#yes this is about my naruto and sasuke edit that's getting more notes lately for some reason
sungohans · 5 years
I’ve been meaning to say something about this for awhile now so here goes. Unless I state otherwise in my initial post, please try not to tag my non-shippy edits with the romantic ship tag. If I did not tag my edit with the romantic ship name...it means that the edit is not meant to be about the pairing in a romantic context. Obviously I can’t control how people choose to tag a post they reblog on their own blog and I’m not really trying to, but please be mindful that not everyone ships certain pairings romantically. Especially when their relationship in canon is obviously not meant to be romantic. That is all. Bye.
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sumigakure · 6 years
To: @will-zeke-thomson
From: @fullmetalruby / @pwnie3
Title: a refuge for my spirit’s sake
Rating: Teen
Wordcount: 3755
Prompt: Kiba Inuzuka is a “Bad boy” who looks tough and has a reputation for starting fights and a few run ins with the law for things but only gets in trouble because he doesn’t tolerate bad animal owners. He brings home strays to take care of. Shaggy and unkempt Kiba, piercings and tattoos, Kiba smart enough to one day be a vet like his sister, his friends supporting him but at the same time “Can you not call me at 3 am to bail you out of jail again?”, animal cuddling and shenanigans, Kiba and Naruto interactions.
Warning/Notes: Cursing, Kakashi is implied to be a bit of a floozy, Kakashi and Naruto speak to each other in Spanish for the most part but there’s translations
(It starts with Kiba following his sister’s path, and while he is very good at following he has always followed Hana a few steps behind and to the left.)
Naruto has always been on the fence about this whole “law” thing. Sometimes statues need to be defaced. Sometimes people need to get embarrassed in public. Sometime in his youth Naruto decided that “vandalism” and “public disturbance” are just things cops made up to take the fun out of life.
But that said, Naruto is usually alone in the police station at 1:15 AM, save for whatever unfortunate cop was stuck on what he knows to be called “Naruto Watch” while they wait for Kakashi to come pick him up.
Instead of solitude, Naruto finds himself staring down Kiba Inuzuka.
He’s not about to pretend that Kiba isn’t a bit threatening: Kiba is the same age as Naruto, 16, and has been wearing leather jackets and multiple ear piercings since before Naruto even met him. It might just be the fact that Naruto’s been awake since 4:30 this morning, but he could almost swear that the leather jacket is moving and making noise.
Kiba looks fit to murder, and from the look on Mrs. Inuzuka’s face when she shows up to get Kiba, it’s either a resting murder face or murder is an inherited hobby.
“What did you do?” She demands, grabbing Kiba by the ear and hoisting him out of his seat like a ragdoll.
Officer Whatshisnuts over behind the desk hands Mrs. Inuzuka the report without even asking. Is Kiba a repeat offender too, and has Naruto just never seen him before? Either way, his mom skims the report, never letting go of her son, and eventually snaps it shut.
She turns to Kiba. “Come on. Home.”
Kiba makes dead eye contact with Naruto on his way out, and he fights to not shiver.
In the end, Kakashi doesn’t actually make it to the station until after 2. Judging by the shirt he’s wearing (which, if going by the size, isn’t his), the expression on his face, and the blooming hickeys on his neck, the officer– who Naruto has learned is new to this precinct and is named Yahiko– interrupted an impromptu date night with his squeeze of the week.
Serves the guy right. By this point, Kakashi should know better than to think he can get anything done at night during a school break.
“Tell me, was it vandalism, public disturbance, or harassment this time?” Kakashi snarks as he waits for Yahiko to process Naruto’s release. “You’ve been inconsistent lately.”
“Breaking and entering,” Naruto answers without hesitation. “And vandalism, but that’s beyond the point.”
Kakashi fixes Naruto with a Look, turns away, then starts gossiping with Yahiko. It becomes quickly apparent that Kakashi is flirting. Also apparent is Yahiko’s reciprocation.
“Kashi, I wanna go home. It’s late,” Naruto says, tugging on his cousin’s sleeve.
The older man doesn’t skip a beat. “Suffer,” he intones, and Naruto picks Kakashi’s pocket for his phone. Predictably, Kakashi doesn’t have Sasuke in his contacts, but Naruto memorized Sasuke’s number ages ago.
“I don’t know what’s more pathetic,” Sasuke opens. “That you’re calling me at half past two in the morning, or that I picked up.”
“Definitely that you picked up,” Sakura says from the side, because of course she’s there too. “Or that Naruto is calling from the contact Sasuke has saved as ‘Naruto got arrested again’. What’s up with that?”
“I’m on Kakashi’s phone. Mine is still in evidence somewhere.”
Sasuke hums. “Was it vandalism or public disturbance?” he asks.
Naruto huffs. “I really wish people would stop asking that. I’m not that predictable.”
“Yes you are,” Sasuke and Sakura chorus. Naruto wants to be insulted with how prompt their answer was, but he really can’t.
“Whatever. I’m not gonna ask what you two are doing together after midnight on a weekday. But I’ll tell you that after I got picked up for breaking and entering–” Naruto stresses the new offense– “you guys will never guess who I met at the station.”
Sakura makes a contemplative sound. “Was it Shika and Chouji again? I think Ino said something about getting blazed in the park tonight.”
Somehow, Naruto gets the impression that Ino only told Sakura because she was pissed about being the designated sober person at that particular party, though that thought may come from the fact that he watched Ino hurrying the boys past the station at about 1:30.
“Nah. I saw them, though. Try again.”
“Was Sai vandalizing buildings again?” Sasuke groans. “He’s not home and Obito’s going spare.”
“If your cousin got arrested, then he wasn’t brought here. No, I saw Kiba Inuzuka.”
For a moment, the other end of the line is silent. “You saw him and survived?” Sakura asks. “Last time I heard, he switched classes for like, the third time because he kept getting into fights.”
“What did he do to get arrested?”
Naruto picks at a hangnail. “I dunno. The officer just handed Missus Inuzuka the file and she walked away.”
Sasuke groans. “Well, was he covered in blood or anything?”
“Not so much blood, more like, dirt and animal hair. I think that’s normal?” Naruto says. “I think he had more piercings than last time I saw him, but it’s been a hot sec.”
“Well, if there’s nothing really interesting that went on tonight, Sasuke and I should go back to studying. And you should gank Kakashi’s car keys and go home. You need sleep,” Sakura states, mother-henning him as always.
“You say that like I need sleep more than you do, Sak.”
Sasuke snorts. “Sleep is for people who don’t want a hundred percent. Goodnight, Naruto.”
Then, like a bastard, he hangs up. Asshole. Whatever. Kakashi needs sleep just as much as Naruto does, and if he’s forgotten that then Naruto is very good at reminding him.
He returns Kakashi’s phone to his cousin’s pocket without ceremony. Kakashi peers down at him with his real eye. “And what did Sasuke and Sakura have to say about your near-death experience with the opposing six-year-old?”
“If I’m eight then you’re only twenty, and that means you can’t buy alcohol. And, they said to make you take me home because it’s late and I need to go to bed.”
Kakashi hums. “Fair point. toddlers get cranky when they’re tired, after all.” He turns to Yahiko and smiles at him through the surgical mask. “Could I get my dear, sweet little cousin’s things, Yahiko? He needs his beauty sleep.”
Yahiko nods quickly, and soon enough Kakashi has not only Naruto’s belongings in hand, but a little slip of paper with Yahiko’s number on it too, and then they make their way home.
Naruto shreds Yahiko’s number, but Kakashi has already arranged a date.
Given that he doesn’t remember very much about Kiba, Naruto asks Ino the next day at lunch.
(Okay, yeah, Ino is technically Sakura’s friend and not Naruto’s, but she’s also the biggest source of information for anyone who needs to know anything on campus.)
For a moment she stares at him like he’s grown an extra head, then she squints like she’s remembering seeing Naruto through the station door, and finally she demands to copy his Spanish homework before he gets another word out of her.
“Okay. What do you want to know?” She asks once she’s finished stealing his answers.
Naruto leans forward. “Anything and everything you can tell me about Kiba Inuzuka.”
She taps her chin with her eraser. “Well, he gets in trouble a lot. Fights, you know? Also breaking and entering, stealing, all that fun stuff. He doesn’t get expelled because admin is more scared of his mom than they are of like, all the other parents combined, and also she might be banging Principal Senju? I dunno, sources are murky on that. But like, I guess it started when his sister went off to college, but that’s when he stopped hanging out with me, so I don’t have the real deets there.”
He kinda feels like this is going to be on a test somewhere– why does Kiba Inuzuka act the way he does? Because a) his sister left, b) his father was killed by a six-fingered man, c)…– but instead of taking notes Naruto just nods along and tries to commit it to memory.
“He sticks to the yard during lunch, always sits in the back of the classroom and all that. The only people I ever see him hanging around are Shino and Hinata, and sometimes that Sabakuno kid,” Ino continues.
Gaara? Wait, no, Gaara has a brother, and Kankurou is much more the type of person who would want to hang out around a guy like Kiba. Not to mention that Ino wouldn’t be caught dead referring to Temari as “that Sabakuno kid” when she knows that Temari has ears like a bat and fists like lightning.
Ino rocks back in her chair. “That’s about all I can think of right now. Proofread my Spanish essay due tomorrow and I’ll see what else I can dig up.”
“No thanks,” Naruto says. Not that he doesn’t want more info on Kiba, but he’s shit at essays and his edits are only going to lower her overall grade.
He retreats to Sasuke and Sakura, placated with this new knowledge.
It takes a hot sec for fate to throw Naruto and Kiba together again, but in the end she does her work and, at 9:45 PM on a Saturday, Naruto ends up waiting for the bus under the same awning as Kiba.
Both of them are silent as they wait and Kiba is brooding, clutching something in a cloth bag close to his chest. Naruto rocks back on his heels. He debates whistling, but he’s hiding from the cops right now– Kakashi’s been ghosting the shit out of Yahiko, who probably should have known better than to put out on a first date with a man who was sporting hickeys and someone else’s shirt when they met, and he’s made it clear that if he has to go pick up Naruto while Yahiko is on shift again then he’s sending Gai– and sound isn’t conducive to remaining unarrested.
When the bus comes, it’s empty except for the driver. The driver looks ready to keel over, so Naruto just scans his bus pass and moves to the back. Kiba follows.
They don’t say a word to each other for an uncomfortable few minutes, but that’s when Naruto decides that if Kiba didn’t want to talk, he wouldn’t have sat so close to Naruto on an empty bus.
He peers at the bag out of the corner of his eye. “So,” he drawls, extending the vowel further than necessary. “How’s about that weather?”
Kiba glares at him. “It’s pouring rain, and the forecast says it’s supposed to start snowing tomorrow. How do you think I feel about the weather?
Naruto shrugs. “Some people like the snow.”
Kiba moves suddenly, closer to Naruto than he’d like in an instant. Naruto starts praying. Then Kiba opens the bag in his arms, and Naruto closes his eyes, expecting some souvenir of murder–
Then, a tiny sound makes him look. The bag is full, not of severed fingers, but of five tiny, drenched kittens.
“Found ‘em on my way home from a friend’s house. Alley a few blocks back.” Kiba scratches the head of one of the kittens. “Little guys like these won’t survive in the snow, and I only have so much room at my house.”
“I’ll take one!” Naruto exclaims before he knows what he’s doing. Kakashi is going to kill him. Or maybe this will finally curb Kakashi’s boyfriend habit. Or maybe Kakashi’s dogs will kill the tiny creature.
Kakashi can’t get rid of what he doesn’t know about, Naruto’s mind supplies, and he smiles.
Kiba looks like he’s been slapped. “You want one?”
Nodding, Naruto reaches over and pets a red kitten. “And I can think of someone else who needs a cat too.”
“Do you even know how to take care of a cat?” Kiba asks incredulously.
Naruto pouts. “Of course I do. My parents used to have one, and my cousin has a few dogs. It’s not that different, right?”
Immediately, Kiba fluffs up like an animal on the defensive. “Not that different?”
And just like that, he launches into a lecture on proper cat care, and specifically proper kitten care. Naruto learns more in those ten minutes than he ever did in school, and by the end he’s kinda zoned out.
But fuck, has Kiba always been this pretty when he talks?
Not that Naruto has ever really watched Kiba talk before; they only ever exchanged a few words before Kiba stopped hanging out with most people, and this is the first conversation they’ve had since, but goddamn. Are all people this gorgeous when they get passionate, or it that just Kiba?
Yes, Naruto decides. Sakura gets like this when she talks about wrestling, and Sasuke is at his most ethereal when rambling about recent advancements in biochemistry. Maybe everyone is just pretty at all times.
After a while, Kiba just stops talking and makes a grabby motion at Naruto. “Gimme your phone. I’m just gonna text you all of this.”
Mutely, Naruto does so, and Kiba sends himself a text using Naruto’s phone. As soon as he has, he sets down the bag full of kittens on the seat between them, and Naruto is immediately drawn to a little red one.
Okay, so that’s the one he’s keeping for himself. Then he picks another, this time the tiniest of the litter, a black ball of fluff that hisses weakly at him when he tries to pick it up.
“He won’t hurt you. Their teeth can’t do much right now,” Kiba reassures. “It might sting a bit, but there’s no way he’ll break skin.”
Kiba spends the rest of the bus ride showing Naruto how to properly hold a kitten (“Supposedly there’s a right way to do this, but cats are essentially made of rubber so I wouldn’t be too worried. Just put them down when they squeak and you should be fine.”) and telling him about the best kinds of cat food.
Eventually, when Naruto’s stop draws near, he sticks a kitten into each inside pocket of his jacket and zips it up. Kiba looks at him funny, but doesn’t say anything, so as long Naruto’s careful to not bump into anything he figures he’ll be fine.
Naruto’s phone buzzes with a text from Kiba already. “Come by that address tomorrow morning, and I’ll hook you up with all the proper cat care equipment.”
The bus stop is about a block away from the apartment Naruto shares with Kakashi and his buddy Gai, and he spends the entire walk there trying to calm down and be inconspicuous.
It’s late enough that he almost expects Kakashi to already be asleep when he gets home, and he knows that Gai is always in bed at 9, so he lets himself in and tries to be quiet. The dogs don’t all maul him when he walks in, so he thinks that maybe they’ve already been put to bed–
Kakashi calls out a greeting from the living room. Damn.
He contemplates just going straight to his room and pretending that he didn’t hear his cousin, but decides in an instant that it would be a bad idea and proceeds to join Kakashi.
Bull immediately walks over to Naruto and ruts his head against Naruto’s hand and jacket, and one of the kittens in Naruto’s pocket lets out a tiny mewl.
Like a hawk on the hunt, Kakashi’s eyes narrow and he puts his book down. <span title=”This is a dog house.”>“Esta es una casa de perro.”</span>
<span title=”I know, but one of my classmates doesn’t have space at his house for all of them.”>“Lo sé, pero uno de mis compañeros no tiene espacio en su casa para todos ellos.”</span> Naruto hunched in on himself. He knew that this was the inevitable outcome. How long did he expect to keep a cat (or two) secret from a guy like Kakashi? <span title=”Besides, one of them is for Sasuke.”>“Además, uno de los gatitos es para Sasuke.”</span>
Kakashi groans. <span title=”That doesn’t make it any better. You still brought home two cats without asking.”>“Eso no lo hace mejor.Todavía trajiste a casa a dos gatos sin preguntar.”</span>
<span title=”It’s not like I can give them back now. I made a commitment.”>“No es como si los pudiera devolver ahora. Hice un compromiso.”</span> Naruto rebutts. Also it’s his only excuse to see Kiba again, which is something he’s interested in retaining.
Burying his face in his hands, Kakashi sighs. He doesn’t say anything, then sighs again. <span title=”I’ll bring it up with Gai in the morning.”>”Lo llevaré con Gai por la mañana.”</>
And Naruto knows he’s won: Gai will be on his side. If for no other reason than to disagree with Kakashi on something that won’t get him in trouble.
(Why aren’t Gai and Kakashi married already? Oh yeah, because Kakashi is an emotionally constipated twink who doesn’t know how to differentiate between love, lust, and friendship, and Gai is waiting for Kakashi to make the first move.
Idiots, both of them.)
He bids Kakashi goodnight, and retreats to his room before Kakashi can say anything else.
The next morning sees Naruto grabbing the two kittens from the sock drawer where they slept– he’s named the red one Kurama, but the black one is gonna be Sasuke’s so it’s yet nameless– plugging the address Kiba texted him into Google Maps, and borrowing Kakashi’s ugly mom van.
He probably should have figured it would be a pet supply store, but he’s still pleasantly surprised (disappointed?) when he arrives at Tsume’s Pet Supply. He had half been hoping it was Kiba’s house.
10:37 AM
Naruto to Kiba
Naruto: im here where r u
Kiba: come inside
The interior of the store is rows upon rows of different kinds of food, toys, bowls, leashes, and tiny outfits for every kind of pet that’s legal to own in the country and probably some that aren’t. Across one wall is an array of pens, each with an attendant or two and easily a dozen pets inside per employee.
One of the dog attendants is Kiba.
He looks radiant: the sun through the window opposite him is casting him in golden light and making him look like he’s been dipped in honey. His shaggy hair is pulled back, not into a ponytail but half of one, and his t-shirt in the warm interior of the store leaves his arms bare and actually fucking tattoos visible.
There, on Kiba’s bicep, Naruto can see a name inside a heart, but he can’t quite make out what the name is. Crawling up from his wrists are messes of vines in black or dark green. Small purple flowers peek out from between the tendrils– on his right, they’re lavender. On his left, indigo.
Is it possible to fall in love in twelve hours? No, of course not you idiot, says a voice that sounds suspiciously like Sasuke in the back of his head. Shut up Sasuke.
Kiba spots him and extracts himself from the mess of dogs he’d had in his lap. As quick as winking, Kiba is by Naruto’s side.
“I will admit, I did not expect you to actually show up, much less this early,” Kiba opens. “Did you bring the cats with you?”
Naruto nods. “I was hoping to take the second one to my friend right after this, so yeah.”
Kiba beckons Naruto to follow him further into the store, right to the cat section. He snags a cart on the way, and passes it to Naruto. “You’ll need this. You’re getting two of everything, right?”
Again, Naruto nods. Glancing at the prices on some of these items, he realizes that Sasuke is never getting another Christmas present from Naruto for the rest of his life.
Kiba loads the cart with what he deems to be the kitten essentials, and Naruto surreptitiously checks his account balance to see if he can afford all this. Probably? God he hopes so.
He ends up just barely being able to afford everything in his cart, and Naruto praises every god he can name.
“Are you dingle?” He blurts out just as Kiba is handing him his receipt.
Kiba raises an eyebrow. “Am I what?”
“Dingle! Ningle!” He takes a breath. “Single! Are you single!”
The other teen smiles. “Yeah. What about it?”
Seeing Kiba Inuzuka smile is like watching the sun rise, if the sun could literally bite your ear off and then probably howl over your corpse. Naruto never wants him to stop.
“Can I make you not single?” Naruto asks lamely.
Kiba’s grin grows wider, and he quickly scribbles something on the back of Naruto’s receipt. “Hell yeah you can.”
Sasuke answers his door to find his best friend looking blazed off his ass, and holding three large shopping backs and a kitten.
“Merry Christmas, sauce gay,” Naruto hums. “I got you a cat.”
He doesn’t know how to react. When did he ever say he wanted a cat? That said, he never said he didn’t want a cat, and to Naruto those things are synonymous, so Sasuke takes the fluffy black kitten from Naruto’s grasp and looks into it’s angry little eyes and immediately knows what to call it.
“It’s name is Madara,” he announces.
“What’s named Madara?” Obito asks, poking his head into the hallway.
Sasuke holds up the kitten. Obito starts to lose his shit. “You’re naming a cat after our great uncle?”
“Yeah? I don’t see your point.” Sasuke pulls Naruto into the house. “What’s got your head in the clouds?”
Naruto flops down on the recliner as soon as they enter Sasuke’s room. “I have a boyfriend now.”
Sasuke looks at Naruto, then at the bags he dropped next to Sasuke’s bed, then at the cat, then back to Naruto. “Naruto Uzumaki, tell me you’re not referring to the school delinquent Kiba Inuzuka. Please. For my own sanity.”
He has the decency to look a little bit ashamed of himself, then mimes zipping his lips shut.
“God damnit, Naruto.”
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thefangirlslair · 7 years
MORE THAN WORDS (A Sasusaku One-Shot Fanfiction) x Finally Home Part I
Note: This is my second fanfiction for one of my anime OTP’s. I only stan canon. Hahaha! This is what I would like to happen when Sasuke really comes home for good. I’m still not sure if I should write a part 2 which I was planning as a lemon but, let’s see if I could. I’m such a newbie in writing fics. Please forgive me. Tell me your thoughts and suggestions about this. Thank you and enjoy!
PS. If you don’t like this pair, get the fuck out. I don’t need your hate. They’re canon so sit down.
Excerpt: It will take his whole life to thank Sakura for all that she had given him, and for all that she’s still willing to give to him despite of his shortcomings. As a father. As a husband. This bundle of fierceness and love looking up at him will always be his reminder that Sakura never gave up on him.
And in return, he will always come back to her. To them. To his family.
Sasusaku Pairing (3,676 words)
A Poor Attempt at Writing Fics
SasuSaku Edition 
More Than Words
Staring at the Uchiha sigil in front of their house, he can’t help but release a sigh of relief. He just got there after meeting with Naruto at the Hokage Tower, giving his report and a bit of catching up with his old friend.
The Hokage grabbed him immediately after he perched on the office window in a tight hug. Of course, he returned it reluctantly. Hokage or not, he’s still Naruto. And to Sasuke’s eyes, he’s still an idiot. After a few minutes, Naruto finally releases him to finally go home and see his family.
“Sakura-chan might find out and I know she will punch me in the face,” Naruto added with his trademark, no-holds-barred, annoying grin. Sasuke just replied with his signature smirk of his.
And now, there he stood. It’s been what? Almost 2 years since he last step foot in Konoha, and only God knows when since he had been inside their house. He felt a slight pang of pain in his chest. And yes, a bit of excitement as well. He missed his family.
His daughter.
His wife.
He wonders now what they look like. They last saw each other when they had that little incident with Sarada and her curiosity about her real parentage. As if you couldn’t tell with his trademark raven hair and eyes and Sakura’s strength and optimism that Sarada possesses. He smirked at the thought. Sarada really took almost all of his physical features but she definitely got her spunk, determination and her loud mouth from her mother. Her stubborness and wit, maybe a little bit of his and Sakura’s combined, though he really wouldn’t admit that he’s a bit stubborn aloud.
But overall, he believes his daughter is more like Sakura than him. Both strong, powerful, and so so good.
Beautiful, he added to his thoughts.
Sighing again for the nth time after standing in front of their house like a stalker, he quietly approached the front door and opened it slowly and quietly. He silently praised his wife for placing few but strong genjutsus around the house for protection. Some of it are quite tricky he must say but if not because of his Sharingan, he might have missed it because of his overwhelming feeling inside him to see his family again. It’s late in the evening and he knows Sarada might be sleeping. His wife, he’s not yet sure. He haven’t checked their chakras yet. He wants to be spontaneous, even for just now. He’s finally back after all. He can finally relax and enjoy.
Their house still looks the same from the inside: a wide foyer greeting him when he opened the front door, a faint smell of flowers in the window sill, an old family portrait on the wall when he entered the living room. His eyes roam and he is suddenly engulfed with a calm feeling, one that he is more uncomfortable with. But not in here. Not in their home.
He walks around the house, passing through their kitchen, to his daughter’s room. He decided to check on her first before he went to look for Sakura. The feeling of seeing his two girls after a very long time almost knocks him off his feet. The excitement of being able to brush Sarada’s hair while she sleeps is palpable now that he’s on his way to her room. The anticipation of being able to hold, let alone see, Sakura in the flesh is enough to make Sasuke choke.
But first, Sarada.
He quietly opens her room and peers inside. It was dark but nothing will be amiss in his powerful eyes. He can clearly see his daughter, sleeping on her side away from him. He sneaks inside and closes the door gently. He looks around his daughter’s room and noticed that it is neat and organized. Her books in a color coded manner, her study table clean with a picture with her team, and a lone picture of them three on her bedside table. He softly smiled when he saw it.
My family, he thought.
With his chakra still reduced to the lowest for stealth, he approached the bed quietly, not even a sound can be heard. His daughter’s back is still to him and he could see her even breathing.
He smirked.
When he was gonna place his hand on her, Sarada suddenly lunged with a kunai in hand, probably taken under her pillows. Her black and crimson eyes fierce as she attacks the unknown ‘intruder’.
Sasuke, as he effortlessly hold his daugher’s wrist away from him, gazed at Sarada with proud eyes. The moment he stepped foot through her door, he already noticed the change in her breathing and the subtle spike of her chakra. To hold out until the unknown presence makes it’s move to attack is quite impressive.
When their eyes met, Sarada gaped at him with wide eyes and even wider mouth. She looked absolutely precious in her father’s eyes. Sasuke felt his heart melt. He missed her terribly.
Before Sarada squeals and alert Sakura of his presence, he put his index finger against his lips and smirked at his daughter. Sarada picks up and immediately shut her mouth but launched herself to him, almost knocking him out of his feet, thanks to his quick reflexes.
“Papa!”, Sarada half-whispered half-screamed against his chest. Her arms are looped around his neck with her kunai still in hand and her feet still on the bed. Sasuke snaked his lone arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
“Sarada,” he whispered. “I’m back.”
She suddenly looked up to him, her eyes now back to normal and seemed to have widen more. “For good?”
He simply smiled and said, “Aa.”
Sarada smiled even bigger and hugged him even tighter. In return, Sasuke put his hand on her hair and ruffled it. It’s soft just like her mom’s. He shifted so he could sit on her bed so Sarada immediately detached herself from him and sat beside him. She crossed her legs so she could look at him directly. “I missed you Papa,” Sarada mused. Seeing her father again after so long makes her want to cry. Thank God she’s not as crybaby as her mother. She is as emotional as Sakura, but she can also be as stoic as Sasuke.
Sasuke reached out and poked her forehead, “I know.”
Sarada shyly touched her forehead. “I can’t wait to show you all of the jutsus that I have learned! Boruto is so envious,” she said proudly.
Of course you’re amazing, Sasuke thought. You are your mother’s daughter anyway. You are our daugher.
Sasuke just gave her a small smile and asked, “So when did you notice I was here?”
“Right when you opened my door,” Sarada answered, confirming Sasuke’s thoughts. “Mama just checked on me a few minutes ago and I have always been a light sleeper anyway. I noticed your chakra before you entered but it feels kinda familiar to me so I just ignored it. But you opened my door and I was startled for a second.”
“I noticed that as well,” Sasuke told her. “I’m glad you don’t let your guard down. It’s only the two of you here.”
Sarada smiled at him, “No. Now we’re three.”
Warmth spread in his chest as he looks at Sarada’s face. As much as she took his features from her raven hair and eyes, he can also definitely see his wife in her. Her warmth and her glow and her light and her energy and her smile – it’s all Sakura.
It will take his whole life to thank Sakura for all that she had given him, and for all that she’s still willing to give to him despite of his shortcomings. As a father. As a husband. This bundle of fierceness and love looking up at him will always be his reminder that Sakura never gave up on him.
And in return, he will always come back to her. To them. To his family.
Sarada hugged him again right after, her kunai probably back under her pillows. She will definitely be a clingy daughter now. Her father is back for good! She thought to herself that she will never let him out of her sight again. Well, unless the Hokage sends him again to another mission. But she hopes it’s not as long as this last one. She’s tired of seeing her mother miss him. She’s tired of missing him.
But no worries, because he is back.
She pulls away and said, “Have you seen Mama?”
Just the thought of seeing her just across the hallway makes Sasuke’s skin prick in anticipation. He was never the touchy type. He was never the vocal type too. But he is an Uchiha, and Uchiha’s feel more deeply and strongly. And he misses her.
And he loves her.
God, he loves her.
Sasuke smirked, “Not yet. I want to suprise her.”
Sarada smirked back and laughed softly, “Oh she’s gonna cry. Mama cries so easily sometimes. I can’t believe that she’s so strong yet such a baby at the same time, you kno-”
Her sentence was immediately cut off by a small yawn. Her eyes are slowly slipping shut but she’s fighting it because her dad is finally home and they’re talking. But she’s so sleepy now. Sasuke smiled softly and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, “Sleep now. I’m not going anywhere.”
Sarada leaned back to her pillows as her father places a blanket over her. She smiled sweetly, “Promise?” With her eyes half-closed and her lips turned into a lofty and sleepy smile, Sasuke leaned in and kissed her forehead.
He waited until Sarada fell asleep.
He never got the chance to tuck her to bed every night. It’s one of the many things he regret deeply. Not being able to see and be with his family is his own emotional, and even physical, torture. And now that he has the chance to at least watch over his daughter as she sleeps, for him it seems like a gift. After all the pain and anger and just pure exhaustion from it all, this is what awaits him at home – his daughter looking up to him with admiring, bright eyes and his wife..
With final glance and a stroke on Sarada’s cheek, he stands up and makes his way out of her room. He saw the hallway towards their room empty, their bedroom door slightly ajar so he can see the light coming from it.
He sense her chakra while still masking his. He wants to surprise her. Just thinking about her wide eyes taking him in is already making his palms sweat.
I’m home, Sakura.
Silent as ever, Sasuke steps inside their room. But when he was about to lift his head to check inside, a kunai was thrown to the side of his head. The said kunai now stuck in the doorframe, thanks to Sasuke.
He blames it on himself. Maybe he was too excited to see his wife after so long that he forgot that she’s one of the smartest kunoichi in the world. Of course she will sense him. He looked from the implanted kunai on the doorframe until his eyes reached his beautiful wife.
And there she stood – fresh from the shower with her still wet pink hair down, her green eyes glowing, her mouth in a smirk in a very arousing way to Sasuke, with nothing but a flimsy thin towel around her body.
He just stood there in the doorway, feeling like a boy suffering from his pre-pubescent years that was shell-shocked from seeing a half-naked girl for the first time. Goddamn it, they have a child. He should not feel embarassed at all.
And just like someone was toying with him, he felt the back of his neck heat and traveled on the way to his cheeks. A slight tint of pink can be seen and when he saw his wife’s smirk widen to a grin, he can’t help but be redder.
Averting his eyes is not an option, because he knows Sakura will tease him for it. He thank everyone that has to be thanked for that Naruto won’t ever witness this.
Besides, how can he look away when she looks like that? Who can?
Sakura just stood there and watch him with silent mirth. She said softly, “I’ve known your chakra all my life, Sasuke-kun. You can never mask it from me.”
He knows this already. But it doesn’t stop him from at least giving an effort to be spontaneous even just for now. Everything about Sasuke is calculated. Every move, every step – it’s all planned thoroughly. But in the heart of his home, surrounded by his girls, he feels safe and warm. So all his careful and well-thought plans in his head just vanishes as he’s welcomed by his family – Kakashi, Naruto, Sarada, Sakura. This spontaneity is only for them. They’re the only ones who can see him vulnerable.
He stared at his loving wife, barely dressed and glowing and soft and beautiful. Just like a dream. No coherent thought could even come up in his head as he just stared and stared. So, he just answered with his signature answer. 
Sasuke saw as Sakura’s features soften more, as if the fondness in her eyes and the slight curl of her inviting lips just seconds ago were nothing.
You’re so beautiful, Sasuke thought as he felt his heart slammed against his chest he’s afraid Sakura might hear it.
He saw how her eyes gathered moisture, completely nailing Sarada’s prediction earlier. She’s still a crybaby. Crying over the littlest of things, but the strongest of all. In body and in heart.
Sakura smiled that achingly sweet smile reserved only for the people she love the most. A tear dropped from her emerald eyes as her husband never took his eyes away from hers as soon as they met. “Welcome home, Sasuke-kun.”
He smiled that smile that is only reserved for his wife – a smile that softens everything in his face; a smile that comes along with a hitch in his breath; a smile that makes Sakura come forward to meet him. Sasuke closed the door as he steps in. They met halfway across the room. With Sasuke in his covered clothes and Sakura in her one scrap of thin towel, they clash together.
Sakura stood on tiptoes as she puts her arms around his neck and her face against his chest. Her silent happy tears finally making its way down her cheeks as she hugs him with all she is. Sasuke holds her as fierce as she was holding him with his one arm.
It’s one of those few moments that he would like to have another arm again, just to embrace his wife with all of him. His face buried against the juncture between her neck and shoulders, inhaling her scent. Apples and strawberries and Sakura.
He can feel the front of his cloak getting damp from all her tears. He puts his hand behind her head and detached it from his chest. Sasuke looks down at his wife and saw her smile with tears in her eyes. He couldn’t help but lean down and kiss both of her eyes softly. Sakura smiled gently.
“Stop it,” he murmured against her closed lids. “You’re annoying.”
Sakura chuckled as Sasuke said those words and continued to make his face travel from her face to her hair back to the other side of her neck, inhaling as he goes. He couldn’t open his eyes as his sense of smell is very much heightened right now. He’s used to smelling rain and blood and fear, but now, all he could smell is her. And he can’t seem to get enough.
Sakura’s arms went down, her left hand went at his nape and her right at his waist. The one in his nape gently tugs at his hair as she sighed lovingly. “I can’t help it,” she whispered directly in his left ear. “You can’t blame me for missing you so much.”
I’m here now. I’m not going anywhere.
His arms loop around her and his hand went back to clutch at her waist as her words traveled all the way to his spine. Even with his cloak on, he shivered.
He nodded lazily against her neck, “Hn.” His lips against her damp skin. It’s taking all of his self-control not to taste it. “I know.”
I missed you, too.
They reluctantly let go from their embrace but their hands stay on each other’s bodies. Hers on his chest, his on her back. Sakura looked up to him. Their height difference making her arch her neck to look at his face. His hair is longer now so some bangs covered his eyes but she can still feel their intensity. She felt goosebumps all over and Sasuke saw it all.
“Have you eaten yet?”, Sakura asked him. She reached up to push away some hair away from his eyes. “You must be hungry. I could make you something if you like.”
Sasuke smirked, “I suppose you can cook real food now?”
She playfully slapped his chest as she laugh, “How dare you make fun of my cooking! Hey mister, need I remind you that the last time you went home and ate with us, you nearly ate all of it? You didn’t even left some for your daughter!”
His hand went back to her damp hair to the side of her face. Sasuke gave a small smile as he cradles it, “She let me.”
“That’s because she was excited to finally have you home,” she pointed out. Her face automatically leans in towards his hand. His thumb rhythmically going back and forth on her cheekbone. She smiled. “And she loves you,” Sakura added.
He remembers that night so clearly. After that whole drama with Sarada and her search for him and the truth, he went home with them for some time. They ate dinner and spent few days together as a family. His last night consisted of light conversations and heartfelt laughter with them over dinner. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a proper meal so he was happy that his wife made an effort to give him that. Her cooking was terrible back when they were children, but now they’re fantastic. His prepared lunch the next day as he went back to his mission was also a proof of her kitchen prowess.
Sasuke just looked at Sakura as she closed her eyes, relishing his touch on her face with her hand covering his. She looks so serene he can’t help but feel awed. His eyes slowly memorize her face and her body, as if he haven’t done it before.
“What about you?”, Sasuke asked, the back of his hand going back and forth on her jaw. “Do you?”
He already knows the answer to this. After all these years of being away from them, one could say that Sakura might not love him anymore. Sakura should not love him anymore.
But Sasuke knows. He always have. Sakura gave him her whole self, dedicated her life to bring him back and to give back the life he never thought he would have again, risked everything she have for him.
Sasuke knows she loves him still. He knows he doesn’t deserve it. She’s too good for him. He will never be enough. But every now and then, his selfish self wants to hear it.
Closed lids opened to reveal those green eyes that lives in his dreams. Those green orbs full of understanding, patience and love. They’re staring intently at his black ones. She smirked playfully, “You made fun of my cooking skills. So, no. I hate you.”
Sasuke scoffed. Her eyes are full of mirth as he looked at her. “No, you don’t.”
“And what makes you say that?”
This time, Sasuke dipped forward to her. He saw her gasp in surprise as he puts his forehead against hers. Sakura blushed. He stared at her slightly opened mouth as he speaks.
“Because what you feel about me..” he started as he leaned in closer. He saw her eyes closed and that made him smile. “..is the same as my feelings for you.”
He concluded as his mouth descended to meet hers.
All thoughts are gone. Only their mouths molding together making sense. They stood there at the center of the room, their lips doing the speaking, their hands exploring around each other. There’s a clash of lips, teeth and tongue. Sasuke breathes in her soft moans and Sakura drinks her name from his hungry mouth.
Sasuke poured everything he has to say in that kiss. He’s still the same boy who doesn’t know how to form words that might justify his feelings. So he express them in the way he knows how.
And so he kissed her gentle and slow, but hot and deep. He can’t fight the groan that comes out of his mouth when his wife is doing the same to him.
Sasuke hopes Sakura hears his words through their kiss. They’re connected anyway. They always have been. They always will be.
I’ve missed you so bad.
I’m never gonna leave you again.
I’ll protect you.
I’m sorry for everything.
Don’t leave me.
Stay with me forever.
I’ll make you happy.
Thank you.
I love you.
I love you so much.
Finally, their mouths found their way to separate to breathe. Both panting, they smiled at each other as they hold each other’s faces. Sasuke looks at her face intently, his wife being his light all these years. He’s forever grateful to her for everything that she is. He puts his forehead against hers.
Do you hear me, Sakura?
“I love you too, Sasuke-kun,” Sakura breathes against his mouth.
Her answer and this moment are now stored into his memory for him to remember forever.
part 2
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kuriquinn · 7 years
Ode to Eileithyia [3 / 4]
Blanket Fic Disclaimer: (and link to the main fic, of which this is a coda)
Summary:   He never thought of the possibility of Sakura actually dying, and from childbirth of all things.
Rating: M
Pairing: Off-screen SasuSaku
Beta Reader: Not beta-read; check back at a later date for edits
Author’s Note:  Sorry for the late update, I was once again at vet with Mini Pie. Poor thing suffered the indignity of both a thermometer up the butt and getting his neck shaved. So he hates me right now :(
This was supposed to be three chapters. The last one decided to go on forever, so I split it. So this fic will have four parts. Look for the conclusion tomorrow :) (and yes, it will be the conclusion, it’s not like my other stories where I promise a conclusion and go on forever. I actually have it finished haha.) That also means I won’t be posting this to Ao3 just yet, as I want it all complete before I do that.
Warning(s) Blood as per childbirth?
Previous Chapter
As Sakura’s arms slacken, and falls back into boneless unconsciousness, Tsunade, Karin and Shizune clamour around her. Naruto finds himself dragged away from her, baby deposited in his arms and a sharp, “Keep her neck supported!” barked at him by his cousin.
Then Tsunade is crouched in front of Sakura, working healing chakra into her, while Karin tries to force her to bite down on her arm to share strength. Shizune changes and tosses away sodden red bandages, sweat beading on her forehead—
“What can I do?” Naruto asks, though his words are nearly lost in the infants gasping wails. “Kurama’s chakra, would it help—?”
“No,” Tsunade says, not looking up. “Her body’s being influenced by too many chakra signatures right now as it is, we can’t afford the shock it might cause her. Besides, that energy is too strong for her right now, and your control isn’t precise to begin with.”
Naruto nods numbly for want of anything else.
“Just hold onto the baby,” Tsunade says. “She may lose both parents before her first birthday, it would be nice if we could tell her she at least got to be held by both.”
This time she does look up, frowning up at him. Irritation and annoyance slip through her worry briefly. Naruto knows it’s going to be a long, unpleasant conversation when that issue is brought up again, but he doesn’t have time to dwell.
Because he never thought of the possibility of Sakura actually dying, and from childbirth of all things.
His eyes are drawn back down to the baby—Sarada, she called her—a pink, still somewhat bloody, bawling creature in his arms. He is immediately struck by how much she resembles Sasukes. Not just her eyes, which are the same fathomless black irises as her father’s, but her colouring and the shape of her face. Even as she bawls, the way her brows wrinkle together are immediately recognisable.
“Hang in there, kid,” he tells her quietly, awkwardly rocking the baby and trying not to panic, because he knows nothing about babies!
“Still hemorrhaging!” Shizune cries, shrill.
“Sakura, don’t you dare die on me, that would really piss me off,” Tsunade snarls, still focussing her healing chakra into the body of her apprentice.
“I don’t get it,” Naruto says, now practically bouncing the baby; she isn’t impressed, judging by the way her cries ratchet higher. “I’ve seen her take hits from a giant chakra monster and perform the most complicated healing techniques ever. All of that stuff and she pulled through. Why’s she getting worse from this?”
“I’d think you of all people would understand how difficult childbirth is, considering what happened to Auntie Kushina,” Karin reminds him.
“That was different,” Naruto says weakly. “She was attacked while she was giving birth, it’s not…it’s not the same.”
“Even in regular childbirth, a woman’s body goes through immense strain,” Tsunade says. “It doesn’t help that Sakura has been pushing herself throughout this campaigns, organizing evacuations and retreats and healing people caught in that little bastard’s assaults.” A cold smile appears on her face. “Sometimes I wonder if the universe doesn’t have a sense of humour…”
Naruto narrows his eyes at his family’s oldest ally; she’s never been a fan of the Uchiha, but she’s always been much more committed to peace than old grudges. Still, sometimes he wonders…
“The point is, Sakura has been using inordinate amounts of her strength reserves in the past months, not just helping and healing people, but concealing her condition,” Tsunade finishes. “Unless we can stop the bleeding long enough for me to replenish it…the heart can’t beat without blood. The rest of her systems will shut down soon, too.”
“Can’t you just use your chakra to make her heart beat?” Naruto asks.
Tsunade stills, then glances up sharply; the other women do as well.
“You know, use chakra to stand in for her blood until the new stuff takes,” Naruto continues, raising an eyebrow. “That’s what Sakura did when…when we…” He trails off, realising he’s about to divulge something of the utmost secrecy. “I mean, she told me she could do that. I thought she learned that from me.”
“She didn’t learn that from me,” Tsunade practically growls, shooting her apprentice a livid look. And yet, a beat later, the seal on her forehead grows, stretching ribbons across her face and down her neck and arms. “But she did show it to me once. I forbade her from ever doing it again because of how dangerous it is.”
Suddenly Sakura’s healing of Uchiha Itachi seems a lot more impressive.
The baby wails even harder, and Naruto can’t watch Tsunade use Sakura’s technique, desperately trying to quiet the child. He doesn’t want to risk leaving the room, in case he is needed or misses something, but at the same time he knows her sounds are causing more tension from the others.
Thinking as quickly as he can, he balances her in one arm while reaching for a nearby basin of clean water. He does his best to clean his hand, and then places the tip of his pinky in the baby’s mouth. She quiets instantly, gumming and sucking on the digit out of instinct.
Poor kid, Naruto thinks.
There is a sudden collective exhale, and as he looks up, he sees Tsunade and the others have finally calm. Sakura is
“The bleeding stopped,” Shizune murmurs wearily.
“Heartrate and chakra are becoming more stable,” Karin agrees, trying to sound clinical, but the relief in her voice is evident.
“I’m too old for this shit,” Tsunade grumbles as she gets to her feet. The seal in her forehead is gone. She jabs a finger at Naruto. “As soon as she’s strong enough, the three of us are sitting down and you’re explaining exactly what circumstances required her to use that technique. And how the hell she became involved in such a way with Uchiha Sasuke.”
Naruto opens his mouth to protest, but Tsunade keeps going, addressing the other two women as well. “Obviously it goes without saying that no one in this room heard about or knows the truth of the child’s parentage. Peace is already practically unattainable, I don’t want that Sharingan wielding lunatic discovering we have his child and trying harder to wipe us all out.”
“It’s going to be obvious at some point,” Karin says, peering across the room at the baby. “Anyone who’s ever seen him close up will be able to tell just by looking at her.”
“Luckily, most people who have been that close to him are in the ground, or in this room,” Tsunade dismisses. “Besides, Naruto is apparently a master at secret arrangements—” Her voice is complete sarcasm at this juncture, “—Figure it out. Now that I understand why Hatake stayed by her side for so long, have him in on it. Furthermore…”
Tsunade falters then, stumbling backward.
“Shishou!” Shizune gasps, hurrying forward to catch her. She begins to fret. “She’s exhausted herself.”
“Funny how she was going off on Sakura for the exact same thing not an hour ago,” Naruto snorts, and then frowns as the baby pulls away from his finger. Evidently she has realised that there is no food forthcoming.
“Don’t you start,” Shizune scolds, carrying the ailing leader of the Senju out of the room.
Thank you for reading! Reviews and concrit are much appreciated - and if you’re feeling generous, I also accept tips through ko-fi (just scroll to the top and click the button, or use this link)
Next Chapter
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setsunatama3 · 5 years
Chapter 2: a new beginning
AN/ So hope is the second chapter will come out with out any errors fingers crossed if not let me know
Note  edited 10/12/19
Chapter 2: a new beginning
Naruto and Sarada are traveling the streets of Vale, one with confidence in her stride the other mopping with a pout. 
I can't believe I am doing this.naruto grumbled as they approached the bullhead station. A chuckle Kurama replied with, "I do believe it was the blackmail she has on you. Sasuke sure is keeping an eye on you from beyond the grave."
Whatever he huffed with disdain. As he kept pace with Sarada. 
"Well, you shouldn't have drunk that hootch that Gamakichi and Gamatatsu made!" Sarada exclaimed with a menacing smile. "Besides, you owe me for when you mpphmphhmp. "shhhhshhhhh," Naruto exclaimed. "you promised that you wouldn't talk about that; it's why I let you come with me in the first place," Naruto said. While covering her mouth with his hands.
During the ride to Beacon, Naruto reflected on how much time had passed. It had been about two years and in that time. Even their appearances changed in that time he now wore black pants, a simple shirt with the Uzumaki spiral in the center covered by a new flak jacket and his high collared haori with the Uzumaki crest on both shoulders and back and shinobi sandals. And Kurama was draped around his neck like a fur scarf. Sarada, while still wearing her glasses, changed most growing out her hair till mid-back and tied in a loose ponytail. Now wearing elbow-length fingerless gloves with steel plates on the back a qipao style dress with short tights on fishnet stockings and shinobi style knee length open-toed heels. And several belts around her waist and a large medical pouch strapped to them now wielding her father's chokutō and topping it all of with a vest. But her most noticeable change was the now complete Byakugō no In on her forehead. They had gone from not being able to even read to now having an information network and several informants and clones out in the world. To find out this world is in more turmoil then there's was when he left.
With the Biju coming along at the very least, the elemental nations lost a significant source of its conflict. Surprisingly, four of the nine Bijuu agreed to be sealed into Sarada to look after her. It was the only way he let her come blackmail or not.when they split the Bijuu Kurama, Gyūki, Shukaku, Son Gokū, and Saiken. Where all sealed into him and Sarada had formed a bond with and had Matatabi, Isobu, Kokuō, and Chōmei sealed into herself.
A deep and shrill voice shouted out in Naruto's head. "we're here, can we kill something now." Shukaku said, positively brimming with excitement. Breaking naruto out of his daze.
Kurama grumbled, "how just how did you tame him? To think I am starting to miss the psychotic kill-crazy little brother I had."
"Naru, please can we just a little we don't even have to kill them all the way only a little maiming between new friends." Shukaku pleaded 
Huffing naruto replied, "Shu, you know we have talked about this."
Shukaku interrupted, saying. "I know I know just because I like murder doesn't mean I need to even if it's fun to get the bad guys."
Sarada yelled to hurry up, "or we're going to be late," grabbing his hand and pulling him along 
Making it to the primary office, they then met the intimidating figure of one Glynda Goodwitch.
Who glared at the two and let out a short ", your late".gripping her riding crop, she then said your four minutes late; is this what we can expect from you as potential students of Beacon?
Sarada bowed and said, "we're so sorry for being late."Forcing Naruto to bow with her by gripping his head and nearly slamming him into the ground with considerable strength.
"Follow me," was the only reply they got in response.leading them to the elevators and taking the pair to the headmaster's office.glynda then knocked on the door only to get no answer after a moment. She then opened the door only to seem more irritated than before.
Naruto then laughed, saying, "there's no one here." Only to stop when he heard the sound of the riding crop in Glynda's hand as she bent it at an angle that was sure to break it. Glynda then let out a clipped "I see that I WILL find HIM!" Grunting out a, "please excuse me," at the end. And left to find the missing headmaster Ozpin. Departing the two to wait in his office.
Flashing her Sharingan around the room, Sarada then signaled to naruto, who then nodded his head ever so slightly. Signifying that he knew as well and had sensed the hidden person the moment he walked in the building. Sighing Naruto said, "you can come out now. She's gonna be pissed when she finds out that you were here the whole time."
Ozpin now thoroughly supprised pushed open the hidden compartment with is can and strode out to the pair greeting the pair with a hello and asking them to sit.
Complying and sitting in the chairs provided.
A moment passed before Ozpin spoke. "I don't usually do this accepting these late applications, I mean, especially ones that have no previous school records. But what exactly makes you think the two of you are worthy of joining these hallowed halls of Beacon?"
Naruto then responded; first, "it's always been my dream to help people, and I know that the best way to do that is to be a Huntsman. To break the cycle of hatred, that's a dream that has been passed to me. From my godfather and grandfather before him as well."
"Excuse me, Mr. Uzumaki, but can u elaborate what you mean precisely?" Ozpin asked.
Naruto then smiled and said. "To me, the best way to describe it is with what my grandfather used to call it. He called it the will of fire; it states that the entire village is like a large family unit and every huntsman with the Will of Fire loves, believes, cherishes, and fights to protect the people, as previous generations had done before them. In other words, love is the path to peace.heh, the old man also would ask me if I knew what the king was, but I never did figure out that one until after he passed."Naruto expressed with a melancholic look on his face.
Ozpin then said. "Can you tell me what you think the king is then?" 
 Naruto then said." Ya know thinking back on it now it's kinda obvious is it not. The king is the future generations that we must protect."
 Ozpin then interlaced his fingers and let out, "I see," with a barely noticeable smile on his face.
"Ms. Uchiha, and you?" Ozpin said, directing his gaze on her.
She then said while blushing. "Ever since I was a child, there was someone I looked up to he always strived to help people and encouraged everyone to do there best while showing his will of fire in his own unique way. By trying to make bonds with everyone even if they're his enemies. I once asked why, and he said to me, everyone has someone precious to them. And hating someone just cause their the enemy is a waste of time. It just means that's someone who is not a friend yet. So I want to help people and make more bonds while I am at it." finishing her statement with a smile.
"Thank you both that was very good both of you we will now move onto the aura and semblance test. Can the two of you show or explain your semblance if it's not dangerous?" Ozpin asked while moving to open a drawer to pull out an aura scale and set it on the floor.
"We both have a contract semblance with guardian spirits due to our families being distant relatives," Sarada explained. "Can you elaborate, Ms. Uchiha?" Ozpin asked her while returning to his desk. 
"Yes, while similar, our Sembalence has slight differences. While closing her eyes and opening them, my family's hereditary Sembalence gives me enhanced perception. I often find there is little I can't see with these eyes of mine. It's also rare for people of my family to have more than 2 or 3 spirits, but because of my high aura levels, I have four." She said while standing and placing her hand on her stomach. With a twist of that hand, the four spirits Matatabi, Isobu, Kokuō, and Chōmei, appeared. Each guardian reveals an ability to us over time and by how much we bond with them. Sarada explains while adjusting her glasses and deactivating her Sharingan.
 "Mr. Uzumaki, I can assume your abilities are quite similar to Ms. Uchiha here? "Ozpin asked, directing his attention to Naruto.
 "Similar yes, my family was gifted with vast amounts of aura, stamina, and regeneration. I have five guardians, and the abilities I have gained from them are a bit much for our current setting." Naruto explained while standing, and with the same motion, Gyūki, Shukaku, Son Gokū, and Saiken appeared. "Mr. Uzumaki, I only count four; the fifth one is?" Ozpin questioned with a raised eyebrow. Only for what he assumed was a fur scarf to open its eyes and yawn before hopping off his perch. Trotting lithely over next to the other Biju. "Well, that certainly is surprising. We can now move on to the aura measurement test," Ozpin stated.
"Just out of curiosity, just what is the average score here? You know so I can see what I am going for. "Naruto asked while rubbing the back of his head nervously. 
"Mr. Uzumaki, on average, the first-years score about anywhere from 200 to 400 and upperclassmen will score from 600 to 800, and the average huntsman will score from 1000 to 4000.but you should not worry about your aura score it's only a marker of where your aura levels currently are. Now to use the device, you simply need to channel your aura into the device once you step on it. The device will do the rest," Ozpin stated.
" Alright, I can to this Dattebayo," Naruto exclaimed while stepping on to the scale only for it to immediately read error and start smoking. Panicking internally, Naruto thought to himself. Fuck fuck fuck what I do!what do I do! 
"Umm, this scale is clearly defective!?" Naruto quickly said without thinking. 
This statement caused a mixed reaction from the Biju laughing hysterically and Kurama's snarky comment; "ha! You really should have seen this coming with all of us out that scale is reading all of our combined chakras. Of course, this would happen, hahahahaha! "
To Sarada facepalming. 
To Ozpin's sarcastic, "yes, I can see that."
 Getting up, Ozpin walked over to the wall on his left and press on a panel that opened a drawer. Hefting a massive and ornate older scale from the drawer set it on the floor. He then asked Naruto to use the older-looking scale.
Taking Kurama's words into consideration, he then sealed away the other four Biju and suppressed his chakra to its barest amount then stepped on to the scale. The new scale then read 9500 points. Shocking Ozpin at the number. And causing Kurama to burst out laughing internally.
Cackling with glee Kurama and Shukaku said in unison. "after all the decades of training and in chakra control, and this is the best you can do. You nearly tripled the average score of a professional huntsman!" Huffing naruto Stepped off the scale for Sarada's turn naruto then asked. "Are you sure this thing is working, right?"
 Casually taking a sip of his ever-present coffee, Ozpin took it in stride and replied. "Yes, Mr. Uzumaki, I can assure you it is working just fine. Ms. Uchiha, if you would please step on to the scale."
Nodding Sarada sealed her four Biju then stepped onto the scale. With the perfect chakra control afforded to her thanks to her mastery of the Byakugō, no In.the scale read a modest 950 points compared to naruto's Ludacris 9500. Naruto, still trying to come up with an excuse for his high number, blurted out the first thing that came to mind."Our semblance must affect the scale somehow."
"Hmm, that certainly could be possible," Ozpin said sarcastically. "But if possible, could your fox step on the scale?" The professor asked. 
"That sounds like a horrible idea," a paling naruto asserted immediately. "And why is that?" the professor asked.
"Because he is a mass of energy and aura. And, I would hate for him to break your fancy scale." Naruto said in an attempt to defend himself.
The headmaster looked at the blonde dryly and said, "Humor me."
 With that before Naruto could respond, Kurama hopped onto the scale then quickly stepped off. Now one might question why Kurama left the scale so quickly. When it took about 10 seconds for it to give a proper readout. But upon observation, the answer was quite simple.
The scale was on fire...
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