mixbulletin · 5 years
The press might not know anything, but it doesn’t take long for word to travel exclusively around the MPD main precinct of the foul play in poor Yoo Hyeri’s death. The medical examiner is only just getting started when he discovers SNAKE VENOM in the girl’s body. A message from THE SERPENTS, perhaps? Yoo might not have turned to stone, but MEDUSA sure knows how to turn their blood cold... Better watch your backs, MPD. Revenge is a dish best served POISONOUS. 
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crownxmi · 5 years
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                                          oh no here comes the riot                                                              does everything have to resort to violence?                         if you think you can hide, go and try it                                                              now let’s let the fucking gun break the silence                   don’t even try to take this weapon from me                                                              i like you more and more the lesser you breathe 
                                            i’ve come undone                                                   i think i’ll kill everyone                                                         my, what have i done?                                                                fuck it let’s kill everyone
{{ @crownxmi​ & @mimedusa​
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minjixmi · 5 years
@mimedusa — continued from here
this isn’t the first time they met.
jinah chalks it up to coincidence. this isn’t the first time jinah’s saved the girl from an awkward encounter, and this isn’t the first time she’s seen the girl, either. once, she had been there to help jinah get out of a particularly messy situation by pretending to be her friend in passing. she didn’t get her number then because it had been inconsequential, because she walked away quickly after that in an attempt to get out of the general vicinity. there’s no way they keep saving each other by accident, and now, again, jinah’s wiping alcohol off of her perfectly white top after she broke a glass over a man’s head for the same girl. the man’s friends drag him away quickly after that, but jinah’s temper doesn’t dissipate as quickly.
at least now she’s slightly drunk and a little braver.
“i was going to ask you that,” she points out, thanking the bartender for the tissues he hands her way, and pats down her front. “i keep seeing you and i don’t know why. are you following me? trying to get in trouble to attract my attention or something?” she pauses and finally looks up. “that’s kinda cute, actually. you’re kinda cute. so who are you?”
“i’m not —” minji began to try and clarify defend that she didn’t mean to make things seem as if she were lurking around all the time; she wasn’t quite sure how these situations kept happening, but she couldn’t say that she was bothered by them, either. however, it’s when the other woman calls her cute that she stops in her tracks, caught off guard by the compliment that she has to take a second before verbally picking herself back up. “i — thank you.” the gesture is given in regards to how the woman had saved her moments ago, and for her statement. 
the entire situation, or situations and how they kept occurring were a little odd — but perhaps she should also be thanking the universe for the fact that their paths continued to cross.
“i guess i am a little more incident prone around people who seem especially strong and beautiful.” a quiet smile slips onto her lips, raising her gaze to meet hers. “i’m kim minji. now — may i have the honor of knowing the name of hero of the night?”
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mixlyra-blog · 5 years
❛❛ i like you for some reason. ❜❜
The unexpected confession causes Lyra to pause in her spinning, eyes wide as she practically wheels herself back around to face Medusa, finger probing and nitpicking the skin of her bottom lip, as though incredibly conflicted about the next few words that she was thinking of saying next.
“I like you too--but not in that way.” The younger mumbled emphatically. “I mean, you’re pretty and all, and you have nice eyes and a great, great smile--but..but aren’t you dating someone?” Confusion fluttered across Lyra’s face, her features a mask of clueless innocence as her finger darted to scratch behind her ear. “And besides, I think I still like boys better than girls when it comes to romantic shit.” The younger hitwoman squatted on her seat precariously, toes curling, eyes flickering rather disinterestedly. “I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings though--” A faint tinge of concern bleed through her voice, as though she was truly worried about the present situation they’d found themselves in. 
Unless Lyra had--as always, read the meaning of the situation wrong of course, which in all honesty, she had most likely did, though embarrassment was not something that came easily to her due to her rather clueless nature of everything else in the world. It came with being a blank sheet of paper and amnesia, she supposed.
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mibomin · 5 years
❛❛ what is this scene i am witnessing? ❜❜
it’s getting a little late and he’s on the way back to his dorm. for some reason, he decides to take a rather different route by a much less lit walkway. bomin isn’t one to believe in ghosts, but when he begins to hear high pitched noises getting louder and louder, he can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, he’s got himself in some weird horror movie.
though it’s then when he spots a tiny kitten through a glass door, stuck inside a store. 
bomin loves animals. or well, he loves most animals. some are cute, some are creepy (toads) and some were just odd (owls). still, he’s got a soft spot for animals and it isn’t something he’s afraid to admit.
he contemplates for a minute. was it the owner’s cat? but then again, the cat didn’t look as though it wanted to be there. he walks towards the glass and tries to peer into the store. he doesn’t spot anything for the animal to eat and he comes to the conclusion that the cat had been locked in the store by mistake. shit. 
“i’ll get you out of there,” he says, “i’m gonna get you out of there.” he looks around to find anything to break the glass door with. bomin isn’t afraid, he could always just delete any cctv footage later, he’s sure he’ll find some way to deal with it. he grabs a nearby rock but is stopped by a voice.
“what is this scene i am witnessing?”
shit (again). he pauses, turns around and his eyes meet those of a stranger’s. “i...” he begins, “i’m trying to save a cat,” he replies honestly.
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miznsu-blog · 5 years
❛❛ is this why you shouldn’t drink on an empty stomach? ❜❜
His eyes showed some sort of pity to them as he eyed the woman over. He was never the type that was good with physical contact, but the girl was slumped over, leaning over with a sort of instability that would have left him with a deep unease settling within him if he just left her to be as she was. “Honestly speaking, I don’t think it was the drink.” he murmured, peeking around for any sort of shady person who could have possibly been targeting this girl. “I think someone drugged you in all honesty.” He spoke low, not wanting to cause alarm– but, he couldn’t remember seeing someone act this way off of one or two drinks.
It seemed a lot more than a buzz or a full blown flush– this was different. “Did you have anyone come with you that I can– uh …” he paused, Words were never his strong suit and he didn’t want to offend someone in a vulnerable state. Passing her off sounded kinda bad, he didn’t want to use that type of word choice. “Direct you– to?” He questioned this finally after a moment of thought.
Quietly he feared to have to take this woman home– mostly because, he had little trust for anyone and he’d be damned if this was all an elaborate act to get him in a vulnerable position. The heart of coal act wasn’t panning out very well in his favor when he was out here taking care of people in need and the such and like; he bit back a sigh in his own frustration as he pursed his lips tightly together in an expression of concern.
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min007mi · 5 years
❛❛ are you praising or cursing me? ❜❜
Sentence starters - Accepting!
Annoyed. Annoyed was the word which described how hefelt, it described it perfectly, like nothing had ever described something soperfectly. He was utterly annoyed, not only was he annoyed, but he was alsoannoyed. Annoyed was what he was, and if you had eyes and a brain then youwould be able to know that, because it was definitely annoyance which showed onhis face. A million thoughts went trough his head in a second, him questioninghimself if it had been a good idea to flirt with this girl, if she in reality hadno brain or perhaps she was a five-year-old who looked very mature.
He sighed, he sighed loudly, and if you weren’t deafthen you could hear the annoyance in his sigh. Flirting with everyone had its problems,people who for some reason hit Min whenever he flirted with them, people thatfor some reason were loyal to their partners, and then people like this one;people who had no idea when Min flirted. And the last kind of people were themost annoying, because if you’re a master at flirting then you know for a factthat it’s annoying when people don’t even recognize your flirting. Like comeon, you think I hit on anyone? Well in Min’s case yes, but still, he had pickedto hit on this girl, he had done the effort to flirt with her, and yet she didn’teven get it.
“I’m not praising you or cursing you. I guess I’mcomplimenting you or something”
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mixhoney-blog · 5 years
❛❛ i have no intention of hurting you. ❜❜
“Then why?” Hani was sweating like crazy and her whole body was hot. She was hot and sweaty from all the running she’s done. Who wouldn’t freak out when they realize that they’re being followed, right? Hani was too far from her car when she realized that the other female was following her. She took the opposite direction of where she should be heading just to get away from the woman but her lungs were not made for running. She should’ve taken those self-defense classes with Dani seriously. She wouldn’t have had to deal with this if she actually got herself some muscles and that license to carry and shoot a gun. 
“Why were you following me then? You can’t say you weren’t following me because if you weren’t, we both wouldn’t be here. You wouldn’t be standing there trying to explain yourself.” They were still out in the open but Hani was just trying to catch her breath before she runs again. This time, without looking back. “I don’t know who you are and why you were following me but I’d like to let you know that I am not scared of you.” Really, Hani? That’s the best you’ve got after running for miles away from the other? Smart. 
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
『 MEME ⇢ RANDOM STARTERS || STATUS: accepting! 』
Things are looking grim for the female but Bella wouldn’t still be alive today if she didn’t have some aces up her sleeves. Even with a gun pointed at her head she still finds it within her to smirk, despite her lips behind hidden beneath her mask. 
“You could pull that trigger on me now, you got that right. Just blow my brains out and get the threat out of the way. However- then you’ll never know who I am and where I come from. How I knew about this interaction and what else I could be able to tell you.” The glint in her eyes is mischievous as she turns to face the woman, hands raised in obvious surrender.
“Wouldn’t you just love to know how I was able to interfere with your fool proof plans? If I can already gain that kind of information just imagine what else I could know that might be of use to you. Whose to say I only know what goes on in Hydrus? Maybe I know even more?” Now her voice is just a challenge, her surrender a facade of pretense when she knows that there is a mighty great chance she convinced the girl already to spare her. It would give Bella time to escape. Not much to run off with the treasure but at least she could safe her own skin.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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At the request of a couple of muns, here is an ongoing list of all the intros posted so far! Be sure to check them all out and like for plotting and starters! 
eriskmi & minjixmi 
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zeroxmi-blog · 5 years
tracker 05/05/19.
please let me know if i’ve missed you, or if you’d like to drop a thread! below is a list for me to keep track of my threads, both for the ones i’m waiting and replying for. if you fall under the former, please take all the time you need! no rush. m indicates memes, s indicates starters, t indicates texts.
waiting: @hunterxmi, @hunterxmi, @phantomxmi m, @eriskmi m, @miyeomra m, @bvllami m, @shankmi m, @mieunmi​ s, @mivalentin s, @miyongjoo m, @mixlyra m, @mixhaneul, @phantomxmi m, @sunnyxmi, @jinahmi m, @midaphne, @hunterxmi t, @mihyungsik, @yixingxmi, @wonwoomi m, @mingyuxmi m, @minjixmi m, @danixmi m, @mixsen m.
writing: @hanbyeolmi m, @crownxmi m, @mingyuxmi m, @magpiemi m, @mixsia s, @seolhyunmi, @mixlyra m, @bvllami m, @midaphne m, @mixeve m, @mibomin m, @jihoonmi m, @katanaxmi m, @mimedusa m, @mieunmi m.
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crownxmi · 5 years
❝ naturally
❝ as if through water from the bottom of a pool    you're movin' without movin'    and when you move, i’m moved    you are a call to motion @mimedusa
“noona~“ jaehyun calls from down the corridor, and there is almost a mocking skip to his walk. he wanted her attention, wanted medusa’s attention, because it was always fun. having her around, scold him. even if she was only two years older than him, he had found someone that would baby him to some extend.
it was in her, cold, intriguing way, if you asked the other hitman. she was like the big sis jaehyun never had, and somewhat... maybe it was for the best that they weren’t related. having to be all your life in a gang, with pretty much no other income or way out, has been a pain. a whole quarter of a century, he had a first hand experience at how that felt.
“hey, hey, hey.“ he says the words, quickly, one after another “how’s your week been?“ he asks, smile tugging on his lips, ignoring how tired he felt. maybe jinah had a better week than him. maybe she had something actually fun happen to her, other than potentially getting decked in the face. “wanna go for a drink? wanna buy me dinner?“ he asks, humming quietly as he bends just enough to be at eye level with her, the smile now turned into a grin, waiting for her reply.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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Just a few updates for you all! 
First, please make sure you follow our lovely Song Jinah at @mimedusa as we accidentally linked her original URL in her acceptance post. The post was changed last night but just in case any of you were quick on the mark and tried to follow before it was fixed, here’s a reminder! 
Secondly, everything should now be updated! This morning, we added 2 new wonderful member-submitted locations to our page, The Crow’s Nest and Swizz, as well as the lists of employees at each establishment! An NPC was also added to our NPC list. If you spot any errors on any of our pages, please let us know so we can get them sorted ASAP. 
Lastly, please also check out our intros list! Since the dash is moving quite fast with memes and opening excitement, we compiled a list of all the intros we’ve spotted on dash so far at the request of a couple of our muns. If you’ve posted an intro that we’ve missed, feel free to send it our way and we’ll add it as soon as possible. 
We think that covers everything except a very Happy Easter to all those who celebrate! (And a very Happy Sunday to those that don’t!) Thank you ♥
                                                                                              — Admins Gyu & Woo
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zeroxmi-blog · 5 years
tracker 09/05/19.
please let me know if i’ve missed you, or if you’d like to drop a thread! below is a list for me to keep track of my threads, both for the ones i’m waiting and replying for. if you fall under the former, please take all the time you need! no rush. m indicates memes, s indicates starters, t indicates texts.
waiting: @hunterxmi, @eriskmi m, @miyeomra m, @shankmi m, @mieunmi s, @mivalentin s, @miyongjoo m, @mixlyra m, @mixhaneul, @phantomxmi m, @sunnyxmi, @jinahmi m, @midaphne, @hunterxmi t, @wonwoomi m, @mingyuxmi m, @minjixmi m, @wonwoomi m, @jihoonmi m, @mixheomin, @yixingxmi, @hunterxmi.
writing: @hanbyeolmi m, @crownxmi m, @mingyuxmi m, @magpiemi m, @mixsia s, @seolhyunmi, @mixlyra m, @bvllami m, @midaphne m, @mibomin m, @katanaxmi m, @mimedusa m, @mieunmi m, @phantomxmi m, @mijuun m, @bvllami m, @mixheomin s, @mixsen m, @danixmi m, @magpiemi m, @mihyungsik, @hunterxmi.
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crownxmi · 5 years
how would you rank yourself among the hydrus hitmen?
❝ honesty hour edition, accepting 
this question could be answers both ways. he had to mentally count who was who and remember who else was out there killing people in hydrus. "we have me, dante, right? you.. jinah noona, wolf and yin yang.." he says frowning, counting on his fingers. in terms of time spend doing this, jaehyun thinks he wins. "are we talking about who makes the biggest deal out of their kills, or who has has the most?" jaehyun asks, not sure what the question actually wants him to answer. 
"i'm a pretty simple person, i'll tellyou that, you all know that. unless i'm asked to make things big and fancy, i just waltz in, kill the target, waltz out. i prefer it that way. jinah noona on the other hand..." he can't help but grin "now she knows how to make a show and she enjoys it. i haven't really paid much attention to everyone else's works. so many have come and gone, but wanna know something?" crown asks, brows raised with a lopsided grin "i got the aim to be the most feared of them all, and i gotta set myself high tasks in order to achieve that. so, for the sake of my own future ego, my ten years of experience, guess what?" he asks, rhetorically, raising his right hand with his index finger pointing upwards "i'm picking number one."
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crownxmi · 5 years
Who is the best person to get drunk with in Hydrus?
❝ honesty hour edition, accepting 
"oh wow, that's a good question." he says with a laugh and grins. in all honesty, even though jaehyun owned a bar, he wasn't that big of a drinking fan. sure, he did have a nice glass of whiskey or scotch every now and again, but it had to have an occasion, unlike his unhealthy smoking habit. "there are so many people, you are really making it hard to chose." he explains, almost teasing before humming quietly in thought. there were already a few people that had popped in his mind.
"jinah noona, definitely, she's funny when she's tipsy or drunk. hyerin as well, she;s a great drinking partner." jaehyun explains with a small nod of his head. it was rare he'd get to drink with either of them, but whenever it happened, it was always worth it. "it'd be fun to drink with you hyung, you know? after all, lots of fun secrets come out when people drink, i think we deserve to have such a bonding experience, don't you think?" the hitman asks with a grin on his lips, brows slightly raised as he expects an answer. he's not wrong tho, drunk people tend to always spill some interesting facts. jaehyun was willing to listen to each and every one of them.
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