mixhoney-blog · 5 years
Top five hottest guys! Returning the favor.
Gosh darn it, Dani. Hani wanted to mutter under her breath but she got busy drinking her wine. Why the hell was this the topic again? Ah, because she asked for her top five guys. Hani pauses to collect her thoughts. Was there anyone memorable? She’s seen and met a lot of guys in Seoul but Myeongcho is a small island. So she places her drink down and goes ahead with her own top five. “In no particular order.” Hani begins.
“Okay, do you know @mitheon? Good god, I swear he’s Adonis in the flesh. He looks good in a tux and he’s got manners of a Prince. It’s like a dream being in his presence. I’d f*cking pay him to get on his lap, sis. I ain’t even joking. He’s hot, powerful and rich. My type of man. I don’t fancy a guy who doesn’t shave since it gets in the way when you kiss someone but good lord! How that works for him- I don’t know. I’d sleep with him till my legs give out. I don’t blame Aphrodite for falling for Adonis, really. Because if he is Adonis, I’d leave Olympus to get it on with him in the woods.”
“I believe that @mixheomin deserves to be on this list because he’s attractive as hell. I’ve been in his arms many times and I admit to feeling his muscles. This might sound creepy and weird, but whatever. He’s tall and he’s cute when he flirts. Whining for attention. I just wanna kiss him. Don’t tell him that though- he might think he’s that handsome- he is, but we don’t want him to come to tell me that I called him handsome. That would get annoying and I am not that tall to grab him by the back of his neck and kiss him to shut him up. But he’s hot.”
“Being affiliated with @zeroxmi is like having that guy friend you wouldn’t mind making out with if he’s down with it. He has this nice car that I wouldn’t really mind f*cking him in. He’s rich and he knows how to flaunt what God gave him. He’s got a pair of nice lips that look awfully gorgeous when he pouts, smirks and smiles. There were times I wanted to grab his butt for no reason- He is attractive and he can work a Birkin well. Not everyone can work that well. You have no idea how hot he is when he gets out of his car when he picks me up.”
“Oh, and I saw this guy the other day. I don’t know his name but he looks attractive as hell and I just stared at him from a small distance but he’s hot. Like you know, the way they show a hot guy in a film. I had that moment while looking at him- ( @mixgrim )”
“Would you believe that @crownxmi picked me up the other night and he looked just hella attractive waiting outside Healthvine? He’s not my typical type but I’d do him, sis. No kidding. He’s like that soft but hot inside kind of guy? I don’t know. There’s something really charming about him that I want to dive into whatever waters he is in, honestly. I mean, why not? Also, just so you know, I don’t want to give the same list you had even though some of them are perfect for my list.”
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mieunmi-blog1 · 5 years
❛❛ i know that you’ve been hurting all this time. ❜❜
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  GO FIGURE, YOU WERE THE 𝙏𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙂𝙀𝙍 // SEUNGJIN
          there’d been a few occasions on which eunmi acknowledged   —   even if it were only to herself   —   that she didn’t have the right to speak of seungjin, to think of him, to wish anything of or relating to him, to be honest. in this rare occasion, she thinks he is the one with no right. years have passed but he chooses now to say something to her, to say this to her. as if eunmi didn’t know the pain of losing a parent, as if eunmi didn’t know the pain of a strained relationship with a parent, as if she couldn’t understand him anymore to the point that he pushed her away. he pushed and pulled until her heartstrings no longer had any give. 
          “ shut up, seungjin. shut up. ” because all other words fail her   —   because she can’t exactly say he’s wrong. because she did feel pain, but for so many other reasons. reasons she can no longer tell him, some reasons she’s never told anyone, even seol or dohwan. reasons like them because she believes it was her fault they all fell apart like this. because their life as a group of four spiraled and splintered off into twos and ones. the most unfortunate being the moments in which each of them choose to stand alone instead of together. 
          she thinks of how seol, who didn’t choose a side, still must’ve felt torn between them, must’ve known both sides of the story and was unable to do anything. she thinks of dohwan and how stoic he can be, how solemn, and how seungjin’s influence on him to loosen up a bit was lost because of her broken heart, because of her vengeful heart. a bitter heart, she notes because she can’t stand the fact that he has the gall to say this to her. to open his mouth and speak of how she’d been hurting as if he accepted the blame. 
          “ you don’t know me anymore. ”    —   in fact, killed the old me.                                                                                     but the new me isn’t much better. 
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mixhoshi · 5 years
《 Happy Ending 》
“Ugh... I don’t wanna die like this.” The whine left him, dragged out, in between heavy sighs. It seemed like he really might meet his end this time though. “Maybe it’s just my own fault for being stupid. No it’s definitely my own fault. But why. How was I supposed to know it couldn’t open from the inside?!” His parents had sent him some money the other day, so Soonyoung had figured that it was a good time as any to go get some new furniture for his apartment like the responsible adult he was. Or maybe just at least some cutlery for his kitchen. He hadn’t lived here for long, but he should at least have got the bare necessities already right? Wrong. He hadn’t.
But anyway, that was not what was important here. During his shopping Soonyoung had received a message on checking out something, and of course he couldn’t just drag out his computer in public and start doing his thing. Right? What kind of secret agent did that? Not that he was a secret agent in the first place, but the point still stood. So instead he had found a cupboard big enough to fit him inside, and the rest was easily imagined. Either way he was stuck now and he was pretty sure they were closing soon and he didn’t really feel like spending the night in here, but what was he to do but mourn his own misery? “I can’t count on someone randomly opening this thing up. That’d be too lucky. Stuff like that doesn’t just happen. No, I guess I’ll just die here instead.”
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minjixmi · 5 years
8, 36, 56, 88
❀ headcanon memes; accepting!
*responses are written ooc
8. is your muse careless?
I feel as though the only times Minji would be careless if she’s scared/in a panic, which may bring about some mistakes in a situation. However, she’s usually fairly calm or tries to be, and she knows that in her work (both for the medic side and the florist side) she has to put a lot of care and thought into what she does since it has an effect on others — especially when it comes to her medic work, she knows that in a dire situation, it could cost someone’s life if she weren’t careful enough. So in summary, it’s probably hard for Minji to be careless with how careful, generally worried, and detail oriented that she is. Although, that’s not to say that she doesn’t make mistakes at times, too. Sleep deprivation may cause unintentional carelessness, which could happen if she pushes herself too hard. And she can also be hard on herself at times, so she would be the first one to call herself careless if she found out she made a mistake with just about anything.
36. is your muse enthusiastic?
Minji tries to be as enthusiastic as possible, especially when it comes to other people and interacting with them. She wants people to see her as friendly, someone that they can open up to, and someone that cares for them; even if the level of care may not be super personal, such as customer and employee, or client and nurse. But if someone comes to her with something they find exciting, then she’ll be excited for them. She’s not necessarily over the top with her enthusiasm, but she’s usually on the more optimistic side of things, as often as she can be. 
56. is your muse irresponsible?
Similarly the the careless question, Minji in certain situations may accuse herself of being irresponsible if she feels as though she could have done better at whatever it may have been that she messed up on. (i.e. wilting flowers in an arrangement, a late arrangement, missing an important phone call for Oopsie-Daisy or her own personal office, making a mistake on a stitch, etc.) Minji knows that it’s impossible for her to be perfect, but she does want to try her best — so if she feels that she could have done more somewhere, she may consider herself irresponsible. But in another sense, Minji is a pretty responsible person. She tries to be as organized as possible in every aspect of her work life, and personal life. She does what she can to make sure things are running smoothly and as they should — so, in short, sometimes she may say she is, but in reality, she’s as responsible as humanly possible.
88. is your muse strong of body?
In the terms of wear and tear, her body can probably handle a lot. Sleep deprivation for example, because while she prefers to get a decent amount of sleep in fear of making mistakes, that sadly isn’t always the case — late nights happen, so she may have to a while in stressful times without as much sleep as needed, which will cause some wear eventually. As for physical strength, I would say she’s about “average”, she’s no body builder, but she can probably lift some fairly hefty everyday objects on her own without help. However, if she were to get caught in a physical fight, she may be in some trouble depending on the size and strength of the other person (hence part of the reason why she is by no means a fighter, unless for defense and absolutely necessary).
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crownxmi · 5 years
how would you rank yourself among the hydrus hitmen?
❝ honesty hour edition, accepting 
this question could be answers both ways. he had to mentally count who was who and remember who else was out there killing people in hydrus. "we have me, dante, right? you.. jinah noona, wolf and yin yang.." he says frowning, counting on his fingers. in terms of time spend doing this, jaehyun thinks he wins. "are we talking about who makes the biggest deal out of their kills, or who has has the most?" jaehyun asks, not sure what the question actually wants him to answer. 
"i'm a pretty simple person, i'll tellyou that, you all know that. unless i'm asked to make things big and fancy, i just waltz in, kill the target, waltz out. i prefer it that way. jinah noona on the other hand..." he can't help but grin "now she knows how to make a show and she enjoys it. i haven't really paid much attention to everyone else's works. so many have come and gone, but wanna know something?" crown asks, brows raised with a lopsided grin "i got the aim to be the most feared of them all, and i gotta set myself high tasks in order to achieve that. so, for the sake of my own future ego, my ten years of experience, guess what?" he asks, rhetorically, raising his right hand with his index finger pointing upwards "i'm picking number one."
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danixmi · 5 years
❝ you will never escape. ❞
Dani was blindfolded, tied up to a chair, dried blood was sticking into her hair, and she was tired, worn out by the crazy adventure she had the whole way down here. She tried to guess which voice it was, that was talking to her, but with the horrible whiplash she had earlier it was hard to concentrate, his words all sounded like gibberish to her. But she didn’t cry, wasn’t your typical damsel in distress that would cry and try to scream while the shoved a piece of cloth into your mouth. If she ever wanted to get out of here alive, she had to stay quiet and figure out where ‘here’ actually was.
She wondered what they knew, how long they had been following her, how long they knew she was actually following them or more like a certain amount of people. It was dangerous then with her not being suspended, and she couldn’t do much at KH even with all the advanced technology. It ended up with her being on a standstill, but it took them enough to find out that someone had been dipping their fingers in their dirty water, and now they were going to make her pay… Fuck Danielle, what have you done.
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jaeinxmi-blog · 5 years
what part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
16. what part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
he’s never thought about it before, not really. jaein isn’t the type to complain; he’s happy with his face, his legs, even his stomach. individually he thinks about each part of his body, his associations with that, before he finally comes to an answer. maybe it’s odd, but he still feels her there in a way that makes his skin crawl. that feeling was once pleasurable, now it’s growing more and more unbearable. when he closes his eyes he can still feel her lips on him, her hands on him, caressing, reminding him that she’s there. she’ll always be there. “my neck.” he says finally, touching it as if to drive the ghosts of the past away. “weird, right? but that’s all i can think of right now.”
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mixyuyan · 5 years
Random Number Generator Meme: Accepting“WHOOPS” → 2. Walk in on your muse in a compromising position.
Yuyan pushed open the door to the stairwell, pulling up short when she spotted someone standing on the landing below. She watched him for a moment, examined the bag he was holding that almost looked like it contained... ladies’ underwear? It was a lot of lace, that was for sure. She wondered what he was doing with it. Probably nothing innocent, she could only assume.
“Are these the results of a panty raid, or are you just admiring your collection in a random stairway?” She asked, raising her eyebrows as she surveyed the scene before her once again. How curious.
If there was an explanation for this, did she even want to know?
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nearbymi-blog · 5 years
14.  My muse will cause a power outage.
LADY FORTUNE was just a little more lively than it has been in the past and he wasn’t sure if it was because of the higher stakes event tonight or simply because people are more interested in gambling than he had anticipated – though, he wasn’t sure why today was very special than any other day. Near had been making his typical rounds along the casino floor when he had a call about restarting the breaker for one of the sections of the casino. The lights on several of tables had gone out and even though no one paid any mind to it, the owners liked to maintain a standard and sent the closest to the breakers to reset it. When he reached the box in one of the back hallways, he stared into it with pursed lips and furrowed eyebrows. He had no idea what he was looking at and decide to hail mary and flip a few switches. At first, he could hear the sound of the generator switching on in which he assumed was a good thing. It was only seconds later that the lights in the entire place gone out. “Fuck!” Hastily, he reached for his phone and used it as a light to switch a few more things around - to his dismay, nothing worked and he got a call over his walkie to stop fucking around with it. This only irritated him as he shouted over the walkie while walking towards what he thought was the exit. His phone was a light source, but his yelling distracted him that he didn’t see nor expect to bump into anyone in the hall. His phone fell out of his hands and slid face down on the ground. “Motherfu— who the hell?” He didn’t even think about it when his hands started patting the front of a chest until he suddenly shoved it backward. “Who the hell are you? What are you doing back here? Personnel only.”
// @mixgrim
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mimedusa-blog · 5 years
❛❛ are you sorry? ❜❜
a starter : no signal
“that i broke into your place to borrow some cleaning supplies, tripped over your ethernet cable – which i couldn’t have known was dislodged – and caused your internet connection to cut out while you were downloading something ‘super important’?” – she makes air quotes then, and drops her hands – “nope.” 
neighbours can be messy, and jinah really tries her best most of the time to be the upstanding citizen her criminal record tells her she isn’t. she only breaks into her neighbour’s place maybe five times a week. maximum. doors are locked for security more often than not, people can’t seem to answer their texts or calls even when they’re always looking at their phones, the distance between her apartment and his wasn’t particularly daunting to scale (barring the potential 100-foot drop if she lost her footing) and windows usually have wiggle room for her to go through when she’s feeling particularly impatient for a reply. besides, she had a guest over that night, and it certainly wouldn’t do if her bathroom and kitchen and bedroom were a mess. 
anyway, she had a nice time, and returning dohwan’s cleaning supplies weren’t exactly at the top of her to-do list. she had to use them again anyway, and she thought she could get some good karma back or something by returning it to him properly instead of breaking in again.
“or you mean, like, returning it a month later? also no. i thought we had that whole...me breaking in, you getting mad, me buying you a drink and you trying to keep me out of your apartment...sort-of dynamic.” she extends the basket of cleaning supplies in his direction. “what were you downloading that was super important anyway? i hope it wasn’t porn, you pervert.”
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seolhyunmi-blog · 5 years
What would you do if your best friend dated your ex-boyfriend?
“eunmi?  dating dohwan?  why would she do that?”  a concept seolhyun’s mind can’t quite grasp nor understand.  perhaps because it’s too bizarre,  too weird.  eunmi knows of dohwan’s significance in seolhyun’s life and everything she’s felt for this man,  something she hasn’t achieved to feel for anyone else up to this day.  “i don’t think she’d do that.  that’s like saying i’d date seungjin,  which will never happen.”  of course she doesn’t quite know which relationship eumi holds to her ex-boyfriend,  whatever is going on there.  whether or not they obtain feelings for another is not in her power,  nor in her hand to control.  if it happens,  she will have to accept and live with it.  but pull her own consequences.  after all,  eunmi has got to be the only person seolhyun fully trusts.
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mixhoney-blog · 5 years
Hey, uh? | @mixgrim​
Faces pass her by one too many times in a day in the convenience store back then when she used to work there as a part-timer. Young and determined, she was passionate about her education so she worked in order to make some money for her school expenses. There was once a regular she used to look out for despite being busy keeping her nose under the heavy books.
She remembered him, of course, not everyone who comes to the store was as attractive as him. But the days grew short and they passed by so quickly that he simply became a face she once knew. No name. Just a friendly face on a tiring afternoon. Hani was leaving Healthvine when a customer came in and they passed by each other but something told her to stop and turn. She watched the male from behind, knitted brows left her speechless for a second. She's seen his face before. She's sure of it. 
But when? where? Hani quietly approaches him and taps his shoulder. “Hi, uh, excuse me.” Waiting for his attention to turn to her, Hani braced herself with confusion. “I think we've met before?”
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mieunmi-blog1 · 5 years
Are you dating that grim guy?
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          “ who is this grim you speak of? if you are referring to my fiance, i suppose i should applaud you for labeling him in such a manner. you’re right, he is rather grim. at the very least, the prospect of our marriage is grim considering he only cares for his work. ” the concept is amusing though, to say the very least, because if not for her fiance, she’d call out the fact that her dating anyone is far-fetched. dating is too idealistic for her at the moment. as much as she wants to marry for love, she isn’t naive enough to believe she could do anything under her father’s now watchful eye. 
          “ do you know my fiance? if you do, could you tell me his dislikes   —   for scientific reasons of course. ” as in she’d love to touch upon more of his pet peeves the next time they meet. if only he would cancel the engagement as it is,  just how outrageous did she have to get for him to decide she’s not marriage material? that she’s too much for him to deal with? for someone who has difficult holding onto people in her life, she never thought it would be him that tries to hold on even if it’s for his own personal gain. then again … putting it that way makes it much less surprising. 
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exhadesmi-blog · 5 years
woman, do you really think you got what it takes to be called the ruler of the underworld?
Honesty Hour
“Why yes, of course. I can’t think of anyone better then myself.” She’s not the slightest bit offended by his questioning. In fact, she’s taking the opportunity to preen. “Tartarus is a resounding success and it hasn’t even been a decade of the pit being open. I have created a neutral space on an island where territory is fought over like precious metal. I have so many underground dealings and yet the public sees me as a likable figure. I’m the king of my domain, there’s not much else to it.”
Her chair is looking an awful lot like a throne with how she’s sitting, if she was some sort of mad king at least. She’s got her legs throw up over one of the arm rest, her back laying atop the other. Her grin doesn’t bring any sort of comfort either. “Know anyone looking to start a coup? We can behead them first.”
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mixpixie-blog · 5 years
Did you really think I come every week just for you? That's a little pathetic, huh?
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          “ look, hun. i don’t mind that you’re a grump but going around calling people pathetic really isn’t nice. what a girl’s supposed to think when a guy who seems like he should be perfectly capable with a knife has to come in and replace them every week. you’re either real sloppy with your hands or a little too lofty with your usage of ‘em. you tell me. ” though she’s long grown used to the gruff nature of some clients, there’s something about him that ruffles her feathers more than others. 
          maybe it’s her own fault for listening to jae’s farfetched ramblings about why a guy shouldn’t have to come to the shop so often. who knows, maybe he’s that much in demand. though she can’t say much about what he does with so many knives, she does have to admit he seems like he’d be popular enough. for some reason unbeknownst to her, the rude guys are more popular than they ought’a be.  
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          “ these knives aren’t that cheap, hun, and you comin’ in so often to buy more makes it look like i’m selling faulty merchandise. the last thing i would let anyone say is that our weapons are subpar. are you sure you can’t just get more use out of ‘em beyond tossing them around all willy nilly? ” 
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crownxmi · 5 years
❝ random generated edition, acceptingmy muse will: say something bad about someone not realizing your muse is listening
jaehyun doesn’t enjoy trash talking, not really. he doesn’t like talking even, but sometimes it just slips. he’s human afterall, and nothing stayed hidden within the hydrus hq. so even as he was smoking in one of the rooms in the building, he’s on his phone, legs kicked high on the coffee table as he’s leaned far back on the couch, phone between his shoulder and ear.
“listen, it’s not my fault i always get sent on wild goose chases, do you get it?” he sighs, reaching over to his side and tapping the ash off his cigarette, letting it linger there for a short while. “it’s not my fault we have trust issues nowadays, for all i know, i can have any other hitman here pounce onto me and try and kill me. do you think i care that much right now? everyone is fucking scared of king and they fucking should be.“ jaehyun says, placing the cigarette back between his lips and inhaling.
“plus, our fucking medics suck balls. i’d honestly go to corvus, at least i’ll have a pretty lady call me reckless for having another bullet hole she will have to fix, not some grumpy 70 year old asshole trying to pay his debt back to hydrus.“
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