#yinnie oversharing
daenystheedreamer · 1 year
oversharing era was funny tho, go gurl obliterate that twink
unfortunately it was extremely funny 😭 im back to thinking hey it would be REALLY funny to date him. also so i have access to his white suburban mother so i have someone to talk about pride and prejudice with. i just have to keep reminding myself that it's 'fucked up' and 'kinda autistic' to view your life as a series of episodes you script and make your friends have character arcs cos you feel like they need character development. he IS a twink too and bisexual but i think hes just going through a phase ngl :/ i think he just wants to get pegged
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amethyinst · 1 year
i really should date that guy to prove to him im a bad decision. that would go sooo well i think
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
What nightmares Yinny?
I don't really want to talk about this but- Well, I already overshare on the internet so here we go:
During the time that Safrina was missing, I didn't sleep much. I mean, who can, when their kid is missing? But, when I did occasionally pass out, I had one of the most vivid dreams, well, nightmares, I have ever seen. It kept repeating and repeating. Same cycle. The same dream every time I close my eyes. Sometimes, I could swear that I was hearing the sounds from that dream even when awake. It was pretty long each time, almost like I was actually spending days. It went like this:
I am in the forest. Searching. My Liepard tracking her scent. I search and search and search. Hours? Days? I'm not sure. I just know it felt like a really long time.
I come across a patch of purple Hyacinth. It's a very bright purple, the only splotch of color in the greyscale forest. Seeing them, I turn around and leave.
I never dared to look up what purple Hyacinth flowers could mean.
While I turn around and leave, something holds my hand. I remember feeling empty as I look down to see a shiny phantump. Then I'm suddenly in the sanctuary, leaving it there. My back is turned but somehow, I can see it watching me with big eyes as I leave.
A jump again. I'm in my house, drinking from a blurred bottle then blackout.
I'm holding the phantump like a baby as it sleeps.
A blackout and I'm back at my house, too many bottles on the counter.
I'm cutting the crust off the phantump's sandwiches. It doesn't like the crust.
Laying on the floor, staring blankly at the ceiling. There are bottles around me, I can't see them but somehow I know.
I'm peeling the sliced apples. The phantump won't eat if I don't.
Sitting on the couch, head in my hands.
I go inside the sanctuary and the phantump perks up, floating over me with a smile on its face and-
That's it. I wake up and realize I passed out for 45 minutes. It...effected me to say at least.
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daenystheedreamer · 2 years
Your love life sounds so wild, girl (gender neutral), you okay?
I SWEAR MY LOVE LIFE WAS FINE BEFORE LAST WEEK..... this guy literally rocked my world in an entirely sexless way. ive been extremely conflicted.
pros: no longer a virgin (LMAO BITCHLESS), intimacy, being called pretty :), his mum is rlly nice and likes me and we could totally be besties even tho she microagressed me once, his grandma also microagressed me but she is nice and has a posh british accent thats rlly funny
cons: not sexually attracted to him, redhead brit (🤢), kinda a cringe sex pest in that annoying self aware self-depricating way, i have Mental Problems, possibly asexual, possibly fully gay not 50% gay, he was the homewrecker in our friends relationship and the sexts were SO cringe
pro+: giving him a handie and then leaving the country for a year would be REALLY funny
con+: hes a tortured artist type and i have more self awareness and actualisation than him so i do NOT fucking want to be his muse that shit is so cringe 😭
for a few days after i was going through every stage of grief at once now im just like MAN it would be funny if i found out his dick size and told the guy who got cucked if his dick is small... prayers up babes i dont wanna get into it with him but also i need someone to watch eraserhead with ...
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daenystheedreamer · 2 years
re: Ur love life, speaking as a dude, nothing would be better than a handie after getting infodumped on, but on the flipside that dude is gonna reallllly think ur the one if you commit, our hearts are so tender that way
oh yeah and he's liked me since high school (i think since the equivalent of american freshman year?) so i dont wanna string him along.... im only here on holiday and im moving back home (literal entire other country) after a month and there's absolutely no way im doing a long distance relationship lmao sexting is too funny to me.. also i DO listen to him talk about baron harkonnen and the bene jesserit and the sand worms so the infodumping debt is definitely paid
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
sorry for the pnp posting. im gendah flooid and all the womanhood is locked within my pride and prejudice obsession and the beast is released rn. not joking when i say i nearly got into a relationship purely because his mum also liked pride and prejudice and i wanted someone to talk with about it
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daenystheedreamer · 2 years
Now tbf, giving dude a handie and a kiss on the cheek before leaving the country would be THE funniest possible thing to do to one of those ~tortured artist~ types, like the dude would literally never get over it in the most milquetoast long-distance-muse type way. The yearning would be effervescent. Good luck on the love life bestie!!!
THANK U yes its like objectively EXTREMELY funny we literally did friends to lovers Theres Only One Bed(there was more than one he chose not to use it. i ended up kicking him out.) yearning pining but also actually unrequited love but also idk who knows ??? lord like i wouldnt do that cos its pretty shitty and hes my best friend but also.... its SO funny. it would be a really funny story in 10 years unfortunately hes normal and licking his wounds rn so ill be normal and not do the funny thing and just watch eraserhead with him
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