The Prince and Kame au
The shop had a strange, very pleasant feel to it.
Flowers grew from every crevice and through the walls. Shelves were filled with books, gemstones, amulets and games of all kind. Outside, and inside were tables, all different, some were accompanied with stools, some had chairs, others had poofs. Behind the counter were coffee machines and blenders. It was like right out of a painting. And yet, what caught his attention the most, was the boy behind the counter, he was leaning on it, chewing the end of his pencil and glaring at a book.
Forgetting his companions, he almost sprinted to the shop; he stopped at the entrance, a big sign saying KAME SHOP above it.
He opened the door, and the boy’s face darted to him when he heard the bell. He felt his heart thundered when those amethyst orbs found him; the boy gaped for the shortest of moments, he straightened and rushed to put his book and pencil away.
He walked to the counter and the boy smiled, albeit a bit shyly.
“Welcome to Kame’s shop, how can I help you?” said the boy, and he felt himself smile toothy.
“I’ve heard wonders about your milkshakes”
“You’ll want one?” asked the boy, still shy.
“Vanilla, please”
The boy nodded and turned around, opened a small fridge to take the ingredients and proceeded to prepare it. All while chatting with Atem.
“So” said Atem “What's your name?”
“Yugi Muto”
“I'm Atem Sennen, Prince of Egypt” the boy nodded, concentrated in making the beverage, but Atem could tell that he hadn't believed him, he shrugged not really caring.
“And what's the Prince of Egypt doing here?” asked Yugi, humoring him.
“I came to visit my cousin, Seto Kaiba” he said, leaning on the counter rather lazily.
“You're talking about THE Seto Kaiba? CEO of Kaiba Corp?” he asked, glancing briefly at him.
“Well then Your Highness” he said mocking him playfully “Your milkshake is almost ready, do you want to drink it here or to take?”
“Take, along with your number, if it's not a bother” he said, straightening and winking at him, pleased when Yugi's ears and cheeks turned red.
But turned to the door when they heard the bell.
There stood three tall Egyptian men, well dressed.
“Your Highness” said the one with the long brown ponytail “Please stop running off to whatever place without us”
“Yo Mahad” greeted Atem, ignoring the plea “I was just meeting lovely Yugi here” he added, Yugi gaped, blushing even harder.
Mahad sighed tiredly.
“Your Highness” said the man with black hair, long to his shoulders “We must go, you have a meeting with your cousin in less than an hour” Atem pouted.
“Alright alright” said Atem in defeat, he turned back to Yugi, still gaping “How much will it be?”
“Fif, five teen” he stutterd. Atem smiled and gave him a $500 bill.
“Keep the change”
“That's! I can't accept that, sorry, it's too much”
“Why?” asked Atem.
“The milkshake was only $15, $500 is way over the price” explained Yugi, flustered.
“Take as a gift then” Yugi shook his head.
“Sorry, I refuse to accept that” he said, giving Atem the change.
Atem opened his mouth to retort but a glare from Mahad made him stop, so he just accepted the change, took his milkshake and walked to the exit.
“See you soon Yugi” he said with a wink before letting the door close behind him.
Leaving an astonished Yugi behind.
It will continue... (someday, actually working on it)
-Mod Zeth
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