#yikes not a fan of the new tumblr formatting
hollygl125 · 5 months
Just spent the whole of yesterday's evening reading everything that's on your AO3. I'm genuinely amazed at you and your writing style. The way you incorporate new feelings and scenes into two complex characters without making them sound OOC is phenomenal, love how you put Sara and Grissom's thoughts seamlessly into the stories and how you experiment with formats. Your creativity tied really nicely with your compromise with canon is awesome. You're really one of the best and most unique writers I've ever read.
Lots of love from a new fan of yours, Julie <3
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Hi, Julie (@grissomismydaddy)!
First of all, my apologies for being so slow to respond to your (incredibly, incredibly, incredibly kind) ask! Truth be told, I have been kind of a disaster person lately, and even at the best of times I am not typically known for my promptness.
I was at quite a low point in the fic-posting process when I got your ask (back in mid-October—yikes—sorry again!) as well as half-asleep, so it felt a bit surreal the first time I read it.
I didn’t expect to fall down a rabbit hole with these characters some 20+ years after they first appeared on my TV screen, but fall down a rabbit hole I did. I love them so much; I love their story so much; I love getting to fill in the gaps in their story in a way that makes them (and me!) happy so much; and I love, love, love (so much!) whenever anyone else appreciates my take on the characters and their story.
I wrote these stories to make myself happy—and they really do make me happy. I’ve had a lot of fun writing them, and I still have a lot of fun adding to them and revising them and just plain rereading them. But to share them… well, the whole point of that is to share the love, right? So it really makes me wonderfully, terribly, incredibly happy whenever anyone else enjoys these stories, too.
So thank you so much for your incredibly kind ask. If someone had asked me what I hoped others might appreciate in what I’ve written, I think all the things you mentioned are exactly the things I would have mentioned? I feel like I could devote an entire answer to each point, but I’ll restrain myself. (Let me just add this, though: I love that you think I managed to incorporate new feelings and scenes without making our two beloved but complex characters seem OOC!)
Genuinely, whenever I consider giving up on sharing these stories (because I truly am an emotional roller coaster), remembering the kindness of strangers and AO3/FFN commenters/reviewers and Tumblr mutuals and the like is what keeps me going with the next chapter.
I am a fan of anyone who takes the time to share the love, so lots of love and thanks from a mutual fan. 💛💛💛
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
Sorry, the link I put in probably doesn’t work m. weibo. cn/detail/4608947896717694 you’ll have to get rid of the spaces in between because it won’t let me send a link
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Oml this fic was great (link here for the original), thank you for sending it in! In this house we appreciate MC for handling the four guys when they're sniping at each other like elementary schoolers.
See below cut for translation!
Part 1
Given how they’ll spend two minutes having little arguments and three minutes having big arguments when holding meetings in the investigation team, you decided to do a little something to maintain the friendship between the team members, which wasn’t very deep to begin with.
“Cheng Cheng, if friends are fighting, where should they go to make their feelings go back to normal?” After all, Cheng Cheng had the most ideas. After work, rather than rushing home, you sat at Cheng Cheng’s seat, asking for her suggestions.
(Cheng Cheng is Kiki Bennet, for those who follow global server information.)
“It’s gotta be the amusement park for sure!” Cheng Cheng’s eyes shone. “There is nothing and no place more suited for nurturing relations than the amusement park!”
As if thinking, you lowered your head. You didn’t notice how the door of the office behind you opened, then closed.
Part 2
“Lawyer Zuo, do you have time this weekend?” After making up your mind, you knocked on Zuo Ran’s office door.
“I do. What’s the matter?” He stopped arranging his items, looking gently at you.
“I want to go to the amusement park, and was wondering if you’d be interested?”
Zuo Ran froze, then remembered the dialogue he’d just heard, then immediately thought that he didn’t seem to have had any conflicts with you recently, and being mean to you due to work was also unlikely… so where did he anger you?
“Lawyer Zuo?” Seeing him silent, you felt a little anxious. Sure enough, having Lawyer Zuo go to a place like an amusement park was too difficult.
“Ah, sure.” Regardless, might as well answer and then figure it out after – so Zuo Ran thought.
Part 3
“This weekend?” On the other end of the phone, Mo Yi was somewhat surprised that you would take the initiative to invite him, though his mouth curved up right after. “Of course I have time. I have time as long as it is your invitation.”
“Awesome, then I’ll see you at the amusement park entrance on the weekend!” Having achieved your target, you hung up in satisfaction.
Mo Yi has always been kind and rarely rejected your requests. Plus, to him, the amusement park was worthy of being called a location to nurture relations, and it might even let your relationship take a step forward.
Looking at the blooming roses on the windowsill with deep emotion, Mo Yi reached out and stroked the delicate petals – “You are always able to surprise me.”
Part 4
“What’s up, thinking of me?” As soon as the call was picked up, Lu Jinghe’s mischievous voice was transmitted into your ears.
“Yeah, I was wondering if you had time on the weekend, Young CEO Lu?” You rolled your eyes, then followed his words to bring up your request. “I want to go to the amusement park on the weekend. Young CEO Lu, want to come?”
“Don’t call me like a stranger, I like hearing jiejie call my name more.” He laughed quietly.
“Lu, Jing, He! Are you going or not?” Enunciating each syllable, you recited his name.
“Don’t be so ferocious.” Sounding pitiful, Lu Jinghe said, “I’m going, of course I’m going! It’s so rare for jiejie to ask me out yourself, so how could I miss out on this chance!”
Not wanting to bother with bickering with him, you huffed quietly. “See you on Sunday 10AM, Stellis Amusement Park entrance.”
Part 5
You felt a lot more confident when inviting Xia Yan – after all, you grew up together and had planned to go to the amusement park together after reminiscing on your childhoods. If he wasn’t working, he definitely wouldn’t refuse you.
“Go to the amusement park?” Xia Yan tilted his head, looking at the photo taken at the amusement park with you, 8 years ago. “Of course it’s fine, I haven’t been to the amusement park in so long anyways, and I’ve been pretty tired out from work recently… it would be nice to go and relax.”
I hope we can relax, you thought.
“So it’s a promise then, I’ll be waiting for you at the Stellis Amusement Park entrance on the weekend.” As you expected – when the amusement park was mentioned, Xia Yan would think of when you were little. Inviting him to the amusement park was a cinch.
You hung up, picked your clothes for the weekend and placed it on the clothes rack, cleaned yourself up, then fell into the world of dreams.
Part 6
“So, why are you here?” Lu Jinghe looked with a face full of hostility at Zuo Ran, who was sitting by the flowerbed, holding two cups of hot drinks.
“When Young CEO Lu comes with someone else to the amusement park, am I not allowed to come here with my partner on the weekend to relax?” Zuo Ran stared hard at him, then lowered his head to continue fiddling with his phone.
Seeing his smug look, Lu Jinghe laughed coldly. “Coincidentally, the one who asked me here today just happens to be your partner during work hours.”
“…” Zuo Ran’s hand on the phone stopped.
“I should have expected this. If she suddenly asked me out to the amusement park, it definitely couldn’t be a simple relaxation session.” Xia Yan walked over from the other side of the round flowerbed, looking coldly at the two.
“Looks like it’s not just us.” Lu Jinghe raised his eyebrows. “Looks like she set the time to 10 o’clock to wait for a certain someone to wake up.”
Dissatisfied with Lu Jinghe’s malicious speculation, Zuo Ran placed his phone into his pocket. “Based on what I know, the amusement park opens at 10.”
Lu Jinghe: “…”
“Morning.” Mo Yi, who was standing by, nodded at everyone in greeting. Zuo Ran turned around and raised the hot beverage: “Morning.”
Xia Yan turned his head, ignoring him: “Hmph.”
Lu Jinghe said disdainfully, “Yeah, you could consider it early if you’ve only woken for an hour.”
TL Note: “Morning” and “early” here use the same word in Chinese. 
As the atmosphere became stiffer and Mo Yi was seriously considering the possibility of lowering Lu Jinghe’s behavioral grading on his family education, you finally arrived at the amusement park entrance two minutes before 10.
“Sorry, sorry I came late. So everyone already got here.” Having overslept slightly, you jogged over, still panting.
“Slow down, drink some of this hot beverage.” Zuo Ran handed the hot beverage in front of you. “I didn’t know what you like to drink, so I ordered a cup of hot milk tea for you.”
“Thank you, Lawyer Zuo!” You smiled gratefully.
Mo Yi started to become different from usual again, speaking the most acidic words with the warmest expression: “One who acts so unaccountably solicitous...”
Xia Yan followed up immediately. “Must be hiding evil intentions! Watson, you’ve got to be careful of two-faced guys like that.”
Zuo Ran: “…”
You were about to speak when Lu Jinghe cut in, sounding slightly wronged, “Jiejie, I originally thought that this was going to be a sweet weekend with only us two. Why are the three of them also here?”
“What sweet weekend.” You shot him a look. “Today is our NXX investigation team’s team-building activity day, so of course the members of the team should be here.”
Zuo Ran, Mo Yi, Lu Jinghe, Xia Yan: “…”
Ignoring their strange expressions, you held up the tickets in your hands. “Let’s head into the amusement park!”
Part 7
You originally thought that after the slight displeasure of heading out, there would be happy memories. But who would’ve thought…
“No way, Zuo Ran, you’re too scared to get on the pendulum ride?” Lu Jinghe tried to hold in his laughter. “Hahaha, who would’ve thought that Zuo Ran, the great Lawyer Zuo, so ferocious in court, would be scared of the pendulum ride, hahahahaha…”
“Lu Jinghe!” You glared furiously at him.
“Sorry, sorry.” He blocked his mouth, but his trembling shoulders weren’t convincing at all. “I usually don’t laugh, unless if I really can’t hold it in.”
“Zuo Ran, that’s pretty sad.” Xia Yan spoke concisely, looking meaningfully at Zuo Ran.
“According to the country’s laws, defamation of others constitutes a crime and can result in a maximum of three years of imprisonment, detention, surveillance, or deprivation of political rights.” Unwilling to display weakness, Zuo Ran fired back.
“It’s very normal for people to fear things. No one can avoid this, Zuo Ran included.” Mo Yi pushed his glasses up.
“Dr. Mo gets it.” You released a breath – finally, there was a peacemaker.
Mo Yi followed up by speaking to you, “So, I hope you can strive to be with someone more ideal.”
You: “…”
“How about we check out the bumper cars? I remember that Lawyer Zuo’s driving skills are excellent!” Seeing that there were bumper cars not too far off, you made a suggestion.
“You all can head in. I will watch over your purse for you outside.” Mo Yi’s expression looked stiff for an instant, though it went back to normal quickly.
Xia Yan keenly noticed the abnormality in his complexion: “So it turns out that you’ve also got things you fear, Mo Yi.”
As if pointing something out, Lu Jinghe said, “After all, things like bumper cars really are hard to bear for older people.”
Looks like Lu Jinghe’s family education final assessment for this semester won’t be able to hit minimum standards.
Zuo Ran immediately emphasized his innocence. “My driving skills can be considered decent. If you want to go, I can go with you.”
As the situation became more and more off, you decided to simply head to the next amusement park attraction.
“How about the haunted house? I went with Xia Yan when we were little, and I went with Lawyer Zuo after for a team building activity for the law firm, and the murder story script I did with Mo Yi was pretty similar.” And Lu Jinghe…
A young, vigorous guy wouldn’t be scared of this, right?
“I’m not going.” Sure enough, Murphy’s Law strikes. If anything can go wrong, it will.
“What’s the matter, does the young CEO Lu fear ghosts?” Zuo Ran landed an attack first.
Mo Yi followed closely from behind. “Who would have thought that the 1.88 metre Lu Jinghe, the young CEO Lu, would also have things he fears?”
“You really can’t go on by simply growing taller without growing brains.” Xia Yan sniped in last.
Lu Jinghe shrugged. “Being scared of ghosts isn’t a big deal. Any normal person would be scared of them. Are you all really not scared of them?”
Silence. Dead silence.
Lu Jinghe: “… Pretend I said nothing.”
You smiled, relieving this strange atmosphere. “It’s fine, everyone has things they’re not good at. Let’s head to another attraction.”
“How about we head to the pirate ship?” Lu Jinghe pointed to the nearby pirate ship. “There’s also a pirate-themed restaurant beside it, and we can head over to eat in a bit.”
“How about… we change to another one?” You pursed your lips. Was it because you didn’t check the Chinese almanac before heading out today, or was it that these four just naturally run into issues?
“Jiejie, are you scared of this one?” Lu Jinghe smiled mischievously.
You said nothing, turning around to look at Xia Yan.
Xia Yan: “…”
Smiling, Mo Yi said, “So it turns out that the great Detective Xia isn’t great with the pirate ship.”
“Even special agents have things they’re not great with?” Zuo Ran flicked a casual glance to the pirate ship, from which screams kept coming from.
Stiffening his neck, Xia Yan shot back, “Special agents are people too, so of course there are things we’re not great at!”
“Alright alright, it’s getting late, so how about we go eat?” Playing the mediator, you said, “I know that there’s an elf-themed restaurant nearby; it’s a little like the ones on Skadi Island from before.”
“Alright, I’ll listen to you. Jiejie, I’ll cover the bill for your lunch. The rest of them can pay for themselves.” Lu Jinghe winked at you.
Zuo Ran said resolutely, “Lu Jinghe, as Pax is the largest investor in Stellis Amusement Park, I thought that you would be able to take on our four lunches as the acting CEO.”
Xia Yan nodded in agreement. “After all, between all of us, you’re the only one decked out in gold and silver – you pretty much look the most suitable for a kidnapping.”
Seeing the situation get more and more unfavourable, Lu Jinghe turned towards Mo Yi who was watching them argue with interest. “As the family teacher, shouldn’t you say something to preserve your student’s interests?”
Mo Yi smiled. “I also believe that this is an excellent opportunity for you to display your respect for your teacher.”
Young CEO Lu: “???”
“…” You helplessly held your forehead. Sure enough, when these guys are together, their ages when summed up do not exceed 12.
Ignoring the immature brats arguing behind you, you walked towards the elf restaurant, facing the sky helplessly as you sighed about the usefulness of Cheng Cheng’s suggestion. The NXX today was as harmonious as usual.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
I can almost guarantee to you that the majority of druck tumblr are not in favor of more consti bc of one of two reasons. 1. They stay woke. Consti is a cis-gendered, white male who is out of pocket and entitled. He's established that position across 2 seasons and it flies in the face of all that those fans support so they don't care abt his story "the white male plight is well doc'd" 2. Ava. In short: Until Ava has gotten justice, they (subconsciously?) see it as a betrayal to entertain consti
I mean am sorta of in that camp too but for different reasons then the ones you named. So my issue with main-ing constantin and not ismail is that I have seen constantin's story in skam. He is basically a combo of someone like Senn/Alex and Arthur from skamfr but less interesting. He is the bad boy that treats people poorly because he is probably experiencing this at home or from another source. That's just Arthur's season minus the hearing disability which is what made that season somewhat interesting. So for me personally I kinda of already saw that story and it was portrayed really well via Robin like he was a fantastic actor the story was yikes at moments but Robin was amazing as Arthur. Also we have had how many Williams at this point? Like ladies get over trying to save bum dudes who think treating people like shit is ok because they have bad home lives. Thus why I rather main Ismail then Constantin. I would love to go back to the basic of toxic friendships I mean this was what s1 skam was all about. I would love to see this plot depicted by different genders. Men and Non-binary folks can also have toxic friendships as well and I would love to see this via Constantin & Ismail because like I said its clear Constantin has no issue with Ismail sexuality so why does Ismail express himself saying he feels like "they is losing him".
I think we forget that codependent non romantic relationships exist in every format and I would love to see this explored between these two. Also Druck hasn't main-ed a non-female since matteo I need a change up. I get a bit burnt out when we don't change up mains from the typical girl group. Also I 100% agree on Ava not having justice tho. Like peeps were being all like why she cant get over her trauma because isnt Kieu My so cute..... excuse me what?!?!? I personally believe Druck is gonna double up because its been a skam trend to double up new gen productions so I would like to see Ismail because I want to understand the entire backstory of the bullying plot. Because Kieu My said it was mainly ismail and constantin and she went along with it but like why?? what happened they just attack Ava for no reason?? So I basically want to hear the pepsi squad drown themselves explaining all their shitty reasons for being shitty and give me context to the incident and I want to finish on Ava's season and like to find out why Alaska? She must love the wilderness because thats the only reason people move there. She seems to have alot of family issues and I want more info.... anyways I am okay with Ismailing main-ing as long as it sets up Ava I would be livid if we main ismail and we don't get Ava. I don't want to see a Constantin season because we already saw it many times over but he can be a sideplot to ismail.
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w-k-smith · 4 years
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Once again, tumblr has hidden the version of this post that has links. (Clearly, weird fan fic where ghosts eat candy bars is just *too radical* for this website.) This story is also available on AO3, under the username w_k_smith.
Chapter Two is here of “Don’t Go to the Netherworld!”
In this chapter, Beetlejuice and Lydia make their way through Saturn, but are waylaid by Zagnuts, a boy band, and all the obstacles the desert otherworld has to offer.
Chapter One: “It’s a Wonderful Afterlife” (6/19/20) Chapter Two: “Worm Welcome” (07/03/20) Chapter Three: “Ghost to Ghost” (upcoming) Chapter Four: “To Beetle or not to Beetle?” (upcoming)
Warning:  This story contains depictions of, references to, and discussion of  topics like suicide, untimely death, abuse, and body horror - you know,  like the musical does (though this probably has more). Know your  boundaries, and stay safe.
New chapter under keep reading!
“I don’t understand,” Lydia said, as they crossed from the midnight  of the administrative area, toward the hot afternoon of Saturn, through  the twilight in between. “What’s Saturn? Are we going to the  planet…somehow?”
“Nope. Totally unrelated, and don’t ask me who  named it. Saturn is the part of the Netherworld that acts as a trap for  ghosts who get out of line, like if you try to leave the house you’re  haunting, or jump the line in processing like someone I could mention.  Going through processing would only take a couple steps, but Saturn is  an anti-shortcut from the feverish nightmares of M.C. Escher. It’s a  giant desert, and it’s full of sandworms. Those are snake monsters that  eat ghosts. Foreshadowing?” he muttered to himself.
“This is so weird,” Lydia muttered. “I love it.”
She didn’t seem like she was being sarcastic. Maybe hanging around her wasn’t going to be too terrible.
Unfortunately, he saw trouble ahead.
“Keep your head down,” he whispered to Lydia. “Look dead. Deader than that. And don’t sneeze! Dead people never sneeze!”
“Hello, Beetlejuice,”  said five tenor voices in unison. A cluster of expressionless young  white men was drifting through the shadows toward him and Lydia. The  boys had died in their late teens and very early twenties, long enough  ago that two of them sported frosted tips. They were dressed just  differently enough to be distinguishable from one another, in dated  pants and t-shirts with no personality.
“Hey, Boy Inferno,” he grunted.
“What are you doing out here?” they asked. They all floated six inches off the ground, in a formation reminiscent of migrating ducks.
He rolled his eyes. “Just running an errand for Juno. Miss Argentina find that living intruder yet?”
“Not that we’ve heard. Who’s your friend?”
“New  hire. Juno wants her on border patrol. Her name’s Lydia, and she’s  boring. Kids these days, you know, they think eyeliner and TikTok counts  as personality. But them’s the rules: if you add to the work, you have  to help out.”
“Do you want to hear the introduction song, Lydia?”
Geez, they didn’t back off easy. “Save that for people who’ve committed genocide or worse.”
“We were talking to Lydia.”
At his elbow, Lydia scratched the end of her nose. Boy Inferno caught the gesture, and as one, cocked their heads.
“What did you die of…?” they asked her.
“Um,  I don’t want to talk about it,” Lydia said, which was the wrong thing.  All newlydeads ever wanted to do was blather on about how they’d bitten  it.
“OK, you got me!” He stepped between Lydia and the boys. “This  isn’t an approved mission to Saturn. We were actually trying to, ah,  hide out from Juno for a while. She is in a mood today, I tell ya. Just  impossible. She wants me to take a statement from all the recently  deceased who were in line when the alarm went off, and then pinch each  of them really, really hard to see if they still have nerve endings. I’d  rather swallow my own toenails. Remember that time Juno made me swallow  my own toenails? You were there for that, weren’t you? So be a  hive-minded pal and help me stay on the DL. This one already threatened to tattle if I didn’t show her my good hiding spot.” He jerked his head at Lydia.
Boy Inferno blinked.
“Alright, then,” they said, and each voice sounded suspicious. But they drifted back toward the administrative area.
Lydia stared as they went. “Who are those guys?”
“Boy  Inferno is a dead boy band. They didn’t have enough brains or  personality to be individuals when they were a living boy band, and when  their tour bus crashed, the situation got worse.”
“Yikes. And speaking of yikes, what were you saying about sandworms? Are they going to eat us?”
He  waggled one hand back and forth, and started walking. “Eh. It’s  probably OK. You’re alive, so they’ll leave you alone. I’m half-ghost,  half-demon, which confuses them more than anything. We’ll be fine if we  don’t run into a sandworm that’s pissed off or starving.” They were  crossing into Saturn proper. The terrain changed from dark gravel to  rolling sand dunes dotted with twisted rock formations. Wooden doors  hovered here and there, from three feet off the ground to 20 stories  high. There was the light and warmth of a yellow sun, but if you turned  in every direction, you would never see a sun or any other stars in the  royal blue sky.
“Huh. Now I kind of want to meet a sandworm...” Lydia said, looking around like one was going to pop out from behind a dune.
“Yup. That’s definitely foreshadowing.”
“So…what’s it like? Being half-demon? How does that, um, happen?”
He  waved his hands to turn them into sock puppets – one red and bearing a  vague resemblance to Juno, the other a grey blob and as good a  representation as he’d ever had of his father. “Hello, children!” he  said in a screechy voice. “Let’s talk about the occult birds and bees.  When a demon woman tolerates a living human male very much…”
She shoved him. “I know that, gross! I’m ace, but not completely ignorant. I just wondered if you were ever alive.”
He  put his hands back to normal. “Uh-huh. I was alive. Looooong time ago,  though. Long enough that we didn’t pay much attention to what year it  was, and only bathed twice a lifetime, and drank beer instead of water.  Hm. Or maybe that was all just me. Anyway, Juno only had me to see what  would happen if you mixed demon magic with ghost abilities. Turns out,  you get yours truly. She hated the result, and I never got any little  siblings to chase around. But it’s fine with the just the two of us; my  mom has this sweet thing she says to me every day: ‘I wish you had never  been born.’ I think it’s a Swedish pet name.”
“How did you die?” Lydia asked.
“I asked a bunch of annoying questions that weren’t any of my business and someone stabbed me.”
“Ha ha,” she deadpanned. “How far is it, anyway?” she asked, shading her eyes. “I don’t see anything…”
“Distance doesn’t really work like that here, and we could move way, way faster if we were both dead. But it’s pretty damn far.”
She sighed.
He  had to give Lydia Deetz this: she was a trooper. She was wearing a  dress, and boots that were very much not made for walking, but she kept  moving, eyes forward, not a single complaint. When her stomach growled  like an angry guard dog, she held her head high and acted like she  didn’t notice.
“OK, time for a break!” he said.
“No!” she said. “We have to keep going.”
“If  you keep going like this, you’re going to collapse, and then you’ll  die, and a sandworm will eat you, and that’s my whole day gone. Sit  down.”
“I don’t need to.”
She was going to give him grey  hairs, she really was. He shook one hand like he was shooing a fly, and  she stumbled backwards until she sat on the closest rock.
Lydia’s eyes bugged. “What am I – what are you –?”
“You’ve never been possessed before?”
She stood back up. He waved his hand again, and she sat.
“No, keep it up,” he said. “This is fun.”
He flicked his fingers, and her expression brightened.
“Beetlejuice, you’re my role model!” she said, in a tone much more chipper than any that had ever come out of her mouth, he was sure. He released her.
Lydia’s face soured like old milk mixed with lemon juice, and she made the fingers-down-the-throat gesture. “I’ll sit for five minutes. Don’t do that again.”
“I  always knew I’d make a great babysitter!” He settled on the other side  of the rock. He folded his hands over his stomach, figuring he’d take a  nap if she stayed quiet.
She didn’t. “My mom would love all this,”  Lydia said. “Her favorite holiday was Halloween. We’d make our own  haunted houses in the garage – but in the summer, when no one in the  neighborhood was expecting it. She liked the weird stuff in the world.  Or – she likes the weird stuff in the world. She doesn’t just avoid it, like most people do. Like my dad does. I think she’ll like you, even.”
He  wanted to make a face at the idea of a well-adjusted person liking him  (though it was a nice feeling, deep in his black heart), but Lydia  couldn’t see him, so it would be wasted effort.
She was quiet for a while, and he thought he was free to drift off to sleep.
“Um…do you have any food?” she asked.
He reached into his jacket and pulled out a handful of Zagnuts. He tossed the kid two. “Here ya go.”
“Why so many Zagnuts?” Lydia asked. “They’re good, but I didn’t think people ate these anymore.”
“It’s the only candy in the vending machines in the Netherworld.”
“Really? Why?”
“Because everything around here is at a baseline of low-grade crappiness. Haven’t you noticed?”
“Are  you really supposed to spend eternity here when you die?” she asked, in  a muffled way that told him she’d bitten off half a candy bar at once.  “It seems like it should either be a whole lot better or a whole lot  worse.”
“You aren’t supposed to spend eternity here; that’s the  point,” he said. He popped a Zagnut into his mouth, and swallowed it  wrapper and all. “You have to move on, eventually.”
“To what?”
“Do I look like a priest? Or a philosopher? Or a TV psychic?”
“The  last one, a little. A bad one. The kind who gets tricked by reporters  to help contact their dead kid, but it turns out the kid is really alive  and just in the next booth over in the Denny’s.”
“Touché. The  point is, nobody around here knows. You hang around the administrative  area until you’re ready to go into the miserable nothingness of the  Abyss, and then you swirl around in the Abyss until…I dunno, something  else happens. Maybe you just stay in the Abyss forever. I don’t plan on  finding out anytime soon.”
“Is that where my mom is?”
“Yup.  If she didn’t come running when you first came through the door, she’s  definitely gone through security. Don’t worry, though. You poke your  head into the Abyss and shout her name a few times, and she’ll come  right out.”
He lied easily. He always had.
“I’m just  surprised she hasn’t tried to contact us,” Lydia said. “I guess she must  be confused, because we moved and everything. My dad dragged me out to  Connecticut, away from New York and all our friends and family, to work  on this stupid gated community project he has in mind. And he took my  annoying life coach with us. She’s friendly and positive,  and keeps trying to make me fill out a star chart. I don’t know why he  thinks she’s helping me. It’s not like there aren’t actual therapists in  Connecticut. I don’t get it.”
He chewed another Zagnut for a  beat, waiting to see if she was making a joke. Then he broke the news.  “Your dad is boinking the life coach.”
“What?!” she said. She whirled around the rock to sit right next to him. “How can you know that?”
“Um, because I’m an adult with a brain.” He grabbed the top of his head and lifted his skull to show his grey matter.
“He isn’t…Dad’s not…” She slumped. “He’s totally sleeping with her.”
“Totally,” he agreed.
“How could he do that? Mom’s only been dead a few months. Well…when he sees Mom – if he just talks to her again – he’ll understand what an ass he’s been.”
“Uh-huh,” he said, non-committedly.
“How much farther do we have?” she asked.
“Long enough to aaaaaaalmost make you give up and collapse in despair.”
She groaned.
For  a second, he thought her groan was superhumanly long and loud, and he  prepared to be impressed. Then he noticed the ground was shaking.
“Looks like it’s our unlucky day!” he said. “Run!”
They  both got to their feet, and made it about five steps before the sand  exploded to their left. A sandworm rose from the earth, its  black-and-white stripes blurring into grey. At the peak of its jump, its  inner head came out of its mouth, eyes glaring, jaw snapping.
It dove back down toward them.
He  dodged one way, and Lydia dodged the other. The spray of sand blocked  out everything, and when it all cleared, the sandworm had risen from the  ground again, undulating in and out of the dunes. Lydia stood in place,  looking all around. But it was hard to know where to run when you were  being attacked by a sandworm.
The sandworm’s chomping heads came out of the ground an arm’s length from Lydia. She yelled, and punched it in the closest eye.
The  heads hissed and thrashed, knocking Lydia down. The sandworm dove down,  and the sand around them whirled and roiled, until he felt like he was  standing in boiling dirt.
When the sandworm rose again, it  accidentally scooped up Lydia. She showed a little more survival  instinct than she had before, and clung to the sandworm’s back.
“Knock it off!”  he heard her say. She nudged the sandworm with her left boot, and the  sandworm turned to the right. But it had had enough of its passenger,  and whipped its body to throw Lydia like a beanbag.
She shrieked as she fell through the air. He stretched his legs, about 20 feet, and caught her.
As  he dragged her back to the ground, he braced himself for another attack  by the sandworm. Maybe if he transformed into something big and scary,  showed some lionfish spines or extra limbs, the worm would leave them  alone. Getting swallowed would be no good. Not only did he usually try  to avoid getting eaten, but sandworms’ digested prey just wound up back in processing…after a wait of at least a decade or so.
The  sandworm jumped over their heads, dove into the ground, and kept going.  Its writhing body upset every dune it plowed through, but it didn’t  double back.
He wasn’t going to look a gift worm in the mouth.
“And don’t come back!” he yelled. “G’on, git! Git!”
Lydia jumped out of his arms. “That was awesome! I thought I was going to die, but it was awesome.”
He  was more tired than he’d been in a while. He was tired like Juno had  been screaming at him for hours. Also, there was a lot of sand in his  shoes. “You did OK But why the hell did you try to punch it in the  face?”
She didn’t look ashamed in the slightest. “I thought it  would be like avoiding a shark attack. That’s what the Discovery guy  said during Shark Week: punch the shark hard in the eye so it leaves you alone.”
“Since when has punching something made it leave you alone?” he asked. “That has never worked when I’ve tried it with people.”
“Because then the shark – or the sandworm – thinks you’re too much of a threat and it ignores you. I made it go away, didn’t I?’
“I  seriously doubt you’re what made it leave, Karate Kid. If a sandworm  had its multiple hearts set on eating us, it would take more than your  mechanical bull riding skills to dissuade it. I don’t know – I’m not so  sure it was all that interested in us.”
“If it wasn’t going for us, why did it come over here?”
“I said I don’t know! I’m not a sandworm scientist.”
“Your hair is changing color,” she said, pointing at his head.
“Can you blame me? I’m pretty pissed off right now.”
She brightened. “It changes color with your mood?”
“Can I touch it?”
He  grunted, and tilted his head. She patted some strands on the right side  of his head, which were dark green at the tips, but probably working  their way to red. The cocoon the caterpillar had made behind his ear  popped open, and a death’s-head hawkmoth shot into the air and planted  itself on Lydia’s nose.
“Augh!” she yelped, and fell right on her ass. He doubled over laughing while she tried to get back up with dignity.
“You’ve taken things too far this time, Beetlejuice!”
Once, just once, he’d like to go 48 hours without hearing those words shouted at him.
He turned to see Miss Argentina stomping up a sand dune, clipboard in hand, sash askew, which meant she was really really really upset.
“What have I done this time?” he asked, resigned.
“What have you done this  time?” Miss Argentina pointed at Lydia. “Let’s start with child  endangerment! And the fact that your disappearance has about given Juno  apoplexy.”
“Ah, she loves me.”
“No! She just knows  that if she hasn’t heard from you in twelve hours, it means you’re up to  something! And that means the rest of us suffer! I’m just glad she gave  me clearance to go to Saturn to look for your sorry, sagging ass, so at  least I was able shoo a sandworm away from some newlydeads. I have a  sneaking suspicion you bear some responsibility for that, too?”
“OK,  that is both not fair and completely true,” he said. “And I’ll have you  know I’m doing a good deed. I’m guiding this one around the  Netherworld.” He jerked his head at Lydia.
“And why, in the name of all that is sacred, would you consider that a good idea?”
“Um…”  He faltered. He may have been able to fudge a few details with Lydia,  but Miss Argentina had been around long enough to know how the Abyss  worked.
“Newlydeads…” Lydia said. “That must have been what attracted the sandworm. It wasn’t coming for us after all.”
“Why  did you drag newlydeads with you?” he asked, happy to change the  subject. “What, did you need help shouting at me? Anger backup singers?”
“Of  course not.” Miss Argentina frowned. “But – that’s a good idea.” She  clicked her pen, and scribbled on her clipboard. “I am actually writing  that down. If Boy Inferno is free…”
“Excuse me!” came a woman’s voice from the bottom on the dune. “I’m so sorry – could you wait just a minute?”
“It’s very hard to walk on sand!” came a sexy, nasal male voice from the same direction.
“These  newlydeads have a problem, you see,” said Miss Argentina, her voice  icy. But something was wrong – she wasn’t looking at him. Her gaze was  fixed on Lydia. “Apparently, a living person used their Handbook without  permission.”
Lydia became interested in the horizon. “Huh. That’s weird.”
Miss Argentina jabbed a finger in Lydia’s face. “Oh, don’t even try that on me, living girl. I am not in the mood today.”
“Whoof! We made it.” The newlydead couple crested the dune…and he was smitten.
The  woman was white, a pretty blonde, in a green wrap dress and  suburban-mom-at-the-nice-grocery-store boots. Her companion was a  beautiful Desi man, with light brown skin and a lock of black hair  hanging over his forehead that he immediately wanted to run his fingers through.
“Oooooh…” he said. “Hello, sexy…”
Lydia looked at him with a scientific expression. “Which one?”
“The  Trader Joe’s guardian angels over here. Not that Miss A isn’t pretty  easy on the eyes herself, but she’s a friend of Ellen, know what I mean?  A patron of U-Haul. An adopter of shelter cats. Wrong tree, is what I’m  saying. But she loves me platonically.”
“She doesn’t,” Miss Argentina said.
The couple pushed past him and bent over Lydia.
“Oh, thank goodness!” the woman said.
“Lydia!” said the man. “I’m so glad we found you. We were worried sick!”
“Adam, Barbara?” Lydia said. “What…what are you doing here? You weren’t supposed to go to the Netherworld.”
7 notes · View notes
A Brief History of LGBT+ Characters and Why the Death of Adam in Voltron is Worth Being Upset About
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So uh.... Good morning.
So I think it’s pretty obvious by now that the reception to season 7 has been less than... good. The fan base has been shattered. People are upset, angry, and abandoning this series in droves (I’ve lost over 50 followers as I write this, just from people no longer wanting anything to do with this show) and have been incredibly vocal as to the reason why.
They killed Adam. 
After two weeks of receiving praise for the relationship that was revealed at San Diego Comic Con, fans discovered on Friday night that Adam’s existence would be short lived, further contributing to this popular “Bury Your Gays” trope. 
And I’ve seen people confused at this outcry. They don’t understand why people are so upset at this tiny side character’s death. What’s the big deal, right? It’s war! There’s supposed to be casualties!
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And to that kind of response I have to narrow my eyes and go:
“Oh.... maybe you understand the history of this.”
Because it is a history. A rich one. “Bury your gays” isn’t a trope in the same why that “Fake dating” is a trope. It’s not popular out of coincidence and I feel like many people are ignorant of that, which is FAIR! Because most voltron fans are young, most tumblr users are young, so I don’t expect you to be watching documentaries on LGBT+ cinema in between studying for your chemistry exams. 
So that’s where I come in. Buckle in children as I take you on a journey on why the “Bury your gays” trope exists, and the harmful ramifications that it has had on the LGBT+ community since its inception.
So lets go back. Way back to the 1920′s when homosexuality, or at least homosexuality adjacent themes were seen on screen. 
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A time where a bro could kiss his bro, and it was seen as heart wrenching and realistic (Wings, 1927). A time where Marlene Dietrich could wear a suit better than a man, and flirt and kiss a lady just because she fucking could (Morocco, 1930). A time where gender roles were a bit looser, and there wouldn’t be an outcry over such imagery.
But as the great depression continued, and film producers became desperate to get butts in seats at the cinema, these LGBT+ themes became outright explicit. Raunchy even. Used for titillation and shock value. 
“Have you seen that new picture, Doris? The one where the roman emperor has the hot male sex slave?? Mmmmm scandalous!”
But with this rise of LGBT+ characters and interactions used for shock value, also came the rise of public outcry. The catholic church (those debbie downers) started boycotting films. This lead to the formation of the PRODUCTION CODE, which is a fancy way to say THE CODE THAT WILL NOW CENSOR THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR FILMS in 1934.
Backed by catholic activists, the code made it impossible for LGBT+ representation to exist on film. 
But did they?? See, this is actually were we start to see the development of “Queer coding”. Where actors and directors got savvy, and let you know a character was gay, whilst never explicitly stating so. It was subtle enough that it got past censors, but clear enough that audience members, especially LGBT+ people, got clued in.
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Yeah Peter Lorre, you put that phallus shaped object next to your mouth a lot. They’ll get what your implying, don’t you worry. 
Oh, I’m sorry.... did i say you couldn’t have LGBT+ characters?? My mistake, you totally fucking could. Explicitly even.... if they were the villain. Religious people were totally cool if the villain in your film was LGBT+, because to them, that’s what LGBT+ people were.... villains. 
Film’s like Rebecca, Dracula’s Daughter, and Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope all centre around truly horrifying and despicable villains... who are all gay. LGBT+ villains became such a staple in horror films during this time that it lead to a whole near character archetype! We have the damsel in distress, the heroic soldier, the wise old man, now welcome the rise of the: 
But why I’m talking about this so much is because this popularity in LGBT+ villains is what creates the “Bury your Gays” trope. 
Because the villains.... always die. 
It’s their comeuppance. Their karma. Of course bad people will die and the heroes will go one to live a happy life! But what crime are we punishing these villains for? 
The message these movies gets across to their audiences is that “If you are gay, you are a bad person... and bad people deserve to die”. Because Gay and villain were so synonymous with each other, they become one in the same, and as we all know by now REPRESENTATION MATTERS.
This influences how society views LGBT+ people, so that in 1952, when the PRODUCTION CODE of YOU BETTER NOT CONDONE ANYTHING SINFUL IN HERE BECAUSE JESUS DOESN’T LIKE THAT is torn down, things still don’t get much better for LGBT+ representation. 
LGBT+ characters no longer have to be villains, but society is still not super cool with LGBT+ people, so now we get a new archetype: The self hating tragic gay character. And often? These characters kill themselves, such as in 1961′s The Children’s Hour. Because this is palatable to audiences who do not condone homosexuality in any way, but watching an LGBT+ struggle with themselves? Watching them become overwhelmed by guilt and hatred until they decide that death is the only way out? How tragic! How cursed they are! How pitiful! How... marketable. 
But to see LGBT+ characters end up happy? Audiences at this time would not have stomached it, because to them, being LGBT was immoral and these characters were not deserving of happiness. A good analogy might be how modern audiences would view a film with a drug addict character in it. The addict either succumbs to their addiction and dies tragically, or they “Go straight” and have a happy ending. For these audiences in the 50s and 60s the only happy ending was a straight ending. 
Then in 1969 we get the Stonewall Riots, and in the 1970s things actually look alright.
That is until the 1980s and society finds a new reason to hate, fear and vilify LGBT+ people. The AIDS crisis wipes out lives and almost all positive representation in the media. This fear is echoed in film as LGBT+ people become villains again. Sleepaway Camp and Cruising are such examples. 
The 90′s are better. Whilst mainstream cinema is still vilifying LGBT+ in the 80s, more positive independent films still exist, and the success of the 1991 documentary Paris is Burning prompts Hollywood to go “Hey... maybe we can get some money if we pander to these LGBT+ folks”.
There is a brief period in the 90s where gay comedies like The Birdcage, In and Out, and To Wong Foo are allowed to exist. They’re comedies. The stereotypes are played for laughs, but there is a level of joy and care with these movies where even though these characters are making us laugh... for once we’re not laughing at them. We love these characters. We want them to succeed. No. One. Dies. 
It smells like progress. Finally.
Or at least it would. Because these films also exist in the same decade that Philadelphia wins Oscars and the musical Rent is winning Tonys. Both of these deal with the tragedy of the AIDS crisis and have main characters die from the disease. Am I going to point out that Rent has four characters suffering from AIDS, but the only one to die is the Trans-coded poc gay man? Yes. Yes I am. Meanwhile the heterosexual couple suffering from AIDS gets a happy ending.
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I hate you Rent. I hate you so goddamned much.
Also the 90s sees a good return to queer-coding villains. It’s always been there. It’s never really gone away, but I need to talk about the queer coding of 90′s villains because I’m sure all of you will actually recognise them.
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Ah. There They are. Queer coding and Disney have a very rich history, which MANY articles have been written on. One might even say that it’s a... tale as old as time.
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Mmmm no thank you. 
But why it is so rampant, particularly in animated films, is because the films have a limited run time. 
“We need to convince the audience that these characters are villains IMMEDIATELY. We don’t really have the time to waste on developing them and showing all their evil actions. We need audiences to believe when we tell them that these characters are bad. how do we do that?”
“.... make them kinda gay??”
That’s not actually how the conversation went in the board room, I’m sure, but it’s a very reduced down version. Because of the history of LGBT+ villains in the early years of cinema, animation relies on the stereotypes of villainous characters... well unfortunately those villains of old were LGBT+, so now we have LGBT+ stereotypes being passed on to new villains. 
Anyway, my point is that almost all Disney villains die. Sorry that’s where I was going with this. Most of them die. The “Bury your Gays” trope is repeated here because of the villain’s queer coding. It’s not obvious, but the subtext is “Hey, if you’re a bit effeminate or do things outside of your strict gender role? Mmmmmm you deserve to die.”
“Bury your Gays” continues in modern media. Despite the importance of Brokeback Mountain, which explicitly shows a romance and intimacy between two men... Jake Gyllenhaal’s character still dies, and it’s implied that it may be due to a hate crime. 
We see it in television. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Downton Abbey, Arrow, there was a massive outcry over the trope in The 100 when a female character, after just entering an intimate relationship with another female character, is killed off seemingly senselessly. 
The LGBT+ community is tired of only seeing themselves killed for shock value, character growth, or tragedy. Even Ru Paul’s Drag Race has come under fire in recent years for seemingly exploiting its contestants traumatic histories for ratings. 
This is why this year’s Love, Simon was so important. The film portrays an adolescent gay character as he struggles with being open with his sexuality and finding a meaningful relationship. Simon is portrayed as a sympathetic character. He’s the hero.
And he gets a happy ending.
This is why Korrasami, a same-sex relationship in children’s media, is so important. It shows two girls achieving their happy ending together.
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It’s why in the same year that Steven Universe portrays a same sex wedding, Adam’s death feels like such a step backwards. 
The producers have stated that Adam’s death was supposed to raise the stakes of the season, it was supposed to make viewers realise the severity of the situation and overcome them with a feeling of loss, but Adam’s death doesn’t just fail the LGBT+ fans... it fails to effect viewers emotionally.
Because audiences can’t mourn a character that they have no connection with.
Most of Adam’s character was developed in interviews and not in the show, where he only spoke for one scene. The creators talked about the deep relationship between Adam and Shiro, but none of that is actually visible in the series. Taking the season at face value, Adam is just some guy who’s connected to Shiro that is killed off unceremoniously. He wasn’t even given the dignity of  hero’s death, taking out even one enemy before he died. That’s what hurts the most.
His death is meaningless. It does nothing. It’s pointless.
But of course “There’s still Shiro, right?”, which is true. Shiro still exists and is confirmed a mlm, which is important, but it’s understandable why fans may not be satisfied with this. Let’s take a closer look at Shiro.
I often joke with my friends that Voltron should be renamed Shiro Suffers: The Series, because out of all the characters in the show, Shiro has definitely endured and been subjected to the worst (you could argue that Allura has, but Shiro has the joy of being tortured emotionally and physically, so I feel he wins). 
The writers have tried to kill him numerous times, with only toy sales saving him. He’s been beaten, tortured, terminally ill, killed, revived, possessed and used... it’s a lot. In the old days, I used to ship shallura, not really out of feeling a real romantic connection between the characters, but just because I wanted Shiro to have someone. Someone to help support him. Someone he could open up about his struggles with. The paladins mean a lot to Shiro, but because he is their surrogate guardian, he cannot open up to them like this. He cannot show the paladins weakness, and we see this in how he keeps his disease a secret from Keith, because he does not want to burden Keith with his struggle. 
The introduction of Adam wasn’t just exciting because of the potential of seeing a caring LGBT+ relationship, but because it gave fans hope that Shiro would have someone. There was the potential that Shiro might finally gain some kind of supportive relationship outside of his strict roles of “leader” and “guardian”.
Adam’s death removes that possibility. Despite how caring, generous, strong, intelligent, kind, patient and capable Shiro is written... his life is fucking awful. It’s very telling that in the final scene of the season, when every other paladin is in the hospital surrounded by their family and loved ones, Shiro is alone. He’s on a stage, giving a rousing speech to a crowd, still trapped in this role as an inspirational leader.
God, they don’t even let Shiro mourn Adam. Does he feel guilty that he was the one who supposed to die, whilst Adam lived, but now their roles are reversed?We’ll never know. Adam’s death doesn’t even give some insight into Shiro’s character. It’s truly pointless.
Season 7 of Voltron has made it clear that this is not a kids show.  This is a serious show with dark themes. The writers want it to be taken more seriously.
Then I will critique it more seriously.
While I strongly doubt it was intentional, season 7 perpetuates the age old message “If you are LGBT+, you will not achieve a happy ending.” The “Bury your Gays” trope is steeped in a history of oppression, censorship, and vilification. When Adam dies, you’re not just seeing a character die, but you’re seeing the series make a conscious decision to participate in this oppressive trope. And it stings even more because the series sets two heterosexual relationships to potentially end in happiness, whilst the LGBT+ relationships have already ended in tragedy.
Why Adam? Why not literally anyone else? We had no connection to him, so it’s not like they could have used a handful of other characters for the same effect. (Kill James. Fuck that guy. And he’s young so it really would have hurt.)
And that’s what you have to question. This is why fans are upset.
I’m not writing this to convince anyone to boycott the show, or plead with you to stop watching. That’s up to you and your own belief system. I definitely do not condone harassing the writers or voice actors.
I just want people to understand why fans are so upset over season 7, and that they have every right to be. To state that the outcry is just because “fans didn’t see their ships become canon” is dismissive and cruel. Adam and Shiro’s relationship was heavily used in marketing by Netflix, so much so that you could call it queer-baiting. It was hyped at SDCC and explained as this deep and meaningful relationship, whilst the producers knew what Adam’s fate would be the whole time. 
I know producers have to answer to higher ups. I know the crew were largely on edge about what would get approved and what would not. 
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But the point remains... they still made this conscious choice. Fans don’t have to be happy about it. They shouldn’t be. 
I have no idea what season 8 will bring, and at this point I feel like it might be a mess. But I encourage fans to support each other and be vocal about why you’re upset. You can’t change this show, but there’s hope that another series could learn from this. 
History repeats. Until we don’t let it. 
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whaddyameanno · 5 years
David/Patrick: What I Did for Love
So this is what happens when I have an idea in my head and then I actually sit down and write it...yikes. 
It’s super angsty so I understand if no one wants to read it, but it ends up being okay. 
Tumblr messed with the formatting, I’m sorry. 
Patrick knew who Sebastien Raine was, of course. The very name of the man made his blood boil.
Shortly before he and David had gotten together, Sebastien Raine had been in town and David had gotten revenge and closure, in that order, but Patrick still hated the man.
David and Patrick had sat down and talked about each other’s histories after the whole Rachel debacle at the barbecue. Patrick had never wanted another surprise appearance from an ex to come between them and so they talked.
David had, of course, made offhand comments here and there about experiences he had been through and many of them had made Patrick sad, and even more of them had made him angry, but nothing could compare to how he had felt when David had disclosed the details of his and Sebastien’s relationship.
David had told him all about how Sebastien had made him feel special and how he had actually felt something for the man and would’ve done anything for him. He went into details about how Sebastien had told him to be in bed, naked, waiting for him and how Sebastien had stumbled in, drunk off his ass, with another person in tow. And then, of course, there was the manipulation. How David would be unsure of doing something and Sebastien would convince him he should “do it for him” or “for their relationship”. The best example of this was the nude photoshoot. He explained to Patrick that that was why he didn’t want Sebastien anywhere near Stevie, he didn’t want her going through that too.
As much as he didn’t want Patrick to see, David had been unable to hide the tears in his eyes as he told Patrick all about their three month-four if you counted the month where Sebastien was seeing other people-relationship and how much it had completely shattered him as a person. He had been unable to leave his bed for a long, long time. A lot of people had hurt him, he had told Patrick, but never had it hurt as badly as what he went through with Sebastien.
And that was how Patrick found himself making a promise to himself, were to ever get his hands on Sebastien Raine, he’d let him have it. He knew, of course, the chances of that happening were slim to none, but sometimes, after witnessing and helping David through one of his particularly bad anxiety attacks, the thought would cross his mind.
Patrick hated being away on business. He would much rather be at home, with his fiance wrapped up in his arms. Fiance. He would never get tired of referring to David as that, well, that is, until the better, more fitting term “husband” was applicable.
He was sitting at the bar in his hotel, drinking-maybe one too many- but he was feeling lonely and missing David when he saw him. At first, he thought maybe he was seeing things because there was no way Sebastien Raine would be here in this same hotel in Chicago, but he had seen pictures and was unable to get the image of the horrible man out of his brain. There was no doubt about it. Sebastien Raine was here and he was going to give him a piece of his mind.
He stood up, quickly paid his tab, and then took a seat closer to where he was sitting with some other people. Were they acquaintances or his next victims? Patrick couldn’t be sure. Had he thought this through exactly? No, but he was drunk and seeing red and the only thought in his mind was that Sebastien needed to pay.
He was smart enough to know that he couldn’t just make a scene in front of a bunch of people. He needed to wait until the timing was just right. He bided his time, watching and if he were less drunk, he would realize that most likely he looked like a stalker, but he didn’t care. He saw his opportunity when Sebastien got up and headed for the bathroom and he followed him. Yep, he definitely looked like a stalker.
He entered the bathroom to see Sebastien staring at himself in the mirror. Patrick wanted to roll his eyes and he pursed his lips to keep back the biting remark he wanted to make about how vain he was.
Patrick took a step closer and cleared his throat. Sebastien looked at him, briefly, and then turned back to the mirror.
“Sebastien Raine, right?” Patrick asked, nonchalantly, as if he was a fan looking to confirm it was indeed him. Make no mistake, he was not a fan.
“Yeah, that’s me, can I help you with something?”
“Stand still,” he said as he rushed towards him and punched him in the face.
“Dude, what the hell?”
“That was for hurting David,” Patrick said.
Sebastien, who had been clutching onto his nose up until this point, smirked at him and said,
“Oh, so you’re his new boy toy, huh?”
“I’m his fiance.”
“You seem like you’re holding onto some anger there,” said Sebastien and Patrick wanted to punch him again if only to wipe that condescending smirk off his face.
“Hell yeah, I’m holding onto some anger. How dare you prance about acting like the world owes you everything when you take and you take and you take and you never give?”
“You know, I’m not really understanding the problem here, bud. You got the guy, you won, I lost.”
Patrick got right up in his face and yelled, “YOU’RE the problem because you think people are there for you to do whatever you please with. You stomped all over him, broke him down to nothing. And the worst part is, you don’t even see it, either that or you don’t care.”
Clearly, anything Patrick said to this guy would mean nothing to him and so he started to walk away. His anger had simmered down and he didn’t want to take things too far and get arrested for assault or anything like that. David wouldn’t be too thrilled with him if they had to use their wedding budget for his bail money.
“If I didn’t care, why would I keep all the pictures of him?”
Patrick froze in place, the thought never occurred to him. David had mentioned that there was a nude photoshoot. Patrick felt like he was going to be sick. Sebastien had once planned to post pictures of Moira in Schitt’s Creek, but he wouldn’t, he couldn’t post those...right?
“If you even think about leaking those, I swear to god, I will-,”
“Hey, whoa there, I would never do that.”
This lying motherfucker. Patrick wanted to punch him again, but he felt he should stay calm for now. He was going to need to, to negotiate for the photos.
“What do you want for them? I will give you anything for you to hand over all the photos of David.”
“Well,” said Sebastien, starting to circle him, looking him up and down. “I think I know just the thing.”
Patrick was starting to feel uncomfortable. If Sebastien asked him to cheat on David, it was not happening. He would just have to figure out another way to get those photos back.
“How about his nudes for yours?” asked Sebastien and Patrick nodded, not even having to think twice. He would do that for David. He would do anything to prevent David from ever being hurt by this man ever again.
Sebastien told him to come with him to his room where they would take the photos. He headed towards the elevator and Patrick was starting to feel sick. It wasn’t too late, he could back out now. He should never have come out here. David was going to be so angry with him. He would never forgive him and then it would have all been for nothing.
The photoshoot lasted for what felt like forever. After Sebastien announced he had taken his last photo, Patrick got up, put his clothes back on, and stormed over to him.
“Now I want to watch you delete every single photo you have of David and if I ever find out there was more and you leaked them, I will be back.”
Patrick watched as he deleted all the photos and then turned to go.
“It was a pleasure doing business with you,” smirked Sebastien as Patrick left the room.
As soon as he got back to his room, Patrick puked his guts out and then called David.
“David, David, I’m so sorry, I never should have done it, I never should have come here.” Patrick sobbed into the phone as soon as David picked up. He realized David would probably be freaking out by his poor choice of words and then he quickly tried to explain.
“I saw Sebastien and I confronted him and yelled at him and punched him but then he told me he still had nudes of you and so I made a bad decision and I traded your nudes for mine.”
“I’m sorry, you did WHAT?”
“I knew you were going to be angry, I’m so sorry. I just, I couldn’t risk him leaking your nudes. It would have been my fault if he had done that because I punched him and antagonized him and so I told him I’d do anything to get your nudes back and he wanted mine. I w-watched him delete all the photos of you, though. They’re gone.”
“Patrick,” David said, softly, his voice cracking, “are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, I’m just afraid you’re mad at me.”
“Well, I mean, I’m not thrilled at the concept of Sebastien having nude photos of my fiance, but I, I can’t believe you would do something like that for me. Nobody’s ever gone to that extreme for me.”
“I just, I love you so much, David. I would do anything for you. He hurt you and now he never can hurt you ever again.”
“I love you too, Patrick, but I really think you need to get some sleep. You sound exhausted and drunk and we can talk more about this when you get home.”
“But we’re okay?”
“Yes, we’re okay and we always will be.”
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sceptilemasterr · 5 years
Endless Summer: The (un)Official Screenplay - “End Credits”
Yes, you read that right: this movie script does include an “End Credits” of sorts! Though since there are very few people who actually worked on this script (aka: just me), I’m also going to be including my final thoughts on how the script turned out, where the story’s going from here, what the hell is up with that “CIU Project” tag I keep adding to these, and... in true MCU-style fashion, even an end-credits scene! Or two?
Masterlist: Link
Written by: SceptileMasterr (obviously)
Based On: Endless Summer, Book 1 by Pixelberry Studios (with some additional elements taken from Hero, Vol 1)
Copyright Info: All names, places, and concepts from Endless Summer and Hero are copyright Pixelberry Studios. The only things I own here are Ian and Alyssa, my various Vaanti OCs, as well as the majority of the Vaanti language except the words taken from canon (conlangs are hard!)
The MC Twins: @blightarts (go read his Pokemon Summer Version crossover fic where I got that idea from, btw, it’s awesome)
Movie Concept in General: @mysteli and her amazing ES Fan Trailers (both of them!)
Estela and Ian’s First Kiss: Borrowed from another one of my fics, “Sunset”
Screenwriting Software: Final Draft 11
Special Thanks:
@brightpinkpeppercorn: My fandom twin and “beta reader” of sorts; thanks for all the great and fun discussions we had about the twins, their loves, the story, and concepts and future plans; they’ve been great! I love and appreciate your feedback!
@mysteli: You’re the entire reason I started this project! Ever since your first ES trailer I have envisioned what an ES movie would be like. And then my imagination spiraled out of control from there... Appreciate your feedback as well!
@edgydepressedchoicesthot: A fellow Estela stan! I met you even before I had a Tumblr, back on AO3. I read and fell in love with your ES rewrite series there... then school blocked AO3 (grr) but I eventually caught up! I hope you enjoyed this rewrite as much as I liked yours!
@bbaba-yagaa: A more recent fandom friend, but I’m so glad I met you and your blog! I adore your Estela fics so much!
@endlesshero1122: I’m still amazed at how we had such similar ideas with our respective ES and Hero rewrites. Dual MCs and everything, with one of them even being named Alyssa, what are the odds?! Glad you’ve enjoyed this script!
...And of course, everyone not on the tag list who’ve liked, read, and/or commented on this script! Every time I get a new like or comment, it makes me so happy to know that I made someone’s day a little better with this screenplay-rewrite of a visual novel we all know and love. I love writing; I really have a passion for it, and I hope I can continue entertaining people with my future stories to come!
And SPEAKING of future stories...
Estela is standing at the concierge desk, gazing at several sheets of paper stacked atop it. The elevator doors open, and Ian emerges, the folders he’d found previously now clutched in his hands. She turns at his approach.
ESTELA: Ian! There you are! Listen, you should see this-
IAN: Look, I... I’ve got something I need to show you. To show everyone, really. Where are they?
ESTELA: I think most of them are still sleeping. Can’t say I blame them, after last... night? Morning? Day? Anyway, look.
Ian crosses over to the desk and looks at the papers. On them, in a messy scrawl, are written several seemingly non-sequitur messages. Ian picks one up and reads it, confused.
IAN: “The Hostiles know.” “McKenzie equals Lupus.” “The STARS are key!!” “He’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here...”
He looks up at Estela.
IAN: What is this? Looks like nonsense.
ESTELA: I’m not sure. But more to the point, this wasn’t here before we “time traveled.” Someone was here during the 204 days we skipped. Is this Diego’s handwriting?
IAN: Nah. I’d know his scribbles anywhere. Doubt it’s the Hostiles, either, since they don’t speak English.
ESTELA: So that means... what?
Before Ian can respond, the elevators open again, and Alyssa and Jake emerge. They stop short when they see the folders in Ian’s hand.
ALYSSA: Wait, are those-?
JAKE (simultaneously): You found some too?!
Estela and Ian turn to face them. Ian shrugs and holds up the folders.
IAN: I... I didn’t mean to keep these from you guys, I just didn’t really get the chance-
He stops when he realizes what Alyssa and Jake had said.
IAN: Wait... “found some too?” You both-
Alyssa shrugs sheepishly.
ALYSSA: At that emergency shelter. One of ‘em was about you, Estela.
IAN: You should’ve shown her!
ESTELA: To be fair, we all had our reasons for not trusting one another, especially at first.
She pulls out her own set of folders. The top one is Jake’s, and she hands it to him.
ESTELA: This is yours, I believe.
JAKE: Goddamn...
He flips through it, saying nothing, but his eyes go wide in surprise.
JAKE: Hang on. Be right back.
He sprints out of the lobby, toward the entrance to the basement. Alyssa hangs her head and sighs.
ALYSSA: Sorry, Estela. Really. We’re long past the point where we should’ve stopped keeping secrets from each other-
ESTELA: It’s fine. Apparently we all did the same thing.
IAN: I was hoping to find everyone so I could show them all at once. I’ve got Craig’s, Zahra’s, and Quinn’s.
ALYSSA: But how do they know this much stuff about us? Birthdates, locations, history... except yours, Estela; a lot of it’s blacked out for some reason.
She hands the folder to Estela, who reads through it.
ESTELA: What is here is worryingly accurate. How could Rourke possibly know all of this? Down to the last detail?!
Alyssa shivers involuntarily.
ALYSSA: I dunno, but it’s freaking me out-
Jake bounds back up the stairs, a pair of folders clutched in his hands.
JAKE: Found these right before all that Aleister business started, and then I forgot all about it, given... uh, what happened that night.
He looks awkwardly at Ian. Alyssa coughs and glares at Jake.
IAN: What happened that night?
ALYSSA: None of your business! Actually, hang on: what were you two doing that night? I seem to remember you rushing in together-
IAN: “None of your business!”
ALYSSA: I really should’ve seen that coming.
JAKE: None of that matters right now. You two are gonna wanna see these.
He passes the twins’ folders to each of them. They stand side by side as they open the folders, staring openmouthed at the “Birth” sections.
IAN: “December 31, 1995 - 11:59 PM” ... “Location... La Huerta?!”
ALYSSA: Mine says “January 1, 1996 - 12:00 AM.” Also La Huerta.
JAKE: There’s no way in hell you two were born here. You’d have known that, right?
Alyssa and Ian shake their heads.
ALYSSA: Jake... we were adopted together when we were babies. We never knew our birth parents or anything.
IAN: Our birth certificates said “January 1st, ‘96,” so that’s just when we celebrated, but... Alyssa...
ALYSSA: If Jake and Estela’s birthday info is all true, and if the others’ are true as well, then...
IAN: ...We were born here. On La Huerta.
ALYSSA: Ian... who are we?!
How do you actually write one of these things? Well, I start out by playing through the canon chapter(s) that a given scene is based on and transcribing the script into Word for reference. The canon ES chapters are L-O-N-G, by the way. Then, I decide what to keep, what to alter, what to get rid of, and which lines to include unchanged, and then I write the actual script! After that, I run through it once to edit, then I’ll read the lines aloud and make more changes to make them sound natural. Post it to Tumblr, fix the formatting (and edit once again), then voila! A scene is born!
What was up with the changes? You skipped a ton of scenes! I thought the script turned out well, and (based on people’s reactions and comments) reasonably easy to follow even with all the changes. Most of the changes were made with the aim of streamlining and shortening the story; even with all the scenes cut from canon, the script still ended up being an estimated 3 hours long! Yikes! The other major changes were mostly made with the aim of setting up threads for weaving a greater story, which leads us to...
What the hell is “CIU Project?” Okay, okay, if anyone’s looked in the tags, you’ve probably noticed the recurring tag “ciu project” as well as tagging my Vaanti OC names with (CIU) at the end of it. CIU stands for “Choices Interconnected Universe” and is what I’m calling any- and everything that takes place in the same universe as this ES rewrite. There will be a more detailed post about the CIU and a general idea of my plans for it later on, but I wanted to wait to announce it until this first script was finished!
Have you written anything else in your CIU universe? “Choices Interconnected Universe Universe?” Okay, but seriously, this is the first official, “canon” work set in the CIU. I have written my Vaanu “Post-Credits Scene” during ESAPW, but consider that more of a loose “teaser” for the project than anything. Once I get to the script that scene’s meant to appear in, I will rewrite it and it may have a few tiny details different. Anything else I write in the CIU will be tagged with “ciu project” (no quotes) so you can find it easily there!
What other Choices books besides Endless Summer are going to be involved? I’ll be explaining that in the separate CIU post I plan to make soon, but in the meantime... 
A man in a crisp suit, his back to the camera, scrolls through data about Rourke International on his computer screen; images of Jake, Lila, and Aleister appear beside a satellite view of the Caribbean Sea. Scattered on his desk are copies of the various dossier pages that Ian, Alyssa, Jake, and Estela had all found across La Huerta. The man sighs and rubs his forehead in frustration.
The door swings open, and a young auburn-haired policewoman rushes into the office, slightly out of breath. This is Jake’s sister, REBECCA MCKENZIE. The man looks up as she enters.
MAN: ...Officer McKenzie? I told you I’d let you know when I found something-
REBECCA: They’re pulling you off the case. You’re getting reassigned. I asked her not to, but-
MAN: Listen, Officer, I told you before: technically this case is well outside my jurisdiction. It’s not even in this country, let alone the city. I figured it was only a matter of time ‘til they wanted me working on something a bit closer to home.
REBECCA: But... what the hell am I supposed to...
MAN: Whatever I’m being reassigned to, I promise I’ll keep digging up leads on my own time. An entire island can’t just go missing with no one noticing; there’s definitely something fishy going on.
REBECCA: Yeah, and my brother was on that island. You’re a detective! Solving mysteries is your job!
MAN: Well, this mystery is tougher than most. But I promise we’ll figure it out eventually. He’s not the only person who’s gone missing in that area last month, besides.
He indicates the scattered pages on his desk.
MAN: Fifteen missing, including your brother. Don’t worry. You know I’ve got plenty of friends in high places.
Rebecca smiles, reassured by his words.
MAN: So what’s this new case I’m being reassigned to? I swear, if it’s another celebrity feud over nothing-
REBECCA: Nothing like that. You heard about the Tower Murders the other night?
MAN: Yeah, I thought Barton and Sanchez were handling that one-
Rebecca shakes her head.
REBECCA: Nobody can figure it out. Captain wants you. Specifically. There’s even rumors that... y’know... Li might be behind it.
MAN: Heh. Of course they think she’s behind it. If Li was behind everything everyone claimed she was, there’d have to be at least a dozen of her running around. 'Sides, murder isn’t her style.
He stands up from his desk, adjusting his suit and tie.
MAN: Tell the Captain I’ll do it.
REBECCA: You will? Just like that? But what about my brother?
MAN: I’m at a dead end for now anyway. I’ll find this murderer, get ‘em locked up, and be back on the La Huerta disappearances faster than you can say “Case closed.”
Rebecca laughs in spite of herself, then recovers and nods professionally.
REBECCA: Thank you, Detective. I’ll let the Captain know, and she’ll fill you in on the details. And... I appreciate what you’re doing for me. For my brother.
MAN: Of course. After all, there’s never been a case I couldn’t crack, and I’m not about to let that change!
Rebecca leaves the office. The man turns and faces the camera, adjusting his badge, which reveals his name: DETECTIVE DAVE REYES. He shakes his head, glancing back at the images on his computer once more.
DAVE: What the hell are you up to, Rourke?
It’s all connected...
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23rwandcountinghq · 3 years
 name: dr. pamela lillian isley
 alias: poison ivy (will mainly be address as ‘ivy’ by me!)
age / birthday: 33 // march 14th, 1987 (canon date, headcanon year bc they don’t make many mentions of her age but... logic wld suggest... early-mid 30s?)
 gender / pronouns: cis woman, she/her
 sexuality: bisexual (however, only romantically inclined to date women/nb folks)
team affiliation: has been on _many_ (including the birds of prey which is... often overlooked). my personal favorite, and therefore the team i marked (in addition to “n/a”), is the gotham city sirens, but is primarily independent.
earth of origin / source material: oof! pulling backstory and a *few* elements from new-52 (say what you want about it but... her backstory was super cool, as was her comic series with barbara & the birds of prey), but mostly new earth!
faceclaim: bryce dallas-howard (rip to jessica chastain aging out)
occupation: botanist
identity status: public
positive traits: clever, intelligent, resourceful, passionate (oof!), independent, quick-witted
negative traits: morally grey (i have a type!), volatile, cynical, obsessive, aloof (i know this seems totally contradictory to ‘passionate’ but... like... a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma), inconsiderate
**where was your character doing during the invasion?:** although gotham wasn’t heavily affected by the invasion, if affected at all, she could be found in robinson park, totally ready to Fight For The Green™. 
**what are they doing now?:** a la no man’s land, she’s continuing her occupation of robinson park. but *not* a la no man’s land, she *will* leave it (if she must) now that the threat has been eliminated.
**how has the invasion and superheroes being public figures changed their life?:** although ivy... _kind of_ lives a double life, people are so dim if they don’t realize that dr. pamela isley is also poison ivy because... i mean... poison ivy looks _just like her!_ only difference is her skin is sometimes green! so that hasn’t changed her life far too much (of course, she isn’t as Beloved™ by superhero fans due to her status as an anti-villain/anti-hero). the invasion is slight cause for concern, but its effect (affect????) on gotham was limited, so the only change has been staying in robinson park more which... she can leave whenever she so chooses.
**any canon divergencies:** well. as iconic as “by STINGING their MALE PRIDE” is, her goal in gotham was never to be the ‘queen of crime’ – rather, we’re pretending it’s always been to be the protector of The Green™! also, as mentioned above, i’ll be going with the new-52 backstory as opposed to one of the other two! 
**chlorokinesis:** undoubtedly her most famed ability, she’s able to manipulate plants. this also gives her the power to speak to a force called The Green (which isn’t just me capitalizing something to make fun of it) - so, essentially all plant-life. it doesn’t sound far too dangerous, but considering she was able to bring a skyscraper down using just vines... yikes! ((in the n52 background, this came about after (to tl;dr it) spilling an experiment.))
**pheromone control:** an ability that goes beyond seduction. if she emits pheromones, you _will_ fall under her spell (which is very god-moddy so i will always get mun permission first if i think this would be fun to use!).
**toxikenisis:** makes it so her kiss can be fatal and her touch can be toxic (and also fatal, but much slower). killed her father (another girl boss <3) via a kiss.
**toxic immunity:** it is what it says.
**skin pigment manipulation:** able to manipulate the color of her skin by manipulating the amount of toxins in her body. the less green she is, the more she’s capable of... you know... appearing human.
i feel like she seems to have more powers than weaknesses, but there is one SUPER important one that i’ll be taking from new-52 because, as marge simpson once said, i just think it’s neat!
**sun life-force:** not a real power/weakness name, but i didn’t feel like looking for what it’d be called ahfkljds. due to her being... part plant... the less time she spends in the sun, the weaker she gets.
-definitely have some, but am now trying to speed up bc nye festivities (see: dinner with my mom then doing wii american idol karaoke) are about to start so! i’ll fill this out when i get back!
ok... i have no clue what happened to my musing tag for her because i used to use a LOT of different formats... HOWEVER, here’s a nice lil playlist!! the first song........... when i rp her on tumblr, always use the lyrics for the sidebar description: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6tcUzuJVbRI5lbFIDmtIu2?si=ppF5ZdF1SeauhDJC8nFbeg
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yunjiparkx · 7 years
long post ahead!
Another era had end after a year and two months (maybe???), oh man it was a year. From wrecking and squeezing our brains out for theories on BTS WINGS video, reading Demian, learning about realms and producing ‘abratasas’ rather than abraxas thanks to jin. The first album that have each members solo songs, I remember crying when i know Lie is actually Jimin’s solo song along with Tae’s stigma; and thinking “oh fck, since when tae can sing that high? Wtf?”. The iconic statue kissing, devil tae, blindfolded & shoulder jimin & JHOOOOOOOPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE during BST season before we have YNWA album
The song that makes us confuse once again bcs “wtf the shoes mean? Ok one of them is dead— WHAT DOES THIS MEAN I DUN UNDERSTAND” and inspiring many authors to write fanfics that include ‘Omelas’, linking the mv back to Demian, mountains of laundry that we still dont know whether they clean it alr or not and— Not Today.
The iconic ‘chong, jojun, balsa’ and how the dance is in a triangle formation that’s has a meaning that is ‘the strongest’ which means, bangtan is bulletproof and yea, the strongest.
Don’t forget we also have a massive # party on twitter and you know what it is ;) yes, #BTSBBMAs! We won Social Artist Award, ending JB’s winning strike and ((psst, Camila met them ehek)) making a scene in the u.s along an impact in the korean wave overseas.
After a while we were jungshook by the sudden drop of Highlight Reel Series that yes, once again make us confused thanks to sudden appearance of girls. The series makes us question who actually carried the girl; Jhope or Jimin?, why there is kook recording in jimin’s scene, who actually die and suddenly all the Demian theories are gone, poof! And the most important question in this Highlight Reel, “IDK WHO THEY ARE BUT DAMN WHO ARE THESE GIRLS? SO BEAUTIFUL”
Then we have the iconic ‘I’m Fine, Save Me’ before another bomb dropped by BH which is Serendipity where everyone questioned the amount of yellow in one mv, wth is a blue mold, we learn calico cat breed, and ‘wow, can you believe how angelic jimin is?’
bangtan also teaches us about biology along with some maths, additional maths and maybe chemistry too by dropping DNA. iconic dance; showing your dna (it’s in the nucleus), the ‘dna’ structure wave by ot7, and dance break at the end lead by our one and only hoseok🙌🏻
after that we all witnessed the born of a video director, Jeon Jeongguk with his production of Golden Closet Film. and boom! #BTSxAMAs —do i even need to explain this? yall know what happened, jimmy kimmel, james corden, ellen, AMAs stage itself –iconic👌🏻💯
1st November 2017, Love Yourself promotional video that encourage people to #ENDViolence and instead, love yourself. A video dropped on my birthday, i feel honoured not gonna lie bcs i also have self esteem problems along with mental health. Love Yourself MD in collaboration with UNICEF where the profits will go to UNICEF for a better world. Iconic sentence since BBMAs, “Love Myself, Love Yourself”
And lastly, The Wings Tour: The Final. Ending a great era again, and we are going to start another chapter with bangtan, old armys & new armys. Thank you to everyone who had been in this journey with bangtan, and armys. I am thankful i am in this fam despite we have some of the fans that are slightly bad, but it’s okay, that is normal, okie?
It was journey, i cant believe i alr went through a year, with you guys, my purple fam💜 on tumblr and actually graduated and survived high school (so much for feeling old yikes) Another chapter is gonna start, we all can feel it, and i can’t wait to walk on this new journey once again with you guys! Last but not least, love myself, love yourself💜
Thank you ARMYs & of course, Bangtan along with Big Hit entertainment staffs💜
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tonyglowheart · 7 years
1, 5, 19, 22 for the salty fandom asks
hey, anon, thanks for playing! (….I only realized now just what a can of worms I may be opening, but hashtag yolo, I go down, I go down in a blaze of salty glory I guess)
under a read-more because this…..got long………why am I even so salty why can’t I Chill,,,,,, :’)
[send me more numbers if you want to see more of me being a messy salty windbag lmao :’)]
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Honestly I don’t even consider this an OTP bc I’m so ??? but like….phl/int?? I just. Do not understand. And to this day. Still do not. And yet it’s sUCH a huge one in the fandom???? somehow??????
Honestly I kind of have an idea of some of the impetus but that is something I don’t even want to get into right now lmao.
5.Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
oH BOY, has it 8) 8). e.g. I literally Cannot with st*cky bc of the shit some of the nastier ppl put us (st/ony/tony fans through) back in the day. Like…..I literally had to blacklist bc I cannot even look at them 8) and every time I wanted to find Steve meta it was all st*cky stuff somehow. Plus, there was a time when the prevailing characterization (or at least that I saw) was really REALLY like……codependent and stuff? Like honestly I didn’t even hate/dislike any other ships at first, I even watched Kings just for Seb Stan?? Who I thought was great in it, he’s got a real way of angsting wordlessly that’s really effective. And also benefited him as the Winter Soldier. But like……I have him blacklisted now because I just 8) 8) when I see that/stucky stuff. 
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
the fact that canon is just so *massages temples* like all the time? Like honestly, on one hand I get the whole “ignore canon and enjoy it anyway” dealio, but on the other hand, I actually AM really resentful that I was trying to get into comics RIGHT as there was just…so much shit going on? Like I think one big moment I remember was during AXIS, which is…yikes. and then SIM, which we don’t talk about, which is more yikes? And then idk some other stuff, and incursions and prevailing grimdark culture (like it was all “hah, you thought superheroes would save you? Think again, NO ONE can save ANYONE!” like. c’mon, guys. You still WANT to make money, right?), and then whatever the heck secret wars/battleworld was. And then CWII???? and then Neo-Nazis Everywhere now. So like. y i kes.
and I wasn’t even really around during the first CW, and I’m already incredibly tired of it everywhere, including in MCU. Plus, I feel like Steve has been REALLY getting the short end of the stick with regards to everything. He’s sort of been at the mercy of whoever’s writing, and I kind of get the feeling ppl have just been sublimating their own vision of who the Captain America ideal should be (or subverting it for grimdark ~gritty~ ~realism~) and then extrapolating Steve from that, even though they COULD have done interesting stuff with juxtaposing those standards, Steve’s own moral standards, and maybe the conflict between him being a symbol for people but having his own views and stuff. I only just now in CW feel like I REALLY got a sense of who Steve is as a character, but unfortunately what coalesced is hardly flattering to the character :/
And like……honestly there’s a lot of stuff fandom-side, too. Off hand, I don’t think there’s much I hate about the Stevetony fandom? but I guess in terms of who I think about for that, it’s a specific subset of people I’ve seen around and interacted with or have followed for a bit. Like I haven’t really followed anyone new for a while now. but the marvel fandom at large….like….yike…………..the MCU fandom…… so much yike there. That specific subset of shippers who still think shipping is a great expression of LGBT allyship, who are the ones going “who do people even ship xxx??”, or just like….hating on people lmao.
Another thing I lowkey hate that isn’t necessarily directed at individual ppl is like….when non-Stevetony/tony fans are like “wow why are stevetony/tony fans so hateful/mean, they keep calling Steve a snake” or w.e Like….I get it bc they’re part of, e.g. the stucky fandom, and they’ve had the blessing of only coming into contact with nice ppl and never was on the receiving end of attacks or bullshit. But boy howdy, have Stevetony/Tony fans Been Through Some Shit. There’s a lot of, honestly, hurt there, and part of it is we spent so much time like mild about it and apologetic and we want some turnabout. It’s like that one tumblr post that’s like “fuck anyone who says forgive them ‘for my sake’ I’ve worked hard to hate them,” like for a LONG time, we were like “yes we love Tony, yes we know he’s not perfect, yes we acknowledge his flaws,” like we couldn’t just straight-up say we loved him as a character, we had to caveat it, and it was seen as a perfectly normalized part of the experience, to expect someone to come like “okay but also he’s evil because xxx” and have to be like “yeah okay we acknowledge xxxx but xxx.” Honestly I will fight for the right of ppl to their salt and try to contextualize as much as I can when I see stuff like that. bc you may not know but we haven’t forgotten :’)
There’s also a thing where I can’t tell if they’re in the stevetony fandom or they just….make posts, but those like …. “relatable” shipping posts that I sometimes will see bc mobile will rec it? Like I honestly hate those lmao. I find them cringey and painful to see. (those ones that are like “people think I’m so sweet and innocent but really I’m thinking of my gay ship fucking” or w.e like. maybe at some point I was like “omg same!” but now I’m like “please get this away from my face.” Or those ones where it’s like chat format like “isn’t xx sad?” “yeah isn’t it sad my ship isn’t canon?” or whatever like. D: D: that just makes me nnnoOOOOooooOOOOOooo inside. If you search a smattering of tumblr popular ships in tumb search You Will See Them. like, if you search johnlock destiel sterek or something like that. bc these ppl tag them with a million ship tags)
on that vein, really anyone tagging stuff with like character/ship tags that, imo, really....aren’t so much abt the ship but about themselves? Like, someone tagged their salt ask answer post with the character tags and I had to see someone say they don’t like stevetony and think comics Tony is a dick. Can You Think Before You Goddamn Tag pls and just Not. like ppl who bARELY mention Tony and still tag him in the tags........you realize it’s all going in a page right? it’s not just for your own blog? (but even then, what use is it to your blog when you mostly say “yeah I’ll be talking about him a lot!” but don’t.....actually say much about him.....in your post.............
There is still a lot of tony hating but honestly I’ve got so many ppl blocked now that I see more ppl referencing the antis in the tags (ugh) than I do actually antis anywhere. which honestly also kind of annoys me bc like. I am going into the Tony tag for content on my fave not content on the antis. 
I am just now realizing the original question said “one thing” and I went on about Many Things, so I am cutting myself off now lmao whoops
22.Popular character you hate?
I think honestly the closest is probably Coulson lmao. Like. I just. Don’t see the appeal in him as a character at all. And recently I was watching a bunch of vid compilations for Iron Man and EVERY TIME there was like “and there’s someone else you pissed off. his name is phil” i”m like “:/ :/ but did that part REALLY have to be there??” like sure I get it it’s their vid compilation. But just. What Is The Appeal.
And honestly……I’m kind of :/ about MCU Clint, too? Like, Fraction’s Hawkeye is awesome, but somehow that doesn’t really register as Clint to me. AA’s Clint is fine, but for some reason my mind tends to default to MCU Clint unless there’s further elaboration, and I just :/ :/ >:( re: him.
I also hate Howard but idk if he’s “popular” lol. I seriously hope not 8)
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