s feeling, he’s pulling away because he did show it and both his friends reduced it to “pushing [them] away.” Which is it, Jaune? Should Ren be more open, or should he stop saying things you don’t want to hear? It’s a more complicated version of telling your parents about your interests, them mocking those interests, and then they’re surprised when you don’t share things with them again. I mean, the gall of Jaune to reject everything Ren said in the moment, ignore it after he’s calmed down, and then lecture him about being hiding his emotions.
Jaune and Yang (and the story) don’t want Ren to say what he really thinks, they want him to say what they think. Ren should speak up, but only if he’s going to agree with them.
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So Ren sits out in the snow because potentially dying from cold is better than staying in a room with Yang and Jaune. I can’t really blame him lol.
One last thing about the fight scene. Remember how May was put in her place last episode for not using Penny’s name? Well, Yang doesn’t either. Granted, “the Maiden” isn’t as overtly insulting as “tin can” (or whatever it is May said), but it amounts to the same thing: both are replacing Penny’s individual identity with her status as a tool they can use. May sees Penny as the cool tech girl who can get them into the military base. Yang sees Penny as the cool magic girl who is the answer to all their ‘How do we win this?’ problems. Everyone is using Penny. Ruby to launch Amity, Ironwood to open the vault, but you know RWBY will never have a scene where Penny corrects Yang about her name and Ruby looks on, smug. Because the group can continually make the same mistakes as the adults/antagonists around them, but aren’t called out on it in the same way. Ren calls them out and he’s told he’s wrong. 
Anyway, the tl;dr of this scene is that Ren is the best. Too bad the story doesn’t realize that.
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We then move to my poor Oscar who wakes up looking at his own feet, Ozpin’s voice is as reassuring as it can be under the circumstances. “Oscar? Don’t panic. We’re going to be okay.” I mentioned two weeks back that I hoped the show would explain why we didn’t see Ozpin try to take control during the Hound fight and we still don’t have an explanation, so that’s disappointing. This line is all we get from Ozpin because that’s the norm now. We moved from him being written out of the story entirely to having one or two lines an episode (excluding a speech meant more for the audience than the characters). So, improvement? But a lackluster one, I think. Especially given that he is the focal point of this entire situation with Salem. 
I’m avoiding the elephant in the room though. Oscar’s torture is horrifying. In the sense that it should be horrifying. Salem might still inexplicably not be attacking Atlas—and what she’s after at any given time might be getting more and more muddled—but she’s absolutely terrifying here, which is what we needed. The mix of assault with that nurturing tone is just skin crawling. “My long lost Ozma. Found at last” while she (I think?) shows images of their daughters. Honestly, I only heard that from friends, didn’t catch it myself, but then my eyes are shit to begin with. I couldn’t see a thing in this shadowed shot.
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(It’s like watching Game of Thrones all over again.)
Oscar tries to pretend to be Ozpin and he does a damn good job with “I’m sorry the reunion isn’t living up to your expectations.” It’s not enough to fool Salem though. She says he’s “not him” yet and I’m again reminded that the show continually references this merge without showing us any change. They’re apparently closer to one person now, but they still speak as individuals. Oscar has Ozpin’s magic, but hasn’t used it, even when his life was on the line. The closest we get to evidence that the merge is underway is that Oscar attempts to lie about knowing Jinn’s name… but what the hell else is he supposed to do here? I suppose he could go the action hero route and shout that she’ll never get the answer out of him, but trying to lie is by far the safer option. That doesn’t tell us that he’s becoming like Ozpin, or even that they’re truly “like-minded souls” as Salem claims. It just tells us that Oscar has two braincells to rub together and can say a short sentence without totally giving himself away. Maybe the kid played a few rounds of Remnant’s Among Us.
This moment highlights another justification for Ozpin’s secrets though. He lives an existence where he is not in control of his own (“own”) body. At any point the host he’s with could falter, fail, turn on him, and in doing so give crucial, world ending information to the enemy. It’s already happened on a small scale, with Oscar successfully taking control, stealing the Jinn information, and giving it to the group. Now here he’s being tortured. How long can he last? Will Oscar give up Jinn’s name? If Ozpin didn’t have the location of the Relic locked up tight in his own consciousness, would that information be lost too? I’m not looking to blame Oscar for anything here—I don’t want to imply that this situation is karma for him taking Jinn’s name, or some such nonsense—I just want to acknowledge that this is the sort of stuff Ozpin has to worry about. If he shares these secrets then that’s more fallible people who are capable of giving that information to Salem. If he keeps them…well, he’s the only one who has to keep his mouth shut during a torture session. His host might want information about the Relics, there’s an argument to be made that they’re entitled to them, but if I were Ozpin I wouldn’t want to take that risk either. The question has essentially become, “Would I trust a 14 year old to keep quiet while tortured by a witch?” Maybe Oscar will! He’s enough of a BAMF to manage it… but that’s still not something I’d want to bet on. Better that Oscar simply doesn’t have that information to give Salem, period. 
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So obviously this “working relationship” that Salem wants isn’t going well. When Oscar lies she jumps straight to torturing him.
This was legitimately hard to watch and I’m torn about that. On the one hand it’s what I wanted: a scary, powerful Salem who uses the tools at her disposal to get what she’s after. That’s great! Yet I’m still reminded of how far this show has gone to literally beat up the child of the group. Oscar is the one punched into a tree, attacked by a friend, shot by an ally, the star of the show’s most horrifying kidnapping, now the first to be outright tortured by Salem. I don’t really have a point here, I’m not looking to level any specific accusations at RT, I’m just commenting on the pattern and acknowledging that it makes me uncomfortable. There are parts of a story where you’re supposed to be uncomfortable—like the villain torturing a hero—and then there are parts where you’re uncomfortable because the writers seem overly focused on showing images of a specific kid suffering and that’s… weird.
I’m not sure what to make of that just yet. 
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Anyway, Salem’s magic here is surprisingly pretty. Pretty and painful, but I expected more red and blacks, perhaps some spikey imagery, so the rainbow was an interesting surprise. Given the amount of pain Oscar is in, I suspect too much of that would kill him, so Salem calls in Hazel to continue the interrogation. The first few hits he deals are for Haven, the others for his sister.
See, this is why RWBY needs to actually embrace its “life isn’t a fairy tale” theme. You cannot show me child torture in one week and then move to Ruby “We’ll win because we’re the good guys ^_^” Rose the next. The whole reason why Ironwood (and Ren now) was right is because this is the shit reality they’re dealing with. You didn’t run when you had the chance and now Oscar (and Ozpin) is being tortured. You keep talking about saving Mantle, but the only reason why they’re not already dead is because the writing randomly turns the cold danger on and off. This mix of horrific, real world danger and unjustified confidence doesn’t work.
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…also, I officially don’t want any redemption arc for Hazel. This guy is beating on a child because he’s convinced that he’s Ozpin, blaming Ozpin for his sister’s decision, all while forwarding a genocidal maniac’s plans. Hazel and his ridiculous shirts can just get on out of here, thanks.
Finally, I just want to say... this is the woman a lot of the fandom defended. This is the woman you wanted raising those girls and blamed Ozpin for trying to escape with them.
This is how Salem treats children.
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Oh, and all of this is without his aura because it just broke. So Oscar is in serious, non-fantasy trouble here. 
Someone please rescue him soon 😭
We finish up with some frankly boring stuff with the rest of the villain cast. We learn that the Hound is an “experiment” and a new one given that Cinder has never seen it before. Salem’s dialogue is admittedly great—“Do you hear that, my pet? She thinks. She wants.”—but Cinder just rehashes everything we’ve heard from her before. She wants the Winter Maiden power. She has trouble remembering that she’s playing at Salem’s slave. She even rehashes the exact same line, “Without you, I am nothing.” Why are we wasting time on this when we had that tantalizing backstory before? 
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Salem tells her in no uncertain terms to stay put.
So Cinder immediately leaves LOL.
She just wants to “check on” Amity tower because she “knows those kids” in ways Salem doesn’t. I’m admittedly slightly confused as to how Cinder knows to go there? Did she believe Ironwood’s lie that it was finished even though it apparently IS finished now? Has she overheard something? I’m not sure. Frankly, keeping track of that stuff in RWBY is headache inducing, so let’s just roll with it.
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Neo, the only one with a brain around here, makes it clear she thinks Cinder is an idiot for going. Emerald, always the Cinder fan, offers to go in her stead. She’s been working on her semblance, so I expect we’ll see something cool with that soon. They head off, apparently not worried about what Salem will do to them when they get back.
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Which is when we move to the outpost for our final scene, most of which I’ve covered. I only have two more things I want to bring up here.
The first is the tone. As said earlier, the tone of the Hound chase wasn’t horrible, but I find myself disappointed in the overall attitude of Jaune and Yang. Yang is making jokes about how they can’t fly, high-fiving Jaune, and they’re both shrugging off Ren’s concerns. Jaune says he won’t be able to sleep due to worrying about Oscar, but neither of them act particularly worried. Which isn’t to say they need to be sobbing the whole time or whatever, just that Ren is the only one who feels real here. They may not agree with his stance about everything else, but they’ve all experienced the same event: watching a grimm that can morph, talk, and think horrifically kidnap a teammate. Shouldn’t there be more emotion attached to that? Things have gotten better with Oscar than they’ve been in the past, largely due to details like Nora’s hug at the beginning of the volume, but let’s be real, they’re still not perfect. Do we think Jaune and Yang would be this nonchalant if Ruby were kidnapped that way? Say all you want about Ruby being her sister, or others being teammates for longer, but the fact remains that Oscar has been taken to Salem herself and the only one reacting to that in any meaningful way is Ren. 
Who they say will “brood himself to death.” That right there. The one guy freaking out about your kidnapped friend should not be described as “brooding.”
All of which segues into my second point, namely that Yang doesn’t seem to care about Ruby anymore either! She asks Jaune, “Do you think she thinks less of me?” for not going to Amity and when Jaune reassures her that Ruby will always love her, Yang’s response is, “Yeah… Ruby.”
She was thinking about Blake.
The kicker? I thought she was talking about Ruby too. Because Ruby is her sister. Because she and Ruby had the fight (“fight”). Because Ruby was trying to call her to check in. Because Blake and Yang didn’t even acknowledge that they went on different missions here. I thought Blake was like Jaune, not really taking a side and just heading with Ruby because the team is splitting down the middle. Where did this worry come from?
And I want to praise RT here (I really do) because I can see the effort. I said Blake and Yang needed to spend time apart, they have. I said they needed to work through their co-dependent identities, now Blake is reminding Nora (and theoretically herself too) that someone you love is just a part of you. I said that the group couldn’t be a hive-mind, now there’s disagreement. I said the show needs to make Blake/Yang canon at some point and you can’t do that if they don’t talk about and to each other. So I fully admit that this is everything I asked for… so why does it feel so badly done? No matter how many boxes it checks off, it’s still a moment where we thought Yang was finally worrying about her sister again—like she used—and then it’s ‘Sike! It was really just about Blake! Again. Yang is worried about a problem that was never even introduced.’
I suppose that’s why it doesn’t work for me. Yang and Ruby had the falling out, but Yang and Blake, somehow, become the focus. Is it really so hard to write Yang as a sister and a potential love interest? Yang apparently can’t care for Ruby and Blake, Weiss can’t care for her team and her brother, Ruby can’t care for Mantle and Ironwood… it’s like each character gets one (1) thing to put their emotional energy towards at any given time and that’s it. That’s all they get.
On the flip side, this is why Ren feels like a person this episode. He cares about Mantle, and the future fight, and their past mistakes, and his place here, and the problems within the team, and Nora… He feels like a well-rounded person! vs. Yang and Jaune who don’t even consider his perspective, vs. Yang having a fight with her sister but only cares about Blake. They’re one-dimensional in comparison.
It is, as always, disappointing. 
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As the group “broods” then the camera shows us a piece of the ice nearby, slowly cracking as Jaune says that “Things always seem to get worse before they get better.” Well, that’s unexpected. I didn’t think our opening would be literal. I’ve been worried about Atlas falling on everyone, not everyone falling… to whatever is underneath the kingdom as a whole. Is the kingdom falling apart? Or is something waking up and moving towards the surface? If RWBY can reproduce the characterization we got with the Hound, I wouldn’t be opposed to another leviathan grimm rising from the snowy deep to assist Salem…
Though how the fuck group will survive everything and that, who knows lol.
And that’s our episode! Issues aside—most of which have been ongoing issues. We knew they were there—I think this was our strongest episode so far this volume. Well done! There are still problems, no doubt, but at least I was only bored for a small portion of that 20 minutes. Let’s just keep heading in that direction.  
Exciting Saturday, huh?
Regarding bingo updates:
RWBY actually re-used a grimm I thought they’d abandoned, so well done there.
No civilians around for the giant grimm army to attack, so that was fine. Kind of strange though that they completely disappeared after the Hound left.
The timeline is starting to get wonky. For example, what kind of stakes am I supposed to expect when Cinder decides to head to Amity? Is it currently empty? Is Pietro there? Has Penny made it yet? I said weeks ago that RWBY would need to follow multiple groups to fill out fourteen episodes in just two days—and they’re definitely doing that—but that means we don’t have a clear sense of what events are happening simultaneously and what are meant to be linear.
No Winter or Ironwood this episode.
Watts is back with Jacques! Potential for team-up 2.0? That will admittedly be hard with Qrow and Robyn there, unless those two escape.
(Oh yeah, I thought Qrow and the others would be held in the military base and Ruby would find him during her heist… but she doesn’t even care that Qrow is in jail.)
Maria is still a ghost. If we hit the halfway mark with her not doing anything I’m calling the space.
I definitely wouldn’t call this cliffhanger needless. That’s actually a cool way to end things, even if Jaune’s line was pretty on the nose.
Neo may be getting closer to backstabbing Cinder if those expressions are anything to go by. 
Still waiting to see if Amity works.
And finally, drumroll please! …
“More obvious Blake/Yang implications without confirming a relationship.” Yup, I’m marking that this week. After Blake’s ‘just a part of you’ comment and now Yang only being worried about her reaction? Definitely calling it. If RWBY confirms a relationship this volume I’ll eat my words—and some celebratory cake — but until then salt prevails. Especially after the fiasco that was Supernatural.
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Still no bingo. Ah well, maybe next week lol.
Until then! 💜
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Play by the rules' : an new chapter for "The woman with an strange name" is out !
Chapter Summary : The sheriff Eleazar Azoulay is taking the woman named Bell for an tour to discover the town and the numerous rules in place......
To read it on AO3, click here !
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon (If anyone want to be added, feel free to tell me, same thing for my main fic "Redemption of an Spirit in an Cold War')
"Okay, let's get going !" Azoulay exclaimed as he was starting to walk outside of his office while miss Bell was letting him pass, moving aside before she could join him too. "Don't forget to close the door for the moment." He ordered at her as he wanted to keep his own office secure, knowing how Adler's thugs can be in town, he wouldn't allow them to go inside his office and loot what was left inside even if there's only an few things useful for an outlaw in it.
"You're an man that is making sure to protect his property." Bell affirmed as she was slowly closing the door, an smile on her face and Azoulay was reciprocating the same move to her, adding an little nod to it.
"I'm trying my best, miss Bell." He told her as suddenly, his eyes went in the direction of an white horse with an blonde mane who was attached at the pole on the porch of his office. "Hey, is that your horse ?" He asked her, pointing at the horse and she nodded with an smile to him. "It's looking nice." He gave away his thoughts about the horse, stunned by the beauty of such an horse in here. "What is its name ?" He continued.
"She's an female, called her Butterfly." Bell replied, watching the sheriff slowly moving to stroke her horse's head with his right hand and she was surprised when her horse moved her head to get along with the sheriff hands. "Seems that she likes you, sheriff." She expressed, putting her hands on her belt, still witnessing the scene until the sheriff decided that it was better to let Butterfly alone and letting her drink in the brough.
"I didn't pay attention but you're armed." He gestured, his hand pointing at the revolver that was strapped at Bell's pants belt, his eyes trying to figure what type of revolver she was wearing. "Looks like you have an Colt Single Action Army." He figured out the revolver before Bell decide to give him an better showcase of the gun, looking well polished but an little rusted wooden grip with an engraved letter on it...'B' "You will have to watch out : Adler's gang doesn't very like the people with guns if they're not on their side, including the strangers."
"I'll see about it." Bell chuckled as she put her revolver back inside her holstler.
"If you ever need some bullets in case, you can ask to our gunsmith in town." Azoulay said before the two start to slowly walk out of the sheriff office to start the tour he wanted to do with her, starting by showcasing her the gun shop that was the first building in the beginning of their tour. "His name is Frank Woods if you want to know." He added, thinking that it could help her in case.
"That's sound interesting." Bell whispered to her, taking an closer look to the window where some guns were showcased and seeing the man behind an counter talking with an man in black clothes. "Sheriff, you might want to tell me the rules of the town ?" She demanded, turning around to look back at him.
"Oh yeah, let's continue walking slowly for that." He suggested as it was preferrable for him & her to talk about everything to know about this town along the tour instead of staying in place while people around were having their eyes on the duo, including the multiples armed men posted at differents places. "First, you need to know that mister Adler and his gang are the masters of this city meaning their priorities came first."
"So, if an member of their gang is wounded and an normal citizen too, the gang member is first to be healed ?" Bell thought as Azoulay nodded to her, meaning that she was right in saying that idea.
"Yes, drinks, guns & even prostitutes...they are prioritized and it's better that to not get under their way." He continued, giving an whole idea of what the town is under the control of Adler. "And if by bad moves or bad luck, you got yourself wounded, go see our doc' in town." He continued, walking with Bell near an bulding that was hold by the man in charge to heal. "Our doctor Lawrence Sims is also taking care of the horses of the stable just here." He pointed at the stable that was in fact just next to the doctor building and the duo could see briefly inside the stable, the doctor taking care of an horse.
"He's seems to be an nice guy." Bell expressed, seeing the man inside with an little smile on his face as Azoulay was having the same thing on his face.
"Sims is the best in his domain, you can be sure about it." He reassured her, making an little wawe to Sims as the two met gazes for an few instant before the stable's door got closed by the latter. "To continue...." He started, going back with her to walk again on the main road of the town. "If you maybe want to make an little prayer, you can go to the church." He stopped himself to look from afar at the church that was in another path. "Alex Mason, the priest....is an troubled man."
"Why that ?" Bell questioned him, looking curious as her eyes were on the man dressed as an priest that was greeting an woman and her little girl inside the church.
"He's an old army soldier but bad things happened and he became an priest here." Azoulay replied in an low voice to her as it was something complicated to talk and even, he wasn't able to learn more about the priest old stories. "Anyway, if you need to confess something, he's the man." He added before he could see Bell now watching at the big mansion that was at the end of the main road.
"I suppose that is the 'mayor's house'." She breathed, discovering the state of the house, very different from the others buildings around town and also guarded by heavily guarded men, more guarded than an army fort to be honest. "He doesn't joke about security here." She stated, her hands on her waist.
"Adler is making sure that the town play by the rules here." Azoulay told her, taking an deep breath at looking at this big house with his eyes. "He's controlling everything here, the taxes are collected by him and his men and no one is willing to stop them." He exclaimed, also his hands on his waist before he turned around to see the other side of the town.
"Not even the army or an group of US Marshall ?" Bell asked him and he sadly shook his head to her.
"There's an fort nearby but unfortunately, it happened to be the old unit of Adler himself and so, they're loyal to him." He responded as the duo started to walk back into the other way to return to the sheriff office. "And about US Marshalls, the last group that tried to help here finished hang by Adler." He muttered in an low voice, thinking at the sort of podium near his own office with an rope that did killed more innocents and mens of law than outlaws.
"So, it's like hopeless to think about the day the town will be free ?" Bell demanded after an little walk when the two arrived back at the porch of the sheriff office and she didn't even need an response as his face was saying in fact everything about it before the two got back inside with Azoulay, sitting on his chair.
"This town is like damned but we ain't want to think about it." He pass his hand behind his head to scratch it before looking back at Bell still standing up next to the door, the same positon she used when she came here first. "Guess that even with all of it, you wouldn't want to leave this place without looking back." He suggested, seeing her not even flinching at all.
"I just want to take some rest and discover an bit of this town." She affirmed to him, crossing her arms like before. "Is there any hotels here ?" She asked him.
"Near the saloon, you can find an room for you." He told her before making some little cough out of his mouth, covering it with his left hand. "Before you go, there's some little rules to know about here." He said, stopping her as she was getting ready to leave him alone in his office.
"I'm listening." Bell complied, moving to get sit on an chair on the other side of Azoulay's office.
"Don't put your hands against anyone related to Adler's gang." He started, putting his hands on his desk even if this rule was pretty obvious in that place right now. "Pay up your taxes if you, somehow, decide to install yourself here and don't look at Miss Park !" He continued in telling her the few importants rules in here until he could see an incomprehension on her face whille saying the last words.
"Don't look at miss Park ?" She repeated, raising an eyebrow to him, not understanding it at all.
"Yeah, strange but it's in fact one of the most important rules here." He claimed, knowing what happened when that rule is broken, having assisted to the scene earlier. "You can look at her from very afar but avoid this when you're close or very close." He added.
"And why is this miss Park unlookable ?" Bell demanded, very curious to know.
"She's Adler property." He replied, stretching his fingers while looking at her. "I don't know too much but she was part of an english family that was owning an orphenage until her whole family was killed by Adler's gang and he took her, now forced to be his wife." He continued, shaking his head to have that thought in head as Bell was attentive to that part. "Looking at her if you're not Adler and you are either warned or killed if you broke three rules here."
"Damn, she did suffer." Bell whispered to herself, looking aside for an moment before she looked back at him. "Since when ?"
"I don't know and I wouldn't want to know." He responded, gesturing with his hands that he was really meaning it before he got an serious look on his face. "You are pretty curious to be honest."
"That's an part of me, there's things I want to know." She admitted clearly to him, deciding to get up from her chair, ready to leave the office. "I think that I will go install myself to the hotel now."
"There's an party that will be happening tonight in the saloon, you could go there if you want." He explained to her at one second of her leaving the office and thankfully, stopping her in her moves. "I will not go but you can have an talk with me before." He suggested and she nodded to him.
"I will see, thanks sheriff." She smiled at him, making an little sign with her own hat, reciprocated in an second by the sheriff himself before she left the office, leaving him alone.
Now, she was alone on that porch of the sheriff office, watching around the whole town and the saloon that was just in front of the building at the other side of the road as some folks near by was still intrigued by the presence of an woman stranger in town, wondering what she was doing here and why here. She wasn't blind, she could see that she was like the center of the attention but that wasn't disturbing her, she knew that each town was adopting the same behavior to the strangers like her but with the complicated story of the town, she knew that their looks were more questioning than any town in the state.
She took an deep breath before moving to get back to her horse, to give her something to eat from the satchel Bell was wearing and stroking an bit her horse head, proud to have an horse that has been almost accompanying her for an part of her life. Instead of get on the horse, she decided to left her attached at the sheriff office as it wasn't necessary to get on to just attach her in the other side of the road and also, she knew that the sheriff was an good man.
After that, she crossed the road, focused to get inside the little hotel near the saloon as she was seeing armed men in black clothes at some points of that part of town, thinking that those men were surely part of Adler's security. She then entered the hotel, discovering the old man receptionist and to say, she was already seeing that on his face that there were something suspicious about him : an look that could say that she wasn't really welcome here.
"Hi !" She waved at the man with an smile, staying polite after all.
"What do you want ?" The receptionist asked her in an harsh tone like that without any reasons, causing her to be taken aback in the inside.
"Uh, you can be polite, you know ?" She told him in an serious voice as she was walking towards the reception desk....could say that this man wasn't like the sheriff....
"We don't like strangers here, always bringing troubles." He explained, removing his eyes from her to write in an book.
"I would like an room, please." She stayed polite to him even after his agressive tone as she put on the reception desk, five dollars, the price of an room here, looking at the little board behind the receptionist.
"Good, room 2A upstairs." He took the money off the desk and pointed at her, the stairs that was going up before putting an key on the desk. "Now, go !" He ordered in an harsh tone again and honestly, Bell would have like to take back her money and go away but she missed an real bed for an time so she couldn't refuse to leave.
Without any hesitations, she took the key he gave her from the desk and she walked away to get upstairs, the place was very modest but for her, it's just what she needed. She arrived in front of the room she rented and she entered it. The bed was barely made, some dressers around, an mirror to check herself and an view overlooking the main road and by luck, the sheriff office. That was enough for her as she closed the door behind her.
She didn't know what to do right now as an complete stranger in town with only an suggestion of the sherrif to go to an party organized at the saloon tonight and for the moment, the only thing she could do was to get some rest on the bed, not taking out her clothes as she wasn't willing to for the moment and her thoughts was about an lot of things about this town but she was sure of something real....
"This town is really special to be honest !"
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spicysoftsweet · 3 years
Chapter 6
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“You have to promise to smile nicely, not that scary thing you do when you’re fighting,” Kumi hissed as she linked arms with Baji and, as though she hadn’t just been fussing at him, flashed her winningest smile to the camera.
Baji grumbled in disapproval but once she nudged him hard in the ribs with her elbow, he  smiled widely right before the shutter sound clicked, almost drowned out by the bustle of the city square in which they stood. Excited, Kumi ran over to the old lady who had been nice enough to take a picture of them together and thanked her with a bow before accepting her digital camera back. Before she left, the grandmother didn’t miss the opportunity to hold her gently by the wrist and whisper, “please encourage that young man to get a haircut.”
Kumi held in her laughter and nodded and the elderly woman nodded off.
The picture turned out nicer than expected and she showed him energetically. The two teenagers looked exactly like what they were just from the photo - a new relationship, a first relationship, awkward yet open to the future.
“See how cute you are! No one would even know you’re a troublemaker,” Kumi said, excitedly.  Baji pulled her cheek in retaliation, causing her to yelp, but it was evident that he was pleased once he took a look.
The two were spending the day in the shopping district in order to get Kazutora a homecoming gift. Baji had insisted that Kazutora wasn’t exactly the type of person to get excited over gifts, but Kumi and Kaksi had immediately argued the opposite.
We’re throwing him a party, they’d insisted. The irony was that they weren’t even sure when he would get out, but they knew about two years had passed, so it was anytime soon and they wanted to be ready.
Who was he to argue?
So here he was, following her around like a lost puppy as she quickly weaved through the throngs of people in the square, in and out of his view.
“Don’t say anything but I’m buying something for Kaksi too, her birthday is soon!” she said once she’d stopped outside of a store that sold craft jewelry, eyes sparkling.
“Hey, don’t forget you still owe me chocolate,” Baji reminded her, now irritated about all the things that she was getting for other people and not him. Just the memory of Mitsuya dumping tons of chocolate in her lap in front of him on White Day made him scrunch up his face in distaste.
“It’s literally been months! Plus I didn’t like you then,” she replied, calmly without looking at him. “So I owe you nothing.”
“Bambi,” he hissed in a warning tone.
She grinned and pecked him quickly on the cheek, causing him to blush. She went one step forward and squeezed his hand, intertwining her fingers with his.
“Next year, I promise I’ll make you so many you’ll get sick of them.”
The picture of the two of them together, along with a sticky note that promised to make Baji enough chocolates to last a lifetime, sat above her desk, right in the center of her bulletin board, bringing a smile to her face between studies from that day on.
Despite the amount of time Kaksi spent with Mikey, there were still very few subjects that would get him to open up of his own accord.
That was - until it came to the subject of Takemichi Hanagaki.
That name would almost fall from Mikey’s lips daily, Kaksi now noticed, although it seemed everyone preferred calling him Takemitchy. The girl had met him once as her friend had invited him to one of their ritual lunches together. Despite not being a jealous person, Kaksi couldn’t help wondering why Mikey would be interested in a boy like Takemichi.
While their meeting had been short and he had paid for his own meal, he apologized profusely to the girl for interrupting her date with Mikey, even though it wasn’t a date. Because, she in fact had a boyfriend that wasn’t Toman’s leader. Observing Takemitchy throughout that dinner, she found him to be very different from the other people Mikey would call friends. Now being different wasn’t bad, she was aware, but it was odd that he was nowhere as bright or as strong as her friends and yet he was becoming pretty famous.
As Toman’s previous conflict with another gang unfolded, Takemichi was the one who had saved Draken’s life, Kaksi had learned with surprise as well as relief. For her peace of mind, she used to prefer not knowing about the gang’s business, but as she got closer to its members she realised this couldn’t always be possible.
So it was with worried and pleading eyes that she asked her friends to all be more careful. She didn’t want to attend any funerals again; despite not being close to Shinichiro Sano, his death was engraved in her memory after all.
And any moment she thought of him had her thinking about her boyfriend.
Kazutora had been released without fanfare, and quietly returned home. From the moment he was out of juvie, he longed to see Kaksi, his girlfriend and set out in the direction of her home as soon as he’d gotten settled. But she wasn’t home to welcome him, however, he realized, disappointed on his very first day out. That was without knowing that she was planning a homecoming party for him though. He decided to go to her instead. Wouldn’t that be an amazing surprise? To see her boyfriend again?
The boy thought so and waited for the right moment, making sure that he would look good for their reunion after two years of separation. He had changed a lot however - his hair had grown out, and he was taller now - he wondered what she would think of him now. Maybe Kaksi changed a lot too, he figured, on his way to her place for a second time the next Saturday afternoon.
It was with Kaksi’s favourite flowers that he had decided to greet her. It would be her birthday soon after all, so there was no harm in surprising her with an early gift.The pink orchids in his hand contrasted with his darker outfit, simple black pants and a dark grey shirt. He wore a beautiful smile on his face, excited to see one of the people he had missed the most while he was away. He may have had one specific mission the moment he came out, but reuniting with her would never take a backseat to that.
Unfortunately, that joy was short-lived as his eyes laid on an overly familiar bike model, a CB250T, the one he meant to steal two years ago. Kazutora stopped in his tracks, unsure about what he was witnessing. But there weren’t two smiles like this one. Yes, he could recognise Kaksi’s smile from a mile away. The flowers he held started the crumble as his fist tightened around them.
What the fuck was he doing here?
The fury that was taking over Kazutora was deadly.
What the fuck was he so close to his girlfriend for?
The ringing in the boy’s ears was deafening as he watched Kaksi take a hold of Mikey’s hand, only a few meters away from her apartment block. She was only inspecting the bracelet she had offered to her friend as he told her about his fear that it might fall apart any second, but of course, Kazutora couldn’t possibly realize that from his vantage point.
No, all he knew was that the person responsible for the past two wasted years of his life was getting too close to his girlfriend. What Kazutora felt was beyond jealousy, it was madness that he had been feeding every day ever since Shinichiro’s death. Kazutora had already wanted to kill Mikey. That was the only thing that could solve everything, he believed, and this was even more evidence of the latter.
Why was Kaksi smiling at him? Why was she giving him those eyes? Kazutora couldn’t understand. Didn’t she know that Mikey was responsible for all the bad things that had happened to him? The pain, the fear, the loneliness, the anger - it was all because of Mikey. He was the bad guy. So why was she so close to him?
Kazutora had noticed Mikey’s deep black eyes lingering on his girlfriend a few times in the past. But Kaksi’s brown eyes only sparkled for Kazutora... At least that was what he used to believe. Did Mikey decide to take her away from him too? Of course, he would, Kazutora was convinced. Wasn’t Kaksi the dearest person to him after all?  
Kaksi was the hands that would take care of his wounds, the ears that would listen to his nightmares and dreams, the lips that would kiss his salty tears away. She was his world and he was hers. That was how it had always been between them. Yet there she was laughing with Mikey like she wasn’t supposed to be missing Kazutora.
Did she forget about him? Was that the reason she hadn’t come to see him, her boyfriend earlier? Kazutora watched as she waved her friend goodbye, making her way to her apartment building, hand playing with the fabric of her dress.
Kaksi rarely ever wore dresses, he noted. Was she trying to impress Mikey? Kazutora was too angry to confront her, crushing the orchids he had brought her under his shoe as he walked away.
Once again Mikey was the cause of his pain and anger. But Kazutora had reached his limit a long time ago. He had to kill him, that was all he could think about on the walk back to his place.
Blood still boiling, he let himself stew in anger for a few more days before he turned to his confidant. 
“Long time no see, Kazutora.”
Baji met his friend with his classic devious smirk, muting his excitement to see him after all this time. After all, Kazutora appeared serious, and the fact that they met under the cover of night in a dark alleyway only further accented the sinister nature of their meeting.
Kazutora smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Are you in or are you out?”
Baji didn’t hesitate when he replied, “yes.”
Agreeing would mean betrayal by formally letting go of Toman, a group he’d conceived of himself with his friends.
There was more he wanted to say - more about what had happened while he was gone, how he’d missed him, to thank him for helping him out, but Kazutora had one goal in mind.
A singular, unreasonable type of revenge that Baji couldn’t quite wrap his head around.
Mikey did not make you do anything. Mikey did not put the weapon in your hands and force you to use it, he wanted to tell him. Mikey will understand. He’ll forgive you.
But Kazutora was too far gone, and Baji had to find a way to temper it. For the three of them to be friends again, for Toman.
“Let us know when you quit. See ya around, Baji!” Kazutora said, nearly singing out the words as he turned and walked off. Baji frowned the moment Kazutora had his back turned, fists clenched as he remembered the source of the problem.
Tetta Kisaki, a somebody who should be a nobody. He knew in almost no time that Kisaki was bad news, and he’d find a way to get to him, even if it killed him.
It was with anticipation that Kaksi made her way up the steps to her boyfriend’s apartment. Kaksi hadn’t visited in a long time and it felt a little strange to be there once again, expecting to see Kazutora. She wondered if he was upset that she hadn’t come to see him while he had been detained before being sentenced to two years in juvie.
This was part of the reason why she hadn’t come to meet him sooner, the fact that she still felt some guilt at not being there, and also because she was preparing a surprise party for him. But Kazutora would understand - he could hardly ever be angry at her, she remembered and he was way more understanding than he let on. There was no reason why he wouldn’t be happy to see her again, she concluded, knocking on the boy’s apartment door.
Kaksi played with the fabric of her skirt, inspecting her hair one last time as well as the light makeup she had worn on her face, waiting for him to open the door. She wasn’t even sure he was home, and apart from Baji letting her know Kazutora was back, neither he nor her boyfriend would answer her texts. She wasn’t worried however, as there was nothing unusual about Baji ignoring her unless it was for an emergency and as for Kazutora, she figured he might have changed numbers once out of juvie and didn’t have an opportunity to tell her yet.
But as the wooden door finally opened, Kaksi hoped that it was her boyfriend that would welcome her and not his mother, and her wish came true. Kazutora stood in front of her and she froze for a moment.
He had changed a lot.
Kaksi’s brown eyes studied the boy in front of her. He had grown and the girl was incredibly jealous of his height, as he’d gone from being the same height to towering over her by a few inches. His hair was also longer and styled completely differently from what she was used to seeing and it suited him very well, she realized, feeling the heat take over her face. He also had a new ear piercing, one with a dangling earring that made a tinkling sound with every turn of his head.
He looked absolutely stunning. Yet the first thing that Kaksi had noticed was his eyes, Kazutora’s wide sandy eyes. As familiar as they were to her, she couldn’t brush away the impression that something was off about her boyfriend. Still, she figured it was the novelty of his new look and the two years that had separated them that made him look so different .
This boy was still her boyfriend and as he watched her in turn, studying the way she had changed (admittedly way less than Kazutora), she couldn’t help reaching for his face. Kaksi’s fingertips brushed Kazutora’s skin as she smiled in adoration. She could feel tears of joy blurring her vision and quickly blinked, not wanting to cry in front of him.
He allowed her, remembering how good it felt to be this close to her again. This moment was however short-lived as he took a step back and promptly pushed her hand away. The sudden action brought the girl back to her senses, and she spoke for the first time in a while, a little embarrassed by what she had done.
“It’s been too long, Kazutora,” she said, with a little smile. “Can I come in?”
He didn’t return her smile but nodded before moving to the side, letting Kaksi enter. Kazutora closed the door behind him then faced her again. She was still smiling and he would have kissed her if it wasn’t for the jealousy that had been eating away at him ever since he had seen her with Mikey that other day.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you earlier,” the girl told him. “I was busy with a little something.”
Kaksi chuckled, excited to show her boyfriend what that little something was.
“I know,” Kazutora’s voice was cold, very unlike him, she noticed.
The girl frowned, confused.
“What do you mean you know?”
Had Kazutora uncovered her planned homecoming party for him? Did Baji or someone else tell him?
“I saw you,” he said, confusing the girl further, his eyes staring into her soul. For once, Kaksi was wary about his look.
“Kazutora, what are you talking about?”
Her boyfriend laughed, but it was nothing like the melodious sound she was used to hearing when he was happy or amused. Rather, this laugh was as unnatural as it was frightening and Kazutora’s sudden change of expression didn’t help.  
“I’m talking about whatever the fuck you have going on with Mikey,” Kazutora spat, voice louder and harsher.
Kaksi’s eyes widened slightly and guilt automatically washed over her. How did he find out? was what she first wondered. But this wasn’t what she should be asking herself when it was still unclear what her boyfriend was accusing her of doing.
“Nothing is going on between Mikey and me,” she replied, in a small voice.
But this wasn’t true. There was something, even if she wasn’t sure what. Still, she hadn’t done anything wrong, right?
“I saw you,” he repeated, his smile sadistic. “Don’t fucking lie to me, Kaksi.”
“I’m not lying, Kazutora!” She protested. No, she wasn’t, at least not entirely.
“What did you see?” she asked him, assuming guilt already, whether it was completely deserved or not.
What could have ever given away that she hadn’t been completely emotionally faithful to Kazutora?
“I came to see you, a few days ago,” the boy explained, getting closer to Kaksi, without his eyes meeting hers. “I wanted to surprise you. So I bought you some flowers and decided I would come over to your place. I thought we could pick up where we left off, you and I.”
Kazutora paused for a moment, remembering all the emotions he had felt watching his girlfriend stand so close to the person that had hurt him.
“But instead, I saw you laughing and holding hands with Mikey,” he continued.
So this was what Kazutora saw. But this was only a twisted version of what had unfolded last Saturday afternoon.
“I wasn’t holding hands with Mikey at all. I was ju-”
“Oh please, spare me the details,” Kazutora cut the girl off. “Instead, tell me since when did the two of you get so close to each other?”
Was it the moment he turned his back? Had she always wanted him?
Kaksi took a moment before answering, thinking about her next words carefully.
“I felt guilty after what happened to Shinichiro, even though it wasn’t my fault,” she told him, sincerely. “I was just trying to be a good friend to Mikey, that’s all.”
“A good friend to Mikey?” Kazutora asked, in disbelief, then rage. His fists clenched.  “On whose side are you exactly, Kaksi?”
The girl frowned, confused once again about what was the real issue. The confusion made her upset, angry even.
“What the fuck are you talking about? There are no sides, Kazutora. Mikey is our friend.”
There was a new strength in her voice as it grew louder.
“He’s not my friend,” Kazutora replied. “And he shouldn’t be yours either. It’s because of him that I ended up in juvie. It’s because of him that I lost my friends. It’s because of him that we got separated, Kaksi!”
Kazutora yelled those last words and Kaksi wondered what she could tell him to help him regain his senses. It was clear that he wasn’t thinking straight anymore. Instead of feeling guilty for hurting Mikey, Kazutora had twisted the truth and decided to blame Mikey for his suffering. Kaksi couldn’t understand what had led him to believe in such nonsensical thoughts. But she couldn’t blame him, being completely isolated from everyone for two years after the traumatic event that had unfolded in the summer of 2003 probably didn’t help Kazutora’s fragile state of mind.
“Kazutora,” the girl said, softly, moving closer to him and holding his arm lightly. “This is not true. Mikey isn’t the bad guy, he doesn’t want to hurt you. He never meant to hurt you.”
This felt strange to say considering what Kazutora had done to Mikey. But Kaksi was unsure about how the boy would react to the unfiltered truth.
“But I am?”
“No, of course not,” she reassured.  
“So why are you defending him?” Kazutora asked, the fury in his eyes making the girl step back.
“I’m not defending any-”
“You love him don’t you?” her boyfriend asked, taking a step forward.
Yes. But I love you too. I love you more. I promise.
This was what she wanted to tell him.
“No, I don’t, Kazutora,” she said, instead.
“Stop fucking lying to me, Kaksi,” he insisted, gripping her arms and preventing her from moving away from him.
Kazutora was strong and his hold on the girl was hurting her. For the first time in her life, Kaksi feared her boyfriend.
“I’m not lying,” she insisted, regardless.
“Then why were you so close? Why were you on his bike? Why were you holding hands? Why were you laughing with him? Why did you look at him like you looked at me?”
It was useless. This was a fight Kaksi couldn’t win. Kazutora might have been irrational in the way he had been analysing the situation but he hadn’t missed the subtle clues that his girlfriend had dropped, it was clear to her now. Kazutora was right. She loved Mikey and she had hurt him, Kazutora had every right to be mad at her.
“I’m sorry,” was all she could say, as tears ran down her face.
Kazutora didn’t say anything, he dragged her to his door instead. But Kaksi didn’t want to leave, not like this, not after that. She pulled as hard as she could, trying to stop the boy from moving her further. But his grip only tightened around her wrists as his movements got more brutal.
“Kazutora, please,” she begged, voice breaking. “Listen to me.”
But the boy had heard enough. He held Kaksi with one arm and opened the door with the other. She tried to fight him back, reaching for him as tears kept rolling down her cheeks. It was in vain however as Kazutora violently pushed her out of his apartment.
“Go fuck yourself, Kaksi,” he hissed, slamming the door in front of her while she fell to the ground, crying from desperation and pain.
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atsunflower · 4 years
Hospital for souls — Tokyo nights.
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Rated: SFW
Author note: Man, this one took me ages to write. And I don't even know how I could write this much for the second chapter, this is about 3,2k words. I'm tired because I decided to change lots of things in this chapter and I hope you all like it. Also, feedbacks are much appreciated!
Warnings: This chapter contains cursing, swearing, graphic descriptions of blood, violence and surgical procedures (Kind of inaccurate but only for writting purposes. Don't do it at home, kids). Also, there are slight mentions of anxiety, OCD and PTSD.
Enjoy the reading!
II — Tokyo nights
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You felt anxious.
Everytime you walked through Itachiyama halls, the hairs in your nape would stand and your skin, prickle in fear; a bitter taste would take over your mouth because everything was too much.
"Look, you don't have to worry. Itachiyama wouldn't dare to lay a hand on you because it would mean war." The memory of Suna's voice did nothing to soothe your nerves.
You knew that Inarizaki did not care. If anything, Itachiyama harming you would be like killing two birds with a stone: the Miya would get rid of your existence and then, have a excuse to go after your husband. "They know the twins' intentions, you know. It's not like Sakusa is dumb. Being honest, the guy is the most cautious man I ever saw" you recalled Suna saying it in your wedding's eve.
But one month after the deal, you still felt suffocated.
You opted to lay low and don't wander around the house; Sakusa's men were still suspicious of you and kept sending nasty glares in your direction whenever they saw you.
Since you weren't allowed to work anymore, boredom was killing you. At least, the maids were nice enough — or just too afraid to go against the lady's will — and let you do as you pleased. You then took over some house chores to busy yourself.
Cleaning, tidying and baking.
Sometimes gardening when you needed some fresh air.
"What a shame for Oyabun-sama, his lady is lowering herself to the peasants' level" you would hear some gossip here and there. Not that you cared, though.
"Sakusa-sama" you heard the housekeeper calling, the new name still foreign to your ears.
"Kaede-san? Do you need something?" The old woman wearing a green hakama stood in front of you, accompanied by a girl with dark blond hair.
"This is Kuribayashi Runa, the new maid working here" she said presenting the young woman by her side. The latter politely bowed at you.
"New maid? Why?"
"I'm afraid it's not appropriated the lady take care of house chores. These are strict orders from Komori-sama" her tone was dry. Kaede was never hostile towards you, but you could tell she wasn't fond of your presence either. "Also, remember you're having lunch with oyabun-sama today"
You released a shaky breath, dismissing their presence.
Why yakuza was taking even the smallest things from you?
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Prying to the clock on the nightstand, you realized it was past noon and the lunch hasn't been served yet. Sakusa didn't show up either.
After being destitute of your duties, you went for a shower and killed time by reading in your bedroom.
Did something happen? You wondered.
Punctuality was something very fancied in this household and everything inside the mansion functioned like clockwork.
But how come Sakusa didn't show up yet? Why the food isn't set?
"[Name]" The door to your bedroom was open without ceremony, Komori's voice sounding harsh when he called you. The look on his face wasn't amicable either. "Sakusa wants to see you. Now."
The brown haired male did not spare you another glance, turning his back to you. You followed the tall man in an auto-pilot mode, already dreading whatever was going on.
The Kobun was taking you to Sakusa's office.
The large doors always made you feel unsettled; you never were there before. Being called to this room sent shivers down your spine.
Komori knocked the door only to the faint voice of your husband acknowledge your presence. Getting in, you were stunned. The whole mansion held a modern architecture with a minimalist design, and this room was true to Itachiyama's style.
The walls were pristine white and the floorboards were dark and shiny. The furniture held the impersonal style your husband seemed to appreciate and was clean to the eyes. Everything millimetrically positioned, aesthetically appealing.
By the glass wall, Sakusa stood proud. His back facing you, body clad in a black suit. The way he admired the stunning land through the windows held a power you never saw before.
Right now, he looked like a god rulling his own creation.
"Komori, go" his stone cold voice ordered the other male. The kobun did as he was told, leaving you two in this sinister room.
"I don't know if you are too brave ou just too dumb" he didn't turn to face you. The cold tone boomed loud within your ears and you felt cornered.
Forget the god thing. The man in front of you was the demon himself.
"What do you mean?" You asked, brows furrowing when suddenly, his enraged features loomed over you, even from afar.
"Don't fucking play dumb. I've warned you to stay out of my way" his menacing stare made the breath hitch in your throat "Where is the fucking folder?"
"I don't know what are you talking about!" You meekly replied, seeing his body growing close to yours.
"Thats it. You have a death wish." He merely stated "You're the only enemy inside this fucking house"
Without knowing what was going on, you didn't stand a chance to defend yourself. You tried opening your mouth in protest but your brain didn't come up with anything.
"Listen. I don't have the time to play whatever game you and those brothers of yours are planning." Sakusa scowled "In the first opportunity, you get to screw up. Fascinating."
"I don't even know what you're talking about" the cry left your mouth and your body trembled. The man before you grimaced at your outburst. He let out an exasperated breath, still trying to keep his cool.
"Do you expect me to believe you? Fine, I'll play along, then" He sat at the imposing chair behind his desk "The manila folder that was on this desk was stolen. You're the only one inside this house who has reasons to take it."
"It wasn't me! I never entered this room before!" You retorted, anxiety crawling in your skin. He fished his cellphone from his pockets, reading whatever on his screen
"Can't be proven, though it looks like we didn't find anything in your stuff–"
"Wait! You fucking messed with my things?" You cut him off in rage, observing him reaching over for a flask on the wooden surface.
"Well, you messed with mine first." He said while rubbing some hand sanitizer on his palms.
You rolled your eyes at his antics.
"Whatever" and then turned to leave.
"Where are you going?" The sarcastic voice filled your ears, making your steps to halt "As much as I despise it, you won't be out of my sight anytime soon"
God, You trully hated it here.
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It was nighttime and true to his words, neither Sakusa nor Komori left you alone for the whole day.
Their presence was unnerving, to say the least, and everytime they talked to each other, you body went stiff.
Their speech wasn't explicit as you thought it would be. Both of them treated the matter as if they were making normal business instead of some yakuza stuff.
It didn't sound violent.
But you knew better.
"Have Fukuroudani made contact yet?" The Oyabun asked.
"Yes. Konoha told me they will be waiting by eleven" Komori peered at his watch "One hour to go. We should get going, then"
Sakusa turned his attention to you.
"Go get changed. We're leaving in ten minutes."
You did as you were told; black would do, you decided. Grabbing a wool coat and a satin scarf, you were ready to go.
Why the hell Tokyo nights were so cold at this time of year?
In the living room, Sakusa and Komori were waiting for you.
"Man, bringing [Name] along will be a pain" the brown haired male said while stretching.
"The stolen docs were about this meeting. We gotta bring her along if Inarizaki tries to do something" The taller one reasoned.
"Ah shit, this is so fucked up. I dont know how you agreed to it" Komori lamented.
Being honest, neither Sakusa did.
"Why do I have to tag along?" Your voice startled them. Your husband scowled at you while Komori opened the front door, both males ignoring your question.
A sleek black car was waiting for you three. Komori took the driver seat and Sakusa sat on passenger's side. You found comfort in the beige leather of the backseat, appreciating the warmth provided by the air conditioned.
"Shouldn't we bring more men with us?" The Kobun asked.
"There's a back up car in downtown. They can reach us in no time if something comes up" Sakusa said while covering his face with a mask "Also, I doubt someone would dare to mess with both Fukurodani and Itachiyama" He spared a glance at you through the rearview mirror.
You sighed. Anxiety didn't let you be for the whole day and now, fear was taking its toll on you.
With your temple resting on the window, you observed the city lights.
You loved Tokyo and how bright it was, although, you loved the suburbs even more; the industrial aesthetic and the narrow streets brought you the comfort you didn't feel in the last three months.
You lived here for your whole life, after all.
It wasn't a surprise when you spotted the building you used to live in.
A surge of homesickness found its place in your guts and your chest constricted in longing.
The drive lasted five more minutes before Komori parked the car by a hangar. When you lived in this neighbourhood, the place was deem abandoned with its vandalized walls and rusty gates. But inside there, you found our the interior was really neat, proving you wrong.
"Sakusa-san, Komori-san!" A blonde male came into view, eyeing you with wariness. "I see you brought your lady tonight. It's a pleasure having you here, miss" the indifferent tone of his voice said otherwise, tough.
You merely noded at him while the heads of Itachiyama greeted the man.
"Shall we start, then?"The blond asked before opening a door to your right. You felt unsettled knowing they wouldn't want your presence there.
"As you wish, Konoha-san" was all Sakusa said while a woman appeared out of nowhere.
"I'm afraid your wife would be pretty bored in our meeting. Yukie here will keep her company for the time being." The man Konoha pointed at the brunette with short hair. Sakusa sent you a hard stare before entering the room.
You both sat on some wooden boxes filled with god knows what. You eyes wandered through the hole place, trying to find something entertaining.
The woman hadn't said anything for a whole eternity before breaking the silence.
"So, Miya-san, huh?" The way she said the damned name tickled you off.
"I'm no Miya"
"Yeah, I know. I've heard of you" Yukie chuckled, looking at you with despise. You cocked a brow ate her.
"Sure you did" She was about to retort before the door was open again.
"Well, it's always a pleasure to make business with Itachiyama. We will see you off, then" Konoha said before reaching for the exit.
It was long past midnight when the meeting ended. The five of you were by the gates, Konoha and Komori doing some chit-chat, when four people appeared out of nowhere, knives in their hands.
"Ara, ara. look at these yakuza big shots" A man with an undercut said, fidgeting with the blade between his fingers. In your periferic vision you saw Yukie running back to the hangar and the three men by your side reaching for the guns by their hips.
Among the other four, a figure seemed familiar to you.
"Kuribayashi Runa" The name left your lips in a whisper. The female let out a mocking laugh and Sakusa frowned at you.
"Explain" Your husband immediatelly demanded, grimacing.
"She is the new maid working in your house. Today was her first day." Runa scoffed at your reply.
"Do I look like a maid to you, bitch?" And then, everything went into slow motion.
The woman came in your direction, holding the knife high in the air whilst you stepped backwards, being cornered by the gate.
You saw the blade glinting under the street lights and saw it aiming for your chest.
But it never came.
A hand pushed you downwards and you fell to the ground along a clattering sound. Sakusa's shadow loomed over you, trying to evade the knife.
By your left, you saw Konoha and Komori fighting the other guys, their guns useless in a hand-to-hand fight.
The adrenaline rushed through your bloodstream, your mind going frantic. It felt like one of those life or death situations you faced in the surgery room.
How can I save someone's life right now?
You saw Sakusa's pistol laying on the ground next to you. He and the woman were a couple of inches from your body.
You knew what you had to do.
With your leg reaching forward, you made her trip. The knife she held was kicked away by your husband.
"Sakusa! Watch out for Komori!" And you threw the gun at him.
A second too late, the bang echoed and an agonizing scream ripped through the night.
By your left, Runa and two of the guys were already running away.
The man Komori fought collapsed to the ground clutching his leg and cursing under his breath.
But the most disturbing sight was the way Komori held his arm, whimpering and cursing while his right hand clutched the knife's handle.
The blade tore his flesh and crossed the limb right next to its joint, in a weird angle.
Yukie came back, carrying a rope and a pistol.
"I sent some of our men to their direction." She said while helping Konoha to restrain the guy who attacked you.
"What the fuck you guys want?" The blond asked before kicking the man in his guts. The latter spat blood, giving a crooked smile at Konoha.
"Johzenji is coming" Was all he said before passing out.
"Yukie, carry him to the basement." He ordered "Since it happened on our territory, we will be investigating the incident. We count with Itachiyama's cooperation and will keep you updated" Konoha bowed at Sakusa, before rushing back to the building.
Komori was still on his knees, head hanging low. A grunt went past his lips and you knew what he was doing.
"Komori! Don't!" But again your shout came too late and the man ripped the knife away from his limb. Blood rushed through his fingers and dampened the suit he wore. "Fuck" you rushed to his side, Sakusa's features going livid.
"We gotta take him to a hospital" you said.
"No!" Komori croaked out, getting a hold of your arm. You knew what he meant, but you also knew what could definetely happen if he ignored the situation.
Sakusa was frozen in front of you two, unsure of what to do. You took a deep breath, mustering up all the courage you had.
"You have to trust me, then" you held the brown haired male by his torso and gave Sakusa a determined glare.
The oyabun noded at you and it was all the assurance you needed before ripping out Komori's blazer and transforming your scarf into a tourniquet.
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In your old apartment, you ushered the two males inside, taking them both to your kitchen.
Sakusa sat the Kobun in a chair while you went to another room. A minute later, you brought two metallic cases, some flasks and a first aid box.
In the cupboards you took a flask of alcohol and squeezed it to the table, wipping it with some gauzes.
Positioning Komori's arm over the wooden surface, you sterilized his wounds with povidone and then turned your attention to Sakusa.
"I'll start it now" before proceeding to the sink. Sakusa admired the movements you made while washing your hands "I need you to do the same" and he complied.
The male helped you to put the gloves and mask on and to set your instruments over the table.
Looking at Komori, you realized he passed out in spite of the pain. The blood loss wasn't huge, but you did not knew why he fell unconcious.
You prepared two syringes of anesthesics. Sakusa sent you a weird glare, brows furrowing at you.
"Don't look at me like this. I'm a surgeon you know" and then you did the infusion. "Its not that weird if I have some hospital shit at home".
You opened the cut with a scalpel. Scrutinizing at the wound, you saw the artery was hit.
"Thank god." You let out a breath of relief, realizing the damage was little. It didn't need an anastomosis, so some stiches would do. "The ulnar artery was hit but it won't be too hard to fix. Although, I can't tell if there's a nerve damage" and you started to close the vessel's lesion.
You observed if there was any muscle or tendon damages and proceeded to suture the gashes, making sure the procedure was well done. You then patched it up and imobilized the limb with a makeshift splint, before undoning the tourniquet.
"Let's take him to my bedroom" With that, you both carried the unconcious man to your bed. "I need to check him overnight and– Shit! Your face!" It was just now you realized he had a gash on his cheek.
Sakusa flinched, feeling the blood drying over his skin and dampening the mask he used. He removed the cloth and observed the cut with the front camera of his phone. He frowned at the sight.
"It can get an infection and leave a nasty scar. Do you want me to patch it up?" You offered after checking Komori's blood pressure and his heartbeat.
A please left his lips in a whisper.
You both went back to the kitchen and you used a new set of tools. Holding his face between your gloved hands, you admired his facial features.
Sakusa was pretty.
Almost ethereal with his thin nose, almond eyes and thick brows. In addition, te two moles on his forehead complimented his beauty.
You snapped out of your reverie, getting to work.
"Finished. This kind of suture won't leave a visible scar" you said cutting the thread and reinforcing the stitch with tape.
Your finger lingered a bit longer on the apple of his cheek. Sakusa grabbed your hand and held it for a while before getting away from you and settling himself on your couch. You ignored the ghost of his touch on your skin and went back to check on Komori.
That night, Sakusa realized that no one ever handled him with such care, as if he was made of fine china.
I like that touch, he decided.
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❥ taglist: is still open. Send an ask or use the commentary section to let me know if you want to be added!
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
jump the gun - aaron h.
summary: you’re struggling to figure out how to use your firearm before your test. after not getting anywhere with Emily, Hotch decides to help you out... in more ways than one (based loosely off S1E6)
pairings: aaron hotchner x reader
warnings: gun use
a/n: I really really love hotch. I have smut written for him too so... if y'all like this and want that pls let me know. also if y'all want some Spencer Reid stuff... let me know that too. I'm watching criminal minds right now and I love
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As the shot fired, you winced, the bullet missing the bullseye entirely.
“Did Elle teach you that?”
You roll your eyes, scoffing lightly as you stare at the target in front of you, “That’s misogynistic.”
“I wasn't saying—”
You cut him off, a sigh leaving your lips as you turn to face him, “I’m not going to pass. I’m never going to get a gun.”
Hotch scanned your features, a sympathetic smile being flashed in your direction, “Profilers aren’t required to carry. You don’t need a gun.”
“You carry two!”
Almost as if on cue, you watch as Hotch leans down to grab one of his weapons from his ankle holster, firing twice and hitting the target dead center both tines.
“I hate you.”
He laughs. It’s a cute laugh. A cute manly laugh. It makes you laugh, even though you’re not really in the laughing mood.
“You don’t.”
He moves you out of the way, shoulder pressed up against yours as he aims, breathing slow and tactile. You watch one of his eyes close, his hands steady.
“You watching?”
Oh yes. Yes you were.
He fires one round, makes note of its placement, and then fires two more in the same spot. He moves up toward the head of the paper target and lands another two right to the face.
“Keep breathing when you shoot.”
You pay special attention to the way his shoulders move, the way his hands grip the glock.
“You breathe out, and slowly pull the trigger—”
His face is steely.
“—and just when you can't breathe, you—”
The shot scares you from your concentration. Sure as shit, he made his mark.
“So a murderer is running at me and I’m going to sit here doing yoga and breathing techniques?”
He exhales, endearingly annoyed.
“No, but you need to know the basics before I can teach you the cool stuff.”
That piques your interest.
“Cool stuff huh? Like what?”
He puts the gun in his suit pocket which can’t be safe. He takes a steadying breath, levels his feet, and in two seconds it was in front of him, firing and hitting his mark one-handed.
You pout and nod, impressed.
“Well I’d hate to be that guy,” you say, gesturing to the poor dummy who was elected for target practice.
“Watch this,” he says, clearly loving the attention, moving it into his nondominant hand, and doing the exact same thing. It’s a little more dispersed over his mark, but still lethal nonetheless.
You tried to get it. And you tried. And you tried.
You didn’t think you’d ever get it.
It’s so all over the place. In the whites of the target, some above, some below. But never hitting it. It was frustrating.
“Breathe,” Hotch reminds. It pisses you off.
“I’m not just gonna stop,” you lash, turning to him, gun pointed at the target, unmoving. You sigh and focus.
Hotch comes up from behind you. He places your hands on your shoulders and lets out an exaggerated breath. You imitate him. A few rounds of breaths and you’ve calmed down. He’s so close to you, and though it’s hard to hear him, you can feel his breath on your neck. So close you can imagine his lips on your throat, hard and passionate. With Hotch's hands gently lingering on you, you fired. The shot was centimeters off from a bullseye.
Excitement shot through you, immediately placing the gun down carefully and pulling off the earmuffs, turning in Hotch’s grip to look back at him.
“I did it!”
He chuckled, pulling his own down to around his neck, grinning as he looked down at you, “You did it.”
As your eyes fell briefly to his lips, you realize how close the two of you were. At some point after you had moved, his hands rested on your arms now, holding you to him. You had one of yours on his chest.
He rubbed his hands soothingly up and down your arms, almost as if in a trance, before returning back to your shoulders, awkwardly patting you there.
Clearing your throat slightly, you pulled back from him reluctantly.
You give him a sheepish smile, “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
He nodded, “Of course. Here to help.”
The silence that followed was uncomfortable. Neither one of you knew what to say.
In typical Hotchner fashion, he gave you a curt nod, holstering his weapon and heading towards the door, “Good luck tomorrow. You got this.”
YOU did indeed have this. You had passed. And you made sure Hotch was the first person you told.
He answered your call almost instantly.
“I did it!”
The line was quiet for only a second before he responded, and you could practically hear the smile through the phone, “I knew you could.”
“Only because you helped. I don’t know how to thank you.”
“Let me take you out.”
Your smile faltered for only a second, but your voice didn’t as you teased, “What, with a sniper or on a date?”
His laughter filled your ear, “The latter would certainly be less messy.”
“So you’re asking me out?”
You were both quiet. You, waiting for a response, him nervously debating his.
“To celebrate. Just two colleagues having a drink.”
Right. Colleagues. He was your boss.
“Sure,” You masked your own disappointment, nodding despite yourself.
“Does eight work?”
HOTCH was already there when you arrived. He was wearing jeans and a button up shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbow as he scrolled through something on his phone.
“Am I late?”
You smile as you slip into the booth across from him, ignoring the way his eyes raked over your frame as you sat down.
“No,” he chuckled. “I’m just early.”
You nod, glancing over him once more. You’re sure he notices, the smile tugging on his lips evident, so you nudge him playfully with your foot.
“I thought you didn’t like jeans!”
“Why would you think that?” He chuckled.
“Because! You never wear them. When someone doesn’t like something, they usually stay away from it.”
“You’ve never seen me outside of work,” he points out, “I don’t wear jeans at work.”
“Right, but isn’t this a coworker thing?”
The blush dusting his cheeks was so light you almost missed it. Almost. The blush on his ears was a little brighter.
“Well, it’s an us thing.”
“Like just us?”
“Yeah.” He smiled.
You nod, pulling out your phone very quickly, and hopefully not too late, to text the other colleagues you had invented to the outing, telling them it was off and that you’d explain later and that you were, “so so so so sorry. bout to get some. tell you later. DON’T COME.”
Glancing at the front door behind Hotch, with almost perfect timing, Morgan pushes the door open. In one swift motion, he glances down at his phone, holding the door open for the person behind him, reads your message, surveys the room, and walks back out. You would have to buy him flowers later.
Hotch follows your gaze.
“Was that Morgan?” He questions.
You panic, playing dumb.
“What? No. Did you invite him?” You claim, accusitorally.
“No—” he goes to say, but the barmaid is over by your table, taking your orders.
You drop the conversation topic quickly, opting to bring something else up after she leaves, not wanting to bring too much attention to your lie.
“I was serious about before. I really appreciate the help.”
“So much so that you wanted me to take you out with a sniper?”
You laugh loudly, “Listen, sometimes the idea is appealing.”
He chuckles, “It was nothing really. I’m just glad you learned from me, Emily said you were having a hard time focusing.”
“Well, I mean it was kinda hard to not focus.”
You feel his stare burn into you.
“I mean… nevermind.”
“Nothing. I said, nevermind,” you huff, “You’re supposed to nevermind it.”
“I just want to know what you were going to say.”
“Well, I said nevermind. Let’s not—let’s not talk about it. I… No. Nevermind. Nevermind it. Wow,” you mumbled, swirling the alcohol you had been brought around in the glass, “This is some strong shit.”
Hotch leans forward on his forearms, his eyes practically boring into your soul. The button up is so carefully, meticulously rolled up at the sleeves. You feel like a 14th century victorian widow, drooling over his arms like that.
“No, come on, what’s wrong.”
“Little personal, don’t you think?”
“No. I don’t.”
“What’s wrong with you then?”
“If it’s not that personal. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Well, there’s this young woman sitting across from me who won’t talk to me. And if she doesn’t talk to me for the entire night, I think… I think it’s going to be a pretty boring night.”
“I dunno,” you say, melancholic, “sometimes boring is better.”
“Alright. I’ll drop it,” he says, hands up in defeat.
You stare at him sadly. You don’t mean to, but you’re a little tipsy and every single consequence you’re not thinking of is a charlatan.
“This would be a lot easier if you weren’t my boss.”
“So pretend that I’m not.”
He says the words so quietly, you almost don’t hear him. His eyes never once leave yours, pupils dilating as he glanced down to yours lips.
Every rational part of you was telling you that this was a bad idea. But God were you irrational.
You slip out of your side of the booth and into his, slipping a hand against his chest, as one of his finds its way to your waist. The position is all too familiar, almost mirroring exactly what the two of you had whilst practicing. But this time was different.
This time, you two were working on something else.
“Well then, not-my-boss… is that a gun in your pants or are you just happy to see me?”
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Idiot (Affectionate) ~ A Bad Samaritan Fic
Pairing: Derek Sandoval x Reader Word Count: 2839 Rating: T - racism, references to the plot of Bad Samaritan, mild language A/N: I’m trying to balance covering a lot of time so that this doesn’t end up 20 chapters of the same thing and I never get to canon events and also getting some good, specific moments in, so hopefully this works...
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Time passed. You found yourself settling into a surprisingly easy friendship with Derek, though not one without it’s frustrations, and certainly not one that looked like friendship at all from the outside looking in. On more than one occasion, Sean had poked fun at each of you, though never in front of the other so they were aware, calling you out for flirting and playing hard to get. 
You hated him for being right and refused to admit that it was what you were doing. Your stupid schoolgirl crush on your cousin’s best friend wasn’t something you wanted to acknowledge.
Nino’s had been abuzz for weeks with the news that the restaurant had been booked out for a re-election campaign event for the mayor of Portland, and now that the night had arrived, excitement had turned to panic. Nino had fretted constantly about every detail, from the amount of food and wine available to their arrangements on the plates. He had forgone setting up a buffet table for the cocktail and hor d'oeuvres hour in favor of what he thought was the much more high-end system of servers circulating with trays. And now two of the servers had, at the last minute, called in sick. 
“There are not enough people!” Nino was exclaiming. “But I cannot set out a table now! We would have to rearrange the whole room!”
You had only just arrived, stepping into the chaos from the street like passing through an invisible barrier. One that at least part of you wanted to turn around and cross back over again. 
“You need servers more than valets tonight, why not ask those two boys to help?” one of the kitchen staff suggested.
“That’s really not how their contract works,” you muttered, even though you knew it didn’t really matter in the end.
Nino looked thoughtful and turned to you. “Do you think they’d do it?”
Sean and Derek weren’t even there yet, and wouldn’t be until almost opening, so it would be a gamble, unless Nino could get them to pick up the phone. Plus they didn’t have appropriate service uniforms to your knowledge. Which meant that Nino had to either change everyone’s outfits or hope he had spares somewhere in the restaurant. Not to mention, there was no guarantee they’d even be willing, and since they were hired as valets (technically Nino’s had an account with their business, but since it was the only one so far and they didn’t really seem to be actively searching for more, he may as well have hired them directly), they weren’t obligated to do anything other than park and retrieve cars.
You sighed. The only problem with working with family was that you were expected to be able to know Sean’s thoughts on things, as if you were some kind of mind reader or expert.
“I don’t know,” you said with a shrug. “But they both have a lot of respect for you, so it can’t hurt to ask.” 
That was a lie. It could hurt. Saying no would make things awkward, saying yes would cost them a night of tips and...extracurriculars which you chose to actively not acknowledge. But the latter was probably best, since pulling their usual tricks on the mayor, his donors, and his powerful friends would be asking to get caught and spend the rest of their lives in prison.
“Great!” Nino hurried off to the phone as if you had said they would help without a doubt.
“Where is your tie?” Nino asked, gesturing, appalled, at Derek’s bare collar. “I told them to find you a tie. You’re not dressed properly. I can’t let you be seen like that!”
The whole staff was gathered around in the lobby for some sort of pep-talk/debrief and assignments before the doors opened for the big event. Nino was checking every detail like a hawk, jittery with nerves. The kitchen guys were anxious, not sure why they’d been dragged from their stations to the front of house, acting like a crowd of kids that got called to the principal’s office. Everyone else was casual, mostly gossiping over who they thought would be there, hoping for a political scandal to break before their eyes. 
Derek held up a length of black silk. “You got any of them clip-on kind? I’ve never worn one before, so I don’t know what I’m doin.”
Nino sputtered. You rolled your eyes, stepping up beside him.
“I’ll take care of this, Nino,” you offered, gesturing at Derek’s entire self, and he had the nerve to look offended.
He nodded, turning away in a hurry, radiating nervous energy, looking for the next crisis. Finding none, he started in on his speech about how tonight was the most important night in the restaurant’s history, how he was proud to have such a dedicated staff. Then he dismissed everyone, listing off assignments as they scattered. You half listened, turning to deal with the problem of Derek’s tie. 
“Hey, thanks,” Derek said quietly, offering you a half smile.
“I’m not doing it for you,” you answered. “Nino’s a better boss than most are ever lucky enough to have. It’d be a damn shame for him to drop of an aneurysm because you don’t know how to dress yourself.”
“Sure,” he chuckled. “Well I guess that means I’m in your hands.”
You smirked at the idea, ignoring Sean’s waggled eyebrow out of your peripheral. Derek noticed, his cheeks coloring slightly.
“You’ve seriously never worn a tie before?” you asked, taking the garment from him.
“No. Why would I? I don’t exactly get invited to the kind of places you need one.”
“Right…” you sighed, stepping closer, throwing the material over your shoulder to free your hands. “Step one is fully close your dress shirt.”
Your fingers darted nimbly, closing the tiny white buttons, ghosting over his throat and making him swallow nervously. 
You continued to describe each step as you took it, looping the tie around his neck, trying to teach him what to do. But he couldn’t focus on your words, not with you standing so close that he could feel the heat radiating between your bodies. 
“And voila. Tie tied. And if someone really wanted to, you have an easy way of killing you around your neck for fashion,” you joked, brushing the fabric smooth. Your hand lingered against his chest for a moment, for reasons you couldn’t explain, before you stepped back.
Silence hung in the air.
“So I’m all set then?” he asked finally, blinking as if coming out of a daze.
“You’ve got to button your vest too, but I assume you can figure that one out for yourself.”
“I don’t know,” he chuckled, beaming at you. “I’ll give it a try.”
You laughed along with him, trying not to think about how handsome he looked, dressed up like this. Not that he wasn’t handsome all the time, even in baggy jeans and a hoodie, but the formal black and white uniform suited him. You frowned, annoyed with yourself for letting your thoughts stray down that path. 
He finished buttoning the garment and spread his arms, gesturing to himself. “How do I look? Pretty good right?”
“Not bad,” you said with a smirk and an effort to keep your voice casual. “Someone nicer might even say you clean up good.”
Suddenly his arm was around your shoulders and he leaned in to your side with a charming smirk of his own.
“Maybe they would, but you know I’ll take a ‘not bad’ from you over that any day,” he said with a laugh.
Before you could respond, he sauntered off, leaving you to glare and gape at his retreating back.
Derek couldn’t help himself. He was supposed to be walking around the room with this tray of shrimp puffs - or whatever rich people food Nino had assigned him, he was pretty sure it was shrimp puffs - and offering them to the guests. Instead, he was just standing in one spot, tray held out absently and teetering every time someone brushed past him, watching Y/N. She wove effortlessly through the clusters of men in pressed suits and women in silk dresses that rustled when they moved, smiling easily at them as she offered them champagne or wine. Even from a distance he could see the sparkle in her eye that made each person she spoke to feel like they were special, and as a result scored her numerous ones and fives left behind on her tray when they picked up a glass. His fingers itched to brush aside the piece of her hair that escaped its updo and danced across her temple, tucking it back into place behind her ear. 
He felt a quick flash of guilt as he traced the shape of her body in her uniform, the black vest hugging every line and curve. He shouldn’t be staring, he thought. After all, she was Sean’s cousin and Sean was his best friend. And she was a friend, these days; you don't ogle your friends. But damn if she wasn’t hot, if he didn’t want her. His mind wandered, and he was just starting to imagine what her lips on his might feel like, what she might taste like - she had smelled like apple pie earlier when she was standing so close to him, when he’d been too chicken to make a move while he had the chance, and part of him hoped kissing her would taste like it too - when fingers, covered in too many rings and jingling from the stack of bracelets on the attached wrist, snapped in front of his face, startling him and dragging him back to reality.
“Are you even listening to me?” the woman demanded before raising her voice and slowing her words, over-enunciating each syllable. “I said I want your vegetarian option.”
“Uh. All I got are these shrimp things,” said lamely. “But my buddy Sean is around here with some mushrooms, I think. With like spinach stuff inside?” 
She huffed, glaring and waiting and not saying anything. 
“I'm sorry. I'm not—” 
“Very intelligent. I can tell. I want you to bring me a plate with vegetarian appetizers. That means no meat. Nothing that was alive. And I want a selection, not just dumping all the same thing in a pile.” 
As her voice got louder and her words even slower, it started drawing stares from the rest of the guests. He bristled at her tone, feeling his neck get hot as embarrassment and anger mingled. He knew why she was speaking to him like that. She wasn't the first.
He took a slow, deep breath. Getting angry would just play into her hand and make things worse. Before he could say anything, like maybe some remark about how plants used to be alive too, they just never had faces, Y/N appeared at his elbow.
“Derek! There you are, I've been looking everywhere,” she exclaimed.
He raised an eyebrow, silently asking what she was up to, and tried to ignore the fluttery feeling in his stomach at the idea she’d been looking for him.
“Nino said there was a problem, with the...thing and unless we want the guests to just be eating tiny hors d'oeuvres all night, you have to go talk the chef down from quitting over it.”
“What?” his face scrunched in confusion as he turned to Y/N.
She rolled her eyes (he kind of loved how often she did that) and plucked the tray out of his hand smoothly, fingers brushing briefly against his, sparking under his skin like a hotwiring a car. 
“The thing. In the kitchen,” she said pointedly, like it meant anything. Then she turned to the woman, the largest, fakest smile he had ever seen on her face.
“Right...I’ll uh...get right on that…” he said helplessly. 
“Sorry about that ma’am,” she lied to the woman, voice sickly sweet as she led the woman off. “He’s a culinary genius, but Nino likes to shake things up and keep the staff on their toes.”
“Oh,” the woman said, seeming surprised by the shift. “I just assumed...because he was one of them.”
“One of who?” Y/N asked, feigning confusion now though he could see that her eyes were hard and ice cold. Her smile took on a knife-sharp edge and he found himself grateful that it wasn’t being turned on him.
“Well. You know…”
“I’m sure I don’t. Because I can only think of one thing you might be trying to say. And I know you wouldn’t be so blatantly racist,” her voice got just a little louder, pitched toward the people around them, not the woman she was talking to, “at an important event like this. Would you?”
Derek chuckled and tucked his hands in the pockets of his pants, making his way to the kitchen. It might have been a fake reason, but he figured he may as well take the few minutes break it gave him anyway.
“Hey,” you said, dropping into a chair next to Derek, finally catching a short rest while the guests transitioned from one part of the evening to the next and found their seats for speeches and dinner. “Are you okay?”
“Hm? Yeah,” he said quickly, pretending that he had just been zoned out in order to cover for the fact that he was staring, again. “Just exhausted. Is this what it’s like for you every day?”
You chuckled. “It’s not usually quite this intense when we just have a few tables each to focus on. I think serving tables in a bit will be a better idea of that. But I meant about...you know...earlier.”
He made a face of confusion.
“The hag with the cheap perfume and the stupid attitude?” you offered.
“Oh that,” he shrugged. “I’m used to it. She was pretty tame, compared to some.”
“You know that’s the opposite of reassuring right? And not really an answer to the question.”
“I’m fine, don’t worry about it.”
“Okay,” you agreed reluctantly. “Probably for the best. She’s probably a senator or their wife or something, and something tells me bitchslapping a public figure is a negative on the Character and Fitness review.” 
You scratched the back of your head in a(n adorably) sheepish gesture.
“The what?”
“The thing where I spend all this time on a degree, and in the end it all comes down to one insane bullshit test and a review of my personal history. And a bunch of stuffy old men, and women these days, decide if I’m an acceptable fit for the esteemed legal profession.”
“Legal...I didn’t know you were trying to be a lawyer?!”
“Duh,” you rolled your eyes and dropped your voice. “Why do you think I keep telling you and Sean not to get caught yet. I’m useless to you for another year, at least.”
“You didn’t have to step in like that,” he said after a long pause. “I could have handled it.”
“I didn’t think you couldn’t.”
“Then why’d you get involved?”
“Just because you can handle it, doesn’t mean you should have to,” you shrugged. “I could tell you were uncomfortable. I thought I could help.” 
You let your thoughts race. Had you done something wrong in trying to divert the conversation and give him an out? Did you accidentally make things worse? Was there something else you should have done instead?
“I’m not mad,” he said reassuringly, noticing the nearly panicked expression that danced across your face. “I just don’t usually get people doing that for me.”
“Well, what else are friends for?”
There was the at word again, he thought. The thing he didn’t want to destroy, but that stood unnavigable between you. He didn’t know what he was doing. This was new territory for him. It didn’t help that the line was blurry. What was real flirting and what was joking? Sometimes you made him feel more confident than ever, and then seconds later you left him drowning, insecure and flustered. Maybe this was the moment to ask, you had left the door cracked open just enough for an opportunity.
Sean caught his attention, waving him over. He realized with a start that they hadn’t talked all night, for the first time in a long time. The door clicked shut, another chance lost. 
He turned to say something, and you waved him off.
“Don’t worry about it,” you said with a wink and a smile that made his heart flip. “I’m not interested in monopolizing your time. Besides, if I start now, I can probably pop in a quick 10 minute nap before we have to start running the first course.”
He watched you settle further, crossing your arms over your chest and close your eyes, either to continue the joke or to actually do what you said and shook his head fondly, before sauntering off to join Sean on the other side of the room.
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