#yes. Some of yall are RANCID.
My shouldnt-be-hot take is that the fandom portrays the wind master shi qingxuan as only female way too often imo
like dudes fluid as hell she loves both forms. they just like to look GOOD that doesnt mean he cant be a handsome or pretty man too
i think part of it is distaste for flamboyant men and part is it makes it easier to make it a m/f ship for art and fic and only the real brave souls will make wind master change genders with the breeze like can we just.. can we get some more fluidity in our king?
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ok calling out tumblr as a whole rn, gonna keep this reallll brief and simple
Leave. The Neil Gaiman fandom. ALONE.
are the takes coming out of it right now rancid? Yes.
It has been LESS THAN ONE DAY.
Everyone rn talking about how they “already knew” and then using that as justification to engage in the WORST, MOST PERSONALLY INSULTING, DEGRADING, HEARTLESS, DEHUMANIZING, AND *CONSISTENTLY FUCKING ABLEIST* BEHAVIOR I HAVE EVER SEEN ON THIS SITE
All y’all need to step back and remember when and how you DID learn this about Neil, or about powerful people/celebrities in general. y’all know you didn’t process it instantly, cleanly, or without any emotional turmoil, grief and deeply bad takes on the way to acceptance. And I’m sure the vast majority of y’all have SOMETHING that you like right this instant where you “separate the art from the artist”. This isn’t a “gotcha”, that’s LITERALLY JUST A NORMAL PART OF MODERN MEDIA CONSUMPTION
and even if you’re some pure untainted angel who only likes things that were entirely created by good people and has the ability to instantly detach all emotional, artistic and other ties to a piece of media once it becomes Bad(tm)….
You still have no right to treat these ppl like this. Plain and simple. These are the reactions of people who just had their view of their favorite author shattered
and while some will inevitably stay and defend Neil (fuck those guys), the majority WILL process this and react appropriately, just like I did, just like yall did.
(and if “appropriately” turns out to involve taking back the fandom en masse… listen I’m leery on it too but I think it would be a genuinely good idea to try. Interesting if nothing else, and absolutely not a cause for further hate) To treat entire fandoms this way, this immediately…. I am hundreds of times more ashamed to share a fandom, a website or a PLANET with y’all than with the ppl saying stupid shit while processing this stuff for the first time. The news itself was upsetting but unsurprising. Seeing y’all turn into Reddit chuds projectile vomiting anti-autistic stereotypes and telling people to off themselves is making me genuinely fucking sick.
I’m so angry. All this finally coming to light and you’ve all chosen hatred. Fuck you, fuck all of you. I don’t even have words.
Edit for clarification: I am NOT asking that Neil or his fans not be held accountable. I am asking people to have the basic fucking human decency to give the fandom ANY TIME AT ALL to process this stuff before rolling out the personal insults and su*c*de baiting.
Give People Time To Sort Through Their Feelings. Let People Process. Not forever, just a few days. Most likely yall didn’t process this instantly when you first learned about it, so stop expecting others to. Don’t be dicks. That simple.
This post is NOT calling out criticizing people who defend Neil. Again: FUCK THOSE GUYS. This is a post calling out the massive amounts of hate currently directed at people who are just fucking upset, who believe the victims and feel furious, betrayed, etc, and yes even people whose first thoughts were of their fandoms. If they aren’t defending Neil, they aren’t defending Neil. In fact if they’re being weird and messy about fandom or internal stuff, it’s pretty clear that they’re FUCKING FURIOUS at Neil.
In fact, perhaps consider redirecting all this hate to the people actually defending Neil, instead of people who obviously hate him but whose processing methods are kinda cringe.
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Me ghink theres lot of hate towards tang sanzang some of which IS UNDERSTANDABLE
But alot of it goes too far and say the most rancid shit ever all bc hes book character. Mind ya hes based on actual person and is being use his likeness. Like some lmk fans be saying the worse thing ever towards this guy(for example wanting him get the d*ath penalty n amongst others).
We forgetting that yes some of his treatment towards swk IS horrible but we tends to forget swk had done some atrocious things that sanzang was witness to in full view. No human would journey like that without being completely scar and traumatized. Some of my friends while looking through the book had found that sanzang be using the circlet all in one go and then never used it in years.
His character development does happen yall in where he do trust his companion more and then *insert traumatizing moment* happen. I do think wukong didnt deserves the maltreatment tho(i want to say this bc later i get ppl saying that i support ab*se bc i defend sanzang for a bit, not knowing that i also disagreed w some his actions)
Most ppl forget that the first arc that the gang actually face as a group was the gingseng tree arc, not white bone spirit.that u have him defending wukong and countless other times where he do trust swk judgement in some cases. (i just wanted to get it out there since not many ppl realize it n im fully blaming osp for this bc they are skipping arcs. N they don’t really tell what arcs they’re skipping)
This just me rambling but dam all these ppl need therapy.
THEY'RE SAYING WHAT NOW ANON AAAAAAAAAAA but haha wow on a lighter note that is kind of funny that the fandom which routinely portrays the Six-Eared "I am going to try to murder-replace you for completely selfish reasons / repeatedly try to kill a young mortal that you love" Macaque as a monkey who never did anything wrong ever would then go out its way to demonize Tang "I do lash out & often don't trust my senior disciple but have also been threatened with death for fourteen years" Sanzang. Like geez I've seen many another fandom where the assumption is that for one character to be good/be "redeemed" you need to make another character horrible (tbh I'm starting to suspect that that's what's happening with the lego show version of Sun Wukong & the Six-Eared Macaque), but wild if true that some lmk fans would go THAT far in the attempt to paint the monk as a guy so awful that he literally deserves the death penalty.
Now to be fair it does need to be noted that even in Wu Cheng'en's classic (or at least from what I've seen in the Anthony C. Yu translation), Tang Sanzang was in many ways intentionally written as a caricature of a fussy Confucian scholar who may have memorized many doctrines but who doesn't really understand them, and who is often made a figure of fun for falling off his horse, and who does use the headband against Sun Wukong is some very explicitly painful and unjust scenes. In at least the book he's also a much more static character than the Monkey King in that we don't see any real changes in his thoughts or behavior over the course of the journey, which I can see as a something that would sour many against him. THAT SAID, you are very correct anon in noting that besides one traumatizing event after another happening to him, from his mother's suicide to constantly being threatened with death and/or rape at the hands of many yaoguai, this monk does have a number of reasons for why he's constantly crying and acting with hatred and suspicion towards the Monkey King. And let's not forget that one of the things SWK told Tang Sanzang early on in the journey was that he had literally killed so many he couldn't remember them all, and that was right before he tried to kill the monk himself! Point being that yes both Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong are extremely flawed individuals who often clashed with each other in some pretty upsetting ways, but there's also many understandable reasons for why they act the way they do. It's a real disservice to their characters and the underlying implications of the journey (or its retellings tbh) to forget or ignore that! *
*(and on THAT note this is another reason why it's kind of frustrating that the Overly Sarcastic Production & Monkie Kid retellings of Xiyouji seem to be the primary ways that western audiences are understanding the journey. Liking explicitly cartoony retellings is one thing. But then basing all your knowledge of the work on these retellings and/or even outright refusing to understand the classic in any other context makes for some really simplified and even really insulting beliefs about a culturally important work as a whole)
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softcitrus2345 · 1 year
Hello there!
I finally got to sit down and make an official intro post!! Wahoo!
Th' name's Lemon, and this is my blog, where I'll share all my kink-related art and doodles I'm still getting used to sharing this kinda stuff publically, but I'm excited to share nonetheless! I'll be posting art of my ocs in a bunch of fun shapes and sizes, with a heaping helping of FLUFF >:3c This blog will have stuff related to weight gain, stuffing, soft/safe vore, G/t and some occasional spicier doodles as well~! Please do not interact with this blog unless you are 18+, just to keep myself and others safe Ageless or blank blogs will receive an INSTANT BLOCK 🥶🥶 DO NOT INTERACT WITH MY BLOG IF YOU ARE A ZIONIST, TERF, PROSHIPPER, RACIST, OR ANY OTHER FLAVOR OF SCUM. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.
Death feedism blogs or any kind of content related to that will be instantly blocked/removed. I want nothing to do with those rancid vibes in here. (Also please do not reblog if you are an sfw blog, I don't want the wrong people finding my blog, as it's meant to be a comfy and safe space, and I wouldn't want other people who I know outside this blog finding this-)
Any content related to or accounts supporting proshipping or hateful themes will be taken down/blocked.
This blog is also an LGBTQIA+ safe space, so yall can expect nothing but comfy and good vibes in here! :3 But uh, ye! Hope yall enjoy the ride! XP
You can find my commission information here!
Commission Status: OPEN FOR BUSINESS, BABY >:D
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rosalineandrosemary · 1 month
for the choose violence ask game: 6, 7, 14 & 24
thank you for asking <33
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
that varies wildly depending on what fandom we’re talking about. the j//marts drive me insane, like i love some of yall but at the same time they are Not like that.
na//lu is so. please let them exist as characters outside of each other. please please please please please please please. not everything is nalu yes they’re cute but also. please
xiao//lumi is great and i love them however trying to find any sort of in character xiao content is miserable.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
martin. just a bit. i enjoy canon martin and i think he’s compelling i just think fanon martin is like a 2d version of himself.
fandom has also made me dislike natsu a bit too cause i am a certified Lucy Girlie and im so tired of people not letting lucy exist without natsu
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
mdom 😔
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
age and gender dynamics. some people do not understand what can make age gaps problematic and just think “ah yes if people are not the same age that is bad” that’s not how it works. and some of the most horrific takes i’ve ever seen are related to age and maturity and all that.
gender dynamics is one that just pisses me off as a gender studies major, a queer person, and a femdom enjoyer. why is femdom a kink and mdom natural. why don’t yall tag your mdom. why doesn’t anyone analyze their internalized misogyny. and transmisogyny. and lesbophobia. and just all of it.
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daisymylove · 2 years
Hide the breakables and board up the windows, my beloved Mfs, for a rant is coming your way.
I want to be done complaining about chot I really do, I hate being so negative about a book I waited and yearned for, for so long, but there’s one more thing that annoyed me greatly, and, per usual, I want to know what yall think
Today’s subject is our Blackthorn sibling duo.
I wanna preface this by saying that Grace’s povs were one of my favourite parts of Choi.Her character in itself adds grayness to a narrative of angels and demons, good vs evil, and I really enjoyed all the complexity and layers given to her.I ended Chog cursing her name to the wind swear to god, the cursing emoji was a perfect visual representation of me when she put that thing on james again, but in choi cc achieved exactly what she aimed for with grace :” an explanation, not an excuse”
However, I feel like all that information we were given in the previous book was completely wasted in Chot.The characters never find out that she was threatened into putting the bracelet back on James, or that she tried to take it off at his wedding. Her motivations, too, are never known.The way it was portrayed, it looks like Grace stayed so long by Tatiana’s side bc she truly had some sort of fetish for torturing men, when, in reality, it was all for Jesse 
She could’ve begged for sanctuary in an institute, once she became old enough, she could’ve fled with Magnus when he offered to help her in TMH, but she never did.Grace never left bc leaving Tatiana would also mean leaving Jesse and what was all that for? home boy discarded her like some rancid food at the first opportunity  When she went to Curzon street to demand James kissed her? That was for him. Even that train wreck she caused by the end of choi was for him, bc she couldn’t bear the thought of controlling her brother and twisting his feelings for her.To me, this is some very relevant info that should’ve become known if all the secrets were going to be revealed, AND YET NONE OF THIS IS ADRESSED IN THE GODDAMN BOOK
the only explanation I can think of is because that knowledge would require of Jesse to have at least a little bit of loyalty towards his sister, or look like an ungrateful arse which he did, but I’ll get there.
Now about jesse.I had great expectations for him in this last installment, the first one in which he’s alive, but my main take away is that he has become an extension of Lucie’s feelings and opinions, in the most symbiotic way possible, with no personality of his own.
In choi we find out that Grace withstood a lot of physical and psychological abuse from Tatiana that he didn’t know about.I was expecting them to have a true heart to heart, they would discuss everything that went down when they were kids, not just james and the bracelet, and jesse would not only feel guilty about not being able to protect his little sister, but also decide to stick by her side no matter what.
And yes, he could’ve done that while also condemning her mistakes and treatment towards James.The two are not mutually exclusive, and would do justice to his little speech about complicated stories, which, to me, is a very hypocritical spiel since he decided to become his sister’s jury, judge and executioner
I never thought I would say this in my life, but I was infuriated on Grace’s behalf reading their scene in the silent city.Everything about it was very odd, Grace conveniently for cc withholding something so important, the way she explained herself, his storming off. Jesse had never had ONE conversation with Cordelia in his life, he barely knew James, can a kind soul explain to me WHY he would be more concerned about their marriage than his actual sister? Considering his beloved had just done necromancy (YES, Thats what it was, even if it was a unconventional form of it.Bro was dead, then bro was alive again, just like that. N e c r o m a n c y) his moralism is very hypocritical and his understanding of nuance lacking
It irked something so deep inside me to see not just kit defending a girl he barely knew tooth and nail over his cousin and life long friend, but also Jesse not giving a fuck about his sister.They were talking about leaving Grace completely isolated from society (that was disgusting btw, it was up to their authorities to decide her future, not a bunch of teenagers thinking they can treat a person like a broken doll, to be put away wherever they feel like it) and Jesse looked like he couldn’t spare a visit. He seemed more than eager to put Tatiana AND grace behind him in order to start a new life with the herondales. So much for them being all each other had growing up and his so called loyalty
As some last thoughts bc this is getting way too long, Grace should’ve been the one to kill Tatiana.That wasnt Cordelia’s business and had no emotional significance. When that fight happens Grace looks the polar opposite of everything Tatiana ever groomed her to be.She is dirty, shoeless, bedraggled and feral looking, Lucie even thinks that grace’s little training would only be useful if she got close enough.Imagine, my siblings in christ, Grace slitting Tatiana’s throat, after she kills Grace’s only friend, while she is distracted with Rupert.Tatiana molded Grace into her blade, and that Blade was responsible for her end.Feel the sheer power of it, the poetic justice that could’ve been ours.
I also think Grace should’ve been sent away to the scholomance (against her wishes, hence the I didnt choose this) for intensive training both bc she’s really behind in it, and as a punishment from the clave.Its not like she had a place to go to, and staying at her ex fiance’s parent’s house is not the way to go. . 
This new scenario would give her a fresh start to properly heal and eventually make friendships/ find love without the taint from the past on her heels.Her hanging out and chilling with James and his friends has no sense and is a disrespect to his abuse.James doesnt need his abuser living in his uncle and aunt’s house, Grace needs to start her life over where her past won’t haunt her everyday
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anadrenalineslut · 2 months
also like I've seen real ass people on here be like "nobody in the US will ever have it worse than the people in palestine right now" and it's crazy how quickly yall forget that "they're trying to genocide trans people in the US" threat from last year???????????
it's very weird and wild ass behavior from so called "leftists" on here that i cannot even begin to comprehend how apathetic you must be to write such a statement??????? like yes genocide is bad but palestine is not the first people to be genocided by the US and its weird to say that american people cant complain about the active genocide attempt in the US as well as the several genocides to come should article 47 (?)/ project 2025 be allowed to happen.
idk like.... the genocide is awful and horrible and we should talk about it but also.... several awful things are happening at once and it's important to call attention to all of them? it just feels like such conservative ass mentality to be like "well kids in africa are starving so eat your dinner and shut up about the fact that i abuse you" ?????? like that is the vibe i am getting from some of yall and its fucking rancid.
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
If I have to see that fucking "#It’s about breaking the circle of abuse and being better than him' one more time.
Like, Jonathan- yeah, his trauma made him quiet and cautious and he's trying his best and he's good but take into account he had an amazing Mother.
Eddie - yeah he has his friends and takes in the outcasts and that but he didn't overcome any cycle? His dad was a criminal and he's a drug dealer? Not just weed, but like, about to sell Ket to a girl who has clearly never touched drugs before. Also, his Uncle seems good.
Steve - watered down with every episode post-Barbara death. He stuggled with that trauma, yeah, but not brought up enough. His parents seem absent and neglectful, but not quite abusive, which is shit. And he makes a point of protecting the kids (though people act like that's a huge feat and not a fairly common choice for the older to protect the younger, like Nancy and Jonathan don't also do that when the opportunity has arisen), but he still seems to not really want to hang around them outside of the danger moments, hate that "mom" characterisation being shoved down everyones throat by fans, like are you not seeing the moody teen who wants to hook up and move on? He's a wet rag of a man just now, no idea what he's doing except for the terrible Nancy plot being dragged. He didn't have to lose all of that King Steve goodness. Just a travesty.
And then of course the complete absence of Billy. The main character in the show representing being abused and abusing, the cycle, right there. God forbid we actually speak his name with any understanding or empathy, because he fucked up with A B and C so the TEEN BOY LIVING IN ABUSE AND BEING POSSESSED WITH NO SUPPORT AROUND HIM gets no opportunity to make better choices and learn from his mistakes and be better. Even if he didn't die, they'd still want him to just suffer forever. Like, what's the point in anything in life if you can't fuck up and then learn and be better? If you have to just stew in that forever. Who does this help? Who does it help to refuse to let people grow?
the act of billy standing up to the mindflayer was L I T ER A L L Y a metaphor for his abuse (i mean do i think the duffers intended that? no. but is it there nonetheless? yes)
NOBODY on this show has a scene like that
jonathans the only comparable character we can say has suffered abuse but even then its SO watered down compared to what we SAW FIRSTHAND billy go through. jonathans abuse remains pretty vague in comparison. and still. HIS LOVING MOTHER WAS STILL AROUND! HE HAD FAMILY OUTSIDE OF LONNIE!
real cute how this fandom latches on to 3 characters as the beacons of ~overcoming abuse~ when its 3 characters who um.... either have no abuse to speak of or we met them long after their abuser was out of the picture
but the character we meet who was ACTIVELY in the middle of his abuse and suffering clear symptoms because of it? THATS the character yall cant forgive or give him credit for his redeeming moment?
the activism is giving performative....
just say you only want to deal with “easy” victims and go. just say you dont have the emotional depth to deal with trauma victims who are difficult. 
its okay. its not for everybody not everybody has the bandwidth to deal with it
but just because YOU cant handle it, does not mean these people are lesser than or deserve to die/suffer for eternity. YOU need to do some reflecting on how YOU deal with people. 
but billy and people like him certainly dont need that rancid ass energy in their life 
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katsukikitten · 4 years
Tumblr media
Warnings: Stripper AU, dub con, 18+ N!SFW, Ayo it's gonna be lit okay?  @bakugotrashpanda thank you for always beta reading and encouraging me to write 😂
The girls around you giggle as you finally arrive to whatever hell hole dive bar they planned to take you to for your 25th birthday. They wouldn't tell you where you were going or what the general theme was going to be. The only thing they gave you was your outfit on your bed and a strong promise of getting SHIT FACED. Which you so desperately needed, especially after the shitty birthday you had today. 
And since you didn't know exactly where you were going you felt...a bit uneasy. Especially so when they blind folded you as soon as you got in the car but only AFTER placing you in a guady sash that read "Birthday Bitch" and a tiara that screamed princess. Still these were your close friends you were talking about. Women you've known since highschool. 
But Jhiro, Asui, Uraraka, and especially Mina had been far more adventurous than yourself, so you were totally unsure of what to expect. Your only hope was that it wasn't a strip club. 
They guide you through the boisterous club filled with whistle calls and screams for more shots or drinks. The music competes with the unsteady beat of your heart causing it to race in an attempt to keep pace with the high BPM of the song. It smells of sweat, liquor, and expensive perfumes and colognes, you were beginning to wonder just where the hell they were taking you. 
"M...Mina when can I take off the blind fold." You ask, words slightly slurred from the pre gaming the five of you did as yall got ready. Her only response is her bubblegum pink lips curling upwards as she giggles. The sound of the music begins to fade as you seemingly stumble further into the building, you hear a door open before it is shut, sealing away the outside music. 
Mina and Jhiro as gingerly as they can guide you into a plush armchair, keeping the blind fold on. 
"Yall, am I where I think I am?" A bit of your temper shows through in your tone of voice as you feel up the luxurious fabric of the chair, the soft ambient light that you can see through the bottom of your blind fold and the godly smell of caramel, spice mixed with clean, almost mountainous air. 
"Hold out your hands!" Mina squeals, Jhiro helps you hold them together. A large stack of paper is set into your palms setting your mouth into a harsh line. You pull the blind fold from your eyes to be met with a delectable nightmare. 
Two sizable men laze atop rugs, pillows and cozy furs making them seem more exotic than what they are. One with ash blonde hair pushed back by rushed fingers, looking put together and yet wild, with the sides faded. The other's hair long, almost unruly as it trailed down his back, a red hue so deep you first mistake it for black. 
But what really grabbed your attention was their eyes. 
Harsh deep garnet and dazzling ruby red gaze at you. One dissects you leaving you feeling vulnerable, raw, as if by one glance he could see through your bones to your soul and all the things that made you tic. While the other set felt softer, pretty boy brooding yet inviting, adding balance to the intensity that his ash blonde counterpart had. 
A shiver collectively runs down the female's spines. 
Suddenly you feel a bit self conscious and stupid in your barely there body con black dress. You pull at your hem with futile haste, their eyes linger on your powerful thighs.
"Welcome ladies to the private show of the Deadly Duo." A sharp toothed smile pairs nicely with the introduction. 
Deadly Duo indeed.
"I'm Red Riot and this is Ground Zero. The men by the door are Chargebolt and Cellophane, they will bring you whatever food or drink you so desire." You follow his sultry voice to the two men by the door. An electric blonde stands tall and flirty in his crop top and tight black jeans while a raven haired man stands on the other side shirtless, leaving the print in his grey sweatpants to do the talking for him. They both wink in yalls direction. Your focus falls back to the men before you, finally you notice what they are wearing. Their broad chests are bare, glistening from either glitter or their own sweat from an earlier escapade. Their theme seems to be a set of sorts Ground Zero wears a silky black fabric around his waist that does not shy away from a certain outline, his ash blonde hair is adorned with a black grotesque crown. It was made of sharp things, shattered glass, razor blades and two old switchblade knives giving it the illusion of horns. Paired nicely with pitch black wings, glistening as if silver stars were sprinkled on the feathers. 
While Red Riot wore white fabric wrapped around his defined abs. His head piece was golden, circling behind his head as if they "rays" of light, making him look much more like a rare subject  of a renaissance painting. His pair of wings were white glistening in gold. 
Their wings flutter, one seemingly agitated the other curious. Although you knew they were a prop, you would have sworn they were real. 
The lights turn low, leaving only their eyes and crowns to glow. 
"Are you sluts ready?" Ground Zero's voice is dangerous and low. Causing your gut and thighs to clench. Unknowingly you nod causing his wolfish grin to grow.
This was going to be more than the tacky fireman and cop duo Mina dragged everyone to for her own birthday. They were less like pieces of meat and more like Gods. 
A God seducing a mere mortal such as yourself. 
You gulp, all of you mesmerized by the movements of their hips, the sway of their bodies and fluttering of their fake wings. King of Hell and Heaven pulling you in making it hard to keep focus on anything but them. 
"We don't dance for free." Ground Zero's voice comes out as a harsh bite. Bringing the five of you back to planet Earth. 
"Birthday girl, the money!" Mina stage whispers a bit behind you. You stare down at the stack 2,000 and 5,000 yen bills. You nervously take a few and let them float to the floor. The girls behind you hollar for more as they toss their own money towards the men. 
"Heh she's already flustered." Bakugou whispers to Kirishima as he comes behind his friend, hand snaking up Kirishima's abs, nails leaving red marks along his skin.
"It's cute." The red head whispers as he throws his head back in mock pleasure. 
"Well cute doesn't cut it. Let's step this shit up a notch." The blond snarls, grabbing onto Kirishima's throat, giving it a squeeze. 
Kirishima allows a genuine groan to leave his lips while you let out a small whimper. 
"Are we gonna do the thing if they tip enough?" Kirishima's whisper is breathy as Bakugou makes him sway in beat with his own hips. The hot head's only reply is a deadly grin. He takes his large palm and places it on the back of Kirishima's nape before harshly shoving him to his knees before he places a black gladiator shoe onto the small of the red head's back. 
"Collect our money from the birthday bitch." Kirishima fights to keep the smile off of his face, knowing full well Bakugou intends to milk these women dry. 
You're frozen in place as doe like rubies gaze up at you. He crawls towards you slowly, his face slightly pained or maybe it is twisted with pleasure. It makes you think horrible, rancid thoughts.
Is that what he would look like on top of you? 
He ignores the bills, as if he is in a trance, keeping his eyes locked to yours. He stops at your feet before he can do anything else you offer him a 5,000 bill with shaking hands, he takes it gently and sets it aside. Instead he gets up onto his knees, hands hesitantly hovering over your ankle and calf. 
"Permission to touch Princess?" He looks up at you through long dark lashes. The light plays tricks on you as your mouth grows dry, you truly were staring down at an angel. 
"P...permission granted." A wicked smile plays on his lips and for a moment you think you've been fooled. His hands are calloused and yet far from rough, one hand holds firm onto your ankle while the other follows the natural curve of your calf all the way to just above the back or your knee. Long, strong fingers inches from the hem of your dress. 
"Mina this is good shit!" Jhiro whispers to her friend who giggles in response. Almost breaking the spell. They throw more money but earn the blondes agitation. Yes, most of the time it was about the money, but in some rare moments it was about the looks on people's faces. To have them so enthralled by their own fantasies that they forgot who they really were. 
He could see you were dipping into that space quickly, Kirishima is about to seal the deal. 
Trailing slow kisses up your smooth legs, sharp teeth glinting in the golden and red ambient lighting. 
Depending on your reaction to what Kirishima is about to do determines Bakugou's next few moves. 
Kirishima's doe creature mask breaks for a fraction of a second and the wicked smile happens again, his mouth just above your knee as he opens wide, letting his teeth sink into your thick thigh. 
The whimper that leaves your lips, the fluttering of your half mast eyes and the shape of your mouth send Bakugou into that rare state. 
He gives a harsh head tilt to the men at the door before glaring at the extra women in the room. 
"Are you ladies feeling neglected?" Chargebolt asks, lips a breath away from Jhiro's ear, her ear jacks twist on their own as her face flushes. Meanwhile Cellophane is purring in Mina's ear. 
"How rude of them to ignore such beauty. Let's get the four of you a private showing." 
"A..ah okay." They agree, getting up to squeeze your arms and drop off more cash onto your lap. 
"Don't get too wrapped up!" Mina teases before exiting with the rest of the crew. Leaving it to just the three of you.  
As soon as the door shuts, Bakugou falls to his knees, crawling slowly. Much slower than Red Riot, agonizingly so, his hard set eyes locked with yours even as Red still holds your leg captive. You push back into the plush chair in exhilarating fear, chest rises and falling in shallow and quick movements unable to break his molten hot gaze. His movements are methodical, quiet and not even his wings twitch as he makes his way, as if he does not want to make a sound. Like a panther hiding in the shadows, stalking its prey. 
The light play tricks as the muscles of his back and broad shoulders seem to be highlighted. These men were strong, more fit than you've ever seen and yet, yet your eyes were glued to theirs. 
Especially the ashe blonde's. Finally he reaches your feet, hands hovering over your left leg and before he can ask you're nodding frantically. He sucks his teeth, locking over your soft skin before grabbing onto you with a bruising grip, eyes holding yours once more. 
"I wasn't going to fucking ask." He yanks your leg towards him, away from the other. You frantically try to push your dress down to cover your lacy, barely there thong that Mina convinced you to wear. A steely grip is at your wrist. 
"Ah, ah ah, it's only fair, Princess." Bakugou teases before letting his hands trail up your leg, causing you to tense and yet ease into his touch at the same time. He trails biting kisses up your leg and lets his fingers actually touch the skin beneath your hem. 
You yelp, hand hesitantly hovering over his washed out golden strands. You were unsure of the rules, of if you were allowed to touch them. 
A soothing hand pats your knee. 
"Don't worry, he isn't as much of a brute he seems to be. Plus." His ruby eyes gesture towards the corners of the room, "Cameras are always watching." 
You give a slow nod, as Ground Zero comes up from his bite above your knee, black blooms on your skin before he presses a chaste kiss atop the purplish flower. He shoots Kirishima a glare, it was going to be hard to get you back into the fantasy. 
Another shaking bill is offered causing Bakugou to sigh. He grabs the stack from your lap and sets it aside. 
"Let's forget that for now, okay?" Kirishima beams and you nod slowly. 
Bakugou gets an idea, knowing Kirishima will adapt quickly to Bakugou's intent. Zero shoves Red to the side, placing himself between your legs, climbing slowly up your body as if you were his lover. 
He pants heavily as he does and you feel something as he grinds onto you. You cannot tell if it is an actually hard on or a semi, either way you're flustered and unbelievable aroused as this man, no this God among men stares into your very fucking soul. He stands, placing his hands on both sides of the armchair, leaning in close as you back away, cornering you like the prey you are. 
His breath fans your ear, he wants to give it a bite, sink his teeth deep into your semi exposed neck as your smell pulls him in a little too far into the fantasy. He comes closer and his heat is almost unbearable. 
"Do...do you do this for every show?" You squeak out, buzzing from excitement and primal fear. His eyes narrow as if he is lost in thought before the question finally registers in his mind. That deadly smirk returns, lips brushing your ear as he speaks, his rough hand grabbing onto the sash. The sound of tearing fabric fills the room for a moment. You squeeze your eyes shut. 
"This is all for you, kitten." Suddenly the warmth is ripped away from you as massive arms wrap around Zero's middle. 
"Don't forget about me, Princess." He drops Bakugou roughly on the ground before he falls to his knees. Worshiping you as if you were the star of the show. 
Kisses trail up your legs, stopping on your inner thigh just before your hem. This time a whine leaves your lips, as two sets of red eyes gage your reaction. He continues his work, crawling up between your legs until you could easily wrap them around his torso, he motions you closer with a single finger and you follow, he knocks away the ugly tiara and places a black and golden flower crown atop your head. He lets his fingernails scratch gently along your scalp as he moves away. Before holding you by the nape of the neck. Keeping you nose to nose with him.  
"That is more fitting for you my Princess." Kirishima gives you a lazy cat smile. Before a cocky laugh sounds behind you causing your core to flutter. 
"Your Princess?" He fists Kirishima's hair forcing him to let go of you before Bakugou yanks him back, holding intense eye contact with his counterpart, "More like my slut." 
"F..fuck." You groan before Bakugou leans down to Kirishima, he's close. So close their noses brush before Bakugou tilts Kirishima's head kissing him with a passion unseen and unmatched. Kirishima groans, giving Bakugou access to his mouth and you can do nothing but stare as you watch a struggle for power between two wet muscles, you barely notice Bakugou's broad other hand snake to Kirishima's throat giving it a good squeeze. 
You're salivating, cunt clenching before a moan escapes your mouth. Bakugou pulls away and a lewd string of saliva connect the two before it breaks off. For a moment Kirishima looks as starstruck as you, his cheeks are so red, eyes lost as they stare endlessly into the man who is just a smidge shorter and smaller than him but God damn if he doesn't hold Kirishima's heart and yours in the palm of his sharply manicured hands. Bakugou speaks without his eyes leaving Kirishima's making sure he doesn't fall too deep into subspace. 
"Tch. Sounds like you like what you see huh slut?" You whine again at his crude words. You watch his hand so softly sweep away hair from his counterpart's face smiling down at him cruelly. 
"Oi, you still on cloud nine there? Or are you present enough to have a bit of a competition?" Kirishima's eyes come to life at the thought of a friendly fight. He gives him a sharp toothed smile, letting his hand trail up Bakugou's abs stopping over his slow beating heart. Kirishima can never understand how he keeps such a level head over so much heated contact, how he never slips up and gets a little too caught up. Or maybe the look in Bakugou's eyes say that he is. The hot head grabs his jaw line roughly, turning him towards you and looking at you at the same time.
"Alright let's see if you're my slut or his Princess." 
"O...okay." You whisper pulling another deadly laugh from the horned devil. His wings unfurl a bit, making him seem bigger before his weighted gaze settles on your skin.  He let's go of Red, trapping you in the chair again, leaning as close as he did to the red head. Nose grazing yours. 
"You don't even know what you've blindingly agreed too. Are you that desperate or just stupid?" His voice drawfs the rushing blood in your ears. His hand tentatively hovers over your throat, reading your gaze before he takes an extra step. Cutting off a bit of the blood flow to your brain, gasping for delighted breath you stare him down. Heart hammering in your chest as you felt like a small lamb ensured in the sharp teeth of a wolf. 
"Answer me." A nasty bite, dark eyes clouded with his own dom space but still attentive enough to watch for queues. 
Although you are more than willing, he is playing a dangerous game. He doesn't know your kinks, worse yet your safe word. This session had turned more into a scene than anything else. Even though the three of you are not having sex he needs to he sure of your limits. 
Or a least a good dominant should. Still you answer and still he is a damn good guesser. 
"I..I'm desperate." Bakugou's smile sends a rush of heat to your sex and an endless amount of endorphins to your brain. You feel a bit high, head light from lack of air. He turns your face slightly away from him, pressing his cheek to yours as he breaks the spell for just a moment, easing his grip on your throat. 
"You say black when you want us to stop. Got it." It takes you a moment to process what he's saying before you frantically nod yes, "You gotta say it around baby girl." 
God you melt, melt and die right there in the chair. His voice feather soft in this moment making you want more, more, more as if he really were the demon king brought here to corrupt you. 
"Yes, King." It's a whisper but it's enough to make Bakugou's dick twitch. 
Fuck what a good name and one he hadn't heard before. He presses a soft kiss to your hairline before using his soft voice for a final time. 
"That's my good kitten." It's a soft growl and somehow you melt even more. He trails kisses along your jawline, giving you a moment to say yes or no before he kisses down your throat, pushing away the fabric of your dress to expose your shoulder. You moan as his breath tickles the perked skin, waiting impatiently for that anticipated kiss. Although it never comes. Instead he settles for sinking his teeth into your shoulder instead of your throat. Pulling and gnashing his teeth leaving a bruise as dark as your dress. Teeth outlined the black blossom. He drags his tongue along your throat before his replaces it with your hand. Pulling you into a bruising kiss that has you seeing fireworks, earning a moan. He slips his tongue in and you do not even attempt to fight, only attempt to keep up. He squeezes your throat tighter and you're floating. Clinging onto Bakugou with dying strength, nails biting into his biceps. 
Too soon he pulls away, a hazed look in his eyes surely matching your own. His cheeks slightly flushed as the two of you pant. He gives a cocky grin as if he already knows that he's won. He steps back a bit, hitting Kirishima on the shoulder before whispering in his ear. 
"Black means stop got it?" Kirishima holds contact with him and nods before coming close to you. 
Unlike his counterpart Kirishima uses more of his hands, letting them trail on your legs, your arms, nails raking against your scalp. Pulling at your hair. It is hypnotic in the same sense that Bakugou was. You sigh deeply, happily as you look into a deep set of ruby red eyes. He takes his side of you, the right side, especially since Bakugou already claimed your left. Gently he allows one hand to rest on your hip. He gives you a moment and when nothing comes out of your mouth he squeezes. Kissing slow, soft kisses on your jawline, throat. Lips pressing on the crook of your neck before he too removes the fabric exposing your other shoulder. He does not breathe hotly over his meal, he dives right in.  Pointed teeth sinking in as you groan from the pleasure.  He almost draws blood. He does not suck, no he only bites. All teeth marks set deep in blackish blue when he pulls away. He checks on you again before he methodically he leans in, grabbing your chin to tilt you to him, kissing you so softly, lips moving at a snail's pace before they begin to quicken. Faster and faster until those teeth are pulling at your bottom lip, tongue finding its way in as you sigh into the kiss. 
Just as before the kiss ends too soon and you cry out in mock rage but true agitation. 
God you just wanted them. Kirishima makes room for Bakugou to push his way into the small space before you. Each trapping you from their respective side. 
"So…" Kirishima pants, Bakugou finishes for him. 
"Who wins? Who owns your dirty mouth?" Their voices low and breath mingling with yours as they stare into your face. 
"Can..can you please show me my options again." 
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incorrectdmp · 4 years
Tag Guide
i have finally updated this tag guide are yall proud of me.
General tags:
#quote / incorrect quotes: wowee it’s incorrect quotes its what this blog is for
#meme: it’s memes babey
#dmp/discord murder party: pretty much everything is tagged with this. this is less for blog navigation and more if anyone wants to search dmp on tumblr
#chaos van: sometimes! this blog ISN’T DMP actually!!! once chaos van starts or gets closer to starting i’m probably gonna rebrand this blog to be incorrect chaos van, but for now everything in this tag is Charlie/CG dynamics, and anything that hypothetically fits into the post-canon storyline! shevanigans ensue
#submission: submit stuff! either you or me will tag it as this!
#out of context spoilers: I do these whenever a new episode drops. dont click them if you dont want spoilers for the latest episode
#personal favourite: the best of the best babey. these are my personal favs, i tag em as such for easy access for anyone who wants the funniest content and also find some that are prime content to draw. yes i spell favourite correctly dont @ me
#working week / #camp streamix: sometimes i do quotes with these official aus. go wild. 
Character Tags:
#Murder God: I’ve fixed up the MG tag system because this bitch has 3000 names and we’re going with 3 of em depending on the point in the timeline. #murder god for anything from the in-show timeline, seasons 1-4. #charlie for anything specifically post when she takes on her new name in s4, but the MG tag is there for consistency. #cassie howards SPECIFICALLY for human MG and nothing else. all side b quotes with her fall under this. she changes so drastically as a person and so strongly doesn’t associate herself with cassie howards anymore that i believe it’s only fair to keep these tags entirely separate. 
#Doctor McGillicutty: hwat hwat science man but actually he’s super sad wowee 
#Vincent Reid: gun man take me by the hand lead to to the land mr team dad
#Grace Garden: gosh golly gee grace garden! you’ve sure got a tumblr tag!
#Tommy Gwendolyn: haha cancer arms gamer boy 
#Percy Blackwood: he was told to be there or be square and chose square c:
#Christine Forks: momther ;A;
#Juniper / Juniper NLN /  Junior :  okAY I THINK THIS IS MY FINAL SET OF TAGS FOR THIS FUCKER im gonna openly weep bro is perceiving me dont look at meeeee >:( (i love juniper)
#Valencia Lynch: she’s just vibin’ :)
#Thorin Blue: no longer baby, wants power
#Yugo Hernandez: i went to edit these tag descriptions and realized i forgot to unkill yugo. uhhhh insert crimes’ “i never kill characters” statement here. 
#Ezra Crane: big man on caaaaaampus
#Stephen Cutter: pleasant ste :)
i dont have that many quotes for the other cutt men but they were more important to the plot than i originally anticipated so i’m putting them on here
#Guy le Cutaux: the moral of discord murder party is everyone can be redeemed, except the french
#Mr GcMillicutty: the worlds’ sexiest man but like SOMETIMES thats a joke and sometimes it’s not??? how can this man radiate vibes ranging from utterly rancid to weirdly hot to strangely adorable? 
#Chaos God / Ozolthog: the perfectly engineered concoction of tumblr sexyman (alastor), tumblr sexyman (spamton), and Your One Weird Uncle ™ combined with deep moral complexities, in which on this blog of maximum shitposting, the latter tends to be ignored. (both tags will be used for DMP quotes! just ozolthog will be used for chaos van!)
#Cernos / Kadath / Her /  Ælethias / Baku: i really need more black star quotes but like. theyre here, theyre queer, they fill me with much fear 
#Side B (also tagged with individual characters): side b gang gang pls submit more quotes for them i want content
#Zephirah: i had zephi on this blog mostly as a non canon joke but hey she’s actually a chaos van character uhhhh insert v-word joke here
There MAY be quotes on here with masks/minor characters/ reflections. i’m not sure i’ve tagged them all but if youre curious for content specific to one very particular character just search, i can’t guarantee i tagged it though
Fun tags!:
these tags are fun reoccurring trends in my blog, so if you wanna look for a specific kind of thing i tend to post a lot, here’s the tags i currently use:
#modern day adventures: sometimes the awakened from the past learn about modern day stuff. shenanigan ensue
#THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING: valencia and grace certainly have a dynamic. that dynamic is absolute petty hatred of each other. i love it.
#SHUT UP PERCY: this is mostly in a loving way but percy is a fucking dumbass and also is relentlessly bullied a lot
#shipping: perlencia, valezra, murder god and like. five other people. you want shipping content, it’s here!
#orange crayon: juniper and grace just bein’ buds. grace doesnt understand metaphors, and thus, the orange crayon
#group chat au: this is kind of more of a blanket for any quote that includes the awakened texting / mentioning them using phones because canonically they dont have access to that but the dmp twitters exist as well as the group chat au made on the fanserver
#let the child say fuck: thorin should not be allowed to do many of the things they are allowed to do. this makes for peak comedy
#i’ve connected the dots you didn’t connect shit: grace cannot interact with the cutt clan to save her life. makes for great comedy though.
#not quite incorrect: stuff that’s either ungodly in character or stuff that pretty much verbatim happened in canon 
#Requote: I’ve had this blog since like S2. Sometimes I just wanna redo old quotes with new, updated dynamics okay? CONTENT IS HARD
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bellwitchfaggot · 3 years
On one hand its like yes reading theory is important to get context and reference to truly understand leftist thought and theories and stuff and to help understand how to apply leftist principles to your every day life . On the other hand asking about half the people on this website with their sense of reading comprehension to read leftist and political theory is like asking people who never took an English class above a 6th grade level to read leftist and political theory. Thats literally where some of yall are at when it comes to critical thought and reading comprehension due to prolonged exposure to absolutely rancid internet communities
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a-libra-writes · 5 years
Steady - Stannis x Wife!Reader
Hi, no one asked for this shit but hERe I AM WITH IT. I swear we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled imagines and alphabets after this hahaha. Thanks for being patient while ive been recovering, i finally feel human again :p
Summary: idk its smut and domestic fluff and some backstory i just. This stuff gets away from me, yall. Takes place just a year or two after Robert was crowned.
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Y/N finished her cold drink with a speed that was quite unladylike. She at least refrained from releasing a heavy breath as she set the goblet down. Her handmaiden gave her a look of understanding and a handkerchief to pat herself down.
“Shall I bring you another drink, my lady?”
Y/N wanted to say yes, but drinking this much honeyed ice-milk probably wasn’t great for her stomach. The sweetness was going to catch up to her. She patted her brow with the handkerchief and said, “Just water, if you please.”
The handmaiden bowed and exited the room. The woman’s face had only the slightest pink on her nose and cheeks, and she still looked cool in her simple clothes. She probably didn’t sweat until she walked at a brisk pace.
Y/N was the Lady of Dragonstone, sister-in-law to the king, and yet she felt far less elegant sweating like this in her parlor. She’d braided her hair and wrapped it high in a bun to give her neck some relief; coincidentally that was also the fashion in the South. The only jewels she could manage to wear were simple and light, and most of her Northern wardrobe was changed out for beautiful yet thin dresses of linen.
Her father would’ve balked at her wearing them, but he wasn’t the one withstanding this Southern summer. The ocean air coming from Blackwater Bay and these damned iced drinks were her only reprieve in the day.
At least in the evening, the air was blissfully cool and smelled of the ocean, although she had to be careful of the direction of the wind – she still wasn’t used to the more rancid smells of King’s Landing, and she likely wouldn’t ever be. She’d rather sweat to death in her own skin than invite that filth into her room.
She moved to the cushioned seat below a great window that overlooked Blackwater Bay, and as she opened the window, she saw the water peppered with all manner of boats, ships and sails. There was nothing like watching the sea and ships to help pass the time, and they were often her companions when she read or wrote.
She had brought her book and only read a few pages before she became distracted. One of the sails looked familiar, and it reminded her of one of the first nights she’d arrived and marveled at the bay, and the beautiful view right here in her chambers.
Y/N wondered how long she stayed sitting on the roomy windowsill, propped up by her pillows, watching them all. It must have been some time, because her newly wed husband approached her of his own accord.
“You’ll want to close that window before you sleep,” Stannis said. He had to lean down a little, as to not completely tower over her. “There’s all sorts of foulness in the air here.”
Y/N nodded, she’d already smelled it as she arrived. “I was just watching the sunset, and the ships. I love how the water sparkles under them.”
He said nothing, and Y/N had grown used to that in the short time they’d been married. She rather liked it, as she was not much of a talker herself. Too much of her childhood was her father forcing her into the circles of well-to-do ladies with eligible sons, and then in her maidenhood, being forced to talk to the sons themselves.
She had pointed out into the sea, toward a large vessel. “I’ve only seen that sort of ship twice. What is it?”
Stannis stepped closer, enough that she could pick up his body heat, and his tall body leaned over her to look out to the bay. “A Myrish trade ship, likely the property of a spice merchant. Do you see the scorpion on its sail? That’s common for Myrish ships. It’s either reptiles or insects, or coins. The thread embroided on that sail is gold, I’m sure of it.”
He grew up on Storm’s End, after all, watching the coast of Shipbreaker Bay, and his current seat was the island of Dragonstone. She wondered if Stannis Baratheon had ever been away from a coast for more than a few weeks.
Likewise, Y/N had never been away from her mountain home until she married. As horrid at the heat of the South was, she could tolerate it if it meant she stayed by the sea.
“I love it,” Y/N said, and meant it. She smiled at him like she smiled now, remembering the distinct color that rose to her husband’s cheeks that evening. It was strange how the court talked about him, how they had such distaste for what they considered a rigid and cold person. She hadn’t seen him that way.
True, he was always tense, but that’s because he was always thinking about far too much, far too often, concerning himself with this or that issue with the realm. It was his job as part of the small council, after all, but he seemed to carry a heavier burden than the others. Y/N wondered about that.
Lady Y/N was so lost in her thoughts, she forgot her handmaiden was returning with water. She thanked the girl and asked, “Would you happen to know when the small council meeting will finish?”
“Perhaps not for another hour, my lady.”
She had some time, then. Y/N returned to her book and leaned against the cool stone wall, glancing at the waves now and again. Again, she began to neglect the words on the page and let her mind wander.
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From the beginning, Stannis was different. He traveled all the way to the North to formally ask permission for her hand. He wanted a proper courting period, but being the relative of the King and having a duty so far away, he had no such luxury – not that her father would dare split hairs about tradition when it came to a king’s brother.
Still, he took her hand in the foyer of that cold, frigid castle and apologized for not giving her a proper courtship, one a lady of her standing deserved.
At that moment, Y/N realized that she had never been apologized to. She was certainly never given one by a lord.
He was sincere, Y/N could tell. She could always remember the suitors who lied, who made empty promises to her father and emptier ones to her. Her father sniffed them out eventually, often too slow for her liking, and threw them into the cold. It wasn’t for her sake, not really - he wanted a powerful alliance with an older house, to give standing to their relatively newer name.
They had money and a beautiful daughter,  and what name was more deserving of both than the one that held the throne? Y/N should have been humiliated by his brazenness, but with Stannis, she could keep her dignity. All in all, Y/N could have done much worse.
She was never foolish to fancy what her marriage would be like; it wasn’t a luxury she allowed herself. Still, Y/N’s heart hurt at the thought of not marrying in a Godswood, as true Northern women ought to do. It was during this whirlwind courtship that Y/N asked, “My lord, is it true there’s a Godswood in the Red Keep?”
“There is, but it is no true Northern godswood,” Stannis said. “It is an acre of fine trees that are centuries old, but the heart tree is not a weirwood.”
He won’t lie to me. She thought. Not even to spare my feelings.
She always tried to keep her expressions even, to never betray her true emotion, but she must have shown something. Stannis added, “The ceremony will be in the Great Sept. It is a grand building, with seven towers. Many a bride would wish to marry there.”
“Many a Southern bride, perhaps.” Y/N said. She would be honest, too. “Still, I’ve heard much about the Great Sept’s beauty, and its seven towers and stained glass. Are they as grand as everyone says?”
“Yes.” Stannis responded curtly, and they stood in silence for some time. He suddenly continued. “The heartree at the Red Keep is not a proper weirdwood, true, but is a great oak. Tall as some towers, covered in old vines that try to curl into the wood. The gardeners have grown bright red flowers underneath, to honor the weirwoods in their way. It is not a proper Northern godswood, but it is a vast and well-kept wood in its own right. The ceremony can’t be there, but afterward, you can visit it anytime you like.”
He was trying to comfort her, Y/N had realized. He will try to spare my feelings then, in his own way. What a peculiar man.
When the day arrived, the Great Sept was indeed beautiful, unlike anything she’d ever seen. All seven towers glittering rainbows down in the sun, and inside, the beauty of the marble and statues of the Seven stole her breath. Even if they were not her gods, this was their place, and she felt their presence and humbled herself.
The stained glass shone bright across the marble floor, a motley of dancing colors, as though the gods were glad of their union. She ascended the tall steps in a dazzling gown of white silk and diamonds, Myrish lace and a train that followed long behind her. Stannis waited for her at the top, looking as still as the statues of the Sept, but she saw his eyes fill with softness as she took his hand and he helped her to the top step.
His fingers brushed her shoulders gently as he removed the cloak embroidered with her family’s sigil. With just as much gentleness, he wrapped her in a cloak of gold and black. His rough fingertips brushed her bare shoulders during the exchange, and it made her shiver a little.
The Great Septon spoke many elegant words, and Y/N was thankful she faced away from the crowd for most of the ceremony. She was positively sweating from the silk and warm Sept, but she kept her head high. She could feel a nervous energy radiating off Stannis, even without looking at him, although she stole some glances. He cut a good figure in his own groom’s clothes, although he stood as though he weren’t used to it.
A week after the ceremony, when she still struggled to adjust to her new living quarters and the Red Keep itself, Stannis suddenly asked her to accompany him. She took his arm and wondered with great curiosity where they were going. Then she understood.
It was an acre full of Northern trees, the godswood he had mentioned some time ago, and the great, stately oak was before her. It had more twisting, knotting branches than she could count. Two large men could hug the trunk and their fingers wouldn’t touch, and it was covered in a blanket of soft ivy vines, with a swath of red and white flowers growing under it. It was far more beautiful than he said.
Y/N couldn’t find her words, and she gazed at the heart tree until she heard Stannis ask, “Is it acceptable?”
As if either of them could change it if it wasn’t. This godswood had existed since the Red Keep had, after all. She spoke honestly. “It’s far lovelier than I could’ve thought. What an elegant heart tree.”
Stannis was pleased, she could tell. He didn’t tense up when she squeezed his arm and stood closer, or when she slightly pulled him down to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, my lord.”
“I did nothing deserving gratitude,” Stannis said, although he didn’t speak with his usual assuredness, and he glanced away from her.
He was terribly awkward with women, she knew, and even months later he was trying a very methodical way to approach their marriage. It was what he knew, and that comforted him in this strange, new territory. Y/N understood, but she liked to trip him up when she could.
In fact, she was quite fond of doing so. One could say Y/N was fond of him. It was a novel idea, being fond of one’s husband, looking forward to toying with him, and being quite amused when he tried to please her.
More than that, she liked seeing his cheeks or ears turn red when she thanked him for helping her, praised something he did or gave him sweet affections. It seemed he was unused to such things, and didn’t know how to respond to them – and Y/N wasn’t a woman of conceit, but she was confident her beauty only contributed to his reservations.
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Recalling these fond memories and thoughts, Y/N decided she wanted to fluster her husband a little more, and she was growing frustrated that he wasn’t here. Finally, she heard doors opening in the parlor room, and the shuffling of a chair.
Being the brother of the king, and a member of the Small Council, Stannis was given fine dwellings inside of the vast Red Keep. The apartment was made of several rooms - a parlor for entertaining that often went unused, an office for Stannis that included a small library, a bathing area, a dressing room, their shared chambers, and so on.
Y/N noticed both she and Stannis preferred to hide away in their apartments when the court was becoming too much, as it often did in the Red Keep. She set aside her book and found him by the large table in the center of their parlor, mulling over papers and books that likely didn’t fit on the desk in his office. Had he carried all of these here? Y/N recognized a star chart, and a diagram of a galley.
First, she pushed aside several curtains to give the place more light. Then she walked toward the serving table, already stocked before Stannis arrived, and poured two goblets. She set one down next to Stannis, then she sat next to him on the settee. He didn’t look up.
Hearing a sound she didn’t like, Y/N scooted closer to her husband and gently took his hand in her chin.
“What–?” Stannis startled, nearly knocking a goblet off the table. Before he could speak, Y/N ran her finger along his jaw.
“You shouldn’t do that,” She said, speaking softly as not to disturb the peacefulness that had settled over the room. “Your jaw will ache by the evening.”
“I know,” Stannis said briskly, but he touched his jaw where her fingers were a moment ago, and there was color rising to his cheeks. He really didn’t seem to notice how often he ground his teeth, and Y/N noticed him wincing and rubbing his chin.
It was amusing that just a small touch like that, or their shoulders brushing together, or her adjusting his doublet in the morning or offering to unbutton it in the evening; all would stir the stern man to blushing silence. It’s not that he disliked her, Y/N was sure. He just wasn’t always sure on how to proceed, and besides, his mind was often occupied with work.
Even if she admired the work ethic, sometimes she worried about the toll it took on him. Y/N smoothed his shoulder, sorting out a wrinkle in his grey doublet. Stannis’ dark blue eyes darted straight to her hand.
“The council ran late today, didn’t it?” She said, using words to distract from her touches. “Perhaps you should take an early supper, and continue this work afterward. You could use the respite.”
Stannis responded how she expected. “It’s important that I get the fleet up to shape by the end of the year. Renly has been dodgy with the standards of quality, and Littlefinger still needs to find the coin for the sailors and shipbuilders.”
From what she understood and heard around the Keep, Stannis was often at odds with the small council, but especially his younger brother Renly. They were of a different generation, years apart in maturity and experience, not to mention how the King favored Renly’s more lackadaisical governing. Y/N understood being in the middle of strong personalities. She nodded, “Indeed, but you’ll find yourself in dire straits if you don’t nourish your body or rest your mind. I could have your dinner brought here.”
Stannis considered it. “You would be dining alone in the great hall.”
“Yes, I want to avoid that, so I’ll dine here as well.” The king’s courtiers could be far too rowdy, and gods forbid if Y/N had to spend another evening pretending to enjoy the queen’s cloying smalltalk.
Before Stannis could protest, Y/N added, “I won’t be in your way. I’ll eat here in the parlor, while you take the office, or whichever works. Perhaps I’ll watch the ships.“
Stannis still had a thoughtful expression, considering her words. Y/N took the opportunity to place a surprise kiss on his cheek. She could feel the taller man shift a little in surprise.
“You won’t hear a sound from me,” She said sweetly, her lips still ghosting next to his skin. She felt him shiver, too.
She knew what the courtiers and lords whispered about them. They had the nerve to pity her, as though she’d made a poor match.
“That will keep,” Stannis finally spoke, now looking pointedly at his papers and not her. "You don’t have to … stay in another room. We can supp together.”
Pleased with his answer and her progress, Y/N stood slowly, ensuring their bodies brushed together a little, and making sure he could see how her dress clung to her hips. “Then, I’ll leave you to this for now. I’m going for a walk.“
She left the parlor, hoping he was watching her go as the thin dress fluttered about her legs and swaying hips.
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She was sitting upon the bay window and gazing out at the Blackwater again, as she did in the evenings, but it was exceptionally late. Stannis thought she had gone to sleep after they shared supper. Most of the candles in the chamber were extinguished, save for a few on a tall table beside the window. The flames danced sharply when the sea breeze came in.
“You’re still awake,” He said, speaking quietly as though their voices would waft out of the thick stone walls and wake someone. “Did you sleep?”
His lady wife was in a nightshift made of thin cotton, specifically the one that hugged her waist tightly and dipped to expose her chest. Those features, plus how it pooled at her feet even when she sat, made it seem a bit inconvenient. He’d say as much to her, but often he was distracted with how the fabric slid along her body.
She smiled at him, and it was comforting to see that at the end of a tiring day. He found himself looking forward to it more and more. He wouldn’t consider the Red Keep his home, nor was Dragonstone, but something about Y/N gave him that feeling.
“Oh, I woke up and thought I would wait for you.”
“You don’t have to do such a thing. You ought to sleep and keep away from the window,” Stannis said, but it came out much less stern than usual. Y/N noticed how his broad shoulders weren’t as stiff as they usually were, and when he removed his boots it seemed to take more effort than it should’ve.
Y/N glided off the windowsill, as graceful as a ghost, with her skirt flowing behind her. She promptly began removing the fasteners on his doublet. Stannis wanted to tell her it was unneeded, but his energy immediately went to stifling a yawn. It came out as a harsh breath, instead.
“You deserve to get some proper rest,” Y/N said, using that tone. Combined with the graceful fingers that had already opened the doublet and touching his chest, he shivered. He bent his knees so he could slide the doublet off his shoulders, and Y/N set it aside carelessly.
Her fingers pressed against his chest and nudged him in the direction she wanted. “It’s the dead of the night, dawn is only hours away, and you’re still up. You should look after your health, dear.”
Her sweet endearments and worry was completely at odds with how her lips kissed at his neck and her hand traced downward. He must’ve been more tired than he thought, because when she held his face in her hand his chest squeezed as though she held his lungs instead. Y/N kissed him and he leaned against the wall behind him, pulling her in closer.
He leaned into her touch, yearning for it, something he didn’t know he needed right now. Y/N broke their breathless kiss but quickly went back to kissing along his jaw, making his stomach flip with each one. When their lips met again, his hands squeezed her waist and the other ran down her hips. He could feel her warm, flushed skin perfectly through the thin nightgown, and didn’t want to admit how much he loved running his hands down it.
He may have been much stronger, but Stannis didn’t resist as Y/N lightly pushed him properly against the wall. She was lovely, soft and warm, and he was helpless when she was like this, running her hands up her chest and wanting him - he hoped it was want, even affection, anything other than duty and obligation driving her actions.
Stannis pulled her closer, grasping her hips, hearing her become breathless again. A moan caught in Y/N’s throat as his strong grip squeezed her, and his burning face pressed against her sweet-smelling neck. His feverish kisses were firm and made her squirm against him. “Y/N.”
“Come to bed,” She shuddered as he moved down to her collarbone. Her order was followed eagerly. Stannis easily gathered her in his arms, her nightgown slipping up her legs. She still planted kisses on his face and neck that made it difficult to navigate the dark to their bed.
Stannis tried to set her down easily, but her warmth and touches were distracting, never mind his own arousal. Before he could make sense of the darkness, Y/N was tugging on his shoulder to bring him into another kiss. He found her waist and pulled her close.
Y/N slipped her legs up his sides, her dress falling easily and his fingers made up for the chill that touched her skin. Stannis slid up the fabric until it pooled at her waist. In the candlelight, she could see how flushed he was, and his blue eyes had darkened enough to almost look like the bay.
“Not tired anymore, hm?” Y/N teased.
In spite of their current position and what they were just doing, Stannis felt himself flushing anew. Bluntly, he responded, “No, not at all.”
She giggled in a way that made him want to steal even more of her breath, so he did, kissing her neck and feeling her skin tremble under him. His other hand ran up the leg that was already hooked at his waist.
Stannis pressed himself against her, grunting at the friction. He was surprised at his own desire to stay here and not pull away, even if his damned trousers needed to be dealt with. He was bombarded with a myriad of lustful thoughts, especially as he touched Y/N’s thighs. Of all the thoughts, a distinct one kept surfacing: He wanted to lick them.
Maybe if he wasn’t sleep deprived and in a lust-addled haze, he’d be scandalized. It seemed like a perfectly normal thing to do right now, reasonable, even. Y/N had wonderful legs. They should be kissed and appreciated like the rest of her.
His thoughts were interrupted when she impatiently tugged at his arm. “Stannis, touch me. Please.”
It was then he realized the candles were fast going out, and it was mostly shadows in the room. He wanted to see her face so badly.
“Y/N, I ... I want to taste you,” He stumbled out in a mess of words, his breath coming short.
Y/N’s hips rolled up and grinded against his, making him groan and quickly pin her down in place. She always moaned from his rough tough, like now, and her legs nudged him. “Then do it,” She said, her impatience laced with lust.
With that consent, Stannis pushed her long nightshift aside so roughly, he thought he heard threads rip. He slid down and kissed her legs, relishing in how hot they were. He kissed her thighs, tasting their delicious warmth, and grabbed her calf as he pushed her open further.
“Ah, gods-!” Y/N gasped. She squirmed again, so Stannis gripped her legs harder, feeling how his fingers sunk into the soft skin. She was so beautiful. Stannis had seen pretty women, objectively beautiful ones, and heard how men lusted and admired after them. He’d never understood until now, and he was sure Y/N couldn’t compare to any of them. They must’ve not, if he hadn’t felt this way until now.
He kissed the inside of her thighs, feeling her quiver under his lips. She arched into him as he kissed just outside her smallclothes. She was soaked through; he could smell her warmth and even feel it. There was still anxiety in the back of his mind, the fear of doing something wrong, as he often seemed to do with women… Although he hadn’t ever thought of doing these things to them.
Stannis slipped off her smallclothes and let them hang around her ankle. The anxiety still climbed up his chest, and he wished he could see her, not just the shadows of her lovely body.
He ran his thumb over her clit, feeling how wet she was, hearing her instant reaction. Y/N’s thigh flexed under his other hand’s firm grip. “Ah! Stannis, please …”
Having his sweet wife beg under him was almost too much, so Stannis didn’t make her wait. His tongue ran up her cunt, pressing against her clit, tasting all of her wetness. Having her warmth around his cock was much different than this. If Stannis stopped to think about it, he might enjoy this more - but he couldn’t think anymore.
Y/N arched back sharply and raised her hips, so he had to hold her down again. He may have been more slight than Robert, but he still had a man’s strength, and Y/N whimpered as he used it.
Stannis took a heavy breath. He tasted her on his lips. “Am I hurting you?”
“N-no, you aren’t. Don’t stop, keep like that.” Y/N quivered. Her heart is beating quickly, but she knows his is probably thumping like a rabbit. Just to please her, her husband gave a tight squeeze to her hips with both his hands while his tongue lapped at her.
Y/N didn’t try to quiet her moans, and she said his name and praised him. Stannis’ hand slipped up from her hips to up her stomach, feeling her flushed skin. He wanted to focus on her pleasure, something to think about so he wouldn’t come undone so early.
Her fingers found his hand and she squeezed it before bringing it to her lips. She came as she kissed his fingers, her lewd voice filling up the room, and for once Stannis didn’t worry about anyone overhearing. The sensations of her warm breath, soft lips and wet core were taking away all his attention.
Y/N enjoyed the feeling of his strong fingers around her’s, still rough in spite of him being a lord. Coming down from her high, she playfully licked a few of his fingertips and said in a low, sweet voice, “Thank you, Stannis. It felt so good~”
“Y/N,” Stannis almost stuttered her name, and felt foolish for it, but he was buzzing while she was still coming down. He found himself pressing his body against her smaller one, his heart hurting and his cock aching at the same time. She reached for him, and he more than eagerly pulled her into his grasp.
She wanted him to be close, she wanted him. Stannis kissed her neck and when she ran her hands down his broad back, he almost buried his face in her shoulder to hide. It was too much, she was too much. He wanted to think straight, for just a moment, but he could still taste her juices on his lips and he wished it wasn’t over so quickly.
The stormlord felt fingers running through his dark hair, nails gently scratching along his scalp. The other hand traced up his back and made him shiver.
“Come here,” Y/N still had some breathlessness in her voice, but she was ready to keep going. Her desire hadn’t cooled off, if anything, it was stronger. “Stannis …”
With her sweet words, the strange feelings in his chest - panic? - kept swirling. Stannis remembered his own arousal, and moved his hips against Y/N’s, effectively pinning her underneath him. She sighed and wrapped those legs around him, bringing him closer.
“Please,” She said, and that was all it took for Stannis to set to awkwardly removing his trousers. They were a damned prison, and he was glad to be rid of them.
He grasped her hips again, his fingers pressing into bruises he already made earlier, but she still melted and moaned under him. An anxious thought tried to pull him away, telling him to be careful – but that became an afterthought as she spread her legs and he easily sunk himself in. If her skin was on fire, then her core was an entirely different heat that he wanted desperately.
Stannis bit at his lower lip harshly, knowing he wouldn’t last long. Y/N met his thrusts by rolling her hips, digging her nails in his arm and gasping words he lost track of. He heard his name several times, and when he picked up his pace, she stumbled over it in the most wonderful way.
For a few minutes, the sound of their bodies and breathes was the only noise, until Y/N cried out and her moans faded into whimpers. Stannis felt her squeeze around his cock, and for the dozenth time he wished for light so he could see her wetness drip around him. He wanted to clean her with his mouth, he thought instantly.
The image of her core dripping from their union and his tongue back inside it was enough to make the Baratheon shudder and groan her name. Stannis thrusted harshly and came shortly after that.
He had to catch himself on the bed, the fatigue of the day and their actions catching up at once. Y/N’s hands idly wandered up his arm, then held his face, and the darkness bothered him again. The candles had long been out. Y/N tried to kiss him, but she missed and got his nose.
Stannis flinched and Y/N giggled. Her fingers slowly felt for his lips. “Sorry, let me try again.”
Her legs were wrapped around his waist, he was still inside her, and Stannis felt a bit lost. He lowered himself, very careful not to rest too much weight on her, and let her pull him into a long kiss.
What was he supposed to say? What were the words for the thoughts that came racing back, like they always did after he and Y/N were together? He didn’t want to leave her warmth, but it was late, and his body felt heavy.
They eventually untangled themselves, and Stannis found a cloth to clean Y/N’s legs. He was willing to leave to get their nightclothes, but Y/N pulled him back and rested her head on his shoulder.
“Are you thinking?” She asked.
“Yes.” It was a strange question, but he answered simply. His tired mind was rattling off all sorts of nonsense, of the council and his duties and Y/N and their marriage.
“Try to sleep first,” Y/N said, knowing saying that was usually futile, but she knew he was exhausted. “Let’s discuss it in the morning, hm?”
Stannis didn’t want to leave his wife’s embrace, but he’d be damned if he’d fall asleep by her whilst lacking an undignified amount of clothes. After adjusting some blankets and finding some clothes, they were back to Y/N resting her head on his chest.
“Do you want your nightshift?” Stannis asked, trying to be casual about the bare body pressed against him.
Y/N hummed. “Hmm, no.”
He tucked the blanket around her anyhow. Being from the North, she claimed the night’s humidity and heat was enough, but Stannis was still convinced she’d get a chill. She eventually moved off his chest, but still stayed close, her breathing starting to even out as she fell asleep.
Tired as he was, Stannis still couldn’t rest until after her. When she was close like this, it gave him hope that she cared. Fulfilling the expecting duty of a wife didn’t have to include being as close and comfortable as a cat, but here she was. In the morning, if he accidentally woke her up as he got ready, he knew there’d be a sleepy smile for him.
Stannis frowned but fought the urge to start grinding his teeth. Intead, he pressed his cheeks against his wife’s soft hair and took in the smells of her soap and perfumes. His breath crossed her forehead, and Stannis’ last thought was wondering if it troubled her.
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"I understand there are congratulations in order,” Sabitha said, getting straight to the point, as she often did. As they pulled away from a strong hug, she wasted no time in looking pointedly at Y/N’s abdomen. “That dour stag got a fawn on you. What a fine thing.”
Y/N shook her head at her old friend’s words. So direct and a bit unladylike, as always. It was good to see her again. They grew up together, their fathers and Houses being close, but then Sabitha had been married off and sent all the way to the Reach. The day she left, it was like losing a sister. Y/N was so sure they’d never see each other again.
Now, given her position, Y/N could arrange visits, especially with Sabitha’s husband being involved with trade in King’s Landing. She and Y/N planned to take in the sights and enjoy the court feasts, but more importantly, they had lots to catch up on. It had been almost three years since they last saw each other.
Their laughter echoed softly through the winding garden, and soon the two ladies arrived at the private docks that led to the back of the Red Keep. Ships rarely came here directly, but one could get a clear view of which galleys were coming into the main ports of King’s Landing.
The sea wind blew their hair and dresses where it pleased, and they ducked under rows of orange trees to get a break from it. A bench was waiting for them, and Y/N found herself absently touching her stomach as she tidied her white linen dress.
“You’re hardly showing,” Sabitha commented. She was quick to retrieve a ripe orange from one of the trees. “I can’t imagine you’ve had to let any dresses out yet.”
“Wrong on both counts, Sab. See?” Well, she wasn’t showing as much as some would expect, but Y/N definitely experienced the annoyance of digging through her closet for something to fit, then giving up and just having the royal seamstresses do their magic. She imagined she’d have to call on them several times.
"Enjoy that, and how you look now, because soon you’ll be waddling about and looking like someone strapped pillows over your stomach and tits.” Sabitha finished peeling her orange and happily bit into it.
Y/N rolled her eyes and took a few oranges from the trees for herself. After some idle back and forth, Sabitha leaned against her friend and said with a mouthful of fruit, “So, tell me the truth of it, esteemed Lady Y/N of Dragonstone.”
Y/N made a face at the mess Sabitha was making, and retrieved a handkerchief to dab at her friend’s chin. “What do you mean, most dearest Lady Sabitha?”
“Don’t be coy. Your lord husband, the king’s brother. I’ve heard things about him, but none of it interested me until now. Tell me all about it.”
"About what, exactly?”
Sabitha sighed with impatience. "Your marriage bed, obviously. That’s his fawn, now tell me how he got it on you - details, please.”
"Sabitha!” Y/N blushed, but her grin matched her friend’s. Sabitha was trying to keep a straight face, like they were discussing a dull ball, but her own facade was cracking. She didn’t blame her friend, she knew the castle was whispering about it, people she’d never met congratulating her and courtiers staring pointedly at her abdomen. Some days she just stayed in the apartments.
A pregnant lady was nothing special, not normally. The problem is the Queen wasn’t with child yet, and Stannis was, well … Stannis. His cold reputation, combined with his brother’s known affairs and the Queen’s harsh temperament made for a volley of unsavory rumors that Y/N was constantly dodging.
Thank the gods Sabitha was here to distract her. Y/N didn’t tell her friend that she’d made excuses and avoided the court for the past week. She was strong, but the North was never like this, and while Stannis would grind his teeth and harshly rebuke any rumors, sometimes it was just easier for Y/N to get away from it all.
“I mean it. He’s tall, so he’s proportionate, hm? Not too bad in the shoulders, I suppose, and if he’d just smile once in a blue moon. Anyway, how do you talk him into it?”
“Sabitha, I’m not – oh no, I’m not entertaining this.” Y/N sputtered, and gave a light shove to her friend’s shoulder.
“You were always cold with men! I’m curious!”
“That’s because Father entertained some of the most foolish men I’ve ever met, if you could even call them that. I’ll have you know, Stannis takes very good care of me, and I’m fond of him.” It was a little embarrassing to admit such a thing, but it was the truth, and Y/N felt the warm affection come over her all over again. “He works hard for the realm, and for my comfort.”
Sabitha made an undignified little snort. She was halfway through another orange. “Oh, I see.”
Y/N blushed. “What.”
“Well, well, I suppose this summer air can melt anyone, hm? This is high praise, coming from the girl who’d step all over the Manderly boy’s feet to keep him from dancing with her, and made a Glover cry -”
“I didn’t! Well, so I did, but he shouldn’t have been so brazen!”
Sabitha laughed. “He kissed your cheek! You and Lord Stannis are perfect for each other. A glacier meeting an iceberg, both melting from a lustful summer heat - Ow!”
Sabitha cried out with surprise as an orange pelted her shoulder, then another at her chest, and she was quick enough to hop off the bench and run to avoid the third. She ended up falling over and giggling madly as she hid behind the trees.
“Y/N! Just because it’s summer – that doesn’t mean you can waste perfectly good fruit!”
“You’re lucky I don’t have tomatoes!” Y/N managed to pelt Sabitha one more time, and the lady squeaked with laughter. Anyone watching them would think they’d gone mad, or were two silly girls playing, not two married ladies.
“Please, my sweet lady, forgive me,” Sabitha cooed, finding her way back to Y/N and giving her a hug.
“Hugs won’t let you get away with everything,” Y/N said, even if she was already returning the gesture. She missed her friend and her family’s Northern keep, even her silly father and busybody mother. She sighed, leaning into the embrace and not liking the idea of Sabitha going home.
She felt her friend patting her hair, like she always did. “You can’t let the court control you and frighten you into hiding, not even the Queen.”
“Stannis thinks I should go to Dragonstone.” Y/N said. She hadn’t told Sabitha this yet. She’d never seen the gloomy fortress herself, but she’d heard tales of it, and read the books. She’d seen Stannis’ face and demeanor turn dark when he talked about it. Still, it was a reprieve …
“You shouldn’t,” Sabitha said, a little too quickly. She corrected herself. “I mean, I’ve heard the rumors. Some of them are … not pleasant. I think it would make you look guilty.”
“I am the Lady of Dragonstone, technically it’s my place, isn’t it?”
“Yes, but you and your husband have been doting and cooing - oh, don’t give me that face, as much as Stannis can - and for you to suddenly be sent away? It doesn’t look good, Y/N.”
Y/N sighed heavily. The weariness was catching up to her now. She felt like she had to expend more and more energy to do the things she always did, and Y/N wasn’t sure if that was because of the baby or all this sudden attention and intrigue that was being paid to her.
“You have a point.” She conceded. “I don’t want to go. I just … gods, no one really cared before. Now the Queen glares at me with those green eyes and anytime she talks to me, it’s like the whole room is staring.”
Sabitha nodded, and the two women sat together on the bench again, stray oranges around them. The sky and sea were still glittering brightly, but the mood around them had darkened. Sabitha tried to bring up a light subject. “Have you both considered a name?”
Wanting to change the subject too, Y/N said, “Stannis seems content to let me name the child, even if it���s a son.”
“How surprising. I’d think a man like that would have some sort of stuffy family name pocketed away, or worse, he’d go the boring route and name the child after the king.”
Y/N almost choked on a laugh. “Oh, Stannis would never.”
“And thank the gods, one is enough. Can you imagine a Roberta? Though my bet is on a boy with the look of his father.”
“You think so?”
“Well, I’d prefer a pretty girl or boy with your sweet face. Oh, that reminds me. Do you remember that knight who fought in the melee at Winterfell, it was some years back, let me think …”
While Sabitha told a long story, Y/N’s thoughts were still distanced. The worry of the court had been pressing on her so much, she hadn’t even thought about what the child might look like or be like. She thought of a steady boy with Stannis’ temperament and those clear blue eyes. Or maybe she’d have a pretty girl, one who looked like her, but with long black hair.
They were funny and strange thoughts, ones that gave her an odd mix of excitement, anticipation and a little anxiety. Had Stannis thought about it too? She wanted to ask him. Maybe he didn’t entertain such things, but she wanted to know.
She smiled, already thinking of what blunt answer he may give, or perhaps his eyes would soften, and he’d tell her something new. Something she didn’t know about him. In the safety of their shared chambers, he’d talk about Storm’s End, the good and the bad memories.
The Others can take the Queen and her tittering ladies. Y/N thought with resolve. I won’t hide anymore. I’ll smile now, and I’ll smile when I hold our child in my arms.
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monstress · 5 years
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                        Favorite 2019 Korean Album Releases
following a four year hiatus at the blossoming of her career, Lim Kim comes back independent with a crowdfunded album that is nothing like her pop idol days and she's here to make a statement as an Asian woman. GENERASIAN is cynically political with massive production (the pansori!! the grunge!! the drums!!) and is, by far and large, one of the most exciting releases of the year. Also it's a great breather from western artists using ~*~oriental~*~ instruments to sound exotic lmao. 10/10 unlocks feral, vengeful witches sleepless in ______ - Epik High remember how last time i thought We've Done Something Wonderful was their last album? i'm so glad to be wrong. Freshly released from their YG sub-label (and a shrewd decision at that), Epik High released a short yet effective love letter to insomnia, depression and loneliness. the tracks are seamless; the flow from Sleepless to In Seoul, reverberation of Sunwoo Jung-A's chorus from In Seoul in Lullaby for a Cat are beautiful. there's just so many things i personally love about this album: from the Yuna feature, the mix-up of Eternal Sunshine in iTunes with Kung by Youra to #LullabyForACat hashtag. just music and social media crossover perfection. Vivid - ADOY 
ADOY really came through in the last minute to this list. full of that 80s synths with modern rock twist, you’d think this shtick would get old but each track is way too artfully arranged to fall for that! i am, in essence, just a robot living in the pixel console game tracked by their music. and the song swim makes me cry Our Love is Great - Baek Yerin the dreamiest album of this year. Soothing, romantic and absolutely delightful. Each track is crafted like a string of fine pearls and petals. From the first track Merry and the Witch’s Flower (which title alone sound like a quaint childhood short story with a future ghibli adaptation), the album gives us soft r&b and jazz that promises love, redemption, and tender pining. also if you haven’t watch this songstress sing live, do yourself a favor.
Love Part 1 - Colde
It’s all about love, yall! as expected from one half of offonoff, this album’s arrangement? production? execution? top notch! the tracks starts romantic and wistful declarations and as the albums proceed, turns outright darker. I Fxxking Love You is the BEST track hands down---the plain-as-day lyrics, the multiple howling confessions, the desperate energy of it all, the guitar solo. absolutely rancid vibes my mans. g o d
Thirsty - The Black Skirts
at first listen, this album didn’t strike me as the lightning bolt of Team Baby but later in the year after a few listens, i keep coming back to the buzz that Wrong Question gives, the sweeping verses of island (queen of diamonds), the shoegaze Hawaiian black sands, the ballad of Thinner than water and realize i went through the whole album from start to finish. another quintessential rock album to add to the mantle of The Black Skirts’ already impressive discography.
Entropy - DAY6
this is not something they made...this is some professional shit like this shit is in different areas what the fuck. in all seriousness, day6 released the best kpop/rock album of the year with elements spanning from classic rock, bossanova, electronic, garage rock, latin r&b and dancehall while keeping the arrangement interesting and cohesive? she has the range, darling! i’m not exaggerating when my jaw dropped multiple times at every new track. this album is just THAT good. how they pulled it off, i don’t know but, as always, i’m grateful.
So!YoON! -  황소윤
stepping into a solo stint, hwang soo yoon (band se so neon 22-yo lead vocal and guitarist) embarked into wider musical territories: adding synths, electronics and r&b production into her fold with her eclectic guitar-playing and some amazing collaborators (secret zion.t cameo? yes secret zion.t cameo!). and did i scream at my tv when she appeared on Yoo Flash with sumin? yes, yes i did. a great album powered by her husky voice. for everyone wondering, the album cover is from Australian artist Patricia Piccinini’s ‘The Rookie’. no, i don’t know either.
LEGEND - Jannabi 
for any other band, this album would be called their magnum opus but for jannabi, i hope it’s just the first stepping stone. frontman choi jong hoon said they want to make songs our parents would listen to and boy do they delivered. an instant classic that can be played 20 years from now and no one will blink. a glorious, seasonal album with no seasons, an excellent case for ‘maybe commercialized nostalgia isn’t so bad?’. all i know is: i’ll be playing land of night to end my decade while weeping because i’m still alive and i’ve made it!
Honoroble Mentions: neckwav x rarekook ‘249′, bewhy ‘the movie star’, samuel seo ‘the misfit’, oohyo ‘far from the madding city’, ashmute ‘night & night’, code kunst ‘all about us’, dean ‘howlin’ 404′, cl ‘in the name of love’, xin seha ‘1000′, sumin ‘your home’, lucid fall ‘nowana’
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jinae-escape · 4 years
If you dont see the wrong in canceling Gone With The Wind...than your as lost and confused as the next milleniums or genz blah blah fools ,because gone with the wind was the first movie to to win and give an oscar to the FIRST BLACK WOMAN !!!!!! like your canceling it for black lives matter organization ( do people even realize who funds and are behind black lives matter organization soros,clinton, and hey fact all your donation is going to the most racist president candidate ever joe biden funds for his presidency campaign but ima stop thats a whole different rant post) when it was a very first great achievement for black woman in film? great job you morons ,by the way all those white liberals screaming cancel gone with the wind are the real racist retards and isnt it funny everyone ignores the black voices saying NO WAIT we dont want this ....wasnt this the movie that got the first black woman an oscar ect.....YALL ARE BE PLAYED THE FOOLS AND YOUR GO RIGHT ALONG WITH IT SO EASILY
If people really care about history here the amazing woman that won the oscar for this movie: Hattie McDaniel
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dont you find it really odd theyre trying to destroy good images of black people( gwtw,syrup reallllly.....,uncle bens rice ect just completely blow over the good in black history like the elevator,microphone,carbon lightbulb,... funny how they dont teach the black inventors or all the good black people have done good for us and they focus on these sellout celebs and over payed sold theyre souls athletes “achievements” ) when I was in high school i had to look up black inventors myself in BLACK HISTORY MONTH....
...even negative or bad history good history.......ITS HISTORY we need to know this stuff so we can pass it on and learn and learn from it or know what really happened....its to wipe the black history clean....this is democrats plans since the beginning of the demoncratic party creation 
fun fact not alot of kids or adult know this fact cause it was a plan in the 70s to cover it up but....ima open your eyes
The south in the civil war who wanted to keep slaves and treat black people like less than humans started this party we know today as THE DEMOCRATS the democratic party and with hundreds years later THEY STARTED THE KKK organization
The North was well as we know people wanting to end slavery (black and white fighting side by side willing to fight for the thought we are equal and free) ..and the biggest fact they try to hide is 
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 NOW PUT THIS ALL TOGETHER you notice these democratic owned states and city are saying go destroy your cities and black communities (ever notice these poor black communities are democratic owned decades of poor and badly took care of community THATS THEYRE PLAN were democrats your black your have to vote for us were the answer gargabe lies repeated)  destroy statues with racists past (once again its history it wiping history clean away we wont know the sorrid past bad and the good ) cancel syrup with kind black woman as image bass ,cancel uncle ben rice its racist somehow ,ect major moments for black people lets tell easily led foolish youth to destroy black history  CAN YOU SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE NOW 
they got you destroy statues of good people who were for freedom and were for equality , you get 10 years now you get caught destroying the statues....they wont tell you this cause they dont care about you....DONT DESTROY PROPERTY dont waste your life away in prison IT AINT WORTH IT
FACTS FACTS FACTS ,should’nt lead with emotions ( its hard to do it yourself ) but always go on facts before you get riled up,it takes time for the full story to come out...or the full picture to be seen
all this from democratic cities oh and hey go destroy Abraham fu**in Lincoln the man who WAS FOR BLACK PEOPLES FREEDOM (was assassinated for that very belief)freed slaves...
 people PEOPLE please tell me your not this stupid and lost come on
hillary clinton super racist white woman trash funded black lives matters ( and you have a black woman as the co founder yea right she just a fake image Patrisse Khan-Cullors and this rancid a@@ woman wants to segregate black and white people again) geroge soros (look this devil up) funds you to go destroy your communities and others oh and hey HE FUNDS ANTIFA (you know the terrorist group) and all the good intentions we had to send our(yes I was played too) money for donation to the cause right? black lives matter organization? right well guess what all that moneys been going to the democratic party evil slimy hands and TO JOE BIDENS PRESIDENCY CAMPAIGN so he can run for president ,he needs money to run for president which means ads,rallies,ect and he getting from the suffering of black people and well meaning people ...PEOPLE WAKE THE FU** UP
dose’nt even anyone realize hillary clinton is...was..is in court for her treason against the united states (emails evil against against humanity) and riots broke out and protests (ego THE BIGGEST DISTRACTION IN THE HISTORY OF DISTRACTIONS) and the mass media never not once covered her in court to the BIG NEWS TO HAPPEN TO THE U.S. since I dont know 911 and not one media outlet covered it???hmm obama was/is in court weird no americans know about it...hmmmm 
oh and perfect just perfect the evil snakes behind the curtains ACTUALLY are trying to actually convince you some lost sheep to defund our police or take them away YOUR TAKING AWAY OUR ONLY PROTECTION in our communities taking our real heros forget these fake movie heros these ARE OUR REAL HEROS (you signing away your life if you stay silent or not speaking out that you want to keep  your police or protect them) you take away the police in your city or whatever armageddon is and will be in your neighborhoods they have nothing to fear you sighing you and family lives way (these evil celebs and politicians saying defund your police ect they have theyre own personal security to protect them whenever they dont need to fear BUT YOU SURE AS HELL DO) WAKE * THE * F* UP
theres thousands and thousands upon thousands of GOOD COPS out there and the cops (3 4 shi**y cops out of those thousand of thousand upon thousands good cops) that were not cops or human in my mind were arrested and are going to jail for good 
dont attack the good cops who live day to day to protect us
look this up yourself if you dont wanna take my word for it always best for yourself to look up both sides of the story and come to your truth
dont be gas lighted dont fall for the lies ,the media and celebs and evil disgusting politicians them all scheming and lying and diverting out attentions to separate us and fight among st ourselves to ignore whats really happening in the background DONT LET THEM
black white asian mexican indians any race its true LISTEN TO YOUR HEART  ignore what celebs and mass media tells you WE CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER other we love each other , yea we sometimes get into fights or arguments in stores but you dont need to see their color theyre just an asshole not everyone in that color is that way jesus tells us to love one another were equal in his eyes ,believe what your taught since your little ,dont listens to the demons working for the devil to separate us DONT LET THEM
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wise words (and to the people misquoting or adding edited pictures of martin luther king jr to fit their agendas I wish you the worst possible out come in life) and to the people falling for it the rev was about peace and love if and any images or quotes comes off any other way against his life mottos ITS A FAKE look up his speeches theyre beautiful and youll know the fake from the truth 
we need a leader among our communities who for us all to be in this together (black,white,asians,mexican,indian,ect) we need someone like martin luther king jr not these leaders(black,white) for hate ,segregation,and violence its against everything right and YOU KNOW IT
delete later just cant take this outright lying and scheming anymore ,praying and praying I just gotta rant sometimes
JUST PRAY YOUR GOVERNORS HAVE A BACKBONE who dont give into the lies and plotting - 
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