crownxmi · 5 years
how would you rank yourself among the hydrus hitmen?
❝ honesty hour edition, accepting 
this question could be answers both ways. he had to mentally count who was who and remember who else was out there killing people in hydrus. "we have me, dante, right? you.. jinah noona, wolf and yin yang.." he says frowning, counting on his fingers. in terms of time spend doing this, jaehyun thinks he wins. "are we talking about who makes the biggest deal out of their kills, or who has has the most?" jaehyun asks, not sure what the question actually wants him to answer. 
"i'm a pretty simple person, i'll tellyou that, you all know that. unless i'm asked to make things big and fancy, i just waltz in, kill the target, waltz out. i prefer it that way. jinah noona on the other hand..." he can't help but grin "now she knows how to make a show and she enjoys it. i haven't really paid much attention to everyone else's works. so many have come and gone, but wanna know something?" crown asks, brows raised with a lopsided grin "i got the aim to be the most feared of them all, and i gotta set myself high tasks in order to achieve that. so, for the sake of my own future ego, my ten years of experience, guess what?" he asks, rhetorically, raising his right hand with his index finger pointing upwards "i'm picking number one."
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weijunxmi · 5 years
dead lions don’t roar.
content warning: mentions of trafficking, short comparison to drowning
"i don't know how you thought you could go out like that." the man tsks like a scolding mother hen as he pushes sicheng down into a seat by his shoulders, taking a place behind him and running fingers through unkept hair. he knows, oh lord how he knows, that the small act of commandment may cost him dearly another time. and yet he didn't hesitate for a moment; he thinks he's earned this. if sicheng hadn't relented to weijun's objection to his appearance of his own volition, then this wouldn't be happening at all. if weijun didn't think he could get away with a little bit of cheekiness, he wouldn't have dared to try.
he won't lie though, it feels good to be in control. with sicheng especially, who has a talent for sending him back to his smallest and most helpless days, it feels like coming up for air after being held underwater long enough for his vision to resemble a vignette.
weijun makes a note to himself never to mention that comparison to the other man aloud. he doesn't need to give him any more ideas.
quietly, thoughtfully, he drags his fingers across sicheng's scalp, gently untangling any knots or tangles that he feels along the way. it doesn't replace a comb by any means (and heaven knows he'll need more than just a comb to get this mop looking presentable), but weijun knows it feels good. perhaps it's an apology for his attempt at manhandling the man, like a puppy who plays a little rough but then immediately goes submissive in front of the leader of the pack. he's flattening himself out now, metaphorically, and saving his ass before he really needs to beg for forgiveness.
"at least your suit is nice. that's more than i expected, knowing you. but the invitation said formal, you know. you should've gotten this tailored to fit a little better." with a scrunch of his nose, as if disgusted, he pinches at the shoulder of sicheng's suit, critiquing the little things that he would do differently. it's a little too late now, alterations can take weeks at least, and the gathering is in just a few hours. it's only by luck's hand that weijun even has a chance to get to get to sicheng before he showed up with uncombed hair and the absolute worst tie for the occasion.
and as much as he enjoys the chance to make over sicheng, to mold him like putty in his hands, perhaps he's more thankful for the distraction.
tonight's meeting is not one that he'll take much pleasure in, despite his obligation as a hydrus pimp to be there. dressing in their finest clothes, drinking expensive spirits, dousing themselves in rich perfumes, all while discussing the disgusting dehumanization that is the human trafficking rings. he'll have to laugh at the jokes that his superiors make, bite his tongue as to not remind them where he came from and what he was before he was here. sometimes he fears that his promotion will be reversed if they remember, or if they get annoyed with his smart mouth and would rather replace him with someone more docile. weijun does his job well. he won't be losing it, if he can help it.
he's not actually certain why sicheng was invited tonight. maybe he's security, or there's a hit out on someone. in any case, he needs to at least try to blend in with the swanks and upperclass assholes.
"i need to do something with this hair. and would you hate me if i put just a little makeup on your face?" not that he actually cares what sicheng thinks of him; it's just a somewhat flirtatious little joke. "promise i won't make you a painted whore. that's my job, after all." weijun can't hide all of the bitterness from his smile, despite his best efforts. he doesn't think that sicheng cares much anyways though; it doesn't matter to him.
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lhmiko · 5 years
what would your life have been like if the acccident that killed two people from the mpd and made you blind never happened?
Honestly hour - Accepting!
This was a question he considered quite often, what his life had been likeif the incident who took his sight had never happened. That either theundercover gang member never had joined the MPD, that the MPD had listened tohim, that the driver hadn’t gotten distracted by his fellow dying officer, thenwhat would’ve happened? What would Miteum’s life have looked like if all ofthis had never happened? Would he still be a prostitute? A member of a gang?Such big failure? No. Had none of this happened then it was most likely he hadnever left the MPD, he would’ve continued his life with them, he would’vecontinued giving them all of his trust and loyalty. And hadn’t he stayed withthe MPD then he had probably moved to Busan or Seoul and had joined anotherpolice department. Now imagine if he had joined a gang while he had his sight,then what would he have been? Perhaps he could’ve been a medic, he was alwaysgood with wounds, and stitching had always been his thing, mother had taughthim how to treat a wound. Wasn’t he a medic then maybe he could’ve been ahitman, just like Sicheng. Who knows? Maybe the two could’ve been partners incrime and Sicheng wouldn’t have needed to kill Miteum’s clients out ofjealousy. Life would’ve been so much easier, everything would’ve been easier.
The only bad thing he could recall was the fact that he would never havemet his dog Vision, but he could survive with that, as long as he had hissight, then he was okay.
“My life would’ve looked easier, my life would’ve been great”
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lucasmi · 5 years
( 𝗛𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗬 𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗥 ) "do you really think we'll let you go so easily after you pay off your debt? you know our people, our movements, and our habits. you could sell us out, so tell me: what's the price of your betrayal?"
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tw: drugs, death “i don’t know. death? but the thing is, i don’t know all of that. it’s not like i’m studying your gang and every move that you make. i meet with who your people want me to meet with. i deliver unmarked packages and drive trucks from point a to point b without knowing what i’m hauling. i’ve already considered this, so i’m trying not to let myself get in so deep that this would be a concern. i know the gang is intense, ruthless, and terrifying. i know that there’s a higher chance that i’ll be killed than let go. but the thing is, it doesn’t matter. for one, i’m still as addicted to drugs as i’ve ever been. i can promise you that i won’t be paying off my debt next week and trying to run off and report all of your crimes to the mpd. also, i’ve gotta have some hope, man. like i’ve said before… it’s all i have. you can’t punish me for being optimistic. without the faith, i’ll die. so, i keep it… even if it still means i die, i have a better chance of making it out alive with this outlook. i don’t really know why you’re trying to intimidate me… i promise you i’m already as intimidated as i can be. all of you people scare the shit out of me. i do what i’m told. i’m just trying to get by. i don’t really know what else you could want from me right now. i’m not threatening you. i’m just… wishing for life. like… a real one. i’m surviving right now, but i’m not living. it fucking sucks.”
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mixkitten-blog · 5 years
16 and/or 25 ~
HEADCANON MEME: accepting !
16. what part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
an instinctual frown falls over his features. ten, on principle, doesn’t think about his body - he’s long since realised that thinking about it as something that’s his, judging bits and pieces of it just making him more connected to it, is a bad idea with the line of work he’s in. is the answer ‘all of it’? or maybe ‘none of it’? “i don’t... know.” is his first utterance. 
wracking his brains his frown only intensifies as he tries to think about his body as his, something he can have an opinion on. “to tell you the truth, i can’t think of anything. i don’t know if that means i like everything, or if it means i don’t like anything enough to have a least favourite thing.” he’s uncomfortable, revealing this, especially to sicheng. “not even sure if i think of it as mine anymore.” a bittersweet smile accompanies this comment, and it makes his stomach churn to think too much about.
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25. what are you paranoid about?
he takes a lot longer to think this time, knowing there’s probably a clear answer to this if he thinks hard enough - isn’t everyone paranoid about something, after all? eventually, his posture shifts and he sighs, “that one day i’ll lose phoenix, lose everything that i have, and i’ll be all alone once again.” to ten, life doesn’t seem worth living if he’s alone. being alone is the worst thing he’s ever experienced, and he’s not willing to try living like that. 
“i’m already more alone than i’d like to be, and the thought that i could get even more alone, with less people who genuinely care about me and not my body... it’s the scariest thing i can think of. i’m paranoid that everyone will leave me one day, i suppose you could say.” he can’t even smile through the pain this confession lifts to the surface, his frown stiff and cemented into his expression at this point. 
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babyxmi-blog · 5 years
( 𝗛𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗬 𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗥 ) "you've impressed me. i have another job for you, but first, tell me something: where do you draw the line? what would you refuse to do, no matter how lucrative the reward?"
nowhere, he wants to say. i can do anything, try me. but lying in this situation is more dangerous than even his pride is willing to challenge. what would cheng have him do? kill? torture? jisu’s stomach turns at the thought. “i just do what i’m good at,” he asserts, chin held pridefully high despite his previous hesitation. “i steal things. i lie. but if you want someone who can hurt people, then i can’t do that. like, i don’t have the skills.” he doesn’t want to be considered a coward, he’s most certainly not. “i can take any pickpocket job, though. as long as you let me keep what i take again.” he lets a cheeky little grin sprawl across his face. he’s the best at that, after all.
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shicrimi-blog · 5 years
14 ~
⇉  @yinyangmi​
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“To say I have trust issue...“ Shiori started off to answer the question by muttering those words whilst checking the book stocks he had on his fiction shelf, he smiled to himself. “Is kind of a great way to start today’s discussion, huh?“ Of course he has trust issue ever since he has been recruited into Lynx but he could not definitely declare his insecurities out loud now, right? That will be exposing a gaping hole for his secrets to escape for the world to know and what will become of him? “But I think I am no Hamlet to be wary in every steps that I take since you know, all I have to worry about is someone stealing my book but that won’t cut out to be a trust issue.“ He chuckled at his own answer. “Now, are you going to buy something or would you like to have a recommendation from me?“ With that, he checked a list that at least on this section, none of the books were stolen. “A book to fix trust issue, right?” He winked at his customer and walked off towards the self-help section. “It is all over here!”
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jihoonmi · 5 years
8, 28 ~
                             ✧ ┊ headcanon meme  ┅┅┅┅  accepting
“ who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? ” 
depends on what you classify as deep ( & // he answers with a shrug. jihoon isn’t one known for depth. he is shallow, hyper-focused on what he shows on the surface, and he leaves the rest neglected. he doesn’t know how to deal with emotion– how he feels about things–  the reality of who he is, at least not generally. he’s even less likely to say it out loud to anyone else. he bares his soul to few ) seoah. ( & // he answers after only a moment’s hesitation, smiling, though only briefly ) she’s a good bartender. it’s easy to trust her, and i think she trusts me too, which means we’re really friends. ( he laughs ) we just both talked about both of our past relationships, and why we thought they didn’t work out, seriously or otherwise. it wasn’t hard for me to talk about that, but on a deeper level…it was? like, when it came down to what i did wrong, it was hard to admit. most of the time it’s just me. ( someone else comes to mind, and he smiles again, both because of who he’ll name next and because he can change the subject ) there’s bomin too! he’s my roommate, and my best friend, so we talk a lot. a lot of times it’s dumb stuff, but sometimes it gets deeper, like if we both want to be lawyers ( they don’t ) or why we really do what we do, but i don’t know how deep it really is even then. it feels like we always keep it light somehow, and i think that’s why i like him. ( then again, now that he thinks about it...all of those times were mostly just him, with bomin staying quiet. the more he thinks about it the more it troubles him ) he thinks more than he says though, so a lot of times i have to talk for the both of us. he’s definitely the deeper one.
“have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?“
( & // already answered here! )
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lhmiko · 5 years
would you date yinyang?
Honestly hour - Accepting!
“Would I date who?”
Yinyang? Oh… Sicheng? Now who in the world had asked such stupidquestion? Miteum didn’t recognize the voice, not at all, but it must’ve beensomeone who was familiar with Sicheng, mustn’t it? Perhaps Sicheng had sentsomeone to ask the question. Oh wow, like always, Sicheng was too much of apussy to ask the question himself. Sicheng didn’t seem like the shy guywho would be too nervous to ask such question himself, but maybe Miteum madehim a shy guy, after all Sicheng was obsessed with Miteum, a lot. He had noidea as to why Sicheng liked him so much, with his clients he understood it,those he had tricked into liking him, with Sicheng he had never even showed theslightest interest, had he? Miteum had hopefully never done anything thatSicheng had misunderstood and made him love the guy, he couldn’t remember doinganything that Sicheng could misunderstood. No, Sicheng was just weird, he hadno reason to like Miteum but still liked Miteum.
But as to whether he would date Sicheng? He had no reason to, he wasn’teven close to as obsessed with Sicheng as Sicheng was with Miteum. Sichengkilled Miteum’s clients out of jealousy, Miteum normally just tried minding hisown business. Sicheng’s feelings weren’t really returned, the love wasone-sided.
“Unless he paid me to date him, which I could imagine him doingbecause he likes me so much, then no, I wouldn’t date yinyang”
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lhmiko · 5 years
( 𝗛𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗬 𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗥 ) "we don't get many whores around here. so tell me, what's your intent?"
Honestly hour - Accepting!
Whore. Yeah that was what he was, but he preferred prostitute a lot more thanwhore, calling him a whore just sounded so demeaning. He cleared his throat,blinked rapidly as a million thoughts went through his head. How the fuck washe going to answer such question, what even made this person curious about somethingso unnecessary? Why did he need to know? Why in the world did he need to know Miteum’sintent? What was Miteum’s intent even.
His hand landed on Vision as he petted his dear dog while thinking about ananswer. “My intent? You mean like my intention, my purpose my—”
“what the fuck” Miteum doesn’t often get angry, he prefers not to, younever know when people suddenly stab you, Miteum can’t make enemies, he got tolive. Hydrus is now Miteum’s new second family, he needs to be loyal and trusthis fellow members, even if he doesn’t want to answer Sicheng, he feels theneed to. A preferred answer had been ‘none of your business’ or ‘you’re a murderer,what is your intent?’ but as said before, no enemy making.
“Uh well I wanted to join Hydrus, but I couldn’t become anything else thana prostitute, at least not with my eyes—” shit,sensitive topic, don’t talk about that, just answer his fucking question. “Idon’t know dude, I have no reason to get rich, live like royalty, or be fearedlike I know some of the other people around here wants. I have no idea, really”.
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babyxmi-blog · 5 years
14, 25 ~
14. do you have trust issues?
“no,” he says immediately, albeit distrustfully. it’s a lie; he absolutely does have issues of trust. the boy is a product of an unstable environment, a complex puzzle of extremes. he’s incredibly distrustful at a first meeting, not trusting the truths his own mother spoke to him on their first meeting. he doesn’t trust that his father cares, doesn’t trust that he’ll really have a home in that big house even now. and perhaps worse than his easy distrust is his blind faith; he trusts a gangster who only uses him for his light hands and childish face, he trusts a boy not much older than he is with a penchant for chaos that far exceeds his own, he trusts a man who only cares for the money he steals. and yet jisu would follow these people to the grave. 
his issues in trust swing both ways, and not even he is capable of maintaining this lie. so he hesitates, purses his lips as if petulantly sticking to his fake truth, and ultimately conceding. “maybe.”
25. what are you paranoid about?
“i’m not very superstitious,” he insists, chin raised as if pridefully. “i mean, i do get nervous sometimes. there’s moments when i think i’m gonna get caught.. i really don’t wanna go to jail or anything like that. but i’m quick, so that hasn’t happened yet. not really. i’m not afraid of anything though!” he calls it out like a challenge. it’s not entirely truthful; he fears being alone, losing his friends. paranoia creeps in when he wonders if they like each other more than they like him. but the boy doesn’t dwell on such things. he’d rather pretend to be fearless, like his friends.
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