#yknow what take your game of thrones shit ending
ragnarssons · 1 year
the way so many people are complaining, like, “this season lacked of stakes” (because there was no death??) and it’s like... when did we become so addicted to cynical pieces of media, expecting characters to die, for a story to have “stakes” or any emotional payoff? why, tf, are there people who can’t settle for a (temporary, because there is a s4) clear-cut happy ending? and i find it particularly ironic considering s1 and s2 also end up on a clear-cut happy ending but somehow it wasn’t “a lack of stakes” back then... *rolls eyes* i just feel like so many people forgot what star wars is: star wars is luke and han strolling randomly around an imperial base and finding leia just chilling even tho she is the rebellion’s leader. them escaping because obi wan bee-booped the right button. star wars is a bunch of teddy bears saving the galaxy. star wars is anakin skywalker pressing random buttons on a spaceship as a 10 years old and winning a war just like that. star wars is jar jar dropping a ball out of sheer clumsiness and zapping a whole bunch of droids just like that. star wars is grogu being captured by imperial guards on episode 7 of season 1 and being rescued by ig-11 not even 2 minutes into the final episode. star wars is nanny ig-11 just zooming around nevarro destroying the whole imperial army without a scratch to him or yknow, the baby he carried with him. did people forget how the other two seasons were also completely “lacking dramatic stakes”??? because they’re just there, i watched the two previous seasons just before s3 and let me tell you: they’re the same. the arc is the same: grogu (din on s3) gets taken on the penultimate (or one before on s2) episode, somehow the search party does everything right and everything is solved by the end of the season. even more than that, on s1 kuiil dies on episode 7, here, paz vizsla dies on episode 7. so. no death??? why is it a problem now? like?? no stakes?? a whole exiled people finding their rightful place on their planet and ridding their homeworld of the invader that is the empire, wasn’t enough for y’all?? like i get it, y’all love the depressing era of andor and all, which is fine, to each their own. but why does it prevent other shows of just being what they want to be? yknow, potentially goofy and yknow, actually hopeful? because we know how cassian andor ends up. he dies. it’s horrible, it’s sad, it’s depressing. like, are we really out there pretending that din and grogu’s storyline wouldn’t be as fullfilling because they don’t die in what is basically an atomic explosion or something???
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fetabathwater · 1 year
so can i ask how you see amma and gortash's relationship prior to receiving a knife in the head? ive seen how other people write it and then i found your fics and im interested in how you came to liking the dark urge and gortash
honestly found it due to insanity. < joking.
on a serious note my kryptonite in games has always been some degree of connection between characters, because i have such a love/hate relationship with how it widens the world and interpersonal relationships but can also simultaneously seem to make everything seem relatively small. but with bg3 i kind of really like that balance there because like, anything is quite frankly possible with durge anyway - the only traits are like 1) spawn of bhaal 2) serial killer (?) 3) worked with the other dead three chosen within the last 2 years and 4) was knifed by another chosen of bhaal and tadpoled. you can make up anything and everything because the game is dnd and the rules are whatever, too. yeah you get context clues from other characters, like that ketheric fundamentally can't stand anyone, but the chosen(s) of bhaal more so, and he tolerated the durge bc at least they had a work ethic (LOL), and gortash like plans 500 steps ahead so made it his prime directive to touch base with the bhaalist leader and be like, hey man, wanna go break into some places with me? or wanna take over the world? raphael is also there. yknow.
also definitely the delivery of lines sold me too - not just gortash's VA, but the way orin kind of like looooaaattthhhheeesss how durge was seemingly wrapped up in other shit ( slash sarevok is even like. yeah you thought you were untouchable and didnt notice that orin was making her own move for the throne . idiot. stupidhead. worst chosen next 2 me). also all the other characters as well who have something to say, like kressa, helsik and naaber, never mind all of the moonrise tower and then the quests in act 3, but starting earlier with just partially revealed information.
i . okay yeah like i have seen some interesting sort of takes of durge / gortash and each to their own etc etc but i think that the durge has a lot more agency than ppl wanna give them credit for, and i think people also vastly underestimate that gortash also seemingly underestimated them as well - like just bc durge wrote some like note about forgive me father but i am being charmed by the chosen of bane (however u wanna interpret that ofc), they did still end it with oh well ! i'll probably feel a tiny smidgen of guilt when i backstab him but we're gonna end the world in ur name dad ! praise bhaal! LIKE. THE DURGE WAS DEFINITELY GONNA STILL KILL EVERYONE - EVEN THE NETHERBRAIN WAS LIKE. YEAH YOU HELD IT ALL TOGETHER AND YOU SCARED ME EVEN A LITTLE BIT. YOU WERE GONNA KILL EVERYONE.
honestly though ive barely actually posted anythign i have written for them teehee i checked. it was like 2 fics. 1 of them they were fucking. so i mean take that how you will ... but like i mean amma and gortash's "relationship" extends back longer than what the range of the game gives, at least in my mind and what ive like. got an idea of anyway for her pre-bg3 life / adventures were like. but as far as how they like interact it is barely above tolerable. towards the absolute sort of planning it is running a lot warmer, but theyre just. aware of each other. in some similar circles because of well. lower city activities etc. a general equal partnership with stepping on each others toes, seeing how far to push the other. amma probably does hold on some threatening level a bit more of a . position. just because like (okay hindsight compared to orin), it is literally her own person not having her run gortash through - and he knows that. with orin he makes her basically agree to a magical contract to not harm him, but amma's the only thing holding herself back from just like. killing him. and for the most part she probably would just be mildly inconvenienced and it would probably leave her bed running a bit cold but like. she would bounce back. it would just INCONVENIENCE the plan heavily because chosen of bane are few and far between.
and also she knows that gortash also primarily gives the targets that are convenient for him, and there definitely times when it was bordering on a bit too much pointing and doing - and in her mind not enough equal weight pulling definitely. very much a case of balancing the scales in terms of doing their part, especially with the like multiple heists they perform (at least 3 minimum), and not just being aware of the other especially prior to both being selected as the chosen of their respective god. but yeah. there is no real "love" between them, no love lost either. arguably amma doesnt really know what love is, or in her own roundabout way expresses it much in the way of loving something so much you have the urge to eat it. yeah, amma does have a slight attachment, one that kind of hits a higher speed immediately prior to being knifed and tadpoled, because that is when we get the heists and actual partnership and its not just the introduction of the steel watch and him clawing his way up the social ladder by encouraging favour by lords and ladies and their beds, and its not the bhaalists just kind of sitting by idle and waiting for something to kick them into gear because yeah people are dying but at the same time, its not striking the fear into people's hearts like it used to, just letting them fade into history, despite bhaal's return like 10yrs prior.
amma kind of hates that gortash actually gave her a way to bring them back into the fray, and that she also does have to hold off from not ending him before the plan would have worked completely. a lot of that feeling is in the few times that she does like, strike out at him, either with planned wounds or if she has violently lashed out in general and even when they fuck, honestly. when amma does wrangle herself back into that position of control, especially in a position where gortash is incredibly vulnerable, its messes with her hatred so bad. she doesnt know if he is willingly submitting to her, because yeah she loves a bit of fighting back, hair pulling, scratching, getting told off, what can she say. definitely does something to her. but amma kind of loves when she's almost literally got him underfoot.
she wouldve followed the plan through to the end as well, so it is a mixed blessing for a lot of people that orin took an opportunity to strike at her.
ultimately its not so much that whole like 'i can fix him / i can make him worse' stuff either, because like amma did have a chance at a "normal" life, but she still returned to the temple of bhaal (whether or not by her own choice is ofc . debatable lmao). gortash was sold to a warlock, beaten in the house of hope routinely, escaped only to wind up in street gangs, eventually made his way to being an arms dealer, worked up the social ladder with equal parts sex and money and blackmail, sold possibly his friend into slavery for technology (we just really dont know the full extent of what zariel promised yknow), was the one who reached out to the bhaalist leader and concocted the idea to raid a vault or two, both in faerun and the hells. like, they were choices that were made, to keep them both firmly though on the side of like... theyre not realistically good people, their childhoods definitely shaped them, but they didnt try to change then and there. they just stay the same, and there is no getting better or worse. there just is.
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honoredbastard · 3 years
anyways, so i'll just point this out: i'm not good at speaking my thoughts in an organized manner. i absolutely suck at it, i speak on how my brain brings up the thoughts so i might ramble, get over my head in a thought, etc. i can't control it so i apologize in advance for the jumpiness of the texts. i will spell a lot of things wrong and not everything will be correct, as i read translations and on a manga site. don't worry it's not illegal, i believe.
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i apologize for my absence! last week or two weeks ago the tower to my computer completely broke and will not turn on. i tried to repair it and follow my fathers instructions but nothing worked. even cleaned off the fan and went through countless nights readjusting things. it's not my cords either so to help me out my father is working extra shifts to get me a new pc. so in the meantime i'll do small posts like these but not full writing/head canons until i have a computer tower lol. a family member was kind enough to allow me to have their phone while we work throughout this issue.
now onto the actual topic:
kenjaku and itadori's relationship. ( family wise ).
for context in the most recent chapter, 160 "colony" kamo shows up in sasaki's home and talks to her about the culling game and a barrier. but that's not the point, the point is as he's guiding her to the barrier inside her "dream" at the end he says "oh right. i almost forgot to tell you. thank you for getting along with my son." and then she is awakened inside the barrier, in her pajamas beside iguchi. when sasaki and iguchi look at the barrier and gather themselves they bring up kamo.
sasaki asked iguchi if he mentioned his son and he says no. this leaves sasaki in a state of confusion when itadori flashes in her mind. she says his name aloud like she finally connected the dots. now. why am i bringing up this whole kenjaku thanking sasaki for being his "son"'s friend. it throws me off because why didn't he thank iguchi?
did he not think iguchi meant their friendship? because sasaki was the one uninjured and still counted itadori as a friend? does iguchi not consider itadori as a friend anymore?
because we haven't seen these two at all since the incident. that raised many questions in me. as well "how can itadori be related to kamo?" and itadori is related to choso.
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because kamo's technique is explained ( vaguely. we are aware he can create barriers, take over bodies, and has incredible cursed tools. chapter 134. this is also where choso makes his connection ( i believe. ) to itadori yuji as his brother. but because we saw this with todo many thought itadori just had another unconsious technique that allows the person who is hit create false memories and believe of a completely made up relationship with itadori without his knowledge. but alas, i was wrong. ) and we're given more hints shown than told ( imo ) i tried my best to make sense out of the situation and what he said. i think my conclusions are pretty solid, so continuing on.
we're given very little history on itadori, his past, and family. at the start of the manga we know that itadori's only family he knows is his grandfather and that he is ill in the hospital. at the very very beginning we learn that itadori is your average cute, fluffy, laid back but strong and goofy protagonist. in smaller words: itadori is kirby but even cuter and dumber.
my first impressions of him is a pineapple. if you're confused to this saying: it's calling a person prickly on the outside but sweet on the inside. and this is true, itadori's grandfather seems prickly and cold on the outside but he genuinely cares for itadori.
he raised itadori for all we know and did that with his all in assumption. but this ends up backfiring onto itadori, because he cares so much for his grandson - he ends up leaving a " curse " on yuji.
help people. save them.
itadori takes this to heart as his grandfathers speech is his last one. when he looks over to his grandfather the man is dead and now yuji is left alone. then the following events occur.
at this point in time i assumed itadori was an orphan ( he technically is if we're connecting the dots. his parents has not been shown, he doesn't speak of them, they aren't in the picture. we can conclude either they disowned itadori or died before he could make complete memories of them. )
but when we are shown in chapter 143 itadori's parents we see this "woman" jin ( yuji's father ) and his grandfather talking about has the same scar pattern. this scar pattern is either stitching ( assuming that is how kamo keeps the top of the opened skull from coming off. this is also how kamo revealed his cursed technique / body of sorts ( the brain, assuming that is kenjaku in his cursed technique and not the body / puppet he is controlling " getou suguru " ) to gojou. )
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this is the only way i find kamo being able to assign itadori as his son. why is that you might be asking this dumbass here.
we do not have the full story, exact date, location, and full context of the memory/dream itadori is having. this cannot be fake either because kamo would than have no reason to call itadori his son. or is there? anyways.
take a leap of faith with me. imagine that before itadori is born ( he seems no more than a few weeks or days old in this memory. hence why i am thinking my conclusion is pretty solid in theory. but yknow gege, there might be something different. ) anywhooo.
kamo had to have taken over yuji's mothers body after an accident OR after she gave birth to yuji. his grandfather is interrupted by her before he can finish his sentence but it seems to be leading to the conclusion that either kaori ( yuji's mother ) died while giving birth to yuji or kaori could not conceive and tried to take her own life or cause an accident that would take her life. ( i read a fan translation for this part but im pretty sure i also read the official translation today too and it added up to the same. )
i believe in the first idea, but since kamo's cursed technique wasn't explained in detail i don't know the conditions of his body technique. does the original host of the body have to be dead? can he regenerate body limbs ( i highly doubt. getou lost an arm during his fight with yuta. overconfident dick. reminding me of an ex ANTWAYS. i forgive him for being overconfident smooch. he learned. OFF TOPIC but continuing on i promise.
this is being continued from the cut off point. i'm so upset so it'll just be summarized. i can't believe this shit lol i took three hours just to finish it for it to literally cut off the bottom half.
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continuing on in a sadge mood. kamo must not have the complete ability to take over a body. after all getou took his only arm he had as he was dying and choked his own body to his full ability. getou was willing to die ( possibly, you never know he could be alive if he killed his own body. moving on. ) just to have the chance to save his friend from being swallowed by a damn box.
so there has to be a chance that kamo cannot fully take over the previous persons complete consious and memory of their body. if getou still had his other arm after losing the fight to yuta, he could've choked kamo with both arms. in theory kamo wouldn't be able to control the right arm and die to the previous host choking him to death.
so why wouldn't the other hosts do it? after all, kamo did say it was his first time experiencing such a thing. assuming kamo has lived throughout many bodies in his 150+ lifespan none of the previous hosts could take control of their body.
i believe getou was completely influenced by gojou and his six eyes. there is no way gojou would even try to speak out to his friend unless he had an inkling or saw getou still in there. helpless and without the ability to save himself from the cage he's in.
being used and puppeteered in his own body by an external force. laughing in the world he could not. putting getou into a constant misery and defeat that he couldn't escape his hell. the one he tried so hard to fight and get out of. even if it was the wrong path.
gojou was the last person to witness getou dying. he had to watch getou bleed out after their conversation because he couldn't bring himself to kill his friend. the one he spent his whole jujutsu student life with. so for gojou to say such a thing to getou despite all that he did had to break getou out of his misery and give him that small sliver of hope that he could do something. of course he failed, but i doubt that's going to be the end of that.
the only way i see kamo being related to yuji is if he took over kaori's body before the pregnancy. assuming that when kamo takes over a body he becomes one with said body and is that person for however long he lives in said body. my only thing is, can he take over a persons body whilst they are alive? i would go more in depth like i did the last time but i am extremely upset about my work being erased so that's the end of this part.
thank you for reading! i have one more thing for you though.
the last time we see sukuna in a manga page after the shibuya incident is where he is on his throne and in his domain. this is after yuji is stabbed by yuta and is presumed "dead" at the time. he seems to be interested in yuta and i can think of 2-3 things. I would love to hear your theories too so don't be afraid to barge into my dms like the koolaid man.
A - sukuna is interested in Yuta because of his ability to use the reverse healing technique ( only a few sorcerers know this. sukuna being the first. shoko being the second one to be told that she has this power and then gojou. ) because of this he sees potential in yuta as well or has added this boy into his plans. after all, there is very few that can make sukuna make an expression that isn't an RBF. aka megumi and possibly gojou. I was looking at the page of him stabbing yuji and noticed we only see the entry point of where the blade enters. it's smaller because some got chunked off so its a possibility yuta used this to his advantage when "killing" yuji and instead hit an artery that could kill him but quickly healed him afterwards. or just his heart. the ideas.
B. Rika, Yuta is able to completely control Rika as shown. Even though he claims he is on the weak side, these two combined seem like an unstoppable force. He may be interested in Rika as she is a curse that has been put on someone that can fully control it. Not many people is shown to be able to control their curse. As we haven't met many.
this was enti and that's the last of my post! thank you for reading and it was a fun one. even though i had to restore this shit. anyways, i'd love you to add or fix up my ideas and tell me your thoughts and opinions! Thanks a bunch!
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^ this is for pure humor
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briteboy · 7 years
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stealing @bratsims format because i need a less ugly way to mass answer your messages which will hopefully motivate me to stay on top of this! at least i can say i tried
so if you sent me an anon message in the past...idk MONTH (i’m bad i know) it might be here. (older ones are near the bottom) if not, check my faq because it’s probably answered there. (and if you’re the person/people who sent the twin flame & 7th house asks, i plan to answer those separately because i have a LOT to say. get ready)
game of thrones, nuclear war, real life santis, lou theories, i’m evil, HERE WE GO!! i literally had to cut it off at the last one because it was just too much for now. i’ll try to answer some more later ok
we’re starting off on a great note
Anonymous said: gaddamn rooney's tiddies lookin' hella ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
STOP!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S MY CHILD soaidfnjds she’s supposed to have like b/c cups (goals for me tbh, the big boob life is not fun) and sims 4 pregnancies just fuckin make them...NYOOM i’m mad you can’t edit sims’ bodies during pregnancy even with cas.fulleditmode on -___- so i let her live with her giant preggo tiddies for now
Ngl I want a kiss between Santi and Gianni (I'm sorry I'm literally trash)
then i’m here to satisfy your desires: they do kiss periodically because gianni is one of those people who’s like “why shouldn’t you kiss your friends?” free love 4 everyone
hey this is kinda random but i thought joe seaward from glass animals looked kinda like santi? he has quite a weird face too lmao
oMG i actually love that, i know what you mean. that dude reminds me of a bull terrier lmao i actually saw glass animals like two weeks ago!! i didn’t really get a good look at the drummer but now i wish i did. missed connection
i just finished reading santi's story and ugh it almost had me in tears! beautiful, your story telling skills and editing skills are perfection!
ahhhhsdkgkds thank you so much ;____; that means the world to me <333
Unpopular opinion: im so done with game of thrones tbh. It's not even good anymore :/ I liked the first season but since then i've skipped through episodes because they are just sooo fucking boring and dragged out!
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see like the first three seasons were pretty good because they stayed true to the books. (actually that’s a lie, littlefinger’s chaos speech in the s3 finale was real fuckin bad because guess what: it was original material LMAO) the fourth season was where it started to get messy and then the fifth season was a fucking shitshow because they completely IGNORED the fourth book and cherrypicked all the “good” parts out of it (read: the most action-y parts, while ignoring all the most important pieces of character development) and they botched the dorne storyline, oh and who could forget the iconic moment of throwing in a rape (THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN IN THE BOOKS) just for fun :) love it! but anyway if you think the show is boring i probably wouldn’t recommend the books, they’re even slower getting through them lmao. but it’s worth it in my opinion. there’s so much they don’t include in the show and it makes me Angery
Okay, game of thrones fan here, I haven't read the books (yet at least, I bought book 1) but I feel like dany is going to practically turn into her father, this season she is already showing traits like his.......
OH YEAH i definitely feel like they’re moving in that direction in the process of revealing jon as the “true” king of westeros and it’s so bad lmfao. the thing is, like...cersei is already mad king 2.0? why do we need another one?????? the entire point of dany’s arc is that she’s constantly trying to deviate AWAY from the way her father ruled, demonstrated by the fact that she freed the slaves (whereas all the targaryens before were slave owners), the fact that she’s not perpetuating the whole incest thing (LMAO GUESS AGAIN BECAUSE JONERYS HAS TO HAPPEN FOR SOME FCKING REASON), the fact that she has dragons which haven’t existed in how many years...like, if she ever ends up being like her father in the books, it’s NOT gonna fucking happen like this. but i don’t think she will anyway, george rr martin has been pretty clear about her trajectory thus far. anyway this show is so ugly, next question
rooney's eye are so BIG
just like her tiddies lmao i kno sometimes i forget how big they are and then she does one of those silly endearing animations and i’m like o ;-; hello big dumb baby cow eyes
Cows? Are you secretly Matthew Daddario?
WHO i had to google him lmao i was about to say “oh the teen wolf guy” but jk @ myself u idiot it’s shadowhunters damn i literally googled “matthew daddario cows” and
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I love how fragile Lou looks like but the truth is that she is strong af and you can't play with her bruh
SHE IS ;-; and that’s a huge theme in her story, i’m excited <3
ima leave ur blog and come bk and spam you so you will finally notice me
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im part of this online forum of girls that talks about our period and weather or not one of us might be pregnant and once this girl posted saying that her husband invited his mom without telling her to thier honeymoon and she didnt find out until they arrived at the hotel and she was already there. the most recent part reminded me of it. but long story short, her dad moved all her stuff out of his house and her friend came to pick her up and they got a divorce.
OISOJDFAKNLJSD WHAT!!! i’m guessing you sent this because of that thing i said about the reddit post lmfaooo imagine your mom on your honeymoon. why. that’s soooooooooo good 4 her u know. u don’t need to be married to his mom as well
thanks 4 trusting my love santi. he's beautiful
thank u he thinks ur beautiful too 💘
do you have any tips for runing game in good quality and fast?
euhhhhh the only tips i have for you are to merge your cc, close all other programs while you play your game, maybe invest in a cooling pad uhhhhhh yeah idk any other tips you can probably find on google
You told that thing about unfollowing people and I thought you unfollowed me, but then I checked and you didn't and I'm crying omg
lmao omg ;-; i literally cut my following list in half, it was so chaotic and it was making me anxious. so if ever unfollow any of you please don’t take it personally (i know it’s a stupid thing to say, and it’s a lot easier said than done) it’s just my brain explodes when there’s too much going on at once and some content blends into others, i’m trying to only follow people who i’m genuinely interested in enough to keep up with their posts from now on
I haven't been able to sleep in over 72 hours thanks to the constant fear over the looming world war. I'm fine. Completely fine
Oh shit, have you noticed that the media has been putting out more 'what to do during a nuclear attack' kinda articles? This world is slowly going to shit, for real. I'm not even near any of the danger really, but it still absolutely terrifies me to see all of that bc it could very well go wrong and hit my place as well yknow? I have no idea why i send this to you but you seem chill and calm so thanks for reading my freakout askfjsls
YEP it’s pretty terrifying. but at the same time don’t let fear overwhelm you, fearmongering is an ugly, ugly thing and you don’t want to live your life constantly worrying. so just prepare yourself for what might come, but at the same time, just spend as much time with your loved ones as you can, do all the things you’ve ever wanted to do, and then if it doesn’t turn out as bad as we thought it would, you *tim mcgraw voice* lived like u were dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyin’
@ Jesus anon: I really don't think it's the right time to complain about "using the lord name in vain" when there are people terrified of leaving their homes bc they are afraid to get killed (aka that poor, poor Jewish anon in charlottesville)
yeah idk like i want to respect everyone but it seemed to be in poor taste to bring that up at a time like that lmao. and also i’ve literally never in my entire life met someone who actually takes “don’t say the lord’s name in vain” seriously. 
I asked about the poses and HOLY CRAP THANK YOU SO MUCH! I finally have good poses to use for story telling. Thank you soo so so so sooooo much!
YAY i’m glad you found some good stuff <3 and honestly just going through lana’s blog you’ll find a ton of good poses, it’s a gold mine
Idk how much tv you watch, but have you've ever come across a tv show that used music from The Sim? Because once in a while I'll hear Sims 3 build/buy music on some random show and I'll get a lil shook because I find it so weird that the generic music they're using comes from a major game title.
OMG LMAO NO what i wish i’d come across that tho. one time i used sims 1 music in a video i made for school and someone recognized it
I love your stories gosh I check your page "it's everyday bro with femmesim flow" Lol sorry for that awkward Jake Paul "poop" ❤️
lmao thank u i had no idea who jake paul was until my friends started talking about him
yo, I also remember once in french class real life santi asked me what videos games I like to play. When I told him the sims, he looked at me for a while and shaked his head. He was like, "why do you want to watch your sims use the toilet?"
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WATCH YOUR SIMS USE THE TOILET SAME that’s all i care about when i play
that rooney face in the 5 facts is so iconic, its my fave picture of her. You should blow it up and frame it
i should tbh. i should print it out and put it in my wallet to show everyone because she is my child
sorry the bother you, merging cc makes your game smoother? can you explain to me please?
hi i love you ♡ pass it on
Can I say that hearing a MacBooks fans screaming for dear life as they try to cool down when playing the sims has actually started to haunt my nightmares
SAME my macbook is actually doing it right now for no reason. thanks laptop
Maybe Santi should go to therapy to talk out his issues.
maybe he should 🤔  but tbh he’s already talked out everything, there’s nothing really more to talk out. he just has to cope with it. he’s treated lou like his therapist thus far and that’s not okay
i love ur story and omg i totally get where lou is coming from with being tired of being compared to molly by santi, thatd hurt so much esp with how much she cares about him
thank youuu ;-; i’m glad you understand, this was a part i’d wanted to get out for a loooong time now, and i know you guys were always like “um why does she put up with this” lmao. she just loves him, that’s why. but you’re right, it does hurt.
My theory is very similar to the other anons in that Fiona's dad/Lou's ex had a mental illness (schizophrenia, depression, what have you) but he actually did kill himself and that's why she's not completely losing it on Santi because I feel like most people in that situation would have not handled it as well as Lou did
🤔 you’re right about the last part, and there’s a reason she has so much patience, das all i’m sayin
i started your story from the beginning last night and i am in awe. Its amazing. It inspired me to put a little more effort in learning to edit and write. It was like reading screen caps from a movie! I didn't want to stop reading. Anyway thing was a super sappy ask, but i appreciate your stuff. And i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words.
omg ;__________; when people tell me i inspired them it means the most to me, my brain just can’t process it lmao. so thank you so so much ;-; <333 THE MOVIE THING ESPECIALLY GOT ME IN THE HEART because i feel like that’s my aesthetic with most things i create because i’m such a film person lol. don’t worry i love super sappy, and you did a good job of wording everything because it got me right in the feels <33
Okay I've been snickering for about 43 minutes bc SANTI GOT THAT GRU CHINNN
WOT is that i googled it and the only thing that came up was the dad from despicable me lmfaosdkjfs but ok
Please, please do punk edits of your some of your characters! I'd die.
WHAT DOES THIS MEANNN do you mean like. those 2010 tumblr edits of punk disney characters and then the joker from suicide squad looked like one of them. do u want santi to be the joker. because my boyfriend already relates him to suicide squad joker because of his face tatt lmao
You love to make me cry
i do i’m sorry. if it makes you feel any better i love to make myself cry too. but my biceps grow stronger with every tear
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I reeeally dont think those chancla comments were offensive??? Why would they be?? I'm hispanic (born and raised in the sunny Dominican Republic, received a fair amount of chancletazos myself) and I laughed out loud when i read them 😂😂
whATT my little brothers name is santiago n we call him santi for short!! guess it's not rly that uncommon but we live in a small country and he's also 4 so like,, no other santiagos!! idk why im saying this its completely irrelevant just kinda surprised me :'))
OMG wow hell yeah another real life santi...santi acts like a 4 yr old so he might as well be your brother
Just curious.. Do you play sims or just use it for storytelling? Sorry if thats weird haha
well my recent gameplay pics should answer your question lmao. i do like to play but i don’t have enough time to both play and pose scenes so i mostly just pose scenes for now. :[ i am gonna be off work for like two weeks tho so hell yeah gameplay here i come!!
I'm starting a Fiona appreciation movement because she is the real star of santis story RT and i love her and she is way underappreciated and I love her KThxBi
SHE IS THE REAL STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ve said this before but santi’s relationship with her is the most important to me, out of every relationship he has in this story. i’m so glad you love her so much, sorry about what’s about to come in the next few scenes tho
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Oh my heart, Santi is alive, god exist
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I have a pretty hard time understanding Santi's story mostly because I'm not English but I'm sure I'll figure it out:)
ahh oh no D: i’m sorry i wish i spoke every language in the world lmao. if you want, you can message me off anon and i’ll help you understand it!!
Lou is an angel honestly
“there are worse things than seeing an angel before you die”
what tablet do you use? or how do you draw hair? it looks so pretty.
omg haha i don’t have one! i wish i did tho. all of the brushes i got from deviantart, i’m trying to find the specific ones but they’re all elusive wtf. i’ll post them when i find them! for now, here’s a good guide to drawing hair, by airi <3
I’M GLAD U HAD FAITH <3 i know omfg i would’ve expected a mob at my house if i’d actually killed him. if i ever killed him i would just lay down somewhere and die. that’s it for me
Lou & molly almost always have teeth showing, do you draw them on each pic?x
no, only sometimes i’ve drawn them when i felt like their mouths weren’t matching the expression i wanted. but most of the time it’s just the pose.
is it too late to send 16k dollars to guarantee santi's inclusion in a loving home with loving friends
it is absolutely never too late to send me 16k i promise you that
I just bought school books for $550 who knew studying marine biology could be so fuckING EXPENSIVE
EWW WTF...i’ve been lucky and haven’t had to spend a ton on books in my college career (one time i even went to such lengths that i got access to free trial version of one of my school books in a pdf, screencapped EVERY SINGLE PAGE, which was more than 400 pages, just so i wouldn’t have to spend $70 on it. i love cheating the system)
waIT i never saw ur selfie where is it, must see
u could probably just search “selfie” on my blog and find it, or enjoy the ugly closeup drunk snap i posted last night
Hey guys I'm a happy trans man that has no mental illnesses. I'm fucking pissed about Trump's ban. And to any one that says it's logical FUCK YOU! I'm having flashbacks to don't ask, don't tell because this is the same fucking wacked up logic. I'm so angry, like I'm a human, yes I may require testosterone shots once a month but that's it, I even administer them to myself. I pay for them with my own god damn money so fuck you transphobic bigots who say this law is fair. It's not. WE ARE HUMAN TOO Also same anon that ranted. Sorry about that I'm just really pissed and I love and thank you for sticking up for the community. We love you and I love you. And you're right not all trans people transition. We all do what we want to. Some start on T or E and have the full surgery. Some just have top surgery. Some just do testosterone or estrogen. Some never do anything. We're all still trans and we're all valid.
YES ALL OF THIS, sorry i didn’t answer this when it was all happening. but askdkjfas thank you for this message, I LOVE YOU TOO, SO MUCH <333 and i’m glad you feel comfortable enough to voice this in my inbox. yes every trans person is valid no matter what they decide to do with their bodies <3
One of those old hot topic shirts that said " if Darryl dies we riot " but with santi instead of Darryl.
OMG LMAOOOOO NOW THAT’S A CONCEPT who’s making these i want one
your use of references and reaction pics and gifs fucken KILLS ME
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Crystal anon here. I googled around my area to find there are none of those y'know, crystal, candle, incense, magic type shops. I have panic attacks when I go outside and I wanted to look into alternative stuff since I'm on meds and w/e. I wanted to know if you or friends had any experience or recommendations for buying crystals online like on etsy or amazon. How can you tell if they're real?x
ooooh ok. usually there are shops like those in cities or even in towns with like kitschy little promenades with independent shops. (i know there’s one around the town over from mine, which is so random lmao) i do have friends that have crystals but i think they mostly just collect them for the ~good vibez~ and don’t really look too far into the healing aspects of them. i would say first go with the one that coincides with your birth because those are the ones that are like specifically catered to you and strengthen your being. as for buying online, hmmmmm i mean i don’t really know any specific trustworthy sellers because i don’t have much experience with this, but definitely read the reviews! those will help you a lot <3
Hello could you please tell us how you edited the pic of rooney in that one post that the anon asked for the unedited version?
i honestly didn’t do much of anything that differs from my usual editing process! i made her eyes a bit bigger by using the clone tool, cloning the top of her eye and applying it a little bit farther up...if that makes sense. it’s hard to explain how to use that tool lmao. and i think i used the liquify tool to bring part of her eyebrow down to look more worried.
there's still a part of me that says she ain't dead and molly is just in a coma lmao end mE
OMFLDKGKJS yeah she’s not dead surprise. i WILL say there is still flashback stuff that will be revealed. well not “revealed” like molly’s death was revealed, like i just still have to showcase some things that happened afterward. because it doesn’t just end with molly’s death, there’s stuff after that as well :~}
I'm Mexican, have lived around Mexicans, have been to Mexico multiple times growing up, just came back from a family trip at practically the border between Mexico and Guatemala and never in my life have I ever heard the word "joder" i had to look it up xD (not hating or anything I just thought I'd mention it cuz I found it funny...lol) k bye...
OK NOT SURE IF the ppl you’ve been around just don’t curse or whatever but...joder is DEFINITELY something i’ve heard mexican people say before lmao
Okay so this is random, but i was telling my sister the name of one your characters in ur story (santi) and she kinda just starts singing his name, and she said "santi high, santi low, santi go." And im just sitting there, like woah.
u gonna incorporate fis hat into a really like emotional sad thing in her story huh
oMG i wasn’t planning on it but hmm 🤔
Why no el chingo? NO ME GUSTA (I'm joking btw ily)
LMFAOOOO because i didn’t wanna have to defile my son by downloading the penis mod RIP
let santi grow out dem eyebrows 2kforever
omg he does let them grow out except for the little line he shaved in when he was 14 that never grew back RIP
in ur bio it says "kt" and i know why,, it means killing them as in killing off ur characters slowly i see u gurl
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i bet this story was just an excuse for you to see the world burn. well done.
OMG i mean, that was definitely one of the side effects of it all. but really it was just that i NEEDED to get this story out after it had lived in my brain for so long.
ur dead 2 me
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I... just.... can't... too much pain Y U DO DIS 2 UZ?!?!!!
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kkrazy256 · 7 years
Transformers The Last Knight spoiler thoughts
Here are my notes for the movie. I have to go back soon to watch it again for technical details/film minor purposes. But these are my super unprofessional opinions. Mostly me screaming about my robot children.
Enjoy? :’D
  -entire beginning (the random kids, Izabella and Mark’s appearance) was a bit weak. Starting in medias res without explaining. 
- Though watching Bee drag Santiago’s ass around while he was shrieking was A+ 
- Hyped up Izabella yet after first part of movie, she was barely in it. Moner’s an amazing actress, she’s gonna go places. I hope to see her around some more. She’s adorable, I get slight TFP Miko feels from her, sneaky child (especially towards the end when she sneaks aboard and is like yeah idk how I got here lol)
- Sqweeks the new BB8, a good child. 
- nice team Prime exposition in the junkyard. I wish there was more of this type of interaction , showing that the robots are more than just bloodthirsty walking metal. 
- Man the fucking tension between BB and Crosshairs, just rolling around in the dust, fucking make out already. 
- Drift is my temperamental son and I love him.
- Baby dinobots are literal puppies and Cade sorta just adopted a ragtag team of jittery orphans and I’m emotional.
- nice Tessa and Cade family moment 
- Hound is mah boi, a gentle giant 
- Military is like “that voice…it’s Megatron” but this is Welker’s first time voicing Megatron (not counting Galvatron) so XD but yes to Frank Welker finally getting the job as Megatron.
- wtf is megatron doing, did they really give back a few criminal decepticons for two CIA agents. Him on his throne was YES. The lawyer scene was pretty funny. But they don’t explain how he turned from galvatron to megatron again. When did he contact Quintessa?
- My treacherous friend- GOD DAMN Megatron should’ve kept starscream’s head and just had fun commentary all throughout the movie. Imagine tho ((SHIT WHAT WOULD  STARSCREAM DO…FUCK UP THAT’S WHAT… STORECREAM THIS IS YOUR FAULT OH WAIT YOU DEAD…SCRIMSCRAM YOURE USELESS)) 
- Cogman is already badass, rip Crosshair’s fingers.
- It felt like two separate movies the moment Cade left for London. The joys of Bayverse script quality
- Anthony Hopkins sure travels fast
 - they totally put Simmons in for the hell of it, he wasn’t necessarily needed. But who cares Easter eggs, it’s been a while buddy, how’ve you been.
- Vivian’s clothes and boyfriend problems, enough with the forced romance already. At least her mother and gaggle of old ladies wouldn’t have minded if she chose a girlfriend apparently? Wow wouldn’t that have been nice. She’s going to date that one cute gal on her polo game team and Cade’s saving himself for OP CLEARLY
- The watch that killed Hitler - international treasure
- is that an Aston Martin?? all of Anthony Hopkins cars made me super fucking jealous. That was pure car porn and I loved it
- Cogman is MVP
- Optimus got turned real quick. He has less screentime than Megatron rip my father- almost every moment of him and Quintessa was already in the trailer. And they kept pushing his storyline aside in favor of the humans like honey no. Show me more conflict and torture on his side, so there’s progression in him being “brainwashed”, that seemed almost too easy, it’s insulting. Quintessa got so little screentime, it made her seem less intimidating. 
- She slapped the evil red paint into him hell yeah. Clearly she did the same to Megatron. I wanted to see that lmao. Why the hell was megatron working for her in the first place. How do you have so much shit happen yet give us nothing
- Wait so…does Cybertron have rocket boosters how is it moving towards Earth so fast…cool
- they under used all the robot characters, pushing so much history and exposition on the audience through human perspective when they had a plethora of robot characters that could’ve explained their past. So much potential but no steps are taken. Like Bee was around WWII but he doesn’t say anything when they’re discussing it like hello? Could’ve used Hot Rod better too. He’s a good boy, let him do more.
- drift and crosshairs have basically no role towards the end except to play pilot and they’re barely on screen even then. Whyyyy. They shined the most during the junkyard scene in the beginning.
 - Andd we have to watch Vivian stare at Cade’s nipnops for a full minute and listen to cringe-y forced romance
 - Cogman I love you. He ain’t having none of Cade and Vivian’s romance bullshit. I want him to be my sushi chef.
- Its like the TRF can’t fucking decide what their goal is. They’re too afraid to shoot Cade. Half the time they’re the “bad guys” half the time they just go along with what’s happening with a huge question mark on their face. No real explanation on why Lennox and Epps are there.
- Nemeis Optimus doesn’t even sound that different from regular Optimus lmaoo, it’s just rah I will kill you all!! Just a regular old day in the life of bayverse OP. *Puts on sunglasses* just chill, sit down, relax, stop screaming.
- Puts staff in boobs subspace. TIT POCKETS GOOD SHIT
- Wow Optimus snapped out of it real quick. But his scene with bumblebee was one of the most heart warming in this movie. Bee’s voice asdfghjkl;
- I am your oldest friend, BITCH YOU HIS SON
 - Every time he said nemesis prime, I cringed and laughed
 - WOW Megatron stole the staff from OP’s TITS 
- Optimus getting his ass kicked by the knights and megatron was the highlight of my day. He’s so small compared to them and just fuck yeah my sadistic needs
- yes he stabbed/ripped a face again, we need to talk about your face ripping fetish
 - Megatron uses HEADBUTT. Effectiveness? To be determined.
- megatron is once again playing secondary villain, interacts with Prime for a total of thirty seconds before blasting off again. Wow nice seeing these two ex husbands interact 30 seconds out of a three hour movie wow. You know what they could’ve done? Shown more of Quintessa Optimus and Megatron interaction like how would Megs and Op treat each other when they thought they were on the same side like WOW THAT WOULDVE BEEN COOL YKNOW
- When will Megatron get to be the main villain again. Let the old man be dramatic. 
- SAY HELLO TO MY FRIEND BUMBLEBEE. HAH. SAY HELLO TO MY SON BUMBLEBEE. This is the corny shit i come to see!!
- quintessa also went down real quick but she’s got some cool shit planned. She’s Asian!!?? I love her she’s beautiful.
- So there was less action/explosions this movie. Most of it came from the humans/car chases and their poor Ospreys getting murdered. There was really only the decepticons squad attack and the final battle which I felt was pretty underwhelming compared to the usually drawn out fights in the other four movies. Don’t know if this was a plus or a negative.
- every time they mentioned unicron I was screaming. 
- now Unicron and Primus are literal neighbors hey wassup this will only end well.
- it was a shit show from beginning to end but a decent blockbuster mind numbing experience I guess. Did I enjoy it tho? The first time I watched it, I was in the moment. The second time? Oh my god did it fucking suck so hard. The story-telling was absolutely terrible and inconsistent.
- they gave me 3D glasses but there was barely a difference from watching without. I watched it without the glasses. Waste of an extra 10 bucks.
- I need to be more professional in note taking OTL
Final Movie Rankings
1. Transformers 1
2. Dark of the Moon
3. Age of Extinction
4. The Last Knight 
5. Revenge of the Fallen 
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doriansbutt · 7 years
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 19, 20, 25 for whoever you feel like talking about!
For Nicos :) under a cut for length wowzers bowsers 
3. What would some of their cutscenes look like?When you talk to him right after getting to Skyhold, he’s cheery and excited about the new base, though he does express his regrets about Haven and will ask how the newly named Inquisitor is holding up.  He’ll be really shaken after Adamant, especially if he was brought along and experienced the Fade. After Halamshiral, he’ll talk about how he really hates the Game and the Inquisitor will have the chance to joke with him about it…4. What would their romance route look like? Would they be romancable?He’ll be available to a male of any race.  He can be just a casual fling or it can become more serious.  It’ll be slow going at first bc of his past and the big kinda setting off point/locking in the romance will be initiated when the Inquisitor tells him he loves/thinks he loves him.  Nicos is gonna freak out and leave.  The Inquisitor can go after him (if he wants the romance to, yknow, be a thing…also if he wants Nicos to still be a companion) and talk to him.  If he chooses to let Nicos stay gone, he’ll do just that and will not be a party member anymore.  If the Inquisitor goes after him, they’ll talk.  Nicos will express his fear about relationships and that he just needed some time to think on his own (and to have his sister tell him he’s being a butthead for running away) and he’ll ask the Inquisitor if he still wants a relationship.  Here’s where the romance gets locked in (or out).  If the Inquisitor says yes, Nicos will say he’s not ready to say the L word yet, but maybe soon.  And shortly after, Nicos becomes more affectionate and open about their closeness and is just a big dork in love.5. If they romanced someone as Inquisitor, would they still fall for that person as a companion? How would that play out? How would they react to that person being romanced by the “new” Inquisitor?If both Nicos and Dorian remain unromanced, they’ll become a thing.  It’ll start on missions and stuff as they share a tent and whatnot (see next question for a lil banter) and yeah that’ll just be a thing.  Cute background boyfriends.  If the Inquisitor romances Dorian, Nicos doesn’t really grow in the relationship sense–meaning he just only has one-night stands and kinda just sleeps his way around Skyhold.
6. Write some of their party banter (in reaction to major events, scenery dialogue, or just shitting around. Askers can specify for which character/event, or leave it up to the writer).Cassandra:                     N: So, Seeker of Truth.  That sounds impressive.                     C: Perhaps.  It is not without merit.                     N: Can you do any cool tricks?                     C: Tricks?  I do not think I would call them tricks, but yes.                     N: You can do tricks, but it’s…not magic, right?                     C: No, the Seekers do not use magic.                      N: Got it.  No magic tricks, then.  So you can’t, like…pull a rabbit out of a hat or anything?                     C: I fail to see how that would be useful.                      N: What if a mage pulled a rabbit out of a hat??                     C: I would like to stuff you into a hat right now.Cassandra (romanced):            N: Ah, isn’t it nice out today, Cassandra?                     C: It is rather warm for once, yes.                     N: The sun is shining, the bees are buzzing, the flowers are blooming. [sighs]                     C: …yes.  It is a lovely day…                     N: And love is in the air.                     C: I don’t know what you’re talking about.                     N: Oh, please.  Look—that flower over there is the color of his eyes, right? C: Stop that….and no, it is not.                     N: See?  This is why he and I could never work.  I can’t even remember the color of his eyes!                     C: [pause, then quietly] that flower there is closer to his shade…Cole:                     C: Why do they call you Nat?  Your name is Nicos.                     N: My initials are N-A-T.  It’s just a nickname.                     C: You wear it like a mask.                     N: That’s…uhm…                     C: Hiding, hoping they don’t ask, it’s simpler if—                     N: Yeah, Nat is simpler than Nicos.  Yep.  That’s why they call me that. C: You’re scared, but they’re your friends.  They won’t hurt you.N: I’m more scared of getting eaten by a bear right now.  Let’s just…focus on the task at hand, okay?Dorian (if Inquisitor is not in a romance with either):                     D: I heard you fell asleep outside again the other night.                     N: Oh?  Oh, yeah.  It was comfortable, no worries.                     D: Truly?  Is that why you kept stretching your neck the next day?     N: No one disturbed me.  No one shoved me out of the tent in the middle of the night.  No one complained I was taking up too much space and he simply had to look his best so ‘let him get some beauty sleep’.                     D: I was drunk and you rolled on top of me.  These tents are small enough without your bulk taking up half of it.                     N: Uh, huh, right.  If you hate it that much, you can sleep outside next time. Dorian (romanced by Inquisitor):                     N: You know—                     D: No.  Don’t want to hear it.                     N: What?  Oh, come on.  I’m sure there’s some things you haven’t tried.       D: No, this is not up for discussion.                     N: Why?  You never know!  He might like it!                     D: I appreciate the offer, but I can do just fine on my own, thank you.             N: Fine, fine, have it your way.  I just think there’s more ways to—                 D: Sweet Maker…Cassandra: Please…stop talking.                      Bull: I liked where this was going.                      Sera: You can tell me, Nicos!                      Blackwall: Someone muzzle him…                      Varric: [chuckles] Time and place, Pup…                      Vivienne: Like a child…                      Solas: Some things should remain secret…                      Cole: …He was talking about your hair.
7. What would be on their tombstone in the fade (what is their greatest fear)?idk how to really phrase it but he’s just afraid of his father being proven right in his beliefs about Nic’s “lifestyle” aka his dad is horribly homophobic and so nic deals with a lot of internalized homophobia and he’s scared his dad was right about everything?8. What kind of Inquisitor would drive them to leave the Inquisition/confront them about their actions (what gets their approval low? what does that scene look like)?Someone cruel, someone who doesn’t care about the little guys, someone selfish…also someone who keeps prodding again and again about his past and not respecting his privacy in that situation. And the scene is just the Inquisitor finding out that Nic and his merc company just up and left without word.  They’re just gone.9. Where in Skyhold would they be found? (e.g. Cole is in the tavern rafters, Leliana in the top of the tower, Varric in the throne room, etc.)In the tower that later becomes either the mage or Templar tower.  Before it’s fixed up, he’ll be up top, watching the horizon.  Afterwards, he’ll be inside interacting with desks or bookshelves, etc.11. How would they grow as a person? How would they compare at the end of the Inquisition as a companion to who they were as the Inquisitor?As a companion, he learns that he’s not wrong.  He meets and befriends all sorts of different people, some a lot like him, and that really helps him.  There’s people just like him and there’s people who accept him for him and they’re all living their lives and doing good so he can too.  There’s not much difference between romanced companion!Nicos and Inquisitor!Nicos.  If he wasn’t romanced (or there’s no background romance with Dorian), he’s kinda a little more hardened.  He believes that he’s never gonna be more than a one-night stand in the “romance” department, that he’s just kind of a plaything so if there’s no romance, he keeps that attitude.12. Do they believe the Herald of Andraste is really the Herald of Andraste?Nah.  He doesn’t really believe in the Maker, so by extension he doesn’t really believe in Andraste?  He won’t like discourage an Andrastian/faithful Inquisitor, though.16. What would the Fear Demon say to them in the Fade to try and discourage them?Basically just anything about his father or the people who really messed him up when he was 18…just telling him he’s wrong for who he is.19. Once Corypheus is beaten, what do they do during the party? Do they stay with the Inquisition, or go somewhere else? What could the Inquisitor do to convince them to stay?He’ll stay with the Inquisition for a while (permanently if romanced). His merc company will move on eventually, once they find a new job now that they’re done helping save the world and shit.  If he’s not romanced, he’ll plan to join them when they leave.  If he is romanced, by either the Inquisitor or Dorian, he’ll stay and follow them wherever.20. How do they react to learning abominations can retain their consciousness and identity, and even live peacefully with their spirits/demons, as seen in Stone-Bear Hold?He’s definitely confused.  He doesn’t understand like basic magic, it’s just not something he can easily wrap his head around, so finding this out really just kinda leaves him very confused.25. In the alternate reality, if they were corrupted with lyrium, how do they act? What’s their attitude about the end of the world/their inevitable death?He feels an odd sense of bravery.  He knows he’s gonna die soon, one way or another.  There’s no hope for him, but he can go out guns blazing so to speak, so he’ll do whatever it takes.
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This is strange for me because I don't know many people or have many followers but I'm still going to do it cause it seems fun Rules: Write 92 truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. (92 is a lot of things, so i’m following suit and adding a cut) What was your…
Last drink: water
Last phone call: my brother 
Last text message: "sorry, I was with my friends celebrating her birthday." 
Last song you listened to: Heart attack by 1D
Last time you cried: it's been awhile. Maybe a month? Have you ever…
Dated someone twice: nope. 
Been cheated on: no lol 
Kissed someone and regretted it: oh no, I've enjoyed all of my kisses 😏
Lost someone special: no, thankfully I haven't 
Been depressed: it’s an on and off thing In the past year, have you…
Made a new friend: yes! At my concert 
Fallen out of love: no, haven't fallen in love to fall out of it 
Laughed until you cried: that's like every day 
Met someone who changed you: very much so 
Found out who your true friends are: yes, for the better in my case 
Kissed anyone on your followers/following: nah, but I'm willing idk 
How many people from your Tumblr you know irl: none :(
Do you want to change your name: yknow I've thought about it but it's too much effort 
What time did you wake up today: like 8:30
What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 😂
Name something you can’t wait for: The next time i see hqs of Harry. And anything that harry does. 
What is the one thing you wish you could change about your life: my body and my money situations 
What are you listening to right now: My brother and his wife arguing 
What’s getting on your nerves right now: nothing surprisingly About me…
Nicknames: so many. Booty, tata bug, Kayla, boot boot, i think that's about it 
Relationship: single as fuck 
Zodiac sign: Gemini 
Pronouns: she/her
Favourite TV shows: game of thrones, bobs burgers, are you the one, keeping up with the Kardashians and I can't think of anymore 
school: senior in high school 
Hair colour: black 
Long or short hair: short hair 
What do you like about yourself: i enjoy that I'm a generally optimistic person. I make people laugh and I like that. I like that I get shit done when need be and I don't take any shit from anyone no matter what. Firsts…
First surgery ever: never had one 
First piercing: ears but that was like forced from my mom. I was like 1 years old. I do want more though 
First sport you joined: gymnastics for sure. I was pretty good at it, then I quit. 
First vacation: Disneywolrd when I was too young to remember. 
First pair of trainers/sneakers: honestly don't know, don't care 😂. Right now…
Eating: i went to the Cheesecake Factory like 30 minutes ago. 
Drinking: nothing 
Listening to: my brother talk about movies 
Wanting kids: not. At. All. 
Career: something with photography and writing Romantic stuff…
Lips or eyes: both 
Hugs or kisses: both 
Shorter or taller: taller, it's not that hard 
Older or younger: older, always. 
Romantically spontaneous: yes!!! Pleeesseee I love it. 
Sensitive or loud: both 
Hook-up or relationship: right it's looking like relationships. But I wouldn't mind a hook-up
Troublemaker or hesitant: both Have you ever…
Kissed a stranger: hahaha of course 
Drank hard liquor: nope. I have a feeling I might soon. 
Lost glasses or contacts: not yet! 
Been arrested: no
Turned someone down: yeah, it's so hard for me to do cause I feel bad
Cried when someone died: yes, a lot. 
Fallen for a friend: yeah, it didn't work out well. Do you believe…
In yourself: depends on what we're referring to
Miracles: yes, I do. Very much. 
Love at first sight: yeah, you could say that
Santa Claus: hell yeah. Love that man
Kiss on the first date: if it's going really well then yes, If not then no. @harry-writings @loveh-styles @dklastyles @weeklyfangirl @gublar @xxoicurlyxx @yrraheestyles @nxarry @nips-and-tats @never-enough-harry @sorrynotharry @trulymadlysydney @bubblecumhxrry @bunkirkharry @black-ink-rose @emulateharry @imagines-for-harry @irresistible-last-first-kiss @inkedferns @cuddlemusclestyles @cheshirepuddin @jawllines @kale-child @yrraheestyles @punkcupcakestyles
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