mixbulletin · 5 years
Rumour has it, HYDRUS has finally appointed their new SECOND-IN-COMMAND... They say KING didn’t hold back on the selection process, nor his final tests for his perfect candidate. The name’s DANTE, if the whispers are correct. You might recognise him by the fresh wounds to his neck, a familiar SERPENT slithering its way across his skin, but you probably don’t want to be bumping into him on the street, anyway. After all, he has big shoes to fill and a legacy to build and we’re all just pawns in HYDRUS’ game... Right? 
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crownxmi · 5 years
how would you rank yourself among the hydrus hitmen?
❝ honesty hour edition, accepting 
this question could be answers both ways. he had to mentally count who was who and remember who else was out there killing people in hydrus. "we have me, dante, right? you.. jinah noona, wolf and yin yang.." he says frowning, counting on his fingers. in terms of time spend doing this, jaehyun thinks he wins. "are we talking about who makes the biggest deal out of their kills, or who has has the most?" jaehyun asks, not sure what the question actually wants him to answer. 
"i'm a pretty simple person, i'll tellyou that, you all know that. unless i'm asked to make things big and fancy, i just waltz in, kill the target, waltz out. i prefer it that way. jinah noona on the other hand..." he can't help but grin "now she knows how to make a show and she enjoys it. i haven't really paid much attention to everyone else's works. so many have come and gone, but wanna know something?" crown asks, brows raised with a lopsided grin "i got the aim to be the most feared of them all, and i gotta set myself high tasks in order to achieve that. so, for the sake of my own future ego, my ten years of experience, guess what?" he asks, rhetorically, raising his right hand with his index finger pointing upwards "i'm picking number one."
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danixmi · 5 years
❝ well looks like we’ve found ourselves in a bit of a dilemma. ❞
First floor, fourth floor, eleventh… 
The elevator moves up at a decent pace, the numbers change on the small screen in bright red. Some people would expect as she stood in the little square space that the petite woman, wearing a black dress with matching heels, lips sinfully red would be an escort on its way to please a client, but one she probably be a horrible escort and second if her temporary boss would ever whore her out like that, going to court was the furthest of their concern for both parties. It was strictly business, her boss actually waiting for her as she brought the massive stack of papers. Investors, sure loved it fancy with their pent house suites and luxury hotels. It also made red flags go off in her head, those types of men didn’t just buy a room, because it had a good view and amazing silky sheets. 
The elevator door dinged once, breaking off her daydreaming and see who was about to enter. The man was tall, extremely good looking too, looked like he owned the place and it wouldn’t surprise Dani if he did. The hotel would be lucky to have that face as their marketing stunt. She bows in greeting, which just got her a very awkward and uptight nod instead, but she just brushed it off and watched the numbers change again. When it went to eighteen it’s when suddenly the little electric box started to shake, the lights flickering, making it go from light to dark in seconds until it completely shut down and the elevator stopped right in between floors. 
“well looks like we’ve found ourselves in a bit of a dilemma.”
Well, no shit…
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nearbymi-blog · 5 years
13. Bite their tongue while eating.
Word spreads fast when they hear about the personified phoenix bludgeoning people on the side of the street. His strength was astounding for his size and perhaps that had a lot to do with his aggressive mentality and rage when getting into a fight. His fists were heavy and he’d use any blunt object as a weapon against his opponent. Rumor has it that he was able to rip a stop sign out of the cement and whack a few people upside the head with it. He was kind enough to put it back, lopsided, so that the civilians in cars wouldn’t get into an accident. It’s not a wonder why people from other affiliations wouldn’t have somewhat of an eye on him either to recruit or straight out take the challenge. Somehow, that lead to Near eating brisket at an outdoor bqq place with a member of Hydrus. He wasn’t scared of the gang, but he certainly didn’t like nor care for any of them. They were disloyal, greedy, and overall completely insane. They had no integrity and yet the idea of eating his favorite food for free was more than enticing -- he only wanted to talk anyway, right? “You gonna say something or just watch me e---AH FUCK.” He had been too excited and bitten his tongue. He slammed his fist on the table forcing his water to almost tip over. 
// @mijongsuk
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mixjaebum-blog · 7 years
[text] I hope you’re joking about that.
[text] Now now, have you ever known me to be the joking type?
[text] Okay maybe, but this time I’m dead serious. 
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lhmiko · 5 years
❝ you have no shame, do you? ❞
Sentence Starters  - Accepting!
Don’t you have any shame? Aren’t you ashamed? You should be ashamed. You must be ashamed? You--
Miteum sighs as quiet as possible, the words don’t even surprise him, he hears them so often, and sometimes he wonders, should he feel ashamed? Does he really have no shame? It’s incredibly how much people connect that word to prostitutes, shame. “Sorry”, there’s no sincerity in his voice, not even the slightest, but Dante is Hydrus’ second in command, Miteum really just feels the need to say sorry. He confused Dante’s voice with someone’s else. He thought Dante was one of his usual clients, so it was just his immediate thought when he heard their voice to cling to them, touch them and whisper sweet words, he was out to get some extra cash, but then he realized it was Dante.
He pulls his hands away from the other, stops his touch. He would feel embarrassed at how he touched someone who’s higher than him in Hydrus, that he thought Dante was one of his clients and was basically ready to throw off his clothes and get that extra money, but he isn’t really that embarrassed at all. He’s more so angry at the other’s reaction, it kind of just feels like that because Dante has a higher position he can say whatever he wants to say to Miteum, and Miteum will just need to say sorry.
In all honestly Miteum kind of wished Drifter was still the second in command rather than Dante.
Maybe Miteum has no shame, just a useless prostitute who should be ashamed, but who cares?
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mingyuxmi · 7 years
repressed memories.
JANUARY 2014. It hurt. It hurt a lot more than he liked to acknowledge. For years, Hyunwoo was the only person that he had. To Mingyu, the man had become his father. Now... he was gone. The teen was left alone again, and if he didn't want to carry on so that he could avenge his mother, maybe he'd end it all right now. Luckily for him, he still had a purpose and he knew he needed to let that drive him. Up until this point, the only person that he's ever killed was his biological father... scum of the Earth... a vile human being. 
Presently, he had a new goal. It was more short-term than the last, and the pain that he felt swallowed him up and turned into rage, rattling his bones and boiling his blood. Part of him blamed himself... if he had received the call, maybe he could have gotten to him in time... maybe he wouldn't have been abandoned again. 
But, as much anger as he felt toward himself, it was amplified by ten million and directed at the ones that managed to put down a legend. Sometimes, he forgot that Hyunwoo was just a man. He was his hero; a God. And now... he would have to finish turning himself into the Devil to wreak havoc on those that stole him away from him. 
The training he received was intense and he was very much so physically capable of murdering dozens of people... Still, he didn't want to go in there blind and end up just like his mentor. No, he was going to need the proper guidance and instruction. 
This was only the beginning... he was mad, and there was no way that this new light would be flickering out anytime soon. "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it." He's already killed once... he was ready to turn himself into a full-blown killer.
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mixthanatos-blog · 7 years
danger collides ft. jongsuk
Thanatos was constantly aware that there would be many things in this life that he may not care to do or absolutely dread—this mission being a little dash of the first and one-hundred percent of the latter. It would have been easier to put a bullet through a certain someone’s head (no, it really wouldn’t have been easy at all), but an unnecessary cause of gang related tensions would be something that would certainly get his own head ripped off. 
But either way, he had desperately been wishing for the possible new recruit tin question to pick the best option he had, Syndicate. But of course the certain someone that made his blood absolutely boil had to get in the way. He was always in the way. Damn bastard. Regardless of how he views the situation, he steps in to the little warehouse that had been agreed upon anyway, taking in a quiet breath and allowing it to escape him slowly. If cigarettes wouldn’t be such a bad impression, he would have pulled one out to help calm nerves that already felt as if they had been stepped on when he hadn’t even seen Jongsuk’s dirty mug yet. Typical, especially with how thick and terrible the blood ran. 
Though as soon as he did, he cringed inwardly and immediately, but alas, he had to put on a neutral, semi-pleasant expression for the sake of being there in the name of the Syndicate, for the sake of pulling this hacker and his capabilities in to his side rather than allowing Jungsuk to have him without so much as trying. Giving him any satisfaction was absolutely the last thing on his list.
There’s a nod of acknowledgement to the man stuck in between the eyes of both gangs, but to Jongsuk there isn’t much aside from a glance. He hadn’t the time for formal, pointless greetings when there was business to be addressed and taken care of. ❝Well, shall we begin this little negotiation now that we’re all here?❞
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wonwoomi · 8 years
26 & 33
★ headcanon meme
answered here!
“home is where the heart is, and I know where my heart is.” he answers softly, smoothly, and nods once. he won’t say any more aloud, but wonwoo considers @mingyuxmi his home. even back before they began dating and they flicked between apartments, between spending their nights together and separated, it didn’t matter where they were, if he was with mingyu, he felt at home. now, living together, it doesn’t matter where they could move to, if he’s with mingyu; he’s home. sometimes he thinks about it, and thinks about how sappy that is, and how he had grown soft over the years since joining vanguard, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. he loves having a home in mingyu more than anything else. 
family, however, is all of vanguard — even the ones that piss him off — and his friends. he figures it’s because he didn’t really have a family before, but it doesn’t take a lot, once they’re friends, for wonwoo to consider someone family. how far he’d go to protect certain friends is another question, but he will always have vanguard members’ backs, whether they believe he does or not. wonwoo takes family very seriously; now he’s got the chance to choose his family, he’s determined to do it right. 
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erisxmi · 8 years
Sinking Ships (Jongsuk&Seulgi)
Location: Seoul Precinct  with @mijongsuk
    Seulgi is awkwardly sitting off to the side in the bustling precinct—and for once, her calm, cold composure is wavering. She’s been boiling in her own inner turmoil for what seems forever at this point, even though she’s there as simply a witness (however, she would not be surprised if any of the officials thought she could be a potential suspect, considering how put together and unscathed she was). This isn’t the only nervous thoughts running through her head, in fact, there’s about fifty billion. What if I see a familiar face? Like Sukjin or someone—I hate being vague with him,and I’d rather not have to explain this to him, too. Or what if there’s one of the officers who absolutely hates me, what if they’re the one that questions me? it isn’t an interrogation, but it easily could be at that point. Who was stupid enough to have such a lousy planned shoot out? In a public place? Idiots. That’s who. Complete idiots that I would strangle if I could, holy shit. Her heavy stream of thoughts are temporarily interrupted when someone walks by a little too close, enough so for her to jump in the slightest, because yes, she was paranoid. Seulgi wasn’t necessarily armed...but she may have had a knife or two on her. Maybe some odd medications in her bag, but maybe they were concealed well enough that no one would notice. Maybe no one would ask? She hated being there, but right now leaving seemed only like a dream. Especially when she hears the door opening, just to add to the bustle...she only has paranoia telling her that she’s in for more hassle than she wants, but she brushes off would could be reality this time.
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mixgrim · 5 years
「Generated Sentence Starter 」 | Status: Not Accepting!
███▓▒░░ My muse will... Witness your muse getting jumped. ░░▒▓███
even if he was part of a gang, grim mostly minded his own business. sure, he was loyal to hydrus, but that didn't necessarily meant that he was good with everyone else. he was just the type of guy who prefered to remain a loner in a mass of members, for he was just considering himself a weapon, a tool for his gang to rise to the highest. as soldier and hitman he didn't gave much of a fuck about anything, and there was almost no relation to a fellow gang member he would call important enough to actually work with them on a proper base. he had his driver who he shared some kind of bond with, then there was the crazy quack doctor and the real thing who stitched him up every now and then. aside from them, he didn't cared for others.
though that didn't meant that it was ok to have another gang fucking up with one of his fellow members. especially not, when he was the newly assigned second in command. grim wasn't too sure, what kind of situation had actually lead dante to get into a fight with at least ten other guys, but at the sight of them jumping him, his body reacted on his own. grim was a hitman who didn't used weapons of any kind to actually kill his targets, he was a specialist in close-ranged combat and with his big and tall build he threw two assaulants over, when they didn't expected another hydrus member rushing in. dante and he hadn't interacted that much yet, and he wasn't even that loyal to other hydrus members, but the gang itself, but somehow there was still some sense in him left, to intervene and support the s.i.c's back in whatever fight this actually was.
he was still pretty much fucked up after drifter's betrayal, who could be actually trusted anymore, but his body was determined, it was conditioned to fight for his gang, fight for the higher ups. if they were to lose any more members now, their future would fall apart right in front of their eyes.
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mimedusa-blog · 5 years
❛❛ i don’t know if you know that you have an annoying personality. ❜❜
a starter : rebellion
jinah doesn’t make a habit of getting to know many of her colleagues. in a pit of snakes they’re all just clambering and crawling over one another, vying for space, for sustenance, for glory. it’s a snake-eat-snake world out here, so she doesn’t pretend that she’s on anyone else’s level but her own. it just so happens that she’s pretty damn sure she’s better than a good half of them, including this one. she would’ve carried on snubbing him had he not spoken up when they passed each other by, and she raises her eyebrow, turning a little by her heel.
“excuse me?” normally, she wouldn’t be this easily provoked, but today can easily be qualified as a shitty day. she and qian fought (again), she’s been told off for maxing out her credit cards (again) and she generally isn’t having it anymore, especially if it’s unwarranted. (to be fair, she did explicitly and quite obviously pretend that he wasn’t even there even when he tried to strike up conversation.) it’s not her fault she’s not ready for any kind of niceties or politeness. “listen, buddy, does it look like i give a shit about your opinion? i don’t know if you know that you have an annoying personality, too.” 
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crownxmi · 5 years
❛❛ why do these things only happen to you? ❜❜
❝ sentence starters edition, accepting
jaehyun glares at the other hitman through the mirror on the wall of the toilets, before going back to looking at the busted lip he had to deal with right now. “why do these things only happen to you..” he repeats in a childish manner, mumbling and mocking jongsuk’s voice as he reaches with the cotton pad soaked in disinfectant, grinding his teeth at the sting.
jaehyun didn’t really have a temper, in fact, he never lashed out without a proper reason. usually, within the hydrus hq, even when people were trying to get him to fight, he wouldn’t, simply because he couldn’t be assed. even after being in hydrus his whole life, his whole, miserable 26 years of a life, some people would still try and push him around. today wasn’t that day, today, he was in a pissy mood, and well, the dude that decided to punch him was left with a broken nose and dislocated shoulder.
however, if he was touched, with an intent of being hurt, which in this situation, a punch to his face, the hitman really did not hesitate to wreck the guy there and then. jaehyun was not sorry one bit.
“some bastards thing they can take me out because they are bigger than me.“ he replies, after patting the wound a few more times, ignoring the pain as much as he could. he was used to this by now, 16 years of dealing with wounds. you learned to ignore them after a while “i’ve been here for more years than some retards can count, who the fuck did he think he is to throw a punch at me? fucking ape.” jaehyun rants, finally pressing the cotton pad to the open would, and closing his eyes, a slow deep inhale following because it stung.
“people just hate the fact i’m fucking amazing, that’s why shit like that happens to me.“
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danixmi · 5 years
𝑅𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂 𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑜𝓇 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑒: NOT Accepting!
“Ouch” ― 20.  Have your muse help them recover from an injury.
It had hit her like a ton of bricks, literally or that’s how it felt like when she got attacked out of the blue by something hard that hit her straight in the head and made her lose consciousness altogether. It had been a bunch of weird events afterward, where her head hurts so bad that she almost blacked out again, and the attacker was there the whole time. He seemed sorry, worried that he might have caused brain damage to a stranger.
His hand was also sporting an ice pack that had been pushed against her head for a while now, and they weren’t outside anymore, but inside that looked like someone’s home. She was informed that an ambulance was on the way, which was a relief, hoping it was not a concussion, because she really didn’t need one right now. “Thanks for not letting me die after you tried to murder me.” She joked lightly, wincing when it made her head throb to even speak, and oddly dizzy.
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jinxmi-blog · 6 years
“No, I’m certain that’s infected.”
―sentence starters;        ↻ closed
Jin sighs, leaning forward to look at the cut. The skin around it is still an angry red despite it being a few days old, and there's a worrying tinge of white in there too. He thought it was just a simple scratch and threw a bandage on it, but it doesn't look too good. "Define infected," he says. "Like, go home and rub some disinfectant on it and it will be fine type infected? Or go to a doctor and get some antibiotics type infected?" 
It’s always the small things that come back to bite you, like the thorns on a rose. Seokjin doesn’t even remember how he got the small wound, only noticing it that night when he noticed the faint streak of dried blood in the shower. It didn’t even cross his mind to get it checked out, and now-- 
Well, now he’s getting told by Jongsuk that he probably as an infection. Brilliant. As if his day couldn’t get any better. “I mean, it’s not that big, right? It probably isn’t too bad..? Besides, I mean, you’re not a doctor. How can you be sure?” Reasoning never cured anything, but the last thing Jin wants right now is to have to go to one of the medics.  
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baekhyunmi · 7 years
Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
He’s awful at math. To be specific, his math skills are equivalent to that of a fifth grader. He took to the streets at eleven and was trafficked by Black Lotus shortly after, and he’s had no proper schooling since. Lotus ensured his lack of an education was well-masked, though. He’s well spoken and quick witted, but if you were to give Boxian a textbook, it would quickly become apparent just how gravely his education is lacking.
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