mijongsuk · 5 years
.death becomes you
⟲ one year ago with @mixwoobin
It wasn’t often that Jongsuk was forced to personally see to situations such as this. There were plenty others who could have paid the little warehouse a visit, but the boss wanted to make a statement– and what Jung Woosung wanted, he got. Whether it was overkill for Jongsuk to handle the matter personally was a moot point. Apparently, the lowlifes needed a reminder of exactly who it was they were working for, and therein lied Jongsuk’s area of expertise.
He was still dressed from filming the evening news when he climbed out of the back of the jet black Aston Martin Rapide S, his carefully polished shoes and perfectly tailored suit a stark contrast to the dank surroundings of the pier. The flashy car, the men that moved to flank either of Jongsuk’s sides as he took his time straightening his tie– every bit of it was a show being put on for the man hiding behind a wall of security cameras inside of the warehouse before him.
When Jung Woosung sent a death squad knocking at your door, he wanted you to know exactly who was visiting.
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crownxmi · 5 years
how would you rank yourself among the hydrus hitmen?
❝ honesty hour edition, accepting 
this question could be answers both ways. he had to mentally count who was who and remember who else was out there killing people in hydrus. "we have me, dante, right? you.. jinah noona, wolf and yin yang.." he says frowning, counting on his fingers. in terms of time spend doing this, jaehyun thinks he wins. "are we talking about who makes the biggest deal out of their kills, or who has has the most?" jaehyun asks, not sure what the question actually wants him to answer. 
"i'm a pretty simple person, i'll tellyou that, you all know that. unless i'm asked to make things big and fancy, i just waltz in, kill the target, waltz out. i prefer it that way. jinah noona on the other hand..." he can't help but grin "now she knows how to make a show and she enjoys it. i haven't really paid much attention to everyone else's works. so many have come and gone, but wanna know something?" crown asks, brows raised with a lopsided grin "i got the aim to be the most feared of them all, and i gotta set myself high tasks in order to achieve that. so, for the sake of my own future ego, my ten years of experience, guess what?" he asks, rhetorically, raising his right hand with his index finger pointing upwards "i'm picking number one."
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hansolmi · 6 years
“Didn’t the doctor say you needed rest? Because I don’t call this rest.”
not so distant future canon
Hansol’s eyes lift from the laptop perched carefully on his thighs, guilty expression giving him away just as much as the papers surrounding him on his bed. His sits upright, back propped against the cushioned headboard and supported by a mound of pillows, but even at a glance it’s obvious that those pillows are the only thing keeping him vertical. He’s still too pale, the circles beneath his eyes too stark in contrast. It leaves him with a striking resemblance to one of Tim Burton’s characters.
Still, he manages a weary smile as he dutifully sets aside the papers in his hands. “You’re back early,” he says in lieu of a proper greeting. His tone is bashful all the same, knowing full well that he’s been caught in the act of defying the doctor’s orders. “Was it a slow day at the station?” He launches into a series of rapid-fire questions before Woobin has a chance to properly scold him for sneaking in a bit of work when he was supposed to be resting. “Have you eaten? Are you going back in tonight? Or are you working with– y’know– tonight?”
His eyes widen as he backtracks. “Wait. No, no. Don’t answer that one.” He shakes his head too firmly and immediately regrets it, stars bursting behind his eyes as a dizzy spell takes hold. Hansol can only clench his eyes shut tight and hold his breath and wait for it to pass.
When he chances opening them again, it’s only after he’s felt the bed beside him dip with the other man’s weight, and only after familiar fingers card through his hair.
His bleary gaze settles on Woobin, taking in the older man’s furrowed brow, the concern clear in his eyes as he scrutinizes Hansol.
Hansol’s lips twist into another weary smile.
This time, he offers the other man a proper greeting.
“I missed you.”
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magpiemi · 5 years
28. have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
headcanon meme
( tw !! eating habits )
besides all the crime? “I don’t think so? maybe like…” she thinks back over the last few weeks, months ( define recent… ). the day of the execution and riots, as far back as it may seem to her now, she had gone out when she promised to be careful. obviously, lucas found out but she’d prefer for seulgi not to. bomin knew, though… did it count for the question if people already knew? he said nobody. 
what about that day last week where she ate takeout for breakfast, lunch and dinner because she was too lazy to cook? sure, that’s not a crime, but it’s definitely embarrassing. seulgi would probably have a fit and start bringing her homemade frozen meals to defrost each day. it isn’t that yeji doesn’t like to cook, in fact, she loves it, but sometimes, a lazy day is in order and that’d been one of those times. at least she’d eaten at all. it’d have been just as easy to forget or ignore her hunger. 
she’d also spent a whole day ( or most of it, at least ) last week watching keeping up with the kardashians on television… she definitely didn’t want anyone to know about that. 
“hang on a minute! this is a trick question! if I answer, then someone will know and that defeats the purpose! you’re crafty…” 
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lhmiko · 5 years
Random Generated Sentence Starters - Accepting!
18.  Fall on your muse.
Miteum can survive without his dog, he can walk around without his dog, that’s what he tells himself. At home this is the truth, he knows where everything is and walking around in his apartment is something he does with ease, but when he’s outside this just isn’t the truth. If the place is somewhere Miteum is very familiar with then he can survive, but if he like in this case barely knows the area then he might as well give up on getting around with his dog. And even if Miteum doesn’t want to rely too much on his dog Vision, he does love Vision and Vision does help him a lot with getting around. And therefore he had taken his dog with him for the day, but when suddenly he felt the leash slip out of his hand and he heard the sound of Vision running he panicked.
Miteum likes to think that he can survive by himself without his dog, but he’s also not stupid and knows that this fact isn’t true, that he in fact does need his dog. And hence when his dog ran, what did he choose to do? Run. Yes. He hadn’t thought it through, he didn’t even think about the fact that he was blind, that he would have zero idea about where to run. No, when his dog ran he ran. And it wasn’t a surprise to anyone when suddenly he bumped into something and fell. Oh well, he should’ve expected this, a blind man running after their dog? When does that succeed?
He had absolutely no idea about what he had fallen on, all he knew that it wasn’t the ground, this was something much softer than the ground, and after a good couple of seconds he realized it was a human.
“Oh my… Sorry!”.
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nearbymi-blog · 5 years
10. My muse catches yours naked
Being a thief, Near had a knack for getting in and out of places undetected -- which was ironic for how loud his personality was on a daily basis but even if he didn’t want to admit it, it was mainly due to his height. He would never say it out loud and thinking about it already brought his blood pressure up but he was slightly below average and it was easier for him to fit in places others couldn’t. He was dressed completely in black with a face mask covering his the bottom half of his face with hazel contacts in his eyes. There was a beanie on his head the bullet-proof vest was secured tightly to his chest with clasps that indicated that he had scaled the building sometime this evening. He had just taken something valuable from one of the Luxe offices and was on his way back out. The only issue was that he had somehow managed to confuse himself with his own schematic of the floors and now he was trying hard not to yell out his anger from consistently going into the wrong room and dodging surveillance. One glance at his phone, he was certain the door he was coming up on was the one he came in from. After managing to lockpick the door, he walked in and locked it behind him. He had been on his toes for so long he assumed the locked door meant that no one was inside -- he was wrong. When he turned around, he was face to face with a fairly tall man completely bare. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me...” He said under his breath with a visual representation of his frustration in his eyes as he clenched his fist, looked to the ceiling, and looked back at the man. “Are we doing this?” He asked, already stabilizing his stance in case he was charged -- all the while he couldn’t help feeling annoyed about being almost at eye-level with someone else's Weiner.  
// @mixwoobin
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luanxmi-blog · 5 years
❛❛ didn’t i tell you to stop stealing? i told you to stop! ❜❜
ASK MEME | accepting!
taking the lollipop out of his mouth for a moment, studying the golden-colored orb positioned at the top of the stick, then popping it back in with a scoff, jiwoong stares at the older man with owlish eyes. would you look at that – a hydrus member telling him what to do. 
it’s not like those money-hungry gang members didn’t understand the concept of stealing, conniving, doing whatever it took to extort and cheat people out of their most valued possessions. as much as he tries to make his gaze look cold with disregard when he responds, jiwoong can’t push down the genuine confusion ruminating at the bottom of his stomach.
what is this man trying to get at? 
“i haven’t stole a thing off y', yet. this isn’t y'rs, 's it?” 
dangling the gold watch from his index finger, jiwoong’s lips dip to the side in a half scowl, half frown. but as much as he hates it, his eyes are too much of a window into his soul, and it leaves him vulnerable, looking at the man with cloudy conflict swimming around in his eyes.
why is he butting in when this has nothing to do with him?
“so i guess what i’m saying is,” he says, a little quieter, “make me.” 
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mixjaebum-blog · 7 years
“get behind me.”
Jaebum eyed the other man. Well, if he was offering… He backed up, putting the other man in front, but still in a position where he’d still be able to see and get his bearings. He wasn’t a fighter, not in the physical sense of the word anyways. And if this guy was prepared to fight so he wouldn’t have to, well who was he to decline? 
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mixgrim · 5 years
「Generated Sentence Starter 」 | Status: Not Accepting!
███▓▒░░ My muse will... Have their nose broken by your muse. ░░▒▓███
[/trigger warning: blood, violence]
grim wasn't even that surprised, when he saw the fist coming flying at him since he had never been the most popular hydrus member. the lack of popularity among his supposed team members was attributed to his lack of sensibility, his moodiness and his sharp tongue. just because someone was a snake just like him didn't automatically meant that he was going to actually trust them. grim rarely worked with others, he simply prefered to do his deeds on his own. especially now that the former sic had been beheaded and replaced by another, his distrust had been constantly growing. for the past months he had been laying low, the activity as grim had shrinked to a minimum. grim wasn't approving of the new second in command, to him he was just a random dude picked out. there wasn't much he knew about dante, but the shallow amount of information he had was enough to put up his guard. he couldn't be trusted after all. that sic position wasn't supposed to be his.
and exactly that he had voiced in front of someone he knew was supportive of dante. wolf was a member who probably considered himself a friend and a partner to the new second in command, so it didn't exactly took him off guard, when the other answered his critical remark with a flying fist. grim was a master in close-range combat, so he easily dodged the jab, just to be pulled into a headlock and get kneed straight into the face. he felt the blood rushing from the wound and dizziness blurred his sight. his instincts kicked in and he grabbed the other by the waist to throw him over. adrenaline pulsated through his body, he couldn't feel the pain nor could he see his cracked nose. everything he was seeing right now was the red of blood and a fighting wolf in front of him. and grim never lost a fist fight.
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mijongsuk · 5 years
.sticky fingers
flashback with @mixwoobin
“--Ya! Stop right there, you punk!”
Jongsuk swore under his breath, jaw tightening and shoulders squaring in annoyance. 
There was no way that he could make it out of the convenience store without a scene now-- not after the clerk had to go and shout at him from across the damn room. Every head in the store had swivelled in his direction, following the finger the old man was jabbing at Jongsuk as he yelled for him to stop. Sure, Jongsuk could outrun the geezer with ease, but the commotion was sure to attract the patrolman he’d spotted taking a smoke break out front, and that was where things could get messy. 
So since running was out of the question, that meant he’d have to bluff his way out of this one. 
Slowly turning on his heel, Jongsuk fixed the shop owner with an unamused stare, his hands still shoved deep in his pockets. 
“You, boy. You empty your pockets right now! I saw you stuffing them!” The owner snarled as he marched right over to Jongsuk, finger still raised until he was close enough to jab it right into Jongsuk’s chest. “Show me your pockets, you punk.” 
Jongsuk’s lip curled in affront. “Ya, old man. Watch what you’re saying.” His tone was low, lazy and disinterested. “I didn’t take shit.”
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mixsen · 5 years
19. would you rather live without tv or music?
HEADCANON MEME // accepting !!
“would you rather live without tv or music?”
“easy. tv!”
he doesn’t watch tv that much. everything is easily accessible through the phone. news? there’s an app for that. recipe? internet. a kdrama that he missed? illegal streaming service. needs to laugh or check if you still have emotions? just read on the latest news regarding the country’s political turmoil. 
music, though, helps him in lots of ways. rock and pop music helps him feel better when he’s feeling down. instrumental helps him focus while gathering information about the target. ballad is for bathroom concerts and when he just wants to scream his lungs out without risking his vocal chords. 
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mieunmi-blog1 · 5 years
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ PLAYING WITH FIRE // WOOBIN«   tw   »  —  ˟ implied sexual harassment, ˟ infidelity, ˟ violence, ˟ murder 
          a plan, however meticulously designed and put into play, can still be flawed. that’s her first thought when the private meeting with one of her father’s more pretentious associates doesn’t go well. he’s aggravated before she can get a single word in edgewise and eunmi knows full well that means his patience will wear thin. 
          a hand on her thigh rests higher than usual when he  forces  beckons her to sit with him and she smiles just as naturally as ever, just as fake too. she praises him, coos at his temper, but it does nothing to ease the furrow on his brows, to calm the haste in his touch. her fingers curl in his hair, a ploy to keep him away from her face as she looks over his shoulder. ten more minutes, just ten more minutes and whoever her father has sent is meant to ‘ intervene. ’
          a casual evening gone wrong   —   after all, what else could it be written off as when he’s married, a politician at that. she knows her role and she plays it well, but tonight proves to be more burdensome than usual and she’s cursing under her breath when calloused fingers reach underneath her shirt. “ mr. jung, ” she purrs, if only to distract him, but he hears nothing. having to deal with a one-track mind isn’t shocking to her when it comes to men. 
          her own annoyance triples by the time five minutes have passed and her last resort is this   —   they say the pen is mightier than the sword but nothing is properly said of a letter opener. red threatens to stain her dress when she isn’t as careful as she ought to be but the hammer of the handgun in her purse would be too loud and she doesn’t care to be touched beyond her permission. most of all, she doesn’t care for the sound of the door opening and how quickly she has to force tears in her eyes only for them to fall short. “ oh   —   it’s you. too late. too bad, oh so sad. ”
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miyongjoo-blog · 5 years
word on the street
( word on the street !! ) our muses meet to exchange information
the manila envelope was clasped to yongjoo’s chest, his bike tucked against the railing next to him and his feet kicking back an forth as he waits for the person he’d organised to meet. it’d taken him months to collect up the information on hydrus, a handful of photos of their members during deals and a couple recordings that he’d managed to secure. the mpd was where he’d planned to go first, but he hadn’t been able to convince himself to wait for the detective in the waiting space when they were dragging in and out criminals, all who could have seen his face or overheard. it’d taken a couple days for him to contact a friend who worked in the local news station. they promised that they would pass it on, that it’d be on the news.
‘the raptor, a lone vigilante, leading to the capture of local gang members.’
once people knew his name, they would begin to fear him. that was more powerful than a couple arrests. it would gain him momentum into something bigger, and grander. everyone feared the name of batman in the movies. yongjoo would make ‘the raptor’ into something just as immense and powerful. every gang would grow to fear him soon.
right then though, he jolted at the sound of someone else’s footsteps, twisted around to look over at the other end of the bridge in the park. yongjoo squinting through the darkness towards the taller man who was coming towards him. the wooden bridge creaking under his weight when he dropped down, clasped the manila envelope tighter to his chest as he sized up the man. “w-who are you?” he asked, ignoring the stammer in his voice. he’d only told his friend to share his name, to share that it was the raptor who was going to give him information. that he would send someone else, a boy, to protect his identity.
yongjoo wished he’d truly gotten someone else to stand in his place.
“i.. i have the envelope from the raptor. he wants you to promise you’ll do something about it. it’s very important to him,” he tried to sound more confident and assertive, a shiver running down his spine shrugged off as best he could.
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mingyuxmi · 7 years
❝ you should learn to lie better. ❞
Sentence Starters: Closed➡️ ( canon; undecided )
That was funny. Just hearing that sentence almost made him want to genuinely laugh. Well, a 'Mingyu laugh', anyway, meaning that he would likely only be exhaling a little harder through his nose than usual. It just seemed really strange to him that he would be hearing this as if he didn't deceive people for most of his life. 
If he wasn't a good liar, then what did he waste all of those years for? Also, it makes him wonder why it seemed like no one ever caught on to what was happening to him. If he wasn't a good liar, how did no one see the signs? How did his identity, and does his identity, remain a secret? Why are there so few that actually know what kind of a person he is? Why does almost everyone, including the ones that keep them under a watchful eye, not realize that he and Wonwoo aren't mortal enemies?
But, he remained fairly expressionless, as he knew getting defensive would only prove the other's case. Why would an innocent man need to prove himself? If he knew he was telling the truth, why would he provide evidence? He wouldn't feel the need to so Mingyu would remain calm... just as he always did.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
Tumblr media
At the request of a couple of muns, here is an ongoing list of all the intros posted so far! Be sure to check them all out and like for plotting and starters! 
eriskmi & minjixmi 
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luanxmi-blog · 5 years
sorry for the lull in activity folks but im back now! yi here 2 let u all know what i have for woongie so far that ill be getting out a good portion of hopefully by the end of today or tmr
OWE ::
♛ threads
@yixingxmi - cat’s out of the bag
@mihyunjoon - sky high
♛ memes
@yixingxmi ( BOTH response & ask )
@katanaxmi​ - caffeinated nightmares ( meme )
@jihoonmi / @jeonggukxmi
if u’d still like to plot and i havent slid into ur ims yet, just LIKE this! ill also send u a meme if i havent yet wink wonk
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