#ykw i did today ?
quirkle2 · 8 months
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Shigeo still doesn’t know how to answer. He hasn’t answered, and he knows that’s weird, and maybe a bit creepy, but it’s also characteristic of him, so maybe he doesn’t need to stress over it. He simply sits there in the heavy rain instead and watches Reigen’s pink tie get dragged by the gales. And then Serizawa crouches down, lowers his hand out, and shelters Shigeo’s head with the draped fabric of a clear umbrella. In Shigeo’s world, the rain stops.
scene from my wip fic recondite :]
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mattodore · 4 months
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...okay so the b&a of this edit looks a lot less impressive than i thought it would
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#i sunk like five hours into this edit all together i think... how......... like where did all that time go.........#well. skdfjnhdkjfhksdgghdfjknghkjndfkhdfkjhdknjfgh#river dipping#ts4#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#a burning house to live in#echthroi#ykw is so funny..................... i already have three other screenshots i want to edit 🧍#i just really love the way their sims look when they're in their thirties and the lighting in this room is so gorgeous#BUT! i'm gonna save that for later. rn i'm just gonna scroll and post some drafted reblogs and then read#i seriously used like all of my free time yesterday messing around in photoshop......... today i'm just gonna do next to nothing#<- person who knows they're incapable of not looking at their ocs every few hours <- i am definitely going to end up in photoshop again#anyway............................ good morning!!!!!!!! <333 i'm so happy i finally answered that ask last night like!! i'm really trying#to be more timely with my responses to people!! that said... i'm definitely behind on my activity again#and i still have mentions i wanted to reply to from last month. eek.#listen........................... Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a mental health condition that involves chronic feelings of#inadequacy and extreme sensitivity to criticism. People with AVPD would like to interact with others#but they tend to avoid social interactions due to their intense fear of rejection.#thank you cleveland clinic definition of avpd <3
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jondrettegirls · 7 months
i wld never join the national guard but i wld absolutely kill those two. ‘do u permit it?’ kys or ill do it for u
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philanddaninjapan · 1 month
i just woke up from a nap what the fuck
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
and once again i say: F*CK MBC
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caruliaa · 1 year
got a sudden urge to listen to the twisted soundtrack and now i am. i should rewatch it
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angeltism · 8 months
ykw an entire love language is just. associating things to ONE being. only them! that concept? yeah that is Exactly One Being I Know. specific shade of that color? oh my god that's my buddy. a character? literally my bestie right there oh my goodness !! ^__^
#➳ the fool speaks#i just saw a fyo.dor pfp like smth on my edit account and i was like OH MY GAWDD !! [DISC FRIEND] !!!!!#the being also specifically liked my mu.u graphics and discord friend is also har.uka and f/os mu.u so it's so fitting too#and no disc friend does nawt have tumblr but like. if zhi did. that would have been it. pfp liked post and ALL#if i see a pic of minoai? that's two beings i know! that's their ship! it's real bc i know mino AND ai and they both f/o eachother! l#accidental l added to the tag and i can't edit tags on mobile oops#but mnai is nawt an l!!! will would kill me if i said that. mnai 🔛🔝 !!#and uu get the idea#and ok i only rlly gave examples for characters but this DOES also apply 2 colors and concepts prommy#also words#if uu show me a very specific shade of blue THAT'S SORA (disc friend mentioned above) !!!!!!! it is fucking BLOO. bloo-er than me.#actually no zhi is blue and red. nawt together but like. the concept of them both together.#hmmm nyeow that I'm thinking abt it only associations for zhir are coming up rn. is this bc they've been spamming my dms today.#smh I have nothing against the gays but y'all annoying god bless /ref /silly#ykw mentioning vaguely some tumblr mutual stuff too! iykyk ehe#pik.min in general#arc.ana twil.ight especially the pink bitch named breakfast (/ref) but also in general bc i know nobun else who knows it too#hrmmm... what else..... i know more than beings than sora will and the two awesome tumblr moots i just mentioned#oh! castle.vania#ok uhhhhhhhh damn it who else who i still talk 2 or interact with Literally At All fuck#all the things I'm thinking of are for beings whom I do nawt talk 2 anymore and all the beings I'm thinking of i cannawt think of one thing#specific for them#but y'all get the idea
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nomaishuttle · 6 months
i fucking hate doing rooms i dont know i fucking hate doing rooms i dont i fuckjng hate doing rooms i dont know
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ventcode · 1 year
nvm ima do both *eats chocolate in misery*
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godgavemenoname · 2 years
ive come a long way from being the resident Mean Bitch Alter(tm) but sometimes i simply cannot resist starting shit
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bbibbirose · 1 month
yall ive done it
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plumage-o-finch · 6 months
My favorite shirt has stopped hiding my chest without a binder I am going to SCREAM. When Can I Remove Them :)
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demonicgod · 7 months
[Asks from "Otherkin Ask Meme." Check my #ask game tag for the rebloggable ask meme, by user princeoframs]
This is really long so please only click the read more if you feel like dealing with a very very long post.
All art is sourced from the Grand Chase wiki.
Are you otherkin or therian?
Otherkin. I'm a fictive of Heitaros Cratsus from Grand Chase that identifies with his source in some soupy ass ways.
What are your kintype(s)?
Specifically, I identify as fictionkin of Heitaros Cratsus from Grand Chase. Related to that, I’m demonkin and divinekin/hearted. Most of those probably make sense enough, but because of my exomemories, it’s a bit more complicated to label whether divinekin or divinehearted is more accurate. My title was the Demonic God, which denoted how much power I had accrued during my time in Elyos. I literally fistfought three Goddesses and brought them to such a standstill their only option was using the last of their life force to power a magical laser bomb to kill me. Then, I spent the next few hundred years busting out of the Underworld and eating the divine reactor they slammed me with because I wanted to become a new Creator. I technically succeeded for maybe a few hours at most; so it’s difficult as a result to figure out whether I am divinehearted (that is, aspiring to divinity, but not being divine) or divinekin (seeing as I technically succeeded at becoming Creator, even if it was for a fraction of my life). I could say both, but my relationship to divinity is also fluid (especially considering my presence in a body that is not necessarily divine and is, in fact, a sack of meat appreciating the divinity of the world).
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What was your awakening like? When was it?
My first awakening was when the body was in middle school. This was long before we understood that we were plural, so my awakening was muddied by a lack of clarity regarding our more-than-oneness. We came out of some religiously-exacerbated trauma with me splitting off in middle school as basically a parody of the devil. I was an asshole, and that identity kind of followed me through a dormancy to when I woke back up from it in late 2021. I still ID with that to some degree (I even mention it on my about page), but I ID a little bit more with Heitaros, because that’s the face that I found most comfortable, and it resonated with me. It was blistering at first, and the realization of a face in the context of the system made it a lot easier for me to not be so much of a rube all the time lmao.
When did you first hear about the kin community?
I believe we heard about the kin community first sometime in the middle of high school, through someone else we knew in the GC fandom, funnily enough lol.
Do you experience phantom limbs astral limbs?
We prefer the term “astral limbs” to describe appendages we don’t have that are not part of the human package. That said, I have four wings. They’re bat-like, and the bone/external membranes are a dark blue. The inner lining is a glowing bright blue, meanwhile. Both are the same color as my true body.
Do you experience any other shifts?
Yeah, I experience shifts relating to my true body (what’s my blog icon right now; I've included the full piece of art below too because it's the best official art of it). This involves a lot, including everything from my teeth to my claws. It’s just as disorienting as wing shifts considering I live in a twink’s body, lol.
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What’s your favorite shift you get? Why?
Almost any of them count, but there are a few that make me feel particularly connected to my past life. My true body is one I miss a lot, but the body I took from Baldinar also has some particular meaning to me because I can sometimes use it to drag him into front lol. Also, I just like how I look wearing his features.
Tag who did it better lmao.
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What’s your least favorite shift? Why?
Arguably, the same as above because sometimes intense shifts give me intense emotional pain. It's like having a head full of bees. Disorienting, confusing, and a little bit irritating, all at once. It tends to come with a little sauce side of dysphoria too, because the body's presentation doesn't match up with what I want to look like.
The only shift that makes me kind of uncomfortable is the shift I get of Kyle's body. He's in our system and comfortable around me, but it's just a little weird going from himbo to twink to sad Kingdom Hearts reject.
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Can you make yourself shift?
Sometimes. Depends on who else is in front with me and what the state of the body is. With enough picrews I can kind of force a shift to my stolen body, though.
Do you have shift triggers, or do they happen randomly?
My shift triggers are usually emotional in nature, but active triggers are generally the same as my active front triggers. So, usually if I need to be in front, someone can jam me to front by engaging with those triggers, some of which make it easier for me to also induce a shift.
Do you have memories?
Yes. Practically my whole life. Some of it is just impressions, but some things are more in depth. These are also kind of front triggers for me, too, so the system will ask me to tell them more about my memories if they want or need me in front (hence me writing “fanfiction” about my source). My co-host is really good at this, and that's arguably the reason they're co-host; they'll regularly remember something about another headmate and then ask another to "tell them a story." They got like 300 pages of shit out of me by doing that lol.
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What’s your favorite thing about your kintype? (The species, creature, etc)
The power. Not to sound too wild or anything lmao, but in my past life it took so much just to take me down, and the limited time I had with divinity was only better. This is a double-edged sword, of course, because I live in a chronically ill body (that is also a squishy twink), so yearning for that is kind of dangerous, but at least in-system that means no one is willing to fuck with me (at least in a “physical altercation” kind of way).
A good shift, especially if it comes with respites where I'm shifted in my sleep, leaves me feeling rejuvenated. It's like a reminder that no matter what, I still have worth and am still a force to be reckoned with. It feels like electricity, like a really good stretch after a long rest. I have no clue if anyone else can relate to this, but I hope it makes some sense.
Do you think kins are spiritual or psychological in nature?
Yes. Both. And sometimes neither. Sometimes one or the other. But for me, I’m a psychospiritual entity in a system that is disordered and engages in spiritual explanations. In other words, I don’t fucking care lol (/lh). It doesn’t matter to me, because I’m both, because my experiences can’t be boiled down to such a binary.
If you're one, the other, both, or neither, that's also not my business to pry. This shit is too queer to worry about splitting hairs.
Does anyone know you are otherkin? Friends, family, etc? If so, how did you tell them?
Yeah, most close family and quite a few close friends. Most online friends know, too.
Do you have any friends who are also kin?
Do you meditate?
Sometimes, but honestly at this point meditation is difficult to do in ways we like because of ADHD, dissociation, and the fact we basically dissociate all day at work and can’t easily build meditative strategies because of how that takes it out of us mentally.
Do you get kin dreams?
I actually decided to get better at lucid dreaming to try to have more, to be honest. Our sys used to be super into lucid dreaming, so I’m mostly just getting old muscles back up to snuff. It's been hit or miss all in all.
Even non-lucid kin dreams are usually really good though. Cathartic and a little bit sad to wake from, but you get over it when you're used to 'em.
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Do you wish you were your kintype? Why or why not?
Depends. Would I still get to interact with my system? Would they be stuck in that body with me? If yes and no, then I would love to have my body again so I could actually squeeze the hell out of my headmates and also do the flying stim called “get up really high in the air and dive like you’re freefalling so you can parachute last second.”
Do you own any gear? If so, what items do you have and do you like to wear them?
Uhhhh skip.
Give a controversial opinion/your stance on some type of discourse.
This is purely because I’ve known a lot of misinformed kids before, but I think as a community we should be a lot better at being forthcoming about information and not being so quick to malign anyone that uses the term “KFF.” That term cropped up in my hiatus from the community (that hiatus being because people were bitching at psychological-related kintypes in all my fucking spaces), and by time I came back, no one could do anything but bitch about “KFFers” and never seemed to say anything more than the same BS I see in the plural community. It was only after almost two years back that we FINALLY found out what that’s “supposed” to mean, and it’s such a nonsense useless term that people I used to hang out with absolutely used it in a “misinformed but not bad-faith” kind of way (the “that would semantically be called a linktype but whatever” sort of KFFer). I get that there are people that want to make our community look bad, but y’all… those bitches have always been coming into our tags and spaces and planting fake blog posts to screenshot for r3ddit karma. Cringe is dead, spend your energy blocking/moving on and making otherkin dictionaries (like the cool people that finally helped me understand what the fuck y’all were bitching about lmao).
What makes you feel closer to your kintype(s)?
Just being me. I'm stubborn as Hell when I need to be, especially when it comes to things that better the system's situation, and that usually makes me feel like I'm trying to reclaim some of my old power. Boundaries are power, to be fair.
But if we want to get more specific, it's mostly front triggers that tend to get me feeling closer to my kintype, sure, but also writing about it as well. Anything that forces me to think about it and makes it easier for me to interface with headspace, basically.
What are some things that validate you?
We had a friend in college that said our voice sounded androgynous, and I know that's mostly gender euphoria speaking, but as someone who loves how I sound when I front? Yeah.
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aqpippin · 7 months
i have had some DAYS
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thatonefatgumsimp · 1 year
don't mind me, just screeching over international packaging currently
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landorris · 3 months
blue jeans | max verstappen x fem! reader
summary; where lando norris and fernando alonso ask a random girl to play padel with them in max’s team
fc; ruby lyn
warnings; english is not my first language
taglist; @thef1diary @bigsimperika @shobaes @d3kstar @stinkyjax @the-untamed-soul @bibissparkles @judespoision
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liked by yourfriend, user1 and others
yourusername: went for a run ended up playing padel with strangers (lost the game bc my teammate was horrible at it)
yourfriend: pls tell me more about it
yourusername: on my way 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️
user1: waiting for the vlog
yourusername: haven’t filmed one today 😕 but i promise next week you’ll have it🫡
user2: such a book thing
your phone and max’s phone
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and others
landonorris: max lost (again) we found y/n (again) and now we’re friends
yourusername: hey fwend👋🏽👋🏽
landonorris: hello muppet👋🏽
maxverstappen1: i let you won
yourusername: no you didn’t
user3: im lost, who’s y/n?
user4: she’s an youtuber/influencer, she posts vlogs and talks about health
user5: lando knows what we want to see
danielricciardo: poor little max verstappen embarrassed himself in front of ykw
user6: IT’S 100% Y/N
your phone
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourfriend and others
yourusername: these cars are really fast, isn’t it dangerous?
yourfriend: girl take me with you next time
yourusername: that’s not up to me
user1: i really love this y/n f1 crossover
user2: she went to the saudi arabia gp?!😫
maxverstappen: think i proved my point
yourusername: you did well ig🙄
user3: she’s so pretty
user4: one more post of them together and im gonna start screaming mom and dad
user5: @maxverstappen did you knew she has a cat?
your phone
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liked by maxverstappen1, logansargeant and others
yourusername: milo has a new friend (still figuring out what to wear on this f1 thing
user1: don’t worry, youre serving
user2: vlog when
yourusername: i kinda made one in saudi but i don’t know if im going to post it
user2: do it rn!!!!
user3: mother
user4: that’s max’s hand, they’re so cat parents
logansargeant: you look cute
yourusername: thanks logan :)
user5: logan babe what are you doing here
user6: guys they want our gf
maxverstappen1: i miss the cat
yourusername: i see how it is
user7: parents😖😖😖
your phone and max’s phone
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