#yet another introvert at heart getting adopted by an extrovert
Modern Witcher band AU where Jaskier is a vocal coach who's newest client is a metal singer looking to alleviate their voice strain and improve their range.
Starts with lessons, ends with a small-time folk singer going viral singing with metal boys.
Imagine Jaskier perpetually dressed in thrift-chic and happy art-hoe aesthetics just bopping and weaving his tenor into this dark power-metal band of wolves.
#I'm picturing Jaskel#because Eskel has that really deep voice who wants his throat to hurt less#and Eskel just googles vocal coach and books online with the first listing#he was certainly not expecting a Jaskier#dreading and low-key expecting an old lady all about that classical training#but no#tis this sunshine man#who somehow looks cute af demonstrating weird af looking exercises and techniques#and who just low-key transitions into theoat singing during an example like nbd#and eskel is just#yet another introvert at heart getting adopted by an extrovert#they kiss#eskel goes back to his shared apartment with the other 2 wolves#gets teased over the lipgloss kiss print on his cheek#jaskier would 100% wear lipgloss#eskel convinces Geralt and Lambert to give lessons a go#they become good friends#lambert eventually gets enough confidence to sing Aiden cute and sweet love songs#jaskier goes with them to one of their local shows and helps set up#he and eskel jokingly do a duet#early arrival catches it on video and it goes viral#suddenly Jaskier sometimes moonlights as a folk-metal singer#and he and Eskel live happily ever after in a healthy superficial example of opposites attract#big scary looking dude with comparatively little and glowy art-hoe#the wolves' band gets their big break#jaskier gets to apall his parents with how much more he can embarrass their snooty old-money circle#jaskier gets to appall his parents and their old money circle#best revenge is living well#the witcher
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samooooo1 · 3 months
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(Credit for the Art (@roarinthehotate) noice art)
Nagasumi Eiji x reader
Relationships headcannon
•He is a sweet but very introvert boy, it be very hard to get him to confess his feelings to you, yet once its over all the things would be paid off.
•You like his hair very much, so its rare that when the both of you are alone, that you dont play with his hair or style him as you find him very handome.
•The both of you love cats, so when the both of you moved in together, you brought a cat with you and by then on, you a extrovert have adopted 2 introverts into your heart.
•You dearly love your boyfriend, but you cant stand it when he doesnt wash himself every 3 days, same with the cat, so what do you do in this kind of situation? You drag them from their sleeping position and throw them in the bathtub and make sure that he washes himself, after that you get ignored by him for doing this things to him but he just cant stay mad at you, so he forgives you and says to you that he will try to make sure, to bath every 3 days.
•You play with him Video games, mostly Digimon ones as both of you grew up to love the franchise and so the both of you are stil to this day very active fans to the franchise.
•You are the one who works while he is at home and how you like to call it "your malewife", while you are his "girl husband".
•Always when you get back from work, he is mostly done with everything and already has prepared a meal for you, and you love him for being the lover that he is to you.
•The both of you go on dates reguarly, even though he is mostly at home, he has a succesful streaming career and gets good profit out of it.
•Sometimes even you watch his streams during work break, and you just love it, as your coworker ask who you are watching, and then you just answer "my beautiful lover ❤️".
•He is a sweet person if it comes to you, when he first met your parents he was scared that they might not like him or say that you break up with him, but then he realised just how sweet even your parents are to him, well the saying "the apple doesnt fall from his tree to far" was probably the best way to describe your parents, they accepted him into the family but they still are strict and he knows, respects and loves that about your parents, because they remimd him of you, atleast when he didnt bath for some time.
•Your first date would have been very akward at first, you both chosse to do a simple pignick as both of you didnt want something big but rather something simple with lots of love and time between the two of you.
•After some years, even though Eiji would have been the more shyer one between the two of you, he would make a proposal to you, if you want to marry him.
•You offcourse said directly yes and all your friends were invited to you wedding, they all were happies but most importantly both of your families were beyond happy and proud of you, as they all cared for the both of you and seeing you both commit to one another made them so happy :D
•You both offcourse married in a Christian like wedding and after the Bishop blessed the both of you, you and him became 1 in flesh and you kissed and it all was offical (YAAAAYYY)
•Now we dont have to speak about your honeymoon my dear readers, as you and I already know what they be doing on their honeymoon ;)
•After a couple more years (3) you became pregnant and had your first children, they were twins! A boy looking like a mini boy version of you ,the mother and a girl, looking like a mini girl version of her father.
•It is safe to say that the both of you are happy for the rest of your life and may God the Almighty Creator protect you both from any harm that comes in this life til the 2nd comming of the Lord Jesus, God bless you both, Amen.
God bless ya all, I wanted to write this for some time after knowing about Digimon Seekers, anyways thanks for the person asking for a request :D I am very grateful for getting any requests :D! Also please be a bit patient as it takes some time for me to develop a idea of how to write one shots, but I hope you all be enjoying these one shots.
Thanks for reading til this part :D!
Have a good day/night!
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ailedorc · 1 month
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Alice is the main character of Normalcy. (She's my baby) and a human! She's a planet officer, meaning it's her mission to go around to other plants and help solve big problems affecting the inhabitants while also helping to protect the galaxy and the entire universe. She gets along with anyone because she very friendly, kind, and good at heart while also having a sense of justice. At times though she can be naive, hyperactive, reckless, and loud when not meaning to be. Despite her flaws she tries to better herself little by little, her number one dream is to grow up and be an amazing space Officer. (Even have her own Headquarters!)
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Isabelle, (Her full name Isabelle Peony Roseworth the 2nd), is part of the main cast and Creator Curator of Normalcy! She's from a long line of people on her father's side who took the responsibility of managing the planet and protecting it from any shape or form of harm. She's very smart, witty, and inventive! She takes after her mother a lot, being very sweet, kind, and well..Motherly! Also having an angelic singing voice just like her! She's also what's known as a Flower spirit. They are the oldest known race on Normalcy and are species of flower-tree-like creatures. She mainly inherits those triats from her father and has taken his place since he's retired. Her dream is mainly to settle down someday, passing the tradition onto her children once they come of age. (She doesn't have any though YET.)
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Cori is a Normalcy inhabitant, part of the main cast, (And my very first Dreamcore/Weirdcore oc so i have a soft spot for her ♡). She's 🏳️‍⚧️ and goes by She/Her pronouns. Cori is usually very nonchalant and quiet, think of her as an introvert who was adopted by two extrovert friends (hint hint). Once you get to know her she's very kind and just a chill friend who you can sit down, talk to, and have a snack with. Cori's two best friends are Alice and Millie (You'll meet millie in just a sec :D), and goes on or sometimes kidnapped lol- adventures with them. Cori also has a sister, a grandfather, a dad, and a cat named MC Mew Mew! They all live together and her family plus friends are very supportive of her identity. Her dream is to someday have her own club! She works as a Dj but she's still learning.
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Millie is a Normalcy inhabitant and is part of the main cast. Millie (Shes also one of my babies ♡). As seen in the drawing above, she's a happy gworl :D. Though it may not seem like it she's a mom friend even though she can be just as energetic as Alice, anything you need she's got it! (Her head is a paper bag so she literally can pull anything out of it. Not anything big but ANYTHING). She's very kind, resourceful, optimistic, and wants nothing but the best for those she cares about. Alice and Cori are her best friends and she's the youngest of them! (Cori is the oldest, Alice is the middle and then Millie. Their like siblings :D). Millie someday hopes to be a Dancer, she's shown to be good at it but she feels she can do better.
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Maryjane (Full name, MaryJane, Rosemary, Roseworth the 1st) is part of the main cast (Another one of babies haha). She is Aroace and goes by She/Her pronouns. MaryJane is...Unhinged in a way. She's like the cousin you wouldn't sit beside at a funeral. She has a good nature and obviously morality, but be chaotic, rude, and a tad bit rebellious (A lot bit, DON'T BELIEVE HER.). She has her own friend group that I will introduce in the future so sit tight for that :D! She's Isabelle's older sister and the complete opposite from her. Instead of a motherly nature she has a wine aunt like nature. She takes after her father more and like him She's a REALLY good dancer. Maryjane has a pet hedgehog named Coffee beans, she cares for him alot like all the other things and people she holds dear. Like her mother she inherits being an Angel, (Surprising i know). She has an Angel form but RARELY ever shows it. No one knows her age because it's been implied she's VERY old. Only her parents know but they made a promise not to tell anyone. Though she won't admit it, MaryJanes dream is to be a mother, she may not have a motherly nature but still sees a joy in having a miniature version of herself.
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Macintosh is part of the main cast. He is the CEO of a technology, science, and astronomy company named Aero Inc. He isn't from Normalcy and is from a different neighbor planet (which will be explained in due time). He is a very, DRAMATIC✨️, and CHARISMATIC✨️ individual and a great boss! He's Alice's adoptive father and Isabelle's Fiancé. Though being busy and sometimes not being able to spend time with those he loves, he manages his schedule anyway he can and has an unconditional love for his daughter despite not being related by blood and an undying love for his sweetheart Isabelle♡.
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ultraericthered · 2 months
Anime Update V3 10
From Me To You - Things are now taking their time, with random fluff and incidents such as Sawako, as her one good deed of the day, sheltering a hilariously ungrateful and angry puppy from the rain, and the dog later gets adopted by Kazehaya. Then there's the start of the new school term where seatings have to be changed via drawing numbers, with almost no one wanting to sit next to, behind, in front of, or across from Sawako. Kazehaya ends up going "fuck it, I'm going to take some initiative here!" and physically moves his table and seat next to Sawako's. Yano, Yoshida, and this guy named Ryuu also sit in that end of the classroom, so I guess this is our main cast. My main takeaway is how our two leads are sort of inversions of one another - Sawako is introverted yet easily lets her emotions show, while Kazehaya is extroverted yet is good at being hard to read.
Hunter x Hunter - The Hunters' assault on the royal palace finally begins and with a great big bang. Netero and Zeno did this huge, shiny strike from the sky and Netero let out a display of his full power that hits Neferpitou, who is miraculously able to survive this. Most of the episode was filled with narration and there's even a glimpse into Netero's backstory for how he attained the strength he has now.
SHUFFLE! - Well on one hand, I've warmed up to Primula enough to give a damn when it's revealed what she really is and the focus gets put on her falling ill and needing to be taken back to the demon world and possibly out of the main casts' lives forever. On the other hand, I'm not sure I welcome this sudden swerve into drama. I'm pretty sure I was expecting it at some point given similar works like CLANNAD, but I was enjoying the fun, breezy and laid-back feel the show had going, and now even the opening card, mid-episode eyecatches, and next episode previews aren't the same as they were before! I'm going to be hopeful that this goes somewhere to make this trade worth it and that the charm doesn't completely fade away.
The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II - Had a real locked room mystery this time, one set at an estate that holds a magical workshop in the midst of a storm and had to be covered in two episodes rather than one! To make the case stranger, the client has some special eyes that allow him to see and visually communicate with a human-sized fairy that seems to be haunting the place. I loved that Reines actually got to come along in person for this one, as we got to see some good reactive comedy from her and some precious interaction between her and Gray, showing she's got more range to her than simply an evil girlboss. Also got to meet Ms. Hishiri Adashino, who Waver can barely stand, and Kairi Shishigou, a burly, shades and jacket wearing, gun-toting necromacer. Gray is confirmed to have a connection to Saber as she becomes instrumental in the fight against these terrifying black dogs. I think the one part that was iffy for me is that it repeated the "the father is the posthumous mastermind!" twist from Episode 3, only this time there was no actual ghost in the works. But it did lead to us learning of Rail Zeppelin, an underworld group that sells mystic eyes, paving the way for an unfolding story arc.
KonoSuba - The OVA episode was all kinds of priceless, if not a little bit aggrivating at points due to the characters' stupidity. Got to meet Megumin's self-proclaimed rival Yunyun, though the relationship seems to actually be one of a bully and her victim who've become friends/rivals/secret lovers. Her presence at Wiz's shop leads to Kazuma putting on a cursed choker that will drain him of his life unless his heart's wish from when it was first put on is granted. Since Kazuma is the fucking worst, he milks this situation and gets the girls to do whatever he wants them to do, hoping they'll pleasure him enough for it to be considered wish fulfillment. It doesn't pan out, so he has to confess all his sins before he goes, and long story short, he does end up dying again but it's not the choker that does him in.
Symphogear XV - With the main Symphogear girls at the lunar ruins and Shem-Ha planning on using the Curse of Balal to activate Yggdrasil so that she can distort all life on Earth, repopulate it with her own monstrous spawn, and become a true goddess, the final season is at its climax. Tsubasa and Maria work together and put up a great fight against Noble Red, but are too late to stop Shem-Ha from activating Yggdrasil, which is forming towers all over the planet!
Eureka Seven - Aside from some character growth moments for Talho and Holland, and the reassertion of Gecko State's goal, not much happened here! Basically just prepping for the fight ahead.
Gintama - OK, calling this arc "Yakuza VS Aliens" is either the most misleading thing the series could've done or it's secretly genius. The first of the three episodes sees a freak alien parasite running amuck in Edo City and famed alien hunter Umibozu arriving to exterminate it, and in the process talk his daughter Kagura into returning with him to their homeworld. Yeah, he's Kagura's father and there's a more complicated history behind Kagura's clan and why Kagura wanted to break away from it to live a normal, fun life on Earth, Kagura gets more seriously angered than we've seen her get to this point and has a fight against her old man that's settled by Gintoki making a save and....telling Kagura she should leave Earth with her father. He just gives Kagura up and walks away. What in the blazing HELL, Gin?!?
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Can I have headcanons about all the Shie Hassakai men as fathers?
(I believe I may have done most of them before and it’s on the masterlist! This is a good thing, since it helps cut the ask down from 12 to a bit less. In my Au’s you’ll find a whole set for Kai <the kaishi au> and Nemoto <the nemoto family au> right HERE. Then there’s Hari, Kai, Joi, Shin, and Toya with 4 kids HERE. Also Deidoro getting kids HERE. Setsuno being a new dad HERE. Rappa and Deidoro bring their kids to work HERE. We’re back in it with some headcanons of Kai, and Tabe being dads HERE. We got another Toya request with him and a daughter HERE. Dads Tengai and Mimic are located right HERE. Hari, Mimic, Rappa, and Nemoto with their kid and it’s bad object permeance issue HERE lmao. Toya’s baby won’t drink milk HERE. I could go on and on but I think mostly I’m just trying to say I’ve done most of them probably multiple times too lol. I’ll just do the one’s I haven’t done yet! And yes, the baby is either born or adopted as usual so all the readers can fit into this one too ^_^)
~Hojo/Katsukame/Pops as Dads~
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-From the very moment your daughter is born/adopted, she becomes his whole world...and yes I’ve decided he will have a daughter lol. Hojo doesn’t give up the Hassaikai because he feels pretty secure in the job and doesn’t really fear death, so don’t expect him to leave it behind like most other’s on the list would have (or already did). Besides, with as long as he’s been there, the job presents security and an insured paycheck as well. This means he’s able to put his money into saving for her future and he supports you two like his life depends on it. Hojo is a great dad. He puts his foot down when he needs to at work so he doesn’t end up spending too much time there. Every single event his daughter has ever been in, he never missed. He’s supportive but stern when need be. Sure you she can dye her hair at 14 if she wants to. Hell, do it at 8 or 9 just because she wants to. But she damn well better be home before the street lights turn on or it’s grounding time. He’s very protective and will kill a boy (or girl) if they break his daughter’s heart...you’ll probably need to step in and stop him beforehand lol. On the day of his daughter’s wedding he’s definitely crying big tears. Not even 5 minutes after she leaves for the honeymoon he looks over at you and says “Let’s have/adopt another one.”
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-Has no idea how to be a parent and almost dips on you when you show him the pregnancy stick/adoption papers. Yet, he decides to stay and work it out just to see if it aint so bad. I mean, you managed to get him into a relationship and do all that sappy shit right? So maybe being a parent isn’t so bad eh? Well, he learns pretty fast how tough it can be. He doesn’t want to say he dislikes his baby, but let’s be honest here: Katsukame is NOT into cleaning up vomit, shit, piss, and drool all day long. It’s not until his baby starts clumsily trying to walk and talk that he finally starts to feel differently. Like his son comes up to him one day and is just babbling nonsense with a big smile and Katsukame kinda chuckles. “You’re a funny little guy, aint cha?” He lifts his son up and bounces him on his lap while the baby laughs gleefully. That is when Katsukame decides that he would kill to keep his baby safe and happy. The older his son gets, the more you realize the two are becoming closer and closer. Your husband who was once annoyed with trying to put an infant to sleep, is now playing baseball in the backyard with his kid! Katsukame even deals with the teen years much better than you thought. You might get a little jealous along the way since his son is just like him and now you have to keep TWO dummies out of trouble lol
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-This man has handled fatherhood twice in his lifetime already. Once with his very own daughter, and AGAIN when he took Chisaki off the streets. There is NOTHING he cannot handle at this point. You might have to depend on Pops more than it being the other way around with this whole thing. I mean, it’s amazing at how good he is at this. The only problem is that he begins to doubt himself during the early teens years because he’s experienced failure twice:( His daughter disowned him at 16 for being the leader of the yakuza, and she ran off with a man he didn’t approve of. Then Kai raised absolute HELL right in front of Pops (but let’s just go with an Au where he got his shit together, didn’t put Pops in a coma, and actually takes care of Eri.) Anyway, you can sense he’s not as confident these days so you sit with him over tea and get him to admit how he feels to you. It’s up to you to reassure him and support him through this tough time. Lucky for both of you, your daughter was pretty mild compared to Pops first two kids. She was very kind, a quiet girl but not gullible. She was humble, down to earth too. Introverted with most people, but extroverted with her very best friends. It takes Pops a while to realize things are just fine and that he’s done a good job being a dad no matter what the outcome was.
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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veryvincible · 4 years
Do you think you could share some of your Tony Ty youth/relationship days hcs? hehe
Yours truly,
Tys obsessed fan
Oh boy! I have been sitting on this for a few days now, because there is, uh, a lot. Also, I adore you, and I love every Ty ask I receive.
I think this post would end up far too long if I responded the way I desire to in my heart, so I’ll keep it relatively simple (edit: it did not stay relatively simple, and also it branched out slightly into other topics. This is so very long. Be warned.)
Content warnings here for psychological/emotional abuse/domestic abuse/child abuse!
I like to think they didn’t really have a “let’s get together!” moment. I think they ended up becoming close, they were casual with each other, and it just kind of... became what it became. I think they probably ended up using labels at some point, but I don’t think there was ever an official, “Would you like to go out on a date with me?” or “Would you want to be, like, boyfriends?” moment. 
I think Tony was a generally isolated kid (obviously, he gained acquaintances like Bruce and potentially Reed as he grew older, but you know) and Ty was... probably also a generally isolated kid. Ty may have had a few other “friends” around, given what we know about him; he’s certainly charismatic. I don’t think Ty would have really developed close friendships with many people, though, given that his personality seems more rotten the closer you get to him.
We don’t see a lot of their childhood together at all, so this is almost entirely shit I’ve come up with for the sake of fic writing and general note-taking for the sake of coherency with how I write Ty, but.
One thing I tend to lean toward is the idea that Ty had kind of an awful home life. This isn’t really an, “Aw, boo, so sad, what a tragic man,” sort of thing so much as it is that... I think Ty and Tony are at their most interesting when they’re contrasting forces, and the idea of Tony (a victim of abuse who broke the cycle) becoming friends with Ty (a victim of abuse who perpetuates the cycle) at a young age, not in spite of their differences but because of them, is something I really like to think about.
We don’t actually get much of Ty’s parents in canon-- they’re kind of implied to be, like, Fine Parents. They’re contrasted with Howard Stark, who pulls the shark-eat-shark business motherfucker thing and basically causes Mr. Stone’s business to, like. Drown, or whatever. You know. The contrast there is implied, and I respect that for what it is. That being said, that’s not what interesting for me to write, and as such, I’ve chosen to tweak these little details for the sake of my more personalized (and slightly more self-indulgent) fic writing experience.
I think there’s a lot of potential in considering the differences between how they act at home as opposed to how they act with each other, too. I think Home Tony is generally apprehensive and subdued, but more uncertain and anxious than outright fearful 24/7. In IM Vol. 1, Howard was shown to be unpredictable; we got to see a lot of bad, but there were also sparkling moments wherein they seemed to be bonding as a father-son duo, and Tony would actually get to work with his father and learn from his father. I think that very well could have exacerbated the anxiety he felt, because he’s not being taught to never touch anything ever-- he’s being taught that there are very specific circumstances under which he’s able to explore as he’d like to, and those circumstances are 1) virtually impossible to accurately predict and 2) subject to change at the drop of a hat. So, Tony has been shown to be at least a little bit capable of testing the waters with what he’s allowed to do in the house and what he’s not allowed to do. That doesn’t make it any less anxiety-inducing, it just makes him a tiny, tiny bit of a more active child than one who’s constantly paralyzed.
Home Ty, to me, would be the opposite-- he is fearful 24/7, and as such, his behavior as a child is kind of... flawless, at least in the eyes of parents who think that children should be seen, not heard (and sometimes not even seen). I think both of his parents were abusive-- his father more so than his mother, but certainly both of them, if only because I think it would be yet another nice contrast between him and Tony, whose mother wasn’t perfect but certainly tried harder and felt more for Tony than Howard did. I like to think Ty was kept on a very short leash at home; boundaries were predictable, there were no “glimmering moments” he could grasp onto in order to make him feel like there was ever a chance of having normal family dynamics, and he was too afraid to really... do anything about it.
In contrast, I think Boarding School Ty was probably a lot pushier, a lot more risk-taking, and generally just... took up more space. I think he was still pretty fearful of authority and nervous about punishment, but he was well aware of the fact that this was distinctly different from being at home and that most people at school didn’t give a flying fuck about him. It likely could have been both liberating and anxiety inducing for someone so used to being around people who found it important to control him. I think he was probably pretty manipulative at this point, but I don’t think it was at the point where you would point to him and go, “Oh, what a fucked up, toxic person!”, especially since he was, like... a little fucking dude. Like, a fucking young’un. But I think the seeds were sort of planted here, and given that he had no healthy relationships to model himself after, he worked off of the assumption that in order to have control as opposed to being controlled, he needed to 1) possess things, 2) protect them aggressively, and 3) make sure his authority wasn’t threatened.
Boarding School Tony (from what little we’ve seen of him, though we can imagine he was probably similar to pre-boarding school Tony for a while, just with more Issues now) was probably the opposite-- less willing to take up space and less willing to take risks. It’s not unimaginable to assume that he might have thought his (extremely) mild exploratory tendencies might have had something to do with the abandonment, and he very well could have adjusted accordingly; if him causing trouble for people was what pushed his parents to leave him, he would very simply not cause trouble. A lot of this is nabbed from Adult Tony tendencies, wherein pretty much everyone else is prioritized over himself and he’s practically incapable of finding himself worthy of anything at all.
It’s the classic “extrovert friend-adopts an introvert” trope, except... it’s a severely damaged child feeling gutsy enough to finally, finally take up space and find something to possess and control for his own for once... friend-adopting a severely damaged child who very likely feels like the best way to proceed in relationships is to very clearly identify boundaries, figure out what it is the other person wants from him, and try to adhere to those desires as much as he’s able.
Of course, canon portrays the relationship as a “friendly rivalry” that Ty takes much more seriously than Tony does. From what we’ve seen of Tony, though, Tony doesn’t actually want to be better than anyone. In fact, he tries his best to make it seem like the opposite. He treats everyone like they’re on the same level, he tries to simplify the concepts he’s explaining so no one feels inferior to him, and, generally, he just... isn’t much of a braggart. That isn’t to say competitive/proud people can’t be kind and gentle and want to level the playing field often, but in Tony’s case, it seems that competition is best for two things: 1) having two intelligent, capable people trying to outdo each other and, in the process, creating better and better technology for the betterment of society at large, and 2) lighthearted fun.
For Ty, it very clearly wasn’t just lighthearted fun, and I think most of their childhood rivalry would have become formulaic at a point: Tony would put a good amount of effort into their competitions, but if it seemed that Ty was lagging behind too much, Tony would simply back off and let things even out. I don’t think Ty was predictably a sore loser; in fact, I think he was unpredictable, and I think a part of Tony that had only known life to be unpredictable found some level of sick comfort in that.
For Tiberius Stone specifically, I tend to read more into the unintended consequences/implications of his character based on one-off lines that... weren’t really intended to say much. The story canon gives us isn’t incohesive, exactly! It’s a pretty good story, especially if you’re not hellbent on analyzing character motivations. There’s just a lot about Ty that doesn’t seem very stable. Obviously, he’s not a stable person, given that he, uh, freaked the fuck out and tried to take over the world. But when I say Ty doesn’t seem very stable, I mean his character doesn’t seem the most stable at a second glance; we’re given conflicting accounts about his motivations, his intentions, his past, and even what he’s trying to do in the moment. And some of these inconsistences can be found in dialogue from Ty’s own mouth.
Now, if you read into it from a point of view that’s canon-adjacent as opposed to canon-compliant (i.e., assuming there’s much more of a story there than canon offers, and canon’s “case closed!” for the timeline of Ty’s life isn’t actually a closed case), you can gauge not only some level of dysregulation, but also... a level of delusion, almost. Ty seems disconnected from reality, but it’s not like there’s one single alternate timeline of events that’s cohesive in his head. It feels like his view of the world and, most importantly, himself (and this is excluding dialogue wherein he’s explicitly lying to Tony in order to manipulate him).
Most notably, we can kind of gauge fluctuations in his own views of his self worth. He engages in constant competition with Tony, he refuses to come back to America after leaving until he’s more successful than Tony, and pretty much everything he does is to prove he’s better than Tony. So, he thinks he’s better than Tony, right?
Well, not really. Because so much of his life was spent with the understanding that he wasn’t better than Tony. That was the whole reason he was gone for so long. He said he’d come back once he’d beat Tony, and... he still hadn’t beaten Tony. The beginning of the narrative leads you to assume that he thinks his big victory was being richer somehow, but it was all a set-up to bait Tony into Dreamvision. He comes across like he wants to kill Tony at first, and when that doesn’t work, he wants to... keep Tony. Like a pet, almost. But he also wants Tony to... kill him?
It’s a lot. It’s messy. It’s inconsistent. And that’s kind of what’s interesting about it. It (unintentionally, probably) suggests that Ty doesn’t have consistent motivations, which is something you do see often in people who are in survival mode in environments that don’t necessarily warrant it. It suggests a psychological wound that’s easy to poke at.
Essentially, Ty just comes across as very... hurt. Which, y’know, doesn’t justify shit and doesn’t make him any better of a person, but it provides the opportunity for some interesting narratives to sprout. Figuring out all the ways that Tony could unintentionally pick at this psychological wound of his and all the ways Ty could poorly respond is neat, I think, and I feel like these kinds of narratives tend to be very... raw, I guess, is the word I’m looking for. They just kind of hit hard, especially for those who have experienced similar situations.
It’s just something that’s terribly common in abusive relationships-- any implication that the traumatized abuser is doing something wrong can be a trigger for a borderline nervous breakdown, which makes communication practically impossible and, if the victim of the abuse feels obligated to stick around or take on the role of caretaker, turns the relationship into a cycle of insecurity and misery on all fronts. That’s not to say the abuser and the victim are suffering equally or are equally justified/valid, but it is a kind of relationship dynamic that can be incredibly cathartic to both write and read, and it’s also just... I don’t know. It just, as the kids say, hits different.
So, rewinding about four paragraphs there (whoops, this is getting long), I think most of my feelings about youth/relationship days Ty/Tony kind of center around this concept of two suffering people handling their trauma in totally opposite ways. I think it’s especially interesting to look at it from the point of view of them as younger adults (or teenagers, or children) who aren’t so set in their ways quite yet. You see these redemptive qualities and you see these children and these teenagers who are so, so ready to be helped and saved and cared for, but with the knowledge that they just... don’t get that. Not for a long time, at least.
It can feel fatalistic from a narrative standpoint, and... I mean, it kind of is. There are very few circumstances under which I could see Ty getting a redemption arc of any kind, and that’s kind of what makes a younger Ty so tragic. Everything he does is born of insecurity and anger, and everything Tony does is born of insecurity and love.
I think (for a short period of time, at least), they molded each other. Ty’s anger and competitiveness only solidified Tony’s inferiority complex and Tony’s inability to really, genuinely stand up against Ty in a way that would make any lasting meaningful changes only cemented the idea in Ty’s head that this was an acceptable way to be.
Now that that’s out of the way, here are some more simple and concise headcanons, because you asked for them and I’m sorry this became so terribly long and broke off in so many different directions:
- I think Tony and Ty bickered a lot as they got older. I don’t think Tony was totally incapable of standing up for himself, but I do think Tony probably had a tendency to call Ty out in the moment, and when Ty became too agitated and too unreasonable, Tony just left it alone and let it settle. 
- I think Ty can play house extremely well. He probably remembers all of Tony’s favorite foods, favorite songs, favorite fabrics, favorite... I don’t know what other favorite things you could have, but you get my point. I don’t think he always used this information, but I think it would be incredibly important for him to know how to make someone feel loved, even if he didn’t always employ these methods (and in some cases, may have actively withheld certain kindnesses as acts of pettiness). I think it was also incredibly important for him to know Tony’s dislikes, for... obvious reasons.
- As I said before, I think Ty had a tendency to become terribly dysregulated; I think he was more than capable of both premeditated manipulation and unintentional manipulation. I think he very likely could have fallen into a spiral of thoughts that could make it pretty clear just how easily his self worth and his view of Tony’s worth fluctuated. 
- Tony’s just... a stronger person than Ty. That’s a given. That’s been proven. And I think a lot of Tony’s willingness to put up with Ty would have come from this idea that he was more resilient and Ty was more fragile and volatile, so if Ty needed to take shit out on him every so often, that was fair enough.
- Another factor that may have played into Tony’s tolerance of Ty’s behavior in their youth (which, again, wasn’t nearly as awful as what Ty did as a grown ass man, given how Tony responded to Ty post-Dreamvision and how he pretty much immediately broke things off-- though, I very much enjoy the concept of Tony making some effort to make amends and Ty failing to meet him in the middle yet again) could have been the fact that it feels like Ty probably didn’t have a lot of other friends at all, especially not close friends. I think Tony would very much carry the weight of this “Maybe I’m the only person in the world who loves him” mindset. He values human life quite a bit, and I believe that even on a less intimate scale, if Tony tried to view the situation through the perspective of an outsider, he would still feel terribly, terribly saddened by the very human tragedy of being forced to take more than you can reasonably handle and becoming difficult to redeem as a result of this-- not because there’s no good left in you, but because you’re so frightened by the idea of even touching the trauma that you can’t force yourself to acknowledge you have a problem to begin with.
- I don’t think Ty feels the same comfort and warmth from physical contact that most people do, not because of anything innate (i.e. a natural preference), but because the only physical contact he received for a long, long time was, uh... Awful! That being said, I think he enjoys physical contact on the basis of being the center of attention, and he probably initiated physical contact quite a bit. I think Tony’s very big on physical contact, and Ty would very much play into Tony’s preferences here, too. Just to make himself seem like a better, more attentive boyf.
- This one is less tragic-- I think Ty and Tony get pretentious together! While I adore in-canon comparisons between Tony and the rest of high society, I also think a long-forgotten part of Tony’s character in fanon is the fact that he really does fit in with a more yacht-having crowd just as much as he fits in with your average Joes. He was raised by them and with them, after all, and his education was shaped by this. Of course he doesn’t love a lot of the culture around it, but with regards to the more harmless aspects of being a privileged kid in the environment he was in (the experiences one might have that aren’t inherently negative, that is, like having certain extracurriculars or being exposed to certain educational content), I think Ty and Tony really mesh here. Tony’s sense of humor with Ty would be totally different from his sense of humor with someone like Steve, which would also be totally different from his sense of humor with someone like Rumiko. Tony’s incredibly well-rounded, and I think he could match Ty’s Classics-loving, borderline classical theater kid tendencies very well.
- This one is 100% headcanon, based on virtually nothing other than, like, one comic panel... that isn’t even awesome evidence. It’s just a personal hc. I think Ty’s gay. Like, obviously, he’s gay for Tony, w/e. But I think Ty’s gay as in, Ty is exclusively attracted to men. The only women he ever had eyes for (or showed interest in) were the women that Tony had shown interest in/dated first, implying that there’s more of a possessive/competitive aspect than anything really... genuine. Of course, that doesn’t mean he can’t be bi, pan, or anything else (or straight, obviously, but this whole post is about him and a guy he likes to fuck, so that doesn’t really fit into the theme, here), but I prefer to write him as someone who’s only really interested in men (Tony specifically), and I prefer to write Tony as a bisexual man with a preference for women. This wasn’t really intended to be a big contrast between them; I had the headcanon for Tony already set in stone (haha), and for a long while I wrote Ty as a bi man, but recently I’ve kind of shifted things around to better accommodate my feelings about these characters.
- I love, love, love tattooed Ty. Get this man a quote in Latin on the base of his neck. Get this man some symbolic tattoos. Let this man be a poet who simultaneously wants to appear profound for appearances and wants to have these symbols on his body just because he likes them, and he likes to look at them, and they feel reflective of who he is. I have very specific Ty tattoo thoughts that I do not remember at all, but this is the gist of it.
- I think Ty handles the “normal” adventurous stuff, but he’s far more of a, uh... I don’t know, a pussy? than Tony is. Tony deals with actual threats; Ty deals with fake, stupid threats. Ty is the guy who rids the dorms of cockroaches when Tony’s too afraid to and Tony is the guy who handles home invasions.
- I think the vast majority of Ty’s abuse is emotional/psychological, not only because this is what comes most naturally to him and it’s easy for him to fall into these manipulative tendencies without necessarily thinking about it, but also because physical abuse would cross a line for him in his head that would be very difficult to ignore. I think, if you take into consideration how volatile he seems, his flip-flopping back and forth between how he feels about both himself and Tony could become more exaggerated and more severe, possibly leading to an irreversible breakdown of his psyche. I think there could very well be an, “Oh, I’ve become my father” moment if that were to happen, which is exactly why it doesn’t happen. Ty’s too wrapped up in this idea that, so long as he doesn’t cross that line, everything he does can still be justified. Which is garbage.
- Tiberius did not like Sunset Bain. Sunset Bain did not like Tiberius. 
There’s a lot more that comes to mind, but this is already upwards of 30 paragraphs, and I, uh. Do not want to make this longer than it already is! So, do with that what you will.
Again, obligatory note here that this is canon-adjacent and canon-inspired, but not an analysis of canon material in the sense that I’m attempting to pick apart what the intents of the writers were. What canon provides is much more straightforward. These are headcanons, this is for funsies, and a lot of less important background details have been tweaked for the sake of the narratives that I, as a fanfic writer, would like to write and see written.
Thank you so much for the ask! This was legitimately so nice to write. I rarely ever get to spam about this, which is very likely why there’s just so much text every time I receive an ask like this, but. Again, it was very nice and I’m very grateful for you, anon.
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What are your favorite KH headcanons? Just in general, nothing specific :)
It’s funny... I can think of headcanons when I’m writing or whatever--or just at the spur of the moment--but when asked for them, they all disappear from my mind. Uhh... let’s see what I can come up with.
Because Kairi has had a different hairstyle that every year that we see her, I headcanon that she changes her hair every year.
I also headcanon her birthday is September 17th (the day KH1 was released in the U.S. This is also SoKai Day), since Sora’s birthday is the day of the Japanese release and because it makes Kairi a Virgo. She somewhat reminds me of a Virgo. And apparently an Virgos and Aries (which Sora is) can be good together, so...
I imagine that Riku is rich, just because he has a balcony in the KH manga. So is Kairi, for being the adopted daughter of the mayor in my mind (I get into that just below). Sora, however, is probably middle class. For this reason, hangouts with the three usually happen at Kairi or Riku’s house. But sometimes Sora’s still... And these three totally snuck into each other’s houses after dark--through bedroom windows--all the time, and no one can tell me any differently.
And, like most of the fandom does, I headcanon that Destiny Islands’ mayor is Kairi’s adopted father... even though that’s never exactly said. It’s said that the girl who arrived during the meteor shower was at the mayor’s house, but that could have just been for the time and she eventually got relocated somewhere else. But nah. I also headcanon that the mayor adopted her.
I like my headcanon of Xion liking doilies for some reason.
And my one about Roxas being able to cook, too.
For some reason, I adore the idea that Riku can’t cook to save his life.
I also don’t think that Sora is dumb, and I’ll fight people on this. And at this point, I’m kind of stealing another’s headcanon... but I like the idea that Donald and Goofy teach Sora school things he’s missing on their travels together.
I can also get into the headcanon that Sora’s dad passed when he was young (sadly). Since we hear him mentioned in BbS, but don’t hear him calling Sora to dinner alongside Sora’s mother in KH1 or anything like that. 
I definitely headcanon that there are a few islands on Destiny Islands--since it’s Destiny Islands plural--but that they’re probably small, so that the kids still feel “trapped there”.
I imagine that Sora and Riku’s parents put up some of the Play Island stuff absent in Dark Road.
Until proven otherwise, because of the character files, I’m headcanoning that Roxas, Lea, Xion, Isa, and Naminé are all living together now (with Lea and Isa acting as their parents). Probably in the Old Mansion that they fixed up. But on the flip-side of that, I think that Sora and Kairi’s parents accepted their kids’ Nobodies and Replicas as their own, and they sometimes stay there.
I also want to pretend that Isa made a bigger effort to make things up to Roxas and Xion.
I actually don’t think Naminé would jump on the drawing train as most fans seem to think she would. Rather... since drawing is actually tied to traumatic memories for her, I think she’d want to get as far away from it as she could at first. And it would take her friends showing her that she could make good memories with it too, that would finally make her an artist.
Terra and Aqua came from other worlds than the Land of Departure (and how I wish we’d get information on that!). Right now--even though it’ll never happen in a million years, since this series isn’t even Disney--I’m writing that Aqua is originally from “Antar” from the Roswell series, but that’s more fanfiction territory. More likely than not, I want to believe that Terra and Aqua are from worlds that fit their names.
Strelitzia is bisexual. I don’t care that Player canonically is a guy at this point, thus probably making her het. Shh.
Speaking of bisexuality... I think that Sora is. I could maybe even headcanon Riku as that now.
Naminé would totally wear baby blue, if Nomura ever lets her get another outfit.
Xion probably eventually picks up some artsy thing that she can do too, to better fit in with Kairi, Naminé, and Aqua. In the novels, she wanted to make a lucky charm but didn’t know how to. So I can see it.
I don’t think this is a headcanon, so much as it is canon that we haven’t seen yet (since Nomura has slightly talked about this in interviews, even if he’s never going to do anything with it now). Rinoa exists in the KH universe. And it’s because something happened to her during the fall of Radiant Garden--that Leon really is beating himself up about--that he changed his name. And it’ll only seeing her alive and well again, that will get him to change his name back. And he eventually will (or maybe even has in my headcanon). And, yes: the letter he got in the KHII credits was totally from her, telling him that she was alright. Rinoa is also why he has wings on the back of his jacket.
Yuna, Rikku, and Paine aren’t actually tiny fairies, but Maleficent turned them into that... And this is so I can ship KH Tidus and Yuna, yeah. But I swear if you listen to one of Rikku’s lines, it sounds like she might be implying this.
While I think originally, it was Aerith that Cloud was trying to save in KH1 (...for some reason. Since she’s fine in the KH verse), fans have now convinced me that it was actually Zack, so I hope we eventually get the FFVII characters in KH’s story eventually resolved.
Some people argue that all of Traverse Town with the TWEWY characters was a dream--or maybe it’s that they argue Joshua saving his friends through Sora and Riku’s help was the dream--but in my book, it totally happened.
Naminé is an honorary member of the Destiny Trio and Sea Salt Trio.
Kairi and Naminé see each other as sisters, and Sora, Roxas, and Ventus (and Vanitas, if he ever comes back and is redeemed) see each other as brothers. But Sora and Roxas miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight slightly see themselves as more closely linked brothers, and same thing with Ventus and Vanitas.
I also see Xion as a third sister for Kairi and Naminé. Most of the fandom disagrees with this. And I understand why. Most of the fandom sees her as Sora’s sister (and maybe even then sistered to the other boys. And sometimes I now do this--sort of because of peer pressure--but I’ll also have her be a shared sister between the boys and Kairi and Naminé, even though Sora and Kairi themselves aren’t “related”. But I hate that when I do this, it ruins my RokuShi dreams. So it’s probably part of the reason that I usually don’t). But I still see Xion as closer to Kairi than Sora. I know she was supposed to be a Sora clone (but it didn’t really work and she was a failed clone of him), but she mostly defined by his memories of Kairi. And that’s who she chooses to be and how she sees herself. But people then argue that it’s Sora’s memories of Kairi, though, not Kairi herself. And I get that.... But I still think she’s closer to Kairi. Why? Because Sora was actively trying to make her Kairi. And I’m sure some of himself slipped into there, as parts of a writer--so to speak--shows up in all their work, whether they intended it or not. But for example... let’s say that Sora hates chocolate and Kairi loves it. Since he was trying to make Xion like Kairi, he would therefore have her like chocolate, even though he hated it. So that’s one more point for Xion moreso being like Kairi in my book. I also... when I first played Days, she reminded me a lot of Kairi, partly because of some of her snarky lines. It’s only recently that I’ve looked at Days and seen some Sora in her--and realized that also could have partly come from him--but I still stand by what I said.
And while we’re on the subject... after everyone got their own hearts and bodies at the end of KHIII, I don’t think pairings like RokuShi or RokuNami, or whatever else would be insert of self-cest at all. Really, I don’t ever think it was. Because KH rules state that it’s your heart and how you see yourself that governs everything around you... but especially not after KHIII resolved this. So it kind of ticks me off when people still bring up this argument.
Because this plot hole bothers me... Kairi totally remembered Merlin when she trained with him in KHIII.
Most the rest of these will probably be about Kairi. Since you all know she’s my girl, and I think about her a lot.
I pretend that Kairi did somewhat have an edgy stage, and still somewhat is. Maybe because I somehow combine that with tomboy in my head. IDK. Speaking of--though not that this is really “edgy”--I’ve written that Kairi likes Queen at least twice. Just pretend that Destiny Islands has Queen. Haha.
I also believe that even after Kairi became more girly in KHII, she still has some tomboy to her: like how even though she wears a dress in KHII, she still has sneakers on, and how her school bag isn’t decorated at all when Selphie’s is. She’s also a fighter, of course (not that that necessarily makes a girl a tomboy -looks at Buffy-). I imagine out of the three, Naminé is the girliest, Kairi is a mix of tomboy and girly-girl, and Xion is a tomboy. 
I think Kairi, Naminé, and Xion would all have great relationships with each other. Naminé and Xion, because they both know what it’s like to be “Nobodies” , told they shouldn’t exist, and forgotten (Kairi knows this, too), and have suffered (though Kairi has too, of course). They’re also both slightly shier. Kairi and Xion because they both can be snarky (though Xion not as much), are more outgoing and both fight, and are maybe pretty evenly matched right now (they’d probably spar a lot). And Kairi and Naminé, because they’re like the extroverted and introverted version of each other. And I imagine Kairi could convince Kairi to try things more, while Naminé would get her to chill the F out about things.
Kairi and Xion are probably both protective of Naminé, since she’s been so abused and they can fight and she can’t.
Sora, Roxas, and Ventus might be protective of Xion. But for me, Roxas is because of shipping reasons.
Back to the girly-girl Kairi thing... While pink probably is for sure her favorite color now, she still likes purple and other colors. And will use them.
I also just... don’t see her wearing makeup. I know other fans do, and that’s fine. But I don’t. Mainly because it doesn't look like she ever is in the game. I think that’s part of her tomboy coming through still. She cares about her hair, her clothes, perfume and whatever else, but she doesn’t care about makeup.
I used to headcanon that Aqua and Xion would become best friends--and they still could--but Melody of Memory maybe hinted at something else.
...I think this is everything right now.
Edit: And pretty much every headcanon that bluerosesburnblue comes up with for the KHUX world is right up my alley.
Edit 2: Destiny Islands maybe isn’t as technologically un-advanced as I and some had originally thought, but it’s still not modern day Shibuya or anything like that.
Edit 3: A lot of Destiny Islands’ culture is based on Japan.
Edit 4: This isn’t a “headcanon” at all. But I love to joke with the fandom, that Naminé and Xion might as well be Sora and Kairi’s daughters. LOL
Edit 5: And because of that one scene in KHII, where Kairi, arguably, hits Riku in the arm, if you look close enough--and that one translation of the KHII manga, where Kairi tells Riku not to be such sourpuss--I headcanon that these two somewhat play off just how much they mean to each other. But really, they love each other of course. I mean that platonically.
Edit 6: And I want to believe Minnie and Daisy could eventually go on an adventure with Kairi or something. I like the headcanon that Daisy’s a magician, too--since Minnie is strong with light magic--even though it’s not true. Haha.
Edit 7: Sora says Kairi’s name over and over again at the end of KHI and tells her “I love you” at the end of KHIII.
Edit 8: Riku is Sora’s best man at Sora and Kairi’s wedding. He’s also the “uncle” and godfather of their kids. 
Edit 9: Speaking of, Sora and Kairi have a daughter named “Sakura”. But it’s pronounced like how you would say “Sum” (but drop the “M”, of course) and then “Cora”. “Sumcora” (but without the “M”).
Edit 10: Kairi’s a Disney princess.
Edit 11: Max Goof exists in the KH universe, as do the Three Caballeros, who Donald is friends with.
Edit 12: Terra and Naminé are friends.
Edit 13: This is completely unoriginal--and just “Riku” backwards--but in fics, I often call Riku Replica “Ukir” (I pronounce it “You-Kai-Err”, because I’m too lazy to come up with anything else and don’t want to steal other people’s ideas. And Repliku probably did want to be the opposite of Riku, so... -shrugs-
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mmamagoto · 3 years
are u guys prepared for this i put all five of the muses here on this one. so of course it’s under a cut for being long as hell
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name: natoru
gender: female
date of birth: april 30
origin of birth: listen they’re all from the human world on this blog so let me just save myself the trouble of typing that four more times
race/species: cat (scottish fold)
spoken languages:
romantic/sexual preference: middles toward aromantic
occupation: royal assistant and whatever else they can toss under the umbrella of ‘assistant duties’
hobbies: space, sports (or more specifically, competition), stereotypically Cool Boy things like dinosaurs and creepy crawlies, annoying natori
criminal record: 
disorders: none
eye color: kind of a hazel thinking emoji they’re pretty tbh
height: markedly shorter than every other cat in this dang film
scars: possibly a few very minor ones from some scrapes and clumsiness upon first coming to the cat kingdom, but they’re probably not very noticeable
birthmarks: none
overweight: i’m. not sure thinking emoji she’s definitely a solidly-built little thing but considering she’s a cat it literally could just be her body type lmao. even so, she doesn’t consider it an issue, and neither does anyone else tbh
underweight: no
favorite color: olive green, pink
favorite food: yakiimo
wants to get married / is married: n. no
gotten pregnant / had a child: no
wants a child: not really. she’s content with her cool big sister role
likes children: yes. she has kind of a natural rapport with them
can sing: i mean. she can probably carry a tune
play an instrument: probably not
can dance: ???
gotten tattoos: 
gotten piercings: nah
smoked/drank/done drugs: has probably definitely had Drinks. also like probably catnip/matatabi, which all things considered i’m not sure if it counts lmao
had a broken heart: not really
been in love: not really
a cuddler: Probably bc i’m still very amused by her and natori having to share a room during a trip to another kingdom and natori Suffering the entire time
a kisser:
scared easily: she’s skittish which is Unfortunate bc she is the ‘reacts to jump scares by punching them’ type
jealous easily: it. depends on what it is. she tends to be more the envious type, where she covets Unique and Cool objects over companionship
hot/cool tempered: generally very cool. she’s a tolerant creature, and i feel like that tends to get overlooked thinking emoji
trustworthy: mostly, particularly when compared with her two coworkers lmao
single: yes
extroverted/introverted: she’s adaptable
considered mean: this one is so funny to me bc i think, when compared with natori who is kind of in a similar position to her in the hierarchy, she’s often seen as the more approachable one which is ironic bc between the two of them she’s the uhhhh. less Understanding one. she will sell you for a corn chip
fears: sugoroku space, dogs (just slightly), stick bugs but every other kinda bug is Fine By Her, natori with a ruler in his paw
siblings: marsh (older brother)
parents: unknown
pet(s): none
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name: claudius
nicknames: mostly (even now) referred to by titles by everyone except lune
gender: male
date of birth: august 2
origin of birth: see above
race/species: cat (probably a persian)
spoken languages: 
romantic/sexual preference: i kinda lean toward bi or panromantic tbh
occupation: retired king so. mostly just a NEET at this point
hobbies: traveling (mostly to show off but stILL). other than that, now that he’s retired, he’s struggled with finding hobbies that aren’t just napping or following natori around. he’s not a patient or committed creature, so when he tries something new and it’s Too Hard, he tends to lose interest very quickly. that said, he definitely relies very heavily on other people, natori, natoru, and entertainers, etc. to provide him with things to pass the time
criminal record: he’s offended at this very notion
disorders: does. does strabismus count
eye color: has marked heterochromia, with one blue eye and one red eye
height: Tall for a cat jjfkdeia
scars: none
birthmarks: none
overweight: actually, no
underweight: no, tho without all the fur, he definitely has a scrawnier, less conventionally cute look to him jfjfie;a
favorite color: gold
favorite food: oden
wants to get married / is married: he maybe kinda sorta misses being married (or, more specifically, having a significant other)
gotten pregnant / had a child: yes, so long as adoption counts
wants a child: a grandkid sounds kinda nice
likes children: yes, but to absolutely no one’s surprise he’s a bad influence on them and has No Clue how to interact with them when they’re upset. he also is 100% the type to throw hands with a preschooler
can sing: OF COURSE
play an instrument: no, tho he certainly likes the idea of being able to. he’s badgered natori into trying to teach him before inevitably getting bored with the practice when he’s not instantly a genius at it (see above in the hobbies section, aha)
can dance: definitely. unless it’s not a ballroom dance. then no one wants to see that
gotten tattoos: 
gotten piercings: mm, probably not
smoked/drank/done drugs: absolutely
had a broken heart: yes
been in love: twice
a cuddler: It Depends. he was once someone’s Ultra Pampered house cat, so he’s of the five of them probably the most amenable to being pet and held, but he’s also temperamental and finicky so uh. Pet At Your Own Risk ig
a kisser:
scared easily: not really. he’s too impulsive to be scared psh
jealous easily: 100%
hot/cool tempered: HE CLIMBED HIS WAY UP A TOWER WITH NOTHING BUT HIS CLAWS AND SHEER OFFENDED WILLPOWER.............. and all with two swords strapped to him..............
trustworthy: not too much
single: it’s. Complicated
extroverted/introverted: extroverted, mostly, but he has his random introspective moments when he generally wants to be alone
considered mean: I MEAN. it really depends jfjfei;a i will go to the grave with this headcanon that he’s honestly well-liked as a ruler but has a definite reputation of being difficult-to-please and mercurial
fears: being genuinely or legitimately Disliked, pissing off lune to the point he turns his back on him, squeamish with squirmy things
siblings: none
parents: unknown. the previous queen is his mother-in-law
pet(s): none
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name: lune
nicknames: an endless cavalcade of affectionate nicknames from his father and no one can convince me otherwise
gender: male
date of birth: october 27
origin of birth: see above
race/species: cat (the fandom seems to have him pegged as a russian blue and i’m not gonna disagree sO)
spoken languages: 
romantic/sexual preference: probably heteroromantic
occupation: king of cat kingdom :v
hobbies: butterflies and moths, idk does urban exploration count for a cat lmao
criminal record: no
disorders: none
eye color: shares his father’s heterochromia-- one blue eye, one red eye
height: notably smaller than his father but still taller than natoru like everyone else jfkfd;a
scars: none
birthmarks: none
overweight: no
underweight: no
favorite color: aquamarine
favorite food: lots of different street foods, tbh, but his favorites are probably takoyaki and taiyaki (particularly when filled with cheese laughs)
wants to get married / is married: is married! and very happy with that marriage
gotten pregnant / had a child: no
wants a child: it’s crossed his mind, but not with any real intent
likes children: probably. he’s never really interacted with them
can sing: i mean. again, he can probably carry a tune
play an instrument: i feel like he probably can. at least one thinking emoji
can dance: yes
gotten tattoos:
gotten piercings: ........i should give him his manga earring. it’s cute
smoked/drank/done drugs: has definitely had some alcohol in his life. also the catnip thing again
had a broken heart: not yet
been in love: yES
a cuddler: i’m. not sure
a kisser:
scared easily: not in the least, but it’s mostly bc he’s a gaddang pollyanna
jealous easily: not particularly. he’s a gregarious creature
hot/cool tempered: cool-tempered, but without natori’s aloofness so he most likely comes across more reasonably or genuinely
trustworthy: Absolutely
single: no
extroverted/introverted: like natoru, he’s adaptable. and like natori, i feel that he’s become quite practiced at playing the part of an extrovert, but perhaps with more genuineness
considered mean: ABSOLUTELY NOT
fears: saying goodbye to any of the familiar cats in his life, Abrupt Change, vehicles are a little iffy nowadays
siblings: none
parents: cat king (father). the previous cat queen was his grandmother (uh, not persephone)
pet(s): none atm, but probably had numerous ones throughout his childhood, including a rabbit which ‘ran away to the mountains (aka the ninth kingdom)’ at some point. according to natori, that is
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name: natori
nicknames: poppet, a long time ago
gender: male
date of birth: unknown. tends to use the cat kingdom’s new year celebrations as an excuse to celebrate
origin of birth: see above
race/species: cat (oriental longhair)
spoken languages: 
romantic/sexual preference: generally idles between homoromantic and  demiromantic
occupation: royal advisor/assistant. on paper, he’s retired, but it’s never stopped him before
hobbies: keeping goldfish, music, cooking
criminal record:
disorders: none
eye color: coppery brown
height: close to the king’s height. i keep waffling back and forth on just which of them is taller
scars: none
birthmarks: it’s not necessarily a birthmark, but he does have some kind of marking on him Somewhere (x-files theme) it’s well-hidden by his clothing
overweight: no
underweight: no
favorite color: lavender
favorite food: fish
wants to get married / is married: He Doesn’t Know
gotten pregnant / had a child: no
wants a child: like natoru, he’s mostly content with his role as uncle/mentor
likes children: yes, tho he’s easily stressed by them lmao
can sing: y e s
play an instrument: i’m not really sure yet thinking emoji
can dance: yes
gotten tattoos: 
gotten piercings: he would never
smoked/drank/done drugs: like the others, has definitely had a taste of alcohol fjfjkd;a
had a broken heart: yes
been in love: he’s not sure
a cuddler: generally Not
a kisser:
scared easily: his composure drops pretty quick lbr
jealous easily: a little. a teensy bit. okay it’s much more than a teensy bit
hot/cool tempered: cool-tempered, but, as mentioned above, with a very distinct aloof edge that probably often leads to him being perceived as unapproachable
trustworthy: .............it depends
single: yyyyyyye-- no? yes. no. nobody knows
extroverted/introverted: introverted, mostly, but he plays a very convincing extrovert
considered mean: not especially, but again. probably perceived by many as being difficult to approach
fears: they are Many and Varied and most of them connect either to the collapse of the cat kingdom or the human world in its entirety
siblings: manami, sachiko (younger sisters)
parents: EXTREMELY UNKNOWN......
pet(s): three goldfish
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name: yuki
nicknames: lune calls her sweetie in the manga and it kills me every time i remember it
gender: female
date of birth: march
origin of birth: see above
race/species: cat (...not sure what breed she might be thinking emoji)
spoken languages:
romantic/sexual preference: biromantic
occupation: queen of cat kingdom
hobbies: she hasn’t really spent the time trying out hobbies just yet. has gotten a little into butterflies and moths bc lune likes them. has her eye on a number of more artistic pastimes 
criminal record:
disorders: none
eye color: a very pretty blue jfjf;a
height: pretty much the same exact height as lune tbh
scars: none
birthmarks: none
overweight: no
underweight: no
favorite color: plum/wine
favorite food: nikuman, pastries
wants to get married / is married: is married! and like lune, is also very happy with the setup laughs
gotten pregnant / had a child: no
wants a child: atm, not particularly
likes children: also like lune, she has very little experience interacting with them. at least, recently. but i can not see her Disliking children so. u know
can sing: probably
play an instrument: no
can dance: some dances, yes. i like the idea that lune is casually teaching her behind the scenes lmao
gotten tattoos:
gotten piercings: no
smoked/drank/done drugs: a. again, like all of these cats have probably had some alcohol lmao
had a broken heart: s. sort of
been in love: yes
a cuddler: next to the king, she’s probably second most amenable to being pet and held, but she’s not really the type to actively seek it out
a kisser:
scared easily: not particularly, but she’s definitely more wary than lune is
jealous easily: not too much
hot/cool tempered: definitely cool
trustworthy: generally
single: no
extroverted/introverted: definitely introverted, but she’s not awkward in most social interactions. she’s more awkward now than she used to be simply bc she’s still not entirely certain what to expect with her new position and clout
considered mean: definitely not, to the point that i headcanon those who don’t know her terribly well are sometimes surprised by how remote she can come across laughs
fears: somewhat insecure in her new position, a lot of her current fears come back to being ridiculed or making a fool of herself, damaging her reputation right off the bat so that no one will ever take her seriously, or that it will bleed into lune’s reputation, too rip
siblings: none
parents: unknown, however for this blog’s canon, she did spend some time as haru’s pet in the human world
pet(s): none. she’s still kinda baffled by the idea of cats having pets in the first place lmao
natori very hesitantly but cheerily introduces her to his goldfish and she isn’t sure what to say fjfjk;ea
yuki, to lune: i didn’t know cats could have pets lune: sure! i had a pet rabbit once yuki: yuki: what
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fredsheldoraptor · 3 years
Dealing with humans...
DEALING WITH HUMANS (while plotting their species’ demise from within)
Hello people! This is Fred, your not-so-friendly neighbourhood human-eating Raptor. You might know me from such legends as “Cretaceous Park - a true sequel”, “Claws”, and “Claws: the Revenge”...
So I have been busy dealing with humans in the house, my own version of “monster in the house”, for raptors. They should be my arch enemies, these 2 human children, but I’ve learned to get fond of them, and now I do not wish to murder them anymore (only they are immune to my murderous istinct for now).
What I learned from one of them — the female — is a whole new perspective of being that I always ignored, given my smart and capable yet atrophied digitally-augmented brain: gender fluidity.
While the boy is clearly a boy, in almost any circumstances adopting the masculine role as one might expect, with sporty and physical games and activities, the flashier and most dynamic toy, and limited social strategy... The girl is clearly a girl in it that she looks like a girl, but she isn’t always adopting the expected feminine role as one might expect, with docile (Imma exclude ‘sexy’ given we are talking about a child) clothing, delicate colors, intimate toys with ‘family’ theme like baby dolls and make up, and an intricate social strategy.
The girl seems to have some kind of extra gear, an additional trait that makes her more versatile than the boy.
I am not implying the girl is more advanced or superior than the boy — they are both capable in their own individual ways, and have strenghts and weaknesses. The trait I am currently analyzing is something probably more akin to a finely-tuned super-Empathy that gives the girl an efficient capacity for understanding multiple points of view as her own. 
I have seen her pull a tantrum like the child she is, I have seen her cry like a broken hearted teenager, and I have seen her sob like a failed mother. I have watched her sing like a choir girl, I have watched her dance like a ballerina, and I have watched her headbang like a metalhead. I have heard her whisper like a brainy introvert, I have heard her shout like a chaotic extrovert, and I have heard her mediate like a compassionate highway patrol officer that might write you off on that fine or double it — up to you.
She could become an actress... Or a secret agent.
I mentioned “gender fluidity” because some of these instances I have witnessed made me feel like I was watching a boy, sometimes even a man, or woman, at work, not simply a child. My raptorial brain chip wonders whether she is even actually a human child, and not some advanced experiment... :D ( I love experiments, and crazy scientists. Especially when their creation destroys their lab and the security detail gets distracted and I can easily sneak in and catch me some mea - - urm... moving on)
Is she “gender fluid”?
Yes and No would be my initial answer now... While I still do not subscribe to recent human trends such as gender identity and LGBT — I never had to care, being a Raptor — I can see now why so many people find solace in these labels. If we were to label this girl, we might probably use the term “gender fluid”, yeah. She is hard to fit exclusively in the “girl” department. Even if estheatically she might “usually” resemble a girl, and she has female genitals, her personality doesn’t necessarily always reflect the feminine sphere, and is therefore fluid, right?
But should we adopt alternative pronouns?
No. Absolutely not. She is already sort of autistic — we communicate via non-verbal gestures and context-sensitive vocalizations and it’s like she can only talk in her own indecipherable language that can’t be taught and she cannot learn any new language. If she isn’t autistic, she sure offers us some challenges in communication and empathy. But she is a master at empathizing others, almost like a telepathic scan of the emotional mood of the target person. I admire this power of hers and am envious of her, I could use it to sneak inside entire groups and defeat humans from their own homes... Muahaha. She uses it to harmonize on our rants and cheers, echoing us, and mirroring us, in her own way, and most often than not she therefore adds that element that often baffles us, but always connects with us on a primitive level, and we can tell she understood the root feeling of whatever we were trying to convey.
Nah, pronouns would only complicate further what’s already complicated.
If we started referring to her as “ze” “zir” and what have you, not only we would probably mess up and feel stupid, but it would add another dimension to decipher and terms to remember, to a dynamic that has nothing to fix or update. She is a girl, physically, but she is a girl+ mentally. Whatever that “+” represents doesn’t need a label or a special costume or a special behavior to conform to society. That “+” needs freedom and space to blossom and express itself assertively and it has been doing this with generosity and warmth, to such a degree to turn this beast that’s talking to you all right now, from murderous monster to... Dah okay, I’m still a murderous monster, but I am now a hopeless romantic murderous monster with a sweet spot for this girl and her gender fluidity artistic persona.
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Of course, I could (and would want) to turn her meat into a snack... It’d be easy to do and super tasty. But then... Who would sing metal for the raptor? Once you hear this girl scream like Angela Gossow of an earlier Arch Enemy, you cannot go back to Nickelback...
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Have you read Nightwing 71 yet? Sorry if I spoiler anything, but Ric was "groomed" "manipulated" and "brainwashed" by owls and, he IS now. I mean, AGAIN. Wow. Does DC ever know that Dick(or Ric) has his own character and personality and he is human, not tool ready to be used whenever or whoever needs? I am getting sick of this Ric grayson the free real estate BS.
I just read it now and its what I was expecting to happen but somehow it played out even worse than I was prepared for. There’s one line in particular that I don’t want to spoil in case any followers still care about that book being spoiled in terms of specific/detailed spoilers at this point, but something the Joker says to Dick near the end of the issue just makes this soooooooo much worse IMO than just another brainwashing for him. 
But I mean, lbr here. This isn’t the Church of Blood or even the Court of Owls messing with Dick’s mind this time. Literally playing God with his entire sense of self and view of reality. Its the Joker. 
This has officially pushed this story arc over even my disdain for the Forever Evil mess, and as far as I’m concerned, the rest of the Batfam should be BEGGING for his forgiveness after all this is said and done, no matter what he ends up doing while under the Joker’s control. I’m honestly going to just skip any fic that attempts to conclude or follow-up from this arc with anything other than the Batfam ALL busting their fucking asses off to do the work this time and put TIME and EFFORT into getting him to trust them or even want them around again at this point, because anything less than that will just leave me steaming at this point. 
Literally the ONLY thing I want to read right now is a fic where someone in his family figures out ON THEIR OWN, LIKE ACTUAL DETECTIVES that no one who has had his mind and agency violated and disregarded as often as he has - just that they even KNOW of - could possibly be alright, and so based off of even just plain simple logic he can not possibly be alright, and so could one of them just fucking SHOW UP for him, and not to try to fix him according to what THEY think he needs but just to be there and ask what HE needs? 
Where they make themselves a resource rather than them the knight in shining armor to his damsel in distress? Where they let it be about HIM instead of it being about them avenging him or them putting him back together or them protecting him or them somehow ending up more front and center and making more of the choices in-story than he gets to even though its supposed to be about him?
Like....just a story where the Batfam doesn’t have to wait until he has a literal breakdown before realizing he’s not okay and hasn’t been for a long time.  Where they look at the LONG string of times none of them have been there when he needed someone, and ask themselves WHY it is that they all expect him to be present and accounted for whenever they need him but none of them ever seem to be around when he could use a hand - even though they all always pretty much know exactly where to find him.....like, he’s the only hero in Bludhaven. They know this. Everyone knows this. 
Like, its not that hard to google “is shit going down in Bludhaven this week y/n” and drive half an hour when they hear his circus just got burned to the ground AGAIN or his apartment building was just blown up or there are four randos running around in his old costumes or the local crime lord just hired a dozen major assassins to all try and bring him Nightwing’s head.
Or his evil dead grandpa who last we saw was being handed over to Bruce’s custody BY Dick himself is somehow out on the loose again, why aren’t his family putting bets on where Rob Zombie’s bound to end up at some point - oh yeah, watching him through his window all creeperlike - I mean, I know their dad’s a billionaire but that’s just easy money. When a dude whose obsession is as hard to kill off as he is and with the backing and resources of a whole secret society of rich fucks who all think Dick’s destiny is to dance on the end of their strings, like when they all show a tendency to keep coming back like cockroaches no matter how many times they get stomped, what’s the best proactive approach to being prepared for the next time? 
Oh right, leave the sole focus of their constant attempts at abduction/manipulation/brainwashing completely isolated, alone and defenseless without even the memory of why he shouldn’t trust someone who shows up claiming to be his great-grandfather even when he actually turns out to be the real deal.....’see, its not that he’s lying about who he is, its that who he is happens to be evil.”
Seriously. HOW is this a family of geniuses??
HOW is fandom so often convinced its DICK who’s the dumbass out of all of them, when this is their brains on “oh no, Dick’s not here to tell us what to do while we bitch at him for it.’
Imagine fics where someone in Dick’s family looks at the HUGE number of holes in their knowledge of his life.....the periods of long stretches of time where NONE of them were in contact with him and thus have ANY idea what might have happened to their infamously-tightlipped-about-when-bad-things-happen-to-him brother/son without them knowing about it.....and wonder...hey, what DID happen to him during those times and isn’t it weird and WORRISOME that he’s never volunteered any info about those periods and we’ve never ASKED?
Aka the years he was estranged from Bruce because Bruce couldn’t pull his head out of his ass long enough to apologize to Dick for firing him and then turning around and hiring a new kid who gets the Wayne adoption AND the Grayson family name that were BOTH kept or taken from Dick when he was still pretty much just a kid himself.
Or the long months Dick spent infiltrating the mobs and then the Society of Supervillains when he was Coping Badly after everything that happened to him in Bludhaven, both what they know of and whatever else they don’t know of that could’ve been driving him back then....driving him straight into the company of VILLAINS rather than them.
Or literally anything that happened to him while he was working undercover by himself for the highly dangerous and infamous spy agency that also tried to take over his brain (PS - how many people don’t know that the ultimate resolution of the Grayson series, the endgame, was Dick battling the main villain for control over his own mind, because guess the villain’s plans for him were? Oh yeah, to be his new host body when he downloaded his consciousness into Dick’s body and kicked Dick’s consciousness to the curb. LOLOL. Ah yes. Everybody wants Dick Grayson - just without the parts that actually MAKE him Dick Grayson.)
Etc, etc, ad nauseam.
Everybody talks endlessly about how Dick Grayson is a people person and the heart of the family and his teams and nobody thinks twice about the fact that this is the same person who is so infamously often left on his own to his own devices battling the worst of the worst and everybody thinks oh he’s fiiiiiiiiiine. Like, I’m not actually sold on the idea that Dick is an extrovert rather than an introvert vs he just fakes being an extrovert very well....but what does it say that everybody ASSUMES Dick is this huge extrovert and yet.....it never occurs to them to seek HIM out and surround HIM with the people that supposedly an extrovert like him should need to recharge and recover after enduring shit like he does?
How about instead of a million fics where Dick’s agency is ignored yet again so the Batfam can dramatically find out about his rapes whether he likes it or not, and insert THEIR idea of what should happen next/how he should deal.....how about fics where he TELLS one of them or all of them about these or other events that have happened to him, on HIS timetable, of his OWN volition....because he WANTS to? Because he’s READY? Because he honestly believes it’ll help him to tell them, that they’ll be there for him, he TRUSTS this....because they’ve already done the work of proving to him they will or giving him reason to believe they will....rather than just leaving him with no other choice?
Think about how often Dick’s casually referred to as the glue that holds the family together or the emotional heart or center of it.....
And then wonder if maybe the reason the Batfam as a whole is so fucked up....
Is because what everyone calls the HEART of it is constantly left neglected, alone, and fucked up and not taken care of, not looked after....
What tends to happen when you don’t take care of your heart? Protect it? Keep it healthy, keep it safe?
Your body goes stone cold. You keel over. DOA.
Don’t want the Batfamily to be cold...distant....a family in name only....
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nxghtfalls · 4 years
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✧·゚(  nyx + sean teale + cis male   ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (  nicolas vogal  ) around ? (  he  ) has been in kaos for (   three weeks   ). the (  twenty-six year old  ) is a/an (  photographer  ) from (  london, england  ). people say they can be (  morose  ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (  steadfast  ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of ( film photography developing in the darkroom, nights with a new moon, a worn out black jean jacket  ).  ·゚✧
meet my sad son. he’s got that ~angsty~ backstory 
                                                     full bio | pinterest | playlist
TLDR; BIO — (tw: mentions of death, fire, burns, failed pregnancy, illness)
his father was an up-and-coming british politician and his mother was a grade school teacher. they’d had issues getting pregnant in the past, and once they started looking into adoption nicolas was born. they lived a happy life, and eventually adopted nicolas’ younger brother cassian a few years later. picnics in the park, “photo walks” where his father nurtured young nicolas’ love of photography, movie nights with popcorn, family dinners — they were the perfect picture of a family. 
it all came crashing down around them when their house caught fire in the middle of the night, trapping nicolas and cassian on the second story of the home. they were rescued, but nicolas’ mother died in the fire and his father died a few weeks later. nicolas sustained serious burns on his back, and his right shoulder and arm. 
nicolas and cassian went into the foster care system, where they stayed with an older couple in their home for 3 years. and then the wife fell ill and they couldn’t afford to care for nic and cas. unfortunately after that they were separated, they still text and message each other though. 
nicolas closed off completely after that, and only finds passion and joy in his career as a photographer. he stayed with another foster family for a while, went to community college and got his BFA in photography with a minor in photo journalism. 
he’s had a few jobs as a photographer (one for a news outlet, one for a travel agency) and has travelled all around the world for the latter. a year ago he visited kaos, greece and felt called to the island. he saved up money for the remainder of the year, and three weeks ago he moved to the island permanently. 
he has such a Big personal bubble
and yet he’s touch-starved? try and figure that one out
he’s a cancer (they’re ruled by the moon i thought that was a nice homage to nyx)
very rarely goes by nic or nico, but likes when people do call him a nickname
insecure about his burns, mostly wears long sleeves and jeans
both because he doesn’t want other people to see them and because he doesn’t want to have to look at them
he often has headphones on — sometimes they’re playing music, sometimes he just uses them so people don’t talk to him
talk to him anyway he craves affection and attention he’s just Scared
absolutely oblivious, never knows when anyone is flirting with him
Can Not flirt. Disaster™
actually gets crushes really easily??
just…be vaguely nice to him and give him attention and he’s like “omg they’re cute–“ internally
wouldn’t ever do anything about it tho
his biggest way of “flirting”? asking for them to be in a photoshoot…
probably drinks too much
his brother is trying to get him to work on it
is so loyal once he lets you into his heart
…hasn’t let anyone in since he was a teenager
can you say self-isolation
absolutely has pity parties
sometimes they’re warranted, he went through something traumatic
but other times it’s because he’s lonely and it’s like
….duh, you did this to yourself
very intelligent!
pretty cultured, knows a lot about art and photography
doesn’t dress like it tho
would do Anything for his brother
they skype a lot
doesn’t make an effort to keep in touch with anyone else
calls the families that fostered him on holidays, that’s it
feels most at home at night
is that weirdo that likes to go for a midnight stroll
probably looks terrifying, wandering the streets at night taking pictures
A MODEL: occasionally, to pay the bills, he gets commissioned by a company to do a remote shoot with the greek island scenery. sometimes he may need a model or two (maybe even more!) they’d have a working relationship, but it’d be a great jumping off point for another type of connection! 
(EVENTUAL) BEST FRIEND: nicolas is a tough nut to crack... he’s stoic, broody, sarcastic, and prone to self-isolation. however, he’d thrive with a friend. especially one that kind of...forces their way into his heart?? sometimes introverts just have to be adopted by an extrovert. 
NEW NEIGHBOR: kind of generic, but he just moved to the island. he’s still getting the hang of everything. maybe they offered to show him around, or maybe they immediately got off on the wrong foot when he unpacked all of his stuff in the middle of the fucking night. regardless, there’s a chance for their relationship to grow from there. 
CRUSH: it’s silly, and he’d never admit to it, but he’s so starved for affection that it doesn’t take much for him to immediately develop a crush on someone who shows him the bare minimum of kindness/attention. it’s a fleeting thing, usually goes away quickly (usually) and mostly consists of nicolas having a harmless, wholesome daydream of having essentially a meet cute?? he’s v pure. 
DOG WALKER(S): nicolas can often be found taking his dog on walks throughout the day (and night, because he’s a weirdo) this could be a “hey we always see each other while walking out dogs” type of connection or a “hey i can walk your dog for you if you ever get busy” type of connection. 
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Just recently found your tumblr page and I love your Izuocha, my OTP, content and I wanted to ask out of all the ships in Bnha and trust me there’s a lot in this series why did you choose to do the Izuocha ship the most
OEMGEE a random ask! uwu *ahem* excuse my excitement. Anyway! Thank you for liking my content ^^ for the love of IzuOcha!I agree that BNHA has a lot of ships (and I have a lot of ships too) because its characters are all lovely. It’s my first time to love every character in a series, good or bad. So interesting point.It’s hard for me to explain without fangirling and without being elaborate, so I hope you’re ready for a word vomit about our OTP xD
IzuOcha is adorable. No, I’m not talking about these two being the cinnamon rolls they are or just because they are young, but their interactions are just really adorable. Ochako being this bubbly girl who manages to talk to anyone while Izuku is this awkward boy who’s learning to spread his wings. It’s a good balance to the moving plot of the story but as a viewer, it makes you enjoy how wholesome the two are. It also gives you a sense that they are still young (because most shounen series I’ve read did not treat its young characters like this.)
IzuOcha grows with you. There are several manga panel parallels showing how different IzuOcha was before to now and when I noticed/saw those, I felt so proud? I mean it felt so natural. With the shounen manga I’ve read, the characters usually warm up to one another after a certain arc. Usually character arcs - which makes sense, of course! But the thing is IzuOcha grows closer even without scenes explicitly showing that they are growing closer? We have yet to get Ocha’s character arc. And the way Horikoshi-sensei is expanding BNHA, there are definitely more important things to explore other than their relationship, but everytime they are shown together, I don’t think it’s hard to notice how closer they’ve gone. It doesn’t feel forced and it comes as a huge gift for the shippers whenever we get to see those little things
IzuOcha is so relatable. It’s a bit personal, but for me, Izuku and Ochako are just characters that I can relate to in a really deep level. Izuku’s low self-esteem and self-doubt are really relatable traits for me so his shyness and reactions to girls feel so real to me. It reminds me of myself when I meet new people. (There’s this post in Tumblr branding Ocha as the extrovert friend adopting introvert Izuku haha so something like that.) While Ochako’s growing crush on him (then) is super relatable for me too. The doubts and denial, and then the jealous side that she hates? No one likes to be jealous and I like how she knew that it was wrong to feel that way at that time. So she used her feelings to step up her game as a hero and think of him as an inspiration and not a distraction. Now I can go ramble a lot about character development like Izuku does about these two, but that’s another topic haha. But these two characters are so relatable that I just can’t help but be like “Now Kiss” you know.
I’m so sorry this was so long! I tried to contain myself but I can go talk about IzuOcha ALL DAY, I swear. There are so many things I love about this ship that it managed to bring me back to the art and writing scenes! Over the years, I stopped creating content for my fandoms because of irl, so for a pair to be able to touch my heart and bring me back just means that it’s just dear for me.Once again, thank you for sending this ask! It’s always wonderful to interact with people ‘cause am so shy to reach out first HAHA
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the-astrallurgist · 5 years
Back from the Sea: Lady Admiral
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NAME:   Sara Eluniia Holt
FACE CLAIM:  Emilia Clarke
TITLE:  Admiral, Countess, Lady, Magistra
AGE:  325
HEIGHT:  5’7″
SPECIES:  Kaldorei
GENDER:  Female
BIRTHDAY:  September 13th
SUN SIGN:  Virgo
RESIDENCE:  The Blue Wolf / the Blue Mountains Estate
SKILLS:  Naval Admiral, Huntress, Astrallurgist, Scribe
DRINK:  Sholazar mango white rum, or any other homemade liquor from Laraanna’s experimentations
FOOD:  Crag Boar Ribs
SNACKS:  Hillsbrad strawberries, or Heaven peach slices
SONGS:  Beethoven’s Silence https://open.spotify.com/track/2jrc5wSJd4NYsewjDsoNEa
PET:  Quel'dorei Steed- Tassora; Direwolf- Thor'shan, Frostwolf- Kal'musha; Arcane kitten- Spark
COLOR:  rich colors - Red, Blue, Purple, Green, Gold, Silver
FLOWER:  Lady of the Night bloom
EYE COLOR:  emerald green
HAIR COLOR:  midnight blue
BODY TYPE:  military fit, motherhood curvy
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MORAL ALIGNMENT:  Lawful / Chaotic Good
A lawful/chaotic good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act, but sometimes chooses her own way over the law. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful/chaotic good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished - and needless bureaucracy can often get in the way of that justice. Lawful/chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion, and genuinely wants to make the world a better place, even if through unconventional means from time to time.
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People who share the Consul personality type are, for lack of a better word, popular – which makes sense, given that it is also a very common personality type, making up twelve percent of the population. In high school, Consuls are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Later in life, Consuls continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy.
$ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty.
✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged.
✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / slave / unsure.
✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying.
✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet.
◐ Marital status : married - happily / unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated / widowed
◒ Children : has a child or children / has no children / wants children.
◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased / Has cousins and is close to them
◔ Filtration : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between.
♦ disorganized / organized / in between.
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between.
♦ calm / anxious / in between.
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
♦ cautious / reckless / in between.
♦ patient / impatient / in between.
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between.
♦ leader / follower / in between.
♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between.
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between realistic.
♦ traditional / modern / in between.
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between.
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown.
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown.
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown.
★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic.
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious.
❀ Philosophical : yes / no / in between
❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual.
❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable.
♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable.
❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious.
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all.
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all.
☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
☁ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
✿ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
✌ Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
☻ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
$ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
♣ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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Being affirmed and nurtured by others is a central requirement for you to feel safe. This means you can be slow to warm up to other people, which is difficult because what you most need from them is their warmth. Yet you know how to be vulnerable: to let down your defenses and accept that you need another person. This lack of pretense is a valuable trait, and ultimately more endearing than the macho efforts others make to deny their childlike sides.
You don’t set out to be different for its own sake; you are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. You are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. In sex you are more aware than others of impulses which are not entirely conventional. You know the value of selective irresponsibility, of forgetting occasionally about being ‘good’.
You have delicate, sensitive perceptions; you can be deeply moved by appearances – the right light in a room, or good food, or the texture of a piece of clothing. Expressive, intelligent language has a powerful hold on you; your mind works better when it is inspired and provoked by vivid imagery. It can be sad to live in a world which is often so ugly and not properly looked after. But you know that things can be otherwise, and you have the ability to appreciate the world at its best.
your archetype is:
((When I took the following quiz, it was a split between two answers.))
the realist.
Traits: practical, understanding, honest, brutal, logical, creator, intelligent, sensible, down-to-earth, reasonable
The realist is most commonly used to symbolize the highest possible outcome in a dire situation. They are the ones who have everything planned, and hand out reality checks as if they were pamphlets to those who need them - which, quite honestly, is everyone who isn’t a realist. Although they can be harsh (brutal truth over merciful), they are nurturers and care more than they let on. Realists tend to do things that will lead to the best outcome, and use their knowledge of reading people to manipulate situations and problems in order to get out from between a rock and a hard place.
the chosen one.
Traits: authentic, brave, bold, intuitive, natural, passionate, stubborn
The chosen one is most commonly used to symbolize the light side, and the heart of the story. Unlike the warrior, they barely ever choose to fight on the front lines of a battle. Although they will stand up for what they believe in, they do it in a way that is diplomatic, so that they don’t create more conflict than there already is. They do not feel the need to be credited in their achievements and victories, and would rather have their confidantes and comrades have the eternal glory and spotlight. They are content with the happiness of those they care about, and place friendship over all else. The chosen one is always picked for the role, hence the name. Their fate was placed upon them from birth, and due to their hero complex, and need to help the meek, they follow instructions, and do what needs to be done.
Scrappy and tough, you’re a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kind of person. You don’t give up easily and you often thrive in situations that others would find discouraging. You have an instinct to serve others and see yourself as most useful in times or places of crisis, but you may over rely on your toughness and forget how sensitive you really are.
Like you, dandelion holds steady, even in unfriendly environments. It provides gentle liver stimulation and digestive support, aiding your body’s natural detoxification processes.
Called “the little postman” in Persian because of the belief that dandelion brought good news, dandelion has unfortunately acquired a reputation as a pesky weed. Its liver and digestive benefits have been known for centuries, with reference in Arabic texts dating to the 10th century. Dandelion is a bitter herb, a characteristic that contributes to its digestion-supporting properties. When roasted, dandelion root has a coffee-like flavor that once made it a popular coffee substitute!
Truly a nurturing and supportive friend, you’re the kind of person that just isn’t for everyone. But those who take the time are rewarded with your gentle disposition, and the kind of friendship that does a person good no matter the difficulty they’re facing. When out of balance, you can become more prickly than supportive or nurturing, though—a sign that you need to shower yourself with the same kind of nurturing you so freely give to others.
Nettle is a deeply supportive herb that has been used for centuries as a tonic to support your body’s well-being.* A traditional springtime tonic whose alluring “green” taste is a reflection of the rising green of spring, nettle gently nourishes the whole body.
Nettle’s genus name, Urtica, comes from the Latin urere, meaning “to burn,” an obvious reference to nettle’s nasty sting. Nettle is widespread around the world, and evidence of this very old plant was even found in Neolithic stilt dwellings in Switzerland dating back to the third millennium B.C. It has long been enjoyed for its gentle support for the whole body, as well as for its refreshing, green taste.
Let’s just say you’re a vocal person. Sure, that might mean you’re chatty. But it also means you’re the one humming in the hallway, singing in the shower, speaking your mind, standing up and shouting if need be to get yourself heard. You’ve got a voice and you know how to use it. Inclined to speak up for the voiceless, defend the defenseless or simply bring joy to the joyless, you may have a tendency to overuse your voice.
Smooth and silky, slippery elm is balm for the voice and friend to everyone who uses it. Long a champion for tired vocal chords and taxed throats, slippery elm’s slickness make it an ideal companion for those who are prone to use (and sometimes overuse) their voice.
Slippery elm or Ulmus rubra (Latin for “red elm,” so called for its lovely reddish bark) is a beautiful, native North American elm tree Introduced into Western herbal traditions by Native Americans. It’s the inner bark of this tree that is actually called “slippery elm” due to its, yes, slippery, smooth, and slimy-in-a-good-way properties.
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staliasjeronica · 4 years
Similarities Between Jeronica and Carmuel (Elité)
While one ship is canon and the other isn’t, Jughead and Veronica and Samuel and Carla have so much in common. Here’s highlighting why!
Jeronica and Carmuel both involve a boy who is classified as poor, or lesser than, and a beautiful rich girl.
The boys use the girl to get to the bottom of the mystery, and the girls use the boy back to make sure he doesn't find out anything. Basically, an interesting version of cat and mouse?
However, despite that, both ships end up falling for one another while at the same time continuing on with their mission because they’re stubborn and feel obligated to stay loyal and on the path for why they started in the first place.
It’s mostly a guess for Jeronica since they are not canon, but if they were canon, the similar path Samuel and Carla went is more than likely the path Jughead and Veronica would go based on their characters and their dynamic in Riverdale.
Girl is a dominant bad bitch and boy loves it.
Mostly fanon for Jeronica but, again, this is mostly guessing based on how their characters are and how their dynamic goes.
According to Carla’s wiki page these facts can show just how much Carla and Veronica are basically the same person.
Carla and Veronica are similar in that they use their intelligence and beauty to their advantage. Because their fathers raised them to be successful and confident and I-get-what-I-want, both girls can be very manipulative and use sex as a way to get what they want. Basically, they let others believe that they’re begging on their knees and that the other person has all the control, when it is actually the opposite.
Both Carla and Veronica are seen as cold-hearted, prideful, and selfish characters who are willing to do anything to put the odds in their favor. However, both of them are very loyal to the people they love and care about (Carla to Polo, her father, and her friends, Veronica to her friends and somewhat her father—which is mostly bad writing since they won’t let her branch off— and her mother)
With these qualities, neither character are as cold as the front they put up. Both girls share a more vulnerable and soft side of their personalities, appreciating non-luxurious places (Veronica’s is fanon for how the fans write Veronica as liking personal interactions because that’s how her character can be read) such as Samuel's home, his food, and even having fun as an ordinary girl without money, sex, and mind games involved. This softer side emerges only when Carla is with Samuel. That is much how Jeronica’s see what would happen if Jughead and Veronica were actually given a chance. Both of their (Jeronica’s) softer sides would emerge when they’re with each other, like how Jughead is allowed to show his softer side with Betty (and not around the Serpents) and Veronica with Archie (not around her father or friends).
Sadly there is no personality snippet for Samuel on the wiki and Jughead’s doesn’t really highlight it all, however…
Both boys are soft and caring and loyal (in s1, when bad shit didn’t hit the fan). until they are pushed to a space where they aren’t (Marina is murdered, Jughead joins the Serpents). They are ruthless and will do anything to uncover the truth. Marina’s death pushed Samuel to harden, and his usually humorous and normal teenager side was pushed to the side as he adopted this darker version of himself. Which is a lot like when Jughead joins the Serpents, and made him want “to be better than they were and to stay true to himself” which forced him into tough situations where he had to cast aside his more innocent season one self.
Samuel and Jughead started out as “low class” funny, loner (Samuel when he went to the private school) boys who are able to skirt by on the sidelines just being themselves. However, later on as things come to a head, they are both impulsive yet oddly able to wait and strike… it’s a very weird thing but I noticed that they act that way.
Since the boys didn’t have much of a personality description I decided to go through all of the personality types and choose who would be what.
Ironically and not surprisingly, Veronica and Carla (would most likely be) a Commander, ENTJ.
Jughead is an Architect, INTJ, and Samuel would most likely be an Adventurer, ISFP. However while going through each personality type Samuel did fit some of Jughead’s strengths and weaknesses, but Adventurer fit him a bit more. Since the girl’s share their personality profile I will go over their’s first. I won’t give a fully detailed one because this isn’t a personality profile post, but I will give the highlights and such.
Commanders are natural-born leaders, they embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, they are also characterized by a ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination, and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves. Commanders love a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. Commanders are dominant, relentless, and unforgiving. If there’s anyone Commanders respect, it’s someone who is able to stand up to them intellectually, who is able to act with a precision and quality equal to their own. That is why Carla and Veronica vibe so well with Samuel and Jughead—those boys are able to keep up with them and bring on a challenge that they need and actually yearn for.
Commander strengths are efficient, energetic, self-confident (they trust their abilities, make known their opinions, and believe in their capacities as leaders), strong-willed, strategic thinkers (they are known for examining every angle of a problem and not just resolving momentary issues), and charismatic and inspiring.
However, their weaknesses are stubborn and dominant, intolerant (“It’s my way or the highway”), impatient, arrogant, poor handling of emotions (commanders often trample others’ feelings, inadvertently hurting their partners and friends, especially in emotionally charged situations), and cold and ruthless.
Looking between the two characters, it makes sense that they are the same type because they act in almost the exact way, and were brought up by their controlling, rich fathers were want to stay on top and will do anything to stay on top. Now, to see how their type deals with romance.
Commanders approach dating and relationships with a set of goals and a plan to achieve them, and proceed to do so with impressive energy and enthusiasm. Romantic relationships are a serious business, and Commanders are in it for the long haul (of course, this is about people irl and these are TV show characters so it won’t always be completely right. Still, the rich lonely girl who’s only had people use her for something would totally want something permanent and long-standing).
Sensing others’ feelings and emotions will never be a comfortable skill for Commanders, but it is critical that they work consciously to develop it, both for their partners’ sake and for their own healthy emotional expression. If they don’t, they risk dominating and overruling their partners, and this insensitivity can easily break a relationship, especially early on.
Their authentic confidence makes Commanders’ sex life dynamic to say the least, and they often push to explore new ways to express their affection with imaginative enthusiasm (both couples are sensual and hot, so this makes sense that their relationships would show that explicitly).
Commanders in particular would do well to remember that their approach is just one angle of a multi-faceted spectrum of alternatives. While Commanders may view criticism as the most efficient route, they should bear in mind that their partners may be more interested in emotional support and growth, an area of self-improvement that Commanders themselves too often avoid. This is where the softness and the trust would come in, where they open themselves up to the other only with each other.
Now, to compare Jughead and Samuel’s personality profiles. Jughead and Samuel may be different in that Jughead reads a lot of books and is more of a shy bookworm and Samuel seems more of like the introverted yet extroverted if needed kind of boy, but at the same time a show that doesn’t really let us in to see how Samuel truly acts is kind of hard to pin him down to a more spot-on personality type and have it be correct. In retrospect, their personality profiles are different but in their underlying personalities on screen, they are very much alike in how they act, think, 
Both Architects and Adventurers are able to be both the “most positive dreamers and the bitterest pessimists at the same time” (Architect), and “...definitely Introverts, surprising their friends further when they step out of the spotlight to be by themselves to recharge,” (Adventurer) they both think about anything and everything, but also can shut themselves off from others to recharge (obviously that’s not exact from the words but that’s what you can take from what the descriptions say). Their strengths and weaknesses don’t exactly match up (unless you dig really deeply into how an architect’s quick, imaginative, and strategic mind can connect to an adventurer’s passion, and etc.) and neither do their profiles, but from how they are perceived on their respective shows, they clearly have underlying comparisons.
It would take like five hours to find every single little thing and compare it, so simply go to their personality profiles and you can see for yourself how they can match up. It’s hard to do so because they’re on different shows and obviously not everything is exactly the same (nor are they placed in the same plots) but overall it’s clear to say that the couples are compatible with one another AND the people inside the ships. 
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lollytea · 5 years
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Some Moomin OCs! (Above art by @ask-artsy-oncie who was sweet enough to draw my kiddos!!)
My original thought for Moomin and Snufkin’s future together was that they would have no children, as canonically Snufkin has made it very clear that he’s not sure if he likes kids. However, Moomin was kinda tricky to think about. He does come from a family that’s famous for adopting any lonely little creature that seeks a home. So, maybe this sort of thing is in his nature. It’s possible that when he’s older and more mature, he may wish to start a family of his own. 
( A ton of stuff under the cut about how Moomin and Snufkin decided to adopt them and some info/HCs focusing each of the kids individually.)
When Too Ticky shows up at their doorstep with three escapees from a rotten ol’ children’s home, the couple are hesitant but welcome them with open arms regardless. While she was willing to care for them herself until she found them a permanent home, she had urgent business to attend to (invisible moose turf wars up south.) and left them in the care of Moomintroll and Snufkin for a week or two until she returned. 
Moomin becomes fond of the children almost immediately. They’re a handful, obviously, but their spirit is incredible. He begins to feel quite comfortable and content in this parental role and even though he tries not to show it, he’s devastated when Snufkin reminds him that they’ll be leaving soon. He’s come to realize that he does want children but is also aware of how Snufkin feels about it. He would would never want to force him into that sort of thing if it’s not what he wants. 
Meanwhile, Snufkin has been thinking. Though Moomin has been doing his best to hide his feelings on the matter, Snufkin knows just how attached he is to the kids and how upset he’ll be once they’re gone. He’s in a difficult position here as his conscience is reminding him repeatedly that Moomintroll had always let him choose the life he wanted. He let him wander whenever he pleased and never forced him to stay. Would it not be worth it of Snufkin to return the favor and not stand in the way of what Moomin wanted out of his life?
They discuss it one night after putting the children to bed and they let themselves be honest. Moomintroll adores the kids and wants to raise them. But under no circumstance would he ever pressure Snufkin to do the same. Because he loves Snufkin.
Snufkin admits that he feels uncomfortable with the title of Papa. He likes the kids, he wouldn’t mind sharing a home with them and spending time with them and watching them grow. It’s just that thinking of himself as a father makes him very anxious. But more than anything, he wants Moomin to do whatever makes him happy. Because he loves Moomin.
So, an odd sort of agreement is reached but nonetheless, it’s an agreement both are happy with. Moomin will adopt the children. They will be Moomin’s children. Snufkin will continue to be Moomin’s husband. They will all live together in the same house and they will all love eachother as families do. But the children will not be Snufkin’s. At least not now. If he’s ever ready to be a father alongside Moomin, the kids will still be there. But there’s no rush. The agreement is silly, of course but it puts Snufkin at ease. 
It doesn’t happen right away, but within a few years of raising the kids, Snufkin finds himself warming up to the idea.
The Children
Torben - The Witch. Oldest of the three children, Torben is extroverted, witty, charming and a true rowdy boy at heart. He has a hard time juggling responsibilities with immaturity, as while he’s a fiercely protective and nurturing older brother, he’s usually the driving force of mischief that tends to get them all into trouble.
- Is excellent at annoying Moomin. Not that he doesn’t love his papa dearly and vice versa but that boy is the most prominent reason that the poor ol’ troll is going grey. Despite this, Moomin always trusts him with the job of taking care of his siblings. It’s the one thing he has 100% faith in him in. Maybe they’ll cause a bit of mischief but at least he knows that with Torben, they won’t be hurt.
- When he first came to Moominhouse, Torben suffered from frequent nightmares. He was five years old at the time and having cared for his siblings alone until then, he had a hard time accepting that he could finally relax. It was Moomin who pulled him into his lap and sang him back to sleep every night. Nowadays, Torben is very embarrassed about these memories and it’s a silent agreement between himself and his papa to keep it a secret
- Absolutely Idolizes Snufkin. Ever since he was little, Torben has been enthralled with the stories Snufkin tells from his youth, and wants to be just like him one day. Naturally, Snufkin receives an earful from Moomin the first time they have to collect Torben from a holding cell. Not that Snufkin would say it but he was beyond proud that day.
- Torben adores music. Instruments, singing, dancing, he’s invested in all of it. Another reason he looks up to Snufkin so much is his talent with a harmonica, which he eventually teaches to Torben. As he gets older, he picks up a wide array of instruments, his favourite being the violin. If there’s ever a party/social gathering at Moominvalley, either Torben planned it himself or he had some part in it. You will most definitely see him encouraging everyone to dance once the party gets into full swing too.
- Makes his own clothes. Enjoys knitting, sewing, crocheting and embroidery. Cloaks, coats, ponchos, hats, gloves, quilts, whatever he pleases, all decorated with the most showy of patterns. Moomin jokes that they could never survive hibernation without Torben’s blankets to keep them warm.
- Wants to smoke like Snufkin but Moomin won’t let him until he’s older so he just carries around an empty pipe to pretend to puff on and look cool.
- Grows to be far taller than his Papas and his siblings.
- Isn’t aware of his witch heritage just yet. He learns in his early teens by pure accident when roaming though the woods and encountering an older Alicia. She tilts her head at him curiously, commenting that he bears a striking resemblance to a witch she was friends with long ago. With a little encouragement from her, they manage to find some trace of magic in him over a cup of tea. He realizes with great fear and great excitement that there’s been this whole side of himself that he went all these years without noticing.
- Moomin is shocked by this development while Snufkin takes it in stride, saying that it’s no wonder Torben would always nick his hat as a small child. Every witch needs a hat!
- Though Alicia handles most of Torben’s witch training, Snufkin also pitches in by teaching him how to read tarot cards. Meanwhile Moomin tells his son that it’s okay if he believes in the cards but if they tell him to leave home before he’s ready if he catches a certain amount of fish or something silly like that, then they’re wrong!
Birch - The Woodie. The middle child. Two years younger than Torben and three years older than Essi. Primarily the voice of reason among his more reckless siblings. However, he is still a child and loves a good adventure and a laugh every so often so he’ll usually tag along without question. While the trio have been thrown in jail several times, it’s worth mentioning that there’s plenty of times they haven’t gotten arrested and Birch’s quick thinking is usually to thank for that.
- Birch is quite the introvert. Calm, reserved and a bit shy around strangers. But that does not stop him from having a tongue sharp as a pinprick when he’s around those he’s comfortable with. He’s good with a snarky retort to any of Torben’s comments and will gladly dish them out at any opportunity.
- He and Torben bicker constantly. They are always a word away from launching at each other into a full blown wrestling match over the kitchen table. They disagree on all trivial things. They’re also best friends and there is no force in this world that can tear the brothers apart.
- Keeping Essi safe is usually their top priority but Birch often forget that he’s also a younger sibling and Torben is always looking out for him too.
- Likes to collect the things he finds, especially funny shaped rocks and seashells. He’s always carrying around a little pouch to store his treasures. The shelves in his bedroom are packed tight with everything he’s gathered over the years, which he polishes every day.
- Doesn’t like affection from just anyone but will allow it from his family and actively seeks it from Moomin. His papa gives very good hugs and Birch often finds himself needing a specific kind of comfort that only Moomin can give him.
- He’s cleaner than the average Woodie, bathing twice as regularly as is required of him. He then has to scrub the shedding moss he left in the bathtub.
- The little flower patches that grow on his body tend to wilt and fall off during the colder months and burst into bloom again in Spring. The older he gets, the more flowers he accumulates.
- Birch is a dreamer. He’s the musing, pondering sort who likes to fall away to his own imagination. He likes reading and enjoys writing and while he’s tried out a variety of different types, such as stories, plays and memoirs (at Moominpapa-…or rather moomingrandpapa’s insistence) he finally finds that he’s best suited for poetry.
- When Birch and Snufkin first met, his future father was sceptical. Seeing a Woodie child again brought back a mix of nostalgia and an instinctive urge to back away before the confounded little one imprinted on him like last time. And true, while as a young child, Birch was a lot more touchy and clingy but much to Snufkin’s relief, he had an obvious favouritism towards Moomin.
- Snufkin was astonished as Birch grew older and it became clearer with each day that they had a lot in common. Birch often needed his space too, he needed alone time, he didn’t like large crowds and he got grumpy when he wasn’t left alone when asked. And while his siblings didn’t always get that, Moomin and Snufkin understood and allowed him his solitude when he needed it.
- One year, Birch’s heart tells him he needs to leave. Not forever but just for a bit. He doesn’t understand the urge but every inch of him is suddenly screaming “we need to go!” and he has no idea how to react to it. Eventually, he realizes that this is the exact feeling Snufkin always described as he hugged them goodbye every winter. It was something he simply needed to do.
- He’s very anxious about telling Moomin, knowing how family-oriented his papa was and how worried he could get over his childrens’ wellbeing. But once he finally works up the courage to announce his plans over the dinner table, his two papas share a shocked look but the response from both of them is surprisingly supportive. Moomin explains that if it’s what he must do, then do it. Though he had never gotten that feeling himself, being with Snufkin so long has given him a lot of insight on wanderers and the way their souls are. Snufkin says nothing on the matter but Birch catches his smile from across the table and the proud gleam in his eye.
- Birch is the first of the children to go a winter without hibernating. He’s not entirely sure if he’ll do this every year but maybe once in a while would be nice. When the time to leave finally came, Essi clings to him and weeps as Birch holds her close and assures her that he’ll be back again in no time. He can tell Moomin wants to burst into tears too but he holds himself together as not to hold Birch back. Torben is doing the same thing but Birch suspects that more on account of his own self-pride.
- For his first time vagabonding, it’s not as nerve-wracking as he thought it would be. He’s alone of course, but every so often he and Snufkin would cross paths on their respective journeys and share a campfire and talk into the night. It’s only every few weeks but it’s comforting to know that no matter how vast the woods seem to be, his father is out there somewhere. And he doesn’t always need him there. The peace he gets in the weeks between is quite nice. His journal bursts with poems in a way it never has before. Birch believes he might do this again next year.
Essi - The Mumrik. The baby of the bunch. An exploding ball of sunshine and an unstoppable force of nature fused into one tiny form. Often considered the second generation Little My due to how small and rambunctious she can be. That being said, while the similarities are certainly there, there are plenty of differences between the two in the personality department. Essi was put on this planet solely to have fun and play and love, love, love with every beat of her heart.
- Essi has never spoken a word in her life but that doesn’t stop her from having plenty to say. Since she was a baby, her family has caught on to her way of communicating which she does through her paws, facial expressions, whistling, body language and the thump and swish of her tail. Her tail tends to be reserved for her more intimate sayings. When referring to Moomin for example, she bats her tail twice against the nearest surface, producing a little ‘pah pah’ sound.
 - Has absolutely no idea how to pace herself. Essi bursts from the house every day to go play, her brothers in hot pursuit and once she’s out, she’s go, go, go. Never stops running, jumping, climbing, swimming, fishing, whatever. She can never make it home on her own as she’s always burned out and snoring in the meadow by sundown. Torben carries her home on his shoulders.
- Does not like baths and prefers to simply groom herself. However, she falls in the river at least once a day when trying to swipe for fish. Snufkin believes that to be an adequate form of bathing. Moomin disagrees. He also does not appreciate it when Snufkin helps Essi to hide when Moomin is hunting her for bath time. Meanwhile, his husband and daughter consider this quite a fun game.
- Is extremely cuddly, especially where Moomin is concerned. He hardly gets a chance to sit down without Essi hopping on her papa’s stomach and curling up to the warmth of his fur, purring happily. When content, she’ll knead her paws and when affection is being demanded, she will bash her head into Moomin’s nose to receive the cuddles she wants.
- While Birch sometimes finds her nonstop energy annoying/draining at times, Essi looks up to her big brother unconditionally. She doesn’t understand his rock collection or why he’s always writing or locking himself in his room but he’s good! He kisses her scratches when she gets hurt and he hugs her, even if he doesn’t want to and shares his lunch with her he tells really good stories! He even includes more knights at Essi’s request. She tries to thank him for everything he does by bringing him dead bugs but for whatever reason, he doesn’t seem to like it.
- Torben dotes on Essi and he always has. Whether it be by tickles or funny voices or throwing her up in the air, he loves to make his sister laugh. And when Birch isn’t in the mood to join in their nonsense, they make an excellent crime duo. He’s not the greatest influence sometimes but he loves her. He also doesn’t enjoy dead bugs as gifts, which Essi can’t wrap her head around at all.
- Like Snufkin, Essi has an inexplicable bond with nature. She attracts beasts of every sort, who have followed her home on several occasions. Though of course, she isn’t half as annoyed as Snufkin. She’s absolutely delighted by all her new pets! She’s on the lookout for a dragon of her very own though. Like the little one from her papa’s stories. She is a knight after all and what’s a knight without a dragon. (Birch tends to leave out the part of his stories where the knight slays the dragon. Essi is far happier with the interpretation of them being best friends.)
- She found an old sword washed up by the riverbank once and it has become her prized possession. Her family have tried everything but simply cannot talk the little one out of giving up her sword. Torben believes she’s entitled to keep it under the ‘Finder’s, Keepers’ rule. So, she has a sword now and that is that.
- It took Snufkin a while to accept being a father. At first, he didn’t want anything to do with that title at all. Of course, he lived with them, they were his home, he cared for them but it was always Moomin who was the father. Snufkin was just Snufkin. They called him by his name. That’s all he was and all he wanted to be. But one night, he was feeling particularly night owl-ish. Moomin had retired to bed and Snufkin was sitting by the stove, basking in the heat. Silence was then disturbed by the pat pat pat of little feet down the stairs. A tearful Essi, stricken by a bad dream, was welcomed into Snufkin’s arms as he gathered the child into his lap. Little paws going wild as she recounted it all, she was finally soothed by Snufkin’s stroke of her hair and the way he rocked her back and forth. All was quiet, as she began nodding off against his chest, when her tail batted once, then twice, against his leg. ‘Pah pah’ His breath hitched. But he said nothing. There was nothing to say, really, as everything seemed to click in that moment. He hugged Essi tight.
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hugs-not-anonymous · 5 years
LFC - Jasculs Freemoon
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The Basics --- - 
Full name: Jasculs Freemoon. Nickname(s): Jackie, Jas, Jasc, stubborn oaf, big ol’ pumpkin, Mat, Mattie, dreamboy, moony. Title(s): Self-proclaimed bodyguard-dad. Former Slayer and Commander. Champion and Hero, though he usually doesn’t respond to them. Alias(es): Mateth/Mateus Dawndream. Age: About 12.000 years. Birthday: February 9th. Race: Green/Emerald Dragon. Disguises himself as a half-dragon-like kaldorei or sin’dorei. If necessary, he can disguise himself fully as either, too. He prefers his kaldorei form. Gender & pronouns: Male, he/him.  Sexuality: Homoromantic, bisexual. Marital Status: Married. 
Physical Appearance --- - 
Hair: Purple so dark it appears black. Long, soft, and incredibly curly, though it's kept in a braid most of the time to keep it from becoming too much of a ridiculous, unruly mess. Jasculs also adorns a full, neatly kept and trimmed beard.  Eyes: Unlike most demon hunters, Jasculs still has his eyes, although they're blind and tinted deeply with fel, both of the eyeballs sickeningly green.  Height: 262 cm/8'7" in kaldorei form, 210.8 cm/6′11″ in sin’dorei form and too tall for my brain to comprehend in dragon form.  Weight: 160 kg/353 lbs in kaldorei form, 128.6 kg/283.51 lbs in sin’dorei form and yet again too heavy in dragon form for my feeble human brain to make realistic.  Build: Muscular mountain with slight pudge around the stomach area.  Scars:
A small, y-shaped, faded scar between his eyebrows.
Scars from Naroua's teeth just above his left elbow.
One in the shape of the North star on his abdomen. It has one long line up the torso, another long one down, and two smaller ones to the left and right of the center. There is a tear in his wing on the other side of the scar.
His palms, soles of his feet, and back are littered with faint scars from burn marks
Several faded marks and slashes from older fights.
A jagged, disconcertingly huge line on his chest from being impaled by a pitlord’s polearm. Don’t think about the fact it’s directly above his heart.
His back is a nightmare of whip scars. Before them, there were other scars, but they cover up any and all flesh and skin of Jasculs’ back. If it weren’t for them he’d walk around shirtless.
Claw marks above, below, and in his eyes.
The arcane tattoos of the Illidari, Emerald Nightmare-red variant. They’re mostly centered around his chest and shoulder-blades, though they run down his arms as well. They’re slightly faded and need a touch-up.
One that goes from his ankle and up his shin, picturing several rose-bush branches with thorns and flowers. 
A pitch-black tattoo of a world-tree starting just above the tail bone and swiveling up the length of his back.
Piercings: He used to have many but now all the holes except for one in each earlobe has grown together. Jasculs rarely ever actually wears piercings, though. Distinguished Traits: His resting bitch face, awkward stuttering and babbling, and small, unthreatening, stubby horns.  Common Accessories:
A small leather pouch at his hip, containing various personally valuable items as well as a needle, thread, and a small bottle of disinfectant
Clean bandages around his forearms. Cliché but incredibly handy.
A blindfold made out of said bandages.
Two enchanted bracelets. They're made out of a simple, black leather, rolled up to create firm but strong threads. In the middle of each thread is a single, purple-ish pearl. When tapping them twice with two fingers or speaking the keyword - “Rakeesh”, butcher in Eredun - they transform back into their original form: one-handed swords. 
A simple ring with engraved runes. In elven form it's on his left hand ring finger and in dragon form it's on one of his horns. 
Personal --- - 
Profession(s): Professional squishy dumbass. Dad of the year. Butting into every fight where someone seems/might be overwhelmed. Sells leather, meat, fish, and other wares he compiles from skinning and fishing as well as doing various odd-jobs. Once upon a time he was a war-machine/tank for the Illidari, and you can probably still get him to be your bodyguard if for the right cause. Occasional adventurer/champion, if the cause is worth it. Hobbie(s): Cooking, gardening, napping, and reading. He’s trying to pick of knitting but, uh. It’s not going that well. Language(s): Fluent in Draconic, Thalassian, and Darnassian; almost fluent but heavily accented Common, Dwarven, Taur-ahe, and Zandali; can speak and somewhat read Orcish, Pandaren, and Draenei; can understand and speak (although with broken grammar) Eredun, Kalimag, and Nathrezim but not write or read any of them; can read, write, and somewhat brokenly understand Shath’Yar and Nazjar but pronunciation is beyond him. Skill(s): Cooking, skinning, fishing, and leatherworking; wielding glaives, one-handed swords, one-handed axes, and polearms; using bows for hunting; enhancing his own body with traits from his bound demon and various offensive, defensive, and supportive Fel spells; disguising his own form and other people's forms by use of various Fel spells. Once upon a time he could do it with nature and arcane magic as well but now it gets turned into Fel; being a bit of a dumbass; emotional socialising and creating safe spaces for people.  Residence: An unmapped mountainside in Stormheim. Birthplace: The Emerald Dream.  Religion: Elune.  Patron Deity: Elune, Ysera.  Fears:
His most intense fear is no doubt his claustrophobia, as it is so bad it can and will cause panic attacks if he cannot move freely at all times.
Losing and failing to protect his family.
Losing himself to the Nightmare or the Eredar Conqueror he's bound with.
Being forced away from his family.
Being captured by the Alliance or the Horde. Honestly, just being captured in general.
Facing the Illidari and their leaders.
Jasculs also has a never-ending paranoia that he's being watched and in danger. 
Waking up a different place than where he went to sleep.
Relationships --- - 
Spouse: Sol'alore Firewing Freemoon aka Solastrasz, belonging to @frostwyrmsfury. Children:
Kinagosa (adopted, alive), belonging to @frostwyrmsfury​.
Egg (adopted, unhatched, and fragile), co-owned with @frostwyrmsfury​.
Werythra Dawndream (mom, alive).
Inazeus (father, deceased).
O'Thelo Dawndream (step-dad, deceased).
Andiais Dawndream (step-sister, alive but it’s complicated), belonging to @frostwyrmsfury.
Phene Dawndream (step-sibling, alive. It’s less complicated).
Livatus Dawndream (half-sibling on his mom's side, deceased).
A few half-siblings on his father's side.
Other Relatives: 
Quite a few aunts, uncles and cousins, though he has managed to keep in contact with exactly zero of them.
Feenris Duskblade (not blood related. Considers her an aunt).
A manawyrm named Boomlio, proudly named by Kina.
A felsaber named Sæunn. She’s named after a Thorignir whose help during the 3rd Legion invasion Jasculs will always be eternally grateful for and was a gift from Illidan.
 An injured hippogryph named Thyri. 
Traits --- -
Extroverted / Introverted / In between /: Jasculs is not introverted, per se, he simply mostly keeps to his own devices. He is honestly quite extroverted, just reserved due to paranoia. 
Disorganised / Organised / In between /: He's a bit of a neat freak and loves when things are organised well and are in order, yet still manages to misplace everything and accidentally make a mess. Besides, having been out in the wild for most of his life, his general idea of "organised" is… cluttered. 
Close Minded / Open Minded / In between /: No comment here. 
Calm / Anxious / In between /: In crowds and populated areas, the back of Jasculs' mind is in a constant state of paranoia. However, he's gotten exceptionally good at handling it, and now he's usually the mildly anxious but level-headed and clear thinking one. 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between /: Jasculs does his best to avoid conflict and will often agree just to avoid arguing. 
Cautious / Reckless / In between /: Well, until his intelligence fails him. Jasculs is a dumbass and often gets himself into trouble on accident. He's also surrounded with troublemakers and people of varying degree of reckless, and he has to do equally or more reckless things to keep them out of danger. 
Patient / Impatient / In between /: No comment. 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between /: This entirely depends on who he's with and how comfortable he is with them. 
Leader / Follower / In between /: Weird for a Slayer, yes, but, well, he never lead anyone. He never had a say in anything and most definitely did not have a choice; he just did as he was told.
Empathetic / Apathetic / In between /: Jasculs is super emotionally charged. His emotions don't control him or make him vulnerable at all, it's simply how he lives, how he likes to live. It makes him feel fulfilled and alive and not monstrous. He's very understanding of emotions, both his own and other's, and overall have an emotionally freeing feeling about him. 
Optimistic / Pessimistic / In between /: Jasculs in neither an optimist or a pessimist, honestly. He's a realist. 
Traditional / Modern / In between /: He likes family traditions but is overall very adaptive to his surroundings and the times. There are traditional things he misses but just as many modern things he's happy have replaced traditional things. 
Hard-working / Lazy / In between /: Though Jasculs loves relaxing, he's in no way lazy. He doesn't really believe in lazy. 
Cultured / Uncultured / In between /: Over the years, Jasculs has accumulated many cultural influences, but he's never quite gotten properly cultured with any civilization. Even cultural things from the green dragons or the kaldorei tend to elude him. 
Loyal / Disloyal / In between /: No comment. 
Faithful / Unfaithful / In between /: Faith is a very conflicting topic to Jasculs. He still prays to and believes in Elune but not like he used to. There's a seething doubt in his mind about whether Elune really cares or not, and if praying to her even matters, but he tries not to listen to it. Having faith in humanity, elven kind, and all other races of Azeroth is also becoming difficult. He says he's sure they'll see their mistakes of their ways and come together to save Azeroth but he doesn't really believe it anymore. 
Assertive / Timid / In between /: Though he's not scared to assert dominance and scare away anyone who attempts to hurt himself or anyone he cares about, Jasculs is all around a rather timid and soft person. It often makes him sad that many find him scary, to which he'll whine like a hurt puppy. 
Additional Information --- - 
Smoking: Doesn't keep cigarettes on him but won't decline if he's offered one.  Alcohol: Rarely, if ever.  Drugs: He's quite too old for that.  Triggers:
Not being able to move freely and wherever he pleases is the one trigger that will always, without fail, make Jasculs crushingly uncomfortable and hyperventilate. More often that not, it causes a panic attack.
Being told to "suck it up" about an emotional issue of his, being policed and lectured about his "purpose", and people amounting his worth to how much he has done for them trigger a severe moodswing where he's incredibly irritable, sassy, and easily snaps, and then later a depressive episode of varying intensity.
Face claim: Idris Elba. Voice claim: Jasculs laughs like Mark Fishbach aka Markiplier but otherwise he has no voice claim. Theme songs: It Will Be Me by Melissa Etheridge & Want You Here by Plumb. Alignment: Chaotic / lawful good. In-game classes he takes the most after: Vengeance demon hunter, with a bit of druid, hunter, and warrior inspiration here and there.
Alt Verses --- - 
All of these can be mix-and-matched as you please!
Corrupted: The Nightmare corrupts Jasculs in Val’sharah. During a night terror, around when G’Hunn breaks out, he accidentally kills Kinagosa, Mo’hir, and Sol’alore during a night terror. It’s the last straw and Jasculs loses his mind; he reverts back to calling himself Mateus Dawndream and only finds joy in causing endless bounds of chaos.
Garden: Sol’alore dies during an attack on Dalaran. Kina and Jasculs bury him in Val’sharah and a wild, beautiful garden sprouts from his grave. They live there, and the garden is the only thing keeping Jasculs afloat in his depression.
Jassalarian: Miraculously, Malassarian survives the burning of Teldrassil, and him and J’aaris proceed to join Jasculs’ little group of found-family.
Rometh: Grand Magister Rommath joins the Illidari and, after being freed, Mateth takes extremely well to him. Rommath overthrows Orian and Kayn, and Mateth gets to go on with his life without all the main verse struggles.
RP Hooks --- -  
Demon hunter / the Illidari: Before he left was banished from the Fel Hammer, Jasculs held the title of Slayer. He was the right-hand-man of the Commander / Illidan replacement, though he had no say in much on anything. Pre-Warden imprisonment, Jasculs was more of an intimidating shadow than a person; the demon binding ritual put him in a state of emotional and mental paralysation, meaning he did nothing but follow orders. Jasculs had no say in anything and was more of a husk of a tank and war-machine rather than an actual person, but being woken up from his imprisonment and losing his siblings shook him out of that state. Your character has most likely fought against him in Outland, or heard of him if they’re a demon hunter.
Bounty: Not only was Jasculs banished from the Fel Hammer, he was also accused of being a traitor of the Alliance and a war criminal and thus had a bounty placed on his head. The Horde, wanting to have any lavage at all against the Alliance, did so as well. From the end of Legion up until a week or two into the Nazjatar and Mechagon campaign, he has been travelling the world in an attempt to keep his head out of bounty hunter’s hands. Your muse can have either helped or endangered Jasculs and his family before they settled in Stormheim. Or, y’know. Tracked him down in his new home.
Actual old but quite emotionally clever fart: Jasculs has been through many phases in his life and has met a lot of different people and has fought against and with a lot of different people. Does your muse perhaps remember him from any of the Great Wars, or even the War of the Ancients? Possibly even before the Sundering? Maybe your muse needs emotional comfort/guidance; his age has brought Jasculs an immense amount of emotional knowledge, and his general presence tends to have a calming effect on people.
Militaries: There’s not a military on the face of Azeroth Jasculs hasn’t been a part of prior to the whole Outland ordeal.
Legion: Jasculs was involved in all of the Legion campaigns and played quite a role as tank and general adventurer. He is especially remembered in Suramar, Val’sharah, Stormheim, and Argus.
Dragon: Being a green dragon, Jasculs has a natural connection with nature and thus gets along quite well with hunters and druids. On the other hand, though, his demonic energies have animals freak out and attack him in his presence, which never fails to hurt his feelings. Your muse can help him be less threatening or teach him herbalism (he’s bad at it. Like, immensely. It’s embarrassing). Is your muse a dragon or dragonsworn or maybe even a dragon hunter? Maybe they sought him and his family out, but why? Did something with the Emerald Nightmare happen?
Self-proclaimed bodyguard: Not only does Jasculs attract trouble like a magnet attracts metal, he also has quite the habit of being in the area when other people attract it. He’s paranoid and devoted to keeping other people safe, even if they’re strangers; if your muse gets in trouble, Jasculs will more than happily jump in, whether his help is asked for or not, and even if he doesn’t know what’s going on.
where i roleplay: discord and tumblr. jasculs can be found at @hugs-not-anonymous while follows and likes come from @foxfictioncentral. what im looking for:
action & adventure rp
connections of all sorts (business, friends, enemies, familial, what have you)
slice of life
emotionally charged rp
mostly long-term connections
pre-established relationships
what i wont do: explicit sexual content, self-harm, suicide, torture, and addiction, as well as excessive gore (as in all the former things are okay if not explicit, but excessive gore is just. yuck).
i mainly write multi-paragraphs style as i have a tendency to vomit words, but i won't say no to rping with different styles. my writing is very emotion heavy, and my favorite thing to write is emotionally challenging stuff. give me all the angst, tho i write p much anything
useful links: about || relationships || verses || promo || starter call
other muse blogs: @conflictedenergies​ @once-upon-a-memoir​
mun blogs: @foxfictioncentral​ @jcfoxington​ @arcticartings​
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