#yippie happy six months to me!!!
championleonsslut · 2 months
What about Leon's wifey going through a high-risk pregnancy? Nothing angsty, just Leon being always like "Babe no lemme do that-"
I’ve been looking for an excuse to write about the rest of the kids you have with Leon! Yippie! You can find the firstborn headcannons here. And if you want to hear about the last child you guys have together, feel free to request it!
Btw Adelina is the kid you already have with Leon :3
Leon expecting his second, (and third!) children with you
ontains: pregnancy, kids, kinda nsfw? Not super in detail birth stuff but it’s there 🤷‍♀️ ITS A LONG ONE BABES
Adelina was a wonderful daughter. You both loved her more than you could imagine. Leon was especially fond of his little girl, loving her as much as he could. Since he ran the battle tower now, he certainly had more time to care for his child.
But you both knew you wanted more than one child. Since your first pregnancy was pretty low-key, and Adelina was three now, you both thought it was about time to have another. Leon seduced you into it one night, and you were happy to agree.
Of course, it didn’t just take one night to conceive your second child. It actually took about three months of trying. But when you saw that positive pregnancy test, you got so excited.
You surprised Leon with it that night, and he was ecstatic. You both knew Adelina would also be a great big sister, but that a new baby might also make her feel jealous and forgotten. You planned to tell her later, as it was far too early.
Things went smoothly for the first six weeks, up until it was time for your first ultrasound. Leon couldn’t make it, as he was working at the battle tower that day. So you left Adelina with her grandmother, who was ever so happy to care for her granddaughter, and left to go to the doctors.
You teared up when you heard the baby’s heartbeat. Then the doctor pointed to the ultrasound screen.
“There’s the baby.”
You teared up at the little blob.
“And here’s the other baby.”
You were flabbergasted to learn you were not just expecting one baby, but TWO babies. Twins! It definitely took some time to process. Instead of having two children, you’d have three. Could you really deal with two newborn babies?
But you knew with Leon beside you, everything would be just fine.
When you showed him the ultrasound pictures later, his jaw dropped.
“I put TWO in you???”
“Yes Leon.”
Despite being terrified, he was also more than happy. Even though two babies would be a lot, he knew it would be wonderful. Plus, you’d only have to go through labor once and get two babies out of it.
He totally said that multiple times too.
Since you were carrying twins, your pregnancy was far more high risk than a normal pregnancy. Leon was constantly on edge for you, and once it got to your second trimester he was practically doing everything for you.
“Babe trust me, you sit, I’ve got this.”
Telling Adelina was what made you both nervous. You weren’t sure how she’d react, and it especially scared Leon. He didn’t want his little girl to feel like you were replacing her.
But you both sat her down once your second trimester came around, and explained things.
You told her that mommy was expecting two babies, and she would be a big sister to both of them. Leon assured her that you weren’t replacing her, and instead giving her two friends.
Adelina was ecstatic. She was ever so excited to have two little siblings.
She did ask how the babies got in your belly though, which you decided to talk about another time.
She didn’t mind being moved out of the nursery either, and into her brand new room. Her only request was that it was Alcremie themed, which you both happily made happen.
With Adelina out of the way, that left the rest of your friends and family.
Hop and Leon’s mother were surprised and excited to learn you were expecting two more babies. His mother both wished you good luck, and promised to help whenever you needed it.
Raihan, Sonia and Nessa were all excited for you guys too, just shocked to learn it was twins.
You had to take maternity leave at twenty weeks, since your stomach was already so much larger than your first pregnancy. But that did mean you got to spend a lot more time with your daughter!
Then the time came to find out the genders of your babies, you wanted it to be private with just you and Leon. So the doctor sent you home with a little note, that you and Leon opened up at home. You both didn’t care what genders the babies were, as long as they were healthy.
Baby #1 was a girl.
Baby #2 was a boy.
You were both terribly excited to be getting one of each. Just like last time, Leon was incredibly picky with choosing names.
And then your third trimester came along. You felt huge, and both babies were barely leaving any room in your body. Despite how undesirable you felt, Leon had been fucking you silly throughout the entire pregnancy, and found you irresistible. It helped that your libido was so high during this pregnancy too.
Leon took the last three months off from the battle tower, since he felt you needed his help more than the tower did. You were very appreciative, and he was just happy to help.
Adelina was fascinated by how large your stomach had grown, and loved feeling for baby kicks. She squealed whenever one of them kicked her hand.
Leon was no better than his daughter.
And at thirty-five weeks, five weeks early, the twins decided to come now. It was right as you were getting ready for bed when you started having contractions. You recognized them from last time, and went right to Leon. He panicked a bit, but quickly called his mom to come watch Adelina for the rest of the night.
All the commotion had woken her up, so you both kissed her goodbye when she came downstairs. He grandmother explained that the babies were going to be born, and Adelina was extremely excited.
Your labor progressed very slowly, and Leon was pacing in the hospital room the entire time. When you told him to sit down, his leg wouldn’t stop bouncing.
But when it was finally time, it was determined that both babies were head down, so you agreed to try a vaginal birth. Leon stayed by your head the entire time you pushed, not complaining once about how much you were squeezing his hand.
It took about an hour, but soon a baby’s cry filled the air. The doctor took your newborn son out, and he was quickly taken away to be cleaned up and checked out.
Your daughter didn’t take that much longer to push out, as her brother had already cleared the way. She was born two minutes after her brother, crying as loudly as he had been.
Leon gave you a big kiss once the twins were born. His eyes were filled with happy tears, as the babies were brought over.
They handed your son to you, and the girl to Leon. They both yawned and stopped crying once they were in your arms.
The boy had your skin and your hair, but with his father’s beautiful golden eyes. The girl had your skin too, but Leon’s hair and your eyes.
They were absolutely perfect, and you both were sobbing over them. You traded babies so you each got to hold them.
Of course, they needed names. You both had agreed on the ones you liked best, and those were written down on the certificates.
Hugo Finn Woodrow
And his sister
Genevieve Fern Woodrow
You brought them home two days later, where Adelina was patiently waiting to meet her new siblings. You sat her down on the couch, and handed Hugo over to her as Leon cradled Genevieve. His mother cooed over the baby girl, while Adelina gently held her brother.
She was completely enamored by him, and didn’t want to hand him over to hold her sister. She did anyway, and was just as enamored by her baby sister.
It was safe to say she loved them both.
Dealing with two newborns and a toddler was hard, but Adelina was surprisingly easy throughout it all. It was the twins that were a problem.
Oh how they loved to cry. They absolutely loved it. It certainly kept Leon up, as he’d taken the night shift so you could sleep. He slept during the day, and had to take even more time off of the battle tower until the twins were a little older.
You both made lots of time for Adelina, playing with her and giving her just as much attention.
But as the twins grew, they got a little easier. Even with how difficult they were, you loved them lots.
You loved your little family.
And then you guys had another baby.
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kusundei · 8 months
ajax is so real because his stories and stuff .. like.. me and u bro.. we’re going through the same thing man
well not really. his issue is taking care of said kid
mine is the feeling im getting replaced (which is definitely not as bad as he has it)
but like holyyy molyyy. both our parents r pregnant!!! horray!!! yippie!!!!!
its just like he’s reminded me that oh fuck. my mom is pregnant. oh fuck. she’s due in like september. oh fuck. when i graduate that kid will be two years old.
like maybe this js a selfish thing.. but like.. my life has been moving too quickly and i hate it.
first my mom got a boyfriend. cool! ur dating after like 5 years of being single i support you
and then oh..! you got a dog..! even though u hate dogs..! oh well its cool at least i have a dog now!
then oh….! we’re.. moving..? after us living in the same apartment by ourselves for literally my entire life we’re moving.. in.. with.. your boyfriend of six months..? oh well its fine i guess! at least i get my own room!
and then ohhh……! you.. you got.. engaged..? you two are getting married… after not even knowing each other for a year..? but oh well irs cool at leasr youre happy!
and now… you… youre what..? youre.. pregnant.? lol..????????
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stevetonyweekly · 3 years
SteveTony Weekly - February 6
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 Happy Sunday!! Here’s what I’ve been reading this week. As always, leave your fic authors some love if you read and enjoy their stories! 
And for my friends on Twitter--STW is there now, with the weekly list and daily spotlights! 
**Indicates my recent favs 
The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time by MemoryDragon
After their plane went down, Steve and Tony only just barely managed to find a cave for shelter. If only it weren't always the wrong place and the wrong time for Tony.
Yippie ki-yay.
trinkets of your affection by starklystar 
Kissed him once for every year I loved him, Steve had written. 
By that count, Steve owes him five more kisses now.
Tony traces the words, hands trembling, and tips back a shot of Howard's ancient whiskey. None of it burns anymore.
One day, he'll have lived more days without Steve than there are words in the diary.
For the first time since he'd woken with shrapnel in his chest, Tony fears the future.
Or, five things Tony keeps to remember Steve by, and one thing Steve gives him to remember.
Ambigram by magicasen
Steve's lost the serum. Steve's not an Avenger anymore. Steve's supposed to be past these types of missions, even if he'll never say no to punching Hydra goons in the face. But if the Avengers need him, Steve will answer their call.
But then an unexpected visitor from the past joins the fray. Steve's past self has lots of things to say: about the future, the team, and Steve's relationship with Tony.
In Wolf's Clothing by laireshi
Tony gets kidnapped, but breaking out of his cell isn't a problem. Except then he runs into a werewolf, and things stop looking so good.
a moment in the sun by mistymountainking
“—I mean it’s crazy right? It’s crazy, Tony Stark, Tony Stark calls us up out of the blue one day and says ‘You’ll be waiting six months to a year for a decent repair job, let alone a complete replacement, and I owe you guys, come on by Avengers Tower—”
a prompt fill for an anon on tumblr, who asked for Steve/Tony + Tony designing prosthetics for wounded vets
breathe with me by mistymountainking
“If footage from my sweet sixteen made it into this lineup, we’re watching all three Die Hards."
It’s Wednesday, and Wednesday means movie night at the mansion.
a prompt fill for lovingcookiemonsterblog on tumblr, who asked for Steve/Tony + "You're not worth it."
only a kiss by mistymountainking
Tony wouldn’t be the first to admit it—he wouldn’t be the third or the fifth or the fiftieth, even—but he’s a very physically affectionate person. For a man who doesn’t like being handed things, he loves using his hands to show his fondness for others. He has his little touches, arm pats, shoulder squeezes, handshakes; hugs are almost exclusively reserved for Rhodey and Pepper (Happy, Steve’s learned, isn’t a hugger), but no one is exempt from being kissed when the mood strikes Tony Stark.
No one except Steve, apparently.
fall for you by ohjustpeachy
Tony trips over a dog in the park on his way to work. As if that isn't bad enough, the dog's owner is, like, absurdly perfect.
A meet cute ft. Dodger and love at first sight.
Man is a Wolf to Man by Sineala
When Antonius is falsely accused and convicted of murdering an ambassador, he is condemned to death by the wild beasts of the arena. But the wolf sent to kill him is something rather more than he ever expected.
can't help it if it's true by allourheroes
Tony thinks he's finally caught on to the big secret of Steve and Bucky, but he might not be the genius he's always thought himself to be. In fact, he might be the biggest idiot in the tower if the way Steve eyes him--which just so happens to be the same way Bucky and Sam eye each other--is anything to go by.
even if you don't by nightwalker
Steve’s known Tony Stark for fifteen years and he’s intimately acquainted with the desire to strangle the man and kiss him at the same time.
Showdown by shatteredhourglass
Bucky was happy for Steve, he was. But did he and Tony have to be so disgustingly romantic all the time? // In which Bucky is tired of Steve and Tony's antics and Clint suggests revenge, which turns out with an additional bonus.
like i don't even know who you are by nightwalker
The divorce papers were just as unsigned as they had been an hour ago.
Safety by CSHfic, VSfic 
The suit needs repairs, and Tony thinks he's being clever when he tells the Avengers that Iron Man is away on personal business...until Steve helpfully volunteers to be Tony's bodyguard in his place.
Break my Baby by justanotherrollingstony (adoctoraday)
Failure after failure weighs heavy on Steve, tearing him up inside till he's ready to scream. He fights so goddamn hard and yet nothing he does is right; he fails a mission, he fails to protect Sam, fails to find Bucky, fails to do what he knows he needs to and he's so angry he could fight a platoon of HYDRA and not break a sweat. Knotted up and all wrong, what he needs is something he can't afford to do; break down.
Good thing Tony knows exactly how to give him what he needs.
The Phoenix Project by geekymoviemom
Langaran scientist Tony Stark believed he had created a solution that would not only solve Langara's energy crisis and potentially bring peace to a world decimated by decades of unrelenting war, but also save the life of his young son.
There were only two problems: convincing the Langaran Military Government to agree to his plan, and finding a pilot brave enough to accept the challenge.
Enter Steve Rogers, one of the best fighter pilots the Langaran Air Corps had ever seen, who while on the outside seemed to be a poster boy for the perfect soldier, on the inside harboured so much bitterness and regret that it left very little room for anything else.
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sgtbradfords · 4 years
Could you write a Chenford prompt with this “You’re always number one.” ? Thank you!
Ok anon, this one was so much fun to write! Thank you for sending me this prompt! I hope you enjoy :) Send me a prompt from this list!
The sounds of car doors slamming filled the parking lot, the hot California sun bearing down onto the asphalt.  “Someone please remind me why we’re doing this again?” said Nyla Harper as she and Lila met the growing crowd in front of the building.
“Because Nolan said it’d be fun and none of us disagreed.”
“It’s also a bonding experience.” Piped in John Nolan.
Tim Bradford rolled his eyes. “As if we don’t spend enough time out of work as it is.”
“Alright,” said Angela Lopez, gathering the groups attention as she walked out of the building. “We’ve got 2 hours booked for us to play as many rounds as possible with a twenty-minute break after an hour. Wesley and I took the liberty last night of dividing everyone into teams already. Should someone feel as though it’s unfair after the first game then we will redo the teams. Alpha squad will be Wesley, Jackson, Tim, Lila and John. Bravo squad will be Sterling, Lucy, Nyla, Henry and myself.”
“Question, can we change our team names?”
“What are the rules?” asked Jackson.
Wesley raised an eyebrow. “Their rules or our rules?”
“Ours of course.”
“No removing your sensor to avoid being shot. Keep physical contact to a minimum. Climbing is allowed as long as you don’t get shot. If you are shot, then your vest will reset after thirty seconds. We have the room to ourselves so no worries about outsiders. An alarm will go off in an hour to signal the break. Most importantly, have fun. Everyone ready?” Angela told the group before moving towards the building.
“You’re going down Bradford.” Lucy gloated as they walked through the door.
“Is that what you think boot?”
Lucy scoffed “Think? I know. Remind me again who was Mid-Wilshire’s shooting champ this year?”
“There was a scuba diver!” Cried John.
“We know.” Voiced the group.
The group divided up into their teams, going into separate rooms to get their gear.
“Game starts in five.” Nyla said as she slipped back into her teams’ room after helping Lila into her gear. “The amount of trash talk coming from them… Don’t be shocked to see Lila and Nolan team up.” She told them as she began gearing up herself.
An alarm through their room, giving off the one-minute warning. Both teams lining up outside of their doors that led to the complex.
The next alarm sounded as the doors opened, the lights off and blacklight’s on making the place glow.
“Yippie ki yay Mother-“
“NOLAN SO HELP ME, DON’T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE.” Nyla yelled as she entered the room.
Each person began strategizing, Sterling being the first shot as Wesley rounded a corner.
Lucy was able to shoot John, who was helping Lila sneak under a platform, “Not fair Lucy!” he yelled as she ran away.
The first round went quick, the score almost even as the alarm blared, signaling their break, they congregated in one room, huddled around the TV screen showing points.
“How are they winning?” Cried Angela. “I know I shot Nolan at least five times!”
“It’s only by a few points honey.” Wesley smirked as he told his wife, taking a sip of water.
Angela glared, covertly flipping her husband the middle finger as Sterling wondered aloud. “How does a nine-year-old have more kills than me?”
Jackson laughed. “Because you play a cop on TV, Ster. Where as her mother probably gave her the good aim in her genes.”
“Wait, this says Tim and Lucy are tied as the top shooters.” Henry pointed out. “How is that possible?”
Everyone turned staring at the two as Lucy shrugged. “I told you, champion. Besides, I rarely win anything. Now Tim on the other hand, you’re always number one.” She said pointing a finger.
“Come on boot, Antonio won that one time!” he defended before explaining. “We do paintball once a month. Besides, Chen practically lives at the shooting range.”
“Only because you make me!” Lucy snorted before defending herself. “And I do have a life outside of work I’ll have you know.”
“Is that what you’re calling him? Because if I remember correctly, I had to buzz you in the other day at six in the morning wearing yesterday’s clothes because you ‘lost’ your keys.” Jackson pointed out causing her to blush. “And it wasn’t the first time either.”
Nolan propped his head on the fist of the elbow leaning on the table. “Tell me more tell me more did you get very far.” He sung.
“Shut up Nolan.” The group voiced as he raised his hands in defense.
The five-minute bell rang, half the group standing to head back to their room, Angela and Nyla moving to Lucy’s side as she began to put her device back on, shooting the test target in the room to check her gun.
“Is he a decent guy?” asked Angela.
Lucy smiled. “He is.”
“Have you done a background check on him?”
“I haven’t but I don't need to, he’s told me a lot.”
Nyla watched Lucy, her arms crossed over her chest. “You love him.”
“I do.”
Angela looked at Nyla before looking back at Lucy “Does he make you happy?”
Lucy looked at the two, her smile growing. “He does.”
“Then that’s all that matters.” Angela said. “If he hurts you, I hope he knows your family will help you kill him.”
Lucy laughed, “Not if I kill him first.”
The one-minute alarm sounded as each team re-assumed their entry positions.
Team Bravo was the first to strike in round two, Nyla taking Lila and Jackson down ten seconds apart.
Lucy quickly made her way to the second floor, finding the perfect corner that was dark enough to stay hidden with the help of her jacket hiding the glow of her target. She crouched down, keeping an eye out, watching the walkway that ran across the second floor, she knew Jackson was up here, having seen his white shirt go by in a blur as she made her way up from the first floor.
“Boo.” A voice whispered in her ear.
Lucy jumped to her feet, startled as she whipped around, pointing her gun at the person that was crouched beside her on the floor. “Didn’t your T.O ever teach you not to sneak up on someone with a gun?”
“It’s fake. And didn’t your T.O teach you to always stay aware of your surroundings boot?” retorted Tim as he stood, backing her further into the corner.
“How did you get there and how long have you been there?”
“Army crawled.” He said shrugging. “And not that long. So, who’s the guys ass I need to be kicking?”
“None of your business. But,” She told him, her tone playful as Tim stepped closer. “he’s about six foot four, blond hair, killer eyes.”
“Yeah? He sounds like a loser.”
“Well, someone has to counter his inner nerdiness.”
“Wanna play dirty?” he asked, as he moved closer, each hand grabbing for the belt loops of her pants as Lucy’s back hit the wall.
“Looks like we already are.”
“We are but,” he dragged out. “what if we teamed up to take down both sides?” he asked, leaning his body into hers.
Lucy bit her lip as she tilted her head back. “Conspiring to commit treason are we Sergeant Bradford?”
Tim moved his head down, his lips grazing hers as he whispered. "Conspiring to do something Officer Chen.” He said as he acted first, his lips capturing hers harshly, eliciting a moan from deep within as her body reacted to his touch. His fingers let go of the denim loops, hands slowly grazing the exposed skin where her shirt was riding up, causing her to shiver as she moved a leg, wrapping it around his backside.
“We’re going to get caught.” She said as someone yelled from the first floor. Tim moved his lips down her neck, his nose pushing her hair back as he sucked on the skin, a gasp escaping her lips.
“They won’t even know we’re missing.” He mumbled against her neck as his hands slid into the back pockets of her jeans, lifting her, pressing her harder into the wall as she wrapped her other leg around him.
“They’ll know when they see neither of us getting points.”
“We’re getting points.” He smirked, pulling back. “Just none they need to know about.”
Lucy fisted his shirt, pulling him into her in a hungry kiss, returning his earlier kiss with equal fervor before letting go, running her nails over his scalp as she grinded into him.
“Lucy!” Jackson yelled from the first floor, causing them to break apart. “I know you’re waiting for me!”
Lucy dropped down as Tim let her go. “How the hell did he get down there?” she asked, catching her breath as she grabbed her gun that was swinging by its tether.
“I guess you were distracted.” He told her, his tone light and playful.
Lucy moved around him, making the move to go after her friend.
“Wait.” he said as he pulled her back by the arm, twirling her into him as his lips found hers in the darkness, leaving her breathless.
Lucy moaned as she forced herself to pull away. “Later, we will finish this later.” She promised, retracting his hands from his waist as she stepped back. “And babe?”
“Yeah?” he asked stepping closer to her.
“Payback’s a bitch.” She told him as she pressed the trigger on her gun, the laser hitting the target on Tim’s chest.
Tim stood shocked as Lucy ran away. “What the hell Chen!”
Lucy’s laugh echoed off the walls as she ran down the stairs, taking out Wesley who was running up the steps “Oh Jackson.” She sung. “Wanna play a game?”
Fifteen minutes later the final alarm blared, signaling the end of the game.
“Alright, which team is ready to buy the brews?” Angela asked the group who stood waiting outside. “Drum roll please!” Lucy, Nyla and Lila, began beating their hands on their thighs.
“With 3400 points the winner is… Team Bravo!”
“In your face Bradford! Break out the money clip old man!”
Tim rolled his eyes at his girlfriend’s antics before stepping closer, “Twenty bucks says Jackson will be wasted by the end of the night.”
Lucy looked at Jackson who was pouting. “Make it loser pays for ice cream after paintball next week and you’ve got a deal.” She told him sticking out her hand.
“Deal.” He told her accepting her hand, lingering for what was probably too long for ‘coworkers.’
The next week Lucy smiled, handing a twenty-dollar bill over to the cashier before glancing back at Tim who was trying to stop the topping avalanche that was sliding down his double scope of Oreo ice cream. “You ready?” she asked as she pocketed her change, holding out the hand that held no ice cream.
Tim smiled, hints of ice cream on his lips as he took her hand, walking out the door. “With you? Always.
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The naked truth.
Goodbye, Orange Ape
(Epilogue for a Wanna-be Autocrat)
By Stephen Jay Morris.
©Scientific Morality
There is a breeze wafting across the nation in a collective sigh of relief. Saturday morning, I was doing some gardening in our backyard. At around 11:30 a.m., EST, Pamela came outside, her tablet in hand and a big smile across her face.  She called out to me.
“Honey! The news site, Politico, called the race! Nevada’s six votes went to Biden. He won!” We embraced and kissed, happy.  It was a really nice moment.
It’s nice to witness national exuberance for a change. However, at the back of my mind sits the bitter taste of subjective reality. Yay!  My joy will last for 24 hours, but then it’s back to the same old grind. This period reminded me of the night Nixon resigned. There was dancing in the streets on that  historic summer night in 1974, though I don’t remember how I felt.
Two years earlier, in 1972, kids were jumping and hollering with joy in the hallways of my Alma Mater, Fairfax High School.  When I asked what was going on, someone shouted, “George C. Wallace just got shot! Yeah!” Our fifth period teacher chided the jubilant class, “A man just got shot! There is nothing to celebrate! What’swrong with you kids!?” Governor Wallace from Alabama was a renowned racist. He was a segregationist who ran for president in 1968. One of his most famous quotes was, “The next Hippie is a dead Hippie!”  Like Trump, he was a miserable right winger. While running for president, he got shot by a lone gunman, Artie Bremer, on May 15, 1972.  Wallace would be in wheelchair for the rest of his life.  During the protest of the 1972 Democratic Convention, the Zippies (an offshoot of the Yippies), held a wheelchair race; the contestants wore Artie Bremer masks!
We are not out of the proverbial woods yet. Trump has just over two months left as a lame schmuck prez. After Biden takes office, the USA will experience a slow, difficult restoration; perhaps, it  will take years.  His top priority is to destroy this pandemic. Meanwhile, the ne'er-do-well, current president will use the judicial system in an attempt to sue his way to victory. Trump is so fucking stupid that he thinks loyalty means breaking the law on his behalf.  In reality, the fact that he appointed these judges is irrelevant.  They must follow the law or be dismissed from the Bench. He really thinks that those judges will bend the law as a favor owed to him.
Then, there are his supporters. Seventy million of them voted for him.  Yeah...they will elicit some violent backlash, but they are outnumbered and outgunned. Blood will be spilled. But more blood is spilled, every day, from gang fights. They are going to have temper tantrums and break a few windows; even plot kidnappings of Democratic office holders. His supporters are so fucking moronic, they never consider that the FBI has undercover agents infiltrating their stupid groups. One by one, they will vanish into oblivion.  A lot of Trumpers will ultimately deny that they ever supported him.
There is one positive thing that Trump brought us: the awareness of mental illness.  Most of us never heard of the term, “Narcissistic Personality Disorder,” until he became president.  The USA, essentially, is indifferent to mental health.
He also made Americans aware of Russian espionage in the USA.  Under Trump, that fact is, sadly, a “positive.”
So, what now? Biden reminds me of the late president, Dwight Eisenhower. a nice, grandfatherly figure. Vice president Harris may be the first woman and bi-racial person in the Executive Branch but, keep in mind, progressives will be disappointed in her and in Biden, as well. They are each left of center, but not ultra left.  Biden wants to work with the Republicans in government. You’d think, after all these years, that liberals would have learned that right wingers are duplicitous shitheads. They are not going to play nice. All this bullshit about uniting the country will not materialize. The reason the country was viewed as united after September 11th was because the left was scared shitless that they would be put in concentration camps.  So, they kept quiet.  America united is a Liberal wet dream.  
Me? I will have a nice, four years of rest. On this blog, I will write exclusively about things I am interested in.  I hate politics and always will.  There are more important subjects to explore.
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wandaluvstacos · 5 years
“It’s how you raise them” is not always accurate for dog aggression. Often it is genetics.
Certain breeds of dogs have shorter fuses than other breeds. That was bred into them. Not all Golden Retrievers will be less aggressive than all Rottweilers but yes, the likelihood of a Rottweiler being aggressive is much higher than the likelihood of a Golden Retriever being aggressive. Rottweilers were originally bred to be herding dogs, but eventually came to be used more often as guard dogs, and so they carry this propensity in their DNA. No one would use a Golden Retriever as a guard dog. That would be a terrible idea. You’d use a Doberman, Rottweiler, or German Shepherd.
I used to go to dog obedience with my dumb fat corgis, and there was a family there who had two Rottweilers. They did not train these dogs to be aggressive, and the dogs were taken excellent care of and were well socialized. Yet no dog in the world wanted to kill my Corgi as much as her one goddamn Rottweiler. And when I visited their home one time, I was nearly attacked by the other.
Meanwhile, there are Rottweilers who have only been shown human cruelty and yet who love on everyone and don’t have a mean bone in their body. It’s genetics-- not how it was raised. That dog just happened to be born a total sweetheart with a very long fuse.
This is why the Pittbull conversation can be a little aggravating. Yes, pitbulls have a tendency toward dog aggression. They were nanny dogs, which means they were willing to protect their charges at all cost. This tendency for aggression was then exploited for use in dog fights. Some pitbulls are dangerous, and there are more of them than, say, dangerous Border Collies.
I worked with a lot of pitbulls during my time volunteering at dog shelters. You could not find a more enthusiastically loving dog-- no other breed was half as happy to see me when I showed up outside their kennel. However, there were dogs marked as “dog aggressive”, and you had to be careful when walking them. Unfortunately, because they’re so people oriented, pitbulls also tend to decline faster than other breeds in shelters. The stress of living in a kennel and being without humans to love on them means that their anxiety can turn into aggression, at which point the shelter would put them down. And because pitbulls are so often banned from apartment buildings and seen as dangerous, they were then the least likely to be adopted, which created a sad cycle of dogs who came into the shelter perfectly happy but who would decline if there for months because no one wanted them. 
So yeah, pitbulls are more likely to be dog aggressive than poodles. However, a lot of the breed bans that SPECIFICALLY target pitbulls are definitely racist. PItbulls are not any more dog aggressive or violent than Dobermans, Rottweilers, Chow Chows, or German Shepherds, and those breeds usually aren’t banned in cities. Plus, a lot of “pitbull attacks” are attacks by other breeds, and the people just assumed they were pitbulls. This, for example, is not a pitbull:
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This is a Presa Canario. It’s a mastiff-type dog, not a pibull.
Boxers and Bullmastiffs also resemble pitbulls, and that isn’t to mention all the mastiffXpitbull and bulldogXpitbull mixes that people claim are pitbulls but actually are not. This is a typical pitbull:
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THIS is not what pitbulls should look like:
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Turns out people don’t ban “bulldogs” - because white people love bulldogs (especially the kind that can’t mate or give birth on their own, I guess). Even though bulldogXpitbull or mastiffXpitbull mixes are just as often involved in violent attacks as actual pitbulls, it’s the pitbull side that people ban. Pitbull doesn’t even mean anything. It’s a generic headshape at this point.
It’s important to recognize that a dog’s breed often DOES influence its behavior. Not always! Some Chihuahua’s are super friendly, some collies are super dumb, and some Rottweilers are scared of mice. But you don’t know a shelter dog’s history. So if I had three screaming babies and five cats and six yippy little dogs who don’t understand boundaries, no, I’d probably not be getting a pitbull. But if I’m an adult who wants a super loving dog who will play and run and smile like a doofus, then yeah, I’d get one in a heartbeat. I love pitbulls. But they are not the perfect dog for everyone, and insisting that their personality is SOLELY dependent on how they were raised means that you don’t understand how DNA works.
Anyway, adopt a fucking pitbull if you can. The vast majority of the ones I worked with were not known to be dog aggressive, and the shelter knew if they were. Perfectly wonderful dogs are languishing in shelters, and no other dog is going to smile at you like this
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Every summer, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, grows from a small Western frontier town of locals to a worldwide tourist destination for 3 million visitors. According to The Scout Guide Jackson Hole editor Jill King, the draw is easy to explain—as she puts it, “What’s prettier than the Tetons?” Thanks to endless vistas, frequent wildlife settings, down-home Western vibes, and plenty of alluring accommodations, restaurants, and shops to keep visitors happy, the town is an ideal place for a summer getaway (and a popular locale for couples tying the knot). Here, Jill, who is also the owner of staging and styling company Styling the New West, shares insider tips for enjoying her mountain city like a local in the summertime.
WHERE TO HAVE AN OUTDOOR ADVENTURE // With so many visitors flocking to Jackson Hole in the summer months, figuring out how to beat the crowds to the best hiking spots is a factor to consider when preparing for an outdoor excursion. Jill recommends getting up early to get a parking spot at the Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve, where you can take a moderate hike to Phelps Lake. Or, get your heart rate going during a trek up Snow King, which includes 1.571 vertical feet of a 1.8-mile trail leading to the best views of downtown (don’t worry, for $5, you can ride the chairlift down). Jill also recommends seeing Grand Teton National Park from the water and the trails, or taking the scenic ferry ride across Jenny Lake to Hidden Falls or Inspiration Point.
Practically every local recommends that out-of-towners experience the Yellowstone Wildlife Safari from Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris, Jill says. “A day with an experienced naturalist exploring geology, wildlife, natural history, and our beautiful Yellowstone and Grand Teton Parks viewing moose, elk, deer, bison, fox, coyote, bald eagles, wolves, and even black and grizzly bears is a must,” she advises.
If you’re looking for adventure on the water, Jill suggests renting a paddle board or inner tube from Rendezvous River Sports (945 West Broadway Street) and heading out early to String Lake for a day of sun, making sure to pack sandwiches from Pearl Street Bagel (145 West Pearl Avenue)or New York City Sub Shop (20 North Jackson Street) for lunch. “For a real local thrill, jump from the infamous rock in the middle of String Lake,” Jill adds.
While all of these outdoor excursions will be Instagram-worthy, Jill and many locals ask that you skip adding a location tag when posting on social media, in an effort to keep the trails and other favorite destinations uncrowded (those in-the-know use the hashtag #tagresponsiblykeepjackonwild). Another local tip: don’t forget to clip your bear spray onto your belt loop. Last but not least, Jill recommends using locally made, high-altitude sunscreen by Trilipiderm to protect your skin while you’re out and about.
WHERE TO DINE AND DRINK // For early-morning fare, Jill recommends heading to Healthy Being Juicery (165 East Broadway), where her favorite juice blends are the Kale Yeah or Sexy Maca. After a morning of hiking, refuel with pizza at local favorite Pinky Gs (50 West Broadway)—Jill says their gluten-free veggie pie is must-try. If you’re in need of an afternoon pick-me-up, indulge in the perfect European coffee, gelato, or a handcrafted Florentine at CocoLove (115 West Broadway) near the Wort Hotel.
Wind down after a day spent outdoors at Picas Mexican Restaurant (1160 Alpine Lane), where Jill likes to sit outside and sip one of the best and (cheapest) Margaritas in town with a side of warm, salty chips, authentic guacamole, and fresh salsa.
If you’re craving Italian for dinner, Jill suggests heading to Orsetto (161 North Center Street), where she recommends starting your meal with the housemade meatballs at the bar, followed by delicious Italian-American classics.
For a true Jackson Hole dinner experience, pay a visit to the old-fashioned soda fountain at the recently reopened institution Jackson Drug (15 East Deloney Avenue), known for its local beef and homemade ice cream. If you’re feeling up for the challenge, order “The Ralph Burger,” a three-pound organic beef hamburger with meat sourced from local legend Jackson Hole Hereford Ranch. If you can finish it by yourself in under an hour, your meal is free—plus you’ll get your photo on the wall.
If you’re seeking a great watering hole, you’re in luck. Jackson Hole is home to many iconic bars, including the famous Silver Dollar Bar at the Wort Hotel (50 Glenwood Street) and the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar (25 North Cache Street), where visitors can sit on a saddle and revisit the old west.
WHERE TO TAKE IN THE LOCAL ATTRACTIONS // The mountains aren’t Jackson Hole’s only claim to fame. Jill suggests grabbing a Start Bike and wheeling around town to see the famous Antler Arches (2-60 North Cache Street) and “Howdy, Stranger” sign at the top of Grand Teton Pass. She also recommends finding a spot to dip your toe in the Snake River, a local rite of passage.
For a touristy but picture-perfect vantage point, catch a ride in the old-fashioned Stagecoach at the Wooden Shack on Town Square (located at the corner of Broadway and Cache), and then grab some taffy from Yippy I-O Candy (84 East Broadway Avenue).
WHERE TO SHOP // Want to dress like a local? Jill has you covered. First stop: go to HideOut Leathers (40 Center Street) for the leather coat of a lifetime. Then, grab a Copperdot Leather Goods cowhide clutch from BelleCose (48 East Broadway Avenue). Pick up some new Levi’s and a custom pearl shirt from Western Range (36 East Broadway Avenue) and a new pair of cowboy boots from Wyoming Outfitters (12 Center Street). Last but not least, add a custom hat from Christy at Sing Hat Co. or from Sarah at Crown & Brim.
If you’re looking for a keepsake to commemorate the trip or simply seeking out a unique find, there are a variety of retailers to visit during an afternoon shopping excursion. Locals love to find vintage bargains at Womenfolk (140 East Broadway). Headwall Sports (520 U.S. 89) is the perfect place to find a backpack. Pick up a locally-inspired piece, like an antler bowl from Shawn Rivett Designs, at Twenty Two Home (45 East Deloney Avenue). Visit Altitude (48 East Broadway) and shop for a chic new sweater to keep you warm during cool mountain nights. Invest in a pair of Marsell boots from HABITS (35 West Deloney Avenue). Browse the western-chic attire at Rodeo at Teton Village. Or, if you prefer a sparkly souvenir, Jill recommends checking out the Teton Silhouette Ring or Snake River bangles from JC Jewelers Jackson Hole(132 North Cache Street).
WHAT NOT TO MISS // Experience the Jackson Hole Shootout every Monday through Saturday on the town square at 5:45. Saturdays, you’ll want to head to the Farmers Market in Town Square early in the morning and fill your basket with fresh cut flowers from Heides and feast on a breakfast of baked goods and fruit.
On Sundays, Jill loves to grab some charcuterie and a bottle of Prosecco  from Bin 22 (200 West Broadway) and head to “The Vill”—what locals call Teton Village—for Concerts on the Commons. Also on Sunday nights, you can experience cowboy “church” by dancing it up at The Stagecoach Bar (5755 West WY-22), where Jill recommends treating yourself to the truffle fries and a longneck.
Wednesday evenings, stop by the People’s Market, a zero-waste, family-friendly event with local food and live music at the base of Snow King, for a local craft beer and pub fare from Roadhouse—or, any day of the week, pick up a six pack from the brewery, head up to Snow King, and crush cans on the summit.
Wednesdays and Saturdays between Memorial Day and Labor Day (plus a few additional dates in July), go full wild west at the Jackson Hole Rodeo (447 Snow King Avenue), a tradition since the first cowboy settlers came to town more than a century ago. Jill is married to a cowboy rancher, and she loves that the Jackson Hole Rodeo delights tourists while also retaining an authentic local appeal. The views of the sun setting over the mountains from the Rodeo Grounds are pretty spectacular, too.
To learn about additional events in Jackson Hole, Jill recommends visiting the Center for the Arts website, as well as the events calendar maintained by nonprofit Center of Wonder. And, of course, follow The Scout Guide Jackson Hole for more insider information.
Photography by Sarah Averill Photography. Find more information about what to do and see in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, here.
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